#she wants to help Seph feel better
fandomwritingbit · 8 months
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👻Hallowe'en Special👻
Michael Afton x fem!reader.
Synop: After being abandoned by a friend at a stellar Halloween party, reader hooks up with someone in a Ghostface costume... turns out to be Michael Afton. This is a very distant sequel to Hateful with both Mike and reader being arseholes with an enemies to lovers thing going on.
Warnings: drinking, swearing, horniness, smut, public sex.
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You’ve been looking forward to tonight for months. A friend of a friend spread the word about their ‘killer halloween party’ almost as soon as August rolled around and rumours of fancy dress, live music and drinking games followed suit. It sounded like just what you needed to perk you up after weeks of studying. 
And now, looking at your costume laid on your bed, you can’t help but grin, it’s cheesy and a little old-fashioned, but hey, if it ain’t broke…
You’ve spent much too long getting it just right, using several sharpies, glitter and lipstick to perfect the face on your blanket, huge eyelashes on top of your eye cut-outs and big pouting lips. A fucking perfect, tarted-up blanket ghost. You complete the set-up with a pair of fishnets and chunky heels, unable to hold in your giggles when you check out the outfit in your mirror.  
“Oh my god, you look crazy.” Your friend Gemma laughs, looking at herself in the reflection next to you, her playboy bunny costume a much more basic choice than yours. One could argue a more sensible one too, because you'd had to layer up so all your secrets couldn't be exposed by one big gust of wind.
“Yeah, crazy hot.” You put your hands on your hips and pose, both of you tittering like schoolgirls. It is funny, but you’re aware that the pre-drinks you’ve had are probably making it seem funnier than it is. 
Your friend grabs a jacket and slings it over her shoulders, gesturing with her head that it’s time to go. “Can you even see anything?” She asks as you join her outside, looking at you sceptically as you turn around to lock your apartment door, missing the keyhole on the first try. 
If she could see your face, your eye rolling would be very evident. “Yeah. I know what I’m doing.” You bring your hands to the lips of the blanket, “I even cut a hole so I can stick a straw through.” Showing her by sticking your tongue through the gap, though quickly cringing at the feeling and taste of the fabric. 
“Oooh, she’s prepared.” Gemma says sarcastically, before putting a hand on your shoulder and all but forcing you to get a move on, you don’t want to be more than fashionably late after all. 
One giggly taxi ride later, you and her are struggling to get out of the car without flashing anyone. And then, you're heading up the front steps to the house, where the party is already in the swing of things. A werewolf sits next to an inflatable flamingo on the steps, one smoking, the other vaping, you’re admiring their costumes when you realise the wolf is a lad from your tutor, so you stop to tell him how amazing he looks. 
“Come on, y/n.” Your friend again takes your arm, her voice faux-whining. “We haven’t even got drinks yet, you can mingle in a second.” 
You let her guide you, though not without a sharp glare, quickly turning to the wolf before you go, “See you later, Joe!” 
As you step away, she grins at you, almost knocking over a witch’s drink sitting beside her on the top step. “Really gushing over Hoe-seph, huh?” She wiggles her eyebrows, her tone a little condescending. 
You can’t help but laugh, “Shut up, you knob.” you nudge her, making her wobble on her huge heels. “You’ve got to admit he looks great.” 
She scoffs in response. “Sure, he does. But it’s fucking Joe! We can do better tonight.” 
So much for that, you think to yourself as you sip probably the cheapest lager you’ve ever tried through a curly straw. Not even an hour after you and her had arrived, she’d found a group of people she knew from law studies and buggered off with them. Right now, you can see her bunny ears peeking over the crowd and swaying slightly to the music. 
You probably should have anticipated being on your lonesome. 
Though that doesn’t make it any less shit.
“You alright, y/n? You here all on your own?” Someone you recognise talks loudly over the music, pulling you out of your silent thought. 
You sigh, though they probably can’t hear the extent of it. “Yeah… Gemma pulled her signature move and left me in the dust.” You try to explain, having to repeat the words twice before they understand. When they do, their expression shifts in pity and they put a hand on your shoulder.
“Awww, come drink with us then, screw her.” You pull a face as you consider, before nodding and following them over to the kitchen where they and six others stand around an island drinking. It’s much brighter in there with the big lights on and you blink after being so used to the muted multi-colour lights of the living room. 
Your new buddy catches your reaction. “Hey, don’t let the light sober you up. What are you drinking?” They ask, and man, you really need to buck up and ask their name. 
“Uhh… whatever this is.” You twist the bottle around so they can see the label and their expression instantly reveals disapproval. Which you completely understand.
“You want another one of them?” A bloke standing next to the fridge pipes up, who you'll come to learn is called Ash.
“...Not really.” You admit and they laugh. 
“Vod and coke?” Your saviour prompts with a huge bottle of smirnoff in their hand and you beam under your costume. 
“Now we’re talking.” 
As enjoyable as the change in drink was, it didn’t take much for it to take effect and pretty soon you’re hanging off the arm of someone you've just formed a strong drunken friendship with, and singing along to someone’s halloween playlist. 
The drunkenness itself wasn’t so bad, everyone else was too and surprisingly this group was an excellent match of personalities. The main problem was that drink makes you horny. Like seriously horny. Horny enough to scan these people for a viable and interested partner. But you swiftly realise the seven of you are made up of two couples, someone that doesn't date girls and that Ash guy.
You struggle to think of who around could be your hook up. Yes, you could go find your werewolf friend, or his flamingo buddy, but that doesn’t feel too appealing. 
“I’m gonna go outside… I want to smoke.” You try not to slur your words, and pat the arm of the person that led you to this drunken safe haven as you walk, or rather stumble, past. The struggle is real, especially in these heels, but you manage it. Squeezing through masses of guests and trying not to get decked by tipsy people dancing, some of them shouted sorrys at you, others stared after your form like you were in the wrong. 
The cool night air was pleasant and you soak it all in as you check faces around. You recognise lots of people even through costumes but you know them too well for a quick drunken hook up, and there's no need to make your social circles awkward. But, god, you’re thirsting. 
Moving down the steps and being really careful not to slip, you pull a packet of cigarettes out from under your blanket, the box warm from being pressed against your skin for so long. Then you go down the side of the house, flinching when a motion-sensor light kicks into life and illuminates the path in a dingy yellow light. It’s like the party doesn’t exist back here, the noise completely dying when you turn the corner into the back garden. 
And that’s when you see him. Some guy in a full Ghostface get-up, one glove pulled up to let him scroll through his Instagram feed. You can’t help but grin under your covering, you have a special place in your heart for Ghostface, the movie one of your favourites for many reasons. Not all of them wholesome.
Placing the cigarette through the slit in your costume, you light up. Taking yourself over to slasher and standing beside him. 
“Uhh hey…” He turns to you tilting his head, no doubt trying to figure out who you were under your mask and failing. “That costume is-”
You smirk as you cut him off, “Amazing? I know. Proving to be a little inconvenient though.”
“Yeah I’ll bet. Do I know you?” You make a humming noise, trying to decide if you want to know who he is. There’s something really hot about the anonymity of it, hell you can play with the idea of a Matthew Lillard or Skeet Ulrich under there. And just the thought of that spurs you on immensely. 
“I’m not sure. But there’s fun in that.” The guy nods, but you can imagine a look of confusion under that sexy mask. You’re not usually this bold, but liquid courage and boredom can make anyone risqué. 
The two of you fall silent for a moment, before you break it teasingly, “Well, aren’t you going to ask me?” 
Ghostface scoffs in hesitation before he bites the lure. “Ask you what?”
You dramatically place a hand on your chest as you pretend to gasp. “... The Question. From the movie, you know, the one Ghostface is famous for?” 
“Ohh.” he laughs as he catches on. A hand digging in his robe for a small black device that looks like a radio. He holds it up to the mask and does as you ask, “... What’s your favourite scary movie?” The voice changer is scarily movie accurate, that iconic voice that is the perfect mixture of terrifying and ridiculously hot. 
You gasp for real this time, losing yourself in giggles, “That is awesome, holy shit.” You move a little closer, deciding that yeah, you want to test the waters with this fella. “Scream…” You answer, “Because I think Ghostface is really hot.” 
The flirtation in your tone isn’t hard to miss and although he’s surprised you just walked up to him and staked a claim, he certainly isn’t complaining. “Yeah?” 
You nod, alcohol making you brave enough to lay all your cards on the table. You lift up the hem of your blanket slowly to show him how good your upper thighs look in these fishnets. “You interested?” 
 He laughs, “Hell yeah.”
Right there against the back of the house you pull the sheet up over your hips and your little shorts down, grinning in excitement as you watch him pull his gloves off and set about doing the same. He tries to help you take the fishnets down, but at this point you just hook your fingers into the holes and rip them enough to allow him access to your slick seam. “Fuck.” he breaths when his fingers come into contact with your wetness. How the hell has he gotten this lucky tonight?  
The vodka in your veins doesn’t let you feel the cold, right now there’s nothing you want more than a good fuck and you hope that whoever is gripping your hips right now can do that for you. And judging by how quickly he finds your clit and begins to slowly rub circles, he absolutely can.
It’s clumsy, but exactly what you want and pretty soon you’re arching your back and pulling at the waistband of his boxers. You free his cock and he’s delightfully big and thick in your hands, so much so that you have to commend yourself, you really picked a good one here. Your hurried grabbing of his dick pushes him to press into you, hands cupping under your behind and lifting you to his perfect angle. It’s unexpected and you grab onto his shoulders to steady yourself, leaving him to slide his cock between your folds, coating himself in your slick, before pressing firmly inside you. 
