#self sacrifice yandere
basementstalker · 8 months
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⛎Ophiuchus yandere
"If it's for you, I wouldn't regret giving up my life."
"I'm happy that you're by my side...💕"
Ophiuchus is a self-sacrificing yandere.
Because they don't talk much, people tend to think of them as a quiet person, but they have a strong will, a strong sense of what is right, and are proactive.
It's similar to the dependent type, but this type sacrifices themselves to express love to their beloved. They can even die from overdoing it.
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serickswrites · 10 months
Forever IV
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
Warnings: captivity, drugging, noncon/dubcon implied, unconsciousness, poisoning, self sacrifice, yandere
“What have you done?” Whumpee repeated as they dropped to their knees beside Caretaker. Caretaker’s breaths were so shallow, Whumpee initially thought Caretaker wasn’t breathing. They rolled Caretaker on their side, trying to help them breathe a little deeper. 
“I did what I needed to,” Whumper said coldly. 
“What did you do to me?” Whumpee couldn’t remember what happened. Everything was fuzzy in their head. They cupped Caretaker’s cheek, trying to rouse Caretaker. 
But Caretaker didn’t open their eyes. They continued to take irregular, wheezing breaths, but the did not wake. 
“You were mine,” Whumper said as they held out their hand, “you’re still mine.”
Whumpee flinched back. “I am not yours. I thought….I thought we were friends.”
“That’s all I ever was to you,” Whumper sneered. “Even though I did everything for you. You should have come to me. You should have been grateful to me. I love you. I would do anything for you.”
Whumpee looked up at Whumper in horror as they realized their friend was truly a monster. “I…I…I don’t owe you anything.” 
Caretaker’s breath faltered. “Caretaker?” Whumpee shook Caretaker’s shoulder. “What did you do to them?”
“What needed to be done to keep them out of the equation. Forever.” Whumper glared down at Caretaker. “You’ll soon be forgetting them anyway.”
“Caretaker! Please, open your eyes. It’s me. It’s me! I love you. Please! Come back to me!” Whumpee sobbed as they tried to wake Caretaker once more. 
“What’s so special about Caretaker? What do they do for you that I can’t do. Forget about them, Whumpee. Come away with me. They’ll soon be a distant memory.” Whumper gripped Whumpee’s shoulder tightly. 
Whumpee leaned down as they sobbed and kissed Caretaker’s forehead. “Help them.”
“Excuse me?”
Whumpee tore their gaze away from Caretaker. “Help them. Bring them back and I’ll go with you. Wherever you like. Forever.”
Whumper froze. “Forever.”
Whumpee nodded as they began to sob openly. “Forever.”
Tags: @ha-ha-one @tiny-daggers-up-to-heaven @Ithrboy  @mefattortoise @nolahan @elisabethrosewrites
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kitsunevania13 · 4 months
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Akise Aru, my beloved. "What if he took his feelings for Yuki one step further and pulled a Yuno?"
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kailali · 2 years
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Yandere Xiao Headcanons
WARNINGS: gn!reader, yandere, mention of self-esteem issues, lying, obsession, blood, murder, death of friends, death of character.
thank you @daydreamslug for this being stuck in my brain!
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Submissive & worshiping Yan!Xiao who bends to your every whim and gives you everything your heart desires. Constantly in disbelief that someone like you would ever want to be with someone like him. Desperately afraid that one day you’ll look at him and realize that you don’t like what you see, he is unwilling to let you see any weakness or any true sides of himself.
Clingy, needy, & desperate Yan!Xiao whose fear of losing you has consumed him. He not only wants you, he needs you. You are what ties to him to this earth, keeps him from losing himself, makes life worth living.
Obsessive Yan!Xiao who no longer has any thoughts that aren’t of you. Seeing you, touching you, hearing your voice. What you’re doing, what you’re thinking every moment of every day. His heart screaming in pain whenever he considers that you might be thinking of someone or something other than him.
Manipulative Yan!Xiao who so desperately needs to keep you by his side and to himself that he would use any means to do so. Maybe he has to tell you a little lie here or there – lying isn’t something he’s had to do before, but if it keeps you safe, and with him, he’s more than willing to tell as many as he needs to.
Overprotective Yan!Xiao who would eliminate any threat to you, real or imagined. Wearily returning home late at night, dropping to his knees in front of you, dripping with the blood of your past friends and lovers.
Self-Sacrificing Yan!Xiao who would, without a second thought, give his final breath protecting you, finally feeling peace before he closes his eyes. You’re screaming his name – you’re thinking only of him, you’re looking only at him... and that’s all he’s ever wanted.
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yandere-vent · 1 year
what's been up with the silence lately? i tried texting you yesterday and you barely responded. i tried calling you today and you're completely silent. what's wrong? why won't you tell me what's wrong?
is it something i'm doing? do i need to change for you? i already have once; i'll do it again. just please, talk to me. 🌱
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yandere-daydreams · 7 months
Title: Meat.
Pairing: Yandere!Ayato x Reader (Genshin).
Word count: 4.5k.
TW: Non/Con, Fem!Reader, Branding/Burning, Prolonged Imprisonment, Forced Marriage, Possessive Behavior, Descriptions of Gore, Implied Stalking, Mentions of Pregnancy, and Suicidal Ideation. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
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You always thought you would wear red on your wedding day.
It was a family tradition – passed down with dutiful care for as long as anyone could imagine. Your grandmother had given her dress to your mother who had gifted it to you, her only child, on your eighteenth birthday, years before you would so much as think about getting something as permanent as marriage. Still, you safeguarded it with a religious devotion, never going more than a week without laying it out to check for signs of moths or mold. When you found yourself on a boat set on a course for Inazuma and could bring nothing but what could fit in the space underneath your bunk, her dress was the only item you truly could not bear to leave behind.
It was one of the few things Ayato let you keep, when he first brought you to his estate. He hadn’t wanted to, but he’d known that you’d throw yourself off the nearest cliff if anything ever happened to that dress. You still would, if he so much as touched it without your permission.
