#she said she slipped into 'streamer mode'
darkmoonravewolf · 3 months
A lot of people are apologizing to Zaion because her situation is very similar to Selen's but I just cannot forgive the rape jokes, I'm sorry
Joking about how she would have also raped the girl in a game she was playing is fucking wild. Like everyone just forgot about that and thinks she got terminated just for being a shotacon. Japan does not give a shit about that.
AND THEN SHE BASICALLY APOLOGIZED BY GOING "Sorry, it was a gamer moment 🥺"
Like... Bro... That's not something that comes out of your mouth if you weren't comfortable with saying it in private
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hoodie-prince-kid · 1 year
in the streamer au, Core chilling on Halloween's stream and being not in on stream mode so she lets a swear slip and there is just a minor bit of surprise. Core??? Spooking vampirebat_core?!?! Said fuck?!?!
i'm sure someone clips it and it becomes a twitter meme. #letcoresayfuck /j
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exiledlvsts · 1 year
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ (for my precious baby bean 🥰)
what can be said about the youngest member of the wright family?
dylan loves her baby sister. girls gotta stick together, right? but it's more than just that. she sees circe as the perfect match. someone she's spent time molding into her perfect girl.
morgan remembers the first time he saw dylan really focused on circe. it was in the dead of night--properly past the youngest sibling's bedtime. he lingered in the shadows of the hallway, watching his sisters interact in the living room. he couldn't be certain of what he saw, but he knew the way his body was starting to react. something about the primal way dylan's arms wrapped around her intrigued him.
luka views himself as the standard big brother--distant, vaguely irritated, and edgy beyond his bounds. he's a video game streamer--doesn't really have a reason to leave his room. but if he hears circe outside of his door--if she sounds like she's in distress--he makes sure to end his stream and make himself known to the rest of the household. it's not out of the kindness of his heart that he inserts himself between her and the others. he'd like it to be the case, but...
there was a night that dylan slipped into dale's room to lay with him--that part isn't unusual between the two of them. the twins made a habit of sharing a bed with one another. but this night in particular...circe's name was on dylan's lips as she wrapped her fingers around dale's shaft. she stroked him while whispering all the possibilities before them if they just...took...a bite. "she's just down the hall," dylan told him. "imagine how tight she'd be."
moon tries his best to keep circe under a watchful eye. he knows in the back of his mind that his other children aren't what they seem. it was funny. all of them looked so perfect, it was hard to see where he went wrong. at the very least, he could protect his youngest from the corruption that inevitably took over his babies.
dale gets pissed off when he has to share dylan. he'd been able to rely on her for his whole life but circe...what made her so fucking special? in his youth, he had a habit of simply moving into his destructive mode whenever there was an obstacle. but this...this was different. he gets so angry when she's around, but...that anger just shoots straight to his groin.
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wyrmy-fics · 3 years
if the rfa had youtube channels, what would they be posting?
This is going to be so much fun oml. I know exactly what to do. So buckle up 👁👁
Reblogs are highly appreciated. :)
RFA on YouTube
Includes: Zen, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin, Seven, V, Rika.
Warnings -> (N/A)
Type: Headcanons.
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✧ Zenny’s Tips & Tricks ✧
His channel is mainly about himself, as anyone would guess.
But at the same time, they’re actually helpful and fun to watch. He’s been crowned the “big bro” of YouTube.
Beauty tips: How to wash your face properly and the right products to use, the perfect shampoo and conditioners, how to keep yourself from aging...
Zen will also do tons of reviews and sponsorships.
Whenever he’s not talking about beauty, here comes the tricks.
Acting tricks: How to pick your monologues, the right volume to use within the theatre, how to use your expressions, the red flags in theatre...
Even if you aren’t interested in those, he always makes the videos enjoyable to learn from.
The occasional fancams here and there...
“It’s not weird to show your own fancams, right?”
⭑ Yoosung Games ⭑
Of course he’d be a gamer channel.
Streams on Twitch and then edits the videos for YouTube the next day.
He has the whole set up too - the gaming chair, headphones, glowing keyboard, etc.
One of the best LOLOL streamers out there, but he also tries new games.
The occasional conspiracy theory videos.
Yoosung often streams with other players too and has his own little circle.
Really kicked off when he tried out Minecraft survival mode.
Would probably be one of those yelling/screaming type streamers...
“The enderman looked scary, okay!!”
Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
Out of request, would probably do some challenges like Try Not to Laugh or Simulator challenges.
CrankGameplays vibes...
Overall a very loved YouTuber and slowly growing in subscribers.
❊ Jaehee Kang ❊
A very casual YouTuber.
Doesn’t really open up an account until she has her café.
Vlogging about her day is her main source of content.
There are a few videos with tips about creating a business and marketing, as well as what all she did to get there.
Shows off her coffee skills with her morning scenes.
If it’s a slow day for Jaehee, she’ll film herself working with soft music playing in the background that viewers can listen to with her.
Occasionally streams for Q&A sessions and to just talk with her subscribers.
Relationship videos with MC.
Hair updates because she’s excited about it growing out!!
A very loved and relaxing account. Who could hate her.
“Mom of YouTube.”
- (=•́ܫ•̀=) Jumin Han (=•́ܫ•̀=)
A business related channel.
Everyone asks about the cat faces in his name.
He doesn’t answer. (Was put in by Luciel)
Focuses his content on how to run a business and what it’s like for a CEO.
Doesn’t post too often - predominately takes requests when someone has a question about his work.
Will use the account to upload something professionally and send over in meetings.
If given the chance, will talk for a good 30 minutes about one simple thing. No editing either.
One time, Jumin made a video about the Dark Arts and magic he learned from his book. Everyone asked what that was about.
He didn’t answer.
Almost always has Elizabeth the Third with him in his videos too.
“Everyone must see her beauty at all times, don’t you think?”
♛ Defender of Justice ♛
People usually call him Seven or Luciel in his videos, though.
Because he can’t show his identity to the world, he’s a masked YouTuber. (Also the reason why Saeran doesn’t create a channel.)
Think channels like Corpse, SwaggerSouls, or Dream.
Plays along with Yoosung in his games and is part of that little circle.
Will occasionally stream but relies more on videos he can edit.
Lots of cool effects in his videos - the intro is never skipped by anyone.
He tried being a VTuber once. Nearly cancelled for catfishing.
When he’s not gaming with Yoosung, Seven is mainly doing reviews on materialistic things.
Probably cars, inventions, recent technology, and giving info about them.
He’s a super mysterious YouTuber because no one knows anything about him. No one can find anything if they tried.
Everyone loves his humor though and how accepting he is to his fans.
✎ Jihyun Arts ✎
Creates his channel after his route.
Will post tutorials, speedpaints, reviews, and look at his subscribers art to compliment them.
Very slow with updating his videos but makes up for it with the length. (Average 15-20 minutes.)
Everyone loves to put his videos on in the background since his voice is really soothing. Especially when he’s painting very quietly.
There are a few videos where he teaches certain techniques with both photography and painting, like lighting and settings.
As a photographer, it was hard to clearly see feedback on his works or talk with fans. Thankfully, YouTube changed that.
It took him a while to ease into it, but he loves engaging with subscribers and asks questions on social media all the time.
Reshares any and all artwork made for him to give his honest opinions, which are all lovely.
Somehow shipped with Jumin by fans.
☼ Kim Rika ☼
Posts twice a week with a mixture of content.
Occasionally promotes the RFA and charity work as a leader.
But on other times when there are no parties coming up, she does story times.
With parties and planning around famous (and infamous) guests, she’s bound to have a few interesting stories she can say publicly.
Like how nice Rui is in donating his photographs, or the time she slipped up and said the wrong thing to Chef Lamsey.
They’re all in good fun and typically a drama free channel.
Sometimes will vlog herself when preparing for parties and making trips to gather the things needed.
Lots of cute effects and stays within a very warm theme in all her thumbnails.
Just like Jihyun, she’s one of those channels where people play her videos in the background to simply listen to her voice.
Most likely has a line of merch, all sun and daffodil related.
PHEW that’s a lot of characters. Hope this is what you had in mind! ^^
- 💙
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nony-bear · 3 years
Mission Birthday (Steve Oneshot)
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This blog and ALL posts are for people 18 + ONLY.
Gif By: @zimski-vojnik // Dividers Found Here
Parings: Steve X Reader
Warnings: Kissing (I don’t know if that needs a warning but just incase.)  
Word Count: 1779
Summary: It’s your boyfriends birthday... the only problem is, he didn’t tell you. 
A/N: Hi everyone! I know it’s been a hot second since I’ve posted any actual writing, but I finally was able to write this request I got a while back! I think I like how it ended up turning out even though it’s on the shorter side for a oneshot, but anyways, I hope I did an okay job, and everyone likes it! As always, thank you all for your support and everything. You all are truly amazing, and I can’t express how grateful I am for everything. My inbox is always open and has anonymous mode available, so please feel free to drop in anytime about literally anything (even requests!) I’d love to hear from you all!
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Sitting at the kitchen table at the Avengers compound, you sip your coffee carefully, trying not to burn your mouth but still get a taste of that magical caffeine. Nat is sitting across from filling out some mission reports while eating her breakfast, Bruce is next to her reading some physics thesis, and Bucky is over at the stove cooking up some eggs. While making himself some breakfast, Bucky chats with you about work and the weather and other normal stuff. The conversation is by no means awkward, but your brain is still waking up, not used to being up this early. Usually, after your boyfriend (and fellow avenger) Steveleaves in the morning for his workout session giving you a soft kiss goodbye, you fall right back to sleep. But this morning was different. No matter how hard you tossed and turned, you couldn’t sleep. There was this weird nagging feeling in the back of your head that you were missing something. Still, you were sure that you didn’t have any meetings except for a quick one this afternoon, and besides that, you had the day completely free. But you still couldn’t shake it, so instead, you got up and dragged yourself out into the common area.
“So, what are you and Steve doing tonight?” Bucky asks, walking over to the table with his plate in hand.
You shrug nonchalantly. “Not sure, probably just go catch fireworks somewhere. Why do you have plans?”
In the midst of hungrily shoveling the food in his mouth, he looks up at you, confused. “But it’s -”
You chuckle at him a little, looking shocked before answering the question for him. “Buck, I know it used to be really big when you and Steve were young, but usually people now only do like cookouts and fireworks. Independence Day just isn’t as big of a deal.”
“Oh my god, you don’t know…” He says, dropping the fork on the table making a clinking sound that causes Nat and Bruce to look up at him in just as much confusion as you.
With a nervous laugh, you look between him and the others. “What don’t I know?”
“Nope, nothing,” Buck announces, his demeanor changing suddenly, before standing up and walking back towards the counters in the kitchen.
You’re suddenly much more awake and quick on your feet, following after him. “You can’t just not tell me now!” You say, grabbing his arm lightly as if you could really ever actually restrain his movements.
“You obviously don’t know for a reason, so I’m not going to be the one that tells you.” He laughs, using his hand to push your head, and subsequently, your body away from him playfully.
“Nat! Bruce!” You whine, looking at them for help.
Bruce sighs, taking off his glasses. “You know she isn’t going to leave you alone until you tell her.”
Bucky huffs in annoyance, knowing how persistent you can be. “Okay fine, but you can’t tell him I told you…”
Your heart starts beating faster; you figured it was something about Steve, but now you’re worried, what if this is something serious. “I promise.” You tell him before taking a deep breath in.
“Today is Steve’s birthday.” He says cautiously.
“What?!” You, Nat, and Bruce all say at once.
Bucky puts down his plate and rubs his hands over his face frustratedly. “He’s going to kill me.”
“Not if I kill him first!” You say immediately. “I can believe he didn’t tell me! I’ve been trying to get it out of him for months! He said he didn’t want me trying to analyze his birth chart, said his mom thought that kind of stuff was for witches.” Bruce shrugs with a chuckle, and Nat swats him with her papers.
“Y/n, please, don’t make a big deal about today. Steve doesn’t like celebrating his birthday. He hates it, actually,” Bucky explains, glancing at the doorways worried Steve may walk in at any moment.
You shake your head and put your hands on your hips, confused. “But why? Obviously, the astrology thing wasn’t true.”
“I mean, that does sound like something his mom would have said, but still, Steve just doesn’t like being the center of attention, didn’t want you to go to the trouble probably.” Bucky shrugs. “Now, speaking of trouble… don’t get me in it.”
After talking to Bucky, you tried not to dwell on the fact that it is your boyfriend’s birthday, and you literally have nothing prepared. But that quickly proved to be impossible. So mission Birthday commenced.
You got yourself ready as quickly as possible to avoid Steve on his way back from the gym before his meetings and then ran out into town. You picked up everything you would need; decorations, food, some cupcakes, and of course, his gift. You had reserved this present for your anniversary, only three months away, but with this new information, you couldn’t help yourself.
Making sure to discreetly slip back into the compound after Steve had already left for his meetings and drop everything off before attending a meeting of your own. Thankfully it was short and sweet, and you were able to dash back to your shared suite in no time.
You set up everything perfectly. Simple blue streamers on the ceiling, a few silver balloons here and there, and his go-to order from his favorite take-out spot and cute little cupcakes from a local bakery presented nicely on the delicately set table, while the gift rests hidden in your bag for later.
Having a bit of time left, you put on one of his favorite records, lit some candles, and changed into one of his favorites of your dresses. You are finishing up fixing up your hair when you hear the jiggle of the knob on the front door.
