time4hemp · 1 month
Grow Cannabis Legally For Fun And Profit
Many states now allow for growing cannabis.
When you grow cannabis legally you're free to do things right.
Written by Casper Leitch
When it comes to cultivating cannabis, there are certain important lessons to learn as you go along. Even when you think you’ve got it cracked on paper, actually getting into business with the stuff in real life is an entirely different matter. Which is precisely why it is not uncommon to fall foul of any number of common mistakes, when looking to produce your own first time cannabis harvest.
Every cannabis grower will tell you that if they could go back in time, they would remind themselves of a few important things in advance that they later had to learn through experience. Some in relation to getting the most out of your endeavor and others that could determine whether you succeed or fail. In all instances, precisely the kinds of insights you could do with sooner, rather than later.
In the following overview are a few facts that anyone who is planning to grow cannabis legally (or not legally) would be wise to take into account. After all, there’s no sense in adopting a trial-and-error approach when it is perfectly possible to learn from the trials and errors of others!
You Need to Know Where You Stand.
First of all, don’t make the mistake of simply assuming that you fully understand applicable home growing legislation where you live. Not only is it probably a lot more complicated than you think, but it also differs significantly from one state/region to the next. Said differences affect things like how many plants you can grow depending on how many people live in the property; where you can grow cannabis plants; what constitutes a ‘mature’ cannabis plant; how much harvested cannabis you can hold; whom you can and cannot give your cannabis to; and so on and so forth. Suffice to say, it is not what you could rightly call an easy subject to grasp and is one you definitely don’t want to find yourself underestimating.
You Need to Start Out Right.
When the time comes to grow cannabis legally, you need to make sure you start out right. In the context of growing cannabis it is important to remember that absolutely everything you purchase and use will have a huge difference on what happens next. In no instance more so than the quality of the cannabis seeds or clones you use. Rest assured that while it may be tempting to pick up a cheap 99-cemt seed instead of a $9.99 seed, you really cannot put a price on quality genetics. The same also goes for the quality of the equipment, accessories, nutrients and so on that you use along the way. If you are not willing to work with the best, you can’t expect the best possible results in return.
To Grow Cannabis Legally Isn’t Difficult.
You’ve probably heard that cannabis has much in common with any other kind of weed and growing the stuff is comparatively easy. It is – simply scatter a bunch of cannabis seeds in some soil and with relatively stable growing conditions, plants will grow as a result. As such, technically anything you do in terms of your own personal input and efforts represent something of a bonus – efforts that contribute towards superior results. But from a strictly factual standpoint, actually getting cannabis plants to grow is indeed a doddle.
Growing Epic Cannabis Is Trickier.
That being said, if you want to produce the kinds of results that constitute anything but a disastrous failure, you are going to need to put in a good amount of time and effort. Growing cannabis is easy, but growing professional quality cannabis of epic proportions is far more difficult. There’s a direct correlation between the quality of equipment you use, the efforts you’re willing to put in and the kinds of results you can expect in return. It all comes down to your own expectations and commitment.
You’d Be Wise to Consider Hydroponics.
There are certain authorities on the subject that believe hydroponics will sooner or later make soil growing entirely redundant for most growers, including Hydrosys in the UK. While this might be a little on the presumptuous side for the time being, it’s not to say that cultivating cannabis using hydroponics doesn’t represent a very good, potentially superior idea. Working with hydroponics, it’s perfectly possible to produce results that are not only bigger, stronger and more consistent, but also at a much faster speed than conventional soil growing. What’s more, the fact that you can largely automate pretty much everything about the cultivation process means it’s also a method that is superbly simple and predominantly fool-proof.
More Nutrients Does Not Mean More/Better Buds.
Contrary to popular belief, overloading cannabis plants with all manner of nutrients in extremely generous quantities will not necessarily result in better buds. In fact, it’s more likely to have the exact opposite effect…laying waste to your entire crop. This is the kind of instance where there can definitely be too much of a good thing. When it comes to providing cannabis plants with nutrients, you need to remember that they require a very carefully balanced diet to reach their full potential, just like you yourself do. They need to be provided with exactly what they need at exactly the right time in exactly the right quantities. If you think adding the odd cap-full here and there will give things a welcome boost, you are sorely mistaken.
Light Is the Biggest of Big Deals.
While there are many important elements to balance when it comes to growing quality cannabis, there are none that matter more than lighting. A multi-faceted priority for any cannabis grower, you need to be well aware of the importance of not only the type of lighting you provide, but also its quality, strength, reliability, production of heat and day/night scheduling. The reason being that even if you well and truly nail it with everything else, you are guaranteed disappointing results if you do not get things right with lighting. This is one instance where being frugal when picking up the required equipment probably isn’t a good idea.
But it’s Not the Be All, End All.
It’s also the same in reverse. You can spend all the money in the world on the provision of outstanding quality lighting for your plants and it will all come to nothing if you do not focus sufficient attention on all other areas. These include ambient temperatures, humidity, air quality, nutrient quality, pest control and absolutely everything else that goes into the production of your cannabis plants. It’s a careful balancing act m the earliest stages and one that demands plenty of attention in a variety of different areas.
The Strain You Choose Will Make a Big Difference.
While selecting seeds of the highest possible quality is of real importance, so too is the cannabis strain you choose to grow. Make no mistake about it – your choice in terms of strains can and will have the biggest impact on everything that happens from thereon in. Try not to select a particular cannabis strain just because you like the way it looks, love the idea of extremely high THC content or simply because it is your favorite strain in the world. Even if it ticks all of these boxes, there’s still every chance it could be spectacularly difficult to succeed with. Of course, this all comes down to your own skill level, experience with growing and the quality of the growing environment you set up. Nonetheless, just as there are certain strains of cannabis that are almost impossible to go wrong with, there are others that will punish you severely for even the simplest mistakes. If you are looking to get started for the first time with something simple, make sure you choose a cannabis strain that offers a helping hand.
You Won’t Nail It First Time.
Last but not least, while there’s every chance your first attempt to grow cannabis will yield positive results, it is highly unlikely that you will come out with the kinds of results expected from a seasoned professional. No matter how much homework you do, there is so much to learn along the way. You are guaranteed to make at least a few mistakes here and there. On the plus side, these are all the kinds of mistakes you are guaranteed to learn from and thus be able to improve on the next grow. It’s simply a case of tailoring your expectations realistically in order to ensure that you do not set yourself up for disappointment.
Below is a FREE TO DOWNLOAD marijuana music MP3 by Ben Scales.
I’m Growing Marijuana In My Yard.
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time4hemp · 1 month
Using Hemp As Currency
Is hemp as valuable as gold?
Hemp is a crop you can BANK on.
Written by Casper Leitch
The use of hemp as a de facto currency predates the founding of the United States and may be found in the historical record in the early 17th century. In 'Hemp: Lifeline to the Future', Chris Conrad notes that “hemp was used for money in most of the Americas from 1631 until the early 1800’s” (1st Ed., p. 24). It was one of many de facto currencies prevalent in the region before British Parliament passed the homogenizing Currency Act of 1751; faced with competing notes of fluctuating value issued by thirteen separate colonial governments, many colonists preferred the congruity and stability of easily measured commodities like beaver skins, tobacco leaves and, yes, hemp.
The practice of trading hemp seeds became so commonly accepted that many colonial governments passed laws allowing colonists to pay some or all of their taxes in hemp seed, including Virginia (1682), Maryland (1683), Pennsylvania (1706) and Massachusetts (1735).
The tradition revived in the 20th century, when jazz musicians, Beats and hippies began trading cannabis in the underground economy. In his memoir, 'Really the Blues', jazz pioneer “Mezz” Mezzrow describes his first time receiving a joint of cannabis outside a Midwestern club where he was part of the orchestra. Amazed at the power of the drug to unleash his musical creativity, Mezzrow set up his own underground network distributing “reefers” to his friends in the Harlem jazz scene.
Using Cannabis As Cash
Sometimes he charged, but at other times “Mezz” and his associates bartered, using cannabis once again as a kind of currency. Just as commonly, members of the underground economy traded cannabis for favors, knowing that their friends would get them back when and if they could. The same spirit carried forward through the 60’s and 70’s, with generations of hippies unknowingly acting out the same pattern of sharing economy which they inherited from the great Harlem jazz musicians who preceded them.
But now, with states like Washington and Colorado strictly regulating the cannabis industry, the long history of using the commodity in the place of money has come under threat. Rules like the 25% excise tax of Washington state only contemplate the value of cannabis as a product exchanged for cash, a paradigm harshly reinforced by license applications prohibitive liquidity for any would-be entrepreneur attempting to enter the business.
It's a new paradigm. Who knows what may happen? With the massive shifts happening in the world of fiat paper money and digital cash, many people may return to this long-honored tradition of using cannabis for currency if it doesn’t get regulated out of existence.
Below is a FREE TO DOWNLOAD marijuana music MP3 by The Tall Brothers.
It's Simply Business.
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time4hemp · 1 month
The Benefits Of Hempcrete
This is the house that Hemp built.