The kimono you were being fitted for now was not red. The fine silk was pure white, the detailed embroidery along the hems and sleeves dark blue and bright, shining gold. The symbol of his archon glowed violet on the swell of the train – meant to appease the other factions of the tri-commission who protested when Ayato announced his intent to not only marry a commoner, but a foreigner. You hated that embellishment most of all, more than the sickly way his colors crawled over your body, more than the irritating smoothness of his favored silks where they hugged against your form and groped at your skin. It marked you as a tool, something to be used to one end or another. It marked you as a sacrifice – and an unwanted one, at that.
“Just as exquisite as I knew you’d be,” Ayato announced, his voice strong and unabashed. You’d begged him not to, but he’d insisted on sitting in on your appointment, making sure you couldn’t correct seamstress or overrule any of the choices he’d made on your behalf. The tailor hummed as she fastened a temporary sash around your midriff, tight enough to press uncomfortably against your ribs. If you needed to cry on your wedding day (which, in all likelihood, you would), it would have to be loosened. “How do you like it?”
You hated it.  You despised it. You wanted to claw it apart with your own pristine nails, separate each thread and seam with your very own teeth. You would’ve set yourself on fire just to see it turned to ash that much sooner.
“It’s perfect.” Your own voice sounded distant, distorted. There was no façade of sincerity. He knew as well as you did that there was nothing he could force onto you that you wouldn’t loathe, and you knew that any word uttered as to your hatred for him outside of the privacy of your shared bedroom would result in a collection of fresh rope burns to decorate your wrists, the better half of a night spent bent over his knee. “So long as it pleases you, my lord.”
You dropped your eyes to the floor, attempting to spare yourself what suffering you could, but your resistance didn’t matter; you could hear the sharpness of his smile, picture the way his head tilted to the side as he basked in his own self-satisfaction as he went on, addressing the tailor. “If there’s a veil, you can get rid of it.”
You didn’t think you would ever get used to the way his voice seemed to grate when he was happy with himself.
 “I think my heart might give out if I’m not able to see my beautiful fiancé’s lovely smile.”
After meeting Ayato, you began to dream in red.
It was more of a pink, at first – during the first few weeks of his courtship, when the extent of his intrusive affection was a few dendrobiums left on your doorstep and a lingering glance as the handsome young commissioner passed your stall during his weekly stroll through the city market. For a short while, after his possessive habits began to rear their head and you were able to catch his guards in your peripheral more often than not, your subconscious was tinted a near-violent shade of scarlet, the kind that would leave you drenched in your own sweat and half-suffocated by the time you forced yourself to wake up. Recently, since he announced your engagement, they’d taken on a darker shade; choking velvets and deep crimsons blurring the distorted setting as Ayato’s faceless body moved on top of you, as his mouth unhinged and his lashing tongue dragged you down his waiting throat. On your worst nights, he’d tear you apart with his hands, first, divide you into neat, orderly pieces that he could slip past his lips and savor one at a time, one after another, until there was nothing left of you. He’d always preferred you in your most consumable form.
It was ironic, really, considering just how little red he let seep into your waking life. Maybe you had a deficiency; like a pregnant woman craving fish to make up for a lack of calcium. The closest you got to red from the doorway to his study were a few cherry blossoms fluttering past the window, their color dulled by age and their tree nearly stripped bare by the approaching winter. He looked away from his paperwork as you shrugged past the screen door, his pale eyes lighting up as he saw the tea tray in your hands. It was Thoma’s handiwork, but you doubted Ayato cared. He wanted to see you in the role of a caretaker, playing out the part he wrote for you to the best of your limited acting skills. What happened behind the curtain was none of his concern.
“To what do I owe the honor?” he asked as you set the tray on his desk. “I can’t remember the last time you visited me on your own.”
You flashed him a small smile. “Can’t I dote on my soon-to-be husband freely?”
He visibly straightened at the word ‘husband’, a familiar zeal infecting his expression. There was a quirk to his grin, a light tap to his thigh, and the tea went ignored as you obediently fell into his lap, your legs hanging over the side of his chair as his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you snug against him. If he was a monster, he’d be one with a thousand hands and a million fingers; he couldn’t seem to go a full minute without clutching at your hips, groping at your chest, burying his face in the crook of your neck with a deep, relieved sigh. “Husband,” he repeated back to you, all spellbound awe and deceiving wonder. “Archons, I can’t wait to be your husband.”
You wondered, sometimes, if it was his childhood that made him the way he was. After so many years of loneliness, so many tiny disappointments and frigid betrayals, you could only imagine he’d be eager to grab the first warm body he could and refuse to let you go. But, he let Ayaka come and go as she pleased, and seemed to take a certain delight in sending Thoma off on long-winded, far-flung errands. Whatever cruelty his upbringing had bred, it was clearly reserved for you.
His hand slid underneath the slit of your yukata, his breath turning hot and unpleasant against your collarbone, and you drew back with an airy laugh. “I do have an ulterior motive,” you admitted, hoping his curiosity would offset his insatiability, if only for a few seconds. “It’s about my wedding dress.”
“The breathtaking and priceless dress I’m having made by the nation’s most talented tailors so that all of Inazuma will know that I’m marrying the most beautiful person in Teyvat?” He raised his head, clicking his tongue. “What about it?”
“It’s not that I don’t like it,” you said, because he wouldn’t listen to you if you didn’t and you needed him to listen to you. “It’s just— I’m such a long way from home, and I know my family won’t be able to come, but—” You cut yourself off, swallowing back the bile that threatened to spoil your sweet smile. “I was hoping we’d be able to incorporate my mother’s dress, somehow. If it’s not too late.”
It wasn’t. You’d been tracking the progress of his tailors meticulously, counting down the days until your wedding like a prisoner waiting for their execution date, and if it was one of his whims, another row of bedding added onto the sleeves or a new embroidery pattern worked onto the train, you knew that there’d be all the time in the world to make any adjustments he asked for. Still, his smile wavered, a brief sigh slipping past his lips as he shook his head. “My love,” The petname lulled off of his tongue as if it’d been coated in sugar and syrup and all the worst things you could think of. “That’s quite the risk to take. The poor thing’s so old, it might fall apart as soon as the tailor’s needle touches it.”
