#sander sides headcanons
askdeceitsanders · 3 months
(Question for the mod since I just wanna be sure, is this canon compliant? As in, the same setting as canon? And Intruloceit is married, Virgil and Janus are brothers? Sorry, just a bit confused 😅)
(kinda? more like canon with a whole lot of headcanons. it is not exactly in the same setting as canon if youre referring to the mindscape (which to me is just Thomas' house but in his head with some extra rooms for the lights, and a whole different version of Thomas' house in a different part with rooms for Remus and Janus, and throw in the imagination in a different part. intruloceit is married yes, but Janus is more so a mother to Virgil. really hope i made sense here)
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rainydaystudios · 8 months
Janus headcanons bc why not
He tried multiple times to peel his scales off using various methods, this includes but isn’t limited to burning and using a nail file.
Building off the last one, he sheds and his scales grow back, thus giving him hella scars under his scales.
Grows mushrooms under his bed. Not expected from him, but he does it.
Whenever bestie sheds, wherever he sheds has extreme pains that I want to say are like period cramps.
Extremely flexible. Uses this skill to his advantage. (Scaring the other sides and Thomas.)
Has a secret DND campaign that he one day will get the other sides to join. (Never gonna happen.)
He has emetophobia. Remus has took advantage of this.
Cold blooded. He is extremely cold all the time, thus grew the obsession with hot chocolate.
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disneybrandautism · 6 months
it’s that time again!
i’m going to talk about my roman disneyland special interest headcanons + autism one. because. yes.
y’all can blame @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat for this they asked for more.
this is pure hyperfixation on my end and i am projecting. so. yeah.
he can and will tell you random disneyland trivia, but it’s often unprompted.
every time he does his makeup his goal is always to look like a disney princess.
he has converse painted to look like each of the disney princes.
has made power points about the best disney couples.
when he gets over stimulated he needs music and a blanket and the lady plush i mentioned previously. other wise he will have a meltdown.
virgil is always there when roman gets overstimulated and will lie on top of him. he also always knows where roman’s headphones are located.
logan worries a lot about roman getting hyperfixated on something and forgetting to eat or just forgetting to take care of himself so logan will often go and remind him to do things or brings him food.
all of roman’s comfort food remind him of disney and/or disneyland.
he doesn’t like most of the live action movies because they feel off to him. (he did like cinderella and the little mermaid.) (he hates live action beauty and the beast)
he lives life through disney advice, but he also feels he has to live by their definition of good and bad which puts a lot of pressure on him to be “good”. this is also the reason he struggles to accept the other sides.
he is sometimes nonverbal and often times virgil or logan will plop him on the couch and they will watch his favorite disney movies. (he usually ends up nonverbal out of stress so this is a way to chill him out.)
he is super empathetic and he cries often over inanimate objects or tv characters.
he loves schedules when he goes to disney and if they get messed up it stresses him out often.
i’m sure i have more but for now. thank you for listening. i’m trying to live up to my user.
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lunadeii · 1 year
Some Sleep head canons.
He and Janus def gossip while drinking their wine and coffee.
Roman and him probably binge movies together, to keep Thomas from sleeping at night-
Roman's understudy.
He and Logan don't get along.
His onesie is a sloth.
May draw these
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ollieneedstherapy · 2 years
Sander sides headcanons
Logan: he cannot sleep at all, he has gone weeks without sleep it nearly killed Thomas. He forgets a lot that he is wearing glasses so he goes to bed a lot with them on. His favorite song is Rocket ships by Cavetown 
Patton: He loves baking but his favorite thing to make is cinnamon rolls; if Virgil see him eating one (1) he say cannibalism. Loves the colors baby blue and Canary yellow but he doesn’t like yellow as much nowadays. Favorite song is Can’t help falling in love the Annapansu cover 
Roman: he talks to himself all of the time so much that he forgets he talking to himself so he having a debate about cream cheese at 3 AM by himself, he can’t watch any Disney movie without crying, favorite song is ‘ Hawaiian roller coaster ride’ from Lilo and Stich 
Virgil: he loves the Dream SMP with his whole heart (his favorite is Ranboo), he also love running he can’t take a week without it he says it helps his anxiety, ‘girls’ by Girl in red
Janus: he is Terrified of clowns if he sees one  you better help him hide the body, has a bunch of weird socks like Avocado,Potato,Chiles (if you know you know) favorite song is ‘Lemon boy’ by Cavetown
Remus:he can tap dance and play the Violin (he did it the annoy Roman) Has a weird love of butterflies especially monarchs, ‘The YMCA’Jacques and or ‘Washington on your side ’from Hamilton   
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redadidassneakers · 9 months
Regulus: someone accused me of lying for attention which I RESENT. I lie because it’s fun and, crucially, very very easy
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uglyasswhiteboy · 2 months
headcanon: because janus is cold blooded, he really likes hugging people for warmth. but virgil doesn't like physical affection and remus is always cold to the touch. so when patton hugs janus for the first time, it's the best thing he's ever experienced
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part-time-zombie · 1 month
random headcanons I have on how the sides sleep for no reason:
Logan hardly moves in his sleep and wakes up quickly and alert. He doesn't dream very much either.
