#saint jay garcia saturn
mugiwara-lucy · 3 days
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My poor baby has PTSD 😭
Look at the crew protecting her like they said they would back in Zou in Chapter 818 🥹
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danwhobrowses · 3 days
One Piece Chapter 1113 - Initial Thoughts
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It is time
One Piece is back again and the big announcement is almost underway. The Gorosei are circling though, much of the Straw Hats are cornered, will the revelation turn the tide?
Let's find out
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release too!
A chess-themed colour spread this time; Robin playing chess with the crew as chess pieces
Contrary to the message the King should not be the attacking piece but other than that I did find it funny that Usopp is a Bishop with a bow and arrow, this cleric does harm!
Also lil Chopper pawns!
Picking up where we left off, Markus Mars has been stopped in awe of a sight in Punk Records
The remains of Vegapunk's humungous brain, as big or maybe even bigger than a giant, kept in a pod and still working even after his death
Mars does wonder if this is more Vegapunk's true self, which I guess if it has his brain it's probably the main part that's biologically living
People around the world brace themselves though
Syrup Village! Kaya, Merry and the old Usopp Pirates get a cameo
Despite her wealth being enough for Kuro to plan a murder/retirement spree, they do not have a Video Den Den Mushi
Though it seems like it's more size than price, and Kaya is already keen to hear what Vegapunk is saying, given his role in the medical field
Also lil' Merry details on the Den Den Mushi
The Marines are monitoring it too
Laboon and Crocus cameo!
And we even get to go to Baldimore, birthplace of Vegapunk
Some dialogue from the group that found Franky during the separation too
'I heard he's turned himself into a ship now' XD because of the bounty poster, and the bad timeline SBS image maybe, though I still think we could in the future get a Sunny mecha
Also got Chopper's bird and medic island listening in
The tribespeople even know about Vegapunk, they call him a 'king of modern science'
Even despite the Garp and SWORD attack, some pirates from Fullalead are listening in - some still wanna fight each other though
Mars tries to stamp out the Den Den Mushi, but it's of course a fake! It shatters to reveal just another regular Den Den Mushi
Fooled again motherfucker!
Vegapunk does introductions once more but now everyone wants him to get on with it XD
For the most part the more obscure world shots seem somewhat familiar, I couldn't tell what the rainy place was but it could be Water 7, the other one looked a bit familiar, the Longarm place looks like to have Brook's old talent agents too
But this campfire one, a child is hushed back to sleep by their likely mother, they're in tipi tents, what's interesting is the other person there, almost like Oda's pulling something sneaky
Through their collective telepathy, Mars announces his failure, it was a decoy so they have no leads
They wonder what Vegapunk intends to say, fearing that he'll carry on what Clover started before he was silenced
Back to Sanji and he hears a woman's scream
Bonney is being targeted by V. Nusjuro, Franky standing between them but Sanji demands to be the white knight
He jumps off the sword to kick him in the jaw
By comparison V. Nusjuro is pretty damn huge
His body sets on fire - fitting to his Yokai lore - but then the horse's head comes out to bite Sanji
Lots of crackling of bones, I wonder if his Healing Factor is still a thing
As Oimo and Kashii tackle V. Nusjuro (about the same size as them), Vegapunk's broadcast begins, admitting to committing two grave sins
Bonney turns into a giant with her fruit to attack V. Nusjuro, who has returned to his hybrid form
Vegapunk's broadcast admits that he is likely to be executed, and that this broadcast would start when his heart has stopped
Sabaody reacts first, realising that this means Vegapunk is dead
Duval has trouble processing this, since the news said that he was a hostage for the Straw Hats
Caesar's also mad, he and Judge went through that whole cover story alliance for nothing, so now they can promptly fuck off
And Morgans is angry because Vegapunk is giving BIG NEWS without him like it's not in his name
Interestingly, Vegapunk is quick to state that his killers should not be portrayed as 'evil' - because they're looking pretty damn evil to me
It seems maybe this is because he expects Luffy to have been pinned as to blame for his death, though it could be scanlations saying 'him'
Saturn faces off with the Labophase group, demanding they move away
Saturn and Robin however recognize one another, Robin from his voice back in Ohara and Saturn by her image
Seems Saturn blames Akainu directly for Robin's escape, I mean he did blow up the hostage ship but still, there were more marines out there
He goes to attack Robin, so all the other Straw Hats go into protection mode
Brook cuts a few limbs, but worryingly Chopper blocked some with his Guard Point - those limbs are poisonous remember? Though it's impressive that he could suppress a claw that could go straight through Kuma
Nami also remembers that she can use Zeus to block attacks
Mars is still on recon, but his senses can't pick up any 'telepathic waves' - wonder if that's a Haki feat or something relative to the Gorosei's shared thoughts?
