#tricule rant
triglycercule · 23 days
imagine if the murder time trio shared a bait account of nightmare where they shared their most heinous and offensive takes and opinions possible. like it's all insults and bullying and incredible prejudice. most of the multiverse believes this bait account is the real nightmare because the imitation is really accurate and nobody really thinks that nightmare would use social media for anything aside from upsetting people
nightmare doesn't even have social media
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triglycercule · 7 days
mtt are the epitome of the wedding saying "something new, something old, something borrowed, and something blue" (a saying used for gift giving brides at weddings (mttpoly real))
something new is obvious. i wonder which sans literally has his entire au based on that premise,,,, cough cough KILLER. chara did it all 4 something new and so does killer and he wants to feel something new yadadada we KNOW this
borrowed is horror because of his eye. but but but that eye is stolen- WRONG. horror BORROWED it like the patootie he is he just didn't ask because horror doesn't need to
old is dust w/ papyrus's scarf because jesus CHRIST has that old raggedy thing seen sone stuff. if it wasn't old and papyrus just recently bought it then it's definitely old now with the amount of resets and dust that's caked onto that poor article of clothing
but wait theres one left and you may be wondering "but where does something blue fit into all this???" well it's all of them silly :3 or really sans since that's his signature color but if it's sans's color then it's also the mtt's color. blue is who they used to be blha blah blah symbolism i don't have the mental capacity to explain rn
idk why i decided to talk about this totally insignificant saying for weddings and how it connects to the goddamn murder time trio but it does. somehow. mtt is in EVERYTHING you just have to look deep enough
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triglycercule · 26 days
murder time trio but theyre all bitter and divorced exes. they all despise eachother and are incredibly awkward because they really did not get along back in those days and also it was weird for them to date alternate versions of themselves (LITERALLY because theyre all classic varients. not swap or fell or wtvr) but also why is there so much homoerotic energy.
killer is very very very very close friends with color. horror is going through his therapy arc with farm. and dust has.... SOMETHING (i have no idea what. sorry dustard fans i don't know anything about dustard) going on with fell. and they all fucking hate eachother for just having POTENTIAL love interests. like they're not even dating their husband trio (thank you to the japanese people on twitter i follow for naming farm color and fell as the "husband trio")
but the issue is THEYRE STILL FRIENDS. and they all shittalk the other when theyre in duos 😭😭😭 horror and killer go on full out DEBATES on how bad fell is for dust (as if you're any better smh.) dust and horror have made their own form of body and sign language to express their disgust when they see killer with color. dust and killer don't shittalk farm because hes a sweetie but theyre just making fun of horror for being so soft around him (out of pure jealousy)
and then imagine all that but with homoerotic tension. they don't realize they still like eachother because theyre bitter and fucking idiots. dust is so sick of hearing color and killer talk and joke that he keeps on getting into fights with killer (that end up with them almost killing each other but its in a gay way TRUST) killer is always chatting horrors ear (what ear) off with how much better he could do than farm and horror's just sitting there deadpan because why is his ex giving him advice. horror cannot STAND when dust ditches him to go hang out with fell and he always makes passive aggressive comments about how stuck up fells ass dust is.
and then yk they have a big fight after all the beef. and things either get worse or they end up getting back together (you are bad for eachother please don't get back together my pookies.) wouldn't it be funny if it was at farmtale and if the fight ended badly farm gave them some farmerly couples therapy. it doesn't help their relationship but it definitely calms them down
top 10 dumbest triglycercule ideas but this just popped into my head i HAD to. also sorry for practically shitting on dustard and colorkiller and horrorfarm in this one i don't actually hate the ships i just used them for plot progression
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triglycercule · 9 days
i wish the murder time trio were real so they could come out of the computer and not be fictional and digital anymore and then kill every person who played undertale who did neutral/genocide runs because judgement or whatever or i don't fucking know i just wanna be murdered by them it would be the greatest honor
i wish the meta breaking characters could break out of the narrative theyre trapped in and becone real because if dusttale sans from hit au dusttale climbed out of my phone while im scrolling through his fanart i think i legitimately would see god. i need them to become real (foaming at the mouth rn i miss the mtt please make them real someone make a lifesize cardboard cutout of them and sell it commercially so i can have the real trio in my room watching and judging my every move)
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triglycercule · 1 month
murder time trio poly in a modern au where the only reason they're in a poly is to pay their bills and for the financial support. they all hate each other but then they fall in love and they're like FUCK (because bills r so hard to pay now in america :3 and per all things polyamory is the solution)
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triglycercule · 16 days
what do you think of murder time trio poly
i thought someone would never ask.
