#see this is how you nab 'em
fuckmeyer · 11 months
i like to think that anything i put in a post is Fuckmeyer Lite™ & for y'all to see all the premiere batshit content i manage to shove in the tags you gotta smash that like & subscribe button. call that Fuckmeyer Pro™
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mantisgodsdomain · 11 months
As we scroll art fight we continue to be shocked & baffled by the hard rules people have. You people... care, about if your character is drawn with someone else's character? You have hard rules about only shipping your character with one monogamous partner??? What?????
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thecuriousquest · 6 months
hi! can i request a nsfw dabi x reader fic where the reader is a captive and dabi finds out she has an oral fixation? thanks!
Oral Fixation
I STUDIED THIS IN ABNORMAL PSYCH!!! I knew it would come in handy one day!
Tag List: @issamomma @repostingmyfavs @chickennugnugnug
Warnings: Yandere themes, NSFW, kidnapping, oral fixations, smoking habits mentioned, finger sucking, finger fucking (vaginal), clit play, tit groping, oral sex reference at the end, Daddy kink, light degradation, minor mentions of blood
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Dabi knew about your sweet tooth and smoking habit well before he nabbed you. He wanted to make sure he knew everything there was to know before bringing you home with him. It was his way of trying to make sure you were comfortable. To accommodate your preferences, he got you a giant bag of Jolly Ranchers and your usual pack of cigs.
When he did bring you back to his shitty little apartment near the League’s base, he noticed you had more habits than candy and smoke breaks.
You tend to chew on the knuckle of your pointer finger whenever you’re in deep thought. Dabi honestly thinks it’s adorable watching you leave little tooth indents with every nibble. He catches you like this more often than not, and he’ll grab your wrist and drag your knuckle away from your mouth, tsking at you slightly when you bite down hard enough to draw blood.
Watching scary movies helps give you something to focus on despite how Dabi holds you closely to his broad chest, keeping you securely in place. He sticks his hand in the popcorn, taking a mouthful. When he tries to offer you some, he sees that you have your fingers stuffed in your mouth as you suck on and bite your nails.
Now that he thinks about it, he rarely sees you without something in your mouth. You’re either smoking, sucking on candy, or chewing on your nails and knuckles.
The cobalt flame thrower traces the back of your hand lightly with the pads of his fingers, encircles your wrist with the softest of touches, and withdraws your hand from your mouth. He caresses your jaw, simply letting himself be familiar with the outline of your chin. Fingers grazing upwards, he feels you flinch from an unexpected jump scare on the screen.
“Shhh,” he soothes you while he drags his thump across the plump skin of your bottom lip.
Your gasp is soft, and your eyes dart up towards his luminescent blues. You can’t help but think how he’s eyeing you like you eye your jar of sweets.
“Dabi?” you try to ask him what he’s doing, but again, he hushes you.
His thumb slips inside your parted lips, finding the cavern wet and warm. Your breath is so hot on his digit that it drives him to explore the toothy cave even further. More fingers follow soon after, his pointer and middle finger to be exact as his thumb drops back to your plush lips.
“Give ‘em a little suck, doll face.”
You seem hesitant, a little unsettled by his order, but you end up giving in. His two fingers fill your mouth as they push down on your tongue. You find yourself relaxing against his chest, lids feeling heavy as your gaze drifts to his scarred wrist.
With his arm still wrapped around your shoulders so that you can comply easier, he shifts you until you’re completely sitting on his lap.
It’s so fascinating how this relaxes you. You’re basically limp against him. He spreads your legs, and you only try to move away from him once before he hits your gag reflex as a warning.
You settle back down, sucking on his fingers and watching the screen contently while Dabi unties the jaw string on your sweat pants. He works them down to your ankles with one hand before doing the same with your lacy panties.
With heated fingers, he works your clit in a circle. You hum softly, soothingly into his fingers as you suckle them like honey.
“This what you like, doll face?” Dabi questions as his pinky finger teases your slit.
The tv, the sucking, the pussy play, it makes your head feel fuzzy. All of the blood and gore taking place in the movie is enough to make you uneasy, but the tension your captor is building in your cunt has you squirming for different reasons.
Drool seeps from the corner of your lips as Dabi pumps his fingers in and almost out of your mouth. Your cheeks hollow and full, hollow and full with every suck you give. Droplets of spit drip from your chin, catching on the pyro’s hand.
“Yeah, Daddy likes this too,” he whispers with such primitive desire into the shell of your ear.
His heavy hand move up under your shirt to paw at your tit. Your breasts pop free as he pulls your shirt up to reveal the beauties, squeezing the supple flesh. He watches the stark whites of his finger prints turn to a pretty red with each harsh grip he leaves behind.
You whine on his thigh, trying to hump into his jeans to relieve the pressure he left behind when he started feeling your tits. Unable to say anything with his fingers stuffed in your mouth, you can only cry and mewl with each wriggle of your hips.
“Aw, does someone miss Daddy playing with her pretty pussy?” He draws you in even closer to him, so close that you hunch in on yourself to accommodate the position. You spread your legs even further for him, placing your feet on the edge of the couch cushions so that you can let your knees fall open like the wings of a butterfly.
You nod your head, leaning your head back on his shoulder. His finger trails back down to your puffy clit. Your wanton slit weeps for his attention, yearns for his ministrations.
Vision blurry with tears, one blink leaves a wet trail down both cheeks.
“Don’t cry, doll face. Daddy’ll give you what you need. Don’t you worry that dumb little head.”
But you can’t help it as even more tears fall when his hand returns to your sensitive cunt because it just feels so damn good. You’re wet for him, just like your mouth. Your breasts bounce with each panting breath, with each moan and sob released from your chest halted at your mouth by Dabi’s fingers.
And he can hear you through the finger gag, he can hear you crying out for daddy.
He can feel you scream against his knuckles as you open your mouth, can feel your body twitch and shake as his fingers become coated with your sticky, milky juices.
You roll your eyes back into your head as you slump against his broad chest. And just before you think you can drift off to sleep, Dabi grabs your chin gently and turns your head towards him.
“Hey, don’t nod off just yet. Daddy has somethin’ else for you to suck on.”
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mizgnomer · 5 months
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Behind the Scenes of The Giggle - Part One
Excerpt from DWM 599 - Benjamin Cook's interview with David Tennant and Ncuti Gatwa:
Typical. You wait ages for a Doctor to come along, then two turn up at once. It’s 22 June 2022 – so many twos! – and I’m seeing double. I’m in the captivating company of not one, but two Time Lords: Ncuti Gatwa and David Tennant. (It’s really, really them! Completely them.) We’re sat in the shadow of the enormous UNIT helipad set at Wolf Studios, on which the Doctors have been busy bi-generating. I’ve nabbed them during a recording break – on The Giggle, the third and most extravagant of Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary Specials. But reports of a bigger budget might have been exaggerated. Money must be tight, because David and Ncuti appear to be… sharing a costume?! It’s a twist worthy of one of the Toymaker’s games. Who got the better deal, do you think? Ncuti got the shirt and tie, socks and Converse, and underpants, but no trousers. (DWM has never interviewed a Doctor in his pants before. Wish us luck.) David is wearing the trousers and – who knew? – the Doctor’s under-shirt. He also got the waistcoat, but he’s shoeless. (DWM has never interviewed a barefooted Doctor before either. WikiFeet will lose its mind.) Before we know it, the two Doctors will be called back to the helipad. So let’s ask them some questions – quick! – before they finish bi-generating. Right now, they’re still cooking. They’re fizzing with residual bi-generation energy. (Try saying that when you’re drunk.) DWM has got ’em while they’re hot. Well, relaxing on canvas chairs in the Cardiff sunshine. Now, someone tell me what the hell is going on here… DWM: Hi Ncuti, hi David. You’re members of a very exclusive club – only 14 actors have played the lead in this show. But a surprising number of you are Scottish. What makes Scots such great Doctors? Ncuti: “The madness.” David: “The chippiness.” Ncuti: “Chippiness, ha. And we’re always up for an adventure. Heh heh. Why is it, though? It’s true, there’s been a lot of Scottish Doctors.” David: “What is the ratio?” Ncuti: “Four. There’s four. Mm. Four out of fourteen. Fifteen?” David: “Yeah, how many Doctors are we now saying there are, ’cos some extra ones have joined the gang. John Hurt. Jo [Martin].” Ncuti: “Which are the Scottish ones? Sylvester McCoy. Peter Capaldi. David and me. Lots of Scots. Yeah, we’re doing pretty well.” David: “We’re punching above our weight.” Ncuti: “We’re just trying to hold down the fort, for the Scots.”
I'll post additional parts in the coming months with the  #whoBtsGiggle tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SR Grim - Apprentice Chef Vignette
"Let's keep on doing aaallll these fun things together"
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Grim: It's… It's…
Grim: Look, [Yuu]! My super special awesome cake's finished!
The cake looks like a tuna can…
Grim: Yeah! I made it look like the most delicious thing in the world. See how even the word "tuna" looks good?
Grim: As for what I put inside the cake… That's a surprise for when we eat it! MYAHA!
