#she also does this thing where she cooks food and then makes you a bowl without asking if you actually want it right
gallusrostromegalus · 4 months
hi i see that you have much smart dog experience. i may have accidentally purchased such a dog. she's only 10 weeks, and ive had her 1, and she's already outmatched every puzzle feeder i got or have made. to the point that she is morosely disappointed when her food comes in an actual food bowl. do you know where i can find like. "heres 100 enrichment toys you can make out of free trash so your dog stops eating fucking rocks for enrichment" lists. i only have so many paper towel tubes XD
Herschel now just disassembles puzzle feeders, so I've been focusing on "Toys that, even if he already knows how to operate them, will still take TIME for him to collect the treat from" to give him something to fuss with.
Herschel eats all his meals out of a Kong Wobbler, because he will otherwise eat so fast he will literally inhale and choke on his kibble and I do not need him developing pneumonia from aspiration. Even though it's a "Simple" toy it slows him down and he does have to think a bit to tip it in the most efficient manner possible. Kong's "Flipz", "Gyro" and "Rewards Wally" are also really good "dog needs to think/carefully manipulate the toy for food" toys that act as both mental stimulation and exercise and "give human a break for up to twelve minutes" toys.
I highly reccomend KONG as a brand- they're local to Denver and have an impeccable saftey record and all of the toys I have gotten from them have held up extremely well vs. the ravages of three entirely too smart and strong-jawed dogs at once.
Some more thoughts:
If she's not prone to shredding rubber, the kind of treat toys she has to chew are also good stimulation.
If you don't want to give her That Many treats, my vet said that dogs can have as many green beans as they want. Just make sure that the beans haven't had salt added to them- canned usually does, but frozen green beans usually don't, but always check the label.
You can make nearly any toy last longer, or make a cheap long-puzzle by freezing the treats so they take longer to eat AND provides hydration. Herschel's most favorite treat of all time is literally a wad of sliced green beans in a dixie cup, filled with water and frozen. Just peel off the cup and hand him the chunk of ice and he's good for up to half an hour and more chill afterwards.
You can also freeze lick mats
If your girl is like Charlie and doesn't like greenbeans, you can also try freezing paper cups of: Canned pumpkin, apple slices in water, putting some ice cubes in the bottom of the cup, a gob of peanut butter in the middle and then fill it with water to make a peanutbutter filled ice cube.
If your girl is REALLY like charlie who has figured out how to use labor negotiation and strike tactics for better treats: boiled chicken chunks frozen in some of the water you boiled them in.
Walkies are as much mental stimulation as they are physical exercise. Take her out and let her sniff to her heart's content.
Also Puppies in particular need like, SO MUCH exercise.
Let her participate in activities with you. Herschel and charlie sit in the kitchen and I narrate cooking dinner to them, which seems to interest them, even if I don't have spare veggie ends to give them. I also frequently bring them along in the car if I'm running errands when it's cold enough to do that, so they have something new to look at, and get to participate. I also am more likely to stop at a new park and give myself some exercise and mental stimulation.
Training her to do tasks is GREAT Smart Dog enrichment- esp if she's a herding or heeler, they LOVE being helpful. I taught the dogs they get a small treat if they come in from the yard without me having to go chase them down, which saved me a lot of hassle, and now I'm working on teaching herschel to pick things up off the floor for me if I drop them and alert for chickpeas, which my housemate is allergic to.
A lot of dogs like cat-type toys. Tie a stick or some fleece to some paracord and drag or flycast it around for her to chase/play tug with when she catches it. Toys that bounce unexpectedly were also a huge hit. or just wave the string around the cat and the corgi both like that.
If you live in farm country or know other people with pets, you can grab something with the scent of another animal on it and bring it home for her to smell. Charlie and Herschel spent the better part of three days investigating the wad of horse undercoat I brought home and put in the spare wobbler for them to smell.
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beesspacedotorg · 5 months
Handle With Care
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Summary: You've had a truly awful day, luckily, your adoring boyfriend Minho is there to make it better. 2.5k words
Warnings: there's sex, but honestly it feels like someone accidentally got porn in my fluff so do with that what you will. reader is as gender neutral as physically possible. reader is also lowkey a crybaby, sorry but actually I'm not
Notes: Hello adoring public. It turns out, I can write fanfiction, and with the encouragement of Juno and Ems, I can also post it! There is a cat in this, she was inspired by a cat my family used to have and a cat my family currently has. They're both calico which I think explains everything you need to know about them.
There’s a lot you can say about the day you had today, and most of them start with sh- and end in -itty. You’re thinking on this as you dive head first onto the rough material of your couch, great for sitting, bad for face planting. You hear a scratching by your head and absentmindedly bat your cat away from the arm of the couch, mumbling something about how she has a perfectly good cat tree two feet away before resuming your completely justified sulking.
“Oh, hello. I didn’t hear you come home. How was your day?” There’s a voice above you and you can picture him in your mind's eye, leaning against the back of the couch as he stares at your limp form, probably eyeing the shoes you didn’t take off by the door. You mumble something half hearted in response and he huffs before the sound of walking hits your ears and all the breath leaves your body at once. He’s sitting on you. This motherfucker is sitting on you.
“Get off, Minho” You had to tilt your head to the side, it’s hard enough to breathe through couch fabric as is, much less when there’s a full grown man sitting on your back.
“You should answer people when they try to talk to you, jagiya.”
“You shouldn’t sit on people while they’re laying down, yeobo.” Your voice is a lot more acidic than his was and a twinge of guilt settles on you before it dissipates as he shifts and manages to place more weight on your back.
“Hmm. I guess we’re both doing things that we shouldn’t then. How tragic.” His voice is deadpan, and you still can’t see him from where your head is turned- your view is limited to the back of the couch and his arm in your periphery- but you can feel the dead stare he’s aiming at your skull. There’s a silence for a few moments while you engage in a war of attrition, neither of you willing to give up just yet, but it’s getting genuinely hard to breathe and your back is starting to hurt.
“It sucked, please get off.” He does, patting your back consolingly.
“See? Was that so hard?” He guides your head to his lap as you both sit back down, petting over your hair like he would his cats. “Tell me, what’s got my baby in such a tizzy?”
You grumble at him, rolling over to shove your face into his stomach, tired and petulant. He sighs softly, but keeps patting your head, so you know he’s mostly just doing it for show.
“That kind of day, hmm, jagi?” And you nod again. Honestly, it wasn’t much different from a normal day, it’s just that the right things managed to go very wrong and subsequently ruined your day in a way that has pressure forming behind your eyes and your voice cracking stupidly every time you try to talk.
You both sit for a while before he puts something on the TV and gently shoves your head off his lap.
“Do you want the dinner I worked so hard on to go cold?” He has his hands on his hips in front of you and you laugh slightly at how funny he looks. He rolls his eyes and goes, coming back with two bowls of something before he forcefully sits you up and shoves it in your hands.
“Yes, chef.”
The food is delicious, it always is when Minho cooks it, he’s got a talent for it you’ve never really seen firsthand, and you consider yourself truly blessed to be able to eat it as often as he’s able to make it for you. Still, gratefulness and taste aside, your day was shitty enough that every mouthful tastes like ash and turns to rot in your stomach, leaving you with an unsettling queasiness that shouldn’t ever be attributed to your boyfriend’s cooking. You’re shoving the contents around with a spoon before he huffs- a real one this time- and takes the bowl from you, setting it on the coffee table next to his own before he mutes the TV.
“Okay. Quite clearly something is wrong. What can I do to help you?” You think he knows, but you like that he asks anyway. Minho always asks, always lets you talk and sort out whatever’s going on before he tries to help. Even if your answer is a simple shake of the head, a simple, I don’t feel like it, become a mind reader, he always asks before he helps. Sometimes you wonder how he always knows what you need, others you just decide to not look a gift horse in the mouth.
You huff and your lip wobbles pathetically and he coos, slightly condescending.
“Crying already? I haven’t even done anything.” He’s teasing, but his hands are gentle as he pulls you into his lap, his hands are gentle as they find their way under your shirt, his mouth is gentle as it kisses down the side of your face to your neck.
“‘M sorry,” you’re not the biggest fan of crying, neither is he, but for different reasons. He’s not someone who’s brought to tears easily, you are, but there’s an inherent shame in it, you think. Something so embarrassing about getting worked up enough to start crying like a baby, and so as much and as often as you feel like crying, you don’t. This he also knows, because he knows everything.
“Aish, why are you sorry for? I didn’t tell you to apologize, did I?” He taps your cheek lightly, causing you to look up at him, he plants a kiss on your nose, then your mouth.
“Sweet thing, don’t worry about anything except for what I tell you to, okay?” And you nod and he smiles.
You’re not much for talking in times like these, everything is so sensitive and soft and talking feels like a cheese grater on this cloudlike moment so you don’t and he knows, so he doesn’t chide you for it. Usually, he would. He’d crack a hand down on your ass or grab a fistful of your hair and tell you that he asked you a question so he expects an answer, but that’s not what you need right now, so he doesn’t. He just kisses your jaw again before he puts both of his warm hands under your shirt and lets his fingers poke at your chest.
He always says his hands are small, but really, you wouldn’t be able to tell, not with the way he cups your chest in his hand and lets his thumb brush over your nipple, gentle and reverent. It’s not much, not as much as he usually gives you, but it’s enough to have your mouth dropping open with a gasp and your back arching into his hand, it’s enough to have him giggling softly at your reaction.
“Sensitive today?” He’s teasing again, as soft as he is right now, he’s still Minho, he still likes to poke fun. You huff, biting at his shoulder softly in retaliation and he lets you, pinching your nipple just this side of too much in retribution before one of his hands wanders down to your ass, groping and squishing the flesh. Your breath stutters in your chest as he pushes your hips forward onto his, friction sending sparks up your spine.
“Min-” You’re desperate and he hasn’t even done anything yet, not really. A few stray touches and you already feel yourself shattering to pieces in his grasp, you’re not afraid though, and not quite ashamed. He’ll take care of you, he always does.
He does it again, guides your hips forward until you’ve gotten the hint to keep going by yourself and you’re struck with the urge to kiss him, so you do, removing your head from the home it’s made on his shoulder and making a go at his mouth. It’s messy, your coordination shot already, and you almost smash your forehead into his nose before he catches your head with a laugh.
“Easy there. Bloody noses aren’t exactly sexy.” You disagree, he could make anything sexy, but you don’t have time to voice that thought as he pushes his mouth onto yours and lovingly shoves his tongue down your throat. The kiss is messy, they always are. However gentle he is, he can never seem to stop himself from kissing you until your face is covered in drool and spit, and if it were anyone else, you’d be mildly repulsed, but you like the way he looks at your mouth after it’s over, so you let it slide. 
You pull away, chest burning and heaving and look at him before you still, eyes drawn to something by his head.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” You don’t answer, gaze still drawn away from him.
“There’s a little white girl staring at me.” He turns his head to the side and laughs as he comes face to face with your cat, her green eyes boring into him. He scratches her head affectionately and lets her headbutt him before your center of gravity is shifting drastically and you’re clinging onto him for dear life.
The bedroom door shuts before you’re very aware of it and suddenly there’s a mattress under your back and a Minho over your front and his hands are up your shirt again, this time shoving it off of you until your chest is bare. You shiver slightly from the cold and then there’s a blanket being shoved around your shoulders and you smile up at him. He knows you so well, he loves you so much and your eyes are welling with tears.
“Aigoo, my little crybaby. It’s just a blanket,” there’s a kiss on each of your cheek bones, “silly thing. Save your tears for when my cock is in you, hmm?” Your breath stutters again and your hands are tugging at his shirt until he takes it off, he laughs again when your hands immediately find his chest.
“I’m glad someone appreciates my hard work.”
“They’re nice boobs.” The sentence catches him off guard, makes him laugh hard enough that he loses his balance a little and his weight settles onto you more. It’s comforting, like a weighted blanket that can talk and walk and kiss you silly.
Then, his hands are under your bottoms, tugging them off your legs and you’re suddenly wearing nothing and he’s still in his pants, which you find disgustingly unfair. You reach down and tug on the hem off his sweats, pouting and huffing until he gets the message and tugs those off too.
“You just want to get me naked,” he starts. “I can’t believe you just want me for my body.” You nod cheekily in response and he smacks your shoulder.
“Yah! See if I’m ever nice to you again!” But he’s kissing your neck again as his hands guide your legs to cross over his hips before he’s touching you in a way that steals the breath from your lungs and makes your head tip back into the pillows.
“There we go. So pretty when you’re like this, hmm? So soft and sweet for me.” His fingers are in you now, pressing insistently against that spot that makes white splash in your vision and reflexively forces your legs shut. He grunts slightly as your thighs squeeze around his hips, pressure just this side of uncomfortable. He doesn’t say anything though, just keeps his pace steady inside you until you’re almost tipping over and he stops. You look at him with something akin to betrayal, fresh tears springing to your eyes, but before you can open your mouth to complain he’s sliding home and you don’t have enough air to say anything anyway.
He catches it though, rolls his eyes as he sees the way your attitude was about to flare up.
“What did I tell you earlier, jagiya? Don’t worry about anything unless I tell you to worry about it. I always take care of you, don’t I?” He does, he’s good to you like that. He sounds slightly out of breath already, unusual for him, but you don’t mind because it feels like you’re seconds away from God’s doorstep yourself.
His pace is slow and deep, bass knock steady even as you squirm under him. If this were a normal situation, he’d stop, hands gripping your hips unforgivingly until you stayed still, but this isn’t a normal situation so he lets you wiggle, only huffing in mild irritation before he leans down to kiss you again.
“You’re gonna knock us off the damn bed, baby.” But he doesn’t make any move to stop you, and you feel too good to really process his words anyway. You love him, you really do, and you’re struck with the overwhelming urge to tell him, to let him know, to make him know. You grip his shoulders tightly, nails digging in until he hisses and levels you with a glare, one that instantly softens when he meets your eyes.
“I love you,” it comes out of you as a sob, like it was wrenched from your vocal chords before you gave yourself permission to think it. “I love you so much.” You’re rambling now, repeating those three words over and over and Minho coos, hips faltering just slightly. He always goes weak when you tell him you love him, and you keep it in your back pocket like a weapon for the times that you’re in trouble.
“I love you, too, jagiya. ‘S that why you’re crying? Hmm? Love me so much it’s gotta spill out from your pretty eyes?” You nod in response, breath hitching from the pleasure and the tears and his hand drifts from its place on your hip to touch you again and you’re spilling liquid heat before you can really register what’s happening. You feel him inside you, too, insides suddenly molten warm but you’re floating too high for it to feel like it’s happening to you, like you’ve been temporarily ejected from your body.
When your soul settles back into your bones, Minho is laying next to you, staring at you with his wide eyes, you look over at him and smile.
“Is boba really worth it?” He looks confused at your question before you poke him on the eyelid and he laughs.
“Feel better?” You consider for a moment. Your teeth don’t feel like they’re too big for their sockets and your bones no longer feel itchy. You’re hungry, but mostly, your mind is quiet. There’s no overwhelming pressure behind your eyes and when you talk your voice cracks from sleep instead of from the force of choking back tears.
