#send bouquets
upliftingfloral · 6 months
Vase Flowers Online Dubai | Uplifting Flower Studio
Vase Flowers Online Dubai - Order online vase fresh flowers in your special occasion in Dubai. Fresh flowers in a vase delivered the same day.
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owlpellet · 13 days
am i crazy for thinking it should be a legal requirement for people selling arrangements with lilies to have a warning about their lethality to cats? they are one of the most common plants found in bouquets (unlike most other lethal plants like oleander and sago palm, which are usually found potted solo) and so many owners or well-meaning gift-givers are completely unaware of how a single lick of pollen is enough to kill a cat, meaning unlike other potential toxins they just get left as a table centerpiece. like sure, chocolate and grapes can kill your dog, but you are probably not intentionally leaving chocolate and grapes on surfaces your dog can reach (and they also don't shed particles). about 30% of american homes have cats in them, a percentage you can't really gloss over when it comes to precaution. if you work with florals please, please post visible warnings by your lilies, it will save kitty lives. 🙏
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iersei · 1 year
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super excited for the wedding
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months
a purely self indulgent comic of me visiting the 141 and gifting them present
Gaz - Camera
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Ghost - Baymax
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Price - Christmas baked goods
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angst and mcd ahead :3
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Soap - candy cane dagger and bluebells
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good night and happy holidays folks
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chick-it-out · 1 year
cock soup
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sinful-lanterns · 4 months
Ahem... Now that's Valentine's Day pray for Reader because their schedule for the day is packed.
The whole club organized soooo many activities or gift for them (and they fought at least 30 minutes for people's order)
Here's someone I thought about:
Breakfast prepared lovingly by our Cinnabae (Imagine a heart shaped pancakes something or like that)
Cuddles or a romantic dance with Hamel either in our dorm or hers
Afternoon with Bai Yi and karaoke (only for you two so she can show off her skills failing)
Lunch with Eirene and Dinner with Chelsea that rent a WHOLE restaurant for us (bonus point if they put some piano music on the background)
Spending the night with Stargazer looking and admiring her the starry sky
As an introvert, this is super intimidating but ykw, ILL DO IT FOR THE PTN WOMEN. I’m gushing over Cinnabar making Reader heart shaped pancakes tbh 🥺 I think she’d even drizzle some of the syrup/honey across the stack like a love arrow through the heart…
Also Eirene and Chelsea renting out a whole restaurant just for them and Reader is so extra, but they’d definitely do it. Same with Cabernet and the other rich women, though I can see Cabernet just skipping past dinner and devouring Reader instead for Valentine’s Day.
Besides that however, KARAOKE WITH BAI YI. Imagine her drunkenly singing you love songs while looking at you with that dumb, yet smitten look in her eyes. All the PTN women are just so…in love with you. You truly make them happy and they want to spend as much time with you as they can. (Before the other women get to you first)
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izvmimi · 26 days
this morning i heard a story about a girl with 25 bridesmaids but now i wanna ask yall, who does your fave invite to the bridal party when you get married and do you agree with the choices?
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deonideatta · 1 year
Twilight realizes his feelings
Hello, thanks for the ask! Took a while but I finally got to it lol. Was fun to write, hope you enjoy it!!!
He feels nothing for her.
Nothing lovers usually feel for each other, at least. Of course, he respects her. Her insight has been crucial to the smooth operation of the Forger family, pulling him back from irrational spirals more than once.
And he admires her. How could he not? The way she cares lingers in Anya’s grins and cheery shouts for her mama, in the warmth that welcomes him home in the evenings, in cups of caffeine-free coffee and gentle smiles that linger in his mind. It throws him sometimes, how much kindness she pours into this little family formed on pretenses.
But over time, he’s come to expect the unexpected from her. None of his pages of analysis can pin down her entirety, no manipulation or carefully planned flowchart can fully bend her to its will. Just when he thinks he’s understood her she blindsides him, throwing all his well laid plans into disarray. It’s intriguing in ways he can’t afford to delve into, as much as he finds he wants to.
Because he feels nothing for her - nothing that should make him want her to trust him with the intricacies of what makes her who she is, at least. He isn’t really her husband, after all. And one day, when Loid Forger has served his purpose and all this is over, she'll find someone out there who will love her truthfully and openly. Someone she can love back and happily share her life with. The thought should not feel like ice in his chest.
