#she gonna have some melanin
stardust948 · 4 months
Thinking about if Ursa had darker skin like the villagers in The Painted Lady and how that would affect the palace life suddenly thrust upon her where ivory skin is favored.
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welcometoteyvat · 1 year
wahoo finally “”””caught up”“““““ on fontaine leaks
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skylarsblue · 2 months
★RDR2 Incorrect Quotes★
(If you see duplicates from my COD version of these? Shh, no you didn't) ★Border made by @fairytopea★
Ms.Grimshaw What are you doing, you oaf? Young!Arthur, staring at Y/N: They’re pretty. Ms.Grimshaw …and you’re ugly, now get back to work.
- (Pre-joining the gang) Abigail, trying to get paid: What’s your favorite color, John? John: Blue. No, green. Abigail: Awesome! I love learning about you. John: I fucked up, it’s yellow.
- Arthur, cutting a huge knot out of John’s hair: I fucked up, we gotta go bald. *head locks him still* Young!John, flailing violently: WAAAAAHHHH-
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Seán: Psst, Lenny, ay mate, wake up! Lenny: Huh- Wh-what? What is it? Seán: I heard something outside the tent. Lenny: What? Seán: Like a woman crying in the distance, but I couldn’t hear her footsteps. Lenny: Okay?? What do you want me to do? Seán: Come look with me! Lenny: Hell no! Seán: Why not? Lenny: I got too much melanin and too much sense for that white people shit. You wanna let demons get you, be my guest, leave me out of it.
- (John HAD to have SOMETHING that captivated her, for humor’s sake? We’ll say he had jokes)
Abigail: You have to find my darling husband, I’m so worried about him. Arthur: Seriously, what do you see in that guy? Abigail: He makes me laugh.
- Micha: I've got the urge to say something. Arthur: And what's that? Micha: The N-Word- Arthur: WHOA-
- Bill: But seriously, is it your whole emo thing that she’s into or what? John: …yeah, long flowing straight hair, very emo.
- Karen: This- Hmm. Tilly: Be nice. Karen: I’m findin’ it. Mary-Beth: …it takes you that long to find- Karen: It does, it does.
- (O’Driscoll troubles) Kieran: Arthur we’re going to get murdered. We’re going to get murdered by a man who can’t tie a fucking bow tie. Arthur: At least he won’t torture us, can’t tie a rope either.
- John: Ugh, you know they’re gonna make us do one of those tacky family happiness photos that comes in the restaurants shitty frame. Tilly: Why are you so fucking negative all the time? John: Wh- uh- I just- Arthur: *slowly sucks tea through straw*
- Seán: Someone just said; “You’re a criminal!” Seán: *handkerchief on, gun in one hand, bag of money in the other* Seán: Well I’ll tell ya what, Sherlock Holmes. You are unbelievable.
- The Gang: Arthur is dying and Micha is a rat! Dutch, dancing with money: *insert that audio that goes “I don’t give a fuck cause I’m a ✨millionaire✨, I do what I want, middle finger in the air!”*
- John, drunk: You think the wind is ever tryna tell us something and we don’t know how to hear it anymore? Charles, loading up a drunk Arthur into a wagon: I just want you to stop saying odd shit.
- Abigail: If we lose, I’m gonna cut the judge. John: Wh- you brought your switchblade?? Abigail: Mhm. John: But they patted us down on the way in, where did you hide i- ohhhhhhh.
- Arthur: …you ever wish you could just, turn into a bird and fly away from everything? Charles: I think we need to get you to a therapist for depression. John: I’d wanna be a wolf. Charles: And we should get you psych evaluation for Autism.
- Sheriff: You seem like a reasonable and good natured person. Arthur: *looks around* And you look like you need glasses.
- Abigail: What would your father say?! Jack: Uhhh “I’ll fix it!” And then make it worse until luck comes around and makes it work, and then act like that was the plan the whole time? Abigail: …that’s my bad, I should’ve used a different phrase to express my disappointment.
- (I dunno why but John being super mean to some people is so fucking funny to me. I don't hate Bill, but bullying him is fun)
Bill: You enjoyin’ the wife everyone else paid to have? John: You mean the woman I never had to pay for? The woman who liked me so much, she didn’t ask for any money to sleep with me? In fact; she liked me so much, she married me? The woman who makes me a warm dinner and kisses me everyday? Mother of my child? John: I am enjoyin’ yeah. What about you, Bill? Bill: John: You enjoyin’ your lonely life, you unlovable sorry sack of shit? You enjoyin’ having to pay for someone to pretend they like you? Cause they never actually do. They hate you actually, like me. I hate you. Eat shit and die, Bill.
- Arthur: …him? Really? Mary-Beth Don’t be mean! Arthur: He looks like a rescue dog, Mary-Beth. Mary-Beth: I know, I like that! Arthur: ….you like that?? Mary-Beth: His pathetic wet eyes and general wimpy stature have captivated me. Arthur: *sigh* Whatever makes you happy.
- Bill: At the end of the day, Arthur. I am a MAN. Arthur: A MAN WHO’S GAY. You like fellers GETTHATTHROUGHYOURHEAD!
- Dutch: I have a plan. Hosea: You haven’t planned shit. Dutch: I’ve planned it.
- Hosea: Arthur! What on earth are you doing?! Young!Arthur: Getting rid of this demon. Young!John: *screeching and trying to get out of Arthur’s grip* Hosea: And why do you plan to get rid of him? Arthur: Because, Hosea! He woke me up by leaning over me and whispering, “I know what death feels like, it’s cold. Have you felt death?” Arthur: HE’S CLEARLY EVIL, HOSEA Hosea: That’s just how children are, Arthur. Dutch: He’s right son, put the boy down. Dutch, leaning and whispering to Hosea: But maybe we should buy a Bible just in case. Hosea: And a cross.
- (Modern au and suicide joke)
John: It’s not a phase! It’s a lifestyle, you just wouldn’t get it! Arthur: You think I didn’t go through the “I can’t tell if I want to kill myself or everyone around me” phase? Come on. John: What? I don’t wanna kill myself at all. Arthur: … John: … John: Should I- should we go talk to Hose- Arthur: We should forget this conversation happened. Take this Nirvana CD and keep your mouth shut.
- Abigail: …John. John: Yes, my angel? Abigail: You forgot something. John: No I didn’t! I took the list with me, checked it three times, even crossed things off when I put it in the cart! See, look. Apples, frozen hamhocks, cranberry juice- Abigail: John. You took Jack with you. John: Abigail: John: Abigail: John: SHIT I LEFT HIM BY THE PASTA SECTION Abigail: STOP STANDING THERE AND GO GET HIM!
- Jack: Pa, how did you get mom to marry you? John: Well son, I- John: John: I have no idea. Jack: Should I ask mom? John: I’ll be honest, I don’t think she knows the answer either.
- Charles: You did good back there. Arthur: Oh? Heh, nah, you did all the fancy stuff. I just helped. Charles: Don’t undersell yourself, Arthur. I wouldn’t be complimenting you for no reason. Arthur: Oh yeah? And here I thought you were just trying to fluff up my ego. Charles: Wouldn’t hurt to do when you work so hard, no? Arthur: Now you’re just being’ sweet- John: Can y’all wait til we’re done before you start your spiritual dick sucking? Arthur: Can you repent to the lord fast enough to save your soul in the time it’ll take me to throw you into the damn ocean, Marston?!
- Arthur: Do you even have a brain? John: Do you even have someone that loves you? Arthur: John: John: I heard it that time, I’m sorry. Arthur: This is what Abigail hears sometimes, just so you know. John: I heard it that time, I got it. I- I’ll just- Arthur: Whiskey, full bottle. The nice kind. John: Apology alcohol, got it.
NPC: My husband’s parents are so crazy. In-laws always are, huh? Abigail: Well, uh-
*John being an orphan* *John’s adoptive dads being criminals, one particularly off his rocker*
Abigail: ….aha, yeah;;
- Abigail: John Marston, you useless, foolish, stupid man! Bill: To hell with John! Abigail, suddenly with a very large gun: NO ONE INSULTS MY HUSBAND.
- Arthur, holding up a proper painting he actually put time and effort into: Could a depressed person make this? Charles: The painting: *a wolf in the rain laying it’s head over the body of a deer shot with an arrow* Charles: I’m, in fact, more convinced you have depression now. Arthur: …yeah this wasn’t the best evidence for my argument, huh? Charles: No. Not at all.
- John: What are you talking about? That’s completely normal, it’s like having opinions. just cause it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean- Tilly: No, John! No. It’s not normal to have that reaction to the sound of hearing metal on metal. John: No look, uh- Arthur! Arthur come here! Arthur: What now? John: What happens when you hear metal on metal? Like, a can bein’ rubbed with a knife. Arthur: Ugh, I hate that sound. It makes my damn skin crawl, like I got beetles underneath. Makes me wanna skin myself to get’em out. John: Right! See, Tilly? It’s not just me! Tilly: ????
Charles: …and you never got them evaluated? Hosea: In hindsight, an autistic diagnosis probably would’ve made more things make sense. But, what can ya do.
- Arthur after a dog didn’t positively react to him: Maybe this is my final straw. Charles: No. Arthur: It might be. Charles: It’s one dog. There are twenty that you stopped to pet along the way here, plenty more for you to pet after this. Arthur: You don’t understand, this is devastatin’. Charles: Arthur, please- Arthur: Utterly devastatin’, Charles.
- Arthur, tipsy: Just cause you’re gorgeous don’t mean I’ma do whatever you say. Charles: Drink the water, Arthur. Arthur: *grabs the glass* Yes, sir.
- (Got a Y/N one, also, modern Au)
Arthur: That’s the Aberdeen farm. Y/N: …what’s wrong with it? Arthur: What’cha mean? Y/N: The vibes, they’re off. Arthur: …the…vibes? Y/N: The energy, Mister Morgan. The vibe of the place. They’re off, they’re weird, wack even. I sense insidious and wretched wavelengths wafting from the aura of that property. Arthur: I see…well, to answer your question, it’s cause they are weird. And I ain’t even confirmed why cause I don’t really wanna know. Y/N: I see you can also sense the vibes are rank. Arthur: …sure, whatever that means.
- Micha: Well I think- Y/N: Well I’m certain no one fucking asked, Micha! Not a single damn person asked what the hell you thought, ever! In fact, I’m pretty sure you don’t think. I’m pretty sure your skull fills with all the bullshit in your organs, and it just spills out your mouth! Micha: Micha: I- Y/N: Shut up, Micha!
- Arthur, after Albert explains some super dangerous plan in order to get wild animals near him to photograph: You’re stupid, I like that in a man.
- Y/N: Bye Arthur, bye Karen, bye Hosea, bye Arthur. Sadie: You said ‘bye Arthur’ twice. Y/N: I like Arthur.
- NPC: Lovebirds, eh? Sadie: Arthur: Sadie: I’d rather eat a poison ivy plant with Holly Berries for dressing. *looks at Arthur* No offense. Arthur: No no, none taken. All things considered, I’d rather dive into a pit of tar and then drag myself face first through a plain of rotten chitlins. Sadie: Completely fair!
- Bill: I need you to realize you ain’t in charge here. Y/N: I need you to realize I don’t give a shit.
- Arthur: Hey Charles, uh, I got an Uhm…a spiritual question. Charles: Any particular reason you chose to ask me? Arthur: Uh well- I didn’t mean for it to be like that- I just- Charles: *sigh* What is it? Arthur: Do you know what it means when an elk stands up on its back legs? Charles: That means- Charles: WE SHOULD LEAVE, we need to leave, that’s what that means!
- Jack: …why are your boobs so big? Charles: They’re not boobs. Jack: Do you have to wear a brasier? Charles: *sigh* Arthur: He asked me the same thing a couple weeks ago, don’t think to hard bout it.
(Story spoilers!!) Y/N: I'm sorry, let me get this straight. Y/N: You picked up that man when he was a destitute child, grieving and starving. Taught him almost everything he knows. Y/N: Then, you did that with, what? Three others? In similar circumstances? Y/N: Created a sense of family and community, a strong bond between so many misfortuned people. With your trustworthy long term friend by your side. Y/N: And then. Y/N: One RAT. WHO IS OPENLY ANTAGONISTIC AND REEKS OF SUSPICION AS MUCH AS HE DOES HORSE SHIT, SOMEHOW CONVINCES YOU TO GO OFF YOUR ROCKER AND HARM YOUR GANG?! Y/N: Explain! Dutch: Dutch: Dutch: He praised me- Y/N: YOUR PRAISE KINK GOT YOU TO AIM A GUN AT YOUR SONS????
- Arthur: Naaah they’re an angel. Lenny: They punched Bill in the face. Seán: They told Strauss he was a waste of human material, in his own language, which they’re not fluent in. Mary-Beth: They framed Micha for a crime and got him put in prison again. Arthur: Like I said, an angel!
- John: Woman. (Translation: Darling.) Abigail: Moron. (Translation: Lovebug.)
Arthur: You tellin’ me they’re being affectionate right now? Jack: Can’t’cha read subtext, Uncle Arthur? Arthur: ???
(Insert Alcohol is truth serum reference)
Drunk Bill: Not to be gay, but you’re gorgeous bro. Kieran, afraid: You don’t have to be gay to appreciate a man’s beauty. Absolutely shit-faced Bill: Nah, like I’d fuck you, bro. Kieran, terrified: Okay, never mind!
- (How I imagine their first couple years together went)
Dutch: Dutch: Dutch: Dutch: How do you feel about me? Hosea, naked & beside him: ….we’re sharin’ a bedroll, Dutch. Dutch: Yes, but what are we, Hosea? Hosea: ….we’re both naked, alone, in a tent, Dutch. Dutch: That doesn’t answer my question. Hosea:
- (This one's sad, not funny, sorry-) John: You’re such a hypocrite, why is it that anything I do that you’ve done before that you get so bent outta shape?! Arthur: Because I’ve done it before you, John. John: So why do you think it’s fair to tell me not to?! Most people are proud when their younger brother ends up like’em. You don’t want anyone like you, is that it? Arthur: John: John: …oh. Arthur: Now that you got my point, will you take my god damn advice without a big fuss…please.
