#sdc oc
Kakyoin, Jotaro and Eileen discussion coming your way 😉
I'm under the impression that Kakyoin had just transferred to Jotaro's school pre-SDC since Jotaro's fangirls didn't recognize him (although that could also be their Jotaro-focus making them not really care until interaction).
I'm also going to suggest that Kakyoin (mind-controlled at the time) suggested the transfer himself ((using a different reason w/his parents like: Jot's school has a better reputation/whatever). He knew which school because when Dio sent Kakyoin after Jotaro, Dio was able to determine Jotaro's location.
It's kinda funny.
Now, how does this relate to Eileen (cause God knows I don't have to explain why I mentioned Jot in my premise)?
Eileen was kicked out of her previous school a couple of months pre-SDC, so she actually has a vague awareness of Jot before the series picks up again.
It's hard not to notice the guy who has a whole crowd of girls flocking to him?
She's kinda perplexed: how did this happen, why do these girls keep coming back, oh my god can I get some peace?
I don't think Eileen is particularly sociable after her face-scarring. No one really wants to hang out with her, she's got big scars on her face, rumoured to be kicked out for fighting (true...), and doesn't talk to anyone. So she doesn't exactly have anyone to ask these questions to.
Of course, all the while Jotaro's got his own pre-occupations. Attempt to cope with the sensory overload his fangirls are so talented at providing. Worry about this new 'evil' spirit which makes the fights he already gets into even more violent (it's as if it's feeding off his anger...?). Do at least some school work. Etc, etc.
Of course, then SDC happens and these three people, whose lives wouldn't have crossed if it weren't for these circumstances are thrown in really close quarters.
They have to talk about SOMETHING.
Kakyoin has to have some sort of inkling of curiosity about his friends' lives pre-the-DIO-ning and Eileen actually has the opportunity to ask what the hell was with Jotaro's fangirls!
It turns out that at first it was one or two girls that were into Jot. He wasn't really picking up what they were putting down exactly (tbh they weren't forthcoming) so he was just polite. The girls felt emboldened by the lack of negative reaction and began pushing more stuff: "what do you think of this? Can I do that?" Calling him Jojo.
Now it was an inconvenience. Jotaro rejects them, but they don't really take no for an answer. It slowly becomes more and more girls, (each one of them thinks they're going to be 'the one' to 'break his aloof mask' and that these other girls are wasting their time/jealous/etc.) They begin fighting amongst themselves while pursuing Jotaro's attention.
This is around the time that he starts swearing at them, trying to get them to Fuck Off, because being nice Clearly wasn't enough.
(I think This group that follows him, kinda just built up fantasies in their minds of who Jotaro is, what they wanted. And he was handsome and didn't say much so they could have their impressions.)
I don't think Jotaro really cares about the why or the how, to him, he was a nice classmate, and the next thing he knew he was being overwhelmed with all this damn attention. That's what he tells Kakyoin and Eileen. They thought he was hot, he guesses, and they wanted him to be theirs.
"It's so damn exhausting. I'm almost glad that..." he paused. "The quiet is nice."
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dewphox · 1 year
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A quick lil thang b4 bed mwah.
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lumibuns-blog · 10 months
"F--k it"
Jotaro x reader
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After finally arriving in Egypt and gaining Iggy as an "ally" you were forced to fight against Geb and his stand N'doul.
When Abdul had been hurt and your enemy was going in for the kill, you immediately ran, putting yourself at risk to try and save your friend, whom you had just gotten back.
Your friend Jotaro had ran after you, probably just to do damage control, but he was also worried for you. He had helped you defeat the enemy stand user (using Iggy), and now you were walking back to the rest of your friends.
You admired Jotaro in a new light, after he had lost his hat in the fight. He looked so handsome, he always had but now with strands of his hair hanging in front of his face. Of course you had always admired him not only for his looks but his personality as well, he was stoic, calm under pressure, cool, and he always listened to you no matter what, and he was never rude to you always being somewhat gentle.
You felt all of this yet you still knew that it was sort of hopeless, you were friends and Jotaro had showed no interest in you, at least in that way.