York is also having trouble figuring out where the Stella would've put it, since her position as a Celestial Dragon is on the line
Vegapunk's about to deliver his mission statement, which is putting the Gorosei into a panic
Mars considers blowing up the entire place, but Saturn and Warcury are weighing it against the possible losses; men, equipment, and any chance of recreating the Mother Flame
Wait. What?
"Our World...is going to sink into the ocean!"
Well you can't deny it: Global Warming is Real.
It's not just Water Seven and Aqua Laguna then, it's all going to sink, there's a lot of thematic consequences to that when you think about it.
Did the World Government ostracize the Fish-Men because of this? Knowing that they would inherit the world? Does this have any connection to Devil Fruits and why the Ocean really saps their strength? Did the ancient kingdom like Old Wano sink to the bottom of the sea?
It begets a lot of questions, in true Oda fashion.
The rest of the chapter was a lot more jam-packed than the last, even without Luffy. The carried tension of the announcement is followed by Saturn and V. Nusjuro's confrontations with the crew, giants and Bonney. As expected, Sanji took on V. Nusjuro, the hit didn't seem to do much in the long term as expected, though I kinda wish Franky also got a hit in but the extent of his own injuries is worth wondering.
I'm glad the Labophase crew are stepping up against Saturn, at least until the expected arrival of Zoro and Jinbe, but it does show their furthered growth versus Enies Lobby if they can successfully repel Saturn from Robin - her injury being validated by this scene, though I still wish we saw a flashback of the Straw Hats vs Seraphim and them uncovering York as the traitor.
Still it's bad PR from the Straw Hats either way, they're likely to be accused of killing Vegapunk, who was last deemed their hostage by the fake news machine (is Morgans still going to Egghead? I mean with Vivi with him we continue to tease a reunion), and while Punk Records still has a chance to live on this is definitely going to be something each crewmate will have to re-evaluate given the bigger picture. Still, that can come after getting off the island; Edison and the Sleeping Giant are still at play after all, Stussy still needs to release the barrier, it's looking more likely that we might finish up around 1120.
Still there has to be more to the announcement, if Vegapunk was waiting for a video display it means that there are visuals to corroborate his revelation - I wonder if the Gorosei are more open to this reveal coming out than what they expected with the Ancient Kingdom reveal they destroyed Ohara for? Like did Vegapunk dupe the WG into Buster Calling Egghead over a reveal they didn't care much for? He mentioned two grave sins too so there seems to be much more to his announcement than just the opening statement.
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theproblemsofdonhi · 4 months
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They who the gods fear the most.
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gilenart · 5 months
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🔥 The devil considered Saint 🔥
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eraofevermore · 7 months
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Saint Jay Garcia Saturn
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teegaken · 4 months
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Kuma vs Saturn
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beaulesbian · 2 months
wano & egghead spoilers (up to current chapter 1108)
there's some interesting connection between the eyes of zunesha, luffy/joyboy and the iron giant on egghead
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in the zou arc with zunesha's first introductions, each time they were on the page their eyes were big black holes, seemingly empty or hollow:
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in wano arc, when zunesha got the first feeling that joyboy could appear, and was on the way to wano, their depiction was in inverse - which could still mean hollow black eyes and lighter color body, but in the shadows:
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and then, when it seemed luffy died, his own eyes were very similar - black and hollow, dead and still, like zunesha's.
(this similarity especially here between them is very interesting (dead and still), and i hope we learn more about the 'crime' zunesha did, if i remember correctly, around 900years ago? and what exactly was their punishment, beside to wander around the world forever, and who were they in relation to joyboy..)