“Shit-” You hiss instantly, a buzz in your core becoming apparent at the gorgeous feeling of him filling you up. You move your hips against him as much as you can, spurring him on to a rough pace of fucking in and out of you. Neither of you consider that you’re completely exposed, lewdly hooking up outside next to someone’s house, anyone could come round the back and catch the two of you but that’s the furthest thing from your mind. 
His grunts match the pace that’s quickly bringing both of you to your ends, gradually becoming whiny as he tries to make you come before finishing, but your tight walls are making that fairly difficult, as are the sweet sounds he’s pulling from you. He doesn’t realise how close you are and so the second he again starts to stroke your clit, the waves of your climax hit you hard. Your pussy sporadically tightens around him as you cum, your head tilting back against the wall and just like that he has to pull out, his release immediately hot and sticky on the top of your thighs. He thrusts into his hand as he finishes, groans dripping from his lips. 
By now you’re recovered enough to be annoyed that he’s covered your lower body in cum and you push against him to get him off of you. He obeys and leans against the wall next to you, both of you staring forward for a moment of realisation. How the Hell are you supposed to go back in there with this costume fucking sticking to you? God, you probably should have discussed logistics beforehand but hindsight is 20/20, huh? Your still tipsy brain nearly laughs at the situation but stops when the bloke next to you starts shifting in his costume, grabbing at his mask in an almost panicky way. 
He manages to pry it off and closes his eyes for a moment. The very moment he does you practically jump 30 feet in the air. A gross knowledge snapping through you so fast, you swear you touch all five bases on the grief scale. Your Ghostface was fucking Michael. Michael Pissing Afton. “Oh. Fucking Christ.” You snap out of nowhere, making Mike flinch. 
“Woah, what? What’s wrong?” Your reaction is so strong he thinks you must be in pain of something and swiftly turns towards you, hands hovering over you like you were about to hit the deck. 
You neglect to answer him, just angrily pulling the blanket up and tearing it off your form with an exasperated sigh. Only Michael Afton could make you completely sober in the span of two seconds.
He watches with wide eyes and almost winces when he reaches the same conclusion you did. “Y/n?” He laughs a little in surprise, still staring as you toss your costume on the floor and stand there in the tiniest shorts and top going. “Why didn’t you say anything?!” 
You scoff, “I didn’t fucking know, did I?” You say loudly, the silence following it deafening. Honest to God, how didn’t you realise sooner? You definitely should recognise him from your fling nearly a year ago- must be the alcohol, but still, if you’d have known you probably would have shopped around a bit before settling for Michael Fucking Afton.
A stupid smug smirk coats his lips, that pinch between your brows is just funny. He speaks through a chuckle, “I actually can’t believe it’s you… How’re you doing, it’s been a while?” 
The sharp gaze you fix him with just makes him laugh harder. “Yeah, that was intentional.” 
And there was that side of you that got on his last nerve, props to your attitude for being able to ruin a perfectly good shag. “Why are you pissed off? You came on to me.” He asks the questions incredulously, his tone irritating.  
“Huh, bet that’s a first.” You retort, a condescending smile increasing tenfold when he scowls.
How in the name of all that is holy did this happen?
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A/n: Hope you enjoyed, stay tuned for the next one xxx
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perfectlovevn · 2 months
In your mind, is Eris pretty? And other characters too! rate all of their appearances from a scale 1-10 !!
Love ur game so much btw
Appearance I feel like is kind of subjective, but I will try to do my best.
Eris - 7/8. I think they definitely give off an air of mystery due to their eyes and their general demeanor. It’s the kind that makes you turn to look, but when you actually interact with them, it feels… unnerving, though you’re not sure why.
PreMilo -6/7. Milo I think is probably good looking if you were actively looking closely at him, but with his kind of slouching form and his eye bags, it’s obvious that he doesn’t take care of himself, so appearance wise he looks like he needs to work on himself a little more.
Manipulation Milo -8/9. Since he now focuses very heavily on his appearance, he has become incredibly appealing to most people. Even if not by appearance, his demeanor draws people in. He’s the kind of person who you can’t help but gravitate towards, and by then it might be too late for you.
Violence Milo - 7/8. He takes more care of himself, and he’s physically more fit so his body is pretty well maintained. Not as pretty as Manipulation Milo, but there is a level of attractiveness that people will fall for. Unfortunately your attractiveness will probably fall greatly when he punches you in the face or otherwise deck your kneecaps.
Ryan- 6/7. He’s kind of just average. Not ugly (except in personality), but not jawdroppingly pretty either. He actually probably looks better than PreMilo in most cases, but his posture makes him look a bit worse than he should. I think if he took the time to dress up better, he would actually look quite handsome. Until his opened his mouth, that is.
Seph - 8/9. Strikingly pretty. It’s one of those things that he’s born with, but unfortunately he hides behind that book of his a lot, so you never really get to see his face. He also only cares about some monster in the woods, so trying to flirt with him is utterly useless. It’s a waste, you might think, but hey. He knows what he wants. He wants to be killed by a monster, go king. I guess.
Valli - 7. An acquired taste, that’s for sure. She loves fashion and does take the time to dress herself up, sometimes a little too much. She always puts on the facade of using a valley girl accent (get it, cuz Valli) and acting dumb, but she is actually very smart. She knows how to guide the conversation and she will steal your credit card number and your SSN and probably all your pet photos. Maybe it’s best to get off the internet and delete your browsing history (not that it will save you, you poor soul).
Desmond -5/7. He’s very average looking and rather short. I think he is attractive to some people, but he usually doesn’t overdo it on his looks, even if he does take very good care of himself. His attractiveness is either added or detracted from his personality because while he has a good heart and is hard working, he’s also stubborn on his beliefs and gets angry very easily. But hey, he did end up with a 6ft + tall girlfriend who likes to fight and tease him so he’s probably doing something right.
Poison -6/8. Very heavily depends on how much you like a tall person with scars and muscles, so it can range from ugly to very nice. Doesn’t take care of any battle scars as she views them as rewards for good fights, but does take good care of their body. Hopefully you look like a weakling otherwise she might decide you’re a good opponent whether you want to fight them or not.
Perfect Milo - ???. How much do you like Milo? A lot right? He’ll look like anything you want right? Since he’s your perfect love, right? You can’t leave him, you can’t leave him.
In other news I think I got all of the stories written down for extra stories. There should be about four new characters in those, so unless I come up with another brilliant idea, I guess that should be it for now. If you send another ask relating to that after, I can rate them too.
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salternateunreality2 · 4 months
*dances up to You like the little cave dwelling critter I am*
So my mums been sick this week, and all week our cat has been sitting with her to make her feel better.
I have no idea if this is normal car behaviour. But I’m curious: how does Sephikittie react to his friends being sick? Does he sit with them? Or does he hiss when they sneeze?
Hope you’re well!❤️
Awww, that is so sweet! I hope she feels better soon with the magic of kitty cuddles. ❤️🐱❤️
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Thank you! ❤️
*cave-salt noises as I drag Genesis under the bus, mwahaha*
In canon we see him reacting to Genesis and Angeal degrading. At the first injury, he kinda just stands around because Gen said he was fine, so he's fine, right?
He turns away at first with his sword as Gen walks by, which I think is entirely so we can get an over-the-shoulder camera angle, but could also be interpreted as an animal avoiding eye contact as a sign of respect and wanting to de-escalate.
I'm not as familiar with cat body language, but dogs will do stuff like sneeze and turn their shoulders/flanks to you to show they're not a threat. Cutieroth.
Then Genesis gets sick, and he trots silently up to Hollander, seconding Angeal's concern and offering his blood. He looks so sad when he's rejected.
Then he spends the rest of CC following Genesis and Angeal, then standing around awkwardly once he gets close.
90% of SephGen interactions post-training-room-fight:
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Fanon conclusions!
He's the kind of friend that shows up and doesn't know what to do.
Genesis is languishing in bed from a minor man-flu, bemoaning his fate, and Sephiroth's there like, "Um, do you want some juice?"
Genesis, coughing pitifully: "No, only the goddess can help me now; I have consumed her nectar repeatedly and found no relief; it is for naught until she looks on me with mercy and grants eternal rest."
Angeal, from the kitchen: "He means he had juice a half hour ago, he's fine."
Sephiroth: "oh...ok...." *Stands around*
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He can't lurk constantly, because he has duties, but I think he would if he could. Nothing really phases him germ-wise due to his crazy levels of mako and Jenova, so he's not too concerned with contamination.
I think with enough time and experience (and tips from Angeal), he'd catch on to Genesis' dramatic ways, and instead of just standing around, bring some paperwork to do in the living room while Gen whines in his bedroom.
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When Angeal gets sick, or Genesis gets really sick, I HC that they'd come into work and pretend everything is fine, but Seph would smell that something's off and perform his hovering routine until they collapse, at which point he'd catch them and waffle about what to do until Lazard pops his head in and goes, "wtf, take him to medical!" (grumbling) "Fucking SOLDIERS, always trying to play the hero, they're going to get the whole floor sick." (He's right)
Seph's not dumb, he just doesn't like medical because it's like the labs, and he's thinking maybe they'd be more comfortable at home, but he doesn't know what that's like or how bad the illness is and it's kind of nice to be able to hug his friends for once but they passed out and...
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Genesis is a hate-reader 🍷 Canon to me. I'm also glad you give him time to shine as a strategist, like, he IS a caster and one of the most proficient SOLDIERs in existence 💅stands to reason he does have to think things through on the battlefield and this isn't addressed nearly enough imo.