- John: She drives me insane! She somehow managed to make me the angriest I’ve ever been almost daily. NPC: Then leave her. John: The fu- no. What? She’s the wind beneath my wings, my darling wife, my beautiful angel. How the hell could you even think to suggest such a thing? NPC: But- John: Get outta my sight, you fuckin’ disgrace.
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kywaslost · 10 months
Good day! Could you make a Ciel x reader where the Ciel has a crush on the reader who is Lizzy’s sister (for the sake lest say Lizzy and Ciel ended to engagement) the thing is the reader is the only one in the Midford family to have dark hair (from a grandparent) and she gets very insecure about it, feeling like a black sheep in her family. Lizzy and everyone is very kind to her it’s just she constantly feels left out because she has a very different personality compared to her sister and brother. She feels very out of place during photo’s with her family. And especially during parties when people talk about her either being adopted or the cause of her mother being unfaithful. She just is naturally much more moody, and she doesn’t have as many friends unlike Lizzy because she just brings the mood down.
Sorry if it’s a lot, have a good day!
Odd One Out - Ciel Phantomhive
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A/N: I decided to post this one a day early! I only have one class today and have a lot of free time at the moment. So sorry this took so long!
Not gonna lie, I had to do some research for this one. I’m a sucker for genetics, and so I got super excited for this one. Blonde hair is an autosomal recessive trait, meaning both parents have to be blond. Since both Midford parents are blonde, all of their children have to be blonde, that’s how I learned it. But I did some research to see if there’s mutations or something that can cause dark hair in children born from two blondes. I’ll try my best to simplify what I’ve found. 
Melanin is a polymer, and it is most often known as the polymer that gives skin, hair, and eyes its color. By what I can understand, there are two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Lots of eumelanin produces black or brown hair, whereas pheomelanin produces red hair. Blonde hair is produced by very little eumelanin. Melanocortin 1 Receptor (MC1R) is responsible for determining hair color. Mutations in the MC1R gene can cause red or auburn hair. 
For the sake of this fanfic, let’s just say there’s a mutation in the reader’s production of eumelanin cause I can’t find any way for two blonds to produce a dark-haired kiddo. And yes, I know this is a fanfic but listen people my love for science is strong so fiction or not I’m gonna make my details as accurate as possible. Anyway, hope you enjoy, and here are my sources <3
You were the black sheep of the family in every way possible. Literal or not, others found great joy in pointing out every difference between you and your siblings, especially when it comes to your appearance. It’s difficult to explain to others why you bear little resemblance to your family. Sure, you had your mother’s build and your father’s eyes, but that was as far as it went. You didn’t have the same hair color as your parents and siblings.
It’s common knowledge that two blonde parents bear a blonde child, yet you had dark auburn hair. After years and years of torment and rumors of your mother being unfaithful, or that you were adopted, you began researching why you were the way you were. There wasn’t much out there, but you did discover that you had some type of genetic mutation dealing with hair color. That’s why it was so difficult to explain to others why your hair was so different from your family’s, they didn’t have the same extent of knowledge as you did. 
It didn’t help that you were also extremely different personality wise. Your sister Lizzy was very outgoing and extroverted, never hesitating to host parties or to meet new people. Your brother Edward, on the other hand, was very stoic and serious. He didn’t tolerate much of anything, and was very protective over you and your sister. But you weren’t much like your siblings. You often kept to yourself, only spoke when spoken to, and were generally just very independent. Growing up, the only real friends you had were your siblings, and your twin cousins.
Now that you’re older, you are even more independent. You spent less and less time with your family, often opting to stay in your room or going off on your own into the city. Your family constantly tried to get you to go to events with them, such as going to balls, parties, and even things as simple as family outings, but you couldn’t help but feel out of place. People constantly stared at you, and you couldn’t help but notice their hushed whispers as you walked by with your family. 
You were grateful that your family didn’t see you the same way the rest of the world did. Your parents treated you no differently than your sister and brother. If anything, they tried their hardest with you to try and make you feel more comfortable and confident in yourself. Lizzy constantly wanted to be with you, doing your hair and makeup to spend some quality time with you. She took you dress shopping, and tried to cheer you up in that sort of way. 
Because of your discomfort around your family, you often spent a lot of time with your cousin Ciel. His servants never treated you any differently than they did the rest of your family, and the boy’s Estate overall felt like a safe place for you. Ciel was always willing to let you vent to him, whether it be about how people had been treating you or how you were thinking of yourself, he always had advice to offer. 
What he never would confess, however, was his feelings for you. His engagement with Lizzy ended just over a year ago, and it was all because he realized he had feelings for you instead. Watching you change throughout the years broke his heart, how you became more independent and less willing to socialize and go out. 
You were staying a few nights at the manor to spend some time with Ciel. You had been having a particularly hard time, and you thought it best to spend some time with the boy. He greeted you with open arms, and immediately ordered Sebastian to prepare your favorite meal for dinner. You fell into your cousin’s arms, tearing up as he held you tightly. 
“May I ask what brings you here?” CIel asks calmly as he hugs you. He can feel your tears soaking into his shirt and he becomes even more worried. 
You sniffed as you pulled away from Ciel, wiping at your eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s just been a really long week.”
Ciel frowned, gently taking your arm and leading you inside. “Come, tell me about it.” You were led inside the Estate and to the sofa beside the fireplace. Ciel draped a light blanket over your shoulders as he sat beside you. Taking your hand in his, his blue eye met your E/C ones. “What happened?”
You began to cry harder as you recalled the events of the past week. Ciel listened as you told him about the hushed whispers and not-so-hidden stares followed your every move at a ball you attended with your family. Then how you stepped out of your comfort zone to speak to girls your own age at said ball, and how they giggled to each other as they ignored you and walked away.
Ciel wrapped you tightly in a hug, pulling you so your legs are draped over his lap and your face is buried in his shoulder. “Look at this,” you sniffle, reaching for your bag at the end of the couch. Ciel released you from his arms as you dug through your bag, pulling out a photo. You replaced yourself on CIel’s lap, handing him the photo. His warm hands brushed against your own as he took the image.
“This is a lovely photo,” he smiled softly. It was a printed image of the most recent family photo taken three days ago. Your father held your mother’s waist, Edward on his other side and Lizzy standing beside your mom. You were beside your sister. Ciel was right, it was a lovely photo. But the longer he looked at it, he noticed everyone’s bright smiles, and then you. It looked as if you were near tears, barely able to hold your smile long enough to take the photo.
“Honey,” Ciel coos quietly. This was very uncharacteristic of the Earl. He never showed this much empathy and emotion towards someone before.
“I hate this photo,” you cried as you rested your head on his shoulder once again.
“I look so out of place!” You pointed to yourself in the picture. “I hate that I was born this way! Why did I have to have this mutation?”
Ciel set the picture aside, wrapping you in his arms again and running a hand down your back. “I think you’re beautiful,” his voice was soft as he whispered in your ear. “Genetic mutation or not, I love the way you look, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.” CIel continued to hold you until you fell asleep in his arms. As he carried you to your designated room, he whispered to you. 
“I don’t understand why others treat you this way, and I wish they would stop just as much as you do. But I love you, Y/N, and I would give everything to have you in my life. Genetic mutation or not, you are beautiful just the way you are.”
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thatone-brightstar · 1 year
The Bear & The Fox (Carmy Berzatto x Fem!Reader)
Chapter 3: Pin a Fox skin to the wall, call it decoration
Words: 4.9k
Summary: With a few drinks in, you both confess your feelings. But there's always something getting in the way.
a/n: I am the gift that keeps on giving! So here's the next chapter cuz I feel shitty just leaving it in my documents and you all have been so nice! Enjoy! xx
P.S. Reader is Latina in this, so there's gonna be melanin for daysss.
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“How much longer do you think you're gonna be?!” Syd yelled at her phone through the noisy bar.
Everyone was on a different wave of conversation, ranging from sports to food to whatever new show they were hooked on. The buzz of chatter around them combined with the pulsing music and lack of food in his system was enough to create a growing migraine in Carmy’s head. He gladly took a swig of the beer in front of him to dumb out the increasing sensation as he waited for Syd to hang up on you. He thought their reaction to joining them would be one of distaste or discomfort but his first drink had been on Sweeps, who was glad to finally see him outside the perimeters of The Beef. 
“I like what you’ve done to the place.” He said after finishing the second beer. “But you gotta lighten up, man. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Also you could use a tan. Try going out in the sun every once in a while!” He joked and a genuine laugh had left Carmy’s lips for the first time in forever.
“She’s on her way!” Sydney yelled to the table and everyone acknowledged it before returning to their conversations.
“Does she know I’m here?” He asked her over the noise, a bit concerned whether he wanted to know the answer or not.
“Yeah! I told her we’re all here!” She answered and of course she would tell you, because as far as they were concerned, nothing out of the ordinary had happened between you two.
His hand began to grow clammy and he took another hefty swig of the amber liquid to try and calm the nerves down. At least the music was loud enough to drown out the sound of his thoughts, he'd have to make due with that for now. The chatter transitioned into anecdotes about the stupidest things they had done as teens and they spent the next ten minutes debating whether Angel stealing single batteries from the family packs at Walmart counted as kleptomania or not. By his third beer, he felt his shoulders lose a bit of the perpetual weight that had been sitting on them since he had arrived back in Chicago; the music felt more bearable, his laughs lighter and his nerves almost down to a hum. 
They had been lucky enough to get a booth table by the windows, the sight of River North’s night life was in full bloom behind the old stained glass and his eyes wandered to the new perspective he had been granted of the old neighborhood. Between neon signs and moving cars he saw you from afar. Standing patiently for the little human to move on the crosswalk light. You looked like a radiant ray of moonlight, with loose curls framing your face like a dark halo and even though he had found you absolutely beautiful with your paint splattered overalls, this was something entirely different, something that would have him losing his balance if he wasn’t already sitting down.
He watched you move your boot-covered feet closer towards the bar, and with each stride on the long skirt, the slit up your thigh revealed a glimpse of lovely tan skin with swirling designs he had known no existence of until then, but now wanted to discover more of. Golden rings contrasted against the black jacket covering your arms as you raked your fingers through your hair and turned towards the window where he had shamelessly been gawking at you. A small smile covered your previous serious features and you waved nervously before disappearing through the entrance.
He shuffled in his seat and wished he would have at least run some water through his hair before leaving, but looking around at everyone’s post work attire, he figured he’d be fine. A cheer of ‘Hey's was heard through the group as you approached the table and you made a little dance once you reached them. You scooted into the booth beside the edge by Carmy and threw a nervous smile in his direction.
“Sorry I’m late! Two fuckin Ubers canceled on my last minute. I swear I was about to start walking!” You yelled exasperated.
“Well you’re already two drinks behind so start catchin’ up!” Marcus said, calling the waiter over and ordering another round of beers and a double  shot of tequila for each one.
“Oh it’s gonna be like that then, huh?!” You asked him with raised brows and a smile.
“Uhh, yeah!” He mimicked you in a pitched valley girl accent and the table roared in laughter.
They went around talking about their day and how Richie, as he does, had death threatened Fak for suggesting he should go to anger management classes. Your shoulder rubbed alongside Carmy’s in the small booth as you laughed at their stories and the friction along with your delicate perfume was making it hard to concentrate on anything at all. He took a couple of fries from the dish at the center of the table to keep his mouth occupied as he listened to Syd and you argue about the best contestant in a new baking show you were both watching. 
The shots came with cheers, and as everyone took the small glass in one hand and a lemon wedge in the other, they went around the table to say something they cheered for,
“I’m thankful that I got tomorrow off so I can get as hammered as I want!” Cheered Sweeps and it was followed by a choir of Boo’s from everyone.
“I guess I'm thankful that I got a job that I actually like.” Marcus continued and the Boo’s turned to Aw’s.
“And I’m very thankful for you, bunch of idiots.” You finished shily and only Marcus, who was sitting across from you, noticed your eyes linger a little too long on Carmy.
Their little glasses clinged against one another and everyone downed the transparent liquid with a scrunched face. 
The conversations broke into groups again, and he took his shot at catching your attention before anyone else. He gently bumped his shoulder against yours while he took a sip of alcohol for courage. From his side view he saw you had turned up to look at him and noticed you swallow hard scanning his features. When he turned to you, a soft smile covered your face and it was hard not to smile back.
“Hey” You whispered, bumping your shoulder back to his softly.
“You..um, you look really nice.” He said leaning towards you so you could hear him better above the music, and also so no one else would  notice his words. 
His breath ghosted over the skin of your ear and you were thankful for the jacket covering your already bumpy skin.  
“Thank you.” You whispered, cheeks warm.
“Look, I’m sor-“ 
“I’m sorry for-“
You interrupted each other, then laughed waiting for the other to continue. 
“You go.” You insisted.
He breathed in deep and turned his torso towards you to give himself a false sense of privacy in the crowded space. “I’m really sorry If I made you feel uncomfortable… back at the office.” He started and his eyes jumped between yours trying to decipher your thoughts through your expressions. “That was not cool and kinda creepy and I don’t want you to go because of me-”
“You’re a great addition to the team, honestly one of the best, you’re good at calming Richie when he gets stressed and you're fast and precise, and you're good for me too-” He kept rambling, his gaze now focused in his hands.
“Carmy-” You tried to interrupt again with no avail.
“And I’d hate for you to leave cause I’m an impulsive jackass and I wouldn’t know what to do if I.. couldn’t see you.. anymore.” He finished swallowing hard, his eyes dragged slowly from his hands to your features and he grew scared of the confession that had left his mouth under the rambling.
All his words separately meant something different, they meant a thank you, a praise, a gentle pat on the back. But not like this, not all together, jumbled and tied with a string of revelation that there might be something more than what he was saying. He saw your chest raise with the motion of a heavy breath and your eyebrows were scrunched in concentration over his face. The background noise had been covered over by the thumping of blood rushing to his head and for a second his heart stopped at the idea that he had dug himself a deeper grave than he had wished for. He stared back at your eyes unable to look away, the ‘Fuck it’ from a couple hours ago now sour on his tongue.
“Do you wanna talk outside?” You whispered leaning forward so he could hear you, brows still knotted together.
