#like maybe persephone grew to love Hades but not in the beginning when he ABDUCTED her from her safe space of flowers and from her mother an
lesbianbanana · 4 months
Please know that it's not anti feminist to say that a woman (*cough* Helen and Persephone*cough*) who was kidnapped WAS kidnapped and didn't go by choice ❤️
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νοσταλγία (Chapter 22)
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νοσταλγία Masterlist
Pairing: Ivar/Reader
Summary: This is a retelling/romantization of the Greek myth of Persephone’s abduction with Ivar as Hades and you as Persephone. The Reader character is a Byzantine woman, follower of the Greek Pantheon/Religion, and a devoted follower of Persephone. This takes place after 5A, but the universe of this is a little changed in relation with the series, of course. Thank you for giving it a chance, hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: The usual
A/N: Hi! I’m sorry, this chapter kinda jumps around a lot, like seven different things happen, I’m sorry. A few chapters are gonna be like this, I’m afraid.
Also, some things at the beginning refer to stuff mentioned/detailed in Ivar’s PoV, which will be uploaded on Tuesday, so any doubts regarding what is mentioned about those first few days after the wedding will hopefully be cleared up then. Regardless of that, I always welcome any and all questions, of course!
Thank you for reading, sorry for the long note, love ya!
Taglist: @youbloodymadgenius @heavenly1927 @toe-vind-ek-jou @xbellaxcarolinax @pieces-by-me @angelofthorr @samsationalwilson @peachyboneless @1950schick​
The celebrations for Ivar’s wedding last more than a few days, you lose count -refuse to count, if you are honest-. It proves to be…not as awful as you believed, to be his wife, to be queen.
You are still by no accounts used to people calling you that. You sooner grew used to Ivar calling you his wife -which he does, a lot- than to the people of Kattegat calling you their Queen.
Of course, Ivar has noticed. He is exceedingly good at noticing things about you, in a way that if you were a sane woman, would frighten you.
The ring you bear on your hand, you noticed once the blood was washed off, is engraved with runes you aren’t familiar with, but bears the design of branches and leaves. A wreath of flowers to wrap around your finger instead of being placed on your head.
The crown he gifted you on the first morning you spent as husband and wife is also skilled metalwork with the delicate motif of flowers. You asked why, and his answer was, simply enough, that he knows you like flowers.
On that same first morning he also pointed out he’s noticed your very deliberate intention to avoid having your hair braided in any way. It resulted in this silly game that still goes on, where you exchange a braid in your hair for the day for a question he must answer with the truth.
You’ve learned many things, and the thralls have been told to make intricate work of the braids he insists on seeing on you. You’ve learned more of Sigurd, and how he is somewhere in the Danes with an Earldom and a child on the way; you’ve learned of what happened with Margrethe when Ivar was younger, you’ve learned of his ambitions to be even more of a legend than his father ever was, you’ve learned of what he thought of you when he saw you across that battlefield.
And it is not just Ivar that has learned to notice things about the person at his side. You have grown keener to noticing the tells in his expression, in his voice, in his posture.
It is terrifyingly easy to find routine amidst all this madness. To find safety, peace.
It has always proven to be easy, when it comes to Ivar, for you to forget there’s a world past him. In Aneridge, the door to the hut closed and there were no Saxons, no dead and no living, no names. And now, here in Kattegat, you sit at his side on a throne of your own and there’s no chains, no past or future, no walls.
And now, in the borrowed time that it seems both you and Stithulf live in, there’s a freedom in being at his side you weren’t able to allow yourself before.
You know it should scare you, and sometimes it does. When easy steps guide you to him every night and familiar fingers run down your back unlacing your dress, you feel that in reveling in this familiarity, in being soothed by this strange peace, you betray your people, your home. When you slip under the furs of your shared bed and close your eyes and feel safe and warm and like you’d never want to leave, you are haunted by the question of why you deserve to choke with the hope you can still taste so long after the kiss you shared with Ivar, while Narses choked with the poison you fed him until the day he died.
You’ve realized many things, in these past few weeks.
Something they don’t speak of, something you frankly hadn’t considered before now; is how, regardless of your intentions, intimacy grows between two people that share most aspects of their lives, and every night they go to sleep together and wake up every morning together.
It makes you realize, the easy familiarity, the reluctant intimacy, that grow between you and Ivar, why it is so easy for arranged or unwanted marriages to fall into contempt, into resentment for one another.
Granted, that intimacy, that trust to close your eyes and trust you are safe even if alongside someone you did not want; it also explains the respect, the formal but honest affection you saw in the marriages of many elders back home.