Zack "I'm not traumatized 😀" Fair is breaking my heart here. Both Cloud and Zack get to miraculously be together after losing the other, but the fear is fresh in Zack's mind. And unfortunately due to the rapidly developing situation (SCREAMS) he doesn't really have time to process and address it, and that's assuming he isn't avoiding doing so like the plague because Cloud's alive so everything's fine now right? 😀 Except it's super not and now Zack is the only one who really knows how not fine it is 💔
Speaking of not addressing emotions lol Angeal is in full repression mode and Sephiroth is isolatinggg 😬 I know how easy it is to withdraw when you're used to not having anyone there for you, when you have to figure out and manage everything yourself regardless of how unequipped you are for the task, but I also feel for Genesis here because it really does take a lot of work to gently coax people out of that over and over again. I like how you're addressing this in general, but especially from this pov! I really feel Genesis' frustration here. He knows it would get better if Seph just came home 😥
I really enjoyed the intel gathering scene with Bolin 👌👌👌 You're really serving up top shelf Genesis in this chapter and it's delightful to watch! But Camp 28 is stressing me tf out agagshshshshs Zack is somewhat reassured for now but even Kenny is worried about Cloud's lack of self preservation (physically and emotionally damn) and he doesn't even know how bad of a situation they're walking into! Though no one really knows and that's kind of the problem, but I love Kenny and I want him to survive this 😭 He needs to survive so he can be brave and trust Juvie with the kids!
Speaking of kids, CLAUDIA IS SO PRECIOUS I CANT 💕 I'm as bad as Vincent at this point. Claudia deserves the world (and she doesn't even exist anymore.. I will never be ok again 🫠)
I'm a little worried about whatever Genesis has planned to address the Camp 28 situation, because, well, it's Genesis lol but at the same time I love his constant rebellion against being told "no" 💅
Thanks for the amazing chapter!!!! Time to reread the whole thing again to distract myself from the incredible suspense of what's to come 😁🍿
Genesis being a strategist just makes sense to me. Like. The man led a rebellion against Shinra that turned into a straight up war, waged it for a decent amount of time, and managed to not immediately get eradicated. That in itself says the man’s got SOME brains on him lol
Yeahhh Zack’s still in the “just happy Spike’s here” stage and honestly doesn’t even realize what he’s doing. The weight of carrying Cloud’s secret is kinda trumping his own emotions in importance, which miiiiiight not be good :/
It’s kind of sad when, to an extent, Genesis is being the most emotionally intelligent among them. I mean. Seriously. Genesis? Same guy that thought talking Sephiroth into insanity would make the dude help heal him? Yeah if he’s the smartest emotionally everyone needs some DIRE help.
But also guess what conflict is going to be resolved next chapter because I like making Seph suffer but not THAT damn much? Angeal’s repression might take a bit longer but gimme a second there’s five character arcs going on at once 😂
Camp 28 is, if you guys didn’t notice, another parade situation, except I’m dragging it out for effect LMAO. It obviously isn’t exactly the same but…well, you’ll see ;) Kenny’s just trying to look out for a buddy :( Cloud’s doing the same thing, just like…way more risky and possibly self destructive. Immortality went RIGHT to his head IMMEDIATELY
Cloud says it’s his daughter but that’s OUR DAUGHTER!!!
And like you said lmao—
Sephiroth: Genesis, no
Genesis: is that a fucking challenge
Nah seriously like, Genesis and ‘letting that slide’ don’t go in a sentence together. it’s just
Genesis, squinting at Camp 28: I don’t know what the fuck’s going on but TRUST you will be dealt with
Feel AWFUL for leaving this answer to you in my drafts for like…for fucking ever 😭 But thanks for leaving me this lovely!!! Always encouraging to read a lil smth from you 🖤🖤🖤
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nem0-nee · 2 years
✿ Sephira Amaryllis Info Sheet ✿
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"It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming.....uhhhhh I forgor 💀"
It's that time where I finally fix my past mistakes, aka her previous info sheet.
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A/N: I am so sorry to whoever is reading all that
Birthday Union | Ghost Marriage
[More information below the cut!?]
✿*+. VA Preview .+*✿
✿*+. Additional Info! .+*✿
(Aka, stuff I couldn't fit in anymore)
Her connections with "Dr. Artem Lunaria" (NRC's closest thing to a school nurse) is a major reason why she got admitted to NRC. She needs to study under him to "improve", and it's a hassle to go back and forth from Sage's island and her hometown. Hence, her admission to Night Raven College! Why travel repeatedly when you can just stay wherever your mentor is at?!
The Headmage also "requested" for her to contribute her medical services to the school. He said that this would "help pay" for her tuition. What a truly kind offer...
Sephira is Dr. Artem's younger step-sister.
She and Ortho are great buddies. They met on one afternoon in the Botanical Garden; Ortho wandered in and he caught Seph's eye. She was quite intrigued by him, and later on adored him in general. He's adorable and kind, which was extremely refreshing from what she would encounter on the usual..
✿*+. Fun facts .+*✿
She really digs the y2k aesthetic, gyaru, lolita, and anything pink and/or gold!
There's one more thing she resents more than ants, and that's people who call her short.
She uses kaomij in her texts and sometimes "speaks in gyaru".
Every now and then she tends to the plants of NRC, especially the ones in the Botanical Garden. There, she has her own flower patch of daffodils
Floyd's nickname for her is "Sea anemone" (Isoginchaku/イソギンチャク).
As expected, she is really squeamish, but not in the way you think. She can handle gruesome horror scenes, but a simple jumpscare always gets her.
Sephira has a crush on this one celebrity. She will squeal and fangirl when she sees anything related to him.
Through Idia, she found out that celebrity had voiced a character in some games he played. The game that hooked her was a mobile game...which was unfortunately a gacha game. She now goes through the misery of not being able to pull for her favorite.
There was this one time where Idia fell ill, and Ortho couldn't do anything about it for some reason. This little robo boi then remembered how he can ask Seph for help (and that she's good at handling these issues), so he literally dragged her away from the Botanical garden and into the Ignihyde dorm. Idia tried to turn her away, but eventually gave in due to the pleas of Ortho. He was in denial at first, since if Ortho can't help him, then why would this random girl be able to? Surprise surprise, he felt much better the day after her treatment.
When she's bored, she likes to ring up a random number in NRC and try to start a conversation with them.
She is TERRIFIED of Leona. Thus, him being the only guy she doesn't want to talk to.
Thank you for reading this monster of a list (or skipping ahead, I don't mind-)
Feel free to interact and ask questions!
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altocat · 2 years
au where Sephiroth found out about Lucretcia while reading about the Jenova project?
A bittersweet, but ultimately better outcome overall.
On one hand, Lucrecia's cave is close to Nibelheim. Seph could easily leave Nibelheim to go looking for her. He would not have seen Jenova as his mother and thus, no crazed assumptions about his heritage and "birthright". No one would have been murdered.
But on the other hand, regardless of what she feels for her son, regardless of her immense regret and love for him, she's also responsible for his pain and conception. And in meeting her, there's a very good chance he would never forgive her for it. Part of him even hates her.
But part of him also loves her and never wants to let her go again.
These mixed emotions constantly battering back and forth result in everyone's lives being spared, but it also cause innumerable levels of hurt and grief in Sephiroth. He doesn't succumb to madness now so much as depression. And even now, he can't really "touch" his mother. She's still in the crystal after all. They can speak to each other, but they're still separated. And he's alone.
For a while, he stays in the cave, not eating or sleeping, slowly dying of starvation as he remains where she is. He has to be dragged out by Zack (who has fully deserted Shinra to go looking for him). And after that, it's a long, painful recovery. For her credit, Lucrecia imparts what she can, telling him that he doesn't have to forgive her. Just to know that he was loved and he was wanted. And that he's free to be who he wants to be. He will always be her son. And she will always be with him. And for Sephiroth...that's enough. For now, at least.
She also tells him to seek out the tombs beneath the Shinra Mansion. He will find someone there who can help him, who can take care of him the way she couldn't.
And in heeding her advice, Sephiroth returns to the town, not as its messenger of destruction, but seeking a new way forward.
It is there, at long last, that he finally meets his father.
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crisiscutie · 1 year
since I'm a huge freak for Disney songs (and their movies of course), what do you think of the following? Frozen - Show Yourself for Sephiroth, if he would actually meet his real mother Lucrecia in the Crystal Cave Tarzan - Son of a man for Sephiroth as well in his youth BUT it could also fit for Zack during the whole Crisis Core timeline. It was actually pretty much a random thought, but, do you think these songs could fit ?
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I haven't seen Tarzan since I was a kid but that was a good movie! I don't watch much Disney stuff nowadays but I loved them when I was younger.
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 ༻❁༺ One verse in particular really stands out to me.
“And all the things you dreamed of. The visions that you saw. Well, the time is drawing near now. It’s yours to claim it all!” I know it’s a happy and optimistic song, but I think it can also be interpreted in a dark light as well. Son of a Man could not only fit a youthful Sephiroth but also Adult Seph as well.
For Adult Sephiroth, I’d imagine that would relate to his Nibelheim breakdown and his antics afterwards. After spending so long under Shinra’s control, he is liberated. The song would be him coming to a realization. His desire - reuniting with his “mother” Jenova has been recognized and now, He’ll claim the planet for him AND her. It’s in his power. He’s known as the strongest man ever and now, he will do more than that title. He will become a GOD. You can also look at the song from Jenova’s point of view as she spent thousands of years in suspended animation waiting for something to release her. And then there finally came the birth of Sephiroth. So she spent time from his childhood to adulthood, waiting for her chosen one to finally realize his purpose.