He'd been crueler, before – called the dress a rag as he looked at you with disdain-tinted pity, swore that your reliance on the filthy relic must’ve been caused by some inherent failure of your homeland – but your heart still clenched just a little tighter in your chest at his veiled disdain. “I’d like to try, at least.” Your hands curled around his collar, your frown taking on a more pleading note. “Please, my lord?” A pause, a tightened hold. “Please, Ayato?”
It was his given name, loving and tender and so rarely spoken in your voice, that did him in. He relented with an airy groan, letting his head roll forward in faux exasperation. “We’ll see.”
You beamed, but he was too lost in you to notice, already preoccupied with pressing open-mouthed kisses into your shoulders, your neck. The sash of your yukata was drawn loose, your sleeves pulled down to your elbows and your body shifted onto his desk, where he could spread your legs apart and bury his face between them. Your eyes drifted back to the cherry blossoms trickling past the window, but whatever tree they’d been falling from had finally been stripped bare. All you could see was the bright, cloudless sky – blue enough to leave you burnt and begging for a storm.
Two springs ago, the Kamisato Estate had been overrun with finches.
It’d been a comedy of errors, in hindsight. Ayaka had taken up a fondness for a new kind of flower – one native to Sumeru, introduced to her by an outlander with golden hair and knowing eyes. Thoma, the miracle worker that he was, quickly found a way to propagate it in the estate’s garden, and within the month, little violet blossoms had consumed all that they could reach despite the best efforts of the gardeners to keep them in-check. It would’ve been a delightful problem to have on its own, but the peak of the infestation happened to align with an annual migration of a type of finch that happened to hold a particular shining for a plant with a similar shape and color and— well, anyone could’ve guessed what happened next.
It was a nightmare for Thoma and the other groundskeepers and, since Ayato was staying in the city on business, paradise for you. You spent your days in the courtyard, showing the servants’ children how to braid crowns out of vines and press flowers between the pages of books stolen from Ayato’s personal library. You and Ayaka fed seeds to the red-crowned invaders and coaxed them close enough to pet and sketch, as little talent as you had for the latter, and she listened as you rambled excitedly about the crane-headed whistles you used to make every summer for a very wealthy ornithologist with very slippery fingers. She was just as lonely as her brother, albeit significantly less deranged, and you – trapped, isolated, desperate you – were the perfect victim for her. The two of you were never quite friends, but you came close that spring.
And then, Ayato returned. The flowers were uprooted, the children sent back to their chores, and the finches driven away with nets and stones and salt. You sobbed for hours the day the final flock left, and by means of consolation, Ayato presented you with a blue-speckled wren in a cage of pure silver, silk flowers bound to the bars with yellow ribbons as a reminder of your lost haven. To this day, you still aren’t sure if he meant it to be as cruel of a gift as it was.
You made it all of two days before risking another month spent shackled to Ayato’s bed and sneaking past the guards posted at the estate’s frontmost gates, the golden cage tucked against your chest. You released it in the woods, somewhere with plenty of tree cover and places to hide while it remembered how to be a wild creature, and watched with a smile as it fluttered past the cage’s door and into the open air, eventually landing on the leaf-littered ground.
It hopped all of three tiny steps before a fox emerged from the underbrush and swallowed it whole.
“Are you still with us, love?”
You should’ve gone limp. You should’ve acted as if the pain had gotten to you. You should’ve pretended you were dead to the world and that you couldn’t feel his cock languidly thrusting into you and that you’d gone numb to the searing iron slowly cooling into against the small of your back but, for as resentful as your mind was to him, your body was entirely subservient to Ayato. You tried to respond verbally, and when your voice caught in your throat, you forced yourself to nod, the motion small and shaky. Ayato rewarded you with a breathy chuckle, a fleeting touch to the curve of your spine. A hundred pinpricks of purified agony accompanied his touch.
The silver brand had been commissioned from the finest metal crafters in Inazuma City, made to resemble the warped camellia that was the Kamisato Clan’s crest, and you let out an agonized scream as Ayato drew it back and pressed a calloused thumb into the tender patch of burnt skin. “You always do make such pretty noises for me.” He circled the shape of the white-hot bloom, drawing out another ragged whimper. “It’s a shame I only get to hear them when you misbehave.”
You wanted to apologize, to beg for his forgiveness, but try as you might, you couldn’t seem to remember what you’d done wrong. You hadn’t tried to run away. You hadn’t talked to any of the servants. You hadn’t done anything aside from smile and sit beside him as he spoke with the head of another clan – an older man whose eyes burnt into you for the entirety of their brief conversation. As far as you could tell, he was just a particularly shameless nobleman trying to decipher the curiosity that was the Yashiro Commissioner’s reclusive bride, but Ayato hated letting other men gawk at you at the best of times. Such prolonged exposure would’ve surely brought out the worst of his possessive habits.
You felt something tighten in your chest, catch in your throat, but you only realized you were crying when Ayato’s lips ghosted over your cheek, the gentleness of the gesture quickly replaced with the brutality of his fingers tangled in your hair, your head forced down and into the plush of his bed. You body threatened to collapse, but his free hand fell to your hip, keeping your back arched and your ass raised as he ground lazily into your cunt, in no rush to put you out of your suffering. “I think,” he groaned, lust heavy in his voice. “We’re going to have a big family. Half a dozen kids, at least.”
You beat your fists against the mattress, shaking your head violently, and he twitched inside of you. “They’ll have your eyes,” he went on, a sadistic delight in his voice. “And my swordsmanship, and I’ll love them as much as I love you.” He paused, the head of his cock scraping against something deep and vulnerable inside of you. “Well, almost as much as I love you. As much as I can.”
You tried to struggle, to get away from him, but Ayato held you close, his grip as unrelenting as his slow, aching tempo. With a calculated sort of grace, he leaned towards you, slotting his chest against your back and bringing his mouth to the shell of your ear. “You don’t think it’s too soon to start, do you, darling?”