“Uh, baby? Are you in there? Did you lock the door?” The confused man calls out to you from the other side of the door. Considering the Avengers Compound is one of the secure and safest places in the entire world, you tended to rarely keep the doors locked.
Giggling, you rush over and smooth your dress out one last time before unlocking the door and opening it slowly. “I’m sorry, I’m actually waiting for someone. Can I help you?” You tease him trying not to open the door too wide, and let him see in.
“What’s going on with you, my little minx? Let me in.” He chuckles, confused, trying to wrap a hand around your waist to move you.
You follow his lead and move to the side. Once he enters the room, you close the door before coming up behind him and wrapping your arms around his torso. “I know your secret.” You say softly, unable to contain your giddy smile.
“Baby, you didn’t have to do all of this…” He sighs, turning in your arms to get a better look at you. “You didn’t have to go to all the trouble just for me.”
You shake your head and frown. “Steve, it’s no trouble at all. I love you, and you deserve to be celebrated. I can’t believe you weren’t going to tell me.”
His features soften as he leans down and kisses you wiping the frown off your face. “I love you so much…. And thank you, I’m sorry for not telling you, even though I would have been just fine with leftovers and going to see the fireworks tonight.” He chuckles.
“Don’t worry, we’ll still go see the fireworks tonight still, but after dinner, now come eat.”
Steve and you talk over dinner, enjoying the quality time together, and him continually thanking you and telling you that you didn’t have to do all this for him.
After eating, you pull him out of his seat and head towards the garage. You ignore his repeated questions about where you are going, simply telling him to be patient. About fifteen minutes later, you pull over to the side of the road and get out of the car, Steve following closely behind.
Still asking you a million questions, you lead him out to a field where you can see a handful of people in the distance setting something up.
“Baby, what the hell are we doing out here?” He asks you, confused and starting to get nervous that you guys may be trespassing.
“Wanted you to have the best seats in the house.” You say, making Steve connect the dots that the men in the distance must be setting up the annual fireworks. “Now sit so I can give you your present.” You laugh, pulling him down to the grass with you.
“A present, really baby? I swear you really -”
“Didn’t have to do this, I know, I know.” You cut him off while pulling the small wrapped object out of your bag and handing it to him. “I wanted to. Steve, really, I love you; I couldn’t let your birthday be just another day. You deserve better than that.”
Steve stops trying to argue and leans forward, kissing your forehead lovingly before taking the gift from you. Carefully he unwraps the simple blue paper revealing the clear box containing an old dirty baseball with tiny letters scrawled across it in blue ink.
“I know how you always said you wish you could have played baseball as a kid and how you and bucky would always try to go catch foul balls at the Yankees games but never did. So I got one for you, even got the player you liked from all the way back then…” You explain nervously, hoping he’d like it as much as you thought he would.
“This is an amazing baby. I don’t even know what to say. Just thank you, so, so much.” He says, closely examining the ball until he looks up to you, pulling you in close for a hug and a kiss.
You smile at his happiness, proud that he liked the gift. “Happy Birthday, old man.” You giggle teasingly.
He chuckles, giving you an eye roll.“Can’t even be mad at you. You have made this the best birthday ever.”
Soon the two of you cuddle up close with your back against his front and his arms wrapped around you, leaning up against one of the trees bordering the field. Waiting for the fireworks to begin, a comfortable silence falls over you both while he presses soft kisses to your cheek, and you play with the fingers of his that is held by yours. And as you lie there together, Steve thinks of why exactly he didn’t like his birthday, but suddenly he can’t remember.
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Taglist: @angrybirdcr // @cloudystevie // @dadplease // @doozywoozy // @patzammit // @selfcarecap // @steebsbabygirl​ // @velvetcardiganbucky​​ // @worksby-d​
If you would like to be a part of my taglist for future writing, let me know! (If you would like to be tagged for only certain characters and/or only specific types of writing (like only fluff or only smut), I can do that too!)
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Mr. President
Part 1, Part 2
Summery: After the election the Presidential nominee, Steve Rogers, takes an interest in his campaign manager.
Warning: non consent, light bondage, choking, violence, smut
my first real smut. love to know where i could improve.
Dark Steve x Reader
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Being Captain America's campaign manager had to be the easiest campaign you ever managed. The perfect soldier put Americans at ease. Especially with the current administration self sabotage. Although he would be the oldest president to date he didn't look it. Not to mention he would be easily the sexiest president since Kennedy.
Tonight the votes were counted and America's golden boy won. Steve swept the election to become the next President of the United States.
Streamers and confetti rained down as the announcement came through. After the press interviews and the almost endless congratulations you lost track of the President elect.
You blamed it on the champagne that flowed through the event like water. You toasted almost every staffer you came across, hugged donors and party members.
By the time you caught sight of Sam you were most definitely buzzed. He was celebrating too with some blonde campaign aid that's named slipped your mind at that moment.
"Hey Sam! Have you seen Steve?" You shout at him as you make your way through the room. You needed to discuss the plans for tomorrows press tour before you called it a night.
Pulling himself away covered in lipstick his heavily lidded eyes looked at you. He managed to inform you of Steve's whereabouts, he had snuck off to his Presidential suite. It made sense, the super soldier could never get drunk and was seen as a prude much to the delight of the more conservative  supporters. A fact that helped them over look his non marital status.
You remind Sam to not have too much fun tonight before departing. It took some effort, but you managed to cut through the crowd without having to stop for too long. Compared to how you felt you were sure Steve must have been exhausted.
Finally you slipped out of the hall, down the corridor and into one of the elevators. The slow ride up to the Presidential floor gave you a respite of peace. When you made it to his floor you got off and from down the hall you saw two FBI agents at his door.
It was a standard procedure for agents to be assigned to the parties nominee. The sight of which always made you giggle. You knew it was standard practice, but Steve was not only a super hero. He also had the support of the Avengers so you didn't see the point in it.
As you approached the door the agents stopped to do their standard protocol. They checked your I.D. and patted you down before allowing you to enter in.
Since you were in charge of his campaign you had a key to his room so knocking never crossed your mind. As the door swung open you could hear the faint sounds of slurping. Furrowing your brow you scanned the room as you entered.
Though the couch faced opposite the door you could see the back of Steve's head. He looked so relaxed, his head lolled backwards with his arms out stretched on the couch.
When the door clicked shut a second head popped up beside Steve. He was not alone and when that fact registered your stomach fell.
Unlike the Aid you saw with Sam you knew this one, Charlene. She reminded you of a younger you, ambitious, a go-getter, with an interest in the maddening campaign process. You had practically taken her under your wing. So the utter shock of seeing her head pop up from what seemed to be Steve's lap had you speechless.
The aid's eyes widen when she turned around to find you at the door with your mouth ajar. Steve's back was still to you, but you could see him whisper in Charlene's ear. She got up with a jump instantly, disheveled, fixing herself, her head down as she walked towards the door. Her head never lifted as she scurried past you, your head following her out the door, closing shut behind her.
You turned back to Steve, who was currently standing and tucking himself back into his pants. The shock of it all was quite sobering.
"What the hell Steve!" You scream at him. You were taken aback by the volume of your own voice.
"You just won the election and this is what you do! Are you insane!" You march over to him.
"Calm down...relax" he lifted his hands in defense with a soft smile on his face.
Why the hell is he smiling?
"Calm down? What do you mean calm down? A scandal like this your first term! What were you thinking?" Your mind immediately thought of how the opposition basically crucified Clinton.
His nonchalant attitude only served to further rile you. Then it clicked.
"This wasn't the first time was it? Was she the only one? How many?" You paced back and forth in the living room of the suite. Your brain was in damage control mode.
He sighed racking his fingers through his hair with the other on his hip.
"It's not the first time and she is the only one." He sighed as you stopped and stood there while he explained.
The news though not as bad as you anticipated was still not good. You crossed your arms and contemplated strategies.
Digging out your phone you look through your contacts to pull together a strategy meeting incase things come out.
Everyone was more than likely drunk off their asses, but this was a code red. But as you were lost in thought and your phone Steve stepped towards you. His hand snatched away your phone, dangling it above your head as you jumped and grab for it.
"Steve what are you doing I need to figure out a plan to get ahead of this if this gets out" you say frustrated as you continued to jump and try to get your phone back.
You place your hands on his shoulder to help you get more lift from your jump. As he dangles the phone just out of reach again his other arm wraps around your waist on your descent. When you feel his arm lock you in place you gasp as he pulls you into his chest.
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The way your breast bounced as you fought fruitlessly to retrieve your phone made is already hard cock ache with anticipation. Looking down at you Steve fought the urge to take you right then and there.
Though you had interrupted the fun he was having his cock was undeterred. Maybe if you weren't so preoccupied by his antics you would have noticed that his cock had yet to yield. But when Steve pressed your body to his he couldn't fight back the grin as he watched your eyes grow wide.
He made his member jump in his pants and you pulled back when you felt the movement.
"What are you doing? Stop!" You demanded as you tried to push off him, but his grip was unrelenting.
"You don't have to worry about her I've gotten it taken care off" Smiling at you his bright eyes so innocent had now become dark.
He found it funny how you struggled, pushing and pulling away.
When he released you, you stumbled back a bit. "If I didn't know any better I would think you were drunk" you say frustratedly straightening your clothes as you collect yourself.
While you were distracted he began stuffing your phone in his back pocket.
"This is serious Steve" you huffed out trying to brush off his antics.
He didn't reply. He just stared at you. A look you never seen on him and it was very strange to you. His normally wholesome, boy next door, all American look was gone. Now a darkness stood in its place, something filled with a carnal hunger.
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Steve was a man at the end of the day. A man in need of release. When you were brought on to lead his campaign he thought nothing of you. But that didn't last long. The longer you stayed around him it was hard to not developed feelings. You were a constant in his chaotic political life. You styled him, coached him through speeches and debates. A cheerleader he didn't know he needed and wasn't sure that he wanted to let go even though the campaign was over.
He knew that during the electoral race you would never jeopardize the campaign with such a scandal. So when you introduced Charlene to him, he decided she would be a meager substitute as he bid his time.
Loosening his tie just enough that the loop passed freely over his head.
"Look I know your upset..." he said walking over to you casually with tie in hand. "You don't have to worry about her"
You opened your mouth to protest, but he cut off your words and proceeded onward. "I've been in love with you for quite sometime." The confession was a shock. You had no clue he had ever thought of you more than just a friend.
Slipping the tie over the crown of your head much to your bewilderment. Pulling the knot tight as it passed your chin. Resting the heart on the middle of your throat.
"This is serious we need to get..." Brushing off his confession as you spoke he cinched it tighter, too tight. The fabric was hugging your neck uncomfortably, making it hard to breathe. You pulled at the fabric as it restricted you, but he slapped your hands away.
"I wanted to wait until after the inauguration to ask you this." He spoke coolly straightening the tie again as you start to gasp at the lack of circulation. Your hands shoot up again only to be thrown aside.
Every inhale was starting to become a struggle. "I think the nation deserves a First Lady." Stepping back he admired you while keeping one hand trailing the end of the necktie halting at the hilt. "Don't you?"
"What are .... What's gotten into you Steve.... this isn't funny" you gasp out as you reach to untie the knot again.
His face frowned when you clawed at the fabric. He yanked on the tie so hard you felt like a yo yo smacking into a wall. Pinning your arms to his chest he snaked his arms around you locking you in place.
There was no music, but he swayed with you in his arms. Your foot catching his foot on every odd step, but he wasn't bothered. As he slow danced with you, you try and pull away but he would not stop.
"I need you to calm down and relax. I'm the new commander and chief now and throughout this process I realized how much you've done for me and how much I need to keep you in my life."
"I understand Steve I do, but that’s not what you need to focus on right now...." That was a struggled to get out with the tie on your throat. "This is a fragile time" you managed to breathe out. He stopped maybe he was starting to finally listen to reason.
His lips crashed into you without notice. Your mouth felt bruised as a result. He started nipping at your bottom lip, your mouth fell open as you hissed in pain his tongue invaded you. It didn't take long before the choking restraint of the knot and Steve's kisses made you breathless.
Your vision was starting to fade and a panic set in.
Get it together and focus.
"St.." you try to speak, but his mouth swallowed your words.
"Mr. President" pulling back he corrected you. His voice dipping to a low growl. "Say it."
"Mr. President" The words felt foreign as it passed your lips. He was starting to scare you.
When he cocked his hand back you hadn't noticed. Not until his massive palm collided with your ass you screamed on impact, but  he only swallowed it. Gripping your ass tightly the sting of the smack had you trying desperately to get away.
You hadn't realized you were crying until the salty taste hit your tongue. He must've tasted it too. He moved from your mouth to kiss along your cheeks moving methodically to your neck. The sensation of which you couldn't deny felt good. So good you were stunned to hear the faintest of moans leaving your mouth.
While one of Steve's hands gripped firmly on your ass the other moved between your bodies. You stiffen at the realization of where it was heading. Stopping at your waist he unfastened the button on your pants and slowly dragged the zipper down.
"Steve.. please" you beg. Your arms were useless against his strength.
The hand that gripped your ass smacked you again for the infraction making you yelp. It took too much energy to push away than for him to hold you in place. That coupled with the lack of oxygen you felt like your body would collapse so you held his shirt to keep from falling.
"Mr. President please" You cry out but it sounded more like a moan. That must have urged him on because he began sucking on your neck with such force you were sure you would have hickeys that no amount of concealer could hide.
When his fingers grazed your panty line you shoot yours down to try and stop him, but the super soldier just flicked you off. When that failed you crossed your legs tightly together, but his knee forced them apart. Allowing your pants to pool at your feet. The cold air of the room prickled your skin helping to only intensify your trembling.
