#shes a Metamorphmagus btw
crowlipso · 11 months
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Goofy ahh Ravenclaw got yassified.
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sayosdreams · 2 years
POV: I was supposed to write a little one paragraph rant abt this idea I had but then it became longer.
I just had the BEST idea for some super adorable Teddy Lupin angst 🥺♥️ ahhh it would star Tonks as a icon who’ll teach Teddy abt gender identity and sexuality (cuz I mean I feel like gender identity is complicated enough as it is but when you’re a metamorphmagus, it’s like a million times more complicated) and then Remus and Sirius will start dating cuz Remus and Tonks are divorced. I haven’t decided yet if Remus is gay or not but if Remus is gay it’s gonna be SUPER angsty but in a background way cuz of the internalized homophobia that lead him to marry tonks and tonks feeling used but Teddy’s a kid and Tonks is an amazing parent so she won’t tell Teddy all of this stuff. Anyway Teddy is mad cuz Sirius is “taking” his dad and also Teddy is NOT a werewolf but I think he’ll have little symptoms like maybe he gets some muscle pain or smth around the full moon but his dad doesn’t know
I’m debating whether Teddy should be like 7, 8, 10, or a teenager. But if I do make him a teen, then I’ll have to include his shitty mental health (sorry I decided that’s a mandatory part of being a teenager in my fic) but I’ll get to explore his sexuality 🤔 anyway yeah I want Teddy to be kinda moody and just argue / ignore his dad more and more and then Remus doesn’t realize that its bc of Sirius cuz Remus has low self esteem and bc communication between dads and kids isn’t always the best
The endgame will be Teddy/Victoire but Teddy is def not gonna be straight (I think maybe he’ll be bi / pan and I haven’t decided if I want to make him be nb or not. Tonks will use she/they pronouns but only a bit after the divorce bc… it’s complicated.) anyway Teddy and Victoire are gonna be friends since they were kids but they’ll date other people first before they end up together.
Sirius is trying to get to know Teddy and Teddy is annoyed at his dad inviting Sirius over all the time so Teddy is like “ok imma go to Victoire’s house” and later Sirius sees a picture of Vic / it comes up in convo that Vic is part Veela and makes a comment like “atta boy” or “damn, she’s gonna be a heartbreaker huh” or smth else like that (Sirius is gay btw) and Teddy is gonna be SO PISSED like how fucking dare u objectify her, she’s a CHILD, and her heritage doesn’t mean she wants to be subjected to the fucking male gaze!!!! Anyway he won’t say everything but he’ll be mad and be like no. And Sirius will just laugh him off and in that moment Teddy will decide that he DESPISES Sirius 💕 he already didn’t like him for dating his dad, but now he hates him. Also Teddy is petty like me and is like fine imma go to my room 😤 when Remus and Sirius are being super annoying and before Remus used to go check on Teddy when Teddy went to his room annoyed (or Teddy would come down later and Remus would be waiting for him and they’d reconcile and have hot chocolate together) but now Remus is just talking to Sirius downstairs and Teddy’s like he doesn’t care abt me 😭😭😭 and cries into his pillow and then morphs the redness away and then he’s annoyed that his dad can’t tell that he was crying
Meanwhile remus is wondering why Teddy is acting the way he is but chalks it up to him getting older / starting to become a teen (again, idk how old he is. I feel like make 9 or 10? He could be a preteen cuz that might fit best with the storyline but also I don’t want him to be at Hogwarts all the time yk, that comes later) and Remus is sad that he doesn’t think Teddy talks to him as much anymore. He pretends it doesn’t hurt when one day Teddy says that he wants to go back to his mom’s place in the middle of a week he was supposed to spend with Remus
Teddy just feels like he’s losing his dad, and sometimes he wants to say smth but then he hears his dad downstairs, laughing with Sirius, and Remus just sounds so happy that Teddy feels shitty begrudging him that happiness. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel what he feels. So no, Teddy doesn’t want them to break up anymore but he can’t stand watching his dad slip away. Because he feels like his dad doesn’t love him anymore. Or maybe he does, but once upon a time, his priority was Teddy. Now, he loves Sirius more. And that’s okay, Teddy thinks, wiping his tears away. It’s okay because Sirius makes his dad so happy and his dad never used to smile so wide. Teddy can’t make his dad that happy. He feels his dad would choose Sirius over him, so he doesn’t want to make him chose.
But he can’t stop crying and he’s tired and being at his dad’s place isn’t fun anymore because there’s no more hot chocolate and reading together quietly and talking about everything as they cook together and eat together. No, now it’s just Teddy sitting quietly while his dad and Sirius talk about stupid grown up stuff that Teddy doesn’t care about. It’s not that Teddy doesn’t understand what they’re talking about, he does, it’s just boring, because who cares about Wizengamot or Dumbledore or whatever? He just wanted to tell his dad about the science project he did last week, about the bit of accidental magic he’d done when he was over at Grandma Andy’s house, about the way he’d learned to braid Niki’s hair. But no, Sirius and Remus were talking about some “Marlene McKinnon” or whatever her name was. Teddy honestly couldn’t care less.
He can’t keep asking to go to his friends’ house after school every time he’s at his dad’s, he knows it. He hates asking his dad to drive or fly him there because then Sirius wants to tag along, or even if Sirius isn’t there his dad will make comments like “oh that’s the bakery Sirius recommended” and it takes all of Teddy’s power to keep his mouth shut.
He asks to go back to his mom’s place, and Dad calls his mom and Teddy is hoping that his mom will say yes — and she does! Dad agrees to take him back. The drive over is silent until he asks Teddy if everything’s okay and for a second Teddy wants to burst into tears and tell him everything. But no, Teddy isn’t going to be that selfish and childish. He just nods, and the moment passes.
When Teddy gets to his mom’s house, she seems a little worried but she just smiles and hugs him. Later, Teddy’s in his room, crying — maybe he should have stayed at his dad’s place and tried to spend as much time as he could with his dad before his dad decided he didn’t want to see Teddy anymore. Tonks walks in on Teddy crying and is so concerned. Teddy tries to say he’s fine but it’s clearly not convincing his mom, not with the sobs and the big tears rolling down his face. He makes her swear not to tell his dad and then it spills out of him. Tonks hugs him and comforts him. Later, they tell him that he should try to talk to his dad, but Teddy just says no, and Tonks sighs, conflicted.
At another (maybe earlier??) point in the story tonks will come home / come pick up Teddy even tho she had smth to do (like maybe w a friend or at work) and even tho they don’t tell Teddy, Teddy overhears and when Teddy makes a comment like “sorry I make u skip ___” she’s like no don’t be silly, u always come first and Teddy is crying and he’s like okay at least my mom won’t leave me 😭♥️
Also tonks is demiromantic in this. She good friends with Charlie, who is ace, and if this takes place when Teddy is a little older (ie above the age of 10) then this fic will also include Teddy’s sexuality crisis 😝 I haven’t decided yet if tonks would have a love interest in this. If they do, it’ll be someone who they’ve been close friends with for a long time and that Teddy already knows rly well (not Charlie tho). And Tonks is super worried abt how Teddy will take it but Teddy is surprisingly okay with it?? It’ll also happen at least a year (or two) after Remus/Sirius start dating so Teddy will be a bit older, and also the dynamic will be different cuz Teddy already knows Tonks’ partner rly well. And that will also lowkey annoy Remus cuz Remus is like??? Why is Teddy so antagonistic towards my bf but not Tonks’
Also at some point Teddy will either be friends w someone or be dating a guy and will mention the person and Remus either won’t know who they are or won’t know they’re dating and then will find out and be like :((( i wish my son would tell me things
If Harry is Teddy’s godfather in this, then maybe Remus and Sirius start dating around the time James Sirius Potter is born so Teddy going through a lot of stuff which is partially why he reacts so badly?? Idk
Oh also Sirius and Tonks are NOT related in this lmao
Also Sirius makes a comment about Hogwarts houses and Teddy just gives him the death stare like “My grandma was a Slytherin” and Sirius quickly tries to backtrack like “oh umm Slytherin isn’t that bad!! They’re, uh, ambitious and stuff!! they’re better than Hufflepuff??” And then Teddy’s face looks thunderous and he’s just like “my mom is a hufflepuff” and turns and leaves the room and Sirius is just like fuck I keep messing up, this kids absolutely hates me huh
Also cue cringey attempts of Sirius thinking he’s relatable and a Cool Uncle when rly Teddy just wants Sirius to leave him alone and let him read
What house should Teddy be in??? Personally headcanons of him for me usually have him in either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff but I feel like purely out of spite he wouldn’t be in Gryffindor so maybe Ravenclaw?? Idk
Victoire is obv a Ravenclaw ✨
Anyway yeah obv at some point Teddy and Remus will reconcile and then later he’ll kinda bond with Sirius but !!! THE ANGST! THE DRAMA ✨♥️
Fuck now I rly wanna write this
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hphmmatthewluther · 2 years
💄🎭! for that ask game (this is grace/graham btw? unsure of how many people know this at this point lol)
Thanks for the ask!!! Appearance:
-Matthew's hair is probably the only part of him he cares about getting right. As a result, he spends an awful long time in the shower making sure it's ok.
