#seungyoun fic
nqctar · 1 month
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the lack of cg! cho seungyoun (woodz) fics on here annoys me so bad like SOMEBODY PLEASE!! he’s too underrated it’s insane… and i know i could write it myself but i wonder if anyone would be interested ?
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arthinkzo · 8 months
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★ love scenario !
05.10.2023 › pedido feito por latatue
abra para melhor visualização
em caso de inspiração, por favor, credite-me
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nothingbutboo · 6 months
cho seungyoun (woodz) x original female character fear, slight romance, tragedy / zombie apocalypse 2,390 words slight gore, major character death
a/n i've been wanting to write a seungyoun fic ever since oo-li came out ... the release of amnesia really kicked this off so i would recommend listening to amnesia on repeat when you read this ☝️
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“I will hold your hand”. There is a pause, an uneasiness in the air. The sound of heavy breathing and trickling rain sets the tone. The neighborhood is too quiet for the chaos that had followed these two for the past hour. Sirens have ceased to ring through the air and the sun which had set hours ago left anyone who found themselves outside in this cold rainy night- vulnerable and in danger. “No matter where I am… Who I’m with. Even if ten of those motherfuckers were on your heel”. Their eye contact has not faltered. 
“I will hold your hand”. He repeats, hurriedly scanning her face for any sort of reaction. “So please”. This is said softer now, and he glances at her hands which are balled up at her sides. “Give me your hand”.
Jo can not seem to calm down. Seungyoun’s hand is in front of her, the ringing in her ears, and the fact that they have been running for what seems like the past hour. 
This started- or well- it found them at Seungyoun’s house. The new year was close by and it was sort of a tradition for both of them to bake cookies for the neighborhood. Ever since grade 8 they had done this and there was no use in stopping now that they were well into their late 20s. Sirens had been going off all morning with an unusual sense of panic in the air. Though with the heavy rain that had been falling for the past couple of days, they thought nothing of it. 
A raindrop hit Jo on the highest part of her cheekbone. She recalled the moment they heard that scream. A blood curdling, long lasting scream. The oven was still on, cookies out all over the dining table, her favorite movie playing on the tv, and Seungyoun out the door. It didn’t take long for Jo to follow and she felt the rain on her skin first. Her sweat mixed with rain continued to run down her face- though the same is true with Seungyoun. 
Jo can tell that she must seem fucked up by the way Seungyoun is looking at her. She doesn’t recognize this expression on his face. Is it concern? Exhaustion? Anxiety? Pain? Or a mixture of all of those at once? But his hand is still in front of her, and her eyes move down to look at his hand. She suddenly thinks that the rain is mesmerizing. She can hear the way it’s falling on the grass, sliding off the leaves of trees, windows, cars, and the feeling of it on her skin. Cold. She can see the rain washing away the blood that doesn’t stop pouring out of Seungyoun’s neighbor’s neck. She won’t stop bleeding and that person won’t stop tearing into her flesh. Ripping out muscles and skin and- 
It’s cold.
Jo feels her shirt get heavier and wonders how Seungyoun is feeling about that. Doesn’t he just want to rip the wet, heavy shirt off of his skin?  
Jo’s nails dig deeper into her palm. She can feel that. Coldness on her skin, pain in her palms, heartbeat in her breath. She can see Seungyoun as he’s grabbing her by the shoulders. He must be saying something important. But there’s only the rain and her heartbeat accompanied by a feeling Jo has never felt before. She almost smiles.
But there is nothing to smile about. Nothing to say to her, to Seungyoun, to that dead neighbor, or the man who was tearing her apart. You can say nothing that will make them smile. 
Seungyoun’s eyes widened. Jo is certain she heard it. And it happens again.
 A twig snaps. 
Just like that her senses come rushing back to her. Seungyoun has stopped talking now and is hyper focused on something behind her. She knows this expression on his face. Something she saw for the first time only an hour before now. The same look she saw on his face as he tried tearing the dead man off of his neighbor. The same look he gave her as Jo held onto his arm with all her strength to get him away. The same look Seungyoun saw as Jo ran behind him through the night, towards anywhere besides home. 
Jo’s hands finally relaxed and she snapped her head in the direction Seungyoun was looking. They wished it was just a guy from the neighborhood, who was maybe just taking a late night stroll. But the limp in his step, and the blood pouring out of his cheek told a completely different story. He did not cry out in pain. Even if his bone was poking out of his knee. He certainly did not fall to the ground. 
Three seconds passed, maybe four before the man- the dead man-  made eye contact with both Jo and Seungyoun. They did not have the luxury to assess the situation. They only ran. This time it was Jo who grabbed Seungyoun’s hand and they traveled into the forest which surrounded the suburbs in their city.  ______
“Later at a field at night, I thought I saw death”. Jo was turned away from Seungyoun and she was looking somewhere in the trees. The moonlight was faint and Jo couldn’t make out where or how far they were into the forest. “I heard that quote in a cartoon before and I think I now know what it means”. 
Seungyoun nodded even though he knew Jo couldn’t see him. He didn’t even think Jo wanted a response. 
“I mean it was pretty comedic in the show” Jo turned back to look at Seungyoun for a second, “but I kinda feel that way right now. Just sitting here and feeling like the end is just on the horizon. That I’m observing my fate”. Seungyoun took notice of the blood that had dried on Jo’s shirt. He thought the rain would’ve washed everything away but the blood seemed to remain. “Not in a threatening way, although ominous”. 
“Are you cold?”. Seungyoun asked. He knew the answer of course. Their clothes were still damp and as the night grew, it just kept getting colder and colder. 
Jo didn’t answer though, she just shifted around where she was sitting in the dirt then continued, “I’m sorry about how I was acting earlier and-” She turned to face Seungyoun completely. He was in the process of opening his mouth, “don’t say “it’s okay” or “you get it” because it was not okay. Not okay at all”. Jo couldn’t help but stare at the ground, “I know that’s probably one of the many reactions someone can have to seeing dozens of people die or like eat each other,” she could feel Seungyoun’s gaze. “But we’re responsible for ourselves and … I know we feel responsible for each other. That was just really dangerous and stupid of me to freeze up like that”. Jo looked up and stared directly into Seungyoun’s eyes, “I just want to say sorry. Although I can’t promise I won’t do it again”. They smiled slightly at each other.
The situation was kind of ridiculous. Jo knew that as well as Seungyoun. There isn’t a time in any of their ancestors or friends or cousins lives where they feared dead people cannibalizing them. At least up until now. 
Seungyoun held out his hand for Jo to hold, “We good?”.
“Good” Jo nodded back and smacked his hand.  ______
Two, maybe three hours passed and the cold was beginning to become a problem. 
Besides Seungyoun, Jo seemed to be dozing off against the stump of a tree. He watched her for a while, taking note of the way her nose seemed to get bluer as the seconds passed by. Her fingers as well. Looking back at himself, he knew the same was happening. He began shivering more than normal which was a sign of bad things to come.
“Hey we need to take these wet clothes off immediately” Seungyoun spoke up, bumping into Jo’s shoulder lightly. “Maybe move around a little”.
Seungyoun stood up and proceeded to remove his shirt and then pants, slightly jumping while pacing around the tree Jo sat beside. “Seriously Jo”. Even without daylight, he could see his breath and feel the chill of the air all around him. He stopped moving to take a closer look at Jo who was still laying on the tree. 
“Jo Houlihan”. Seungyoun was more concerned now and it was painfully obvious by the tone of his voice. He reached for her hand and in the process of pulling her up he stopped, “You’re fucking freezing”.
  “Yeah …” Jo replied weakly, using her free hand to grip Seungyoun’s shoulder. Surprised, she continued, “Oh - you’re kind of warm”. 
Jo’s comment made Seungyoun smile, “That’s the point silly”. He made sure Jo was standing up steady, “Now let’s get these clothes off of you and maybe run around a little”. 
“If this was in any other situation, I would’ve laughed in your face if you said something like that to me”. Jo remarked. At this point Jo was in her underwear and was now peeling her socks off her feet. “Wow it really is cold though”. 
“Yeah ..”. 
They did warm-up exercises for about thirty minutes. Small chit chat, the sounds of the forest, and wet leaves crunching under their feet were probably the only things that could be heard for miles. That was until the scream stopped them in their tracks. It must’ve been a mile away but the echo was loud and didn’t stop. Maybe it was two different people, but that scream was familiar. It brought Seungyoun back to the porch of his neighbor’s house. Jo back to the gore and the horror. Seungyoun didn’t realize until the screaming stopped that he had Jo in his arms. 
Jo exhaled, unaware that she was even holding her breath in the first place. She was shaking and Seungyoun was too, though she didn’t think it was because of the weather. 
Still in his arms, she looked up at Seungyoun who was staring off into the distance. “We should sit down now”. It was framed as a suggestion even though they both knew that any form of noise could attract the dead people towards them.  
Holding to each other still, they slowly made their way beside the tree that Jo originally laid on. Relying on each other’s body heat to keep themselves from freezing. They did not have the courage to speak up after hearing the scream in the forest. So they laid there on the cold wet forest floor, too petrified to sleep. Waiting for something. Waiting for someone- or a sound, or the end. 
It was the first chirp that knocked Seungyoun out of this trance. It wasn’t exactly dawn, but he knew it must be just before sunrise. Jo was awakened as well. She shifted a little bit within Seungyoun’s embrace and just as the leaves crunched right beside her- they heard the noise. That dreaded noise. 
About 30 feet away from where they lay, in the darkness of the trees a low groaning emerged. Seungyoun could almost feel Jo’s blood go cold. 
There was no use staying still. No use waiting for it to be in their line of sight. They heard the screams, they’ve seen the outcome. 
Panicked, Jo jumped up grasping onto whatever part of Seungyoun she could manage to get a hold onto, pulling him up as well. “Seungyoun”. Her voice was laced with desperation, shakey and afraid.
Seungyoun looked down at her, his hands shaking and his body full of anxiety. Out of options, he says, “We have to run”.  ______
Now they have run farther than they have before, not out of the forest but to the end of the world. What they are faced with is a beautiful sunrise illuminating the mountains and hills that border the valley of the cliff they stand on. The small towns that reside in the valley seem to be burning, smoke but also screams of terror echo and can even be heard where they stand. Out of breath and out of options they look out at the scene of the end of the world. Hand and in hand they feel the warmth of the sunrise. The warmth hits their cheeks first and then spreads all the way to their toes. 
The groaning and snapping of leaves and sticks could be heard not far from where they are. They were chased for so long and still unable to lose the beasts that stalked them. Jo is certain that the dead people are close by. Maybe two to three minutes away. Jo isn’t scared, Seungyoun isn’t either. The view is too beautiful for that. 
“If I close my eyes” Seungyoun starts. He looks to Jo, taking in her beauty but also the signs of exhaustion, the blood, and cuts. “Is everything gone?”.
Similarly, Jo looks back at Seungyoun and gives him a mischievous smile, her eyebrow raising in the process, “Should we get a running start?”. 
Seungyoun sighs and smiles. He closes his eyes for a second and a tear rolls down his cheek. The dead people are getting closer. Fear rushes through Jo’s veins as she continues to look at Seungyoun. Her smile has faltered and tears well up in her eyes. 
When he opens his eyes, it seems that both of them are at their breaking point. They continue to look at each other for a moment. Saying things that cannot be expressed through words. When that moment passes and they are brought back into reality, Seungyoun starts to step back a little bit. Jo does the same.
They breathe in.
And then out. 
They then run full speed towards the sun. Into the light and the warmth of the beginning and the end of the world. Into the fire that burns the valley and the cool water that brings life to the plants all around them. Their hands never once separate and they are reborn into birds who are free to roam the earth without fear of the dead people who now terrorize the public. But they have not forgotten who they are. They can’t turn their heads and pretend that they know nothing. They can only wish for one thing. 
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thru-the-grapevine · 5 months
just read the goddamn seungyoun first time fic and oh ellie you. you are like a genius and an angel and a blessing that was great thanks bye
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thotforcsy · 2 years
we are transparent (so fill me in with all your colours)
(♡) fandom: x1, pdx (♡) pairing: seungyoun/seungwoo (♡) rating: explicit (♡) 18,340 words (♡) complete (1/1)
When Seungwoo is thirteen, he moves to Seoul. It's a hotbed of ambition and cutthroat competition, and anyone who can't carve out a place here doesn't survive.
He will not be left behind.
(In which Seungwoo dreams of becoming an idol, meets the expressive and energetic Cho Seungyoun, and grows up far too quickly.)
cw: severe depression, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt
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chanis-banani · 10 months
Hi 👋 I wanted to know if you could write a night of s3x where there are mirrors (I think it's beautiful) with woodz? Thank you 🤍
HELL YEA I CAN (sorry, I'm just very excited about this concept)
Also maybe I got a little unhinged with it because this is my longest fic yet, hope that's ok oops
Pairing: WOODZ × afab reader
Synopsis: You decide to book a hotel for the night of Seungyoun's birthday. But after not looking at the photos very carefully, you're in for something a little more adventurous than intended.
Genre: s m u t . 18+
Contains: swearing, masturbation, voyeurism, dirty talk, fingering, oral, (unprotected) sex in front of a mirror, marking, more mirror sex, slight biting, slight hair pulling, creampie, did I mention mirror sex?
Word Count: (I'd rather not say) 5k words (yes it's almost all smut)
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☆ smut under the cut ☆
You turn the key in the lock and open the door to the hotel room. Seungyoun follows behind you, still wearing the little party hat you gave him. Since it is his birthday, you decided to celebrate it together by traveling to that little city you’ve always wanted to visit. In the afternoon, you walked around the center together to explore and you had dinner at a cute little bistro. You had given Seungyoun one of those little party hats as a joke, but he insisted on wearing it for the rest of the day. He had only taken it off inside the restaurant because the staff were giving him slightly hostile looks and he didn’t want to be rude, but as soon as you stepped outside after eating, he put it right back on again. Even while checking into the hotel, he kept wearing the little hat. The hotel staff were less judgemental and even seemed to like his shenanigans, congratulating him on his birthday.
Both of you closely inspect the room as you enter and Seungyoun throws his bags on the bed. The sheets are a red color and made of satin. The walls are also red, with a black decorative pattern made up of little roses. Next to the bathroom door is a big cabinet. Its wooden doors are closed, but you don't need to look inside to know what's in there, since it says "toys" in big letters on one of the doors. The bed is kingsized, with red little bed curtains surrounding it. On the other side of the room, right across from the bed, a huge mirror hangs on the wall.