Pushing past the elastic his meaty digits separated your folds. He hummed on your neck as he felt them slicker from your wetness. Shame filled you as tears continued to roll down your face.
"Stop please" Your sob of protest were cut off as two digits thrust into you. Steve curled them inside of you the feel of which created a wave of pleasure that radiated through you. Biting your bottom lip you fight the fire he was stoking. It felt so good his fingers deep in you.
"Fuck!" you blurted out as you reach up to grip his shoulders. You could feel your toes curl as pumped in and out of you.
"Mr.President" you didn't recognize your voice as you panted out. He dipped deeper inside you, your juices coating his fingers.
Leaning away from you he stared at you, drinking in the sight of you coming undone from him.
"Take off your top" his voice commanded.
When he sensed your hesitation he slipped in another digit. You bit down on your bottom lip hard as you try and choke down a moan.
"I won't ask again." The thickness of his voice had you fighting against your better judgement. You looked at him and his face was serious.
Your hands rose and you begrudgingly start to unbutton the blouse. He could see your bra, leaving one hand inside you the other sought to free your globes. Pulling them free with a grunt. You hissed and mewled at every pinch and twist of your nipples. He didn't stop until both were hard.
"Do you like how I make you feel?" He asked but by the look on your face he knew. When you didn't answer he twisted your left  nipple.
"Yes" that answer wasn't good enough so he twisted harder.
"Yes Mr. President" as a reward he licked circles around your aureola. Kissing it, licking your throbbing nipple with his tongue.
Through your moans you hear the traitorous sounds of your sex. Your heat was coming to its precipice. You gripped his shoulders as to stead yourself from collapsing.
The squirming of your body only seemed to encourage him as he used the heel of his palm to press against your clit as he violated you.
You were getting close, your pussy started to tighten around his fingers.
"Hmmm nope none of that." He growled again. " we just got started celebrating."
Taking his fingers from you, your mouth released a whimper.
Grabbing the end of the tie again. "On your hands and knees"  his lips stealing kisses before stepping back. You shakily lower yourself.
Lowering your head in shame for allowing him to treat you this way. He started to walk as you pressed your palms on the cold marble. Your knees mopping the floor as you trail behind him.
When he reached the open door of the master bedroom he jerked the leash of the tie to hurry you forward. You stopped beside him in the doorway and he crouched down to meet you at eye level. His wholesome smile appeared to you as he lifted your head with his index finger.
"OK up on the bed."
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Rising to your feet walk over to the bed as he stood in the doorway watching you.
"Take it all off" he said coolly as he tossed his blazer to the floor. Unbuttoning his shirt then his pants.
Sniffing as you unfastened your bra letting it drop past your arms throwing it on the ground. Lying on your back you raised your butt to slide you ruined panties down, kicking them to the floor.
Before they hit the ground the speed at which he met you was neck breaking.
He stood at the edge of the bed his bright blue eyes grown dark with lust. When he placed a knee on the you felt your heart race as it the bed dipped. Your arms cover yourself as you press your legs firmly together. The warmth of his hand on your knee mixed you with fire and dread. His hands began pulling your legs apart with ease despite your resistance.
Lowering his head he places kisses along your inner thigh. The sensation of his lips on your skin make you inhale sharply. Licking your folds and sucking on your clit you grew wetter.
You started hating yourself for loving the way he lapped you up. Licking in-between your folds. Pushing his tongue in and out of your pussy as you fight off another moan. Flattening his tongue he raised it past your lips taking care to linger on your clit before he began to kiss up your tummy.
Stopping on your breast he took your wrists and held them above your head. Holding them with one hand he used the other to massage and gently kiss each breast. Taking your hard nipples into his teeth pulling and sucking on them again as his other hand played with he other.
"Shit" you exclaim. He looks up at you with a frown lightly smacking your breast.
"Language" he said with a stern voice. Moving up again his lips  kissed along your chest and up your neck.
The closer he got to your neck the more you could feel his cock proud your entrance. His pre-cum mixing with your slick lips. You moved your hips but his cock pressed harder as it followed.
"Steve please" you try again to reason.
At the sound of his name he impaled you fully. Bottoming out inside your pussy stretched to receive him. You shrieked and instinctively tried to get away from him. Snacking an arm around your back he locks you in place. Each thrust sent shock waves through your body.
"Mr. President" you say as his cock filled you past your limit. "Fuck!" You were becoming delirious with every stroke the pain had you crying out.
"So fucking tight" He slammed into you unforgivably. The pain started to mix with pleasure. You could feel the warmth again. The need to cum and it was becoming harder and hard to resist it.
For one lucid moment you tried tearing out of his grip and pull yourself backwards, but he held you like a vice. Your pussy started to tighten around his cock as he continued to impale you.
"That's it" he growled as your climax build.
"Tell me what you want?"
Ashamed you tell him you want to cum. He released your hands and settled on your neck. Even with his grip on your throat you could still feel yourself about to explode.
You were so dizzy with pleasure you couldn't comprehend what he asked.
"Tell your president you want to cum all over his cock"
"Mr. President" you croaked. "Please let me cum Mr. President!"
"Good girl cum for me" as the words left his mouth you clinched his cock coming so hard you saw stars and stripes.
As you came his movements became erratic. The clinching of your pussy milked him. His cock twitch and pulse inside of you as he emptied himself into you. His arms gave out and he fell on-top of you crushing you under his weight. You both lay there exhausted, sweaty, falling into a slumber.
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It wasn't long before you awoke. Steve was sitting on the edge of the bed studying you.
"You know I think you might be right." He said as your eyes began to open. "I think a family lifestyle might not be what the nation is looking for in me."  
"That post nut clarity...huh" he chuckled.
"Steve..." You try and croak out but he was already on your neck. You scratched and dug into his skin, but to no avail. Your vision became spotty and within seconds the lights were completely out.
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Despite his buddies political victory Bucky was resigned to stay in his room. He was watching the broadcast of the announcement that was happening in the same hotel he was in.
He had been told to stay out of sight throughout Steve's campaign as to not tarnish the golden boys image.
Though he had long since been freed from HYDRA'S brainwashing and has more than once proven himself a patriot he still had to stay back.
*Ring Ring
When his cell phone lit up he was surprise to see that it was Steve.
"Congratulations Punk" he smirked over the phone.
"Ha" Steve laughed softly. "Can you come to my room if your free?"
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When he arrived he wasn't surprised to see Y/N. This wasn't the first time he had been called to do clean up duty.
Rolling Y/N in the duvet and he got to work.
"Hey Buck" Steve called from the duvet bedroom.
Bucky turned to meet his friends gaze. Steve dug out your cell phone from his back pocket. He tosses it over to Bucky.
"Charlene too"
With a nod Bucky left the room with Y/N over his shoulder. Steve didn't need to worry about security cameras Tony would handle that. The agents at the door would be taken care of by Wanda.
As the elevator doors closed that’s when he felt it. The duvet moved.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Request: I have been insecure about my curly hair lately and was wondering if you can you write something with one of the weasley twins where the reader is insecure about her curly hair and one of the twins makes her feel better.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Hufflepuff!Reader
Genre: fluff
Requested by: @wildcat1434
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none
A/N: So like, incoming fluff bc this idea was cute and sometimes I do be needing fluff, that's about it, enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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The relationship between me and my hair had always been... Bumpy, you could say.
There were periods in which I would find it quite lovely; during those times I would let my curls free, showing them off with a proud demeanor, knowing my hair was unique. Those times began to turn less and less usual since the middle of third year, though they were still there.
However, after the summer prior to my sixth year, those moments had banished; I only wished to hide my hair, and my friends ended up noticing. They told me surely there would be a spell or potion able to change my hair.
As if they had summoned it, the next day in Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall introduced us to what seemed like my salvation; Crinus Muto, an advanced spell that modified the caster's hair with no restrictions.
My best friend advised me against using it, claiming it wouldn't help my insecurity— if only, it would worsen it.
I really wanted to do as she had told me and completely dismiss the spell's existence, but two nights after I had a big mental breakdown about it, caused by the most stupid thing ever.
"Is Weasley staring at you or am I blind?" One of my friends whispered, her eyes trained on the Gryffindor table.
I didn't even bother to look up, not wanting to know whether it was true or not, before responding with a quiet "You're blind."
"I mean, it's hard to tell with two rows of students between us but," She nudged me, urging me to avert my gaze from my dinner and redirect it to Fred. "it kinda looks like he's... staring."
Curiosity killed the cat, I guess. My eyes finally left my plate and were, in fact, met with Fred's brown ones. As soon as they met, though, he looked away, pretending to be focused on his food, just like I had been doing seconds ago.
"Of course he's staring." Hannah Abbot, who sat right in front of my friend, commented with her mouth full. "Have you seen your hair?" She swallowed her food, looking me up and down before adding, "No offense, but it's an absolute mess." My eyes opened widely in shock at her bluntness. "You should take care of it, really."
"Has someone ever told you you're an ill-mannered bitch, Hannah?" I heard my friend talking back at the younger girl while I got up and started to make my way out of the Great Hall.
Of course, I didn't see Fred shooting up and attempting to go after me; ultimately he decided to stay in his place, since he saw my friend walking out too.
I was very aware of all the pair of eyes that had been laid on me the very moment I entered the greenhouse where we would be doing the Herbology tasks.
When I had met my friends at the Hufflepuff common room that morning, I had received divided opinions about my straight hair. At first I had been very convinced that it looked way better than my curly hair, but seeing my friends' reaction, I wasn't that confident about it anymore.
I didn't have time to undo the spell before class, so I decided to go along with it and see how the day unfolded.
I took a deep breath, my eyes trained on the ground as I made my way to an empty seat; maybe there weren't that many people staring, maybe it was just my anxiety.
I finally gathered the courage and looked up, nervously scanning the glasshouse so I could shake off my fears.
There was only a couple of my peers staring, which would have put me at ease, if one of them wasn't Fred Weasley.
On top of it, of course, he wasn't even trying to be subtle, it was almost as if he wanted me to notice his judging eyes; I could feel his gaze on me for the entire class.
The instant Professor Sprout dismissed us, I shoved everything in my bag and left the greenhouse, thanking a couple of Gryffindors who complimented my hair on my way out.
Again, I didn't notice Fred leaving the class as soon as he could to run after me.
I threw my bag against a tree near the lake shore and, as I fell against it, I heard someone jogging in my direction.
"In a hurry to sit by the lake, Y/l/n?" I followed the tall ginger with my eyes while he circled me and sat down by me. "You alright?"
"I just needed a break from... People." I vaguely explained, focusing on the water instead of on the boy besides me.
"Understandable." He hesitated for a second before adding, "Do you want me to leave?"
"No, it's fine." I surprised myself at how calmed and collected I sounded, as if I wasn't chatting with my crush.
"What happened to your hair?" His genuinely curious inquiry took me aback, and I struggled to find something to answer.
"Why?" My heartbeat picked up, anxiety inundating me once more. "You don't like it?"
"It looks weird." Fred looked at me up and down with a grimace. "You don't... Look like yourself." I was about to enter fight or flight mode, but he seemed to notice, and panic made its way to his face. "But it doesn't matter what I think," he was quick to add, his eyes wide open as if he knew he had said something he should have not. "I mean— I think it shouldn't matter, if you like it, that's great— I mean, you don't need my opinion about that either!"
"Calm down, I understand." I tried to reassure him, before his rambling drove the both of us crazy. "Can I tell you a secret?" He nodded with pursed lips, surely afraid he would fuck up if he spoke again. "I've been very insecure about my hair lately— like, very." I sighed. "My best friend told me not to straighten it, but last night I got a not so nice comment and—"
"So that's why you left?" I nodded, tugging my sleeves. Fred went silent for a moment, and then cleared his throat and scooted closer to me. "I know this won't do much, but I really love your hair. Kinda reminds me of fireworks and streamers." He gestured around his own head, mimicking the fireworks' movement. "Dunno I think is fun and pretty awesome." I raised my brows at him in surprise. "Like you."
"Aw, that's very sweet." He offered me a sheepish smile as I felt my cheeks blushing. "It does a lot, actually." I confessed, fidgeting with my rings. "I guess I kinda needed to hear something positive about my hair."
"Well, whenever you need to hear something positive about your hair," he pointed at himself. "I'm your man." He winked at me and I let out a chuckle. "I can also tell you positive things about you in general, but that has a price."
"And what is it?"
"You'll have to let me buy you a drink at The Three Broomsticks this Saturday." I tried not to let panic slip through my recently eased demeanor; was he asking me on a date? "And give me a kiss after." He wiggled his brows at me and my face turned red. "the kiss is negotiable."
I casted my gaze down, fixing it on my shoes, not sure of what I was supposed to say at that. His foot tapping mine snapped me out of my thoughts.
"So?" My eyes traveled to him once more, only to find his studying me already. "What do you say, Y/l/n?"
"Well," I shrugged, trying in vain to play nonchalant. "Seems like an affordable price, so it's fine by me."
"I'll pick you up after lunch, yeah?" Before I could agree, he gasped, his eyes going wide. "I'm a genius."
"Come again?" I frowned, confused as his sudden frantic behavior.
"Don't mind me, love." He jumped up and jogged towards the castle, leaving me puzzled in there. I was about to grab a book from my bag when Fred rushed back, crouched down and pecked my cheek. "Your hair's amazing." He assured me. "See you!" My fingertips graced my now flushed cheek as he headed off.