You didn’t wait for his answer as you reached down to his tightly clasped hands and wedged your fingers carefully to get them to separate. You held on tightly then began to slip out the booth telling everyone you were gonna get more drinks for the table, before getting lost in the sea of bodies standing around. He let you guide him through the free spaces between the swaying crowd of drunks as he did his best to calm the growing anxiety in his chest. All he could concentrate on were your delicate fingers brushing softly around his hand.
This is what he wanted, right? This is why he had come knowing you would be here, to tell you how he felt, to clear things up, and since the cat’s head was already out the bag, might as well let the rest of the body out. 
‘Let it rip’ his brother’s words danced in his mind and he smiled humorlessly at how they teased him with how easy it sounded to do so.
Fuuuck. You had not planned this far ahead. At least not this early into the night. You expected to do this with maybe another three drinks in your system, when you could still hold a serious conversation without crying for getting rejected cause the voice in your head would slur that it was his loss and that you were still a bad bitch. It also didn’t help that you had smoked a bit while getting ready and the cloudy haze around your brain had not subsided. You were coherent, yes, which was important, however you were not very good with your self control and with the way your throat had closed up at the sight of his profile while he simply took a drink, god you knew this was gonna be hard. 
His confession still swam in the swampy waters of your foggy brain as you pulled both of you through the crowded space. Your hand was tightly wrapped around what you could hold of his and when you finally spotted an exit, your heart leaped in your chest at the idea of how the conversation would go. The emergency door stood tall between the bathroom entrances, an inaudible creek vibrated through the metal as you pushed yourself against it and a cold breeze of air welcomed your face when you both stepped out into the alley. You expected a few smokers to linger around, but then again many who did choose to smoke did it in front of the place, not the side alley like rats; so you were alone. Great.
You finally let go of his hand, a cold absence replacing it, then leaned against the wall in front of the metal exit, staring at him. He took a cigarette from the packet inside his jacket and lit it, mimicking your actions by the door. He took a couple calming drags while both of you thought about what you were gonna say next. 
You could play this two ways: One. Pretend like you hadn’t understood what he said at the booth and say the whole office thing had been a misunderstanding. A little gaslighting wouldn’t hurt, right? It was for your own good anyway, the both of you. The pessimist in you was sure Carmen didn’t know what he was getting into and he already had enough problems trying to get the restaurant off the ground to add yours to the mix. 
And two, Tell him how you felt, fuck the rule. You had known him long enough to know he wasn’t the type of guy you established the rule for in the first place. He was nothing similar to the mutherfuckers you had met in your other jobs, he was nice and patient and cared more about others than he liked to admit; and for fuck’s sake if the bar was already on the floor, finding someone like that and also have him be hot, was not a common occurrence. 
You took your eyes off your boots scraping the pavement to look at him. ‘Why is he so hot and so miserable?!’ you thought as you watched him with his cigarette, the gloss in your eyes making any source of light into twinkling stars. His eyes met yours and normally you would avert your gaze. Normally, however, you would not be in this situation and normally you would not be feeling this angry all of a sudden. 
“You thought I was gonna leave?” You asked. ‘Solid start’.
“I thought I freaked you out.” He shrugged. “You walked out on me.”
“Yeah, and how did you expect me to react?” You respond a little more defensive than you intended. 
“Look, I know it was fucked and I’m sorry, okay? I just-” He took another drag to calm himself down then looked back at you, ocean eyes harboring a storm. “I don’t know what happens to me… when you're around. You make my chest not hurt as much and I- It feels easier to breathe with you.” 
You stayed silent, staring at him through hooded eyes and heavy breaths, trying to keep your mind clear because how could you concentrate on anything when he spoke so sweetly about you? You had to keep reminding yourself that this was for the best. Around you, the low rumble of the music vibrating past the walls could still be heard, like a distant world existing outside your current bubble of angst.
“Wh-what did you mean?” He asked after a long silence and he noticed the confusion in your blank stare. “When you said you needed to get me out your system, what was that?” 
Carmy noticed the subtle change in your expression, how your shoulders tensed and you diverted your gaze to anything else but him. You wanted to shout that it meant exactly that, he was so deep in your thoughts that some days you had caught yourself shamelessly daydreaming about the two of you together, in any way possible. But the last rational part in your brain held your tongue from speaking, you couldn’t say it, there was too much at risk to do so and he was not helping with the way his words were making your chest swell. You were getting angry because this would be so much easier if he was just another asshole. 
You shrugged looking at him. “Nothing, i-it just came out.” ‘Gaslighting it is.’ 
He exhaled a humorless laugh, his eyes still trained on you. “You’re a shitty liar, you know that?” He said with a last drag of his cig before flicking it to the ground and stomping on it.
He raked a hand through his hair and shameful observation had taught you that this meant Carmy was getting stressed.
“Okay, fine! You wanna know?!” You finally spat with anger, “Because I fuckin’ like you, Carmen!” You raised your arms in exasperation. “Because you have no fuckin’ idea what it does to me when you look at me like-like that!” His gaze was fixated on you, head slightly tilted down and to the right, jaw tensed. His brows dropped lower in a scowl and a jolt of lightning traveled down your back at his expression.
“And why didn’t you say anything!” He yelled back.
“Oh, seriously?! What did you want me to say? I need two roast beef sandwiches, hold the peppers and FYI Carmy, I got a crush on you?!”
“How the fuck was I supposed to know then?!” He said in frustration, taking a step closer to you and the height difference was significantly more noticeable when he wasn’t shrinking into himself.
“You weren’t supposed to, that’s the fuckin’ point!” His shoulders fell slightly and the strength in your voice lowered. “I just... needed to get over you and you’d never know. Get you out my system with someone else and never have to mention it.”
Carmy tried to ignore the flashes of your rosy cheeks and short breaths, panting under someone else. ‘This is not the time.’ he reminded himself.
“So, what? You were just gonna leave me believing I did somethin’ wrong to you when you actually liked me?”
“I wasn’t gonna leave.” You whispered. The words get caught on your tongue and you take a deep breath before continuing.
“But the last time I liked someone at my job it… It didn’t turn out right.” You struggle to calm your racing thoughts, his eyes a distracting lighthouse guiding you back in. His brows knitted together. “I don’t wanna go through that again, Carmy” You said defeated.
“You don’t know if it’s gonna be the same.” His voice pleaded just above a whisper, lower than you were used to when it came to him or his cousin.
“I don’t think I can risk it.” You whispered back, doing your best to keep the tears under control.
You were both silent for a while, until Carmy began to shake his head slowly.
“No, no, no you don’t get to do that, okay? You don’t get to tell me you like me then immediately blow me off cause some asshole in the past hurt you.” He took the last two strides in your direction, his chest now so close you could feel the heat radiating from his body.
You pushed yourself against the wall from the sudden proximity. Your breath seized in your lungs as you felt both his hands cup the sides of your face and tilt it up to stare deep into the pits of your eyes. You swallowed hard at all the scenarios flashing through your head, the turn of events giving you whiplash. He lowered his forehead slowly to yours, your eyelashes fluttered trying to close, but your eyes were fixed on his. Carmy’s face was so close, you could feel the heat off his breath. The smell of tobacco that lingered around you and mixed with the smokey wood scent that seemed to cling to him after a long workday, had your head grasping onto the last threads of self control left in  you.
“Tell me to stop. Tell me to stop and I’ll do it, I’ll never touch you again or mention it, I promise.” He rambled, a soft desperation clear in his voice. “I won’t even look in your direction but please, please don’t ever think for a second that I would do anything to hurt you.” He whispered.
Even in the darkness of the alley, you could tell his irises had swallowed the last drop of blue, now so dark and glossy you could see your own despair reflected back to you. You swallowed hard to get rid of the cottonmouth and his eyes flickered towards your lips for less than a second. ‘God, why couldn’t you just say yes?!’ Your head screamed at you through the dissipating smog of weed and untampered emotions.
He had not only given you his heart on a golden platter, but had plated it himself and set the table for you, too. Now it was solely your decision if you wanted to take it or not, if you wanted to guard his heart next to yours for safekeeping or let it finish crumbling on the grime covered pavement. You stared at his features in contemplation and scanned your brain for all the ways it told you this could go wrong. And yet, even after a thousand scenarios came up, you held in protective arms the few ones that bloomed a warm excitement in your chest. You wanted to, even if it was just this once, to be fearless, jump into the unknown regardless of the outcome. You truly did.
“It’s not that easy.” You whispered, shutting your eyes to avoid the look of hurt haunting over his. His hands faltered their grip on your face and soon a cold rush of air replaced the warm contact.
You reopened your gaze to see him standing with his hands now resting on the brick beside your head, defeated. His stare was glued to his tattooed skin, not even daring to look directly at you anymore and you knew, he was withdrawing back to the depths of his mind where one goes when you’ve been completely shattered. You could see his jaw tense up, probably in anger and he was well in his right to be so. He had bared his feelings to you and you had massacred them all over the walls in less than five words. ‘It’s better like this.’ You tried to convince yourself.
“I’m so sorry Carmy, but I-I can’t-”
He cleared his throat then pushed himself back with enough force that it almost felt like he had pulled on an invisible string against your chest.
“No- uh, no I get it.” he sniffled “You’re right, it’s better this way.” He did his best to avoid your gaze, settling it on anything around the empty alley. “I’m gonna go buy the drinks and then head home.”  He said walking back to the door.
You watched still from your position by the wall how he reached for the handle pulling the metal open. An immediate rumble of bass surrounded the once empty area as Carmy walked halfway in then stopped. He slightly turned his head in your direction, eyeing you over his shoulder.
“Don’t-uh.. don’t worry about.. this.” He said to you over the music. “I meant what I said about not sayin’ anythin’.” He rose his head to the sky for a couple seconds then back down. “So, don’t worry about it.” The gravel under his feet groaned as he turned to look at you one last time, “See you at work, chef.”
He was gone with a slam of the door. You stayed motionless, fixated on the space his body had occupied only seconds before. The ghost of his touch still tingled on your face and it took you an unspeakable amount of strength to not break down for the second time that day. It was already atrocious enough that you had committed what was probably the second worst mistake of your life by letting him go, but if you let yourself fall apart in a dingy unlit back alley of some bar, you have truly found a point lower than you thought possible. So with a very, very shaky breath and with the vast expertise as a teen with an overprotective mother, you pulled yourself together, sniffled back the tears and made your way inside ready to pretend like the last fifteen minutes had never happened.
When you reached the booth with your friends, a tray of five shots sat untouched on the table and a sour taste invaded your mouth to see the sixth had been downed and turned upside down at the end of the tray. 
“Carmy said your mom called, is everything okay?” Sydney asked as soon as you were in earshot, the pit in your stomach grew again  because even after hurting him, he still considerate enough to cover for your absence.
“Uh… yeah she’s fine. Just wanted to know when I’d be back.” You lied as you slid back into the booth.
With no hesitation, you reached for one of the glasses and downed it straight, no lemon. Syd gave a confused look to your expressionless face and even reached for one of the glasses to prove it was actually alcohol when you were laughing at Angel and Macus’ arm wrestling.
The liquid burned a distracting path down your throat and kept your attention diverted enough from the emotions you knew you’d have to figure out when the fog had lifted. For now, at least you would allow yourself to play with the idea that everything was fine and that your chest wasn’t shattering with every whiff of his lingering scent that permeated on your jacket.
The rest of the night was a blur of strawberry daiquiris, tequila shots, terrible karaoke and the guys competing over who could throw the furthest a traffic cone they found off the side of the road while walking you and Syd home, at almost four in the morning. They had dropped you off with a chorus of slurred ‘bye byess’ and kept walking in the direction of “Adventure” as Sweeps had called it. On your way up, the usual still stairs had become a workout to climb and Syd had almost landed on her ass on the second and third floor, before tripping on the forth and sliding belly first down half the flight of stairs. You did your best to contain the laughter after seeing her reaction to finally landing with nothing but a bruised chin and ego, but her surprised face was enough to have you slumping on the last step and heaving with tears in your eyes. After you both caught your breath, you reached towards her and held her hand until you were in the safety of your room.
You giggled drunk while changing into your pajamas and turned to Sydney, telling her about your foolproof plan of going home with a stranger to get Carmy out of your head.
“I don’t get it.. why not jus’ like, bang Carmy, right? And get it over with?” She said between hiccups as you both climbed into your bed.
“It’s jus’ not the same!” You whined, turning off the light. “He’s too good for that.” You heard Syd groan beside you and you’re glad the lights were off so she couldn’t see you rolling your eyes at her. “He is!”
You shimmied under the covers and stared at the glow in the dark stickers on your ceiling, the alcohol making them swim around the blank canvas like shooting stars.
“He’s sweet and kind and… funny in like a fucked up, kinda tragic way..” you giggle “and he’s so fuckin’ hot, Sydney! So hot! Every time he looks at me with those eyes I want him to bend me over the expo an-“ you feel a soft smack against your face and the plushness of the pillow drowns out your laughs. 
Syd groaned in disgust at the image you planted in her head “Dude gross! Why would I ever need to know that?!” She said taking the pillow back from you. 
You giggled again and turned to Syd’s silhouette, softly combing back the braids that rested on her shoulder to distract yourself. “I think I really fucked up tonight, Syddy.” You finally admitted in the darkness of your safe space and heavily intoxicated. 
Sydney hummed in question and you knew you only had a few moments of clarity before falling unconscious. You took the end of one of her braids and used it to tickle under her nose to keep her awake a little longer while you failed to understand the many emotions in your head.
“I think he hates me now.” You said softly, a small tear sliding out your eye and quickly disappearing into the soft fabric of your pillow.
She scratched at her nose in frustration then slightly slapped her palm against your forehead. You laughed softly but continued to bug her.
“He could never hate you, he loves you too much.” She mumbled carelessly, readjusting herself and swinging a leg up on your hip under the duvet.
Your cheeks felt warm at the idea of love and even though you knew it was too soon to call it that, you couldn’t avoid the fuzzy feeling the word brought to your insides. ‘Oh to be loved’ you thought ‘and by Carmy of all people’. 
“You can’t know that.” You said with a sniffle, caressing the tip of her braid now on your own nose. You liked how it tickled.