murder time trio poly is like the sun is to a plant. me being the plant of course. without it i simply could not live a satisfactory life and would die out. i have so much to say about them
see now WHY is the ship so damn good?? because they're practically made for each other without even knowing it like hello why are these three characters with the same origin point so perfect for eachother despite having different backstories and personalities. the creators were all across the world yet these three fit so well together you might as well think that SAS rahafwabas and askdusttale communicated telepathically to place all these parallels and dynamics into theri aus. they have so much chemistry together even when theyre not being shipped it's unreal. you will never see them apart in art because they're the mtt. they literally have their own trio name that's how iconic they are together (they mightve stolen it from the bad time trio but its ok its ok they deserve it). you don't see any other characters beings referred to those names aside from the bad sanses and star sanses so that just shows how awesome they are together
they don't even have to be in love to be good with eachother like hello. even in their duos theyre so good for eachother but it feels incomplete without all three. and the best part is that they don't even know eachother canonically so it's completely up to personal interpretation how you think they would be together. like canon is already juicy enough already but theres still so many other interpretations based on aus or headcanons or literally just who is thinking about them (i love seeing other people's interpretations of the mtt because its always so different. you will never find two versions of them that are the same from two different people)
dust and killer have their beef with eachother where they hate the other for what theyve done but it's onesided mostly from dust. dust doesn't like him but he tries to avoid him (canonically. ya i read the dusttale blog and you should too) and yeah killer has a grudge against him because dust is an asshole but he just keeps bothering him and getting up into his business because hes curious and needs entertainment to distract himself and slowly but surely they start warming up to eachother and become frienemies. they will NEVER truly become full friends because they simply are too traumatized to do so. dust will always resent killer for teaming up with the human and killer will never be able to get dust to forgive him because he is permanently stuck as killer sans but they can try. they can try to be friends even if they fucking hate eachothers guts. they can stab eachother and then go patch themselves up. they won't help the other tend to their wounds but they will offer some offhand comments here and there if killer misses a gash or dust forgets about a bone he needs to fix. this is as healthy as they get but it's okay. the mutual rage is what makes kist work
like kist horror and dust don't like eachother either. it's a mutual thing for all three of them that they fucking hate eachother. but unlike kist (or horrorkiller aswell) horrordust are the "nicest" to each other. dust pities horror. he feels bad that horror had to go through something terrible all at the hands of a human just like he did. he knows that horror did some questionable things (why in horror's not so right mind did he think feeding papyrus HUMAN FLESH was a good idea. he understands why and all but it still upsets him) but it's not like dust will comment on it. dust doesn't have the right to after all the bullshit he did. but horror hates this he hates that dust pities him. he KNOWS what he did was wrong and he absolutely resents being reminded of what he did, or even getting the slightest bit of pity for himself (because nobody should feel bad for him especially after all he did. he doomed the underground and ruined his papyrus and changed everyone for the worse out of rage). horror and dust mutually avoid eachother (dust out of respect and horror out of disrespect 💀💀) but they eventually have a few interactions. they get along FINE. they have some passive aggressive bickering mostly started by horror and dust fires back but overall their relationship is courteous. they do get into fights but unless both of them are in a REALLY bad mood theyll likely just leave the other before it gets physical. they would get along fine if they could just fucking trust eachother but they don't. that tension will always be there where they judge eachother