I was finishing my lunch when two towering redheads entered the Hall running; while George, slowed down, Fred made a beeline to the Hufflepuff table, his casual clothes already on.
"Ready?" He asked breathless.
"Yeah— you didn't have lunch, did you?" I pointed out, getting up to stand in front of him.
"No, but I'll eat something later—" his eyes roamed over my carefully picked outfit before stating, "You look... very pretty."
"Why, thank you." I offered him a smile and looked over my shoulder at the Gryffindor table, where his friends were very attentive to all we did. "You sure you don't wanna eat something?"
"Hundred percent." He tilted his head towards the gates. "shall we?" He prompted to walk before him, and it was then that I realized he had his hands behind his back. Once we were out in the yard, he tugged my hand and made me turn to him. "I made something for you."
"You didn't have to." Was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard his words. Then the wording dawned on me; he didn't get me something, he made me something. "What is it?"
"So, you know that I told you your hair reminded me of fireworks and streamers?" I nodded, not quite knowing where he was going with that. "Well—" he then showed me what his back was hiding; a delicate, tiny firecracker with my name written on the side. "George helped me so I could finish it on time."
"I'm—" at my loss of words, I could only let out a happy laugh. "This is so cute— am I supposed to ignite it?"
"Duh!" I gently pushed his shoulder in response to his teasing. "Do you know how to do it?"
"I've seen you do it plenty of times." I admitted, grabbing the firecracker with one hand and my wand with the other; it looked so pretty, it was a pity I'd have to ruin it.
With a brief firemaking spell, the firecracker set off. Fred pulled me back slightly before it happened, though.
I was in awe at the beautiful fireworks before us, which looked like a color-changing, expanding version of my hair.
When the colors died out, I turned to Fred, whose attention was already on me, awaiting for a reaction. Surely, he was not expecting the kiss he got, but he didn't complain either; while my hands rested on his chest, his traveled to cup my cheeks before I could pull away.
"So you liked it?" He questioned quietly against my lips.
"I loved it." I whispered back with a wide smile. "You're a sweetheart." I pecked his lips before retreating. Holding his hand in mines, I made my way back into the castle. "We're not leaving until you have lunch."
"You are a sweetheart." He responded, following my lead without offering resistance. "By the way, your hair looks gorgeous." The corners of my lips twisted into a bigger smile at the sweet words he spoke only for me to hear as we went back into the Great Hall.
Maybe my hair wasn't that bad after all.
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champhangman · 3 years
My second entry for theme #1 in the @12daysofchristmas​ challenge! This one is also my birthday gift to my very, very dear @adampage​. Emi, you mean the whole world to me and words cannot express just how grateful I am for your always being there for me. I hope you've had the happiest of birthdays, and also that this puts a smile on your face.
Title: Smoke Fandom/Characters: AEW (Hangman) Adam Page x OFC (but not really OC bc it’s Emi) Warnings: Alcohol use, hints of smut Word Count: 4,665 Summary: Put one in my hand, her on my lips. Man, that's as good as it gets. Theme: #1, Bonfire Recommended Listening: "Smoke" by A Thousand Horses Notes: This fic isn't very Christmassy, but it is autumn-y?
@adampage / @cowboyshit  / @lilmisswhiskeygypsy /  @bigpixiefoot / @mindofasagittaruis / @kalliravenne / @sadlittlecountess / @baronsbelleevangeline / @brie-mode-activated / @xbreezymeadowsx / @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch / @wardl0w / @hotyeehawman / @waywardwrestlewritingwaif / @drewshoneybadger  / @mysteryoflovve / @knnyomega / @rampagewriting / @hurricanranabaybay / @linziland13 / @bastardkingbrutalizer / @snarkandsarcasmftw / @rubyred1980  / @adriii-omega / @edgecution
"Who's that?"
Adam knew better than to jerk his head around and stare. But he was already twisting, a smile pulling at his lips when he saw the obvious focus of his buddy's attention. She was sitting at the bar with her friend, the neon lights reflecting wildly off her turquoise hair. She leaned back, laughing, and he felt the now-familiar twist in his gut when the sound reached him.
He turned back around to face Isiah, grinning. "That's Emi."
"Emi? The girl you were telling us about?" Isiah's face lit up. "You didn't mention she's so fine…"
"Cut it out," Adam groaned, shaking his head. "We're just friends."
"Not to sound like an asshole, but—"
"C'mon, let me say it."
"No." Adam took a sip of his beer and shook his head again. "Because I already know what you're gonna say."
Isiah rolled his eyes. Then, beginning to smirk, he rubbed his hands together. "So if you're just friends you won't mind me asking her to the party."
"She's already coming."
"I think she's coming with—" Adam squinted at his friend. "Oh, no. No, no, no. You're not asking her out."
"Why not?"
"She's not your type."
Isiah snorted. "She's cute and has a nice ass, she's definitely my type."
Adam nearly choked on his beer. "How the hell do you know what her ass looks like?"
"I can tell." The younger man grinned. "It's science."
He wanted to ask. He really did. But he didn't want to get a lecture on the finer points of determining the size and shape of a woman's backside. "Don't ask her out."
"Worried she'll say yes?"
"No," he bit off.
"Oh," Isiah said loudly, nodding. "I get it, I get it."
Adam sighed. "What?"
"You like her. As in like her."
"Of course I like her. She's nice and funny and—"
"And you want to get in her pants."
"And I want to—" Adam set his beer down with a thump. "Th'fuck did you just say?"
"It's cool, it's cool." Isiah scraped his chair back and stood. "You're shy, Adam, I know. I'll fix it up for you."
"Wait a goddamn minute!"
But Isiah was already heading towards the bar. Adam watched, terror rising in his chest, as his friend approached the two women. Emi and her friend Jo didn't look upset at him for interrupting their talk when he leaned against the bar and gave them both a winning smile. He saw Isiah's lips move, watched in horror as the man's head tipped in his direction, then felt panic when first Jo, then Emi, covertly glanced towards him.
The greeting was accompanied by a grin from the man that slid up to the bar and leaned so both she and Jo could see it. Smiling, Emi sat back a little and regarded the man warily. She couldn't sense any possible negativity or threat from him and relaxed a bit, reminding herself that she frequently had difficulty reading other people. But she couldn't be rude. "Hello."
"My name's Isiah." He nodded to Jo. "We've met before."
"Yeah, hey," Jo said, smiling. "This is Emi."
"Emi?" He gently rubbed his chin then leaned against the bar. "I've heard a little about you."
"You have?" she squeaked. Then, not wanting to sound like an idiot, she cleared her throat and took a sip of her drink before trying again. "Who's talked about me?"
"My friend. He can't shut up about you."
Emi blinked. "He can't?"
"Between you and me, I'm like ninety-nine percent sure he wants to ask you out. But he's too shy."
She almost snorted. No one ever wanted to ask her out. "Yeah, right."
"He almost had a heart attack when I said I was coming over to talk to you."
She wanted to look. To see who it was. She wanted to know who apparently had talked about her, and who might, possibly, if Isiah were to be believed, want to ask her out. But she couldn't. What if it were all a joke? What if she looked back and there was no one?
What if there was?
"Who?" Jo wasn't as shy as Emi. Jo didn't wait for things to happen, she made them happen. Ever since meeting her the first day she'd arrived in town, Emi had wished she were more like Jo.
"I'm sure you know him. You've gotta. He's right over there, about to have a stroke." Isiah tipped his head towards a spot behind them. "Be cool, be cool, or he'll really have a stroke."
Emi almost laughed. She turned her head just a bit, so she could sneak a glance in the direction he'd indicated. Seeing the blonde man seated at the little table, she felt her heart drop into her stomach. "Shut up," she blurted, looking at Isiah. "Adam?"
Next to her, Jo giggled into her drink. "Oh this is great."
"Shut up," Emi warned. Jo was the only person who knew she had a little bit of a crush on the man. The oftentimes too-pretty man with a sunny smile and bouncing curls who wore jeans just a tad too tight and had a liking for obnoxious Western shirts. The kids at school called him Mr. Cowboy. Jo called him the Panty Dropper. Emi… Emi just called him Adam. Even in her mind, because despite her overactive imagination that created a whole host of scenarios that would never happen, she couldn't bring herself to call him anything but Adam. Because she would die if, during one of their chats at school in the teacher's lounge, she slipped and called him something inappropriate?
"Why is it great?" Isiah asked.
"Shut. Up." Emi ground out the words. God, Jo was going to embarrass her.
Isiah laughed. "Y'all are coming to the party tomorrow, aren't you?"
"We'll be there with bells on," Jo promised.
"Clothes, too, hopefully," Emi muttered.
Isiah snickered. "This is great."
Adam didn't know why everyone called it a party. To him, parties were for birthdays or an important event like an engagement or retirement, or even a holiday. Parties involved decorations and nice clothes and best behavior. They had small talk and polite laughter.
This party had none of that. There were no decorations, unless one considered the pile of scarecrows waiting to be slung onto the fire. No streamers or balloons or floral arrangements could be seen among the pickups circled around the center of the field. Nobody dressed up, everyone wore comfortable jeans and flannel shirts or hoodies and their old boots. Each truck seemed to have a different song coming from its radio, but the volumes were still low while everyone began sharing the booze and food they'd brought.
No tense small talk over weak drinks. There were intense discussions about football, one group was talking about Christmas plans. The drinks were strong and the laughter stronger, almost boisterous. Adam casually moved around the circle, waving the smoke from the fire out of his face, relaxing a little as the evening wore on.
He was sitting on his tailgate, pouring whiskey into his cup, when headlights cut across the field. Looking, he watched them swing, heard the engine rev, and calculated speed and distance and angling as the truck reversed towards him. "Shit," he muttered, hoping his calculations were wrong. The driver hit the brakes, casting a red glow over him, and he held his breath when the engine revved again, watching the pickup's bed squeeze between his and Cash's.
"Haha, oops," a female voice laughed after the engine was cut off. The driver's door opened, missing slamming into his passenger door by barely a millimeter, and he sighed as Jo hopped out. "See?! Bet you thought it wouldn't fit!"
"That's what she said," Dax called from his truck.
A musical giggle sounded from the cab of Jo's truck, and then he saw Emi climbing out. In the glow of the light Adam could see the shade of turquoise in her flannel shirt was the same shade as her hair. Feeling liquid slosh over his fingers he muttered a curse and tipped the bottle upright to stop the pouring. He ignored Isiah's chuckle as his friend took the bottle and, sipping the excess from the top, shook his fingers dry, watching out the corner of his eye while Emi hopped into the truck bed. She held a paper-wrapped bottle in one hand and he wondered what her preferred drink was. Funny, he thought, vaguely aware of Jo speaking, how he didn't know what Emi drank. When they ran into each other at the bar she was usually sipping a mixed drink or sticking to water.
"You ain't gotta sit over there by yourself," he told her a few moments later. Jo was gone. He had no idea where she'd slipped off to. He didn't really care. Isiah had abandoned him and taken his whiskey with him, but when Emi looked at him with a smile pulling at her lips he didn't care about that, either.
"You're sitting over there by yourself," she said, lifting her bottle for a sip.
"Let's burn these bitches!" Adam didn't know who hollered it, but heard some cheers of agreement.
"You wanna throw a scarecrow on the fire?" he asked.
She shook her head, and he saw something twinkling in her hair. "Do you?"
Adam shook his head. "Maybe next year."
"What are you drinking?" she asked after a moment.
The flames rose and he heard the whoosh of hay being consumed by the bonfire. Glancing down at his empty cup, he sighed. "Jack, but I'm out. That asshole Isiah took the rest with him."
"I've got some Tennessee Fire if you want." She dipped her head and he saw she had a bejeweled band on her head. "I've been drinking out of the bottle, though…"
"You don't got cooties, do you?"
She laughed, sliding off the tailgate and approaching him. Smoke whirled around her and followed her to his truck. He hopped down, eyes meeting hers, and lifted her onto his tailgate. He thought he saw her cheeks darken, but when he climbed up to sit next to her it was gone. "I don't have cooties."
"That's a relief." He held out his cup, eyes on her face while she poured. "Thanks."
"Not to sound like a downer, but does everyone just load up and drive home drunk as fuck?" she asked, briefly gesturing to the others.
"Naw," he drawled, lifting the cup for a sip. The cinnamon flavor clung to his tongue and added to the trickle of fire the whiskey created in his stomach. "Most of us just camp out in our trucks."
"In the middle of a cotton field." Emi shook her head. "Sounds…"
"Stupid?" He laughed. "It probably is. Some people might call for a ride, and there's always one idiot or two that drive home, but the rest of us sleep it off and roll back to town in the morning."
"That explains why Jo told me to bring a pillow and a sleeping bag." She glanced behind her. "Do you have one, too?"
"Yeah, up front."
"What if it rains?"
Adam tipped his head back to look at the cloudless sky. "It never has."
"But what if it does?"
"We'll drag ourselves into the cabs." He grinned at her. "You're a bit of a worrywart, aren't you?"
"I can't help it." She frowned. "I just want everyone to be safe."
"I think it's cute."
"Please," she snorted. "It's annoying. No one wants the mom friend."
"Some of us do," he promised.
Some of us do.
What the hell did that mean? The question popped into her mind again, though it had been hours since he'd said the words. The conversation had shifted to work, and then quickly to other topics, and it had flowed as quickly and naturally as the alcohol. She felt warm, almost toasty, perched in the back of his truck watching him climb over into Jo's truck to get her sleeping bag. It landed with a soft thump next to her and she reached for it, eyes still on him as he got her pillow and the extra blanket she'd brought. The truck dipped when he climbed back over, and she smiled up at him while folding the sleeping bag so she could sit on it.