-Atticus is one of the few upper-class Victorians who does not care for normal appearance etiquette. For instance, he absolutely categorically refuses to wear a top hat.
-Jane probably cares the least about her appearance out of all my MCs, but she will always have her hair tied in a pony tail or in two braids.
-Fred is a Metamorphmagus, meaning his appearance shifts constantly. Usually, he sticks to having short, bright red hair, very unusual for the victorian era.
-Matthew really likes swimming! He often swims in the Great Lake during the summer, and the water channels around the castle are good for swimming too.
-Atticus' favourite hobby is reading. He often holes himself up in Ravenclaw tower for hours, and sometimes needs to be reminded to go down for meals.
-Jane seems to pick up a new hobby everyday. She's eager to try a little bit of everything she can, so that she can feel as fulfilled and productive as possible.
-Fred's favourite hobby seems to be Broom Racing. Being short, it means he's much more aerodynamic than others, allowing him to fare much better.
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 3 years
Hello love, I came across your account and saw that you were doing matchups, so a Harry Potter matchup would really put a smile on me (either era) <3
So about me, I’m bisexual without any preference. I’m a 5’4 female, taurus, INTP 4w5 and my hogwarts house is slytherin.
I don’t know if this really matters but here’s a physical description of me. I have blond, shoulder length and wavy hair. My skin is pale with slight dark circles under my eyes. Speaking about eyes, mines are green and bright, although sometimes they do look grey at some points. The way I dress changes every week, like honestly. I go from full on dark academia one week to rather ”preppy” the other.
Other than that I play guitar, and I’d like to say and think I am good at it bc when I play you could mistake me for being a musician. Lowkey. Anyways I used to have very little confident but then I started wearing eyeliner and now I feel like I rule the world.
I’m over all introverted. My friend and family describes me as intelligent, which I can agree on partly. I’m a good at speaking and arguing, especially when someone has disgusting and terrible views such as homophobia, rasicm etc. My humor is straight up terrible. So dry and dark. I’m the kind of person to die laughing at my own shitty jokes. I also speak fluent sarcasm. I’m very very ambitious. I am a good listener and I really try to help people with things that is bothering them.
As you might have noticed, I love music. The possibility of finding me dancing and jumping around to songs no one likes but me is definitely huge. Other than that I read quite a lot. Usually it’s realistic books about mental instability, or those about crime. I love watching true crime even though it makes me anxious of everything. Also, horror movies. Omg I love them. Moving on, I write poetry as a way to express my feelings when I can’t get them out of my mouth.
Here’s some other random facts about me: I love learning new languages, i’m currently trying my best to learn italian, spanish and french (french only so I can write a love letter to absolutely no one 🙄) My love for thriftshopping grows bigger every day. Obsessed with matcha latte and iced coffee. My love language is words of affirmation. Way too stubborn sometimes.
That’s about it. My prounouns are she/her btw <33 have a great day and thanks in advance
first christmas matchup this year! if you want one yourself, check my christmas special!!
I ship you with...
Nymphadora Tonks!
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- As a Metamorphmagus, Tonks herself knows the desire and the freedom that comes with changing one’s appearance very well, and not only in the way someone dresses. So she has no problem at all with your different aesthetic choices - quite the opposite. She constantly encourages you to try new things and will gladly give her own advice if you ever ask for it. 
- She will always, always compliment you. No matter what you do, she’s there right by your side to tell you that you’re doing it wonderfully. Whether it be your style, your music, your poetry or your eyeliner. Especially once she realises that your love language is exactly that. She’ll praise you even more, making sure that you know very well just how much she loves you, and just how wonderful she thinks you are. 
- She also adores everything you do quite literally. When you play guitar, she sits with you and listens, often even urging you to play again or play something specific for her. She reads all the poetry you agree to share with her, but she also respects your boundaries, because she knows that what you write is dear to you, and she doesn’t want to force you to show her no matter how much she admires it. She will make sure to encourage you to speak to her in the languages you’re learning, so you often enough find yourself telling her you love her in French. And after she finds out you like to read she’ll also bring you books from time to time in Italian and Spanish when she can find them, and she’ll have you read them to her and translate when she’s curious.
- Tonks always has your back. She would never tell you to hold back your thoughts, and she’s always there to reassure you that speaking your mind is the right thing to do, even when it’s against family or other people you hold dear. She knows that you can be stubborn, but she’s dealt with so many stubborn people in her life and she herself is quite a hothead too, so she doesn’t mind that you are. She will always defend you and your argument, but she also knows that you’re able to speak and act for yourself. 
- Your sense of humour is absolutely no problem for her. She gets all your jokes as dry and dark as they may be, and although she herself hasn’t the particularly same love you hold for them, she finds them just as funny. Your sarcasm intrigues her and was perhaps one of the very first things she’s noticed about you. As many of the people she’s chosen to surround herself with are Gryffindors, she hasn’t got too many of them in her life that actually use sarcasm frequently, never mind as much as you do, but she finds it absolutely hilarious to see all of them stumbling over your words multiple times before they understand the indirect blow.
thank you for the wonderful request <3 hope this works for you!
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sapphicwhxre · 3 years
hey lovelie could i get a 💙? i’m pan so it can be anyone!! i’m nice to everyone but i get angry and annoyed really easily. im a hufflepuff who loves to read. my fav subject is transfiguration and my least fav is potions. i’m an aquarius, INFP. my aesthetic is cottagecore/vintage and im a switch btw
i ship you with nymphadora tonks!
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you're reading in the common room and startled by an unfamiliar voice
"i love your style ─ your entire vibe is incredible"
doesn't even realise she scared you and asks what you're reading
you've heard of tonks since she's a metamorphmagus but hadn't met her
"oh, it's < favourite book >"
notices immediately that you have a really pretty smile
"a muggle story!" you give her a questioning look and she elaborates, "halfblood, my father's read it to me... i imagine that < favourite character > looks something like this"
"blimey tonks, that's exactly how i've imagined them too!"
instantly becoming good friends
constantly being the one to keep her from getting into too much trouble
being the first person other than her dad to start calling her dora
one day she won't stop bugging you while you're doing a transfiguration essay
it frustrates you because you're grappling with growing feelings for her and you snap at her
her face falls and her hair goes a bit darker
" 'm sorry, i'll let you work in peace "
"wait dora, i'm sorry, i just..."
whispers when you go silent, "just what?"
burst of confidence hits and you just kiss her
tops you once you start dating
finds out you can be in control too and thinks it's the hottest thing
getting in trouble because you're much too loud together
supporting tf outta her when she becomes an auror ("merlin, you'll be top in concealment")
joining the order of the phoenix together
wanting to elope after the first near death experience but molly insisting you guys should get married at the burrow
finally being wed and vowing to protect your wife (& vice versa) for the rest of your lives <3
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wizards · 4 years
🏰 Name: Lail (she/her hpmc oc) Star sign: capricorn sun, taurus moon, gemini rising House: slytherin The ship can be from both eras, even the hpmc era is okay. Thanks btw!
Name: Lail
Natal Chart:
🌞 - Capricorn
🌝 - Taurus
💫 - Gemini
House: Slytherin
Best Subject: Charms / Transfiguration / DADA / Potions / History Of Magic / Astrosnomy / Herbology / Divination / Care of Magical Creatures / Flying / Muggle Studies / Ancient Runes / Arithmancy /
Worst Subject: Charms / Transfiguration / DADA / Potions / History Of Magic / Astronomy / Herbology / Divination / Care of Magical Creatures / Flying / Muggle Studies / Ancient Runes / Arithmancy /
Quidditch: Seeker / Chaser / Beater / Keeper / commentator / avid fan / quidditch? Don’t know her
Pet: Cat / Owl / Toad / Rat / Dog ????? / a werewolf pup bc ur a lil rebel ;)
Boggart: The grim reaper dragging away beloved.
Patronus: thestral !!!!!!!!
Special Skills: Legilimency / Occulency / Animagus / Metamorphmagus / Parseltongue / Seer
Best friends: Theo Nott, Daphne Greengrass
Enemies: Draco Malfoy and his Gang of Losers
I ship you with:
It’s my most fave trope of all: enemies to lovers. She hated him (nah, she didn’t), he disliked her. As they grew older hatred -> dislike -> indifference -> he’s okay -> alright maybe more than okay -> do I like him ???? -> holy shit I love him.
