earlyyearslearning · 1 year
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oreostuffing41 · 29 days
Why is there always at least on teacher at every school that is crazy?
For example:
The French teacher at my school called one of her classes a bunch of conservatives because in a music video, there was a man who came out of the bathtub, and the class was shocked. She legit paused the video and told them they are so conservative, and it's all because of DeSantis and his book bannings
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denieatsart · 8 months
Schoolstories pls? •3•
Hehehhe Ofc !
1 - Us taking notes and suddenly from the other class we hear THUD then this dude scream then cut off - it sounded like he slapped his desk
2 - Onn the last day of 6th grade we put a frog on a trans flag and started singing
3 - I've gotten megalovania banned in my school
4 - In band our band director has ADD and all of us have either adhd , autism , add , ocd or are generally neurodivergent in some way . We get distracted REALLY easily such as one time we only played for 10 minutes and spent the rest of the time discussing dinosaur halloween costumes or our spirit animals being jellyfish
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fanofnightz · 5 years
One time in class we talked about teenagers around the world and we had to do this thing where everyone had to say "When I think about teenagers I think about..." and then something that came to our mind. Well, everyone said completely normal things like "school", "staying up late", "homework, etc. but when it was my turn my rock n roll addicted ass couln't say anything else than "When I think about teenagers I think of that one My Chemical Romance song.". And you know what? Only my teacher laughed 'cause she was the only one who understood that reference.
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scongor · 5 years
Okay, so I take the bus everyday and there's this super cute busdriver who, when the weather's cold, always asks the passangers if they are cold because [well I presume] that the heater isn't working. And like that's adorable i think.
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I love public school :D)) (this lad takes my bus what a legend)
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bi-gob · 6 years
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This is my school librarian and the coolest guy ive ever met. Hes my best friend and honestly the only school faculty that made me exited for anything
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blueminglight · 2 years
The Criminal in my brother's class
So this story is of when my brother was in class 3, my little brother was a very shy and innocent kid who ended up in a class of wild animals, his class had a reputation of being trouble makers and had the tag of the worst class, it was like a fish market....
here was this kid (we are gonna call him AN) he was the baddest and worst , AN slapped the vice principal ,teached everyone in class bad words ,call teachers name's you wouldn't wanna hear.(or read).so this time ,AN picked a fight and there was some physical fightings scenes like punching, pushing and all..,so what he did was push a kid and may I say ''INTENTIONALLY'' to a steel desk at the back which resulted in the the kids head popping right open, there was blood everywhere (It wasn't that serious but I am exaggerating it a bit) ,and AN's luck said i'mma head out ......THE VICE PRINCIPAL(YES THE ONE HE SLAPPED)AND THE STRICTEST TEACHER IN THE BLOCK CAME RIGHT IN, we can just imagine his face...........MY brother was just watching the show being the shy front bencher, The teacher took the kid to the nurse office and Vice principal took AN to the principaPAL'S office by the ear........my brother said AN got suspended for 2-3 months.....This was AN'S one of the Many things he had done And because my brother's school has the thing of "the same batch who were in class 1 would be together till class 10"..... So my brother is stuck this class till he is in 10.Wish him luck
(And yes the kid who got his head open was alright ,he had to get stitches).....
This was AN'S one of the Many things he had done
Wish him luck
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Story Time
In my high school there is a program by the name of AVID or advanced via individual determination. I live in the west coast so I don't know if this is a national program or not, so bare with me. It was finals week on a Tuesday, second period. We had no final that day because we started the final earlier so that that period would be a period of relaxation between finals. I will call the teacher Miss B. Miss B thought it was a fucking genius idea to give a bunch of honors and AP students the task of STAKING PEBBLES. We all thought "fuck it, why not" and each student graved 10 pebbles and proceeded to try make the tallest stack of pebbles. But no, this story does not end here, I wouldn't have put it here if it wasn't just that. Me and my friend, A, were trying hard to do the "assignment" with three other girls. Me and A where on one side of the table and the other three where in front of us. We managed to stack 4 rocks together, when the Miss B passed by with the ruler to measure the height. When the teacher put the ruler next to the rocks, I noticed two circles and to perpendicular lines drawn on the ruler. My stupid tired mind did not realize right a way what the drawing was on the back of the ruler in till I look at the "tip". I think A realized what it was as well because she snorted at the same I did. But we both lost it when we glanced at each other. My dumbass tried to pretend that I was looking for something in my backpack to hide suspicious of anything being wrong. A tried tried to hid her face, but failed miserably and knocking our hard work. When I finally get composed, I realized that the four people in front of us are looking at me and A as if we are mental. Then Miss B walks away looking at us as if where the idiots. For the rest of the period we would see other students laughing at the teacher, and Miss B getting more confused every time it happened. It's been a year and still haven't told her about the penis drawing that she accidentally flash to 30 students. I know it might not seem that funny on letters, but I was pretty hilarious when it happened.