horrorkiller is similar to kist. except not. like with dust, horror probably really doesn't like killer for similar reasons and killer probably bothers horror out of curiosity too. except the way they react is different from kist/horrordust. horror doesn't explode like dust does when killer riles him up. instead he just insults him back passive aggressively with no fire behind it because he knows that killer's just looking for entertainment (he also thinks killer's below him. probably.) killer is ngl intrigued by this. he wants to know what will make horror snap just like dust does at him. so he tries to make his insults more and more mean, but horror can actually spit back without getting mad and it bothers killer. he tries sabotage (pranks) but it turns out that horror likes pranks. what will it take for killer to piss him off??? (it's insulting actions like killing a papyrus literally infront of horror and making it a mockery it's disrespecting food in front of horror with intent to piss him off etc etc) but it takes killer a long ass time to figure this out and by then hes kinda become somewhat decent friends with horror (friendsISH. a canonesque murder time trio will never truly become friends with eachother)
"okay but triglycercule you fiend. none of this is about murder time trio POLY. this is about them as friends and you should never speak again." i hear you disembodied voice in my head but let me tell you this: mttpoly is literally just them as friends. and you wannanknow why its because of qprs. yaaaa personally i don't think that a canonesque mtt would be anything more than a qpr. dust wouldnt be interested in romantic partners (i think dusttale blog said that. dusttale blog i love you.) horror would rather die and have bis corspe fed to undyne than even think of doing anything non plstonic with either of those losers and killer just does not give a damn about the specifics of their relationship (because he's cool like that) and ya sure there are versions of them out there who might be more than a QPR and i wholeheartedly love those idas because i love these three but my personal canon(ish. nothing is truly canon unless it comes out of the holy mtt trinity of creators) interpretations. also none of this even considers the whole boatload of aus and personal hcs and other stuff that other contexts and people who can take these templates of characters that have never met and make them into something amazing with their interactions
but yeah. i just think theyre neat
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triglycercule · 5 days
god there are NO mtt centric fics on ao3 that i haven't already read 😭😭😭 so i have to resort to reading fics about my secondary interest but then it just hurts more because i end up missing not thinking about the mtt. they're like a drug to me if i go for too long not consuming good content (art fanfics videos rambles) of the mtt i start to actually tweak out
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triglycercule · 1 month
murder time trio but they have different weapons
because only using an axe(/hatchet/bone thigh thingy) and knife is sosososo boring. and no magic doesn't count (looking at YOU dust.)
obviously dust would use a gun if he wasn't a lazy piece of shit. what type of gun he uses? idk bc im not gun fluent so for fhe sake of coolness (and convenience for me) he use all guns. hed probably take care of them like his babies. whenever he feels stressed hed be like "im going to my gun room" (WHAT. sorry im writing this at 4 am my brain isn't working right) horror and killer know hes pissed if they hear gunshots outside the house. hes not even hunting anything or wtvr hes just shooting to blow off steam
also i think that swords could also fit for dust too. but hed be too damn lazy to use a goddamn sword but lets ignore that for now. i just think it would be cool to see him use a sword. like imagine him doing a geno run with a sword and hes so sad and stuff but the sword is elegant as shit. and then when he sees rhe human he starts popping off and the sword gows crazy and RAAAAAAAHHHHHH hes so sword coded (what)
this is a really random idea but like... giant pickaxe killer. i was thinking about a mallet/hammer but i was like naaaahhh thats not killer enough. so sharpen the ends DUH. he would also use a ton of bombs because yes. i feel like he would have brass knuckles. ALSO ALSO idk if it works for him but a chakram would be siiiiiick for killer. bro spins around and immediately slices a bitch up is that NOT cool???? and imagine all the tricks he could do,,,,,
now for horror im not gonna say some bullshit answer like a greatsword because a. he would never use one and b. i just don't think it fits his character. instead may i get the change to bring up,,,, a chainsaw. A CHAINSAW. duuuude that would be so cool and it gives off the same vibes as an axe BUT MORE DERANGED. like imagine you're a tiny human who fell from the surface into horrortale and horror's hunting you down to bring to snowdin and in the forest all you can hear is the faint hum of his chainsaw. and it would be much gorier and bloodier and cooler (horror does not like all the blood. but in this hypothetical horrortale its the only weapon he has in the underground without wasting his magic so he has to suck it up)