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imamysticalwitch · 4 years
Hi hun! *-* Can I ask for some Bella Thorne avatars? My character is a metamorphmagus so the hair color is not important (btw she's red head :D) and uhmm she's a Hufflepuff and an artist (drawing, painting). I hope these can help to get inspired
Hey there sweetheart 🥰
There you go for yours Bella Thorne’s avatars that you can find here and here I hope you will like them 😊
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avionvadion · 5 years
My MC Relationships
Ben: Her son. She has adopted him and there’s no takebacks. He thinks her calling him her “son” or “child” is kinda weird, but knowing that she’s pretty cowardly herself and STILL throws herself into danger to find her brother helps install a LITTLE amount of confidence in him. She was also the first person to ever be nice to him despite his muggle-born status. 
Penny: Freaking LOVES her. Best female friend, tops. Oh, she’s in the infirmary and can’t have her wand? Gives it to Penny. Needs help? Goes to Penny. 10/10 would risk life for each other. These two Hufflepuffs tell each other EVERYTHING. Penny even knew about my MC’s infatuation with Bill Weasley 1-3 year until after the Emily Tyler event where she realized Bill was more of an older brother to her. Is also informed of her later growing crush on Talbott. 
Rowan: Love/hate friendship between this Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Started out as pretty close as they were both unliked by the majority of society, and before meeting Penny MC went to Rowan for advice and help. After Rowan started accusing poor innocent Ben of being “R” and bullying him for it MC got kinda fed up and mad at Rowan. She doesn’t want to be angry or fight with Rowan, but Rowan is making it very difficult with her obvious hatred towards Ben. Rowan is very protective of MC, which leads to the argumentation over Ben being “R”. Is easily upset if MC spends more time with someone else. 
First met Rowan after using Floo Powder to get to Diagon Alley. The talktative nerd gave her a napkin to try and clean all the fireplace soot off with, but ended up overwhelming her. This caused her to run out of the shop where she later bumped into the eldest two Weasley brothers, where she soon realized not everyone was terrible. 
Tonks: Close friend, but not too terribly fond of the pranks. MC doesn’t like hurting or scaring people if not necessary. Does appreciate the thought and cleverness put behind such pranks, though, and if it required she does go to Tonks for help. Or Tulip. Both can often be found together- birds of a feather. MC rarely sees Tonks without Tulip or vice versa. 
Tulip: It’s a bit harder to get along with Tulip than with Tonks, but MC is still friendly. Sarcasm tends to fly over her head, but Tulip is helping her with that and teaching her how to properly be sassy. MC sees Penny and Tulip plotting together occasionally, and grows even more scared of their scheming when Tonks is there. The three together is NOT something you want to mess with. Stay on their good side. Tulip, after figuring out MC’s blatant crush, tends to tease her quite a lot as she is easily flustered. 
Bill Weasley: First met after running out of the shop she met Rowan in, in the midst of having a total meltdown when Bill accidentally smashes a door into her face. He panics and sends Charlie to find their mum (to no avail as Fred and George have her on a wild goose chase) and he tries to calm her down (Also to no avail). He’s the first person MC actually looks at after having her eyes focused on the ground for so long, and is the first one to actually be truly kind to her. 
He realizes very quickly there’s something wrong based on her words and behavior, but she doesn’t tell. 
Eventually she, him, and Charlie get separated at Diagon Alley and they can’t find her (mostly because she cut her hair off after getting her robes (thank you Ollivanders for the Accio spell) and were left only with a giant bag of candy that she bought them. Doesn’t recognize her at Hogwarts due to them never learning her name.
MC has the BIGGEST crush on Bill all the way up till the third year, and was often made fun of it by Tulip. Confided in Penny when she had no choice but to go and ask him for help with a vault, and Penny grabbed Ben to watch the interaction from behind a corner. Penny was furious when she realized Snape was the one who made MC change back into her school robes instead of the outfit they picked out. Bill Weasley later becomes a brother figure for MC, acting in Jakob’s place, and pretty much just adopts the smol MC into the family. After the Emily Tyler event and MC gets pretty upset over everything that happened and Jakob’s disappearance, as well as R, he gives her his old sweater. 
Often fantasizes that Bill is actually just Jakob in disguise, as her brother was a metamorphmagus. (MC was adopted, btw) Bill hurts a little inside whenever she accidentally calls him by her brother’s name because of it, knowing that she misses him. Poor boy can’t imagine losing any of his own siblings, and becomes even more determined to drag her to the Weasley household at least SOME POINT before he graduates. 
Charlie Weasley: An ace boy, but a CRUSHING HARD boy. (no one can convince me otherwise after everything the game has done. He just really prioritizes dragons) 
First meets MC after Bill accidentally smashes a door into her face in Diagon Alley. Having lost her Hogwarts list they travel together to finish the shopping, but never actually learns her name. Ends up being very worried for the missing first-year who had been on the verge of breaking down several times during their time together in Diagon Alley, and only realizes through MC’s duel against Merula to help Ben that MC is the same girl he and Bill met before. Bill first learns of MC being the missing girl due to Charlie because of this event.  
Charlie later has Andre and Bill and several other people mention him to MC over the years, trying to get her to talk him or something because dang it why does Bill get to be her friend and not him? HE KNEW HER NAME FIRST AND HE WASN’T THE ONE TO SLAM A DOOR IN HER FACE BY ACCIDENT. And why is she always hanging out with Barnaby and Talbott? So unfair.
Later in their third year he finds MC crawling down a hallway after she broke out of the infirmary, bleeding and burned and crying, and helps her to the Hufflepuff Common Room where they find Penny freaking out with MC’s wand and potion ingredients ready to be brewed. He’s the whole reason why MC asks Bill if he would believe her if she told him Emily Tyler was “eaten by a dragon”. From then on Charlie often helps with her panic/anxiety attacks when she gets them, and is the only one aside from Penny that she really talks about her fears with. Charlie is calm and compassionate, and convinces her that it’s okay to not be totally confident all the way and that she can be scared just like everyone else. She’s always carrying the weight of everyone else’s problems- let someone else carry hers for once. 
It’s only to him that she admits that Merula’s comments of Jakob being dead scares her, and tells him she often has nightmares because of it. 
Percy Weasley: THIS CHILD DOES NOT STOP BADGERING HER ABOUT BREAKING THE RULES. It actually wears her down and cause herself to sink back into her darker thoughts again, but being around her friends help cheer her up some. Percy appreciates her trying to defend Scabbers, even if she thinks the rat is a bit... creepy herself, from Bill’s hateful words, but he does not like her rule breaking at all. Yes, Bill likes her and Charlie seems weirdly fond of her, but she is a prefect and NEEDS TO ACT LIKE ONE. Otherwise he’ll tell Dumbledore, Flitwick, McGonnagal, the Ministry! He’ll write a very lengthy letter to them! 
Otherwise he thinks she’s great. He helps her with her homework despite being several years younger than her, and she’s always complimenting him on his diligence and intelligence for his age. It’s nice to be appreciated rather than made fun of. But still. No rule-breaking. Bad. 
Merula: MC tried to be nice to her even after the Devil Snare event, but after year 3 MC had enough. Merula was too much of a jerk and while she was acting nicer towards her she was still being a total prat to her friends. Doesn’t even hesitate to obliviate her after she eavesdropped on her and Talbott’s conversation about him being an unregistered animagi. MC just stopped caring for her. Sure, if need be she’ll save her life, but other than that she wants nothing to do with her. Constantly avoids Merula. 
Ismelda: Was admittedly very scared of Ismelda at first- she reminded her too much of some horrible family members back in America- but after bringing her along to the Red Cap and speaking to her at Hogsmeade she realized she wasn’t too bad. Much better than Merula anyhow, even with all the death threats and comments of deadly curses. Is super happy when she hears Ismelda is crushing on Barnaby and does her best to help her out, and convinces her love potions were not the way to go. 
Ismelda is super salty that Barnaby said he liked MC right in front of her, but MC calms her down by saying he only meant it as a friend. Besides, she’s nice to everyone- at least, she tries to be. Ismelda tones down her hatred towards MC afterwards, deciding that she isn’t a BAD person, and Merula takes notice. When MC is caught by Snape writing a note to her own crush and people start bullying and spreading rumors, Ismelda is the first to jump to her defense- telling her that in order to repay her debt for the Barnaby fiasco she’ll curse anyone who bullies her. 
Because, despite her previous belief and what Merula tells her all the time, MC is someone who is genuinely kind to Ismelda. And while MC reminds her of her “perfect” sister she recognizes that MC has flaws. She’s the closest thing she has to a real friend. 
Talbott: OH BOY WHERE TO START. She started befriending him under the impression he was a werewolf, only to have it be revealed that he was a bird animagus that really liked to make puns about himself. Poor guy had no idea what he was signing up to when she realized what he was doing and was forced to suffer through her horrible horrible puns and bad jokes. She may not know a whole lot of bird jokes- he’s got that covered- but she does know CAT puns. After spending some time with him and realizing how snarky, sassy, and a sad, good boy he was she started to crush on him. This only made her more obnoxious in her attempts to be friends with him. 
“You know you wanna be my friend~ you won’t admit it, but you do.” 