 ༻❁༺ What about Zack?
It fits him well too! KH Zack came to my mind for some reason when I listened to that song again. Poor KH Zack, he has no better chance of achieving his dreams in the KH verse than in the FF7 verse... Zack is very idealistic and full of positive ambition compared to Post-Nibelheim Sephiroth. I see the song as more than a deconstruction for FF7 Zack... At first. As he wanted to be a hero so badly, he played by the rules. He did what he could to help his loved ones, especially Angeal and Sephiroth, and look at what he was paid with in return. He stayed loyal to Shinra, only to be met with the bitter taste of betrayal when he discovered their dark secrets, especially their inhumane experimentations, which they did on him AND his friend. But at least he passed on his legacy to Cloud. So, in a nice twist of fate, he achieved his dreams. So this song applies to Cloud through Zack.
 ༻❁༺ A mother’s icy embrace.
So despite being a Disney buff as a kid, I have to confess: I never saw Frozen or its sequel. Yeah, I know...  But I checked out the song you’ve mentioned. I like it! It could function as a foil to Son of a Man, which fuels Sephiroth’s dark ambition and path of destruction, while this song acts as a soothing balm to his trauma. What he has been craving for, deep inside, is finally in front of him. I also think most of the song can apply to Lucrecia herself about Sephiroth, also similar to how I said Son of Man can be taken from Jenova’s point of view.
With Jenova, it's instant gratification for his darkness. He just takes her face value after reading false information about her origins. His fragile mind was broken, and he needed something to comfort him. Jenova was the perfect outlet. Whereas, finally meeting Lucrecia would be akin to delayed gratification. With the reunion and the truth he so desperately sought, he’d feel a sense of contentment and hope for the future will swell within him. He would be initially angry about what Shinra (and Lucrecia, to a lesser extent) did to him, but Lucrecia’s presence before him would temper that rage.
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What do you guys think of a scenario/mini-fic where Sephiroth and his darling (pregnant with the triplets) meets Lucrecia?
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tendebill · 1 year
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missed my sillies, so i decided to draw them :3
This is mostly about how, when Seph had Slivern's magic, he couldn't really control it. Having both Slivern and Menmarie was very taxing for him and his body, and in turn made him barely able to use his magic.
When he gives Slivern over to Angele (end of chapter 3), she at first thinks it's going to be difficult for her to control it, but it turns out she can use it with little to no trouble, after practicing. Prodigy and all that.
And, since she is a bitch at heart, she has to make fun of Seph for it a little bit xd. But ultimately she offers to help both him and Ellie learn how to control their respective powers. I also think that at that point in the story (chapter 4) they're all on much better terms.
I feel like I'm skipping so much shit in this summary but also I don't want to write a whole ass essay about them lol
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I personally feel Sephiroth should've had a love interest instead of terrible, so called "friends". I would've loved to see a romantic side of Sephiroth.
Hi Anon! Ha, I would love to see it too! Like if the devs wanted to go on a full blown love triangle, a love triangle between Sephiroth, Aerith & Cloud is the most viable. It would make a very tragic story, and double the motivation of Seph killing Aerith..not just killing her because she was the last Cetra being a nuisance to his plan but also as some kind of jealousy like, 'If I can't have Aerith, Nobody can'. It would serve more relationship complexity between him and Cloud too! Granted his relationship with Cloud is already complex as it is. The thing is ppl really like to reduce him into a one note villain. You've read so much opinion on how he is 'better as a crazy,mentally ill villain' even from some people who have 'played' Crisis Core. As soon as a villainous character being expanded, given motivation, a tragic/sympathethic backstory, they suddenly shut their media literacy and pretend like he was just a 'crazy guy'. I do think most ppl in the fandom are having a hard time in accepting & understanding a complex character. They always want an interesting and complex characters but everytime they are presented with an actual complexity they decided to put the rose coloured glasses and 'my pookie did nothing wrong' and this happens to all the ff7 protags too. Cloud used to work for Shinra - as an equivalent of the Cops mind you. Zack was undoubtedly a war criminal too. You can see that there are some sub-section of ppl in the fandom having a hard time accepting this fact about their 'sweet lil pookies'.
How many times I've come across opinion like 'Sephiroth knows nothing about love'. But he was heartbroken when the only two of his friends decided to just abandon him?
If he knew nothing about love, why would he told Zack to go back to see Aerith?
If he knew nothing about love, why would he told Cloud to go see his family?
He knew what love is! Platonic,romantic,familial love..It's just maybe he never had the chance to experience it himself.
EDIT: I can't help to add that if Sephiroth had a love interest, his rage against humanity would be even MORE reasonable, he once loved, but he saw how fake humans can be and how easy they abandon & turned against each other so he decided to discard love & humanity once and for all- I mean in real life, we can all be dejected & jaded after countless of failed relationships & sometimes we don't even know if we can love again so yeah it would make him a lot more relatable to more people I guess 🤔.
Now I'm glad that I can put this discussion on Tumblr because if this was Twitter the reaction will be:
*So U eXcUsE H1s mUrD3R anD ATrocITies?*
Why yess yesss I EXCUSE all of Sephiroth murders and atrocities cause he's not real! And his atrocities only happens if you decided to load his game into your PS5! 🤣
Thank you for the ask anon!
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museswithinx · 2 years
5 HCs meme: Eric and Ronnie body/universe swap with Steve and Nancy (which season/plot they end up in is up to you!)
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
In two separate universes, there are two highly powerful forces in play. In Mystic Falls, Hades is making a return from the dead, threatening war and destruction if he doesn’t have his way. In Hawkins, Vecna is on the rise to merge the Upside Down with the real world and mold the world into one of his own making. The combined power and energies being used by each to achieve their goals starts to erode on the fabric that keeps these realities separated, making it easier for some bleed to occur between them.
A spell gone wrong or maybe an elaborate plan by Hades to dig at Adrian causes Ronnie and Eric to “go away”. One moment they’re cuddled together on Seph’s couch and the next they’re in a basement they don’t recognize surrounded by a bunch of kids they don’t know. That’s only the beginning of the strangeness though as they soon figure out that they’re living in the 80s and they’re not actually in their own bodies but that of two entirely different people that happen to look exactly like them. Alternatively back in McKinley, Steve and Nancy awake to find themselves in the arms of their ex and quickly piece together they’re also out of place.
Ronnie and Eric figure out they’re human as Eric no longer possesses his wolf strength, speed, or super healing. They manage to convince the Hawkins group that they’re not Steve and Nancy and they learn that this group is in a war of their own against a “dark wizard” referred to as Vecna. Dustin, Robin, and their friends vow to help them but Vecna isn’t going to wait, and so they agree to help in return. Suddenly being among the oldest instead of the youngest, the two of them have to take on a much bigger responsibility than they’re used to having.
Nancy and Steve are also working with Seph and the whole Mystic Falls/McKinley group to figure out their own situation. After some long conversations and interrogations, they learn about the rules and workings of this world. Most notably that they’re both occupying the body of a werewolf and that it’s a bigger deal for Steve because Eric is a wolf with an active gene. Alternatively, Nancy has to be careful in Ronnie’s body and can’t just go charging into battle with a gun like she would back home.
Being incredibly intelligent and an aspiring investigative journalist, Nancy works with the packs to formulate plans and dig for any weaknesses they could use against Hades and his army of dead while Steve learns some fight techniques should it be needed. All the while, Nancy is finding herself re-developing feelings for her ex and it’s made even more complicated (and annoying) that Seph picks up on it.
Taking on a more of a leadership role among the Hawkins gang, Eric utilizes his creativity and knowledge to tinker with and enhance a better weapons arsenal for when they go up against Vecna while Ronnie takes on a more “motherly” role with the group. Particularly with Max, who is a target she wants to protect from Vecna.
Both Ronnie and Eric AND Steve and Nancy struggle to adapt to the times they’re now in.
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btsmosphere · 1 year
tagged by @toikiii 💞
Rules: write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions
Lee Know (SKZ)
Somin (KARD)
Rosé (Blackpink)
Suga (BTS)
Aisha (Everglow)
J.seph (KARD)
Bang Chan (SKZ)
Jimin (BTS)
1. Between 1&4 who would you rather kiss?
Lee Know!!!!!!!!! I’m down so bad for this man
2. Between 2&7 who would be your best friend?
Probably V, idk if I would pass the vibe check but I would love to spend time with him talking about weird shit or watching movies. he’s so interesting, literally let me hang out with him one time!!
3. Between 5&10 who has the better voice?
ROSÉ or JIMIN?????
no, how can you pick this. they are some of the most iconic kpop voices why why whyy did I ever number them like this..
on personal preference............. Jimin? because his voice is very unique and he does have great stylistic control. but this was so damn hard
4. Between 1&8 who is the funniest?
they’re both v funny, but for my sense of humour probably Lee Know. or maybe just because I will laugh at all his jokes anyway because I’m whipped. it doesn’t matter
anyway J.seph is very funny in a silly and sometimes slapstick kind of way, but Lino is more calculated, teasing one liners that I have no clue how he comes up with without blinking. it’s kind of impressive
5. Between 6&9 who would you date?
once again, these are both strong contenders and ultimate boyfriend material but I’m gonna pick Yoongi. him and Chan honestly both seem like such considerate partners and have a lot of the same things going for them, Yoongi just has the edge in my heart haha
6. Between 9&10 who would you do a collaboration with?
okay so, if I could sing I would love to duet with Jimin. BUT a) I can’t and b) Chan I feel is a bit more musically interesting to me, he’s been writing his own stuff for a lot longer and I would love to be part of that process. I think our taste probably overlaps a bit more too, as he loves making heavier stuff
7. Between 4&8 who is the better dancer?
Honestly these two aren’t the strongest dancers on my list, which still makes it difficult😅gotta pick J.seph, he’s got a few more years under his belt and carries off his moves with a style that can mask any technique things
8.Between 3&5 who would you most likely marry?