“Much. I’m hungry, though.” You give your best impression of puppy eyes at him and watch as his eyes roll to the back of his skull. You’ve been told that your pleading face looks mildly perturbing, but Minho always says you remind him of Soonie when you do it. It makes you feel slightly bad for Soonie, soon the cat isn’t going to be able to get anything off of Minho because you’ll have rendered him immune.
He comes back with your reheated bowl in one hand and your cat in the other.
“She screamed at me until I picked her up. Stood on my feet and hollered.” He winces slightly. “I should’ve put on boxers because she almost mistook my dick for a toy.”
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inkskinned · 1 year
i only bake when im happy. my grandmother taught me this. she says she has "a stigma" about it. (i say "isn't that the holes in the hands like jesus?" and get, from my father, a not-altogether unexpected back-of-the-head whack). she says that cooking you can kind-of fake. but you can taste if someone put their heart into baking.
i haven't made anything in an oven for over a year.
at first it was just plain grief. i couldn't even eat, much less mealplan. i have a weird thing about food; and can eat the same thing, every day, and be extremely happy about it. then i moved; and the oven here is weird, and i figured - ah, i'll figure it out eventually.
being sad silences such odd parts of your life. it's not like i meant to give up baking. i like baking. i list it in my hinge bio. people who have been friends with me for a while know she bakes. i like to make complicated, artistic things - things that take days to plan and a week to execute properly. my favorite does remain chocolate chip cookies - something about them being so simple and so immediately satisfying.
there are people i met in the last year who don't believe me. you don't cook, they laugh. which, i mean, i guess is true. as we speak, i'm eating something out of the microwave for dinner again. but still. i call one of my new friends and i tell her i saw a recipe for snail pretzels. she laughs and says why would you need that?
it's weird, i guess. i have so many very-very-very good memories, barefoot and dancing in yellow kitchens, humming to old music, my hands around a bowl. why, out of everything, is that what the grief stole? just this sudden, strange ... missing piece. and to be honest; it kind of scares me. because it happened so quietly is the thing. i never meant to stop baking. it just ... kind of happened to me.
i'm in the hard part of therapy - where you have to start feeling things. the whole world opens up and suddenly, everything hurts like you're 19. exciting! i am also, at the same time, and for the first time in my whole life - only beholden to me. any longterm choice i make only impacts my life. my first and only priority is just... me. for a while, the only way i experienced this sensation was to think how blisteringly lonely.
but i cleaned my kitchen today. later i will call nick and we will talk about stupid shit. tomorrow alex and i are binge watching tv. i have finished rearranging my plants today; they span my ceiling in a river of green.
and i think. i think. tonight i'll make cookies. i don't know if i'm happy. but it's just. you know. in the spirit of trying.
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Bachelor/ettes and Cooking
Gonna rank how I think the marriage candidates would do in the kitchen
Elliott -- it takes a while, but once the man has a real kitchen at his disposal and some encouragement to try, I think he would really enjoy cooking and could be very good at it! I HC him as growing up in a wealthy home where he probably wasn't allowed to cook for himself, and then the cabin has nothing... but he remembers dishes he really enjoyed. I like to think he starts cooking just trying to help out once he moves to the farm, and there is DEF a learning curve... but there's a master chef hiding in there. I can feel it.
Alex -- you do not grow up with Grannie Evelyn and not learn how to cook. Impossible. Now, he's not a fancy chef by any means, but he can make a meal without issue. If you get this man a grill, he will 1000% become Grill Master, Kiss the Cook apron wearing Grill Dad. Also, though he rarely does it, he can bake up a storm. Generally only bakes for birthdays.
Harvey -- He can cook, but only cooks healthy meals. He will need to be taught that it's okay to season your food. Brown rice, steamed veggies, and plain tofu/ chicken breasts type guy. Otherwise, it's pre-packaged frozen food. Maybe he can get better w/ encouragement but he's always going to be checking portions and making sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and watch your sodium intake. The most likely bachelor to be vegetarian/ be willing to go vegetarian. Gets nauseated if he's preparing meat.
Shane -- Mid-tier like Harvey, but even though he's had kitchen access he rarely feels like cooking. He knows what seasoning is-- his usual cooking style is the exact opposite of Harvey, mostly family recipes. All flavor, calorie count who?? Loves making food covered in cheese, sauce, or gravy. His chili would win awards, but he only makes it once a year.
Sam -- He could keep himself alive if the box has directions. Anything more complicated than boxed mac and cheese, though, and he gets a little lost. Can help YOU in the kitchen very well, but to be honest he would rather be doing something more exciting.
Sebastian -- The only one who is a worse cook than him is Abigail. He is NOT allowed in the kitchen even to watch. Could burn iced tea.
Emily -- Oldest sister + working at the Saloon added together means she's definitely going to be a decent cook, but she genuinely enjoys cooking. She loves to experiment with different cultural dishes. She only cooks vegetarian or vegan dishes.
Penny -- She's pretty self sufficient. I don't think she knows too many recipes, but she enjoys experimenting if she moves to the farmhouse. She's very adapt at stretching a budget, and I think she would enjoy making jams/ pickles. Not the big amount the farmer does, but small batches in special flavors.
Leah -- She's a simple cook. She prefers raw dishes, or things like buddha bowls. A lot of texture and flavor. Loves using herbs and edibles from foraging locally. Leans vegetarian but doesn't mind fish from time to time.
Maru -- Maru is proficient at cooking, but I think takes after her dad too much and is very nutrient focused vs what actually makes a good meal. Occasionally makes questionable decisions in the name of efficiency. Could go from making some sort of casserole if busy w/ a project to Extremely Experimental if she has the time. No in between.
Haley -- I considered putting her higher but no. She has rarely if ever had to cook for herself before, so if she's at the farmhouse she will be surprised if you expect her to do anything in the kitchen. Eventually I think she could be fine. It's not hard. She just hates doing dishes. Enjoys baking somewhat, especially w/ Alex.
Abigail -- She eats rocks as a snack and thinks if you just crank the oven to 600 for fifteen minutes it's better than 350 for an hour. Her stomach is alien to this world. Can and will eat anything without issue.
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
Oh my god can we please get musician!eren and y/n doing that couples quiz thing that I think GQ(???) does🥹
yesss! I’ve been dying to write this 🥹😭 I actually went and watched the Teyana/Iman one and it was exactly what I’d imagine theirs to be like!
there were only a few media outlets that EJ trusted to let interview him. He was very selective and picky in who he’d allow to shove a camera and microphone in his face because they tended to be huge liars..fabricating details when he chose to omit them. However, when he was approached by GQ and asked to partake in the Couples Quiz with his sweetheart (y/n) (l/n)..on Valentines Day nonetheless, he couldn’t possibly turn it down. Whether it was his own competitive nature or the fact that he was so hopelessly in love with his lady, he was sure to ace every question. So here you guys were…setting face to face in two recliners; your legs draped across his thighs as if you were right at home. “I’m (Y/N) (L/N)..” “And I’m Eren Jaeger..” your voices eventually joining in unison with smiles on your faces. “And this is the GQ Couples Quiz.” The internet show where famous unions test their knowledge of one another. One thing that could be noted was the stark difference in his demeanor from previous sit downs. He actually looked happy to be here. Maybe that was all thanks to his lovely sidekick. The cameras rolling and aimed adjacent at you as got comfortable. In your hand, you brandished a stack of off white index cards, each one containing a question about yourself that he was expected to answer. Raising the pile to your face with a smirk, (y/n) ogled him, furrowing your eyebrows without a word before Eren would burst into laughter.
“Bro, why are you staring at me like that?” Which eventually cause you to start cackling, long before the game began. “Nothing, nothing..I’m just ready to see how much you know about me. Are you ready?”You guys were the best of friends before it blossomed into the beautiful marriage that everyone saw today..he hadn’t paid much attention to detail with anybody but that changed once you came along. Rubbing his hands together in anticipation, he’d lean up in his seat and prepare. “I’ve been ready. I’m ‘bout to set the record. Just wait.” He looked so excited and thrilled. But the true test would come when you pulled out the first card. “Alright, that’s a big claim, y’all. Let’s see if he just running his mouth. First question—“ pretending to lick your fingertips as you pulled the piece of paper. “What’s my favorite food to cook for you?” This was a no brainer. Something you thoroughly enjoyed and made for him all the time.. “That’s easy, gumbo and rice.” Smiling in pure joy, you’d nod your head. “Ding ding. That’s right. It’s my speciality.” He’d then interject with a little story about how it came to be.
“And she knew what she was doing, let me tell y’all! I’m not originally from the south so I had never tried it and one night, she was staying with me and we were a little.. ‘intoxicated.’” Doing sir quotes as to not tell the world that y’all were higher than two Georgia pines. Making you laugh as he told the story. And she was like ‘you hungry?’ And I’m like ‘hell yeah, lemme order something.’ She gets up from the couch like ‘nah bae, I got it. Imma go make us something.” Becoming more bashful every time he recounted the event but also cracking up because he was so dramatic about it. “I swear he ain’t gone ever let me forget this shit..” “Oh, I ain’t even got to the best part. So it’s like an hour later, I’m still high as shit and something is smelling good, like I’m talking out of a restaurant. I go in the kitchen, it’s a big ass silver pot on the stove, ain’t even know I owned something like that. And she’s like, ‘you want some gumbo?’ I’m thinking..I ain’t never seen somebody get high and go make an entire pot of gumbo. But slide me like two bowls..I ate it and almost cried, it was so good.” It was a recipe your granny had taught you and now, you made it for him all the time! Nonetheless, the interview would continue and you’d shoot off a barrage of questions; ranging from stuff about favorite colors, types of shoes you were down to your favorite candy. He got every last one of them right, even remembering small details he hadn’t. His eyes never came off of you once and there was so much laughter between you two, like a regular everyday conversation.
he’d tell stories about your tattoos and what they meant (even the one of his initials on your pantyline), why your favorite tv show meant so much to you, about your nickname ‘Princess’, and even your favorite hype song. “I promise you guys are never going to guess what her favorite song is to get hype to..I don’t believe it as I’m saying the shit now but..we were out driving one day and she’s in the passenger, controlling the music. I’m like ‘I love my baby but she better not turn on nothing crazy. So I’m riding along and I hear Tee Grizzly, you know..First Day Out. I’m nodding my head and I look over…and she’s rapping the entire song like it’s hers!” The dramatization from him made it even funnier because there was so much about you that he had no clue that made him fall deeper in love. From your funny quirks to the cute things you did. By this time, you had doubled over, covering your face. “Adlibs and all, I couldn’t believe it but I was like ‘..yeah, imma marry this girl. She raw as hell. Like it can’t be anybody else.”
which made you get all giddy and excited. “I told y’all, he really my homie. We like this.” Twisting your fingers around to intersect. The questions would continue on and he of course would ace each one with flying colors. The two of you would even exchange your special handshake on ones where he got the bonuses right. That’s when it neared the last question, which was another no brainer. “Last one, last one..who’s my celebrity crush?” Which made your big softie (and jealous hearted) husband furrow his brows into an obvious pout as if the answer wasn’t clear as day. “Your crush? You never— “you know, there is this one dude. He’s real tall..got long hair, from North Jersey, bunch of tattoos, real cute. Pretty smile and he raps real good. Can sing too..what’s his name?” making him smack his lips and roll his eyes all in one at your joke. Once he caught on, he’d lean up yet again and smush your face into a bunch of kisses. “I think his name is Eren or something like that. Tell him come hit my line if he sees this..” unable to get the words out before you started laughing uncontrollably. “You play too much, for real.” All in all, this was such a fun experience and when it was time to tally his score, you’d hold out your palm so they could generate the number on screen: a perfect 40 out of 40! He’d then hop out of his seat, raising his arms up his designer lettermen’s jacket as if he had just scored the winning point to a ball game. “What’d I say? Told y’all..”
even though he’d probably be bragging about this forever, it felt good to have someone who knew you better than yourself.
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everythingne · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ➛ out of the woods - chapter seven (ls2)
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Logan tries to give the two of short break in Bali. Which does succeed, but then the Canadian GP tears down anything Dhanishka had left to stand on. Good thing she's got Logan, the Norris' and Charles, right?
warnings/notes: alright buckle in. Like two sex jokes, car accidents, concussions/migraines, lightly mentioned injuries, the FIA doing their job, heavy heavy betrayal, me yet again trying to hint at the biggest Marketing Ploy x Out Of The Woods connection no one has noticed LMAO
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Logan's arm is firm around my waist as I stir the food in the pan, watching the sizzle of the chicken against the oil underneath it. I murmur along to the song playing, and Logan sways us to the rhythm. I'm home for a weekend with him while my parents are off in Cambridge with my sister for her college visit. We'd taken the invitation to house sit, deciding to take a full break in the short interim off we have before we both have to leave for Canada.
"We should go somewhere." Logan hums, mouth peppering a kiss to my bare shoulder next to the strap of my tank top. He's been abnormally clingy, and while I would usually mind... it feels nice.
"Where would we even go, Lo?"
He smiles, beginning to pepper soft kisses to my shoulder, trailing them up my neck as he speaks, "Well, Dalton and his wife are in Bali this weekend. He told me he wants to see you again."
"Bali? That's a like.. fifteen hour flight from here." I chuckle, squirming when his kisses get a little ticklish around my neck and the air he huffs out in a alguh rolls across my skin.
"Fifteen hours there, then a twenty three hour flight to Canada." He says, "I looked into it."
I blink, then look down at him, "You already bought the tickets, didn't you?"
Logan smirks and I laugh, capturing his lips in a soft kiss, "I'll tell my parents tonight when they get back. I'm sure they won't mind."
Logan grins and pops a few more kisses to my lips, cheeks, and forehead before I shooing him away so I can keep cooking. The meal I'm making is not something I'd typically be eating, because its for Logan's meal plan, but luckily his team had let me throw in a small bit of Indian influence to the dish via a makeshift biryani dish. Which I know Logan's been missing by the way he melts when he steals a bite.
"You cook like your mom used to when we were kids." Logan groans against my shoulder and I laugh, taking my own spoonful and pouting a bit because its not as flavorful as we used to make it.
"You have to come to Bahrain over your winter break so you can have a proper Aayi Dubey biryani with all the spices and such." I muse, "it's lacking my mothers proper smothering of spices, sadly meal plans do restrict us from going full Indian mother here."
Logan nods, taking a bit more of the rice dish into his mouth and I laugh softly before making us two bowls of it to eat. He starts washing up some of the dishes while I'm setting the table, and I mange to pull him away to eat--promising we'll finish cleaning later.
We don't talk of much, other than him calling Dalton to let him know we'll be in Bali in two days their time. He taps his sock against my leg as I stare out the window at the setting sun. It's comfortable, just existing with him.
"I never thought we'd get here." Logan admits and I turn, looking at him curiously which makes him continue, "I thought you'd hate me through this whole thing after that night and we'd never speak again."
"I did too, to be honest." I laugh softly, finishing off the last of my rice and setting the bowl aside to take Logan's hands to stop him from picking at his fingers, "I called Lando about it, since he was the only person I knew in London at the time since Oscar was... I don't even remember, and Charles was in Monaco. I went to his and Olivia's apartment, the one they have over here because of McLaren? They told me I should just go through with the plan and do the whole fake dating thing because we kinda had too, but also to see if it maybe wasn't as one sided as I thought."
