#rwby v7 soundtrack
fern-pajamabrain · 11 months
Pah mano, quedé tan contento con lo del examen que estoy en un cumpleañito, quien me baja de mi nube de pedos ahora. Hoy no se duerme viejoooo
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citadelofmythoughts · 5 months
God I miss the times of V7. It finally seemed like everything was coming together for RWBY. The animation was top notch, the story was forming solidly, the pacing was smooth, the events made sense, the characters both new and old were the most interesting they’d ever been, the fights were exciting and fast paced, and the finale was gripping. Plenty of joy and sorrow to be had. Not to mention the fact that other artists were coming on to add to the music (seriously my favorite soundtrack of the series).
If it hadn’t been for COVID and RT then there wouldn’t even be a real worry for a cancellation. Hell, the final volume would be right around the corner! I think
V7 was the first volume that I got to watch as it came out weekly so it's always going to have a special place in my heart.
It was an excellent volume, lots of character development and the Bumbleby moments were just so deliciously unsubtle.
RT management does have considerable blame for the state of their company right now but largely RWBY's delays are not the fault of either the quality of the show or CRWBY. It was a confluence of shitty events that derailed a lot of plans.
BUT we'll get to see the rest of the story, I'm certain of it.
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etincelleart · 1 year
Penny Polendina queen of ice skating and shuffle dance (after Weiss) ♥
Music : Protector of Mantle (RWBY V7 soundtrack)
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caged-crows · 9 months
so i was thinking about how pomme admin said she wanted ppl to draw pomme in ruby's mistral arc outfit and this morning on the bus i assigned a bunch of qsmp characters rwby songs
"trapdoor" from the v9 soundtrack is very chayanne-coded, particularly the lyrics "i don't feel like the chosen one," and, "what would they think if i lost hope."
tallulah is basically every weiss song, particularly "path to isolation" and "mirror mirror part 1".
"hero" from the v7 soundtrack is VERY q!forever coded, especially now that he's president. I can definitely see him going down a very ironwood-esque path in the future, especially after his convo with chay last night
"chatterbox" is very q!luzu and arin coded. two entities sharing a body, fighting for control. (i don't rlly know much about luzu lore orz im sorry if thats off i just feek the Vibes man)
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daniels-rwby-blog · 9 months
RWBY Volume 9s soundtrack is the best so far
controversial I know
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I don't actually listen to music from an iPod btw, no it's far worse I use a btr7.
But to the point, up until now I have said that V3 and v4/5 (in my mind the same volume) have had the best music. With the exception of the absolute classic that v2's boop, caffeine and A Minor Hiccup.
But now V9 is here and the music is different.
Literally in that Casey has taken over but also in that it's adapted to the new setting of the ever after. The setting that like it's soundtrack constantly changes and confuses.
Take why are you still here, listen to the opener and then skip to the last bars and you could think you've skipped songs. And yet like a rush Garcia orchestration the transition is gorgeous.
But there's something off if you watch the show.
OST doesn't add up. Take my favorite of the volume, checkmate (sorry chatterbox) in scene it makes no sense, hits are off beat the chorus is clunky. But that's not the songs fault. The song is perfect.
And yet so is the scene. The chess fight is peak RWBY after V7/8s rather lackluster performance in choreography. A return to big metal shoe or the old days of pre Maya. It flows it has contrast and it shows unique combos. But with checkmate it just doesn't work.
Now let's look at the opposite. The cat fight and Ruby's return. Red like fucking Roses Part 3 literally pushes the scene forward, the 4 colors moving in incredible ways that blend together so well yet contrast during a combo and melt together for the final note.
Thats It, the final note and the action are synched. That's the difference, the balance of music and action.
George Lucas once jokingly told John knoll that it's not the audience won't be looking at the action, they won't be paying attention to the background, they'll be listening to the music.
George was joking but he's got a point, the music, particularly in RWBY with our over the top, wack you over the head with it, metal fights, is driven by musical action.