Syd sighed before lifting her head as best she could in her drunk and half asleep state and slurred your name “Please, that man has been tripping-over-his-feet in love with you since day one.” She paused to pull her hair from your hands and adjust the pillow under her. “You two are the only idiots who haven’t noticed.” Then laid her head back down with a soft smack.
A new sensation filled your chest, one you hadn’t really given a name to before because there hadn’t been a reason to. It was a warmth that spread from the crown of your head down to the tips of all your extremities as your friend’s words floated in your head. A slow smile extended across your face and with the last waves of consciousness you decided to put an end to all the doubt and talk to him tomorrow, the stupid rule be damned. 
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Capter 4.
Taglist: @pearlstiare and that’s it lmao
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 1 month
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Niffty Redesign! (3/7)
Holy shit was not expecting to finish in the same day much less in like… under 4 hours??? IDK IM HAPPY WITH HER THOUGH!!!!
My biggest inspiration this time was lovebugs and specifically this LPS lovebug
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Yes im colour picking Niffty from a littlest pet shop. Who is gonna stop me? Hasbro? They don’t even own LPS anymore!
Im making Niffty a bit tanner because while I see it a lot in other fandoms, I don’t ever see tan asian people in the Hazbin fandom, tbh this place seems like its allergic to melanin in general. There’s also a lot of stigmatisation around POC women in Hazbin like I’ve mentioned before. I plan on having Niffty deal with a decent chunk of stuff later on, a lot of it relating to obessions and romance and learning how to manage feelings like that and keep relationships with other people.
I wanted her socks to be cute but also held up by a garter belt so you can gather she’s got something going on. People seem to stray away from the topic of Niffty and sex or romance because they see her as a child or have infantalised her in some way. Yes ik I talk about this all the time but like GOD it pisses me off.
Her maid dress is actually a much darker shade of hot pink to the point its not really hot pink anymore but it is I promise
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Niffty’s main sins are lust, wrath, and envy, seeing as she is a lovebug and also her current backstory is killing a lover out of jealousy. The redder pink parts are supposed to be a mix of lust and wrath so I hope that comes across well?
The same thing can be said about her clothes and all that. With her dress and the reddish hearts it’s supposed to be like “in one sin there’s another” but idk how well I pulled it off. The stitched up heart is also supposed to represent her hopeful/eventually redemption. I’d like to give Niffty more character than just “crazy small lady” so I’ll be trying to balance being somewhat like that with also being a bit sensible. I think it definitely could be done but I have doubts Viv will do much with it.
It really sucks that the POC characters and especially women they just get reduced to one or two traits and then thats it. Viv already is terrible at writing women and I think writing Niffty for her is just boring because, again, she cannot write women. 90% of this rewrite is me saving the women/hj
There will be more indepth Niffty content from me eventually, as of now this is my backbone for her design and overall story. Btw I think her rubber gloves are cute but make really annoying squeaking sounds 24/7. No idea if I’ll pull off another fast design like this, but we shall see!🐐
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1lenii · 11 months
Hiii, another fellow latina here~ would you mind writing a Miles (E-42) based on the song Wish you were sober by Conan Gray with a Latina reader please? Maybe friends to lover trope 👀
✮I meant it✮
Miles G Morales x F!Latina!Reader
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✮Hope this meets the expectations of what you were expecting! And I hope you don’t mind but I got sorta of a ‘fancy’ party theme so—
✮Synopsis: Attending a party with your lightweight Best friend Miles
✮ Trope: Friends to Lovers
✮This song is now in my playlist thank you anon<3
✮Might be angsty or sappy but hopefully I was able to balance the two
Ntm on the pictures PLEASE.
⚠️drinking, drunk driving(JS TISPSY)❗️WE ARE AGED UP❗️, catcalling maybe(?) and probably something else I missed, and not proofread-
ALOT. OF. SPANISH. Have a translator at hand at all times<3
It was 7:18pm on a Saturday, a warm summer evening, August 15 read the calendar, right under was “Tina’s Gala” written in purple ink from one of (Y/N)’s favorite pen.
“Ma, y yo tengo que ir?” (Do I have to go?)
“Si tú quieres, I don’t mind if you do or don’t” (if you want)
This conversation doesn’t last long, as Miles is currently helping (Y/N) into her body tight strapless dress that shimmers with each tug in the dim light of their newly bought and shared apartment.
(Y/N) adjusts the dress soothing out the wrinkles, taking a glance at the dry-cleaned three piece suit, she got for Miles, to then returning her gaze onto her self.
Miles on the other hand was contemplating if he should go while staring intently at the suit propped up on the closet door.
Miles glances to his left, feeling a dip of the bed next to him, he fully turns his head to look at (Y/N), seeing her mouth, mouthing some words but falling on deaf ears.
Miles is starstruck, taking in the sight of his best friend secret crush in the dimly lit room, how her curls bounce with each head motion, the way her eyes lights up and showed millions of stories, her melanin skin that glows even more with the highlights/concealer she has on her cheek bones, the way that perfect dress which matches his suit hugs her curves, and her—
“Hellooooo, earth to Miles” (Y/N) says waving her manicured hand in front of Miles, bringing the man of his trance
“You weren’t even listening idiot”
“So repeat it dumbass” Miles said while flicking her forehead, just to then stand up to avoid the well known counter attack she would’ve done.
While rubbing the inflicted spot (Y/N) gets up and walks towards the closet where the suit is currently hanging, looking up at it
“I said if your gonna go be quick about cause I, well, WE have to leave in 20”
Sighing, Miles mumbles ‘fuck it’ before going over to the closet and treading over to the bathroom, soon closing the door with a *click*.
(Y/N) sighs, taking out her phone from the matching purse in Miles half of the room, opening instagram she clicks on Tina’s story
“My loves we getting lit tonightttt!!!, here at the Grand Tina’s I’m hosting a get together, EVERYBODY INVITED!!! The dress code is formal/fancy, and bring a date;), drinks and food will be provided”
(Y/N) clicks to the right, ‘another one?’ An imaginary sweat drop, forms on her hairline
“LEAVE THAT BEEF SHIT AT HOME!! We here to have funnn and b classy”
(Y/N) stares at the text on the story, mind drifting off to Miles as he has a tendency to pick at people who try and talk to you, wether it be ‘can I get your number’ or ‘you single’
*click* Miles steps out with his 3piece walking over casually as if he not about to crease the shit out of his blazer.
“guau que guapoo” (Y/N) claps to give off the impression of being impress, even though she was
“Yea yea, this guapo about to leave you ” he mumbles, starts checking himself out in the mirror before exiting the room to grab the car keys up to the front of the house
(Y/N) grabs her purse and quickly follows in pursuit only to be met with Miles offering her a hand to help her down the stairs, in which she takes.
Quickly exiting the lobby as fast as they entered it they were now outside.
“Wait here ma, a pretty girl shouldn’t have to walk”
“As me el favor, es no es na”
“And you still gonna listen, wait here”
(Y/N) lets him have the last words as she stares at his disappearing figure in the crowd of cars. No less than 3 minutes, and sure enough miles is in front of where (Y/N) is standing. Getting out of the car over to the passenger door to open it for her
“After you m’lady”
“Para de jugar”
“Y tu para de jugar conmigo”
(Y/N) laughs it off while getting in completely, letting Miles shut the door on her, while retreating to his side.
•Soon enough they are at Grand Tina’s•
“(Y/N), mi amor, I’m so glad you made it”
Tina greets her with a hug and cheek kiss
(Y/N) doing the same
“Glad to be here, thank you for the invitation”
“And who’s this handsome guy you with? Is he your Boyfriend?”
“Mmnm na, he’s just my date”
“Miles, un placer” he’s says sticking his hand out to shake, which gets returned
“The pleasure is mine, please come in, we have drinks and food to the left of the establishment and the tables are to the center of the right wall”
Tina says before leading them inside, to go back to her post to greet more guests
*the song should be playing if it isnt*
(Y/N) and Miles walk towards the tables, claim one right the main stairs taking a seat and getting settled in
A while later (Y/N) gets called up by some associates who wanted to catch up
“You’ll be Oka here? Miles?”
“Yea yea, you go have fun mami I’ll see you when I see you” Miles says looking up from his phone and gives (Y/N) a warm smile from his usual stoic face
“Alright call me if you need me”
Miles laughs slightly with a “planning on it”
(Y/N) smiling along before walking over to her associates.
It was now 10:27pm, (Y/N) was no where to be found, and Miles was now standing leaning on a near by wall, bored and uncomfortable out of his mind
‘Tch should’ve stayed home’
Miles was on his 2nd glass of wine as he witness the trading of drinks, couples drifting off to talk to other groups and a corner filled with a bunch of business based men
A waiter crosses his sights as he beckons him over requesting another glass of wine.
Glass In hand, then
another one,
then another one
trying to drown out the conversations of the other attendees
(Y/N) has finished everything there was on her imaginary list of interactions, now wandering around looking for miles, she catches sight of neatly braided twin braids, trying to make her way through the crowd with a bunch of ‘excuse me’ ‘sorry’.
‘Where she at’ ‘I wanna dip’ ‘I can’t anymore’ (social battery is officially at 0)
Thoughts being answered Miles mentally thank the lord, When he catches a glimpse a certain matching dress, he tried to walk towards the girl in question, just to stumble back onto the wall
“Bebiste mucho”
“No fue tanto”
“Se te vuele”
Miles avoids eyes contact with the shorter girl in front, Y/N is almost pressed on him as she tried to Tilt her head towards Miles line of sight, Miles once again avoiding it
“You sober enough to drive, cause I got it”
“Mmm” Miles response suddenly wrapping his arms around Y/N waist while leaning his head forward to rest on her shoulder
“Alright big guy cmon”
Leading Miles out and bidding farewells she pats Miles pockets for the key, clicking around on the buttons due to the lost memory of where Miles parked his ride
Marco polo-ing her way while supporting Miles with her shoulder and all her strength while leading him to the passenger seat, while then taking a U-turn to the drivers seat.
Eventually reaching the apartment, and taking the elevator, with Miles her shoulder slurring a bunch of incompressible words they finally made it back home.
Y/N went straight towards the coach leaving miles stranded on the couch in the living room, returning to the front door to leave all the keys on the key holder.
“ComE baCk I miss yoU”
Y/N with a chuckle make her way to Miles room to get a change of clothes for herself which she now has on and as well as his own, now infront of miles she helps him get comfortable.
Y/N is now moving to his button up, unbuttoning the buttons from top to bottom tugging at his shoulders to tug the blazer and button up off
“Yes guapo, qué pasa”
“tE amo”
“Que-?” Y/N looks up at miles from her position besides him trying to confirm what she thought she heard, movements coming to a brief pause.
“Mami I love yoU”
“Te amo también”
Miles shuts his eyes and softly smiles content with the reciprocated feelings, while Y/N continues her movements from before going to haul a T-shirt of Miles well toned frame.
“Cmon, duérmete, lemme bring you a comforter”
As Y/N gets up, she gets stopped by a previously half lidded and currently wide eyed Miles he says “stay”
Who’s Y/N to reject his offer, she hesitantly tries to make sense of how she gonna fit, when she gets cut off in the process by being pulled in by Miles who’s already snuggling up to her and mumbling ‘you were taking to long’
Y/N gets comfortable melting into him and the couch, while mumbling ‘I wish you were sober..’ ‘Mayb it’s better if you weren’t’ before drifting off to sleep
It’s already the next morning, and Miles is nowhere to be found, rubbing her eyes Y/N gets up looking around for the previously drunk man to find him the kitchen already at work to prepare breakfast
“Morning ma”
“…you shouldn’t be at the stove, doesn’t your head hurt”
“Nothing that’s gonna kill me” Miles shrugs
… there was a moment of silence before Miles broke it…
“You wished I was sober.” He stated
“You wished that I was sober, how come?”miles says now fully facing Y/N
“Nada miles, nothing to note” Y/N hesitates remembering last nights events
“Nada? Enserio? Cause I seem to recall a little confession from my favorite” miles says making his way to Y/N who’s sitting down at the kitchen island, now hugging her sitting frame from behind
“I DIDNT want t-to—“
A now flustered Y/N is contemplating and panicking Till her nerves get replaced with words of confirmation
“I meant it.”
Y/N heart beats faster when Miles turns her around to press a kiss on her lips, firstly hovering looking for a sign of permission, which was given when Y/N leaned in first.
Passionately kissing, their first real interaction as future lovers.
Authors note: I ACTUALLY DONT KNOW HOW INDID, feedback would b great<33 hope you enjoyed ofc<3
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rockybloo · 5 months
As I’m doing this ask, I’m just watching Jack the Giant Slayer and making me SEVERELY wanna read Beanstalked, I’d love a passion fueled essay/reason from you why I should read it! (I’m gonna ready it anyways)
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For starters, Beanstalked is a fantasy slice-of-life with a sprinkle of adventure and action. It does feature swearing, violence and gore as well as some body horror and existentialism. So just a heads up.
The main plot is basically that Lore, the planet that Beanstalked takes place on which exists directly parallel to Earth, has an event every 100 years where individuals are selected to become Bookmarked. This is where they are assigned roles from fables and legends from our world and gain secret weapons known as Märchen for self defense. This event has gone on practically forever under the watchful eyes of the Sun and Moon, the gods of this world.
But that all gets disrupted by an evil fairy called Nevermore who is bored of witnessing the same fairy tales happening over and over again. She has rounded up Bookmarked villains and the occasional misled protagonist to assist her and her army of ink stains as she aims to rewrite the world and rid it of happy endings.
The newest generation of Bookmarked are very unlucky as it is their turns to live out their assigned tales due to their stories all having been screwed up due to Nevermore's interference. Jack is one of these unlucky Bookmarked, who has just recently come to learn he has been assigned the same Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk. Much of Beanstalked follows hm as he learns about the magical side of the world he lives in, how to use his own Märchen, his own family history, and what exactly a "Happy Ending" is.
Beanstalked is meant to somewhat explore fairy tales and how suddenly becoming a figure in one can affect one's life-whether it be good or bad. It's also, at its center, a story about learning more about one's self and figuring out what truly makes you happy.