“No, I don’t. Just shut up and brew the potion.” 
“Like how we’re brewing a beautiful friendship?” 
“We’re totally friends. :D” 
He’s also really intelligent (Ravenclaw, duh) which really doesn’t help MC’s crush at all and actually just makes it worse because DANG IT he’s smart, too. But not smart in his decision in not to be friends. Because they’re totally going to be friends. And they do become friends. And she nearly starts crying when he tells her his backstory because frick his parents sounded wonderful and no one deserved such a fate. Freaking Death Eaters. Voldemort deserved to get utterly wrecked by a wee babe. You go Harry Potter. Vengeance.
Was excited to become an animagus because  Jakob, shortly after MC’s trip to the hospital, told her she should try the spell when she was old enough so that she could transform like him- even if she limited by the amount of forms she could take unlike him, a metamorphmagus. Penny knew this, because MC brought it up after finding out about McGonnagal, and this information leaked to Talbott. 
Sometimes the two actually tell puns back-and-forth in a little competition, but Talbott often becomes the victor because MC becomes too flustered to think of a response. It’s the triumphant smirk, she swears. It’s so unfair. Whenever Talbott questions why she “likes” his company so much because she’s always waving at him and trying to hang out after class she just cheerfully response that it’s because they’re besties. “We’re friends, Stein. Not... that.” 
“What? Besties? We’re totally besties. Just a Raven and a Puff. No, wait, that sounded weird. An eagle and his badger.” 
“Honey badger. Um. I should shut up. What’s a good cat and bird combo? ...Hey~! Penny helped me make cookies; you wanna cookie? They’re chocolate chip! Muggle kind!” Pulls a decorative bag full of cookies out from her pocket.
“You don’t care for sweets.” 
“No, but you do! And so does Charlie, and Barnaby, and Penny, and Liz- I made everyone little bags of cookies! See? You should come to the kitchens with us sometime- you can try all the awesome stuff Penny makes! She’s amazing! Everything I bake turns out as hard as a rock, though... which is why she’s there. These are some of the really good ones, I promise!” 
MC actually divulged a little of her home situation to him when they were talking during the missing feather fiasco- right before he admitted that they were in fact friends. He had told her so much about his own family he asked about hers- specifically her own parents. 
“...Thank you, for telling me. I’m sorry. I had no idea...” 
“Don’t be. Not your fault. But hey- once I find Jakob things’ll get better! He’s who they really care about. Dad’ll calm down and leave Mom alone, and... they’ll be happy. That’s what matters.” 
“And you?” 
“...What about me?” 
“Will you be happy?” 
“I’ll have Jakob, won’t I?”
Is super stressed when she finally gets the courage to write him a note a year later, not wanting to make the same mistake she did with Bill, only to have Snape read it aloud to the class. Thankfully Snape stops once he realizes it isn’t potion notes, but the damage is already done. And MC is beyond horrified. Rumors spread, talk goes around, and her friends never leave her alone about it. It’s only Talbott who doesn’t question her, because he knows she’s upset over being questioned and she doesn’t know how to react because the person the rumors are about are him because he’s her crush and he’s the only who’s respecting her privacy. She almost wants to ask him to stay with her in the Courtyard when he leaves to “let her hide” but decides against it, only to actually find him in the Owlery later and they just sit in silence, her in her cat form beside his human form while they just chill out in the hay enjoying the company of the birds. 
Even Penny has been questioning her, but at least she already knew she was crushing on Talbott. Figured Talbott was crushing on her, which was why she gave MC the pep talk because she knew he would say yes to her. But MC was still stressed- especially more so when Merula tried to talk her down from doing anything because there’s no way anyone would like her she’s so annoying and gross.
Ismelda was so close to cursing Merula for that. MC protection squad assemble. Merula still can’t fathom why Ismelda is being so nice to MC, or why Barnaby left her “friendship” for MC.
Goes to Bill for help, as always, because he’s the closest thing she has to a brother since Jakob is still missing. He’s the only she confesses to who her crush is (aside from Penny who already knew) before Talbott himself, who is stunned. Half tempted to obliviate his memory again when Pince shows up and separates them, and she is even more mortified than before. Poor girl is just having a rough week. Close to crying as she’s stocking the shelves when Talbott calls her over to whisper/talk. “Talbott?” 
“I... I know it’s you, I was just surprised you-” 
“No, I meant yes to the date. I’ll go. Just... be warned, I don’t know anything about them. It’s not really my thing.” 
“O-Oh... well, I don’t know anything about them either. Save from what I read? I dunno. First time I- wait, you said yes!?” 
“Shh! Not so loud. Pince will hear us and I doubt we could escape in our animagus forms unnoticed...” 
“Yeaaahhh, that’s true. Peeves would tell. But you said yes... okay. Okay. Um. Six o’ clock? Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop?” 
Badeea: When she learned that Badeea was a painter/artist MC FLIPPED HER FIGURATIVE TABLES because HOLY CRAP SHE HAD AN ART BUDDY. MC mostly dabbles in muggle art, but Badeea helped bring her into the more magical aspect of it. Thinks Badeea is the sweetest Ravenclaw in existence and- after getting permission- smother her in just about as many hugs as she gives Penny, Tonks (who really just headlocks her most of the time) Bill, Charlie, Ben, and Barnaby. 
MC was very touched-starved upon reaching Hogwarts and once Penny hugged her MC realized this and now can’t stop smothering affection on everyone. Ben has it worst as he’s her “son”. Badeea thinks MC is a good muse, and often draws her in her animagus form. 
Andre: A strange friendship. He gets very irritated whenever she goes to Penny for fashion advice and not him, and then the girls end up in the Ravenclaw Dorm with several outfits at hand trying to coordinate decently even though MC tells them it doesn’t really matter. But it does, and MC doesn’t get it and only really cares what she looks like for certain events, and they tag-team to get her to look her best. Unbeknownst to her it’s mostly to torture Charlie who Andre KNOWS has a crush on her, and Talbott is stuck listening to their bickering because of his bird hearing. 
Often tries to pit her and Charlie together on little dates, but it often ends in failure because Merula or someone shows up and causes a ruckus, and the “date” ends up happening in the infirmary instead because MC is wounded. AGAIN. But hey- at least she won the duel, right? Defensive spells are great. But so is depulso. Incendio is a stitch. 
Ends up utterly torn when he finds out Talbott and MC are crushing on each other. Does he help his best friend Charlie or his roommate Talbott? MC is also his best friend, she’s always encouraging him in his fashion adventures and is calling him “Style Wizard” constantly. He wants to help and does help, but often feels guilty for helping Talbott instead of Charlie because Charlie’s also his best friend and crap there’s no winning here. But the pain goes away a little when he sees how happy MC is with Talbott. 
Liz: ANIMALS. MC is automatically just “friends” with anyone who likes magical creatures. It’s why she loves Barnaby, Charlie, Talbott, and Liz so much. They are her people. Badeea is also part of her people, but mostly in the art buddy sense. These people are her animal buddies. MC likes Slytherins, but Liz especially. She is the first to notice MC and Rowan’s distance from each other. If Charlie or Barnaby aren’t available to talk to about creatures, she goes to Liz. 
Barnaby: Also her son. She will hug and smother him alongside Ben and protect them to the ends of the earth because they are scared and not very intelligent and precious. Barnaby and her first bond over their shared love of magical creatures, which soon join together with Liz and Charlie. Charlie gets a little competitive with Barnaby sometimes, but MC thinks it’s just a boy thing. She has no idea how people work. Was confused by Barnaby at first meeting, but became very protective after he took a freaking CURSE for her. 
Always asks him how he’s doing, if he’s sleeping well due to his nightmares, and if he’s hung out with any creatures recently. Even asks if he needed help with Charms. Barnaby often comes by into the Hufflepuff Common Room and passes out on the couch when he hangs out with Penny and MC, finding their presence comforting and peaceful. MC call him her son, but he’s really more like a little brother to both her and Penny. They would do anything to keep his goofy self safe. 
MC may or may not also look for Barnaby in her animagus form whenever she hears he’s upset about something, because she knows animals cheer him up and what’s cuter than a super small Manx Cat, am I right? She just kinda sits on his shoulder throughout the day. McGonagall almost called her out once in Transfiguration class, but Barnaby was in such a depressed stupor that she let it slide. Just that once. Never again though. She made sure to thoroughly lecture MC afterwards for skipping class- even if she tried to hide in Barnaby’s desk. Which she fit in. Because she’s small. WHY IS EVERYONE SO TALL? 
Jae: Honestly thought he was a Hufflepuff at first because of his yellow hoodie. Didn’t realize he wasn’t one despite his questionable behavior because of Penny, Tonks, and Jane (who went to Azkaban for unknown reasons). Jae found her reaction utterly hilarious when he told her he was a Gryffindor, and she was so confused because he resembled her Hufflepuff friends so much. Goes to him when she needs questionable objects to help with the Vault Quest and even works as a messenger between him, Tonks, and Tulip sometimes once they get to know each other. Detention Buddies. Is slightly weirded out by Jae, but doesn’t mind spending time with him. Helps make detention bearable. 