also something i think would be cool for him is a chain. like just a straight up metal chain he uses. probably to choke people out and restrain them and break their bones by sheer blunt force, putting them into weird poses, or just flinging them around. no its not a whip he does not use it as a whip (he will choke you if you call it a whip) but i do think it would fit him (and be incredibly cool. me when horror sans pulls out the chains). also another short one but A CROSSBOW???? hunting parallels once again (bro is NOT a hunter (he was forced to be (he fucking forced himself to hunt humans?? tf are you on)))
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triglycercule · 23 days
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triglycercule · 6 days
no thoughts only several aus about the mtt that i could make that i can't yap about on here because then someone could STEAL it (who is going to do that. im a lier i just don't wanna say them incase people think its cringe 😭😭😭)
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triglycercule · 9 days
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triglycercule · 28 days
im so insane about the murder time trio now that when i see the mtt only shipped in their duos instead of a trio (kist, horrordust, horrorkiller (as if i see horrorkiller ever in the first place SMH... make more horrorkiller you cowards 😒😒😒)) i feel incomplete. if they are not together as a trio then it just feels OFF. something is horribly missing. like wdym you're shipping kist without horror??? whos there to either start/stop the fights??? whos there to be agreeable??? WDYM HORRORDUST WITHOUT KILLER!!!!! where is the bickering and banter (not that horrordust cant have fights but it's not as hate fueled as w/ killer ☹️☹️) where is the dust in horrorkiller. whos there to stop them from doing dumb shit.
SMH THEY'RE INCOMPLETE!!! incomplete without being a trio. theyre literally meant to be together as THREE. GOD,,,,,, (this doesn't even have to be as a poly IT CAN LITERALLY JUST BE AS A GROUP. they STILL feel incomplete without each other if theyre in duos)
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triglycercule · 11 days
question, did ever feel like the stuff that happened in 0.7 pt2 was like, forced? like it didn't make any sense. Like cross wasn't aware of how much ink knew and didn't know when it came the torture that Xgaster put the xtale cast through so wouldn't he be more angry at ink even though inks knowledge about it was limited? (i don't think cross is aware of that so thats why he should be more angry at ink by logic) even though ink was unaware of most of the stuff going on in xtale, he did know about the crap xgaster was going to do to undertale, and wound up betraying everyone in the process. Heck cross doesn't even know that fell and swap were killed by xgaster cuz he was brought back just a moment later! But Dream is aware, and ink betrayed dream too!
the thing is, I feel that inks actions were swept under the rug like "oh we allllll make mistakes". I'm not hating on ink or anything, but it feels weird for this to happen when one of the major things about undertale is that actions have consequences. heck he hasn't even apologized and DIRECTLY said what he did was wrong to cross. Like i said earlier all he does is like, "whoopise? i betrayed you cuz i though xgaster plan was good and now all Au's and a bunch of others are dead but now i see its bad so were all good." Of course its an exaggeration and there's still awkwardness between the two but there should be more anger towards ink from cross.
it doesn't matter that they were friends because by that logic then shouldn't cross be on his way to forgive X!Papyrus for attempting to murder him? (and in the comics that Jakie creates that take place outside the canon Underverse timeline, that doesn't happen. According to those, their relationship is rockier than Mt. Ebott during an avalanche) And Xgaster as well (okay maybe i'm pushing it). but you get the point
all im saying is that ink should be suffering more serious consequences other than a punch to the face from cross and a standoffish dream. Cross shouldn't be so willing to forgive him after everything he's done because it just feels so forced and fast (and im not sure that even fits into his character) and dream/core???? Dudes should at least call out Ink for what he did. I feel like both of them are dancing around the fact that because of ink (indirectly) an omnicidal manic has destroyed all au's except for outertale and undertale timelines, and now xgaster has control over the OG undertale and is screwing it up so badly it might separate from the multiverse.