You look around in shock. Seungyoun looks at you and raises an eyebrow. "Y/n? Did we just book ourselves a sex hotel?" You turn to him with big eyes and laugh a little nervously. “I swear this was not my intention!” you quickly come to your defense. “I even looked at photos of the hotels! Maybe I didn’t look at pictures of every individual room, but I just assumed they would be similar. This isn’t my fault! How could I know they would have a room like this?!”
He laughs and walks over to you to press a little kiss on your lips. The contrast between the deep red satin sheets on the bed and Seungyoun’s dumb, pastel little party hat makes the situation even more absurd. “Sshh, don’t be so worried,” he coos and he wraps his arms around you to pull you into a hug. You see your own reflection in the big mirror across the bed as he embraces you. It feels a little weird, but somehow seeing your love like this also brings little butterflies to your stomach. “This room is perfectly fine,” Seungyoun continues. “We can always leave that cabinet closed and then it’s almost like a normal room. Besides, a steamy room like this is kind of exciting, isn’t it?”
- - -
While Seungyoun takes a quick shower after a long day of exploring, you lay in bed with your favorite book. You try to read, but the room somehow keeps distracting you. The satin sheets are way too smooth and not really comfortable at all. Not to mention the discomfort you feel from the “toy” cabinet that almost seems to stare you down from the other side of the room. And worst of all - the mirror. You don’t know how to feel about it. As you sit upright in the bed, you feel the constant presence of your own reflection, causing a chaotic blend of intrigue, anxiety and excitement to pool in your stomach. It feels so naughty, so weird. So wrong to even think of looking at yourself in such a filthy way. Maybe it’s the energy of the room, but somehow you feel mostly excited. The big mirror in front of you gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from all kinds of angles, seeing every single inch of yourself. It’s like the mirror is calling to you, pulling you into your own reflection.
You slide a hand under your pajama shirt and watch yourself in the mirror as you run your fingers along your own belly, shivering a little at the touch. This new, extra kind of self awareness is making you more sensitive to your own fingers than you usually are. It feels so wrong to watch yourself like this, but fucking hell, does it turn you on.
You bring your fingers down to your clit and slowly start to stroke yourself, while looking at your own reflection. You look at your own lips, noticing how your mouth hangs open a little bit. Your shirt has been pulled up to reveal your breasts to yourself through the mirror. At this point, you’re starting to run out of patience. You just want to see more of yourself. Right now.
After sitting up, you take off your shirt and toss it into the room, quickly followed by your panties. Now you sit and take a moment to simply observe your own reflection. Very slowly, you spread your legs for yourself, like Margot Robbie in The Wolf of Wall Street. Only you're not doing it to seduce anyone else. You do it because you're feeling mesmerized by your own sexuality in a way you've never experienced before. The way you can watch how your own fingertips glide along your skin, how you can watch your own little reactions when you tease yourself a little, and the sight of your own sex all made you feel almost enchanted by yourself.
Very slowly, you insert your middle finger, watching closely how it disappears between your folds. God, you’re absolutely soaked. Your own reflection looks at you with a flustered expression as you realize how wet you became for yourself. It is so shameful and exciting at the same time, you don’t want to contain yourself anymore. You begin to pump your finger into yourself with more determination while bringing your other hand down to rub your clit. Soft moans escape your lips as you get lost in the sensation, and in the eye contact with your own reflection. You add another finger, watching excitedly how it gets engulfed by your soaked pussy, along with the other one. Being able to see how you’re stretching your own cunt to fit your fingers inside is so hypnotizing.
Just when you're about to add a third finger, you're snapped out of this hypnotized state of mind by Seungyoun's figure in the corner of your eye. He leans against the wall with his arms crossed and a dubious expression on his face. You immediately pull out your fingers, heart beating like crazy in your chest. How long had he been standing there? Was he watching you this whole time? His hair is still damp from the shower and he hadn’t bothered to put on a shirt or any pants. Just his boxers, which didn’t do much to hide his arousal.
“No no, don’t be embarrassed,” he says with a warm, sweet tone, as always, “Keep going. You seemed to be enjoying yourself.” The way he just about sings these words to you makes it obvious how much he had been enjoying the spectacle of you playing with yourself in front of the mirror. You wonder if he had secretly touched himself too while he watched.
“I’m not going to touch myself while you look!” you shriek. Seungyoun chuckles and shifts his weight so he’s no longer leaning against the wall. “Well… Why don’t I help you out then?”
Before you can protest, he’s already next to you in the bed and pulls you into his lap. Your back is pressed against his chest while he leans back against the headboard. You can clearly feel his erection poking into your lower back, making you quiver a little. A shiver goes down your spine as you feel his breath in your neck and he snakes his arms around your waist, gliding his right hand down to your vulva while using his left hand to cup your breast.
“Look at us,” he says with a husky voice while making eye contact with you through the mirror. Before you can even feel it, you see how he brings his lips to your ear and gently nibbles on your earlobe. “Aren’t we magnificent?”
You squirm nervously. Your heart beats like crazy in your chest due to a combination of anticipation, humiliation, and a deep love for the man who is currently stroking his finger along your entrance. “Look how wet you are,” he says, referring to the glistening arousal on your inner thighs. He drags his fingertip up between your folds, earning a wonderful moan from you. His lips curl into a horny grin and he doesn’t break eye contact for even a second.
“Do you have any idea how appetizing you look when you observe yourself like that?” His voice is lower and huskier than before. “It drives me a little crazy…” Upon these words, he slides his middle finger and ring finger into you at once, while simultaneously biting down on your earlobe. The sudden roughness causes you to let out a yelp and you tense up in his arms.
“That’s right, baby, just let it out,” he coos softly against your ear. His warm voice makes the little hairs in your neck stand upright. You bring one hand down to hold on to his wrist of the hand he’s fucking you with, and you bring your other hand up to grab the side of his head, desperately trying to find some way to regain stability.
“Seungyoun-” you manage to say under your breath. He lets go of your ear with his teeth to leave wet, hungry kisses on your jaw and down your neck. “Hmm?” he mumbles mid-hickey against your skin, while his fingers continue to pump in and out of you. “I just-” you continue nervously between your moans, “It’s weird…”
He pauses his hickey to look up at you through the mirror with a skeptical expression and he drastically slows down the movement of his fingers. “I’ll be the judge of that,” he grins at you, slowly pulling his fingers out of your sex to give you both a clear view of how filthy wet you are, pussy swollen from arousal and friction. “Now tell me what you were going to say,” he continues in a more stern, yet playful tone. You whimper from the sudden empty feeling and let out a defeated little sigh. “I just want to see us making love… Properly. In front of the mirror?”
Seungyoun doesn’t even look remotely surprised. It’s not like he wasn’t aware of how much you were intrigued by the mirror after your little show earlier. With a playful grin, he brings his fingers up to your mouth, those same fingers he fucked you with. Through the mirror, he gives you a look that makes it perfectly clear what he wants from you and you obediently part your lips for him. “So, you want to be fucked in front of the mirror? Is that right?” His fingers slither into your mouth while he says this. You are left with no choice but to nod in agreement with his fingers in your mouth, confronted with your own pathetic reflection while you are made to taste yourself.
There’s an eager twinkle in his eyes upon this sight of you. “God…” he whispers under his breath. He quickly tries to compose himself a little and he scrapes his throat. “Your wish is my command, my dearest. But first…” Suddenly he gets up from the bed and takes your hand in his. “...first I want to taste you.”
Before you know it, you are pulled to the foot end of the bed and he places you in an upright position, with your legs hanging over the edge. In the blink of an eye, he is kneeled before you on the ground, with his head between your thighs and the most excited expression on his face. The sight of him being so adorably enthusiastic, combined with the almost primal kind of hunger in his gaze brings a familiar type of warmth to your lower belly.
Being observed and cherished by him like this while also being observed by yourself through the mirror is a weird feeling, but far from an unpleasant one. You watch the movements of your own body as it responds to Seungyoun’s sudden kisses on your inner thigh. Through the mirror, you get a clear view of his back, beautifully showing off his tattoo for you. Somehow it turns you on that he’s still wearing his boxers. It shows that he is so excited to shower you with pleasure that he almost entirely forgets about his own desires.
The sensation of his teeth gently scraping along your skin causes you to jolt up a little, which leads him to let out satisfied little hums against your inner thigh. He places his hands on top of each of your thighs to hold them tightly so you don’t accidentally move too far away from him. Something which proves to be a good idea as soon as he decides to suddenly suck on your clit. With a little yelp, you dig your fingers into his hair and hold on to him tightly.
Thanks to the mirror, you can see his body react to the way you hold his hair. His muscles tighten and he slightly arches his back in enjoyment. He never minds if you’re a little rough with him. In fact: usually that is exactly what turns him on. There is nothing he likes more than making you feel good, so your body’s reactions are rather important to him. When he is covered in little scratches and other marks after making love to you, it tells him that he’s done a good job.
You hold on to his hair even more tightly to enjoy the view of his physical reaction and you pull him more closely towards you. Seungyoun gladly responds by sticking out his tongue for you, allowing you to rub yourself against it for him. As you watch yourself in the mirror, you aren’t sure whether you look pathetic or powerful, but it doesn’t matter, because all you know is that you’re insanely horny. And you’re not the only one.
As he eats you out, Seungyoun seems to be squirming to get the slightest bit of friction for himself as well, but without much success. You grin down at him and gently pull his right hand away from your thigh. At first, he gives you a confused look, but when you guide his hand down to his own crotch for him, it seems to click. “Go on,” you say with a kind smile and you stroke his head as if he were some kind of dog. “I want to see you touch yourself for me, Seungyoun.” 
The boy shudders at your words. He has that excited twinkle in his eyes again. “God, y/n, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he whispers under his breath before obediently sliding his own hand into his boxers. The little whimpers that come from him once he starts to pleasure himself vibrate wonderfully against your clit.
Seungyoun appears needier by the minute. He starts to get more rough with you, forcing his tongue as deep inside you as possible while digging his fingers into your thigh hard enough to leave marks. The feeling of his hot, wet tongue inside your cunt like this is enough to make you throw your head back in pleasure, your vision becoming blurred with stars. You spread your legs a little wider for him and with loud moans you start to rub yourself on his face.
His moans become louder as well, but when he suddenly calls your name, you become awakened from your own state of bliss for a second. “Y/n…” His voice is low and filled with need. He is showing you those eyebrows again. His hand is no longer in his boxers and his mouth and chin are completely wet, dripping with your arousal.The sight of him like this is nearly enough to make you cum on the spot.
You give him a curious look when he suddenly begins to chuckle. "What? Why are you laughing?" Without saying a word, Seungyoun just points up to the space above the bed. You turn and lean your head back to discover that he is pointing at a second mirror. This mirror above the bed is smaller than the one on the wall, but still big enough to have a clear view of the entire bed. All this time, the black bed curtains had hidden this second mirror from you. The only time you could have seen it was when you were laying on the bed before, if you hadn't been so obsessed with the one on the wall. "How many mirrors does a person need…" you mumbled, unsure of what else to say. The discovery of a second mirror caused you to feel that warmth in your stomach again.
When you turn your head back to Seungyoun, he's no longer kneeled down on the floor. By now he is standing and his boxers have already been tossed into a corner. He reaches a hand to you and pulls you off the bed and on your feet as well. He swiftly turns you to the mirror on the wall and places himself behind you. "Time to fulfill that wish of yours," he says, after which he begins to leave long, wet kisses on your shoulder.
You are met with your own reflection again, this time also seeing Seungyoun’s reflection behind you. From this angle, you are able to see a part of the gun tattoo on his belly and you reach your hand back to run your fingertips over his inked skin, earning a little gasp from him. Both of you are completely hot and bothered and you can already feel his erection poking your lower back again.
He guides your hips into an angle that gives him easy access and aligns himself with your entrance. You let out a hopeful little moan, but Seungyoun takes a moment to tease you before giving you what you want, taking his time to stroke his tip up and down your embarrassingly wet folds. 
At this point you’re so needy for him, you won’t wait any longer and you push your ass back a little, carefully pushing yourself onto him. He moans with surprise and you moan with delightment when his tip enters you. The sensation is warm and almost soothing in a way. Through the mirror, you can see how his look of surprise quickly makes room for a warm, loving smile and he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you tightly against him. You lean your head back against his shoulder and he presses a kiss on your cheek.
“Look at you…” he murmurs against your skin while stroking your lower belly with his hands, sending tingles throughout your entire body. “Y’know sometimes you give me goosebumps?” he says with a little grin. His voice is breathy and adrenalized. Thanks to these words, he isn’t the only one with goosebumps.
He pulls himself almost completely out of you and angles your bodies in such a way you get a proper view of where the two of you are connected. Both of you become fully focused on the sight as he very slowly pushes himself back inside you again, this time filling you up with his entire length, all at once. You can only gasp and hold your breath at the sudden full feeling, making your pathetic reflection stare at yourself with an open mouth.
You reach both of your arms back to him to hold on to his hips as he thrusts into you with very long, slow strokes. The look of an intoxicating kind of pleasure is written all over your faces. “I adore you,” you mumble in between your little gasps and whimpers. Through the mirror, you can clearly see how his face lights up when you say this, showing you that familiar little twinkle in his eyes again. 
He lays two fingers on your jaw and gently guides you to face him so he can press a clumsy, yet passionate kiss on your lips. His other hand is still on your belly and now creeps its way down to your heat while he kisses you. You moan blissfully against his lips when he begins to draw slow circles on your clit, and he hums lovingly in response.
While slightly picking up the pace of his thrusts, he lets his fingers travel the area between your thighs, delighting in the slippery sensation of your arousal. He breaks the kiss and looks at you with that everlasting smile of his, raising his eyebrows at you a little curiously. “You’re even more soaked than before,” he smirks at you. Feeling a little flustered, but too horny to care, you throw a cheeky grin at him and press a quick kiss on his cheek. “Well happy birthday I guess.”
The happy twinkle in his eyes makes room for a more bold expression and he turns your head back to face the mirror again. “God, you intoxicate me,” he pants and he pulls his cock almost completely out of you again, this time to plunge into you a lot harder than before. You cry out in surprise, but Seungyoun doesn’t give you any time to adjust to his new roughness. Greedy, like a wolf who hasn’t had a meal in days, he starts pumping himself into you at a quick pace, completely bottoming out with every thrust. 
