ianthoni · 7 months
Buddy, that video it´s just so sad to watch. Now we can understad why Anthony is reassuring Ian at the end, like you said with his words, but not only that, he pats him on his back too, and then you can see even Shayne wiping his nose, I mean, we can all agree that he is a very empathetic person, you can confirm that with other videos. idk bud, that video got me a lot
EXACTLY. OFC i can't be for sure for sure but the evidence is there! Shayne looks so conserned too. And Anthony's touch to comfort him. Anthony literally says we don't wanna see sadness under Ian's eyes!! Like idk it just break my heart but also I'm happy he cried. Idk how to explain this but i feel like for a LONG time Ian holds all this feelings and sadness inside without sharing it with anyone. Because he had to be the boss but also he had to be the big bro to everyone. There's a video of him out there trying to comfort Courtney and Olivia that video literally brokes my heart every time I see it cause Ian himself has no one to comfort him. He can't say he's anxious he can't say he's sad he had to be strong for his crew but also his friends. These people never left his side even when Anthony did. And he thought he couldn't abandon them. But while all this happened he had no one. Even after mythical got them he didn't have anyone he was the boss. Now that Anthony comes back I feel like he hit that emotional button where he can't hold inside anymore. I watched him close since Anthony came back and even analyzed his eyes to body language (I'm not parasocial istg) and it always looked like he was trying SO HARD not to break. And I feel like these old memories were too much for him to handle in this video. He finally broke apart. Which is NOT a bad thing. I feel like after this it'd be easier for him to open up to Anthony and Shayne and his friends. I feel like this was like a rusty old lock that was waiting to be broken and he finally successfully broke that. Now he can express himself more. Idk if that makes sense but it is in my head.
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And Anthony comforting him. Saying he doesn't wanna see sadness in Ian's eyes again 😭
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And this is the Courtney Olivia video i talked about.
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generaltrashshecox · 6 months
I need something with shaymien vs ianthony and I need it BADLY... Maybe for other reasons but still!
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shipianwitheveryone · 5 months
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So I caved and went to pay to watch the extended isadw Shayne keke....
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ianontopp · 6 months
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Shayne's kabedon rizz vs. Ian's instinct to be annoying on purpose
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japhan2024 · 3 months
A little bit of madness
A retelling of the story of Smosh, through Shayne's eyes. And there's a lot of one-sided pining, internal turmoil and jealousy. I hope you like it!
read on ao3
It's so crazy. I am happy for them of course. But how do you come back from having your friendship so destroyed, so betrayed, to being best friends again?
Shayne got a notification. He sat in the lunch room at the Defy building after filming a Smosh sketch. He looked at the e-mail he just received on his phone. His colleagues were all gasping, yelling and some were even crying. Everyone had gotten the same message:
"Effective immediately, Defy Media has ceased business."
It's not like he hadn't seen this coming. Shayne knew enough of the entertainment business that the 'business' side of it was stone cold and creatives were pretty much at the mercy of the machine.
But it still shocked him. He was finally free of his own worst demons - telling him he had failed in Hollywood, that he wasn't trying hard enough - and had settled into the grind that was Smosh.
He had finally found a home.
But now, now everything, his whole life, was crumbling around him. He watched, helplessly, as people started to day-drink, attempting arson and generally acting like it was the Purge.
Who was he, what was he, without Smosh?
As Shayne stood there, nailed to the ground, he suddenly felt a warm hand on his shoulder.
"Hey man. This sucks, doesn't it."
Shayne turned around and saw Ian there. He'd almost forgotten about Ian. This must be so much worse for him right now. First his best friend Anthony left him and Smosh, now this...
"So, is this it for Smosh?"
"No. We will overcome this, Shayne. I will make sure of it, I promise."
Shayne saw a look behind Ian's glasses, that he hadn't seen before. A little bit of madness, maybe. But also a fiery determination. And Shayne believed him. Ian's vow moved him. He didn't know him like this, like a leader. It made Shayne want to follow Ian to the end of the world if need be.
"How can I help?"
"Well, right now, people are ransacking the whole building. I'd say we save as much as we can and then get the hell out of here."