Roman dreams vividly, and often twitches or mumbles in his sleep. Always talks about the dream he had over breakfast.
Patton snores loudly and sleeps heavily, usually clutching a stuffed animal even if he fell asleep on the couch.
Virgil often has nightmares and is a light sleeper. He tosses and turns and wakes up in the middle of the night alot.
Janus talks in his sleep sometimes, though he doesn't realize it. Oddly, everything he says is honest when he sleeps.
Remus sleep walks on most nights, usually wandering back to romans room. This and sleep paralysis are common.
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awesamkiller · 1 year
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Hit ya (hit ya)
with the (with the)
punk (punk)
reblogs are better than likes!
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loganslowdown4 · 8 months
Logan: I’m going to get some take out, do you want something to eat?
Roman: *having a bad day* No, I’m good.
Logan: *eating his sandwich while working*
Roman: Um… could I have some of your fries?
Logan: *pulls out a whole bag with a sandwich, fries and cookie from his desk drawer, bought just for Roman* Yes, of course.
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 4 months
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I would like to suggest aromantic Patton
He doesn’t know what Thomas meant when he said “I just felt something for someone else that I had never felt before” in Moving On pt 2, and during the Five Years Later video, he didn’t seem very enthusiastic about Nico
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I propose that while Patton deals with a lot of the feelings, he doesn’t necessarily enjoy or understand them
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clydesavage-thefox147 · 5 months
So, I was rewatching Perfect Gift again for like the 100th time and I just make a realization.
It's about the newspaper that Logan was given. He was so quick to assume it was just a cheap newspaper and nothing else to it. That's pretty depressing when you think that he's not seeing things in a deeper perspective anymore. It's as if he doesn't see a point to do so anymore.
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It was sorta like how in the 5 year Anniversary vid, when Thomas asked "What do you think is next for us?" And Logan gave up and said "You tell me". He doesn't see the point in putting his two cent in anymore and starting to think that the others don't see him more than just a boring, worthless, out of date person that's just a stereotypical nerd.
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However, when he starts actually looking deeper into the newspaper, he sees something different, something unexpected. A well thought out puzzle for him specifically. Showing that the others, Virgil specifically, knows Logan is more than boring. He like reading, yes. He likes puzzles, yes. Making it a game full of mystery and fun? You wouldn't think Logan would be into that but he is. It proves there is more to Logan. A happier side to him that he's repressed for means of being taken seriously.
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The newspaper is a representation of Logan. On the outside, he's inconspicuous. He's normal. He's put together. You wouldn't think much of him or give him a second thought or glance. But, once you look deeper and actually start reading into him, you see a whole new, different person. Someone happier. Someone interesting. Someone hurt. Someone frustrated. Someone... that's more than meets the eye.
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lunadeii · 1 year
Please reblog if you vote ^^
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ollieneedstherapy · 2 years
Sander sides Incorrect quotes as stuff said at my School!
Logan:If you eat the fool salami we are no longer friends and I will beat your ass
Roman: what do you mean that  you hate me? I’m great!
Patton: don’t drink that! ITS BLEACH!!
Janus: If you touch my ramen I will cut off your hands
Remus: Calm down bitch boy! What do you mean the schools on fire ( fireworks, yes I go to public school)
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notanonymous · 5 months
The sides as emoticons:
Patton: 83
Logan: 8/
Roman: >:D
Virgil: >:/
Janus: >:)
Remus: >:{D
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prodigal-explorer · 6 months
i know a lot of people think patton would be the best babysitter out of all the sides 🙄
but consider: ROMAN.
this big, loud, larger-than-life man is just a walking living disney character. and kids LOVE that. roman will sing them songs, teach them how to dance, act like everything is a big game and a big deal, all to make them laugh and smile.
the biggest difference between patton and roman with taking care of kids is that roman would absolutely treat them like an equal, in the sense that he would treat the kid like a capable, cool person who’s worthy of respect and has the capability of being an expert! if a kid shows him their cartwheel, roman begs them to teach him how they did it, instead of just a “wow, great!”. if a kid sings him a song, roman calls a broadway producer right in front of the kid and pitches them, much to the kid’s giggling delight.
i already can hear the comments. “but roman’s so irresponsible! he’s so childish, he would be a horrible caretaker!” do you know how much discipline it takes to be an actor? roman absolutely will put the kid to bed at 8:30 and be in bed at 8:30 too because he has rehearsal tomorrow and needs his beauty rest. he will 100% feed the kid a ton of broccoli and eat the broccoli too because he needs lots of nutrients for his dance performance next week. roman leads by example, and he has a very structured life because of his career!!
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