#say what you want about christian but this is made my eyes well up.
ef-1 · 1 year
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This is literally horrifying.
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vivwritesfics · 9 months
Mini Me
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With how shitty my life is rn, I keep having these depressive episodes. Turns out my depressive episodes breed fluff
Max's six year old son has just started karting and his wife has to take him. Boy oh boy, does he miss his wife and son.
"So, Max, can we expect to see your little one around the paddock today?"
Ever since the day he was born, Fabian Verstappen had been seen with his parents around the Formula One paddock. He was always smiling and waving at those he knew and those he didn't. Fabian Verstappen was the happiest boy around.
Max was very proud of his boy. He showed him off to whoever he could. When he was young, he sat on Max's hip while he completed interviews and such.
Fabian was Max's number one supporter (Tied only by Max's wife and Fabians mother, Y/N. She followed him around the world three times before agreeing to marry him. It was a year long engagement, and in that time Y/N found out she was pregnant. They managed to keep it hidden until after their wedding, although Y/N did have to get a dress that better fit her bump).
There was a year between Fabian being born and him being able to attend his first race. Christian was happy to get him fitted out in Red bull Racing merchandise. He got his own little hat and a too large Red bull shirt with a thirty three on it (Max had lost that years championship. Red bull had won the constructors but Max had just missed out on the WDC. Red bull had worked out the kinks in the car and Max was bound to win this year, just as he had the previous year).
This year was the first year Fabian and Y/N weren't there to cheer Max on. And interviewers certainly picked up on it.
"Uh, no," Max answered when they asked about Fabian. "He and my wife are at a karting event right now."
The interviewer gave him a nod. "Following in your footsteps perhaps?"
Letting out a laugh, Max nodded his head. "We can only hope," he said.
"Do you think we'll be seeing him in a Red bull Racing suit in the next fifteen years?"
Again, Max nodded his head. "If he's anything like his dad, he'll be in a Red bull Racing suit before that," he said and adjusted the cap on his head.
Max left the interview and checked his phone. As much as he wanted Fabian and Y/N at his race, he knew how important karting was to his son.
Max has always been Fabian's hero. His first full sentence was 'I wanna be like daddy'. Max and Y/N did whatever they could to make Fabian's dream come true.
The one thing Fabian wanted but he couldn't have was to have his daddy at his karting races, watching him. There had been a lot of screaming and crying while Max and Y/N tried to explain to him why his father couldn't be there.
But Fabian had made friends at his Karting matches. He and the other kids he had raced against got along like peas in a pod. Fabian's first ever play date was with his karting friends. Some of them had been sat with their eyes and mouths wide open while Max brought them juice. They couldn't believe he, their hero and favourite driver, was Fabian's dad.
Max pulled out his phone and checked his messages. Nothing from his wife yet, but Fabian's race should have been done, he realised when he checked the time.
Dialling her number, Max pressed his phone to his ear.
It took Y/N a moment to pick up. "Hey handsome," she said in a chipper voice when she picked up the phone. Her voice was distant and slightly distorted, and Max realised she was in the car.
"Hello, Liefje. How's our little racer?" He asked her.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Came Fabian's voice. "I won! I won! I won!" He shouted.
Well, that answered Max's question. His cheeks were warm as he smiled, listening to his son. "Ik ben zo trots op je, mijn jongen. Ik kan niet wachten om jullie twee weer te zien!" (I'm so proud of you, my boy. I can't wait to see you too again!)
There was a moment before Fabian responded. He was fluent in English and French, but he was only good at Dutch. It still took him some time before he could work out what Max was saying and respond.
"Papa, ik... heb een... trofee." (Daddy, I got a trophy.)
There was a certain sense of joy that filled Max whenever Fabian answered him in Dutch. "Fabi, make sure mommy sends me a picture of your trophy," he said.
"I will do, Maxy," Y/N responded for the little boy. "Fabi, what do we say to papa?"
Again, Fabian was quiet for a moment. "Oh!" He suddenly cried from the back of the car. "Good luck with your race, Papa! Maybe you can win like me!"
The Verstappens laughed.
"Good luck, Max. Call me after you've won."
"I will, Liefje. I love you."
"I love you too."
Max hung up the phone after that. He his qualifying to get ready for. As he got ready, though, he spent the entire time thinking about his wife and son. He checked his phone constantly, waiting for Y/N to send over the picture of Fabian and his trophy.
No father had ever been prouder of his little boy than Max. Fabian was his everything and he couldn't wait to see him in the big leagues. Who knows, maybe Max would still be racing alongside him. Maybe he'd have Horner's job, team principle of Red bull Racing while his son raced as their number one driver.
No matter what, Max would always be Fabian's number one supporter.
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cherry-leclerc · 9 months
fucked-up little thrill ☆ cl16
genre: pwp but also porn with plot (the best of both worlds!), humor, she truly is a maneater in disguiseee
word count: 8.3K
There’s a difference between warning and danger - you happen to be both. Though, Charles only sees the green light, go. Well, we can all imagine how this will already go.
nsfw warnings under the cut!
18+...oral (m and f receiving), fingering, handjob, penetrative sex, riding, slight cry, unprotected sex
inspired by this and this !
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“She’ll mess with your head, man. You’re going to wish she had never looked your way.” 
“I told my mom about her. Crap, I bought her an engagement ring after a few days of knowing her.”
“Four words: Get. The. Fuck. Out.”
“Do you know how fucked in the head you have to be in order to willingly go after her? Fucking pathetic. Sure, I did the same, but hear me out-”
Despite the warnings, he didn’t pay them any attention. He thought he was going crazy for sure when he saw two guys on their knees, begging:  Run, just do it. And whatever you do, don’t look back.
Charles wasn’t even listening. 
The nights were beginning to get warmer, yet there was still a slight breeze. Spring was rolling in. What an innocent season to meet the wildest card Charles has ever dealt. 
“...then she laughed so hard that, Jesus Mary and Joseph, my heart went bananas! Y’know what I did next? I asked her, ‘You want a slice?’ I meant the tiramisu, guys! She thought I was talking about myself! T’was the most embarrassing thing. Made me look like a bloody narcissist.” Lando whined as he leaned onto the table to hide his face.
George snorts. “Ah don’t worry mate, I would gladly take a slice.” Lando groans, further rubbing his forehead onto the table. So much so, that it began to squeak.
“Alright, calm down before you shed your skin off. It wasn’t that bad.” Alex voices, as he pops a curly fry into his mouth. 
“Easy for you to say! You basically have the person you’re going to get married to! You’re safe.” The Brit pouts. He then lifts his head up and wipes away a single tear. Everyone explodes into laughter.
“Muppet, c’mon we were kidding! Weren’t we just fooling around, Charles?” Carlos wiggles his eyebrows at the Monegasque. Charles rolled his eyes playfully.
“Yes, of course we were joking,” he starts. Lando looks up, seemingly feeling better as everyone began to agree. We were just playing around!
“Then again, how did you even fall for a girl like that?” Charles finishes his sentence. 
“Argh. You don’t get itttt,” Lando wails in defeat. “When you meet a girl like that, you don’t question it. You just thank God for sending her your way and then BAM! She just walks out of your life.”
Hm - Charles thinks to himself as he takes a sip of Martini - naive, naive little Lando. 
Charles met you that same night he was out for dinner with the boys. He was waiting for his car from the valet; shooting Joris a quick text.
"Sorry," he overhears a soft voice, but still didn’t pay much attention.
"Sorry? You’re sorry? We both know goddamn well that you’re sorry about nothing. Nada. Zeeerrrooo," a man's voice angrily shouts back, voice slurring. 
Charles turns and sees a man running his hands through his blonde hair, walking back and forth in despair. Then, his eyes move to find you.
Standing tall in the tightest, shortest, black dress he's ever seen. So, the little black dress truly does exist. Glowy skin shining through from the lights decorating the outside of the restaurant. Your legs appear miles long, feet paired with your nicest set of heels, Joli Queen Glitter. Red fucking bottoms. Christian Louboutin at its finest. Rich jewelry sits on your wrists, fingers, and neck. 
Even with all that in the way, all he notices is just how drop-dead gorgeous you are. Suddenly, his fingers get clammy. What the hell? His jaw was clenched. Literally, why? His pants were growing tight because oh God he was already har- Alright, now that’s just crazy, Charles. Get it together.
“Yes. Whether you believe me or not, I’m sorry. Maybe you just shouldn’t have set high expectations,” you spoke, looking down.
“Are you being fucking serious right now? You’re smiling? You think this is funny! Oh God, what the fuck is wrong with you, you crazyyyy bitch!” The man continues, sharply pointing his finger at you accusingly. He genuinely looks like he’s about to start crying for his mommy.
“Okay mate, I think that’s enough. Why don’t I call you a cab?” Charles speaks up from where he’s standing. You and the mysterious guy turn to look at him. 
You shoot a smile as the man's eye starts twitching.
“Oh great! Great, great, great,” the man chants. “What an idiotic thing to believe that you hadn't gotten rid of me already! How could I not see it coming?” He drops to his knees and starts rocking back and forth. “On my dead hamster's birthday!” Levi, Charles later finds out, cries out to the sky. “Couldn’t this have happened any other day?” Charles cringes. “Call me that shitty ass cab, dude.”
So, you stand close by as Charles helps plop Levi inside with the help of the cab driver. They buckle him up and off they go. 
Not before Levi pokes his out the window. “I swear I’m not being bitter when I tell you to fucking save yourself!”
Both of you are left there standing quietly. You pout your red lips as you pull out your phone to call a cab for yourself. 
“Need a lift?”
Glancing around silently, you sneak a look at Charles. Handsome, you ponder, just a tiny bit. Outrageous lie. You quickly scold yourself for being so untruthful. This man was the most beautiful kind you’ve seen in your entire life. 
“Take it that was your boyfriend back there?” He taps his fingers against the wheel.
“Mmm. Hardly. No, he isn’t - wasn’t - my boyfriend by any means. Some guys just instantly assume stuff over any girl that pays them any ounce of attention.” You lazily trace shapes onto your thigh. You tug your dress down a bit, licking your lips. “Thanks for helping me out back there. It was really sweet.”
He notices the way you never look up from your lap as you’re speaking. It’s kind of endearing, just how soft you can be. “Don’t mention it…it was…no problem.”
He walks you from his car to your house. It's small, pastel yellow with a mailbox that reads; No more love letters. Seriously. “Cute,” he comments. You blush.
“Oh, that. Sorry, I live with my two best friends and they wrote that as a joke,” you ramble as you click your heel shyly. “They said it would help out with my, and I quote, ‘secret admirers.’” You let out a tired laugh as you finally build up the courage to look at the man standing right in front of you.
“To be honest, that makes sense.” He tilts his head a bit, analyzing your eyes. “Beautiful girls should receive beautiful letters.”
Tongue tied, you stare back with a pleased smile. 
“This is so unlike me, but would you like to go out some time?”
Easiest question ever asked.
A few nights later, he finally decides it would be a good day to take you out to dinner. Testing went well and the car was finally on the right track. He took this as a good omen.
“How long have you lived in Italy now?” you quiz, as you bring your Shirley Temple closer to your lips.
“Oh, um, for quite a while now. I mean it’s really only for work. I go home any chance I get.”
“Sweet. Where are you from?”
Your eyes grow wide with excitement. “Really! Monaco is so beautiful!” Your childlike squeal makes him smile brightly.
“Have you ever been?” You sadly shake your head, hair bouncing back and forth. Soft floral fills the air.
“Nope, but I wish to one day. I just know I’ll love it so much…” You trail off. “It’s just that growing up my favorite movie was Monte Carlo. Would beg my mom to play it any chance I could.” Maroon coats your cheekbones. He furrows his dark brows in confusion.
“Monte Carlo? You know, starring Selena Gomez?” His soft features pinch together. “...Leighton Meester? Katie Cassidy?” You desperatelyspit your words, trying to assist. He continues shaking his head. Never heard of it.
Your mood grows sulky as you pout. Leaning back, you finally take a sip of your drink. Oh, well now I really want something stronger than this.
“I would love to watch it some time though!” Charles tries as his voice cracks. He winces.
“Sure!” Though, you're not looking at him anymore. Your eyes are trained behind him. He’s about to turn around and ask if you’re fine, when you finally speak up. “I think I’ll go to the bar for another drink. Be right back!” He huffs. 
You weren’t back for almost too long. Finally, deciding to go look for you, he stands and takes long strides all around the dark restaurant. When he finds you he sees you’re not alone. 
A man in an all black suit seems to be your new company. You giggle as he appears to slide some type of business card to you. Just as you're about to grab it Charles strolls over to you both.
“Is your drink finally ready?” he asks as he wraps a protective arm around your waist. You flinch. You hadn’t even seen him walk over.
“Charles!” you shriek, as you crumble the piece of paper into the palm of your hard, hurriedly. You pray that he hadn’t noticed, but he had. Something inside of him told him not to ask. “I was actually on my way back. Did you need anything? A drink?” you ask, furrowing your brows attentively. 
“No, thank you, amour,” Charles warmly replies, looking into your glossy eyes. You truly were the best thing he’s ever laid eyes on.
“My apologies for getting in the way.” The man extends his hand out to Charles. “Aiden Quinn, pleasure to meet you.”
Charles may be upset that Aiden ruined his date, but he wasn’t keen on being rude, so begrudgingly, he shook his hand. “Charles Leclerc.” See, normally Charles isn’t the type to throw his name out like that expectantly, but he felt as if he had a point to make. He did, though. I was here first. 
The man grins ear to ear, nodding. “Yes, that’s where I know you from. I knew you looked familiar. Formula 1 driver, right? Ferrari?” He points with a knowing smile. 
“Scuderia’s number one driver, yes.” His grip around your waist stays secure. Meanwhile, your eyes are open to their fullest. Surprisingly, you had no idea. 
“Certainly. I’m one of the team's ambassadors, actually,” Aiden challenges. Charles clenches his jaw. “When you have million dollar businesses all around the world, you try to find a place to help. Ferrari really needs it at the moment.” You’re equally as shocked with Aiden as you are with Charles.
“Well then, I’ll make sure to dedicate my next podium to you I suppose." You shift uncomfortably. This reminds him you’re there. With him. Ha! Take that, Quinn! “Anyhow, I would love to chit chat with fellow fans, but I must say we have to get going.” He holds your hand firmly as he leads you out.
“Goodbye, Aiden!” you beam as you depart ways. 
“Formula 1 driver now, is it?” you curiously ask as you look over where he has one hand over the steering wheel and running the other calmly through his hair. 
“Thought you knew.”
“I had no clue! Zip!” you shriek as fling your arms through the air. He laughs as he pulls into an abandoned parking lot. 
“In the mood for something sweet?”
“Grazie mille,” the Monegasque says as he's handed cones of freshly made gelato. Smiling, he makes his way back to you. Hands you per requested raspberry, as he keeps his lemon one. 
“Molto gentile.” You inspect and nod your head in approval. Just hearing your tongue curl in Italian has him swooning. You take a lick and release a soft moan. “So sweet. Best I’ve ever had,” you declare as you continue enjoying your treat innocently.
Charles gulps, trying to cool down. “I told you it was the best.” He shoots a wink over to Luca, the owner, for keeping the shop open for a few more minutes. 
“You scared me a bit back there.”
“Pfft. With that Aiden guy…I’m sorry about that–”
“God no. Honestly, I completely forgot about that,” you mutter. “I meant with that whole, ‘In the mood for something sweet?’. Thought you were like the rest.”
The 25 year old keeps quiet for a minute. He gathers his thoughts before settling with, “I promise I’m not.”
“Keeping my fingers crossed you aren’t.” You look around with twinkling eyes. “You know, a date I once had asked me-”
You want a slice?
“It shocked me how straight forward he was being. It wasn’t even our second date! I barely even knew the guy.” You frown at the memory. “Then he blamed it on the tiramisu.”
I meant the tiramisu, guys!
God no. 
“Never saw him again,” you finish as you finally focus back on him. A pale Charles is all you find.
“Woah, are you okay?” 
“Yes! I’m so good! You look lovely! Did I mention it already cause if I didn’t then call me the worst date ever!” He begins nervously laughing. His gelato dripping all over his arm.
“I think you did.” You smile as you hand him a few napkins. He returns the gesture, thanking you. “And don’t worry about it, leave that spot for Lando. Now he might take the crown.”
Charles let out a groan.
Charles went back and forth deciding whether he should reach out to you. He liked you. A lot. Nonetheless, he was hesitating because he just couldn’t do something like that to Lando. The Brit was as bummed out as one could get. So, it's settled. Bye bye baby.
“Of course. Tonight at 8,” your voice confirms on the other side of the line. Charles celebrates with a quick dance.
“See you then.”
He decides today that he wants to switch things up. Do something that would make him stand out from anyone that came before him. 
“Monaco?” Leaning on the hood of Charles' car, you feel you have to be dreaming. He nods his head lively.
“I could show you around, y’know be your personal tour guide.”
“You should have warned me! I don’t have anything ready!” you yelp as you hold your hands over your heart, frantically. He would be more worried if it weren’t for you smiling like the Cheshire Cat.
“We still have time. Come on, I’ll help you pack.”
When you make it to Monaco you’re greeted by a young guy wearing glasses, driving a Ferrari Pista. Charles and him fit in a quick embrace before they turn their attention back to you.
“Ah yes, this is Joris. He’s one of my closest friends,” Charles states as you warmly reach for a handshake. 
Reciprocating, Joris says, “Very nice to meet you.” You smile, returning the greeting. “Must say, you are just as beautiful as Cha had mentioned, if not more.” You blush as Charles clears his throat awkwardly.
“D'accord, mec. Pas besoin de le dire au monde entier,” Charles mutters. “Thank you for picking us up.” Joris nods, carrying your luggages. You share a quick goodbye before he finally makes his way to another car. “That’s also one of my very good friends, Marta.” You smile and wave as they drive off. 
Monaco definitely met your expectations. Everything just captivated your attention so much that you wouldn’t be surprised if you started to drool. 
“Holy shit. Your home is absolutely stunning!” you gasp. He wheels your bags in as he exhales.
“Merci. Make yourself at home.”
Thankfully, the flight was quick so you both have plenty of energy to go out for a late night snack. He takes you to his; Favorite place in the world! You’ll see.
A little stand sits in the corner of the street. 
“Lou makes one of the best crepes. Trust me, I’ve been a loyal customer since my school days.”
A little old lady is attending to customers, but stops as soon as she spots Charles. “Charlie! Chérie, je ne savais pas que tu étais de retour!” She makes her way around to hug him.
“Des projets de dernière minute, mais j'ai juste envie de manger une de tes incroyables crêpes,” he replies, as they pull away.
“And who is this pretty girl?” she questions as she looks at you, standing there patiently.
“Oop, hello. I’m a friend of Charles.” Lou smiles teasingly.
“Charlie, tu es là pour me dire que tu vas te marier?” Lou suddenly looks over the moon.
“Non!” he quickly shouts, so suddenly, you and Lou both jump a bit. Tight lipped, he apologizes.
“Like she said, we’re just friends."
The next morning after breakfast he recommends you bring something you can swim with. Skipping your way to his room, which he is kindly sacrificing for you, you roam through your luggage until you find a baby blue bikini. 
“You don’t get sea sick by any means, right?” He looks over at you with scrunched brows underneath a pair of glossy black Ray Bans. You shake your head.
You make your way to a tiny boat before he helps you settle in. You grab his hand softly as you step into it. A single touch of electricity seems to link your fingertips. It catches you both so off guard that he lets go of you so swiftly, you don’t even notice as you plunge into the water.
You let out a quick yelp before you go underwater and his hands fly to his head in embarrassment. You resurface with wet hair covering your face.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry!” he apologizes before extending his arm out for you to grab. Pushing your hair out of your face, you giggle. 
“It’s okay, I got it.”
Once you independently get on the boat, he unties the rope off the deck and takes a seat himself to drive you both to the unknown destination.
“Pretty please, can I know now where we’re going?” you squeal with puppy eyes. 
Lord help me, he thinks before replying. “We’re going to a little island I love. Îles de Lérins.” You look ahead, nodding patiently. “It’s beautiful, you’ll see.”
When you arrive it’s easy to understand that there doesn’t seem to be that many people. You basically have the place to yourselves.
He helps you off, not dropping you this time. There’s a small trail you both begin to take. It’s something peaceful, the moment you’re in. You almost wish to fit it into a snow globe. 
“My parents would always bring my brothers and I here all the time during summer when we were younger,” Charles confesses.
“You have brothers?” 
He turns to look at you, then continues ahead. “Yes. Two.” He kicks a rock out of his way, but something you didn’t know was just how clumsy this man child could be.
“Ouch!” you groan in pain as your hand flies up to your nose.
“Jesus! What’s wrong with me today? Are you okay? I’m so sorry!” He runs to you all panicky now.
You take it back. Break the goddamn snow globe.
You try tilting your head back to ease the blood pouring out your nose before he gently grips your face to gain your attention. You scrunch your eyes, sun suddenly blinding you. Quickly, he takes off his glasses and places them over your eyes. As you open them you notice he’s shirtless. He places his shirt on your nose to clean you up. You flinch a bit.
Instantly, you’re thankful for the sunglasses because wondering eyes were all you could give him. His lean muscles were just begging to be praised. 
You shake your head before taking the Puma shirt from him. “Thanks,” you mutter as you focus on a nearby tree. “Starting to think you might hate me or something.”
“Of course not... I could never hate you!” His voice cracks in nervousness. You snicker.
After a bit more wiping, you are as good as new. You both decide to take a dip while the water feels good. You strip from your Levi shorts and t-shirt. Dipping a toe to test the temperature, you shoot him two thumbs up. 