That's ingredient dos, in a RWBY fight pie.
Thank you for reading please give thoughts and opinions below, ask for clarification and tell me,
What's your favorite volumes soundtrack
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Played and beat Arrowfell
Let me get the two extremely petty part out of the way. I’m very surprised this entire thing isn’t voiced acted. Like even if a person may have been busy, voice matching would totally be fine with how few lines a majority of the characters have.
Second petty thing. All these cool and unique weapons/semblances that fit a narrative and yet no one thought of a decent idea for ironwood ever.
Anyways, I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect going into this but the best way I can describe this game is this: If RWBY had 24 episodes a season, then Arrowfell would be the canon filler arc. And I don’t mean that in a bad way.
It’s no secret RWBY has no real fluff and sometimes goes a little too quickly for it’s own good. This entire game is their first big mission as licensed Huntresses and that means exploring the kingdom, meeting different cultures, casual dialogue with Ace Ops, and instances of someone teaching them ways to use their skills better. Ya know…all the things that build a world and character relationships. Like I’m not gonna say everything in here is perfectly done but having all of this before the apocalypse hit in V7 and V8 would’ve made them hit harder in my opinion.
I don’t know if I missed a piece of dialogue or something but JNPR isn’t in this game at all and don’t know if they had an excuse. There’s plenty of NPCs asking for help or trying to give you something so I don’t really know why 4 of them can’t be the team. Not mad about it, just confused.
The game itself is pretty engaging for the most part. Levels have areas you’ll eventually go back to with better upgrades and for the most part the map design is pretty easy to understand where you are especially when what kind of enemies are located in them. Game took me 5 1/2 hours and that’s me getting 97% of everything so it can definitely be faster but at the price of missing out on level up points you really want to make things not take forever.
I am going to be brutally honest and hopefully someone can answer this for me. There was never a time a I thought “I should use Yang” outside of puzzles. There are so many situations where it makes sense to use or combine abilities between the other three. Never Yang💀
The best characters literally go in name order. Everyone exists to support Ruby and it shows she’s the only one who can dodge, highest normal attack damage and has the best reach. I leveled everything on her before anyone else because of this. Weiss is really good for crowd control and Blake had great uses for stationary targets and bosses because her clones attack/distract with the rest of the team. They should’ve given Yang a counter but they didn’t. Just a heavy ground pound that isn’t even the strongest attack in the game. Weiss has the strongest single hit but it costs the most aura but ya know, things die.
Last part is the music. Maybe I miss RWBY music, but this soundtrack is pretty good in my opinion. This might be a testament to how much the show is influenced by video games because every track felt like the show, but completely at home in the level it was in at the same time. Even when certain game mechanics are at play to make this a competent game, my brain went “this could exist or happen in the show.” And the more outlandish parts of Arrowfell that exist for game design has the characters go “well this doesn’t feel normal” which I thought was funny.
I payed 30$ for this and honestly I had a very good time with it. I think the price is pretty reasonable considering how this looks and the few regular animation scenes. Some new characters have semblances and others have weapons that will make OC creators go “go damnit I did that.” (Myself included) but it’s alright. This game will completely break your legs if you’re not paying attention but feels pretty rewarding when you’re handling ambushes easily.
I say there’s only 3 parts about this game is one specific jump that thankfully only has to be made once. Rooster Teeth continues to do the same thing when it comes to their women antagonist any time they introduce a man. Also the fact everything happening here and everyone you meet do not matter at all because Atlas doesn’t exist anymore. Who the hell knows if any of those people are alive.
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starlightsaphron · 11 months
Happy tenth anniversary rwby! This little show in more ways than one changed my life. It got me through an incredibly dark time and half me come to terms with my identity. The soundtrack helped me graduate high school. It’s given me so much hope and courage. I only found this show three years ago right after v7 finished but each season has found me in the exact point of my life when I needed it. Weather it’s was mays speech, yang’s everything, or rubys breakdown and choice to be her, this show has ment so much to me.