Logan just starts to giggle, small laughs that slowly grow louder before he brings my hand to his lips again, kissing my palm and then each finger.
"What's got you like this?" I laugh in response, and he grins at me sloppily with the most lovestruck look as his lips hover over my left hand. His bottom lip just brushing along my ring finger as he smiles and shrugs.
"Funnily enough, Dalton told me the same thing.” He firmly kisses my ring finger now, and just resorts to playing with my hands as a fidget instead, “You really fell for me huh?"
And now it's my turn to laugh, standing up to lean over the table to properly kiss my boyfriend. He grins, meeting me halfway with a gentle caress of my jaw and when we pull back, I rest my forehead to his.
"I was always in love with you, dumbass."
Hours later we're at that same table, Logan making sure the little decorative centerpiece my mother has is perfectly clean while I dot my lipstick back to perfection.
I figured cleaning the entire house and then making ourselves well pull together would keep my father from realizing we'd done nothing but laze around for the last few days.
Hey, we were on break, okay?
“Aw fuck.” I complain as I twist out my lipstick a bit more. Logan hums, looking over at me as I groan impatiently as I pull the whole tube up.
At the second groan he asks, “What’s a matter?”
“I’m almost out of lipstick.” I whine in complaint and he huffs out a laugh, stepping around the table to press a few soft kisses to my cheek.
"We can buy more tomorrow, yeah? Isn't there a Dior in City Centre?" He hums, pressing a kiss to my lips that has me rubbing the lipstick off his lips with a laugh as his arms wrap firmly around my waist.
"Yes, but it's fine, I can get it later and--"
Logan cuts me off with a firmer kiss this time, letting me wipe the lipstick off his lips again as he says, "Let me buy you a refill. For old times sake."
"Fine." I smile as the door opens and Logan retracts to just make it look like he was taking the lipstick from me to put it in my purse. I smile as Anya bounces to my side and starts babbling about the campus and such. I glance over my shoulder to see Logan with mt parents and the smile and wink my mom sends me says one thing,
This is all gonna work out.
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liked by daltonsargeant, oscarpiastri, sebvettel, and 876k others...
logansargeant: booked the tickets before i asked her :)
tagged: dhanishkadubey, daltonsargeant, a.sargeant
dhanishkadubey: he deadass goes "my brothers in bali" 😭
a.sargeant: it was lovely having u and isa!!!
user2: dhanishka sargeant at this point fr
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I'm standing in the bathroom of the hotel this time when Logan wraps his arms around my waist. I can hear Dalton and Ashlynn laughing in the connected living room, it feels weirdly homely as he presses a soft kiss to my jaw as one of his hands rubs small soothing circles against my hip bone.
"James call you?" I asked, I had been the one to hand him his phone, so I had seen the caller ID.
"He asked about you, actually." Logan rests his head on my shoulder once I've finished fixing up my hair and I hum as I lean back into his touch. His arms are firm, and the way his gaze wanders across my face tells me he's thinking as he takes one of my hands. My left ring finger is pecked by his lips before he settles them back at my waist again.
"Me?" I hum, watching the way he nods and still thinks. I assume it's the wording as his hands fiddle with something. I'm too focused on doing my eyeliner to look.
"You didn't answer your phone and he wanted to say he’s got the final draft of your contract ready to be signed.”
I laugh softly, looking at him in the mirror, “Wow, already?”
"Mhm." Logan kisses my cheek once I'm done with my eyeliner and steps aside to just watch me finish up my makeup. Once I've sprayed myself down with setting spray, I go to grab my lipstick and open it, pausing when I notice it's refilled.
Logan wears a triumphant smile.
"You." I poke his chest and giggle, capping the lipstick before turning around to kiss him. He laughs into the kiss, catching himself on the doorway as his hands slide around my lower back. One kiss turns to two, and ever since we'd fallen back in love it'd been impossible to keep off of eachother. Like we were making up for lost time.
A few seconds after a soft groan leaves the back of Logan's throat, followed by my giggle, Dalton shouts,
"I'm walking in, you both better be dressed!"
Logan and I laugh and I part from him, lifting my hands to fix up the bits of his hair that I'd jostled. Dalton smiles as he steps in and looks us over.
"What did you think we were doing?" Logan says to Dalton who shrugs, punching his brothers arm.
"Something not PG." Dalton shrugs and I blush, now taking my turn to whack his chest.
"Not with your immature ass around," I hum, turning back to finish up my make-up while Dalton and Logan talk about getting to our dinner reservation.
It's weird how naturally I slot into this little family, like I've always belonged.
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Canada starts great. Luckily for Logan, and his success in straights, theres quite a few here. Unluckily for me, it means my overtaking this weekend is gonna be shit.
But, I know I'll fight.
I qualify Q3, beating Logan out by less than .5 or even smaller. I can't even really remember as the whole weekends a blur. Ferrari is practically running me ragged, insane amounts of training, simulator work, media... I'm exhausted each night when I fall into Logan's hotel room bed. His arms barely wrapping around me before I'm asleep against his chest.
He promises it's okay, but I feel like shit each morning for not spending time with him. But he just presses a kiss to my jaw and squeezes my hip as I get out of bed way too early to shower.
And after three nights of that, it's time for the race. By Sunday I feel like a husk, trudging myself to the garage with a water bottle full of Red Bull I'd stolen from Max. I go through the motions, take my migraine medication just as a precaution as I feel a headache forming.
And the first half of the race is fine, until I overtake Oscar to fight Carlos for P3. And I manage to get him on the hairpin turn, but something is weird about how easily he lets me by. The back wheel of my car clips something and I start to spin. I right myself, but narrowly dodge Carlos, who whips around me.
It's fine. I'm fine.
Something bumps me again and I check my mirrors, one of the RB cars coming very close to my side. I curse, steering in a bit more and understeering to get out of who I assume is Yuki's way before I'm blocking him from overtaking.
When did he get around Oscar?
"Wing damage, wing damage, I need to box." I curse into my headset, feeling the steering starting to go. It's always my steering first, I expect the rear wing to follow shortly.
I turn in a bit harder now, trying to get to the pit lane. It's becoming harder to steer and I feel panic rising in my stomach but I clamp it down. All I can do in this moment is trust myself, and trust my training.
I don't make it to the pitlane.
We go back through the hairpin and Carlos juts out, making me swerve to dodge. With my shit steering, it sends me into a spin. I shriek, grabbing my harness as the car--and the world around me, shuffles and spins. When the car stills I huff out slow breaths, willing myself to open my eyes.
I'm in the wall.
I can't move.
I force breaths in, force my hands to unstick from my harness. My hands come to the steering wheel and I shake, trying to disconnect it. Everything feels disconnected. I can't hear. The world is blurry. I feel sick. Sicker than sick. I manage to get the steering wheel out, tossing it up to the top of the car.
I realize no ones called for me over the radio, through the incessant ringing in my ears.
I click off the restraints slowly, trying not to jostle my aching ribs, and I get out of my car with shaking arms. And then promptly fall back in.
"Fuck!" I shriek, groaning and arching my back out of pure pain. Two hands come to my shoulders and I lift my head to see Lando. I know he's talking, but my head is swimming too much to focus on his words.
"C'mon, Danny." Lando's voice finally cuts through when he lifts my visor, "C'mon, we're gonna get you out, okay?"
"Your race..!" I gasp and he shakes his head.
"I can always get more points later, but I can't do anything if you're seriously injured and I don't help you now." He says and I nod. His hands grab under my shoulders and he helps hoist me up to sit on the halo. I try to focus, but find myself in a haze.
Somehow, I end up on a stretcher. My helmet is off and I blink slowly as Lando holds my hands.
"Dhanishka." He says softly. When did he take his helmet off?
"Lando." I hum back as the stretcher starts to roll. He follows, his hands tight in mine as he follows inside the ambulance. They've got me covered in blankets, and something clicks.
"Lando. Lando." I start saying, slapping his hands when he's not looking at me. He stops, taking my hands in his, but I just see that he's looking at me so I gasp out, "tell Logan to race. He's gonna wanna not because I got hit, tell him he has to. Tell him I said so."
When Lando nods, coaxing me to lay down again as they strap me in, I feel a bit more at ease... but the world is still soft and fuzzy and I still feel sick.
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Concussed, strained muscles around my ribs, and something fucked up with my shoulder.
I'm out fully for a week, I'll skip Barcelona and be back for Austria.
Lando and Olivia are by my side when I'm told. Olivia taking it upon herself to use my phone to call my parents to let them know what was going on, and when she disappears into the hall, Lando keeps a soothing hand intertwined with mine. It's my first injury, ever. Not just a sore spot that'll go away.
And of course, the hazy symptom I'd been feeling all weekend had to be a major migraine on its way. So I'm grumpy, in serious pain, and quickly losing my stomach in a hospital bathroom while a nurse gently ties my hair back and rubs my shoulders while Lando goes out in the hall to grab Olivia.
I'm so weak I can hardly move, and the nurse is so kind, so gentle. It makes me want to cry as she guides me through the hardest parts of my migraine and gets some painkillers for my IV when it's clear I'm only set to get worse.
It takes off the edge as I'm coaxed to lay down in bed once more, a bucket off to the side if needed.
I learn from the TV playing in the room that Logan went on to place P5 behind Oscar, Carlos, Charles, and Max, in that upwards succession. Which makes me feel better a bit as Lando and Olivia help me get situated. It's only been maybe twenty minutes since the race ended, but I can hear more commotion outside than before.
A nurse calls out my room number and it takes maybe two seconds before Logan comes through the door, still in his racing gear, holding his helmet, panting like he’d ran straight here.
He had, hadn't he?
“Isa.” he sighs and I smile, extending a heavy arm to him. He shuts the door, blocking the hall light and makes his way inside the little makeshift room. He slots perfectly against my side and gently kisses my head, sighing once he’s got me safe in his hands. I wrap my un-IV'd arm around Logan shoulder, kissing what part of his head I can reach without moving. He settles me back against the blankets as Lando gives him his chair, going to get another from the hall.
Olivia sighs softly and moves a bit closer to check my IV, “She’s pretty badly concussed. Strained some muscles around her ribs and her shoulder. She's out for Barcelona, they're gonna try to get her back in for Austria."
"Ah, shit." Logan hums and I lean into his touch so he shifts so one of his hands holds mine, the other running through the wispy bangs by my face that have fallen out of my ponytail.
"Lo..." I murmur softly and he hums, looking down at my small pout. A tiny smile crosses his lips as he leans down to peck mine, then rests his forehead to mine as I whine, "my head hurts."
"I know, baby." He's basically crooning, kissing the tip of my nose and squeezing my hand, "you're gonna be alright."
Olivia gives a tiny sigh, patting Lando's arm and making a vague motion for him to follow her out of the room. They leave me and Logan in silence, the only sound the soft noise of his thumb running along my knuckles, the heart monitors methodical beeps, and the occasional kiss.
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Logan, Lando, and Olivia take me back to Ferrari. The two Norris' waiting outside while I slip in with Logan. I'm only half sneaking him in and out, because if Ferrari even tried to raise hell with me when I was as in pain and as pissed off as I was right now, someone would be getting hit.
I nod to Charles when I enter and he gives me a half nod, trying to conceal the way I sneak Logan in by engrossing the engineer with a few more questions about... my car?
Why mine? Why not his?
I let the question slip from my mind, I figure I can ask him later, and go to my room. Logan helps me collect my stuff, having already brought me a change of clothes to the hospital given to him by Charles. Logan uses my phone to send a text to my manager Lucie to show her the damage to the suit, helmet, and shoes so she can get me set for new ones and then we make sure I have all my belongings and bounce.
I'm halfway through shutting the door when I hear Charles shout, "You did what?!"
"She's an idiot if she hasn't realized by now." I hear a mechanic say and I clamp a hand over Logan's mouth, he's about to complain (which, I'm sneaking him out of my drivers room, he has no right to) when a cruel laugh echoes followed by Charles' shocked gasp.
A short conversation in French, slowly getting louder and louder, is cut off by a loud slap and a scuffle. Eyes widening as I hear the two beginning to shout even louder and I grab Logan by the sleeve and shove him in my drivers room. His big eyes watch me as I pause, one hand on the door before I curse and look back at him with a sort of flame in my eyes.
"Stay!" I hiss, before slamming the door shut and following the hall to the garage. He feet carry me, sliding on the balls of my feet into the room as Charles shoved a mechanic against a wall.
"Charlie!" I shriek despite my head pounding, moving forward, knocking him to the ground with my shoulder. As he fall he pants up at me and I turn to the mechanic, then down to Charles, then step back.
"What the fuck is going on?!"
Charles wipes blood from his own nose and slowly rises to his feet. There's a challenge in his eyes, and a challenge in the mechanics--and I come to realize that Aakash stands off to the side with his fists tight.
"What is this?!" I shout again and look down the hall where Astrid is dragging Logan out of my room and I blink, straightening up. She basically tosses Logan at me, and my arms shoot out to grab him as he sticks to my side.
"Ferrari's been purposefully fucking up your car this entire season! Aakash and his--" Charles starts to say before Aakash moves. It's Logan who manages to intercept, shoving me behind him as he shoves Aakash to the floor. My eyes widen to literal dinner plates, backing up until my back hits something and I look up to see Olivia.
Lando seems to have given up on holding her back as she holds her phone up.
"Charles, talk." She snips and the Monégasques listens, quickly spilling everything from his lips as Logan keeps Aakash and the other mechanic at bay, Astrid glaring daggers.
"Aakash has been having the engineers purposefully loosen the steering and rear wings, causing any and all jostling to randomly disengage them. They have it all written out on Aakash's computers, even if he tries to delete the files Ferrari keeps all changes up to a month." Charles shouts, moving closer to where Olivia keeps a hold on my shoulders. Logan backs off as well when Lando calls him over, but the guys stand in front of me and Olivia, like a wall.
"Astrid's plan was to have Dhaniska continuously wreck out so that there would be positive PR of Logan coming to her aid, but bad PR for Dhanishka because she keeps wrecking." Charles says and I see Olivia's jaw tick, her eyes glancing back to Lando's who's are equally as shifty.
Somethings not right.
Olivia and Lando echo each other as they say, "Who?"
"My manager," Logan peeks over his shoulder, "Astrid Marina."
"Oh you've gotta be--" Lando starts but Olivia's shoving her phone in my hands. And I'm reminded of the time Lando had called her the 'most aggressive Piastri' at a bar during Monaco's weekend as he darts forward but not before Olivia delivers a strong backhand to Astrid.
"You fucking bitch! They're not your little PR playthings!" Olivia screams and Lando grabs her arm, pulling her back as she keeps shouting, "I should've made sure no fucking team ever hired you again but I didn't think anyone was that level of stupid!"
Logan and I share a confused look. How the fuck does Olivia know Astrid and what the hell did Astrid do to her?
“She’s Astrid?!” Charles shouts, “what the fuck?”
“Why do you all know her!” Logan shouts and the room goes quiet. Olivia's mouth gapes, but it's interrupted by a few stewards entering the garage to see what's happening. My headache flares and I grip Logan's arm when everyone starts shouting over each other and he escorts me outside where it's a bit colder and a lot quieter.
