#she doesn't KNOW
motsutambo · 1 year
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princessmelinoe · 16 days
my mother in law found *MY* collar and leash and used it to walk our dog
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eidolons-stuff · 1 year
Wednesday: *suspicious* "Why?"
Xavier: "Why are we seeing if you're ok? Maybe because we're nice people?"
Wednesday: "No. Why the both of you?"
*Ajax & Xavier look at each other confused*
Xavier: "Ajax was worried as well"
Wednesday: "I find that hard to believe"
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octochick · 7 months
Bagi didn't 'not suffer enough'
Roier is just being an asshole
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needle-noggins · 1 month
my therapist asked me to imagine becoming a tree
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askslyvie · 6 months
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Good ol' Sylvie moment.
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iamothergirls · 9 months
My sister's genuine opinion on Arthur is that he would kick a child.
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genericflower · 10 months
So in the first episode Gandhi says that he was Cleo's foster brother for 10 years before she convinced their parents to get rid of him,
and Abe and Gandhi were friends since they were babies
So that means Cleo and Abe at least knew of each other back then so my head canon is that Cleo had a crush on Abe since elementary school
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balis77 · 1 year
Nika: “Well, its been a rough few weeks. I’ve been stuck in one room with an emotionally broken terrorist who beat me half to death and a rogue clone who’s been in an absolutely wild love-hate relationship with the former that always ends with her trying to stab him with a pencil, my arm is broken, and several revelations have shaken my worldview to its core. But hey, at the very least my good friends Suletta and Miorine should be married by now! :)”
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shinigami--apples · 1 year
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Moments before getting the worst job of her life lmao
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friedpenguin9 · 6 months
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imawriternotamagican · 6 months
Yayyy just accidentally got my straight best friend to start The Penumbra Podcast...
.... Oh God what have I done
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reddestofscarves · 4 months
febuary 3, 2024 — night time is a past-time
darling, the moon and stars know your name
every night i sing about it with shame
and every sonnet i write is the same
will you ever forgive me again?
in the dark of night, these terrors lie
creepies that crawl and bats that fly
something i can't face, in the clouds i'm still high
'cause my greatest fear is saying goodbye
but i used to bike in this neighbourhood of mine
lately all that's passed the streets is time
so it goes and the churchbells chime
i'll have to accept i'm out your light of lime
moon's not out tonight, maybe i'll be fine
maybe this time i won't dream you're mine
moon's not out tonight, maybe i'll be fine
maybe this time i won't dream you're mine
- reddestofscarves, 10:07pm
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notthecity · 8 months
so I'm going to Tourdust in Berlin with a friend next month. she's been a fan of FOB longer than even me (for reference she's a millennial, got into them pre-hiatus and even saw them back in '08, her friend got a drumstick??). she has no FOB-related social media, so she has zero idea what this tour is all about, and she's asked me for no spoilers, so I can't tell her.
anyway, we were talking about tour expectations with our non-fobbie friends and she goes "oh I hope they play old songs. like sugar we're going down! :)"
y'all. guys. she has No Idea. Zero Idea. Good God
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zerochars · 23 days
Why is it that the moment I'm actually *okay* with physical contact from my cat, she gets as far away from me as possible
Like.. "Ah yes, I shall cuddle him when he's having a flare up in his Haphephobia! As soon as he calms down, I will run for the hills"
I was finally calm about it for two seconds and in those two seconds, she left me!
And then acted surprised when I was no longer calm about it when she came back
There is no logic in her ways
(Also please help me she won't stop cuddling me and I'm starting to panic)
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
It's Officially Been A Whole Year Since I Last Hurt Myself. Yay!🎉
I would scratch at my eczema patches until they bled as a way to snap myself out of a negative spiral that results after an argument, nuerotypical v nuerodiverse clash where I am always in the wrong and the screw up and the one who did wrong again and I really should know better by now since that's what my mom kept saying and these fights/disagreements/me just plain being wrong in general about how I process stuff were with her.
It started as a stop getting upset over this stupid thing you dumb fuck, and turned into more of a sorta self punishment for fucking up yet again, cause my patches were on my wrist so it would sting a couple days after.
Last time I did it was really bad, like, super bloody, my dad saw and didn't make a big deal out of it. He's relaxed like that and keeps secrets for me.
Cause of that there's a tiny little mark where I scratched that no one sees but me cause I know whete this is
But I haven't done it since, so yay!
And no, I've not been able to tell my mom about this cause she'll get all you're blaming me and guilt tripping me(which she thought what me crying all the time during fights were cause she doesn't understand rejection sensitivity disphoria) and pull some religious bull shit I don't need when I tell you the way you act and wrre raised and the harmful beliefs you hold hurt me and make me want to punish myself but that's a whoke nother can of worms that I've gotten into with friends already.
I'm pretty sure that's like, religous trauma, one of my friends says yeah it is, and I should probably go to therapy or something but I've got no money(I don't have a job) so I just bottle it up and try not to explode when something pokes the pressurized bomb that is me🙃. Which is why I'm shouting this out into the void of the internet, gets it off my chest.
Anyway, I'm getting an autism diagnosis this Wednesday, so I'll probably have to tell the doctor some of this.
But yay for no self harming for a year!
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