They both encourage Ben to be more vocal and to stand up for himself. 
Jakob Stein: The only child of the Stein family and older “brother” to MC. A metamorphmagus like his father, he was born with silver hair and purple amethyst eyes. When he was young his mother found a baby abandoned on the road and took her in, and Jakob had the instant urge to protect her. However, that soon changed as not long after he started Hogwarts and got involved with the Cursed Vaults, and distanced himself from everyone. This lead MC to suffer the hatred from his father (as she was showing no signs of magic at all) and his mother’s late brother’s girlfriend and her child, Alyssa all alone. (The brother/Alyssa’s father died in the war) 
MC became very withdrawn and self-deprecating as a result, and though whenever Jakob was home he would try and get her out of the awful situations her cousin put her through he would still act cold towards her, not wanting to get attached should anything happen to him. However, when Alyssa nearly kills her using her magic Jakob stops this behavior and becomes a proper brother to MC. He even goes so far to reject his father- who hits their mother when she tries to defend MC and who had been cruel to MC in general- and his heritage, coloring his hair and eyes brown to try and match MC more so they would look like proper siblings. 
But when he gets expelled and returns home with a broken wand he becomes distant again and pushes her and everyone else away, leaving MC to believe he never actually loved her. That everything was a lie.  
After he disappears his mother completely snaps and can’t even be in the house anymore, unable to even look at the MC she tried so hard to defend because of how Jakob changed his appearance, and often escaped through work- spending later and longer hours than usual. Holidays? She and her husband go far away to America, leaving MC along at Hogwarts. Eventually they just send her the cats they kept at home to take care of, unable to care for them themselves. The father becomes more violent after Jakob’s disappearance, blaming MC and demanding why it wasn’t her. 
She wonders the same, honestly, since she grew being called a mistake and a disgrace, and questions why the Weasley family is so nice to her when she was so used to the violence. She understands even less why Molly and Arthur allow her to have a seat at their dinner table when she was always forced to eat in her room, and only after everyone else had already had their plate. 
Hades: MC’s fluffy long-haired blue-eyed black cat familiar that is super cuddly and loves Bill. Ben is terrified of him because of black cats being omens, but can’t get away from Hades. He’s very protective of MC. Many of the other houses find it strange that a Hufflepuff named their cat after the Lord of the Underworld. Hestia is a dark Siamese that resides in her dorm room, while Hephaestus is a cute ginger tabby. They are cats she adopted herself, while the three cats her parents forced on her were a girl white Persian named Lottie, an old male silver tabby named Merchant, and a light colored long-hair Siamese girl named Zelena. 
MC: Isabella Stein. Very ADHD. Adopted into the Stein family by Nathaniel and Algora Stein. Grew up being mistreated by all but Algora, and went to a non-magic elementary school due to her apparent lack of magical abilities. First thought of as a no-mag/muggle and even a squib due to her unknown heritage, she was constantly called terrible things and was tormented by her father, cousin Alyssa Ingret, and Alyssa’s mother Lard Ingret. Because of this MC is very self-deprecating and often putting others happiness before her own. 
For nine years she suffered in silence until Alyssa’s actions led to her being in the hospital, where Jakob finally reached out to her a sibling. She didn’t quite realize how touch-starved she was until after he was gone, having not quite gotten used to gentle hugs and light hair ruffles, and when she got to Hogwarts and earned a hug from Penny. When Penny first hugged her MC just straight melted and cried, missing her brother more than anything in the world at that moment and hating herself for having not accepted his affection for what it was. 
She was so used to hatred and pain that everytime he placed a hand on her shoulder or pat her on the head she expected to be hit, so she never quite grew comfortable enough. But Penny- who she knew would never hurt her, who was someone she found she could truly trust- broke that. Penny broke her. She knocked down those walls and let loose someone MC didn’t even know existed inside of her; someone who would hug and pat and ruffle everyone she thought needed it. Ben the sad scared muggle-born child, Barnaby who suffered nightmares and lived in an argumentative household so similar to her. Penny, who had faced death and fought for survival. The three often just hide in the Hufflepuff common room gathered on the couch or next the fireplace, drinking cups of hot chocolate and bundling under several layers of blankets. Sometimes eating the cookies Penny makes- even if MC isn’t big on sweets. Penny made it, so she’s eating it. 
MC is scared, cowardly, anxious. But when she meets someone even more scared than her, Ben Copper, she puts on a brave face and stands up to Merula. She faces the vaults in utter terror of what might happen and what she might find of her brother, but she does it. She keeps her fears to herself until Penny and Charlie weasel them out of her, giving and giving and never receiving. She cared so much for Bill’s happiness that when he asked her to talk to Emily Tyler for him when she was obsessed with him herself and wanted to break down, she faked a smile and agreed. She forced down her social anxiety and her own panic of not being good enough for Bill in order to talk to Emily, tell her off for insulting him, and then dueling when Emily attacked her. 
Gradually she gets better. She learns to care more for herself. She becomes obnoxious in an attempt to come off full of confidence, and this shows in her attempt to befriend Talbott. She is bubbly and kind, but cowardly and puts on a act to ease those around her. 
Charlie is the only one to ever see that. Instead of letting her come up with a plan he tells her they’re coming up with it together, tells her that she isn’t alone. And that does wonders for her soul. And when she finally meets the entire Weasley family? Hohoho. Don’t even get me started on what kind of feels happen through that. 
Molly and Arthur destroy everything she ever thought that she knew about families. Warm, kind, caring, gentle, soft. Soft, just-out-of-the-oven buttery rolls and delicious tea. Friendly, familiar banter and the most loving embraces- like gentle spring after a particularly harsh winter. A hand reach out and pulling you out of the water you’re drowning in. 
However, MC is trapped in the idea that if she gets Jakob back everything will get better. Her father will stop beating her mother, her mother will stop crying at night and hiding, and they and Jakob will be a family again. With Jakob everything will be fine. They loved him, even if he didn’t necessarily feel the same back. Perhaps his disappearance and return will make things even better than before- the horrid treatment of everyone will just stop and they can be like the happy and kind Weasley family. 
Penny tried to explain that finding Jakob probably wouldn’t have a happy ending, especially if he didn’t want to be found, but MC wouldn’t believe it. She couldn’t. It’s the one thing she and Penny disagree about. Jakob HAS to be okay. He HAS to be alive and safe. Because he’s her brother. He’ll fix everything. He always does. 
He’s her big brother. 
He can’t hate her, too, right? Even if he did run away from home... it was just to break the curses, wasn’t it? He wouldn’t hide from his family purposefully, as messed up as it was. 
Because he certainly wasn’t dead. 
Merula and the nightmares were wrong. 
(Often called by other students the “Annoying American” “Mad Stein”, and when it comes to Jakob possibly being dead and her obsession with finding with him alive “Frankenstein” by the more intellectual students.)
Flitwick: One of her favorite teachers. She LOVES Charms Class; Flitwick was the first adult to actually compliment her on something instead of insulting her. She’s very skilled at charms and as such Flitwick often has her tutor the other students. At first she was very scared to do so, terrified she would end up screwing the spells up now that she was using them to teach other students instead of just practicing by herself, but his praises and the other students comments on her lessons being more interesting than the books help build up her confidence. 
To MC, Flitwick is the father she wished she had. Of course when she befriends Talbott and confesses to him right before obliviating his memory Flitwick overhears this, and teases her whenever he gets the chance. 
(Walks into classroom with Talbott) “Oho! You two are looking mighty close now, aren’t you?” 
“We’re friends! Just friends! It’s great, right? Total besties.” 
“We’re not besties.” 
(Always pairs MC and Talbott up for group projects, to MC’s embarrassment) 
“I could be wrong, but it feels like the Professor is plotting something...” 
“F-Flitwick? Nah. He’s the nicest teacher in Hogwarts! What’chu talkin’ ‘bout?” 
“Maybe I did something to upset him...?” 
 “He knows I can only handle so much, but he keeps pairing me with you.” 
“Hey- what’s wrong with me!? I thought I was one of the good cats!” 
Talbott just laughs. 
“Rude. You’re a rude bird.” 
“You’re the one that befriended me, remember?” 
But despite it all MC is secretly a little grateful for Flitwick’s efforts to get them closer. The professor is straight-up ecstatic when he hears of her and Talbott going on a date. Many teachers lose money to Flitwick from the bet they made. He’s a proud father-figure. 
McGonagall: Mother figure. Stern, but kind. Hanging out with so many Gryffindors had led to her and the animagus teacher spending more time together, though not to the same extent as with Flitwick. When she first started school the woman had kept a close eye on the girl due to her connection to Jakob, who had been one of her brightest students, but then it was revealed MC wasn’t too terribly talented at transfiguration. Or, rather, she felt too bad for the animals to transform them. 