Your mind is foggy and you’re barely even aware how loudly he makes you moan for him. With your head leaning back on his shoulder and your hand desperately clinging to his hips behind you, you try to regain some sense of stability. But his hard thrusts make it hard to even think clearly, not to mention the way he’s rubbing your clit. “Seungyoun-” you squeal just when he plunges into you particularly roughly. “I’m- Ah! Getting close…”
“Not yet,” he replies firmly and after a few more hard thrusts, he pulls out of you, giving you a chance to catch your breath.
He lifts you off your feet and in the blink of an eye, you are transported to the bed. A wave of relief hits you, knowing that you can at least lay down if he’s going to fuck you like this. The relief however, soon makes room for an almost shameful feeling as you look up at yourself through the mirror above the bed. You weren’t even aware that you had spread your legs as he laid you down, yet here you are confronted with a clear view of yourself: legs spread wide open for him, hair messy, face sweaty and a cunt so wet that the arousal has dripped all the way down your thighs.
It’s exhilarating. 
Seungyoun quickly joins you in the bed to get on top of you. He gives you a warm smile, but you are too distracted by the sight of his back as he hovers over you. The defined muscles, the line where his spine is, the way his curves slim down around his waist and most importantly: the tattoo between his shoulder blades. You are completely infatuated with this display of him, his breathtaking form on top of you like this.
He chuckles a little to see you enchanted like this and he presses a kiss on your lips. “Earth to y/n,” he grins, snapping you out of the hypnotized feeling. He lovingly strokes your cheek and kisses you again. You shudder a little as his hair tickles against your own forehead. “You’re just so beautiful…” you whisper against his lips, “Please, I need to feel you.”
Seungyoun seems to agree with this sentiment, because he immediately lines himself up with your entrance again. He gives you a little look, as if to say “ready?” and you nod excitedly without any need for an exchange of words.
You wrap your arms around his neck, making sure to hold on to him a bit higher so you don’t cover up the view of his tattoo and he pushes himself into you again. He kisses you at first, but keeps the kiss short to give you room to watch the mirror as he makes love to you. It’s hard to tell what is more intoxicating, the sensation of being loved, cherished and filled to the brim by your beloved, or the display of his magnificent body.
You watch how his muscles tense and relax as he thrusts his hips and you admire the curves of his body. Observing the two of you together like this makes you feel like you're making love to a Greek god. In this moment, your heart becomes filled with warmth upon becoming so hyper-aware of the beauty in the reflection coming from above the bed. It's like you're looking at a painting by Michelangelo. The Sistine Chapel is nothing compared to the two of you.
“You’re beautiful,” you say softly, tearing your gaze from the mirror to look him in the eyes.
“Enough looking,” he replies with a cocky smirk on his face, “I want to kiss you.”
He connects his lips to yours again in a feverish kiss and intensifies his thrusts, pounding into your sweet spot at a steady rhythm. With a delighted little cry, you wrap your legs around him and pull him more tightly against you.
As the way he’s thrusting into you becomes more rough, he disconnects his lips from yours  and brings them down to your jaw and neck. He starts to leave long, warm kisses all over your skin and slowly those begin to get more rough as well. Once again you look in the mirror, this time to see how enchanted he is by you. While you are finding pleasure in watching your love through the mirror, he is delighted by the feeling of his skin against yours. His lips travel along your jaw, neck and shoulder, letting you feel their softness all over. It’s like both of you are bathing in the pleasure of each other’s existence. 
“Don’t stop, keep going,” you whisper under your breath, unsure of why you’re even saying it. Seungyoun hadn’t left even the slightest impression of wanting to stop anytime soon. Still, it seems your words got him even more fired up, because his kisses turn into hickeys. He wraps his arms around your torso, clinging on to you while he scrapes his teeth along the side of your throat, sucking on it until you feel a stinging sensation. When he moves to the other side of your neck, you can clearly see the purple mark he left on your skin. You can’t help but feel the rush - the way he puts his lips on you, the way he burns you, like a kiss of fire.
The knot in your lower stomach is intensifying at a rapid pace under his burning touch. With every thrust, he invades you deeply, making both of you lose yourself completely in blissful desire. By the desperation in his movement, you can tell that both of you can tip over the edge any moment now.
You let go of his neck to cup his cheeks with your hands and he brings his hickeys to a halt to look up at you. His ears and cheeks are flushed a deep, red color and little pearls of sweat drip down his forehead, causing his messy hair to stick to his skin.
“Kiss me while we cum,” you breathe out.
You don’t need to ask him twice. Seungyoun presses his lips against yours again and soon you find his tongue brushing against yours. The vibrations of your combined moans against each other’s lips causes both of you to get delightful goosebumps and a little shiver goes down your spine.
Anguished moans begin to come from Seungyoun’s throat and you can feel him throbbing slightly inside of you. A few more times, he hammers himself into you entirely and so roughly it causes your vision to get completely blurred. Then one more loud cry escapes him and he plunges into you as deeply as possible.This final thrust is enough to push you over the edge and you come with him.
As you reach your climax, you cling so tightly to him it hurts. The wave of pleasure becomes vastly more intense because of the heavy pulsations of his cock inside you. You grip on to his hair, unable to moan or even breathe. Your whole body tenses up and trembles with pleasure and all you can do is gasp. Soft whimpers come from Seungyoun’s mouth as he feels how your walls continue to clench and pulsate around him for a moment after he’s already ridden out his orgasm. But it doesn’t stop him from stroking your hair and cooing gentle words to you.
When your body finally relaxes again, he strokes your cheek with a sweet, but tired smile, while you struggle to catch your breath. “Ssshh,” he coos softly and he presses his nose into your cheek, “Breathe for me baby.” You nod at him and try to take slow, deep breaths while stroking your fingers through his hair to calm down. You can’t help but look up at the mirror for a brief moment, seeing the two exhausted figures on the bed, both covered in sweat. But there is something intriguing about this sight. Despite their exhaustion, the two figures in the mirror look insanely happy, euphoric even. Their figures seem to be overflowing with affection and care as they lay in each other’s arms, reveling in each other’s presence.
You press your forehead against his and let out a satisfied little sigh. “I think we should buy ourselves a big mirror…” you say hazily.
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minheeskitten · 10 days
Hi, I thought about a night with Seungyoun, him with his girlfriend who is still a virgin but that night that was about to change... I don't even know why this is on my mind! 😅 And thanks in advance ~~
Hey so, i have a question for you anonie.
I can't do cis afab reader anymore. For my own comfort.
I love this idea though, so i would like to ask if you would be okay with me making it either a trans afab reader or a cis amab reader.. I am here for the guys and the gays and i can totally understand if you'd rather find someone else for it.
But i would like to hear you come back and talk more. We can talk ab how it might go, but as for making it a fic it has to be a masc x reader.
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x1protector · 5 years
Chef!AU Seungyoun
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Author’s note: Happy 100 followers (we’re actually at 117 omg)! This is insane we have 2 prologues guys ;;; here’s a little something I made enjoy while you wait for the first Royal AU storyline. We’re working on it but it is taking a while because we want it to be good anyway enjoy!! -Admin V 🌻
p a i r i n g: seungyoun au (extend for x gender neutral reader)
g e n r e: fluff; chef au; bullet au
w a r n i n g s: mentions of knife
w o r d  c o u n t: 1k
Chef!AU Seungyoun
Read Chef!AU Wooseok here.
got personally scouted as head chef of a famous restaurant because he's That Good
handpicks everyone in his entire team and trusts them with his life
can do anything: pastry, saucer, chef de partie, meat, fish, etc--jack of all trades, master of all
pastry chef Seungwoo once saw him juggle three saucers in one hand while boning a fish with the other
an actual mess
tries to keep it together in front of his subordinates tho
graduated top of his class, but no one talks about it since he gets so embarrassed
a clumsy mess if he’s not focused tho and probably put sauce in pastries before
sous chef Hangyul swore on his life that he's never giving seungyoun a white attire because he keeps spilling things on himself
so he wears the black attire, which is symbolic as head chef in this restaurant but also;;;; to hide the embarrassment that is seungyoun's clumsiness
can handle a knife like no other 
but cut his hands too often and is now required (by his staff) to wear thick gloves whenever he wields a particular sharp knife
touches hot food so often, the calluses on his fingers formed thickly and can take the heat so now he doesn't even need to use gloves
Seungyoun, holding a sizzling plate of fish: Hangyul look how cool I am!
Hangyul: the skin cells on your fingers hate you
Seungyoun: that’s assuming they’re alive
“seriously how did this kid get through culinary school in one piece?” --everyone
walks around without the chef hat and only puts it on when there's inspection
when he doesn’t have it on tho, his hair is either all clipped back with huge hair clamps or in a net for cleanliness reason
everyone thinks he looks absolutely adorable either way
goes around the kitchen checking on people and giving encouraging praises
“oooooh Yohannnn i see you garnishing with the right twist of the wrist”
“Seungwoo-hyung love what you’ve done with the brulee, it’s exquisite *chef kiss*”
never yells at anyone
except when Dohyon accidentally burned himself spilling sauce Seungyoun yelled at him and banned him from the kitchen for a week to recover
was actually more sad than Dohyon
Seungyoun: ...do you think Dohyon hate me now D;;
Yohan: NO OF COURSE NOT HE KNOWS you mean well;;;;;
Hangyul: yes lmao
Yohan: did you just say lmao out loud
Seungyoun: yes lmao
Dohyon came back fully healed and Seungyoun cried b/c he missed Dohyon so much
looks very soft and smiley but will fight anyone that picks on his team
one time a high-profile guest dined at the restaurant and hated one of the dishes, so they told the owner to fire whoever made it
but no one got fired because Seungyoun threatened to leave if they so much as touch anyone on his team
a very responsible head chef, takes the blame for things he didn’t do and cover up for the kids
Minhee: im sorry hyung... we lost an expensive shipment because of me, I deserved to be fired..
Seungyoun: but if you leave, we would suffer a bigger loss
Minhee: but you got scolded because of me..
Seungyoun: then I guess you can buy me dinner hehe
a precious bub
always going out of his way to make others happy
one time his team was so tired due to a particularly long, grueling day of work, so he like.. jumps and claps his feet in the air and wouldn’t stop till they started laughing
honestly if not for the obvious black attire, no one would think he was head chef of this prestigious restaurant
(keep reading for x reader)
you know head chef Seungyoun because you were the one who scouted him
as well as the one who fought management team in order for him to handpick his own staff
you’re basically an extended part of the kitchen, and you visit the team often to make sure they have everything they need
everyone adores you and saves you all the good snacks from the kitchen
Seungyoun is especially sweet on you and everyone knows but you
Minhee: did boss make you chocolate soufflé again?
You: yeah! It’s delicious as usual, do you want some?
Minhee: thanks, but I already had some! Did you know it’s very tricky to make? We only get to eat this from the boss when you’re around so thank you!
You: what do you mean
Minhee: heheheh I have to get back to work enjoy your soufflé
Everyone dotes on you tho b/c you’re the reason they’re all here together
You always just brush it off you’re honestly just doing your job
Seungyoun is especially grateful, and he tells you that a lot
Sure, he’s good, but he wasn’t a conventional chef and his unique cooking techniques weren’t widely accepted among the pro circle
If it wasn’t for you, he would still be looking for a job out of culinary school
But that’s not all he feels
He likes seeing you enjoy his food, hearing your voice ringing with laughters, and feeling like the butterflies from his stomach migrating to his head, making nests and driving him crazy the more he sees you smile
Seungyoun knows what this feeling is, and he thought he hid it well, not wanting to ruin your current relationship
But let’s be honest Seungyoun is so obvious his entire staff knew since day 1
The boy literally had to clutch his hands behind his back to stop himself from shaking when he’s near you
Smiles a little too much (even for Seungyoun) when you’re around
Stares at you a little too long when you’re sitting at the kitchen counter enjoying the soufflé because that’s the first recipe he made for you when you first met
heart eyes @ you 24/7 literally how do you not see this--
Hangyul: is he gonna make a move today or do we have to wait till next year?
Yohan: let him live omg he’s shy
Finally made you chocolate on valentine with a little note that read “will you be the chocolate to my soufflé?”
the entire kitchen staff: just go out with him already he keeps whining to us
so you do and gave him a little kiss after accepting the confession
y'all are cute
couple of the year tbh
Read Chef!AU Wooseok here.
--Admin V🌻
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nari-nim · 3 years
woodz as your boyfriend
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genre: fluff + smut (separated) 
word count: 946
nari-note: i love this mans
Oh he can flirt. You will know when he is into you.
It’s the most interesting combo of him being so self-assured and smooth, asking you out and making sure you both have a good time, while being so soft and shy and blushy the whole time
His eye smile is the sweetest and he just can’t stop smiling when he is with you
If you ever get into a love triangle with him and someone else wanting to date you he will not back down
His drive is insane, and he’ll do anything to make sure you see his feelings for you and chose him 
Will make the first moves, no problem
He wants to be a “man” to you, may lean into gender roles lol
In the dating phase, he showers you with affection, and will do everything he can to build a strong relationship by demonstrating his devotion and reliability by whatever means available.
He’s so excited to share all of his ideas and opinions with you. Think rambling to you while you cuddle, chatting with you as you walk hand in hand to various places, calling you while he’s in the car, asking wild questions in the most inconvenient times, etc
Sends you so many memes
Basically will blow up your notifs if you stay away from your phone because he has so much he wants to share with you
Sees relationships as a perfect method of mutual exploration and imagination, a chance to connect with someone he finds so cool
He’ll take this relationship so seriously, he’s so devoted and loyal to you!
Long-distance relationships is no match for his passion. No matter how far away or how long y’all spend time apart, he puts in so much effort to make sure you are both still feeling connected and loved
Ball of enthusiasm 
Occasionally needy
Can get jealous
So please put in the same effort and passion he gives to you
But he’s definitely the type to treat you with such a soft spot
Like he literally just finished screaming and running after his friend, and suddenly he sensed that you were frowning at your phone and just looks at your with such a soft expression
His friends all think he’s whipped for you and they’re not wrong. He won’t admit it to them but everyone knows
Likes cuddling up to you
Wants attention and cuddles all the time
Lays his body on you, leaning his body weight against you until you address him
Teases you so much
But it’s because he really wants to see you laugh all the time
Sends you a bunch of photos and updates throughout the day
Likes sending you selfies and photos of himself to get your compliments
He’s hot and we both know it
If y’all get super serious and committed, he’s the type to get a tattoo dedicated to you
Verrryyy spontaneous
The level of chaos he brings is unmatched
And it makes everything so fun!!!!