All you could do was try and fail to scream in response.
The first gift Ayato ever gave to you was a necklace the color of freshly split sapphires.
He insisted that you not think of it as a present, that you consider it little more than justified repayment for an item from your stall broken by the clumsy fingers of one of his couriers, but it was a present, it couldn’t be anything else. His courier had paid for the ruined pottery days prior, and yet, he’d sought you out in person to apologize with that sun-bright smile, to let his fingertips brush against yours as he passed you a satin-lined case with a perfect, ocean-blue velvet choker tucked safely inside. It was a beautiful thing, embellished with silver and dripping with transparent crystals, but you’d liked the color most of all. It’d reminded you of Ayato, and there’d been a time when you treasured any excuse to think of him.
You’d worn it the first time you saw each other properly, too. The occasion wasn’t formal enough to warrant something so needlessly extravagant, but you couldn’t seem to stop smiling for the entirety of your brief-meal-turned-seven-hour-conversation, and as your night came to an end, perched on the edge of a cliff underneath the Raiden Shogun’s palace and breathless from laughing, he told you that if you weren’t careful, he might just fall in love with you. You’d told him that, if he waited a few more days, you might fall in love with him, too.
You’d been wearing the same necklace when he broke your heart for the first time. It’d been an overcast day, the sky a clouded blueish grey and the shogun’s fury just barely audible in the far distance. He told you, with that perfect grin and those lonely eyes, that it really was terribly improper for the lover of a commissioner to run some meager stall in a sweat-soaked market, that he owed you better than a cramped room on the outskirts of the city where you had to wade through hours of farmland to reach anything of importance. When you said that you enjoyed your work, that you adored the back-breaking labor of your craft and loved having neighbors who would leave baskets of cabbage and lavender melon on your doorstep in exchange for misshapen cups and off-pattern bowls, he laughed as if you’d said the funniest thing in the world and cupped your face in his hands, pulling you into a kiss deep enough and sweet enough to make you forget whether or not you’d agreed with him.
You were brought to the Kamisato estate less than a full month later and had yet to leave since.
The final garment was delivered two weeks before your wedding day. You watched from your pavilion as Ayato met the courier at the estate’s gates, accepting a large package wrapped in scarlet silk and brushing off the guards’ attempts to carry it on his behalf. You were embroidering, that day – a delicate, time-consuming art that Ayato praised in comparison to the messy, unpredictable medium of clay. You loathed the monotony of it, the strictness of the patterns, but it meant Ayato was less likely to break your fingers when he found you scrounging away spare mora in the hopes of some perpetually eventual escape and so, you embroidered.
“My mother’s dress,” you said, as soon as he was close enough to hear you. The wooden hoop was forgotten in your lap as you stared up at him, hope written clearly across your expression. “Do you know what they did with it?”
His grin widened. “Eager, are we?” You nodded frantically, and he added, “If I’d didn’t know better, I’d say you care about a dress more than your own betrothed.”
He settled next to you, the package laid across his thighs. He moved to unwrap it, then pivoted – his attention shifting as his gloved hand took hold of your wrist. He’d been touching you more delicately, lately, something you couldn’t help but link with his long-brewing but only recently materialized desire for children. It was a problem you elected to deal with later on, after the wedding, if only for your own inability to process just how horrific of a problem it was.
(There was a part of you which knew, even before your conscious mind could bear to accept it, that you would never be able to love something he put inside of you. Ayato’s obsession was enduring, able to feed off of nothing and contort reality to suit its needs, but your love had always been a rational thing, bound to end the moment it became inconvenient to house. Your love for your homeland died with your mother. Your love for Ayato died with your abduction. And, whatever love you could’ve had for a child— no, a shackle would die the moment the foul creature was born. You could hold no affection for a child that was made in Ayato’s image, that would be cleaved from your flesh for the sake of his happiness, and if by some miracle you did love the monstrosity, then you could only assume it would be because you’d abandoned all hope for yourself. Both futures seemed equally grim.)
“Ayato,” you simpered, leaning against his side. “Please?”
He rolled his eyes, playing soft as he handed you the oversized package. “It should be wrapped separately. I said I didn’t want to see the finished product until the day-of.”
Your hands shook as you undid the many knots. A smaller bundle sat within, separate from the tumor of ivory fabric you forced yourself not to linger on, and you took it up with a desperate sort of keenness, practically trembling as you tore it open with no regard for the integrity of its packaging. The crimson silk was torn away to reveal—
Dark, never-ending blue.
“The color came out so beautifully. I’m glad you protested the way you did – otherwise, I might’ve never known we were missing something on our wedding day.” This time, you didn’t fight as he tore the remains of your mother’s dress out of your hands, holding out a sash the shade of apathetic night. You searched for something familiar, for something you could use to ground yourself, but it was absent of all recognizability, desecrated to the point of being all-but alien to you. “It had to be dyed, of course, but I’ve been told the process only cost it a moment of its integrity. The tailors—”
You blinked, but your vision remained black when you opened your eyes. Your body was lurching forward, and then you were in Ayato’s arms, limp and buzzing. Ayato was laughing, as shocked as you were drained, and you made no effort to pull away from him. “My poor little wife. I know – the anticipation’s almost too much to bear.” He pressed a kiss into your forehead. “Why don’t we spend some time together, like we used to? I think I can push my obligations aside for the day, considering the occasion.”
You didn’t respond, but he gathered into his arms regardless. He had always seemed to prefer you as dead weight.
You did end up in red on your wedding day, but you doubted you’d be getting married, anymore.
His own sword slid and out of his back with a wet, gripping noise – only interrupted when the blade slipped in your hands and hit bone rather than viscera. Blood splattered against the white of your kimono with every plunge, staining the susceptible fabric easily and leaving you struggling to keep your feet underneath you as the puddle of scarlet grew deeper, as the screen walls began to drip and your lungs filled with copper and iron. Ayato, the ever-worried lover that he was, had come to check on you before the ceremony, fussing over your blank eyes and the tear-tracks that had ruined your make-up twice, by then. He’d been concerned, but giddy, unable to keep himself away from you despite his many promises of tradition and decor.