This meant a lot of after class lectures and lessons in trying to get her over fear of hurting the animals and actually properly transfiguring them. Even has Talbott- the student that confides in her often- tutor her. Or, rather, lecture.
“You’re not going to hurt it.”
“I might hurt it! If the spell goes wrong then-”
“Does it hurt when you transform?”
“Wh-What? No? Why?”
“It’s a similar process; if it doesn’t hurt you to transform into a cat, it doesn’t hurt the cat to transform into a cauldron.”
“...But if it the spell goes wrong then-”
“McGonagall or I will correct it. The cat won’t feel any pain.”
Befriending Bill, Charlie, and Ben and getting into trouble with them thanks to the Cursed Vaults and their own little adventures MC wound up under the woman’s watchful eye moreso than usual and even spent some time in the Gryffindor Common Room. Is amused when she realizes MC’s feelings towards her pupil Talbott and makes the occasional sassy comment, and sometimes talks to Flitwick about the interesting pair the Eagle and Manx Cat make. Is greatly entertained when the two actually start dating. 
Bell: Jakob, Bill.
Izzy: Barnaby, Tulip, Tonks, Jae
Bella: Badeea. 
Isabel/Isabella: Rowan, Ben, Charlie, Talbott, Penny, Liz. Ismelda (after she warms up) 
Stein: Merula. 
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avidrawsthings · 5 years
2, 12, & 30 for the Fankids Ask!
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Rel Cortez
Born April 1993
Starts attending Hogwarts in 2004 as part of its Foreign Exchange program.
Long post is long!
2. Who are their parents? What’s their relationship with them?
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(-They immediately doted on Rel from that moment forward
-Tall dude is Reina’s father Rolando. 
-Talbott and Reina are married btw :) )
Her father is Jacob, who changed his name to Ricardo once the vault business was done and over with. He took up the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Ilvermorny. After a short time teaching, he took a personal leave for over a year as means of rediscovering himself. 
His daughter Rel was a happy accident born in Las Vegas. Her mother is an escort that had no interest in being a parent, and she only remained pregnant under the promise that Ricardo would take the baby with him once it was born. Ricardo is the one who named his daughter and is very doting to her, and Rel is close to him as a result.
He vowed to never be like his own biological mother, who was abusive and dangerous. Rel was his little princess and he promised to give her the world.
Like him, Rel’s also a Metamorphmagus.
She wanted to attend Hogwarts like her grandpa Rolando, dad, aunt Reina and uncle Talbott had, and once there was sorted into Hufflepuff.
12. What do the professors and the other people working at the school think about them?
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Rel is as sweet as can be, which made her rather popular and well-liked by both her professors and classmates. She performed well in her classes and even became Prefect in her 5th year in 2009 (the same year Teddy Lupin began to attend Hogwarts).
 Like Reina, she took up baking and often provided sweets to classmates. She uses her Metamorphmagus abilities to cheer up others and provide them with laughs. Rel has all of Hufflepuff’s best qualities. That being said, she won’t hesitate to put bullies and other awful people in their place. She became good at Jinxes and Hexes for a reason.
30. Use a meme to describe them.
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lapsed-bookworm · 5 years
Tbh, I feel so ambivalent about Tonks. When I was younger, I read about the bubblegum pink hair, the clumsiness, and the humor, and I thought, “...lesbian?” I wanted so badly for Tonks to have a girlfriend. Like bonus points for a Muggle gf who hilariously tries to hide Tonks’ magical abilities from her family, give me the implausible Muggle-worthy Excuses and outrageous cover stories hilarity.
I also absolutely saw Sirius/Remus in PoA and was waiting for my comfy Remus helping Sirius after Azkaban, mischievous gay uncles helping to raise Harry dreams to come true. I was a young fool, looking at the barren, empty landscape of queer representation and thinking I could get something before HP ended.
Me, reading Sirius’ death scene: ...oh...oka-ay...
Me, reading how Tonks apparently developed this deep love for Remus ‘offscreen’ and btw they’re together and have a kid on the way: wtf?
Yeah, I’m older, and plenty of people have written about how they both could still be queer characters who just aren’t solely attracted to those of the same gender, and Tonks/Remus doesn’t have to be JKR’s attempt to prove Remus is Acceptably Straight. And they both die in the end, so it’s not they got Straight Character Survivorship or anything. (If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...)
The thing that really gets me when it comes to feeling ambivalent about Tonks didn’t hit me in the feels until after I realized I was genderfluid. Something just hurts because being a Metamorphmagus is a joke at the dinner table, an easy way to ace Concealment & Disguises, a fan theorized way for Teddy to not inherit Remus’ lycanthropy, practically a forgotten footnote.
Tonks is just a funny cis woman, and her ability to change her body is a parlor trick. Because it’s just ~surface stuff~ and there’s no way this could affect her gender at all. She always returns to being the woman she was born as, nice and safely, and she merely looks like a man temporarily (for laughs or a disguise). Nevermind the ability to move in-between, to mix, to shift one way or another at variable times, to achieve some absolutely fictional levels of genderfucking. Do you know what I would give to have even a fraction of this ability?
Anyways, note to self: Fictionalize that one gender euphoria moment from my life into something that happens to Tonks while she’s disguised for an Auror assignment, cue Projecting My Shit Onto A Character, and figure out the details of this genderfluid!Tonks oneshot. Ne/nym pronouns seems a bit on the nose, but I’m rather partial to Tonks feeling comfortable with Nym (instead of Nymphadora) some of the time.
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If you had to pick, who would you say your most liked/tolerated R member is of the ones we know so far? (Excluding Rakepick & Merula btw, I know you’d probably just choose one of them lol).
You know me well, I would totally choose Merula or (Pre-Portrait Vault) Rakepick.
But excluding them, and excluding Zenith Xeep since it's not really clear to what degree she counts as a full member...well, we really don't have that many options to talk about. R is so secretive that we haven't met too many members, or learned much at all about the members that we have gotten to meet, excluding the main characters of course. The only two that come to mind are The Director and Shiratori. I guess Burke also counts, but we know so little about him that he wouldn't ever be my pick. If I wanted to be cheeky, I could talk about Jacob as he is technically a former member of R and you didn't specifically exclude him...but I know that's probably not who you were thinking about, so I'll stick to the two I mentioned.
It's really a question, then, of who I find more tolerable? It's tricky because, Shiratori is more annoying than The Director, but on the whole, he's probably less evil? Given how much older she is, and her advanced skillset coming with all sorts of uncomfortable implications...The Director is someone I consider to be far more dangerous than Shiratori, in all likelihood. In fact, if we want to draw comparisons to other R members...The Director is probably what Rakepick could have been if she had remained in R, hadn't been defeated, and had continued to rise through the ranks in the coming decades. Meanwhile, setting aside the probability that Jacob could have led R if he had wanted to...I'd say Shiratori is a fine example of what Jacob could be right now, if he had stayed loyal to R. (There's always the possibility that he secretly is still loyal to them, but that's just a theory and it's not one I personally buy into right now.) So yeah, could Shiratori wind up being as dangerous as The Director someday? Potentially, but he's gotten himself captured and something tells me that The Leader's not happy with him.
I don't know what to make of Shiratori. He's always been kind of annoying in terms of his personality, but in hyper-analyzing him, he seemed like he was genuinely loyal to R and believed in their cause. I can only assume that R preyed on him as a young, aimless, recently expelled young man. But each and every time he's been onscreen, he hasn't really indicated that he's going to have a greater purpose. Like, with how much buildup he got originally, when we were only hearing about him, to the point where his very name was kept from us for a long time...it seemed like maybe he had a bigger role to play. But every time he actually opens his mouth, he just makes it seem more and more like he's just your average, slimy little R lackey, y'know?
The Director...I cannot discuss her without going into information that I know from the data-mines. I won't get into spoilers about anything but there are certain things about her that are revealed, or implied, about her backstory in the data-mined content. Such as her first name. (No last name as of yet.) So talking about her is a trickier game, but given how much she has also been built up, and how little she's had to say compared to Shiratori, it's still very possible that she'll have a bigger role to play. And on top of that, her Metamorphmagus abilities speak for themselves. That is beyond creepy. Her whole design is creepy, and she can color me intrigued.
So...canon wise? I'm going with The Director. But as far as going into head-canons, I could say Shiratori. The Jacob parallels always get to me.
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oddityofspecs · 6 years
Lionheart Family members
ech I tried my best to find pictures that looked at least close to how I see them. 
starting off we have the dad, Algos Lionheart. He’s a bit bittersweet after his wife died but does his very best to move on for his family’s sake. He’s happy and usually seen smiling with them. He’s an auror and former duelling champion of Gryffindor.  
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Ashleigh Lionheart (nee’ Oak), Algos’ first wife and Ava’s mom who died in action, worked alongside Algos as an auror. A muggle who was painfully honest. Disliked by many people except those who appreciate her honesty or at least tolerate it. William and Ava’s yellow eyes came from her. 
