#shiera saunders
sebeth · 5 months
All-Star Squadron #6 (Revised 1/7/23)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
“Mayhem In The Mile-High City!” by Roy Thomas, Adrian Gonzales, and Jerry Ordway.
The Feathered Serpent prepares to sacrifice Shiera Saunders as a captured Hawkman and Shining Knight attempt to free themselves.
“Unbind us, varlets – or you shall live to face the wrath of the Shining Knight!” Hawkman also tells his captors off but it doesn’t have the style of Sir Justin’s warning.
Shiera’s regaining consciousness while the Feathered Serpent explains his origin: “I was born on this peninsula, though educated in the United States and Europe…I returned here, months ago as an archaeologist – searching for the fabled Lost Pyramid of Kukulkan…others had searched for this pyramid, from the eminent J.L. Stephens…to my own contemporary, Professor Indiana Jones…”
That’s right – Indiana Jones is a resident of the DC Universe – specifically Earth-2!  Of course, poor Indy died during the Crisis of Infinite Earths when the multiverse collapsed.
Back to the story – our archaeologist discovered the sacred vestments of the Feathered Serpent, formed a cult, and decided to rule the world.
General Saukel interrupts: “Can you not stab the woman, Kukulkan, and get it over with?  Do you wish to stand here all night?
I’m sure every henchmen that’s had to listen to his boss monologue has had this exact same thought.
Hawman and Sir Justin break free.  Shiera uses the confusion to change into her Hawkgirl costume.  The Feathered Serpent needs to sacrifice somebody so General Saukel is chosen for that honor.  The sacrifice activates a spell that causes citizens of pure Indian descent to murder those who are not.
Our heroic trio pursue the fleeing Feathered Serpent.  The rest of the All-Star dive into the chaos, trying to stem the tide of murder.
The Feathered Serpent attempts to assissnate President Maunel Avila Camacho of Mexico but is prevented by Robotman and Liberty Belle.  The Feathered Serpent retreats to the German embassy only to be ambushed by Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and the Shining Knight.
The Feathered Serpent flees again!  Sir Justin has had it: “To me, Winged Victory – and make haste!  Yon varlet must not escape the wrath of justice outraged!”
The Feathered Serpent snatches Firebrand.  Attempting to use a fire-powered individual as a hostage doesn’t end well for the Feathered Serpent.
Danette & Sir Justin continue their flirtation:
“Sir Justin!  I’m so happy I could kiss you!”
“A scarf of yours, to serve as a token in my future battles, will be sufficient, milady!”
Justin and Danette are rapidly becoming one of my favorite couples in comics.
The spell fades away and the All-Stars discover that the Feathered Serpent is actually German?
The epilogue reveals Baron Blitzkrieg announcing “But tonight I shall carry the war to the United States itself…and if any verdammt masked ‘heroes’ rise against me…they shall be smashed by the righteous might of Baron Blitzkrieg!”
A quick action issue. The Feathered Serpent is a “blah” villain but Sir Justin was a blast.
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lexion219997 · 8 months
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A guide to Hawk Ladies from twt account @atmxpalmers
There is lots of confusion with Hawk lore for some and this is meant to explain Hawk Ladies. Shayera hates being called Hawkgirl thats why she is Hawkwoman but JLU made a mistake and had her as Hawkgirl despite that. She was voiced by Maria Canals Barrera so they probably treated her as red head whitewashed Kendra a little bit. Shayera is from Thanagar while Kendra is from Earth. Isabela Merced is most likely playing Kendra she even posted her photo. Its not a racebend like people want to claim. She is playing a different character.
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womeninfictionandirl · 2 months
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Hawkwoman by Sebastián Píriz
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dailyhawkmates · 10 days
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Favorite Hawk Costumes - requested by anonymous
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shayerathals · 12 days
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@dailyhawkmates day 4: favorite adaptation
- kendra x carter from the arrowverse
- shiera x carter from dcshg, hqtas, & smallville
- shayera x katar from young justice
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justicesocietyzine · 3 months
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What do all these scenes have in common? They'd be more than welcome in our NSFW add on Better Heroes After Dark!