He'd made it three, maybe four minutes before beginning to toy with the clasps running down your chest.
You’d taken up the first thing you saw – a hand mirror gilded with shining rose gold – and brought it down on his head.
That, on its own, would’ve left him with a scar and little else, but you’d worked quickly, drawing the sword from its sheath on his belt and bringing it down into anything that seemed vital, anything you could reach, anything that bled calming, soothing red. He stopped moving on the fifth strike, his uncalled upon Vision going dull on the sixth, and on the seventh, you heard someone call for the guards.
You waited until you could hear their footsteps before falling to your knees, bringing the point of your blade to your stomach and clenching your eyes shut, praying to any archon who would listen that you’d hit something they couldn’t be healed, that they’d lend you a more merciful fate than another jail cell, another lifetime of entrapment.  You plunged the blade into your stomach and—
And were met with little more than a cold, blunt sensation and a bottomless pit of despair.
You opened your eyes, your gaze flickering from your ice-coated blade to the doorway of your dressing room, now occupied by Kamisato Ayaka, one hand raised and her Vision pulsing at her side. Guards rushed in on either side of her, grabbing at your shoulders and wrists, but your stare never left Ayaka, her parted lips, her flushed cheeks.
Her bright eyes, just as blue and just as lonely as her brother’s had ever been.
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fragileheartbeats · 13 days
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⌗ 𝘈𝘝𝘌𝘕𝘛𝘜𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘌 𝘏𝘊 ⁝ 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘐 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 ( ♱ )
˚꒰♡꒱‧ Hi there! Before you read this, you should know that English is not my first language Hope you enjoy!
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Many describe Aventurine as a yandere who would hurt or kidnap his darling, but I can't see it. To me, he would be one of the softest yanderes imaginable. He’s painfully aware of his feelings, knowing they’re unhealthy and twisted. He tries to control them, but it’s never enough. His love for you is too overwhelming, too consuming.
And it hurts. It hurts like a thousand knives piercing his heart, because it's killing him. It hurts because he doesn’t want to harm you, but it also hurts because he can’t bear to be without you. Each day, the struggle between his desire to be near you and his need to protect you from himself tears him apart.
He would do anything to protect you, becoming your shadow, guarding you from every danger—even himself. So, he makes the hardest choice: he avoids you. He stops talking to you, stops smiling at you, stops watching you from afar. It’s a self-imposed exile that tortures him more than any physical pain ever could.
You’re left confused and hurt. Why is he avoiding you? Just weeks ago, he was so sweet, so attentive. You thought maybe—just maybe—he had fallen for someone like you. How foolish. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Your heart aches with the sting of rejection and the bitterness of unfulfilled dreams.
If only you knew... If only you knew how deeply he loves you. He loves you so much that he’s willing to destroy himself rather than see you cry. He loves you so much that he would tear his own heart apart rather than see your smile fade. He knows himself. He knows you. He knows that if he stayed close, he would hurt you. His feelings are a storm, a dangerous maelstrom that could sweep you away.
He knows you’re too precious. He could be a monster. He would be a monster. A monster who feeds on your love and tears. A monster hungry for your body and pain. He knows it. He knows it all. And that knowledge shatters him.
Because he doesn’t want to be a monster. He doesn’t want to hurt you. He wants to be your shining knight, always protecting you, even if you never know it. He dreams of a world where he can hold you without fear, where his love doesn’t come with the risk of destruction.
He would do anything to see your smile, even if it means sacrificing his own. Each time he sees you from a distance, his heart breaks a little more. He whispers your name in the dead of night, a prayer, a lament, a vow to keep you safe. Even if he has to carve out his own heart, he will do it, because your happiness means more to him than his own life.
In the silent agony of his solitude, he watches you move on, believing you’ll find someone better, someone worthy of your love. His heart bleeds with every step you take away from him, but he endures it. He endures it because he loves you too much to let his darkness touch you. And as he fades into the background, he finds a twisted solace in the knowledge that he’s done the right thing, even if it destroys him.
Aventurine's love is a tragic symphony, a beautiful yet sorrowful melody that will never reach your ears. It’s a love that lives in shadows, hidden from the light, forever unseen, forever aching. And as he stands alone, watching over you from afar, he whispers one last promise to the wind:
“I will always love you, even if it means I must disappear. For your happiness, for your safety, I will sacrifice everything. Even myself.”
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@ 𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒔 . 𝐷𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒, 𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡, 𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑠 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑏𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑠.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 2 months
In your name.
Villain!Miguel O'Hara x Fem Wife!Reader
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TW: MINORS DNI, SMUT(P IN V, NIPPLE PLAY, Rough sex, hair pull), POSSESSIVENESS, YANDERE but it's nothing too crazy, mostly just in 1 statement. Word count: a little over 500?
A/N: I've been seeing Villain!Miguel lately, especially by @exhaslo , I can't take all the credit for this. I thought I'd come up with a little something. A little self indulgent, I'm sorry. 💀
Imagine being married to Villain!Miguel. The hero would sacrifice you to save the world. But Miguel would sacrifice the world to save you. You didn't agree with everything he did, couldn't comprehend his reasons for or how he operated against your arch enemy, Spider-Man. 
But while he was chaotic, he wasn't evil. He was lawful and reasonable. He wielded a lot of power and calculated it carefully. He exercised restrain and precision. An artist in his own right even if his medium wasn't easily understood by many. 
But above all, he adored you, his devoted wife who kept him grounded. Who, in your eyes, gazed wide with galaxies as though you were the one who planted them there. Losing you would be the beginning of his end. And he reminded you of this fact every time your bodies came together in tender expressions of love behind the closed oak door of your bedroom. 
He's kissing you passionately, stoic armor of his walls he wore on his hardened exterior crumbled underneath the disarming elixir of your lips, drinking in your honey, essence, as though your heartbeat was really his own. 
"Nothing...I wouldn't do for you..." he mutters into your mouth, seizing a fistful of your hair. 
"I'll protect you...my only job is to keep you..my darling, my beloved..." He rips open your blouse, taking your breasts in his mouth, laying you down on the pillows.
