#she hated paris
lesbianbanana · 4 months
Please know that it's not anti feminist to say that a woman (*cough* Helen and Persephone*cough*) who was kidnapped WAS kidnapped and didn't go by choice ❤️
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monpetitchattriste · 8 months
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No stop it, they hate each other (affectionately) you honor
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gg-ladybug · 10 months
Officially subscribing to the idea that Movie!Gabriel is writing letters to Movie!Nathalie from rich-people-prison
“Dear Nathalie, I’m about to share this earth shattering secret with you, but the guards here screen my mail, so I’ll have to keep it purposefully vague. I’m sure you’ll understand until we can talk in a few months <3”
*Mayura appears in the second movie*
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justaz · 4 months
kagami who drops in and woos adrien agreste but has everyone turn their back on her for breaking up their beautiful adrienette (even tho they weren’t even dating and adrien showed little signs of being interested in marinette)
marinette who went out with chat noir once and pictures of the two of them circulated and almost the entirety of paris hating her guts for breaking up their beautiful ladynoir (even tho they weren’t even dating and ladybug showed little signs of being interested in chat noir)
marinette and kagami bonding over being demonized for liking a boy and the fact that misogyny won that day.
anyways. my point is. marigami. thank you. goodnight.
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daisyswift3 · 1 month
The way that all of these lyrics are talking abt the same exact thing. This literally confirms my Midnight in Paris theory (that the amazing @chickawah23 also had) where “golden thinking/notebook” refers to being trapped in nostalgia and not being able to stop writing abt the past and using these things as a form of escapism. This means the alcott is definitely not abt Matt and is abt Taylor (which isn’t really a shocker). I just can’t believe how well it all fits. Not to mention the connection to the 7th pumpkin message and to the other lyrics that mention gardens (betty’s garden, your wife waters flowers I wanna kill her)
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therealvinelle · 2 months
You mentioned Love never dies in one of your recent podcast episodes. I would love to hear if you have any more thoughts about that you would like to share here?
Oh little do you know.
@theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and I first watched Love Never Dies when Andrew Lloyd Webber released musicals for COVID, it was instantly the most incredible thing either of us had ever seen and we watched it again as soon as Muffin came online the next day.
We have since rented it, rewatched it before the 48 hour rent period expired, and I think watched it a fifth time somehow though I don't recall the details for it. It's... very possible we watched it thrice that rent period. One of them was broadcast to the Rank Heresy discord server, so it did have a purpose, we just... also rewatched it...
Love Never Dies is the single funniest, most delightful, most entertaining and glorious musical we have ever seen. Everything about it, from the uncomfortable incest anthem, to TEN YEARS OOOOOOOOLD, to the nonsensical "Devil takes the hindmost!" leitmotif (thought I was having an English fail, but no, Muffin had no idea what that meant either), to the Phantom's great artistic vision being a Coney Island circus extravaganza where girls sing about swimsuits, to said extravaganza hemorrhaging money so Meg has to prostitute herself to keep the lights on, to Christine dying at the end and Ralph says to the child he raised, "Aight son, hope you like phantoms because you'll be living with one from now on. Kk bye", to ALW being so mad the ugly guy he projected on lost the girl that he wrote the whole thing in the first place (um actually Christine loved the Phantom so after the ending scene where she chose Raoul she actually ran back into the opera basement, made love to the Phantom, then ran back again to Ralph. It was a night of passion and the song about it will take ten minutes. Beneath a Moonless Sky, my beloved. Also Raoul is a stupid idiot who spent all his money and Christine regrets everything).
And yes, the above list was only going to be a few lines long but I couln't stop naming beautiful things I loved.
Oh my goodness, another thing I almost forgot (which is sayign something!): the Phantom finds out Christine and Raoul have a child, his immediate response is "Ah, yes, it would be a shame if something... happened... to that child..."
Proceeds to get the child on his own while his parents are distracted, only the child starts playing the piano... my god... the child is ten years old... MY GOD...
