daizzypop · 16 hours
Update on my friend Amani from Gaza! Things are getting very dire and she has asked me once again to relay her story to you in the hopes that you will be able to help her and her family.
Amani is a 32 year old mother of 3 boys. Originally from the north of Gaza, their home was completely taken away from them by Israeli bombardment and they were forced to evacuate to the south.
Currently, Amani's family has had to evacuate 5 times and is forced to live in a tent with even the barest necessities unavailable to them. Her children are deprived of nutritious food and clean water as well as medicine and healthcare. And everyday they are at risk of losing their lives whether it is to illness or to the Israeli heavy artillery.
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(ID in Alt)
Amani needs to evacuate herself and her children across the Rafah border. She is asking for $17,732 and has gotten very few donations so far!
Please help Amani get her boys to safety and out of harm's way! Every moment they spend in Gaza their life is at risk and the trauma they gain is lifelong. Donate what you can and please make sure you share!
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daizzypop · 1 day
Huge pet peeve in video games is when you can’t hold your breath underwater for very long or it takes a good while to regain your breath above water. Unrealistic. Like my condolences to the devs for your lack of breath support but that just could not be me…
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daizzypop · 5 days
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daizzypop · 7 days
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Don’t think most gay people are chill with being used to justify a genocide.
Also, when did conservatives start caring so much about gay rights, anyway?
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daizzypop · 9 days
Crammed together like heaps of flesh in tents that feel like scorching ovens, our days have regressed to a more degraded version of those of the earliest humans. From morning till night, we search for the same things Abel and Cain sought to survive: water, food, and fire. We endure long hours in queues to get a meager amount of water, and the food consists of old, low-quality canned goods. We sleep and wake to the sounds of savage airplanes, unsure of where they will strike next or who among us will be turned into scattered remains. Here in Gaza, we are living the worst existence humanity has known since its very beginning, You are our only hope for escaping Gaza and its oppression. Please help my siblings and me find a safe place to live💔🇵🇸
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daizzypop · 9 days
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the real hashira training
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daizzypop · 9 days
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the real hashira training
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daizzypop · 10 days
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daizzypop · 10 days
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daizzypop · 10 days
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Israel is the new Nazis!
Fuck Israel
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daizzypop · 10 days
people have been calling this portrait very befitting considering the amount of blood on the british empire's hands, and i absolutely agree (i also don't want to know how much this was commissioned for because i think of how many British people are struggling with food and fuel poverty):
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[photo: @/WorldTimesWT with caption "Britain's King Charles unveiled the first official portrait of himself since his coronation last May." May 14, 2024.]
in one direct action response to the portrait's reveal, Palestine Action activists did this:
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never forget the British royals' support for a terrorist state -Israel, and never forget that king colonizer has personally voiced support for the bombing and genociding of Palestinian people.
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daizzypop · 11 days
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Happy Pride Month
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daizzypop · 12 days
Hello, my name is Ahmed Turk from Gaza.
Please read my story. I want you to help me. My family is in danger. I saw you helping people. 🥹🙏🏻
Please, I don't know anyone who can post to us and share our story. I saw you by chance.💔😭
Please share my story on your profile and tell people about it. The family consists of 7 members and we are now in Gaza. We cannot go out.😔❤️❤️
Please help us. Post our link: gofund.me/7489c83c
Hello, Ahmed. I'll be happy to post your fundraiser. I hope you and your family are safe and away from harm.
Everyone, please consider donating to this fundraiser. This is a legit gofundme, pls check and follow Ahmed's blog for the posts vetting them. Please also follow Ahmed on twitter (ahmadturk_) for updates on their situation.
Click the link for their gofundme:
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daizzypop · 12 days
Crammed together like heaps of flesh in tents that feel like scorching ovens, our days have regressed to a more degraded version of those of the earliest humans. From morning till night, we search for the same things Abel and Cain sought to survive: water, food, and fire. We endure long hours in queues to get a meager amount of water, and the food consists of old, low-quality canned goods. We sleep and wake to the sounds of savage airplanes, unsure of where they will strike next or who among us will be turned into scattered remains. Here in Gaza, we are living the worst existence humanity has known since its very beginning, You are our only hope for escaping Gaza and its oppression. Please help my siblings and me find a safe place to live💔🇵🇸
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daizzypop · 12 days
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daizzypop · 12 days
last chance to evacuate
as you may know, israel has begun its ground operation in rafah. they dropped leaflets last night ordering people to evacuate, and bombing in east rafah has already begun.
The border is about to become unreachable.
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Rafah is trapped.
We have literal hours until no-one, all the GoFundMe's you've scrolled past, all the people desperately begging on TikTok, will be able to escape.
Give now. Give whatever you can.
I am fundraising for the Odeh family, which is only 3k away from meeting its goal.
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you will not get another chance.
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daizzypop · 12 days
"If the Israeli assault stopped today, and we decided to hold a funeral every single day for each Palestinian killed in the last eight months, it would take us 100 years to honor them all."
The Palestinian speaker at the UN Security Council highlights the devastating toll of casualties among Palestinians resulting from the Israeli genocide in Gaza.
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