If you're a fic writer or an artist with a hankering for more sensual scenes between our heroes applications are open until March 16th!
Apply here!
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dailydccomics · 7 months
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the savior of her own life Hawkgirl (2023-) #5
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tuxedosaurus · 11 months
As someone who prefers to know what they’re taking about, and a person who likes Hawkman lore, I find folks spouting incorrect information about that part of DC real annoying.
Personally I would actually READ THE BOOKS before making any statements about the stories. But what do I know? 🙄
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sapphic-shayera-hol · 3 months
Whoever wrote this panel in Blackest Night #8 knew what they were doing 😏
The call back to JSA #23 was an intentional paralell
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cardboard-writer · 4 months
It's sad that the Hawks have hit such a slump Post Crisis at DC especially once you read their older stories. The two of them were utterly devoted to each other and were equal partners. A true battle couple. Even early Post Crisis, Hawkworld was an amazing read and could have done for the Hawks what Year One did for Batman and Man of Steel comic did for Superman. It was DC's insistence of setting it in the present that screwed over the characters history.
I think the best solution for the Hawks would be to have two sets of Hawks:
-The Reincarnation Hawks: Carter Hall and Shiera Hall who are lovers reincarnated to save the world from the evil Hath-Set. An ancient Thangarian landed in ancient Egypt and falls in love with an Egyptian Princess but are backstabbed by a jealous priest kicking off the reincarnation cycle. In the 40's Carter becomes Hawkman while Shiera suits up as Hawkgirl and is the first female superhero in-universe as she is publication wise.
-The alien Hawks: Katar and Shayera are two Thanagarian peace keepers born to two different classes. Katar is born to the upper caste with his scientist father. While Shayera is born to the slums in a much lower caste. Their love transcends the rigid caste system of the Thanagar and they defy Thanagarian laws and find peace living on earth.
The similarity in their names is because Katar's father visited earth during the Golden Age Hawks time and was inspired by them. As established in Ostanders Hawkworld run. He may have known Shayera's parents as well. In the comics, Shayera Thal took on her mothers name who was also named Shayera Thal. In the Hawkworld comic, she was similar to Kiera Knightly's character in Star Wars; a body double for the royals, meant to die in her place.
Ideally, Hawkman/Carter Hall would be the primary lead in a Hawkman book dealing with his various reincarnations as well as Indiana Jones style adventures. Hawkwoman/Shayera Hol would be the primary lead in a Hawkwoman or Hawkworld book with her Hawkman/Katar Hol and it would be more of a Star Wars style space fantasy book.
Kendra Saunders would be Hawkgirl. The grand niece of the original Hawkgirl/Shiera Sanders. As in the comics, Kendra would be a girl who was on the verge of suicide. But this time she would be rescued by Shayera and Katar who would take her under their wing. They train her and she takes up the Hawkgirl identity as gratitude.
She would also meet Carter Hall but no creepy reincarnated lovers angle between them. Carter sees her as just a family member of his deceased lover.
Kendra mostly operates on her own but she would be sometimes be guided by the ghost of Shiera Sanders whose voice only she can hear in her head. Kendra would be the lead of the Hawkgirl book. And for a truly deep cut you could have Charley Parker/Golden Eagle as one of her supporting characters.
That's it! Neat, tidy, straightforward. Ever character has a role and a place and does not contradict pre established lore too much.
Also pet peeve I would like to address: in my ideal version Carter is blonde, Shiera has auburn hair, Katara has jet black hair, Shayera has fiery red hair and Kendra has brown hair with slight reddish as a subtle connection to Shiera. Geoff Johns playing mix-and-match with the Hawks hair colours is one of my pet peeves with his recent handling of the Hawks.