"You're cold natured, huh?" he asked, handing over the pillow and blanket.
"It's December," she pointed out. "But yeah, I do get cold easily."
"Hang on." He lifted one foot to the side of the truck bed and her eyes drank in how the denim stretched over his crotch. She blinked, the bed swayed, and she heard his boots hit the ground.
She should have told him not to get her stuff. It wasn't as though she was going to sleep in his truck. It would just mean something to keep up with when she went back to Jo's truck. Jo. Frowning, she looked around, hoping to spot her friend.
A neatly rolled sleeping bag bounced next to her. The driver's door slammed, then Adam was climbing back in, tossing a thick hoodie over her lap. "Here, I won't get cold."
"Thanks." She spread it over her lap, fighting what had to be a stupid smile. Then, thinking of her friend again, she looked at him. "Have you seen Jo?"
"She's around," he said with a shrug. "So, how come you moved all the way out here?"
She told him, tongue loosened by his relaxing presence and the alcohol. To her surprise and embarrassment, she kept talking, finding it too easy to tell him that she was often homesick for Georgia, her old friends, and even her parents. He talked about family, too, and they passed the bottle back and forth as the bonfire's flames died down. Their voices lowered as the noise around them softened, and it felt all too natural to move closer so she could hear him better.
There was still the occasional laugh from someone, but slowly the laughter died out. One by one the radios were turned off, then just the irregular crackling from the fire among the soft conversations around them.
"Why are you wearing a tiara?" Adam asked after someone threw the last scarecrow on the fire.
"Oh." She laughed and reached to take it off, having forgotten it was still there. Still warm and toasty, now wrapped in the hoodie that smelled of him, she tossed the tiara aside. "Jo made me wear it when we went to dinner. It's my birthday."
"Yeah?" His smile was warm. "You should've told me."
"I just did."
"I would've gotten you something."
"No, I don't expect anything."
"We could've made this a birthday party for you."
"No," she groaned, giggling at the thought of a birthday party around a bonfire in a field. It sounded absurd. It sounded stupid. It sounded wonderful and sweet.
He slipped the bottle from her hand and set it aside.
She watched him sit up, and thought he was hinting that she should go when he spread his sleeping bag out. "Last night, at the bar…"
He lifted his head when she hesitated. "Yeah?"
"Never mind."
"No, c'mon, tell me," he encouraged, stretching out on his side. He reached around her, dragging her pillow next to his, then patted the sleeping bag invitingly.
Her heart tripped over several beats. Nodding, she uncurled her legs, leaning to pull off her boots before settling beside him. She waited until she'd spread her unzipped sleeping bag and blanket over her before shifting so she could see his face in the moonlight. "Isiah came over to talk to me and Jo."
"I know." He made a face.
"He said…" She drew in a breath. "He said you wanted to ask me out."
"He ain't wrong."
A door slammed, then an engine roared to life. Emi sat up, and saw Jo's head pop up from the back of Dax's truck. Surprised, but not really, when a hand reached up and yanked her friend down, she blinked to make sure she'd seen what she'd thought, and a few seconds later saw Jo's red-and-black plaid shirt flop over the side of the truck. She had known that there would be drunken sex happening at the so-called party. It was a bunch of country folks at a bonfire with almost unlimited amounts of liquor to spur them on. She was almost afraid to look at the other vehicles, but her eyes were already sliding, her head turning slightly, and she felt her cheeks heat when she saw more than a few couples making out. From somewhere – she wasn't about to look to see who – came a series of lustful moans.
"Hell yeah!" someone hooted triumphantly.
"Oh my god," Emi muttered, lying back.
Adam chuckled. "You're not really shocked, are you?"
"No… A little. I'm not uptight," she defended. "I just don't want to see it, you know?"
"I know," he murmured.
A thought occurred to her and she boldly reached over to poke his arm. "I didn't climb into your truck to have drunken sex with you."
"I ain't the drunk sex type, darlin'."
She had known he wasn't. She didn't know how she'd known, but she had. It was still nice to hear him say it, though. "…What kind of drunk are you?"
He laughed. It was almost a giggle. "I ain't drunk. But I get sappy. If I'm with someone I'm interested in, I get a little handsy… Sometimes I get loud and want to do stupid shit like chuck watermelons out the truck on a back road."
Emi grinned. "That sounds like fun."
"Yeah? We'll have to do that together sometime."
"I'd like that."
"So when I ask you out, you'll say yes?"
"You'll have to ask me and find out." She didn't know where this was coming from, this teasing and flirting that was so easy, but she enjoyed it.
"Wanna go chuck watermelons out the truck?"
Her grin turned into a giggle. "I'd love to."
"I'll get someone to drive us."
"You'd have to. If we're drunk and standing in the back to throw melons, we need a driver."
"Watermelons are hard to find around here in December, though," he pointed out with a sigh.
"We can use pumpkins."
"Now we're talkin'!"
Laughing, she pulled her covers up over her shoulder. "This has been a fun night, Adam."
"It ain't over yet."
"It kinda is…" There was no more talking around them. Every few moments she heard a little moan or a soft giggle. The fire was almost died down. If she shifted her head just right she could see the glowing embers. They flickered, sparked, and she heard someone walking by. Seconds later there were soft murmurs of conversation in the truck next to them, and she turned her attention back to Adam.
"Happy birthday, Emi."
"Thank you," she murmured, trying to block out the sounds of movement. They seemed magnified, though, as were the whispers and rustling. There was fumbling, breathy gasps, then she heard the unmistakable rasp of a zipper being lowered. Unconsciously moving closer to Adam, she bit her lip when his hand found hers and squeezed.
"You wanna get in the cab?" he asked in a whisper.
She did, but she didn't. It would involve moving, but it would get her away from the sounds of foreplay occurring just a few feet away. Hesitating, she tried to decide whether or not she could tough it out. A man began to moan, she realized just what was happening, and she nodded. "Please?"
"I got you, darlin'," he murmured.
Have her, he did. He whispered for her to stand up while he climbed out, and the next thing she knew he was lifting her over the side, catching her to him with one arm as he opened the passenger door. Once she was inside he leaned to get her pillow, then gently closed the door. She got situated, adjusting her legs and the blanket while he rounded to climb in on the driver's side. A loud moan cut through the cab, shut off when he slammed the door, and when he looked at her in the dim light she began to laugh.
"I'm ridiculous," she sighed after their laughter had ceased.
"You're not."
"What does it say about me that I can't handle listening to people having sex?" She shook her head. "I guess I'm uptight about it."
"Are you uptight because you think it's a private thing that shouldn't happen around other people, or because you…" Adam cleared his throat. "Because you don't like sex?"
"It's been so long I can't even remember," she muttered without thinking. Then, before he could respond, she rushed on. "I think it's a private thing that shouldn't happen around other people. I mean, I couldn't do it around other people, you know? But I'm not gonna judge those than can. They're obviously having fun, they're consenting adults, I shouldn't be offended."
"Hang on." He shifted, stretching out his legs. "I've had too much to try to analyze all that…"
"I guess it would be different if we were in a house and people just went off to another room. I really don't mind people having sex." Emi sighed and fidgeted with the corner of the blanket. "I think part of me is just jealous that I'm not getting any."
"All you gotta do is ask."
"Sure, I'll just march over and ask two people that I might not even know if I can join in—"
"I mean me."
"You'd go ask them if I can join in?" she asked in confusion.
He laughed. "God, you're so fucking adorable. I mean ask me for sex, darlin'."
"I don't want a pity fuck," she said with a frown. Her frazzled brain finally caught up, and she turned to face him. "You've called me that a few times now."
"Does it bother you?"
"I like it."
"Good, 'cause I like calling you darlin'. And," he said, pushing himself upright, one hand leaning on the dashboard, "I don't do pity fucks."
"You don't?"
"If I have sex with someone it's 'cause I want them." There was just enough moonlight coming through the window for her to see him smile. "And they want me, of course."
"Everyone wants you." When he snorted, she rolled her eyes. "They do! All the women at work are always saying that you're a panty dropper or you make them wet when you talk to them, and I heard one say she'd like you to crack her back like a glowstick—"
"What do you say?"
"Yeah. Apparently y'all talk about me." He exhaled slowly. "What do you say during these conversations?"
"I don't say a damn thing."
"You don't?"
"My thoughts about you are private, I'm not about to blurt them out for everyone to hear." For some reason she felt a giddiness beginning to rise within her. She had to be going delirious. The next words out of her mouth proved that she was. "Sure, when we talk and you flash that pretty smile I have to squeeze my thighs together. And yeah, sometimes when I'm alone in my bed at night I fantasize about you bending me over and railing the hell out of me. And okay, fine, if you must know, I keep that voicemail you left me when you sounded sleepy because the way you said my name made me wet. But—"
"Jesus Christ, darlin'," he muttered. "All that, huh?"
"Yes," she groaned. Lifting her hands to cover her face, she gasped when he gently pushed them away. "You've got to be used to it, though. Women practically throw themselves at you every day."
"They really don't," he said. His fingers whispered over her cheek. "And even if they did, I wouldn't care."
"They do," she insisted. He was moving closer and her heart was starting to race. "Are you blind?"
"I said I wouldn't care, not that I wouldn't notice."
"Why wouldn't you care? If men threw themselves at me, I'd—"
"Stand there and smile and blush, all pretty and cute like you have for months," he interrupted.
"What do you mean?"
"I've been throwing myself at you since we met, darlin'."
"Bullshit," she blurted.
"Maybe you're the one who's blind."
"I like things to be given to me plainly. I'm not good at the subtle stuff."
"Yeah, I'm starting to figure that out."
"But I refuse to believe you've been throwing yourself at me," she muttered.
"Maybe throwing isn't the right word. But I've been trying to let you know I'm interested."
"Really? You've been flirting with me?"
"Have been since May." He chuckled.
"God, I am blind."
"Can you see now?" he asked. His palm was warm, slightly rough from the work she knew he did on his parents' farm. It cradled her cheek.
"Yeah," she whispered. All she could see was his eyes. And his smile. "I see clearly."
"About fuckin' time, darlin'," he drawled while guiding her close.
Their lips met with mutual sighs. She felt the longing, the desire, rolling off him, mirroring hers. He tasted of cinnamon whiskey and smoke. He smelled of the outdoors, of woods and fire, and she practically melted against him. Their tongues danced the age-old dance and their hands and fingers began to explore. His breath was harsh and hot, hers was erratic. A few grunts passed between them while they moved closer to each other.
He pulled back slightly, releasing a breathless chuckle. "I ain't fucking you the first time in a truck."
"Oh?" she asked, licking her lips as the blanket slid away.
Adam shook his head. "For about five reasons."
"Which are?" She smiled when he shifted so he was stretched out on the seat and she was on top of him.
"One, I like to have room. Two, you deserve better than a sloppy, half-drunk fuck. Three, I know you'd be embarrassed about it in the morning when everybody gives you that knowing look. Four—"
She cut him off with a kiss. It was sweet, almost chaste, and she pulled back to grin at him. "Three was enough."
"But four was my favorite one," he whined, dragging the blanket over them.
"Okay, fine, continue," she laughed.
"Four, I like you too damn much to act like a horny teenager. At least, at first," he added with a quick grin. "Five, I want it to happen naturally, not because we shared whiskey and listened to people fucking two feet away."
"Such a gentleman," she marveled. "There aren't many of those around anymore."
"I'm really not. I'll eventually act like a horny teenager, trust me."
"I can't wait."
"After I bend you over and fuck the hell out of you," he promised, pulling her into another kiss.
"I really can't wait," she moaned.
"We gotta," he whispered between kisses.
"Adam?" she asked, shivering after a long, drawn-out kiss. "Are you an idiot?"
"Sometimes, yeah, why?"
"I wanna do something stupid."
"If you say I'm the something stupid thing you wanna do—"
"Let's go to my place."
His fingers curled into her hips. She heard him gulp. "You sure?"
"Positive. I've got a big bed." Squealing softly when he sat up, she gripped his shoulders.
"We'll go slow," he whispered after kissing her again.
"We will?"
"Yeah." Sliding her off him, he scooted over to get behind the wheel.
"Don't drive like an idiot," she requested.
"I won't," he assured her, clapping a hand on her thigh and squeezing. "Trust me?"
"I'm letting you take me home so we can have sex, of course I trust you."
He started the engine, then leaned to give her a quick kiss. "No regrets tomorrow?"
"No regrets ever," she promised.