The ocean feels so fresh and silky against your skin. You can’t seem to remember the last time you’ve enjoyed someone’s company like this, even if they almost ruled you to the ends of Earth. Two fingers press against your neck. You spring one eye open and you see Charles biting down on his thumb. He relaxes.
“Sorry, I thought you crossed the line to the afterlife.”
You tread water to stretch your legs out. “I’m fine.”
He takes this time to note things he hadn’t paid attention to before. Like how your lashes pin against your skin since they’re wet. Or how a tiny bit of freckles are sprinkled on your nose. He curses himself for not having seen it any sooner. Pretty was an understatement. You were extraordinary. 
A few hours later you guys are back at his house sharing a pizza. Pepperoni, you both loved a classic.
“There’s no bruise,” he points out almost proudly. You shoot a playful scowl. He walks over to the T.V. and clicks the remote. “Monte Carlo?”
He loved it, the way you said he would. He especially enjoyed watching how much you loved it. 
“This movie was too ahead of its time,” you confirm as you dig your feet under the blanket you had curled into. 
“Well at least Grace and Theo got their happily ever after,” he pronounces. You shoot an impressed look. “What? I was listening.” You crawl up next to him and pat his cheek. His dimples pop out from how hard he’s smiling. 
He can’t help it the moment he reaches to cradle your face to press your lips together. He can’t help but let a moan slip out when you finally kiss him back. 
Finally, he picks you up to adjust you on his lap, which you comfortably settle into. You feel him underneath you so clearly you can’t help but move your hips. He feels so good.
The heated moment continues as he wraps his hands around the curve of your ass. You pull away as your lips move down to his neck. He almost gasps the moment you lick down his throat. It doesn’t help that you’ve been keeping your hips in motion. 
He almost passes out the moment your lips move to his ear and ask, no, beg; Let me taste you, please. How could he ever deny such offer?
Making your way down to your knees, he adjusts himself on the couch. He thinks to himself that if he were standing he would’ve made a fool out of himself because just the sight of you in front of him has him choking on his own breath. You just look so pretty.
You tug his shorts down, along with his boxers, and bite down on your lip as you grab his cock, softly. He has to stop himself from jerking into your hand. Precum sprouting from his tip. You can’t wait as you take kitten licks. Fuck, he whimpers. The sound of his voice makes you squeeze your thighs together.
Wrapping your lips around him, your hands reach to balance yourself against his thighs. You moan at the feeling of having him inside your mouth, drooling all over his lap.
This itself, is too much for Charles and thinks he’ll barely even be able to survive as his head turns against the couch' pillow with closed lids. You start bobbing your head and one hand flings down to jerk off what you can’t reach. He groans at the feeling. 
You start off slow but suddenly start picking up your pace. He opens his eyes, dazed, to catch a glimpse of you on your knees and this sight is something he won’t be able to forget even if he tried. With glassy eyes, you look up at him. You make a show of releasing your lips from his cock as you lap your tongue along it. Before going back at it, you twirl your tongue a couple of times around his tip before giving it a quick suck, then deep throat him. 
He grits his teeth as if to help deal with any of this but when you start toying with yourself he lets out the loudest whine he’s ever produced. You look up smiling, grazing your teeth lightly along him and he hisses at the feeling. Proudly, you fit him back into your mouth. 
“God, your mouth feels so fucking good,” he manages to get out before you solely start jerking him off.
“What about my hands?” you seductively tease. The sounds coming from both your hands and his cock should be considered a sin itself. He groans as he looks back to make eye contact with you.
“Your hands too, baby.”
He knows he’s close the moment you twist your wrist perfectly. So so good. You know he’s close when he begins to twitch underneath your fingertips. 
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” he chants as you continue your dirty movements. He makes sure to look at you, focused, eyes drawn to his cock.
“Cum for me, Charles,” you coo as he finally bucks his hips into your hands and hot cum shoots all over your face. You wickedly smile as your lips reach his cock to continue swallowing the rest that is being released. He grabs you face to pull you off him and hauls you once again onto his lap. He’s about to kiss you before you pull away and point at the mess on your face. 
You wipe two fingers along your face and bring them to your mouth to clean them off. A pop is released when you let go. He shudders. 
This is the moment, Charles realizes, he’s so screwed.
When you make it back to Italy you realize that all you’ll have are a few fleeting moments together. With Charles going back to racing and you continuing your online classes, you’re both bound to be booked.
Though, Charles just isn’t ready to let you go. And a fucked up man will make fucked up choices when due.
So, he strings you along with him to the Miami GP. He realizes there’s a strong chance you might bump shoulders with Lando, but to be completely honest, he was past caring. He was completely smitten with you.
You wear your white summer dress as you are sprawled on his hotel bed. You’re a mess.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you whimper as Charles fingers slip in and out of you. He’s feverishly kissing down the side of your thighs, bites left in between. You groan in slight pain as you tug on his soft hair. This man has brought out the moon and stars, for you.
“C’mon baby, look at me,” he whispers as he paints you with hickeys in between your legs. Somewhere no one else will ever be able to catch a glimpse of. You nod your head as you look down to find him gripping your dress over your thighs, eating you out like a starved man. You shut your eyes as you release a few soft pants, the heels of your feet press deeper against his Ferrari polo.
“Open you’re eyes.”
You shake your head. You wish you could look at him, you really wanted to, but it’s just too much take in. You wanted to make this last.
But Charles was greedy. He wanted to taste you. He stops everything all at once. You let out a cry. Fuck him.
You bring your arms around his neck, loosely, as he kisses your shoulder. “Why’d you stop?”
“You weren’t looking at me.”
With all your strength you open your glittered eyelids. 
“That’s a good girl,” he coos as he picks you up and sits you at the edge of the bed. You look down at him confused as he gets on his knees in front of you.
“If you can’t look at me, then you’re going to have to look at yourself,” he directs as he begins to push your dress back up your waist. You lean against your elbows as you realize what other than Charles is in front of you.
A shiny glass mirror.
With a slightly open mouth you’re about to protest before Charles picks up right where he left off. He spits on your clit before rubbing it. You bite down on your bottom lip so hard, you draw blood. 
“Don’t tell me I have to get you to moan now?” Charles stares at you with furrowed brows. You shake your head no before he kisses your knee. “Good.”
He makes sure you look straight at your reflection before he curls his fingers inside of you. You mewl at the touch. Your legs beg to bring him closer.
He lets out a light chuckle before repeating his motion. With sleepy eyes, you stare at the way your legs rest against his shoulders. You had painted your nails bloody mary a few nights before, in support of him and his team. Your face all fucked up singly by Charles’ long fingers and delicate touch, red lipstick all over your mouth from how heavy your make out with Charles had been.
To him, you looked like an angel. 
You squeal as he presses his nose against your pussy. You grind against his face. He pulls away and you whine, looking at him desperately.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re okay,” he reassures you as he moves up to kiss your cheek and then your pouty lips. 
“Cha, please,” you beg hopelessly. He grins as he pushes your hair out of your face and runs his thumb across your lips trying to clean you up a bit.
You take a chance and wrap your lips around his finger, and you begin to suck. Expertly, you swirl your tongue. Eyes look back at him, almost challenging. He lets out a strained groan.
With all the willpower he has left, he removes his finger from your mouth. Nicely wet, he presses it back where you needed him the most.
“Thank you, baby, you shouldn’t have.” You cry out at the sudden size of his thumb now being inside of you. He switches out his thumb for his middle and ring finger. You throw your head back. All the back and forth almost has you blacking out a few times. Charles gives you a quick peck, fingers building speed, as he pulls your dress down a bit to release your plump tits.
Now he’s at a loss for words. Quickly, he regains his composure and starts sucking on your left nipple, legs squeezing around his waist as a reflex. One hand flies to the back of his head as one makes its way to cup his cheek adoringly.
He moans against you, sucking hard before moving his attention to your right nipple. The way you’re wailing against him has him painfully hard against his jeans.
“Yes, God yes right there, Charlie,” you let out as you grind against his hand. He detaches his lips from your chest as he smiles up at you. 
“I’m right here, baby. Cum for me, yeah?” You let out the most pornographic moan as you finish around his hand. Tears make their way down your cheeks. Cleans his fingers, he shuts his eyes satisfied, before he towers over your body, pressing kisses all over.
You giggle. “That tickles." The 25 year old’s heart doubles in size at the sound of your fucked out voice. 
“Why don’t we get you cleaned up before the race?”
The race results weren't the best Charles has had, that’s for sure. Head hung, he makes his way to his motorhome. There he finds you on the tiny little bed, curled up, watching the rest of the ongoing interviews. As soon as you notice him you jump up to your feet and walk to him.
It's almost as if you knew how down he was feeling when you wrap your arms around his waist and pressing your face against his chest. He instantly feels better as his arms swaddle over your shoulders, chin atop your pretty hair.
“You did good,” you mumble. You press a faint kiss on his suit before looking up.
“I fucked up. I got P7.”
You frown at him before holding his face between your soft palms. “P7 is good, what do you mean?” He just shakes his head. “You’ve never heard of seven being a lucky number?”
He scoffs, but not at you, never you. More at himself. “Lucky?”
You pull away and sit back on his bed. “Oh yeah, seven bring all the luck in the world!” you squeal, as you plop on the bed. He laughs lightly as he lies beside you.
“Guess I’ll just take your word for it.” He hums with his eyes closed.
You turn on your side as you try to memorize his face. Like the small mole that sits on the left side of his face that makes him even more handsome, if anyone asks for your opinion. You scold yourself for not having noticed it before. As if to fix things, you name it one of your favorite things about him.
“You should. Things will get better, you’ll see.”
For once, he really believes it.
You both are walking out of the Ferrari home when you're suddenly stopped by someone calling Charles’ name. 
“Hey, Charles! Great race man!” A familiar voice rings through the air before you both have a chance to turn around. Both you and Charles, unknowingly of one another, want to make a run for it.
“Thanks, Lando,” Charles replies as he prays he might not notice you. But a girl as beautiful as you can’t go forgotten.
“Holy shit it’s you!” Lando wails as he instantly recognizes you from dinner a few months ago. You cringe. What the chances?
“Hi,” you squeak as you hide behind Charles a bit. You had no idea Lando was a Formula 1 driver too. You ought to do your research better next time.
“Mate! This is the chick I was telling you about over dinner last time!” Lando says, eyes almost popping out of his face from the shock he’s in.
“You don’t sayyyy.” Charles tries to hide it, though inside he’s freaking out as if he’s broken every FIA rule in the book.
“Hey, I want to say sorry for that night, I should have been more clear,” Lando begins to spill his apologies, as all you can do is silently stand there, accepting them all.
“Of course. Long forgotten,” you comfort the Brit. He’s actually a pretty sweet guy. 
“Charles, I’ll wait for you outside, alright?” you utter as he nods. Once you walk out, he turns to Lando frantically.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that was the same girl you were upset about!” he tells him. Liar. “You must be mad at me and I get it-”
Charles stares back, caught off guard by Lando’s response. 
“You’re not?” 
Lando rolls his eyes. “I’m not. I just hope you realize what she’s capable of.” He leans in closer to Charles’ ear and Charles leans in too, expectantly. “I’ve heard stories, man…”
Charles immediately pulls away. “Okay, we’re done here. Bye mate!”
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!”
But Charles knew you better. He saw the way you looked at him. The way you felt. You were different. Fuck your following reputation.
When you got back from Miami, something had shifted. He couldn’t quite name the moment it had, but he was sure of it. He didn’t care though. He would put up with just about anything as long as that meant having you around.
“And then he told me to test the car again, said it was fixed. Fixed my ass!” Charles tells you over FaceTime. You were sitting in your bedroom, painting nonsense on a canvas. You wore some old overalls with loose space buns. Strands of hair would hit the paint from how messy it was.
“No way,” you say, not looking up. Charles smiles fondly.
“You look lovely by the way.” Though, you don’t seem to catch his affirmation for you. Your eyes are focused on something out of frame, in front of you. A quick smirk appears on your face but slips so fast that he almost begins to think he’s imagined it.
“Thank you, Charles,” you reply with a much bigger smile now. “Hey, how about I meet you at your house at 9? I’ll cook you a nice meal, promise.”
Like always, he knows he shouldn’t ask and also knows he can’t say no to you.
“I’ll be waiting.”
That night when you step into his house he notices things he wishes weren’t there. Like how your hair was a tad bit messy or how there were light bruises on your neck. He knows those didn’t come from him. He’d always been mindful to mark you in places no one else could admire, just him. Something bugs him knowing someone has seen them already.
“I’m so sorry I’m late." You rush in with bags from the nearby market, the one just around the corner from his flat.
“No worries. So, what will we be cooking, my little chef?”
That night you seem so infatuated by him, he truly thinks this all was his imagination. Maybe the wind blew your hair on your way here; he should have offered to pick you up. Maybe he forgot he had also marked your neck; he’ll make sure to be more careful next time.
He wraps his arms around your waist as you cut pieces of basil. Giggling, you turn around to peck his lips. Craving more from you, he lifts you up onto the kitchen island. He stands in between your legs as you stare up at him, ever a vixen.
As you lock lips, he picks you up, you yelp all giddy. He makes his way over to his bedroom, your lips lingering on his neck, he almost drops you from how good it feels.
“Careful, don’t need another wack in the face,” you mumble from his neck, light spirited. He rolls his eyes at your comment, but yeah, he should probably focus. 
Finally reaching his room, he kicks the door open so hard, it flies and instantly makes a hole through the wall. You gasp as he groans.
“Fuck it, it’s fine,” he murmurs as he takes you to his bed where he drops you. You giggle as your hair covers your face, he makes his way to hover over you and brush it away.
“You know I would do anything for you?” he asks, tenderness lacing his voice.
You stare back at him with bright and eager eyes. “Yeah. I know.”
He smiles as he leans down to kiss you and you instantly melt into the mattress beneath you. He kisses you so fast, so hot, that it has you feeling lightheaded. I’ve been kissed before but never, ever, like this, you think as he slips his tongue as a quick trick. You moan with pleasure. He smiles into the kiss. 
He picks his head up to get a good look at the angel the universe had ever so nicely sent his way. He caresses you gingerly. “Are you sure, chérie?”
You nod up and down eagerly, ready for more he’s willing to give. You are so desperate you would gladly take anything as long as it's from him. A flash of sadness strikes your face before it’s replaced with a warm smile. 
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to,” he comforts you as he begins to take a step back. You quickly hold onto his veiny arm. 
“I want to,” you confirm. You bring him back to you as you kiss him for the millionth time that night. Even that would never be enough. 
His hands make their way to slip your dress off. Once you're left in your matching lingerie, you push him on his back and straddle him.
“Holy shit,” he nervously laughs as you started to unbutton his linen shirt. He pulls his arm out as you sloppily brush your lips down his smooth chest, fingers tracing his firm abs. Then, as you’re about to pull his pants down, he grabs your hands firmly. You glance at him, confusion written all over your face.
“Ladies first,” he teases. You roll your eyes, but still slip out a quick, okay, before settling under him once again. He kisses down your neck gently as you hum out, finding peace with his lips hovering your body. Every new kiss he places on your soft skin makes you feel thousands of butterflies. You’d never experienced something like this before, you’ve never felt so flawless. 
Clumsy fingers roam your back as he unclips your bra then strips you from your panties. Seeing you completely bare has his dumbstruck. This is something he could easily get used to. 
His hands make their way to squeeze your tits, your head digs deeper into the mattress as you release a soft whimpers. Charles grows harder by the second, already getting rid of the rest of his clothes as quickly as he can.
He tugs you closer to him by your legs. A laugh rolls past your lips. Resting both arms by either side of your head, he pushes into you. Synchronously, you both let out a moan. You dig your nails into his shoulder as he grips onto the sheets. 
You feel so tight around him that it takes all of him not to lose control. You throw your arm over your face, face scrunched.
Putting his feelings aside, Charles leans down and plants a kiss on your arm. “C’mon baby, not again. Look at me.”
“I can’t…,” you cry out weakly, “...too big.”
“You just have to adjust,” he reassures you as he begins to move in and out of you. Your arms fly up to his neck and you grab on tight, as if he’s keeping you ashore. You moan loudly.
“That’s it, baby,” he whispers as he thrusts deep inside of you. Your velvety walls feel like home to him and he never wants to leave. 
You squirm when his cock hits your sweet spot. You yell into the nothingness and your grip on his hair tightens so much, he groans at the sensation. His hips pick up speed, and suddenly, he’s kissing you again. You whine into his lips, needy for more. Harder. 
As if he could read your mind, that's exactly what he does. Your lips form a silent O as you stare at him with eyebrows drawn together. He just feel so fucking good.
“Fuck baby,” he groans, voice deep. You shiver at the sound. “God, you feel so good, you’re doing so good,” he praises you as he now looks into your eyes. You wail in response, too fucked up to form any kind of sentence.
“I love you so much,” he announces so suddenly, you almost push him away. He keeps moving rapidly as he makes out with you eagerly.
As you kiss him back you realize something scary; you love Charles Leclerc. You think you’ve loved him for a while now, but having never been in love, you didn’t seem to notice the feeling. But you do now.
“I love you, too,” you murmur against his lips. When he pulls away you notice you’ve never seen him smile so big. You like being the reason behind it.
He immediately pounds into you harder, not holding back anymore and you’re both a mess. You moan so loud, you’re almost embarrassed but Charles seems to love it.
“If you love me,” he pants, “then tell me his name.”
He continues normally, but you swear you feel your heart stop. There’s no way.
“What are you talking about?” you manage to spit out, but the way he’s handling your body has you seeing stars.
“Please,” a desperate look flashes across his face, “just tell me his name.” His watch covered hand makes its way to your clit and he pushes his finger against it. God, his fingers are so-
“There’s no one.” Liar. “There’s just you.”
With that, you flip him over so now you’re on top of him. Hastily, you start to ride him, making sure to move your hips just the way he likes it. His head falls back against the bed frame as his fingers dig into your hips. You bite your swollen lips in slight pain, but also, just by looking at his current state.
Cheeks slightly pink with sweaty hair covering his face. Long disheveled hair that you pressed him not to trim quite yet. What a sight for sore eyes.
“Please,” he chokes out, “just tell me his name and I swear I’ll never bring it up again.” He opens his eyes to look up at you. His voice hitches when he sees you hopping on his dick, tits bouncing up and down. You throw your head back and circle your hips much harder.
“Fuck.” Charles gasps as he reaches up to attach his lips to your chest. He licks before softly biting down against your bud. You exhale sharply. He then lays back and holds onto your hips harder before helping you move on top of him. Wrapped around him, the motion between both of you picks up so fast you start shaking your head no.
“Yes, amour, say it. Please just tell me before I lose my fucking mind,” he grunts as he stares down at your juices as they make the filthiest sound against his own. 
“I swear Charles, I promise, that I have never loved anyone the way I do you,” you confess as you sink your nails against his chest, red marks instantly mapping themselves down.
“Beautiful fucking liar.” Charles smirks as he moves his fingers against your clit rapidly. With that, your walls clench around him as you cum so hard around him he can’t help but follow. You moan loudly as you fall against his chest as he groans lowly. 
Trying to even your breathing, you grab onto his hand. Instantly, he brings it up against his lips. Just the touch of his makes you want to ride him until you can’t no more. 
You meant what you said that night. Though you both should have known better. Being naive can’t always last forever.
“Then she left a note saying it’s best we just remain friends,” Charles reveals a few nights later over dinner. Everyone shares glances of empathy to the distraught Monegasque. Even Lando.
“It’s alright man, you’ll be over her before you know it,” Lando states as he shares a knowing smile. Charles bites down on his tongue knowing all this pent of anger wasn’t towards Lando. Not even for you. 
He would like to say that he learned his lesson and that he should have listened to everyone, all the warning signs that glowed above his head. But he knows damn well he would do it all over again if given the chance. He would say, do anything, to change your mind. To make you stay, but people like you never settled. 
Moping, Charles changes the topic as he begins asking how everyone’s break was. He didn’t really care, but he tried to pretend. 
Out of breath, Oscar rushes over to the table. “Sorry I’m late,” he says as he sits down in between Lando and Charles.
“No worries, mate, Charles was just filling us in on his expired love life,” Daniel fills in, nonchalantly. Charles immediately shoots a dry frown. Daniel shares an apologetic shrug.
“Oh. That sucks man,” the young Australian replies as he gulps down some water. “Speaking of love lives, you guys won’t believe it! I just met the prettiest girl of my entire life just now outside of the restaurant!”
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fangirl-dot-com · 4 months
Chapter 24.5 - You Can Throw A Party
Ok, so this is shorter, but I really didn't know what else to put. But I hope it satisfies everyone's wants and needs! This got super sappy, but I loved the ending and I hope you do too!
Like always comments, questions, concerns, asks, reblogs, and likes are appreciated! Love you all and enjoy :D
The grid didn’t know what to expect when they finally arrived at the address that you had sent. Sure, they were expecting a house, but a plain and simple one. Not the giant ass mansion that their Ubers pulled up to. 
Charles looked at Pierre. 
“Is this the right house?” 
The Frenchman just shrugged his shoulders. Lando and Oscar had ridden with Alex, Lily, and Logan, who arrived at pretty much the same time as everyone else. Max and Arthur had apparently arrived early, since they weren’t staying in an extra hotel. 
Why the rest didn’t just accept your offer to stay there was your guess. But as the group of 17 guys gazed at the giant estate, they were rethinking their options.
The rest didn’t really know what to say. 
“I volunteer Lando to knock first!” Oscar called out before pushing the Briton toward the door. 
“Hey! Why me? I vote for Logan?” 
“Excuse you? I’m not the party animal Mr. Worldwide.” 
“Is that supposed to be an insult, Mr. Eagle screech?” 