Sorry for my grammar or spelling. I'm too lazy to fix it.
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viviegirl05 · 6 years
In chemistry this morning my prof was talking about dilution and used the example of the last sip of coke in a bottle thats basically 99% spit and has like no flavor. I couldn't help but point out that I have never experienced that and maybe he just has a serious backwash problem. Cue my prof saying “guess you could say I have a drinking problem.” *grins* *pauses for laughter* *I die laughing* Best pun in the wild I’ve ever seen!
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winnzwordz · 3 years
Rachana's special gift
Rachana’s special gift
Twelve-year-old Rachana was anxious as she entered her new class. The teacher gave her a reassuring smile, but it did not settle the butterflies in her stomach. She walked to the front of the classroom when her teacher gestured her to speak. She cleared her parched throat that had gone dry from nervousness. “Hello everyone, I’m Rachana. Pleased to meet you all.” <p value="<amp-fit-text…
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rustlegrass-blog · 6 years
Today, a some little girl from my school told me that I'm beautiful. 
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isa-skywalker · 7 years
nick rockton
Okay so, my friend Abby has (or rather had) a rock. What she was she found a rock on the ground one day and named it Nick Rockton, after drawing edgy purple hair with a marker on it. She took this rock everywhere with her. It was always in her pocket. Me and Abby's friends would all be at lunch and ask Abby, "Did you bring Nick?!?" Our circle of friends were soon deemed family members of Nick Rockton by Abby. I was the aunt. 
Nick Rockton, compared to the rest of the stuff that goes down at my school, is only mildly weird. We'd all be at lunch and ask Abby, "Did you bring Nick?!?"
Well, a few days ago, Abby took Nick into the car with her, and he fell out of her pocket and out of the car. Basically, Nick jumped out of the car and killed himself. Abby told us at school the next day what had happened, and, over the weekend, me and her planned a funeral for Nick. We sent out invites over Instagram and Snapchat with time, date, place, and extra info on them. The funeral was to take place during our lunch hour, in the cafeteria.
SO, today, at lunch, we had a funeral. Yes. We held a funeral for a rock. We all dressed in black (except for me, I had track practice today so I couldn't really be formal), and played a piano version of All Star for the music. Everyone even wrote stuff that they'd like to say about Nick on pieces of paper. Abby had made a booklet for people to sign their names in. We'd lost Nick's body, so we had an empty casket. The casket was a freaking hot dog bun. And, because we had asked for everyone who attended the funeral to bring a piece of grass (for literally no reason), this hot dog bun casket had grass all over it. Some kid tried to eat the coffin, but Abby saved it. After lunch, she and one of our other friends buried the coffin on our way back to class.
it was all literally the weirdest experience I've ever had and I'm still questioning if any of this was ever real. i hate middle school. 
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may-pandart · 7 years
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Wild spongebob appears in the lesson #spongebob #wild #schoolstory #funny #laugh #appear #pokemon #studentlife #lunch #lunchtime
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Some kid wrote thot in the gravel at school and I love it and I want to be friends with them 😂
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Oh boy. This is not a great story but it did happen today.
First of all my school blocked Tumblr. Great. That means I can't post anything during the school day only after school late at night when i finally have time. I am okay with that though. Okay here is the story:
I was in Spanish 2. In that class we were doing a game kind of deal to where we have a whiteboard, the teacher calls out a word in Spanish and we write it in English. The ting is that we were doing it as a competition. Two students in the front of the room sitting in a chair with a whiteboard and a marker. Well, this one classmate that i am not too fond of was up there in the “hot seat” the teacher calls out the word Feo. For those of you that may not know that means ugly in Spanish. My face lit up when he called out this word. I grabbed my marker and wrote down the students (that i am not fond of) name. I didn't want anyone to see but my best friend. I lift it up and show her and we both die laughing. Yeah, i know stupid joke. Suddenly i hear my teachers laugh. I look behind me and he is laughing so hard he cant stand up. I realize he saw my board. it makes the whole situation funnier. We had to pause for at least 5 mins so he could get himself together. I laughed so hard i started crying.
But yeah that's my story today. I might try and post every other day if not every day.
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