Grim: I bet this is gonna be the bestest thing on the table. We gotta hurry and get it back to Ramshackle!
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[Ramshackle Dorm – Anniversary Party]
Grim: Slowly… Slowly…
Grim: Gently, gently… Careful…
We're almost back to the dorm, you got this!
Grim: Gah, carrying a cake so it doesn't collapse is so hard…!
Grim: …But all the guys we passed on the way here from the cafeteria said it totally looked tasty, yeah?
Grim: Y'know, maybe my genius ain't just in eatin' food, but makin' em, too.
Grim: Back when you and me took the Master Chef course, I thought all this work was a pain, but…
Grim: Now I'm thinkin' that it was good we did it. 'Cause now tasty things can be made into even tastier things!
Grim: Myahaha! Thanks to this cake, today's party's gonna be the cat's meow!
Grim: Ah! But that annoying guy Trein is gonna be there… He might get mad if I get too excited.
Grim: Maaan, he's always findin' things to nag me about. Like the other day, he tried scolding in me when I was runnin' in the halls.
Grim: It pissed me off, so I tried pokin' fun at him, but then he just came at me!
Grim: Obviously I ran, but that old man is faster than he looks…
Grim: And then he just caught me in no time, I wasn't expecting that. Just nabbed me by the neck.
Grim: "Try to be a bit more like Lucius," he said… But I ain't a cat, y'know!
Grim: Don't know if Trein snitched on me or what, but even Crewel got mad at me, saying "Stop causing problems."
Grim: But then Crewel whispered later, "If you're going to tease Trein-sensei, make sure you don't get caught."
Grim: Myahaha! Crewel might be a teacher, but sometimes he's got a wicked side. He gets me.
Grim: …Though, he can be a huge stickler if ya mess around in class or get bad grades.
Grim: I remember the other day was pretty scary. He had us all lined up in a row, and was grilling everyone on who spilled the chemicals on the table…
Grim: No one fessed up, and Ace and Deuce were silently keepin' their heads down, so I stayed quiet too.
Well, we all got held responsible, in the end.
Grim: Tch. Trein and Crewel are both way too strict!
Grim: I like Vargas's class the best. 'Cause I don't need to take difficult notes in his class!
Grim: Like the other day, he started going on and on, saying, "If you want to be a great mage, then you need to have muscles as rippling as mine!" or whatever…
Grim: I was just nodding along, and then class ended with just him talkin' about his own muscles. Myahaha, waaaay too easy~
Grim: …Hm? Wait a mo'.
Grim: Do you think… The reason that Vargas showed up here randomly one morning a few days ago to go exercise together…
Grim: The sun wasn't even up, it was still dark, so that was a real pain!!
Grim: …Man, I think I might like Crewel or Trein better after all, ‘cause they don't cause me problems.
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[Ramshackle Dorm – Anniversary Party]
Grim: Y'know, now that I think about it, all the profs here are really strange… Is this school really alright?
Grim: Oh. But I think the strangest guy ain't one of the teachers, but Sam. I'm sure of it!
Grim: And that's cause… Remember the other day when I lost at rock-paper-scissors and I had to go buy snacks by myself?
Grim: Before I even got inside the store, I heard Sam talkin' with someone inside.
Grim: But… When I got inside, he was all alone.
Grim: When I asked who he was chattin' with, he said his "friends on the other side," but… WHAT DOES HE MEAN FRIENDS ON THE OTHER SIDE!?
Grim: He wouldn't tell me no matter how many times I asked. It's so eerie. But man, he's got a ton of cool stuff for sale, so I keep going back.
Grim: I remember then, too, before I could say what I wanted, he already had out the perfect number of snacks I had money for.
Grim: Oh yeah, and Crowley came in the shop right after me. Looks like he's always shoppin' at the Mystery Shop, too.
Grim: He started braggin' to me that he gets to order whatever he wants.
Grim: So I told him I wanted some special tuna cans then, and he says, "This privilege is for teachers only!"
Grim: He just kept on bragging, he's the worst! Crowley's so useless!
We should be thankful, since he let us attend here.
Grim: THANKFUL!? He should be thanking me for gracing this school with my genius!
Grim: And I bet Crowley'd gobble down the whole feast we got prepped if I take my eye off him for even a second…
Grim: No way I'm gonna give him a single bite. This time I'll make sure he's jealous of me.
Grim: Hey, [Yuu]. You 'n me're gonna protect this cake with our lives!
Grim: I might not be able to rely on you to do everythin' yourself, so good things we also got those ghosts.
Grim: If all us Ramshackle folk work together, we could even take on two Crowleys. We'll stun him silent!
Grim: I bet the ghosts're feelin' real alive right now. They were really getting' excited for Founding Day.
Grim: They were all, "It's so wonderful everyone is throwing a party here at Ramshackle~"
Grim: They also said that everything's getting' amped up 'cause we came to Ramshackle.
Grim: Myahaha. So that means… All the fun and happy times are all thanks to me!
1. Exactly!
Grim: Yeah. So you just keep on following me, no worries. Grim: As the boss, it's my job to take care of my henchie!
2. I think you're going a little overboard there.
Grim: Myah!? Y-You… You don't get how good I am to ya, huh!? Grim: I'm always pushin' myself hard doin' things for ya. Like, uh… Uh… ALL SORTS OF THINGS!
Grim: So let's keep on doing aaallll these fun things together!
Grim: Ah. Looks like everyone's here.
Grim: Hey, [Yuu], open the gate. We gotta bring the cake in quick!
Grim: I bet everyone'll be so surprised and happy. Myahaha. I can't wait~!
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Requested by @butterflyremix.
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rambunctioustoons · 3 months
The celestial bot thrumming so intently, convinced anymore strain he'd pop a metal joint. Eyes fixated down to the shaking movements of his palms.
Today had been a terrible day, but nothing out of the ordinary. Fussy kids eating up the time needed for the other kids. Sun stretched out further than his fingertips could reach and wrangle the troublemakers out of harm's way in time. All it takes is one booming shrill of a voice advocating for chaos for all hell to break loose.
Every attempt to heed the storm and aid him met with a snappy strained pleasantry. He's got this, he's made for this! You've only got one fleshy squishy body, don't push it now. Some kid puts a little too much strain on his wrist joint, that's just show biz! And these crazy kids demand an encore!
Every attempt so far in the early evening air to talk to him met with a question about your well being. A comment about that funny thing you were both there to witness but not actually all that funny! How many minutes he had left before Moon would take the reins, and did you really really wanna spend the next half hour talking about how he feels? Silly, feeble, kind friend. He's just fine.
But he's not. Sure if there had been a way to see Moon flickering in those bright vacant eyes, you'd be giving each other the look.
No more chores left to do, none that he'd let you do anyway. Too high strung. Things snatched from your hands as he forcibly twists fate on the limits of his abilities. Trembling himself apart.
Little you could do to evade the inevitable parts & service visit if he kept pushing like this, so you've hatched a plan.
“Done and done! Done twice!”
“Folded sheets-”
“Pristine and crisply folded. Would you really need to check that?”
“All put away and alphabetical like they should be!”
You grin. “... Fairy lights?”
“Put away insideee theee closeet-....” Words dragged out in a dwindling song-songy tune, his faceplate whipping around to face you. “-why are you asking that? They're out of season, Friend.”
“I'll put ‘em to good use then!” You chirp, hands placed on your hips. “Closet?”
Sun squints skeptically. “Yes. Closet.” Eyes fixated on you, suspiciously. You ignore this, of course. Waltzing your way over to the Daycare storage closet. Gathering up the supplies in your arms. Awkwardly leaning down in the naptime nook as you pass by, nabbing a book at random. Using your foot to toss a few throw pillows atop of the pile.
Sun squints at you. “Whateeeever it is you think you're doing, just know, it won't. Work!”
“I’m taking a reading break, don't care what you do. ” You chime. An offended gasp piping up behind you. You duck into one of the corners on the ground level of the play structure. Tying the flat sheet to the gridded bars inside the small space. Weaving the corded battery powered lights inside, flicking them on. Flickering flimsy bulbs of light, shimmering a yellow hue on the play structure bars still visible. It wasn't perfect, but. Cozy enough to hopefully lure a creature right into the trap.
All you had to do was wait. Plopping yourself down in the makeshift blanket fort. Carefully cracking open the book, nesting the hardcover against your thighs. Not actually reading the words of course. Too focused on the shuffling outside the play place, jiggly footsteps alluding playing a game of who cracks first, and you intend to win.
Every fiber of your being trying not to beam with a grin, when Sun eventually ducks his head into the space, craned down to observe the hurried fruits of labour.
“There's still a lot to do, y’know.” He says. Tone wobbly, uncertain.
“I know,” You say, turning the page. “And there's even more to do tomorrow.”
“Sooooo,” He drags on, one hand gripping the caged siding. “We should keep going.”
“Sure.” You hum. “Five minutes.”
A disgruntled sound reverberates from your friend. Shoot. He's on to you. All or nothing now. You cheekily pat the remaining space on your legs. Worth a try, but not at all expecting him to take you up on it. A gesture of sincerity of course, glancing up at him. Pulling you into his lap aplenty times in moments of distress, or sorrow. Or to impishly move you aside because whatever you had been doing, was taking much too long.