"I-I don't understand." I eventually choke out, and Logan wraps me tight in his arms. Soft kisses are pressed to my head as he coaxes me to sit with him on the ground outside Ferrari.
And when a steward approaches us, and he sits with us, I wish I could be surprised by the fact we're being interrogated.
But yet, I'm not surprised.
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f1: FIA Statement on the investigation of @ scuderiaferrari .
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capfalcon · 2 years
you know, i know a part of season 5 of leverage is eliot teaching parker to love and enjoy food, and i think the origin of that makes me so sad but also so in awe of the character development and world building that leverage had. 
in her “home” warehouse thing, parker only basically had boxes of cereal, and it makes sense. she didn’t have a home. she didn’t have parents who made her food. she was a thief. she was on the run, she probably didn’t have tons of money at any given time, and she never had the time or resources to learn to cook. so what’s easy to eat, reliable, and not very expensive? cereal. all you really need is a bowl and maybe some milk, which she could’ve gotten pretty easily. you don’t even really need the milk, if pressed. and it’s sad, it’s heartbreaking really. because at first, it’s introduced as this funny thing she does, hoarding cereal and only eating that, but it makes perfect sense. she didn’t have anyone cooking her meals, she didn’t have anyone keeping her fed. it was on her to find food, to keep herself alive. so she found a food that she could eat, and she stuck with it. 
in the background of jobs sometimes, we see her eating cereal at nate’s place, etc. and i have so many personal thoughts about this, like nate personally making sure that his place is always stocked for her, and the rest of the crew doing the same. but i also think part of it in my head is about them letting her. letting her come into their spaces and having food for her, and letting her have it, so she’s comfortable.
in relation to eliot teaching her about food, it makes perfect sense that she doesn’t really get it. because what do we always talk about? food being love, right? food relating to family? food being a place to gather? parker never had any of that. any of it. she’s never had that relationship with food or people, at least in the past. to her food is the same as sleep, necessary but not really anything to dwell on. 
and i think, that, more than anything else, to me, encapsulates parker. one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the show for me is the one where parker doesn’t want to turn the orphaned kids over to the government because they’ll be hurt, or “turn out like me (her).” parker knows that she isn’t okay. parker knows that she doesn’t fit in. parker knows all of these things, and she understands the gap between her and “normal” people. and i think that gap is so exquisitely captured in her relationship with food, because food is about so much more than itself, but parker never got to experience that. food is love, and parker never got that growing up. so i think it’s really so important that eliot is the one teaching her about food, because he’s one of the first people that’s truly, really loved her.
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xblackreader · 4 months
↳  My List of Attuma of Talokan x Okoye of Wakanda Headcanons
thanks to the attoye discord server :3
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- SFW✨💞
* Attuma is a hopeless romantic. He loves wooing Okoye with words and gifts especially, it shocks everyone at first bc he’s so stoic in public, but then it becomes everyday Attuma.
* Okoye is very protective of Attuma and his reputation. She says it’s because “disrespecting my enemy as weak is calling me weak” but in truth, she just won’t tolerate any disrespect of him. She respects him.
* Their favorite things to do together is cook. Okoye likes the structure and the immediate outcome from hard work of cooking. Attuma likes to eat food.
* Attuma is very clumsy. He has hit his head many times in her home. Vases, glasses, bowls, doors etc have all felt his wrath.
* Okoye has been a bachelorette for many years so when Attuma starts courting her, she genuinely doesn’t know what to do. Like… you got a crush on me?
* Their arguments are not explosive, they’re icy. Silent treatment & cold shoulders… Attuma is usually the first to break. He misses her smile and she misses his touch.
* Okoye’s smile and her laughter is Attuma’s weakness. He melts when she smiles because her joy is bright and warm like the Sun.
* Attuma is surprisingly a huge cuddle bug. You can find him touching Okoye in some way at all times. Whether it’s holding her hand or holding her hostage in his arms.
* Attuma hates when Okoye tries to make him wear surface clothes. He doesn’t want boxers or shirts. He doesn’t even like when she wears any clothes…
* Okoye is a massive Tsundere but also simultaneously very transparent. She thinks she’s hiding her crush well, but everyone knows. She gets so nervous and defensive around him.
* Okoye loves how soft and strong Attuma is… in her head she calls him her ‘teddy bear’.
* Attuma hates planes/helicopters. The thought of him being off the ground makes him extremely uncomfortable. Leave the flying to Ku’kulkan.
* When she’s tipsy or just tired, Okoye likes to bite him. She’ll softly bite his arms, shoulders, cheek, nose, chin, whatever she can reach. He loves it.
* Attuma is very needy for attention. If she’s not paying attention to him, he gets huffy. He pouts. Only when they’re alone though. Never catch him pouting in public.
* Attuma completely understands Kevin Gates. Every word he says Attuma thinks, “Exactly.”
* Okoye gives great massages. She also loves to braid and brush his hair.
* When they send the kids to school Attuma tries to remain calm and collected, but he’s sobbing inside. Those are his babies and now they’re growing…
- NSFW 🔞🖤
* Okoye likes it when Attuma is commanding and takes charge. He very rarely attempts to overpower her as he is already stronger than her so when he does overtake her, it moves her a little bit…
* Sparring is foreplay for them. It gets blood pumping and puthy drippin. Wrestling and hand to hand combat is them flirting.
* They’ve broken many bed frames (Okoye gets so upset everytime but Attuma is proud)
* Attuma hates when Okoye wears panties under dresses. They are hindrances. How you gon wear something easy access and then prohibit his access??
* Attuma gives great massages too, but his hands always turn it into sex. Big hands and combat training means he knows just where to push…
* Okoye discovers she has a size kink with him… he’s so much bigger and stronger than her and it gets her going when he holds her down or exhibits his strength.
* Attuma is very vocal during sex, but not very verbal IYKWIM… he grunts and growls, he doesn’t talk very much during.
* Attuma is a panty thief.
* Okoye knows.
* Okoye paints her toes red usually but she also starts to paint them blue bc that’s when Attuma shows her feet the most attention. (yes, he sucks toes. He’s a freak.)
* Attuma likes to watch Okoye touch on herself; whether he’s watching her shower, put lotion on, or masturbate. He likes to watch her.
* Attuma also loves to put on a show for others. He’s not afraid of making her scream his name, so the neighbors blush and avoid eye contact when they see him. He knows he’s a master in bed, and loves to brag. Combination.
* Okoye likes to dress up to surprise Attuma. Lingerie and role playing, is where she has the most fun.
* Okoye and Attuma are switches, but often battle for dominance. Attuma is larger and stronger so he usually wins, but if he’s in the mood to be dommed; Okoye is on top of it… so to speak.
* Attuma has a massive breeding kink. He likes growling in her ear how he’s going to give her a baby, or fill her up until she’s pregnant. The idea of her carrying his children excites him a lot. Thats why they got so many damn kids.
* Attuma is an ass man. Now don’t get him wrong, he loves that perfect pair on her chest, but her behind is where it’s at. Catch him touching, groping, massaging, slapping or even biting that thang whenever he can.
* When Okoye’s feeling horny, she won’t just approach and proposition Attuma like he does with her. She will pick a fight or just wearing sheer or shorter clothes until he does something about it. If he catches on and doesn’t take the bait to tease her, she will pout and be snippy until he pays attention to her needs.
* Pissed off or Competitive Okoye makes Attuma feral. If she gets that look in her eyes, like “I’m going to end you.” He gets hard as a rock.
Comment below with “SFW” or “NSFW” and your headcanons! ❤️💙
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
You know, I was thinking a bit about the monster trio and how they all respect food a lot. And it got me thinking about their respective reasons to.
Sanji started resoecting it after being stranded and starving for 6 months, he knew how it felt to be hungry and he doesn't want anyone else to feel like this again. You also got the fact that he is a cook so of course he respects food.
Zoro I am not really sure since I don't remember any specific incident in his life, but its probably due to the strict discipline and culture he was raised in. After all he got raised with Wano costums and Wano is inspired by east asia, mainly Japan. And I might get it wrong but there is some kind of occurence where its rude to not finish your food, and its considered preciois.
Luffy has his whole thing that he just loves to eat and its mostly a gag but I dug in more deeply and...
Did Garp use to fucking starve that child?
I mean, its mostly an assumption, but when Luffy first went to Dadan's place to live she only gave him a bowl of rice and a cup of water and told him he had to work for his food. She excpected him to cry but he just went "Ok. Better than my grandad treats me".
Did Garp just fed Luffy if he completed his trainings (that involved him doing near death experience as a <7 years old CHILD) and/or only made him eat what he hunted? Is that what it is? This whole gag, of Luffy being a glutton, cherishing every piece if food he eats DEFEATING THE WORLD'S STRONGEST CREATURE, FOR A BOWL OF RICE comes from the fact that, as a child, food was quite literally just a rewards, and to him food = freedom, and he loves freedom?
Garp, I swear to Nika-
I've always loved the way OP treats food. Not gonna go full analysis on that because I'm pretty sure one already exists, but Oda keeps wanting to put food/eating in a good light. Food means life and happiness and whenever there's an important scene going on, somebody's eating. It's beautiful. It's surprisingly one of the main traits of Luffy's character. I find it beautiful how the manga keeps showing that food brings happiness and fulfillment. That everybody deserves to eat and that it could never be a bad thing.
We know already why Sanji respects food so much so there's no need to explain it. But you know. Starvation? The way his mom kept hyping up his passion for cooking? His whole character revolves around food and how nobody deserves to starve. Eating shouldn't be a privilege but most of the time it is and people should be thankful they're able to enjoy their delicious meals. So he doesn't waste food because he sees it as a life and happiness source that not most people have access to and it shouldn't be wasted.
Zoro's views are really respectful when it comes to everything. Traditions and rules? Zoro respects that. He's the one who knows the most about pirate language and tradition, so of course he's gonna respect Sanji's views on food. But it isn't just because of that because he already respected food way before joining the crew. It comes from his views on life. Food is necessary for people to live and he respects death a lot (ever since what happened to Kuina) and mortality is something real and present to him constantly. He respects food the way he respects death and life and mortality.
And Luffy... I'd say yes, perhaps it does have something to do with how Garp raised him. It makes sense although I've never actually thought about it that way. But it does look like he has always had to fight for food. But he doesn't only see food as something to fight for because Makino also prepared meals for him. I think the whole point about Luffy and food is freedom (I mean, obviously. God of the Sun and Freedom. We know how it goes). Eating is something necessary to live, but Luffy doesn't see it as a threat. It isn't "Eat or Die" for him. For him, he chooses to eat because food is good for his body and it's delicious, and eating out of pleasure and not just hunger is also part of his character. He's a man who's always starving but for more experiences and tastes and freedom, and he takes food without hesitating once because you shouldn't apologize never, ever for eating.
While Sanji sees food as something he can do for others (he's always starving and making food for everybody else because he's selfless like that and the show wants you to see it), Zoro respects food the same way he respects mortality because it's something necessary to live, and Luffy loves food because it's... Because it's just good, you know? Maybe it isn't that deep. Maybe he eats because he wants to and that's okay. He unapologetically eats and he's selfish about it and that's how it should be.
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gowns · 7 months
you know, they tell you all about childhood wonder, but i made spaghetti squash last night, and i told my 6 year old, "look! this looks like an ordinary squash, but look what happens when you cook it! it's going to turn into spaghetti!" and i roasted it and took it out of the oven and showed her, "look! look! check this out! it's like magic! spaghetti!!!!" digging my fork into the squash, the little strings coming out looking so goddamn much like spaghetti, in a way that still amazes me, as an adult, even though i've seen it happen before, it's still incredible to me, holy shit, here's this thing that grows out of the ground and we figured out that if you roast it the insides look identical to this other thing that exists, that is also edible, and they taste pretty good with the same seasonings and sauces.
"look! the squash turned into spaghetti! holy cow!" i even wrapped the strings around my fork, like a spaghetti commercial.
my 6 year old looked at my fork, looked at me, with a world weary glare, then rolled her eyes. "i'm not going to eat that." "ok, ok, you don't have to eat it, but isn't it cool?! how does it do that?!" "whatever." whatever! how can you whatever seeing a spaghetti squash for the first time?!
i tell you, we were sold a bill of goods about childhood wonder. there are so many things that amaze me that don't amaze my kids.
when i think about it, i remember that i was the same way, when i was that age, when i learned to read bigger books; i read a few science books, then i felt like i knew everything, and nothing amazed me anymore, everything that could be imagined had already happened. everything had a rational explanation. christmas lights were just electricity. mickey mouse is just a guy in a costume. vegetables are just vegetables and not that exciting; food doesn't need to be exciting, after all, it just needs to be safe and familiar.
just a few hours after the spaghetti squash, after i had put them to bed -- i heard the gentle click of my kid's bedroom door. her head popped into the bathroom, where i was taking a bath.
"i can't go to sleep, because i'm afraid."
"afraid of what?"
"i was watching a show about rattlesnakes, and a gila monster was about to eat them, and i turned it off, but now i'm still thinking -- what if i was a snake, and a gila monster was about to eat me?"
"...well, you are very lucky, because you are not a snake. and there are no gila monsters here."
"yes, but what if i was a snake? and what if there was a gila monster?"
"but you are a kid, and you are safe in your bedroom."
"but what if i wasn't?"
what i love about kids is that they are full of surprises. you can't predict how they'll react to things. adults follow scripts, but kids write their own. especially in these brief, precious years -- between 4 and 10 -- when they have enough language to communicate and process the world, but they're not following any scripts yet. and they have big emotions because they bristle against all the scripts being presented to them.
so you get all these funny contrasts -- the big christmas decorations are "whatever," but what's really fun is twisting these fuzzy pipe cleaners together. this toy doll is kind of fun, but what's really fun is pouring water in her mouth until she's sopping wet, cracking up because it's like she peed all over herself, then deciding to take a bath at noon. (taking a bath at noon is fun, taking a bath at bathtime is not.) the "make your own cookie" pre-made set is not fun, but mixing a big bowl of flour until everything is covered in white definitely is.
i love them because they're right. because we're both right. because they fill my life with contrasts. the spaghetti squash IS amazing, and it's ALSO pretty boring. coloring on paper IS limited fun, coloring on walls DOES feel liberating. it's true that we are not snakes, but what if we WERE?
we are always showing each other alternative ways of being!
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Sjskwjskwk I had a cute random thought and I would LOOOOVE if you attempted it!! (Pretty please) Jus a cute lil short of reader attempting to make her own food because she feels she’s a bother to Sanji since he’s always making her things. Kind of like wanting to make him something in return but she fails miserable and he catches her in the act?? Idk random ik lmao but it would be darn cute😪😪💙
That’s TEW cute. Okay, enjoy!
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Baking for Sanji (FLUFF)
WC: 900
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: None! Alotta fluff though.
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“So two cups of milk—dammit where is the measuring cup?”
You managed to have the kitchen to yourself now that everybody has gone to bed. Even the cook of the ship considering he was exhausted from not only making meals all day but from having to fight off countless unneeded enemies that approached you all in the sea.