"Already on it." Courtney passed them, arms full of office supplies.
"Are you ransacking or saving?" Shayne joked.
"Come with me to find out!"
Shayne grabbed as many supplies as he could and scuttled after Courtney. When they got outside, two large moving trucks stood ready.
"How can you think so fast, Courtney? This is amazing."
"You know," they said, raising their shoulders. "I have kind of seen this coming."
"Yeah, me too."
"So, what comes after this, you think?" Courtney wasn't their usual cheery self. They were probably just as stressed out as Shayne was, no doubt. Their face was a bit paler than usual, and they looked at him for answers.
But Shayne genuinely didn't know.
"Ian will get us through this," he said determinately.
The following months, Ian really came through. Apart from working tirelessly behind the scenes to save the channels, he also invited the cast and crew to his house, just to party but also to work. He paid them himself.
Shayne grew more and more fond of Ian, but he didn't quite know how to communicate with him. He was such a mystery. Ian was struggling though, that much was clear. Shayne would always be the last one around to help tidy up and try to talk to Ian. But it was usually in vain.
"Hey Ian, so, how are you doing?"
Shayne took a sip of his beer. They stood on Ian's balcony.
"Yeah, pretty great. Ya know, I don't have a life, love or any free time, haha. As per yoush."
It was this kind of thing that made it impossible for Shayne to get through. Ian always hid behind irony.
"Oh, that sounds just great," Shayne joined in. "And yeah, same here."
They toasted.
"Has.... has Anthony contacted you?"
"Yeah, he texted me."
No elaboration. Shayne didn't dare to ask further.
"Hmm, okay."
Time went on. Ian showed up so extremely well, he made a deal with Mythical Entertainment, and Smosh was saved. Even during lockdown, he still got the cast and crew together, via Zoom or somewhere outside on an L.A. property. He made it work.
And just like Shayne had, everyone put their faith in Ian. Ian himself though, seemed very lonely, however hard everyone tried to connect with him. Shayne was desperate to help Ian somehow. He did wat he could. He worked tirelessly, putting his everything into the videos. And it did have an effect. The audience loved him and steadily grew.
The stronger Shayne felt about Ian, the more he started to resent Anthony. It seemed like Anthony was still there, or his absence was there, very tangibly. Of course Shayne joked about it all the time. It was a way for him to vent.
Anthony had always been nice to Shayne. When he first came to work for Smosh, he'd been perfectly pleasant.
But Shayne knew how to read people. And while Ian was impenetrable, Anthony was extremely easy figure out.
Anthony didn't like Shayne. He didn't want him to be there at the time, him or any of the other new cast. But he didn't just leave the company, he also left his best friend. Because at first Ian believed Anthony would still be in touch. When that appeared not to be the case, Ian had faded into the background. That is, until he saved the company from the brink of death.
Lately, something was different. But Shayne didn't know what it was. Ian seemed extremely happy, very out of character, or maybe back IN character, whichever it was. Even though he still didn't communicate well, Shayne was happy for him. To see him be so funny, to see him finally doing something about his wardrobe and fitness. Maybe he'd met someone... Shayne didn't quite know why that thought annoyed him.
"Can you believe how good Ian looks today?" Tommy whispered. They stood at the coffee corner.
"Yeah, it's amazing. He's transforming before our eyes. What is happening?"
"All I know is, I'm in love."
"You're always in love with everyone," Shayne joked.
"Yeah, I am still into you too, mister Topp, don't you worry," Tommy joked back. Then he looked at Ian again, who was talking to Courtney across the room. Shayne looked as well. Ian was talking animatedly, making jokes. Courtney was losing it laughing. They kept fixing their hair unnecessarily. Flirting behavior.
"Well, that's the end of Let's Do This."
Ian gave a speech for the cameras, and everyone who worked on the show came on screen to say farewell to the successful format. Why it had to be axed, Shayne didn't know. It was a lot of work to make, but the final product was so cool, so fresh and had such a high production value, it was totally worth it in his mind.
"This show is ending for a very good reason," Ian continued.