So spontaneous dates. The most mundane day could have a sudden twist and you’re like vibing in a whole new setting you never expected to
So many fun memories and stories you can share with your friends afterwards
Truly never know what to expect when being with him and that’s what makes it fun
Introduces you to his friends
Likes being social and feels like it’s so much more fun with you around
You suddenly meet so many people through him and he helps you get out of your comfort zone
Everyone thinks the two of you are so cute <3
Introduces you to his mom like 2 months in
Likes outdoorsy dates!
Takes you skateboarding
Takes you to his recording booth
Takes you on road trips
But also loves spending the whole day in together
Netflix and chill, but y’all really do watch the movie and just knock out 
NSFW after this
Dom. Hard dom at times.
He’s confident and cocky, for good reason
He knows what he’s doing
Obsessed with you riding his thigh riding
Obsessed with you begging
When combined, it’s pefect. You’re just begging for him to fuck you while you rut against his flexed thigh muscles and it’s the hottest thing
I think he’s an ass guy
Into spanking
Light breath play, lowkey he likes getting choked 
Dirty talk!!!!!
He’s so fucking talkative in bed
Likes seeing you squirm and get flustered from his words
Loves hearing your praise too
Like tell him how good he’s making you feel and he takes it in stride saying things like “that’s right, daddy’s making you feel so good”
Sorry yeah I think he has a daddy kink
He has a size kink!!!
He’s proud of his height and size and wants you to verbally confirm that in bed
Likes it soooo much when you are verbal in bed
Also imagine getting pounded so hard that it’s hard to keep hold of him
And then at one point you just go pliant, eyes staring up into his, mouth open in slack pleasure, the saliva he spat in you and drool starting a trail down the side of your mouth 
That’s his favorite hard dom moment <3
I think he’s explorative. Will try anything you suggest. He will willingly experiment with you, even early in a relationship.
He can also be oddly perfectionistic, believing that these intimate acts are a representation of a deeper love.
He never wants to disappoint, so make sure to tell him how good he makes you feel. 
Um possessive sex is a thing
You’re his :) He will make sure you know that
So yeah primal jealous sex will never be off the table
But I can also see how he can have moments when he’s really fun and giggly in bed
Likes kissing all over and coo at you beautiful you are
Likes seeing how your smiles contorts into moans
It’s cute
Aftercare with him? Super sweet. He’ll take care of you, no worries. 
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minheeology · 3 years
woodz reaction ➳ s/o saying "i love you" first
requested? : yes!
pairing : cho seungyoun x gn!reader
genre : fluff
warnings : none <3
summary : you beat seungyoun to saying those three little words.
a/n : i had fun writing this so i hope you enjoy ! <3
you two are sitting on the couch
you probably just came home from a night out
you two usually had nights like this, coming home at 2am after wandering around the city
but something about tonight felt different
it was different
today was your eight month anniversary with seungyoun
while you two tended to take things pretty quickly, there were some things that you two took very seriously
one thing being the L word
you knew it was a little bit silly, but it meant a lot to both of you
you both agreed it was a big step in a relationship
however, you knew you loved seungyoun, and you were sure he loved you just as much, so why not tell him?
and so, you crawled closer to your boyfriend, laying your head in his lap
he smiled down at you
his smile made your heart race more than it already was
but you pushed away the nerves you felt as you grabbed one of his hands, playing with his fingers
"hey". you started, "so i have something to tell you.. and i've been thinking about this for a while.."
his expression changed a little bit
he looked a little scared tbh, like he was in trouble or something shdjkfns
he nodded at you to continue, so you did
"eight months is a long time.. but one thing is for certain.. i wouldn't want to have spent the last eight months with anyone else. i love you, seungyoun."
his eyes widened
honestly, you couldn't read his expression
he was quiet for several seconds before he let out a loud laugh
"gah, y/n! you beat me to it! i was supposed to say it first!"
and now your boyfriend was pouting down at you,
but when he noticed how nervous you actually were, he leaned down and kissed your nose
"i love you too, y/n. always."
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hwajil · 3 years
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© weeklycouple
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seokmattchuus · 5 years
Guess - Seungwoo / Seungyoun
A/n: Wrote this to attack myself, really. But is it good? No.
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You couldn’t move. Your hands were cuffed to the headboard and your ankles to the foot board. You couldn’t see anything either, leaving you to assume it was a stray tie.
“So pretty, isn’t she?” The voice was familiar but you couldn’t quite make it out. 
“All spread out for us. Do you think she’ll be able to tell us apart?” A second voice spoke up and it took all of you to try and make it out.
“Well, she’ll have to.” The first voice teased. “Otherwise she won’t get to cum.”
The moan you let out only got small chuckles in return before you felt a hand travel up your thigh, passed your stomach and towards your breast, pinching your nipple lightly while you felt lips on your collarbones.
“Do you think you can tell who’s who, baby?” The first voice spoke up again so you assumed he wasn’t the one kissing your chest.
“I-” You started, licking your lips as you pulled on your restraints. “I don’t know.” You whined. 
“It was your idea, princess.” The second voice spoke up between kisses, his voice clearer since he was closer. “You were so confident.” He chuckled before wrapping his lips around your nipple, biting harshly. 
“Please,” You tried, your back arching into his touch. 
“No, no, baby.” The first voice spoke up on your opposite side. “That won’t help you now.” He cooed before you felt someone cup your cheek, their hand sliding down to your throat while you felt another hand trail down your torso to lightly rub over you. 
“Just say whoever, princess, we won’t get mad.” The first voice continued. “You suggested him after all.”
You licked your lips, partially scared of answering, and partially too excited.
“You were not just dreaming about fucking someone else.” Seungwoo smirked down at you as he shook you awake. “I really wanted to see where that was going, but I’m starting to get jealous.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks as you looked towards him.
“You he-”
“All of it.” His smirk only grew and you groaned, pulling the blanket over your head.
“Tell me.” You could still hear the smirk in voice and you picked your hand up to hit him, getting a laugh in response.
“So who was it, ‘cause it definitely wasn’t me.” He said, trying to pull the blanket back. 
“How do you know that?” You furrowed your brows, your grip on the blanket tightening.
“I didn’t, but your response confirmed it.” He laughed.
“Well...you were a part of it?” You questioned.
“Oh?” He said amused. “Was it a Victon member? An X1 member? A member of a completely different group?“
“Why do you want to know?” You mumbled from under the blanket. “So you can tease me about it?” 
“Can you at least tell me what it was about?” He tried. 
You poked your head out, seeing Seungwoo’s stupid smiled hanging over your face.
“You were just waiting for me to come back out, weren’t you?” You started.
“Answer my question first.” He spoke as he fully pulled the blanket back.
“I suggested a threesome, you agreed.” You started, your eyes training on the blanket that now laid across your stomach. “I was cuffed to the bed and I had to tell who was who..” You trailed off before continuing. “And if I couldn’t, neither of you would let me cum.” You closed your eyes, not wanting to see his reaction.
“Let’s make a bet.” He started. “If I manage to find out who it is, we’ll do it.”
“How can you say that so casually?” You opened your eyes in shock.
“Maybe I want to make that dream come true.”
Your morning was full of Seungwoo asking multiple questions, trying to see if you’d slip up.
“Just give me a hint. One hint.” He whined before taking a sip of his coffee. “Or the group name. Or what the group starts with. Something.” 
“Why do you care so much?” You whined. “You never indulged in my threesome fantasy before, so why are you trying so hard now?” 
“Because you were moaning about it in my bed.” He grumbled. “So I’m willing to indulge it now.” He paused. “And because..maybe I like the idea of making you guess who’s who.” He looked away.
“You get so jealous, yet here you are.” You tsked, shaking your head. “But fine.” You bit your lip. 
“It’s Yibo isn’t it!” Seungwoo yelled as he walked inside, throwing his bag on the floor. “I’ve been thinking about it all day. He’s been your bias since day one, you re-watched his EOEO focus way too many times an-”
“Can you breathe?” You laughed as he walked up to you. “It isn’t Yibo.” You shook your head.
“Why not?” He questioned. “I thought I had it.” 
“Are you sure you had it?” You cocked your head. “Or did you just want it to be him?”
“Like I want you gawking at him in real life after I saw the way you stared at his damn videos.” He groaned. “I’m kind of glad it isn’t him.” He paused, taking in your outfit, or lack of one.
“Why are you dressed like that?” He said, referring to your big flannel accompanied by nothing else.
“You’ve never cared about it be-” You were cut off by your phone ringing, smiling when you recognized the ringtone before you pulled your phone out. “It’s Seungyoun, I’ll be right back.”
“Bu-” Seungwoo spoke up, but you were already walking away.
“What’s up?” You smiled against the phone. 
“I know it’s late, but I was wondering if you wanted to come over to the studio and help me with this song?” Seungyoun spoke. “I’m stuck and you’re better at this than I am.”
“I didn’t know you were working on another song?” You furrowed your brows. “But you can come over here, Seungwoo has a whole room set up for his music. I’m sure he won’t mind.” You shrugged.
“Oh, really? I didn’t know he did that?”
“Yeah, he doesn’t do it a lot, but he likes to.” You smiled, remembering how you used to stay up with Seungwoo and Hanse, watching as they worked on unofficial remixes.
“Might just have him help if we can’t get this done.” He laughed. “But I’ll be over in like? A few minutes? I’m not that far.”
“That works.” You smiled. “See you soon.”
You hung up, turning around only to see Seungwoo standing behind you, the same stupid smirk from that morning plastered on his face.
“Wasn’t expecting it to be Seungyoun.” He crossed his arms. 
“I do-” You started but got cut off.
“You should’ve just said X1.” He tsked. “Then again, I probably still would’ve gotten it wrong.” He tsked again. 
You felt your mouth run dry and you shook your head.
“Don’t tell him.” You pleaded. 
“Why not?” He smirked. “Don’t you wanna make that dream come true?” 
“Not this soon.” You continued shaking your head, part of you knowing it was useless because he would do whatever he wanted to anyways. “Plus, he’s coming over to work on a song, not get hit with the idea of a threesome.” You tried.
“Bold of you to assume he wouldn’t be down.” He snorted. “It’s Seungyoun.”
“I know, bu-”
You were cut off by the doorbell ringing and you would’ve run to go hide if it wasn’t for you freezing. 
“Fuck.” You whined, closing your eyes and stomping your foot down before going to get the door, giving Seungwoo one last glance in hopes he’d stay quiet. 
“Hey,” You forced a smile, closing the door behind Seungyoun. “It’s in-”
“I’ll show you.” Seungwoo spoke up with a smile. 
“Nice outfit.” Seungyoun smirked at you before following your boyfriend, both of them soon out of your sight as you stayed by the closed door. 
You winced as you stood there alone, hoping to whatever higher power that was out there that Seungwoo would keep his mouth shut and you slowly made your own way over.
“I hope you don’t mind me stealing y/n for a night.” You heard Seungyoun laugh as you got closer.
“Speaking of,” Seungwoo spoke up as you walked in.
“Can we just get on with it?” You forced a yawn. “I’m kind of tired.”
“It shouldn’t take us too long.” Seungyoun reassured. “I already finished most of it, but I’m stuck on the girl’s part.” He sighed. “After I finish that, it should be done.” 
“Sounds great.” You sighed, sitting down next to him, trying to ignore Seungwoo’s stare as you took the notebook from the counter, nearly choking as you did so. 
“You could’ve told me this was about sex.” You cleared your throat.
“You never needed a warning before.” Seungyoun laughed. “Or is it because your boyfriend’s here?” 
“Just shut up and let me think.” You huffed, ignoring the two boys laughing.
After successfully tuning out the boys, it only took you about twenty minutes to come up with something.
“How’s this?” You sighed, handing the notebook to Seungyoun, who only looked at you with a smirk. “What?” You furrowed your brows, looking between the two boys.
“You still haven’t caught on yet, have you?” Seungyoun licked his lips before looking over at Seungwoo but you didn’t do the same, too scared to find out what was happening.
“I knew it was one of them, Yibo or Seungyoun. You saying it wasn’t Yibo, then ignoring me for Seungyoun’s call just proved the point.” Seungwoo laughed lightly. 
“We talked about it during practice.” He continued. “Seungyoun said he would help me find out, hence why he called. Did you really think he’d need help this late at night?” He raised a brow, even though you weren’t looking at him.
“Look at me, baby.” You could hear the smirk in his voice and it only scared you more. “Look at me or I won’t go easy on you.” His tone changed and you swallowed thickly, slowly turning to meet his gaze. “He already knows.” He smiled. “So it’s up to you if you really want to do this tonight.”
Your eyes shifted between the two, your words caught in your throat as you tried to speak up.
“Don’t you want us to make you feel good?” Seungyoun spoke up with a smirk, his tone sending a shiver down your spine. 
“He knows what you like, baby.” Seungwoo smirked. “And he’s completely on board with making your little dream come true.”
You swallowed thickly as you closed your eyes at the situation you were in.
Of course Seungwoo told him everything. Of course you were dumb enough to fall for it. Of course you were actually considering it.
“How would we even..?” You trailed off, your tongue darting out lick your lips.
The boys exchanged smirks before getting up, looking down at you momentarily before walking out.
You slowly followed, watching as they disappeared into your bedroom.
Just how much did they plan?
The second you walked it, it wasn’t long before the guys were explaining what they were going to do, Seungwoo pulling out the blindfold and handcuffs from it’s place in the box of toys.
“Would’ve never thought you were into all that.” Seungyoun chuckled, his eyes trained on the box even after the Seungwoo closed it and placed it back on the 
“Maybe next time.” Seungwoo chuckled, ignoring you and Seungyoun’s shocked expressions at the statement. “Sit on the bed.” He nodded at you, tossing the hand cuffs to Seungyoun.
“She likes them tight.” Seungwoo chuckled as he slipped the blindfold on, your hands moving behind you.
It wasn’t long before you felt the cold metal of the cuffs close around your wrists, the way Seungyoun tightened it pulling a small whimper out of you.
“Already?” You heard an amused tone speak up and you swore the nervousness was fucking with you because you couldn’t make out who it was, but thank fuck they weren’t asking.
“How confident are you that you can tell us apart, baby? Remember, your orgasm’s on the line here.” 
You swallowed thickly, squirming slightly at the thought of what was coming.
“I feel like you’re going to act different just to make it harder.” You directed towards Seungwoo, getting a small pat on your head in response, followed by light footsteps and the bed dipping behind you. 