So you walked beside him, happy that you could at least know him even under these circumstances, I mean he really was-
"What are you looking at" he suddenly asked, an eyebrow raised
"Oh um sorry" you stammered waving your hands to try and signify it was nothing
"Hm ok..." he looked away
As he looked away his hair moved and the sun shone on his skin.
It was your turn to suddenly speak "You just look really nice without you hat on" you froze, not meaning to think out loud
"Huh?" He trends back towards you and strange look on his face
"Oh I'm sorry- I just, well I haven't seen you without your hat is all..."
He quickly looked away, you panicked, thinking you had said something you shouldn't have
"I just meant-"
"You...look...nice in...the sun...set" he mumbled, barley audible
You could see, even though he was turned away from you that he was covering his face with his hand.
You stood there stunned "what...do you mean?"
"You're such an idiot" he grumbled
He was being so vague you had no idea what he meant
"It's just- fuck it" he suddenly turned back to you and grabbed the back of your head, pulling you in close and he bent down so you lips meant for just a moment, he was so gentle and he held you close, as though he thought you would break. He slowly separated himself from you lips and stood up.
"I hope that's obvious enough for you" he scoffed
You stood there, blushing like crazy, unable to speak.
After a moment Iggy came running back, with Jotaro's hat in his mouth
"Well, what do you know. You picked up my hat for me?" He said, surprised "maybe he isn't so bad after all" he looked over his shoulder at you, a small smile on his face
He stopped, realizing Iggy had slobbered all over it after he had returned it to his head
"Gimme a break" he sighed
You chuckled "hey Jojo"
"Hm yeah?"
You jumped up to reach his face and planted a kiss on his cheek
"I didn't know you felt the same way" you grinned
"You're pretty dense"
"Says you"
He chuckled
"Well um since we both-"
"HEY JOTARO, Y/N" you could hear Polnareff yell from the dune buggy "COME OVER HERE"
"We'll continue this later I guess" Jotaro sighed
You laughed and ran to catch up with him and the rest of your crew
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simple-dark-eyes · 21 days
It is now your second year in NRC and it's that time again for the SDC. You are manager again and Ramshackle is housing the group. Vil still wanting to be coach for this event took time off and is "volunteering" to do it. He just really wants to beat Neige in some ways.
The night before the competition you hear something weird in the middle of the night coming from the basement. Knowing the ghost are asleep, and that everyone else should be asleep, you go to check it out.
There you find Ace, Epel, Vil, and Deuce, trying to keep a blindfolded neige quiet as they tie him to a chair.
Yuu: You kidnapped Neige LeBlanche?
That's illegal!
Ace: But Yuu, what's more illegal: briefly inconveniencing Neige LeBlanche or loosing the SDC for the second year in a row?!
Vil: Yuu, listen, whatever I may think of you right now, these guys are counting on you. You inspire them.
Yuu: To kidnap people?
Vil: To work together.
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jojostylesposts · 2 months
Hello everyone! Here’s an old one from the drafts. A little short but hope you guys enjoy!
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How would Jotaro show love? Hcs!
Jotaro may not show love in a traditional way, since he’s not the most expressive person physically, but here are some ways I think Jotaro may show love: ( in a little more serious way)
*Sacrifice: He’s a man of tough work. He puts his needs above his own just to make sure his loved ones are safe, even if it means rocky desicions and bad consequences.
* Physical affection: Private and behind closed doors. Acts of love do not come naturally to him due to his reserved nature. Despite that, he would move gently with soft touches like holding and caressing your hands showing emotional assurance. He’s very protective often shoving you behind him in a moment of danger shielding you from any harm. Affectionate glances, those eyes say more than you think.
* Emotional affection: Completing small tasks and missions to serve and protect is his best way of showing love since rather than verbal, Jotaro demonstrates his love through practical actions and acts of service.
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briry18 · 1 month
Yuuki: I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine! 😻 *GLOMP*
Malleus: *Just enjoying the attention*
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mazanarry · 6 months
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His name is William and
his possible stand: arabian nights
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rakiah · 2 years
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Bitching and meeting~ (feat. Faure, cutest catboy’s @ohhicas )
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foodlesoodlesdoodles · 2 months
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You are so much of someone you Never Knew
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An encounter with Summer Breeze.