The benefits of using Hempcrete in every construction project.
Written by Casper Leitch
The benefits of Hempcrete is that it is a game-changer in the realm of Eco-friendly construction. If you're passionate about industrial hemp, hemp farming, or just want to see our planet thrive, you will be excited by the wonders of this revolutionary building material.
What is Hempcrete? It's a blend of industrial hemp, lime, and water coming together to form a supercharged building material. It's like nature's own recipe for sustainable construction, packed with benefits that go beyond your average brick and mortar.
An example is found in insulation uses. Hempcrete is like a cozy blanket for your home, but better. Its natural fibers create tiny air pockets, acting as a barrier against pesky temperature changes. Whether it's a scorching summer day or a chilly winter night, Hempcrete keeps things just right inside, saving you money on heating and cooling bills.
Hempcrete doesn't just keep you comfy, it keeps you safe too. Thanks to its fire-resistant properties, you can rest easy knowing your home is protected against potential disasters. No need to worry about flames spreading like wildfire, you are protected from fire in building built with Hempcrete.
While most building materials contribute to carbon emissions during production, Hempcrete does the opposite. As it cures, it actually sucks up carbon dioxide from the air, locking it away for good. It's like building your home while giving the planet a big hug.
Why aren't we seeing Hempcrete buildings popping up left and right? It all comes down to outdated regulations and misconceptions about industrial hemp. By spreading the word about the incredible potential of Hempcrete, we can push for policy changes that prioritize sustainability in construction. Imagine a world where every new building is a step towards a greener, cleaner future.
So whether you're into hemp farming, ending hemp prohibition, or just want to see our planet thrive, let's rally together and champion the widespread adoption of Hempcrete. Help educate business leaders and politicians in your community about the benefits, applications, and potential impact on the construction industry and the environment that the use of Hempcrete has.
The Insulation Powerhouse: Unraveling the Secrets of Hempcrete's Thermal Properties
Let's start by taking a closer look at Hempcrete's insulation capabilities – the cornerstone of its appeal as a sustainable building material. Traditional insulation materials often rely on synthetic fibers that are energy-intensive to produce and may contain harmful chemicals. In contrast, Hempcrete harnesses the natural properties of industrial hemp to create a highly efficient thermal barrier.
At the heart of Hempcrete's insulation prowess lies its unique composition. Made from a mixture of hemp hurds (the inner woody core of the hemp plant), lime binder, and water, Hempcrete forms a lightweight yet durable material with excellent insulating properties. The hemp fibers create a matrix of tiny air pockets within the material, effectively trapping heat during the winter months and repelling it during the summer – a phenomenon known as thermal inertia.
But what sets Hempcrete apart from traditional insulation materials is its ability to regulate humidity levels within a building. Unlike synthetic insulation materials, which can trap moisture and promote mold growth, Hempcrete acts as a natural moisture buffer, absorbing excess humidity when conditions are damp and releasing it when the air is dry. This not only helps to maintain a comfortable indoor environment but also contributes to improved air quality and reduced risk of mold-related health issues.
From an environmental standpoint, Hempcrete's insulation properties offer significant advantages over conventional materials. By reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling systems, Hempcrete helps to lower energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with building operations. Additionally, its natural composition makes it biodegradable at the end of its lifecycle, minimizing environmental impact and reducing reliance on finite resources.
Fire Resistance: Protecting Lives and Property with Hempcrete
In addition to its insulation properties, Hempcrete boasts impressive fire resistance – a critical feature for ensuring the safety and longevity of building structures. Unlike conventional building materials, which may combust or release toxic fumes when exposed to fire, Hempcrete exhibits a remarkable ability to withstand high temperatures without compromising its structural integrity.
The secret to Hempcrete's fire resistance lies in its mineral composition and low density. Lime, the primary binder used in Hempcrete, is inherently fire-resistant and acts as a natural flame retardant. When exposed to heat, the lime undergoes a process known as calcination, in which it releases water vapor and absorbs heat energy, effectively limiting the spread of flames and preventing the material from igniting.
Additionally, the low thermal conductivity of Hempcrete helps to slow the transfer of heat through the material, further reducing the risk of fire propagation. This combination of factors makes Hempcrete an ideal choice for fire-prone environments and high-risk applications where building safety is of utmost concern.
Beyond its immediate benefits for building occupants and stakeholders, Hempcrete's fire resistance has broader implications for public safety and disaster resilience. In regions prone to wildfires, hurricanes, or other natural disasters, buildings constructed with Hempcrete can serve as a protective barrier against external threats, providing invaluable peace of mind to residents and emergency responders alike.
Carbon Sequestration: Fighting Climate Change One Building at a Time
Perhaps the most compelling aspect of Hempcrete is its capacity for carbon sequestration – the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. While traditional building materials often contribute to carbon emissions during production, Hempcrete operates in reverse, actively removing carbon dioxide from the air as it cures.
The key to Hempcrete's carbon sequestration potential lies in the carbon-negative nature of industrial hemp cultivation. Hemp plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, converting it into biomass that can be used to produce a wide range of sustainable products, including building materials like Hempcrete. When hemp hurds are mixed with lime and water to create Hempcrete, the carbon stored within the plant material is effectively locked away for the lifespan of the building, reducing net carbon emissions associated with construction activities.
But the environmental benefits of Hempcrete don't stop there. In addition to sequestering carbon dioxide during its production, Hempcrete continues to contribute to carbon mitigation throughout its lifecycle. As a highly durable and long-lasting material, Hempcrete helps to minimize the need for frequent renovations or replacements, further reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with building maintenance and disposal.
From an ecological standpoint, the cultivation of industrial hemp for Hempcrete production offers additional environmental benefits, including soil remediation, biodiversity preservation, and reduced reliance on fossil fuels and synthetic chemicals. By choosing Hempcrete over conventional building materials, builders and developers can play a significant role in combating climate change and building a more sustainable future for generations to come.
Overcoming Barriers to Adoption: Navigating Regulations and Changing Perceptions
Despite its numerous advantages, Hempcrete continues to face obstacles to widespread adoption, ranging from regulatory barriers to entrenched perceptions within the construction industry. In many countries, outdated regulations and misconceptions about industrial hemp have limited the use of Hempcrete in mainstream construction projects, relegating it to niche applications or experimental prototypes.
One of the primary challenges facing the widespread adoption of Hempcrete is the lack of standardized building codes and regulatory frameworks governing its use. Unlike traditional building materials, which have undergone rigorous testing and certification processes, Hempcrete is often subject to a patchwork of regulations that vary from region to region, making it difficult for builders and developers to navigate the permitting process and obtain approval for Hempcrete projects.
Additionally, misconceptions about industrial hemp and its association with psychoactive cannabis have contributed to stigma and resistance within the construction industry and regulatory agencies. Despite the fact that industrial hemp contains negligible levels of THC (the psychoactive compound found in cannabis) and is legally distinct from marijuana under most jurisdictions, lingering concerns about legality, safety, and performance have hampered acceptance of Hempcrete as a viable construction material.
However, as awareness of the environmental and economic benefits of industrial hemp continues to grow, momentum is building for policy changes that support the widespread adoption of Hempcrete in mainstream construction. In recent years, a growing number of countries have enacted legislation to legalize hemp cultivation and expand the use of hemp-based products, including building materials like Hempcrete. These regulatory developments, coupled with increasing demand for sustainable construction solutions, bode well for the future of Hempcrete and its potential to transform the built environment.
The Future of Hempcrete: Opportunities and Challenges in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape
Looking ahead, the future of Hempcrete appears bright, with ample opportunities for innovation and growth in the sustainable construction sector. As builders, architects, and developers continue to seek out Eco-friendly alternatives to conventional building materials, Hempcrete stands poised to capture a larger share of the market and emerge as a mainstream solution for sustainable building projects.
One of the key drivers of growth for the Hempcrete industry is the expanding market for green building materials and sustainable construction practices. With increasing awareness of the environmental and health impacts of traditional construction methods, consumers and industry professionals alike are turning to alternatives like Hempcrete to reduce their carbon footprint and create healthier indoor environments. This growing demand for sustainable building materials, coupled with advancements in hemp cultivation and processing technology, is fueling investment and innovation in the Hempcrete sector, driving down costs and expanding the range of applications for this versatile material.
However, despite its promise and potential, Hempcrete still faces a number of challenges that must be addressed in order to realize its full impact on the construction industry and the environment. Chief among these challenges is the need for continued research and development to optimize the performance, durability, and scalability of Hempcrete as a mainstream building material. While Hempcrete has demonstrated impressive properties in laboratory and small-scale applications, further testing and validation are needed to ensure its suitability for larger, more complex construction projects and diverse climatic conditions.
Additionally, efforts to overcome regulatory barriers and promote acceptance of Hempcrete within the construction industry will be crucial to its long-term success and viability. By advocating for standardized building codes, certification standards, and industry guidelines for Hempcrete construction, stakeholders can create a more supportive regulatory environment that encourages investment, innovation, and adoption of sustainable building practices.