I think Somin, she’s just so cute I want to keep her in my pocket so this arrangement works perfectly
9. Between 1&7 who would you nurse when they are sick?
Lee Know!! he better get better so he can go back to the dance battle with god he apparently has going on. and I’m sure stray kids is in chaos without him. I’ll do my best as a completely untrained doctor!!😤😤
10. Between 2&3 who has the better smile?
how can you do this to me both of them are top tier visuals, when they aren’t smiling they’re just ungodly intimidating levels of hot, but when they smile... insert mushy music
GAHH help no help how do I pick?!? this may be too difficult
(I gave up)
11. Between 6&8 who would you vacation with?
why is this game so hard😭😭honestly my first thought was seph, since he would be a ball of energy and very fun. but Yoongi knows what’s up on a holiday, he has everything prepared for you and he’ll hold your bag while you force him to take photos of you.. can I take both?? that would be the ultimate team
my cop out answer is that it would depend what kind of holiday..
okayy let’s ignore how I got less decisive with every question, and I’ll tag:
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sunsetsnz · 1 year
Omgg, yess!! More OC lore : DDD
May I request 5, 8, 9, and 12? 🧡🦊
thank you ahri!! 💗 12 is answered here
5) What is their overall physical condition? Are they healthy or do they get sick easily?
i’ve said it already, but jonathan gets colds more frequently than seph. they’re both healthy enough, jonathan just happens to have a weaker immune system ig :’)
8) How do they react to someone around them being sick? Does it make a difference whether it’s a friend or stranger?
jonathan is the Quietly Concerned Stranger who will offer tissues to the person next to him if they look like they need them. with friends, he’ll offer to make them a nice soup or some other hot food they like and bring it over. in theo’s case, he’ll just do it without even asking bc they’re so close and he knows she doesn’t look after herself enough. he’ll go over and watch a movie with her, keep her company. he is of course excellent at caring for seph when he rarely falls ill too. he’s a very comfortable caretaker, it’s in his blood haha
with strangers seph prefers to keep his distance. with friends he shows concern and he’ll offer to do things for his friends that they just don’t have the energy to. he’ll go shopping for them or make them a fruit smoothie or milkshake with a sticky ‘feel better’ note on it. he’s quick to tell when micah feels under the weather, not just bc they live together but also bc micah is just so…sunny and loud. you can’t ignore his presence, but he shrinks into himself when he’s sick. they all miss micah’s energy but especially seph, and he knows how lonely micah gets, so he always makes sure to try and cheer him up a bit 💕
i think it goes without saying that seph is pretty…enthusiastic about jonathan having a cold. he’d never wish illness on him, but i mean, if he’s already caught it…might as well make the most of it 👀 he takes it upon himself to take care of him in every possible way hehe
9) How do they feel about sneezing? Do they do it in public? Or are they trying to avoid it?
we all know jonathan sneezes quite a lot. he doesn’t exactly want to break into a fit of sneezing in public, but trying to hold back is futile and draws more attention. stifling makes the tickle worse. so he really doesn’t have much choice. he finds it embarrassing and feels kinda gross about it, although seph helps him feel less so over time
seph enjoys sneezing but it feels too intimate to him, for obvious reasons. he can usually hold back, though if he can’t (or if he does feel confident enough letting it out, for whatever reason) then he stifles it. when he’s with jonathan or when he’s alone are the only times he lets his sneezes out fully. or when he’s sick and his nose gets too oversensitive, so he has no choice 😈 he haaates that. it’s so embarrassing.
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Living Amongst Nightmares
Chapter 5
An eyeball. That was his plan, actually to be more specific, finding the identity of the owner of the said eyeball was his plan after that well, that hadn’t been discussed yet. Five had shown Persephone the eyeball the night before and had relayed the story of how he had found it, she shivered in the car seat she was currently slouched in as she thought back on the words he spoke. She did not interrupt him the entire time he spoke, his words were blunt but the story they told made Seph feel sick, he spoke about finding his sibling’s bodies, the destruction of the academy, and the bloodied eyeball that was found in Luther’s grasp. He tried to seem as if his memories did not cause him pain, but Seph could feel the grief emanating from him, it was so strong that Seph had to hold back her tears. Going over his words for almost the twentieth Seph noticed that something did not sit right with her, Five had spoken about finding and burying each of his siblings, but never did he speak about finding her, burying her body along with the rest of the Hargreaves. She had wanted to push for an answer but by that point, the sun had started to fill the apartment and Five was ready to set off for their current destination. 
She had been sitting there, silently tapping her fingers on the steering wheel for almost twenty minutes when the slam of a car door brought her out of her trance. A disgruntled Five sat next to her now, his jaw was clenched and forehead wrinkled in anger.
“Successful trip?” She asked teasingly, feeling a little brave. The glare she received in response only made her roll her eyes, “What did you expect, they can’t just give out personal information -”
“He called me ‘young man.” Five spat, the venom in his words was so obvious it stopped Seph in her own words. 
“Well…” She was being very careful how she worded her next sentence, “Have you looked in the mirror? You can’t blame the idiot, maybe going in there all guns a blazing wasn’t the best way to approach this.” 
“Do you have a better idea? We are a name away from finding the culprit of the apocalypse and that useless sack of shit is in the way.” 
“Actually, I do.” Seph decided not to be offended by the surprised look on Five’s face instead she smiled a slightly menacing grin as she uttered her next words, watching Five’s face turn from an amused surprise to a fearful unease, “But you're not going to like it.” 
Chucking his head back Five let out a loud sigh “That goddamn smile.” Looking over at her a smile almost matching hers forming on his lips, “How many times did we get in trouble because of that smile?”
“In my opinion, not enough.”
“Your plan?” He wasn’t getting irritated, but Five was starting to fidget in his seat. 
“Well it’s quite simple, I have no idea why you hadn’t already thought of it.” Seeing that her teasing was only making Five more restless in his seat she decided to drop the playfulness tone in her voice and sighed, slightly upset that his smile had dropped. “Why don’t we use your new lease of youth as an advantage and maybe this time when we go in there we get someone, preferably someone we can trust to play a parental figure. Having someone ‘older’ with you might help you convince the useless sack of shit upstairs a little better. ”
Five’s curiosity got the better of him and leaned forward slightly, “The way you’ve presented that, it almost sounds as if you’ve got someone already in mind.” His voice was softer than before and for a brief moment, Seph felt a tiny glimmer of pride escape him. So with a wide smile, Seph nodded slowly and uttered her answer proudly.
“Klaus!” The pride quickly left and was replaced with disgust, “You want that idiot to help us?” 
“Yes!” Seph exclaimed, “Believe it or not Klaus can be very reliable plus he would jump at a chance to help us. I trust him.”
“Not sure about reliable, from what I can remember he was always a liability during our missions.” Seph wanted to argue back and defend Klaus’s character but before she had a chance Five had carried on speaking his thought’s on the idea of getting Klaus to help. “Although I suppose out of my three brothers he will be easiest to convince, won’t ask questions, we could always use a bribe if needed to I guess. Fine, we’ll try it, but might I add one small modification to this plan, something that will make the play more convincing?”
“What’s there to change?”
This time it was Five who had formed a menacing grin, “You're not going to like it.”
Staring blankly at him waiting to hear his small addition to her plan Seph’s anxiety rose, she should have known better than to have teased him earlier.
“How would you feel about finally being an official Hargreeves for the day?”
October 6th, 1997
Shattered glass. Fire. Smoke. Blood. These were just some of the images flashing throughout her mind that night. As she tossed and turned in her bed all Number Eight wanted was to wake up and forget everything she was seeing. But she couldn’t, this was the same nightmare she had had for the last three days, they kept getting worse each night, what was worse was she did understand anything she was seeing. As the images continued to change she couldn’t do anything except watch. Lights flickering on and off. Ticking clock. Ripped clothing. Tick. Bloody handprint. Tick. Brick rumble. Tick. Dead body. Boom. All at once, she felt as if she couldn’t breathe and the pain was all she could see. She could see pain, she didn’t know how to explain it but she could. And the screaming, it was strained and raw and was growing ever louder. She tried to cover her ears in hopes that she could drown the noise out but the pain she saw grew ever brighter. On and on this went on, going around and around like a horrific merry-go-round, 
Shattered glass. 
Lights flickering on and off. 
Ticking clock. 
Ripped clothing. 
Bloody handprint. 
Brick rumble. 
Dead body. 
“You need to listen to me!” 
Shattered glass. 
Lights flickering on and off. 
Ticking clock. 
Ripped clothing. 
Bloody handprint. 
Brick rumble. 
Dead body.��
“You need to let me in.”
Shattered glass. 
Lights flickering on and off. 
Ticking clock. 
Ripped clothing. 
Bloody handprint. 
Brick rumble. 
Dead body. 
“Wake up!” 