Difficult as always to follow his eye line. Making a guess his gaze is fixated on your torso. Hands folding to his chest, restlessly squeezing his intertwined palms. Faceplate trained slightly down, you recognize this. A conversation you're not part of, and very little business pondering on. Turning back to the book, rolling your shoulders.
Sun, careful and hesitantly steps into the space with you. Kneeling down in front of you, paying him little mind. He's exhausted sure, but one wrong jeering word from your mouth and he'll scamper right back out away from you. Quiet whirring and rhythmic tapping atop of one bell. Words a blurry haze along the page to read at all, terribly distracted by the striped pants lingering above the peripheral. Sure if he made any sudden movements, you'd equally skitter out of the play structure too.
Sun reaches hesitantly for the book. Index and thumb pinching the pages on either side of the hardcover book. You let him, smiling up at him gently. He never really indulged in much book reading, much more of a collaborative storyteller. Eagerly adopting any silly, outlandish detail a guest would pipe up with during play time.
Pulled from your musing as he closes the book, setting it aside.
Careful movements as he closes the space between the two of you. Contorting himself down with much less graceful ease than you'd ever seen, and flops right in your lap. Faceplate pressed flat against your tummy, gangly arms quick to encircle your torso. Slumping his weight down as he lets out a shaky faux breath. Full heartedly admitting defeat, solidified as he speaks up.
“Today was bad.” Words lightly muffled, for effect of course. His speaker box didn't reside in the mouth rested against you.
“It was.” You affirm gently. Resting your arms along the backs of his shoulders, met with a small twitch underneath you. His arms squeezing you tighter after a good few moments.
“How much longer?” He inquires hesitantly, tilting his head up to see you.
“Lost count.” You tease softly.
His rays twirl once, in place of an eye roll. Plopping his face to rest back against you once more.
“Five more minutes then.”
“Five more it is.”
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jiminrings · 1 year
U KNOWWWWW I HAVE TO ASK FOR SOME ANGST MISS JAY EM RINGS!!!! pretty pretty pls can we get a 478 drabble where oc is a lil more emotional and sensitive and jungkook accidentally upsets her for whatever reason
478: drabble
alternatively, jungkook says the wrong thing at the wrong time :(
[ 478 masterlist ]
You’re a little more anxious as you let it out to be.
Being just a week away from approaching your second trimester, you’ve been filled with so much nervousness regarding every single thing that you do, not just pregnancy-wise. You’ve been reevaluating everything that’s on your shoulders, the most pressing of them being the fact that the first trimester’s the most sensitive.
Except from the occasional morning sickness, the lethargy, and the ever-pressing matter of you overthinking things — your pregnancy’s going along well.
So well that sometimes it doesn’t cross your mind that your taste (and basically your whole worldview) is bound to change.
The minute you step into the bathroom to shower, Jungkook’s just gotten out of it to get his day started (read: prep your meals for work) and although your attention would normally be fixated first on the fact that he only has a towel wrapped around his waist, something else catches your attention and it irks you.
You catch a whiff of his perfume, (un)pleasantly reminded by the fact that he sprays himself with it twice; first on his bare skin, then second on his clothes when he’s all dressed. It’s only Jungkook’s first layer of perfume and yet it already riles you up for all the wrong reasons.
“Is that you?”
“Is what me?” he furrows his eyebrows, catching your drift when he sees your nose upturning. Jungkook trails off, a smirk already forming on his face this early in the morning. “Yes…? I’ve been using the same perfume for like, years, baby.”
“I don’t like it,” you quip immediately. “It’s making me nauseous.”
“What? But I love this perfume,” Jungkook frowns, taken aback because he swears you were all over with him just yesterday over his scent.
You did love the perfume. You’ve loved it for years and for some reason, the smell of cotton and musk turned sour for you overnight, making you grimace.
“You make me wanna puke.”
“Fine, I’ll change it,” Jungkook dramatically sighs, rolling his eyes playfully. His voice lilts into a tease, bottom lip jutting out before pecking your cheek. “After everything I do for you?”
Maybe it’s because of the fog on your head, and maybe it’s also because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed because you literally can’t sleep properly.
It’s that lilt in his voice, the same lilt you know would be playful for you at every other occasion, that also turned sour in your head by the minute.
“What about everything I do for you?” you mumble, brows slightly furrowed. It’s a surprise that he even hears your question.
Jungkook can’t catch on that you’re not joking with him like how he’s teasing you at the moment. He mistakes your genuine self-doubt to be your stellar acting just as always.
He shrugs, a mischievous smile on his lips. “Eh. You’re doing fine.”
The joking tone never reaches your ears because they already started ringing the moment you smelled your husband’s perfume. It never reaches you because you can’t help but to feel wired this way, literally, and you just can’t help it —
You can’t help but to feel upset.
You weren’t doing good. Not even great at the slightest. You’re doing just fine and fine isn’t good enough for you — not when you’re at the crux of your career and you have to juggle it with being pregnant; becoming a first-time mom in just a matter of months.
You go through the motions of preparing yourself for work, mechanically staying put when Jungkook kisses you goodbye.
Even after filming, you stay back on set to nab yourself an early copy of the script for your next episode and ask for notes from the director of what he needed from you; of everything that you’re lacking now that you want to give
You’ve hung back even longer than Jimin and soon enough, you realize that it’s only some of the crew that you’re alone with — them, and Yoongi.
“You okay?” Yoongi asks with a tap on your shoulder that snaps you out of your reference, surprising himself when you jolt in the slightest. He’s concerned at the way you did so good today but no one’s barely gotten a word out of you outside of filming, the look of worry etched on your face even now. “You look out of it.”
The question is warranted, although sudden in your perspective. You’re so out of it that you didn’t even know that everybody noticed.
You’re snapped out from your reverie because in either courage or foolery, you delve deeper. Yoongi’s a treasured friend to you and he would never lie; you have to hear it from him of all people.
“Am I doing great?” you ask, your lips pursed as you’re already anticipating the worst.
Yoongi doesn’t even flinch despite being slightly confused, a comforting smile immediately gracing his face.
“Of course you are,” he answers. “You’re already a great mom.”
The tears build up in your eyes so quick that you’re momentarily blinded by them, crying into the heels of your hands as an aftermath. Yoongi’s frozen on what he should do from seeing you so vulnerable.
“I didn’t even say where am I doing great at. I-I didn’t have to,” you sob. For all he knows, you could be asking about your performance at work and yet it wasn’t the first thing his mind went to. “You already knew.”
“Hey, hey. Everybody knows you’re great. The baby isn’t even here yet and you’re already doing so well,” he shushes you, tentatively rubbing comforting circles on your back. You seem to calm down by the minute, and the moment you stop hiccuping, he offers. “Need a ride?”
Yoongi opens the door for you, drives you with no question, and even leads you up to the steps of your front door. He doesn’t hang back to greet Jungkook because he has a hint that there’s some trouble in paradise, hesitant to cross lines this late into the evening so he heads back to his car.
When you come back home to Jungkook though, he’s a nervous mess.
“Where have you been?” he shoots straight up from the couch, eyes and hands frantically checking you over.
“Work. Where else?” you mumble, slyly dodging a hand that comes up to your cheek.
Jungkook knew there was something off from you since you left but he can’t place it even now; even when you came home late with your eyes still refusing to meet his.
“It’s already past midnight. It’s the next day. Why didn’t you tell me you’d be out this late? You told me today was a quick shoot,” he starts, grinding his jaw when he hears you huff under your breath. 
You don’t seem to take him seriously, not even the panic that’s clear on his face and from the couple hundred texts he sent you that you didn’t even read.
“I’m a big girl, Jungkook,” you mutter, shrugging your shoulders. “I’m — we’re here in one piece. Yoongi drove me home anyway.”
“Where was Jimin?” he inquires instantly. “He’s your manager. Why didn’t he wait for you? He knows you’re pregnant, he wouldn’t let you strain yourself like this.”
On normal days, you’d have the patience to explain why Jimin sometimes doesn’t see you through the end of your endeavors. Technically, your work was already done hours before, it was just you who didn’t want to come home at the time.
But today’s the furthest thing from a normal day.
“I’m doing just fine, Jungkook. Stop worrying about me.”
“Of course I’m gonna worry about you! The two of you! Why didn’t you-…” he strains, gesturing to your stomach.
“Well then stop!” you burst, finally letting loose. “After everything you do for me, stop worrying.”
Your husband instantly freezes, the recollection of almost this same exact scene earlier into the morning playing out in his head.
His chest tightens, eyes wide and unblinking.
“Is this about what I said?”
“I don’t know, Jungkook. I don’t fucking know, okay? I’m anxious and I’m on edge with everything and-…” you inhale sharply, running a hand through your hair. The lump that builds in your throat gets in the way, making you screw your eyes shut. “Just… shut up sometimes. I don’t need to hear what I’m thinking about myself from you. I don’t want to know I’m doing a shit job.”
“You’re not doing a shit job. You’re great at everything,” Jungkook interjects, his face falling at how dense he could be. “I-I… I was only joking around awhile ago, I swear. I didn’t mean it.”