Shayne had no idea. Just that every show on the main channel was getting axed and they were given a holiday after this shoot. Was he still gonna have a job after this?
Shayne fell into a hole again mentally, during the break. He was overthinking everything, overanalyzing. Was Ian happy because he was going to use Smosh main to do his own show and break away from Pit and Games? Was he selling it off for cash? What was he up to?
Shayne went to work out to get his mind off things. When he got out of the gym, he saw Ian had called him. He called back.
"Hey man, how's the holiday?" Ian said in a cheery voice.
"Yeah, it's pretty good. How about you?"
"I'm really good! In fact, do you wanna come over?"
Shayne's hart suddenly raced. Was Ian inviting him to a private dinner?
"Um, I don't know, uhh," he stumbled over his words.
"It's about Smosh, I want to talk to you about some stuff, it's pretty important."
Oh. So it was just work. Was Ian going to tell him he didn't have a job anymore? Suddenly, Shayne's appetite had vanished.
"I'm sorry Ian, I'm on vacation right now, I will talk to you when I get back. Okay?"
"Yeah, no worries man!"
"Holy shit."
Shayne stood nailed to the ground once more. What had just happened? The room around him was erupting in cheers and claps. People were laughing, some even cried. Ian and Anthony were hugging and high-fiving. They just bought Smosh.
"What are they gonna do? What do they think of me and Courtney, and Keith and Noah, and Amanda and Arasha and Angela and Olivia and Chanse and... what are we gonna do?"
Shayne's rambling thoughts were disrupted by a warm hand on his shoulder. It was Ian. And Anthony.
"Dude, your face!" Anthony joked and laughed. Apparently Shayne had worn a shocked expression.
"Wow, man, I'm just processing this, haha! Congratulations! Ian, this is amazing!"
Shayne hugged Ian, maybe a bit too tightly, too greedy. Anthony's negative micro-expression in his peripheral vision. Or did he just hallucinate that?
Ian though, smiled widely, and patted his shoulder.
"So, this is what I had wanted to talk to you about," he said.
"Yeah, I get that now, hahaha!" Shayne boomed. He was slowly settling into this new reality. Everything seemed a bit different. A little brighter, a little more intense. Exciting, sure. But it was very new. Very uncertain for Shayne.
Shayne was at home. He was watching the interview Ian did with Anthony.
"And if we burn it to the ground, I'm happy to do that with you."
Shayne's heart broke.
"Wow, he really loves him, doesn't he." Shayne replayed that sentence a couple of times. So that's why Ian had been so much happier lately. He was going around scheming with Anthony for the big reveal and their purchase of the company. It had nothing to do with him. He had been utterly unable to help Ian, and was now just a spectator to his joy and happiness.
"I guess that's how it is, huh."
At the office, Ian and Anthony - when he was there, as he also still had his own channel to worry about - were like two puppy dogs, playing, prancing, obsessed with each others' butts... Shayne had never seen Ian in this mood. What was it? Ecstatic?
"Hey, Shayne." It was Tommy.
"Hey. So, this is incredible, right? Anthony is back."
"It is like the conclusion to a great epic, like, what the hell. Have you ever seen Ian like this?" Tommy smiled at Shayne. "I didn't know he had it in him. I thought he was depressed, like me," he joked.
"His energy has completely changed, hasn't it?"
Tommy put his hand on Shayne's shoulder. Why did people love to do that?! Shayne didn't mind too much though. But he rather it be Ian.
"Our dads are back together," Tommy said dramatically. Shayne laughed.
"It's so crazy. I am happy for them of course. But how do you come back from having your friendship so destroyed, so betrayed, to being best friends again?"
"It does take a little bit of madness, I guess," Tommy philosophized. "And a little bit of love. Look at them. They are so into each other."
"Yeah, they sure are," Shayne said, a bit loud.
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lilac-hecox · 5 months
Okay so I'm still thinking about Shayne and Ian getting drunk together. They shoot the shit and have a good time and one thing leads to another... I'll let you handle the rest.