In conclusion, Hempcrete represents a promising solution to the environmental and economic challenges facing the construction industry in the 21st century. With its exceptional insulation properties, fire resistance, and capacity for carbon sequestration, Hempcrete offers a compelling alternative to traditional building materials that is both sustainable and cost-effective. As advocates for industrial hemp, hemp farming, and sustainable development, we have a unique opportunity to champion the widespread adoption of Hempcrete and pave the way for a greener, more resilient built environment. By working together to overcome regulatory barriers, promote awareness, and drive innovation, we can harness the full potential of Hempcrete to create a brighter future for generations to come. Let's build a greener world, one Hempcrete block at a time.
Below is a FREE TO DOWNLOAD marijuana music MP3 by Muck Sticky.
One Day At A Time.
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time4hemp · 1 month
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time4hemp · 1 month
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time4hemp · 1 month
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time4hemp · 1 month
Snuggle Into Hemp Dreamland
Be Part Of The Eco-Friendly Revolution
Embracing Hemp Bedding for a Sustainable Sleep Experience
Written By Casper Leitch
In a world where environmental consciousness is paramount, every choice we make matters. From the food we eat to the clothes we wear, consumers are increasingly seeking out Eco-friendly alternatives that minimize harm to the planet. When it comes to our sleep environment, one often overlooked yet crucial aspect is bedding. Enter hemp bedding—a sustainable, luxurious, and environmentally conscious choice that's revolutionizing the way we sleep. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of hemp bedding, exploring its benefits, debunking myths, and uncovering why it's the ultimate choice for the trending Eco-conscious consumer.
Understanding Hemp Bedding
Before we dive into the myriad benefits of hemp bedding, let's start by understanding what hemp is and how it's transformed into the cozy sheets and pillowcases that adorn our beds. Hemp, a versatile and resilient plant, has been cultivated for thousands of years for its myriad uses, ranging from textiles to food and even building materials. Unlike its notorious cousin, marijuana, hemp contains minimal levels of THC—the psychoactive compound—making it perfectly legal and safe for industrial use.
The process of transforming hemp fibers into soft, breathable bedding begins with harvesting the hemp plants. Once harvested, the fibers undergo a series of processing steps, including retting, breaking, scutching, and combing, to extract the long, strong fibers that will eventually be spun into yarn and woven into fabric. The result? Luxuriously soft bedding that rivals traditional materials like cotton in comfort, while surpassing them in sustainability.
The Environmental Impact of Hemp Bedding
One of the most compelling reasons to choose hemp bedding is its minimal environmental footprint. Unlike conventional materials like cotton, which require vast amounts of water, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, hemp is a low-impact crop that thrives with minimal intervention.
Hemp's rapid growth cycle, typically 12-16 weeks, means it requires far less water to cultivate compared to thirsty crops like cotton. Additionally, hemp has natural pest-resistant properties, eliminating the need for harmful pesticides that can pollute soil and waterways. By opting for hemp bedding, consumers are not only reducing their carbon footprint but also supporting sustainable farming practices that prioritize environmental stewardship.
The Benefits of Hemp Bedding for Sleep Quality
Let's delve into the practical benefits of hemp bedding for sleep quality and overall well-being.
First and foremost, hemp bedding boasts natural temperature-regulating properties that ensure a comfortable sleep environment year-round. Whether you're battling sweltering summer nights or chilly winter evenings, hemp's unique ability to wick away moisture and regulate body temperature ensures a restful night's sleep without the need for excessive layers or bulky blankets.
Furthermore, hemp bedding is naturally hypoallergenic and antibacterial, making it an ideal choice for those with sensitive skin or allergies. Unlike synthetic materials that can trap dust mites and allergens, hemp's antimicrobial properties help keep your bedding fresh and clean, reducing the risk of allergic reactions and skin irritations.
Additionally, hemp bedding is renowned for its durability and longevity. Thanks to its robust fibers, hemp bedding can withstand frequent washing and everyday wear, ensuring that your investment lasts for years to come. Say goodbye to faded, worn-out sheets and hello to bedding that retains its softness and integrity wash after wash.
Debunking Myths and Misconceptions
Despite its growing popularity, hemp bedding is still shrouded in myths and misconceptions. Let's take a moment to debunk some of the most common myths surrounding hemp bedding and set the record straight.
Myth #1: - Hemp bedding is rough and uncomfortable.
Reality: Contrary to popular belief, hemp bedding is incredibly soft and luxurious, with a texture that rivals traditional materials like cotton or linen. Thanks to advances in textile technology, modern hemp bedding offers the perfect blend of softness and durability for a truly comfortable sleep experience.
Myth #2: - Hemp bedding is difficult to care for.
Reality: While hemp bedding may require slightly different care compared to conventional materials, it's no more difficult to maintain. Most hemp bedding can be machine washed and dried, just like cotton or linen. Additionally, hemp's natural resistance to mold and mildew means it stays fresh longer between washes.
The Future of Hemp Bedding
As we look to the future, the potential for hemp to revolutionize the bedding industry is undeniable. With increasing consumer awareness of environmental issues and a growing demand for sustainable products, hemp bedding is poised to become a mainstream choice for Eco-conscious consumers worldwide.
From luxury hotels to everyday households, hemp bedding is making its mark as a luxurious, sustainable, and environmentally friendly choice for a restful night's sleep. As more companies invest in hemp production and innovation, we can expect to see an even wider range of hemp bedding options available on the market, catering to diverse tastes and preferences.
Hemp bedding represents a paradigm shift in the way we approach sleep and sustainability. By choosing hemp bedding, consumers can enjoy a luxurious sleep experience while reducing their environmental footprint and supporting sustainable farming practices. So why wait? Join the hemp bedding revolution today and sleep soundly knowing you're making a positive impact on the planet
Where 2 Shop 4 Home Bedding Made With Hemp.
You can find stylish home essentials made with hemp at Macy’s.
You can find stylish home essentials made with hemp at Ettitude.
You can find stylish home essentials made with hemp at Bloomingdale’s.
You can find stylish home essentials made with hemp at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.
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time4hemp · 1 month
HempaVana Pain Relief Cream
A Comprehensive Review
Discover Pain Relief with Hempvana Pain Cream
By Casper Leitch
Are you one of the many individuals seeking natural alternatives for managing minor muscle and joint pain? With the increasing popularity of hemp-based products, Hempvana Pain Cream has emerged as a promising option for those looking to alleviate discomfort without resorting to prescription medications or harsh chemicals. In this comprehensive review, we'll delve deep into the world of pain relief, exploring the science behind Hempvana Pain Cream, analyzing its effectiveness, and providing insights from real customers. By the end of this article, you'll have a thorough understanding of whether Hempvana Pain Cream is the right choice for your pain management needs.
Understanding Hempvana Pain Cream
Hempvana Pain Cream is a topical solution formulated to provide temporary relief from minor pain associated with various conditions, including arthritis, muscle strains, sprains, bruises, and cramps. Unlike some traditional pain relief creams that rely on synthetic ingredients, Hempvana harnesses the power of hemp seed oil for its natural pain-relieving properties. It's essential to note that Hempvana does not contain THC, the psychoactive compound found in recreational cannabis, nor does it include CBD, another cannabis chemical known for its medicinal benefits. Instead, Hempvana's active ingredient is 10% trolamine salicylate, a compound similar to the active ingredient in Aspercreme. This distinction is crucial for individuals seeking pain relief without experiencing any psychoactive effects.
Exploring the Science Behind Hempvana Pain Cream
The effectiveness of Hempvana Pain Cream lies in its carefully selected ingredients and their targeted action on pain receptors in the body. Trolamine salicylate, the primary active ingredient in Hempvana, works by inhibiting the production of prostaglandins, compounds responsible for triggering pain and inflammation. By blocking these signals, Hempvana helps alleviate discomfort and promotes temporary relief from muscle and joint pain. Additionally, hemp seed oil, infused into the cream, provides moisturizing properties that prevent the skin from losing moisture, further contributing to overall skin health and comfort. While scientific research on the specific effects of Hempvana Pain Cream is limited, anecdotal evidence and customer testimonials suggest its efficacy in providing fast-acting pain relief.
Analyzing Customer Reviews and Feedback
Real-world experiences are invaluable when assessing the effectiveness of any product, and Hempvana Pain Cream is no exception. By analyzing customer reviews and feedback from online retailers such as Amazon, we can gain valuable insights into users' experiences with Hempvana. Many users report positive outcomes, with some describing the cream as a "game-changer" for managing their pain. Common themes among reviews include praise for Hempvana's fast-acting formula, non-greasy texture, and lack of unpleasant odors. However, it's essential to acknowledge that individual responses to pain relief products can vary, and while Hempvana may work wonders for some, it may not provide the same level of relief for others.
