#schizoid traits
schizoidvision · 3 months
How do individuals with schizoid traits feel about the possibility of being misunderstood or pathologized?
I think that how we feel in this regard depends upon the stage of life that we have reached, and the state of our social sphere. In general, the fear of being misunderstood or pathologized tends to be a concern that arises in many of our lives, at some point or another.
We have a distinct manner of processing and interacting with our surroundings, which can diverge significantly from societal norms. This can cause us to become deeply concerned about how others perceive us, dreading the labels of 'weird' or 'insane' that might be ascribed to our unique ways of being or engaging with the world.
Our awareness of our divergence can also make us cautious, perhaps overly so, about revealing our true selves, especially if we sense that we are going to be misinterpreted or harshly judged.
Personally speaking, I have found that I have become less caring of what other people think over time.
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schizocrow · 3 months
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Guilt ? Never heard about it
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szpd, ppd & npd traits culture is HATING needing attention and needing to talk to people because "needing" something from other people implies that they have some kind of power or advantage over you, and youre letting them. even though you're better than them you still need them around and you just flip flop between hating yourself and hating them all
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evilsystemm · 2 months
NPD with ASPD and SzPD traits culture is needing admiration and attention but being unable to stand being around anyone who could give it because they're so unfathomably annoying.
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peacocking-cuckoo · 10 days
it's wild to me how stpd and szpd feel similar but with like.... a direct Point of Divergence. i definitely know that for me i was on a very direct track toward szpd until i fucking.... broke my inner world and it made me More Psychotic because now it kinda spilled on the outside and it made me start to have that push and pull toward social stuff that stpd has (rejecting/fearing/being disgusted by sociality but also craving it)
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monster42069 · 1 year
Everyone thinks having Antisocial Personality Disorder or high traits of it means someone is out there constantly committing crimes, abusing someone, plotting some form of evil, and having sex indiscriminately. In reality, one of the reasons that I’m diagnosed is because it’s 16:22 O’clock. My shift starts at 18:00. It takes me 15-20 min to arrive at work once I get into the car that needs air in the tires(5-10min). Before I leave, I need to check on my snake, shower(45min-1hr)shave/basic hygiene after neglecting that for 2 days, sort through my clothes and figure out an outfit that’s appropriate for my work’s trivia night vibes and gives off a good enough impression, dry and style my hair, grab an assortment of items I always take with me, listen to my mother scream at me for idk how many times now over how I’m late for work and she’s not going to take me anymore if I continue this because I’ll be fired and it takes up her time— very inconsiderate of me, etc. I know that I’m always late for work, and at this point it’s weird to text my boss a heads up about it since it’s so consistent. I know that it’s inconsiderate to my mother’s time, too. I don’t necessarily want to be late or upset them. But right now, like usual for this time, I’m in bed. I just put my laundry in to dry since it was next to the fridge that I needed to refill my vodka soda that I’ve been drinking for a bit now. I can’t remember which pills I took or when. I’m in pajamas. My hair is greasy. I’m unshaven. I’ve been smoking enough weed to be stupid. I know that my music is loud enough to annoy my mother in the other room. That may sound relatable to a lot of people, especially to people who have things like ADHD or Depression. But the difference is that the reason I’m this way is because I can’t care enough about anything unless the consequences(which I often don’t think of or feel like I can avoid from affecting me or manipulate to be less severe) of doing what I want instead of being responsible will seriously irk me, and I don’t feel remorse over or think about how what I choose to prioritize in my actions may be inconsiderate, make me look bad, or hurt feelings. Me lying here, drinking vodka and high while listening to music alone in a dimly lit room with my fan on and window open is what I want to prioritize because it feels good. And that’s all I can get myself to care about. I don’t care that I could lose my job for showing up late and crossfaded if it means that I get more time to feel good. I feel like I can handle whatever consequences someone throws at me because I don’t care enough about anything. And that may sound easy to you, but it isn’t something to be jealous over or think makes my life good. Being this way is the reason my cycle of trauma and unfortunate circumstances continue and repeat, never ending. If your behavior shows that you’re uncaring enough times, life gets violent. I’m not immune to consequences— but I’m stuck in a cycle of allowing it to be my norm.
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takeyourcyanide · 2 months
It’d be nice if the people around me would understand that me not desiring any form of relationship, may that be a friendship, sexual, or romantic doesn’t mean I’m trying to hide the fact that I’m gay. I’m not attracted to anyone. Sure, if you forced me into a relationship, I wouldn’t care about the other’s sex or gender, but I’m just not interested. And I’m not lonely either. Ever since I was little, really born, I never once desired friendships or affection or anything. I liked my solitude. They just seemed like a chore that I’d gain no joy from, and I was used to spending my time alone, anyway. The only reason I ended up attempting to make a friend was because I was curious about what human relationships were like. Not to mention, social interaction can be a chore and rather demanding at times. I either make too little eye contact or too much. I am always too inexpressive and monotone for people. I never know when to end the conversation, so I awkwardly rely on the other person to do so. And if for some reason I don’t have a script prepared, then everything comes out scrambled. Not always entirely incoherent, but jumbled and hard to understand. I may repeat myself too often, forget words, pause a lot, and can just find it generally difficult to express or explain my point or thoughts. It’s frustrating having to always make certain that the other understands. I might talk more about that later.
I don’t really know why I’m posting this shit, as I don’t typically like to talk about myself at all. It’s just fun to hear other people’s thoughts about it, I suppose, and it’s so fascinating to me that people can relate. Tiny me would’ve found it interesting, as well. And very cool!