Ian/Shayne - Shian - Glass
“Hey man, thanks for coming over and hanging with me,” Ian says, tipping his bottle of beer towards Shayne in a mock cheering.
“Of course,” Shayne says in a grin, tipping his own matching bottle back, “that’s what friends are for, right?”
Ian huffs a laugh and for a second his eyes go far away, distant. Shayne regrets the choice of words, but he doesn’t say anything and just a handful of seconds later Ian’s eyes brighten again. It’s only been a few weeks since Anthony left Smosh and Ian’s been their de-facto leader outside of Defy working to make things seem normal, working too hard, their efforts making everything seem false. Ian hasn’t talked about it, at least not to Shayne, or Courtney, or any of the other cast members.
“You, okay?” Shayne asks instead of ignoring the silence that settles over them like a layer of dust.
Ian looks up and nods, but he holds Shayne’s gaze a beat too long before he looks into the amber glass of his beer bottle and shakes his head.
“Yeah, maybe. I don’t know.”
Then, he looks far away again, somewhere too far where Shayne can’t follow. Shayne is about to change the subject when Ian starts talking again.
“You ever feel like you don’t really know who you are?”
“I think everybody feels that way at some point.”
Ian shrugs, “Just, I thought I knew who I was. All these things I’ve been known for all my life, you know? Anthony’s best friend and co-founder of Smosh, and a comedian, and ‘the funny one’ but never the hot one, and never the leader but always the sidekick. All these years I’ve been defined by him and my friendship with him, and he has with me, and now he’s just…gone? He’s gone and I’m here and Smosh is here, but it’s not the same,” Ian says, his voice sad, more emotional than Shayne has ever heard it, “So, who the fuck am I now?”
“Hey,” Shayne says softly, setting his beer down next to him. The two of them are sitting on the carpeted floor of Ian’s living room because Ian had been showing Shayne his video game collection, and they had been drinking, and laughing, but now the room is quickly shifting into something else, something bigger and darker, and heavier, “You’re Ian Hecox. You’re a great dude. You are Smosh now.”
Ian shakes his head. “Smosh was never…I mean, he started the website, you know? I was just in the right place at the right time. Anthony was the one who made Smosh. Defy thinks you guys are doing great, by the way,” Ian adds, “I do too. Fans love you guys, especially you, Shayne.”
“Thanks,” Shayne says quietly. He squeezes Ian’s shoulder, aiming to comfort him.
Ian looks at him, then his hand, then meets his eyes and smiles.
“It is strange to feel haunted by someone that is still alive.”
Shayne nods. He wasn’t very close to Anthony, but he knows the history between Ian and the other man, the friendship, the bond, and he can see the impact Anthony’s departure has had on Ian.
“I’m sorry, Ian.”
Again, Ian shrugs. “Probably for the best…I guess. That’s what he said before he left.”
Shayne may not have known Anthony as well as Ian did, but right now he feels Anthony’s presence in every corner of the room, hanging over Ian like a shadow, a cloud that Ian can’t escape from.
Shayne squeezes Ian’s shoulder and again Ian smiles, but it doesn’t meet his eyes.
“I know you’re not big on physical affection, but you want a hug?” Shayne offers.
Ian laughs, his face red from the alcohol and he shrugs.
“Why the fuck not.”
Then Shayne turns and pulls Ian into a hug, rubbing his hand along Ian’s spine. He feels Ian take a shuddery breath, and somehow Shayne’s other hand skates up to the back of Ian’s neck, holding on so he can pull back to see into Ian’s clear, blue eyes.
They look at each other for a moment, a long and quiet moment, and then Shayne isn’t sure who leans forward first, or who accepts it, but their mouths meet in a kiss. It’s innocent and kind of shitty, but Ian fists his hands in Shayne’s t-shirt and Shayne keeps kissing him.
Ian’s tongue is in his mouth, Shayne presses Ian down on to his back on to the carpeted floor. Ian can’t have time to overthink or be sad when Shayne’s kissing him breathlessly. It might be a mistake. They have been drinking and Ian’s in a vulnerable place, and he’s Shayne’s boss. Neither of them stops though. Neither of them is strong enough to say no.