“Such a smart girl.” He cooed, his hands - or what you were assuming was his hands - pushing you so you were laying back against him, your hands gripping his jeans in a poor attempt to steady yourself.
“You’ll be a good girl, won’t you?” This voice was different and you’d say it was Seungyoun but with how much your mind was wandering off, plus the way the pair of hands wrapped around your neck to give it a light squeeze, you weren’t one hundred percent sure. Seungwoo would never choke you so early on.
You nodded with a whimper, squirming lightly as they tightened their grip. 
“Words, princess.” He growled.
“Y-Yes. I’ll be a good girl.” You chocked out, the sound making you slightly embarrassed.
He let go and you heard footsteps while you felt a hand snake around you to play with the buttons of your flannel. You were about to speak up, when you felt another pair of hands pull your panties down, a small sigh leaving your lips.
“You’re already enjoying this?” He chuckled. “You must’ve really wanted this.” He whispered, the bed dipping before you felt light kisses trail up your leg.
“Please don’t tease.” You whined, but stayed still, still unsure of who was between your legs and not knowing what to expect if you moved.
“It’s going to take a lot more than one little ‘please’ to get you anywhere, baby.” You heard from behind you as your shirt slowly opened, falling to your sides as he made his way down. “And no bra?” He tsked.
As the kisses got closer and closer, your head fell back against whoever was behind you, getting a small scoff before his head moved to press kisses along your neck.
With how haphazardly he was pressing kisses, you were assuming it was Seungyoun since he didn’t wouldn’t know where to kiss, but Seungwoo did say he would make it more difficult. 
“Have fun guessing.”
You had no time to process what was happening before his lips finally attached to you, skipping any tongue technique and heading straight for your clit, his hands coming up to hold you still when your hips moved. Your hands gripped onto whoever was behind you and you heard him hiss at the contact, your hand too close to his bulge.
You finally settled that it was Seungyoun behind you when you felt his hands grab your breasts, his touch softer than Seungwoo’s and it had you wiggling against your restraint. Your grip tightened and the muscle under it felt like Seungwoo but he was rarely gentle with you. There was no way he was behind you. But why would he let Seungyoun start it off?
Sensing you’re mental and physical struggle, he couldn’t help but speak up.
“You’re so cute when you’re struggling.” You felt him chuckle against your neck, his hands getting rougher and you let out a helpless moan as he bit down on one of your sweet spots.
“P-Please-fuck-I-” Your back arching as you couldn’t even think straight, everything becoming too much for you. Hell, you didn’t even know what you were asking for.
“Do you know who it is?” His breath fanned over your neck, smirking slightly as you slowly nodded, finally coming to an answer.
“S-Seungwoo.” You moaned out followed by a whine as he let go of your clit, your eyes suddenly uncovered and being met with Seungyoun’s smirking face between your legs, the two boys silent as you gulped.
“Looks like someone was wrong.” He smirked up at you, licking his lips.
“Nuh-uh.” Seungwoo spoke from behind you, his hands moving down to your waist, gripping it harshly. “You lost.”
You could only stare as your mouth went dry. You knew what to expect from Seungwoo, but if you were honest, Seungyoun kind of scared you.
“How are you going to make it up to him, hmm?” Seungwoo cooed from behind you, his hand trailing between your legs to rub slow circles over your clit. 
“W-Whatever he wants-”
“Are you sure about that?” Seungyoun chuckled and you only whimpered in response, Seungwoo pinching your clit as a small reminder to use your words.
“Let me fuck you first.” He smirked, pulling his shirt over his head and letting it fall somewhere.
“B-But-” You bit your lip. “I want both of you,” You moaned out as Seungwoo’s fingers moved to push into you.
“Can you even take the both of us, baby?” Seungwoo teased, his breath fanning over your ear, reveling in how goosebumps rose along the skin. 
“Yes, yes I can just please, I want more.” Your whined, the boys fighting their smirks at how easy you gave in.
“When she asks so nicely, how can we say no?” Seungyoun looked passed you to your boyfriend. 
“I didn’t take you for such a softie.” Your boyfriend responded, his fingers leaving you.
“Not soft.” Seungyoun scoffed. “Just impatient.”
“Then you go first.” Seungwoo smirked, getting up so the other boy could get on the bed. 
The second Seungyoun’s boxers fell, he was on the bed, his hands grabbing you and moving you so you were right over his length, not bothering with any teasing as he let you sink down onto him.
“Sh-Shit Seungyoun-” You whimpered, your fingers digging into your palms until you were fully on him, your hips rolling but he was quick to stop you.
“I thought you said you wanted us both?” He tsked, bucking up into you teasingly, “Are you that needy?” 
He let you get adjusted to him before keeping up his teasingly slowly thrusts, not bothering to entertain your whimpers or pleads for him to give you more.
“How do you think your boyfriend feels seeing you ask for another mans cock?” He bit his lip. “Or do you get off on riling him up?” He smirked, slightly glancing behind you for a second with a smirk.
You had no time to ask him about what he was looking at as you felt a hand push you down, your cheek landing on Seungyoun’s chest.
“I’m going to ask one more time.” Seungwoo spoke up, his voice sounding half amused, half concerned. “Are you sure you can take us both?”
“Yes, just pl-” You were cut off as you felt him press against you, his tip slowly sliding into you while his hands rested on your curves.
You couldn’t help the groan that came out of you, but neither could the two boys as he slowly slid in, the stretch causing your mouth to hang open as you focused on how good they felt.
“Shit,” Seungyoun groaned, his hands gripping your hips as Seungwoo finally bottomed out. 
“Somebody move, please.” You whined, not caring who moved first, but just wanting something.
Seungwoo was the first to move, his hips bucking into yours, letting out another groan as his eyes shut. Seungyoun didn’t take long to follow after, his thrusts being the opposite so the two could work on a decent rhythm. 
When they finally did, you didn’t even try to hold back, your moans coming out freely with the occasional grunts and groans falling from the other two.
“Let him see you, baby.” Seungwoo chuckled after getting accustomed to the feeling. “Let him see how much he wrecks you.”
His fingers moved to wrap themselves around your hair, lifting your head to give the younger boy a view of your fucked out face.
“Fuck, you love it, don’t you?” Seungyoun groaned his pace getting more rough. “You love having the both of us wreck you.” 
You could only whimper, your head trying to fall despite the hold as Seungwoo’s pace moved to match Seungyoun’s. 
It was weird to not have Seungwoo being his normal, dominant self, but you settled on figuring that he was just letting Seungyoun have the spotlight.
“Such a good girl for us, isn’t she?” Seungwoo groaned out.
“I wonder just how much she can take.” Seungyoun groaned, his eyes staring into yours and your walls clenched at the intensity. “Do you like that, baby?” He smirked. “Do you like the idea of us ruining you?” 
Your head nodded rapidly, your stomach turning at the anticipation, but it stopped as he wrapped his hand around your throat instead.
“How do you always forget to use your words?” He growled. “Are you that desperate to cum that you can’t even remember simple rules?”
Something about the way Seungyoun handled you had Seungwoo enjoying this more than he should, thoughts that the next time would be more fun, because the dom in him liked a challenge. 
“She might be doing it on purpose.” Seungwoo spoke up, his hips coming to a stop, the other boy following. “She loves being put in her place.” He smirked. “Don’t you, baby?”
“Y-Yes,” You said between gasps. “But I’ll stop, I promise,” You tried, your hips moving on the own, but neither of them moved to stop you. “Just please, keep going.”
“Why should we when you’re already fucking yourself on us?” Seungwoo smirked. 
“It’s not the same.” You whined, your hips stopping. “Just, please.” 
“Beg.” He continued, his hand back in your hair to force your head to the side so you could see him. “Our little guest here’s been having all the fun, I think you’re forgetting that you’re mine.”
Your head shook, or tried to, as quickly as it could in his hold. 
“N-Never.” You whispered. “But it was your idea to have him go first.”
He chuckled but the way his grip tightened in your hair proved that he wasn’t all that amused. 
“Such a smart girl when it’ll get her out of trouble.” He smirked. “Maybe I won’t let you cum at all. You’ll listen when you’re desperate.”
“No, please-” You cried, your walls clenching around them. “Please let me cum.”
“You know you can do better, baby.” His tone was softer, but still stern. “Show him how good you can beg.”
“Please let me cum. I promise I won’t misbehave. I’ll be a good girl. I just really need you, the both of you, and I can’t take it anymore.” Your voice broke more with each word that came out of you and you took Seungwoo’s slow thrust as a sign that he accepted it.
“What do you think?” His eyes shifted to the man under you. “Should we let her cum?” 
“I think so,” He started. “But only because she feels so good that I’m not in the mood to drag this on.” He chuckled, slowly pushing into you.
“You don’t have to ask tonight.” Seungwoo smirked. “Cum when you want to.”
With that, he let go of his hold in your hair and resumed the pace he had before, Seungyoun not hesitating to match his pace. 
With the lack of support, you head fell back against Seungyoun’s chest, but you weren’t complaining given that both boys were obviously just as close as you were. 
“Ch-Choke me, please,” You whispered out, hoping one of them would hear you, Seungyoun being the only one given how close you were and he was happy to oblige. His hand moved to your neck, giving it a light squeeze before pressing harder, watching as your eyes rolled back and groaning at how you clenched around them again.
He wanted to make a remark about it, but for the sake of him trying to reach his own high, he kept his mouth shut. Saying something would only interrupt.
Seungwoo was on the same page. Wanting to say something, but knowing it would only drag on. All three of you had already been too worked up to stop again. 
That point was proven when your moans turned into high pitched whines, your body going limp as you felt yourself about to cum. It was only when Seungwoo’s hands slipped around your waist to rub your clit that you forgot he’d already given you permission.
You were more than glad that Seungyoun’s hand was around your throat to keep you partially quiet, but the choked out noise you let out was slightly embarrassing.
By some miracle they both managed to cum soon after and you were thankful because that meant that you were done for the night.
Seungwoo was the first to pull out, taking notice of how you winced slightly as he moved for the handcuff key.
“Give her a minute before you pull out.” His tone softer as he undid the cuffs and put them back in the box, his hands rubbing over the marks as you calmed down.
“And you called me a softie.” Seungyoun laughed, his hand coming up to pet your hair gently, the action pulling a small hum from you as the aftercare mood settled in.
“Different circumstances.” Seungwoo smirked but left the conversation at that.
“I don’t wanna move.” You whined.
“No one said you had to, princess.” Seungyoun chuckled.
“How about a bath since you did so good?” Seungwoo offered. “With your favorite bubbles?” 
You only nodded and you heard him laugh lightly as he went to go start the bath, the smell filling the room as he reappeared through the bathroom door frame.
“Maybe next time..” Seungwoo trailed off with a smirk.
“You can show him how many times you can cum.” 
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significanceofmoths · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Cho Seungyeon | Seungyoun/Wang Yi Bo, Past Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan Characters: Cho Seungyeon | Seungyoun, Wang Yi Bo, mentions of Xiao Zhan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Apocalypse, Unhealthy Relationships, Childhood Friends, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Unrequited Love, i'm not kidding with this one folks, it's pretty rough, Hopeful Ending Summary:
The world ended some undetermined time ago. It doesn’t matter exactly how long or by what means.
  or: After the apocalypse, Seungyoun runs into his childhood love Yibo. Something is missing.
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thotforcsy · 2 years
runaway baby
(♡) fandom: x1, pdx (♡) pairing: seungyoun/hangyul (♡) rating: teen+ (♡) 30,629 words (♡) complete (3/3)
Lee Hangyul is the most beautiful boy Seungyoun has ever met. It's a shame he can't talk to him without embarrassing himself in approximately twenty different ways before fleeing the scene.
Fortunately, his alter-ego, Spiderman, doesn't suffer the same fate.
0 notes
jisungmark · 5 years
look at me
anon request: x1's hard dom!2seung threesome please😭😭
genre: smut
group: x1
warning(s): dom!seungyoun, dom!seungwoo, sub!fem reader, i forget what’s in here.. it’s just filth (this is a long one, i’ll add a read more link when i get a chance!)
huge huge huge thank you to @band-imagines-by-me for reading over it and giving me feedback, i love her :( you should 100% go read her stuff as well!
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you weren’t really sure why you agreed to this. you knew you weren’t able to stay quiet in a regular setting, so you were always loud during sex. but the boys had a day off and the younger ones were out doing who knows what. seungyoun was very good at convincing you to do a lot of things. his way with words always had you following his lead.
“come on, you know you’ll love it.” he encouraged, smiling up at you from the foot of the bed. you nervously chewed on your bottom lip.
“what if we get caught? we’ll never live it down.” you reminded. he let out a deep laugh.
“you know the thought of getting caught excites you more than you’d like to admit.” he gave you a smirk. you wanted to kick the smirk off his face. you groaned, covering your face with your hand.
“that is not true.” you tried to convince yourself more than him. he crawled towards you, noting the way you instinctively laid back for him. he climbed on top of you, carefully straddling your waist.
“if you’re quiet, we won’t get caught.” he whispered, “if we do get caught, we never have to do this in the dorms again.” his voice was sincere. no matter how much an idea gets him going, he always wanted you to be comfortable. you contemplated for a second, your heart pounding in your chest. the sweet smile he wore across his features is what pushed you to say yes.
“okay, okay,” you began. his eyes lit up as he awaited your answer, “we can do it.”
he flipped you over and pulled you on top of him, a shriek of laughter leaving your lips in the process. before you could hit him for the sudden shift, he grabbed the back of your neck to pull you forward. he connected your lips in a sloppy kiss, pushing his tongue into your mouth. you sucked on the thick muscle and he rutted his hips into you. he swallowed any sounds you made down his throat, smirking at how weak you get for him. he pulled away from you.
“you’re so easy.” he joked. you rolled your eyes.
“we can stop right now.” obviously joking but you wore a smile on your face.
“shut up. you know you don’t wanna stop.” he ran his thumb down your lips. his voice was deep and it sent heat straight to your core.
“i don’t wanna stop.” you breathed out. he started to mark up your neck with pretty little flowers. your fingers scratched at his scalp, sighing when he licked the spot he previously bit. he pulled away from you and looked you straight in your eyes.
“are you sure?” he questioned, “we can stop if you aren’t comfortable.” he reassured. you appreciated the concern but now you were worked up and wanted to get off.
“let me ride your face.” you said without thinking. his eyes went wide. realization kicked in and your eyes also went big.
“i-“ he cut you off with a raise of his hand.