This is where we get the incest anthem, the Phantom drops the infanticide plans and starts serenading his son about the beauty underneath, a terrible intense impulse you must follow, and desires we deny ourselves, how his son will accept and embrace it, and... the lyrics are just so bad, alright, and the acting somehow made it worse. Watch at your own peril.
Wild fucking ride.
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youngpettyqueen · 7 days
for one of Janeway's birthdays Tom replicates her a 'dont talk to me until ive had my coffee' mug and she thinks its fucking hilarious. she never even uses it to drink coffee she just has it displayed proudly in her ready room
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macbeth-s · 1 year
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netflix headquarters
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inspector-montoya-fox · 9 months
Today i have mustered up the courage to ask you:
If Sly got a sidekick spinoff like Daxter and Secret Agent Clank, would it be a Bentley or Murray game?
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totallydramaticqueen · 5 months
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Some tdroti redesigns because I really like the characters but their designs are too simple for my taste 😮‍💨
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bellamysgriffin · 1 year
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Dana Watches Gilmore Girls: To Whom it May Concern (7x12)
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myladyhercat · 8 months
I hope that there’s a version of Lila in miraculous paris who’s thing is being dead faced, brutally honest. Like sugercoat from equestria girls, she does NOT hold back and is like that to everyoneeee
Also I want her to be best friends with Chloe who’s the bubbliest sweetest person to ever exist
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sealrock · 6 months
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decembhyur, day 14: water
I have a recurring dream of hector, and paris is not in it. I dream of him frozen in a moment in time that forces me to relive the heartache and terror I put him through. he's separated from me by water; at times it appears to be a lake, and other times an ocean. I hear the roar of waves and the wind chill against my face, but hector does not move from his spot. I cannot discern if he says anything to me during these moments. he just stands there, away from me, just like before. he looks so small and fragile marooned out there, and yet I cannot save him. as I stand firmly rooted in place, as I've done so many times before, a heavy fog begins to roll over the tide. it engulfs everything in its path, including hector. my voice seizes, a lump forms in my throat as I watch him vanish before my eyes. I feel hot tears mixed with kohl race down and stain my cheeks, and still, I cannot speak. I cannot cry. I cannot scream. all I can do is stand there, just like I've always done before, suddenly so helpless and useless in the face of a horror of my own making. I failed him. I pushed him aside so callously when he needed me the most. he will always be here, trapped by ever-flowing water. I cannot reach him… not anymore. — ♫
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winxrus · 8 months
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I caved and joined the darkside wagon
If this is not their dynamic what is the point?
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howtotrainyouragents · 10 months
Agent H's Movie Reactions
Ladybug and Cat Noir the Movie
A reimagining of how Ladybug and Chat Noir, and their secret identities Marinette and Adrien, met, fell in love, and saved the world
-I was trying so hard to make this a non-comparison reaction and judge it on it's own basis, but there's just too little in the actual movie and too much to actually say so here we go lol
-Truly I think the weakest part of this movie is just the script. The dialogue is so generic, it's almost soulless. It has to directly say what the characters feel at all times and has to give the most basic children's movie messages as the answer. For ex, that scene where she meets Tikki, and Tikki just speedruns the explanations is so bad bc like, the reveal of the power is an important part of any superhero story, and them speedrunning it is like "lol, we don't care, you know the deal, let's just move past it" which is bad for immersing yourself in the story
-Marinette is so generic here, it was annoying to me. And she keeps talking about her dreams and fears but what are your dreams and fears?? All she is just timid and awkward here (which makes sense why people are goo gah over this version)
-Personally, I don't like the idea that your old self is bad and you have to get rid of it but that's just me
-Marinette wears a tank top underneath the jacket??? she’s just like me fr
-That poll going around that was like, What was the message of the movie? I thought that was a joke and there was obviously a correct answer. But oh no. They genuinely just changed the message of the movie like every twenty minutes
-What was the point of making the Ladybug and Cat rivals if Ladynoir immediately solve working together like the second time they meet. And what does the "stronger together" mean, like was it making their superpowers literally stronger or was it just teamwork is better?