REAL SHIT GUYS- THIS IS THE MOST TECHNICAL PEICE IVE EVER DONE SHIT TOOK ME ALMOST 11HRS TOO. I'd really appreciate it if the Jojo fans gave this some love! I hated the process for this but decided to keep going regardless and i do not regret that♡
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I think Kakyoin's perception of Eileen is that she's kind and sweet but really hilariously impulsive.
The entire reason she got caught up in SDC is bc she saw Kakyoin's bloody body being hefted around by Jotaro and thought, "that can't be good" and pestered her way into the Kujo residence.
He's got a soft spot for her, cause they were absolute strangers and she still felt compelled to defend him.
It was a really funny situation too, waking up disoriented + then there's this girl asking if you're alright, if 'this guy' is causing you trouble/what was that thing stuck in your head?/etc.etc.
He has a moment of "...why are you here?"
And that's when Eileen's social awareness kicks in. Here she is barging in UNIVITED into somebody's home. She goes, "I thought you might be in trouble..."
And he weakly laughs in disbelief. Has she seen Jotaro?? He could've trounced her!
The fact that even after Eileen knows Kakyoin's okay, she still conjures enough bravado to announce (not ask) that she would check up on him the next morning? Guts.
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lumibuns-blog · 2 years
Jotaro fluff-fic <3
This is a modern AU where Jotaro and Kakyoin go to the same school as you, while living with holly and the rest of the sdc
Jotaro x fem!reader
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Jotaro couldn't deny it any longer, he had a crush on you. You were kind and sweet to everyone around you, even him. You had a hard life, living alone after your father ran away and your mother tragically passed, yet even still you were always willing to help others.
You had met through having to sit next to each other in class and kakyoin of course broke the ice. At first he found your excitable and bubbly personality annoying. He soon realized the only reason he was annoyed is that he was falling for you.
That uncharacteristic kindness he extended to you is how he got in this situation in the first place: you had fallen asleep on the couch in the commons of your school, jotaro and kakyoin had stayed later because they needed to help with moving some things. They found you there, finals and tests had been hitting everyone hard, but with your need to not disappoint others you had been over working yourself. You probably just wanted to close your eyes for a second but now here you were, fast asleep, you had missed the only train back to your house, and you would get in trouble if you stayed here. Neither of them knew what to do.
Yes, they tried to wake you up, yelling, shaking, loud noises, nothing worked. You were a deep sleeper.
"We should take her with us" Jotaro said flatly
"What? That's basically kidnapping, jotaro" kakyoin replied (a little worried his friend would think of something like that)
"She can't get back to her house, she won't wake up, and we can't leave her here. It's dangerous for her to be on her own, I don't want anything to happen" jotaro muttered the last part under his breath
Kakyoin smirked "why don't you call mr. Joestar and see what he has to say, he is the one picking us up after all"
"Fine I'll call the old man" Jotaro huffed
A few moments later he returned with the knowledge that his grandpa didn't care as long as they got back in time for dinner.
"Good grief" jotaro scoffed about to leave you, he didn't want to make his feelings towards you any more obvious, so he opted to ignore them. That was, until he felt something tug on his coat, he turned around to see you had grabbed onto him in your sleep. Jotaro felt his heart flutter, he couldn't leave you now could he?
He scooped you up bridal style his arm and when you gabbed into his shirt, still asleep, he felt his knees go weak. He caught up with kakyoin who was beginning to walk outside to Mr. Joestar's car.
"Well-l" kakyoin started
"Shut it" jotaro grumbled
Yeah there was no hiding it, jotaro was head over heals for you.
Part 2???😳
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megumar · 4 months
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HAPPY 22/2 !! 🍒🐱💕
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people act like avdol wasnt really willing to murder people
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briry18 · 11 days
Chapter 5: Hi Ho, Bi Ho!
~I laughed SOOOO hard at this. I was mad when they cut it from the English Translation. This part was HYSTERICAL!!!
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The Disappearing Void Dwellers unholy trinity!
We love a villain family here 💜💙🩷
x y z
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