Springing up from her bed Number Eight couldn’t do anything but curl into herself, her heart thudded in her chest, the echoes of her nightmare continued to scream in her ears and she couldn't stop her hands from shaking. She needed to move, she needed to do something, anything. So she cried. She tried to stay silent, she didn’t want to wake the rest of the house, but she must have been loud as soon enough she heard a noise from the room next to hers. In the next second a quick flash of blue appeared in the corner of her room and she recognised the silhouette of the fifth Hargreeves sibling. For a brief moment it appeared he had a small smile on his face, but that smile had quickly turned to confusion then to concern at the sight of his new next-door neighbor.
“Are you okay?” 
She knew he meant well, and if she had been in his shoes (or slippers) she probably would have asked the same thing. So, instead of saying something sarcastic or mean she just shook her head and tried to slowly move to a sitting position, her hands were still shaking and her breathing was still uneven but she managed to put on a small smile. 
“Bad dream?” Five asked, having a feeling that it would probably take a moment or two until Number Eight would feel well enough to talk, he had noticed her hands, as well as her panicked breathing, but when the girl shook her again he didn’t know what else to ask, there was nothing else that could have happened to result in a response she was having. The silence must have been too horrible for her as a small but clear voice came from the bed.
“I thought they were the same thing.” 
“They're not.” 
Slowly walking over to the bed Five extended his arm, he was holding something that was still covered in the darkness of her room. 
“Saw you looking at this in the library earlier, thought you might want to read it. I read it a few times myself it’s good, I think you will like it.” 
After accepting the book, Number Eight smiled at the title, it was indeed the book she was looking at only hours ago. It was a book about Greek Mythology, the myths, and legends about the Gods and their Demi-God children as well as all of the monsters, adventures, and great battles that occurred. 
“Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome.” The boy jumped up onto the bed, but made sure to keep a small distance, he wanted to make sure she was still comfortable, after all, he had just blinked into her room without asking and had accidentally stumbled onto her having a panic attack. “So, do you want to talk about it?” 
“Then we won’t.” The silence that followed seemed somehow pleasant, the boy had noticed that her breaths had started to become slower and deeper, as for her hands, the shaking had almost stopped as he watched the girl flick through the pages of the book in her lap. “I’m Number Five, by the way, not sure if Grace had told you any of our names yet.” 
“She told me a few, she said that Mr. Hargreeves only calls you all by your numbers and not by your names, that’s why I'm Number Eight.”
With a slow and calm voice, Five was careful in his next few words, “We can call you by your name if you want, what is it?” From the conversation he had overheard two days ago he knew she hadn't remembered then, but for some reason that he wasn’t able to explain, he wanted to see if she had been able to discover her identity, he was curious as to who she was, why she was now living with them. Regardless of what his father said, he was intrigued. However, the girl sitting next to him just began to violently shake her head, her words came out fast and manic and the tears streamed from her eyes
“I don’t know, I’ve tried to remember I really have but all I see in my head is all these horrible things and then there's this voice screaming at me and I don’t know who it is. Everything still hurts and now all I am is a stupid number and I don’t even like the number 8 but I don’t know why I hate it!”
What the girl hadn’t realised was as she was crying her eyes had changed colour, her entire eye had become jet black and whispers of smoking had started to form around her shaking fingers. Five, however, had noticed and had now realised too late that he had fucked up by asking her his question. He tried to think fast as he didn’t want his father to barge into the room after hearing the girl's cries, so he just tried to distract her, so in a rare playful tone Five joked,
“Not sure if I should be offended by that, after all my name is a ‘stupid number’ but don’t worry I won't stay mad at you for long. As for the number eight, I’m not sure why you don’t like it, if you turn it on its side it becomes an infinity sign, no other number can do that.” He was honestly surprised it worked, the small laugh that came from her lips as she wiped the tears away with her pyjama sleeve made him feel relieved. “If you want to, and you don’t have to, but why don’t you choose a new name for yourself? Don’t let my father force you to be a number you hate, take back the control of forming your own identity here.” 
The girl stared at him for a few moments, Five took the moment to actually pay attention to her face. The small scars and scratches still covered her face but her brown eyes, although still glassy and damp from her crying glinted in the dim light of the room. Nodding her head slowly the girl flicked through the book until she reached the glossary page. 
“Here, I will close my eyes and pick my name.” 
“What if you get a boy's name or the name of a city?”
“Then I will do it again until I get a girl's name, stupid.” She teased and for the first time since he’d been there, she smiled. 
“Okay then. Go for it.” Leaning forward Five was now curious as to what name she would randomly pick. Watched as she closed her eyes and twirled her finger in the air before it landed on a name.
“Persephone? Is that a city?”
“No, Persephone is the Goddess of the Underworld.”
“Cool. I’ll take it.”
“Well then, welcome to the academy Persephone Hargreeves.”
“No, not Hargreeves.” Seeing the confused stare the boy gave her she continued, “I don’t want to force myself into a family that’s already so close, anyway who knows someday I might remember my own family. So I just want to be Persephone, if that’s okay.”
Five smiled back at her, he could see in her eyes she was scared that it didn’t make sense but he understood “Just Persephone is fine.”
Five watched as Vanya left the room, a small part of him felt bad about the lies he was telling her but if any more people joined in on this plan or even knew what was going on, it would end up being more chaotic than it already had somehow become. 
Speaking of which. 
“That’s so…touching, all that stuff about family and Dad and time. Wow!” Klaus had burst from the wardrobe with all the grace of a newborn deer, the clutter that had fallen from the wardrobe with him was causing a lot of noise, he winced worried about who was in earshot,
“Would you shut up? She’ll hear you.”
“I’m moist.”
Looking Klaus up and down Five made a face, “I told you to put on something professional.”
“What? This is my nicest outfit.”
The outrageously bright patterned shirt which clashed with his leather laced-up trousers, wasn’t going to work and Five rolled his eyes, he wanted to call the whole thing off but Seph had reassured him that it would all be fine, and she had never been wrong before.
“We’ll raid the old man’s closet.”
“As long as I get paid.”
“When the job is done.”
Although he had joked to Persephone earlier, Five had carried through on his idea to promise $20 to Klaus unbeknownst to Seph who was currently in her room next door. As he stepped out into the corridor he looked over to her door that was still closed, had she also heard his conversation just then with Vanya, had she run out to check on her friend? he had started to walk over to the door to check before Klaus who had joined him out in the corridor spoke up again. 
“Okay, but just so we’re clear on the finer details, I just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“What’s our cover story?”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“I mean, was I really young when I had you? Like 16? Like young and…terribly misguided?”
“Your mother, that slut!”
Raising his eyebrows Five sucked in a small quick breath “I would be careful how you word that.” Klaus however, hadn’t seen the tiny change in Five’s face and carried on speaking,
“Oh come on, as a single father I have the right to speak about your imaginary mother the way I see fit. Plus imagine the attention I would get at the school pick-up, I would soon get you a step mummy in no time.” Clutching at his chest Klaus beamed with excitement loving the fake family scenario he was making up for the pair of them. Straightening his blazer Five just gave out a small up clear chuckle, 
“I never said anything about you being a single father.”
The excitement in Klaus’s face multiplied the second the sentence left Five’s mouth and with wide eyes exclaimed, “I have a baby momma?! Who?”
The door behind Five opened and with perfect timing, Seph walked out of her room looking almost unrecognisable, her hair had been put up in an elegant updo, and she was adoring an outfit from Grace’s wardrobe, a white blouse and a pink spotted skirt. All this was put together with pair of tall thin heels, and judging on how slow she was walking Seph was not used to any form of heeled shoe. Five couldn’t help but stand back a little as she walked the short distance over to them, she looked different, she didn’t look like herself. Seph who had a hand on the nearby wall using it to keep her balance looked down at herself and shook her head, a strained laugh on her lips.
“Listen I love Grace I really do, but someone needs to take her shopping, this top is so itchy.” Removing her hand from the wall now that she had found her balance she looked over to Klaus with a raised eyebrow “Now what was that about me being a slut, Klaus, because if anything you are the slut in this relationship. I mean those pants really?” 
Completely ignoring her small jab and question, Klaus just looked at Seph with adoring eyes and grabbed her face gently, and pinched her cheeks, Five just shook his head, if that was anyone else a slap would have come their way but he remembered that Seph always had a soft spot of Klaus. 
“Oh, yes! Look at you, are you wearing makeup?!! And it’s not my fault entirely if you hadn’t looked so beguiling in your mini skirt and knee-length boots - that’s what you were wearing by the way. We would not be in this bastard child situation.”
“I have never worn a mini skirt in my life. And it’s your fault for not wrapping it!”
“Seph please to encouraging this any more that this needs.” Five’s small plea was quickly ignored and Klaus gently and smoothly removed his hands from Seph’s cheeks and wrapped his arm around her so that his hand was carefully positioned on her waist. 
“Let me have this, now as for how we met… we met at… the disco.”
“The disco? How 90’s do you want to be?” 
“Five remember that, disco!” 
Five in response just nodded his head, but sent Seph a look which showed his intention to get on with the plan, for a small moment his eyes lingered on Klaus’s hand that was on Seph’s waist and suddenly a small flicker of anger came over him, the anger disappeared as quickly as it appeared at the sound of Klaus’s next statement,
“Oh my god, the sex was amazing!”
“Ew, no, get off me your freak. No, we're not going there.”
“What a disturbing glimpse into that thing you call a brain.”
“Don’t make me put you in time-out. Come on my darling wife, let’s get me changed! You know what Mrs. Hargreeves I think this will work cause if you look at us and what a gorgeous pair we do make, then look at our darling boy, you would absolutely agree he was our kid. He’s got my handsome good looks, but he’s got your spirit!”