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UNTIL !! luffy came back to life! not only as luffy, but with something of joyboy's spirit alongside him and unlocking/awakening his gear 5 of the sun god nika devil fruit. zunesha's eyes began almost glowing. bright and light (with hope and sun!):
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and in this panel above was also another interesting thing - since then for a few panels/pages, we didn't see luffy's eyes - he had them covered, first with his hair, then even with his hand! (so much that the pose also ended up on his new bounty poster):
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(when i first read it, it made me think as if he was getting used to the light/sun again after a long time, and had to shield them to protect them)
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it feels that maybe the focus somehow shifted from his usually determined eyes - to his smile when he's fighting in gear 5, to give even more emphasis on him bringing laughter, joy and freedom to the people he's fighting for, so much that many times he's having his eyes closed or covered, even on egghead:
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(there's still many panels where they eyes aren't covered, but it's even more curious when they are, especially on purpose, like with that bubble text above^)
even this last page of 1108, first we get to see a very intense look of luffy/nika being serious, angry and even terrifying with his power to grip both saturn and kizaru at once, and then a huge smile with eyes of similar intensity as saturn, still with something terrifying in that expression:
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now with the zunesha and another connection - the iron giant on egghead.
when luffy went into gear 5 against kizaru, for few pages he was fighting in his giant form, and two times in those chapters it goes to focus right on the iron giant, who's eyes started to glow, as if he was waking up, as if he started to come back to life:
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(again, looks really similar to zunesha)
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i really want to see what exactly is connecting them, these beings over 900years old (with the iron giant even attacking marijoa 200years ago) very possibly it's the feeling of joyboy's presence, so i hope there could be more exposition on who exactly joyboy was.
and then there's another connection with different looking eyes, and that's of the gorosei/five elders, in their awakened devil fruit state:
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and especially, since he's been there more than the others, with saturn having these eyes when he gets very angry. (glowing? fire? poison - as there was mention the ushi-oni he's based on do have poison, and in the new chapter it was also mentioned that he's covered in poison.):
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(I'm very curious how this will be animated/what colors. if it's gonna be differenciated from those of zunesha/iron giant/luffy, or if they will keep these similarities. i always love to find how luffy can resemble someone he opposes (kaido & big mom especially) bc he might be chaotic/having fun and be selfish, but never in the way his enemies are. he's always looking after the people who were kind to him/helped him, and doesn't want anyone to suffer. so it's always great to see how he use their similarities against his opponents to bring them down and win).
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how is that saying, eyes are the window to the soul?
in the eye of the hurricane? or-
"the D will always cause another storm?"
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tuna-core · 3 months
One piece 1104 thoughts
Fucking finally.
The panel of Kuma right before he punches Saturn is so well done. The bold yet unstable linework, the wide lens on Kuma's grimace, how it feels like everything is being pulled into his fist, it's honestly kind of scary. I love it. And Saturn finally getting hit was easily the most satisfying panel in the whole series up to this point.
And then BONNEY HUGGING HER DAD AND TELLING HIM SHE SAW EVERYTHING???? Naturally i was crying the whole time and she's right, he is the coolest person ever
Okay so, I'm guessing the Buccaneers were the people who inhabited the ancient kingdom to some extent, but how does that correlate to Kuma's willpower here? I dunno, something something will of d etc etc, bartholomew d Kuma agenda still going strong
It's nice that Atlas is carrying Kuma to the labo-stratum but frankly I don't think either Kuma or Atlas are living through this arc
Kizaru is a CAPITALIST BITCH I thought he was the one who brought Luffy food. But then I got thinking, maybe he did bring Luffy food and is playing the game until he comes back in Gear 5, then he'll do a heel turn. BUT if that's the case, who ordered the Buster Call? I wanna hold out hope that Kizaru will flip at some point but I'm doubting it now
Franky, Sanji, and Luffy are definitely fighting Kizaru and Saturn soon, everyone else is setting up an escape, but I KNOW Devon and Lafitte are here somewhere. I'm so excited for next chapter
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0ynes · 4 months
I love how in One Piece Oda makes it clear that losing your freedom and mind is the same as being dead. Always reminding how important those things are and that people shouldn't have it taken from them. And also that people shouldn't let others take it from them.