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comradegeorgemoved · 3 years
I'm genuinely happy that there is someone who is critical and unbiased but also likes talking about using one's potential to the fullest because that's just almost always great combination. I agree George has great potential and honestly I enjoy seeing how he probably mostly obliviously builds himself a lot of helpful connections. Dream has a lot of knowledge regarding yt algorithm but not many people mention how beneficial for George streams was Quackity's professionalism and experience. I don't mean to make it sound as George only relays on others, I just find his ability to get along and start at least pleasant relationships with other creators he interacts with very good trait of his and useful especially when this creators can be very helpful. I still remember that one instance when Quackity helped George just ban overly lengthy messages in chat and how Quackity called out Sapnap leaving streams early, it's just small things we could see but I wouldn't be surprised about Quackity giving George some general tips or at least influencing him with his professional attitude. It's also amazing for me how George can easily slip away from drama like for example recently with That Vegan Teacher that got some attention from mcyt fandom because of dueting Tommy's tiktoks if you know what I'm talking about. Basically she dueted George in his tiktok about walking around in the snow in her usually making it about veganism manner and I was ready for her to start hating on him more but a few hours later she dueted again with his tiktok about eating apple slices dipped in apple juice and she was smiling and gave him approval lmao. It was just so funny to me how neutral George is so it's hard to criticize him and even when someone tries to start it suddenly it looks like the universe itself prevents it, it's so funny honestly
i agree. with stories like quackity’s and dream’s of building your own content and fanbase essentially from nothing (obviously in the case of dream, george and sapnap helped but it was largely him who studied the yt algorithm and pushed them to join him in the first place), it’s easy to diminish success stories that come from both building from your own experiences as well as from others’. anyone who has been following george’s content can see that the people he associates with have influenced his streams (trying out new games, the subgoal, wanting to stream earlier, the raid-a-thons he karl and q are supposed to have, banning long messages, being more professional on streams), and that doesn’t make him a lesser streamer at all. it’s a huge advantage that he gets along with other people so well, because being close to them and seeing firsthand why they’re successful pushes him to make necessary changes to his own methods.
(and he rubs off on quackity, too! remember in the recent roblox stream, when q put his chat in sub-only and then said george calls it “money mode” lol. minor but i love them ok)
as for “slipping away from drama,” i know this isn’t what you meant to discuss but i don’t think any CC would respond to That Vegan Teacher if that’s what you meant? eating meat is hardly a strong critique and i don’t think they would ever take it seriously, because... why. did people actually get into drama over That Vegan Teacher dueting tommy? :O plus no one “cancels” george because, apart from being very very careful about what he does online (avoiding cursing, nsfw jokes, sharing any strong opinion + overthinking his interactions with “problematic” people like belle delphine + being genuinely afraid to play survive the internet), he just doesn’t say anything in the face of criticism, even legitimate ones. it definitely keeps him out of trouble, but it always upsets me when he’s just aggressively silent.
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
A Bright New Year
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Category: Friendship Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Class 1-A, Eri
Izuku fidgeted as he hid behind the sofa. He’d been crouched there for ten minutes, and his calves were aching, but that’s not why he twitched relentlessly. No, his body simply couldn’t process the sheer amount of happiness and excitement he was feeling right now. His emerald curls and eyes peeked above the back of the sofa, gleaming gaze trained on the front door, where little Eri was due to walk in any moment. 
I can’t believe we’re gonna celebrate Eri’s first new year!
When the girl had informed them at their dorm Christmas party that she never recalled celebrating the new year with her family, Class 1-A had scrambled to plan a party so that the little girl could experience the holiday in all its glory. They’d prepared oodles of traditional food and snacks, organized party games, and each pitched in to grant Eri over two thousand yen in New Year’s money in pretty red-and-gold envelopes Momo had procured. 
Thus, there they were, hiding in various spots across the common room armed with party poppers and rolls of streamers. As the lock clicked, they sucked in a collective breath in anticipation. As soon as Eri’s blood-red eyes and silver hair toddled across the threshold, they sprang from their hiding places, poppers booming to spill confetti in the air and streamers arcing over the furniture. 
“ Happy New Year! ” 
Eri jumped back into Mr. Aizawa’s legs with a startled squeak. It took her a moment to register what had happened, and a confused smile slowly bloomed on her small, round face. 
“Is… Is this for me?” 
“It sure is!” Izuku confirmed as he walked around the couch. He leaned down in front of her with his hands on his knees. “We all got together so we could celebrate the new year with you, Eri. We have tons of fun stuff planned for you. Would you like to participate?” Izuku thought to ask because Eri still dealt with social anxiety issues, though attending the school festival had loosened her up considerably. Her eyes were wide as she swept her gaze across the smiling faces (and Katsuki’s attempts to look friendly). 
“Yeah… I want to have a New Year’s party, Deku!” she nodded brightly. Izuku’s grin widened, and he stood up to offer her his hand. She wrapped her tiny hand around his first two fingers, and he led her over to the coffee table, where Ochako was sitting on a cushion. 
“Would you like some mochi, Eri?” Momo offered, seated on another cushion. Eri looked at the provided squishy rice cakes curiously before tentatively poking one. She released a delighted gasp as it yielded to her light touch and left her finger coated in sugar. She sucked on it thoughtfully, smiling at the sweet taste, before picking one up and biting into it. 
“It’s delicious!” she squealed. Izuku plucked up a piece of mochi and passed beside her to sit on the sofa, watching warmly as she enjoyed the treat. When Eri noticed the scraps of paper situated on the coffee table, she cocked her head to the side curiously. “What’s this?” 
“It’s a game called fukuwarai . Would you like to play, Eri?” Ochako said. Eri finished off her mochi as she nodded, sitting down on the cushion between Momo and Ochako on her knees to reach the table. Ochako explained the game to the little girl, who concentrated very hard on the pieces of paper as the elder girl told her she had to arrange them into a face while blindfolded. 
A bright smile adorned Izuku’s face as he sat tucked against the corner of the couch, nibbling contentedly on his mochi while Ochako slipped a blindfold over her big, ruby eyes. Izuku snickered as the silver-haired girl looked around blindly, squeaking as the cloth covered the upper half of her face. As she tentatively reached up to lift the bottom up and take a peek, Ochako tutted scoldingly. 
“Eri! You can’t peek,” Ochako reminded. Eri obediently dropped her hand, and the older girl critically inspected the fabric to ensure that it was adequately covering Eri’s eyes. Then, she gently helped Eri scoot herself up to the edge of the table. The little girl’s hands began to fumble over the pieces of paper scattered over the wooden surface. 
“How am I supposed to know where the parts go if I can’t see?” Eri whimpered as she picked up a cut piece of paper in the shape of some lips. Ochako giggled sweetly as she sat back on her heels and used her cell phone to film Eri’s first attempt at playing fukuwarai . While still holding up the red construction paper mouth, Eri used her free hand to carefully feel around for the large oval piece of paper that marked the face. “Why can’t I look?” she despaired, and as she looked to where Ochako was, Izuku could imagine her little eyebrows furrowed in duress. 
“That’s the rules, Eri,” Izuku piped up from the sofa, stuffing the rest of the mochi in his cheek. He slipped down off the cushions and settled himself cross-legged beside her. Eri’s head swiveled to cast her blindfolded gaze upon him, her hand groping at his sweater. He picked up one of the highly-stylized eyes, deformed courtesy of Denki’s craftsmanship, and smiled down at the perturbed child. “That’s the fun of it— making silly faces! It’s not about being right or wrong— it’s about having fun.” 
Her little lips pursed thoughtfully. She then regarded the lip-shaped construction paper again with her blind gaze. Carefully, she prodded at the oval-shaped paper again before carefully setting it down somewhere in the cheek area. Izuku covered his mouth to smother his giggles. 
Piece by piece, Eri assembled the craft. It was so hard not to laugh at the immense look of concentration on the girl’s face even with the blindfold as she fumbled to arrange them sensically, but it still ended up a slightly disoriented collage. When she lifted the blindfold, she pouted at the strange arrangement she had produced. As tears of shame brimmed in the corners of her eyes, Kyoka snatched it up and held it up beside Denki’s face. 
“Hey, doesn’t it kinda look like Denki when he goes all ‘yay’ mode?” she laughed. 
“Is that any way to talk to the guy charging your phone?” Denki griped, but when he saw Eri’s distraught expression, he sighed. He dropped Kyoka’s phone to grab the side table lamp, discharging all his energy to it. As he slumped dumbly into the couch, stupidly grinning and droning, “yayyyyyyy,” Izuku had to admit there was a striking resemblance with Eri’s handiwork. 
Thankfully, Eri burst into giggles. 
“It does kinda look like him, I guess,” she smiled shyly as Kyoka handed the artwork back to him. When Mr. Aizawa sauntered into the room to check on Eri, she hopped up to trot over, eyes wide as she regarded the older man. “Here. I made this,” she said as she offered it to him. “It’s a… A fuku— fukuwa… ” 
“A fukuwarai ,” the adult finished with a small smirk. He inspected the paper with lidded eyes before smiling warmly and handing it back to Eri. “I would say that’s fridge-worthy. Why don’t you go hang it up?” 
Eri squealed in delight and ran off to the kitchen, where she secured the paper to the refrigerator with a magnet. As she ran in, Katsuki came sauntering out, brushing his hands off on his apron and scowling. 
“Oi, losers! The soba’s ready!” He barked loudly. He glanced down when Eri shyly peeked up at him around his legs, blinking her big red eyes. “What, squirt? You want some soba?” When she nodded bashfully, he steered her around by the shoulders and marched her back inside. She waddled out a few moments later, humming contentedly as she spooned the buckwheat noodles into her mouth. She came over to sit on the couch next to Izuku, who had resumed his previous position. Half the class was now involved in a very competitive game of karuta , and Eri occasionally giggled as Tenya got too excited and flung the cards around in his haste. 
“Are you having fun?” Izuku asked Eri later after she had discarded the empty noodle bowl onto the coffee table. He was shocked to see her reclined against the couch cushions, eyes lidded and smiling in sleepy contentment. 
“Mhmm,” she mumbled drowsily. “‘S the best new year ever.” As soon as the words had left her mouth, her eyes closed entirely, and her head slumped over into Izuku’s shoulder. Smiling, he grabbed a throw blanket and wrapped her up in it, then laid her down with her head resting on one of the throw pillows. 
When he got up to get a drink from the kitchen, he paused to admire the fukuwarai hanging on the refrigerator. Eri had signed her name in bright red crayon in the corner. Izuku grinned widely as he appreciated the clumsily strewn-together pieces of construction paper and thought of the sleepy smile Eri was still wearing as she snoozed on the common room couch. 
I’m gonna make next year a bright one for you, Eri— and the next one after that is even better, and even better after that. After all, that’s what heroes do. 
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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serahsanguine · 5 years
Vacation Series Pt. 2. Halloween Surprises Ch, 4
This is the second book in a two-part series
Book one. - pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4, pt. 5, pt. 6
Book Two. - pt. 1, pt, 2, pt. 3, 
All chapters can be found Here on Ao3
This Chapter Rating; NC-17 NSFW
Tagging; @skullsmuldon @baronessblixen @today-in-fic
Chapter 4; Day Four - Vanity Fair
Mulder woke up and felt the cold sweat of Scully’s skin as he rolled her over slightly and nuzzled his nose into her strawberry smelling hair. Whispering reassurances over and over again tell her he loved her, that they were safe. She opened her eyes adjusting to the darkness she could tell she had been crying and she clung to Mulder’s body. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too, care to tell me about it?”
“I will but not now, I'm going to grab a glass of water.”
“Ok,” he said simply not wanting to push the matter and make it worse.
“I’ll be quick I promise, the fires nearly out and the room is quite chilly” she leaned back over to him her finger gracefully touching his cheek “I’m ok I promise”
He smiled weakly and watched her wander to the bathroom. She switched the light on and grabbed the glass she kept by the sink and ran the water cold before filling it and taking a sip.  
It didn’t agree with her and everything she had eaten the day before all came up and into the toilet bowl. Mulder was up in a flash and by her side for support. His hand grabbing her hair to keep it out of her face and his other hand rubbing her back. He helped soothe her as best he good but he felt useless.
5 minutes passed and everything that was coming up was out and now all that was left was her dry heaving into the bowl. She sat on the cool tile floor and Mulder had grabbed a washcloth and ran it under cool water to apply to her head and neck. 
“Are you feeling any better?” he asked concerned.
“No, but I think that’s it for now,” she replied solemnly.
“What happened?"
“The bowling alleys hotdog disagreed with me,” she said trying to calm her breathing down and trying no to throw up her stomach acid. 
“You did say you didn’t think it tasted right,” he said in confirmation. 
She nodded and rung the washcloth out and ran it under the tap before replacing it to her skin. “That'll teach me to listen to your advice and eat junk food.”
“This is not my fault,” he said defensively and looked away at the floor.
She smiled and locked her fingers with his, he looked up into her face and smiled back and realized she was teasing him.
“Nice to see you're making jokes, are you ready to go back to bed?”
“Yes, I think so.” 
Scully stood up and went to walk out of the bedroom but Mulder scooped her up under the legs and carried her to bed. 
“I can walk you know,” she said laughing.
“I know but I felt chivalrous,” he replied smiling back down at her. 
He wrapped the blanket around her skin and she was asleep instantly, it was a little while before he fell back to sleep making sure she had everything from a sick bucket a fresh cup of water. He was worried for her and hoped she was up for tomorrow as he knew she was really looking forward to the vanity fair.
Both Mulder and Scully had been awake for several hours now dealing with some of the preparations for tomorrow's Halloween party. 
The Lone Gunman had gone way overboard on the pumpkins, buying 25 of them to be exact, all of them needed to be scooped and cleaned with the inside of the pumpkin put in a bowl to make pies for tomorrow.  Mulder and Scully were sat by the kitchen island, Scully’s hair was tied back in a low ponytail keeping the pumpkin from attaching itself to her hair. She was wearing a low cut vest top with a cardigan buttoned up, her jeans covered buy an apron, she was cleaning out her second pumpkin. Mulder was wearing black joggers and a grey tank top also cleaning out his second pumpkin. All of them agreed to do 5 pumpkins each and once cleaned they would get to do a different design on each one.