“Well, if the boot fits.” 
“What did you just say?” 
“If the boot fits.” 
“Can you two please calm down?” the familiar voice of Lewis asked as he got out of his car with George and Carmen. Both were wearing similar outfits to everyone else. Light button ups with shorts. He was about to say something, but the front door opened. 
Arthur just stood there, looking weirdly once everyone didn’t move. 
“Are you all going to stand there arguing or come in?” he called out. Once the group got the go ahead, they all walked swiftly to the door. 
They thought the outside was huge, but the inside seemed to be even bigger. At the giant bar in the corner, the drivers found you siting and talking to Max, who already had a gin tonic in his hand. Arthur came over, putting a hand on your waist and a kiss on your head. Max spotted the group first and left you alone with your boyfriend. 
Logan’s jaw dropped as he witnessed the move. 
“When did that happen?” 
He pointed at the two of you, causing the rest of the drivers to look. Charles smirked at the sight of his brother and you being cozy. 
Max leaned over, “He asked her out after her crash at Suzuka.” 
Charles shivered at the memory of that day. 
He also added, “He’s been in love with her since their first season of Formula 2. I remember him coming home after he met her. ‘Charles, I think I just found the love of my life’.” 
The grid let out a bunch of “awes” at the new information and laughed at Charles’s impression of his brother (even though he could have just talked normally and sounded the exact same). They watched as the younger Monegasque place another gentle kiss on your forehead as you looked up at him, love evident in your eyes. The two of you were so soft as Arthur was gently rubbing your leg as you animatedly talked to Vito. 
You finally laid eyes on the rest of the drivers, smile widening as you slid off the stool you were sitting on. 
“Anyone want a drink?” you questioned, motioning to the bar. 
They were silent for a moment, before Fernando said, “Yes please.” 
That was the start of a wild night. It wasn’t too long before the drinks were being poured and refilled. Since you had started drinking here and there, you stayed safe with little fruity drinks. The grid was shocked at what your house had to offer. 
They were the first few to show up, but multiple personelle started coming after a while. It looked like the party was truly open to whoever wanted to come (except to one certain 6-foot baguette driver). Your entire team was talking the workers from other teams as well. It was a full house, and everyone was getting along – even Toto and Christian. That duo made your eyes bulge as you saw them getting along as they played pool. 
You took the group on a house tour. Charles wanted to cry at the sight of your car collection in the garage. Logan and Alex definitely took turns taking pictures inside the Evo. The next place you took them was the track. 
The drivers whined as they looked at the shiny karts. 
“Where did you get these? I don’t recognize the model,” Carlos mentioned, while crouching down to look closer. 
Your smile grew as you brushed one off. “My manager has his own line. I bought some off of him once I found out about the karting track.” 
The next few things went quickly. The girls really loved the giant bedrooms that the house had to offer. You had a smirk on your face as Carmen was complaining to George. 
She huffed. “Why would you want to stay at a hotel when we could have stayed here?”
George gawked at her, trying to come up with an excuse. 
You took this as a sign to pipe up. 
“Actually, I had my people bring your stuff over. I think after the party, everyone won’t want to leave.” 
Carmen, Lily, and Alex all squealed at the announcement. You could see George, Alex, and Charles all visible relax once their girlfriends were satiated. You knew that they would want to get into the pool at some point. 
They were speechless at the sight of your paddle court as well as the laser tag room. Once the tour was over, you let everyone just free. After a few rounds of paddle and karting, you made your way back into the main living room. 
You quickly found yourself cuddled up to your boyfriend. Your head was nicely tucked into his neck as your legs were draped over his legs. He was currently talking to Christian and Geri about how endurance training. You definitely saw the outcomes of the extra gym time as you glanced at his more defined muscles.
After everyone had their share of the house, Lando got his hands on the DJ set that you installed just for the party. 
“Who’s fucking ready for this?” he yelled out, starting up the first song. That was cue for you and Arthur to get up and start moving. You’re pretty sure you saw Toto getting it down to Right Round. 
Logan of course had to ask for Free Bird and completely ripped his shirt during the guitar solo. Oscar just stayed in a corner, shaking his head with a hand over his face. If his Lily was here, he’d probably not be the American’s babysitter, but tonight he was girlfriendless and babysitting duty was placed on him. 
Once a few more songs had played, Arthur suddenly left your grasp. The night was winding down as it neared 3 a.m., so you thought he was going to get ready for bed. Yet, he walked over to Lando, showed the Briton a song on his phone, and walked back to you. 
A soft melody filled the air. The partiers (Logan, Daniel, Fernando, George, Carlos, and Charles) were all passed out somewhere. 
Your eyes widened at the familiar guitar plucking. You smiled up at Arthur. 
“You didn’t.” 
He rolled his eyes. 
“It’s your song Cheri. Of course I did.” 
You placed your head on his chest as the two of you penguin danced. Max was on the side with Christian and Vito, watching the whole thing. 
“Nothing ‘bout the way that you were treated ever seemed alarming till now
“So you tie up your hair and you smile like it’s no big deal” 
You sighed as you listened to the lyrics of the song Arthur picked out for you. Tears wanted to fall, but you wanted to bask in the moment. Arthur gently placed his head on yours, holding you ever so tighter. 
“You can let it go
“You can throw a party full of everyone you know and not invite your family, ‘cause they never showed you love. You don’t have to be sorry for leaving and growing up.” 
The drivers who were left on the floor all watched as the crowd slowly broke up, letting you and Arthur just be together. 
Geri leaned her head on Christian as she watched the two of you just hold each other. Max was videoing for Kelly as she couldn’t make it. 
Alex had nudged Charles very hard so that he could wake up and possibly film it for his mother. The Monegasque might have also let out a few tears at the sight. 
Lando, who had been at the DJ booth, turned the sound up a bit higher, really letting the song echo throughout the whole house. 
Everyone was now watching as Arthur was now slightly spinning you. Your giggles could be heard by those around the two of you. Your eyes fluttered shut as you leaned back in.
The warmth and love around you was everything that you asked for. 
Vito, who was off to the side, looked out the window to a bright star in the sky. He smiled softly as the one star twinkled, almost winking at the Italian. He chuckled as he if he was going to tell a funny joke. 
He softly whispered, “She finally found the family she needed. You’d be so proud of her.”
The star twinkled once again, almost in response. 
Vito looked back at the dance floor, just you and Arthur together, surrounded by everyone who loved you. 
Your family. 
“You can let it go. You can throw a party full of everyone you know 
“You can start a family who will always show you love 
“You don’t have to be sorry, no.” 
y/n.jpg has posted (imagine insta can post 12 pics lol)
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y/n.jpg did someone say party?
tagged: arthur_leclerc, landonorris, maxverstappen1, vito_official, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, danielricciardo, georgerussell63, fernandoalo_official, carmenmmundt, yukitusoda0511, pierregasley, francisca.cgomes, alexandrasaintmleux, logansargeant, oscarpiastri, lewishamilton, alex_albon, and lilymhe
liked by christianhorner, y/n.nation, lestappenlove, maxiel4ever, and 357,295 others
rookie_on_top I just wanna know how big her house is
formulafan1 I know the guest list must have been INSANE
logan2sargeant I heard that pretty much everyone on the grid was there ouioui_bagette there were other pictures from the drivers and it seemed like the team principals were enjoying the time as well
ozzydown_under81 so this is where the catering money went to?
madmax33 how did max get on Vito's shoulders and what even is that shirt????????
maxverstappen1 it's a mindset vito_official your thighs are amazing man maxiel4ever HOLD UP
logansargeant I swear I'm not as think as you drunk I am
y/n.jpg he's gone...Oscar?? oscarpiastri on it
y/n.nation we have lando back on dj duty, Charles is acting carefree, Nando and George are back together partying, Yuki and pierre got into the karaoke room?, and apparently Logan ripped his shirt open during Free Bird
logansargeant hell yeaahhhhhh! EAGLE SCREECH RAWWRRR oscarpiastri get back here
y/nxarthur did anyone else see that video lando posted and then took down?
y/n&co I did! looked like Arthur and y/n were slow dancing together rookie_baby this and then Arthur's post?? they aren't as secret as they think lol
lilymhe never drinking that much again, but thanks babe for the fun night!
alex_albon no problem y/n.jpg she wasn't talking to you
gridkid everyone is probably wasted
y/n.jpg you'd be correct
sebvettelfan aahhh this reminds me of the good days when they could just party
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @fly-me-away @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @33-81 @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19 @lizzypiastri
574 notes · View notes
multifandomgirl08 · 7 months
Glass Houses - [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Mother!Reader (Established Relationship)
Summary: When Raymond had called you about going and getting lunch, you should have known that something was going on.
Warning(s): Jos Verstappen (Being himself/an asshole), Mixed formatting (Story + Article), Max and Reader get into an argument about Reader going and meeting Jos, Max opens up to Reader about Jos, Max and Reader making up at the end
A/N: Although this chapter, like Stones To Throw, is pretty heavy in terms of topic. These were some of my favorites to write for this series. This is also the longest chapter of this whole series.
Words: 4k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
When Raymond had called you about going and getting lunch, you should have known that something was going on. You and Raymond never talked much without Max around.
Max was at Milton Keynes for testing this week before the season started again, Nico was at school for the day and the sitter was taking care of Nikita for the few hours that you would be out of the house. When you showed up at the restaurant, you saw Raymond talking to someone who was sitting across from him.
As you got closer to the table you couldn’t help but stop in your tracks. Raymond was sitting and talking with Max’s father. Who you had never formally met, or talked to at all. But you knew it was him, from the photos online to see the outline of the same man in your driveway 7 months ago. What was Raymond thinking inviting you to lunch with them?
You timidly walked up to the table before hearing Raymond speak, “Y/N,” He said with a slight nod.
“Hey Raymond,” You greeted him, letting your eyes sweep past Jos.
You didn’t want to look at him, mostly because of the stories that you had heard from Max and Victoria. Jos was a good grandfather to Victoria’s boys, but every time she brought it up with Max you could tell that he was getting angry about it. You always had to keep the peace between them when those conversations started.
Jos stood up from his chair reaching his hand out to take yours. You glanced at it and then at him. He was only slightly shorter than Max. Bigger in build from the fact that he wasn’t on an athletic diet like Max, who had to keep his weight down so he would be in top shape for when the season started in a few short weeks.
You didn’t want to shake his hand but did anyway. There had to be a reason as to why you were here. You just hoped it wasn’t to make a deal with the man who Max grew to despise as he grew up.
He gave you a half smile, and although it didn’t seem malicious you couldn’t help but slightly question it.
“Jos.” Max’s father said.
“Y/N.” You replied.
“I know, my son’s wife.” He made a vague gesture towards you. “Where are my lovely grandsons, if you don’t mind me asking.”
You flinched internally at the word lovely. You loved the way Max said that word when he was complimenting you, or commenting on something that was going on. Hearing Max’s father say the same word and what followed after, made knots in your stomach start to form.
“I actually do.” You played with your wedding and engagement ring as you looked at him, not bothering to answer his question.
The more you looked at him, the more you could pick up the little parts of Max’s features that he got from Jos. His nose, his eyes, even though Max’s were a darker shade of blue. Max had a mix of Jos and Sophie’s hair. Luckily Max had gotten the majority of Sophie’s features.
“I was right, wasn’t I Ray?” Jos turned to Raymond. You could see his smile turn up a little more. “Max chose well.”
You had heard from Christian that Raymond and Jos were friends but never gave it much thought before now. You were sure that Max hadn’t told his father about the house, so Jos was keeping tabs on Max through Raymond.
“Is there a reason as to why I’m here?” If there wasn’t then you would like to go about the rest of your day. You still needed to get groceries before going and picking Nico up from school.
“I wanted to meet you,” Jos said before reaching for the glass that was in front of him. “Meet the woman who is going to help mold my grandson’s future in Formula 1.”
“You don’t know that, you have no idea if my son is going to keep karting.” You crossed your legs, your eyes traveling over Jos’ face trying to read into what he wasn’t saying.
“You’re son?” Jos mocked placing his glass back down onto the table.
“Yes.” You fired back. You didn’t need to hear this from him. Jos hadn’t been in Max’s life for a long time, and he had never even known Nico.
You watched as Jos’ shoulders went lax, sitting further back in his chair. His eyes studied you for a moment before he nodded.
“I’m surprised,” He crossed his arms.
“By?” You asked quizzically.
“My son finding someone… who can handle everything.” You wanted to question Jos. What did he mean by that? Everything? Did he mean Max’s career, his schedule, him being away all the time? Him having to raise a child by himself essentially for the first few years of Nico’s life?
You shook your head, “I don’t understand what you mean by everything. It’s not like my life is all that different. I’m married and I have 2 children. What’s so different about-?”
“I meant,” He said, cutting you off. “That you can love my grandson as if he’s your own.”
Your eyes hardened. Of course, you loved Nico as your own. How could you not? He was a sweet boy, who loved playing with his model cars, wanted to ride his bike around the driveway, and was always polite to those around him.
“There is no if, in that, it’s not as if he’s my own. That little boy is my son regardless of what you or other people might think.” You didn’t know Jos like Max did so you had no problem telling him how things were. “I can’t believe that you even though it would be right to make Max give Nico up. Max is an amazing father to our children.”
You almost wanted to tell him that you felt bad for him. He would never get to see what a great dad Max was to the boys. He would just have to hear about it from other people.
Jos moved forward in his chair almost as if he wanted to lunge at you. You didn’t flinch or move away.
“You think that you have a right to tell me this.” He said defensively.
“I have every right,” You calmly replied. You weren’t going to elaborate. You didn’t need to.
You made sure to meet his eyes and could see the recognition in them. He knew deep down that you were right. But he would never admit it publicly or try to talk to Max about it. He had too much pride for that. He had raised Max to achieve everything that he did and now got to revel in it when anyone asked who pushed Max to succeed. It was like Jos fed off it.
“If you want to keep tabs on Max through Raymond, that is none of my business, but please respect that my husband doesn’t want you near our children.” You moved out of your chair pushing it in. Jos had moved his hands onto the armrest of the chair as if he were going to get up. “My children’s career, be it racing or otherwise is none of your concern.”
You pushed up your hand to stop him from getting up from his chair. You didn’t want to be there. You should have just left when you saw that it was Jos here with Raymond.
You gave Jos one last look and you could see that whatever he was trying to accomplish by getting you here had failed. You collected your bag from the top of the table and walked away from them both.
You weren’t going to enjoy telling Max about this.
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Five Days Later - Sunday
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Wife of Formula 1 Driver, Max Verstappen, Y/N Verstappen seen abruptly leaving a restaurant just outside of Saint-Tropez
Anita Eriksson For DAILYMAIL.COM February 22, 2026
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A few days ago one of our journalists was in Saint-Tropez and saw Y/N Verstappen, wife of 4 time World Champion Max Verstappen in a restaurant.
Verstappen's wife, Y/N was there for less than half an hour, and she was seen talking to who appeared to be Verstappen's father Jos, and his manager, Raymond Vermeulen. Over the years, people have started to notice that Jos Verstappen hasn't been present at F1 races and is never seen around the paddock anymore.
Rumors have spread that Verstappen banned his father, saying that he was too much of a distraction, making it hard for Max to compete. Verstappen's father was absent for all of Max's championship wins dating all the way back to his first in 2021. Just over a year after Verstappen's oldest son was born. Although, Jos being banned from the paddock has never been confirmed by Max or anyone from the Oracle Red Bull Racing Team.
From what the journalist saw, Y/N didn't seem all that happy to be sharing the same space with Jos. She sat down for a few minutes, didn't order anything, had what seemed to be a harsh conversation with him, and then collected her bag before getting into the navy blue Bentley Bentayga S 2026 that her husband bought her as a birthday present.
Jos Verstappen didn't look pleased after Y/N had left the table and was seen yelling at Vermeulen.
In December of last year, Y/N gave birth to Verstappen's second child, a boy named Nikita, named after racing legend Niki Lauda. Which they announced via. Y/N's Instagram. This is the first time that she has been seen out in public since the birth of her son.
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One Day Later - Saint-Jean Cap Ferret
You had been in the kitchen making yourself something to eat after just having put Nikita down for his afternoon nap. Max had come storming into the room with his phone in hand, from the spare bedroom where his racing sim was set up.
"Did you have lunch with my father and Raymond while I was away last week?" 
You had stopped what you were doing and just looked at Max. You had never seen him so angry before. His expression was almost unreadable. You had only ever seen him look like this after something had gone wrong during a race.
You put down the knife that you were holding, "Yes." You started to say. You wouldn't really call the encounter that you had with Jos lunch, but to Max that would only be a minor detail. "Raymond called me and asked that I come meet him."
"You went, of course, without telling me." He stated, moving his hands a bit as he spoke.
You knew why Max was saying this. He didn't want Jos around you or Nico remembering how Max was after Jos had visited the house all those months ago. The following days after Max had been rather clingy with you and Nico, wanting to be around you as much as possible.
"I didn't know that Jos was going to be there." You hadn't but you should have assumed that it wouldn't just be a friendly lunch between you and Raymond either.
“You…” He started to say before he cut himself off. “You shouldn’t have gone. Not without me.”
“I don’t need you to protect me Max.” You had always been able to handle things by yourself, that hadn’t changed. 
Max walked closer to you, leaving his phone face up on the counter. It was unlocked to show a Daily Mail article, with a photo of you from last week. It was you leaving the restaurant before you had gotten back into your car to go home.
Max didn't walk any closer to you, keeping a fair distance between the two of you. You could see one of his hands slightly twitch as if he was going to reach out for you. He dropped his hand at his side and then ran it through his hair.
"Were the boys with you?" He asked. You watched as his eyes moved no doubt studying your face.
"No," You said with a sigh. You would never have taken the boys with you to meet Raymond alone. Maybe that's why you were so insistent that Sylvie stayed at the house with Nikita. Your instincts told you that it was better not to take Nikita with you. "Nico was at school and I left Nikita with Sylvie so I could go see Raymond," And your father, you thought. "And then went and got groceries before I went to pick up Nico once he got out of school for the day."
You knew better than to take Nico shopping with you, he would always put things in the shopping cart that you didn't need.
Max nodded but didn't say anything else to you. He walked out of the room, leaving his phone, not looking at you at all.
You picked it up and read through the article. There would no doubt be comments on Twitter about you with the hashtag #lionessverstappen. You had grown used to the moniker but never thought that your being protective over Max and the boys would lead to this type of reaction from Max.
You had never had to explain to Max why you did things throughout the entire time that you had been together. There had always been a reason and Max had understood that. Why couldn’t he understand this?
You didn’t follow Max out of the room because you knew if you did it would lead to both of you yelling at each other. So you just stayed in the kitchen and kept cooking. You finished making yourself food and then started the prep for dinner.
As you stared at the plate of food that you had made, you couldn’t help but push it away from you. You didn’t want to eat anything. You knew that you should since you were still breastfeeding but you couldn’t manage it. So you forgo eating and pull out your laptop to answer some work emails.
You glanced out into the backyard to see Max pacing back and forth while talking on the house phone, his hair in complete disarray from running his hand through it so many times.
As you looked at him, you wanted to tell him why you had gone to talk to Raymond.
Max didn’t talk about Jos unless he had to. He was always a sore subject. You thought that going and talking to Raymond would give you more insight into Max’s relationship with Jos. But after you had met Jos yourself, you were quick to realize that you should have waited for Max to talk to you about this when he was ready, even if he never would be.
After having only spent half an hour with Jos. You understood that Jos cared more for himself and the way he looked in the eyes of the media and F1 history than actually being a good parent/grandparent when it came down to it, or when it had anything to do with Max. He wanted people to view him as the person who helped mold a champion. It just happened to be that that Champion was his own flesh and blood.
The sound of the crackle from the baby monitor pulled you out of your thoughts. You left your computer open, rushing to Nikita’s room. Not noticing that Max had watched you leave before he sat down on the couch outside with his hands in his hair. The house phone now lying on the coffee table after he finished talking with the Red Bull team publicist.
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You and Max hadn’t talked to each other all evening. Both of you paid attention to Nico at dinner and as you kept looking over at Max, there were only a few fleeting moments when you could feel him look at you.
This was the first time since you and Max had gotten married that you didn’t feel happy. After just a year of marriage, you had your first fight. Better now than later.
“I don’t want it to be like this.” He said after turning off the faucet in the kitchen after dinner.
You had sent Nico up to his room to finish his homework assignment, and Sylvie had taken Nikita to his room after his 7 pm feeding.
“Like what?”
“I don’t want you to keep things from me.”
“What do you want me to say, Max?” You asked in urnist. “I didn’t tell you that I saw your father. I didn’t want to tell you given what we ended up talking about.” Even if you wanted to justify it by saying that you only meant to talk to Raymond that wouldn’t help.
Max gave you a pensive look, his lips pressed into a firm line.
“I know.” He muttered before you saw his lips quiver. “What did he say?”
You shook your head. “You don’t want to know.”
“Tell me, please.” he pleaded. You shook your head not wanting to tell him before sighing.
“Something about helping mold Nico for Formula 1.” With those words, it was like you momentarily saw the color drain from Max’s face.
“He’s an asshole, and my father… and he-”
Max cut himself off with a sob. You moved closer to him, taking his face in your hands, holding his cheeks, and searching his eyes. Seeing the tears start to form, the storm brewing in the blues of his eyes.
You wanted to tell Max what Jos had said to you but thought it would be better for Max to get his thoughts out first.
“Jos had always pushed me to be the best when it comes to racing, and I, of course, let him because I thought it would make him proud of me.” He paused for a second as if he was trying to think of the right way to say something. “The only good thing he ever did for me was show me what it truly takes to be a father and love your children unconditionally.” He took in a sharp breath.