You couldn’t help, but notice how quick and swift Sanji was to save you from many close calls as you were fighting as well and he does it constantly. Sure, you all have grown to respect, know, and even become a family so it’s normal you all have each others back and it’s appreciated without saying, acts of service was everybody’s love language to each other including you, but you also wanted to give him a little something as a thank you. He mentioned he enjoyed a specific pastry once, but he never had the time to make it and you actually knew what he wanted because you’ve had it before in your childhood.
However you wasn’t a very good baker, but you wanted to try it none the less and surprise him that morning. As a thank you.
“Dang it!” You screamed the metal mixing bowl slipping from your clumsy fingers and crashing onto the recently cleaned floors. You mentally slap yourself hoping nobody heard and comes rushing in. It was already a pain to get Luffy out of the kitchen before you started.
The kitchen that was usually filled with delicious aroma that could overflow the ship was now filled with burning crust and sounds of the fire alarm going off. Your Sanji’s apron was covered in chocolate and flour as well as your hair, face and arms, you immediately grabbed a towel to fan out the smoke curses flow out your mouth of how annoyed you were at this whole silly situation and you hope Sanji doesn’t get too mad if he caught you ruining his kitchen.
You felt you organs drop down your stomach, you turned slowly, face hot as can be hoping it wasn’t the cook, but of course it was.
“What—what are doing? Are you okay?”
“I’m so sorry!” You groaned in defeat leaning on the kitchen island, “I am I really wanted to make that chocolate pastry you liked and surprise you, but my dumbass can’t bake for crap so I thought okay maybe if I followed the directions I wouldn’t mess up, but half of your cookbooks are in French and I could only use the pictures, and then I panicked an—“
Sanji Just started laughing, his voice erupted in the room and bouncing off the walls, the look of pure horror and panic was so cute to him. He stared at you the entire time with big round hearts, you were so cute! You had on his apron that he never really cared to use, but it fit you like a glove, it reminded him so much of when he first started cooking. Of course he wasn’t angry, he was flattered.
“Hey! Stop laughing!” You poured out your lip sulking on the messy counter, he wiped his teary eyes and pulled out a cigarette to light before coming next to you and rubbing your back. “I just wanted to surprise you.”
He swore his heart skipped a beat. He would have ate it whether it came out perfect or burnt. The thought of you cooking for him out of the blue made him smile with glee. Sanji turned at the mess you made did happily sighed.
“How about we bake it together, sweetheart?”
You side eye’s him, your cheeks warmed again seeing as he was so close to your side, hand dangerously low on your back tracing shapes on your skin. He grabs the towel and wipes your cheek gently, earning him a small grin from you.
“You’re not mad?”
“Never! I could never be mad at you! It’s the thought that counts, my love! Besides you look so amazing in that apron!”
His heart eyes were all over your body, he truly adorned you and so you both spent the night in the kitchen baking and having some nice quality time together. Sanji usually doesn’t enjoy cooking with others, but you made it fun.
Mostly because all you did was keep him company as you talked and taste tested for him while sitting on the counter.
“And Voilà!” He pulled out the plate to you, they looked and smelled amazing, your eyes drooling over the sweet treats in front of you and there was no mess to clean afterwards.
“Perfect as always, Mr. Prince.”
He blushed, taking a pastry in his hand he held it up to your mouth , “Say ah.”
You do as told and took a bite, he smiled at your happy reaction to the taste, it was heavenly,
“Thank you! Next time I have to bake for you though!”
“No worries, Angel. Its my pleasure to feed you.” Sanji kissed your forehead before giving you another pastry to eat, but this time you pulled him in between your legs and fed him.
“Say ah.”
His face was so cutely pink as you placed it in his mouth to bite into making you giggle, it reminded you of when you were a kidand you expressed that to him before as he was mixing the ingredients which is why he made sure to take his time, because as much as you appreciated Sanji he damn sure appreciated you.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
companions and their comfort foods
Cait; didnt care about food until Sole dragged her out of the Combat Zone. Sturges makes a tarberry cobbler that is to die for. It's lightly crisp, it's sweet, it's juicy; it's incredible. Once they get a reliable source of milk, and then cream, that cobbler is an orgasm in a skillet. It ends up being rather good for her mental health, too, as she starts going berry picking for it and makes friends with the farmers. It's also just a naturally soothing activity. It's hard to think about all your trauma when you're waist-deep in water, plucking berries off a bush.
Curie; Does tea count as food? A delicate Carrot Flower tea keeps her going wherever she is. She takes it with sap or, if lucky enough to forage or buy it, Stingwing honey. The tea itself has a slightly tart finish, almost citrusy. Curie takes it hot or iced, depending on the weather. It was one of the first things she tried after getting her synth body. For a meal, she really enjoys Preston's campfire cooking. Wants to find a working grill for him, Nick, and Danse to bond over. The act of cooking is a time-honored group activity, and goodness knows Preston and Danse neglect their emotional connections.
Danse; The standard Brotherhood rations wouldn't quite apply as 'comfort food', especially not after exile. Danse is utilitarian. he doesn't have a personal relationship with any specific food. But...Nick, despite not being able to drink it himself, makes the best coffee. Even with garbage grounds. A hot, strong cup of coffee in the morning is sometimes the only thing convincing Danse that it's worth waking up. Danse is usually the one cooking; he's gotten good at it over the years. Accidentally betters his relationship with everyone just because he makes decent food. Even Hancock is on his best behavior come breakfast.
Deacon; Cornbread and honey. Cornbread is one of the more common foods, at least in places where they can grind cornmeal. It's messy, it's drier than a desert, and it's pretty bland, but it's just...nice. There was a bar back in University Point that made it, and sitting by the ocean, watching the waves, and munching on some hot, buttery, honeyed cornbread is just such a simple pleasure, how could anyone not savor it? Preston makes the best cornbread now. Has intrusive thoughts of the sexual variety over it. No, Deacon, you don't have to do that to get cornbread. Preston isn't into that anyway, it wouldn't even work. Those pre-war 'films' lied to you, buddy.
Gage; He's a basic bitch. It's steak. Steak and mashed potatoes and a salty gravy. But he's picky. If you want a good steak, you'll want a fresh cut from a Brahmin. But good fucking luck finding Brahman steak. You can't kill the damn things just for the meat, because the milk you get is more valuable. One happy Brahmin can get you a lot of milk, which means a lot of cheese, butter, yogurt. It's a long wait until a cow gets old enough to butcher. Then, the owner might keep the meat to themselves. Gage is a raider, yeah, but he's busy. He can't keep tabs on every cow in the area to see what farm to raid for a fucking steak.
Hancock; Break. Fast. Sand. Wich. Mirelurk egg, grilled cram, cheese, tato...goddamn. God. Damn. One time he put mac and cheese on it instead of Brahmin cheese and it almost turned him religious. Hancock doesn't do sweet breakfast, thinks it's not 'mayoral-y'. He takes his sandwiches to, like, a rooftop, to just eat in silence and savor it. Gets really aggravated if interrupted. Also, guess who makes the best breakfast sandwiches? Danse. Fucking Danse. Life's just not fair, man. Also wants to get the guy a grill; maybe it would, like...help him chill. Give him a different personality.
MacCready; Sugar bombs! Sugar bombs! Sugar bombs! It's basically dog kibble for a twenty-year-old. He'll eat them dry, but he'll pay top cap for some milk. For some concerning reason, despite being 210+ years old, they're never stale. He doesn't care. A bowl of cereal and a comic book, or if Sole lends it, a Pipboy and video game, is an awesome way to start the day. It's a little Saturday ritual he tries to have with Duncan. Afterward, they go dig holes looking for X6's treasure. Gets excited whenever he sees X6 with mud on his boots; knows there's a patch of fresh, disturbed dirt out there somewhere.
Nick; Before, OG Nick loved himself a good lasagna. Currently, Nick gets his fix by helping Preston and Danse cook. Makes coffee the way Danse likes it, with a lot of sugar/honey. The others complain it's too strong and sweet, but the next best thing for Danse's mood would be to sneak chems in it. Obviously, Nick isn't going to do that. And he can't sneak it in Danse's own cup after brewing, because he'll notice, and criticize the waste of resources. A happy Danse is a tolerable Danse. Making Danse happy risks making Danse persnickety because Danse thinks joy and pleasure are selfish. Nick would pull his hair out if he had any.
Preston; Grew up in a Creole family that would sooner nuke the world a second time than give up their family recipes. The current Minutemen make a lot of dishes they've learned from Preston. He's pretty smug about it. His dad's cooking is near and dear to his heart, but his comfort food would be fruit salad. Mutfruit, melon, tarberry, and some canned fruit Sturges nabbed at a store before the raiders cornered them in Concord. It was the first meal he'd had in a while, and it meant they were finally safe. Now it triggers that relief whenever he has it. Makes it when he's anxious. If you notice cans piling up in Preston's trash, please check on him.
Piper; Would have said Takahashi's noodles, but after some time away from them, eating a wider variety of food, she likes them less. They're still good, but they used to be "I am a tired 20 year old who can't cook" good. Now they're just "I remember eating this a lot" good. Her actual comfort food would be s'mores. Piper's mom died when Nat was really little. Afterward, her dad paid for marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers whenever he could, and they'd sit around a campfire and enjoy while her dad told stories. Piper hasn't continued the tradition; it hurts too much, and Nat doesn't remember their parents anyway.
X6-88; didn't understand the concept of comfort food until traveling with these idiots. Still thought himself above it. But then...Piper handed him an innocuous, tiny package. "Gumdrops," she called them. Sour, faintly sweet. Coursers were fed a flavorless nutrient block. She noticed his interest. Snuck him similar things. "If you put this in cola, it explodes!" He tested it. It very much exploded, but the hard candy was still good. Then Deacon got in on the contraband, gave him a box of Dandy-Boy apples. Pre-war snack food was prohibited for its concerning nutritional value. The illegality made it all the more alluring. One thing lead to another, and now X6 has locked safes filled with candy, buried in the woods behind Sanctuary. The local children seek his treasure.
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the-oc-lass · 2 months
Where's Gregor been? I miss Gregor.
Gregor is a fine piece of man and I miss him, so he gets baby time too. Gregor and a Baby is up on Ao3 (yes, I'm going to name them all "[Clone's Name] and a Baby"). It involves some of Gregor's cooking skills, some of the others are also there, and we have lots of fun.
This is a little fun series, so, in case you missed them:
Crosshair and a Baby
Wrecker and a Baby
More to come soon!
By the way, someone please tell me if it's obvious who Ec's dad is, because I got a comment telling me that the tags gave it away and I have, like no idea what they're talking about?
Anyway, in case you don't want to go to Ao3, the full fic is below the cut. Enjoy!
Gregor is the second best cook in their entire base of operations. He’s only second behind pseudo-General Rayona Yothia, and that makes a lot of sense considering that she was raised on actual food and learned to cook much earlier in her life than Gregor. That being said, Gregor is still a pretty damn good cook, and Rayona herself has said as much. The only one who doesn’t seem to agree with the sentiment is one Ec Yothia, who is just beginning his transition from his mom’s milk to solid foods. He’s apparently inherited both of his parents’ particular palates and that makes him very picky. The only thing he seems to like is fruit, specifically moja. The problem is, fruit is a hard thing to come by these days. Gregor will fight tooth and nail to get some fruit for the kid, but there’s only so much he can do. At the moment, he’s got a bowl of mashed tubbers in front of Ec and a spoonful of it in his hand. He holds it toward the baby, cooing at him to try and coax him into trying it. Ec whines and flails his arms around, pulling a face when Gregor holds the tubbers closer. It makes Gregor sigh, and he lowers the spoon back into the bowl. It’s not like the food goes to waste, at least. It’s pretty plain since he made it for Ec, but it’s still light years better than what they ate during the war and on Kamino. Troopers will fight over Ec’s uneaten meals if Gregor lets them. He sighs, looking away from Ec in defeat. Back to the drawing board. Nearby, Rayona and Hunter are both looking over at him and Ec, clearly abandoning whatever conversation they were having before. They glance at each other and Rayona sighs. 
“I’ll be back,” she says. Hunter nods and briefly sets a hand on her shoulder, perhaps to squeeze it, then Gregor watches as Rayona walks over to him. “It was a good try, Gregor. I’ll make sure he’s fed.” Gregor purses his lips and nods, looking back at Ec with a small frown. His spirit is lifted slightly when the General presses a kiss to his temple before picking up her son. She leaves the room to get Ec fed and Gregor sighs and stands up, glancing over at Hunter as he holds up the mashed tubbers. 
After several more failed attempts at finding something Ec likes other than fruit, Gregor is running out of ideas. To his surprise, the solution comes from Wrecker. Gregor has just finished once again trying and failing to get Ec to eat something he made when the larger clone speaks up. 
“Do you remember that paste stuff they used to feed us on Kamino sometimes? It sort of tasted like fruit, I think…I dunno, I just remember Cross and Hunter used to like it. Tasted better than most of the stuff they gave us,” he says. It puzzles Gregor at first. Paste stuff that tastes like fruit? Since Wrecker mentions that Hunter and Crosshair enjoyed…whatever it was, Gregor asks them about it. 
“Jogansauce,” Crosshair drawls. “The Kaminoans would import crates of the stuff because it was cheap.” When Gregor thinks about it, that does sound familiar. 
“I remember that stuff. Tasted better than anything else they gave us on Kamino,” Hunter says, nodding along. He glances back at Gregor. “If you’re looking for something else to try with Ec, that might be a good place to start.” Gregor hums. He could probably make his own jogansauce, but that would probably be more expensive than just feeding Ec the fruit on its own. He nods after a moment. 
“Thanks. I’ll talk to Rex and Rayona,” he says. The two nod and Crosshair mumbles out a “Good luck” as Gregor walks away. 
Rayona hums, a finger curled around her chin. 
“Jogansauce, huh? They used to give that to us as younglings at the temple. Probably pretty cheap,” she says, before glancing at Rex. “Think Riyo could hook us up with some?” Rex sighs. 
“Senator Chuchi is busy, Rayona,” he says. Rayona raises an eyebrow and tilts her head at him. He sighs again, pinching the bridge of his nose. “But I can ask in the next transmission.” Rayona grins, leaning over to plant a kiss on his cheek. 
“Thank you, Rex,” she all but coos. 
Alright. Moment of truth. Thanks to the kindness of Senator Riyo Chuchi, they have some small jars of jogansauce for Ec. Now, Gregor can only pray to whatever higher power there may be (the Force, maybe? That seemed to work for the Jedi) that Ec will actually eat it. The food won’t go to waste if he doesn’t, but he’s hoping it doesn’t come to that. The entire thing has even drawn a small crowd, consisting of Rayona, the Bad Batch, and Rex. Gregor sits before a hungry Ec, a spoonful of jogansauce poised on a small spoon in his hand. He takes a breath, then lifts the spoon toward Ec’s mouth. The child considers it for a moment, then opens his mouth. Gregor holds his breath and slowly feeds the spoonful to Ec. And the child makes a delighted little noise and giggles, slapping his hands against the little table in front of him. 
“Sweet grace of the Force, he likes it,” Rayona says, sounding relieved. Gregor could cry. He may not have made the food, but at least there’s finally something else they can feed Ec. He’s utterly relieved. He scoots a little closer, scooping up another spoonful and offering it to Ec. The baby eagerly devours it, making happy little gurgling noises. Gregor looks over his shoulder at the group. 