Because she doesn’t feel for him either, not in any of the ways a wife should feel for her husband, not in the way he sometimes wishes someone would when the thought of spending the rest of his life in an endless cycle of discarded identities weighs on him a little too much. Solitude is an inevitability. He tells himself he’s fine with that.
She doesn’t know him, anyway. Not him as he really is, beneath the facades that make up his legend, beneath the false emotions and the vulnerability that he’s not sure is quite so false anymore.
It shouldn’t matter, since he feels nothing for her. But this nothing sets a rhythm going in his chest when they’re close, and dusts his cheeks with colour when she stops to fix his tie after adjusting Anya’s uniform at the door.
He’s forced to confront that ‘nothing’ when one evening takes them too close to the edge. His smiles are too soft, and the look in her eyes is too tender, and he struggles to confine all the feelings he shouldn’t feel in the container of nothing where he needs them to stay.
And then she kisses him, and his mind goes terribly blank, devoid of all the reasoning that would - should - give him the strength to pull away. There’s no pretense to the way he reaches out to cup her face, shifting to better kiss her back.
She sighs against him, and he really should stop, and save them both the hurt this will inevitably bring. There's nothing left of himself to give her, barely a shadow of a man hiding behind layers and layers of lies.
Restraint prevails, and he manages to pull away, averting his eyes so as not to see whatever her reaction is. She goes still in front of him, face turned towards him.
He forces himself to meet her gaze. She's looking up at him like she's seeing him for the first time. It's an oddly understanding look, a gleam in her eyes that holds him captive and makes him forget to put up any of the facades that are supposed to govern their relationship.
She moves slowly, leaning up to press a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth, and the nothing shatters its casing to reveal something bubbling up like a spring in his heart. Her face is serious but gentle, and restraint cannot suppress the urge to hold her close. She lets him, tucking her head against his neck. For some reason there's a lump in his throat.
The spring trickles on, a small but constant presence.
Time makes it into a stream, stronger with every touch and every glance, with every quiet evening and every inch that the facades drop.
“And you definitely don’t feel anything for her?” Handler asks, in the middle of the Yor section of one of his weekly reports on the family.
“Nothing,” Twilight replies. If he listens hard enough, he can almost hear the sound of a river roaring.
Hope this was a good read!!!!! Twilight feeling things is one of my favourite things to write lol. But yea there's a few more prompts left to write, I will write all of them eventually!
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fakeoutbf · 22 days
five stages of grief but it’s five stages of social anxiety
#walk with me#this morning i got a bouquet delivered to me at work randomly out of nowhere#the note basically said that i could count of the person even if for just some words of advice or a gesture that could make me laugh or mad#count on the person**#i immediately knew it’s from one of my coworkers and ngl i have a very charged?? relationship with them#in the sense that it’s very intense and we can be laughing joking and teasing or we can be really angry and pissed with each other#it can have very extreme emotions even if we just chill most of the time#idk why i think this whole year i’ve been leaning on them more?? and we started texting more often too#so we’ve been more properly friends lately#and for one i was SO EMBARRASSED for getting flowers bc my coworkers tease the shit out of everyone myself included and i’m not used to#gestures like that so obviously they were on my ass all day about it#and everyone asked about them and it’s EMBARRASSING to get that much attention#(me: i wanna be a singer / also me: can’t stand to be the center of attention)#anyway the person that sent them avoided me yesterday out of nowhere??? idk if they thought i was mad bc i didn’t reply to their texts all#weekend but i literally never reply to anyone and pms was a bitch and i just wanted to be alone#so they didn’t talk to me on monday i was mostly just working listening to music bc i was still emotional whatever#and today i did talk to my other coworkers bc it’s the day when my favorite coworker comes in and i talk to them a lot so i engaged more#and they were still ignoring me and then the flowers came in and we didn’t say a single word to each other today we just texted#they told me they sent them and that ‘they forgot’ what they sent and that it was just meant to be a nice gesture#and that bc they wanted to ‘surprise’ me and make me feel better bc i said i was sad at one point?? idek#i literally just want to tell them I HAD PMS ITS FINE I FEEL SUICIDAL ALL THE TIME and move on#bc now i’m second guessing everything they’re saying bc i thought we were friends and there’s no reason why friends can’t send each other#flowers or whatever but they’ve been avoiding me and then they keep answering my texts really weirdly and i always misinterpret flirting bc#i’m never outright romantic with anyone?? plus we’re FRIENDS i should have no reason to think that’s changed#but they’re being so weird and why get me FLOWERS??? idk get me a chocolate or a coffee i don’t NEED flowers#and then i said it was random to give me flowers out of nowhere and they’re like no it’s serious bro what’s serious??????#your feelings towards me?? or just your will to cheer me up???#if they don’t reply straight up in their next texts i’m gonna flat out say but it was a platonic gesture right???#so yeah i’m overthink getting flowers bc what’s the social code for that and what is one supposed to do when they get flowers from a friend#delivered to their joint workplace where everyone can see them and think they’re from a partner or something