My relatability points might end up going down once I mention not feeling prosocial emotions, though. Or a lot of emotions in general. The fact that people often cycle through over 26 emotions on the daily is astounding. Though I’ve never actually felt shocked before, I don’t know what else to say about that. I guess “Wowowowo”
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bunnihearted · 5 months
secretely i hope that my family will keep excluding me and society will keep failing me so that i get pushed further and further and will develop schizoid traits so i stop longing aching and wanting human connection :p
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imnothingimnobody · 1 year
Schizoid personality disorder (/ˈskɪtsɔɪd, ˈskɪdzɔɪd, ˈskɪzɔɪd/, often abbreviated as SzPD or ScPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency toward a solitary or sheltered life style, secretiveness, emotional coldness, detachment, and apathy. Affected individuals may be unable to form intimate attachments to others and simultaneously possess a rich and elaborate but exclusively internal fantasy world. Other associated features include stilted speech, a lack of deriving enjoyment from most activities, feeling as though one is an "observer" rather than a participant in life, an inability to tolerate emotional expectations of others, apparent indifference when praised or criticized, a degree of asexuality, and idiosyncratic moral or political beliefs.
Table to understand: OVERT traits: self concept
lacking assertiveness
feeling inferior and an outsider in life COVERT TRAITS:
alternately feeling empty, robot-like and full of omnipotent, vengeful fantasies
hidden grandiosity
OVERT traits: relationships with others withdrawn
have few close friends
impervious to others' emotions
COVER TRAITS with others
exquisitely sensitive
deeply curious about others
hungry for love
envious of others' spontaneity
intensely needy of involvement with others
capable of excitement with carefully selected intimates SOCIALLY: prefer solitary occupational and recreational activities
marginal or eclectically sociable in groups
vulnerable to esoteric movements owing to a strong need to belong
tend to be lazy and indolent lack clarity of goals
weak ethnic affiliation
usually capable of steady work
quite creative and may make unique and original contributions
capable of passionate endurance in certain spheres of interest
ove and sexuality
asexual, sometimes celibate
free of romantic interests
averse to sexual gossip and innuendo
secret voyeuristic interests
vulnerable to erotomania
tendency towards compulsive perversions
Ethics, standards, and ideals
idiosyncratic moral and political beliefs
tendency towards spiritual, mystical and para-psychological interests
moral unevenness
occasionally strikingly amoral and vulnerable to odd crimes, at other times altruistically self-sacrificing
Cognitive style
engrossed in fantasy
vague and stilted speech
alternations between eloquence and inarticulateness
autistic thinking
fluctuations between sharp contact with external reality and hyperreflectiveness about the self
autocentric use of language IT HURTS SO FUCKING BAD
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some-pers0n · 8 months
Asking this on anon because I'm shy but what's your opinion on Qibli having NPD? He struck me as coded as having NPD, but I have not seen any other fans speculate anything related.
(Also, please let me know if this is offensive to pwNPD. I am very sorry if it is.)
NPD Qibli? Yeah, I can see it. Honestly if DOD was a better written book that actually discussed about Qibli's main flaw (ie his constant anxiety around being perceived as perfect and his need for attention and love for others), I can definitely see him matching the criteria for NPD. Grandiose ideas and fantasies that he's ashamed of and tries to hide. Him feeling like he's unlovable and needing to put on a persona to have others consider him as even slightly likeable. His trauma about it all stems from being neglected and horribly treated by his parents, so it matches up and could very well be shaped into something like NPD. Yeah. I'd argue he'd also have BPD to some regard, considering how he has a bunch of other symptoms of it (and how most PDs tend to overlap).
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sleepy-shutin · 1 month
it's been such a long time since i've had someone to talk to regularly that i actually feel close to, understood by. nobody understood me like one person did, and now we interact so intermittently that it doesn't matter anymore what we used to have. nobody got me like this one person did.
i know that what i'm experiencing is the consequences of putting "all of it" onto one person, but i really didn't feel understood or close to anyone else the way i did with them, and now that that period of my life is over (it seems), i'm left feeling rather lost.
eventually it'll happen again and i'll have a person like that sometime in the future, because that's kind of just how life goes, it's endlessly cyclical. but having to navigate the periods in between is admittedly difficult.
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schizocrow · 3 months
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Npd + szpd traits culture is socializing for external validation and then disappearing off the face of the earth. Human interaction only exists to compliment me otherwise it is useless
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celecaster · 2 months
Brain damage cured me of ASPD but gave me StPD. Schizoidness remains consistent and perpetual however, cementing it as the most important of personality constructs.
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lonelymoongirl · 5 months
sometimes i really wonder how people expect me to just keep going with them like. i receive nothing yet im somehow supposed to like magically just .... like with conversations for example. i can say things and talk about things but they never touch on anything i said. then they dont resally give me much. then i have yto just keep coming up with topics and things to say but it's like. you dont care what i say anyway so why do you expect me to keep talking???? im gonna run out of things to say eventually. especially when nothing i say is ever touched upon. i dont know. conversations just drain me so much like what the fuck am i even supposed to say or talk about. and it doesnt matter if i do have things to say because no one will listen to it anyway. haha.... i wish i didnt care. i wish i could just stop talking altogether. i dont want to feel this need to talk and share. i wish i could completely retreat into myself and not pay attention or bother with the world around me. why cant i just do that
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cluster a with npd traits culture is thank god i'm the hottest and smartest person ever or else i would've offed myself by now
I have some npd traits and. yeah absolutely
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