“Wrecker, you’re a genius!” he says. Wrecker blinks. 
“I am?” He looks down at Rayona, who nods, and he grins widely and laughs. “Oh yeah, I am! You hear that, Tech?” Wrecker nudges Tech’s arm, jostling the other man slightly. Tech adjusts his goggles, glancing over at Wrecker. 
“Yes, Wrecker, I heard,” he says. Rayona looks toward Gregor and her smile suddenly drops, changing to wide-eyed surprise. 
“Gregor, watch-” She’s barely finished taking a step toward him when he’s hit in the side of the face. He lifts his hand to wipe his cheek, looking back at Ec, who giggles. The child has jogansauce all over his hands and face. And, Gregor realizes, he threw some at Gregor’s face as well. Gregor blinks at the child, who simply laughs at him. Somewhere behind Gregor, someone snorts in an attempt to hide their laugh. Ec swings his hand at Gregor and a little more jogansauce hits him in the face. Rayona carefully creeps into his peripheral vision, her hands hiding her mouth, and he looks up at her. That’s all it takes for her to start giggling. “Oh, stars, I need a holo of this. Tech!” While Rayona continues to giggle, Gregor looks back at Ec. When the child smiles at him, Gregor can’t help but chuckle and smile back. 
“Little rascal,” he says, poking Ec’s cheek. Ec giggles and Gregor hears the sound of a holo being taken, but his attention is purely on the baby. It may have gotten a bit messy, but at least Ec is happy.
P.S. jogansauce is just space applesauce.
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hiken-no-stark · 10 months
I put a spell on you (König x Reader)
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Summary: After a rough day König found himself in the middle of the woods with a bleeding arm and in front of a mysterious woman.
Warnings: Smut (p in v)
A/N: Hi :D Here's part two. I'm really grateful for the likes. I must confess that I would like to being able to write more for this story, but in a couple of days I will start an ultrasound course and I don't know if I would have time to write :( Anyway I hope you all like it and sorry if there are any mistakes. Enjoy!
Part 2/2
He was back where it all started, alone in the cabin with his thoughts. He could feel his emotions running wild, his mind full of questions and anxious thoughts.
"(Y/N)..." He whispered, looking around once more to the cabin. His eyes caught the rabbit sitting on the fire, cooking slowly. It looked delicious, but the sight of it made him feel even more suspicious.
At that moment something had struck in his mind, an idea. He walked towards the rabbit and picked it up. "Should I eat something she prepared?" He said to himself, staring at the rabbit. But he had already eaten two whole bowls of vegetable broth and was still alive. She seems like a sweet and kind woman. If she wanted to hurt him, she would had done it when he was unconscious. Why would she take the time to take care of his wounds and prepare delicious food for him?
"I'm just overthinking things." He said in a low voice, holding the rabbit, it was ready to be eaten. He sat back on the bed and took a look at the rabbit. It smelled delicious and he could feel his hunger growing with every second that passed. "I shouldn't waste this tasty rabbit." He muttered, cutting into the rabbit and taking a bite.
Several minutes later she had returned with the same shy smile on her face. “It looks like you liked the rabbit.” She said looking at the almost empty plate over his legs. He nodded, smiling back at her awkwardly with a mouthful of rabbit meat. His mind was still racing, but her presence had a calming effect on his stress.
"It was delicious." He said, looking down at the plate and trying to hide his embarrassment at being caught eating the rabbit. He also realized something else, maybe eating that rabbit and being fine was the confirmation he needed. (Y/N) couldn't be a witch, she might just be a lonely kind woman living alone in the woods. And he couldn't help but feel bad for doubting her earlier.
“I'm glad you liket it.” She smiles tenderly at him. She was grateful that he have forgotten about the abrupt break of the jar. She knows perfectly that she couldn't be able to hide her secret for so long. She needed to make him leave as fast as she could.  
"This place is a paradise." He suddenly said, looking around the cabin and relaxing. It looked so welcoming, so warm and cozy. The food was delicious, and he was sure that it had actually been the best food he had tasted in his life. "Were you lonely the years you lived here? I mean, before I came." He asked, his voice full of curiosity. But also a bit of guilt at her situation; he felt like he had saved her in a way, from a lonely life in the woods. It was a weird feeling.
“Yep. Just me. And I like it that way.” Her answer make him feel like an idiot. Of course she enjoyed her life as it was. He was just an intruder in her peaceful life. Maybe she was expecting that he leave when his injuries where healed. And if he could be able to stay… Does he will accept a life like this? This was so different at anything he had known.
His thoughts of leaving were immediately shattered by (Y/N)'s response. She seemed so content with her life, almost like she wanted to be there in the cabin all alone. He looked down at his plate, realizing that he had almost emptied it. He thought that he should make some effort to share with his host, it was the least he could do after all she had done for him. "(Y/N), do you mind if I stay a few more days?" He said, staring down at the rabbit, too embarrassed to look at her.
She looked at him and bite her lip doubting. She couldn't be able to hide her secret for so long if he stayed with her. But she couldn't just kick him out. The military had kicked him out and probably he doesn't have somewhere to go. After a couple of seconds she answered. “You can stay. I don't mind having company.”
Her answer was like a ray of sunshine breaking through a gloomy sky. It was impossible that she could understand how much he needed to hear those words. "Thank you (Y/N), you have no idea how much I needed to hear that." He said, looking back at her with a grateful and genuine smile. "And don't worry, I'll try and help you as much as I can with the chores before I have to leave." He added, looking around the cabin and wondering if there was anything that he could do to help her.
She smiles tenderly at his eagerness to be helpful. “Don't worry about that. You need to rest to heal your injuries. So just lay down and rest as much as you need.”
He couldn't believe his ears. (Y/N) was allowing him to rest without doing anything, not even chores at least. He was feeling guilty just thinking about it. She could at least let him help her. "(Y/N), I think the minimum I could do is help you with some of the chores" He said, looking up at her, his voice almost pleading. "I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I just rested on bed while you're doing all the work."
She giggles. “I’m used to do all the work by myself. So don't worry. You need to rest, maybe tomorrow if you feel better you may be able to help me.” She seemed to insist that he had to rest which could only mean one thing: she was hiding something. He refused to accept the excuse that she was 'used' to do all the work. If she was going to allow him to stay in her cabin, he had to help out in some way.
"I feel fine. I just have some pain on my arm but it's nothing that I can't handle." He said, forcing himself to get out of the bed. As expected, the moment he got up his arm started to hurt. "Ow..."
“I told you.” She said walking next to him and force him to lay down again. Her proximity, the soft pressure of her hands over his chest, her eyes… Everything about her make him nervous. “Just rest for today. Don't worry. I'll be outside if you need something.” As much as he wanted to protest again, he knew his attempt would be wasted against her persistence. She looked at him and he was completely mesmerized by her eyes once more. It was impossible to say no to her.
"O-okay, I'll rest then." He said in a weak voice, trying not to look at her directly. "Please, don't be far. I mean, I'm not feeling well to be alone." He added without really thinking.
She chuckled at his words. “A big ex-soldier scared of being alone… That's cute.” She said and leave the cabin.
He didn't dare to tell her what he really thought, and he could only smile at her kind words which only made her more lovely in his eyes. But he couldn't ignore what he was feeling, and it wasn't fear. It was something else, an attraction towards (Y/N). He couldn't explain it to himself, but that feeling of being close to her, under her care, was the best he had felt in a long time. His body was sending him some signals as well, signals he had tried to ignore his whole life but were now becoming impossible to miss.
He look by the window and could see her working on her garden. Everything about her was mesmerizing. It was like he was in a kind of spell. But he didn't complain, not with the beautiful goddes he was enrapted with.
Time seemed to slow down as he looked at her working. Her every movement was beautiful, even the simplest things like picking up a flower in her garden had a grace that made his heart skip a beat. Not only that, but there was also a warmth in (Y/N)'s demeanor, a sweetness that made it impossible for him to resist her. Her presence was calming, making him forget about his past and all the suffering he had endured.
Tiredness take him and he had fallen asleep. When he wake up again, it was dark outside. Over the table was a candle and a cup of tea, but she was out of sign. He sits on the bed and that's when he saw her outside the cabin about to enter the woods. He took a deep breath and stretched, his arm not hurting as much as earlier that day. He decided to get up and see what (Y/N) was doing. His curiosity was getting the best of him. He wanted to know more about her.
Quickly he take his gun and get out of the cabin. He start to walk where she has gotten. It was difficult walk through the forest without seeing a thing. He hope not to lose himself. He was walking cautionesly with his gun raised. But then something caught her attention. Just like the night before a soft light appear. A bonfire.
He felt a hint of panic rush through his body. He had known that something was definitely off about (Y/N), who knew what dangers she could be hiding. He walked towards the bonfire with his gun ready to fire at any moment. "(Y/N), please show yourself. I know you're around here somewhere." He said, not being so sure about his words. He couldn't believe the situation he had gotten himself into, and he really thought about just leaving and forgetting the whole situation.
But his curiosity had won and there was no way back.
Then she appeared from behind a tree… “Why did you follow me?” She asks, not flinching a bit when he points his gun at her. The light from the bonfire barely illuminating them.
She startled him, even if he had been expecting her to appear at some point. Her voice seemed cold and hard, like that of a soldier who had no room for weakness. But she also seemed so confident, almost fearless.
His mouth was dry, so he was having a hard time answering her question. "I- I... you looked suspicious..." He answered almost trembling, trying to look brave in front of her but failing miserably. He had to ask. "What are you hiding?" He asked with little strength in his voice.
A big elite soldier scared of a tiny woman? If she was a real woman at all.
She sighed. “You want to know the truth?”
He nodded at her, trying to calm the nervous feeling in his body. "I need to know, please." He said, his voice sounding desperate. He tried to get a better look at her, but the light of the bonfire was too weak for him to make anything out properly. "Tell me the truth, (Y/N)." He said, his voice almost sounding like a whisper.
“I'm a witch.” She said simply. Like it was the most normal thing in Earth.
"Y-you're a w-witch?!" He said, his eyes widening in disbelief and his voice even more shaking. He couldn't believe his ears, what was he supposed to do? He couldn't shoot her... or could he?
His fear was overwhelming, but also there was something else, something he had never felt before. An attraction towards the witch standing in front of him, the same witch that had healed his wounds and taken care of him. "What... what do you mean?"
She sighed again and then the flames of the bonfire increased surprisingly. He take a few steps back in shock and fall to the ground. “Is that enough prove for you?” She asked and then the flames returned at his calm state.
He felt like the world had turned upside down. His shock was so overwhelming that he found himself on the floor, his heart racing in his chest. He was trying to find words, but his mind felt empty and overwhelmed simultaneously. "W-what kind o-of magic do you have?" He asked, his voice sounding faint. It was the only question that he could think of at that moment.
“There is no such thing as good or bad magic.It's just magic. It's up to the witch to decide how to use it.” She explain looking at him laying in the ground, dying from nervousness. “Please, don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you.”
He didn't know what he was more, scared or amazed at the sight in front of him. His body was trembling, he felt like his whole perception of reality had been turned upside down. "But... I thought... witches could only be evil." He said, his voice still sounding faint. Then it hit him. He was looking at a witch, a beautiful woman witch, and he didn't feel afraid of her. In fact, he felt... attracted to her. He could barely believe it.
She chuckled. “That's just a tale every mom says so their kids would behave.” She kneel next to him on the ground. “Aren't you afraid, right? I promise I'm not going to hurt you.”
His mind was a mess. He had been told his whole life that witches were evil and a threat to society, the kind of people that shouldn't be trusted under any circumstances. But here he was next to a beautiful, kind witch. He knew his fear was still there, but he didn't feel any of it at the moment. "What about the tales of witches eating people? Or transforming people into frogs?" He asked, his voice still sounding weak. "Or what about love spells? Have you used them on me?" He added, his face becoming red, embarrassed by his own question.
She couldn't help but laugh at his questions. “Well actually… Do you remember the vegetable broth I made for you? The one you ate two bowls? Well... You will turn into a worm in five minutes.” She said playfuly and laugh again. “I'm kidding. That happen just in child tales.” She shake her head still smiling. “And don't worry, I didn't put a love spell on you.”
He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when she told him it was just a joke. A sigh that quickly turned into laughter as he realized that his fear had been overcome by him being completely attracted to (Y/N). Her presence was so calming and relaxing, it was impossible for him to feel anything other than attraction and desire. "W-what if I want you to put a love spell on me?" He asked, his smile almost becoming a smirk as he looked directly at her.
She stops laughing and looks up at him with a tender smile. He could swear there was a hint of blush on her cheeks. “I don't think that's necessary.”
His heart almost skipped a beat, this time for a good reason. Her tender smile made him feel as if all the air had suddenly been taken away from him. "No love spells then?" He asked, unable to hide his disappointment. He just had to take the risk of making a move on her, he had to know if she was feeling the same way about him.
She shake her head. “No love spells. That's not my style.” Then she sits in the grass next to the bonfire. “You should come back to the cabin. I wil stay here for a moment. It's new moon.”
It felt like a small heartbreak for him, but he was too happy being next to the beautiful witch. And he felt something else... the connection was strong, deeper than what he had imagined. "Sure, I'll go back to the cabin." He said, getting up slowly, still a bit weak. "Just be careful out here. It's not safe." He said, trying to hide his concern under that tone of worry.
“Don't worry. I'll be safe. I can take care of myself.” She smiled at him. But he couldn't forget the question he wanted to ask her. "(Y/N), how do you feel about me?" He asked nervously, his voice sounding small and meek.
She blush at his question. “Well… You seems like a really nice man and I don't know how to explain it but I feel a weird connection with you. Witch things.” She point to her left. “That way is the cabin. And don't worry you wouldn't lose yourself. The forest will take care of you and lead you safe to the cabin.”
He couldn't help but smile at her answer, especially when she brought up the connection he could also feel. It was nice to know that it wasn't only on his end but hers as well. "Witch things." It sounded romantic, like something out of a fairy tale. He started to walk back towards the cabin. Every step he took he could feel the connection getting stronger. "So this is how love feels like huh?" He said to no one in particular, his voice sounding dreamy.
Maybe she had put a love spell on him after all.
He continue walking until he saw the cabin. She was right, he had arrived without trouble. It was still a bit early in the night for him to go to sleep. But he was also dying to see (Y/N) again. He decided to wait sitting on the couch and looking out the window. He was hoping to catch her arrival, but he might have waited for too long and maybe fell asleep and dreamed about her. It was only when he woke up at the middle of the night that he realized that (Y/N) was still not back with him. He stand up from the couch and walk to the door. Maybe something had happened to her. He take a few steps and stops right in front of the woods. ‘The forest will take care fo you.’ He remembered her word before entering the woods.
It was dark, really dark, but it was as if he was being led into the forest. It was like the darkness itself was moving him forward, trying to guide him towards the place he needed to be at. He felt an eerie sense of peace all around him, almost as if he was not alone. The sense of connectedness he had felt the whole night was now stronger than ever.
Finally he could see the soft light of her bonfire at the distance. He approach slowly and cautiously to not scare her. She was standing in front of the bonfire, her white dress was laying in the grass. And she was dancing slowly, moving her hips sensually. The sight of her naked form make him nervous again, but not like the first time he had caught her. This time he feel enraptured by her moves.