"I'd ruin stars in your name. The one who takes you from me would be the one who wishes death. Do you hear me? I'm taking you...I'm keeping you. For eternity..." 
"Eternity..." You rasped underneath his body, gasping at the feeling of his cock penetrating you sharply in one swift shove, blissfully cooing as you adjust to the delicious stretch he's giving you. 
He smirks smugly down at you, leaning closer and propping himself above you as he begins to thrust. 
"Not long enough, my darling...no time...is long enough, with you..." 
He hisses and you whimper as he seizes your thighs, his fingers digging themselves into the dimpled skin as he locks them around his waist, starting to get a little rough, though you weren't complaining. The bottom half of your body hugged against him, legs locked around his waist as your shoulders lay slumped on the bed. 
You tweak and pinch your nipples as you take in the lustful view of your devoted husband lovingly, utterly railing your pussy while he holds your thighs, beads of sweat appearing on his forehead amidst your frothing shared passion. 
"Tell me how much you love me..." He whispers.
Your lips part at his shift in tone, a little more desperate than before, almost pleading. 
"More than anything..."
"More than anyone..." You let out a high pitched gasp. 
"Please...por favor, muñeca..."
"More than one has ever loved another..." Your eyes shut tight, your pretty jaw wide open as you let your words trickle out in raw confession, the way he's moving drawing you to say it,
"I belong to you. My body's all yours....use me, sweetheart...only yours" you lovingly surrender. 
"All mine..." He groans.
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Okay, Malleus, Kalim, Floyd, and Lilia with a Winx fairy darling! If you haven’t seen winx club, basically the fairies work by looking like regular humans, but can transform and get a new outfit and wings. There are also different forms, like their base transformation, but also their enchantix which is gained from an act of self sacrifice.
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WINX Fairy Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
In your world the magic and non-magic world only cross a small part of the time. Now your in a world where magic is as big as the non-magical word. It opens so many opportunities, so many different ways to use your magic to help your friends. But as all magic worlds do, there are quite a few who are much more interested in using their magic for personal gain:
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Malleus Draconia 
“You are a fairy?”
“Yeah would you like to see my wings.”
“So soon? I…would love that.”
He takes your reveal and transformation to be undeniable proof that you accept him
Not that there’s any courting method that makes him believe that
He just assumes since you don’t purposely show everyone that you’re showing him something private 
Your treasure
He wants to show you his while getting rid of all he expects not to know
Until you tell him that it isn’t a secret
He’ll purposely ignore that 
Because he’s sure your beauty that you show him just can’t be worthy for anyone else but him
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Floyd Leech
“No Floyd.”
“PPPUUuUHHHLeeease!? I wanna see your enchanted thingie!”
“It’s Enchantrix!”
He loves the whole transformation 
As well as the outfit change and glowing hair
It reminds him of other deep sea-creatures
“Do you wanna see me glow too.”
Granted he’ll get pretty annoyed if you transform in front of others
He’ll begin trying to goad you to change 
just for him
You don’t want Grim to end up in the tank right
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ystrike1 · 3 months
Doumeki-sama, who hates humans, wants to see everything about the sacrificial girl. - By 柚木マチ (7/10)
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A short misunderstanding. A possessive, killer Demon God. No plot, just a sweet ending. Don't worry, be happy.
Doumeki is a greasy sentient pile of eyeballs. Kuchina is a healthy, happy sacrifice that already behaves like a happy housewife.
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They live like a couple already.
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Doumeki is a 10/10. A super polite, caring God who enjoys Kuchina's company. He doesn't think she will ever love him though. His handsome human form often breaks. His true self is pretty gross.
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He wants to kill the village that sacrificed her, but she doesn't seem interested in revenge.
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One day, quite suddenly, Kuchina decides to seduce him. He's overjoyed.
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So overjoyed that his human form kinda falls apart when he kisses her.
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After they become a couple he shops for her favorite foods because he's a sweetie.
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Doumeki is insecure, so he spies on Kuchina. Turns out that the village chief has been encouraging Kuchina to sleep with him, so he will protect the village.
He is deeply hurt, but he will not let Kuchina go. She is officially his wife. She cannot leave him.
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It's a misunderstanding. Kuchina has actually been crushing on him for a few years now. Yay mutual pining!
Doumeki's insecure side does make him a fun yandere though.
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basementstalker · 8 months
Self sacrifice type
(Jiko-giseigata, 自己犠牲型)
By obsession
Love trope:
Desiring to save their love interest from bullets, or even just their children's dirty diapers, these yandere characters will give of their time, their desires, and work for whatever their love interest wants. They are willing to do almost anything for the good of their love interest and the relationship. They see self giving and self sacrifice as essential to a relationship and they, better than any other dere type, push themselves to do it more and better.
Although they are seen by many as being "a doormat" or having their desires and feelings walked on, they really just want to give the ultimate gift to their love interest, that is themselves. For money can always be earned again, and time is impersonal, but there is only one lover and love interest in the couple.
With such devotion, a love interest may start to take advantage of their generosity or became complacent, leaving the yandere to do everything that the love interest finds distasteful. Therefore, a love interest must be careful to ensure that their self-sacrifice yandere doesn't give too much of themselves or devote themselves too heavily.
Shock trope:
Sacrificing one's self for love is undoubtedly, the biggest sacrifice someone can make. This type of shock trope yandere character takes it a step further by sacrificing themselves for their love interest even though the love interest doesn't need it at all. This often comes at the expense of the yandere's life or well-being. Unlike an actual hero, the shock trope version ends up badly injured without reason or dies a pointless death.
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hana-no-seiiki · 4 months
Interested in seeing Yun's A/B/O arc. I am very picky about my omegaverse content BUT. Idea: Alpha/Omega Batfam desperately wanting reader who is a beta, unbothered by their nonsense. They're gnawing on their enclosure as reader says, "The fuck is their problem???"