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Something I’ve been wondering lately…
The Endless are connected to the DC Universe - even if they do not regular appearances in it, they are still a part of that world overall.
So I wonder how Death feels when she has to collect a soul twice.
Clark, Kon-el, Oliver, Jason, Kara, Barry, Damian, Ted, Diana, others I’m sure I’m missing from the various periods in DC comics.
Hawkgirl and Hawkman especially, considering the whole reincarnation thing!
We’ve seen the Endless interact with the DC world, as in the comics he dropped John Dee off in Arkham Asylum after defeating him.
So it stands to reason that Death, whom “Everyone [meets] twice: at birth she gives the breath of life, and everyone, from stars to gods, see her once more” would then have to pick up these souls more than once.
Do those souls remember her the second go around? Is she there at their rebirth?
When they die again, is that weird for her? Is it an interesting change of pace? Do those souls feel off to her or is it business as usual for her?
I know she acts as a gateway but she’s still dealing with those souls. I just wondering if those souls are different for her to deal with.
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sebeth · 5 months
All-Star Squadron #5 (Revised 1/5/24)
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
“Never Step On A Feathered Serpent!” by Roy Thomas, Rich Buckler, and Jerry Ordway.
It’s been “a day or so” since the events of issues #1 – 4, so this issue takes place around December 9th, 1941.
Carter Hall (Hawkman) has decided to enlist in the United States Army.  Hawkman resigns as chairman – and member – of the Justice Society. Several other Society members have decided to enlist in the various armed services.  Would Charles McNider (Doctor Mid-Nite) be allowed to serve? Technically, he’s blind.  Johnny Thunder will be joining the Navy.
Hawkman, Sandman, Starman, Dr. Mid-Nite and the Atom are all non-powered individuals. I suppose Kent Nelson can leave the Fate Helmet at home. Should Johnny Thunder be allowed on the front lines – he’s in control of the Thunderbolt (an extremely powerful entity) and the Squadron’s encounter with the Dragon King proved that the more powerful the entity, the faster they fall under the Spear of Destiny’s influence.
In the post-Crisis era, Ted Knight (Starman) was one of the scientists who developed the atomic bomb. It would cause Ted to have several mental breakdowns.
Johnny references Peachy Pet, his five-years-old adopted daughter. Did Peachy make any post-Crisis appearances? I can’t remember if she was mentioned in the Geoff Johns JSA run.
Hawkman, the Spectre, Doctor Fate, the Atom, Sandman, Starman, Doctor Mid-Nite, and Johnny Thunder recuse themselves from the All-Star Squadron.  The Society also decides to disband for the duration of the war. Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern, and Hourman are not at the meeting.
The Justice Society’s enlistment in the armed forces is DC canon (pre-Crisis, at least) and provides an explanation for Roy Thomas focusing on non-JSA members in his All-Star series.
Wonder Woman served in the armed forces during World War II but did Batman and Superman? I could see Clark resisting as he wouldn’t want to risk discovery of his Kryptonian heritage but Bruce? Did Wayne Enterprises exist in the Golden Age – that would be an obvious reason to justify not serving in the military.
The Spectre confides in Doctor Fate that he isn’t joining the military – Jim Corrigan, his host body, is “deceased”.  The Spectre decides to isolate himself from humanity rather than watch his friends die in the war.
Doctor Mid-Nite and Hawkman decide to visit Danette Reilly before they leave for the Yucatan.  The Atom decides to accompany the duo.  The trio are heading to the Yucatan to find Shiera Saunders.
We head to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Nazis, led by General Saukel, attempt to convince the Feathered Serpent that now is the time to strike.  The Feathered Serpent disagrees as the stars won’t be in the proper position until tomorrow night.
General Saukel informs the Feathered Serpent that German naval forces attempted to attack America’s industrial northeast.  Unfortunately for the Nazis, the attack was repelled by the Green Lantern.  The editor’s note refers us to Green Lantern #4, published in 1942.