Mulder watched as Scully was finishing up, he just stared and watched for awhile he knew she was still feeling quite ill from yesterday but was putting on a brave face as they sat trying not to let on. But when you look deeper she was aglow her skin porcelain and freckled but her cheeks were red from the fire and warmth of the house. Loose curled hair framed her beautiful face her eyes downcast at the task at hand. Her nose is small and quaint, her lips pink luscious and kissable but they were covered by the tip of her tongue just darting out from between her lips. He smiled because she didn’t know she did this, and she only did it when she was concentrating he never brought it up in case it made her self conscious and she would stop. 
She looked up and caught him staring at her and instantly she blushed it didn’t matter whether they were in a relationship or not whenever he looked at her like that it sent her into little schoolgirl crush mode. 
They got through the rest of the pumpkins creating creepy ghosts, ghoulies, monsters and cats, even carving an X into the largest one they had between them. 
Mulder placed a tea light in his last pumpkin and held it up next to him, he had carved a face with a large smile into it.  
“Scully, You light me up,” he held up the lit pumpkin and then looked at her with a cheeky smile on his face.
She looked at him and smiled and then proceeded to laugh at his awful pun.
“How long have you been holding that one in?”
“Since we started. ”
“You’re incorrigible” she carried on laughing. She managed to calm herself down some minutes later and watched him as he scooped some of the ‘guts’ of the pumpkin into his hand.
“Don’t you dare Mulder.”
She watched as if in slow motion he pulled his hand back and threw the pumpkin insides at her. His evil smirk said everything she needed to know as she picked up some of her insides and threw it back at him. 
“Do you really want this to turn this into a food fight, Scully?
“You started it, Mister.”
They threw pumpkin back and forth until the whole kitchen was covered in orange blobs and seeds he had definitely achieved his goal of helping to cheer her up and not think about how awful she felt.  
“Thank you,” she said quietly. 
“Anytime, but we need to get this place cleaned up before the boys get home.”
She looked around at the room and sighed their little bit of fun had caused so much chaos. 
“Ok, I will get the mop and you get the broom.”
Mulder followed Scully to the cleaning closet, she grabbed the mop and he grabbed a Halloween broom. 
He looked at Scully, witches broom in hand “Stick with me.” 
She rolled her eyes and he watched her laugh as she walked back into the kitchen. He put the decorative item down and grabbed the real thing and proceeded to help her clean up the mess they had created. 
That Following Night.   
Scully was still under the weather and feeling sick but was miles better then she was feeling the night before. She was just putting the finishing touches on her outfit. She wore a red dress that came up just above her knees, black tights and red pumps. Her hair was down and curly around her face, her face with just a small touch of makeup. Her gold cross sitting firmly in the middle of her neck. 
She walked out of her bedroom and down the stairs finding Mulder staring at her from his seat in the living room. His face in awe of her beauty. 
“Mulder close your jaw, you’re catching flies.”
“I… ugh… Wow”
She blushed profusely. But quickly turned it around back on him. She raked her eyes down on his form, his Jean's were dark and acid washed and they curved his ass perfectly, she remembered the first time he wore them, his ass looked smackable. At least this time she could actually touch him. His attire above the waste consisted of a grey t-shirt paired with a black leather jacket. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself Mulder,” now it was Mulder's turn to blush. Scully slipped on her black trench coat and hooked her arm inside Mulders and they walked into town towards the vanity fair. 
10 minutes later they arrived, it was beautifully decorated, there were streamers full of ghosts and cobwebs everywhere complete with freaky looking spiders. Chinese lanterns with amazingly drawn mythical creatures hung from above and they had pumpkins of every variety placed all over. What really surprised them both is they even had characters from Mulder’s new favourite movie ‘A Nightmare Before Christmas’ with people dressed up as Oogie Boogie and Jack Skeleton, even children adorned costumes as Lock, Shock and Barrel. 
“Mulder, can we go over there first?”
Mulder followed Scully gaze as she pointed towards the shooting stall. He smiled. 
“Only if you think you can beat me, Scully.”
“Is that a challenge Mulder?” she said emphasized his name, he simply nodded in return “You’re on” and off they walked towards the shooting stand. 
The stands colours were bright orange and yellow, exactly what you would normally find at a funfair. But instead of shooting a family of plastic ducks you were shooting a family of pumpkins. 
“You being a hot shot can go first.”
“Thank you,” he was feeling cocky and she could tell she as she watched him line up with the plastic cork gun in hand he shot them hitting ten out of 13 targets.
“Not bad Mulder.”
“Your turn Scully but that is hard to beat.”
“We shall see,” she thought she walked to the stand picking up the loaded cork gun taking the right stance she aimed the gun and fired hitting every pumpkin and not missing one. 
“Wow Miss, that was brilliant” Scully beamed a full toothy grin at the stall, “Which large plush would you like?”
“That one please” she pointed at the rather large grey alien hanging from the ceiling. 
“Here you go, Miss.”
“Thank you,” she took the large plush toy from the elderly man, said her goodbyes and they left to find another attraction.  
They found the candy floss stall and Mulder ordered them both a cone each. 
“I have a sugar crush on you,” he said sweetly.
“Oh brother,” as she rolled her eyes and in search for a small bench to eat and talk away from the crowds. 
“Here you go, Mulder, this is for you,” she said handing him the grey plush toy.
“I.. Don’t know what to say, Scully. You didn’t have to give me this you won it fair and square.”
“I may have, but It's not that I had to give it to you it, I wanted too. Just say thank you, Scully, and give me a kiss. ”
“Thank you, Scully.”
He leaned forward brushing his lips against hers and the fireworks of passion ignited there, he pulled away but not before she pulled him back again, her tongue probing inside his mouth tasting cotton candy and mulled wine.
“Mmm, You taste good Mulder.”
He pulled away his cheeks red and a boyish grin upon his face. 
“How about the House of Horrors next?”
“Is that the one with all the mirrors?” he opened his mouth to reply but she carried on talking not letting him say a word. “Because if it is the answer is definitely no. We have been there and done that, never again.”
“Ok, so that’s out the picture, how about the haunted house?
“Really?” she raised her eyebrow in scepticism. 
“Yeah, come on Scully it will be fun.”
“Fine why not.”
They soon finished their cotton candy and went to the haunted house. Stepping inside to complete darkness, Mulder went first in protection. Scully laughed making a comment that plastic does not kill anyone. They walked the corridors as plastic mannequins decorated with fake blood jumped out of nowhere. Vampires, jumping spiders also popped up, Scully could not help but laugh as every time something made Mulder jump he screamed like a girl and then pretended to be all macho and act as if nothing happened. Finally, they got to the end and it was straight on the ghost train which was full of mostly the same stuff but with added fog, mist and neon lights. Scully took the opportunity to snuggle into Mulder's side while they went around the track. He was warm and smelled like Paco Rabanne and her Paris perfume, it was a gentle mix but one that certainly suits them both. 
Their evening at the funfair came to an end and it was time to go home. They took a small stroll along the beach watching the moon reflect on the calm ocean. They arrived home and noticed the Lone Gunman had kept the fire going in the living room for them so the house wasn't as brisk as the outside. They took off their coats and both wandered upstairs, Scully slipping her pumps off along the way and depositing the rest of her clothes in the bedroom, she slipped into her cotton full-length pyjamas before sliding in between the sheets. She watched as Mulder unclothed and found an old t-shirt to lay in bed with making sure to grab the book before getting comfortable. They would both forgo their nightly routine, they were much too tired.
With Mulder propped up with pillows behind his back and Scully laying on the side of his body with her face and head in his chest. He began to read. 
“On the brink of what was once known as ‘The River Hill’ at the east of Main Street in Williamston, there formerly stood an old hotel building. Owned and operated by the Edward Yellowy family in the early and middle 1800’s, the hotel was frequented by captain and sailors. From barges and ships while they were docked at the Roanoke River wharf just below ‘The River Hill.’
He looked down to find she was still awake her eyes were drooping but she was listening intently. 
“Incidentally, one of Edward Yellowlys' sons, Edward C. Yellowly, practised law in Greenville and was one of the principles in what was said to be among the last duels fought in North Carolina. The duel took place at the Virginia-North Carolina state line along the Dismal Swamp canal in October 1947, and Yellowly’s opponent, C.F. Harries, another Greenville lawyer, was killed in the encounter. 
“Returning to the old hotel, it had a handsome mahogany stairway and a large balcony covering the entire front. The front veranda was elevated so that the carriages could drive under it. It’s said that a misunderstanding developed between a honeymooning couple staying at the hotel and the young bride leapt off the balcony to her death it was the reason that the place developed a reputation for being ‘Haunted’.”
He stopped and listened to her calm breathing and soft snore he carried on reading to make sure she was completely asleep before putting the book down, that and he hated leaving a story not finished. 
“The hotel was finally abandoned, but an ancient piano was left in it. Some of the neighbourhood children in the old days would go into the abandoned structure and play the piano. There were also rumours that musical sounds could be heard in the building when no one was around. Some thought the music was played without human hands, and an examination would show that there was undisturbed dust on the keys of the piano. When this writer was a child, all children were afraid to go into this old hotel or even pass by the place when alone. It was widely known among the children as ‘The Haunted Hotel’.”
Mulder leaned over to his side of the bed and placed the book down softly, Scully was still asleep on his chest and he fell asleep along with her. 
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cocoarosalia · 7 years
Rocking the cradle Chapter 5: The Promises We Keep
Eloise was NOT a fan of mornings. Sleep, as far as she was concerned, was never meant to be interrupted once started. However, If she had to think of any way to wake up, the smell of croissants with strawberry jam was probably the best was in her eyes.
The sweet scent wafted in her nose gently as she sniffed for the source. She then rolled onto her back to stretch her body.
Soft green eyes creaked open to meet a similar shade of emerald.
She saw her Papa looking down at her with a smile warmer than the sun itself and when she turned her head she found her mama right by her bedside bearing the same grin.
She never had this before. A soft bed. Warm blanket. A family all to herself. It was nice and it made her heart swell immensely.
She sat up in her bed, blonde hair flying free behind her and rubbed her eyes for a better view. “Bonjour Papa. Bonjour Mama”
“Well good morning there sleepy head. you were quite tired from last night huh” Marinette responded petting Elly’s head gently from her seat on the floor.
All of a sudden the memories of her homecoming came flooding back to her and she shot up in her bed.
“Yesterday Elly came home with mama and papa!” She exclaimed “And when we came in it was all dark and spooky so I was scared, but then all of a sudden aaaaallll the lights came on and Nana and Grandpère popped up and welcomed me home!”
Adrien laughed “seems someone has their energy back!”
But Elly wasn’t the least bit done “After that there was a BIG party with balloons and streamers and presents too!”
“That’s right and do you remember what we told you Elly?” He replied knowingly
Eloise stopped and thought hard about her papa’s question but she couldn’t remember outside of all the other excitement. She shook her head sadly.
Marinette then picked her up holding her on her hip “Well for now you can just think about it while we get you ready for your play date today alright?”. As perplexed as she was she nodded her head and went back to thinking.
And boy did she think a lot.
She thought at the sink while papa was teaching her how to brush her teeth. She thought in the tub as Mama scrubbed through her hair (No easy task I mind you, she has A LOT OF IT) and Papa washed her body. And she even thought as Marinette showed her her very own dress and shorts outfit she had made that night (but not for very long as she bounced and twirled its starry pattern).
But no matter how long she thought, the words never came to mind. Her heart sank.
“Still no luck huh” Adrien said to her as they walked to the park, Eloise seated in her favorite spot atop his shoulders. She muttered a sad no, feeling as though she did something wrong by not remembering.
“Do you want a hint?” Mari said beside her. She eagerly nodded her head wanting to know just what this ever so important statement could be. “Hmmm it’ll cost ya”
Elly wasn’t hoping to part with some of her gummy bears and she tried the puppy dog eye trick to win her Marinette over but to no avail. She begrudgingly handed her a handful and waited for her well deserved answer.
“It was a promise that we made to you.” Marinette said simply
Elly stared at her mama blankly. “Well that’s no help mama.” She whined. The bluenette laughed “you’ll get it eventually. You’re a very smart girl”
When they got to the park Elly climbed down her father and joined the twins at the sandbox.
“Sammy, Sophie I have a problem” She said plopping down in the fine material
“When don’t you Elly” Sammy replied
“I’m serious you guys! Do you know what a ‘promise’ is?”
The twins looked at her strangely
“Why would you wanna know that?” Sophie inquired as she packed sand into her bucket to make a sand castle.
“Because during the party mama and papa gave me yesterday they told me something really important and I can’t remember it. I tried asking mama but all she told me was that it was a promise, whatever that is, and I had to give up some of my gummy bears for it!”
Eloise was truly in a huff now. She really wanted to remember what her guardians told her but if she didn’t even know what a ‘promise’ was, then what hope did she have?
“I know what a promise is” sophie said matter of factly.
“You do!?”
“Yup, I heard our mommy and daddy talking about them last night”
Eloise rushed sophie for a hug “Ohhhh Sophie I knew I could count on the smart twin”
She could hear a distinct “hey!” as she whisked Sophie away to the swings so she can finally learn the truth
“So a promise,” Sophie started as she swung back forth lazily “Is like saying you’ll do something and you never EVER forget it”
Elly closed her eyes in thought but after a few minutes that still didn’t jog any memories so she thanked sophie anyway and went back to playing in the sandbox.
Sunset came and soon it was time to go home. Eloise wished her friends goodbye and started the walk home with her parents. It was a quiet walk, just her swinging by their hands and for a minute she forgot about the whole thing.
That is...until a little lizard had crawled up her shoe.
Elly loved all animals of the world. She loved sheep, cats, elephants you name it but if there was one thing she hated with a passion it was lizards.