Dispelling Myths and Misconceptions
In recent years, there has been significant media attention surrounding cannabis-related products, leading to various myths and misconceptions about their efficacy and safety. It's essential to address some of these misconceptions regarding Hempvana Pain Cream to provide clarity for potential users. Firstly, despite being marketed as hemp-based, Hempvana does not contain THC or CBD, meaning it won't produce any psychoactive effects or cause a "high." Additionally, while hemp seed oil is a key ingredient, it does not directly contribute to pain relief but rather serves to moisturize the skin. By dispelling these myths, individuals can make informed decisions about whether Hempvana Pain Cream aligns with their pain management goals.
Considering Alternatives and Complementary Therapies
While Hempvana Pain Cream offers a promising solution for temporary pain relief, it's essential to explore alternative and complementary therapies for comprehensive pain management. These may include lifestyle modifications, such as regular exercise, proper nutrition, and stress reduction techniques, which can help address underlying causes of pain. Additionally, other topical treatments and natural remedies, such as menthol-based creams or essential oils like peppermint and lavender, may provide additional relief when used in conjunction with Hempvana Pain Cream. By adopting a holistic approach to pain management, individuals can optimize their well-being and enhance their overall quality of life.
Aspercreme is a very popular over-the-counter pain relief cream that uses maximum strength lidocaine to target pain receptors. It is not all-natural, but it is available readily in stores.
Hemp Leaf Paste contains hemp oil and claims to be three times more effective at calming your pain than most other over the counter treatments. .
Final Recommendation
Hempvana Pain Cream represents a compelling option for individuals seeking natural relief from minor muscle and joint pain. With its innovative formula, featuring hemp seed oil and trolamine salicylate, Hempvana offers a non-invasive and accessible solution for managing discomfort without the need for prescription medications. While it may not be a one-size-fits-all solution, many users have reported positive experiences with Hempvana, citing its efficacy, ease of use, and lack of side effects.
Ultimately, whether Hempvana Pain Cream is the right choice for you will depend on your individual needs, preferences, and responses to pain relief products. However, with its family-run company ethos and commitment to quality, Hempvana is certainly worth considering as part of your pain management toolkit.
By providing a comprehensive overview of Hempvana Pain Cream, including its formulation, scientific rationale, customer testimonials, and potential alternatives, I hope to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their pain management journey. Whether you're a seasoned advocate for medical cannabis legalization or simply seeking natural solutions for minor pain, Hempvana Pain Cream offers a promising avenue for exploring the benefits of hemp-based products in improving overall well-being.
You can find HempVana Pain Relief Cream at WalGreens.
You can find Hemp Vana Pain Relief Cream at Rite Aid.
You can find HempVana Pain Relief Cream at WalMart.
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time4hemp · 1 month
Tribute 2 Peter McWilliams
Host, Casper Leitch, pays tribute to Peter McWilliams with guests Paul Krassner, Peter Christ, Paul Stanford, Todd McCormick, Chris Conrad and Mikkie Norris.
Todd McCormick, Paul Krassner, Paul Stanford, Chris Conrad, Mikki Norris, and Peter Christ homage to the late author and activist Peter McWilliams, who was a pioneer in the medical marijuana movement and a visionary in predicting the reality of cyber war.
Peter McWilliams was known for his advocacy for personal liberties and the right to make choices that don't harm others. His work influenced many and he is the person who coined the term 'consensual crime'.
McWilliams faced five years in prison for his need of medical marijuana due to his AIDS diagnosis, which ultimately led to his premature death. The speakers express outrage over his unjust treatment and call for an end to policies surrounding the war on drugs and the denial of medical marijuana defense at the federal level. They honor McWilliams' legacy as an inspiring figure who advocated for improving people's lives.
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time4hemp · 1 month
Peter McWilliams Used Medical Cannabis
He Knew It Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do
Time 4 Hemp paid tribute to Peter McWilliams is a special segment featuring Tod McCormick, Paul Krassner, Chris Conrad, Mikki Norris, and Paul Stanford. Click here to listen to the show.
Peter McWilliams Couldn’t Afford The Luxury Of A Negative Thought.
Written by Casper Leitch
In the field of the marijuana legalization movement, few figures loom as large as Peter McWilliams. A man of words, of ideas, and of unyielding conviction, McWilliams left an indelible mark on the discourse surrounding medical cannabis and the broader legalization of marijuana. His life, his struggles, and his writings continue to resonate with those who champion individual freedom, compassion, and justice in the face of prohibitionist policies.
Peter McWilliams was not merely a writer; he was a visionary. His keen intellect and insatiable curiosity led him to explore realms of thought and action often deemed taboo by society. It was this fearless pursuit of truth and freedom that would define his life's work and, ultimately, his legacy.
In the writings of Peter McWilliams, one finds a passionate defense of personal freedom and a scathing critique of the criminalization of so-called "victimless crimes." Coined by McWilliams himself, this term refers to actions undertaken consensually and without causing physical harm to others or their property. Whether it was drug use, sexual behavior, or other forms of self-expression, McWilliams believed fervently in the right of individuals to make choices about their own bodies and lives, free from government interference.
Central to McWilliams's advocacy was his belief in the primacy of individual liberty and constitutional rights. He saw the criminalization of certain behaviors as a gross violation of the principles upon which America was founded. To him, the government's role was not to dictate morality or restrict personal freedoms but to protect the rights of its citizens to live as they saw fit, so long as they did not harm others.
At the heart of McWilliams's crusade for freedom was his profound understanding of the teachings of various religious traditions. He saw in these teachings a common thread of compassion, tolerance, and respect for the dignity of every human being. Whether drawing inspiration from Christianity, Buddhism, or other spiritual paths, McWilliams sought to reconcile his own beliefs with the demands of a society often hostile to those who dared to question the status quo.
But it was not merely in the realm of ideas that McWilliams made his mark. His actions spoke volumes, particularly in his advocacy for the medical use of cannabis. Afflicted with AIDS, McWilliams found himself facing a myriad of health challenges, chief among them the violent nausea caused by the anti-viral drugs used to treat the disease. In medical marijuana, he discovered a lifeline, a source of relief from the debilitating symptoms that threatened to overwhelm him.
Recognizing the importance of sharing his experience with others, McWilliams set out to publish a book on the subject. He enlisted the help of Todd McCormick, a fellow activist and medical marijuana patient, to document their journey and explore the potential benefits of different strains of cannabis. Little did McWilliams know that this act of advocacy would land him in the crosshairs of the federal government.
Todd McCormick began his journey as a Medical Cannabis Activist at the age of nine, when his mother, desperate to alleviate his suffering from cancer treatments, offered him a joint. Little did she know that this seemingly unconventional remedy would not only ease Todd's nausea but also spark a lifelong dedication to advocating for medical marijuana.
Throughout his childhood, Todd endured numerous rounds of treatment, battling cancer with the help of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. Yet, it was marijuana that provided him with relief from the debilitating side effects of his medical interventions. As he thrived under this unconventional treatment, Todd became determined to ensure that others wouldn't have to suffer in silence.
In his quest to spread awareness about the medicinal benefits of cannabis, Todd delved into the science of cultivation, breeding, and strain effects. His expertise and dedication played a pivotal role in advancing the medical marijuana movement, culminating in the passage of California's Proposition 215 in 1996, which protected patients and caregivers from prosecution for marijuana possession and cultivation with a doctor's recommendation.
Central to Todd's advocacy was his partnership with Peter McWilliams. Together, they envisioned a world where cannabis could revolutionize the treatment of cancer and other diseases. However, their efforts faced fierce opposition from federal authorities determined to uphold the status quo of the "War on Drugs."
In a tragic turn of events, Peter McWilliams fell victim to the government's relentless pursuit of marijuana prohibition. Despite his valiant efforts to defend his innocence and promote the medical benefits of cannabis, Peter's voice was silenced by a justice system unwilling to acknowledge the truth.
On July 23, 1996, Peter McWilliams was arrested. Authorities conducted an investigation into McWilliams' activities, which led to his arrest on charges of marijuana cultivation and conspiracy to distribute. The circumstances surrounding his arrest were controversial, with many supporters arguing that his actions were driven by medical necessity rather than criminal intent. However, despite the growing acceptance of medical marijuana in some circles, McWilliams' activities still violated federal drug laws at the time, leading to his arrest and subsequent legal proceedings.
On July 29th, Todd McCormick was arrested. A large number of Los Angeles sheriff's deputies swarmed into his ten room hillside home where he was growing medical cannabis for local patients. McCormick was also a well-known public speaker advocating legalization of medical marijuana, having had cancer ten times as a child. Even though, at the time of his arrest, his cancer was in remission, he still suffered from chronic pain as the result of having the vertebrae in his neck fused in childhood surgery.
Todd was arraigned July 30, in federal court in Los Angeles. The Judge set the bond at $100,000; rejecting prosecutor's call for detention without bond. McCormick was prohibited by the Judge from using medical marijuana. McCormick's house was completely badly damaged and looted by the police during his arrest. All of his plants were cut down, destroying invaluable genetic material that could have been used to relieve the pain and suffering of people with AIDS, cancer, and other disorders.