If you are honest with yourself, which is something you’ve been trying to do more often, you know you will not grow to resent Ivar, you know you trusted him even before he became your husband.
No, you know -and fear, you fear to your very core- that all this familiarity, this intimacy, does is soften your foolish heart, make your chest fill with a warmth you shouldn’t feel in this land of cold.
But it doesn’t matter, you don’t have to make a choice, not yet. You don’t have to face what the choices you would have made would have said about you, for you didn’t make them; and you don’t have to face what this choice you could make says about you, because you haven’t made it yet.
It is a strange limbo to live on, a limbo that may last months or days or years, but you find you do not mind.
Point is, you’ve realized many things, in these last weeks.
This morning, as Ivar gets out of bed and in his absence lets the cold air enter the space he occupied before with no regard to your body so unused to Scandinavia’s cold, you also realize why so many women kill their husbands.
You grumble curses in your own tongue as you burrow further under the furs, and you could swear he huffs a laugh in response. Regardless of your reluctance, you know you are to get up soon as you hear the thralls walk in and leave the platters and pitchers on a nearby table.
You quickly prepare and let the infusion of red clover and chickweed sit before you skip your way over frozen ground to the dress you quickly fasten around you.
With your feet in the warm shoes and your body covered in something more than a flimsy nightgown that does nothing to protect you from the cold, you go along with what, surprisingly enough, has become another familiar routine for you since becoming his wife.
Turning your back to Ivar you fasten an earring as he tightens and ties the laces at the back of your dress.
Taking one hand off his task, he touches the hanging pendant that now adorns your ear, and asks,
“These are new.”
“A gift,” Before he can ask from whom, because of course he would, as if someone would be stupid enough to try and court Ivar the Boneless’ wife, you shrug, “A shieldmaiden gave them to me.”
“Why are you surprised? You are their Queen; they should want to earn your favor.”
With a shrug, you offer the only truth you can, “They don’t hate me, your people. I thought they would.
You sigh, and work on putting your other earring as you think on how to say this.
“I want you t-…” You stop yourself, and clearing your throat start over, “I have noticed that you shouldered a responsibility that was supposed to be mine, and I know-…Life hasn’t changed much for me or for the people here since I’ve become their queen, and…I know it is part of the reason they don’t hate me,” You straighten your head as Ivar finishes lacing up the dress, and turn around to face him. “I want you to know I am grateful.
But because pride wins, you join your hands in front of you and add,
“This could all have been avoided if you hadn’t forced me to marry you, of course. But, regardless, I…”
“You are welcome.” He interrupts you, his expression in equal parts exasperated and smug as he silences you.
You take a seat and wrap cold fingers around the hot drink, lifting your feet from the floor and bringing your knees closer to your chest.
Choosing to test how well you’ve taught Ivar your language, and how well he’s taken to understand it, you start, slowly and enunciating clearly,
“How far along are we from winter?”
He replies with a smug smile and a tilt of his head,
“A month, at most.”
“Your Greek is getting better.” You reply, knowing pride seeps through your voice.
“Your Norse is still that of a Greek.” He taunts without missing a beat, and you roll your eyes even if your own lips betray a smile.
The doors to your rooms open and you are startled into attention. Prince Ubbe stalks into the room, muddied and battle-worn, but his eyes, and his rage, are settled on his brother.
The Prince departed what you’d like to say is two -three?- weeks ago, shortly after the wedding, to follow a trail further North with a small army. Ivar ordered him to, even if you know Stithulf will retreat to Strepshire.
As to why Ubbe was sent North, you don’t know. Maybe Ivar knew of some route to some village, maybe he knew something he didn’t share with you or his brothers. You don’t know.
What you do know, is that Prince Ubbe has returned and apparently has done so with a lot of pent up anger. You lower your legs back to a proper position, and stay silent and still as you wait for an explanation as to why the Viking barged into your rooms.
Ivar smiles, the cruel visage of the King of Kattegat as he starts to play, “Welcome back, brother. What did you find?”
The other man snarls, “Nothing. Not a fucking trail, Ivar. The Saxons are not traveling North, and we just gave them all the time they needed to get away.”
But Ivar doesn’t seem phased at all, shaking his head with a knowing and mocking smile.
“I know. They are moving for Strepshire.” He assures. You frown his way, begging him silently to stop being so fucking secretive.