If you are a fan of fairy tale retellings then Beanstalked is a good pick for you. Especially if you are a fan of retellings that:
Aren't just mean spirited spins about the original tale
Aren't completely dark and gritty retellings of the source material for the sake of being edgy
Aren't just rip offs of Disney designs and characters
Or if you are petty like me, don't want to read another story about a protagonist having fallen into the land of fairy tales
Every Beanstalked character is meant to be based off either a direct character from a fable or a stock character. And for each fable, I try to bounce off the original story if there is an author (Like Pinocchio novel) or the oldest retellings as many fables don't have direct authors and simply have collectors that put their own spin on things.
So if you are worried about another fairy tale retelling story where each fable is just based off Disney's spins-DON'T WORRY BECAUSE ROCKY GOT YA' COVERED!
Beanstalked also contains a lot of found family elements, such as the entire village of Briar Patch being a community of Bookmarked who watch out for one another.
There are also cool af battle scenes due to the existence of Märchen (because Rocky grew up watching too many shounen anime and now has to put battles in everything), a ton of world building (I've had this story for nearly a decade now), a lotta characters with melanin (many being black), and a cast comprised of bi and pan characters.
ALSO ALSO...if you are a fan of pretty black girl love interests that kick ass (and may also be a monster girl with sharp teeth and claws and whole big monster form) then you will enjoy Beanstalked as Jack's love interest, Nana, is all of said above mentioned things.
SO if any of this happened to catch your attention-GO READ BEANSTALKED! As of right now I've rebooted it from the original 2010s version I had so it currently only has chapters 1 and 2. Which means you don't have a lotta catch up to do!
I have also handcuffed myself to this story which means I will be working on it till I finish it. I am on a mission. So if you want a webcomic and don't wanna worry about it suddenly being cancelled or disappearing one day-DO NOT CONCERN YOURSELF CITIZEN as I am unhinged about my fairy tale babies and am in for the long haul.
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crystlizabeth · 1 year
At Last..
Paring: Joel Miller x Blackfem!reader
Summary: Joel has a crush on Jackson’s witch doctor a woman whose gift is making medicine. During a clean-up of Joel’s wounds, he gets the courage to ask her on a date.
Fluff, use of pet names, and curssing.
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The earthy aroma hit Joel as he walked in the small medical shop, the fresh smell of herbs was welcoming. Joel often found himself here almost every day but not for medicine or a doctor. But for her, Jackson’s God give gift a medicine specialist, she was a welcoming woman who was very loved. Joel found himself feeling young again when he met her, he swooned over her. Her smile made his heart skip a beat, the way she looked up at him through her lashes could kill him truly. Even with her friendly aura, she was a strong managed woman, Joel had been on plenty of runs with her for certain herbs and supplies for her work.
As he stood in the doorway he could see over the counter, her with a baby and his mother. His mother held the little boy close he seemed to have an allergic reaction to something and he was in discomfort. She had a needle in her hand that held a clear liquid.
“I know baby you're in pain its gonna be okay..” her voice was gentle and soothing. The baby let out a cry as she stuck the needleI his thigh feeding his body an antidote. She threw the needle away quickly putting a bandaid on the infants thigh.
“See all better, look honey I'm all done.” her voice brightened in a way to make him feel better her hand softly creased the little boy's face. She looks up at his mom letting her know he's got to go, the other woman thanked her again taking her child and walking past Joel.
The doctor's eyes meet Joels, her face displaying a smile her eyes leaving his seeing the bloody spot on his shirt “Christ what did you do this time Miller...” she spoke her voice teasing but all out worried.
“Ran into a sharp piece of wood,” he stated simply he couldn't help but feel a little stupid because it was a branch that got him. She let out a laugh watching the man shake his head at his own thought.
“Alright then common over cowboy.” she said inviting him behind the counter to sit on a stool while she grabbed stuff to patch him up.
She stopped in front of him her eyes met his she looked at his shirt then back at him. He raised a brow not knowing what she was doing, was she checking him out?
She sighed “Oh my God,I need you to take your shirt off so I can get to your wound.”
“Oh!” he realized, she laughed at the man. As he quickly pulled it over his head.
Joel's muscles flex as the shirt came other his head the leg the shirt stay on his arms but it was off his body. And damn did he look good for a man his age her eyes wonders for too long but not long enough for him to notice she thinks. Snapping out of her thought she began to clean the wound. Dried blood covered the towel she was using; it was a deep cut but it didn't need stitches.
“How has your day been?” he asked his southern accent picking at the word ‘your’.
“It's been good, that lil’ baby that came in had a really bad reaction to avocado, luckily it's not a common thing so it will be easy to stay away from. But other than having to stab an infant with a needle it's been a good, all-out steady day.” she explained to him her eyes focused on his cut. She was gentle with her movements careful not to hurt him.
A small smile pulled at Joel's lips watching her concentrate she was so gentle with him. She finished cleaning properly she grabbed a jar a spread medicine to help the scar tissue build back quickly, she took some on her fingers putting it over the wound.
Joel winced at the sensation “Yeah it's gonna burn for a second but it's gonna do its job.” she spoke suddenly noticing him slightly move.
His eyes focused on her as she laid the bandage on his chest. Her hands so gentle gratefully moving along in chest. She was undeniably Gorgeous, her melanin skin that shined from the sunlight from the open windows, her fluffed curls that laid around her face even though her hair was tied back a bandana on the top of her head like a headband, her beautiful smile that could make anyones day better.
God did he want her. He was so in love but wasn’t sure for what she felt, yes she played along with his flirting but he never could tell if there was something there. Maybe he was just clueless, because how could she look at him like that he never knew how to describe it but it made his heart melt.
“Joel..?” She asked, the older man snapeed out of his hazed thought looking at her.
“Yes? Sorry i just zoned out apologies sweetheart…” he said rubbing the back of his neck.
She smiled lightly tilting her head “well you’re all done now hun you can put your shirt on now.” She told him.
“Well if you insist..” he said, a small laugh came from the woman in front of him. Wow was all he could think there she went again making his stomach flutter nervously.
Joel took a deep breath while blowing out you could hear a small chuckle. He looked up at her watched as she began you cleaned up.
“What are you doing tonight..?” He asked his voice hesitant.
She turned around looking at the man “Nothing really going home to my cat thats about it really..” she spoke hugging the tray close to her body as she leaned on the counter.
“Oh, well.. would you happen to be interested in dinner? The bar is having a little party dinner dance you know.” He said his fingers playing with one another slightly being picked at a nervous habit you could say yet his eyes looked at her awaiting for her answer.
She smiled her head tilted slightly scanning the nervous gent in front of her “Are you asking me on a date Mr. Miller..?” She questioned her tone teasing.
He sat up straighter nodding “Yes Ma’am, I am.”
“Well i would Love too.”
“Really? Amazing, would 5:30 work i mean it 4 now so it just really depends when you off you could say.” Joel rambled and she shot up from the stool.
“Joel sweetie 5:30 sounds great ill have Maki come and finish up for the night.” She said reassuring the man. He nodded saying his goodbye for now and thanks.
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As she got home she began to get ready, a date right? What would it hurt wearing that dress her neighbor made a while back for her for fun. It was a short summer dress it was loose and flowy, the sage color dress hugged under here breast the neckline in a u shape that landed on the out side of her collar bone it was slightly ruffled the sleeves where long and flow like a 70’s design, her cleavage could be seen due to the shape of the neckline but she didn’t mind it was flattering the dress looked damn good as-well.
“I’ll have to thank Kendra for this..” she mumbled to herself checking out the dress doing a spin in front of the mirror.
She stepped back grabbing her beat down cowboy boots finishing off the look just in time to hearing a knock on her apartment door. She walked over opening it to see joel and some flowers. He greeted her with a smile handing the flowers out to her a mixture of wild flowers like Wax Flower, chamomile, and forget-me-not from what you could make out at the moment. Joel was cleaned up a nice pair of wranglers that where held up by a buckled belt, a plain dark green button up and some squared shape cowboy boots toped off with a cowboy hat. Well hello Texas, its not like it wasn’t often to see gents in Jackson wear one but damn did it look good on him.
“Here come in, I wanna put these in a vase.” She spoke letting him in.
Joels eyes wandered around the apartment looking at all the plants some big some small. He loved it it was all her so nature like and truly welcoming. He looked back at her noticing how her hair was no longer pulled back like earlier but in it’s natural state with all the volume curls and frizz.
She finished up putting the flowers in a vase walking up to him “Im ready when you are cowboy.” She spoke flicking the hat he wore. He chuckled adjusting the hat following her out the door.
The two walked down the stress of Jackson the warm summer breeze hitting their faces as they followed the street’s lights to the bar. They both talked about how their life was before the out break, She explained she was an early graduate from high school and when to school for medicine. She also hinted she had a child of her own as well but Joel never pushed any further for he knew what it was like, to lose a child.
“I had a daughter..” Joel said his voice quiet. The woman looked over at him, she was interested but didn’t press for any more information, but Joel wanted her to feel comfortable speaking with him do he opened up it wasn’t easy for the man to tell her about his lost daughter. He just never explained how she died.
“She sounds lovely, It.. its hard to lose a child…” her voice spoke.
“My Son Elijah, he was 4 when the out break happened.. and he was one of the unfortunate ones.. He got infected.” She spoke her voice tender.
He reached out pulling her in a side hug as they walked her head rested against him ash he hugged him back taking in the warmth and comfort he offered to her. Pulling away linked her arm with his as they walked in the bar.
Walking in the bar it was lit up by old white Christmas lights, it was lively the sound of familiar music the stomping of shoes on the wooden floor as people dance.
Her and Joel walked up to Tommy and Maria greeting them at the bar.
“Y/n! Im glad you could make it!” Maria smiled at her opening her arms for a friendly hug.
The four of them continued to talk the night away Maria pulling Her away to join in the line dance of ‘Fake ID’ by Big & Rich from the 2011 footloose brought many people to the dance floor. The beating of the wood was heard as everyone danced in sync, even with all of the movement Joel never took his eyes of off her.
He watched as she danced next to Maria the two women laughing together as they got in the grove of the music, her movements where smooth never off beat or choppy. Joels head tilted to the side taking in her movement watching as she looked back giving him that smile that could kill a man. He smiles back softly not taking his eyes off her as she turned back around.
“Finally got the balls to ask her out huh?” Tommy said snapping his older brother back to reality.
He looked at his younger brother glaring at him softly causing Tommy to laugh. “Common bother you’ve been talking about and to her for months.. Im just happy seeing you with someone that can make you smile like that again, besides that kid Ellie.”
Joel nodded slightly understanding what his brother meant Joel was at his normal now he felt comfortable enough to finally let go of the past and let new people into his life.
“It is nice and im glad I did ask her out tonight, shes just wow Tommy..” Joel started his eyes looking back at her.
“Go on..” His little brother pushed, Tommy hasn’t seen him like this before so vulnerable, soft, so Lovestruck.
“Y/n shes, for starters she so Gentle and caring. Even in this day in time she’s caring to strangers, well as long as you dont try to kill her shes not frail she may appear that way but shes so strong ive seen her take town grown guys like us, younger even but; That woman is a god given gift a healer in a broken world, a world that needs repairing and shes doing just that..” Joel spoke, he watched Y/n as she messed around on the dance floor with some friends, her eye’s wandered over to him once in a while to see what he was doing.
“The only bad thing about this its what if, what if I lose her… I tried for months to push back the feeling i had for her the Love I have for her. I want to spend my last days with her now that i know i can have that with out have to worry to much, it will still linger luck runs out eventually. I want to be able to watch the sunsets from the porch with her next to me take her on adventures out side of the walls knowing i can bring her back safe and, damn it i will. Even in total darkness i would recognize her, her eyes , how here hair lays, the shape of her eyebrows, how her lips curve even if she was mute and i were deaf i would recognize her. Shes all i want, and even if she doesn’t feel the same love to me i will continue to stick by her side for whatever time to got left even as a friend it may kill me a little bit of the way but god knows i will never love like this again.”
Tommy just stared at his brother a small smile was on his face turning away from his brother he took the last drink of his drink putting the glass in the counter.
“Well Brother you better go get her before my wife takes her from ya’.” Tommy said pointing at the two women walking back to them.
The four finished off the night finally departing. Just him and her the summer night was calm the chilled summer air falling on her skin. A shiver going through her, Y/n wrapped her arm around Joels taking in his warmth. The walk was quite small conversation exchange here and there but they took their time. Sound to crickets and the running river filled their ears in the sleeping town.
“Thank you for tonight Joel, really i had fun it was nice to get out if my apartment.” She spoke softly, her face leaning on his arm.
“Of course, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” He responded.
The pair finally made it to her apartment complex the only light came from the moon and a few windows from the complex.
“I could always walk you up..” Joel said watching as she pulled away from him stepping on the steps up to the main door.
“Its fine really..” she said, she didn’t want to say goodnight yet, but what else was there to do.
Just a kiss, a kiss standing in the moonlight. God. No she didn’t want to mess anything up she wanted to continue to see him every day. To come home to Joel, their shared home. It was only one date, know that if they gave this. Them, a little more time it would bring them closer.
She stepped down pulling him in closer, Just a kiss good night.
“Goodnight Cowboy..” she whispered pulling away her lips brushing against his.
“Goodnight Darlin’…” he said softly.
Letting her pull away watching her walking in to her complex giving him one last smile before closing the door behind her.
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mewsmagic · 2 months
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I wanna know more about this badass woman!!!!!! I’m curious and hungry for women lore!!!!
AND HER SPLASH LOOKS SICK TOO HELL YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH hopefully I’ll have enough for her after arlecchino omfg
I wanna put her and my navia together 🥺🥺🥺🥺 my moms!!!!
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I probably won’t pull for her bc I already have Kokomi, but her outfit is really cute, and her fascination towards empathy and mental health is so cute, I love her!!
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Finally, they posted Sethos too!!!! He looks handsome tbh!! I personally love green-eyed characters bc my eyes are partly green too so I’m itching to draw him already 💗
Gonna give him some more melanin while I’m at that 👀 he deserves it!!!!
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chadhunkler · 4 months
I was tagged for WIP Wednesday by @iona-xiv !!! (didn't have time to answer yesterday ;_;)
i have so many thing kinda hanging in my brainspace, between Chad eye ideas (eyedeas? hmm), Kasha meeting new yokai/showing them to Toyo, and maybe getting Chad into the adventuring business. The biggest thing, though, would probably be the new character I'm working on, Holuikhan Haragin!