In the eyes of the authorities, McWilliams's efforts to educate the public about medical marijuana were nothing short of criminal. Despite the passage of California's landmark Proposition 215 Medical Marijuana Initiative, he found himself facing federal charges related to the cultivation and distribution of cannabis. The irony was not lost on McWilliams: here he was, a dying man, being persecuted for trying to alleviate his own suffering and that of countless others like him.
The federal government's response to McWilliams's advocacy was swift and merciless. From the moment of his arrest, he was subjected to a campaign of harassment and intimidation designed to break his spirit and silence his voice. Held for nearly two months without bail, he faced constant threats and pressure from prosecutors determined to see him convicted.
But perhaps the most egregious injustice of all was the government's attempt to deny McWilliams access to the very medicine that was keeping him alive. Despite the overwhelming evidence of cannabis's efficacy in treating his symptoms, federal prosecutors sought to block any mention of medical marijuana from his trial. They even went so far as to deny him the right to raise a defense based on the necessity of breaking the law to prevent greater harm.
McWilliams was left with no choice but to accept a plea bargain, a shadow of justice that offered little solace in the face of his impending demise. He passed away before he could be sentenced, a victim not only of his illness but of a legal system that prioritized punishment over compassion.
The tragedy of Peter McWilliams's life serves as a stark reminder of the human cost of prohibitionist policies and the need for reform. His story is a testament to the courage of those who dare to challenge the status quo and fight for what they believe is right, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
Peter died June 14, 2000. As we reflect on McWilliams's life and legacy, let us not lose sight of the principles for which he stood: freedom, compassion, and justice for all. Let us honor his memory by continuing the fight for the legalization of medical cannabis and the broader decriminalization of marijuana. And let us never forget the words of Peter McWilliams himself, who once wrote:
"It is the individual who must have the courage to take his own path, regardless of the obstacles that may stand in his way."
In the end, it is not the length of one's life that matters, but the impact that one makes in the time they are given. In that regard, Peter McWilliams's legacy is immeasurable. May his spirit continue to inspire us all to strive for a better, more just world, where freedom reigns supreme and the rights of every individual are respected and upheld.
Click here to read one of Peter McWilliams books on line for FREE:
‘You Can’t Afford The Luxury Of A Negative Thought’
Below you can read the book by Peter McWilliams,
‘Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do’
and/or download it for FREE.
Below is a FREE TO DOWNLOAD marijuana music MP3 by Elvy Musikka.
The War On Us
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time4hemp · 1 month
Hemp In Fashion
Hemp Fashion's Are Leading A Sustainable Revolution!
The Rise of Hemp in Fashion
Written by Casper Leitch
Hemp fashion is now taking center stage in the garment district. Imagine a fabric that is soft, durable, and versatile, that can be used to make anything from jeans to jackets, from bags to shoes. A fabric that is also Eco-friendly, requiring less water, land, and chemicals than most other fabrics. A fabric that has been used for millennia, but has been banned for decades due to political and social reasons. This fabric is hemp, and it is making a comeback in the fashion industry. This versatile and Eco-friendly fabric is not just a trend; it's a movement towards a greener, more sustainable future.
Hemp, often misunderstood due to its association with marijuana, has a rich history dating back thousands of years. Revered for its robust fibers and myriad uses, hemp was once a staple in textile production and played a vital role in global economies. However, misguided regulations and stigma led to its prohibition, stifling its potential and relegating it to the shadows.
Thankfully, times are changing. As the fashion industry faces increasing scrutiny over its environmental impact, designers and consumers alike are turning to hemp as a solution. Unlike conventional fabrics like cotton, hemp requires minimal water, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers to thrive. Its deep roots help prevent soil erosion, making it a champion of sustainable agriculture.
Sustainable Eco-friendly Fabrics
One of the most compelling reasons for hemp's resurgence in fashion is its unparalleled sustainability. Traditional textiles like cotton are notorious water guzzlers, consuming vast amounts in cultivation. In contrast, hemp can thrive with minimal irrigation, making it a more Eco-conscious choice in regions prone to drought. Additionally, hemp's rapid growth and high yield per acre make it a highly efficient crop, requiring less land for cultivation compared to other fibers.
Beyond its Eco-friendly credentials, hemp fabric boasts a plethora of desirable qualities that appeal to both designers and consumers. Renowned for its durability, hemp fibers are stronger and more resilient than cotton, ensuring longevity and reducing the need for frequent replacements. Moreover, hemp fabric is naturally breathable and antimicrobial, making it ideal for garments that prioritize comfort and hygiene. From casual wear to high-end fashion, hemp's versatility knows no bounds.
The shift towards hemp in fashion represents more than just a fleeting trend; it signifies a fundamental transformation in the industry's values and practices. By embracing hemp, designers and brands are making a bold statement about their commitment to sustainability and ethical production. This shift isn't just about reducing environmental harm; it's about reimagining the entire fashion ecosystem to prioritize people and the planet over profit.
Breaking Down Barriers
Despite its remarkable potential, the widespread adoption of hemp in fashion faces regulatory hurdles and lingering stigma. By dismantling outdated regulations and fostering education, we can unlock the full potential of hemp and usher in a new era of sustainable fashion. Beyond its environmental benefits, the global hemp market holds immense promise for economic revitalization. Legalizing industrial hemp cultivation can create jobs, stimulate local economies, and reduce reliance on unsustainable practices. From farmers to manufacturers, the hemp industry offers opportunities for growth and innovation that can benefit communities worldwide.
As we look ahead to the future of fashion, one thing is clear: hemp is here to stay. With its unrivaled sustainability, durability, and versatility, hemp has the power to revolutionize the way we produce, consume, and perceive clothing. By embracing hemp as a symbol of progress and possibility, we can build a fashion industry that honors the earth, uplifts communities, and inspires generations to come.
Regenerative Agriculture Practices
In addition to its environmental benefits, hemp cultivation offers an opportunity to promote regenerative agriculture practices that regenerate soil health, enhance biodiversity, and sequester carbon. By incorporating hemp into crop rotation systems and agroforestry models, farmers can improve soil fertility, reduce the need for synthetic inputs, and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Moreover, hemp's deep root system helps break up compacted soil and prevent erosion, making it a valuable ally in the fight against soil degradation and desertification.
As the world grapples with the escalating impacts of climate change, hemp holds promise as a revolutionary tool for carbon sequestration and climate resilience. Unlike traditional crops that deplete soil nutrients and contribute to deforestation, hemp cultivation replenishes the soil and promotes biodiversity, creating resilient ecosystems that can withstand the challenges of a changing climate. By harnessing the power of hemp to sequester carbon and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, we can combat climate change and safeguard the future of our planet for generations to come.
In addition to its environmental benefits, hemp legalization has the potential to empower marginalized communities and promote social equity. By providing opportunities for small-scale farmers and entrepreneurs, hemp cultivation can create pathways out of poverty and foster economic independence. Moreover, initiatives that prioritize sustainable and fair-trade practices ensure that the benefits of hemp legalization are shared equitably among all stakeholders, promoting social justice and economic empowerment on a global scale.
Education and Awareness
While the benefits of hemp in fashion are undeniable, widespread adoption requires education and awareness among consumers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders. By debunking myths and misconceptions surrounding hemp, we can pave the way for informed decision-making and meaningful change. Additionally, initiatives that promote transparency and traceability in the fashion supply chain empower consumers to make ethical choices and support brands that align with their values, driving demand for sustainable and socially responsible products.
To fully realize the potential of hemp in fashion, collaboration and innovation are essential. By fostering partnerships between designers, manufacturers, policymakers, and advocacy groups, we can drive forward-thinking solutions that prioritize sustainability, inclusivity, and social responsibility. From pioneering new textile technologies to exploring innovative design techniques, the possibilities for hemp in fashion are limitless. By working together to harness the power of hemp, we can build a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable fashion industry that benefits people, the planet, and future generations.
As we navigate the complexities of hemp legalization and advocate for sustainable fashion practices, it's essential to amplify our voices and demand change. By supporting brands that prioritize hemp and advocating for progressive policies, we can accelerate the transition to a more sustainable future. Whether you're a fashion enthusiast, an environmental advocate, or a concerned citizen, your voice matters.
Below is a FREE TO DOWNLOAD marijuana music MP3 by David Kirton.
Green Camouflage.
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time4hemp · 1 month
Tommy Chong - Comedy Genius
One Of The Funniest People In The World
Tommy Chong was a guest on Time 4 Hemp, click here to listen to that segment.