The Prince finally takes notice of you, and a wide gesture of a big and dirtied hand towards where you sit precedes his loud words,
“Why are you so certain? Don’t tell me it’s because of what your witch tells you, brother, be-…”
Ivar interrupts him, mocking smile dimming and seriousness settling in his features, even as he speaks with gesturing hands and raised eyebrows, “Because my wife was right. If they think we are not pursuing them they will move. I sent men disguised as merchants to travel the area, and while your little army made noise on the other side, they caught the Saxons moving for Strepshire.”
You are startled into silence, and for a moment you think so is his brother. Counting on his vitriol and his reluctant agreement with many of the things you say when the Vikings argue of the war against Stithulf and his men, you never expected Ivar to take your words to mind when planning his next move, not truly.
Prince Ubbe’s expression starts to switch from an enraged snarl and the eyes of a man raging over presumed failure; to realization and a hint of a surprised smile hidden under his beard.
“You sent me on a blind chase,” He huffs, fond exasperation in his voice, “You little shit, you could have told me the purpose was to distract them.”
Ivar shrugs, even if the mocking and mirth is still on his eyes, the tension between the brothers seems to lessen.
“It wouldn’t have been as convincing, brother.”
Half-hearted curses flow from Ubbe’s lips as he clasps one hand roughly on his younger brother’s shoulder, shaking the other Viking as he laughs. You have a feeling secrets of blood shared flow between them in those brief interactions, so you lower your gaze to your red clover and chickweed infusion and watch the herbs twirl.
“Witch,” The Prince calls, and you lift your gaze. With a sigh, he amends, using your name instead of the unwanted title before he continues, “I do value your counsel,” Your skepticism shows in your face, for the man huffs a short laugh and corrects, “I should value it.”
“Thank you, Prince Ubbe.”
The older man takes his leave and when Ivar returns his gaze from the door to you, he frowns when faced with your wide smile.
“You trust me.” You boast, a giggle leaving your lips. Ivar rolls his eyes in response, taking some almonds from a platter in the table and eating as you still stare at him with a smile.
“You are a strange woman.” He mumbles in response, but you shrug.
“I have been called worse,” Seeing he refuses to acknowledge your words, you insist, “And you trust me.”
Ivar’s eyes narrow, “I don’t trust easily.”
Whether that is a rebuttal of your claim or a warning to honor his trust in you, you cannot know for certain. Instead of giving him an answer, you offer a smile and drink from the almost scalding infusion.
“If we reach out to Sigurd, we can get a legal claim on that land, our people can-…”
“We don’t need a legal claim if we erase the Saxons from the earth, Ubbe. We can gather a bigger army, we can return to York, start raiding from there again.” The King interrupts his brother, and the other man is quick to jump into a discussion. The Prince’s voice raises, his hands gesture wildly, and of course it all is returned tenfold by the King.
Your eyes travel from Ivar to his oldest brother, back and forth as the two argue on and on and on and…
It has surely been too long of this, and you have only been here a couple of months. Hvitserk, on the other hand, has been dealing with this for Hera knows how long. He may be close to planning a coup and murdering both of his brothers, and you cannot say you would blame him.
You find Hvitserk’s gaze across the table, a middle ground between the two sons of Ragnar here in Kattegat in more ways than one. While Ivar yells for the army and resources to move for Wessex again and Ubbe argues with gritted teeth about earning more land to settle North; Hvitserk bites into an apple, granting you a half-hearted shrug in response to the rising voices of his brothers.
You hide your own smile behind the rim of your cup as you drink. Soon enough you and the Prince find yourselves discreetly battling for dominance as you throw almonds to battle his cashews, playing in turns to try and throw the pieces carefully so that they push the enemy pieces off the imaginary board.
The game evolves and changes, and after a while you are breathing little laughs as you try aiming some dried fruits and nuts into Hvitserk’s open mouth.
You ready another throw of a dried piece of some strange fruit, but a hand grabbing onto your wrist stops you. You lift startled eyes to meet Ivar’s enraged ones.
“Would you two stop acting like fucking children?” He growls, eyes jumping between you and his brother.
“We are having fun, brother,” Hvitserk answers around a mocking smile, drinking from his cup before adding, “Not that you would know what it is.”
You keep your gaze on Ivar’s profile as you pointedly tug your wrist out of his grasp, even as his attention remains on his brother.
“Hivtserk…” Ubbe sighs, and you watch him drag a hand over his face.
“What?” The other Prince shrugs, defiant before he turns eyes to the King. “He keeps her chained to his side, like some pretty bird in a cage. Least he could do is keep her happy.”
“So you’ll be the one to keep your brother’s wife happy?” Ubbe presses with a shake of his head, “Just shut up and eat.”