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She's from a part of the Haragin tribe that split off and swam deep into the Ruby Sea generations ago, a place where no light touches. Still working on the nitty-gritty of her backstory/lore, but I've got the basics down, and some neat physical descriptions sort-of based on real life! Did you know there's certain deep-sea fish that have capsule-shaped melanin cells that absorb an insane amount of light? I took that and modified it a bit, so her skin's super dark underwater, and her fins/scales/eyes can shine bioluminescence like an anglerfish to attract prey! yeyeyeyeye fishe
Thank you again for tagging me! I'm gonna tag @archaiclumina @airis-ray @oneiroy @sealrock @shroudkeeper @verysmallcyborg @rasenkaikyo @captainkurosolaire @ythealleycat @cadrenebula @varrok and anyone else who'd like to! To be honest, I'd ping everyone I'm following if I could
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fantomette22 · 10 months
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And here’s a bloodborne crows headcanons drawing no one ask for!
Yeah I headcanons that some characters used to have some pet crows but it’s mostly a references for my fic verse too.
So I don’t have names for all the crows but I have a couple of ideas already. If you have ideas too pls share I’m listening.
Let’s begin with Cainhurst! 🛡️
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📚🦉Ok Beltran from the cut content! Not sure he’s still alive during old hunters time but basically I imagined he was the (first?) crow master of Cainhurst.
🐦‍⬛⚔️Vledemyr my oc, my fav cainhurst knight! The current crow master. (Maria & Annalise’s cousin too) He was the one in charged of them before he become captain of the royal guard, he actually have lots of them (and they all love him a lot) but his very first crow is Corvus, the crow on his shoulder.
👑🕊️Ok so Annalise was offered an Albino crow, because she’s the princess and future Queen you see. *Check notes* hm Yuki is a possible name but idk either smt Japanese or slavic who mean snow or fit with cainhurst aesthetic idk.
👑🐦‍⬛ Ah Charles (oc based on the cainhurst portrait too, king consort when Annalise was Queen). So when he marry her and was crowned he was offered a baby leucistic crow (that’s why it’s brown, it’s a loose of melanine like albinism bur not complete the the eyes aren’t red or the skin pink for exemple), he was so confused about it like you can see XD probably except a hound or smt (in his dream he would have wish for a lion but there’s no lions at Cainhurst since like 60+ years or smt)
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🐦‍⬛🌕🐦‍⬛Maria have 2-3 crows (the ones at the research hall you know 😢 minus the one with the guidance rune that belong to Ludwig like you can see) As for the names I was hesitating between Hugin & Munin (Odin’s crows) or Phobos & Deimos (Mars’moon) for the 2 crows siblings (well I hc Maria study astronomy so… heheh also her third one is the one German is holding x) yeah missing a leg I know. Ok also after Maria passed away the crows escape from the research hall and freak Gehrman out! They wanted to say to him hello or called his named and because crows can mimics sound and voices they took Maria’s voice 💀 he thought he was going crazy for a few mins before he found them… but really it annoyed more Laurence XD the crows really went to harass him (they know what’s up. Or didn’t take well he put them in cages or smt, or you know because of Maria. It got to the point Laurence almost wanted them dead 💀
Fortunately Gehrman managed to made them go with the very first official hunter of hunter, he passed to him the mercy blade as well.
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🐥Ah Voron my boy! Aka future bloody crow🩸🐦‍⬛ (No I am not detailing the entire backstory here! And yes his name means raven/crow I KNOW!) also the red of the cap don’t appear much sorry… thanks the scan.
✨+Svetta another Cainhurst oc based the painting with her crow, Voron mom yes. Vledemyr is his dad.
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👁️I managed to put Micolash & Edgar on the page XD
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💣🔥 Ah this one well when we first got into the hunter nightmare there’s a hunter before a gate right? Behind there’s a crow and I noticed the crow attacked the beasts but the hunter and the bird never attacked each other (only the hunter or beast) that’s why I now headcanons that many old hunters had crows too like this one.
🗡️🌕Ludwig & his crow with the guidance rune. One day the old hunters found many dead crows in the forest, not a good sign… Ludwig managed to recover a baby crow an care for it (he was so panicked at first he asked Maria for help so many times XD)
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🐦‍⬛Eileen and some crows & the very first official hunter of hunters! (Before her)
🐦‍⬛The friendly crow of hemwick on the top left :3 I hc it’s either the crow bloody crow had or one link with Eileen or either my own hunter.
As for the other names I had in mind : Hrafn, Karasu, Branagan (I think I’m keeping this one as the name of the first crow hunter too)
Now, you’re gonna ask me why didn’t I just named one « Kuro » (black color in Japanese) well, I’m keeping it for the horses’ names of Cainhurst!!!!
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serendipititties · 1 month
At this point you're just actively avoiding our pigmented bois u allergic to melanin?
Black men have higher standards. She should try dating a black man. Maybe that's inspiring her to do some new music or sum shit.
Her racist ass fans are not gon like if their white queen is gonna date a black gentleman.
She did start out in country and her music is very american suburbia based and centric, so I do see why she might want to keep the "sweet blonde next door" image to appeal to them, but my personal opinion is that its more on the side of the men of colour in question. Even when i was like 12 i got the feeling that she was mildy racist. Its just her vibes i think (plus all the stuff she pulled) Im still not really comfortable "discoursing" on her love life though cuz that feels like very murky territory, and theres more reasonable grounds to not like her.
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roseverdict · 11 months
Lost and Found
April O'Neil was not lost.
She was not!
She was exploring the playground and the surrounding area, that was all!
…but was she supposed to take a right turn at Albearto's or a left?
Maybe she was a teensy bit lost after all.
(Or, apparently there are some tweets about how April presumably met the guys a good few years before the events of the series, but they didn't get the chance to elaborate on it since network mismanagement shot the show in the foot. However, the idea of teensy April with tiny tortles has been bouncing around my brain like a Windows screensaver ever since I saw those tweets.)
(Or, "piece of evidence #254 that i cannot for the LIFE of me control the hyperfixate")
i know there's a line in "repairin' the baron" that implies that splinter and the turtles have yet to meet april's mom but shshshshsh i do what i want. also i think the idea of mrs. o'neil knowing about them from the get-go is neat :>
tw/sidenote but both april and her mom are aware (to varying degrees) of the danger to a lost kid in a big city with plenty of melanin in their skin. the white guy who harasses april for a bit knows it too. things get stopped before any lasting injuries can be gotten and nothing explicitly racist is said, but still. i'm trying to be accurate as i can be to these situations and the characters but i'm so pasty you could colorpick from most of my skin and just get #FFFFFF so. no firsthand experience.
also there are brief mentions of potential amputation, though nothing actually gets amputated.
stay safe all.
(you can tell i'm not a new yorker by the way i make up place names and intersections xD)
April O'Neil was not lost.
She was not!
She was exploring the playground and the surrounding area, that was all!
And maaaybe she had lost track of her directions somewhere a few blocks ago, but she still recognized the buildings around her, so she was fine!
Really, she was!
…but was she supposed to take a right turn at Albearto's or a left?
April shivered and tugged her orange hoodie tighter around her body. "Hoboy."
Maybe she was a teensy bit lost after all.
Well, sitting around all alone in Manhattan when you were the cutest, most charming little girl in town was a surefire way to get yoinked into some alleyway by shady gross people. If she was gonna be lost, she sure as heck wasn't gonna look like it!
April started walking as confidently as she could down streets she knew but couldn't quite piece together. Hopefully, she'd stumble across the entrance to the playground and be able to get back before Momma and Daddy started worrying about her.
While her confident swagger prevented people from giving her any weird looks, it did not prevent her from hearing a weird, quiet chirp-y noise.
April slowed, then wormed her way through the throng of adults until she popped out the side and could come to a stop. "Wha…?"
The chirp-y noise came back, this time easier to hear now that she wasn't in the middle of all those people, and April cautiously followed it back to the open end of an alleyway.
The chirping persisted.
It didn't sound human, per se, but at the same time it had a lack of…something…that made April think it wasn't just some freaky bird.
It kinda reminded her of…
"H-hello?" called April shakily. "Is anyone there?"
The chirping came to a stop with a squeak, and April frowned, taking a step forward. "I don't wanna hurt you, okay? Are you alright?"
There came no response, but April took another step, then a third, scanning the alley for any shady gross people.
After a few more steps, April froze.
So did the big turtle shell thingy jammed between bags of garbage opposite some old graffiti- though, on second thought, maybe she just thought it was big because she'd only ever seen turtles in the zoo that were small enough for Momma to pick up in her hands. Apparently some turtles got to be way bigger than grown-ups, but this turtle shell was only a little bigger than the turtles at the zoo.
"…hi, there," said April quietly.
A turtle face peeked out at her from inside the shell, wide-eyed.
After a moment, April lowered herself to the ground and crossed her legs. "Why're you crying?"
Now, she hadn't really been expecting an answer- she'd just figured that talking calmly like Daddy did whenever she scraped her knee might help calm the turtle down.
That said, she figured she did a great job at not startling when the turtle spoke, and with a voice like a little kid, to boot. "…I, I think I'm l-lost."
"You're lost?" asked April. "Me, too. Do you have any friends that should be with you?"
The turtle's head slowly came out from his shell, and he nodded. "M-me and my brothers were explorin', but I got distracted by the pretty wall art and when I looked around they were, they were gone!"
"Pretty wall art? Y'mean the graffiti?" April asked, twisting her head to look back at the graffiti in question- a vivid neon version of the sunrise over Manhattan. She turned back and grinned. "You got good taste, turtle boy!"
That got Turtle Boy to giggle, and he carefully pulled himself from his shell and his hiding place to sit in front of her. "You think so?"
"I know so." April held out a hand for him to shake. "My name's April."
"Hi, April," giggled Turtle Boy as he shook her hand. "I'm Mikey."
Huh. He only had three fingers instead of five. Then again, he wasn't a human kid, so it made sense.
April beamed at Mikey. "Well, then, whaddya say we try and find our families? At least we won't be alone and lost."
Mikey nodded, but then he glanced out at the hustle and bustle of the adults just past the mouth of the alley. "But what if the human grown-ups see me?"
April frowned in thought for a moment, then snapped her fingers. "They can't see you if you're wearing something big and baggy! Hang on-!"
She took her hand back from Mikey and yanked off her hoodie, then held it out to him. "Try this on!"
Mikey's eyes widened, and April almost could have sworn he got stars in them. "A-are you sure?"
"Positive," April said, winking at him. "Besides, ain't turtles cold-blooded? It's getting kinda chilly out these days anyway."
Mikey took the hoodie like it was some kind of sacred artifact in a movie, then slipped it on over his shell. The sleeves were long enough to hide his turtle-hands, and when they both stood up, it went down far enough that what little April could still see of his legs could easily pass as weird pants and shoes.
"Now you're lookin' cozy," April proclaimed, reaching over and flipping the hood over his head.
Mikey giggled, then grabbed her hand and grinned up at her. "Okay, let's go."
April gave his hand a squeeze, and the two of them struck out into the wilderness of rush hour.
"So, Mikey, do you recognize anything around here?" asked she after a few moments of walking.
Mikey's head turned from left to right and back again as he looked around, then he pointed with his free hand at Metro Tower, his sleeve flopping slightly at the end. "I think we were trying to go, uh, over there when we got separated."
"Right!" April nodded and led the way. "To the tower!"
For the most part, they managed to get through the crowds without too much trouble.
When they were just a few blocks away, though-
"Hey, there, kiddo. You're looking kinda green, heheh."
April tensed at the voice from one of the alleys. That was definitely somebody trying to be shady and gross.
She glanced at Mikey worriedly, but when he didn't seem to have any ideas for what to do beyond freezing up in fear, she swallowed down her nerves, squeezed his hand again, and shot a fake smile into the alleyway. "Thanks for your concern, mister, but my bro here just really likes dressing up as animals."
"Is that so?" asked the voice. The owner stepped into view, a very tall, very grown-up, very big white guy with an extremely icky grin on his face. "Would either of you be willing to show me the full costume?"
April gulped.
In the distance, she heard a few new voices yelling for Mikey, and from the tiny gasp that came out of him, April made an educated guess and said, "Sorry, mister, but our other brothers are prob'ly looking for us. Gotta go!"
Mikey nodded quickly. "Eheheh, yep! Bye!"
The two of them tried to bolt, but the man shot forward and yanked Mikey's hood down, gripping it hard enough that Mikey made a choked noise and skidded to a stop, clawing helplessly at his throat.
"HEY!" April snapped, whirling back around.
"A costume, eh?" snickered the gross guy. "Looks to me like you're a grade-A freak!"
April grit her teeth. "Let him go. Now."
"No, no, I don't think I will," said Gross Guy, scowling. "A scientific weirdo like this thing is gonna make me the big bucks!"
"Oh, I'll show you a scientific weirdo," hissed April right before charging the man and punching him right in the groin.
The sound Gross Guy made sounded a lot like the squeak Mikey had made when she first saw him, except better because Gross Guy's hand flew from Mikey's hood to grab at where April had punched.
Mikey gasped for breath, but April just grabbed him by the sleeve and started running. "C'mon, we gotta book it before he recovers!"
The two of them stumbled for a moment as Mikey got his feet back under him, but then they were sprinting down the sidewalk as fast as Mikey's little legs would let them. After a few moments of this, though, April shifted her grip on Mikey and just hefted him up into her arms, shell and all. "Hang on!"
Mikey glanced behind her, then shrank into his shell a bit. "He's gaining on us!"
April poured on the speed, but at the same moment as she saw another turtle boy about a street away and happened to catch his eye, a massive hand grabbed her by the hair and yanked her to a stop.
She let her grip on Mikey loosen so he would be able to go flying a few feet forward and yelled, "MIKEY, RUN!"
"Wha-? But April-!"
She flailed in Gross Guy's grip in an effort to become as slippery, un-grabbable, and distraction-like as possible, but all she managed to do was get turned around so she couldn't see if Mikey got away.
Instead, all she got to see was Gross Guy glaring at her bad enough she almost wanted to cry.