“Stop talking Klaus.” 
So there they were, Klaus and Persephone sat in the chairs opposite ‘Mr. Useless Sack of Shit’ Klaus was now dressed in a dark blue pinstripe suit looking rather dashing Persephone thought, Five was standing behind them Seph could feel the aggravation building as the man in front of them sighed for what seemed to be the fiftieth time. 
“Like I said to your son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client’s consent, I simply can’t help you.”
Pushing past his two ‘parents’ Five leaned forward on the desk and snarled “Well, we can’t get consent if you don’t give us a name.”
Looking over at Klaus for some kind of idea to stop Five from causing a violent reaction Seph was stunned to see that Klaus had seemed to be staring off into space, caught in his thoughts that he hadn’t even noticed Five’s vicious tone. Acting without hesitation Seph simply reached out and caught Five’s arm trying desperately to drag him back so he would be behind her, whilst keeping a calm and ‘motherly’ expression “Sweetie… calm down.” If she had noticed the insulted look Five had given her for her new nickname for him she didn’t show it, all her attention was on the man they had come to convince. He in turn seemed to find the small interaction amusing and with crossed arms looked directly at Five and bluntly stated. 
“Well, that’s not my problem.” 
Sensing that this plan was potentially looking like it was going to fail Seph rattled her brain to try and think of a quick compromise besides, Klaus was being no help, she was not in the mood to have to admit to Five later on that he had indeed been right and bringing Klaus was the wrong idea. 
“Is there not a way that we could maybe arrange a meeting so that my son could give over the eye to its owner, you wouldn’t have to give us any information but you could at least arrange a time maybe tomorrow -” Logically the plan sounded good and she even noticed Five’s grim expression lighten up for a brief second until, 
“I’m sorry sweetheart that is also against our policy. Now, there’s really nothing more I can do, so -“
“And what about my consent?”
It was the first time Klaus had spoken since they had entered the room and honestly Persephone was shocked, Klaus sounded very confident, had he been planning something all this time? Was this plan of hers actually going to work?
“Excuse me?”
“Klaus, what are you doing?” Seph heard Five mutter behind her, although her back was turned and she couldn’t see him the emotions she could sense from Five were a mixture of anger, confusion, and a small ounce of fear. Ignoring his brother, Klaus continued to stare down the man in front of him and began to speak, 
“Who gave you permission… to lay your hands… on my wife?” There was not even a second for the room to even acknowledge what he had said before the Persephone, Five and even the man blurted out at the same time,
“You heard me.”
“I didn’t touch your wife.”
“Oh really? Well, then how did she get that swollen lip then?”
“Oh no!” Seph could see where this plan was going, and for a brief moment, she made a mental note to slap Klaus in the face when they left the building but knowing that there was no point in trying to stop Klaus she decided to mentally and physically brace herself for what was about to happen. 
“She doesn’t have a swollen—“
The strike against her face has quick but painful, Seph screamed out in pain immediately putting pressure on her lips with her hand. Five rushed to her side trying to assess the damage as he could see the blood trickling down her hand as Klaus continued his plan, his words drowned out as Five replaced Seph’s hand with a tissue he had taken out from his pocket.
Seph gave him a thankful look and silently whispered, “Okay maybe you were right, maybe asking Klaus was a bad idea.”
“I’ll gloat about it later.” He whispered back, but there wasn’t a smile on his face, he was fully concentrated on his task of keeping pressure on Seph’s lip as it was still badly bleeding, both their attentions were brought back to Klaus with the loud sounds of the snow globe that was previously on the desk being smashed on Klaus’s forehead. 
“What are you doing?” The terrified man in front of them was attempting to dial a number on his phone but sooner enough Klaus had taken the receiver from him, Persephone couldn't help but watch on in awe at the scene that was unfailing in front of her, she had tried to convince Five that Klaus was reliable and here he was confirming her statement.
“There’s been an assault… in Mr. Big’s office, and we need security, now. Schnell! Now, here’s what's going to happen, Grant.” 
“It’s… Lance.” 
“In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they’re gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they’re gonna wonder, ‘What the hell happened?' And we’re gonna tell them that you…beat the shit out of us.”
Not even trying to hide her amused and cheery tone Seph looked back up to Five who in turn was watching on with a small proud smile on his lips as he watched his brother perform, “Actually you know what I take it back I was right all along, this was a genius idea.”
“You can gloat later.” Five stated bluntly, the small smile still on his lips. 
“So you agree I was right?” He was still focused on watching Klaus but Seph saw his smile grow a little wider at her teasing question. 
“You’re gonna do great in prison Grant. Trust me, I’ve been there. A little piece of chicken like you. Oh my god, you’re gonna get passed around like a… You’re just going to do great. That’s all I’m saying.” 
“Jesus, you’re a real sick bastard.”
“Thank you.”
They were all outside the building 15 minutes later, Five was not happy. They had gone through all of that, all of the fake pretending only to find out that the eye hadn’t even been made yet. This meant that the person who was undoubtedly the culprit of the apocalypse hadn’t lost their eye yet. Which was a valid reason for Five to be mad, Seph watched him pace frantically from her spot on the steps the bloodied tissue crumpled up in her hand. Her lip had stopped bleeping but it still stung and was sore to touch, she was just grateful that Klaus hadn’t been wearing any rings otherwise her scar that would undoubtedly form on her face would have been much worse. 
“Well, this is not good.” 
“I was pretty good, though, right? Yeah. What about my consent bitch? Sephy baby you okay there?
“I want a divorce.” It was blunt but there was a glimmer of a tease in her voice, Klaus decided to acknowledge the joke and carry it on, all the while ignoring Five’s glare as he continued to pace.
“Yeah that’s fair, you can have custody after today I’ve realised I’m not father material!”
Finally deciding that he had had enough of Klaus’s fanatics Five turned and faced his brother, “Klaus, it doesn't matter.” 
“What? What? What’s the big deal with this eye, anyway?”
“There is someone who’s going to lose an eye in the next seven days. They’re gonna bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it.” 
Seph supposed it was the fact they had a deadline that was what was causing Five to start acting the way he had, she had noticed it slightly yesterday evening after he returned, the bluntness, giving his siblings the cold shoulder, lying to Vanya. Back when they were kids they were never like this to each other, sure there was a small amount of normal and natural sibling squabbles and teasing but the Hargreeves were never mean to each other as kids. At least not until after Ben’s death. So watching Five almost automatically shut himself away from his siblings made her heart ache, in fact as she thought back, at no point did anyone apart from herself and Vanya seem happy that he was back. A sharp pain snapped Seph back into reality and she looked down at her hands to find that she had as if on instinct started pinching her skin again, she had lost herself in her thoughts she hadn't even noticed her nails had scratched her skin a little too deep. Silently cursing to herself she pressed the tissue in her other hand onto the cut, hoping she could hide it from the two men in front of her. Although she didn’t need to worry, they were also lost in their own conversation. 
“Yeah, can I get that 20 bucks, like now, or what?”
“Your 20 bucks?”
“Yeah, my 20 bucks.” 
“The apocalypse is coming, and all you can think about is getting high?”
“Well, I’m also quite hungry. Tummy’s a-rumblin’.” 
“You’re useless. You’re all useless!”
“Hey, what the hell!” 
Five at least had the decency to look over at Seph with apologetic eyes, but Seph saw as his eyes dropped and lingered on something, then soon enough he had joined her on the steps and snatched her hand into his. Yanking her hand back before he had a chance to see her own self-inflicted injury, she listened on as Klaus himself laughed his way back into the main conversation. 
“Oh, come on. You need to lighten up, old man. Hey, you know, I’ve just now realised why you’re so uptight. You must be horny as hell. Sephy baby you better keep your distance, or old sparks will ignite eh!” Giving Five a very obvious wink all Seph could do in response to Klaus's taunt was roll her eyes, after realising he wasn't able to get any bite from his bait Klaus circled back to his main point, “All those years by yourself. It’s gotta screw with your head, being alone.” 
“Well, I wasn’t alone.” 
“Oh, pray tell.”
“Her name was Delores. We were together for over 30 years.” 
Delores, there was that name again, temporarily forgetting about her cut she slide her hand over his, giving it a small squeeze. The warmth that emanated from him was enough for Seph to know her tiny gesture was appreciated. 
“Thirty years? Oh wow! God the longest I’ve been with someone was…” Klaus rambled on, but Seph wasn’t listening, after all, she had probably heard this story before at some point, so she continued her focus on Five who seemed to be lost in his thoughts, just as she was only a few minutes ago. 
“Glad you found someone, like Klaus said, all that time alone it must have been -”
“Do you want to meet her?” 
“What?” The confusion in her voice and on her face didn’t phase Five as twisted his hand so that his fingers interlocked with Seph’s. 
“Come on.”
Seph suddenly found herself sitting in the back of a taxi, before she even had a chance to say anything a wave of nausea hit her, it had been several years since she had blinked with Five. 
“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what about my money!” Seph looked out of her window to see Klaus on the other side of the road, shouting at them, arm raised in the air with anger and annoyance.
“You could have at least paid him,” Seph claimed, keeping her eyes closed as she took deep breaths as the nausea passed.
“With what money?”
“You tricked him!”
“It’s Klaus, he makes it easy.” 