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dolydoe · 4 months
i wanna see shayne nd ian play a horroh game together
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jovenshires · 8 months
amangela, courtrasha, & shayian for the ship opinions thing 👀
amangela: you already KNOW i adore them!! once again smth smth friends to lovers, psychic brain twins, AND these two have an additional layer of like. playful rivalry? i LOVE them i have a lot of thoughts
courtrasha: ya know i really have to like. study the vibes here. i have to watch videos with them in it with intention i think. bc i LOVE the vibes but i need like to put on the goggles ya know. but i love courtney and i love arasha and i truly listen to silk chiffon and think of them now sooo im into it ya know
shayian: ya know i have seen this EVERYWHERE and like ive read a lot of it (my mutuals are very talented and i love them) and i personally don't get it?? like not My vibes but ive read some of the fics and liked them well enough so. slay! keep on doing you and i will keep reading it passively
send me a ship for my brutally honest opinion!
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Ian’s transness has always felt like a footnote in who he is. Same with his bisexuality. Until a one night stand with Anthony changes the trajectory of his life.
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ianthoni · 6 months
Dream throuple 💖💜💙
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generaltrashshecox · 6 months
So I watched the Twitches video sjsj
(also Ian was so smiley and laughing so much in this video sjsj)
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ianontopp · 6 months
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Happy Halloween, Shayian + Daian likers!!
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japhan2024 · 7 months
Then do it
This story is set during the Inbetween years
kink: threesome
word count: 1.568
themes: angst, choking
"Are you seriously 'we saw you from across the bar'-ring me?" Ian laughed but he couldn't help but feel a burning inside of him, which he had rarely felt before.
Ian carried as many cardboard boxes as he could. Courtney and Shayne helped him and stuffed it all in his Chevvy. The two blonde colleagues went back inside to get more. The few moments alone, Ian peeked a glance over the ironclad wall he'd built around his feelings. He shuddered at what he saw and retreated fast. He leaned against his car and glanced again at the message he'd received: "Defy has gone bankrupt, your contract has been terminated, in effect immediately."
Ian was not alone. But he FELT alone. Because the one person who would understand what he was going through right now, wasn't there. Courtney and Shayne returned with more old props and valuable trinkets from the Defy offices.
"Let's get the hell out of here."
Suddenly, Ian felt himself squished between his two sobbing friends.
"Ian, you're so strong, I don't know how we will continue now…"
"We're going to get through this."
"What's going to happen now?"
"We'll figure it out. I'll figure it out, don't worry. It's a rough day today, but it'll work out, I promise."
They hugged him tighter. Ian didn't know how to feel. He didn't WANT to be the one in charge, but there wasn't anyone else.
A few months passed.
Courtney and Shayne were at Ian's house having dinner together, thinking of ideas for videos. Courtney wore hot pink short shorts and Shayne wore khaki shorts. Courtney a yellow crop-top and Shayne a green vest. Ian wore an old Smosh T-shirt and baggy jeans. They sat huddled around the dinner table. Ian looked up from his plate to see Courtney looking misty-eyed. And to his dismay, Shayne looked the same. Were they also going to leave Ian, just like - but Courtney spoke, and said:
"Ian, you're so good to us, how can we ever thank you for keeping Smosh alive, keeping us, housed and fed basically, and keeping us from going totally insane with stress. You're working so hard, don't think we don't see it. You're amazing, Ian…"
"Uhh, thanks?" Ian joked. But Shayne go up from the table.
"Ian, you have no idea, my life has been so crazy, and the only constant has been Smosh. I've been so scared, Ian, so scared to lose this. But your confidence and determination really kept me sane."
"Guys, you warm my heart."
Courtney also got up from her seat.
"Ian, we also have something to tell you."
Adrenaline shot through Ian's body. Were they just saying nice things because they were going to leave again?
"We've fallen in love with each other, and, we're dating."
Ian's otherwise stoic brows shot up and he laughed in relief.
"Guys, that's great! I'm so happy for you."