-Everyone just felt mean to each other? Like Adrienette/Ladynoir, but also like Marinette wouldn't be so mean to her dad? And Alya teasing her about being friendless? And Chat Noir could be seen as joking around but they don't give that impression enough, so he comes off as kind of just a jerk.
-Chat Noir is adorable until he speaks. I love that little arms-flailing run from the gargoyle in the church
-Also I need that dialogue scene of "I have nine lives, razor-sharp sense, etc." to be like a meme picture set please
-Yeah, I have no idea why Marinette likes Adrien other than he's hot when they first meet. (And I have no idea what his deal is. Why was he sitting lonely in the library? How does he know Chloe? How does he know Nino and no one else? No explanations!!)
I have no idea why Chat Noir likes Ladybug other than she saved his life. Like, okay, and? This movie seems to think that the only good acts is saving someone from danger, and all the million good tiny acts that the characters do in the show that fundamentally are a part of who they are isn't important
-Some of the Ladynoir banter was a little more banter-is-cool-right-right? than characters-actually-talking-and-bantering
-The animation is gorgeous HOLY FUCK. I could watch these scenes all day. And I don't really mind, with some exceptions (ALYA. MARINETTE'S DAD), the character designs
-I did scream at seeing Luka. But upon a closer look, wtf did they do to him
-I liked Chloe's design in the promos, but I don't actually like it that much here, her hair is too stringy
-*Me cradling show!Plagg and whispering* "Who did this to you? Who hurt you like this? I will kill them all for you." (No, but seriously, No Plagg's galaxy design? The fart jokes? The not-caring-about Adrien?)
-I can't believe they've made me say this, but I think I prefer Hawkmoth's show design? His face is a little too expressive here (esp when Gabriel's really isn't), and it weirds me out
-I do think it's cute to have all the classmates and side character cameos
-There was some shots that just felt confusing, like I'm not sure where they wanted my focus to be
-Some of the back and forth scenes could've been edited a little sharper
-Hahaha, I like that they unnecessarily amped up the yoyo design
-If they were really doing such big-budget animation, they should've gone for it and given the characters new outfits and all each day. I'd pay for it
-I was THIS close to just skipping all the songs. And honestly I should've, they (except maybe the Ladynoir falling in love song?) didn't add anything to the story.
-I always love Lou singing for Marinette, but the contrast between Cristina's speaking and Lou's singing is SO BAD WHO APPROVED THIS
-Girl, you can't have a self-realization song in the middle of a fair on fire
-This movie owes me money for making me watch Gabriel sing. It was a fun song, but you owe me reparations
-"A she-ro!" Boooo! Negative points for trying too hard! Haha, Also Ladybug literally wasn't doing anything atm when Alya said that
-Nino having a crush on Alya is so cute
-Adrien sad boi hours
-“Evil Miraculous” Nooroo doesn’t deserve this slander :(
-Master Fu was, uh, a lot
-Also, they keep harping on, You have to save the world!! (Oh my goodness why was Tikki so serious) Which like makes me appreciate how the show smartly keeps it's stakes reasonable and contained to Paris bc that's such an easy pitfall for superhero genres to fall into
-Ladybug and Chat Noir didn’t even save the day??
-Sheesh, and you guys were mad thinking season 5 finale gave Gabriel a redemption (which it didn't)??
-Look, Adrien deserves to tell his dad off, but this Adrien doesn't because it doesn't feel built up or paid off at all
-Dude. The reveal of Emilie doesn’t mean anything in this version of the story
-People who love the show will hate the movie and people who hate the show will love the movie
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jessmmariano · 1 year
“Lane Kim would like this song” “Lane Kim would looove this artist” no. No, she wouldn’t. You’re talking about the girl who snubbed Fleetwood Mac, she would not like mainstream pop.
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