He made you feel this way and he wants nothing else but to beat himself up over it, your husband’s mind running a hundred miles per hour just thinking of how utterly stupid he has to be to even joke about it.
“I’m sorry, baby. I should’ve reeled it in sooner. I’m not gonna do jokes like that again, I promise,” Jungkook embraces you desperately, his close proximity to you making you take notice that he’s wearing a different perfume.
If you think about it longer, the perfume Jungkook’s wearing right now smells like yours.
“Perfect mom. Perfect actress. Perfect wife, everything,” he mumbles against your temple, pressing small warm kisses to your face. “You give me beyond everything that I could do for you. You’re growing a human inside you and I’m just standing here.”
“You don’t just stand around,” you mutter, slowly reciprocating his hug. “You make efforts for me too.”
“Not as great as what you do for me,” he corrects. “For us.”
Jungkook figures it’ll be a sleepless night for him because he’ll be tossing and turning just regretting what he did, but at the very least, he knows he’ll be sleepless with you.
“Do you forgive me? You don’t have to right now. I’ll still mope and you can sleep on it,” he asks. “I can sleep on the floor tonight.”
“Not even the couch?” you joke, your snort making him smile briefly.
“Sleeping on the couch wouldn’t be a punishment.”
“You want to repent so bad?” you joke with mischief painted on your face and yet it doesn’t register on him.
“Of course I do,” Jungkook nods, the playfulness never reaching his ears because he’s entirely serious. “You’re too good for me.”
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jazeswhbhaven · 5 months
Response Email from PrettyBusy! (courtesy of WHB Updates)
Alright! So the admin has updated us with the responses from PB from a long email about our concerns. I read through them all and understand where they're coming from and at this point, I'm just going to keep proceeding as before with how I'm playing and approaching the game. Here's where you can read the responses -> Part 1, Part 2
In general, I saw a repeat from PB stating that other emails were sent in from others stating that they
A. Were fine with the prices B. Didn't want repeat characters C. Mostly concerned about the battles being boring I'll touch on this with my take real quick. Personally...who is out here saying they don't want repeat/re-releases of characters???? Because while I get that some folks don't like certain characters...some of us may want a chance to nab them in case something came up and we didn't get a chance to the first time. NuCarnival does this and no one really complains (as far as I know I'm not active in that fandom, so correct me if I'm wrong). And for pricing, I talked to my friend who also plays other gachas often and he expressed PB's prices are actually low compared to the thousands of dollars other games tend to require for players to not even get the card they want. And for the battles being boring, that's not my problem personally. I just don't want 5-6 battles in between story points...I like how the event battles are usually around 3 between story points. I get they may do this to space it out so we can gain resources and it's not just a click-and-read game, but ugh 6 battles are just too damn much, I'm sorry. I hope they don't take it as "Oh let's make the battles more complicated and harder and throw in more of these screeching bitch ass angels with the wings on their heads" because I will scream lol So the tidbit about them not excluding F2P players and stating that they offer a lot of incentives such as free main story, free Minhyeok story, H-scenes that are free; I get that.* But honestly, the Solomon Seal thing that happened really alienated me because it was like telling me "broke folks can't have the nice stuff, sorry" and let's be honest....some ppl out there REALLY think like that especially over here in the states.. Now I'm glad they ARE addressing obtaining Solomon Seals easily, and implementing a way to gift it to us a free 10 pull per month which is a $34 value (rounded up). Hey, I'll take it. Because I'm gonna save 'em up anyways.
Now....there was something that concerns me and I think players should keep it in mind. Mammon's dildo is officially retired and not coming back for any of the platforms. PB has been threatened most likely by Gplay and AppStore to get rid of stuff like that or they'd pull the app from their platforms. EROLABS sadly, is affected because they don't have a way to specifically do the censoring for some things per platform. That was one of them. So in the future we may see MORE censoring just in case and EROLABS may be affected too. Not necessarily their exclusive content of course, but maybe just small things like the card art censoring, or stuff like that. Sucks really.
Someone brought up Event Stories being available in the future for reading again and this was a great idea to bring up to them. Some folks don't play the events so having the story available at a later time would be cool. Also, I read a couple things about PB talking about their customer service trying to catch up with social media interactions and other things and I was like well damn... Because at the end of the day someone who's working a 9-5 maybe even overtime is sitting up here reading all those tweets cussing them out and it gets really mentally tiring. Criticism is okay, but yeah going left field on someone who's just doing their job is a reminder of why I hate working in customer service myself. Some of the population forgets you are a person and sometimes your hands are tied so why are you yelling? Chill for a moment. It's just a game.
With that being said they did say that they would do better on being transparent on letting us know if the cards are gonna be in the banner or not. (I'll believe it when I see it, not trying to be mean) Overall I was nodding and taking in their responses. The fact that they bothered to even answer with sincerety has already put a good impression for me so I'll stick with that. I personally keep a boundary between me and companies for my own personal reasons. I understand that there are others who are ride or die for this company, and that's cool. Just don't expect others to have that same energy. If you've been through what I have...you'll understand why I don't do this for most companies anymore unless it's for a personal friend who has their own business/commissions/etc. What do you all think about the responses? Satisfied or just waiting it out? *edit: and to add...honestly the L-card stories are better than the H-scenes lmao at least to me. Because there's our bois literally cussing, the writers use actual words like penis and masterbating, like I'm still not recovering over Beel saying "fuck this is good" and satan calling us a dirty bitch. i a m s o r r y and t h r i s t y. Because imagine Belial being like "oh so you like my thick cock up your ass?" or Dre fingering you and being like "Fuck you're so soft here..." I neeeeed it.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 2 years
Attracting a Mate
Female Yandere Scorpion Hybrid x Gender Neutral Reader (CW: Kidnapping, venom, no smut, mentions of oviposition, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 1.2k (I hope everyone likes this, this was done because someone requested a female Talin, so they act very similar. I am attracted to all genders so I do not mind making yanderes that are not male, I just don’t do female readers.)
 Ever since Tahlia saw her brother Talin’s tiny human mate she simply had to have one for herself. So feisty, energetic, cute, and the perfect size to pick up and move easily. You could even stuff em’ full of eggs apparently so one would definitely make a good incubator.  Tahlia did not want another scorpion-person as a mate, going into one’s territory could be dangerous if they were not seeking a mate or already had one, and if one entered her territory it could be dangerous if they did not have the best of intentions.  But these cute humans were no threat, and besides she wanted to be the strong provider in a relationship and mating with another of her species there was always a chance there would be a contest for dominance. And of course they might not even stick around after mating and she did not see any possibility that a human mate would ever want to leave.  Why would a human leave her? She was so much bigger and stronger than any other human, so surely to any human she would be the most fit mate, able to provide security, land, and food far more easily than one human could provide for another.  But how could she even find a human that was in need of a mate? She decided that she would have to travel if she was serious about having what her brother had stumbled onto.  You were part of an expedition team set out to explore the now open Treragar borderlands, near the edge of the desert. There were botanists, zoologists, geologists, a cartographer, a couple artists to draw specimens and landscapes, and you, a research assistant helping the botanists and zoologists.  The people native to this country would not even come within miles of the borderlands, telling strange tells of large skittering beasts and deadly serpents, the expedition members did not believe such superstitious nonsense, though there was a supposed disappearance of one of the first field scientists willing to come here, but it was far more likely that they just got lost and succumbed to the heat rather than any impossible fantasy beast nabbing them.  The expedition was slowly making its way to the predicted location of an oasis, and studying and documenting anything interesting along the way. The border land deserts may look barren and dead at first glance, but there was life to be found even in this harsh habitat.  The scene was almost fantastical, with sandy hills that were as white and smooth as milk. Were it not for the harsh heat of the midday sun and the sparse scrubland, anyone could be convinced they were gazing upon an endless scene of snow.    Your first days of the expedition were spent trudging through the sand and brush, collecting samples as directed. Seeds, leaves, flowers, shed scales from a creature yet unseen.  At night you would go to the far side of camp, you were not very friendly with the others and preferred to remain alone. You would start a small fire, heat up your rations, and then put out the small blaze before going to sleep in your sleeping bag.  One night you were so exhausted that your eyelids felt like they were made of lead, and you drifted off to sleep while waiting for your food to heat up. The scent of food cooking and the light of the fire caught Tahlia’s attention, who had traveled far from her land in search of a rare human mate.  She observed you silently, getting as near to the camp as she dared, she looked upon all the humans, most of them huddled on one side of the camp, but you left all alone.  Poor thing, must be the only one left mateless, so desperate for a mate to come and take care of you that you passed out while tending to your beacon that had so effectively attracted her. Well, no need to worry anymore, Tahlia was going to take good care of you.  The large scorpion woman approached carefully to the edge of the campsite where you were sleeping peacefully.  She did not want you waking up when you were sleeping so cutely, and she wanted to bring you home as fast as possible so she stung you quickly with her harmless paralytic venom that would make sure you would stay peacefully dreaming. She was anxious to communicate with you, but Talin had told her how his human had been so excitable and determined to play when he first found them.  Better not to cause any noise that may alert the other humans to her presence, she was in their territory and did not know how they would react.  When you woke up from the best sleep you had ever had your cheek was resting against a soft warm pillow… wait… that wasn’t right… and you were now leaning against something not laying down flat on your back as you normally slept…  That’s when you realized you were snuggled up close into the bizarrely warm bare chest of a woman. You blushed deeply as you inhaled her strong but not unpleasant scent. Had one of the other expedition members gotten drunk and wandered over to you? Had they gotten you drunk too? Your mind was a bit hazy.  You looked up and realized you had no idea who this woman was, her long red hair, pale skin, and surprisingly muscular physique were entirely foreign to you.  And where the hell were you? This was not camp, this was some kind of cave or burrow.  And then you looked down and shrieked. Dear gods, the stories were true, from the waist down she was a huge white and black chitinous arachnid, some type of scorpion beast.  You flailed wildly, falling back and landing on your butt. You scrambled to get up and ran in terror for the early morning light trickling through the entrance of Tahlia’s den. But your scream had woken the scorpion lady.  “Oh, you want to race little mate? So early? I think we should eat before we play!” You could not understand her and even if you could you were more focused on fleeing. She rushed after you and caught you right after you had taken your first step out of your new home.  She held you tight to her chest and nuzzled affectionately before making noises you could not interpret. “Oh, wow, Talin was right. Human mates are so eager and playful. I am just so so lucky I found you! Running off like that could have been dangerous before you had me to protect you~”  “Don’t worry my precious gem, we can play as much as you want later, but for now let me get you some food.” Tahlia picked you up easily in her muscular arms, her large biceps not even straining as she placed you back in her nest. She stroked your hair gently before going to prepare you a meal. You were too terrified to move… at the very least it did not seem like your life was in danger yet…  Maybe after you ate you two could play a while before she filled you full of nice eggs, she was sure you would love that. Keeping her new mate all cute and needy and full of eggs would certainly make sure you would never ever want to leave your new den right?  