His breath was taken away. The sight of her dancing naked with the firelight over her body. She was more beautiful than ever. He couldn't look away, and he didn't want to. He was completely bewitched by her, like he was being dragged towards her by an invisible force. He felt his heart race and his blood boil, almost getting out of control by the sight of her. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and he was feeling a desire he had never felt before.
The dim light, the atmosphere of the place, everything seems to make her dance more spectacular.
He couldn't believe his eyes, the scene was almost magical itself. He felt completely mesmerized by her. His mind was getting cloudy, the desire consuming everything else. He wanted to have her in all the possible ways. He imagined himself running towards her and just kissing her until they couldn't breathe anymore. But he felt he needed to stop himself, (Y/N) was way out of his league. And he just couldn't handle the rejection right now. He was like a teenager in love getting the first time, a feeling that he had never experienced before.
Then her feet leave the ground as she started to float. This time he wasn't scared, he was just amazed at the ethereal, magical and beautiful woman in front of him.
He could only watch in awe, his breathing getting even faster. He wasn't sure what else to do as (Y/N) kept floating higher and higher in the air, moving slowly as if she was dancing in the sky. In that moment, she was the most beautiful and magical thing he had ever seen. So he could only look, and keep looking, his eyes glued on (Y/N) and her dance in the air.
A couple of minutes later where she was moving slowly in the air, she starts to come down to the ground again. Her eyes were closed and she have a cute smile on her face.
He approached her slowly as she started to come down towards the ground. He wondered if he should say something, but he was too mesmerized by her dance in the air to think of anything. Still he felt the need to tell her how beautiful she looked. He tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out of his mouth, almost as if he had lost the ability to speak. But then he found the courage, if he could call it that. "You're incredibly beautiful." He said and the words immediately sounded inadequate.
She jump scared and turn around, kneeling quickly to grab her dress an cover her naked body. The bonfire went out instantly. “You scared me. What are you doing here?” She said and raise her hand, then the bonfire turn on again, but this time it was a soft flame.
He looked away the moment he saw that her body was now being covered by her dress. It felt as if he had broken the magic and charm of the moment. But still, her dance in the air was something he would never forget. "I- I was looking for you, I thought something had happened to you." He said, trying to act tough but his words just sounded like that of a scared boy. "And you're the most beautiful thing I have ever seen." He added, his words getting even more soft the moment he said them.
She couldn’t help but blush at his words. She turn around and quickly put her dress on, giving him a quick peek of her ass. He started to blush as he got a peek of her ass, it had lasted barely a second, but it felt like a lifetime to him. Then she turn around full dressed, but the thin fabric wasn't enough to erase the image of her naked body off his mind. “T-Thank you. We should came back to the cabin, it's late.”
"Sure, let's head back." He said with a bit more confidence now, but his face was still red. "Before we go, I just wanted to ask you something." He said, trying to regain the courage he had before.
She take a few steps and stops, turning around at him. “What is it?”
He felt like he was about to burst into flames, but he gathered all of his courage, and then spoke. "Do you think we could... kiss?" The words were spoken in a soft, quiet and almost begging tone. But at that moment, he wanted nothing else in the world but to kiss her. He couldn't stop thinking about her eyes and lips, they drove him crazy. But she was way out of his league... or was she? He just couldn't know, so the only thing left to do was ask.
She opened her eyes in surprise. The bonfire went out again, letting them in the dark. He take a few steps closer to her and she didn't move. Her heart was beating faster than ever before. Her mother had told her that when she will find her soulmate she will feel a strong conection between them. And that was exactly what she was feeling right now.
He could almost hear his heart beat. His breathing was getting heavier and heavier as he got closer to the beautiful witch in front of him. He was close enough to touch her, he could even feel her body heat. There was nothing else in the world, just her....
His lips were almost touching hers, and all he could think about was what would happen if his mind was mistaken and he had the wrong idea about everything that was happening. "(Y/N), can I..." He said in a soft almost shy tone, still being unable to finish his words.
She didn't answer, at least not with words. She move her head closing the distance between them and their lips finally touch in a soft gente kiss. She could feel her insides exploding.
All the anxiety, fear and insecurity that he had felt before left his body in one single kiss. He closed his eyes and let himself fall deeper into the kiss. He needed more, he wanted her. And he would do anything to get her. He pushed the beautiful witch against a tree and passionately kissed her again, his hands roaming her body searching for what they wanted. But he had to control himself... he could not go too far. But at this moment, he wanted nothing else but to lose himself in her kiss.
She couldn't help but let out a soft moan as he push her against the tree. Her arms wrapping around his neck as the kiss deepens. He enjoyed the soft noise that left her beautiful lips, it drove him crazy. It made him want her even more, to have her in every possible way. He lowered her onto the grass, his hands running through her soft hair. With one of them he gently caressed her cheek. He wanted this moment to go slower, but it was almost impossible to not go faster. She was too hot, too beautiful, too perfect.
The moon light barely let her see his features, the intensity of his gaze. She could see lust, desire… Love. He wanted her and she wanted him as well. This is the conection her mother had talked about. The conection you only can be able to feel with your soulmate. And it was more intense than she expected. She could feel every part of her body begging for him. Her heart was beating so fast against her chest.
He was so caught up in the moment he felt as if he was losing control of his thoughts, all he was seeing was (Y/N). He got close to her lips. Her eyes, her beautiful eyes. She looked nervous, and that excited him. He wanted her to feel the same way he felt. All he wanted at the moment was to touch her, feel her, kiss her. He wanted (Y/N) and he was getting her, it was finally happening. He didn't care about anything he just wanted her.
She could feel his hands running up her legs taking the fabric of her dress and lifting it up. “W-Wait.” She whispered, she was nervous about it. She knows full well that this is the way to finally seal their connection. She wasn't even looking for a man right now. His arrival had been a coincidence… Or maybe destiny. Maybe they have found eachother at the right time.
His heart shattered into a million pieces as he paused his actions. They had found eachother, and it felt like they had already known eachother longer than tonight. But he shouldn't force his feelings on her, that was what he thought. His eyes were still looking at hers, trying to understand what was going on. His hands slowly letting go of her dress. He looked away, unable to look at her, he had never felt so weak and vulnerable before.
“I'm sorry… I-I'm just… Nervous.” Despite the dark of the night he could see the blush in her cheeks. “It's the first time I'm doing this.” She confess biting her lip. Her mother had always told her to find a man she could trust, someone loyal. Just like her father. And she knows that he was that man, her intuition say it over and over again since the first time he looked at her and didn't run away.
He wasn't sure what to say or how to respond. He felt nervous too, his body was shaking a bit and his heart was racing at a speed it had never gone before. Still he wanted to be with her, he still wanted to kiss and caress her. He could only look at her, not sure what to do next. "I still want you." He said, looking into her eyes. "But if you don't feel like it... I understand." He said quietly, he was too deep in everything that was happening to think clearly.
She hold his shoulders firmly. “N-No. I want to. Just be gente.” She said in a soft voice, almost a whisper but he could heard it perfectly. He felt a smile appear on his face despite the night darkness.
"Of course." He said in a whisper, this moment was all he ever wanted it. "Kiss me." He whispered, unable to contain his desire anymore. He wanted her, this moment was perfect and he had to take advantage of it. He wanted her, he wanted to kiss her, he wanted to be with her. No moment was too perfect but the one he was living right now. She take his cheeks and pull him down, kissing him slowly. The soft grass under her tickling her body and the soft caressed of him make her shiver. She had never felt something like this in her life. He let (Y/N) take control of the situation. He enjoyed her kiss, tasting her lips, feeling her soft tongue exploring his body. His feelings for (Y/N) were too intense to even notice anything else.
(Y/N)'s warm touch drove all the fear out of his body and his heart beat to the rhythm of her soft kisses.  All he wanted was to embrace her once more, his body was begging him for more. His hands move again up her legs lifting the fabric of her dress just above her thighs and slowly one of his hand make its way between her legs, touching her gently. She whimpered breaking the kiss and close her eyes.
He moaned slightly at the touch, she was so soft and was starting to get wet. His fingers moved carefully all over her pussy. He was enjoying too much this moment, he wasn't able to control himself any longer. He took his hand away from between her legs and gently kissed her lips once more. His hands then started to move to her breasts, touching her above the fabric of her dress, he could feel her heart beating. Slowly he pull down the suspenders of her dress, while kissing her neck and shoulders. His lips following the way of her dress down her chest, revealing her breasts. He was lost in her beauty and move his lips to take one of her nipples sucking it gently, making her moan and squirm under him.
He wanted to take her right there, with the moon above and the night sky. There was no other place he wanted to be than with (Y/N).
Then she heard the sound of his belt, she tenses for a moment and hold his shoulders. He releases his grip on her sensible nipple and kiss her lips again, easing her nerves. His hands lifting the fabric of her dress abover her waist and he positioned himself between her legs. He looked at her eyes and smiled again, this time without any shyness. He felt a confidence that was not present before and he knew at that moment that this was the right thing to do. His breath got heavier and he placed both of his hands on her hips, still smiling.
She bite her lip and nodded, an almost imperceptible movement of her head, but was enough for him. He move down his hand and take his dick… Slowly he push inside her, trying to control his impulses. She moan and arch her back, holding firmly his back.
His heart started to beat even faster than before when he felt himself connecting with (Y/N). His eyes widened a bit, but soon he looked confident again. This was what he wanted, this was right. He had never felt so much desire in his life, never in his mind could he imagine he could want someone so much. He felt (Y/N) as an extension not only of his body but also of his mind and heart.
He start to move slowly but with every thrust and moan of her his control start to dissapear. He hold firmly the grass under them and increases his pace. He went harder now, not being so delicate with his movements. He didn't care about control at the moment. The first hard thrust make her almost cried out. She continue holding thightly his back as he keep moving faster inside her. The confidence he was showing make her body shiver under him. She can't hold on the sinful sounds that were getting out of her mouth.
His eyes got wider and wider, he had never thought it could feel like this. His body was taking a life of its own, just wanting more and more. He could feel (Y/N)'s body, he was so close to her that he could feel every movement she made, he knew what she felt and wanted to do to her all day and night. His mind was only thinking about her, his lips wanted to kiss, his body wanted her and his mind couldn't stop thinking of her. He was losing control of everything else.
This was better than any love spell she had put on him. He was making her his like a mad man. She was like a drug he was addicted to, something he needed to live, like the air on his lungs. An she… She can't explain what she was feeling. Her mind was fogged. She was focussed in the hard thrusts, the intensity of his gaze, his grunts and groans. Everything about him was perfect for her.
He was completely lost in the moment, it felt as if there were only two bodies and two souls in that instant. It was as if he was living in a dream filled with sin and pleasure. He wanted to kiss her lips again, to taste her and hear the sounds she let out when they kissed. He didn't hold anything back, he moved even faster, his body urging for more and more. He felt as if he could die in that instant but it wouldn't be bad, it would be perfect.
She wrap her legs around his waist as he continue his fast movements. She start to feel a pressure in her lower abdomen. “König…” She moaned, hiding her face in his neck. He knew what was coming, and he was ready for it. He wanted to make her night perfect, all of her body belonged to him right now and he could not be more sure of his words.
He started the movements that would bring (Y/N) to her climax, wanting her to feel as good as she made him feel. He was breathing heavy now and a drop of sweat fell from his forehead. He knew she would be his for the rest of his life. Her legs tensed as she reach her climax. A high pitched moan left her lips and she hold him even tighter as he let herself go. Wave after wave of pleasure taking her body.
He felt her legs tense around him and her voice as she reached her climax. He felt all the pressure of holding back gone and his body surrendered. His grunts and moans filled their surroundings as he released all the pressure he had built up inside him. He was feeling better than any high, better than any feeling he could've experienced. But he wanted to keep on feeling it, there was no time to waste.
He kissed (Y/N) with all the passion he had collected, letting himself go as well.
She kissed him back as best as she could. Her body was tired, she feel like she could pass out at any moment. The intensity of their passionate encounter have make her saw starts. It have been more intense than any of her ritual where she feel one with nature. This time she had been one with him. Her soulmate.
When all of it was over, and their lips parted one more time. He could only caress her beautiful body, his hand gently touching her hips and legs. He looked at (Y/N)'s eyes, and her beautiful face. She was perfect, he couldn't believe that she was his.
His body was exhausted, he could barely move, but he knew he didn't want to move. "(Y/N)..." He whispered as soon as he was able to articulate words again. She was still in a state of bliss and pleasure and couldn't say anything, just a small smile appear on her face before she finally close her eyes. The smile was more than enough for him, he knew at that moment that he couldn't have asked for more. He felt peace in his heart and his whole body relaxed. He could see the moonlight hitting (Y/N)'s beautiful face and he felt as if he was living in a dream. His head had to be playing tricks on him, this was too perfect. He wanted to be in this moment forever.
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bangtaninborderland · 2 months
Risk It All (28) - loneliness can’t be fixed.
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Genre: Chishiya x f!reader. | eventual smut | angst.
Warning: typical themes for Alice in borderlands.
A/N: one more update and then everything is up to date and I can keep posting new chapters!
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"I got you some water." An smiles sadly as she places the glass on the dresser at the end of the bed, the sun just high enough to cast a dull light in the room. "You should eat."
You shook your head from where it was buried underneath Chishiyas's pillow. "No."
"Come on." She taps her foot against the floor, the old floorboards creaking underneath hers "Wallowing here won't change anything. Chishiya is slimy, he will walk out of that game, no matter what it is, without a scratch."
"Maybe not but it makes me feel better about it." You groan.
"Up. Now." This time it's Kuina who tries but unlike An her approach isn't as soft. "When he comes back you want to look put together, not be sitting in your sweaty sheets so up, now, shower, eat, read a book, cry. I don't care but get up." She throws the blanket off despite your grip, it hits the wall and drops onto the floor, her now empty hands find yours without an issue, pulling you up with a grunt.
"You're mean."
She smiles, her nose scrunching. "You're moping. Up."
"You're like a mother." You huff. "Determined."
"Well, that's the best way to be." She defends unbothered. "You're going to get up, help me make breakfast, eat, shower and then we are going to brainstorm a little as I found a few maps and thought we could figure out how the city has been divided for the next games so when Chishiya does, and he will return we have something worked out."
"Are you sure you don't want to go back to the camper you were at?" You ask, one eye open.
"Nope, you've spoiled me with a life of luxury here, up." She finally drags you up and for the first time, you let her.
Withering away in bed was definitely a depressing act that Chishiya would be disgustingly against but then again he wasn't here.
"No thinking." She chastises. "Let's be positive."
You're grateful for her, you truly are. "Okay."
"Great." She snaps her fingers, and points at An. "You shower first, we will make breakfast."
An agreed without argument, seemingly happy to be relieved from cooking duty. "So what do you want to make?"
"I don't know." She hums as she dances around the kitchen, pulling out random things from the cupboard. "What about oats and fruit?"
"When, if, we go back to the real world I am never so much as looking at fruit again." You groan, moving to help her boil the water needed for the meal. "I miss real food."
"Me too." She laughs, cutting up canned fruits - a staple in your miserable diet.
You liked Kuina so much because she knew when you needed a moment to yourself, she knew when to impose and when to let you find peace in the thoughts that have your mind whirring continuously but she also knew when to pull you out of your own head.