“I kept yours pretty happy, didn’t I, Ubbe?”
Instead of letting the conversation between the Princes go on, Ivar asks, cruel and cold but you know there’s more anger to him than his tone lets on,
“You want to fuck her, is that it?”
Well, that wasn’t what you were expecting. You turn wide eyes from the King to his brother, but Hvitserk only smiles slightly, completely calm.
“Ivar!” You hiss quietly, but he doesn’t even turn to you.
“All of Kattegat wants into her bed, brother,” Hvitserk replies, drawling out the words, “But you know this already.”
Ivar shows a smile as cold as it is feral, and even if it is not directed at you -thankfully- you still feel a thrill of cold run down your spine. Not so difficult to imagine, if that’s how he looks at his own brother, why the people of Kattegat fear their warlord King.
“And do you?” Ivar insists, making you frown.
“I didn’t take you for the sharing kind, brother.” Hvitserk replies easily, a merciless sort of mischief shining in his warm eyes.
“Stop this,” You warn, raising your voice a bit and dreading the few eyes that turn to look. Glancing at the Prince in silent admonishment, that he surprisingly accepts by lifting a hand in silent surrender; you then turn to your husband and state lowly, “It does not matter, I married you. I am your wife and I will not be spoken of as a slave to be passed around.”
He shakes off the touch of your hand on his arm, a gesture you didn’t even realize you did. Not noticing you had reached out to touch him, it shouldn’t hurt as it does to see him reject you, but it does.
“I think it’s time you go prepare for tonight’s feast, wife.” He dismisses without even looking at you, cold fury in his voice.
Even though you did nothing wrong, even if it is not your fault his temper flares without warning or motive; he dismisses you like an unwanted pet.
You grit your teeth and beg to Persephone, Freyja and all the Gods that your eyes do not betray the furious and powerless tears even if your eyes sting as you stand up and walk away.
The Gods made you many things, but none of the things you are would walk out with lowered eyes, with your head downcast, letting a man forget what he has done when trying to silence you.
When you are summoned to stand alongside Ivar for the start of the feast, you walk in with your head held high and what is sure to be what Sieghild called your Athenian nobility shining through in every step you take.
You cross your legs, and tilt your head to the side. Your mother very obviously bristles at the display.
“Narses will follow my-…”
“Commands?” Galla interrupts, sly smile on full lips.
“Advice. He will refuse to negotiate with the Saracens,” You insist, before shrugging, “There are no pacts-…”
“Don’t say it.” Sieghild warns, but you ignore it.
“Between lions and men.” You finish with a smug smile. Your mother sighs in exasperation, rolls her eyes and drops her head to the back of the chair she sits in.
“Gods above. I dread to imagine the kind of uptight little monster you’d be if I hadn’t been the one to raise you.” Sieghild grunts.
“Yes, thank you, Sieghild. You raised a noble-blooded Athenian with the courage of a Varangian. A delightful woman to be around, especially when she doesn’t get her way.” Galla grumbles before standing up with a curse, and you frown.
“Hey, I can hear you, both of you.”
You bow your head in greeting to the Princes and King, and you could swear Ubbe and Hvitserk share a look between them, but say nothing.
Once the people are distracted enough, Ivar leans towards you from his place on the throne and states, “You are angry with me.”
“What a perceptive man you are, truly.”
“Don’t mock me, it won’t end well for you.”
“What will you do? Humiliate me in front of everyone?” You intone with a tilt of your head, furious eyes set on his.
Hope you liked this, would love to hear your thoughts on this! As for why this was the mess that it was, idk, my writing either drags on and on or is a convoluted mess, I don’t have a middle ground it seems. I’m very sorry if this chapter is a shabby one, I did my best. Thank you for reading, have a nice day/night! <3
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stolentheo · 3 years
the dream smp is obviously influenced by greek mythology to some degree; pandora’s vault and tommy being theseus. here’s some more myths i think would fit in the storyline if our token anarchist english major greek mythology geek wants to.. maybe drop some references? aha techno pls..
theogony and the clash of titans: according to the myth, chaos was all that existed in the beginning. darkness shrouded everything until the earth was born from it. then the seas, mountains, and sky with moon, sun, and stars came soon after. the god of the sky, uranus, was worried his children, the titans, would take power from him so they were imprisioned in the depths of the earth. still, cronus broke free and took power became leader of the world. he married rhea and gave birth to two gods and three goddesses. but, he inherited his father’s fear that he would be overpowered by his children and ate them. rhea gave birth to the sixth child secretly so he could be safe from his father and overtake him in the future. that child was zeus. the other gods and goddesses eventually emerge from cronus fully grown and started the war between the gods and the titans. then comes a war with the giants that roam the earth for dominance, later winning after many years.