So needless to say the response to the scaly creature was not welcome
The frightened girl shrieked at the top of her lungs, taking off from Adrien and Marinette’s hands to try and escape the tiny monster. Unfortunately though, the poor thing didn’t get too far as she tripped on a rock and fell right on the sidewalk scraping her knee.
She got up enough to be able to sit up and look at her knees, all bruised and slightly bleeding. When Marinette caught up to her to ask if she was alright there was nothing more she could feel to do but cry.
The next few moment’s came as a blur. Adrien scooped up his injured little one and ran full on back to the bakery where both he and Mari went into full panic mode trying to find all the necessary equipment to patch up her knee ranting and raving about breaking their one promise to her.
And then it clicked
“I remember now!” She exclaimed, stopping the frantic heroes in their tracks “I remember what you told me!” They both took a breath of relief seeing how she had forgotten all of the pain and as they patched up her knees she fanatically told them all about it.
“Mama and Papa told me that I will always be their number one girl and that no harm would ever come to me as long as they lived.”
Adrien patted her head approvingly “That’s right my little wild child, but it seems we didn’t too good of a job huh?”
She shook her head vigorously “Mama and Papa were so cool! You made Elly feel better like it was magic. I’m really happy you chose me!”
They were stunned by her enthusiasm. Then Marinette burst out laughing “Well then Adrien I guess we’re magicians now”. Adrien then joined in the laughter and they all had a good chuckle about the whole thing.
“And for our next trick” Adrien claimed as he swept his little into his arms “We’re going to magically get you ready for bed because one little miss had a very exciting day”
They then took her upstairs to get ready for bedtime. Adrien helped her brush her teeth, they washed her up, Mari got her dressed and all together they read a bedtime story.
Eloise went to sleep that night dreaming of the things tomorrow held and more importantly right before she slipped off to sleep she could swear she saw flash of ladybug spots.
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sailorsantaclaus · 7 years
A Tale Of Four Birthdays
 For @amboato I hope you like this~
Summary: Minako’s birthdays over the years, from before she was a part of a team to long after.
It was the middle of the night when Minako slipped through the window into her apartment. She leaned heavily against the wall, pressing her hand to a bruise on her arm. Artemis jumped through the window after her, flawless and silent as she had aimed to be. She was tired and breathless, her body was sore, and she wanted to sleep for days.
She couldn’t do that, of course. Minako had school tomorrow. School was important, just like fighting evil and keeping up appearances and distracting the eye of enemy before the princess appeared. She repeated this over and over as she moved away from the wall. The words weren’t the same as a bandage for her bruises, but it was something to keep her on her feet.
She dragged herself to the bathroom, moving quietly at first, not wanting to disrupt the calm of the night. Once she began taking out bandages and disinfectant, however the silence started to press in on her. She turned on the facet, letting the running water soothe her nerves. It was one of those things that had always been comforting to her, like thunderstorms and sitting by firelight.
She dressed her wounds slowly, wishing that she had another pair of hands but trying not to linger on the thought. She slipped into a nightgown, knowing that she wouldn’t really sleep. She would stay up all night reviewing the battle in her head, berating herself for every misstep that got her wounded, trying to unravel the plans of the enemy.
She walked to the kitchen, maneuvering through the darkened house to the fridge and pulling out the cupcake that she had purchased earlier in the day. It was one of the few luxuries that she allowed herself and she deserved to indulge today. She took a match and lit the single candle on top, carrying it to the table and slumping down in the chair. She laid her head on the table and stared at the flame as it danced in front of her.
Artemis jumped on the table beside her, nuzzling her cheek. “You did well today.”
Minako didn’t agreed, but she was too tired to argue. He was always watching her battles from somewhere and he told her when she improved, when she didn’t, what to do and what not to do. She trusted his opinion, but that still didn’t mean that she agreed. People that did well didn’t come home as battered as she was. With sloppy performances like this she would never be able to protect anyone.
She’d wanted today to be a good, calm day. A day where she could have fun or relax, but evil didn’t take a day off, so neither did she.
“Minako.” She turned her head to look at Artemis. He pressed his nose to hers, bringing a tired smile to her face. “Happy Birthday.”
It wasn’t really, it was a complete and utter disaster of a day, but in this moment, it was.
It was rainning outside. The quiet patter of raindrops was soothing to her as she leaned against the wall, hand stroking Artemis’s fur as he sat in her lap. She was singing softly, some song that she had written when she was younger and never managed to forget.
This was her first birthday since moving to Tokyo and the first birthday in the last few years that she could relax. Usually she had to act cheerful for her classmates as they wished her well and went on with their day like she didn’t really matter. This year, she could just stay home with Artemis. Better than every year she had to train or fight the Dark Kingdom.
The doorbell prompted her to get up. Still holding Artemis, she made her way to the door, wondering who would be stopping by.
“Surprise!” Was yelled out as soon as she opened the door, four familiar and smiling faces waiting for her. She took a steps few back as she took in the scene. They were holding colorfully wrapped boxes, Ami with balloons, Rei and Usagi popping streamers.
“What’s this?” She asked with a confused smile.
“It’s your birthday!” Usagi cheered, launching herself at Minako and barely giving Artemis the chance to leap out of the way. Her princess wrapped her arms around her tightly and Minako returned the hug in a somewhat bemused manner.
“How did you know?” Minako recalled that she had very carefully not mentioned anything about it. Why would she? It didn’t have anything to do with their mission and they really didn’t have much time to spend of trivial things like this.
“Artemis told us,” Mako said as they all filed in. She was carrying a container of her own which she quickly set on the table and revealed to be a cake.
“Sorry it’s such short notice,” Ami said. “We were planning a surprise in the park but then it started to rain.”
“You really thought we would let you get away without a party?” Rei asked her, carefully extracting Usagi from the hug she had Minako still trapped in.
She turned to look at Artemis, trying to hide her confusion, but poorly. He seemed to understand what she was asking though. He smiled at her, soft and kind and familiar like little else was these days. “You aren’t alone anymore, Mina. I thought it would be good if you could have a birthday to finally show it.”
Her eyes began to water for a moment, but she blinked it away quickly, sliding into cheerful Minako mode. “You big dummy,” she said as she picked him up again, hugging him close. “I’m never alone if you’re here.”
There was more to it than that, but Artemis would understand her. He licked her cheek and she knew he understood.
“Well, what do you say we get started?” Rei asked.
“Oh! Oh! Open my gift first!” Usagi said, jumping up and down in her eagerness.
“Don’t be so pushy, Usagi, this is her party!” Rei scolded.
“I know, but…” The argument faded into the background as she turned to Ami and Makoto.
Mako had rested a hand on her cheek, looking at them with repressed humor. “Here they go again.”
“You’d think they would settle down a bit for this,” Ami sad. Noticing that she had Mina’s attention, she reached into her bag and held out a card. “It’s nothing special,” She said with a blush. “I wasn’t really sure what to get you, but I wanted to tell you that it’s been really nice getting to know you. I know it’s been a short time, but…”
Minako’s smile became more real the longer she held it. “Thank you,” She said. “This means a lot to me.”
Makoto’s smile widened at that. “Come on, you better have some cake before Usagi gets to it.”
Minako was smiling as she watched the others bustling around the room. There was excitement in the air, and the almost frantic energy made her want to get up and do something, but she had been forbidden from helping.
Minako had told them that they didn’t have to throw her a birthday party this year but they were really insistence about it, Usagi especially. They didn’t try to surprise her this year, which was why she was able to watch as this all came together, but she thought that was probably the results of their newest additions to Earth more than she could have done.
Her attention was drawn across the room as at the sound of a deflating balloon. Berthier was jumping away from the hellium tank as the balloon she was holding escaped her hand and streaked wildly through the air. Ami giggled beside her as she tried to calm the girl and teach her the correct way to operate the machine, Berthier blushed as she refocused. Around the room, all the Ayakashi sisters were having similar experiences.
“Strange, isn’t it?” Artemis asked her as he jumped onto the table. “Wasn’t too long ago they were our enemies, now look at them.”
“It is strange,” She admitted. “That’s not the weirdest part to me.”
“What is?”
“These people are from the future,” She whispered. “Our future. A future where we lost. It doesn’t really seem worth celebrating the symbol of our downfall.”
Artemis reached out to place a paw on her arm and she turned to look at him. “You can’t think of it that way, Mina. The future is always changing. We won’t win every battle. It’s impossible. That doesn’t mean that we can’t have hope though.” His eyes turned to look out at the rest of the girls. “We lost during the Silver Millennium and Queen Serenity gave us a new future. We lost the future, but Pluto and Chibiusa gave us the chance to try again. That’s what we need to focus on.”
“I guess you’re right,” She sighed. “It’s just… I’ve trained so hard. We’ve all trained so hard. It’s difficult to accept that it could all come to nothing.”
“Nothing?” Minako snapped to attention as Calaveras came over to her. “You think this is nothing?”
Calaveras seemed to be the only person to have noticed the conversation. Rei and Petz were putting up streamers and balloons, Koan was helping Makoto set out the food while fending off Usagi’s sticky fingers. Calaveras sat down across from her, her expression between distress and a glare.
“You think this is nothing?” Calaveras asked again, gesturing around them.
“No! No!” Minako protested. “Not that this is nothing. Just… the future falls apart and I don’t know if I’m strong enough to save it.”
“You won’t be strong enough,” Calavares told her with a stern look. “We fought you in the future. You were strong, nearly unbeatable, but that isn’t what saved you. We aren’t here because you were strong.” Her eyes moved to Usagi, laughing on the other side of the room. “All four of us are here because you were kind. Because you were willing to show us kindness. My sisters and I were strong, but that wasn’t enough. Strength alone can’t hold something together. It didn’t hold us together. We nearly lost each other. You guys, even in the future, stay together and strong because you’re kind.”
“She’s right, Mina,” Artemis told her. “Think about what’s kept you together all this time. From Queen Serenity, to the princess, to Usagi, think about what really kept you going.”
“You, too.” Minako whispered, reaching out to stroke Artemis’s fur.
“If you want to get stronger, that’s something you can only do together,” Calaveras said softly. “That’s something my sisters and I forgot.”
Minako thought on this, but her thoughts drifted to the sad look on Calaveras’s face. The Ayakashi sisters had been trying really hard to fit in with 20th century life, but she knew that it wasn’t easy for them. “Hey,” She said slowly. “When are your birthdays?”
Calaveras shrugged. “Time wasn’t measured the same way on Nemesis.”
“How about today?” Minako asked. “We can celebrate your birthday’s today with me and if you want, we’ll pick a day to celebrate all of you in the future!”
The astounded look on Calaveras’s face made Minako’s grin widen. She knew what it was like to be alone, to be a stranger to kindness. These girls deserved a little more of that kindness from her.
Minako woke up to Artemis jumping on her head, groaning slightly, but taking the wake up more gracefully than she would have in her youth. “Morning,” She grumbled as she sat up, reaching up to pull Artemis into her arms. She could see a bouquet of yellow roses of the bed beside her once her eyes opened fully. “Did you get those for me?” She asked as she hugged him close.
“It’s the least that I could do,” Artemis told her. “The others were already here.”
“For what?”
Minako looked around the room, seeing the cluster of things from her open bedroom door.
“You work too hard,” Artemis told her. “You’re starting to become forgetful again.”
“I’m not forgetful,” She said as she got out of bed. She walked toward the living room ad stopped in the doorway. There were balloons and streamers along the sides of the room, a pile of present boxes around her living room table, a large cake with unlit candles, and a small pile of card sitting on the chair.
“Happy Birthday,” Artemis said. “Serenity gave you the day off, so I turned off your alarm to let you sleep in.”
“Artemis,” She whispered, kissing his forehead. “Thank you.”
She decided to indulge herself with a eating a piece of cake early, delighting utterly at the taste of Makoto’s deliciously made desserts. She moaned to herself at the taste and Artemis rolled his eyes at her.
“They’ll be back tonight, you kow.”
“You’re right,” Minako said, standing up once she finished her piece of cake. “I should be getting ready.”
“This is your day off!”
“That makes this the best time to do it,” Mina answered as she went to her room to dress. “Better early than late, I’d say.”
She put on something causal, wrapped up a piece of cake, and placed a wrapped present into her bag. “I’ll be back!” She called as she headed out. The was rushing through the crystal halls of the palace, excitement making her rush as she maneuvered to the most forbidden part of the castle. The corridors were like a maze the closer she got to her destination, making her slow down to assure that she did not lose her way.
She knew she was close to her destination once mist began to surround her. The fog was slightly disorienting, as it was meant to be, but she had been this way often enough by now. “Sestuna!” Minako called out.
Slowly, the fog began to lift and Pluto walked into sight. “Minako, what are you doing here?”
Minako help up the present and wrapped piece of cake. “Happy Birthday!”
Sestuna’s face softened as she accepted the gifts. “You are early,” She told her.
“I know,” Minako answered. “But I have most of the day free, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to come and visit. Just in case something happens between now and then.”
“You’re sweet, Minako. I don’t know why anyone would want to give up their free time to come here.”
“I just don’t want you to be alone,” Minako said. “You spent too much time alone and we can’t bring a party here.”
Setsuna set down her present and unwrapped the cake, taking a bite. “You didn’t make this yourself, did you?”
“Oh no!” Minako said. “Mako made this. It’s a piece of the cake she made me.”
“When are you going to make me something yourself?” Sestuna asked.
Minako flushed. “I’m getting there…”
Setsuna reached out and squeezed Minako’s hand. “Thank you, Mina. And happy birthday.”
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