Courtney fidgeted a bit. Shayne took a step towards Ian and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Ian, we.. we are also in love with… with you. With your heart and soul. And we were wondering… if you'd want to try to hook up with us? It could be fun! Hilarious even, or… just really nice?"
"Are you seriously 'we saw you from across the bar'-ring me?" Ian laughed but he couldn't help but feel a burning inside of him, which he had rarely felt before.
"I guess we are," Courtney laughed apologetically. "But, are you into it?"
Ian finally also stood up and walked towards his window. He pensively looked at the pink sky. Shayne and Courtney followed him and stood on each side of him.
"I think this needs a whole lotta alcohol, for a start, and also, what? I would have never guessed it from you, BOTH of you, like, that you liked each other and also me? That's crazy dude."
Ian walked away from them again, into his kitchen. He found some bottles of hard liquor, and decided they didn't need shot glasses, they would just drink from the bottle. When he came back into the room, Shayne and Courtney stood there waiting for him in suggestive poses: Courtney with her legs wide open, draped over one of the armchairs that stood there. Shayne stood behind them, twirling their hair around his finger, some of the buttons on his vest already open… Ian just put the bottles on the table and looked at them. They were both really beautiful, he would admit that much. And it was not- it was not the same. But a different kind of feeling wanted, feeling appreciated, kind of eased some of Ian's mind. He would still not think about his deeper, inner feelings though, oh no. But this was nice.
They played charades for a while, drinking and laughing. The charades were becoming more and more filled with innuendos. They sat down on Ian's couch and began to watch a movie. But nobody paid the screen any attention. Shayne and Courtney both had their arms around Ian, and the other hands were on his thighs. Caressing, squeezing softly. Ian already felt a light buzz form the booze. His eyesight started to blur and he began to give in to the lust that was building and building inside of him.
Ian decided to kiss Courtney first. He held her face firmly and slowly got closer, kissing her, her soft lips, their warm tongue, Ian went deep in there, and she moaned, but he held on tightly. When he released her, she jumped on top of him, crop top pulled over their head. Ian one-handedly undid her bra and immediately squeezed her bare breasts with the other. But Ian now wanted more. He unzipped her pants and slid them down. She stood up for him. He hungrily pulled down her panties but before he could do anything else, Shayne pulled her to him, turning her around and placing them on his lap. He'd pulled his cock out already and she now slid onto it with her ass, whimpering profanities.
Ian stood up from the couch, his dick hard and smooth skinned. While Courtney was being fucked by Shayne, Ian put his dong in their mouth. He thrusted into her throat, making them moan even more.
He locked eyes with Shayne. Shayne didn't look like his usual zany self. He looked very vulnerable, showing himself fully to Ian. His blue eyes still asking, asking for more. Ian came in Courtney's mouth. Shayne let her off his dick and walked up to Ian. He kissed him. Way more forceful than the kiss with Courtney, this was on another level. Ian was still seeing stars from his orgasm but got extra butterflies from this amazing kiss. Shayne completely dominated his mouth, Ian didn't stand a chance.
"Why don't you get comfortable on your hands and knees, you can do so on the couch," Shayne said. Ian just did it. Courtney sat down next to him, so his head was at her tits' level. He took her nipples in his mouth one by one. On his other side, he felt Shayne undress him, squeeze him hard and put something smooth inside his ass. "It's just a dildo," Shayne reassured him.
Courtney's boobs combined with the feeling in his ass, turned Ian hard again already. But Shayne took the dildo out now, and entered Ian himself. That was another matter entirely. Shayne was very big. Ian breathed hard, face squished into Courtney's chest, while she caressed his hair and placed kisses on his head.
"Ian, I've always dreamed of doing this…"
"Then do it!"
Shayne thrusted into Ian with a desperate intensity. He grunted and panted, as Ian grunted and panted as well. Ian's eyes shot up in pleasure. Shayne began to speed up and Ian wasn't sure whether his rectum could handle it. But it did. With each thrust, Ian squeezed Courtney's thigh really hard, making her moan as well. Ian slid his fingers inside Courtneys vagina. He played around with all the textures he felt inside of her.