Max had pulled your hands away from his face. It was as if he needed the space to be able to get those final few thoughts out.
“There were always strings attached when it came to Jos being proud of me. If I wasn’t doing well, then he wasn’t proud of me. I know now, from the boys, that if you truly love your children, you put their interests first, always.”
That was why Max had such a hard time when Nico started karting. It was what Nico wanted at the time, and what he was still passionate about even now, but Max didn’t want to make Nico feel like, if he wasn’t doing well he wouldn’t be proud of him.
“I don’t want to feel as if he defines me, because I know that I’m nothing like him. But I can’t help it at times.” You didn’t want to keep telling Max that he was nothing like Jos. Being like Jos would always be Max’s biggest fear, and the only way that he would be able to get over it was for him to work through it. He would need you for that reassurance until the boys were old enough to be able to tell Max themselves that he had done the best that he could for them.
“I wanted to keep you away from him, so you wouldn’t see the parts of me that I get from him.” Max continued to say. “I can’t lose you, not when I’m grateful for all of the things that you have done for me, and our family.”
“You won’t lose me, I won’t let you.” You promised him.
Max was quick to drop his head afterward. “We don’t fight.”
It was true, you and Max didn’t have arguments. You weren’t those types of people.
“Maybe not, but that doesn’t mean that we won’t disagree on things in the future.” You said.
Max had held his hands out to you facing his palms out, inviting you to touch him. Offering himself up to you.
You moved closer to him, taking his hands in yours. “It matters that we worked it out.” He moved closer before resting his forehead against yours. “That we always find a solution, together.”
“We will.”
“I’m sorry, for getting upset with you.” He said.
“I’m sorry for not telling you that I went to lunch with Raymond and that Jos was there as well. I should have told you right after it happened.”
“It’s okay Schat,” Out of all of Max’s pet names for you that was the one he used the least. “I know you were only doing what you thought you needed to.”
“What did you say to him?” He asked muttering the words into your hair. Max was looking past you a little lost in thought.
You let out a small sigh, “I told him to respect that you don’t want him around the boys, and that Nico’s career wasn’t any of his concern.”
With those words, it put the conversation to rest. Max met your eyes, and you could see his shoulders relax.
Max pressed his lips to your forehead, and then your cheek. You let him hold you for a moment, running your fingers over his back as you felt his shoulders relax further. You slotted your head against his shoulder.
As you stood there in each other's arms the baby monitor crackled awake with the sound of Nikita fussing. You pulled back from Max before he stopped you.
“I’ll get him.” Max reached up and cupped your cheek before leaving you in the kitchen to calm him. You ended up pushing in the kitchen chairs that weren’t tucked under the counter. 
“Come, Nikita, come to Papa.” You heard over the baby monitor as you moved to sit in the living room. You could hear Nikita lightly fussing but it ended rather quickly.
You moved onto the couch taking the cashmere blanket that was hanging off the edge and laying it over your legs before you saw Max come back into the room with Nikita lying against his shoulder.
You didn’t move from your sport, instead you stayed there watching Max interact with the baby, as he gave him all of his attention. Nico had come into the living room, shoving the papers from his homework into his bag. He ended up climbing onto the couch before crawling over to you sitting in your lap, and laying his head on your shoulder.
Nico had gotten extra clingy with you now that Nikita was around. He wanted to always have your attention when he could even if you were trying to change Nikita’s diaper or make sure that Nikita wasn’t being fussy. It had taken a bit of time but eventually, Nico started to understand that you were paying more attention to Nikita because he was a baby, not because Nico had been replaced.
Max eventually joined you and Nico on the couch with Nikita tucked into his arms. You spend a little longer in the living room with them until Nico's head grew heavy against your shoulder after he fell asleep. You switch with Max, him taking Nico and putting him to bed and you taking Nikita, putting him in the bassinet that was in the master bedroom.
Eventuality both you and Max make it to bed, he can't seem to let you go once you’re under the covers sharing a few kisses before your eyes are too heavy to stay open. He pulled you flush against him, your head over his chest, his hands finding any bare skin that he could feel without the fabric of one of his shirts getting in his way.
“I love you.” You mutter into his chest. You need him to know that through every argument and all the time spent away from one another, you still love him and will always be there for him.
“Ik houd ook van jou, mijn leeuwin.” You can tell from the tone in Max’s voice that he’s almost asleep but not quite there yet. You feel one of his hands move out from under the shirt that you’re wearing before he reaches to take your hand in his. He kisses the back of your hand and then interlocks your fingers together placing it on the vacant part of his chest.
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Ik houd ook van jou - I love you too
taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra, @mindless-rock, @cixrosie, @barcelonaloverf1life, @taylorslovesswifties13
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natailiatulls07 · 10 months
Wholesome moments
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Formula one grid & female!driver!reader
Summary - 5 wholesome moments
Warning - none tbh, happy crying?? Being drunk??
Reader drives for RedBull
One - Late to post race press
I was in my drivers room, relaxing after a race. Strolling through tiktok when my manager, Emma, rushs in looking annoyed. "Oh hi Emma" I offer her a small smile which seems to only annoy her more.
"What are you doing?!" Her tone angry, by now I was confused. Pointing down to my phone which had a random tiktok playing on repeat. "You have the post race press, it was meant to start ten minutes ago but their waiting on you!" It was only then when I finally looked at the time, she was right.
Jumping up from the leather sofa, rushing out of my room toward the conference room with Emma close behind. Walking in, I could see everyones eyes on me. "Hey...so sorry for my tardiness" Laughing at myself awkwardly whilst everyone soon joined in with laughter.
Sit down in my seat between Fernando and Carlos. "So tell us Y/n what was so important that time fell away from you?" Turning my head to Daniel who had a smug smile on his face.
"Well if you must know Danny, tiktok has become very addictive recently" I wore a sheepish smile on my face as the room once again erupted in laughter.
"See kids these days, hooked to their phone" Daniel replied, shaking his head knowingly. It wsm't long before the laughter died down and we started press with myself in attendance.
Two - Prankster
If there was one thing on the paddock that I was known for it would be my notorious prank on anyone and everyone. LIke one time, I posted a instagram announcing 'my retirement'. This meant that I had my phone blowing up, texts, comments, missed calls and etc. I remember about two minute after I posted the instagram, I could a call from Christian. "Hey Chris!"
"What the hell Y/n?! What is going on with your instagram post?" I had to surpress my laughter and acted somewhat sad. He sounded upset, this made me feel almost sad for him.
"Oh yeah I know that its the middle of the season but I found some thing better for myself.." It was going great, I loved it. After a few seconds of silence, he came back to his sense.
"What could you have possible found that is better than not only driving for Redbull but for formula one?!" His voice was soon becoming more and more annoyed, and what I was about to say would set him off.
It was really hard to surpress myself from laughing when I told him the 'better thing'. "Have you ever heard of dog food tasters?" One could only imagine what his head was going through.
Yet again there was a few seconds of an awakward silence, a silence to sit through and not laugh. "Y/n... you're kidding me, you're the fussiest person I have ever met! And you're going to from fucking formula one and redbull to a dog food taster... you won't even drink coffee, let alone dog food!"
I could no longer hold in my laughter, doubling over I could hear Chris questioning my laugh. "Oh my god! You actually believed me, Christian I'm not leave redbull or formula one. I just pranked you" Dead silence until I heard Christian chuckle.
“I should of known, you little prankster” Let’s just say for the rest of the day, my phone would not turn off. Nearly every other driver on the grid calling, anxiety coursing through their heads.
Three - the little weight
It was the yearly FIA prize giving ceremony, everyone swapped out of their uniforms for gowns and suits. Hair and makeup done.
Sat in the buzzing venue, the night of celebrations meant I had not kept track of the amount of alcohol I was downing. Until I was announced as rookie of the year.
Raising from my seat, I made my way to stage. The crowd were clapping and cheering, I could see the other drivers sporting proud smiles.
Arriving to the mic which sat in the middle of the stage, I was handed my trophy. “Oh wow, thank you! I would like to say that I love you all and I’m that I want to thank Alex Turner for this because he is hot!” All it was rambling, I continued to ramble until Lando stood up from his seat.
“Quick question! Y/n how many drinks have you had?” His voice contained both concerns and amusement.
Holding up my free hand with two fingers, almost proudly. This small gesture made everyone burst into a light laughter. “Oh god! You are so drunk..” Lando trailed off whilst climbing up the stairs before walking me off stage.
“Come on, I think it’s time we start getting some water down you and maybe getting you home” He continued to walk me over to the grand reception where we waited for a taxi and drank some water.
Waking up the next morning, I was in my bed. Looking over at my phone, I could see a text from Lando along with other notifications probably regarding last night.
‘Hey kiddo, I managed to get you back to your apartment last night. Maybe next time don’t drink as much
Lots of love your big brother’
Checking social media, I immediately got embarrassment as my drunken ramble went viral.
Four - First F1 podium
“Okay Leclerc and Hamilton have a hot 7 seconds gap between you and them, keep pushing” It was the Austrian race and I had somehow settled myself into p2.
My anxiety was on an all time high when I was racing but currently being in p2 made that anxiety worsen. “Copy..” I was focused on getting that podium.
It would be my first podium, and even if I didn’t stand in pole position I would be happy. “How many laps left?” I asked my race engineer through the radio, I wanted to finish the race as soon as possible.
“Only two laps left, you can do it!” Only two that was reassuring to say the least. I could hear crowd cheering but I didn’t let that next my focus from the p2 spot.
“One lap left! Keep pushing!” One lap. One more lap until could stand on that podium for the first time. I accelerated the car, there was no chance I would catch Max but I had to keep that distance from the Ferrari and Mercedes behind me.
“There’s the checkered flag! You can do!” I could see the line and flag waving in the distance, it was only when I crossed the line that I really let my focus go and come to the realisation that I was on the podium.
“I did it! I fucking did it! P2 baby! That’s what I like to hear!” I could my race engineer laugh at my antics of the radio, whilst also tell me that they were incredibly proud.
Standing on the podium, I looked over at the crowd. A large smile was planted on my face. “Kiddo you did it! You’re on the podium!” I heard Max who was of course in p1 exclaim beside me.
I was soon soaked in sweet champagne, I didn’t care if it ruined my hair. All I cared about was the position I finished today’s race with.
Five - P1…oh how I like this view
Once again I was sat in the redbull car, awaiting for my the race to begin. I was very lucky to be granted pole position in Monaco of all places. It was tense as we all waited for the five lights to flash out.
And when the did, I was off leaving the wait line in no time. Tackling every tight curve, accelerating when ever I saw someone even get close to me.
I could feel the blazing sun down on my race suit. I could smell the scent of burning rubber. I could hear crowds who had lined the tracks. I could taste the exhaust filled air. But I felt like I had gone blind, just focusing on the track and maintaining my car from any possible damage.
Whilst in pit stop, my anxiety ran through the heavens. Just wanting to get back on the track and end with my win.
I was up against some of the best of the best. And I had to hold onto the pole position, hold onto that winning position.
“Verstappen is just over 5 seconds behind you so not much of a gap, keep pushing when you can” My race engineer was aware of anxiety when it came to racing, but she was also aware of my hunger for that winning position.
“Copy, how many laps?” Once again I was twisting around the narrow corners.
“Three, if you push the gap bigger you’ll probably win!” That’s was all I needed to give me motivation to push as hard as I can.
Pressing down on the accelerator, I heard the rumbling of my car increase in sound.
After three agonising laps, I could see the checkered flag being waved. Tears were welling up on my waterline. It was only when I cross that finish line when I then let them fall down my cheeks.
“I did… I’m first” I whispered, so only myself and my face engineer could hear. It was barely audible over the loud crowds who were cheering me on for my first win.
Finally standing above the number felt great. I felt tall, empowered, unstoppable and proud. Everyone was cheering as I was handed the trophy. Off to the side were the rest of the drivers who hadn’t won podium stood smiling up at me.
I felt that familiar family love once again. I always did whether I didn’t place top ten or if I had gotten to that first place position. I would be lying if I didn’t feel that love to them in return.
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delulujuls · 7 months
navy fury | mv33
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im a redbull stan and max's girlie till i die (but my heart is papaya shaped) so please enjoy this one as well!
summary: max is struggling with asking for help, reader is trying her best to let him know that she always got his back
warnings: negative emotions, angst, max struggling with his demons, jos verstappen (he is the biggest warning lol)
pairing: max verstappen x fem!mclarendriver
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Max would often get angry.
More often than he would like it to be. More often than he would want a consuming wave of anger to wash over him, for fury to engulf him and inject its burning venom into his veins. He would get angry over trivial things, get angry over bigger issues either. Anger would truly eat him up every time something didn't go as planned.
However, he tried to fight with his anger and negative emotions at all costs. Instead of processing them, letting go and moving on, he would bottle them up, allowing them to fester and poison his entire being. He preferred to get angry in solitude, where he knew nothing wrong would happen and even if it did, he would be the only one harmed.
Unfortunately, Max found a kind of satisfaction and comfort in hurting others. Emotions dissipated much faster when he could engage in an argument with someone rather than sitting in silence with only his own screams shattering his head.
If Max could have any control over himself and his emotions, he would unplug the anger outburst responsible for explosions of anger like this one.
He didn't hear the insults that left his mouth, didn't hear Christian's shouts telling him to calm down. He didn't feel the strong arms of the mechanics holding him back and pulling him away from Lance Stroll, who sat on the ground with a bleeding nose. In moments like this, Max was guided by nothing but emotions, desperately trying to find any way out.
In moments like this Max knew that to feel relief he had to destroy something. It didn't matter if it was a glass, his shattered fists or the bleeding nose of that Aston Martin dickhead who ruined his entire race.
Many people in his immediate surroundings distinguished the Dutchman before the anger storm and after it. Before it was Max, after it, there was only Verstappen.
Just as Max was the friendly, smiling guy who joyfully congratulated his rivals, willingly gave interviews and joked with team members, Verstappen was a walking hailstorm from which lightning could strike at any moment.
"Fucking idiot."
He growled one last time and walked deeper into the garage, where everyone he encountered averted their gaze and moved out of his way. It was always best to simply get out of Max's way and let him cool down. But no one knew that the fire of anger was just beginning to burn and the epicenter was yet to come.
"What the hell was that, Max?"
Cold water. The hiss of an extinguished fire.
He felt a tightness in his chest upon hearing his father's voice. Jos Verstappen was the only person who could instantly turn his anger into pure, filtered fear.
Max unzipped his racing suit, unable to look his father in the face. He didn't even know what to say. What was there to say either, he had just let his father down. Not for the first time though.
"I asked you a question."
His father's cold, gruff tone cut Max to the core and once again, Max was six years old, stuttering as he explained to his dad why he crashed his go-kart into his friend's. Apologizing and making excuses, saying it wasn't his fault that another seven-year-old cut him off. In his eyes, Max wasn't a grown man with an amazing track record, he was just a brat who needed discipline because he made idiotic mistakes.
His father was about to thunder over him again when the whole stormy situation was suddenly illuminated by a ray of sunshine. Quite literally, as it was Y/N still dressed in her bright McLaren suit, who upon hearing about the commotion in the Aston Martin garage hastily went out to found her friend.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Verstappen, but Max is needed in the studio," she said quickly, grabbing Max's hand "Come on, Max, we need to go."
"We'll come back to this conversation."
His father mumbled under his breath, watching them go.
The girl squeezed her friend's hand tighter and started pulling him in the opposite direction, wanting to get him away from his father as quickly as possible.
"I'm not in the mood for interviews."
"There's no interview; I had to come up with something quickly to get you out of there."
Max stopped, causing Y/N to be pulled back as well. Surprised by his sudden decision, she turned to him with a questioning expression.
"I want to be alone right now, without anyone."
He let go of her hand but she still stubbornly held onto his fingers.
"We both know you don't want to be alone."
Max shook his head in denial. The last thing he wanted was to be in her company right now. He knew that when the commotion and the crowd disappeared, all the emotions would flood over him like a toxic wave.
"You don't understand."
"Yes, I don't understand because you don't give me the chance."
The girl approached him, their bodies only a few inches apart.
"Everything is fine between us only when you're in a good mood. We are really close, we spend time together and we are acting like actual friends. But as soon as something doesn't go your way and your behavior changes, you build a thick wall between us." Y/N looked into his eyes, shaking her head. "Friends don't do that, Max."
"That's what the best friends do," he replied, looking into her eyes. As they were always in the colour of the clear sky, in that moment they were having a storm inside. "The best friends won't drown you in the shit that's swirling through their lives, they won't drag you into their inner conflicts. The best friends won't be a burden to you, you know why? Because they'll just spare you that!"
Y/N embraced him without a word. She hugged him with such force that someone would need chains to pull her away. She had no intention of leaving Max's side, no matter what he was struggling with. She wanted to help him, to be his support and to be the light in his darkest nights. She had no intention of letting him continue to deceive himself with assurances that everything was always perfect. Because life never looks that way.
Adult Max didn't return her embrace, knowing that it was for the best. Adult Max closed his eyes and tilted his head, not wanting to let a single tear escape. He hoped that by remaining distant, by hurting the girl with his indifference, she would let go of him. But Little Max didn't want to make her sad; he wanted to hug his friend and not let her go until everything will be okay again.
"I won't leave you with this, Maxie. If you like it or not."
He exploded in tears without any warning. He sank to his knees and tightly embraced his friend, burying his face in her stomach. Y/N stroked his hair, holding him close. She didn't try to calm him, knowing full well that he just needed to cry. He needed to let out all the sadness, anger, and bitterness that had accumulated in his veins and poisoned him for years.
When the girl kissed his wet cheek, she could swear that it left a bitter taste on her lips.
And it was exactly the venom finally letting him go.
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snowsinterlude · 6 months
Hellfire. (priest coriolanus × temptress reader)
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summary: coriolanus was the priest of panem's church, and god knew how many times he had knelled up praying for you to stop teasing him.
c.w: sub!priest coryo, temptress reader, dacryphillia, overstimulation, religious mention, mentions to christianity, dom!reader (kinda), confessionary sex, details of sex and imagery
w.c: 1.849
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you were so mean to him. how could you do all those things knowing he was a priest? it was a devil's work. you were possessed! at least, that's what he thought.
you weren't a religious person. on the contrary, you were an atheist. the cross hanging on your neck between your breasts? well, it was an accessory. it's not your fault they have such a pretty aesthetic, with all those pretty paintings and etc. if it's pretty, you want it.
and that rule applied to the priest in front of you, reading the bible out loud while ignoring your eyes and your red painted lips.
he had tried before, you know? he tried to bring the word of god to you, he tried to make you come (not in the way you desired) to your senses, he read the bible multiple times to you, the passages saying that you were not supposed to desire something that is not yours, especially a priest!
but if he didn’t want it too, then why haven't he publicly called you out? why haven't he exposed you to the high society of Panem, that hated sluts like you so much?
to you, the answer was simple and clear as crystal water; he wanted you.
you just needed to help him see it.
sitting straight on the confessionary, you had your legs crossed while your fingers played with the cross on your neck, kissing it knowing damn well he was seeing it through the small holes on that window-looking-thing separating you two.
"bless me father, for I have sinned multiple times." you begin, your voice too sweet for him to think straight. "this is my first confession."
"tell me, my child, what is it that weighs on your heart so much?" he didn’t notice how hoarse his voice sounded, but you didn’t care, it made him look cute on your most sincere opinion.
"the man i want is not supposed to be mine, father." you said, playing along with it. if that was the only way you had to make him get on his knees then so be it.
"is he married, my child?"
"you know he isn't." you said, almost chuckling at how nervous he was. you could feel it, see it, imagine it.
"and how could i know such a thing?" he asked. but you know that he knew. and he did. that's why his palms were so sweaty.
"ah, father," you groaned, your voice sounded so malicious that he tensed up even more. "i want that man so much- i can't stop imagining him with me night after night, and god i can't stop thinking about how he would look on his knees in front of me and-"
"on his knees?"
"yeah, father. he would look so pretty, you know?" he didn’t. he didn’t know. he couldn't know and he wasn't supposed to know. "i want him to cry for me, i want him to devour me and- ah, i can't stop thinking about how he would cry so much knowing that it's wrong. i want him to cry. i need to see him crying from pleasure and guilt."
"that's wrong, too wrong, my child." he said, his cock throbbing painfully from your words. he shouldn't want it. nor desire it. "but if you repent-"
"i don't. i don't feel the smallest bit of shame or guilt for wanting him, father."
"you should. he's a married man and-"
"he's not married."
"he's married to god."
"i can be his god." that was terrible. that was when you got up from the confessionary seat, walking over to the door he was. and he looked so pretty when you closed the door behind you two, his eyes tearing up while he felt cornered like a lamb in a wolf's sight. "if he's on his knees to me, then me and god are equal, isn't it?"
"no. that's not right. you're wrong, he'd never get on his knees for you- he shouldn't." his voice was shaky and the beads of sweat on his forehead were rolling down rapidly, getting a smirk to show on your lips.
it didn't happened too quick as he wished it did. suddendly your lips were on his and you had him on his knees, all while he cried out from guilt and pain. the pain from knowing that god was watching him.
"heaven help me," he prayed, his hands trembling just like his lips as your hand found his dick, "please don't- don't do this. that's wrong, you can't- i can't!"
"then why aren't you pushing me away? you had all the chances to make me stop this and you know it." you said, palming his cock through the liturgical vestment. "you could've exposed me, you could've pushed me away and you could've called me out publicly for wanting to fuck a priest. but you're here. you're on his knees with your cock pointing up and- woah, is it wet? you came already?" your laugh was deliciously teasing for him, but the tears on his eyes rolling down his cheeks were more than delicious for you.