“you have spoken, clothes off.” he ordered. you slid off the bed and slid out of your clothes. he licked his lips as he raked in your form. he got off the bed and stood next to you.
“take them off.” he gestured towards his own clothing. you palmed him over his pants which caused him to let out a hiss. he gripped your wrist and gave you a stern look.
“don’t play with me.” his voice was cold and you whimpered. you nodded sinking down to your knees. you pulled his pants and underwear down, him assisting you once you got to the ankles. his length stood proud and heavy in front of your face. your mouth watered at the sight, wanting to feel him on your tongue. he cocked an eyebrow at you.
“you’re that hungry for it?” he teased. you locked eyes with him and slowly nodded. “then i have an idea.”
he slipped out of his shirt before laying back on the bed. you patiently stood and waited for directions. your core was throbbing, his length just laying across his belly, waiting for you. he laid on a pile of pillows against the headboard.
“come here, face the door.” he instructed. you hurried to the bed, knowing exactly what this meant. you climbed up and threw one leg over his head. he groaned when your scent hit his nostrils.
“you always smell so good.” he gave no warning as he licked a thick stripe along your wet heat. your body fell forward as you moaned quietly. he wrapped his arms around your back to keep you secured on his face. you grabbed his length and pressed a few kisses to the flushed tip. he pushed his tongue in your clenching walls and you knew you were gonna get loud. you took him fully in your mouth to try to stay quiet. he was practically making out with your sex. he’d pull his tongue out to lick his way through your folds. you shivered when he swirled it around your clit. your moaning sent vibrations through his body. the more sounds you made, the more he aimed to please you. you pulled him out of your mouth to spit on the tip, taking the time to stroke him from tip to base. he blew cool air on your clit and you arched your back.
“shit shit shit shit.” you quietly moaned as you tried to collect yourself, gently rocking back on his face.
“and to think you were gonna turn this down.” he said leaving open mouthed kisses along your thighs. to shut him up, you took him fully in your mouth and hummed. his hips bucked causing you to gag. you continued to stroke him as you sat up a bit to look at him.
“don’t talk shit when i got your dick in my hand.” you commented, thumb brushing over his slit. he flattened his tongue as he licked from your clit to your second hole.
“oh.” you let out an indescribable sound as you fell forward again.
“don’t talk shit when both your holes are above my face.” he countered, placing a wet kiss on your butthole. this was nothing new to you. it’s something you did every once in a while but it felt so good every time.
“you’re doing such a good job staying quiet though babe. i’m proud of you.” he praised, kissing your thighs again. you tried to move off his face but his grip was so strong.
“will you fuck me now then?” you asked, pushing yourself up on your hands. he unraveled his arms from your body and let you climb off his face. you turned and straddled his waist, his length laid across his stomach. his hands came down to grip your butt as he stared up at you.
“you’re so pretty.” he randomly said. you opened your mouth to speak but you heard your bedroom door open first.
“seungyoun, i- oh.” you froze in place. you made no attempts to hide, to see who it was, nothing. you just sat there. seungyoun sat up to talk to whoever walked through the door, peaking over your shoulder to do so.
“ah, seungwoo. not the best timing. don’t you think?” he asked, slightly laughing at your embarrassed face. part of you wanted to curl up and hide. but another part of you wanted to continue what you were doing or even ask seungwoo to join. you wrapped your arms around seungyoun’s neck as you quietly begged him to do something.
“probably not the best timing. but i’d say i got the best view.” he said, closing the door behind him. you weren’t sure if he was looking at you but you felt like he was. the thought of the older boy wanting to watch turned you on even more.
“seungyoun,” you whispered, “either make him go away or make him stay.” seungyoun hummed at this statement, turning his attention back to the elder.
“seungwoo, i take it you plan on staying here?” he questioned. there was a moment of silence before you heard footsteps approaching your bed. you felt a second pair of hands on your body causing your heart rate to speed up. the hands danced up your bare back to grab a handful of hair. you whimpered when he tugged you back, seungyoun watching the entire thing with a smug grin. you held your eyes shut, embarrassed to show how much you enjoyed this.
“look at me.” seungwoo whispered. you hesitantly opened your eyes feeling yourself clench around nothing at the sight. his hair was a mess on top on his head and his shirt was cut so low that you got full sight of his long neck. he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth.
“you want this, don’t you?” he questioned, fingers pulling harder of the strands on your head. you nodded as best as you could. seungyoun was displeased with that answer, harshly spanking you.
“be respectful. use your words.” he commanded. you swallowed thickly.
“yes i want this.” you answered, eyes rolling back because of the sting in your head. your boyfriend and the older shared a glance, a smirk dancing across their lips. seungwoo let your hair go and seungyoun tapped your hips as a way to tell you to get up. you lifted yourself off his lap, a bit shy to stand in front of seungwoo. your head hung low as you stared down at your bare feet. seungwoo placed a finger under your chin. your head instantly tilting up.
“look at me.” he commanded again. your eyes locked with his and you couldn’t look away. seungyoun stood behind you wrapping his arms around your waist.
“she’s a good girl. she loves being praised. i’ve trained her pretty well.” he said, resting his chin on your shoulder. seungwoo nodded as he took in this information.
“what do you wanna do first then?” he asked you, eyes searching for any discomfort on your face. you pulled seungyoun off of you and sunk down to your knees. seungwoo let out a sound of approval as he watched you with hungry eyes. he was quick with removing his clothes, all three of you naked in from of one another. he gave his length a few quick tugs as you ran your tongue across your lips.
“be respectful.” seungyoun said again, signaling towards his friend. you reached up and took ahold of seungwoo’s length, sucking in a deep breath when you felt the weight of it. your eyes locked with his sex as you swallowed. you stroked him a few times before pressing kisses along the base. he ran a hand through your hair encouraging you to keep going. you flattened your tongue and licked along the base to the tip. you noticed seungyoun was stroking himself as he watched his girlfriend suck someone else off. you took seungwoo in your mouth inch by inch, pausing to take a breath when it became too much. you sat for a moment with him fully in your mouth, your nose brushing his pubic area.
“look at me.” he said sternly. you looked up at the two men above you with tear brimmed eyes. you swallowed around him before you started bobbing your head. you used one hand to assist you with the part you couldn’t reach and you used the other to stroke your boyfriend. seungyoun wore a proud smile on his face as he watched you try your best. you took turns between both of them, stroking one while choking on the other. seungwoo was a big fan of the sounds you made when you struggled to breathe. tears ran down your face as you let seungyoun have his way with you. spit dribbled down your chin as he held the back of your head. you had abandoned seungwoo’s length as you used your hands to steady yourself. seungyoun’s hips bucked into your mouth causing you to gag. your sight was blurry because of the abundant tears that filled your eyes. you were helplessly clenching, grinding down on air. seungwoo walked around your naked form and kneeled behind you. his fingers found their way between your legs as he circled your clit with his digits before finding your pulsing hole.
“you’re so wet.” he sounded mesmerized, pushing his fingers inside. you moaned around seungyoun and he pulled out of your mouth. a thick string of saliva connected your lips and his tip. seungyoun kneeled in front of you. you swallowed and tried to blink the tears away. your chest heaved as you attempted to catch your breath. he tilted his head to the side.
“you love this, don’t you?” his voice sinfully deep. seungwoo poked at your second hole and you stifled a moan to answer your boyfriend.
“yes, yes i love this.” you struggled to say. he brought his hand up to squish your cheeks together forcing your mouth open. you tilted your head back and stuck your tongue out. he puckered his lips as he spit into your mouth. you swallowed with a grin that soon disappeared when seungwoo invaded your clenching walls. you found yourself grinding down on his hand desperate for him to go deeper. you whined as you reached out for your boyfriend.
“please fuck me. i’m tired of waiting.” you pouted with a jutted bottom lip. seungwoo removed his fingers from your body and you whimpered at the emptiness. he appeared in front of you as well. you weren’t sure if you should focus on their eyes or on their lengths in your face. your heart sped up as you got closer to what you wanted.
“can she take two?” seungwoo asked as if you weren’t there. you practically jumped to your feet.
“yes! i can take two! i can take two!” your hands come out to grab an arm on each boy. seungyoun laughed at your sudden outburst.
“can you take two? same hole or different? what do you think you can handle?” he questioned, a smirk adorning his features. you thought for a second, slightly becoming nervous that all the attention was on you.
“different.” you breathed out. seungwoo hummed.
“are you sure?” he asked.
seungyoun led you to the bed and pushed you backwards on it. he walked around and fished your bottle of lube from your night stand. he watched the rapid rise and fall of your chest.
“who do you want to do the dirty work?” he motioned between himself and seungwoo. you propped yourself up on your elbows and nodded your head towards your guest. he licked his lips as he grabbed the bottle of lube from seungyoun’s hands. seungyoun sat behind you on the bed, laying your head on his lap. seungwoo popped the lube open and squirted some on your back door and some on his fingers. you hissed when the cold liquid hit your body, shivers being sent down your spine. seungyoun grabbed your hand and placed kisses to your knuckles.
“you’re gonna be a good girl and take it, right?” he whispered against your heated skin. you nodded slowly as you watched his friend work between your legs.
“i’ll be a good girl and take it.” you responded. seungwoo circled the ring of muscle before pushing his middle finger in knuckle deep. your eyes fell shut as you felt your hole swallowing his digit. he used his free hand to rub along your thighs to help ease any tension.
“tell me if it’s too much.” he stated, eyes full of seriousness as he looked at you. you blinked your eyes open and nodded, locking fingers with seungyoun. seungwoo took his time fingering you open, ears perking up with each change of pitch in your voice. when he felt you were stretched enough, he eased a second finger in you. your grip on seungyoun’s hand tightened as you tried to adjust to the second digit.
“are you okay?” seungwoo asked, pausing the motion of his hands. you frantically nodded your head.
“yes i’m okay, please don’t stop.” you whispered letting your eyes fall closed. he started fingering you again, slowly building up his pace.
“look at me.” he urged as he began scissoring his fingers. your eyes flew open as you looked at the man causing such sensations in your lower half. his bangs hung low as his dark eyes peered into your soul. your hips had a mind of their own as you started to grind down on his hand.
“are we getting desperate?” seungyoun joked, kissing your knuckles again.
“more, more.” you begged as you rocked your hips. seungwoo reached for the lube and squirted some on the designated areas. you sighed when the third finger was knuckle deep.
“that’s it.” you breathed out. seungwoo seemed to like the sound of that. he carefully twisted his hand wanting to hit every spot that drove you wild. you arched your back and let out a quiet sob. seungyoun took his free hand and stroked your hair.
“you’re doing such a good job baby. you make me so proud. you know that, right?” he asked, connecting his lips with your forehead. you nodded, eyes too focused on the way your hole was stretched around seungwoo’s fingers. seungyoun also caught sight of what you were focused on.
“you think you can take it now?” he questioned. before you could answer, seungwoo did.
“i’m sure she could take it. look how stretched out she is.” his eyes locked on your gaping hole. you hummed.
“i can take it. i want it.” you pouted with doe eyes. seungyoun nodded. seungwoo eased his fingers out of you and you felt yourself gaping. seungyoun laid back fully on the bed. you shakily sat up and crawled towards him. he held his length in his hand as you climbed on top of him. you both let out a deep sigh as you sank down.
“finally.” you whimpered, gently rocking yourself. once he was fully inside of you, you leaned forward giving seungwoo access to your second hole. he lubed himself up and pressed his head at your entrance. seungyoun wrapped his hands around your back to keep you still. seungwoo carefully pushed himself in, pausing when he felt you shake.
“keep going. i can take it, i can take it all.” you reached back and spread your cheeks for him. he swore under his breath as he continued to inch his way in. once he was fully nestled, you all took a second to adjust to the feeling.
“i know for a fact that i’m not gonna last long.” you confessed. seungyoun kissed your cheek.
“that’s okay. i know you’ll still take whatever we give you.” he whispered, snapping his hips into yours. you gasped as you wrapped your arms around his neck. they started out with slow thrusts, wanting to fuck you open. when seungyoun was thrusting in, seungwoo was pulling out. they set up a perfect rhythm and your body was a huge fan of it. seungwoo had a firm grip on your hips as he watched his length disappear in your hole. you were so overwhelmed with sensations, you just fell completely silent. seungyoun made you sit up so he can play with your nipples. he took the time to pinch and tease one while he softly bit the other. you held the back of his head against you as you watched him swirl his tongue around the bud. a quiet whimper falling from your lips in the process. seungwoo was kneading the flesh of your ass, occasionally giving it a few spanks.
“is that good?” he asked, hand connecting with your ass again. you moaned as you threw your head back.
“yes, this is so good.” you answered, voice wavering from the thrusts. he grabbed your arms and pinned them above your ass as he sped up his thrusts. your body slumped forward again as you tried to catch your breath. your mind was so foggy and all you could focus on was the pleasure. seungyoun pushed you back up again, his hand tightly circling around your throat. their thrusts have lost their matched rhythm but they were still fucking you into oblivion. you tried to slam yourself down on their lengths, failing miserably. seungwoo kept a strong grip on your limbs as he continued to pound away. seungyoun’s hand abandoned your neck, coming in contact with your face. you let out a high pitched scream as you focused your eyes on his dark ones. he smacked you again with more force. seungwoo let your arms go and you fell forward again. you placed your lips next to seungyoun’s ear.
“make me your bitch.”
he didn’t have to be told twice before he was snapping his hips against yours with more power than before. you choked on air as you fisted at the sheets by seungyoun’s head. the sound of skin on skin, your moans, and the boys deep groans filled the room. you didn’t care about how much of a mess you looked right now. you were just so focused on how good these two were making you feel.
“turn around.” seungyoun commanded. he stopped his thrusts and seungwoo pulled out. you lifted yourself off seungyoun and faced the older boy. seungyoun took ahold of your hips as he eased you down on him again, this time he was in your back entrance. you leaned back and wrapped an arm around his neck giving seungwoo more access. seungwoo took an extra step forward on the mattress as he tapped his tip on your swollen folds. he pushed himself in quickly, wanting to be inside you again. your body shook as you watched them ruin you. you unwrapped your arm from seungyoun’s neck and grabbed your legs. you brought your knees to your shoulders, crying out when they started hitting different spots.