the smp was chaos when it was just dream and he is the embodiment of all the earthly evil. it is his world and he holds all power, or so he thought. with the introduction of more people comes rebellion and with that his hold on power becomes more and more loose. while it may seem like he lost now, like the war between the titans and the gods, those who rebelled against him have more uphill battles to face. he will return and he is vengeful.
the three sister of fate: clotho, lachesis, and atropos each control the fate of everyone, even gods. nothing can be interfered with. they spin the threads of life, destiny during life, and death.
in the smp, these are the writers. while the character may not know it, their fate is already decided. even for characters who’s future remain uncertain as of now. everyone’s destiny is predetermined and their stories are already written.
persephone’s abduction: hades kidnapped persephone and while in the underworld, she ate six pomegranate seeds. this meant she would have to spend six months of the year with hades. she grew to love him though and he role in the underworld.
this could be many things in the smp. in the past, dream bringing wilbur to the dark side influencing him to destroy the very thing he loved and turned him against everyone he cared for. perhaps in the future, this might be dream and george or sapnap. i predict sapnap since he is a guard of the prison. sapnap is desperate for dream to say he cares for him as much as he cares for dream and would do anything for him to get that, even open himself up to manipulation and freeing him. (this is no way me saying persephone was manipulated by hades cause that varies from myth to myth but overall, she loved him just as much)
daedalus and icarus: to free him and his son from the labyrinth he was forced to create, daedalus crafted wax wings. icarus got too excited by flying and escaping that he flew too close to the sun, melting his wings and sending him plummeting to the depths of the seas to his death.
this to me can again be many things, but the most obvious is tommy. tommy is too optimistic and self centered, he cares for himself and what he wants. while after the recent battle he has realized the importance of things greater than himself, including tubbo. but it may be too late to recover from the damage done by his past actions.
sisyphus: as punishment for snitching on zeus, zeus sent death to claim sisyphus. death was deceived by sisyphus and chained and people stopped dying. ares frees death and sisyphus is punished by pushing a rock up a mountain for all eternity.
i like to think this will probably be for tommy, punished by dream after he loses to him in the end. the punishment will be more hurting those he loves like wilbur, tubbo, phil, techno, ranboo etc than pushing a rock. or if you’re more an optimist, the server being against dream punish him in the prison for eternity and figure out to kill him.
there are many other opportunities to link mythology with the smp like perseus and medusa, oedipus, the river styx etc! i’m just a nerd that likes making theories and connections.
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adreamemporium · 7 years
Drawn Together [Chapter 1]
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“Sometimes, change is what we need.” || Masterlist || Playlist
Summary: Madeleine has just moved to Hemlock Grove along with her father. From the beginning she feels a strange connection with Roman. At first they think it is a simple attraction but they discover there is something stronger between them and they don’t understand why. Along with the series of attacks and the feelings Roman awakes in her she also has to deal with her own family secrets. Pairing: Roman Godfrey x OC (Roman Godfrey x Madeleine) Warnings: mild swearing Word count: 2,462 A/N: First of all, I'm sorry if there are mistakes, english is not my native language and I did my best. Also, season 2 and 3 don’t exist in my mind so this is based in season 1. I tried to make this a reader fanfic but I don’t quite like using Y/N and I really needed the name I chose for my character because I'm going to play a little bit with it in the next parts. I’m going to talk a little bit about greek mythology in some parts but I will add extra information in each case. I really wanted to write this because I hate what they did with Roman in the show, he deserved better. This is not going to be really long, maybe 10 parts at the most and there will be smut in the near future. First time writing in english and first time writing Roman so yeah, that's it. If someone wants to be tagged just send me an ask. I’m new with this so thanks for reading! :)
Chapter 1
Be to her, Persephone, All the things I might not be; Take her head upon your knee. She that was so proud and wild, Flippant, arrogant and free, She that had no need of me, Is a little lonely child Lost in Hell,—Persephone, Take her head upon your knee; Say to her, "My dear, my dear, It is not so dreadful here.”