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chanrizard · 1 year
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SKZ on Love Music 💙
+ bonus: :} channie
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pollyna · 9 months
They aren't flower people, whatever the fuck that could mean, but after the DADT gets repealed, Mav starts buying Ice flowers. Not big bouquets like the one his husband receives during ceremonies, but small compositions of colourful flowers he knows he's going to like. Neither of them know what every flower means, and Mav is almost sure he sent a fuck you bouquet at least once if Ice's secretary's disappointed look is something to consider, but neither of them care. Especially because the big ones are always in the hallway, on his secretary desk, or adorning some ancient table near windows and elevators, while Mav's are always, always, in Ice's office. On his table. Visible to every single person who's going to step into his office.
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upliftingfloral · 7 months
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Bouquet Flowers Online Dubai | Uplifting Flower Studio
Bouquet Flowers Online Dubai – Get affordable fresh flowers & bouquet prepared by Uplifting Flower in Dubai with same day flower delivery.
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lemondoddle · 4 months
need a stardew update where you get a matching suit/dress for the flower dance after someone agrees to dance with you or smth
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silverwolf1249 · 2 years
Part 1:
Batman lowkey adopting all of his children's hero teams? yes, absolutely stunning. Bruce Wayne lowkey adopting all the neglected rich kids at galas? YES PLEASE, my crops are growing, my skin is clear, the sun is shining.
Like, Tim can't be the only rich kid at galas whose parents are more focused with themselves than their children. And Bruce has a bleeding heart that could never stand a child looking sad and dejected. After he adopts Dick, he immediately starts to change his image from party animal playboy Brucie Wayne to ditzy but kind, and most importantly, full of dad energy Bruce Wayne.
It starts small, giving the children introduced to him by their parents actual eye contact and sincere smile, with a "Nice to meet you" that feels genuine. But then he also starts offering them candy, somehow always something they like (he doesn't realize how it kinda makes him look weird to offer random children candy). After a hesitant look at their parents, who tell them that they should take the candy and thank Mr. Wayne with soft smiles and honeyed tongues, while their eyes are full of warning, the implicit or else left unsaid. No one wanted to make Bruce Wayne upset after all, that was simply social suicide.
He slowly escalates, he asks them how they were doing, if anything interesting had happened to them recently, what hobbies they liked. At first, the children responded as carefully and as short as possible, just enough to be polite. But Bruce asks about them every gala, and more importantly, remembers previous conversations he'd had with each of them. That'd never happened before, their parents usually wave them off the first chance they get to indulge in something else. And so they begin to open up more.
And Bruce takes care of these children as if they were his own at these events. Guests are dumbfounded when he's seen carrying an overwhelmed judge's daughter in his arms in an attempt to comfort and ground her. He's seen soothing the son of the current mayor after he accidentally spilled food on his suit. Multiple eyewitnesses report Bruce being found underneath the tablecloths of buffet tables, playing card games or simply sitting with various children of the elite. He gives high fives when kids tell him of an achievement they've made, from being able to tie their shoes to coming in first in a competition.
Every child is informed by the other children or by Bruce himself that he will give a hug to any child who asks, no questions asked. They love his hugs, his arms were always so warm and comforting and encompassing in all the best ways, completely opposite to the other event goers, where their fake smiles sent chills up their spines, and venomous words sank their teeth into them at every accidental faux pas.
The kids love Bruce hugs, but what they love even more is when Bruce notices if any of them look uncomfortable, and steps in to give them an out. None of their parents would refuse Bruce if he asked if he could borrow their child for a bit, then asks them if they'd like to step out for a bit of fresh air. He spends plenty of nights wandering halls or outside on a balcony with a child holding his hand, sometimes more than one.