@sophiethewitch1 just to inflict more damage to your psyche 🩵
like it when you guys use my name so much huhu
Beta Reader who is just unbothered and unwilling to care about the whole second gender hierarchy and just wants to get a normal job at Wayne Industries
But it’s literally impossible when they have Alpha! Dick as their childhood friend.
You should thank him really, he gave you a spot at your dream (totally) job. You should thank him for many things actually. You’re the only beta he ever told his hero identity to. He gave his whole heart and trust towards your irrelevant beta self. As such, you should be grateful that he asked you out right? Wrong.
Unfortunately, you were already in a relationship with Omega! Tim. Who you met after the death of your partner Beta! Jason. His omega tendencies and the fact that you were unable to fully take care of him as a mate saddened you, but sacrifices must be made for love right?
Omega! Tim who’s just so fucking obnoxious about bagging you. He leaves his scent all over your items. Warding off Alpha! Damian who had been crushing on you since forever.
Alpha! Damian who kept bullying you for being a Beta up until that fateful day Batman suddenly died(disappeared), and you were the only one that stepped up to comfort him. Sure, you didn’t know he was your tormentor (God was he thankful you couldn’t smell his arousal and pheromones going haywire when you hugged him) but you were the only person he felt safe being so vulnerable with. So un-alpha like with. You knew who Nightwing was right? You must know who he was and cared for him eitherway.
Beta! Jason who comes back with a vengeance. Cursing Joker for separating you two. Who hated you for being a beta even though he was one himself, but learnt to love you and eventually his second gender. Whose first coherent thought was to return to his mate, but is heartbroken upon the sight of his replacement.
Alpha! Batman who lurks within the shadows. He knows of his children’s obsessions, he knows you’re the final piece needed for his gamble to succeed.
You who’s unknowingly walking into the jaws of the most unhinged men on Gotham.
… Captured! Beta Reader who wakes up to the leering eyes of the Dark Knight. Scalpel in hand.
“It’s time to fix you.”
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Yandere! Priests Hcs
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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🌟 Yandere! Priest is a very devoted lover. He makes sure that all your needs are whether they be external or internal things. Cares more about your life then his own and is willing to sacrifice anything for you. He makes sure to follow any request that you have for him and is even willing to act as your pet if you ever wanted him to.
🌟 Yandere! Priest gave up his religion in order to worship you. You are the reason for living without you, he would be nothing. Everyday he wakes up is for you. You are his sunshine, his beacon of light, and his God. It would be wrong for him not to devote every second of his life to you. Why would he not? You definitely deserve all of it.
🌟 Yandere! Priest is very easy to manipulate due to his willingness to follow your every command. That however, does not make him any less dangerous though. He has many connections and is friends with almost every powerful person in the world. If he ever needed to he would ask them for help in getting rid of certain matters.
🌟 Yandere! Priest is a bit of a germaphobe and would constantly come over to your room to clean it. Washes all your clothes for you and basically does all the household chores. With him by your side, you can basically rot in bed all day.
🌟 Yandere! Priest would probably make up a religion based on you and would try to get others to join. He has a very mild temperament and is almost always kind to others. However, that doesn’t mean you can go and disrespect him whenever you want. He hates getting his hands and would manipulate anyone so that he can get his way.
🌟 Yandere! Priest is an S tier manipulator. Anything you do or say can be twisted to this man's will. He’s insanely smart and could haggle his way into getting anything for free. Many people look up to him and don’t understand that he’s just using them. To them he’s an angel who would never want to hurt anyone.
🌟 Yandere! Priest secretly puts a tracker on you so that he can track your every move. He is very particular on who gets to associate with you. He won’t even let anyone 20 feet near you if he doesn’t approve of him. Those people don’t even deserve to be in your presence, they're all just lesser beings that might try to corrupt or harm you.
🌟 Yandere! Priest cares a lot about your opinions on him. He’ll sometimes get self conscious and will wonder if he’s pleasing you enough. If you even dare to say that you're unsatisfied with him, he’ll act as if he created the greatest sin in the universe.
🌟 Yandere! Priest most likely met when he’s severely injured and you helped save him. Due to that, he’s been by your side ever since. He was in dire need of assistance and you were brought down from heaven just for him. How could he ever repay you for this? By attending to your needs, after all he was created to serve you.
🌟 Yandere! Priest has an altar of you, where he just prays to it everyday. At night, his thoughts are full of you and when he wakes up, they are still full of you. Nothing is going to change that. His love for you is so immense, that you’ll feel suffocated by it daily. It’s honestly so scary sometimes, no one should be this obsessed with a person.
🌟 Yandere! Priest could never bring himself to yell at you if you ever did something wrong. If anything, he’d gaslight someone else into thinking that they were the ones at fault. “My love did not break that plate, it was just too slippery for someone to hold properly. You should have designed it better, this better not happen again.”
🌟 Yandere! Priest would never harm you if you tried running away from him. Instead he would just give you a disappointed look and then lock you up in a lavish room for a few days. Seeing the look of pain on your face also causes him pain. So he’ll try his best to never cause you any physical harm.
🌟 Yandere! Priest would make running away extremely difficult. He would make sure that guards would always be guarding your room and if you were ever in public eyes would be constantly on you. The vast number of people watching you would deter you from the idea of escaping.
🌟 Yandere! Priest is amazing at painting. When he’s not busy, he spends all of his free time sketching you. You're his favorite thing to draw and are basically his muse. Has multiple sketch books filled to the brim with pictures of you. Will sometimes even run up to you with one of his paintings and wait for you to compliment them.
🌟 Yandere! Priest is willing to be a pawn in any scheme you try to play. He doesn't care if you're just using him, as long as it’s only him. Can sometimes be a little delusional when it comes to you. You’re staying with him because you love him, totally not because he’s forcing his love upon you.
🌟 Yandere! Priest gets so offended if someone dares to even insult you. That is considered blasphemy to him and there’s no way he’s letting that individual get away with that. Whether they are a woman or child, they’re not getting away with it and will be severely punished.
🌟 Yandere! Priest sings praises to you on a daily basis. You can’t go one second without him complimenting you on something. He brags about you to other people so often that they start to get tired of your name. Will go on for hours if he really wanted to. There’s just nothing about you that he doesn’t admire. You’re just so awesome.