— Edna St. Vincent Millay
Sometimes, change is exactly what we need. One day you are happy with all the people you love around but then everything change. That was what happened to her, the first big change in her life was in a blink of an eye. Madeleine had lived all her life in the same city with her parents, but now she was on her way to her new home with her father to a completely different town. Change was kind of easy for her, she used to say we should never be afraid of change because we may lose something good, but we may gain something even better. Maybe that was the reason why she loved the myth of Hades and Persephone. There were versions that said he abducted her but she always thought that wasn’t true, she always thought Persephone went willingly with him and that was the reason why she accepted to live in a place so different to her home, because she wanted to be there with him and maybe she even loved him. She found greek mythology really interesting, she didn’t even know why but it was her favorite topic and she loved to read about it. She was an only child so she grew up reading books for hours, reading about myths, gods and goddesses and she enjoyed every single word. She had a couple of friends, she wasn’t shy but neither a popular girl. In fact, the only person she considered her real friend was girl named Sophia. They met when they had five years old and almost thirteen years later they were still best friends. Sophia was the only reason she was a little bit sad with this decision but she knew distance couldn’t change her friendship and they were going to be really close, always.
The main reason of this big change in her life was her mother, just a few months ago she passed away and then her dad received an invitation to work in the Godfrey Institute in Hemlock Grove, a small town in Pennsylvania. It was one of the owners who contacted his dad, Olivia Godfrey. Madeleine wanted to stay positive with their new life, she knew it wasn’t easy but she really wanted to start again here with his dad because even though they were having a hard time he was happy with his job, he told her he was going to work with the principle doctor of the Institute, Dr. Pryce if she remembered well.
As they arrived she saw the big difference between the rich people and the rest of the town. The Godfrey Institute was a really big and impressive tower and when they arrived to their new home she saw that through the trees she could see a big mansion. She saw her new home, it looked cosy and it was prepared with everything they needed thanks to Olivia Godfrey. It had two levels and a small garden, enough space for both of them. It seemed that they really needed her dad in that institute because Mrs. Godfrey told him they didn’t need to search for anything, that everything was ready for them to move into the house.
“It’s nice.” Madeleine said.
“Mrs. Godfrey was really kind.” He answered her.
“Yeah, maybe we should thanked her again.” She said and started helping him with the boxes and suitcases. “At least me, I hope I can finally meet her soon, she sounds like a nice person.”
Roman Godfrey was in his bathroom, he was smoking a cigarette and relaxing after he fucked whoever the girl was in his car an hour ago. She wasn’t important but sex was always great for him, maybe he just needed someone new, almost all the town already knew him and yes, sex was great, but it started to feel a little bit repetitive. He was also tired of going to classes and tolerate his mother when he already knew that everything they had were going to be his. He just needed to wait but he wasn’t really good with that. Shelley, his sister, was the only reason why he was still living there with his mom. He was almost sleep when he felt something outside, he couldn’t explain why but he needed to go to the window, it didn’t matter if he didn’t had any clothes. There was a man moving some boxes into the house Olivia, his mom, was preparing days before. “He must be the new doctor”, he thought and then he saw her, she was helping the man. She wasn’t really tall, her skin was pale and her hair was long and light brown. He admired her from afar and didn’t move his eyes from her figure. He knew the moment she felt him, she moved her head looking for something. “Here, look at me”, he murmured to himself and that was when she saw him. He didn’t know if she could see him well because of the distance, but something inside him told him that she was indeed looking at him. He didn’t move a single muscle but she started walking to the safeness of her new house. Roman smiled and walked away from his window. He finished his cigarette and started thinking in all the ways he wanted her. He desired her and she was going to be his, after all he have always gotten everything he wanted.
That night Madeleine was ordering her books in her room while she was thinkings about the guy she saw in the mansion. She wasn’t close but she knew what she saw and there was a guy in one of the windows. She couldn’t forget the feeling of being observed and how it felt really intense. She was still lost in her thoughts when she heard her dad knocking at the door.
“Come in!” She answered, her dad opened the door and saw all her books on the shelves he asked for her.
“You finished?”
“Yes dad, thank you so much for asking for these shelves, they are perfect.” She told him smiling.
“I’m glad you liked them dear, I really want this place to be our home, I know we are going through a difficult time but I’m pretty sure this was a great decision, coming to this place and accepting this job.”
“I know dad, I’m sure we will be happy here.” She smiled again.
“You should go to sleep, your classes start tomorrow. I don’t understand why you didn't wait a few days more”.
Madeleine smiled and walked to her father and hugged him. “And I don’t understand why you didn't wait, you are also starting your new job tomorrow dad.”
Both started laughing and remembered how her mother used to say that they were almost the same person. Her dad kissed her forehead and smiled. “Good night Maddie, go to sleep, you need to rest.”