"Oh god, Ian please, yes," she begged. But Ian was getting pounded too hard to be able to fully commit.
"Ian, I'm going to come…" Shayne exclaimed.
"Do it!" Ian commanded. Shayne immediately came inside Ian, shooting his sperm into his body. Panting, he exited Ian and sat back on the couch. Ian immediately jumped on top of Courtney and began to fuck her, pushing her all the way down on the couch.
"Choke me, daddy," she joked but not really. He grabbed their throat and squeezed slightly. That was enough to make her scream in pleasure. He pumped and pumped inside of her and came again, his turn to shoot his sperm into her. He let go of her throat. "Oh god Ian, this is incredible…" she panted.
Shayne got onto his knees, and went down on Courtney. Seeing the two of them go at it, was a very pretty sight. Ian rubbed his still wet cock while watching them. Courtney screamed as they came, grabbing hold of Ian's leg and shivering all over. Her nipples were rock hard. Ian licked and sucked on them some more.
"Let's go clean up," Ian suggested. They all went into the shower.
"That was amazing," Courtney said.
"Yes, that was the hottest sex I've ever had," Shayne chimed in.
"I guess it was alright," Ian joked but then added "no it really was nice. Will we be doing this again?"
"I hope so," they both said. They went back to the couch and watched the movie which was still playing.
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lilac-hecox · 8 months
Shaymien at a fair/carnival? I just think it’d be cute to read about them going around playing carnival games, going on the rides and eating the classic fair foods together. It could just be them going as friends at first and then it sort of turns into a date? Up to you!
Shayne/Ian - Carnival
"Point out which one you want," Shayne says, flexing his muscles in an overexaggerated way, "and I'll win it for you." He waggles his eyebrows at Ian.
Ian snorts out a laugh, he has a small fond smile playing at the corners of his mouth. His clear blue eyes scan the row of dumb, cheap, stuffed animal prizes strung across the top of the tent. He nods towards a weird looking elephant with huge floppy ears and a crooked trunk.
"That guy," Ian says.
Shayne smiles, slaps down a five dollar bill on the counter, and waits for the carnie to hand him three baseballs, the leather worn around his fingers from other people's countless attempts at the game.
"One elephant coming right up!" Shayne says, lining himself up with the metal bottles stacked in a triangular formation. Shayne knows these types of games are usually rigged, usually unwinnable, but he's also seen those videos that show you tips on beating the 'unbeatable' games.
Shayne lobs the first baseball and it is too far off to the right, missing the bottles entirely. Ian is quiet next to him, but Shayne can tell he wants to make a joke, that the only reason he isn't is to spare Shayne's feelings and the fact, that, you know, the two of them are on a date right now or whatever, and Ian Hecox has the tact to know not to rag on his date.
Shayne throws the second ball, right for the lower corner, that's the trick the pros all say, aim there and not the middle. The ball collides with the bottles and they fall away from each other as Shayne successfully topples the triangular formation.
He glances at Ian with a satisfied grin and Ian raises his eyebrows, smiles in amusement.
"Consider me impressed," Ian says.
The carnie is less than thrilled when he comes to ask Shayne what he wants for his prize. Shayne points to the weird little elephant toy.
"We want the elephant."
The carnie is back seconds later with the floppy eared, trunk too big, elephant that Ian had pointed out. He hands it off to Shayne, and Shayne holds it in the air triumphantly as he and Ian walk away from the tent and down the row of bright and noisy games, the barkers calling out from their own tents, beckoning them to try their games of chance.
Shayne stops a moment later, under the glow of the yellow hazy tent lights and offers up the elephant.
"Your elephant, sir," Shayne says.
Ian laughs. He isn't really the sentimental type, he has no real use for this dumb and ugly stuffed elephant, but he still takes it from Shayne, tucking it safely under his arm.
"Thanks Shayne, you're my hero or whatever," Ian says with a smirk, but his eyes seem to sparkle under the lights from the tent.