"no! i-" he groaned in between the tears once you grabbed his dick, pumping it so slowly that the tears on his cheeks ran faster. his face hid itself on your shoulder, and fuck, the way your cunt got soaked up when his hand touched your waist made you smile. "j-just get it over with, please." and you didn't.
when he came, your panties were pushed aside while your skirt was rolled up and his nose was brushing deliciously against your clit while his tongue licked you up and down and sucked on you. you didn't have the heart to teach him how to do it right because he was already pleasing you. and that was how you were moaning his name in a manner oh so impure, your eyes closed shut with your hand on your lips, his cum was on that hand. you were too lewd. how could you be so perverted?
you pulled his hair back to pull him away, not wanting to cum on his mouth, and then, when you thought it couldn't get better and he couldn't get prettier, your wetness was running down his chin and he licked it. he licked it. you made sure to burn this scene on your brain just from how delicious it was.
"take off my bra."
"you're wearing one?" he frowned. and he knew that wasn't supposed to be his question, his question was supposed to be 'why are you doing this to me?', but he was so dizzy with the taste of your pussy on his lips that he felt dumb.
"ah.. you're right." you chuckled, pulling the straps of your blouse down, giving him a sight of your boobs, and he hated his own body for the way his cock twitched just at the sight of it and the way he felt like salivating on your nipples.
you were on his lap now, decided to let him seat cause being on his knees for so long with your weight on his lap could be troublesome and even painful for him. your pussy grinded on his cock deliciously, the small moans he let out were more lewd than yours, and that's when you felt something itch the inside of your brain, your hand meeting his cheek and smiling when you felt his cock throbbing against you, the sight of his tears were so good you couldn't help but lick them off his cheek.
"what was that for?" he cried out
"sorry. you sounded so slutty i decided to treat you like one." you chuckled. and he bit your shoulder now, muffling his own moans with your skin while drooling on your shoulder and sucking it. his cries were too pleasant for you to stop frictioning on him.
"why are you doing this to me?" finally, he asked it. and you smiled, kissing his lips in a filthy wet kiss were your tongue laced his in a war that he wasn't supposed to enjoy, his hips thrusting upwards wanting to feel the warmth of your core already. it was tortuous. you liked it.
"i told you already, silly. it's because i want you." you whispered, kissing his tears and you grounded your hips on him again, this time, your hand was directing his cock into you and that was just what happened. he was finally inside you.
"no- ah, for heaven's sake!" he moaned. he couldn't help it anymore, his hips thrusting upwards while you laughed at his indecency.
"woah, you're so eager for a priest."
"shut up." he growled, engulfing your boob on his mouth while his free hand massaged the other, rolling your nipple and pinching it. you couldn't seem to have other reaction other than moan and bounce on his cock, going up and down and back and forth on him in such a delicious manner that his hand went from your boob to your ass, slapping it. "god knows you tempted me."
"it was your choice to be here." you said, kissing him before pulling him against your boobs again, and god, who knew he could simply press your boobs together and suck them all at once? it was delicious.
your walls gripped and squeezed on him, it was a warning that soon, very soon, you would be cumming too. you knew he have cummed already and he was just as sensitive as you, cause he came not only on your hands but on his pants when he was eating you out. and you? you haven't came, you denied cumming on his mouth cause you wanted to cum on his cock.
and it happened, you shaked a bit, skin shivering while you came around his cock, the view was too deliciously perverted for anyone in their right minds to see. there was a white bubbling circle your pussy made on his cock.
you were so wrong when you thought he'd cum at the same time as you. he didn't. he fucked you more, for the longest ten minutes you could remember and maybe more.
he grabbed your hips to make you bounce up and down on him, and you could feel the electric feeling of his balls slapping on your cunt. then, and just then, did he came, rope after rope and you came again too. a rough and aggressive groan leaving his mouth while he nipped on your nipples.
"i hate you." he growled, too fucked out to take his dick out of you.
"your... your dick doesn't seem to agree." you said, breathless.
"you're such a whore." you smiled, kissing his forehead and the tears, result of the overstimulation you did on him, on his cheeks.
"you came inside this whore." you teased, and he cried more.
and those encounters never seemed to stop. he said it was the first and last time, but it has passed a month already and on every sunday you were on the confessionary with him, fucking his brains out.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
runaway baby | charles leclerc
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this is the second time I’m writing this because my wifi turned off and i forgot to save and all my work was deleted and i almost cried but here it is :) requests open for the baby leclerc series!!
part 2 to baby on the loose is here :)
“Carmen! George! Have you seen Ruby? She wandered off a minute ago.”
George shook his head. “No, I’m sure she hasn’t gone far. I’ll keep an eye out.”
Carmen too her phone out and texted Lily to look for Ruby. “I just told Lily about Ruby. We’ll help look around.”
“Thanks. Let me know if you find her.” Y/N sighed and walked in the direction of the Aston Martin garage.
“Ruby! Your favorite uncle wants to see you!” George yelled, ignoring the stares he got from people passing by.
“Love, I think we all know that Ruby’s favorite uncle is Pierre.” Carmen told him.
“I know but if Ruby hears me saying that then she might come out and correct me.”
Once Y/N made it to the Aston Martin garage, she asked around for Ruby but everyone said the same thing. They hadn’t seen her.
“Y/N, hey, how are you?” Y/N heard Sebastian greet her when he entered the garage.
“I could be better. Ruby ran off and I can’t find her.” Y/N said.
Sebastian could see that at any second, Y/N was going to burst out into tears so he brought the mom in for a much needed hug. Y/N was forever grateful for a friend like Sebastian. She wasn’t ready to see him leave, but he deserved a good retirement.
“Does Charles know?”
“I was so focused on finding Ruby that I haven’t told Charles yet. He’s going to think I’m such a bad mother.” Y/N wiped away a tear that slipped out.
“Stuff like this happens to even the most careful parents. Don’t worry, we are going to find her. I’ll call Britta to start looking for her. Come on, let’s go find Charles.”
Sebastian and Y/an headed to the Ferrari garage and soon spotted Charles talking with Carlos,
“Charles!” Y/N yelled at her husband, grabbing his attention.
“Oh, someone’s in trouble. What did you do?” Carlos teased, completely unaware of the situation.
“What’s wrong? Where’s Ruby?” Charles asked once he noticed that Ruby wasn’t around.
“After you left Ruby ran off. I can’t find her.” Y/N admitted.
“Oh. Then forget what I said I’m sorry.” Carlos awkwardly apologized.
“It’s okay Carlos, you didn’t know.” Y/N sighed. “Carmen, George and Lily are looking for her.”
“Britta is looking for her as well. I’ll go see if anybody else has seen her. We will find her, don’t worry.” Sebastian assured the couple as he exited the garage and quickly walked to the next one in search of the little girl.
“I just took my eyes off of her for a second and then she was gone. It happened so fast.” Y/N leaned on her husband for support. She felt like her knees were going to give out. All she wanted was her daughter back.
Charles led her to a nearby chair, whispering soothing words to her. He then grabbed his unopened water bottle and gave it to her.
“Stay here, I’ll go look for her. If you need anything, let the team know.” Charles placed a kiss on her lips then walked back to where he was previously with Carlos.
“Alright, I think we should start in the Alpha Tauri garage, she might’ve spotted Pierre or something.” Charles instructed.
“So it is true?”
“Yeah, Pierre is her favorite. Don’t tell anyone, especially Arthur.” Charles confirmed.
“I believe I caught one of your tiny spies in my garage, Leclerc.” Charles heard Christian Horner’s voice say as he made his way into the Ferrari garage. Charles instantly smiled at the sight of his little girl safe.
“He gave me ice cream!” Ruby said holding up the ice cream cone.
After thanking Christian for bringing his daughter back safe, Carlos, Charles and Ruby walked to where Y/N. She was looking down at her phone when she heard her daughter’s voice call her.
“Maman!” Ruby ran to her mom after shoving her half melted ice cream cone in her dad’s hands.
“My girl, you scared me today. That’s not a nice things to do, Ruby Jules. Papa told you to stay with me and you didn’t.” Y/N brought the girl into her arms and held her as if it was the last time.
“I’m sorry, mama. I wanted to see Uncle Pierre and then I saw Uncle Danny but he didn’t see me. And then P and I got ice cream with her maman.” Ruby told Y/N about her whole paddock adventure.
“I see you finally met P and Kelly. But that still wasn’t a nice thing to do, baby. You should’ve told me that you wanted to see Uncle Pierre and we could’ve gone together.” Y/N explained to the little girl.
“Sorry, maman. I won’t do it again.” Ruby kissed her mother’s cheek.
“You know Uncle George, Auntie Carmen and Lily are still looking for you.” Y/N told Ruby as she put her daughter on the ground.
“And Uncle Sebastian and his friend, Britta. Now, I’m going to go tell them that you’re with your mama, but you have to promise me that you’re not going to run off again. I’m seriously, Ruby. Stay with maman.” Charles crouched down to Ruby’s level.
“I promise.” Ruby nodded.
“Remember, you’re a spy. You’re undercover so the bad guys don’t hurt maman. You’re going to protect maman, right?” Charles asked, bringing his daughter in for a hug.
“I’m a spy.” Ruby said confidently.
“Okay, miss Ruby, your dad and I have to go. Give us some good luck.” Carlos held up his hand for Ruby to high five, which she did. “Oh! You’re a strong girl! I love you, cariño.” Carlos hugged Ruby one last time before he left the family have their moment.
“Give papa a kiss, Ruby.” Y/N said as Ruby wasted no time in throwing herself on Charles and giving him a kiss on her cheek.
“I love you, Ruby Jules.” Charles whispered to his daughter.
“I love you too . . Perceval.” Ruby teased.
“Alright, no more hanging out with Uncle Carlos.” Charles joked. “I’ll see you after the race. Remember, protect maman.”
“I will, papa. I’m a spy.” Ruby whispered and giggled.
“What’s all this spy talk? What am I missing?” Y/N laughed.
“Maman, I’m a spy. I have to protect you from the bad guys.” Ruby said casually so Y/N looked at her husband for an explanation.
“Horner called her a spy after he found her in the Red Bull garage.”
That explains it.
“Okay, I have to leave. I love you both.” Charles lowered Ruby down and placed one last kiss on her cheek. He then walked over to his wife and kissed her on the lips.
“I bet Lando taught her that.” Y/N laughed once she pulled away from Charles.
Soon, the race started. Y/N and Ruby were seated in the Ferrari garage watching Charles and cheering for him. By the end of the 58 laps, Charles had successfully ended the race in p1.
“Papa won!” Ruby cheered as the Ferrari team around her celebrated the victory.
“He did!” Y/N hugged the little girl.
When Charle’s name was announced, the first thing he did was try to find his family in the large group of people. Then he spotted them. Y/N was next to Kelly, each with their own daughter in their arms. They were distanced from the big crowd, but Charles was still able to find them.
Y/N pointed at Charles. “Look, papa is waving at you.”
“Papa!” Ruby yelled, waving her arms in the air.
Charles laughed and blew a kiss to his girls. As he took his place on the podium, the Monaco national anthem started to play. Ruby loved it so much that she started to sway in her mom’s arms and dramatically tried to sing along despite the anthem not having any words.
Charles could not contain his laughter. Even Max noticed Ruby’s passion for the national anthem and laughed as well.
After receiving the large champagne bottle, Charles and Max began to spray each other with it. All Ruby could think of was how fun that looked.
“Mama, can P and I do that with daddy and uncle Max?”
“Ask your papa.”
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
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osferth x warrior!reader
summary: osferth is in love with you but you are not used to receiving this much attention from anyone.
warnings; nsfw(smut), black cat/golden retriever, slight angst, simp osferth, clueless reader.
a/n: back on my osferth bullshit bcs the movie is coming n yet my fave is de@d😻
You're not exactly sure how you got to be apart of Uhtred's team. Actually that's not true, you remember exactly how.
The four warriors were being attacked by the same Danes that had owned you silver, lots of them. It was a coincident that killing them gave you what you were owed and Uhtred and his men's freedom.
Uhtred had made it his mission then, to find out more about you, wanting to make sure you weren't a spy or threat after noticing that you weren't exactly apart of the danes not christians. After deeming you harmless (at least to them) and incredibly depressingly lonely, he decided to scout you in as one of his men, like a bored man picking up a grumpy wet soggy kitten from the street.
You made sure you were paid more silver than any of the other men, insisting that you're worth more than them by your skills itself, and soon enough, you stuck with them as if you had always been there all along.
You got along well enough with all of them, letting yourself fall gently in the warm feeling of what it's like to have a semblance of a family.
Though with all the intelligence of a skilled warrior you have, you had not noticed the baby monk Osferth's obvious attempt to pursue you for 2 years now.
You admit you like Osferth more than the others. He was respectful, kind, and has never treated you less like any woman should be treated, although some would argue you barely counted as a woman.
Did you like him romantically? You can't say, making it a principle to never yourself aim for a love like that, it's just not for you.
But when the awkwardly charming warrior monk had kissed you during the festive night of Yule eve, your instinct was to immediately push him away from you, receiving a very offended expression followed by stutters I apologies from him before he scrambled away, like a dog kicked by it's owner.
The next day, you received multiple glares from Finan, and sympathetic grins and chuckles from Sihtric and Uhtred who had found this situation all too amusing.
Osferth had started to avoid you almost completely, never making eye contact and never directly speaking to you unless necessary. And it hurt you.
You should apologize, you knew that. But you weren't exactly sure if what to say, your feelings were complicated even to yourself.
It only gets worse when you found out you'll be staying with Osferth during one of your little missions. Arranged in purpose by Uhtred for sure.
When evening arrives, you notice Osferth leaving the pub early, closing himself in your shared room. You shook off your guilt and grabbed the bottle of liquor, walking away to seat yourself by the empty corner of the loud place, seeking for some peace.
If only peace could ever exist in your life.
You tipped the bottle into your mouth again, taking a big chug from it, wishing the ale would taste a little less like shit.
Taking notice of Finan from the side of your eye, you sigh loudly and cursed him out. The man only gave a humourous laugh and sat next to you.
"If this is about Osferth again, then you shouldn't tire yourself-"
"Oh this is definitely about Osferth." He agreed, receiving a groan from you.
"Finan please-" You started, rudely being cut off. "You did a number on him lad, he's been acting like someone just killed his dog and it's been two weeks." His voice was gentler than before, the worry obvious in his voice.
"I didn't mean it." Your mumbled out meekly, eyes drooping. "I didn't mean to push him away."
"Well that settles it the doesn't it?" The Irishman concluded. "Just go apologize and hump him." You snorted at his easygoing response and shook your head.
"He doesn't just want to hump, he wants to love." You clarify. "And that's so bad, why? I've seen you staring at him like he's made of sunshine and rainbows laddie, I'd thought you'd be happy to have him feel the same way."
You wince at his words, hating the sappy description of yourself that he gave. Rainbows and sunshine.
"Because it doesn't make sense does it? Of course I'd like him, he's kind, and sweet, and everything I don't deserve, everything I am not."
You speak the last word like a curse, a bitter taste on your tongue.
Glancing towards the half drunk Irish, you almost hate yourself for saying what you did, the pity in his eyes was worse than any insult you've had thrown your way.
"You carried Aelfwynn on your back while she was sick and lied to everyone about getting sick from her just so she'd have a chance to reach the royal healers, you've put yourself in front of the lady Aethelflaed to protect her more time than anyone could count, hell you've done it for Osferth more time than he could remember.
- So if you say you're not deserving of kindness and sweetness one more time, I'll make sure to hide the biggest frogs in your bathwater as a punishment."
His voice was teasing, but his eyes were set on you, narrowing down like a nagging father, and you almost hugged him there and then.
"Yeah whatever." You shrugged and look away.
You hear him sigh loudly, as if to prove a point and tried to hide your small smile.
"I should apologize." You repeated your early statement. Rubbing your face tiredly, the liquor doing a terrible job intoxicating you. "Yeah, and you should hump-"
"Goodnight Finan, I'm not listening to you anymore!" You exclaimed loudly and annoyed while getting up on your feet to retire to your small room.
The walk to your room was short but it felt like forever, standing in front of the door, you take a moment to collect some thoughts and steady your heartbeat before turning the knob open.
You feel relieved as you step in, seeing that Osferth was still awake, sitting by his side of the bed, folding in his dirty clothes.
He must've just bathed, you thought to yourself. When you walk closer you notice that his hair was damp, confirming your suspicions.
He acted as if he didn't hear you, but you know he did.
"Osferth." You called out, voice weaker than you intended it to be, almost like you're pleading him.
The silence was agonizing before he responds, you see him stiffen. "Yes?"
You hated how much more confident he sounded than you, but you were the one who owed an apology, so you force your ego aside and placed yourself next to him on the bed.
"I um- I wanted to, apologize?" There was that stuttering now. He raised an eyebrow at you and you feel your face burn.
"Apologize. Yes, I wanted to apologize." Getting your breath under control, you try to appear more put together.
His eyes look away from you and move down to stare at the floorboards. "Whatever for?" He asks, sounding uninterested.
"For pushing you away, when you...kissed me." You answer.
You were watching for his reaction like a hawk eyeing it's prey, feeling uneasy and scared. "Oh, tis not your fault, twas' mine, I should've asked." He says kindly, his old warmth returning to his voice.
"But it's not, nothing could ever be your fault Osferth, You've no foible and if anything your flaw is being too good and having no flaw-"
"Do you think you could ever love me?" He cuts you off, a demanding tone.
You turn silent from your rant, heartbeat fastening. "But why? Why me?" You breath out.
"Osferth-" You start, standing up to face his seated self. "-You could have many lovely beautiful woman to love you the way you deserve, I'm sure of it, we've all seen how they fight for you." You insist.
His face turns into a frown and he stands up along with you, face inches apart from yours. "I don't want anyone else, you're the only lovely beautiful woman I want." He snapped.
You grow frustrated at his statement and turn to walk in circles, not meeting his gaze.
"But why? I am not beautiful or ladylike- and don't tell me I'm wrong, I hear things too- and I'm not kind enough to those around me as I should be, and I am, god, so terribly, terribly horrible in my moral compass Osferth.
- Why would you want to be with someone so miserable?", You point out with a humourless laugh, feeling so vulnerable and pathetic you could break in an instance.
You feel his hands grip your shoulders to look at him as he stops you from pacing around.
"I don't know how I'm supposed to convince you that you're all I think about, you are the most beautiful piece of art to me, and to have your heart, to be able to love you the way you deserve, is all I'll ever wish for in this lifetime."
You would've asked him if he had practiced that if you weren't so shaken by those words, so baffled.
"Don't be ridiculous Osferth, what- tell me, who you'd choose between me and Eadith, or me and that redhead from last night- or the lady Aethelflaed herself?" You hated how much self pity you were drowning in, all the insecurities you've worked so hard to push down, to look past from yourself.
"You. You, you and you." His response was quick and without hesitation. You wanted to kill him for that's or kiss him, you couldn't decide.
"I would choose you over anyone because there is no one else for me, can't you see?"
He was staring at you with stars in his eyes and his breath was hot on your face.
You couldn't remember when or how it happened, but all you knew was that one if you had leaned forwards and your lips became one with eachother's.
There was no regret in yourself, letting your fans wrap around his neck whilst he moves one arm to hold you by your waits and the other cupping your cheeks.
Your fingers move to tangle in his hair as you let your mouth open slightly for your tongues to dance together.
You pressed your faces harder if it was possible devouring the taste you've been forbidding yourself to take a bite from. His arms around your back tightens and soon you feel both his hands move down to the back of your thighs and you instinctively jump to wrap your legs around him.
He groans in the kiss, palms full holding squeezing your ass. You let a rare growl escape you as you feel yourself tighten around him.
Walking you back to the bed, you don't release your hold over him even when he lays you down on the bed.
Your hands roam wild at his body, grasping at his new tunic to be taken off. He gets the message immediately, pulling away to pull it over his head before going back to sucking lips with you.
You feel his own hands wandering around your body, exploring your untouched haven. He dips his hand inside the collar of your own shirt and rips it off easily, earning a shocked gasp from you.
"Didn't think you had that in you." You joked breathlessly. He gives a small shy smile as he pushes you to lay back down on the pillow. "You have no idea how many other things you've awakened inside of me."
His lips trail down your neck, biting and sucking at your sensitive spot while his hands have their fun squeezing and palming your breasts.
You let out a wild moan, throwing your head back, your nails, trying their best not to leave marks on his back.
"Fuck you're stunning." He swears, also rare occasion. You feel your cunt clench at his words an thrusts up your hips to meet his, receiving a strained groan from the man.
Not relenting in his torture on your tits, he releases one of them to move his hand between your legs, palming your drenched cunt between the thin barrier of your underwear.
"Osferth- please." You whined, rutting againts his hand like a dog in heat.
He only uses his hands to palm you harder, bringing you to tears as you search for friction. "That's it angel, fuck my hand." He groans out, entranced by the sight of you, glistening in sweat and fucking yourself on him in all your beautiful glory.
Both your arms are above you head now, gripping hard on the furs as you grind harder on his hand, clenching on nothing, feeling your orgasm nearing.
He rubs a finger on you clit furiously and you feel yourself explode on him, eyes blurry as you cried out his name repeatedly, a prayer answered.
Feeling yourself come down from your high, your body relaxes againts his bed and your head spins with euphoria. Osferth wipes his hand off before climbing over to lay next to you.
Your head finds comfort on his chest as his hands finds home around your body. It was dizzying, what just happened. And it was most probably the best hump you've ever had, not that you make it a habit to hump around.
You glace up to meet his eyes, already gazing down at you with a small smile accompanying them. "Does this mean you've forgiven me?", You jest and his smile widens as he leans forward and kisses your forehead. "Only if you promise to let me love you." He bargains.