“fuck, yes yes yes.” you chanted, eyes rolling back. seungyoun was panting by your ear and that was turning you on even more. seungwoo’s hand wrapped around your neck tightly. your mouth fell open but no sound came out. he leaned forward a bit as he spit into your wet cavern. you swallowed it and confirmed by sticking your tongue out. his hand began to dance down your body. twisting your nipples, kneading and smacking your breast, before landing on your clit. he spit between your legs helping to add to the slick. he used his thumb to rub quick circles and you knew you weren’t gonna last much longer. you kept your legs held open as you tried to fight your orgasm away. this was all so good and it probably wouldn’t happen again and you didn’t want it to end. both boys noticed your holes were clenching.
“are you close baby? are you gonna cum for us?” seungyoun panted in your ear, his own orgasm trying to creep up on him. you let out a breathy moan, afraid that your voice would do you no justice.
“are you gonna be a good girl and look at seungwoo when you do?” he asked, hips desperately meeting yours. your eyes locked with seungwoo’s as your high hit.
you didn’t look away. he kept digging his finger into your clit wanting to milk you of everything you had. his pupils were blown wide, the color of lust as he focused on you. his shaggy bangs dripped with sweat and you wanted to catch it in your mouth. you couldn’t hear anything when you reached your breaking point, your heartbeat loud in your ears. your body spazzed and your holes hungrily swallowed. you quietly begged for more and you weren’t even sure what ‘more’ was. you were surprised with how much you squirted. seungwoo let out a deep groan when some of it splashed along his abs. your holes continued to flutter around both boys even when you finished. you let your legs go and your body fell limp, your holes continuing to take the abuse. seungyoun licked along your neck, not caring for the salty taste.
“that’s my good girl. you always do so well.” his voice shook as his length twitched. his own hips stilled as he spilled his seed into you. you let out a soft whimper when you felt the warm liquid fill you up. seungwoo’s thrusts became sloppy and he panicked, unsure of where to cum. you noticed the look on his face, seungyoun did as well.
“cum inside her, it’s okay.” he breathed out. seungwoo didn’t have to be told twice before he was the next one to fill you up. the sound of your heavy breathing filled the room and you all took a second to relax. seungwoo pulled out first, in love with the sight of white dripping from your pink entrance. he lifted you off seungyoun as laid your sore body on the bed. seungyoun found a towel and cleaned you off as best as he could before cleaning himself and passing it to his friend. seungwoo ran a hand through his hair, officially coming down from his high. he was the first to take a quick shower in your bathroom, throwing on the same clothes from when he interrupted. seungyoun had to shower with you to help you stand. when you came out, seungwoo was still in your room.
“you’re gonna be sore for the next few days, huh? take it easy, yeah?” he noticed the way you were limping next to seungyoun.
“yeah, but i’ll be okay. don’t worry.” you said, booping his nose. a smile dance on his face, dimples popping out in the process.
“think we can do this again when you’re all healed up?” he asked. seungyoun looked at you and you smiled.
“we can definitely do this again.”
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arckook · 4 years
around and around - six
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pairing: cho seungyoun x reader, kim wooseok x reader
au: idolverse
warnings: none
wordcount: 5.4k
description: you’ve had a one-sided crush on your close friend seungyoun for who knows how long, but things don’t stay so black and white when he introduces you to his new groupmate kim wooseok.
The air is especially cold today.
It whips through your hair, and bites at your cheeks, turning them pink. You stuff your hands deeper into the pockets of your long padded jacket, curling up your fingers. A harsh, hot breath slips past your lips, showing up in front of you like smoke.
You sit by the river, watching people walk over that familiar bridge, watching the doors of shops and restaurants open and close on the other side, watching lights blink off through apartment windows as time passes. You sit in silence and watch.
You think a group of young teenagers recognize you at one point. The girls giggle and point at you, and make comments about how pretty you are just loud enough that you think they must be hoping you’ll notice and come to greet them. The boys remark that you’re not as pretty without makeup on. 
Earlier, you called your mom. You had the intention to tell her about how heavy your heart has been lately, how you don’t know what to do, that you need advice. But she spilled her worries to you instead, about money and debt and your dad’s health. So you just told her you’d send her money next time you get paid, and wished her well, and hung up. Without saying a word about your problems.
It’s not that they’re bottled up, or that nobody knows but you. Because Jiseo, Eunmi, and Soohyun all know. They’ve been watching over you carefully, despite all their personal things going on too. Even your managers, who don’t know the specifics, have been tiptoeing around you.
It’s not just the air that’s cold.
You feel cold inside, too.
You pull your phone out after a while, turning it on to check the time. It’s a little past midnight. You’ve been here for a couple of hours.
After some thought, you unlock your phone and open your text messages, two names at the top. 
You changed Seungyoun’s contact name from Youn to Cho Seungyoun, as per Jiseo’s request. You’re trying to distance yourself from him, in the smallest ways. When you open his messages, there are probably around fifteen different texts, all asking for you to answer him, or telling you he’s sorry in some way. 
The other one says Wooseok-oppa. You didn’t change that one. When you open his, there is only one message from his side. 
Y/N-ah. I want to talk. Meet me at the first restaurant we went to at ten, tonight. The budae-jjigae place.
He sent it this morning. You never answered.
You sigh, turning your phone off and tucking it away again as you stand up. 
You don’t want to think about these things, but they won’t leave you alone. 
You know it’s not brave, and it’s not the right thing to do, but these days, you don’t care.
You ignore them.
L/N F/N, fatigue obvious even with a mask on
1. [+560, -105] Ah… can’t an idol control their expressions? You’re making money off of your fans and you can’t even smile at the airport? Y/N-ah, let’s work harder...
2. [+555, -42] Looking at her expression pisses me off
3. [+463, -23] What the… did she dress herself??? Someone fire her coordi
4. [+40, -4] Soohyun is the pretty one in this group
5. [+29, -12] Yah, everyone leaving hate comments… do you not feel tired at the airport??? We don’t know what’s going on in her life.
                 > Brainless fan
You scroll down the article, reading the comments people have left about you. The four of you just arrived back in Korea from a concert abroad, and the photos from the airport yesterday have already been posted. 
Your teeth latch onto your lower lip, chewing and pulling the top layer of skin off, blood pooling up in tiny spots. It’s a metallic, bitter taste when you run your tongue over it. 
“Don’t look at those kind of things,”
You look up, a nervous smile tugging at the corners of your mouth when Wooseok sits down in front of you, his fingers gently pushing your phone down onto the table. 
It took a lot of worked up courage to finally text him back a few weeks later, apologizing for the long time between his first message and your response, and asking if he still wanted to meet up when you return to Korea. But he said yes regardless.
“I shouldn’t,” you admit, turning your phone off. “It’s hard, though. I get curious.”
Wooseok nods, settling into his chair. “I know the feeling.”
“Do you ever look?” you ask, that curiosity making an appearance. He has been an idol a lot longer than you. “Or did you, if you don’t now?”
He glances away, a somewhat burdened half-smile painting his face. “I always do, even if I tell myself not to. People had a lot to say about me at one point. I guess I like seeing positive things, since they’re more common nowadays.”
You rest your chin on your hand, watching him despite the way he avoids meeting your eyes. “You deserve that. It must have been hard.”
Wooseok sighs deeply, shaking his head like he’s shaking off memories. “It was. I have different problems now.”
“What can I get for the two of you today?” you look up to find a middle-aged woman with an apron on, no pen and paper in sight. Her accent is obvious, but it kind of calms you. You’re far away from Seoul, in a small town about a twenty-minute drive from Busan. The beach is nearby; you could smell the salty breeze when you walked up to this diner. 
“I’ll have a bowl of kalguksu,” you tell her, having looked at the menu while waiting for Wooseok.
“Pork rice soup, please,” Wooseok says without missing a beat. You think he’s just assuming they make that here. “And a seafood pancake to share.”
“It’ll be out soon,” the waitress tells you with a kind smile, walking back to the kitchen.
The place is fairly busy, but it’s mostly fishermen and other elderly, who don’t care to pay attention to a couple of young people sitting in the back corner. 
It feels good. It feels like you don’t have to hide here.
“How was the concert?” Wooseok asks, bringing you back from your thoughts.
You shrug, tugging at your fingers to crack the knuckles. “It was good. Fun.”
“You seem tired,” he comments, and you let out a somewhat bitter chuckle.
“Doesn’t everyone think so?”
Wooseok frowns. “Are you talking about that article? Y/N-ah, I told you, it’s not worth it to look at those.”
You sigh. “Oppa, I’m feeling really burnt out lately,” you slump over onto the table like a kid who’s about to fall asleep, avoiding looking directly at him. “And I don’t know what to do about anything.”
“Is that why you ignored me?” he asks, with a direct tone that you weren’t expecting. You look up, eyes wide. “Because you don’t know what to do about anything?”
You sit up, frowning. “I don’t… that was…”
Wooseok’s expression is vague, like it tends to be. “I can tell that something happened with Seungyoun. You never shut yourself off like that, and he went from moping about and constantly doing all these deep sighs to acting completely normal again- and yet he wouldn’t say anything about his personal life to me. When he was sneaking out, it wasn’t to see you, was it?”
“He was sneaking out to see someone?” you question, the words weak and tight in your throat.
“That’s what you think is important about this?” Wooseok replies, his eyebrows drawing together in a clear show of frustration. 
You look away, turning your head to watch the patrons mingle in the diner.
The air feels heavy.
“…I’m not upset,” Wooseok finally says after a moment of thick silence. You glance over at him without moving your head, tugging on your fingers in your lap. He stares to the side. “I just don’t understand why you want to run from me.” his eyes flash to you for just a second. “I’m not Seungyoun.”
You nearly flinch at his name. “…I know you’re not,” you respond, your voice airy and quiet. 
“Then what do I have to do with your conflicts with him?” Wooseok questions, the volume of his voice rising a little with each word. “You and I exist outside of you and I and him.” he really looks at you this time. “Do we not?” 
“...I’m sorry,” you say after a moment, your voice cracking. “I know I’m a shitty friend. You do so much more for me than I ever do for you. I shouldn’t have ignored you. I just… I feel really lost, and that’s all I can think about right now.”
It’s quiet again. 
“Y/N-ah,” Wooseok says hesitantly, and you meet his gaze.
It surprises you, how tender he looks in that moment. His eyes aren’t sharp like they were a moment ago, the dim light strikes his cheekbones and makes him even handsomer than he already is. He has no makeup, nothing in his hair. He looks plain, and yet Wooseok is anything but plain to you.
“You have to be a stronger person than this,” he says, as a statement. “I know how hard this life is. We chose a hard life-” he stops himself, swallows, takes a deep breath. “It’s hard, but-”
“Wooseok-oppa,” you cut him off, something pulling at your heartstrings. “You already told me that we’re the same. You said you keep things to yourself, too.” you pause, reaching over and placing your hand on the fist he has knotted up atop the table. “You don’t have to solve my problems. Let’s just be a little lost together.”
He tilts his head to the left, a doubtful smirk appearing for a moment along with a chuckle of disbelief. “Is that so?”
“Uh-huh,” you respond simply, at which he laughs. “Let’s eat some food, and walk on the beach. We can just pretend all the stuff that’s bothering us doesn’t exist.”
Wooseok opens his hand up under yours, so that you can hold it. “If that’s what you want.”
“No, like this,” you tell Jiseo, pulling your foot behind you in a quick rond-de-jambe and leaving your upper body facing front as long as you can before turning along with your foot in a quick, swift movement.
“Fucking fuck!” Jiseo groans, dropping down into a squat and looking at you through the mirror. “My stiff, old body doesn’t move like that, Y/N.”
You give her an unimpressed look, hands on your hips. “You’re only two years older than me, unnie.”
“Whatever,” she sighs, slumping over onto the ground. “I don’t wanna have a comeback yet. I’m tired. And they rejected my song for the title track. So now we have to do this shit instead.”
“What, you don’t like the song?” you ask, sitting down next to her. “I do. It’s fun!”
“You think it’s fun because you actually like it when we have hard choreography,” Jiseo grumbles. 
You reach over and pat her stomach, laughing when she lets out a dramatic cough. “I’m sorry your song didn’t get picked. I really liked that one too.”
Jiseo sighs. “Maybe next time.”
“Is that yours or mine?” Jiseo asks, not looking like she’d get up either way.
“I’ll check,” you say, getting up with some effort since your legs are pretty tired from dancing all day. 
You walk over to the couch at the back of the studio, taking out your phone from your bag first and turning it on. Lo and behold, it was yours.
*sent image*
Yah, did you get locked up again? 
You chuckle, opening the text to see a screenshot of your instagram story, where you’d posted a picture of you in the dance studio. It’s the same one where Wooseok hung out with you that day, so you can see why he might think that way.
not this time hahaha
“What are you giggling about over there?” Jiseo calls out. You glance at her over your shoulder with a grin, and hold up your phone. 
“Unnie, smile!” 
You laugh maniacally as Jiseo groans about not being ready for a photo, and repeatedly questioning why you took it and who you’re sending it to.
*sent image*
with my bestie
Make sure to eat. 
you too, oppa~~~~
“Just start dating already,”
You nearly jump out of your skin, not having noticed that Jiseo got up and started reading off your phone over your shoulder. You groan, shoving her away.
“Leave me alone.”
She sticks out her tongue. “You sent him a shitty, ugly picture of me so I’ll take all the revenge I want.”
“That’s just what you look like all the time, though.”
“Hold on,” you mutter as Jiseo begins whining about you being a brat again. You check to see if Wooseok replied, but it wasn’t him who texted you.
ik things are kinda weird between you and seungyoun
we are all gathering tonight at that one restaurant with the all you can eat barbeque 
just come a little later and he’ll be wasted so you don’t even have to talk  
You sigh as you read your friend’s texts, wondering how she can even tell that you and Seungyoun haven’t been on good terms. Or any terms at all, basically. 
You set your phone back in your bag, stretching out your neck and shoulders. You’ll respond to that later.
“Unnie,” you call out. “Let’s start from the top again.”
Hours later, you’re staring at Jimin’s texts while lying on your bed, holding your phone up above your face. Your nose is in extreme danger because of this position, but that’s part of the fun of it.
You chuck your phone to the end of your bed, roll over, and stuff your face in your pillow, groaning.
You are very, very scared at the idea of seeing Seungyoun face-to-face. How does Jimin even know that he’ll get drunk tonight? If he’s totally sober, which he tends to be, you can’t even imagine how awkward things will get as soon as you arrive. But if you text and ask if he is, then that seems weird too.
But damn, does all you can eat BBQ sound really good right now. You’re going to have to sneak, and probably walk off some of the weight afterwards so it doesn’t seem like you ate a lot to your manager, but whatever.