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Some one piece fans still argue that Akainu was right for killing marines during Marineford, because they were deserters. Using the "they should follow orders no matter what" argument and completely missing the point Oda is making. Those marine soldiers refused others and expressed their free will and this people think they deserve to die for it. Bunch of pro military boot lickers who like to be someone's lap dog 😭😭
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bottlepiecemuses · 6 months
Kuma Gives A Great Shut Up Hannibal Response To Saint Saturn
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He might have still been a kid, but he understood the messed up world they lived in already and he was doing everything in his power to change it one way or another. It's almost as good as Esmerelda's speech against Frollo where they bravely stand up against a bigoted pos who talks about justice yet is cruel to those who are in most need of their help.
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mugiwara-lucy · 2 months
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This whole spread is FUCKING 🔥
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danwhobrowses · 1 month
One Piece Chapter 1111 - Initial Thoughts
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The chapters are taking longer and longer to come out it seems, but One Piece finally dropped its final chapter before another 3 week hiatus.
It's a shame, but it's an understandable route, I think we all had the urge to wrap Oda in bubble wrap after Akira Toriyama's saddening death, everyone has to process it their own way.
Regardless, we have a chapter still to get through, so let's see where we're leaving things?
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release
A colour spread of chips (or fries for you Americans) and jellyfish with the crew, Kuma, Vegapunk and Bonney, of course Bonney wants more after eating her own
Marcus Mars indeed has breached the Labosphere and Jinbe, sensing the haki, wants to get out now
Zoro's not quite content though, Lucci is beaten but not down
Scarred now at the front, Lucci still stands, angry but stumbling over to the two
With time of the essence Jinbe grabs Zoro and uses a 5,000 Brick Fist to propel them away
I'm sure Sanji stans and Anti-Zoro fans will have a field day of 'Zoro didn't beat Lucci' but guys he looks plenty beat, just because they get up again after being knocked out doesn't mean he's not beat, else we're gonna have to say that Mihawk never beat Zoro or Luffy never beat Enel
Like the moment they left he collapses back into human form
And then proceeds to shit bricks seeing Mars, asking for status on York
The loyal dog (or cat) he is he does give Mars the rundown; York is in the control room, the 5 straw hats above are seeking escape through the south when Zoro and Jinbe reconvene, 2 Vegapunks are up here, 85 CP agents and 4 Seraphim in the basement and 6 minutes before Vegapunk's message
Though, a rare show of sentiment from Rob Lucci, as he requests that Kaku - heavily injured in the control room - be recovered
Also worth noting that if Kaku's bandaged like this it likely means Chopper healed him after he was wrecked by at least S-Hawk
Mars however makes no guarantees, already planning to 'wipe out the nest'
Back to Luffy we see him reunite with the giants
Dorry and Brogy seem to think that Luffy's taking the image of the Sun God rather than actually being Nika
Warcury and Saturn are once again taken aback by the appearance of giants
Sanji has been relaying the messages, having told the giants to help Luffy with escaping
Kinda strange though because Sanji was very isolated for Little Garden, having that little coffee break chatting with Crocodile and breaking the Unluckies' necks, but sure enough
We have a map too, though Oda made sure not to mark any of the Gorosei
Dorry blows a horn, signalling that they got to Luffy, which pulls the giants into a tactical retreat
Warcury readies a retort though, blowing his own 'horn' with a yell of Conqueror's Haki
A yell so powerful it popped most of Luffy's features off his body, including his scar!
But naturally toon force means he can put it back together, he's literally holding his eye scar
'Some Government Big Shot' is so funny when you consider that Luffy literally doesn't know who the five godheads of the world government are
Warcury's got flips too, looking to attack with the horns, but the giants block each tusk with their shields
Warcury's tusks seem to have the definition of swords now, I wonder if that's linked to his powers
He asks for backstory on why the giants are loyal to him and to that we say 'read pre-Timeskip'
A double shield bash knocks the Topman to the bottom
Of all things disturbing about Saturn, seeing his mouth is probably the most disturbing
Much like Magellan, he fires pellets of poison at the trio
Luffy, resourceful and once more entering Toon Force, grabs a palm tree, eats it like a corn on a cob, and paints it into a baseball bat - complete with helmet - both adorned with Go-Mu (56) on it
Ayyyy batter batter swing batter!