For goodness sake if the XTALE gang is chill with ink after finding out what he had to do with Xtale, i'm just done. There should be at least, AT LEAST some misplaced anger towards ink, and some valid anger too.
And i swear if the multiverse gives xgaster the same treament i'm going to explode.
had to rewatch 0.7 pt2 to answer this one ‼️‼️‼️ (an excuse to rewatch underverse)
ill be so damn honest. 0.7 p1 and 2 have been confusing because of the constant scene changes and character drops. like wdym fresh and cross head from the omega timeline to the antivoid while ink goes from doodlesphere to antivoid ans then errors there for no other reason than to whine and complain and then it all swaps over to aftertale and then fatals weird black fight void??? it's just a bunch of scene changes and character additions (where the fuck did fatal come from) and ngl i think all these squeezed in characters and locations is just for the fanservice (haven't seen error since 0.4 and fatal errors been teased for a long LONG time)
also cross and ink and xtale and xgaster aren't exactly my expertise since yk yk im all about the m. t. t. but i'll still try 2 answer this ask ‼️‼️ i feel like you're totally right about how cross should be WAYYYY more angry because all he did was spend a good 30 seconds punching ink and berating him and then the rest of 0.7pt2 was just them having playful banter. i get that crink were good friends and cross probably still likes ink but if i came to found out that my friend was in kahoots with the one guy that i absolutely despise (and like you said cross probably didn't know the full extent of what ink knows and by that logic he should assume ink knew everything) i'd be wayyyy more pissed than just punching the fella once
i think that dream and core aren't calling ink out because of a writing standpoint. inks supposed to figure out what he did was wrong and stuff and grow from that on his own personally but i doooo still think that he should see the effects his actions have caused because omega timeline is probably in a state of emergency from how many people thatve been displaced. ink is due a few more harsh scoldings. but aside from dream and core nobody else really gives a shit that the multiverse was destroyed (or theyre not ALIVE to gaf 💀💀) since the only universes (timelines) left are classic adjacent and most classic adjacent ones r probably busy dealing with their own stories
overall yaaa i definitely agree that the recent underverse parts have bern a bit rushed but i think that's mostly just a writing issue. the fact that underverse is animated is probably hard to juggle with all the lore and stuff compared to if it was a fanfic or smth. the people wanna see more of the story/animation and jakei has to squeeze in all these little plot points into a feasible animation without making underverse 100 episodes long and having cross and ink reconcile in a realistic time period probably didn't fit into the narrative that jakei wanted to tell
underverse still goated tho but we allowed to be critical of things we like ‼️‼️‼️ (THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!!! IT GOT MY GEARS TURNING!!!!)
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triglycercule · 18 days
cgr chapter 3 is done. im afraid i may have to start owning up to my promise to start posting the damn comic. oh no oh nohohohohohndjddhsheusjdhaj scaryyyyyy....... but i will post soon chat :3
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triglycercule · 19 days
as much as i gush and reblog stuff talking about the mtt if they were toxic and unhealthy and so fucking terrible for eachother i have a confession to make. i actually like soft and wholesome and domestic mtt more. theres a reason why my comic is about the mtt running away from nm and living a happy life. theres a reason only ONE of the 5 fics ive posted onto ao3 are kinda lighthearted and even that one angst fic ends bittersweetly.
the reason is that i just love fluff too much. i get more than enough angst and assholery from others and my imagination but when it comes to putting pen to paper i physically cannot make them abusive to eachother
i love recovery stories too much to make them hate eachother
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triglycercule · 19 days
gamers cgr chapter 3 is actually literally like 2 pages away from being done. i think that maybe i should start posting the chapters here so people can actually read the thing instead of me hiding it away like a teeny tiny little mole rat??? what do we think gamers (i'm gonna post it here anyways. hopefully i don't die of embarrassment)
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