Raphie's eyes flew wide as the human girl screamed, "MIKEY, RUN!"
From where he'd landed on the ground, Mikey scrambled to his feet, but instead of running- "Wha-? But April-!"
Raphie chirped loudly, alerting Donnie and Leo to where he was without saying anything the human man might pick up on, then darted through the shadows to where Mikey lay, yanking him out of sight and into a nearby alley.
Mikey shook for a second, but once he saw Raphie's face, he launched himself up and grabbed Raphie in a tight hug. Before Raphie could hug him back, though, Mikey quickly pulled back and pointed tearfully at where the two humans were fighting.
Well, it was more of the man managing to drag the girl into another alley as she wiggled and yelled, but still.
For a moment, Dad's instructions to never, ever be seen by humans rang in Raphie's ears.
Then he reminded himself that the girl seemed to be trying to help Mikey, and it'd be rude to not help her back.
Raphie nodded to Mikey, then gave him a pat on the shoulder and slunk into the alley after the two humans.
"You idiot!" hissed the man, finally managing to grab the girl by the shoulders and slam her back against the wall, her feet dangling. "You just let the jackpot of a lifetime run free!"
The girl leaned away from the man's face, then spat right into his eyes.
Something in the man's face twisted. "Why, you-!"
Yeah, okay, Raphie wasn't watching any more of this.
He jumped up onto the man's back and clawed at him, a growl rising up in his chest.
The man squawked in surprise, though he didn't let go of the girl until Raphie bit him in the shoulder. He didn't bite at full strength- Donnie'd made sure he knew the kind of power a normal alligator snapping turtle had, and he didn't want to amputate anything (or, well, half-amputate with his tiny mouth)- but it was still more than enough to get the man to drop the girl to the ground.
As soon as the girl was free, Raphie stopped biting in favor of shoving himself off the man in such a way that the guy went tumbling into the wall.
The girl gawked at him, but shook herself out of it pretty quick once he grabbed her hand and ran back to where Mikey was, leaving the man to lick his wounds. "Thanks for the save, big guy! Guessing you're one of Mikey's brothers?"
Raphie nodded. "I'm Raphie."
"Good to meetcha, weird alley man aside," the girl laughed awkwardly, then leaned heavily on the nearby wall. "I'm April."
Raphie shot her a grin and a nod-
-and then Mikey cannonballed into her. "APRIL! Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine, Mikey, I promise," April told him, taking the cannonball-hug in stride and patting his shell through the hoodie he'd found. "Dude screwed up my locs, though. Booooo."
There came a groan from the other alley, and April's head whipped around to look before whipping back to meet Raphie's eyes. "We gotta move."
Raphie nodded. "If we can get down to the sewers, me and my bros know those like the backs of our hands."
"Then what're we waiting for?" asked Donnie, poking his head up from a manhole deeper in their alley.
"Let's go!" called Leo, popping up next to him.
The guy Raphie'd bitten made a weak-but-furious growling noise, and April nodded quickly. "Sounds good to me!"
Raphie watched carefully as she turned Mikey to the manhole and walked him over. She seemed to have Mikey's best interests at heart, and she didn't seem freaked out by the fact that they were all a bunch of talking turtles, but…
April glanced back at him. "Raphie, you coming?"
"I'm the oldest, so I gotta make sure everybody else is safe, first," Raphie told her firmly.
"Really? How old are you?"
"Ten. That's a whole two digits."
April snickered. "I'm eleven, which means I outrank you! Into the sewer with you, Turtle Boy!"
Raphie spluttered indignantly, but Mikey just giggled as he clambered down. "Yeah, into the sewer!"
Because she got Mikey to giggle, and only for that reason, Raphie relented and went next. April gestured grandly at the manhole as he passed, and then as soon as Raphie climbed low enough, she followed suit.
"Don't forget the manhole cover," called Donnie from below.
April nodded. "Gotcha."
The fading daylight cut out as April hefted the cover and pulled it back over the hole, and then they were lit only by the service lights of the sewer itself as they descended.
"So, I already met Mikey and Raphie," April said, glancing down at something past Raphie, "but I don't think I caught your names."
"My name is Donatello-"
"-but we just call him Donnie! I'm Leo!" declared he cheerfully.
April chuckled. "Nice to meetcha. I'm April."
"Well, April, the sewers make for a quick getaway, but I doubt you want to stay down here forever," Donnie remarked as they started reaching the bottom. "Was there anywhere you needed to go?"
Once Raphie touched down, April hopped the last few feet to the ground and turned to them. "Yeah, actually. You know how to get to Carney Park?"
"Of course I do! I know everything," bragged Donnie, adjusting his glasses haughtily. "This way- wait."
Raphie watched as Donnie tensed. "…Donnie…?"
"The only efficient way to get from here to there is to take April through…" Donnie breathed, glancing at Raphie worriedly, "…the lair."
"Ah, crud," moaned Leo.
"Wha-? What's 'ah, crud?' What's 'the lair?'" April asked, fiddling with her hair. Then, after glancing around, in a whisper, "Is there a sewer gator?"
"No, no sewer gators!" Mikey assured quickly. "It's just…the lair is what we call our home, and we…may or may not have snuck out while Dad was napping."
"He has a very strict 'no human interaction' rule, for reasons you've just experienced," Donnie added.
Leo buried his head in his hands. "He probably won't even be mad. He'll just be…"
Raphie shuddered. "…disappointed."
April grimaced. "Oof, I know what that's like. Are we positive there's no other way?"
Donnie shrugged helplessly. "It's either the lair or a detour."
"How long a detour are we talking?" asked April, perking up some.
"On foot? Something like…" Donnie swallowed. "…an extra hour."
It was April's turn to groan and drop her face into her hands. "Awww, nooo, I'm gonna get so grounded!"
Even though April was (allegedly) older than Raphie, in that moment, all he saw was a girl like Leo or Donnie or Mikey- in need of Big Bro Raphie.
Raphie set his jaw, then turned to the others. "We go through the lair. Hopefully Pops is still sleeping, and if he's not…we sneak her through."
"You sure, Raphie?" asked Leo.
Raphie nodded firmly. "I'm sure."
"Then we'd best get a move on," Donnie said. "We've been gone…how long, exactly?"
April checked her wrist. "Well, it's almost 6 PM now. I dunno when you left, though."
Donnie still nodded, taking in the info. "Then Dad should hopefully still be asleep by the time we reach the lair, but only if we move fast."
"So let's hoof it!" declared Leo, breaking into a jog.
Mikey grabbed April's hand and dragged her after Leo. "Onwards!"
Raphie waited to make sure Donnie got back to the front of the group, then set off after them, keeping an eye out for anything else that might throw a wrench in their plans for the day.
"So, you're eleven?" asked Mikey after a few minutes.
April managed a laugh between breaths. "Sure am!"
Mikey beamed at her. "Cool! I'm eight!"
"Me and the nerd here are nine!" added Leo, pointing a thumb at Donnie.
"It's 'the nerd here and I,' Nardo," corrected Donnie.
Leo snorted. "See what I mean?"
April chuckled weakly, and Raphie glanced over at her just in time to see her foot come down and twist-
"Aaand scoop!" Raphie decided, doing exactly that to April before she had a chance to drop.
"Nice catch, Raphie!" Mikey cheered.
April blinked in surprise, then grinned sheepishly. "Thanks. Apparently I gotta work on my endurance."
"We're almost to the lair," murmured Donnie, slowing down.
"Right." Raphie shot Leo a look. "Leo, check if Pops is awake."
Leo nodded. "On it."
As Leo darted off, Raphie looked down at April. "I saw your ankle twist. Can you walk?"
"Only one way to find out," April declared.
Raphie set her on her feet, and while he held his hands nearby to catch her in case she fell, she didn't seem to need it. A little wobbling as she caught her balance, and April was fine.
"Oh, haha, hiii, Dad!" called Leo's voice loudly. "You're up, I see!"
Raphie, April, Mikey, and Donnie all froze.
"He should've been out for another half-hour!" hissed Donnie.
"What do we-?" whispered Mikey.
"Stick close, April," Raphie decided. "I'm biggest, so if Pops gets close, hide behind me and we'll pretend you ain't there. Donnie, Mikey, act natural."
"I certainly am," chuckled Splinter, scritching Leonardo's head. "How are you and your brothers doing, Blue?"
"Doing great!" Leonardo said with a grin, the response coming suspiciously fast and the smile growing suspiciously wide.
Well, so long as he and his brothers weren't actively being harmed, he supposed he could let it go just this once. Perhaps they were just trying to sneak in something cool they found while playing.
Splinter nodded and turned to head back to the TV room. "Wonderful."
He pretended not to notice as Donatello and Michelangelo entered with exaggerated sneaking motions, and he pretended not to notice as Raphael followed with a fake casualness.
He pretended not to notice as Leonardo joined the other three, and he pretended not to notice as the four of them tried to abscond to elsewhere in the lair.
When an unfamiliar voice gasped in time with a human girl stumbling into view, clearly hiding from him behind Raphael until whatever made her wince in pain, however, Splinter knew he had to confront his sons.
"Don't get mad at April!" Michelangelo burst, darting between the two of them with his arms held out protectively. "She helped me get unlost and saved me from a meanie human grown-up!"
"She told Mikey to get to safety when the bad guy grabbed her," Raphael added, mirroring the position. "And I thought the ankle she twisted was fine."
"It was!" protested the girl- April- as she leaned heavily on one leg. "At least, until just now. I think I double-twisted it."
"She's been remarkably calm about this whole situation, as well," Donatello chimed in, gesturing to himself in regards to the 'situation.'
Leonardo stepped between Donatello and Michelangelo, finishing the formation of a protective line between Splinter and April. "Dad, please don't be mad-"
"You snuck out?" Splinter started with. Then, before they could respond, he held up a hand. "This may be surprising, but I suppose I was already well-aware of that. I will be back to that subject later, but first- you all know how dangerous humans can be! And you brought one here?"
Then the other implications of his sons' words hit him like a yawning chasm splitting open in his chest.
"Wait, wait, wait- you needed saving?!"
Michelangelo nodded emphatically. "So I got distracted and lost track of the others and there was this guy, right? And April let me borrow her hoodie so people wouldn't see me and freak out but this guy saw me anyway, and he had the hood so I couldn't get away and April punched him between the legs so we could run! She picked me up so we could go faster, but then the guy grabbed her by the hair so she tossed me and Raphie was there and-"
"Woah, woah, Orange, slow down. I only caught the first part of that," Splinter said, holding his hands up placatingly.
Michelangelo took a deep breath, but Raphael dropped a hand on his shoulder and spoke instead. "Pops, this guy was going after Mikey, and April put herself in harm's way to get him to safety. Once we got away, she mentioned she needed to get to Carney Park, but the quickest way there meant we would need to come through the lair. I-I know you don't trust humans, but April is trustworthy, I swear."
Splinter looked between his sons, then searched April's gaze for…something.
The girl's hair was a mess. He'd done film work with all kinds of folks, way back in the day, and he knew that the amount of care that went into certain hairstyles- such as, for instance, April's- meant that for each grouping of hair to be frayed and off-kilter the way it was…well, that certainly proved the 'grabbed by the hair' part of the story.
She wasn't breathing too heavily, but it was still clear that she'd been doing a lot of physical exertion recently, and she certainly favored one leg over the other.
He looked into the girl's eyes- she couldn't possibly have been much older than Raphael!- and saw tempered steel underneath a laid-back exterior.
He looked into the girl's eyes and saw himself, and he saw her find herself in his in turn.
(He had a feeling that if he forbade his sons from becoming her friend, she was going to worm her way in anyway.)
"April, correct?" asked Splinter.
"Yes, sir," said she.
Splinter gently parted Leonardo and Michelangelo, then stepped forward. After a moment more, he held out a hand to shake. "You may call me Splinter. Thank you for keeping my boys safe."
Instantly, his boys relaxed, and April cracked a grin as she took his hand. "What can I say? They grew on me quick."
"Red, you mentioned getting April here to Carney Park?" Splinter asked, turning to Raphael.
Raphael nodded.
"Then you'd best get moving so she can get there before sundown."
"…can we play with April after this?" asked Michelangelo. "Like, playdates and stuff?"
"I'd be down for that," April answered, as if silently daring Splinter to contradict her.
Splinter sighed. "Perhaps it would be good to have some form of interaction outside of each other and this old rat."
He tried, but…just because he somewhat knew he was a less-than-stellar parent, that didn't automatically give him the ability to change that fact at will. Maybe a bit of outside interaction might help…well, everything.
A resounding cheer rose up from his sons, and Splinter smiled.
Carol O'Neil was not panicking.
She was not!
She was searching every inch of the streets around Carney Park after exhausting her search of the playground inside, that was all!
And maaaybe she was calling her husband more often than strictly necessary, such as whenever she came to a new intersection without seeing her daughter, but it was perfectly normal to want to stay connected during such a time of crisis!
A crisis that, it bore repeating, was not making her panic.
…oh, who was she kidding?
April had disappeared forty-seven minutes and sixteen seconds ago exactly, and Carol had desperately tried to keep the numbers and statistics from overwhelming her ever since. She and her husband had scoured the playground, then set off to methodically search the surrounding streets, even calling in some of their friends and coworkers to help look, but to no avail.
It was like her daughter had vanished into thin air.
Her phone buzzed- another text from one of her coworkers.
nothing on 25th and Broadway :(
Carol stifled a sob with her free hand, but slid her phone back into her jacket pocket and turned to head back to the park. Maybe…maybe April had just found some sort of hiding place to take a nap?
(Carol ignored how flimsy the idea was in favor of something, anything that could give her a way to find her daughter. She knew the numbers. An unattended black girl lost in the big city could very well never get home again.)
She was so focused on keeping her breathing steady that she almost missed the voice at the edge of her hearing.
The words were too quiet to discern, but the voice was calm, and Carol slowed to a stop. "April…?"
There were other voices, unfamiliar but just as young.
Then a manhole cover shifted in a nearby alleyway, and Carol pressed herself against a nearby wall.
"Looks liiike…the coast is clear," said a young boy. "And, just as I calculated, Carney Park is just a few blocks due south of our location!"
"Thanks, Donnie," said April's voice. "Y'all are lifesavers, you don't even know."