Expecting the venom to just hit the Gorosei on the return, Luffy's surprised to see them explode like nukes
The opening is there to leave, but Luffy points out to Brogy that the Gorosei aren't beat, they can't die
Everyone's in a rush to get ready; Luffy, Dorry and Brogy are on the move, Sanji is still running and carrying Vegapunk's corpse, Jinbe is running and carrying Zoro's reluctant ass, everyone but Nami is pulling the Sunny back in position
But Bonney has 3 vice admirals waiting for her
Might be unwise to put yourselves between a long boat of giants and more giants though ngl
Mars finds York though, still trapped and now panicking because a monster is asking her where the room the transmission is coming from
Kizaru meanwhile is being tended to, but he claims his wounds 'run deep' - basically he's thrown in the towel
But through the flames it finally arrives, the giant mecha, unfazed by the elements, bigger than a giant, and it speaks
'Joy Boy, forgive me'
Jeez Joy Boy must have lived in an age of regrets because every time we meet something or someone from his time they have something they regret or are apologizing for; Zunesha, the Nefertari family, Joy Boy themselves, now the sleeping giant? I guess in a way it's kinda poetic, they lived in an era where their dreams couldn't come true, so they live in regret, in darkness, until the dawn rises once more.
As for the rest, I know some people will be miffed that Lucci survived, but it serves as a necessity for Mars to get where he's going, and like I said before he's practically out, even Jinbe says that the fight is already won and I doubt Jinbe would lie. When we first started this portion of the arc I was 100% expecting Luffy and co to have left the island by this chapter, but it seems more like it's the beginning of the final phase, the fights leading to escape much like Enies Lobby and Sabaody did. At the least it seems Mars is more occupied with the transmission than the Straw Hats but his priorities can change, plus he can still activate the Seraphim after them instead. V. Nusjuro - who like Ju Peter was quiet this chapter, given how they both got more shine in the previous one - is still circling the island too, which can still lead to a Sanji confrontation, but I'm more eager to see Franky hopefully get some shine against the Vice Admirals; Nine Chins et al don't seem to be the proper threat in terms of VAs though with Bluegrass and Doll hovering around, plus we did see Tosu get bonked by a giant in one hit so I'm not expecting them to go far.
Watching Luffy go full Toon Force is a joy though - pun intended - it's just delightful rubberhose creativity straight outta Tom & Jerry, even gnawing some wood into a baseball bat is classic stuff, so for me it works in comedy and nostalgia. I might die if he paints a tunnel only he and his friends can run through.
We didn't get much word on Vegapunk's transmission and we won't for quite some time now, but I would like to hope that Vegapunk's smart enough to know where the government would look first. I know there's theories that Dragon has the main signal but I feel like it'd have to exist somewhere more akin to a tree in the forest in order to piggyback off of government Den Den Mushi connectivity, if Dragon had that kinda access he probably would've used it more for intelligence. But it's not something I'm too attached towards being wrong about.
Hope Oda gets some rest and stays healthy, if there's one thing we as fans are known for it is indeed our ability to wait.
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megashadowdragon · 6 months
the curse of the blue sapphire ring
www . reddit . com/r/Piratefolk/comments/17rg52m/the_curse_of_the_blue_sapphire_ring_chapter_1098/
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reddit comments
It becomes more likely that Saturn is Bonney's father. This is why Saturn came to egghead himself.
I'm gonna make some bold predictions.
given saturn and kuma's meeting on god valley thats fitting imagine if he did this to hurt kuma/ try and lure kuma and the revs out
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Sapphire became known in Europe after the Roman Emperor Trajan who was called one of the "Five Wise Emperors". Could Jewelry Bonney be the Daughter of one of the "Five Elder Stars"?
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whateverthought · 4 months
(one piece chapter 1103)
Oh, it's about tO GO DOWN—
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rein-ohart · 6 months
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SAINT Jaygarcia Saturn
fan art from this brutal character of One Piece.
EnJoY !!
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sonicspeeddemon · 4 months
“Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend, and you came right as she touched your leg? It was me kuma, I jerked you off at super speed so it'd seem like you nutted at just a womans touch!”
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