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therummesoccupied · 5 months
Warning: Spoilers Ahead
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This issue was really good! From what I could gather, @spiritsonic was trying some new stuff with her art here, and her hard work really shows! She's always great, but I'm real excited to see what she gives us in the future.
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After all the debate, I still do consider the circumstances surrounding this update somewhat unfortunate, but whether it was brought on by (perhaps unnecessarily) harsh criticisms from the community or not, it does look really good, and Evan seems happy with it on her various social media feeds, so I'm happy, too.
Aside from the fantastic art, this issue also had a lot of stuff I've really been wanting from IDW Sonic!
The story features a single Chaos Emerald hunt instead of just nabbing a bunch of 'em at once.
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I always prefer this to stuff like Starline just bringing them all to Eggman or the Roboticized Masters collecting them off-page. Placing them one by one over time really helps drive home to me how significant these gems are to this world, and makes them feel like part of the overarching narrative instead of a simple macguffin that can just appear whenever it's convenient for the plot.
I guess what I'm saying is I like the setup phase of Chekhov's Gun just as much as the payoff.
As of this issue, we now know the location of three Emeralds - Rouge grabbed the white one in the 2022 Annual, Tails ended up with the purple one in Winter Jam, and now we've got the yellow one here.
We got some nice exploration of Sonic and Tails' dynamic in this one. It's nothing new, Sonic and Tails are naturally seen together quite a lot in this comic, but they're often in communication with other characters working toward a greater goal, or trying to solve some kind of crisis. They're after the Emerald here, but there's no great catastrophe and it's just them... spending time together. They get competitive, they banter, they pick up where the other falters - it's a really great reflection of the strong relationship Sonic points out between Silver and Blaze in Issue 64.
They get lots of little moments in this story, but I especially appreciate this one:
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It's a small thing, but I think this is the first time in the comic's 5+ year run that Sonic has referred to Tails as his "little brother." When you think about it, these two really have spent most of their lives together, and this is a nice reminder of that.
What I really appreciate most in this issue, though, is the
I've always felt that IDW Sonic's world was a little... homogenous, without a lot of the beautiful, fantastical scenery we see in the games.
Even when we DID get cool set pieces, they were usually direct references to the games - not a lot of spectacular, new settings made to fit the games' world.
But this one had a cool ravine with weird hexagonal pillars and old bridges for Sonic and Tails to race through!
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That looked like it could be a game level! Then they get into the cave and we get this cool, glowing, underground green world with a giant salamander stalking around - this is also a really neat way of hinting at how the Emeralds affect the environment around them!
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I know it's gonna be a while before we return back to the main series - the Fang the Hunter mini-series does seem fun, though - but I'm really, really excited to see where it takes us next!
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
read all our tags/ratings. they r important n give u all u need 2 decide if u wanna actually read or not. do not like the tags/rating? do not read.
FEM ALIGNING/IDENTIFYING PPL (unless mutuals/friends) DNI WITH OUR MLM WORKS. fem ppl can still request tho. respect our wishes or get blocked. yes we do read/check everything. we tag appropriately/use tags that go with our posts.
want 2 request? find the rules: here!
want 2 see all the fics? find em: here!
What’s Your Favourite Scary Movie, Eddie?
Edward Nashton (The Riddler) x Ghostface!Trans!M!Reader
Last Edited: 06/04/2023
TW: gore, blood, murder, stalking, dead bodies, transphobia, foul language, body dysphoria, phone harassment
Requested: no
Word Count: 2,381
Notes: literally rewatching the batman 2022 as i make this lel. also, kinda think of the ghosftface from dead by daylight as i love that costume/look so the outfit that’s described. i finished this shit on 1 hour of sleep btw so hope u enjoy
He’s an odd man. His schedule used to remain constant until it didn’t. You’re unsure of what changed. He’s still a forensic account by all means. He forged those documents to get the job so of course he wouldn’t simply just quit. That part stayed the same. It’s after work when he deviates from his original schedule. Going out at night, spying on people, and getting odd information. There’s also his online presence getting stronger. You see him on his computer more and more. Sometimes he’s typing, other times he has some sort of outfit on to do live streams.
No matter what, he’s always busy with something. That something has gotten more and more odd these past few weeks. He’s obsessing over a vigilante. A man dressed in black who goes around beating people down until they cannot get up to fight anymore. A “Batman” is what they call him. For someone so many fear, little ol’ Eddie surely loves him. It makes your stomach twist in disgust. How can this man obsess over this random vigilante? Sure, he fights crime but he’s not going for the bigger people. He lets cops run around, nabbing the criminals only to let them go after a bit of bribing. Some saviour he is. Plus, to see this somewhat nerdy and dainty-looking man go for a man who appears to be jacked screws with your head.
You can’t help but want to maul your own skin at this observation. The mousey man wanting the dark, mysterious, and bulky body type makes you think of your own figure. You don’t have the exact body type so may want after all the struggles to so much as get the medicine you needed for your transition. It takes time, ranging from months to years. And the first man you see him obsess over is the usual “jacked” and “hot” man makes you angry. That original figure you had has changed over time, into something you’re more comfortable with. While some changes haven’t been made yet due to the lack of money, you feel better; like you can actually live in your own skin now after so long of feeling like your body was out to destroy you.
But that feeling does fade now and then, especially when you see someone you’ve been watching and pinning over for months wanting the one thing you feel like you can’t be at times. Sometimes it’s your mind, other times it's old words from people you knew. The majority is the people you see online spouting nasty things, all ranging from hatred to fetishizing; there are even times when it’s a mixture of the two. A “real” man is what they want. For some reason as well, a “real” man isn’t someone who takes hormones or changes their body. A “real” man isn’t someone who says they are a man, even if they don’t transition. If they don’t pass their assessments, they’re not a “real man”. But how can they be one? How do they know what a “real” man is? They call those bulky hunks in bars real men. They’ll call the men from the army real men. The men from the gym are real men. But the moment a man so much as acts, looks, sounds different or doesn’t have the “right” body, they’re fake. And to you, it’s all bullshit. No one has any right to tell someone they’re not a “real” man, especially when they themselves know nothing about you or others in the same boat.
So to suddenly see such people in his streams? You can feel yourself losing it. While you wouldn’t kill them for such a thing unless they preached or even tried to kill people for being different or “unreal”, it’s the fact that so many were actual shitbags added to it. From people who wanted to simply kill innocent people, to people wanting to do awful acts to those they hate, you can’t allow that. Spying from the rooftops and alleyways turns into watching him from his very own streams.
Your username on the streams is Gh0stFac3, read as GhostFace, is usually caught in the streams, never saying a word. You let yourself lurk while he’s online, letting out passionate rants about Gotham and some sort of “renewal plan”. You don’t necessarily watch him on these streams. You do listen though, taking down notes on his words. You do have other people to watch and kill later on, of course. Some from his streams, others from night outs. A few are even from your times at bars, hearing their nasty talking or genuine disgust about certain groups of people who’ve done nothing but live their lives.