You feel a grin making itself known and let out an unfamiliar giggle, "You're so sweet it's nauseating."
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
healing the inner child - mv1
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pairing: max verstappen x fem!reader
summary: healing max‘s inner child was something you’d do again and again
word count: 1k
warnings: jos verstappen (because he deserves a warning on his own), a bit of angst maybe
note: it was inspired by a post i read earlier here on tumblr and it reminded me of something my therapist once told me; healing the inner child is the greatest way of healing trauma
masterlist / taglist
Max didn’t have a good childhood, Jos ruining the most of it. When you met Max he just won his first championship. You saw him in that nightclub, smiling from ear to ear and glowing like a light bulb. And then there was Jos. He was standing next to Christian Horner, having a heated discussion with him. Christian was seemingly uninterested, rather watching Max having the time of his life. You couldn’t hear what Jos was saying to him, but the fragments you did understand weren’t exactly nice things about his son. If you didn’t know that Jos was Max‘s father, you would think he was his biggest enemy. And that’s exactly what you thought.
You had no idea who Max was at first, you knew he was some big smoke show. But what he actually did, you couldn’t have guessed. You were visiting Abu Dhabi with some of your friends, only just agreeing to the night out, if you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have met Max. At first, he didn’t notice you, a timid shy young woman, standing at the bar and waiting for a bartender to give you your drink of choice. He walked up to the bar, wanting to order a new bottle of champagne. The bartender immediately noticed him and came to his service. You scoffed, how the hell have you been standing there for nearly 10 minutes and no one asked what you wanted, but he just walks up and everyone runs to serve him?
„Everything alright?“, he was asking you, already drunk and careless. Nobody could do him wrong that night, not even a visible angry and confused lady. „I was just standing there for 10 minutes, or more probably, and couldn’t order anything.“ You rolled your eyes. You were annoyed, annoyed with your friends for taking you to this place and annoyed with him and the busy bartenders.
„What would you like, I‘ll put it on my tab and you‘ll have it in a matter of seconds.“ He only meant it nice but to you it seemed cocky. „No thank you, I’d rather wait 10 minutes more, or better, I‘m just going to leave“, you muttered. „Hold up, I only meant it well. What’s going on?“ Max was visibly confused, blending out all of the other people around him, even the upcoming bartender with the new champagne bottle. „None of your business“, you told him, but Max didn’t let go.
You ended up leaving with him, nothing happened that night, just you two talking. He was sharing things with you he never shared with anybody. Things that included Jos. Feeling bad for Max you gave him the card of your therapist, but he just laughed at you and told you he didn’t need a therapist to help him. You once again rolled your eyes. You couldn’t believe what he just told you, everyone needs a therapist, but you couldn’t argue with him.
And one leads to another and you and Max got together. You tried to help Max as much as you could, but Jos didn’t agree with your relationship and always got in your way. It was hard, constantly hearing bad things about you, Max and your relationship with him from Jos. Max noticed your mood change every time Jos was around, so he changed the rules for him. He was only to come to races when you were not around. You didn’t want Max to change anything from you, but you were glad Jos was not attending a race. Not for you but for Max. Max deserved to be surrounded by people who loved and supported him.
You made it a habit to celebrate after every race, no matter what position he placed. You went out for ice cream, waffles, pasta or dumplings, everything he couldn’t have regularly during the season. One time you went out for dumplings, soup dumplings to be specific. Lance knew this great place for dumplings in Montréal. Celebrating his wins were always the best. You smiled and laughed a lot together and on nights like this, where everything was perfect, you didn’t want it to stop.
„Darling, you’re making a mess“, you laughed and looked at your boyfriend. He was trying to eat the dumpling in one go, but the dumpling exploded and the hot soup burnt his mouth, which led to him having soup dripping down his chin. He just smiled at you, ignoring the burning sensation on his face or all the looks he was receiving from the other guests. With you by his side, everything was okay.
„I don’t care, it’s delicious“, he smiled and looked at you. „Do you think we could go to the parc afterwards?“ He was looking at you with hopeful eyes. This was the other ritual you had; playgrounds were there to be played with and if Max felt like playing, you two played. And that’s what you did.
You two sat on the swings, giggling and laughing together. Max was feeling free, free from the pressure and free from anything negative. He was feeling just you and the wind in his face. Everything felt like it was perfect.
And when he won his second championship that year, you didn’t go out to party. Max took you by your hand and pulled you towards the nearest ice cream place, where he ordered himself the biggest sundae they had. You had laughed when he looked at you and asked what you wanted. You thought he was ordering for you two, but turns out, he wanted that ice cream all for himself. You simply took some ice cream in a cone and told Max, you’d eat the rest of his sundae. „I will finish this, believe me“, he told you. He infact did not finish it.
Max was your greatest gift that kept on giving. Healing his trauma was just one way of showing him how much you loved him. He appreciated it and after a while he felt like a little child who had the best childhood. You two had a relationship that wasn’t unusual, helping each other and being there was normal. And Max was definitely glad to have you by his side.
taglist: @ironmaiden1313
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myhaikyuuacademia · 2 months
Totally fake | Ant x Reader (Heartbreak High)
Fake dating, fem!reader A/N: it’s been a while since I watched s1 so forgive me if the timeline is a little wonky. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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You had no idea how you got yourself in this… situation. In this mess, honestly. Thanks to Amerie, the whole school life had imploded. Thanks a lot, Map Bitch. Now here you were, standing next to her trying to get a ticket for the party as Ant told her about how his mom reacted to the whole Darren wristy thing. Your face twinged up in sympathy. Somehow Quinni and Darren had adopted Amerie into your friendgroup after the whole thing, so here you were, supporting your new friend. Well, it was more like she dragged you along. Moral support or something. Ant ended up telling Ams to go ask Spider and she trudged away disappointed, but you stayed, hesitating. “Um, I’m sorry about your mom.” You offered. What a stupid thing to say, you cursed yourself. Boys made you nervous. “Yeah, it really sucks. I love Jesus and all but going to church 3 more times a week is reaaaaally boring.” He groaned. You began walking to your next class together. “Um.” You started talking before you could think. You were a fixer, it was a whole thing. A pathological need to fix things, which is why you couldn’t really be against Quinni and Darren taking Amerie in, you wanted to help fix this. But sometimes in your need to fix things you went a little overboard. You realized that that was what you were doing after you had already started talking, and now you didn’t know what to say. But being quiet now was also embarrassing. “What’s up?” Ant stopped and leaned against the doorway of your classroom. Looking at you expectantly. Fuck it. “Maybe I could help.” You looked at him. “With your mom I mean.” He looked confused, his brows furrowing as he tried to figure out what you were proposing. “How?” Taking a deep breath in, you began rambling the plan that had formed in your head in the span of maybe 10 seconds. Which in hindsight, perhaps was a sign that this was a really dumb idea. “Well. I’m assuming your moms problem is that Darren is not a girl. Because you’re Christian and all. Which, I don’t know, not very Christian, ya know? Loving your neighbour and all. But anyway. If her problem is in fact that, I am a very good liar, I know enough about like the bible and stuff, and I happen to be a girl…” You trail off. He looked as confused as he did before you started talking, which, honestly, you figured this would not be enough to get him to understand. It was just too embarrassing to finish. You felt cold all of a sudden. Nervous. Rubbing your arms for warmth, or perhaps in an attempt to rub the nervousness away. “I’m saying I could be your fake girlfriend until she calms down.” You finally huffed out. “Ohhhhhhh” You swore you could almost see the lightbulb that went off above his head. “Gotcha.” He nodded contemplatively. “You’re really smart, y/n, I’m impressed.” Still nodding. You were a little surprised he knew your name. People tended to not know it because you mostly kept to yourself outside of your friendship with Darren and Quinni. And you hadn’t talked to Ant before, like literally ever. Yeah you shared a lot of classes, but he didn’t really seem to pay attention and so far you had never been paired with him for any group work. “Let’s do it.” He grinned, excitedly. “Wait what?” Your eyes widened in surprise. “For real?” You didn’t know what you expected his answer to be, but for some reason you hadn’t prepared yourself for a yes.
“Yeah! I’m in! I only see positives honestly. I get to pretend to date the coolest girl I know and get my mom off my back.” Wait, what did he say? The coolest girl he knows? Huh? You blinked in confusion as he left you standing in front of the open door to go to his seat. Autopilot activated you went to your seat, in between Darren and Quinni. Completely zoned out your eyes trained on Ant who was sitting a couple rows ahead and to your right. “Earth to y/n, repeat Earth to y/n.” A hand was waving in front of your face and you blinked as you turned to Darren. “huh?”. “What’s wrong with you today, space girl?” They asked. “What?” Your brain hadn’t completely caught up yet. “Why were you talking to Ant?” Quinni asked excitedly. Why was she excited? “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you talk to him before.” She mused. Uh. What were you supposed to tell them? Both of them looked at you expectantly. Completely frozen, your brain refused to cooperate. “I.. uh. Amerie. Party. Slapband. You know?” The words were more stuttered out than said, and they did in fact not know what you meant.  Your saviour came in the form of a very out-of-breath Amerie, who was almost late to class, but just almost. She fell into her seat next to Quinni and immediately started babbling about whatever it was she was up to after she had left you and Ant, taking all attention off of you. And if they saw you staring at Ant the whole class, they didn’t say anything. Yet.
By the end of the school day you had bounced back, the whole Ant thing still nagging at a corner of your brain but not at the front anymore. Until you were walking out the school gate with Darren, Quinni and Amerie, that is. “Hey, y/n, Wait up!.” This caught the attention of your more than nosy friends. You stopped and turned around to see Ant jogging up with a stupidly cute grin on his face. “Um, hi, what’s up?” Your face felt unusually flushed. Your friends looked at you like they were vultures and you, and the ensuing gossip that would come from this, their prey. You didn’t need to look at them to know that. “Here.” He held out a slapband. “You don’t have one yet, do you?” “No, I don’t, actually.” You were about to tell him that you were not interested. Partys? Not your thing. But the way he looked at you, and the fact that he got you one and went out of his way to give it to you, rendered you incapable of rejecting it. He was waiting for you to take it, or do something to accept it, so you lifted your arm and held it out in front of him. He slapped it on your arm and you mumbled out a thank you. “No worries, babe.” He leaned in and gave you quick peck on the cheek before he proceeded to wink at you and then leave with a wave and a “See you later!”. You almost dropped to your knees. What the hell just happened. Wide-eyed you looked after him, hand lifting to touch the cheek he had just kissed, legs still awfully wobbly. “BABE?!?!?!” A chorus of awestruck half-yells ripped you out of your moment, seconds before your friends came into view in front of you and crowded you. This was… too much. You gave up trying to keep your legs steady and dropped down to the ground, sitting on your knees, before shifting to sit criss-cross applesauce. “Whoa, shit girl, you okay?” Amerie dropped down next to you. Not trusting your voice you simply nodded yes. “Oh my god, you and Anthony Vaughn?” Darren crouched down next, almost scandalized by what they had just witnessed. “Oh, are we sitting now?” Quinni, bless her, sat down next to you. “Yeah…” You just said, to no one in particular, nodding. “Oh my god, you’re like, a total goner.” Amerie laughed. “I am?” You turned to look at her with puppy-dog eyes. Before this day started, you had never talked to Anthony Vaughn before, and now, before it ended, you were apparently head over heels for him. You blamed it on hormones, or some kind of chemical inbalance in your brain. Because… there was no way, right?
This would make the fake-dating significantly harder, you concluded, after you had time to mull it over. You and your friends had continued sitting on the ground for a good 10 minutes, before you felt stable enough to attempt standing and walking again. Of course they all had a million questions, yelling simultaneously, trying to understand what they had just witnessed. You had no idea what to tell them. “I will tell you once I know.” You end up saying, which leads to more questions. “Seriously guys, not right now.” You couldn’t tell them anything before you lined up stories with Ant. Well, technically you could tell them it was all fake, but they were all huge blabbermouths, and you wanted to check in with Ant first, before doing anything. You hadn’t expected him to just… go and do that. Like, at least you had expected talking to him once, or maybe twice, about what being in a fake relationship entailed, you know, lining up stories, where, what, who, when…. What kind of person his mother was, how far to go, how much to do to make it believable. But now everything had kind of blown up and it had to wait. You didn’t even have his number, you realized, after you were finally alone. The gang had tried to peer-pressure you into making this a whole goss-sesh at the diner, but you managed to worm your way out of it. Now they would probably just do it anyway, but without you to defend yourself. Not that there was anything you could say right now. Frustrated you blew a piece of hair out of your face. This was gonna be one hell of a week.
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fxrmuladaydreams · 8 months
make it work (mv33)
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max x reader , george x reader (platonic) , toto x reader (paternal)
summary: you and max try to find a way to make your now very public relationship work
prev part
The following days after the Twitter reveal are spent staying inside Max’s apartment. Neither of you really leaves unless absolutely necessary. There’s a thick tension in the air now as well, as if you’re both walking on broken glass.
When it’s finally time for the next grand prix and your meeting with Toto you and Max discuss how you’re going to enter the paddock. In fear of making things worse you make the decision to not go in together, that way there’s less of a chance you’ll be swarmed by reporters.
You come in with George, who’s quick to put an arm over your shoulders and steer you away from any cameras.
“Netflix would have a field day.” He says under his breath as he pulls you towards the Mercedes building.
George lets you go once you’ve made it inside, looking around at all of the other Mercedes employees. Some of them give you weird looks, like they’re judging you, but most give you sympathetic glances, as if they know how all of this is going to play out.
You watch all of the media panels throughout the day. Whenever asked about your relationship Lewis says he had no idea what was going on, George says it was a surprise to everyone but he wishes the best for all parties involved, and Max snaps that he’s only there to talk about racing, nothing else.
Max meets with you after press is done for the day, the two of you heading into the Mercedes building to speak with Toto.
George exits the office just as you’re about to go in. He gives you a sympathetic smile and squeezes your hand.
You enter the office with Max behind you. Sitting behind the desk is Toto, looking down at some paperwork. Standing next to him is Christian Horner. You’re surprised to see the two of them together and not biting each other’s heads off.
“Sit.” Toto gestures to the two chairs at the opposite side of the desk. He looks up at you as you sit down, and tosses his glasses onto the desk.
You all stare at each other in silence for a moment, as if deciding who should speak first. Toto is the one to break the silence.
“Do the two of you realize what kind of trouble you have caused us?” His asks quietly. His eyes travel back and forth between you and Max. He sighs and leans back in his chair. “I can’t fire George, he’s still got a few years on his contract.” He points at Max. “I can’t fire you, because you’re not my driver.” Then he looks at you. “But Y/n, you are my assistant. You are the person I entrust with handling a lot of work that would be detrimental to the team if a rival were to find out.”
“I swear I haven’t said anything about anything.” You shake your head.
“It’s true.” Max chimes in. “She hasn’t spilled any secrets. It wouldn’t matter anyway though, seeing as I’m driving the better car.”
Christian laughs, only stopping when Toto gives him a stern look.
“The point is the two of you need to sort this out. Tell everyone that this was just a fling and it’s over.” Toto says.
“That’s not happening.” Max crosses his arms over his chest.
Christian sighs. “I told you he was stubborn.”
He looks at Max who just stares back up at him. You’d seen moments between the two of them before. They shared a father-son type of relationship. It was clear that Christian truly cared for Max and only wanted the best for him.
“We’re not breaking up. So find another solution to your problem.” Max looks back at Toto.
Toto glances back at you. “Y/n, I’d like to speak with you alone.”
Christian walks towards the door while Max turns to you.
“I’ll be fine.” You nod, giving him a soft smile.
He stands up, leans down to kiss the top of your head, then follows Christian out.
“That’s quite the headstrong young man.” Toto pulls your attention back to him.
“He cares about the people he loves.”
“And he loves you?” Toto raises a brow.
You feel your face heat up. “I mean, I think so. He’s sweet to me. He takes care of me.”
“And you love him?”
“Yes.” The answer comes out quicker than you expected.
Toto sighs, then stands up and walks to the front of his desk, leaning against it. “I care about you Y/n. You’re the first assistant I’ve had that’s been able to keep up with all the work I’ve piled on them. You get along well with both Lewis and George. You’re a lovely person. But dating Max Verstappen is a line I didn’t think you’d cross.”
You sink down in your seat, just waiting for the final blow.
“I trust that you haven’t given him any information about us. And I believe that you do for some reason truly care about that menace of a boy outside.” He nods towards the door. “So I’m sure that there’s a way we can make sure this works for everyone.”
You sit up straighter as your eyes search Toto’s for any chance that he’s lying.
“You’ll both beed to sign a few NDAs, but I’m sure it will be manageable.” He nods.
Before you can stop yourself, you stand up and wrap your arms around Toto, pulling him into a hug. He slowly pats your shoulders, returning your hug in an awkward way.
“Thank you. Thank you. I promise you won’t regret this.” Your eyes well up with tears.
“We’ll see. Just make sure I don’t see a Red Bull driver wandering around our garage.” He says with a smile.
You nod, then exit Toto’s office. Max leans against the wall next to the door, not having even left the hall. He cups your face with his hands. “You’re crying. What happened?”
“Nothing, they’re good tears.” You grin at him. “You were right. Everything’s okay.”
He smiles. “When have I ever been wrong?” He wraps his arms around your waist.
He leans down to kiss you just as the door to the office swings open.
“No Red Bull drivers allowed in the Mercedes building. Out.” Toto nods down the hall.
Over the next few days lawyers draw up NDAs for both you and Max to sign. He complains about it while you scribble your name on the papers. He signs just under your name though, promising he won’t reveal any secret Red Bull information to you.
It feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders after you sign the forms, like you’re no longer buried under this huge secret anymore.
You can walk through the paddock hand in hand now. You can give him a good luck kiss before he has to go to his garage. And you can finally be there to celebrate his wins with him.
The Red Bull photographers snap a photo of the two of you after that race. Max tugs his helmet off his head, then practically runs over to you. You stand with the other Mercedes staff, your white polo clashing with his blue race suit. His hair is pointing in all different directions, and his skin shines with sweat, but the smile on his face is breathtaking. He pulls you into a kiss over the fence. It’s sloppy, and uncoordinated, and the crowd screams their heads off.
Later that night you see a notification from Instagram. It’s a shared post, from both Red Bull and Mercedes.
redbullracing and mercedesamgf1
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liked by georgerussell63 and 58,635 others
tagged: maxverstappen1 and yourusername
redbullracing Our favorite couple on the grid 💙❤️ + 🩵🤍
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percervall · 4 months
I'm not a woman (I'm a god)
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Pairing: Toto Wolff x Horner!reader Words: 3194 Warnings: Greek Mythology AU, descriptions of misogyny and sexism, Christian Horner is painted the villain, implied age gap (both are legal adults), smut, masturbation, p in v, loss of virginity, no beta we die like my sanity during f1 silly season
In which you claim what's rightfully yours
As the meeting progresses, you can’t fight the urge to speak up any longer. Had you still been at RedBull, you would’ve; you would have bitten your tongue until it bled because your father didn’t much care for your opinions, as he called it, despite the fact you had spent years on getting your Masters and then spent another three years on studying all the strategy calls the team had ever made to see where things could improve. No, your father allowed you to sit in those meetings just so he could keep an eye on you. But you are no longer under his watchful eye and scrutiny; Toto Wolff made sure of that. Oh, people like to say that you were stolen from the RedBull garage, your father playing the role of victim like he was born to do so, but nothing could be farther from the truth. You weren’t stolen like the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix; no, you chose to be claimed by Mercedes and their team principal. Thus, here you are, part of Lewis’ team as a strategy engineer, about to do the one thing your father always reprimanded you for: speaking out against a figure of authority.
“Are you going to say what’s on your mind or do I have to make do with your facial expressions?” Toto drawls, making your decision for you. You can feel your heart beating against your ribs as nerves flutter in the hollow of your chest.
“With all due respect, sir,” you start, the room breaking out in a mocking chuckle but you will not let that deter you, “With all due respect, but this strategy will cost you points. You are all so sure that this race will lead to a safety car while experience tells us that the chances of that happening this weekend are 2% at most, and all safety cars deployed in the last six years have been due to car malfunctions. If you want to end up in the points, I would propose a two stop strategy, allocating at least two sets of mediums for the race on Sunday and forgoing softs all together seeing as how much they suffer from tyre deg at this circuit.” The room is dead silent when you finish. Toto’s eyes remain on you, his face a stoic mask.
“Check my numbers if you want,” you add, growing in your confidence the longer this staring contest continues. Toto looks at one of the other engineers, eyebrow raised with a silent command. You hear someone frantically typing as they run the numbers. Leaning back in your chair you take a sip of your coffee, willing your hands not to tremble despite how nervous you feel. Whispers of she’s right flitter around the room as more people join in with re-running your calculations. You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling smugly at being proven right four times over. 
“Very well, Ms Halliwell,” Toto says, silencing the room once more. “We’ll try your set up with Lewis’ car and stick to what was already decided on by the senior members for George.” This is as much of a win as you are going to get right now, and you will gladly take it, but there’s a twinkle in Toto’s eyes that has your stomach in knots. You’re not sure whether it’s pride or awe; either way, it fills you with a feeling you can’t quite place yet you know you will crave it for weeks to come.  
