ivo3d · 8 months
'constant' (aka shitstorm) audio snippet from FSO 002 13 by maks (twinkix track)
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unfug-bilder · 19 days
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Erst laut nach einem Shitstorm rufen und dann riesiges Mimimi, wenn er kommt.
Und dabei ist er zumindest bei X noch gar nicht angekommen.
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chaoselph · 9 months
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Tonight in Baltimore, another show, I'll probably miss. World Peace , Terror Cell Unit. 8/14 @ Holy Frijoles.
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yumemiyas-wips · 1 year
To those who took part in harrassing the vtuber Amano Pikamee
I want you to consider the fact that there are radicals everywhere. There is hatred and extremism in every single community, regardless of how benign they may be, or how heavily persecuted they are. There are shitty Jews. There are shitty feminists. There are shitty transgender people and trans allies. People like you. What, you thought flying the rainbow flag automatically makes you a good person? Hell no.
And this time, the ugly part of the trans community has reared your heads. All of you, who took part in harrassing this girl, Pikamee, you suck. If you defended those who did, you suck by association.
Being in the trans community does not give you an automatic pass. Whether or not you have the wrong chromosome in you has no bearing as to whether or not you are kind and respectable. And you, who have targetted Pikamee have put your lot in with the Neo-Nazis, the far rights, the terfs, the religious fanatics, and every other hate group under the sun. Not because you have harbored hatred in your heart, but because you have acted on it, hiding behind the veil of anonimity that is the internet. For that, you are guilty.
You, and you alone, deserve to bear the brunt of this new wave of rabid transphobia that is going to sweep across the community. After all, you are the ones who caused it. But you won't. You have put the entirety of the trans community in the line of fire once more, and hidden away like the fucking cowards you are.
Nevertheless, the damage is already done. To the rest of us, I can only say good luck, stay strong, and don't be assholes. God, I can't emphasize the last bit enough.
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onegamer2envythemall · 6 months
Today marks the 5th anniversary of the last Shitstorm to ever come out.
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kindsoulbuddy · 11 months
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My phone is actively cracking into pieces from wear and it fell into a rain puddle yesterday maybe it’s a sign i should run over it
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diggerunit · 1 year
You learn something new every day. As long as you stop and observe rather than just rushing through life.
But most importantly, the ability to get to know YOU in every single aspect is the key to a lot of positive things. For example:
Avoiding situations you’re not going to be comfortable in
Knowing when it’s time to leave, even if in the beginning you were doing well in that situation/place/job/party/relationship
Recognizing what’s really important to you from irrelevant stuff
Emotional regulation
Anticipating situations or circumstances and have a plan for it
Find enjoyment and fulfillment from doing what you love (like, for real)
Stop judging yourself and being so hard on you. It’s just not worth it. Self-kindness is non-negotiable on your quest for a serene life.
Let’s use an example: you’ve had an awful week, plenty of bad news. On top of it, you had extra expenses because, let’s say, it’s your brother-in-law birthday and the group decided to gift him a trip to Maldives in High Season. And of course you are in the group and cannot say no.
And maybe just before this shitstorm, you were planning to go and workout every day in the gym, because in 2 weeks you’re going to Ibiza and you feel like you’ve been eating too many Cheetos after dinner (guess what? you’re stressed and that’s how you cope with it). But no way your Cheetos belly can make its appearance on the Ibiza beach, so “yes! this is my week to burn this down”. 
And then the first bad news comes in. And then another one, and then the WhatsApp Group notifications and the Maldives. And the money.. “oh, man really?” you think. You even tried to speak up and make the group reconsider, but no, nobody listens. Long story short, you miss the gym a couple of times, or even 3 or 4. And it’s Friday already.
You look at yourself in the mirror and the Cheetos belly is staring back at you. So, at this point you have 2 main alternatives:
1. Go with the Cheetos, again. Because you failed, so nothing matters in life anymore. The Cheetos know you, they understand you. They are sweet and lovely. And then maybe you even get mad, and “fuck, no way, I’m an idiot, I failed”. And back to the Cheetos. And you’re trapped in this cycle.
2. You knew this would happen. You actually took a moment on Tuesday and said “hmm, this week started like shit. I’m sure I'll be emotionally screwed by Thursday, because I know me and seeing what’s coming down, I will probably fail my goal to train this week. But guess what, that’s OK. Nobody’s perfect, this week I had a meltdown and it looks like there might be more on their way. So yes, I know that training helps me and heals me, but it’s not the only thing that works. It is OK to start healing by slowing down, before going back to the training schedule”. And guess what happens with option number 2: stress release. The pressure goes down, the room seems bigger, the light brighter. Your feel even prettier. Guess what, the world did not stop nor exploded because of you skipping the gym. And I can assure you that the day you’ll go back to the training you’ll have the biggest motivation boost. 