Dick Grayson becomes the unofficial older brother to the younger children, and becomes close friends with the older ones. They teach him how to act at events, how to dance and how to respond to any of the adults who drag him into conversation to see him slip. In return, he teaches them how to cartwheel and forward roll, teaching the braver ones handstands and backflips. The kids come back to their parents unkempt, sometimes covered in dirt or dust, and on one special occasion, drenched in water after someone accidentally falling into a fountain led to an all out water fight. Their parents can't say anything about it since Bruce always comes with them to apologize about his ward dragging them into his antics "children, you know?".
As this continues, Bruce also begins to have an open door policy for his children (as they are as much his as they are their own blood related parents). If they ever needed or wanted to, they could come to Wayne manor any time, the only condition being that they informed their parents of their trip. It would become a safe space for many of them, a place to have small gatherings without the oppressiveness of their parents and high society. Bruce would come home some nights with Dick tutoring some of them in math, or a group enjoying a movie session in his home theater. He of course, made sure that any and all entries to the Batcave in the manor were completely inaccessible when he wasn't home.
Dick begins arguing more and more with Bruce, and eventually leaves to live in Bludhaven. But he came back to every social event he's invited to to check up on everyone and make sure they know he's still there. This helps heal his and Bruce's tense and volatile relationship much quicker, since the more frequent contact with each other and their mutual want to not upset the children (which does include the children who grew up with Dick; Bruce still views them as children, and always will) force them to actually communicate with each other. It does also help that after years of being the unofficial father of like half the children of the elite, Bruce has gotten a lot better at communicating his emotions and thoughts, and at listening to others.
Jason comes tumbling into the picture with scratched knees and a chip on his shoulder. Dick bonds with him almost immediately despite Jason's obvious distrust and hesitation, declaring he'd always wanted an official little brother. He calls in favors with old friends to watch over Jason at events when he can't. Jason's prickly nature hiding his quick wit and heart of gold burrow themselves deep amongst the young adult members of the elite, many of whom come to view him like one would a younger sibling.
The younger ones love Jason because of his stories. One could often find a small group of children sitting in a corner or hidden alcove with Jason in the middle, reciting a familiar story with his own words or coming up with something on the fly, his abundant imagination and creativity filling in the blanks as he regales them.
Unlike Dick, Jason hates the glitz and glam of galas, much preferring to stay at the manor in front of the fireplace with a nice book in his lap. It's pretty obvious to the others, and becomes almost a game who can get a reason for Jason to leave the quickest. The most used way to get this done is accidentally spilling a drink that gets all over his clothes so he needs to go back home to change, which he never returns from.
When Jason dies, Bruce, Alfred, and Dick aren't the only ones who mourn, an entire generation of high society does as well. But they also know who's currently suffering the most, everyone heard how Bruce saw the explosion that killed his son. So just like how Bruce made them feel seen and comforted, they tried to do the same for him and Dick.
The younger ones offered hugs and stuck nearby to let them know they were there for them. The older ones made sure no nosy reporter or offending socialite could get to them to ask about Jason, fending them off with razor sharp smiles and words. Both Bruce and Dick were incredibly grateful and made sure everyone knew it.
And then there was Tim. Tim who had been welcomed into Bruce's gaggle of children at social events since he started attending them, Tim who had been amongst the children that liked listening to Jason telling stories. He sees Bruce becoming more and more violent towards criminals as Batman, fueled by his guilt and self hatred. So Tim visits Jason's grave one day, and apologizes for what he plans on doing. Then he walks up to the manor and enters Bruce's study and practically coerces the poor man into making him Robin with his 60 slide powerpoint.
When Bruce officially takes Tim in after his parents' deaths, the others give him the same treatment they gave Dick and Bruce when Jason died. He grew up amongst them, he was one of theirs, and they protected their own. Bruce and Dick also make sure at least one of them is by Tim's side at all times, a hand resting on his shoulder or grabbing his hand let him know that they're there.
Part 2 up soon:
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rubyiiiusions · 2 years
thinking about if boom eggman shipped sonadow and he was very vocal about it. as in he'd see sonic and shadow fighting, sigh, grab a megaphone and yell "KISS ALREADY"
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saturnsorbits · 4 months
There’s a secret line AU of my self-ship, where before Bakugo realises he’s actually in love with Kirishima and not me, he gets me pregnant and we have to co-parent…
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