Another name is jotted down in your notebook, a multitude of pictures clipped to the page with the target. You scratch at your neck from under the mask, sighing. It’s just another asshole really. This one is from one of Edward’s streams. From what you found out, the guy had been sending nasty messages to a coworker who rejected him. Pathetic in your case. But you can feel that itchy feeling creeping up under your skin. You’ll have to kill again soon. It’s like a drug and it makes you feel powerful in a way. From people seeing you as some dainty girl back in the day, nothing more than something to be used for bearing kids and eye candy to look at, to feeling like a man after treatment, meds, and eye-opening articles; along with blogs talking about their own experiences, you feel like you can actually feel and do the things you felt you deserved to do. The people who looked down on you or disowned you disappeared in just a blink. All you needed was time away to find yourself, who you truly are, before returning and dealing out the same amount of pain to them they forced you to go through for so many years.
You snap the notebook closed, rubbing at the face under your mask. All this thinking about how your body is, alongside was, is giving you a headache. It doesn’t help that you have more than just that man as the next victim either. You’re not sure who to choose just yet. Or, well, you do. However, all the constant thinking, together with your inner voice reminding you of all the transphobia you’ve faced thus far, is killing your mood. A snort leaves you. Killing your mood. You’re truly a riot with your own jokes.
You grab the flip phone closest to you, flicking it open. It’s a burner you picked up a bit ago. There were plenty of others but the satisfaction of snapping the phone shut after a call is enough for you to keep it around. You look at Edward’s stream; he’s still going. You give a sharp grin under your scream mask before dialling his number.
You can hear it ring from the stream. Seeing him go silent immediately is satisfying. He looks like a mouse again; a confused one at that. He starts up his rant again, seemingly going to ignore it. Narrowing your eyes, you end the call before texting him. The ding he gets is ignored. Another ding. Another. Another. His hands are shaking, eyes wide and crazed. Finally, you type in chat.
> Hello, Mouse.
The chat, usually fast, stops for a moment. They seem to notice something is off.
> Will you answer your phone?
> I’m calling.
> I’m texting you, Mouse.
People in the chat start to type, sending in a multitude of messages. Some are asking Edward if he knows you. Others are asking if you know him. You don’t answer them at all.
> Answer. I won’t stop calling.
He looks mad, grabbing his computer. “Who do you think you are? You know nothing! You’ve said nothing until now! You’re just someone trying to bring me down aren’t you?! You’re trying to destroy everything I’ve been working for to help Gotham!”
> Answer the phone, Eddie.
Everything stops. It’s like the entire chat froze as well as Edward. You know no one has any idea what his name is. The fact that you know it and suddenly type it with no hesitation only shows you know more than does. With shaking hands, he lets go of the computer and sits back in his chair. “I’m sorry everyone… But it looks like we have a leak. I’ll be making sure to get rid of the mole and that they are dealt with accordingly. I’ll host another stream next week after all of this is fixed.” His voice is eerily blank, almost like he’s bored or in shock. With those final words, the entire stream ends. You sit for a moment before calling him once more. Edwards finally picks up this time.
“Oh, Eddie… Did you really have to take that long?” The voice changer in your mask disguises your voice. From what you’ve been told by many victims before, you sound like a very attractive young man.
“Who are you?” His question, asked in a cold way, makes you hum.
“Ghostface. What about you, Eddie? Are you Edward Nashton? The Riddler? Who are you?” His breathing has changed; he’s panicked. You’ve heard that type of breathing so much that you don’t do much beside coo at him. “Don’t worry, Dear Eddie. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to destroy all that you’ve been working on. After all, you’ve changed your schedule to fit this odd thing now…” You sigh, leaning forwards in your chair. You prop your masked head on your gloved hand. “After all, you spent so much time and resources on it. It’s honestly been the most interesting thing I’ve seen in years.”
“Why are you calling, Ghostface?” He asks, wanting to get this call over with. You don’t want that though. You like how he sounds in your ear. You like how you can make his breathing change with just a few words.
“What’s Your Favourite Scary Movie, Eddie?” The teasing way you say it only adds character, or that’s what you tell yourself. You want Eddie to like you. You want him to obsess over you as he does Batman. You want him.
“I’m not playing your games!” He’s stressed, practically about to cry from the frustration. You’ve ruined his stream, teased him over the phone, and called him Eddie in front of people who don’t know his name. In his eyes, you’re out to destroy him.
“Eddie…” You feel slightly bad. You really do want him to like you and this is the only thing you had thought of. It’s clearly not working. “I like you, Eddie. You’re doing what others can’t or won’t… How about a deal?” The idea of a deal to possibly end this talk seems to get to him.
“What’s the deal, then? Or are you going to keep talking to me in circles and messing with me?”
“I wasn’t trying to mess with you. As I said before. I like you. You’re the only person who went from a possible victim to something else entirely… You should be proud! No one has ever gotten that far! Usually, I’d be in their home by now, hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike…” As you talk, it seems he’s intently listening to you with genuine intrigue. “The fighting is always hard but so, so fun. And the moment my knife meets their flesh and blood spills? It’s beautiful.” You let out a sigh, one could almost call it dreamy with how you talk about your deadly hobby. “The screams are a bit much, not going to lie there, Eddie. They’re so loud.. But the moment the life is gone from those shitbags, I can make them oh so pretty.” You’re out of your chair, pacing around your apartment. Your combat boots are heavy against the wooden floors of your home. One of your hands moves as you ramble, giving more passion despite the other man unable to see it. “A few more cuts, maybe some mutilation, a bit of stabbing.. Then I have to set them up how I want and take a few selfies. The selfies are always fun… I can send you a few if you’d like. They always turn out great, I make sure of it.”
The silence on the other end snaps you out of whatever state you had been in when talking about your hobby. You don’t hear anything, not even Edward’s breathing. Your hidden lips pull into a frown. Here you are, pouring your heart out and he’s said nothing! No congratulations. No good job. Nothing. The squeaking of your gloves is heard as you tighten your grip on the burner.
“How does this help me? How are you going to help me with some pictures of your pinned-up dead bodies?” You grit your teeth, hating this call more and more.
“I’m saying that I can be your blade, dammit! You can sit in your messy lil’ apartment, talking, coding, streaming! I’ll hunt down whoever you want! I’ll mutilate them! I’ll leave clues or riddles, I don’t care!” You’re yelling into the receiver, finally tired of listening to the man’s complaining. Taking a deep breath, you try to calm yourself. “I do all the killing and you continue doing whatever it is your doing.”
“But what are you looking for? What do you get out of it?” A hum leaves you, letting all that rage go. A nasty smirk crawls over your features.
“I get to watch you work… I love seeing you put your pretty lil’ head to use after all, Baby.” You practically purr, the distorted warmth filling you. It’s unhealthy how much you like him paired with how much you want him to like you. Unhealthy or not, you don’t care. If he can have unhealthy views and plans, so can you.
You hear the end of his line go dead, having hung up on you. You give a mocking put from behind the scream mask. Quickly, you let your thumb fly over the numbers. You snap the phone closed, happy to see that this is the start of something very exciting.
> Can’t wait to work with you, Sweetheart ;))
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vintage-tech · 10 months
further thoughts on old sewing machines
I've read the replies and comments on the thing I reblogged about sewing machines and planned obsolescence / "they don't make 'em like they used to." You know me, I have more words to offer, and the basis here is the people saying "damn, I want one", "wow, how can I get one for reasonable?" and "you can get parts?" Read on...
First, let me show you what my friend sent me yesterday in a text. She was so jazzed that she wanted me to see it, and she doesn't even know I run a blog like this.
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So here you see a White trundle sewing machine from the late 1910s to early 1920s. You can also see that it was either taken very good care of or completely restored, or both, and you have little doubt in looking at the first picture that it'll put together a prom dress or hem your cuffs at a moment's notice, and this isn't just a museum piece. In the below, I'm not just talking about the big ol' centagenarians, I mean pre-1990 Singers and everything inbetween.
You ask: Where can I find a hardy old sewing machine? The obvious answer of antique stores aside, you can find them in thrifts. Not necessarily Goodwill because they're capitalists who have tried to get away from furniture and heavy stuff, but most of the others have them and I warn you that you may have to cut a bitch (or be cut) if one shows up at Deseret Industries. I wish I still had the photo of the time a now-departed St. Vincent de Paul near me had TWO different White models on the floor, each for less than what some people pay for Starbucks in a week, and my memory says that if they didn't spin like a top right that second a couple hours with household products and maybe a Google search plus shipping time would have these things in a functional state your great-grandmother would approve of. It's a regular thing that I go into thrifts and there's a sewing machine case on a low shelf near the electronics that is older than your mother and twice as reliable.
You ask: How much will this set me back? Depends upon where you're shopping. Obviously antique stores will have them for more than thrifts, and sometimes you find them at estate sales (again, expect to cut a bitch) for either an antique price or a "take it away" solid price. Consider it a great day if you spend $10-$25 to get this off someone's shelf and out of someone's life.
You ask: Repairs and maintenance, what about that? I don't know a lot about the mechanics but the older they are, the simpler they get. Resources are out there on how to fix problems (books and YouTube videos) and obtain parts, and professionals exist who live to do both. You probably know someone who has machine sewed for decades; you could ask them for insight on how to get things back into shape. People in comments on that post named some sources for replacement parts after others said they were stymied by trying to find the doodad they needed.