A Journey Through Marijuana Humor To Becoming A Medical Cannabis Icon
Written by Casper Leitch
Thomas B. Kin Chong, a multifaceted artist and cultural icon, was born on May 24, 1938. Renowned as one half of the dynamic comedic duo Cheech and Chong, he achieved widespread fame for their sharp satire and comedic sketches. With a repertoire boasting 11 comedy albums alongside Cheech and a string of successful films, Chong has left an indelible mark on the world of comedy. Beyond his comedic prowess, Tommy Chong has also made a significant impact as an actor, gracing the screens of both television and film. Following his split from Cheech, he garnered acclaim for his roles as 'Leo' in 'That ‘70s Show' and 'Carl' in 'Dharma & Greg.' Chong's journey into entertainment began in Vancouver's Chinatown, where he kick-started his career at a local strip club before venturing into music. At the age of 16, Chong made the bold decision to leave high school and pursue his passion for music. As a skilled guitarist, he found success with various musical groups, ultimately forming Bobby Taylor & the Vancouvers, which secured a record deal with Motown. Their chart-topping hit "Does Your Mama Know About Me?" co-written by Chong, soared to the upper echelons of the music charts into the #29 spot on Billboards Top 100, cementing his place in the industry. However, Chong's musical journey took an unexpected turn when he was ousted from the band by a Motown producer. Undeterred, he returned to Vancouver and immersed himself in the city's burgeoning comedy scene. Inspired by the performances he witnessed, Chong began honing his comedic skills, eventually teaming up with Richard “Cheech” Marin to form Cheech and Chong. Their collaboration resulted in nine comedy albums, numerous successful films (some directed by Chong himself), and a slew of memorable live performances. Together, they pushed the boundaries of comedy, tackling taboo subjects with wit and irreverence, and capturing the spirit of counterculture with their unique brand of humor.
Cheech and Chong emerged as comedic trailblazers in the early 1970s, encapsulating the essence of counterculture with an authenticity unmatched by their peers. They fearlessly delved into the zeitgeist of the post-hippie era, skewering societal norms with their trademark blend of irreverence and wit. Their live performances were uproarious spectacles, tackling a myriad of taboo topics with gusto, from race and politics to the Vietnam War. With impeccable timing and boundless energy, they enraptured audiences, earning acclaim for their candid portrayal of contemporary issues. Their comedic prowess transcended the stage with the release of their debut self-titled album, 'Cheech & Chong,' which quickly became a cultural phenomenon. This success was followed by the equally acclaimed 'Big Bambu' the following year. From 1973 to 1976, their comedic juggernaut continued to gather momentum with the release of albums such as 'Los Cochinos' and 'Cheech & Chong’s Wedding Album,' earning them a coveted Grammy Award for Best Comedy Recording in 1973. Their foray into cinema with the iconic film 'Up In Smoke' in 1978 solidified their status as pioneers of stoner comedy. Through their hilarious antics and irreverent humor, they provided a satirical commentary on societal attitudes towards marijuana, resonating deeply with audiences. In subsequent years, Chong remained prolific, releasing albums like 'Let’s Make a New Dope Deal' and starring in a slew of films, including 'Nice Dreams' and 'Still Smokin.' However, 1985 marked a somber turning point as Cheech and Chong parted ways, with Cheech pursuing a solo career. Despite the dissolution of their partnership, the legacy of Cheech and Chong endures, symbolizing an era of cultural rebellion and comedic brilliance. While their professional relationship was rooted in a shared passion for their craft and cannabis, Chong himself has acknowledged that their bond, while strong, never evolved into a deep personal friendship. Yet, their enduring partnership continues to inspire laughter and nostalgia among fans worldwide, a testament to their enduring impact on comedy and popular culture.
After parting ways with Cheech, Tommy Chong ventured into television with his role as 'T.R. "Jumbo" Collins' in the series 'Miami Vice' in 1986. Following this, he graced the big screen in the movie 'Far Out Man' four years later. During the late 1980s to the mid-1990s, Chong's cinematic presence continued to shine in films like 'Tripwire,' 'The Spirit of '76,' 'Life After Sex,' and 'National Lampoon’s Senior Trip.' In 1997, he showcased his acting chops in the television series 'Sliders,' portraying the character 'Van Elsinger.' However, it was his recurring role as 'Leo Chingkwake' in the acclaimed American sitcom 'That ‘70s Show' that truly catapulted him into television stardom. Transitioning to animation, Chong lent his voice to 'Chief Running Pinto' in the beloved series 'South Park' in 2000. The following year, he graced the silver screen in the film 'The Wash.' From 2003 to 2007, Chong remained active in both film and television, starring in projects such as 'Best Buds,' 'Evil Bong,' and 'American Drug War: The Last White Hope.' Additionally, he made notable appearances in the television series 'The George Lopez Show.'
In 2003, Chong Glass/Nice Dreams, a company co-founded by Tommy and his son Paris, found itself embroiled in two investigations targeting businesses selling drug paraphernalia. To shield his family from legal repercussions, Chong, along with his legal team, orchestrated a plea deal. This agreement saw the comedian admitting to one count of conspiracy to distribute drug paraphernalia. Despite his earnest endeavors, Chong's negotiation attempts for public service and house arrest fell short. Consequently, he received a nine-month prison sentence, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Remarkably, among the 55 individuals charged, Chong stood as the sole defendant with no prior convictions to serve jail time. While his incarceration briefly halted his role as the free-spirited Leo on That '70s Show, Chong later resumed his television appearances and stand-up performances. In recognition of his contributions to the entertainment industry, Tommy Chong was honored with induction into the Canadian Alternative Hall of Fame in 2005. From 2008 to 2011, he graced the small screen with his presence in various beloved television shows, including ‘Code Monkeys,’ ‘MADtv,’ ‘WWE Raw,’ ‘The Simpsons,’ and ‘Franklin and Bash.’ Notably, during this period, Chong reunited with his longtime partner Cheech Marin for a memorable ‘South Park’ episode, marking the commencement of their joint touring endeavors.
In 2012, Tommy Chong made a public announcement revealing his diagnosis with prostate cancer. Known for his advocacy of marijuana legalization and its medical applications, Chong incorporated cannabis into his treatment regimen. Remarkably, less than a year later, Chong disclosed in an interview on 'Time 4 Hemp' that he had successfully overcome the disease with a combination of hash oil and dietary supplements. Teaming up with his long-time partner Cheech, Chong ventured into the realm of animation with the release of ‘Cheech & Chong’s Animated Movie’ in 2013. This animated feature showcases some of their most iconic comedic moments. Following this, the duo released several shorts, capturing the essence of their live performances. Additionally, Chong lent his voice to the character ‘Yax’ in the animated film ‘Zootopia.’ His on-screen presence continued with appearances in movies such as ‘It’s Gawd!,’ ‘The Peach Panther,’ ‘Color out of Space,’ and ‘Jay and Silent Bob Reboot.’ Between 2013 and 2019, Chong graced numerous comedy shows with guest appearances, including ‘Satisfaction,’ ‘Uncle Grandpa,’ ‘Disjointed,’ and ‘The Masked Singer’ In a significant move, in 2023, he joined the cast of the American teen sitcom ‘That '90s Show’ reprising his role as ‘Leo Chingkwake’.
In 2015, Tommy Chong confronted another health challenge when he revealed that, despite his prostate cancer being in remission, he was undergoing treatment for rectal cancer. Ever the optimist, Chong approached the news with his trademark humor. During his stand-up routine, he quipped about the diagnosis, humorously referring to it as a "pain in the butt." He openly shared his increased use of cannabis during treatment, emphasizing his determination to maintain a positive outlook regardless of the outcome. Subsequently, he was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in June 2016. However, by 2019, Chong proudly declared himself cancer-free once again. Chong has credited his rapid recovery to the active lifestyle he maintained over seven decades. Whether it's bodybuilding or competing on Dancing With the Stars, physical fitness has consistently been integral to his life. He firmly believes that maintaining a lighthearted attitude during difficult times positively influences the body's response to adversity.
In his stand-up comedy routines, Tommy Chong candidly shares his experience of living with a colostomy bag following his diagnosis of colorectal cancer. While many might view an ostomy pouch as a significant life adjustment, Chong sees it differently. He humorously describes it as a positive change, highlighting the efficiency it brings to his life. On stage, he quips, "It's actually a good thing. I no longer spend agonizing minutes sitting on the toilet. I can walk into a bathroom and within minutes, change everything and be back out. Hey, what can I say, I'm a comedian, and I'm not going to hide what's going on with me. I'm going to turn it around into something good and funny. Comedy is the ultimate truth and laughter is the best medicine." Tommy's journey is nothing short of fascinating. With a career spanning over four decades, he rose to fame alongside Cheech Marin, creating a cinematic legacy synonymous with cannabis and counterculture. Their films challenged societal norms, embodying resistance to the establishment. Over time, Chong transitioned from being a symbol of the counterculture movement to a savvy entrepreneur embracing the mainstreaming of marijuana and the involvement of corporate entities in the cannabis industry. Despite facing legal restrictions that prevented his direct involvement in the cannabis industry due to past criminal charges related to cannabis paraphernalia, Chong found alternative avenues. He lent his name to a company operated by his son and a partner, showcasing his adaptability and entrepreneurial acumen. Tommy Chong's influence extends beyond being a marijuana icon; he is also a shrewd businessman navigating the evolving landscape of cannabis culture and commerce.
Below is a FREE TO DOWNLOAD marijuana music MP3 by The Tall Brothers.
I’m Kinda High
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time4hemp · 1 month
Dr. Timothy Leary
The Most Dangerous Man In America
Dr Timothy Leary was a guest on Time 4 Hemp, click here to listen to that segment.