🌟 Yandere! Priest dislikes being away from you. Every second away from you is like hell. He honestly can’t stand it. Can be very needy at times and beg for you attention if he has to.
🌟 Yandere! Priest overall is not the worst yandere to have. There definitely are people who are more vicious and willing to take away every freedom you have. Just make sure not to run away from him and you’ll be living a smooth sailing life.
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illustrious-ia · 2 months
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✶ ! [ 578 words ]
✶ ! [ CW: dark content, yandere themed, unhealthy obsession, overprotectiveness, stalking, potential ooc, written by non-fluent english speaker. ]
✶ ! [ Uniquant's Note: This abomination has been sitting in the basement for a month... I'm quite cringed at how messy the original hcs was, so it took me fairly a long time to make it acceptable (to me at least). Anyway, I hope u enjoy my monstrosity ♡ ]
✦ Request Status: Open
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✦【 Type: Overprotective, devoted 】
: Let's start with how or what the weapon itself sees in you, shall we? Well, just like any other weapon, he himself needs a master in order to have any purpose in existing. And in this case, the master of this particular weapon is you.
: Weapon and master bond are quite complicated to break. The master needs their weapon to protect themselves and the weapon needs the master to have use of them thus care for them.
: When someone threatens its bond, it's either up to you, the master who should command your Blade to rid of such interloper or he'll purge the foul soul himself till they depart unto the afterlife. Oh also, he's a unique weapon. Under certain circumstances, he would moves on his own to protect his master. How marvelous is that?
: Now let's move to how he behaves. He follows you everywhere. To the highest mountain peaks of the Divine Ship, to the bottomless pit of lies built upon the Dreamscape, he is right there, guarding your back from any potential misfortune charging in your way.
: He thinks he is not quite worthy of your attention yet he won't let others bask in it either. Such an abomination like himself shouldn't even breathe the same air as you, yet he appears unwilling to leave your side anytime soon due to his obstinacy and selfishness. He convinced himself that he is doing all of this as an effort to keep the mortal wounds which scarred his past self away from you.
: The only moment when he stands the same step as you is when he deems someone 'dangerous' approaching you. Even if you inform him that the said someone is harmless, at least to you. All he would do is back up and glare daggers at them as his sword long unsheathed ready to dig into the interrupter's neck if they dare to even flash any form of hostility toward you.
: Should he act like a sword, then, should he too sacrifice his flesh to protect you. He'd scathe himself only when it's needed of course. He does not want you to worry your hearts out because he was too careless in his previous battle. He might hurt himself a bit more so your attention lingers awhile on him or his wounds. Will stop if you scowl him for it. But alas, he tends to forget things, including your scoldings.
: Once in a while, he is befuddled by how fast his entire world changed. Was his encounter with you part of Elio's script? But at the same time it doesn't make any sense to him, since Elio has always been open about how any part of the script would go. Was The Equilibrium finally witness his suffering and opted to to alleviate his agony by directing his life changing-encounter with you?
: Either way, those thoughts swiftly vanish as he remembered that nothing really matters as long as he is still by your side.
: As a mere weapon, he shouldn't act this way. Yet here he is. YOU tampered with his broken self and infected it with deuced mortal desire. Since he is yours now, shouldn't you take care of him as a good master?
: He is a bit stubborn and rash sometimes. But it's all for the sake of your safety. So, please forgive him and his wrongdoings, if you see it fit, do punish him. For he believes that you could do nothing wrong.
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⋯ Copyright © 2024 by Illustrious-ia. Do not plagiarize, use for AI / Bot training, and re-upload outside of Tumblr.
All rights reserved.
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yandere-vent · 1 year
I’d die for you! I want to die for you! Because I love you love you love you love you!!
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mint-8 · 27 days
Platonic Yandere Parent × GN! Reader
- Yandere Parent who loves you with all their heart. The moment you came into the world, they understood their true purpose in life. To nurture you, guide you, and make you the happiest being in the world.
- Yandere Parent that doesn't give a shit if their partner are unfaithful, abusive or loving towards them, you are the most important person in their lives and they'll only do something against their spouse if it affects you negatively.
- Yandere Parent who goes to multiple how-to-parent courses and cooking classes so they'll have all the skills necessary to take care of you while you go to the best daycare they can find.
- Yandere Parent who is proud of everything you make, from the simplest of drawings to the highest academic achievements, they'll shower you in loving praise and throw celebrations in your honor.
- Yandere Parent who supports every sport, hobby, or interest you might have! Only getting the best tutors and instructors they can find, so you have the most fun! What do you mean you want to go to a normal class with other children? They might not give the attention you deserve, sweetheart! Now, let your parent prepare the best homeschooling curriculum they can make so you can excel in whatever thing you are interested in when you grow up!
- Yandere Parent who, if you insist on going to a school with other kids, sends you to the best school available in their area. They are willing to move, too! There is no need to listen to your other parent complaining in the background. If they truly loved you, they'll be willing to commit this small sacrifice for your well being, or they could just stay back home and let only Yandere Parent move with you! Divorce is also on the table, of course!
- Yandere Parent who cooks the best lunches and meals, who gives the best hugs and kisses, who reads the best bed time stories, who gives the best gifts and who would protect you even after death itself separates the two of you.
- Yandere Parent who makes sure you know how to defend yourself and have every means to do so! Self-defense classes and shopping for cute anti-kidnapping alarms!
- Yandere Parent who is ok with you having friends, even a significant other! As long as they know that those people will protect you and be a good influence, and if they don't meet their standards, some talks and a couple of house visits should shape them up to be their best!
- Yandere Parent who will love you even after you become an adult, it will pain them to not see you as often, but remember that they were the ones you shopped with to buy security cameras and alarms! Your chosen property of living was also picked under their influence, and they insist on having weekly if not daily phone calls and weekend meals in your childhood home!
- Yandere Parent who is willing to get rid of anyone who causes you pain or suffering. Who cares if they themselves are tired or starving? What matters is your safety and happiness!
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