“You too dad.”
He closed her door and she changed her clothes. She walked to her window and saw she could see the mansion from her window. She couldn’t forget they way she felt hours ago but she tried to think in something else and turned off her lights. Her dad was right, she needed to rest.
The next morning her dad was already gone when she entered the kitchen. She smiled when she saw the note he wrote her.
Good luck in your first day, dear. Do not break a lot of hearts, ok? Love, Dad.
She smiled, of course her dad would say something like that, she was his daughter after all. She ate her breakfast and started packing her things, it wasn’t late but she wanted to be in time in her first day. The day was still cold and she doubted it would change so she was wearing a gray hoodie but she decided to also wear her black biker jacket, it was her favorite. Fall and winter were her favorite seasons because it was when she could use all her favorite clothes and somehow cold never bothered her, in fact she loved the cold snowy days and it was funny because her parents hated them. She walked to the school bus and sat down alone in the last seat. She put her headphones and get lost in her music, she knew everyone was staring at her, she was the new girl in town after all, she only hoped this could be fast, she hated to had all the attention in her. Few minutes later she saw a guy with long hair, it seemed like he had just arrived and now everyone was staring at him, but not with the same curiosity they had with her, almost everyone on the bus were uncomfortable with him. He saw her and he doubted for a second but then decided to take seat with her.
“Hi, I’m Peter.”
“Madeleine.” She took off her headphones and smiled.
“You are the new girl, right?” He asked a little bit excited.
“That’s me!” She smiled again. “You seem really happy about that, may I ask why?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to sound rude but I was the new guy and now with you here well, I’m not the new one anymore.”
Madeleine laughed but she saw how everyone was staring them again and it was uncomfortable because it was like they were judging them.
“It seems you are not quite famous around here, now everyone is watching me with bad eyes Peter.” He was also laughing but got serious in that moment.
“Yeah, sorry about that, it’s just that there are other things that people around here say about me, crazy stuff.”
“Like what?”
“Well, they say I’m a werewolf.”
“A werewolf?” Peter was so serious that she didn’t know if is was a joke or not. She was waiting for her reaction that she felt it was hours but a few seconds later Peter was laughing again and she imitated him.
“You should have seen your face!” He continued laughing.
“It was your fault! You were deadly serious and I didn’t want to be rude!” She smiled, “and this place seems really peculiar so I wouldn’t be surprised if people really believe that you are a werewolf.”
Peter stopped laughing and smiled. “You are right” he paused for a moment and continued “I think I like you Madeleine.”
“Call me Maddie, please.”
“Ok then Maddie, I think we have just arrived.”
He was right, people were already descending, Peter let her pass so she thanked him and started walking. The moment she descended from the bus she felt it again, someone was looking at her and she knew who it was. They started walking to the building while she was looking for him and she finally saw him. She knew it was him even though she didn’t saw him quite well yesterday because of the distance, but the way he made her feel was exactly the same in that moment. It was like he could see through her soul and she didn’t like it, but at the same time she couldn’t see to any other place, it was like only both of them existed in that moment. He was really attractive, tall and fairly well built with lean muscles. He had dirty blonde hair and his skin was pale, she couldn’t see his eyes but she could swear they were green. He was well dressed and it seemed he was wealthy. He was leaned in a fence and smoking a cigarette and it felt like hours had passed until Peter called her name.
“Maddie? Are you ok?” Peter stopped her and saw who she was looking at. “Oh, I see who stole your attention…”
“No, I don’t —”
“His name is Roman, Roman Godfrey.” He told her before she could finish.
“Godfrey? As in Institute Godfrey?”  
He nodded and she saw Roman Godfrey walking towards them. She didn’t want to talk with him. Not yet at least, he made her feel nervous and there was something different with him, something almost dark, so she didn’t wait for Peter and just started walking fast to the building.
Roman saw her entering the building. He didn’t understand why she was talking with Peter and he didn’t like that. At all. She was his.
“Who is she?” Roman asked as he approached him.
“Her name is Madeleine, she is new in town.” He answered suspecting what Roman wanted.
“I saw her yesterday, it seems she is my new neighbor.” Roman said and smirked while he started walking to the building following Madeleine.
Peter stopped him and put a hand in his shoulder. “Stay away from her Roman.”
“And why would I do that? Do you want to fuck her?” Roman asked him looking him at his eyes.
“Fuck you Roman! I’m not you, but I would stay away from her if I were you, she is different.”
“What the fuck are you talking about? She is just the daughter of the new doctor my mom wanted and now I want her.”