Carol was halfway through rounding on the alleyway in all her worried glory when-
"What? No, you're the lifesaver, April," said another boy's voice. "Like, literally. If you hadn't been there and helped me get back to my bros, I-I might'a been-!"
"Oh, don't get all mushy on me now, Mikey," April snorted.
Carol finished her motion, but stayed deathly silent as she took in the scene before her.
There were anthropomorphic turtles in the alley.
April was in the alley, her locs askew and one of her ankles slightly swollen…
…and a warm smile on her face.
None of them seemed to have seen her, and as she watched, April pulled the smallest of the turtles into a tight hug as if he was just another neighborhood kid.
The smallest turtle was wearing April's hoodie.
How had one of these turtles gotten April's hoodie?!
"Promise I'll try to hang out a bunch, okay?" April continued. "You guys are cool, and don't think I didn't see that skateboard ramp in there. I'm gonna pull off so many sick tricks you'll be begging me to teach y'all."
"Do I smell someone attempting to claim my throne as the sickest skater in the sewers?" asked yet another boy's voice, and this time Carol could see that it belonged to one of the turtles.
April smirked. "Maybe you do! Never underestimate April O'Neil!"
"See you soon?" asked the biggest of the turtles in yet another little boy's voice.
"Better believe it, Raphie!" April declared, patting the smallest of the turtles before letting go. "And, hey, Mikey, if you wanna hold onto that, you can. I'm the warm-blooded one here, and fall gets chilly."
The small one- Mikey, apparently- nodded. "Okay!"
April stood up straight, but just as quickly slumped back down sheepishly. "Uhhh…which way is due south, again?"
The turtle boy in glasses spoke up, his voice matching "Donnie's." "Well, given the time and the length and direction of the shadows cast by the sun rather than artificial light sources, it should be just that waaaoooeugh, boy…"
Carol blinked as the turtle boy locked eyes with her, then froze up in terror.
Donnie's reaction caused the rest of the group to turn her way, worry on their faces.
April swallowed, then smiled nervously, ducking her head into her shoulders like she was trying to turn into Mikey, who was legitimately drawing his head into both the hoodie and his shell. "…hiii, Momma."
There were many things Carol wanted to do in that moment.
She wanted to grab her daughter and spirit her home and never let her leave her sight again.
She wanted to break down crying from relief.
She wanted to demand to know what had happened and refuse to leave until she was told every single detail.
She wanted to demand to know why there were turtle boys living in the sewers.
She wanted to wring the reasons behind the 'lifesaver' comments out of them.
She wanted to wipe the fear from the children's faces.
In the end, she took a few steps into the alley, dropped to one knee, and held out her arms, hot tears bubbling up and dripping down her cheeks. "Oh, baby, I'm so glad you're okay."
April sniffled, then barreled into her and clung tight.
Carol quickly held April to her chest and peppered the top of her head with quick kisses, and as April started sobbing into her shirt, Carol turned her attention back to the boys.
Clearly, the fact that Carol had not started screaming at or about them had thrown them off a bit.
"I believe I have you all to thank for getting my daughter back somewhere we could find her?" Carol asked knowingly.
"Y-yes, ma'am," squeaked "Raphie," standing ramrod-straight as his brothers withdrew behind him, all four of them watching her warily.
Carol smiled warmly. "Thank you."
Yet again, the boys seemed taken aback, but Mikey quickly recovered and beamed at her from behind his brother's shell. "You're welcome! April's nice!"
…did these boys have parents? Follow-up question, would they like some?
April sniffled a bit as her sobbing slowed, then shifted to rest the side of her head on Carol's chest and look back at the boys. "Got any hangout plans that don't involve getting lost and running into your dad?"
Oh, right, Carol had to be a Stern Mother and make sure April knew not to run off like that again. Darn it all!
"Now, let's not make any plans just yet," Carol interjected, and almost immediately she got distressed protests from all five kids, but she pressed on- "April, you can't just run off and get lost like that on us. We were so worried-!"
"I'm, I'm sorry, Momma-!"
"-so I'm gonna have to make an executive decision, one I'm sure your daddy will agree with," Carol continued, raising her voice just enough to be heard. "You will not be doing anything with these boys-"
"Ms. O'Neil, you can't-!"
"-for the next two weeks!"
Almost as if afraid to speak, the boy whose name Carol still had yet to hear breathed, "…not for forever?"
"Leo!" hissed Donnie, elbowing him sharply without taking his wide eyes off of Carol.
Carol shook her head. "No, not for forever. This is a punishment for my daughter for wandering off into the city without somebody with her, not for you boys for bringing her back. Telling April she can't be friends with someone ain't my parenting style, anyway."
Oh, no.
They all looked like they were going to cry now.
Carol shifted her grip on April slightly and held out her now-free arm in invitation.
The four boys stumbled over their own feet as they rushed over, and then Carol found herself patting shells and getting nuzzled by little heads and struggling to stay more or less upright under roughly 240 pounds of sobbing, chirping turtle.
Wait, no- 180 pounds of turtle. Donnie hadn't thrown his entire weight at her like the other three, but even he had reached around and grabbed onto Carol's arm from the side, clinging tightly to her jacket sleeve and sniffling.
Not how she'd expected the evening to play out when she'd taken April out to the park, frankly.
Still, Carol murmured reassurances as she let them cry themselves out, and even April joined in after laughing wetly. On instinct, she found herself scritching Raphie's shell, then pressing a kiss to Mikey's forehead, then letting Leo bury his face in her shoulder. She even caught Donnie's watery eyes and tried to convey as much warmth as she could with a small smile.
Donnie gave her a wobbly smile in return before ducking his face into her sleeve, kneading it between his fingers.
After a good few moments, the boys started pulling themselves back together, and Carol made sure to stay put as they stepped back.
"Heh," managed Leo. "Sorry 'bout crying on you, Ms. O'Neil."
His brothers nodded in agreement.
"You're just fine, sweethearts," Carol told them truthfully. "Do you boys have a place to stay?"
"Mm-hmm." Raphie nodded. Then, with a shrug, "We live with our Pop in the…well, in the sewers."
"We keep our part of it very clean," added Donnie quickly. "We have our own rooms, and even several amenities we've found and taken home, such as furniture, a projector, and even Jupiter Jim movies!"
Leo flexed and grinned at Carol as if he hadn't just been bawling his eyes out into her jacket. "And nothing ever gets in without our say-so!"
"S-so it's okay if April wants to come visit sometimes!" Mikey finished, eyes wide and pleading.
"As long as you aren't running around on your own without even a place to sleep," Carol conceded. She…really wasn't sure she liked the idea of these bright boys living in the sewers with only humankind's refuse to claim as their own-
-oh, who was she kidding? She hated it.
Still, they seemed content enough with their lot at the moment, they didn't seem to be in any imminent danger, and Carol was, quite frankly, exhausted from the events of the past few hours, so instead of pressing the issue right then, she said, "April and I should be getting back home, and so should you."
"See you soon?" asked Mikey, giving Carol some of the biggest puppy-dog eyes she'd ever seen.
"Of course!" declared April.
"Not too soon, though," Carol reminded, pushing herself to her feet. "Remember, two weeks. You'll be lucky if we even let you out of our sight, little missy!"
April grinned nervously. "Because I'm your favorite daughter and you love me very much?"
"That, too, but mostly because you are so grounded!" Carol said, leveling a stern look at her.
April sighed. "Figured."
And as April took Carol's hand, and as the children waved their goodbyes, and as the two humans started walking/limping to the park, and as the turtles retreated through the manhole, and as Carol fished out her phone to message the rest of the search party, Carol smirked at April. "You can tell both me and your daddy about everything that happened today once we get home."
April grimaced. "Awww, what?"
"I'll help convince him those boys aren't some kind of imaginary friends, but other than that, you're on your own."
Carol chuckled as April groaned and buried her head in her free hand.
…and maaaybe she squeezed her daughter's hand as her adrenaline rush faded.
She was just glad April was there with her and okay enough to squeeze back.
April O'Neil was not lost.
She pumped her fists excitedly as Momma made her way to an out-of-the-way picnic table, nearly buzzing right out of her skin as she waited.
Momma chuckled and took her sweet time sitting down, then grinned at April. "And that's two weeks. Have fun, and stay close to the park this time, okay, hon?"
"Okay, Momma!"
And April was off like a bullet, tackling a flash of green in the bushes and sending them all to the ground in a tangle of laughing limbs.
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raybyanothername · 1 year
Thoughts on what would have happened if Rhaenys and Laenor had been able to perform their duty and their sons had come out looking very obviously Laenors kids.
Or if they had been a bit smarter and gone to one of Laenors cousins about it.
See, I am absolutely in love with the idea of Jace, Luke, and Joff being Laenor's bio kids and *still* not looking like VelaryonsTM. Just. The Baratheon and Arryn genes came to *win* and Laenor is so done with the rumors. He's gonna pull a Harwin and, unlike Harwin, he will not be worried about repercussions. Cole just gonna die. He's been waiting for an 'acceptable' reason for years. Goodbye ser!
This is reflected in a few of my fics already.
While I know Alicent (and everyone at court) harp mostly on hair color, that's not the end all be all of features. Even then, they do show the boys to have fairly thick and sometimes curly hair. The texture may not be as close to Laenor's as Rhaena & Baela's are to Laena's, but Rhaenyra's got Arryn genes in there while Daemon is pure Targaryen genes all the way back until Alyssa Velaryon. So, there's technically a bit more Velaryon in his girls than in Rhaenyra's boys theoretically (and probably more recessive genes). And the Targaryens and Arryns both have straight hair, so if they don't get it from Harwin, then the curls come from Laenor.
I also feel like, with Laenor already being mixed race with fairly pale skin, his sons coming out without any melanin isn't beyond the realm of possibility. Mixed race kids come in every color and sometimes the melanin waits a few generations to pop back up.
When I write the Velaryon boys as *possibly* Laenor's bio kids (I love some good uncertain paternity angst) the primary features that I focus on are jawline and body build, which are fairly similar between the actor who played adult Laenor and the actor who played adult Jace.
Now, putting aside *all* of my own headcanons regarding the Velaryon boys' paternity and assuming they had come out looking like carbon copies of Laenor... people still would've talked. They would've said they were his cousins', or his father's, in my opinion.
Alicent didn't *want* those kids to be legitimate and even if Laenor were bi and actually in to Rhaenyra, she'd have seen his sexuality/attraction to men as justification for her opinions. Legally, it wouldn't *really* matter if Laenor was the bio dad, a fact Alicent knows perfectly well. She's angry though, and the gossip about Rhaenyra's children is an easy outlet for her paranoia.
The rumors would persist in any situation because Alicent clung to that gossip as a justification. I really think Alicent pushing that Rhaenyra's boys are bastards has a lot more to do with her anger at Viserys/his indifference to their own children than it ever had to do with the actual paternity of the Velaryon boys. She thinks the only way her children live is if Aegon takes the throne and Laenor being gay has provided her a perfect reason to have Rhaenyra's line put aside as questionable. Whether they're actually his biological children or not would be completely beside the point.
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lux-espiravit · 5 months
Log #1 "Okay So- I got myself into this mess" Loading....
Some friends gave me their thoughts on the series after I asked around and their answers made me think.
AreOri is an alternate timeline where Fubuki Atsuya lives, the alien attack didn't happen, Gouenji didn't have to run, Raimon got divorced and went separate ways, and teams have sponsors now because capitalism. (im joking on some parts but still)
Now, we're starting where everything is dead and done and Raimon already went to other schools and made a name for themselves, and we're following a new cast who have to deal with the aftermath of everything. And the new villain, children perfectionism/ half-joke. I haven't finished Ares yet, but I can feel like that's a part of the theme especially with the whole schtick the Balance of Ares program's got going on. But that's a different story for a different time.
What I'm gonna be talking about now is the characters.
Of course that characters we loved and knew from the OG series are gonna be different here. (im still confused about someoka ngl) The development they went through in the OG is gonna be pretty different here or probably non-existent. A huge part of Fubuki's arc was caused by his family's death and it all avalanched into mental instability. (if my memory's right, it's been a while since i've revisted the OG series) Kazemaru also probably didn't leave Raimon in the AreOri timeline, so guess what, he just teams up with the antagonist in his character arc in every timeline. It actually reveals an interesting about his character, tho (i HAVE to watch the entirety of OG, im feeling it)
But the thing is, we also have ANOTHER cast to develop along with explaining some of the changes with the first cast. I feel like there's going to be a lot of flashback moments with the old cast. And to make up for the lack of development of some characters, I'm gonna involve the new cast into their development so the spotlight gets shared equally if it comes to it. Cause the new cast needs some love AND development. But I still have to finish the series and study them more.
So, my thoughts so far on Ares:
Rushed. Jesus H. Christ, twas rushed. It gives the feeling of tuning in while missing out on parts of the story, atleast for me. The first episode made me feel like I was missing the first half of it. I wished they let us see what the kids' life on the island was like. You know to SHOW US WHY WE SHOULD CARE FOR IT. Shoving a bunch of kids crying for their parents on screen aint gonna cut it for everyone, my good men. Show us what their life was like, what they were gonna miss. At least like a part so the flashbacks in their training felt a bit foreshadowed and connects to what we saw to the first ep to make it a little more memorable. (i am losing brain power fast, so im not sure if this makes any good sense)
The thing with Ares, Akane, and Nosaka got me curious. The Inakuni has potential. Haizuki's funny. I kind of like his development. Also I love Endou's civilian fit when he made his first appearance. Idk i just fell in love with it. (give him back his melanin pls) Kozoumaru's interesting, especially his connection with Gouenji (dude helps out a kid in every timeline). Hiura's supposed to be like a detective, right? Let him be more detective-y. Goujin's funny. He has a little charm to him. Mansaku and Michinari are interesting, especially their family dynamics. I love Iwato and Hattori's relationship. They're cute. Who is Okuiri Hiro? I love Norika's personality (it's a personal favorite thing). I think her backstory and home life are interesting. Hiyori's cute and I like him. He's silly. Coach Zhao is Coach Zhao. (this man is a war criminal) I like the new managers. She's silly and Anna's nice.
I'm gonna save Asuto (Bug Boy) for another post.
Peace Out!
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