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Lila Josephine Lionheart (nee’ Pyrnir) Algos’ second wife. Ava and William’s step-mom. A herbologist, she has her own shop (seen here) just a bit far from her house which is secluded and overgrown with plants. It’s an unplottable location which is only found by witches and wizards. 
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William Silas Lionheart (the eldest son), a Healer who works at St. Mungo’s Hospital. A complete workaholic who occasionally comes home to visit. Married to a woman named Jolene, a quarter-giant and is soon to be a father. (He’s 28 years old btw)
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Jacob Lionheart (middle child) the rebellious, metamorphmagus hufflepuff with his natural hair color in the picture which is dark brown. He is the step-brother of Ava and William. Nicknamed sheep for his white fluffy hair (course you can’t see that here....)
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Ava Magdalene Lionheart, the youngest child and only daughter of Algos and Lila. You already know about her. 
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The muggle grandparents of Ava and parents of Ashleigh, Carson and Beverly Oak. They live with the Lionhearts after they got evicted from their home. Carson was a doctor while Beverly was a nurse. 
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lumos-solemn · 3 years
Read this amazing HP Marauder's Era fan fiction and Trust me, this is definitely the best I have read so far. It is basically the story of Marauders from their 4th year and has a few new characters too. But this literally makes you feel canon and all the details are so perfect. I'm pretty sure many have read it but still, if someone's missing out, I just wanna let you know that this..This is so amazing and definitely worth. Its only available in Wattpad btw.
Spoilers below⬇️
The story revolves around Marauder from their 5th year in Hogwarts.
There's an OC of the author, Jenna Potter, who is the twin sister of James Potter.
Jenna Potter is actually Crookshanks and she's a metamorphmagus.
It follows her story until the death of James & Lily Potter. (There's a second book called 'Crookshanks' which says the story after.)
Jenna dates Sirius.
And the MAJOR one, 🎉Sirius do not die. 😉
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blumearts · 7 years
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(I’ve started a little “series” thing. I’ve got ideas for all of the Potter-Malfoy kids and I’ll be releasing drawings and headcanons of them. I hope you enjoy!! I’d advise that you go look at Anita and Lyra’s stuff to avoid confusion)
The second of the Potter-Malfoy kids I’d like to introduce you to is Cassiopeia 
After Anita and Lyra are around three, Harry + Draco decide they want another little monster
They adopt Cassiopeia (also a muggle born) when she’s nearly a year old (they’re both 24)
They decide her middle name will be Sirius. 
Harry is like “yeah… I mean I like it but that’s a boy’s name, isn’t it?” 
+ Draco is just “???? yeah ??? and your point is???” 
She’s from Japan and for her first few weeks insists on calling Harry “Kakka” and Draco “Totto” (japanese baby talk for “okaasan” and “otousan” ; dad and mom) 
but she eventually rides with the whole “bābā” thing for Harry but still calls Draco “Totto” despite his best attempts to persuade her to call him daddy like Anita and Lyra do. 
she continues to call him Totto even when she’s an adult
so now Harry and Draco, finally fluent enough in Arabic, have to also learn Japanese 
not only to keep Cassiopeia’s language intact but also bc she’s saying lots of things in Japanese that Draco and Harry do not understand which makes Cassiopeia beyond mad bc god damn it can someone just take  her to pee or pick her up ?! what do you two not undERSTAND ABOUT “CHII !” + “DAKKO !” !!
She’s a major tantrum thrower
which is super foreign to Harry and Draco bc Anita an Lyra were not like that at all
the twins are -at first- much better at Japanese than Draco or Harry
while the dads are scrambling around while Cassiopeia shrieks “OPPAI” over and over again and Harry’s just in a fit bc “neITHER OF US HAVE BREASTS WHY DOES SHE WANT BREASTS” (you gotta remember, he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed)
+ Lyra, ever the snarky one, rollers her eyes and toddles over to her sister’s high chair, stretching to give the girl her own cup of milk and Harry’s just like “oh right okay.”
The twins just love having a little sister. Their both pretty used to sharing, growing up with a twin and all.
Cassiopeia is also extremely clingy. Specifically to Harry. Again, something totally odd to them bc the twins were always off with each other nearly getting lost 24/7 ( whERE THE FUCK DID THEY GO THEY WERE JUST RIGHT HERE- oh there they are, rolling in the mud.)
+ Draco is ofc petty af that she’s not clingy to him
They’re a bit uncertain whether or not she’s a squib at first bc she doesn’t really show any signs of magic
and they have to have a whole conversation with each other about what to do if she is a squib
but Draco geso to wake her up one morning and her hair is bright green.
+ Draco is just O.O 
Anita calmly just says “she’s a momopha” and Draco is like “a what?” “like teddy ! a momopha !” 
and Draco’s like ooooh she’s a metamorphmagus 
but she’s for some reason not that great at it?? 
bc even when she’s older she had a hard time turning her hair or eyes different colors as easy as Teddy does. so mostly her hair is just black
All three of the kids call Molly “Gran” + Arthur “Grandad” and refer to the Weasley kids as their “Uncles + Aunt”,  while their children are cousins. (we’re either ignoring that Hinny ever happened or they did happen and Ginny and Harry just totally got past it without weirdness)
Hermione, Fleur, Angelina, & Lucy all also have the titles of ‘Aunt’ too
Which 110% okay with Harry as well as the Weasleys bc after the war Molly had insisted that Harry is also her son (which has a small bit to do with losing Fred)
+ the first time Harry called her “mum” she literally sobbed all over him while Arthur just acted like harry had always called him “dad”
+ the other Weasley just super casual get into the habit of saying “yeah, my/our brother, Harry” and “Our nieces…” 
While the twins and literally every other family member call the Weasley kids by their shorter names  Cassiopeia will not.
“Uncle William”,  “Uncle Charles” ,“Uncle Ronald” , “Aunt Ginevera” , “Uncle Percival” (she would also 100% call Fred “Uncle Fredrick” if he was alive)
George thinks it’s fucking hilarious and whenever she’s around calls Harry “Harold” just for a kick. And Harry’s just like thaT’S NOT EVEN MY NAME
Cassiopeia absolutely adores Charlie.
I mean, she fucking loves the shit out of him. She thinks he’s the coolest thing to ever walk the planet.
And one time while she was on his lap she was concentrating v hard with her fists balled up and eyes squeezed shut + Charlie was like oh shit she’s gonna poop or something but her hair shortens and turns red to mimic his exact hair cut
It only lasts for a second but Charlie is just floored. he thinks it so cool
and ofc this whole thing becomes some sort of competition for Bill to win her affection from Charlie (it never works though. she thinks Uncle Charles is the coolest cat around for her whole life)
Cassiopeia one day comments that she likes Bill’s fang earring (whICH HE STILL WEARS) + Bill automatically gets her one so that they can match. 
she never takes it off (even as an adult) and Molly is just pissed
So by the time she’s 4 or 5, one day she’s making something with Molly while the whole family is there and Molly offhandedly comments that she could be a cook and Cassiopeia just shouts “NO I WANT TO RIDE DRAGONS” and everyone swears to Merlin’s saggy ass that Charlie got tears in his eye.
Molly ofc is like “you can’t ride Dragons, dear.  that’s very dangerous” 
But Fleur (who loooovvvveessss the girls) just pops a grape (or whtever) into her mouth and says “I think shee would make a fantasteec Dragon ridair”
at which Cassiopeia beams 
By the time she’s about 9 or 10 she is adamant that people call her Sirius bc Cassiopeia is” too much of a mouthful” and “she’d be damned” if anyone calls her “Cassie” at Hogwarts
so they oblige 
she starts cursing from the age of 10 and never stops (it’s totally not “Uncle Ronald’s” fault at all)
She’s sweet and loves animals to death
I mean, she’s the kid always coming home with some new magical creature like “Can I keep it  bābā?” “pleeeeasseee Totto?”
Draco + Harry are like “noooo that’s a ClabBERT PLEASE PUT IT BACK PUT IT BACK”
By the time she’s 11 she has an Occamy, 3 dogs, 2 kneazles, 2 pygmy puffs, a tortoise, a snake and a partridge in a pear tree
When she gets to Hogwarts rules are bent (bc shit she’s Harry Potter’s kid) and she brings her snake (kitty) , both pygmy puffs (mop + jeff), one of her kneazles (Charles), and her tortoise (Voldetort) 
she doesn’t bother with owls bc Anita and Lyra both have owls. She uses them at her own leisure.
her dormmates were very O.O uhhhh at first but they began to love all the pets, accepting them as their own, the entire house loves them all, and just lets them roam the entire common room.