“Ok, look, do whatever the fuck you want but listen to me. She is different, you know me and you know I’m not the kind of person that goes around talking with new people, not with the fucking rumor of me being a werewolf so now, why would I talk to her?” Roman didn’t say a word, “she is strong but she doesn’t know it, it’s like something is dormant inside of her and seriously Roman, right now we have enough problems, I wouldn’t add her to our list.”
“Come on Peter, she would know something like that don’t you think? I know you are anxious but you should stay calm. We are going to get through this, together.” He told him and threw away his cigarette, “but right now I'm going to introduce myself to her and welcome her officially to Hemlock Grove.” Roman smirked and didn’t wait for an answer, he just walked so he could find her.
Peter saw Roman entering the building. He didn’t say anything at all but he was still nervous. Madeleine was different, just like him and just like Roman, he was sure about that. She didn’t know that and maybe Roman didn’t find it possible, but even Roman didn’t know that he was an upir. Those two didn't have a clue about what they were.
[Chapter 2]
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jadedavies4 · 5 years
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What was my key learning point?
Personally my key learning point was one of the sessions I had with my lecture Ian and Kane because we did an exercise that really got me into my character. Firstly we did some research on our characters in which I found out that my character was not only Queen of the underworld but also the goddess of harvest and fertility. ‘grew up to be a lovely girl attracting the attention of many gods.’https://www.greeka.com/greece-myths/persephone.htm. This got me to think that the audience should see within my character the loveliness and the innocent. We then moved on to do an exercise in which my character asked for anything from Kane’s character Hades because he was able to get her anything. This showed the relationship that Hades and Persephone could have which is he wants to give her everything he can because he loves her and she can ask for anything. I felt myself really getting pushed into the character as I couldn’t think of many things that I wanted to I was trying to think like Persephone. We lastly moved on to making a little piece where we see Persephone coming into the room and putting Hades cape on him, we did this several times as we were trying to get rid of the realism and also trying to make the characters stand out more so as the audience was watching they felt like they were watching Hades and Persephone and not Kane and Jade.
What was my key learning block?
I think my key learning block was the fact that we changed the story line a lot so when it came to doing research to help get into my character the research that I had found couldn’t really help me that much. For example from what I have read Persephone is a sweet, little girl who possibly lives in her own little bubble for example in an article that I read it says ‘Persephone danced her way to the garden alone and tried to pluck the narcissus from the bosom of Gaia.’ https://www.greekmyths-greekmythology.com/myth-of-hades-and-persephone/.  I feel like this sort of shows her not taking notice of other things besides in her life. Although in our production we decided to make Persephone evil, for example she wants to take Hades down and become the Queen of the underworld by herself. This for me was a big struggle because I felt that I really had to make this character from scratch and define her myself or I had to challenge the feelings that Persephone would feel and unsure that this would help me create the evil side of Persephone. I researched her abduction and found a quote saying ‘Hades rises up from a dark hole in the earth, seizes Persephone, and takes her off to the underworld to be his wife.’ https://deborahking.com/the-abduction-of-persephone-the-goddess-queen-of-the-underworld-in-the-dark-days-of-winter/  and I feel like this would be Persephone key point in hating Hades as she has had no say in if she wanted to marry him or if she wanted to leave the Earth. 
With respect to devised storytelling centred on renewal of classics, what do I need to do next?
I think how me and my group could have improved would’ve been by us having a clearer view on what we wanted the story line and plot to be from the beginning. My reasons for this was because when we were doing the tableau's we had a sort of Egyptian theme to them and I feel that this really went with the original story line but as time went on we wanted to make our piece a comedy so I feel like we lost that Egyptian theme and just focused on making it extremely entertaining. When we were doing the dances I do feel like I could see a bit of an Egyptian theme within them but when it came to the script it was very naturalistic and again had a lot of comedy in it. We ended up changing the script and getting rid of the comedy so this is why I think if we would’ve not focused on the comedy and entertaining part from the beginning and maybe not changed the plot of the story we could’ve had a really interesting story that showed the true myth. We could've done this by making the script have more ancient words in them and if we chose music that was very different for example not so much songs with lyrics but music that is just a tune that went with the piece. In the pictures that I have chosen above you can see the gods and the Greek theme and I think it would've been nice to show this style within our piece.
‘Do it again. Play it again. Sing it again. Read it again. Write it again. Sketch it again. Rehearse it again. Run it again. Try it again. Because again is practice, and practice is improvement, and improvement only leads to perfection.’ ― Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway
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