When Sunday rolls around, you pray to whoever will listen that your numbers check out. You have gone over the statistics of this grand prix so often that you could probably recite them in your sleep at this point. Had it been any other race, you would have accepted whatever outcome, but this one means more. You need Mercedes to do well here in Austria, but more than anything you need your father’s team to suffer the consequences of their misogyny and ignorance. As you walk into the garage ahead of the race, your heels clicking against the cement, your eyes lock with Toto who gives you a slow smile as his eyes rake over you, taking in the way the stark white fabric of your team issued blouse and your tapered black trousers show off all your assets; you know you look delectable, and you know he knows it too. From the moment you met him for your job interview (which you landed under false pretences, using your mother’s name), there’s been an undercurrent of tension. It should’ve made you cautious, fearful even, of powerful men in powerful places, but Toto has been nothing but gracious, always indulging your retorts and meeting you tit for tat, a flirtatious game of cat and mouse that you’re enjoying immensely.
“I want you next to Bono during the race. You decided on the strategy, it’s only fair you get the recognition –whether it works or not,” Toto tells you. Nodding your head, you put on your headphones and take your place at the centre console. No more hiding in plain view, your father will see exactly what you are capable of –what you could have given him. Fighting the urge to chew the skin around your thumb, you keep your back straight and shoulders back as the race starts. You keep an eye on the weather satellite, scanning for any changes that could mess with the chosen strategy while listening to Lewis’ feedback for Bono, making suggestions for minute corrections to the set up of the car. Bono graciously forwards your ideas to the driver who slowly but surely climbs his way through the field. The RedBulls are still leading the pack, but you’re certain that your father’s confidence will be his downfall. As you had predicted, there is no need for a safety car during the race and, judging by the call to pit by your father’s golden child, they had been betting on one by using the softs at the start of the race.
“You were spot on with the tyre deg stats,” Bono tells you and you can’t help but smile wickedly back at him. There’s five laps left, and both RedBulls are on the hard tyre, which will never warm up in time to benefit from their longevity. George seems to be suffering a similar fate while Lewis is fighting with one of the McLarens for P2. Your eyes remain glued to the feed of Lewis’ on board camera as he begins the final lap. He is quickly gaining on the McLaren and in what can only be described as a masterclass, overtakes it to secure a P2 finish. Lewis’ radio message doesn’t even register; all you can hear is white noise as it dawns on you that you have shown everyone just what you’re capable of. It has whetted your appetite for more –for destruction. 
The team is celebrating a podium finish as if it’s a win, and you suppose to them it most definitely feels like one. You’re standing on the edge where the garage meets pit lane, watching them with a smile on your face when Toto comes to stand behind you.
“I want you front and centre when Lewis climbs that podium. You have earned this accolade and should be rewarded as such. Let your father see what he’s done,” he murmurs, voice low. It sends a shiver down your spine but you manage to nod in agreement.
“Good. Oh, and as part of your reward, I think we should celebrate accordingly in private, wouldn’t you agree? The choice is yours, take it or don’t. No hard feelings either way,” he adds, chest brushing against your back as he leans closer. Swallowing thickly, you nod once more, not trusting your voice as heat pools low in your belly at the insinuation. You can feel him slide something into your back pocket and you don’t have to check to know it’s the keycard to his hotel room. 
During the podium celebrations you stood front row, eyes steadfast on the podium with a smile so wide, your cheeks ached. You can only imagine the tales Crofty and Martin are spinning about you; no doubt making inferences about how distraught your father was to have his only daughter working for the rival. Let them spin their fairy tales, you had better things to get on with –or, more accurately, a better man. Sliding the key card into the lock, you enter the hotel room of your boss. Once you take this step, there’s no turning back, but you are willing to eat the proverbial pomegranate seeds. 
Toto turns around when he hears the lock click and you lean against the door. He looks incredible; sleeves of his shirt rolled up and a few of the top buttons are undone. 
“Wine?” he asks, picking up the bottle from the desk. 
“Yes, please,” you respond, accepting the glass he hands you. Toto smiles, and it’s so sly, bordering on debauched, that it has you squeezing your thighs together.
“Still some manners left in you. I wonder how long that will last,” he muses, raising his glass at you as he sits down on the edge of the bed. 
“They claim you have stolen me from RedBull, much like they claim Hades stole Persephone,” you say, straddling him before taking a sip of your wine. He can’t help but laugh when he sees the twinkle in your eyes, one of his large hands coming to rest on your hip.
“Oh, Meine Liebe, we both know you were not some prize that could be stolen. You saw the hell they created for you and thus you fled so you could set the world ablaze.” His use of a term of endearment is not lost on you, and you crave to hear more of it. 
“Stolen or not, I am here. What are you planning on doing to me?” you ask him, holding his gaze. 
“Oh, I plan on doing everything, darling. Every depraved fantasy you could think of and more,” Toto says as he puts his glass on the nightstand. You grow hot all over at his words. Despite your sharp wit –and even sharper tongue, if your father’s word is anything to go on–, you are about to enter previously uncharted waters. Of course you heard stories from your female friends while at University, devoured smutty book after smutty book, but actually doing any of it? Your father would dig himself a grave so he could roll in it if he ever knew what his little girl was about to do. The nervousness you felt earlier today is back in full swing as you try to find the words to tell him your biggest secret. 
“I-.. I’ve never done this before. I attended Oxford so I could live at home, remain under his watch,” you confess, not even able to say the words out loud. Toto studies your face, filling in the blanks with how your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 
“No man has ever touched you?” You shake your head as you bite your lip. 
“Have you touched yourself, darling?” Toto asks and while he says nothing that could be construed as dirty, you gasp as if he has. Nodding your head, you can’t help but roll your hips against him, inadvertently grinding your pussy against the hardened bulge in his trousers. Toto swears under his breath, gaze darkening as he tightens his grip on you. 
“Will you show me, Liebling? Will you show me how you make yourself feel good?” 
Even if you wanted to, you’re not sure you could ever deny this man any request; not when he asks so caringly, as if your pleasure is the sole purpose of all of this. Breathlessly, you nod, letting Toto take your wine glass from you while you strip out of your work clothes. As you slide your blouse down your arms, you hear Toto groan as he takes in your figure clad in nothing more than your pale lilac bra and panties. It’s not the sexiest set you own, but it’s one of the few that doesn’t show through the white fabric. Before you lose your nerve, you climb back on the bed, eyes locked on Toto who leans against the footboard of the bed. He gives you a look, so openly full of desire that it makes your head spin and your pussy throb at being the object of his lust. Closing your eyes, you lean back into the pillows while your hand wanders. You can almost pretend you’re alone, your brain quickly supplying all the sordid fantasies you would never dare to say out loud. As your fingers inch under the elastic of your underwear, you can’t help but bite your lip as your hips writhe on the sheets. The tip of your pointer finger rubs against your clit and you gasp at the sensation, head thrown back. You’re already so sensitive, it won’t take much to send you over the edge. Applying the slightest bit more pressure, you begin to rub tight little circles, letting out the neediest whining noise.
“Fuck, you look so good like this,” Toto groans. 
“Please,” you whisper, lifting your head so you can look at him. His legs are spread and he palms his bulge while he watches you pleasure yourself, and that sight alone sends your head spinning. 
“Let go for me, darling,” Toto orders gently, and who are you to disobey him? Your body arches, head thrown back as you come undone under his watchful eye. 
When you open your eyes, you can see movement to your right. Sitting up on your elbows, you watch how Toto strips down to his underwear, and walks into the ensuite. You can feel your cheeks heat up when you spot the foil packets and the bottle of lube in his hands. Toto drops them on the bed before climbing on. Hovering over you, he brushes a strand of your hair back behind your ears.
“I want this to be enjoyable for you. Please tell me when you feel uncomfortable, tell me when something makes you feel good.” You nod, breath caught in your lungs. Toto smiles so tenderly at you that it makes you forget about everything else. He moves his hand from your cheek, down your neck to your bra strap.
“Can I take this off, Liebling?” he asks quietly. You can only nod, too enthralled by him to form words.
“Need to hear you say it, darling. I will always need to hear you,” Toto murmurs.
“Yes,” you whisper, swallowing down your nerves about him seeing you naked. He gently unclasps your bra, moving the straps down your arms before pulling it away completely.
“Beautiful,” he says softly, his eyes taking you in and you fight the urge to cover yourself up. Toto’s hands caress your skin, as if he is trying to commit every line and curve to memory. You arch up into his touch as he cups your breast, his thumb rubbing over your nipple and it sets something alight in your core. Toto’s hands move lower, fingers curling around the elastic of your panties.
“What about these?” 
“Yes,” you reply quietly, lifting your hips to help him. He sits back on his knees, hands sliding down your thighs and his fingers are so close to where you’re aching for him, it makes you whine. Toto chuckles, moving his body over yours once more.
“You want it so bad, don’t you Liebling?” he murmurs in your ear, and the only reply you can form is a quiet uhu. He smiles against your skin, pressing a chaste kiss to your jaw before moving away to fully strip. Biting your lip, you watch him tear open one of the foil packets and roll it down his hard cock. Anticipation and nerves flitter low in your stomach; he’s definitely bigger than the vibrator you have hidden away in the back of your closet.
“We’ll take it slow, okay? You decide how far we go, you’re in control,” Toto reassures you, moving closer so he can lean down to kiss you.
“Okay,” you whisper before his lips are on yours. Your fingers tangle in his hair while he drags his cock through your folds and over your clit. Toto moves his lips down your neck, kissing and sucking gently, sure to leave marks. Your body seems to have a mind of its own as your hips grind against him and you feel a desperation taking hold of you.
“Please,” you sigh.
“Tell me Liebling, what do you want?” Toto murmurs.
“Please.. Need you- need you in me,” you all but whimper, “Fill me Toto, please..” He groans against the skin of your neck at your request. Toto fumbles blindly for the lube and applies a generous amount to his cock and your pussy. Biting your lip, you lean up and watch as he slowly, so very slowly, sinks himself inside of you. The stretch has you panting and you feel how you clench around him. He holds you close, letting you adjust to the sensation of being filled completely. 
“Need you to move, Toto,” you moan, fingers clawing at his back. 
“Doing so good for me, darling. Taking me so well, fuck..” he groans against your skin as he sets a languid pace, and while it’s slow, his thrusts are so deep. 
“Ha-harder.. I can take it.. Please..” you whine, Toto eagerly complying with your demand. The only thing you’re able to do is cling to him as he keeps fucking you, whimpering every time he hits a spot inside of you that brings you just that teeny bit closer to the edge.
“Need you to cum, darling. Can you do that for me?” he asks as rubs his thumb over your clit. 
“Uhu,” you whisper meekly, unable to form a single coherent thought as you feel your orgasm approaching.
“Close.. Toto… Please.. Need.. Need to-..” 
“That’s it. God, you look so beautiful, just taking my cock like this. Come for me, darling.” And with that something snaps, your body arching as you feel your pussy clenching around him in waves. Toto keeps fucking you through it, chasing his own release, but you’re too far gone to pay attention. He keeps pressing kisses to your temple and hairline as he carefully pulls out, making sure the condom stays on. The loss has you whimpering.
“I know, I know,” Toto coos, “I’ll be right back. Did so good for me, so proud of you.” He gives you one last kiss before getting up to dispose of the condom and returns with a flannel to clean you up best he can. He throws it down by the side of the bed, and takes you in his arms. Your body feels completely boneless and you try to stifle a yawn. 
“Take a nap, Liebling. We’ll get properly cleaned up in a bit.” Nodding you allow sleep to pull you under as Toto whispers sweet nothings against your hair. 
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written as part of @footballffbarbiex’s kink bingo challenge
It's not the 10k fic I joked about, but I finally managed to write the Greek Mythology AU I've been thinking about since early last year. Wanted to get this done and up before more information comes out during this delayed silly season, so if things feel rushed, it's because they are. This fic was heavily influenced by Bea Fitzgerald's Girl, Goddess, Queen; if you love retellings of Greek mythology, please check it out
Please let me know what you think; you comments, tags and likes mean the absolute world to me! 💜
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fangirl-dot-com · 4 months
Chapter 20 - Backstreet's Back - All Right!
Why this sat in the drafts for so long, I do not know so I apologize to everyone! I've been super busy with college and haven't had time to write much...but here we are
Today was an ABSOLUTE fever dream and we all need a little somethin somethin. So I present to you - the backstreet boys (formula 1 edition)
RACES SKIPPED ARE CANADA AND SPAIN (side note - Arthur hasn't been able to be at a race since Monaco)
Haven't been able to say this in a while but I hope you enjoy! Remember that comments, questions, concerns, reblogs, and likes are always appreciated!! Love you all :D
You had gotten to the paddock super early once again. But that was only because Lando and Oscar has asked you to hang out, and you’d never skip out on some good times with your papaya friends. Andrea loved you and often let you sit in his office if you were bored. Actually, all of the team principals seemed to do that. 
Even Toto, which was weird considering you stole on of his driver’s car with his other driver. 
Like always, you found yourself killing some time by playing Subway Surfers. You were about to get a new high score when two shadows covered your screen, making your character get arrested. 
“Hey, you made me lose my score!” 
You were about to tear them a new one, but your face had a shocked look once you finally pointed your head up. 
“What the f-!” 
“Has anyone seen the kid?” was a question that Max did not imagine that he’d hear first thing in the morning when he arrived on Sunday. 
His eyes glanced to the corner that you were almost always in, listening to music. But, the corner was void of any rookie teammate. He looked toward Christian, who asked the initial question. 
“Have you checked her driver’s room?” 
The Brit sighed, “We checked her room, your room, hospitality, and even the Ferrari garage, Williams garage, and McLaren garage. No one has seen her, yet the log says that she’s already here because she tapped in at the entrance.” 
Well, Max was stumped. And he knew why Christian was wanting to see you. They were finally in the Red Bull Ring, the home race for the entire team. It was a big deal, and Christian didn’t want you to get overwhelmed. There was a lot on their shoulders. Charles had pole, but Max was right behind him. Charles was always strong in the Red Bull Ring, almost winning in 2019 and then winning in 2022. The Ferraris had done well the last two races, and you two needed to hold them off. Thankfully, you were right behind Max in P3, but Carlos was behind you in P4. A Ferrari sandwich if you will. 
Everyone was kind of counting on the both of you for a Red Bull 1-2. 
“Have you seen Vito or Mitch?” 
“We’re right here.”
The Dutchman turned around to see your race engineer and manager, but you were nowhere to be found. He opened his mouth to say something but Vito held out a hand. 
“Yes, we’ve already tried to call her and Arthur. Both phones went to voicemail.” 
“Oh god.” Max shivered. If you weren’t picking up, and your boyfriend wasn’t picking up. Well, he didn’t want to imagine what you were up to. Just as he was about to suggest looking in the garages again, Lando popped his head in. 
“Have any of you seen Bug? She was supposed to meet up with me and Oscar earlier and she never showed up!” the curly-haired Brit whined. 
Now, that had Max even more worried. You never skipped hanging out with your favorite Brit (after Christian) or Aussie. Before he was about to start getting a search party together, Mitch suddenly made a weird face. 
“Do any of you hear that?” 
The five went silent to try to hear whatever Mitch had heard. 
Lando’s face scrunched. “Sounds like the Backstreet Boys?” 
The group quickly walked over to the opening and didn’t know whether to be relived or just upright confused. 
Because there you were, holding a giant boombox (God only knows where you got that) with sunglasses on, with Arthur to your right and one Ollie Bearman to your left. The soundtrack was indeed Backstreet Boys, namely the 1997 hit song “Everybody.” 
As Max learned at Vegas, you definitely knew how to make an entrance. By now, most of the drivers had walked out of their garages to see the commotion. 
And much to Max’s surprise, Nico Rosberg, Mark Webber, and Jensen Button walked up to the three of you, giant smiles on their faces. The song had ended a bit ago, and you handed the now silent boombox back to the German. The Australian of the group gave both Ollie and Arthur pretty big hugs. 
“Well, Oscar lost his grid dad,” Lando said, earning a hit from said Aussie. 
“Hey! He was never my grid dad in the first place.” 
The now group of six made their way to the giant group of drivers, including but not limited to: Max, Lando, Charles, Carlos, Logan, Lewis, George, and Oscar (in no particular order). Arthur’s hand was behind your back as you enthusiastically talked to the very tall British brunet dressed in Ferrari red. 
“I cannot believe that you come here, apparently to see me, and say that you need to be in the Ferrari garage! Arthur’s even going to be in the Red Bull one!” they heard you whine as the group got closer. 
Ollie rolled his eyes. “That’s only because he’s your boy-oof. You did NOT have to hit me.” He glared down at you as he rubbed his side. 
“Yes I did.” Your arms crossed as you finally stopped in front of the giant group, who were all staring at you. “Hey guys, what’s up?” 
Lando mirrored your stance, even popping his hip out. “What’s up?” he jokingly mocking. “We were supposed to go to breakfast?” He pointed between him and Oscar. 
A look of realization glossed over your face as you looked at the papaya drivers. 
“Oooohhhh, yeah. Sorry. Uh, their fault?” You pointed at Ollie and Arthur, who both looked betrayed. 
“Our fault?” Ollie squawked. “You were the one who dragged us to breakfast!” 
“You had breakfast?” 
“Yes Lando, I had breakfast.” 
The younger Monegasque silenced you. “The big boys are talking. And then you dragged us to find Nico because you thought  he had a boombox.” 
“The big boys? Seriously Thur? I can take you any day.” You glared up at him. 
“Oh yeah?” He cocked an eyebrow and smirked down at you, getting in your face to really show the height difference. 
That’s it.
You suddenly jumped on him, bring him to the floor. The Max and Charles jumped into action, trying to get you separated. Ollie just watched with a giant grin on his face, laughing at the two of you. 
“Ollie, kindly shut up?” 
“Yes mom.”
The two of you were separated quickly, because you really didn’t have much malice toward your boyfriend. 
“I totally won.” 
“Kid, you lost horribly.” 
“Max, has anyone ever told you that you don’t have to say everything that comes to your mind?” 
Charles, Lewis, Lando, Oscar, Logan, and George all nodded in agreement while Max stared at them with wide eyes. 
“You all agree?!” 
“Can I have my drivers back please?!” Christian suddenly yelled, making everyone look at him. 
“Please take her. She’s rabid.” Arthur pushed you forward, making you take a swing at him (that he was ready for and dodged rather easily). 
You stuck your tongue out at him, before giving Ollie a hug and gently guiding him to Charles. 
Your finger pointed at the red-clad driver. “Take care of my son please, even if you are the enemy. He likes his sandwiches without the crust and needs a nap with his blanket in 5 hours.” 
“Aw you brought my blanket?” 
Ollie’s face flushed red as he realized everyone’s eyes were on him. Charles just looked worried as though someone just handed him an actual child and told him “good luck.” 
You turned to follow your team principal, who was muttering something about you giving him even more gray hairs every weekend. “By Ollie! Have fun!” 
The parade went by smoothly. You laughed a lot when Nico brought the boombox to the interviews. He had a lot of questions for you and Max, since it was the team race today, which made your anxiety skyrocket just a bit.
You and Arthur were able to have just a few minutes of alone time back in your driver’s room. 
Because this was a surprise race, Arthur didn’t have to work or be with his brother. So, he was all yours for the entirety of Sunday. However, your excitement didn’t last long as he told you that he had to go back to Switzerland for more testing right after. 
You sighed as you pressed your head against his chest, his arms around you. “If I had known that you’d be gone so much, I wouldn’t have called Seb and just have kept you as my WAG.” 
Arthur sadly smiled down at you. “I know chéri, but I like testing. It gives me a purpose.” 
Another sigh escaped your lips as you finally met his gaze. He cooed as he saw tears forming in your eyes. 
“What is wrong mon fille jolie?” 
You let a few tears escape, but they didn’t get very far as Arthur wiped them off as quickly as they fell. 
“I just miss you and I miss home,” you confessed, hiding your face in his neck as you stepped closer. Arthur gently brought you over to the couch and readjusted you so that you were just lying on his front. 
His hands gently ran through your hair. He knew you needed to be in the car soon, but he wouldn’t let you go without trying to console you. 
You continued, “And I know that we just had summer break not too long ago, but it wasn’t enough.” 
Arthur just listened, know you needed to spill to feel better. 
“Everyone is counting on me to bring in a 1-2 since it’s the home race. But the last two races weren’t the best. I barely got any points.” You muttered the last part, “I’m never going to win a race by now.” 
“Hey, none of that.” Arthur lifted your face so that you could look in his eyes. His were filled with determination. “Do you know how amazing you are? You podiumed at your first race and are fourth in the championship. As a rookie! You are incredible. Parfois j’aimerais que tu te voies comme je te vois.” (translation: Sometimes I wish you saw yourself as I see you.)
You huffed. “I still can’t understand you, but I’m hoping that was a compliment.” 
“It was.” 
He moved his head down to place a gentle kiss on your lips. At the contact, a sigh expelled from your nose. 
It felt so good to be so loved. 
If someone was to write a poem, about how Arthur looked at you and how you looked at Arthur, their pens would be void of ink and the stars would be shadowed by their words. 
The two of you were so lost in each other that a knock at the door scared you both and ended up with you on the floor. 
Mitch poked her head in before shaking it slightly. 
“I don’t even want to know what you were up to, but Y/n needs to get in the car.” 
You quickly stood, with Arthur’s help, and grabbed your helmet, making your way back into the garage. Like clockwork, the Monegasque took your headpiece and gently made sure that it was safely secure. And, with a kiss on the “forehead,” he sent you off. He could tell that you didn’t really want to get in the car. Which was understandable. It wasn’t very often that Arthur saw you not want to drive. But he knew that you were going to be amazing today. 