She’s a Gryffindor btw 
something Harry just fucking lOVEs
“I told you didn’t I? I said she’d be a Gryffindor.” “Potter, shut tf up. You said you’d bet half your ass that she’d be in Slytherin”
She’s a seeker (a damn good one too) and decided to go by ‘Malfoy’ (which harry is totally all here for)
So, in conclusion, Sirius Malfoy is the bomb.com
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fandomhavenskittles · 7 years
Hello :3 Okay, I was wondering about hcs on how the RFA + Minor Trio (if you do them) would react to finding out the MC is a wizard and went to Hogwarts? Thank you ^^
I WAS BORN FOR THIS REQUEST OMG! Two of my favorite things in one! Let’s do this!Oh, I added an (unnecessary) twist. I hope you like it!
•You were in complete and utter panic.
•Your family wants to meet Yoosung, which wouldn’t be a problem if you weren’t a witch….
•Yoosung is not only in the dark about you being a witch from Britain, but that you have seven siblings. Yes, you’re a Weasley!
•'Well, he’s going to find out anyway.’
•It was the night before your family was visiting, and you and Yoosung were eating dinner when you decided to tell him. Since Yoosung has been pranked enough by Saeyoung, you had your wand hidden as proof.
•"Hey, Yoosung? I’m pretty sure you won’t believe me when I say this, but I am a witch… Please don’t leave me.“
•Yoosung chocked on his water.
•"You’re kidding, right!? Is this some prank?”
•You shook your head and pulled your wand out.
•"THAT’S SO COOL! Wait why didn’t you tell me this before?”
•You explained to Yoosung that it’s law that Muggles aren’t allowed to know about Wizards, the only exception being if a Wizard married a Muggle or if a Muggle’s child is a Witch or Wizard.
•"Oh, I probably should mention that my family wants to meet you and that I have Seven siblings, most of them being brothers, and they’re Witches and Wizards, as well.“
•Yoosung paled.
•Long story short, Molly instantly adopted him, Arthur was asking a bunch of questions about Muggles, Bill liked him, Charlie (who’s your twin, btw) loved him, especially since he worked with animals, Percy approved, Fred and George found a new prank victim, Ron was saying a bunch of empty threats and Ginny thinks of him as (another) older brother.
•"That went well.”
•"MC, your youngest brother tried to hex me and the twins have a similar vibe that Seven does!“
•"That’s well for my family. Just be glad that my parents and Charlie approve of you.”
•Oh boy.
•Your family’s going to hate Zen.
•Not because of his career, though. It’s because he’s a Muggle.
•The joys of being a Malfoy.
•Your parents don’t know this, thankfully. Unfortunately, they want to meet Zen, who has no idea that you’re a Witch or that your family is incredibly prejudice.
•You told Zen the same night that you got the letter from your parent that they want to meet your boyfriend.
•"Zen, I need to tell you something important, and before I say anything I just want you to know that I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you this earlier and that this isn’t a prank whatsoever.“
•"MC, what in the world would make me think that something serious is a prank?”
•"I’m a Witch from Britain.“
•"You’re being honest?” “Yes.” “That’s amazing!”
•That was not the reaction that you thought you were going to get.
•"Are the rest of your family able to do magic?“
•Oh boy.
•You laughed awkwardly and explained that they can, but they’re extremely racist and think that Pureblood Wizards are better than Muggles.
•"Oh, speaking of my family, they want to meet you tomorrow and my dad’ll probably try to kill you. They literally just told me they were visiting.”
•Zen started panicking.
•"You’re dating a Mudblood?!“ were the first words to come out of your father and brother’s mouths.
•Yeah, Zen doesn’t like your family and your family doesn’t like Zen. Well, your mother kind of does, but would like him better if he was a Wizard.
•"Well, at least they didn’t try to kill you.”
•You told Jaehee way before your father and god brother wanted to meet her.
•"Hey, Jaehee, I know you won’t believe me when I say this but it’s worth a shot; I’m a Witch. I’m able to do magic and so can my family.“
•"I don’t believe it.”
•You Apparated next to her.
•"Okay, now I believe it.“
•You then told her that your father and god brother wanted to meet her and that your father is a convicted criminal but is innocent.
•"It’s a shame that I’ve been locked up most of your life; I could’ve gave you lots of advice from my player days at Hogwarts for you and your girlfriend.”
•"Dad, the only thing you were at Hogwarts was a pretty idiot, you couldn’t give advice to a worm if you tried.“
•Harry died laughing there and then and Jaehee was shocked and confused, mostly because that the first thing that happened when they walked through the door.
• All in all, Harry and Sirius approved and Jaehee loves your family.
•There’s a secret branch in C&R that helps produce brooms, as soon as you found out you told Jumin.
•Jumin was sworn to secrecy, so he asked if he could tell is significant other. As soon as he said your name the other company was completely fine with it.
•Jumin told you immediately that he was working with Wizards and you started beaming.
•"This makes telling you a lot easier; I’m a Witch!”
•Jumin was relived. He though that you’d think of him differently for agreeing to a project like that.
•The same day you wrote to your brother to set up a meeting.
•Remus approved immediately when Jumin told him about RFA. They get along rather well.
•He was suspicious when he couldn’t find anything on you during your background check, so he wasn’t really surprised.
•You told Saeyoung when he was avoiding you in Rika’s apartment.
•"Seven, I don’t care if you’re dangerous or not!Heck, I’m a Witch who’s parents worked for Britain’s most powerful Dark Wizard, if anyone’s dangerous it’s me!“
•"Wait, you’re what!?”
•After explaining everything, Saeyoung started asking a million questions. One of those questions was about your parents.
•"Can I meet your parents? Did they really work for a evil wizard?“
•"Yes, they did and no, you can’t. I’m pretty sure my dad’s dead and my mom’s slowly rising to power again, and she’d probably kill you since you aren’t a Wizard. Heck, she’d probably kill me since I don’t think all Muggles need to die.”
•"Aw, please?“
•"No, Seven! She’ll torture you!”
•The joys of being the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange.
•You told him at the beginning of your relationship.
•His ex fiancé was a leader of a cult, he’ll be fine with his current girlfriend being a Witch and the adopted daughter of the strongest Wizard of all time. (It’s cannon that Dumbledore is gay, so if he had a child they’d be adopted)
•You did it in the most obvious way, too.
•You were looking through old photos of your Hogwarts days and V started asking questions cause THE PICTURES WERE MOVING THAT’S NOT NORMAL!
•So you explained not only the pictures but that you are a Witch.
•V started asking even more questions about different types of magic, so you told him that your dad is the head of a Wizardry school.
•You also told him that there’s thousands of spells and potions that could cure his eyesight and that you’d happily do as many as you could and he started crying.
•V may have refused surgery, but to him, having his lover offering to cure it their self is a completely different thing.
•So V met Dumbledore with perfect vision and, to top it off, Dumbledore loves him and approves of your relationship.
•Saeran already knows.
•You hexed him when he tried to kidnap you.
•It wasn’t until later in your relationship when you explained everything in detail.
•Saeran thinks it awesome.
•He’s kind of freaked out when you change your appearance, though.
•Yes, you are a Metamorphmagus!
•Saeran didn’t meet your sister, sadly, but he met your mother an nephew!
•He’s absolutely in love with Teddy, but, lie with you, the appearance changing freaks him out.
•He visits Nymphadora’s grave with you, though!
•When you showed him a picture of her he was confused how you were related since you looked nothing alike, then he remembered that you can change your appearance and that you said she was also able to, then he felt like an idiot.
•You didn’t even have to tell Vanderwood, he found out on his own.
•"MC, why is there a cauldron underneath our bed!?!“
•Vanderwood didn’t even have a chance to respond after you explained everything, cause your grease head brother decided to pop in.
•"It sure was, Snilvellus!“
•"MC, who’s this?”
•Long story short, there’s a giant hole in your wall and Vanderwood and Snape don’t get along well.
•He thinks that you being a Witch is cool, though! He just hates Snape.
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ravkasqueen · 7 years
1. Hi friend, i am a writer myself and i would like some advice? I have an OC who is Sirius Black's daughter (she doesnt know until ootp) who was raised by Remus (because Sirius made Remus promise to take care of his daughter because her mother died just after she was born and Remus was low key in love with her mother too btw) and she's a metamorphagus (ive spelt it wrong i know it) and shes a lot like Sirius in that shes a bit of a rebel but shes one of the smartest at Hogwarts...
Heya! Of course, love - I’m not too sure what, exactly, it is you would like advice on but I’ll do my best to give you some feedback, okay? :) 
- I love the idea of her being Sirius’ daughter - being raised by Remus, however, I’m a little confused as to why Sirius needed to ask Remus? I’m assuming your story follows the original series and that Sirius was placed into Azkaban? I like this idea, you have a lot of leeway with Remus as not a lot is known about his life after the original Order, simply that he would take jobs and have to leave them etc. 
- I love the addition of her being a metamorphmagus too! This is one are of magic which I, personally, find particularly interesting so it would be nice to have insight within your fic. 
Personally, I really like the elements you’ve given to your story! I think that this could be very interesting to read, though I’d like to know a bit more about the actual plot :) 
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