In a sudden movement, you spring off of your bed and walk over to your handheld mirror, holding it up to your face.
“Fuck,” you say under your breath. Your makeup looks so crusty right now. Do you really want to redo that, and fix your hair, and make a whole outfit, and risk and embarrassment and shame and anxiety… just for a good deal on dinner?
Well, yeah. You were raised right.
And that place was some of the best beef you’ve had in your young adult life.
You sit down at your desk, fixing up your makeup with some rosewater spray, fresh concealer and lipstick, then pulling your hair up into one of those purposefully messy buns in an attempt to make it look good.
You throw on a haphazard outfit, only caring that it’s warm and you have a hat, and head out, glad to see that nobody is out in the living room to question where you’re going. 
You take the car, promising yourself that you won’t drink tonight.
And when you finally park on the street in front of the restaurant, you feel sick to your stomach.
y/nnnnn are you coming? 
say yes
“Oh my god,” you mutter to yourself as you sit in the car, realizing what exactly you’ve done. You’re already here now, and you’re too proud to drive all the way back without even eating with your friends…
im coming in now :)
Quickly, you check your hair and makeup in the mirror on the sun visor, trying to keep your hands from shaking. 
Then you grab your bag, and exit the car, putting a few coins into the meter on the backstreet you parked in. 
You walk into the restaurant, keeping your head down as you walk past the open area to the hallway with the private rooms. Last time, everyone was in Room 2, so you go there again, peeking in before sliding open the door.
“Y/N!” Jimin calls as soon as she sees you, a blush already prominent on her cheeks. She hauls herself up from the floor, holding a glass of beer as she comes over to greet you.
You laugh nervously, grabbing her hand to keep the drink from pouring all over you and the floor. “Hi.”
“Come on, come sit down,” Jimin tugs you to the table, and as you’re sitting down, you notice that Seungyoun isn’t even here.
“How’s your comeback stuff going, Y/N?” Vernon asks once you’re situated, Jimin getting some meat off the grill for you to start eating. 
You pick up a pair of chopsticks, thanking Jimin quietly before you answer. “Pretty good. It’s not gonna be a huge, full-scale thing anyway. Our promotion period will only be a week, because we’re doing some stuff in Japan afterwards.”
“Don’t you love when they schedule activities back to back like that?” Hyunggu adds sarcastically.
“Cheers to that.” you clink the glass in front of you with some kind of alcohol in it with his.
“When’s Seungyoun coming back?” Vernon asks after a few minutes of casual conversation.
“I don’t know, when he gets back from picking up Kim Wooseok and Sahee.”
You freeze.
“Oh, right,” Vernon hums, going back to munching on a ssam. 
“You never mentioned that to me, unnie,” you tell Jimin through a tight smile, hoping nobody will notice how grim you suddenly look because they’re all a little wasted. The beer here is super cheap.
She gives you a bright smile, like what you’ve just said barely even ran through her mind. “I didn’t?”
You sigh, putting your head in your hands, not bothering to try and make it look like you’re not stressed out by this turn of events. Of course. Of fucking course. Of fucking course this happens.
“I think I’m gonna leave,” you announce, standing up, to which Jimin immediately grabs onto your ankle and starts whining, and Vernon and Hyunggu question why.
“Y/N,” Jimin drags out your name in a sing-song way, rubbing her cheek onto your leg. “You always ditch us. Do you not love me anymore?”
You sigh sharply. “That’s not it-”
“We’re back!”
The door slides open with force, and as you turn your head instinctively, you meet eyes with Seungyoun, who looks significantly more drunk than you think you’ve ever seen him before. 
“Cho Seungyoun!” Jimin calls from the floor, letting go of you to stand up. “Where the heck were you?”
“Taxis are a rough business,” he replies vaguely, walking forward, then turning to you and ruffling your hair unexpectedly. Your eyes are wide when he grins at you. “Y/N-ie, it’s been a while.”
“...Huh?” the noise of surprise barely passes your lips.
“Ah, looks good,”
You look past Seungyoun, who moves to sit down next to Vernon on the other side of the table, and see Sahee stretching her arms out in front of her, following Seungyoun and sitting next to him. 
And lastly, Wooseok, hands tucked into his coat-pockets, looking like the only other sober person here. You see him let out a soft sigh, and sit down on your left. 
You sit back down once Jimin does too.
How are you ever going to get out of this one?
“Since when were you coming?” Wooseok says quietly from your side as the conversation picks up between everyone else.
You pick at your food, the nerves now coursing through you making you lose your appetite. “Since Jimin texted me and made me feel bad for not coming.”
“I would’ve warned you, had I known you’d be here,” he responds, setting a ssam on your plate. You mumble a thanks.
“It’s okay.” you glance at Seungyoun, who is laughing hard, a blush struck across his cheeks. Sahee smiles over at him. And you know what kind of smile that is. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Just stick it out for a few minutes and we can get out of here,” Wooseok ducks his head to whisper that to you, the corner of his lip lifting when you turn towards him. “Promise.”
“Let’s just go to Busan again,” you say, a smile rising on your face as you remember kicking sand at him a few days ago. “That lady at the restaurant will probably remember our orders.”
He chuckles. “A few too many ladies at restaurants remember us at this point.”
“Hey, not that many!”
“The budae-jjigae place, the place we got chicken, the dessert cafe-”
“Yah yah yah!”
Jimin practically shouts, making you cringe and turn to look at her. She has a devilish smirk, but it’s pretty lopsided, and the blush on her face is only getting darker. She is straight up drunk at this point.
“These two look a little suspicious!” she slaps a hand on your shoulder. “Whatcha talkin’ about over there?”
You point to yourself with a frown. “Who? Me and Wooseok-oppa?”
“Oppa?!” Jimin repeats wildly.
Oh, fuck.
“I didn’t know you two were that close,” Hyunggu comments from the other end of the table, looking mischievous.
Panicking, you look to Wooseok, hoping he understands that you don’t know what to do in this situation. He opens his mouth to presumably clear things up in some smart, Wooseok way, but Sahee interrupts before he can start talking.
“Hey, are you two dating?” she points a chopstick at you, grinning. “You’d look cute together!”
Stunned into silence by this whole predicament, you can’t even respond to say no, and Wooseok doesn’t seem to prepared to reply either.
“Woah, they’re definitely dating, look at them-” Jimin starts with a laugh, but gets sharply cut off.
“No they aren’t,” Seungyoun practically snaps at her, pushing something around on his plate, avoiding anyone’s eyes. 
“How do you know?” Sahee questions, seemingly not fazed by Seungyoun’s sudden dark demeanor. You frown, trying to make out his expression, but there’s little there on his face to read. 
“He’s right, we’re not,” Wooseok finally answers, quietly. 
“Well, you should consider it,” Sahee responds, plopping a piece of meat into her mouth. “Y/N is so cute, and Wooseok-ssi, you’re good-looking too!”
“Is that the only thing that matters?” Wooseok says coolly. “How people look? How they look next to each other?”
Sahee seems taken aback, frowning slightly. “...I mean, it matters a little bit-”
“I’m going to the bathroom,” you interrupt, feeling tension rise between the two of them. “Anyone need to come along?”
Nobody says yes, so you stand with your bag, patting Jimin on the head and saying you’ll be right back, hoping the atmosphere will be better when you return.
You make your way through the restaurant with the turtleneck of your sweater pulled up over half your face, checking to see if there’s a bathroom inside the place. But there isn’t, so you opt to just step outside, walking over to where you parked instead, and just leaning against your car, hands tucked under your arms to keep warm.
You sigh, tipping your head back and looking up at the night sky. Why did you come? Sometimes you think your brain self-sabotages on purpose. Forces you to do things with poor excuses, that it builds up as being much stronger reasons than they are. Forces you into bad places. Maybe to try and make you learn, or make you change. 
The stars aren’t super visible tonight. Maybe there’s more pollution in the air, or maybe the lights around are too bright. It’s what you notice, as you try to clear your head. 
You pull your phone out of your bag and turn it on.
Come back soon, we have practice tomorrow morning.
Manager Dowoon
Y/N, make sure you don’t stay out late, and don’t let anyone take pictures of you. 
Don’t ruin the comeback.
Remember the other members
Dowoon tends to do that. Despite Jiseo’s image- short, roughly cut dyed green hair, dark eyeliner, black clothes- you’re really the “troublemaker” of the group. And your manager loves to remind you of that. He loves to make you feel guilty for going out when your members stay home, even if they’ve never voiced complaints about it to you. He loves to criticize you for holding the group back. He loves to suggest that you’ll be the one to cause your group’s first big scandal someday.
You sigh again.
don’t worry, i’ll be back soon
this is boring anyway
You try to make sure Jiseo never feels bad for asking you to give up your free time. Truthfully, if you were a better idol, a better group member, maybe even a better person, you’d give it all up without question. You’d give up your other friends, and your romantic interests. You’d forget all about it to focus on work.
But you never seem to be able to do that. 
Maybe all those comments people write about you are right.
“L/N F/N,” 
Your head whips to the left, eyes wide as they match Seungyoun’s. He saunters up with a lack of balance evident in his steps, and nearly falls after tripping on the crack in the sidewalk. You grab his arm to stabilize him, letting go like you’ve touched fire as soon as you think he’s okay on his own.
“This isn’t the bathroom,” Seungyoun says, leaning on the car next to you. You’re thankful he does that, so you don’t have to look directly at him. You can almost pretend he’s someone else. 
Only he has Seungyoun’s voice, and Seungyoun’s air, and Seungyoun’s touch as he just barely brushes against you when he adjusts how he’s standing. 
You can’t ignore it.
It still makes your heart race.
“...I know,” you respond, your voice a breath in the breeze. “I couldn’t find it.”
That’s a lie. But you do that a lot around him, don’t you?
“Jimin didn’t tell me you were coming,” Seungyoun continues, like the comment about the bathroom was just to make sure you’re listening to him. “Did she tell you I’d be here?”
Your breath catches in your throat. Something is pulling at you, telling you to look at him. But you can’t. You can’t. “Uh-huh.”
Seungyoun hums in response, but doesn’t say anything else.
You tug on your fingers, feeling the bones pop. 
“...But she didn’t mention Sahee, or Wooseok.” you add, still quiet. “So that was a surprise.”
“Kim Sahee,” Seungyoun says, with the tone of someone deeply pondering something. Like her name came out of The Republic, a philosophical thought. “She comes around a lot lately.”
“Oh?” you say, although it’s tight in your throat.
You see him nod out of your peripheral vision. “Yeah.”
You glance over- just for a fleeting moment. He’s wavering, hands splayed against the hood of the car to keep him stable, his cheeks are red.
You’d forgotten for a moment. That you’re the only sober one between you two.
“I think… I’m gonna go home now,” you say after a moment’s hesitation. There’s a rock in your chest, the kind that makes it hard to swallow, hard to breathe. It’s weighing you down, making your hands shake. You need to drive in the night, and sleep for hours. You need to get away from Seungyoun.
“Y/N-ah,” Seungyoun says, a trace of desperation in his voice. He turns his whole body towards you, drawing your attention. When you look at him, he’s frowning. “Why don’t you like me anymore?”
For a moment, you just stare at him, mouth dropped open in shock.
And then a cold wave of panic hits you like a riptide.
The rock is a boulder now.
“...Huh?” you manage, gripping onto the handle of your bag so hard that your knuckles change colors. 
Seungyoun grabs your shoulders, leaning in close to your face. You pull away, but that seems to make him more fervent. “Why did you tell me that Sahee loves me? I didn’t need to know that. That’s not something I was waiting to hear from you.”
“What?” you say, frozen in place. “What are you-”
“Why did you call me oblivious? Was it really just that? Was it just about Sahee? Y/N-ah, you have to tell me,” he shakes you. “Please. Just tell me that. Just tell me that.”
“I don’t know what you want from me,” you whisper, hands shaking so fiercely you’re afraid you’ll drop your bag. 
“Just answer me,” Seungyoun says, his voice shuddering with every word. His face is inches from yours, and his hold on you is so tight you don’t think you could pull away even if you tried.
You stare at him, at his watery, unfocused eyes. At the slope of his nose, tinged pink. At the way his hair falls over the sides of his face, as he hasn’t done anything to it recently. 
His eyes. 
Can they even see you right now?
“...I don’t have an answer,” you tell him, each word striking pain into your chest. 
And then he kisses you.
You think you remember- the first time you thought about what it would be like to kiss Seungyoun. It was not long after you first met him. He looked really handsome, that night. It was before he cut his hair. You didn’t like him, yet. You were extremely busy and barely had time to see your friends, so you didn’t know him that well. But you remember that for the first time, you thought he was handsomer than Vernon. It seemed huge to you, because despite never seeing Vernon in that sort of way, you always agreed with the young-Leo diCaprio thing. You always thought he was one of the best-looking guys you knew personally.
But Seungyoun that night, at some cheap side-of-the-road place selling makgeolli to ajusshis... he became the best-looking guy you knew personally.
He smiled at you then, with his eyes tucked up into his cheeks, and when his face relaxed out of the smile, you thought about if he would be the type to smile into a kiss. You always thought he would. That he would be the type to laugh and tease you and bump teeth while kissing you because he couldn’t wipe the smile away long enough to do it properly. You thought that would become his properly. 
He’s not smiling now. And neither are you.
You always thought kissing Seungyoun would be electric. Sparks would fly, and the room would spin around you. You thought it would be the precursor to him asking you to be his girlfriend. That it would be the happiest moment of your life so far.
Instead, it’s sloppy. His lips don’t land exactly on top of yours, and the hand that finds its way to your face pushes up too far, too close to your eye. His teeth bump into your mouth, but it just feels awkward and uncomfortable. And he pulls away quickly, opening his eyes back up to stare at yours, which never closed in the first place.
Seungyoun looks at you expectantly. 
His eyes are unfocused. He wobbles.
“You’re drunk,” you whisper, swallowing. He doesn’t answer.
You pull Seungyoun’s hands off of you, to little resistance. 
“Goodnight,” you tell him, looking away.
You walk around the back of your car and step down onto the road, pulling out your keys. You unlock it, and get in the driver’s side, sitting down and shutting the door behind you. You lock all four doors instinctively. 
Seungyoun tries to pull on the handle of the passenger side once. 
You put the key in the ignition, and start the engine. You don’t turn on music. You put the gear into drive. 
And you leave.
And you leave behind a part of you with Seungyoun, standing on the side of a one-way road in a side street, alone.
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