Also, choosing option 2 allows you to make a backup plan with a clear mind, rather than being lost in wild rage against yourself. You anticipated what would happen and where the circumstances will bring you, so you were prepared, but also you know that the shitstorm won’t last forever. And that’s the moment you have to keep your eyes on.
You may not achieve your goal and bring the Cheetos belly to Ibiza? True. It this the end of the world? Doesn’t look like it. Would the Cheetos belly disappear if you went with option 1? Absolutely not, it would actually get even bigger. And we all know it. So yes, this is just a version of “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”.
Bottom line? Be kind with yourself. Be understanding, be fair. Recognize what you’re going through, its weight and consequences on you, emotionally. It’s OK to change plans to heal. And by doing so, you’re actually helping yourself recover faster and better and come back stronger. It’s okay to take some time and just be with yourself. Exit from the “performance mindset” and just be.
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fr-3-aksh-0-w · 1 year
Live every day like you could get sucked into a black hole at any given minute. Your existence in this entire universe isn’t significant at all. Not with all of these cosmic phenomena that could occur so suddenly and Thanos snap us out of existence with little to no trace.
So you’d better live like every minute is your last with no regrets.
Go rob that convenient store of all its baked goods.
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krushkreates · 2 years
youre just filling up the tag with this stupid anon drama and its very annoying, it's not entitled to ask you to keep your arguments out of the tag 😫
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vyvesvi · 1 year
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Penisunavailable: Shitstorm, I got suspended from school…
Shitstorm: WHAT?!?! What did you do?
Penisunavailable: My teacher pointed at me with a ruler, and he said “there is an idiot at the end of this ruler”.
Shitstorm: And…?
Penisunavailable: I asked which end…
Shitstorm, unable to contain their laughter: Okay, you just made my day.
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kokeethornton · 2 years
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Wann hast du zuletzt deine Held*innen hinterfragt?
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Qu’est-ce-qu’un shitstorm ?
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Un shitstorm désigne un déchainement de critiques virulentes envers une personne, un groupe de personnes ou encore une entreprise sur les commentaires de sites Web, blogs ou réseaux sociaux. Allant des vagues d’indignation publiques à une tempête de colère, ce phénomène en ligne prend souvent un effet boule de neige qu’il est difficile d’arrêter.
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Le terme shitstorm vient de l’anglais et englobe dans cette langue une notion plus vaste, qui ne se limite pas à l’écosystème des réseaux sociaux. Le dictionnaire Oxford Dictionary définit le phénomène comme étant « A situation marked by violent controversy » et caractérisé par un jargon très familier. Les débordements malheureux sur le Web sont bien souvent liés à un sentiment d’impunité des internautes. Ceux-ci se croient sous couvert d’anonymat sur la Toile, à tort, en oubliant les risques judiciaires
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C'est ça la liberté d'expression
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kingoftherose · 2 years
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Me waiting to watch the absolute shit storm that happens when edgerunners breaks containment
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tilos-tagebuch · 2 years
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Winnetou und der erfundene Shitstorm: Chronologie eines Medienversagens
Den Shitstorm über das Buch oder den Film gab es nie, ebenso wenig wie Forderungen nach Verboten. Beide sind vielmehr eine Erfindung findiger Journalisten und Populisten, die entweder medieninkompetent sind oder aus politischem Interesse bzw. aus wirtschaftlichem Kalkül hetzen.
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È una corsa al massacro quella di queste ore. E poco importa che la donna presa di mira sia una donna che ha perso tragicamente due figli. Se forse non dicessimo che si tratta di Lory Del Santo, saremmo tutti più magnanimi e comprensivi. Lory quest’anno decide di rimettersi in gioco partecipando all’isola dei famosi, insieme al suo compagno Marco Cucolo. Lunedì sera Lory, viene eliminata dall’isola, dopo aver fronteggiato attacchi TV di certo non semplici da gestire per chiunque, figuriamoci per una già provata donna-mamma, che per giunta non mangia da mesi e che vive in condizioni, quelle del gioco, che espongono come carne al vento ogni tipo di fragilità personale. Accade che nei giorni a seguire, sul suo account Instagram compaiano messaggi di stima e di incoraggiamento, che sembrano auto inviati, si perché vengono inviati proprio dall’account privato di Lory. È così che comincia una nuova shitstorm, dove Lory viene nuovamente riempita di insulti, tanto vergognosi, quanto crudeli, per una pratica in auge tra i vip che spesso con profilo di cortesia, allentano la tensione degli attacchi che ricevono, auto inviandosi dei messaggi. Ciò che sconvolge è che in prima fila, in questi feroci attacchi, ci siano donne comuni, donne che ogni giorno lottano per non soccombere alle sofferenze della vita. Troppo spesso occorre ricordare, ahimè , che chi pretende comprensione come il pane per sé, si dimentichi di offrirne come l’acqua, a sua volta e per primo.
Tiziana Cerra
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