This date had been Shayne's idea. The LA carnival was not exactly Ian's ideal date, but Shayne had asked and by some miracle Ian had agreed and here they were. This was their third date. The first one had been something of a group date with other Smosh members, something where the lines had blurred between friendship and flirtation, something that led to the two of them staying in the restaurant long after everyone else had left and talking for what felt like hours, realizing that something was there between the two of them.
The second date was a long drive in one of Ian's fancy ass rich guy cars and then a picnic just off of a secluded hiking trail that Ian liked. Now this, the carnival on a Thursday night, Ian with his stuffed elephant and Shayne desperate to do anything to see Ian smile.
It was getting later, the sky a thick purple that would soon fade to black. They probably wouldn't stay too much longer, but there is one more thing Shayne would love to do with Ian, if Ian will oblige him.
Shayne reaches out and takes Ian's hand, causes Ian to look into his eyes.
"Can we ride the Ferris wheel together?" Shayne asks.
"God," Ian says with a laugh, "Alright, alright. I guess it isn't an authentic carnival experience without the Ferris wheel."
Shayne feels himself fall a little more, every day, like it is the easiest thing in the world for him now. Maybe all along he's always loved Ian and that love is shifting into something powerful, something strong.
The two of them walk to the Ferris wheel. Considering it is a Thursday night the line isn't too long. They stand shoulder-to-shoulder. There are couples in front and behind them, all waiting to ride the Ferris wheel.
"This was really nice," Ian says, "I'm having a good time with you."
The words from Ian mean a lot because he isn't one to be overly mushy, Shayne has learned this, has learned to read between the lines with Ian.
Shayne reaches between them and takes Ian's hand, squeezes it softly.
"I'm having the best time with you."
"And our son." Ian says, holding up the elephant.
"Wow, third date and we're already raising a kid together," Shayne jokes.
Before more can be said it is their turn, the carnies lining up their empty carriage. They sit together, pressed warmly next to each other. Shayne puts his arm around Ian's shoulder.
The wheel turns and begins leading them upwards, lifting them into the night sky. The two of them can see the lit neon carnival grounds, the bustle of people walking around, the light row of tents where Shayne had won the elephant.
Shadows and glittering lights cling to Ian, reflect in his glasses, making him look ethereal, a vision. Shayne's heart clenches in his chest. The hand on his shoulder brushes the back of Ian's neck, and Ian turns to look at him as they reach the peak of the Ferris wheel, stopped at the very top.
"Would it be cliche to kiss you right now?" Shayne whispers, as if speaking too loudly would break the moment.
Ian's eyes are soft, "Yeah, but do it anyway."
Shayne nods, leans in, and presses his lips to Ian's. Their first kiss. Ian tastes like overpriced lemonade and the sugary sweetness of a funnel cake. Ian's hand spreads open along Shayne's jaw as their lips move together softly.
Weeks later, when Shayne is coming over to Ian's for dinner and to watch some weird ass movie that Ian will not stop talking about, Shayne walks into the living room and spots it. The weirdo elephant that Shayne won for Ian that night at the carnival is tucked on to a shelf next to some books and other odds and ends. Shayne had expected Ian to toss it off the top of the Ferris wheel after their kiss, to give it away at the office, the last thing he expected was for Ian to designate a home for the weird little guy amongst his possessions.
The thought of it being there, of Ian wanting it there, it makes Shayne smile.
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ianthoni · 5 months
This merch slaps.
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generaltrashshecox · 4 months
Holy fuck wow uh more shian thoughts! I just finished last week's reddit stories and I was thinking about something. The last story really hit for some reason.
Not like... Grief but Shayne coming to terms that with Ian there's always gonna be a place for Anthony in his heart. Whether it be completely platonic or something else he understands it. He doesn't get mad or jealous like others would expect and maybe that's because he understands how the human brain works or maybe it's what keeps him sane. I don't know just knowing Ian's close to Anthony and he knows it's something he can't change nor wants to. Anthony brings out a light in him that, while it hurts just a bit, only he can bring out. But he also knows that he's the one Ian chose. The one Ian comes home to at night. The one that he talks to first about things that are bothering him or complains about work to. Ian chose Shayne and that's good enough for him.
I don't know this is probably dumb but yee I love these two y'know??
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