A Journey Through Psychedelic Advocacy and Cultural Revolution
Written by Casper Leitch
Dr. Timothy Francis Leary (October 22, 1920 – May 31, 1996) remains an enigmatic figure in American history, known for his pioneering work in psychology and his controversial advocacy for psychedelic drugs. Throughout his life, Dr. Leary navigated a complex landscape, challenging societal norms and sparking a cultural revolution that reverberated far beyond his time. This comprehensive exploration aims to delve deep into the life and legacy of Dr. Leary, shedding light on his academic pursuits, his pivotal role in the psychedelic movement, and the enduring impact of his ideas on society.
Early Life and Academic Career
Born on October 22, 1920, in Springfield, Massachusetts, Timothy Leary grew up in a middle-class household, where he displayed early signs of intelligence and curiosity. Despite facing numerous personal challenges, he excelled academically and embarked on a journey of intellectual exploration. After graduating from high school, Leary briefly attended the College of the Holy Cross before transferring to West Point Military Academy. However, his rebellious nature clashed with the rigid discipline of military life, leading to his eventual departure from West Point. Undeterred, Leary continued his education at the University of Alabama, where he earned his bachelor's degree in psychology. Following graduation, Leary pursued further studies in psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, where he obtained his master's and doctoral degrees. His early research focused on personality assessment and psychological measurement, laying the groundwork for his later work in the field of psychology. In 1959, Leary joined the faculty at Harvard University as a lecturer in clinical psychology, marking the beginning of a transformative chapter in his career. During his time at Harvard, Leary founded the Harvard Psilocybin Project, a groundbreaking research initiative that explored the effects of psychedelic substances on human consciousness.
The Psychedelic Movement
The 1960s witnessed a cultural upheaval unlike any other, as societal norms were challenged and traditional values were questioned. At the forefront of this cultural revolution was Dr. Timothy Leary, whose advocacy for psychedelic drugs sparked controversy and captivated the imagination of millions. Inspired by his own experiences with psilocybin mushrooms in Mexico, Leary became a vocal proponent of LSD and other psychedelic substances. He believed that these drugs held the key to unlocking the mysteries of human consciousness and facilitating profound spiritual experiences. Leary's famous mantra, "Turn on, tune in, drop out," encapsulated his philosophy of radical self-exploration and liberation from societal constraints. He encouraged individuals to embrace alternative lifestyles and explore the depths of their own minds, rejecting the conformity and materialism of mainstream society. Despite facing opposition from government authorities and conservative critics, Leary continued to advocate for the therapeutic and transformative potential of psychedelics. He conducted numerous experiments with LSD, both on himself and with research subjects, documenting their effects on consciousness and behavior. Throughout the 1960s, Leary's influence spread rapidly, as his ideas resonated with a generation disillusioned by the status quo. He became an icon of the counterculture movement, revered by hippies and activists alike for his bold defiance of social norms.
Legal Battles and Controversies
During the turbulent 1960s and 1970s, Dr. Leary's name echoed through the corridors of power, marked by a staggering 36 arrests that earned him the infamous title of "The Most Dangerous Man in America" from President Richard Nixon. Despite this, Dr. Leary's academic journey began on a conventional note, teaching at prestigious institutions such as Harvard University. His early research delved into personality dimensions and social relationships, establishing him as an expert in the field.
Dr. Leary's advocacy for psychedelics brought him into direct conflict with the authorities, leading to a series of legal battles and controversies that would define his legacy. In 1965, he was arrested for possession of marijuana in violation of California state law, marking the beginning of a protracted legal saga. Over the next decade, Leary faced numerous charges related to drug possession and distribution, culminating in a highly publicized trial in 1970. Despite mounting evidence of government misconduct and prosecutorial overreach, Leary was convicted and sentenced to prison. His imprisonment became a rallying cry for supporters of drug reform, who viewed him as a martyr in the fight for individual freedom and personal autonomy. Leary's case sparked widespread outrage and galvanized public support for drug policy reform, leading to calls for his release from prison.
Escape and Exile
In 1970, Dr. Leary made headlines around the world when he staged a daring escape from a California prison with the help of underground activists. Using forged documents and disguises, he managed to evade capture and flee the country, seeking refuge in Algeria. During his time in exile, Leary immersed himself in the radical politics of the era, aligning himself with revolutionary movements and anti-imperialist causes. He forged connections with leaders of the Black Panther Party and other militant organizations, embracing a life of adventure and intrigue. Leary's exile took him to various countries across Europe and North Africa, where he continued to espouse his radical ideas and challenge the status quo. Despite living as a fugitive, he remained a symbol of resistance and defiance, inspiring others to question authority and pursue their own paths of self-discovery.
Legacy and Influence
Dr. Timothy Leary's legacy extends far beyond his controversial advocacy for psychedelics. He was a visionary thinker and a fearless explorer of the human mind, whose ideas continue to resonate with countless individuals around the world. Throughout his life, Leary remained committed to the pursuit of knowledge and the expansion of human consciousness. His writings and lectures on psychedelics, spirituality, and personal transformation have inspired generations of thinkers, artists, and activists. Despite facing condemnation from mainstream society, Leary never wavered in his belief in the power of psychedelics to catalyze personal and social change. He saw these substances not as dangerous drugs, but as tools for introspection and enlightenment, able to unlock the full potential of the human psyche. Today, Dr. Timothy Leary's ideas continue to shape the discourse surrounding psychedelics and their potential therapeutic applications. The resurgence of interest in psychedelics as a treatment for mental health disorders has sparked renewed attention to Leary's work and its implications for modern psychiatry. Dr. Timothy Leary's life was a testament to the power of radical thinking and the pursuit of truth. His fearless exploration of psychedelics and consciousness challenged the boundaries of conventional wisdom and opened up new vistas of possibility. Though his legacy may be controversial, his impact on American culture and society cannot be denied. As we continue to grapple with the complexities of the human mind, we would do well to heed the lessons of Dr. Timothy Leary and embrace the spirit of curiosity and exploration that defined his life and work.
Below is a FREE TO DOWNLOAD marijuana music MP3 by Chin Ono.
Keep It Burning
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time4hemp · 1 month
Tommy Chong And Dr Tim Leary Take 2 Chat
Host Casper Leitch, chats with Tommy Chong and Dr. Timothy Leary.
Tommy Chong discusses his use of cannabis oil to help treat his prostrate cancer. Dr Tim Leary discusses the importance of poking fun at authority.
Time 4 Laughter
Tommy Chong sits down for an interesting interview for the first half of the broadcast. Tommy Chong shares his personal experiences with health and healing. He discusses his battle with prostate cancer and how he used marijuana oil and diet changes to help fight the disease. He believes that cancer cells are kept alive by sugar and that applying marijuana oil directly to the skin can help destroy them.
Tommy also reflects on his experience with using cannabis oil, which led him to a near-coma state but allowed his body to heal naturally. He contrasts this natural approach with traditional medical treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, which he believes only prolong the agony and pain and are expensive.
Chong also touches on the controversial topic of cannabis being kept illegal due to its potential to replace expensive medications. He shares his frustration with the medical industry's approach to cancer treatment and the potential profits doctors make from sick patients. He mentions that few American doctors experiment with hemp as a cancer treatment and criticizes the American Medical Association for profiting from people's sickness. He also reflects on his spiritual awakening during his incarceration.
Dr Timothy Leary sat down for an interview in 1991. You can watch the video on this website. The audio from that segment is featured in the last half of this segment. In this interview, Dr. Timothy Leary advocates for the practical and profitable aspects of hemp production. He shares his personal experiences with the criminalization of hemp and marijuana, expressing frustration with the government's focus on prohibition while allowing other industries to thrive.
Leary highlights the ecological benefits of hemp as a substitute for oil and wood pulp, and discusses its potential medical uses, particularly for those suffering from cancer, malnutrition, or emotional and mental problems. He compares hemp to other drugs, emphasizing its lack of addictiveness and fewer side effects.
Dr. Leary encourages people to challenge authorities on their beliefs about marijuana and hemp and uses humor to bring people together around this issue. He also believes that humans have a strong connection to the marijuana plant, which is hated by some due to its ability to make people feel free and happy. Leary considers marijuana and mushrooms to be the greatest gifts given to humans and encourages its use for moments of celebration and glorification, but warns against using it for tasks requiring attention and concentration.
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time4hemp · 1 month
Your Pets Can Thrive On Hemp
Enhance Your Pet's Well-being with Hemp Thrive Liquid Supplement
By Casper Leitch
Are you looking for a natural way to promote your pet's health and happiness? Look no further than Hemp Thrive Liquid Cat & Dog Supplement by Hemp Well. Designed with your furry friend in mind, this supplement is packed with beneficial nutrients to support their overall well-being.
Benefits for Your Pet
Reducing Inflammation
Hemp Thrive helps ease inflammation and discomfort in pets, making it ideal for arthritis or joint issues.
Stress and Anxiety Relief
With its calming properties, Hemp Thrive can help alleviate stress and anxiety in pets, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.