Roy Thomas = flawless continuity.
The Feathered Serpent, head of the cult of the Feathered Serpent, agrees to ally with the Nazis to ensure Mexico belongs to the Cult of the Feathered Serpent.  The Feather Serpent needs to be more creative in establishing names and titles.
Per Wikipedia: “The Feathered Serpent was a prominent supernatural entity or deity, found in many Mesoamerican religions. It was called Quetzalcoatl among the Aztecs, Kukulkan among the Yucatec Maya, and Q'uq'umatz and Tohil among the K'iche’ Maya.”
The Feather Serpent reveals that he’s captured Shiera Saunders and she will be the sacrifice for tomorrow night’s ceremony.
We head over to New York City.  Johnny Quick and Robotman are racing around the city when the police ask for their aid against saboteurs at the Statue of Liberty.  The duo makes quick work of the saboteurs and decide to check on Danette.
Danette’s doorman is very curious about the numerous heroes visiting her.  Danette’s visitors include Johnny Quick, Robotman, Liberty Belle, the Shining Knight, Doctor Mid-Nite, the Atom, and Hawkman – all in full costume.
Danette, still running a fever, awakens later in the night.  She recalls that Slugger Dunn gave her a key for a closet in Roy’s penthouse. Slugger told Danette that Rod wanted her to have the key in case something ever happened to him.  Danette opens the hidden closet and discovers the uniform of the Firebrand.
The assembled heroes are in Danette’s living room discussing the pros and cons of enlisting in the military versus serving in the All-Star Squadron.  The group smell smoke and barge into Danette’s bedroom.  Danette, now in the Firebrand uniform, is on fire!
Danette decides to become the new Firebrand and join the All-Star Squadron.  Danette must have a very frustrating time explaining her origin to others.  None of the heroes remember the events of the first three issues due to Per Degaton’s time travel shenanigans.  She’s left with “I went to the island…I’m not sure why…other heroes were there…again, I don’t know why…we fought bad guys that we can’t remember…at some point a volcano was involved…and now I’m on fire!”
The entire group heads to the Yucatan to search for Shiera Saunders.  The entire group (minus Robotman who covers himself with a hat and a trenchcoat) leave the plane in civilian attire. So why couldn’t the heroes visit Danette in civilian attire?
Carter is told by the hotel clerk that Shiera has checked out of the hotel. Carter tells Libby that the clerk is lying: “Even before I saw that signature, I knew it couldn’t be hers. Shiera’s a great gal, and I love her very much but she’s strictly a dilettante when it comes to these archaeological forays of hers. Oh, not that she minds a little dirt under her fingernails now and then but I’ve never known her not to have a comfortable room and with a hot bath waiting when she got back.”
Look, Carter, there is nothing wrong with wanting a hot bath after a sweaty day in the field.
It takes the group less than five minutes before they’re brawling with Nazis.  The new Firebrand quickly proves her worth. 
The issue ends with Hawkman and the Shining Knight ambushed by the Feathered Serpent.  Shiera is seconds away from being sacrificed!
The issue had two purposes:
·         Explain the absence of the Justice Society while the All-Star Squadron was active.  More importantly, the story explained why certain characters won’t be featured in the series.
·         Establish the new Firebrand.
The issue easily fulfilled both purposes.  Danette was the highlight of the issue.  Johnny Quick and Liberty Belle continue their flirtation.  Sir Justin continues to be an adorable knight.  The Feathered Serpent is a very generic bad guy.
I love Roy Thomas’s female characters (Liberty Belle, Firebrand, Phantom Lady).  They’ve been heroic, assertive go-getters.  I left Wonder Woman out as she didn’t receive much panel time.  I’m hoping Shiera (Hawkgirl) joins the list.  I can’t think of one notable appearance of Shiera.  She seems to serve as wallpaper in the background.  Prove me wrong, Roy!