You didn't ask: You seem to have some passion about this despite not being a sewing machine owner or user. What machines did you grow up with? My sainted grandmother had a 1960s Singer 401A. (Photos are NOT of her machine, I nabbed them from teh interweb.)
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My mother still has and uses periodically her 1970s Singer 758. (Again, not my photo and I haven't seen hers out when I've visited lately.)
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triscribeaucollection · 5 months
@foxstronaut: #YEAH SO I DID IN FACT WANT TO SEE IT#this is so good……this au just keeps getting better……….tysm for the link to this post!!#the wider context of the time travel……the fallout of bens betrayal…..#positively eating this up#also if i can ask- what is the ‘shereshoy’ mentioned in ur tag? :0
Shereshoy is the capstone of my Vod'e An Star Wars series, which is ALL about time travel, but I keep copy-pasting the intro scene into different AUs because it is. Definitely one of my favorite bits of writing to date.
Here's the series summary:
Have you ever seen a time traveler dropped into the middle of someone else's butterfly effect? How about several dozen someones? AKA I nabbed all my fave clone troopers and sprinkled them into a much happier galaxy, with a touch of violence on top. As a treat.
Aaand just for laughs, here's the intro scene in question:
The Force screamed in the middle of the night, and Ahsoka lurched awake with one overriding thought: not again.
Both lightsabers immediately flew to her hands as she rolled out of bed - boots and outer robes left behind in her sprint for the door. For the first time since constructing her own hab at Luke’s school, Ahsoka regretted putting herself on a neighboring ridge instead of down in the valley among the students.
Even as she ran, the Force flickered with another youngling’s death.
Beams of red light in the darkness, matched to knots of Dark power, drew her forward at even greater speed. Bounding off rocks and trees, the togruta remained nearly silent with every leap; she instinctively shielded herself with the Force to mask her approach, until the moment she burst out over the heads of three Sith acolytes, and let her own power flare.
Their helmeted heads snapped upwards. In the span of two heartbeats, her white sabers slashed, and those same heads fell to the ground, their bodies following after a brief pause.
Ahsoka landed in a battle-ready crouch, positioned defensively over a boy collapsed on the ground. When no further Sith revealed themselves, she deactivated and tucked away one lightsaber, freed hand reaching for the teenager at her feet. “Jacen?”
“I’m okay,” he rasped, heart pounding hard enough her lekku could feel the vibrations. “What- what’s happening?”
“Another Purge,” Ahsoka said, fighting hard to keep her voice level. “Can you feel Ezra?” After a moment’s pause, his face scrunched with desperate concentration, Jacen nodded. “Then let’s go. I’ll watch your back.”
The boy staggered upright, and led her around to the far side of the school buildings: student sleeping huts, a kitchen and meal hall, storage and laundry and library. Most of them bore scorch marks and other damage, while further up the valley, the actual temple where Luke handled meditation and combat training burned.
Storm clouds rumbled overhead, an echo of the fury roaring in Ahsoka’s mind. Twice, cracks of lightning revealed fallen bodies as she and Jacen ran past.
Another set of Sith attempted an ambush, only to falter when they registered her white lightsabers. Ahsoka didn’t hesitate to leap forward and deal with them swiftly, before any attention could be turned to the padawan beside her. Jacen, thankfully, didn’t attempt to join her, nor did he comment afterward - but his Force-presence shivered and pulled in even tighter on itself.
The next enemies they came across were a squad of stormtroopers, concentrating fire on a solitary figure, who deflected incoming plasma bolts and shot back his own with the same weapon. Ahsoka could sense two more younglings hidden behind Ezra’s billowed cloak, and increased her speed.
One trooper spotted her mid-charge. He and his neighbor turned to shoot at the new target, but their bolts went wild, too far off the mark to even require deflection. Ridiculous, Ahsoka could hear in her mind, as she spun and slashed, No brother would have gotten off Kamino with aim like that; do they even bother training these shinies, or just hand ‘em armor and a blaster and a new set of orders?
Faster than droids, but not nearly as fast or coordinated as clones, which meant Ahsoka carved through the stormtroopers within moments. As the last blaster fell in pieces to the ground, she saw Jacen dash past to crash against his favorite teacher with a desperate hug. Ezra wrapped an arm around the boy’s shoulders, the other still holding his lightsaber. “Ahsoka?”
“Get to my ship,” she ordered, as another peal of thunder rang above their heads, and the first few raindrops began to fall. “Don’t wait for anyone else, just take off and get to safety.”
Expression grim, Ezra nodded, and turned to drop into a crouch. He helped Alora get to her feet, the girl holding Grogu against her chest. “Pypey?”
The teenager shook her head, headscarf gone, face covered in tears. Ezra didn’t waste any more time before hustling her and Jacen off, towards the hidden landing pad where they kept hyper-capable craft. Ahsoka barely waited before hurrying onward again.
She passed more bodies; some students, some stormtroopers, the occasional Sith in black and red armor. The rain began coming down harder, turning the ground slick with mud, dragging visibility down to mere feet and severely impacting how much Ahsoka could sense with her hollow montrals.
But the Force didn’t falter. Every leap took her from one mostly-stable spot to another, following further death knells and surges of power, all the way up to the front steps of the old Jedi temple set into the mountainside. All the way to Luke.
Despite his much smaller stature, he moved like Anakin, and she could feel the intense emotions racing through him. One trooper after another fell, Luke refusing to let any of them put so much as a single foot on the steps into his school, his Academy. More bodies sprawled across the stones behind him; only one still flickered faintly with life.
Ahsoka took over the fight.
She landed ahead and just to one side of Luke, better positioned to defend the one student still gasping for breath. “Go! Take her and go!” Her fellow Jedi hesitated, clearly torn between multiple directions. “She’s dying, Luke, take Jaina and go, NOW!”
His Force-presence flared, then settled, decision made. Ahsoka felt the man lunge, scoop up his wounded student, and bolt into the Temple. She knew he’d follow a secret route out to the far side of the mountain, where an overhang sheltered his old X-Wing. With any luck, Artoo would be waiting, engines already fired up and ready to take off.
Even without luck, Ahsoka would buy them enough time to escape. Raindrops sizzled off her lightsabers as she swept them through the air, evaporating into steam that trailed after her every movement.
And Ahsoka moved.
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its-the-val-pal · 9 months
Prompt #18: A Fish out of Water
"What'cha wanna do with 'im?" One of the men called out.
"Turn 'em over to the Maelstrom. They'll know what to do," came a second.
"Yeah?" A third replied indignantly. "An' tell 'em what, exactly? 'Hey, we're a buncha thieves what caught a thief trynna thieve our thievery?' You think they'll give us a reward? Pat on the back, maybe?"
Several of the others began chattering back and forth, flinging insults and crude comments as if they were blades, certainly meant to sting and harm whoever they'd been thrown at. This continued for a while. Long enough that their quarry had time to gain consciousness. A hush fell over the crowd and all eyes fell on the Sun Seeker; something that he'd find himself quite fond of in due time.
"How is he, ya think?"
"Can't be more than a kid."
"Nah, early twenties. Easy."
"Bit of a looker. Think we could sell 'em for a bit?"
"Doesn't look celibate at all t'me."
"That ain't what I meant ya fuckin' moron!"
"Too ragged to sell on the streets. When's the last time 'e shaved? We'll spend more money cleanin' 'im up than we'd get for him around here."
"Ship 'im off to Ul'dah then? 'Least he won't be tryna take out marks anymore."
"With what money?"
"We could give 'em the ol' Maelstrom overcoat."
There was a heavy silence then. It wasn't clear which of the thieves had said it in the dingy old shack, tucked away deep within the recesses of Limsa. A single light illuminated the room, swinging back and forth to keep the majority of those gathered in the shadows. It didn't really matter thanks to the fact that they were all masked or covered in some way. The more well-to-do, or at least higher ranked members, had actual masks. Lower ranked, at least the Miqo'te assumed, had scarfs and cloth and whatever they could piece together to hide their faces.
He hadn't actually understood what they were bickering about. Eorzean was never his first language. But he did understand context, and the silence that fell over the room was all he needed to know.
"Oooohhh 'e didn't like that."
"Not many people do. How many bodies you think are down there?"
"We could arrange for ya t'go down there an' find out yourself."
"Don't bother. He'll be followin' soon enough anyway. The cat bit him while 'e was tryna tie him up. 'e howled like a baby!"
Laughter ensued, followed by more insults and a few slung fists. But they all went quiet when one of the more wiry individuals knelt down to the Miqo'te. His outfit was.. well. Extravagant wasn't the word, seeing that they were all down on their luck. But it had less patches. Less stitching required. Less dirt and less grime, which wasn't saying much all things considered.
He gripped at the Seeker's jaw. Turned him this way and that. Used a thumb to assess his teeth and gums to ensure he at least had most of them, and was quite surprised to find that he had them all.
"Can. You. Speak?" The man asked. The Seeker spit in return. The room laughed.
"He understands us at least. Can't speak it yet. But it ain't like we can't teach him. Let him go."