Starting Grid: 
Charles Leclerc 
Max Verstappen 
Y/n L/n 
Carlos Sainz 
Oscar Piastri 
Pierre Gasly 
Daniel Ricciardo 
Lewis Hamilton 
Yuki Tsunoda 
Alex Albon 
Lando Norris 
Logan Sargeant 
Valtteri Bottas 
Fernando Alonso 
George Russell 
Lance Stroll 
Zhou Guanyu 
Kevin Magnussen 
Esteban Ocon 
Nico Hulkenberg 
You rolled your tires as you waited for the lights to go out. They were tense, but that helped you be ready to press the accelerator. If you weren’t tense, you knew there’d be something wrong. If you felt high-strung outside of the car, inside was 10 times worse. 
All the pressure, all the doubts, all the hopes and dreams – were on your shoulders. 
And you weren’t going to let them down. 
“And it’s lights out and away we go for the 2024 Austrian Grand Prix! Charles Leclerc has a strong start in the initial few seconds, but Max Verstappen seems to be on a mission to turn this into a win. Verstappen gets down the inside and pushes Leclerc a bit wide to gain a position on the pole sitter. We both know that he will probably start to bolt in just a few corners. 
“His rookie teammate Y/n L/n seems to also have the upper hand against the other Ferrari of Carlos Sainz as she seems to do what she does best – go around the outside on that initial turn 1 and somehow make it out in front. 
“Now the track is a bit rainy, and we saw what happened the last time that happened, so we’ll keep an eye on our Red Bull number 2.” 
You felt water droplets fall into your visor as you were picking up speed on the Ferrari in front of you. You knew that this “dirty air” would be much worse than regular, since it was contaminated with water as well. 
You pressed your radio button when it seemed almost impossible to catch up to the red car. The rain had also stopped so your intermediates were getting dangerous to drive with. 
“Mitch what is the plan because I cannot catch up to Leclerc in these conditions.” 
“Do you think you can go the rest of the way in mediums?” 
You thought for a moment. You couldn’t go the rest of the way on softs, as they would degrade too quickly. And hards took forever to warm up. 
“Yeah. I can do that.” 
“Then box ahead of Max. You’ll come out right behind him. So, he’ll give you a tow and then when he boxes, you’ll do the same. Max has priority.” 
You quickly pitted the next lap. The Red Bull team seemed to be on fire as you were in and out in a few seconds. You didn’t know, but they somehow set the record for a new pit stop – 1.789 seconds. 
The crowd got excited as you suddenly appeared behind Max and in front of the number sixteen car. 
With Max in front of you, the tow was very helpful as you started to build bigger gap. You guessed that Ferrari must have messed up Charles’s pit stop as Lando’s papaya car was now behind you, instead of Charles. 
You felt bad, but that’s on his team. 
However, Lando was on much fresher tyres that you were, and he was gaining in the last ten laps of the race. You really tried to not let him overtake, but he did…with five laps to go.
Mitch suddenly came over the radio. “Don’t push it like last time. We don’t need another Suzuka. Third place will be just fine.” 
But you weren’t having any of that. You never responded and just kept at the pace you were going, trying to get the maximum out of the car. 
You hadn’t noticed, but everyone else in the garages could see that you were surprisingly gaining on Lando. Ollie watched as you were making qualifying times per lap. The crew was holding on to each other, cheering you on. With each tenth gained, the noise grew louder. 
You saw the last lap flag, and you knew you had to keep your elbows out. 
“And we are coming up on the last lap and L/n has somehow made it back into Norris’s DRS. She tried to get around the outside on the first turn, but is not successful. Yet, she’s keeping herself well in the DRS and doesn’t make try to make a move on the straights. 
“Here comes the last real corner of the circuit and only a small straight for an overtake. 
You slowed down your car as you drove around for the cool down lap. Your finger was jamming the radio button. 
“Do we have it!?” 
Arthur was biting his fingernails as everyone in the garage was waiting for the results. The mechanics were happy with another P1 finish from Max, but they were on baited breath to see if you had almost done the impossible and finished in a 1-2 sequence. A steward walked over to the pit wall and gave Christian the paper with the results.
A giant smile crossed his face as he was the one to give you the news. 
“Congrats kid. It’s a 1-2 finish.” 
Race Results 
Max Verstappen – 25 points 
Y/n L/n – 18 points 
Lando Norris – 15 points 
Charles Leclerc – 12 points 
Carlos Sainz – 11 points 
Pierre Gasly + fastest lap – 9 points  
Oscar Piastri – 6 points 
Lewis Hamilton – 4 points 
Yuki Tsunoda – 2 points  
Alex Albon – 1 point 
Logan Sargeant 
George Russell 
Lance Stroll 
Fernando Alonso 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Valtteri Bottas 
Esteban Ocon 
Kevin Magnussen 
Zhou Guanyu 
Daniel Ricciardo 
Champions Standings
Max Verstappen – 244 points 
Charles Leclerc – 201 points 
Y/n L/n – 124 points 
Lando Norris – 115 points 
Carlos Sainz – 91 points 
Lewis Hamilton – 70 points 
Oscar Piastri – 68 points 
Alex Albon – 39 points 
George Russell – 36 points
Fernando Alonso – 35 points 
Logan Sargeant – 29 points  
Daniel Ricciardo – 23 points
Lance Stroll – 15 points 
Pierre Gasly – 12 points 
Yuki Tsunoda – 8 points 
Nico Hulkenberg 
Kevin Magnussen 
Zhou Guanyu 
Valtteri Bottas 
Esteban Ocon 
Constructors Standings 
Red Bull – 383 points 
Ferrari – 292 points 
McLaren – 194 points 
Mercedes – 106 points 
Aston Martin – 50 points 
Williams – 41 points 
Alpha Tauri – 31 points 
Alpine – 12 points 
Alpha Romeo 
“OH YEAH BABY. LET’S GO!” you yelled over your radio. The crew in the garage stood up from their seats and began to hug each other. 
“Oh man, that was, wow! Can’t believe that. Great job everyone. Is this what winning feels like?” you asked as you took the cooldown lap, yet there was no answer. Everyone was too busy watching that final overtake and celebrating about it. 
Arthur just watched your car take a lap on the screen. He softly whispered, “I knew you could do it.” The love in his eyes could have poured out if love was a physical thing. 
Mitch came over the radio as you were beginning to pull in. “And congrats kid. You have surpassed Lewis Hamilton’s rookie point record.” 
“You really need to stop hanging out with Max all the time. He’s teaching you bad words.” 
You smirked under your helmet. “I’m a girl whose friends are dominantly male. Mitch you even curse over the radio.” 
Max almost didn’t want to look at whatever car was in the second place spot. He knew you’d be devastated if you weren’t there. Last he knew, Lando was behind him with you on his tail. It was your helmet that caught his attention. His body turned to see you standing on your car in the P2 spot. 
His heart dropped, but in a good way. He watched you jump off and jump into the arms of the crew. Head pats were definitely deserved as you tried to touch as much of the team as possible. He laughed when you purposefully hung off the banner, just to get closer to the crew who were a bit further back. 
He watched you and Mitch hold out your arms (kind of like Lando and Carlos at the Singapore Grand Prix), mirror each other, and then hug it out. He swears he saw the older lady wipe away a few tears. 
Next was Christian, who gave you a big hug as Max finally made his way to the wall of crew. It was his turn for hugs, high-fives, and helmet pats. 
You had just gotten to Arthur, who held onto you a bit longer than everyone else. 
Just for the two of you, he whispered, “If you didn’t have you helmet on, I’d kiss you right here in front of all these people.” 
Your cheeks were bright red under the helmet.
Ollie, who had been able to escape from the prancing horse, had also come to congratulate you. His hug was a tag shorter than Arthur’s, but you knew he did it to make your previous hug not look as suspicious. 
You had been on the podium time and time before, but this felt different. You don’t know if it was the adrenaline, the sun, or the happiness that ran through you veins that made the trophy a bit lighter or the bubbly a bit sweeter: maybe it was all three. 
You were still hungry for a win, starving, but this was just the snack to tide you over.
Down below, Arthur and Ollie had somehow gotten a hand on the boombox once again. You could barely hear it on the podium, but you had a guess. Suddenly, the music screeched to a halt, making everyone confused. You watched as your two boys had a knowing smirk on their faces. The same smirk slowly crept on your face as well. 
You turned to Max and Lando, who looked equally confused. You held your trophy to your lips, as though it were a microphone. You pointed at the two men, and lip-synced the words. 
redbullracing has posted
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redbullracing 1-2 in the house! The Red Bull Ring was shining as our drivers carried home two new trophies! Congrats to y/n.89 for her first record as she surpasses Lewis Hamilton's rookie points with 124 points total!
liked by y/n.89, maxverstappen, lewishamilton, and 4,203,893 others
y/n_on_top that fight for the win will go in the history books mark my words
landonorris please tell your drivers to slow down so the rest of us can have a chance
charles_leclerc I second this y/n.89 idk, you all just sound like misogynists here... maxverstappen1 what she said
lewishamilton I knew someone would have to beat it. congrats kid
y/n.89 thank you Lew! (someone should take notes ahem landonorris) landonorris sure bug, sure
redbullfan 1-2! 1-2! 1-2!
y/n.lover she is legit currently in p3 for the constructor's championship...what do they feed her?
y/n.89 the tears of my enemies (Charles cries a lot) charles_leclerc HEY redbullracing lots of energy drinks and protein!
arthurxy/n Arthur back in the rb garage - too bad ollie couldn't join them
y/n.89 has posted
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y/n.89 my boys are BACK
liked by y/n.nation, boxbox_express, change_ur_f-car, and 85,395 others
y/n&co God I've seen what you've done for others
rookiefan I kinda feel bad for her boyfriend...but at the same time Arthur is more than happy to show her off (her bf needs to take notes!!)
olliebearman MOM ON PODIUM
y/n.89 did you have a nice nap? olliebearman yes until charles_leclerc forgot my blanket y/n.89 when I find you charles_leclerc arthur_leclerc Charles you better run charles_leclerc HE'S 18?? WHY DOES HE STILL NEED A BLANKET AND NAP y/n.89 you're 26???? why do you still need to call my teammate goodnight? lestappenlove and I OOP
prema_y/n anywayyyyy the second pic is hilarious
Arthur.nation thur is glowing, wonder if he has a gf??
arthurgirly4life I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE
boxbox_express the trio no one knew we needed, but the trio that we deserve
arthur_leclerc has posted
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arthur_leclerc a driver, a reserve driver, and an endurance driver walk into a bar...
liked by thurthur, ferrari_fanfest, porsche, and 102,284 others
arthur4porsche this makes no sense but it's hysterical??
y/n.89 ollie actually smacked his head on the bar
olliebearman YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T TELL - DAD, MOM IS MAKING FUN OF ME AGAIN arthur_leclerc it was funny? olliebearman grandpa? charles_leclerc yes? olliebearman not you, you forgot my blanket. the better one maxverstappen1 take that Charles
arthur&crew if max and Charles are grandpa...does that make Christian great-grandpa??
christianhorner sadly yes y/n.89 SADLY?? YOU MADE HIM CRYYYY charles_leclerc w o w , could never at Ferrari y/n.89 Charlie, you cried yesterday
redbullracing maybe the driver should become our photographer?
olliebearman has posted
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olliebearman why is it that when we're together, we're always eating??
liked by ferrari, y/n.89, logansargeant, and 83,294 others
arthur_leclerc blocked and reported for that last picture
olliebearman why? trying to look good for someone?? arthur_leclerc say goodbye to the blanket olliebearman too late, your brother lost it :( arthur.nation HELLO??
y/n.89 I look sexy
olliebearman your boyfriend sure thinks so :D y/n.89 what Arthur said, blocked and reported
prematrio what are these comments??
y/n&co shhhhh just let them
oscarpiastri guess the invites got lost in the mail??
landonorris same here... y/n.89 you weren't in prema? kimi.antonelli thanks for the food mom! olliebearman brother? maxverstappen1 here we go again
change_ur_f-car what a time to be alive
TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @glitterquadricorn @laura-naruto-fan1998 @treehouse-mouse @sam-is-lost @kagatinkita @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @myxticmoon @angsthology @cmleitora @agent-curt-mega @graciewrote @ashy-kit @slutofmultifandom @aexitizen-ln4 @sugarvibez @vellicora @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @cashtons-wife @hoetel-manager @xcharlottemikaelsonx @jayda12 @ilove-tswizzle @justme2042 @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @stopeatread @cha-hot @sadg3 @iloveyou3000morgan @s4turnsl0ver @alessioayla @torchbearerkyle @leptitlu @awekbachira @shreks-sugar-daddy @v1naco @stan-josie @mellowarcadefun @badassturtle13 @beskardroids @callisposts @poppyalice2001 @juniper-july19
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etherealxwitch · 2 years
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie has ruined you for good.
Warnings: SMUT (minors dni), pure filth, pwp, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, dirty talk, slight dom!Eddie, spanking, squirting
WC: 2145
(get buckled up, this is wild)
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How you and Eddie ended up together was such a cliché. Eddie was the bad boy who never got a good rep and was said to be a cult leader for Satan. You were the pretty cheerleader, got straight A’s and was said to be a good Christian girl. What people didn’t know was that Eddie corrupted you in such a good way and there was no looking back. He got you addicted to his wild side and now every Sunday you were in the church thinking of only Eddie, the words “forgive me father” nowhere in your head. He made you a full sinner, but you had no complaints.
It started out as you two being partnered for a chemistry project. He asked you to meet him in the woods after school and though you thought that was a weird place to meet with him, you went. You had to admit that you were scared, but you felt safe once he was present.
“How does a pretty girl like you get paired up with me?” Eddie sat across from you and opened his lunchbox to pull out a joint, offering it to you. You shook your head, this was something you weren’t used to.
You rolled your eyes at him and decided to step out of straight line you were always used to, “well, you’re not too bad.” Eddie was known as the freak all because of a game he played, but he was attractive, very attractive and you couldn’t deny that.
Eddie smiled as he took a hit of the joint, “you sure about that, princess?”
From then on, you went to a girl who had only kissed someone to someone who enjoyed having their pussy being absolutely wrecked to the point of tears. You were hooked and there was no looking back.
Eddie helped you explore things you never thought you get the chance to. Different music, marijuana, bars, and the way he could make your body feel so good with such little effort.
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Eddie had your legs around his shoulders, his face tucked nicely between your thighs and his lips wrapped around your swollen clit. His hands were on your breast, tugging and squeezing at your nipples. Eddie gave them a slap, causing you let out a breathy moan of his name.
“Never wanna hear you stop saying that.” His voice was muffled, but you could still hear him, and you couldn’t help but giggle.
You could feel his wet tongue down slide up and down your folds, in your pussy and hitting spots you never knew a tongue could hit.
When you looked down at him, he was so entranced in eating your pussy. He had his eyes closed and was humming from how sweet you tasted. You could deny how pretty he was when he went down on you, it was art. Eddie was eating you out like you were his last meal and to make it even hotter, he was grinding his hips against his bed, needing some sort of friction.
“Just wanna taste you forever.” Eddie loved nothing more than to just eat you out. He didn’t care if that’s all he ever did. His happy play was right between your thighs.
“Fuck Eddie, right there!” You moaned out and reached for something to grab on, deciding on his hair. You have his hair a tug and you can tell that the thrusting of his hips against the bed stuttered. Your hips bucked the more he sucked your clit, needing more if that was even possible.
He pulled away from you for a second and looked up at you, a smirk on his fast, eyes wild with excitement, and his mouth slick with just you, “that’s right, tell me how much you like it, baby.” He slowly slid a finger in your wet pussy, groaning at the feeling. “My cock isn’t even inside you yet and you have me going crazy.”
You swear you saw stars at how good he was making you feel, “m’please, I need your cock.” Begging was a thing Eddie loved to hear, it got him going even more than he already was.
With his finger still knuckle deep inside you, slowly pumping in and out, he leaned over you, his lips right next to your ear. “You want this cock, baby? I think you have to earn it first.”
“Please let me, I promise I’ll do whatever you want.” You were whining, desperation in your voice and Eddie was loving every single moment of it.
Eddie slowly pulled his finger out, licking it while making eye contact with you before undoing his belt. “You gonna suck my cock like a good girl?” You nodded, maybe too fast, but you couldn’t help it. The thought of having his cock in your mouth could’ve caused your orgasm.
You dropped to your knees, your mouth already watering from the thought of Eddie using it as he pleases. Your hands came up to his clothed cock, running your fingers over it and feeling it twitch. You could feel it pulsing underneath your hand and you swear you’ve never felt something hotter. Just doing that made you moan and roll your hips against the air.
Eddie pulled down his briefs, his cock sprung inches from your face, leaking with precum. His cock was the perfect size with the right amount of girth. It was hard for you to take all of him at first, but practice (and you did a lot of it) made perfect.
You wrapped your hands around him and stroked a couple of times, causing him to hiss. He looked down at you and his eyes quickly rolled in the back of his head as you wrapped your soft lips around him, licking every inch that you could, “just like that.” His voice was soft, trying to concentrate on only the feeling of your mouth.
Eddie’s hands grabbed at your hair, pulling it back so he could get the perfect view of you choking on his cock. He would savor the moment for as long as he could. Your mascara was running down your face and drool was pooling out of your mouth. An angel is what you looked like to him.
You bobbed your head slowly and he didn’t like that too much, so he thrusted down your throat making you gag and him stuttering with his words, “god baby, never thought anything would come close to how your pussy feels, but fuck.” His words faded off the more you bobbed your head, giving him everything you could.
You looked up at him with your big eyes and he almost came at the picture of you looking so innocent with his cock almost all the way down your throat. He pulled his cock out of your mouth with a pop and you huffed, wanted him to use your mouth more. “On the bed, now. You know how I want you.”
Eddie slowly backed up so you could stand up and get on the bed. You bent over, knees and elbows pressed against the mattress, ass in the air. Your back was arched perfectly. It’s as if you were presenting himself for him in all your glory and you had a lot of glory according to him.
It took a minute before Eddie made his way over to you, he always took a mental not of how you looked right before you were all fucked out. The way your pussy glistened in the dimly lit room, the way your ass jiggled at the slightest movement. He was enthralled by every bit of you.
Once he stood behind you, your body became on fire. You knew what was coming and the excitement flooded every inch of you.
“I want you to be loud,” you felt the familiar burn of pleasure as he slid his cock head in you before bottoming out completely causing you to fall forward and scream into the pillow. He pulled you up by your hair, your back flush against his chest, “I want the whole trailer park to know how have corrupted Hawkins most pretty and innocent girl. Want everyone to know how much of a slut you are for my cock.”
Eddie hadn’t move since bottoming out, but his words were enough to make you moan out. You swear that you were so wet that you were dripping down his cock and onto his mattress.
Suddenly his hips snapped, sending you forward and little. You braced yourself with your hand on the wall, his name bursting from your lips, “god, yes.”
“Not god, just me, baby.” Eddie ran his hand up your back, his cold rings leaning goosebumps across your skin. He rested his hand on your shoulder before pounding into you, knocking the breath from your lungs.
His balls slapped against your clit, adding more pleasure, almost too much. “Please don’t stop, Eddie.” You were trying your best to hold yourself, but the rate Eddie was going was making you so weak in the best possible way.
“I didn’t plan on it, fuck.” Eddie threw his head back as you fucked yourself on his cock. He taught you so well.
The trailer was shaking, your screams could be heard around the trailer park, but neither of you worried about that at all.
Eddie groaned each time he pulled out only to slam back in. Your pussy was heaven to him. He fit inside of you perfectly, you were made for him and his cock. “Gonna fill you to the brim with my cum, princess.”
A hand came down slapped ass, the sting feeling all too good. “Love the way this ass bounces.” He rubbed a soothing hand over the handprint he left. Eddie didn’t have a favorite part of your body because it was all his favorite, he could never decide.
With each hard thrust of Eddie’s lips came a moan from both of you. You were both so spent and chasing each other’s release.
“Tell me who this pussy belongs too,” another slap to your eyes and you shook with pleasure, “cmon, tell me.”
“Yours Eddie, it’s yours!” Your words came out in a stutter.
Every part of your body was tingling. You couldn’t stop the moans flowing from your mouth, each one louder than the next.
“Such a good girl for my cock, huh? Gonna have you so cum drunk for me.”
You felt his hand wrap around your throat, pulling you back up. “Who makes you feel this good huh?” His sweat dripped down, you could feel it on your back, but you didn’t care. “Say it baby, say my name.” Eddie squeezed your throat, just enough for you to lose some air, but not too much.
“Eddie-oh my, fuck.” Your chanted his name repeatedly, like it was a prayer, how ironic. You were so close, you needed to feel this release.
The hand that wasn’t wrapped around your throat traveled down the front of your body, stopping at your clit and giving it a couple taps before rubbing fast and tight circles. It was enough to make you see white and you swear you have never had such an intense orgasm.
You were shaking, your body feeling electrified. It felt like all the other times before, but something was different. The pleasure made tears fall from your eyes. It was too much and just enough at the same time. Words couldn’t form, your mind was completely blank.
Eddie came right after you, neither of you caring if he pulled out. He grunted at your name and basked in the feeling of you tightly clenching around his cock, milking him for all that he had to give.
When he gently pulled out, you gasped at the sudden feel of emptiness. You clenched, wishing his cock was still there.
“Holy shit, you-you squirted,” Eddie was in shock, a good shock. He took a couple deep breaths before smiling, he had never made anyone do that before. You turned to look at him, your face red with embarrassment and you looked down at the mess you made. “Oh, baby, no.”
Eddie lifted your chin and made you look at him, “that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, and I cannot wait to make you do it so many more times.” His kissed your lips, biting at your bottom lip and you got soaked all over again.
“You up for round two?” Your breath was still shaky, but you were ready to go. You laid back and spread your legs, beckoning him to come to you.
Eddie pulled your legs dangled off the edge of the bed, “I can go as many rounds as you like.” He leaned down to kiss your neck, “my sweet, not so innocent, girl.”
This was going to be a very long night.
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