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doks-aux · 11 months
@johnvenus replied to your text post:
Does Shayera have the same name as her mother like in the comics?
Not this time. What I’ve done is taken the characters of Shiera Sanders-Hall, Shayera Hol, Shayera Thal, and Kendra Saunders and made them into three.
Kendra Thal is the original Hawkwoman and wife of Katar Hol, the original Hawkman.
Shayera Hol is their daughter and the first Hawgirl and second Hawkwoman. She uses Shiera Hall as an alias on Earth.
There is also a Kendra Saunders, who Shayera befriends on Earth. She becomes a superhero as well though I’m still figuring out the how and what name she’d use.
@johnvenus replied to your text post:
Is her father a high ranking Thanagarian officer who abandoned her and her mother to live in the poorest part of Thanagar and later she had to act as a doppleganger for high ranking Thanagarian royalty (like Keira Knightley's character in Star Wars)?
Very specific! But no.
Hawk continuity is pretty gnarly, and I’m still trying to patchwork a backstory for Shayera’s parents from it. The current story is that they worked together (still unsure what they’re actual jobs were, but it’s not military-related), fell in love, married, and were on the Thanagarian equivalent of their honeymoon when they were transported to Earth via a rogue zeta beam. They were approached and assisted by the Justice Society, who they joined in protecting the Earth while trying to figure out a way back home. Though once they did, they’d grown to love Earth and their new team so much that they decided to stay.
They remained on Earth until the Justice Society disbanded (still determining the when and why), at which point they returned to Thanagar and eventually had their first (and only?) child, Shayera. Thanagar had grown increasingly militaristic and expansionist in their absence, and they grew concerned for their daughter’s future and discouraged her from joining the military, though longtime family friend, Hro Talak, attempted to undermine them. When Shayera was a young adult, she set off to study abroad at her parents’ urging but impulsively altered course to Earth, having grown up with the stories of her parents’ hero days and wanting to live them herself. Once there, she was found and taken in by her parents’ former teammate and close friend, Dr. Fate. She lived in the Tower of Fate, learning about Earth history and culture in its massive library, until an Apokoliptian invasion of the planet spurred the meeting and founding of the Justice League, after which she took up residence in their first base, Mount Justice.
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womeninfictionandirl · 8 months
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Hawkwoman by Antonio Quinonez
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dailyhawkmates · 2 months
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˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 ꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
Use #hawkmatesaw2024 & #dailyhawkmates to participate!
Dear Hawkmates lovers, on May 5th, 2020, our favorite couple got their happy ending after decades of torment from DC Editorial. Four years later, we’re celebrating this most precious moment by hosting a Hawkmates Appreciation Week on @dailyhawkmates. The event will run from May 22nd to May 28th.
All participations are welcome and the content can be either gifs, edits, fanfics or fanart. There is a list of prompts for you to follow.
♡ Day 1 | May 22
↪ Your Favorite Hawkmates Pairing (Carter/Shiera, Katar/Shayera, Carter/Kendra, Carter/Shayera)
♡ Day 2 | May 23
↪ Your Favorite Past Reincarnation Pairing (Your Favorite Past Lives)
♡ Day 3 | May 24
↪ Your Favorite Hawks Comic Run
♡ Day 4 | May 25
↪ Your Favorite Hawkmates Adaptation
♡ Day 5 | May 26
↪ Your Favorite Hawkmates + Side Character(s) Dynamic
♡ Day 6 | May 27
↪ Your Favorite Hawkmates Love Confession
♡ Day 7 | May 28
↪ Free Choice
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We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
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shayerathals · 5 months
you notice how in every adaptation where hawkgirl is explicitly non-white, she's paired up with hawkman (ALWAYS carter hall), but everytime 'hawkgirl' is with john stewart, she's always white?
what a very funny and strange pattern, hello? 😭
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