The men did just that. But they had underestimated precisely how fast the Seeker was. They didn't expect him to nab another's blade and fling it at their supposed leader. Why the Miqo'te had done it outside of lashing out at those more of a direct threat was anyone's guess, but it didn't matter. The blade never met its target and the Seeker found himself pressed back against the ground, growling and snarling and struggling against his captors once more.
There was intrigue before, but now that interest had piqued. The leader found himself kneeling before the Seeker once more, careless of the fact that a blade had just missed his his face by a few ilms.
"You're shit with a blade, but we can teach you that too. What's your name?"
"Oi, boss. I think 'e wants t'be called Val."
The dagger had missed the man and embedded in the world map behind him, right on the Isle of Val.
And he'd been called that ever since; a name that stuck with him despite it being nowhere near his true name. Only one person within the civilized world knew that, and he preferred to keep it that way. The Seeker's meditation ended and he stood from his spot, letting the flames dance about along his fingers. He'd managed to ease the gates of the chakra open when needed, sending that aether and anger precisely where it needed to be.
He'd come a long way since then. He learned how to use a dagger; it'd become one of his favorite weapons, even. He learned enough Eorzean to get by. Larger words were still hard, but it was easy enough to spin the narrative into making people think he was dumb and illiterate. He learned comradery. What it was like to live in the larger city. What was expected of him and, when the time came, how to exist on his own. He owed a lot to that group of thieves, and a part of him sometimes wondered what ever became of them after they parted ways. Or where he'd be if he hadn't tried to nab from them. Who would have thought that a box of fruit would alter the course of one's life so much?
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seth-shitposts · 8 months
So everything I want to work on atm are all multichap fics or long fics and they're all so fun. I'll take breaks on em to so one shots here and there, I still have prompts saved that were given to us that we look forward to completing as well.
But I do wanna share some of the long au's and multi chaps real quick because I so very much thrive off of interaction & reaction & such. So here:
Obviously, the current WIPs that are in the front line are Conversationalist (set to have 8 chapters plus a bonus) & Jealousy, Ft. Lando (🔞) (set to have a total of 5 ish chapters).
And we haven't forgotten about Force User Zeb, we just haven't had the opportunity to pick it back up. We do have a lot planned for it and look forward to taking it out of its hiatus, we just do not know when that'll be.
There's the defectors au with Ezra and Kallus.
For that one, we plan on writing quite a bit of things for the years that Kallus is fostering Ezra and is growing into a friendship with the Bridgers as they slowly help him see the empire for what it is. There's a lot of complex things that'll go on there.
And I also look forward to working how that changes things during the canon events, how different things will be. But you can bet your ass that the parallels will be plentiful.
There's also The Renascence of 264, which will be a multi chap follow up on the courier droid that had temporarily helped the ghost crew.
Essentially, (fulcrum) Kallus finds the droid and reboots him, recognizing him as the courier droid that had helped the ghost crew. Kallus had intended on simply freeing the droid, smuggling him off the outpost he had been discarded our from and to a different planet, maybe giving him the chance to meet the rebels again or find a place he can be happy in. He's surprised when the droid insists on staying with him.
And, so there's a common (ish) headcanon of how zeb has poor facial recognition. Actually horrid. I enjoy the headcanon, but also. In the rebels comics, Zeb very quickly recognized 264 as the droid they had nabbed and that had helped them. So I find humor in the possibility that Zeb possibly had poor facial recognition when it comes to non-droids, but is able to recognize every droid he has ever met, even if it was only once.
And yes, 264 is going to immediately get on Kallus’s case on asking the handsome rebel out. (264 is enamored by both Kallus and Zeb for being some of the first ones to praise him in a long time. He immediately gets very protective over the both of them. But at the same time is ready to send them out the airlock if they keep doing a silly little dance around their feelings.)
And then, there's the prompt by @canonkalluzeb I utterly ADORE it so much and I already have like 7 pages of notes complied. I added to it just today. I am so excited about working on it.
I'll link the post, but it's Kallus oversees a prisoner transfer and he’s shocked and disgusted to find that the dangerous criminal is a toddler, a 3y/o lasat child.
He steals her and sets out to find Zeb, knowing that he probably knows of a safe place for misplaced lasat, but it's several months before he finds them.
Last, but not least,
The Aphelion Waltz
(Not everything that is stated in the linked post is set in stone, much of it is still up to change)
My baby. I'm putting so much work into this fic. I shake the bars of my enclosure daily because of this fic. It's going to be a while before we are able to start posting the story, and its going to be a long one with so much moving plot. There's main plot line, sub plots, dozens of characters, slow burn, murder mystery, politics, romance. And this one is going to be explicit, but we might make a lighter version after we completed the main story. But this fic is going to have so many heavy contents. It's probably going to be one of our most complex endeavors, but I very much look forward to it.
I'm down for answering any questions about any of the fics at any point in time.
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mushroom-creacher · 4 months
Wayward Dads Chapter 3: Don't Father Me
< - >
The room had quickly erupted into chaos.
Lark and Grant shouted questions that went unanswered, Terry started pacing along the small room and Sparrow was trying to bring Nick down from a poorly masked panic attack while Paeden clung to Walter.
Erin and Walter didn’t know what to do. How the hell did this even happen? Was there a way to reverse it? How were they supposed to handle this?
“Can we all just calm down for a sec?” Figgs leaned against the wall, their snake familiar resting contently in her hair. “They’re kids, so what? You can still grab ‘em and bring ‘em back.”
Erin sighed and massaged her temples. “It’s a bit more complicated than that, Figgs. We don’t stand a chance against the Omega Daddies on our own.”
“There’s like, eight of you.”
“Six of which are children!” Walter spoke up.
Figgs scoffed. “That’s still enough to cause a distraction while the others grab your guys. You just need to keep the bad guys busy long enough to make an extraction.”
“That… might actually work…” Erin looked at the rest of the group. “We’d only need to hold up for a few minutes. I’ve seen you all fight, you may not be able to take someone down just yet, but you can stand your ground for a long while.”
“You can’t seriously be thinking of letting them fight those people! They’re 12!” Walter crossed his arms.
“It’s our only option if we want to get their dads back! Besides, do you really think they’re going to just sit here and let us handle it without them?”
“No, but we can at least try to keep them out of it!”
“They’re already in it! These kids have seen action, they’ll be fine!”
“We can’t risk them getting taken again! Their dads just got them back and now you want to put them in danger?!”
“Well, I don’t see you coming up with any other ideas!”
“Can you both please stop talking about us like we’re not here?!”
Erin and Walter went silent and looked toward the outburst.
Everyone was looking at Terry Jr., his brow furrowed in frustration.
“How about just asking us what we want to do instead of making the choice for us!”
“Yeah, we want to help! We can’t just sit here and do nothing while our dads are out there!” Sparrow spoke up.
Walter sighed. “Kids, we know you want to help but this is much too dangerous. We are fighting incredibly powerful people; you could get hurt or taken again! Then we’d be back at square one.”
“We’re not gonna wait around here while you guys are out there! You can’t keep us here!” Grant protested.
“Oh yes, I can! Even if I have to tie you to the door, you’re not going out there! It’s too dangerous!”
Walter felt a small tug on his sleeve, looking down he saw Paeden, unusually timid and afraid.
“Walter... Please... We can’t leave them...”
The bullywug stared back at the small boy before letting out a heavy sigh as he looked back up at the group of defiant tweens. He knew that only him and Erin wouldn’t be able to fight against the Omega Daddies, but putting these kids in the line of fire would be wildly irresponsible. But then again, he remembered how angry and scared he was when Paeden had gone missing and what he was willing to do to get him back.
“Ok. Fine. But we are taking every precaution! If things get bad, we retreat immediately. Understood?” He gave a pointed look to everyone in the room to make sure they knew how serious he was taking this.
 All of the kids nodded, letting out a collective sigh of relief.
“Ok, well now that you have all come to the sensible arrangement, maybe we should get a move on. Which kid are we nabbin’ first?” Figgs asked bluntly, already preparing to cast the portal.
“Gods, do you have to phrase it like that?” Erin cringed.
“What? We are nabbing kids, even if they should be nabbed, it’s still nabbing. So I ask again, who are we nabbin’ first?”
Lark and Sparrow stepped up.
“Our father is a powerful druid even as a child. It would be beneficial to acquire him first as he will be helpful in fighting the rest of our previous captors.” Lark explained.
“And he it would be smart to get another healer in case anything bad happens during the rest of the rescue missions.” Sparrow added.
Nobody argued, even if they wanted to. They all wanted to get their dads back as much as the others and Lark and Sparrow made some good points, though they all knew that this strategy was just their excuse to get their dad back as soon as possible.
Erin nodded. “Ok. You all should get ready, prepare however you can while Figgs and I work on this portal. Try to come up with a plan, a good one.”
The twins nodded and rejoined the rest of their small party and Walter to discuss strategies.
Though it was subtle, everyone could see the small glint in the Oak boys’ eyes. One that the other boys had only ever seen when someone dared to try and push one of the twins around. A look of complete and total determination and protectiveness. They were going to get their dad back no matter the cost. Because one thing you learn around the boys is that you never mess with an Oak.
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