"Make sure you don't let it go lumpy!" She chides, stirring the pot for you when you zone out. "God, can you imagine Chishiya coming back to a burnt-down house because someone couldn't focus?"
"If he comes back." You supply.
She turned the heat down, the food was practically ready to be out until serving bowls. "He will."
"I'm sorry I'm being so dramatic about this." You apologise helplessly. "I'm just worrying."
"It's okay to worry but this isn't the kind of world where you can get lost in thought. Yes, this house is nice but it isn't impenetrable, you have to be aware." She says the words softly but you know her well enough to know how serious she is.
And she was right.
"I'll do better." You promise. "I won't be the reason we all die."
"Now who said anything about dying?" An smiles as she towels at her hair. "Let me plate this up, you two go and set out the maps."
Kuina takes your hand and leads you to the table. "So we found these earlier, we know that the border was visible from the beach so we can start there and work our way around."
"Wait." An carries in two bowls, placing them in front of Kuina and yourself before returning to collect hers along with the necessary cutlery. "Okay keep going."
Kuina smiles at her fondly as she pops a piece of fruit in her mouth and pics up a pen. "So if we start here we can figure out where the games so far have been and try and find a pattern.
"I had mine here." You pick up a pen circling the familiar locations, thankfully street signs still exist in this world. "Chishiya mentioned that the further out it got the more it looked as though the forest was consuming the city."
"Okay so." An picks up a pencil near her. "The caravan we were at was around here, the border was really close to us."
Kuina and An both mark places they remember playing games. "It's as though it's a big circle."
"So is this some kind of dome?" You ask. "What happens if you step outside of it?"
"Remember the room at the train station?" An points to the building on the map. "When we went it had been cleared out but that doesn’t change the fact that they had to have people controlling the game and I think they still do but the forest is there to stop us accessing them. Having them directly in the borderlands is too risky.”
It was a plausible theory. "Or they needed to make the arena smaller because there's no rules and no one to manage the game."
Kuina sits quietly to the side whilst you and An riff off one another until she jumps up as though being struck by some genius idea. "Wait, Mira was at the beach so we can presume she had easy access in and out of the arena - if we are calling it that - but where did she go when we all left the beach? Did either of you see her?"
You'd been so caught up in the situation with Chishiya you hadn't given it much thought. "No, An?"
"No. After Kuina and I got separated I headed outside as fast as possible. Why?"
Kuina slumped back down. "I didn't see her after that, no one had because I remember someone making a comment about it when we made the fire the same night. I thought she had died in the building but she didn't, she must have had an exit relatively close to be able to slip away unseen."
"You think the exit is  near the beach?" You ask. "Wouldn't someone have found it already?"
She shook her head. "Not necessarily, we believed the only way out was through the train station so we focused our attempts there but I think there's a reason the border was so close to the beach and one of the people running this shit show happened to be there."
"It's not a bad thought but does it even matter where the exit is? I doubt they will let us walk out of here that easily. Clearly, they aren't above murder." You point out.
"No, but if we could get people together we may be able to force our way out." You all know it's unlikely but it's a hope you feel she needs so you don't argue over it.
An finishes her food, placing her spoon in her now empty bowl. "I think the only way we are getting out is by completing the cards but I do think they have another entrance and exit. They clearly don't reside in this part of the borderlands."
"So what exactly do you think the borderlands are?" You put your bowl aside, the small appetite you had already been fulfilled.
Kuina sighs dejectedly. "I have no idea but I think that our death here is very much permanent."
"Do you think we die in the real world when we die here?"
"I'm sure it's something people have considered and tried but there's no real way for us to know if that's true or not and I don't think it's worth risking it." An is realistic in a way you can't help but appreciate it.
"This is pointless, we need to go out and actually explore but we can't because there's a freaking gun-wielding maniac with a specific goal to kill everyone in sight." Kuina spits.
Brainstorming was a good way to pass the time but it led to nothing and left you feeling more annoyed and clueless than you had been an hour earlier. "How long do you two have on your visas?"
"A few days." Kuina eyes An. "Both of us only have a few days."
"You'll have to play again." The oats feel too heavy for your stomach.
An confirms it. "We will."
"Whenever the next blimp comes, we were going to go with Chishiya but I didn't want to leave you alone."
You grabbed a pillow hitting her with it. "You could die because your visa runs out and you chose to babysit me over joining a game?!"
She bats you away. "If Chishiya dies, he won't but if he does, you'll be distraught and I couldn't put you through that."
Your heart softens at her thoughtfulness. Even in a world like this people like Kuina existed making an unbearable life a little easier. You take her hand in yours.  "You're important to me too, both of you and I don't want any of you to come to harm. The thought of losing you to a game it's unfathomable. I need you both, you and Chishiya but I don't want you risking your safety for me."
"We want you to be okay." An holds out her hand and you happily accept that too. "Thank you for caring about us and giving us a place to find some semblance of peace and comfort."
"You'll always be welcome here." You hated how it seemed like a goodbye but you didn't want them to leave in a hurry and the three of you had no time to talk. "We need to do something fun, I found something I think you will enjoy."
You ignore their questions as you skip to the bedroom, pulling out the box of makeup you had come across when you tried to find some suitable clothes.
"Oh, my makeup." Kuina hopped up, taking the box from your hands to empty the contents across the forgotten maps. "Makeovers, now."
"I'll get some snacks." An taps your leg, taking the bowls into the kitchen.
"She takes care of you." You observed
Kuina looks towards the door An had gone through. "She does."
"You deserve it." You wink at her, pulling out a tube of mascara. "Do you think I'll get an infection from using someone else's makeup?"
"Can't be worse than getting an infection from the deadly games we play." She shrugs.
You can't help but laugh, it wasn't a funny situation but the reality that had become your new normal was unbelievable. "Tasteful."
"Why thank you, come here let me see if this is your shade."
"And if it isn't?" You look between the foundation and her face.
She shrugs, grabbing a sponge. "Then you'll be orange."
An laughs, carefully dropping a few packets of crackers and cookies on the table. "All you need in a world of death is to look exactly like an Oompa Loompa."
"Accurate." Kuina agrees.
You aren't sure exactly when you stop overthinking but as the hours pass the worries that had kept you chained to your bed pass, replaced by awful jokes that would definitely have all three of you swiftly removed from a comedy club, makeup that looked much better than you'd thought and snacks that were stale but still good enough to enjoy.
You hoped in your heart you'd get to have this with them even outside of this world.
Now you'd found your people you weren't sure you'd ever be ready to let them go, you couldn't say what you'd do if it came to be that you'd lose them all by returning to the 'normal world'.
"Stay still." Kuina taps Ans leg. "I don't want to stab you in the eye with this wand."
"It's not my fault you're making me laugh."
Kuina playfully rolls her eyes. "Well, I'll shut up then."
You're content watching them in their little bubble until the house starts shaking, a noise loud enough to have you all dropping down for cover.
The sound moves. "It's moving over us!"
"Outside quickly!" Kuina shouts.
All three of you scramble outside, still wary of danger. "What is it?"
"It's loud." An shouts, the mechanical whirring making it hard to hear her even as she stood behind you. "Oh my god."
A blimp passes overhead, and the Queen of Clubs card is visible from where you all stand.
"Well, that was fast." You mutter dryly.
There was a joke to be made about the situation, the three of you in full glam makeup watching a blimp pass over your makeshift house, a blimp that carried a card indicating a game where people were bound to die, but you just couldn't find it in you to make one.
Neither could Kuina or An, it made sense, they would be joining that exact game.
And you'd be all alone.
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brienneoftarth1989 · 1 year
Game Night
Miranda Hilmarson x fem reader
Summary: - You, Miranda, Robin and a few others from work all in one place with food, drinks, cigarettes and Cards Against Humanity.
Warnings: playing Card Against Humanity (if you haven’t heard of the game check it out before you read it as it does contain stuff that some people may find offensive), drinking
Requests open
After a long week at work a night in with your work friends and girlfriend was definitely needed. It was a monthly tradition where you and your friends would meet at one of your houses and play a board game with food and drinks. It was a cheap and fun way to spend time with your mates and it was a great downtime activity where you didn’t have to think about work.
This month you and Miranda were hosting game night. It was great as things were a lot quicker to set up due to you living together and being in a relationship. Miranda was currently cleaning up the apartment while you were cooking some party food that you could just throw on the table and people could help themselves too. It was much easier this way as they could still play the game and eat.
The food you would have on offer tonight were cheese and bacon potato skins, chicken drumsticks glazed with BBQ sauce, mini pizzas and mini sausage rolls. You were also going to put out a couple bowls of crisps with some dips. That was definitely going to be enough food to feed you all. While the food was cooking you grabbed a cool box and started to fill it up with water and ice.
“Hey babe, I’ve finished cleaning the house up. Do you know where Cards Against Humanity is? I’m going to set it up now so we don’t have to worry about faffing with that when everyone arrives.” Miranda said to you as she wrapped her hands around your waist just wanting to feel your body against hers. “It should be in the games cupboard”.
You and Miranda loved playing Cards Against Humanity and you knew that once everyone had a bit too much to drink then it would become a lot more interesting. It was a very dark humoured game and so therefore you knew that your colleagues would also enjoy it. “Found it!” you heard Miranda shout from the other room. You smiled to yourself. You loved how Miranda acted when she got excited over the smallest little things.
You watched as Miranda placed the black cards in the middle of the table and made six piles of the white cards that each had seven cards in it. She then placed those cards around the edge of the table so people had their cards ready for when the game starts. When Miranda had finished sorting that out you finally got back to what you were doing. You turned the water off and started adding a selection of drinks. You added a few bottles of San Miguel, a few cans of strongbow, as well as some VK drinks and some soft drinks for those that didn’t drink or were driving.
With that sorted you picked it up from out of the sink and placed it in the corner of the room where you knew that people could get to it. You then placed the bottle opener next to the cool box for the people who had bottles. With the drinks sorted all you had to do now was keep an eye on the food and prevent it from burning. Easier said than done with Miranda being a constant distraction.
As the food finished cooking, you plated it up into little bowls making sure there was a nice even spread of food. With all the food ready you placed it on another little table near where you would be playing the game. You then grabbed some paper plates and napkins and placed them nearby. At least that way it saved on washing up and you could just throw the plates away at the end of the night.
You then went to go find a couple of ashtrays as you knew a few of your colleagues smoked so you wanted them to feel like they could if they wanted to. You didn’t care though as both you and Miranda smoked as well. Being in the police department definitely had its stressful moments and smoking definitely relieved that stress for you. With everything set up all you had to do now was wait for your friends to arrive.
As you walked into the living room Miranda was coming out of your shared bedroom wearing the cutest outfit. A pair of black jeans and a top that hugged her curves perfectly. You couldn’t help but stare at your beautiful girlfriend. “You alright there babe?” she asked you as she stepped closer to you. You leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the lips. “Yep, just admiring your beauty” you smiled at her.
“Aww babe, says you” she said as she pulled you close to her body kissing you once again. “Anyway you need to go and get ready. It won’t be long until our guests arrive” she says as she pushes you towards the bedroom before giving your arse a quick slap. “Hey!” you shouted which caused you both to laugh. You went and got changed into something smart but casual. Once you were ready you went and sat down with Miranda and waited for your friends to arrive.
Robin was the first to arrive followed by Rico, Fraser and Samson. You were all in the same division and at one point all worked on a case together. That was how you all became friends and game night started. “What up guys! What are we playing tonight” you heard Samson shout out as he walked through the door. “Hey Sam! We are playing Cards Against Humanity tonight, food and drinks are just over by the table so help yourself” you said as you took his jacket and hung it up.
“Nice! I absolutely love that game!” he said as he walked over to the snacks and started to help himself to some food. “Yep, once we have had a drink or two we will start the game. It is always more fun when you’ve had a bit to drink” you laughed which caused everyone else to laugh as well.
After about an hour of just chatting as well as drinking and eating it was finally time to start playing Cards Against Humanity. You all sat around the table with each person sitting where there was a small pile of white cards. “Ok I’m going to judge first and then we will work our way clockwise around the table” you said to everyone turning over the top black card on the pile.
“Errbody in the club [blank]” you said as you were waiting for everyone to choose their cards. The options you had to choose from were ‘Dis bitch’, ‘A strong horse and enough rations for thirty days’, ‘Esmeralda, my most beautiful daughter’, ‘A cold and indifferent universe’ and ‘An incurable homosexual’. They weren’t the best round of cards but you had to choose one. “Errbody in the club, a cold and indifferent universe. Whose card was that?” you asked as you placed the white cards to the side.
“That’s mine,” Fraser shouted. “Ok Miranda is judging next” you said as you waited for her to read the card. “Art isn’t just a painting in a stuffy museum. Art is alive. Art is [blank]” she said as she too waited for us to pick our cards. You looked through your little deck and decided to go with “Dominating a man by peeing on his eldest son.” You laughed slightly because you found it slightly funny. Once everyone had chosen you waited for Miranda to read them out.
“Art is the amount of baby carrots I can fit up my arse, Art is Gregor, my largest son, Art is huge big balls full of jizz, Art is dominating a man by peeing on his eldest son, art is my dog dying.” She had a quick think before finally choosing an answer. “I have to go with my dog dying,” she said, smirking. “Yes, that is my card,” Samson said, piping up.
Robin was next to judge. She picked up the black card and read it out. “In the 1950’s, psychologists prescribed [blank] as a cure for homosexuality” she said as she sat back and waited for everyone to choose. You quickly looked at your cards again and chose ‘Facilitating dialogue and deconstructing binaries’. Once everyone had chosen Robin started to read them out.
“Psychologists prescribed whomsoever let the dogs out, psychologists prescribed twisting my cock and balls into a balloon poodle, psychologists prescribed that chicken from Popeyes, psychologists prescribed facilitating dialogue and deconstructing binaries, psychologists prescribed the wind.” She then had a quick think before revealing the winner.
“Ok I have to go with, twisting my cock and balls into a balloon poodle” she said laughing. “That's mine” Fraser once again called out. The night continued on and it was filled with so much fun. You were glad you all had dark humour because this game was not for people who were offended easily. By the end of the night you all counted up the cards you won and found out who the winner was.
“Ok so in first place is…Robin with 10 cards. In second place is Samson with 9 cards. In third place is Fraser with 8 cards. In joint fourth place is Miranda and Rico with 7 cards and in fifth place is little ol’ me who has just 4 cards” you said laughing slightly at how badly you sucked tonight. “No worries there is always next game night” Miranda said trying to cheer you up slightly wrapping her arms around your body giving you a tight hug.
“Well if that is game night over then I think we should be heading off” Robin said gathering her things getting ready to leave. When the guys saw Robin getting ready to leave they did the same. “No worries guys. It definitely is getting late. Get home safe and message the group when you get in. Until next time” you said to them as you let them out of your apartment.
You and Miranda helped each other clean up the apartment so there was less to do in the morning before heading to your bedroom to get ready for bed. Once you were both ready you both jumped into bed cuddling up with each other “Tonight was fun” Miranda whispered into your ear. You smiled to yourself “It definitely was. I love you” you said to her. “I love you too” she said back before you both drifted off into a deep sleep.
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