Immune System Support
The omega fatty acids in Hemp Thrive boost your pet's immune system, helping them stay vibrant.
Zero THC Content:
Hemp Thrive contains no THC, so your pet won't experience any psychoactive effects.
Key Features
Made in the USA
You can trust that Hemp Thrive is made with care and quality ingredients right here in the USA.
Natural Hemp Oil
Harnessing the power of hemp oil, this supplement delivers a potent dose of beneficial cannabinoids.
Rich in Omega Fatty Acids
With omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, Hemp Thrive supports healthy skin, coat, and joints in your pets.
Reduces Inflammation and Stress
Say goodbye to inflammation and stress! Hemp Thrive helps calm your pet's nerves and soothe their aches.
Boosts Immunity
Strengthen your pet's immune system with Hemp Thrive, keeping them healthy and resilient.
Organic and GMO-Free
Rest assured, Hemp Thrive is crafted with organic, non-GMO ingredients, ensuring the best for your pet.
Nutritional Information (per serving)
Hemp Oil: 900 mg; Omega-6: 504 mg; Omega-3: 171 mg; Omega-9: 99mg.
Safety Considerations
While Hemp Thrive Liquid Cat & Dog Supplement is generally safe for pets, it's crucial to be aware of potential side effects. Here's what you need to know.
Minimal Side Effects
Most pets tolerate hemp-based supplements well, with mild and infrequent side effects.
Possible Side Effects
Some pets may experience mild sedation or gastrointestinal upset when first starting the supplement.
Individual Variability
Keep an eye on your pet's response to the supplement, and consult your veterinarian if you notice any adverse effects.
Before introducing any new supplement to your pet's diet, be sure to consult with your veterinarian. They can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your pet's individual needs. Give your furry friend the gift of wellness with Hemp Thrive Liquid Cat & Dog Supplement today.
Here's a comparison with similar items
Vibeful Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil Formula Liquid Skin & Coat Supplement for Dogs.
Top Ingredients: Salmon Oil, Pollock Oil, Mixed Tocopherols (Preservative).
Health Features: Brain Health, Eye Care, Skin & Coat Health.
Deley Naturals Fish Oil Dog Supplement.
Top Ingredients: 100% Premium Fish Oil (mackerel, sardines, herring, anchovies).
Health Features: Brain Health, Heart Care, Hip & Joint Support.
The Petz Kitchen Noni Powder Dog & Cat Supplement.
Top Ingredients: Organic Noni, Fish Oil, D-Alpha Tocopherol.
Health Features: Anti-Fungal / Anti-Bacterial, Immune Support, Skin & Coat Health.
Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Pet Liquid Supplement for Cats & Small Dogs.
Top Ingredients: Brain Health, Heart Care, Hip & Joint Support, Skin & Coat Health.
Pet owners have found the Hemp Thrive Liquid Supplement beneficial for their furry companions You can get it at CHEWY and it is also found at PETCO.
Walmart offers Hemp Thrive in chew tablets.
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time4hemp · 1 month
What Products Can Hemp Make?
Hemp can be used to make paper, fiber, fuel, food AND PLASTIC.
If you want to have a GREEN ECONOMY - use hemp!
Written by Casper Leitch
Cannabis is a major cash crop, this is common knowledge. Many people are still unaware that the sister strain of cannabis (ie. hemp) is also a big money maker for everyone who works with it. From the farmer who plants the hemp seed to the store owner who sells the many different hemp products, everyone becomes part of the growing hemp economy.
Hemp can be used to make: different grades of paper; different types of fibers for cloth; fuel to run cars, trucks, buses and planes with; oils to cook with and use in paints; and in making plastic.
Plastic made from hemp is biodegradable.
Plastics alone are a big business. Look around and count the items within arm’s reach that are made from plastic. The substance has made life infinitely more convenient; people carry groceries in it, drink water from it, wrap foods in it, and even use it to build devices to access online blog posts about plastics. Its presence is as ubiquitous as its potential uses are endless. We need to use hemp plastic.
But the problem with plastics is that they never go away, ever. There is no global solution to the disposal of single use plastics such as grocery bags and water bottles. One trillion single-use plastic bags are consumed annually around the globe. One million bags are being used every minute. Each of these bags is used only for a matter of minutes, but take up to 1,000 years to degrade.
The consequences of using plastic.
Every square mile of ocean, which takes up 70% of the planet, contains 46,000 pieces of plastic trash in various stages of decomposition, with the majority broken down into fragments which are consumed by sea life that is in turn consumed by humans, introducing toxic Bisphenol-A (BPA) into human diets, which may be the cause of fertility problems among women in countries reliant on the ocean for food.
The consequences of all that plastic are steep and expensive. Nearly 50 percent of life, and therefore the entire food chain, exists the world’s oceans. All around the globe, beaches are buried in layers of plastic garbage, sometimes 5-10 feet deep. Scientist are at a loss as to how to clean up the damage already done, but agree that continued contribution to the plastic waste problem must stop. Plastic made from hemp biodegrades in just a few short years.
The irony is that while solutions to the mounting problem of plastic garbage already exist, they are either dismissed as inconvenient (plastic bag bans or taxes, carrying reusable water bottles) or the means of their production are made illegal.
Hemp makes an excellent alternative to plastics but is illegal.
Hemp provides an excellent alternative to plastics yet remains illegal (and therefore cost prohibitive) due to its association with the drug marijuana. But there is no good reason for this. Even in the absence of international treaties or regulations requiring the end of plastic waste, taking concrete steps to implement hemp substitutions still make sense.
Currently, growing hemp in the United States is prohibited, but that may quickly change. Hemp reform has already made significant progress in the US Congress, and so a thriving domestic hemp economy may be just around the corner. And that will do more than just replace plastic bags.
Use Hemp And Save The Earth!
Hemp plastics are destined to create an economic boom, slow the rate of plastic pollution in our oceans and air (they are flame retardant) and could be used on the exact same machinery already being used to create plastic goods like bottles and bags. Hemp plastics are not only 100% biodegradable, meaning they do not contribute to permanent pollution, but they are also 2.5 times stronger than standard use plastics.
Thus, a rapid switch can be made from a weak, disposable commodity which remains in a polluting form for thousands of years to a strong, organic, biodegradable alternative. And all that's holding back a better future is bad public policy.
Below is a FREE TO DOWNLOAD marijuana music MP3 by Red Dirt.
The Pot Song.
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time4hemp · 2 months
The USDA's Cannabis Dilemma
Navigating the Hemp and Marijuana Regulatory Maze
Regulatory inconsistencies have forced farmers in many states out of the hemp industry.
Written by Casper Leitch
In recent years, the landscape of American agriculture has undergone significant shifts, particularly with the legalization of hemp cultivation in the 2018 Farm Bill. This move presented farmers with an opportunity to explore new avenues for their businesses, with hemp emerging as a potentially lucrative crop. However, the journey has not been without its challenges, as regulatory inconsistencies have left many farmers in a state of uncertainty.
Hemp Farmers Want To Grow Marijuana
For farmers like Sam Bellavance, a cannabis farmer from Vermont, the dream of cultivating both hemp and marijuana has hit a roadblock. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has begun revoking hemp licenses for farmers engaged in marijuana cultivation, citing federal law. This interpretation has left many farmers feeling as though a financial lifeline has been abruptly cut off.
The discrepancy between federal and state interpretations of the 2018 Farm Bill underscores the larger challenges faced by hemp and marijuana farmers. Despite growing support for marijuana legalization across the country, federal law still classifies it as a Schedule I controlled substance, creating a complex regulatory landscape to overcome.
The Lack Of Legal And Regulatory Clarity
One of the major concerns voiced by hemp industry officials is the lack of legal and regulatory clarity from the federal government. This ambiguity has not only deterred retailers from selling hemp-derived products but has also led to a decline in hemp cultivation levels. According to Hemp Benchmarks, the number of acres planted with hemp has seen a significant decrease in recent years, reflecting the challenges faced by farmers in this industry.
The situation becomes even more complex when considering the enforcement of regulations at both the state and federal levels. While some state-run hemp programs continue to license farmers engaged in marijuana cultivation, others have taken a stricter approach. This inconsistency has left many farmers feeling disillusioned and unsure of how to proceed.
Positive Changes Are On The Way
Despite these challenges, there is still hope for positive change on the horizon. Advocates for regulatory reform are pushing for greater clarity and equity in the hemp and marijuana industries. By advocating for the rights of small farmers and rural communities, they hope to create a more inclusive and sustainable future for all involved.
In conclusion, the journey towards hemp and marijuana legalization is fraught with challenges, but it is also filled with opportunities for growth and innovation. As we navigate this regulatory maze, it is essential to remember the individuals at the heart of this movement – the farmers whose livelihoods depend on the success of these industries. By working together to address regulatory inconsistencies and advocate for positive change, we can create a brighter future for all involved.
Below is a FREE TO DOWNLOAD marijuana music MP3 by Johnny Reefer Seed And The Resin Valley Boys.
Diggin’ In The Dirt.
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