“So where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
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Meet the Writer
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
(CANON MUSES) - Well, this blog started as a Sephiroth RP Blog, as my early partners know, and so to be honest, it was a long time coming. But start of the fandom is up and down with cause and level of interest, and my draw to Sephiroth was slow, but eventually I hit an age and a state of returned interest in the fandom where I'm like...damn I'd love to play him. I adored his character, his cool collected crazy villain nature and also his complicated beginnings and the tragedy. And I'd played a few complicated villain characters before so I hoped to be able to tackle him accurate. Tried it years ago, maybe...ten more or less? maybe less lol but...I was way too intimidated, guys. Granted, I was constantly trying to tackle AC Seph so, sure, but I just didn't feel like I could do him justice and I gave up. But the resurgence Remake brought finally brought me to give him a try and I have adored exploring him ever since. The good, the bad, the ugly, and all the relationships in between and I'm excited to continue exploring. I adore Sephiroth for the tragedy, and every level of it, and that is why I took him on. The rest? Well, Vincent was my original fave and adore him to similar yet different depths and I love exploring all his hurt and pain and layers as well. Our dark dramatic monster mash corpse is just too good not to partake in, and over the last few years, I've adored developing my fanon layers to add depth to factors of his history or nature. Kadaj? Short answer, I sympathize with the angry hurt child that he is and the rage he wants to spill on the world, and the darkness he can threaten to weild, and his need to be embraced at the end of the day. Reno? It started as shits and giggles and because I thought he'd be funny to play. Now? I'm in too deep and I love this fucker. My newest muses, as of me doing this, are Evan Townshend and Nero the Sable, and though I'm still working on developing my muse with them, especially the latter, I just...adore them. Babies. They are my babies. (OCs) - I haven't actually had in depth, ongoing chances to play my FF7 OC Aurelia, which is absolutely on me and my lack of development and confidence. She started from a self insert OC that was purely in my head and once drawn on paper XD she occupied my night time fantasies to play out fanfiction like fulfillment and she was basically made to ship with Vincent (please, judge away, I cringe hard now). However, with thanks to new inspiration and a lil help of an ex-friend, I'm proud of how I've remade her and I really do want to play into what she is now and develop her further, because i have a special love for Deepground, and I would adore a chance to play her in all her power but in all her weakness, too, and figure out how she connects and deals with the world around her.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Not that I can think of? I can't say I don't like writing what I'm about to say, I do, but lets define this as what do I occasionally have problem writing--angst. And my only problem, is chaotic home life has bred such a deep ingrained need to avoid conflict that sometimes I fumble that into RP replies (in ways that it may makes sense, but also in ways where it feels OOC and/or like they're far more self aware than they should be in that moment). So it's something I've been working on and getting better with!
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Angst and Fluff in equal measure, even if one or the other border on self indulgent, so long as it's fun and satisfying for me and my partners. I like pushing our characters to strains and pains more than we've experienced so far, or in different ways and what it brings out of them. But I also adore those fluff moments where it can just be a tender embrace, a loving moment, or being told those words or given that care that they needed but were denied in canon. It pleases me deeply, both of them.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
They just happen. I don't often sit there and try to come up with something, it's just they pop up when writing, when thinking through the character, or more often through RPs and asks. If it feels like it really fits, especially if I can expand on it in a way that weaves well into the character, it becomes a satisfying headcanon.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Music, unless unable and/or I started without it and now I'm in a flowing writing zone and/or whatever I'm writing is short. I'm literally listening to music right now XD granted it's on repeat from me using it to answer asks but, still. Also yes, fanfics and sometimes specific threads or partners garner very specific music vibes or playlists.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
Hmm, this depends. I mean, I guess as a majority, I wing them. There will sometimes be planning out with a partner, and I will keep the plan in mind, especially if we're wanting the scene to end with a specific destination. But, for the most part, I wing them I guess? Like, I read a reply, I let my brain figure out if there's any automatic sparks of reaction from muse, and with or without that, I get to work.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Hell yeah. When it's balanced, and not just smut (though I love me some smut), I adore shipping. Especially when we can work in all the complicated positives and negatives and the personal discoveries that the dynamics bring. And sometimes the ships are just so fdnsjkdnj bjnfajknfjks.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Ash, though only a few people use that. Real name is Jordan, which I'm sure I put in my mun bio, but I don't mind either XD Ash comes from my middle name which a friend suggested I take on if I ever decided to get a name change to go along with accepting my genderqueer identity but I'm fine with either. They're both me~
Freshly 29 ~
March 31st
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Purple, red, black, gold.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Eh, I can't say I have specific enough favorites. I like any song, old and new, that I've come across and collected, that can either have a nice beat, be devestatingly emotional and beautiful, or dramatic/epic movie level. Also a good guess for my current musical taste? Sleep Token is my every vibe right now with multiple muses, fics, and ships lmao.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Can't remember the last movie i watched and finished, mostly rewatch shows these days. A tie between 'The Mummy Returns' and 'Frozen II' it is, I guess lmao.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Mashle. I fucking love this crazy show. My Hero is a close tie, kind of been watching them back and forth.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
If my current one counts, Ado cover of Unravel by TK from Tokyo Ghoul.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
I can't choose??? How can you even make me. Too many options, between fast food options to home cooked meals. Going with the indulgent meal I keep getting a craving for and that never fails to be delicious, Yellow Curry with shrimp from this local place where I live. So good.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
When it plays it's role properly, fall/autumn. I like the balance of the cold without it being too severe. The small of the cold earth, the fallen leaves. Summer is my enemy, I become a fat puddle.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
Not entirely, I'm pretty even with everyone, and I adore all my partners and friends in different ways, because they and I are all so individual! I love all you guys! Though sometimesrufus has damn near basically earned that title XD My Rufus~
Tagged by: no one, I STOLE IT
Tagging: anyone who wants!!
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flownintothesun · 3 months
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 ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───    "𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞." ~𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐲  
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                                ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ─── 𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭. ( @realmythz )
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       "𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓?" he snaps, squeezing his eyes closed hard with a sigh and a slow shake of his head. He hadn’t meant to lash out at her — sometimes it seems that it just happens. She just wants to help him, but he’s like a wounded animal by this point and can’t tell the difference between help and hurt. Everyone who was ever supposed to help him has just ended up breaking him more — so is it any wonder why his broken pieces are strewn about like glass just waiting to cut anyone who tries to get too close... even old friends who mean well. He’d love to tell himself it’s not a jealousy thing — and yet, he can’t. She’d eventually gotten out. He didn’t. He’d had to claw his own way out. He knows how bad the world can be. Desperately. Achingly.
      “’m sorry,” he murmurs, sincerely ashamed of himself. He knows that changes in tone and the feeling of someone being angry with you can send you right back into hell if you’re not careful. He doesn’t want to hurt her. He never did. This was a bad idea. He’s better off on his own where he can’t be the problem — where no one can hurt him and he can’t hurt them, either. “I didn’t mean to — I just...you’re out now, yeah? You should count that as a win and run with it ‘s far away as you can from it.” And by it, he almost certainly means himself.
       He knows what it’s like to be the protector. It’s hurts — it leaves scars, and it’s lonely. He’s gotten a lot of kids out or kept them safe in his time — but never quite managed the same for himself — always thought he deserved what was coming to him. His boss is too good to him, even. Yeah, it’s a life of crime — but it pays decent and it’s probably the safest thing he’s ever done if no one’s attached to him. “I can’t be your pity project, Seph, okay?”
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silver-wield · 1 year
I think you're one of the few i see who prefers cody over steve. Not judging! Just making an observation. I also love cody. And initially i preferred george as sephiroth, but honestly, tyler has really grown on me. Kinda sad to see people prematurely judging caleb though. Like come on, at least give him a chance.
Steve's the reason I always thought AC cloud was emo. I get now that Cloud was literally dying but honestly, he just sounded like a miserable git being all poor me through the entire film. That's why my fave scenes are the fighting ones cause Cloud doesn't talk in them 🤣
Obvs after reading up and learning the lore I know better, but I've never been a fan of his voice. He sounds so old. Cloud is 23 in AC and I wouldn't have been shocked if someone said he was 35.
Cody sounds young. Caleb sounds young. I especially think male VAs should sound the age of the character they're playing. It's one thing to play the role well like Rick does, but he still makes me believe Zack is in his 30's and for me that makes him wrong for the part.
I feel bad for Caleb getting a load of hate just cause he's not Rick. He's doing a good job and if he wasn't being compared to another va by salty losers who wanna hear someone else I think he'd been getting more positive feedback.
I honestly don't get why anybody prefers Steve to Cody, though. Cody is amazing! The way he plays Cloud made me a fan of Cloud ❤️
Britt is a great Tifa, and Rachael Leigh Cook was also a good Tifa. Maybe not as low registered as I think the devs imply Tifa sounds, but she did good. Britt's better though. Britt is how I always imagined Tifa sounded.
I have no opinion of the Sephiroth VAs. Honestly, they all sound the same to me. Which I don't think is bad, they all sound consistently good and alike so I think that helps the transition between VAs work better. Tyler seems a very sort of smooth Sephiroth. Like you can get a sense of this terrible beauty through his voice over the outright sinister side most people think of when they think of Seph.
I don't like how Briana does Aerith. I literally play saying "stfu Aerith" whenever she's screaming. I did like Mena Suvari as Aerith. I thought she was easy to listen to even though I didn't like Aerith in AC either. I've never liked her, but Mena had a good voice for Aerith. I wouldn't go around demanding SE replace Briana with Mena.
Preferring one va over another is about taste and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Harassing SE, the devs and the VAs because you don't like how someone sounds is being a shit bag and you should stfu. That is not about opinion. That's you being a git and nobody wants to hear you whining 🤣
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