If it somehow unfortunately ends here I’m glad we got what we got. I’ll be sad will never know the full ending but end of v9 has left me with the knowledge that it will work out.
Thanks for everything Monty.
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bestworstcase · 2 years
I saw your post on the V7 intro and YEAH. IT BOTHERS ME TOO.
I’m an avid listener of the rwby soundtracks. And it was just so weird to have Trust Love, something so up beat and fun be the opening to the volume that tail spins into oblivion.
The lyrics are clear tho.
“Trust love and open up your eyes. The truth is there but sometimes in disguise.”
“When we trust in love an open up our eyes.”
“Instead your counting on that second sight”
ITS ABOUT THE EYES. ITS ALWAYS ABOUT THE EYES with Rwby. And while the opening is significant to some degree for V7. It actually feels more like it’s Foreshadowing v9.
Maybe it’s too much of a stretch. But if you really pay attention to the lyrics. Trust love is about believing and trusting yourself. Trusting your gut. In order to do the right thing. There’s a lot of self reflection involved. Which is supposed to be 9s core theme. And sure maybe it’s coincidently but. There’s something about that song that’s just a little too whimsical. And little too on the nose for kids who were dragged into a seemingly endless war and want to be whisked away or written into a fairy tail so all their problems could disappear. And v9 comes in and subverts that
hgjfjbd i promise u i PROMISE “trust love is foreshadowing for team rwby v9 arcs that hasn’t come due yet” is far less of a stretch than mine (and also tbh, i think probably the take i would buy most out of the thoughts that have been shared so far on the grounds of it providing a reason for the tonal dissonance that makes sense to me). song abt rejecting fantasy and embracing, trusting what’s real being the only way forward followed by a volume where the kids get chucked into a literal fairytale world and have to escape is also, very rwby and the v8 opening sequence also pretty overtly gestures at v9 fairytale stuff (happy ever after/happy? never again) so like. . . yeah.
the thing is like?? i didn’t blink twice at trust love at first, because a) it was building from a pretty strong trend of openers getting more and more hopeful and upbeat from v4 onwards, and b) it came right on the heels of v6 ending on this triumphant beat of ruby intentionally activating her eyes for the first time by thinking about her loved ones, past and present. plus, as @habitual-shrimp summarized nicely in her rb, there’s a lot of “trust in love or give in to fear” arcs happening in v7, making trust love and fear logical bookends for the volume despite the…weird… tone thing.
i made the mistake of paying attention to the lyrics a while back and my horrible gremlin brain zeroed in on this verse like a fucking shark detecting blood in the water: “if you could only open up a door/spread your wings and fly away from here/write yourself into a fairytale/all your problems would just disappear” and went oh that’s very specific imagery that evokes a very specific pair of characters doesn’t it AND THEN i was like wait a minute this is a song exhorting its subject to open their eyes, stop hiding, stop pretending, stop retreating into fantasy to cope with utter despair because no matter how dark it seems and no matter how many lies might obscure it the plain truth is that what they truly want is right in front of them staring them in the face if only they could stop burying themselves in fairytales and SEE CLEARLY for once—(at this point i went Oh No because this was a whole train wreck of a thought and yet)—it is. in short. a song in which the speaker urges the subject to let go of a metaphorical blindness so they can save themself by seeing their love aaand that is how i accidentally slammed myself face first into “turn love is a salem song playing conceptually with the blinding of rapunzel’s prince and eventual restoration of his sight by her tears” and now i CAN’T UNHEAR IT
it’s got coherent lyrical parallels to both sacrifice and until the end literally just kill me
it’s the opener for the volume in which ozpin is absent for 95% of the runtime because he’s sunk into the absolute depths of utter despair only to drag himself back up at the very end for a pensive, introspective, emotionally honest monologue on the subject of fear with until the end played under it in the exact moment of salem’s arrival in atlas!!!
hfghfns and like objectively this is Not What The Song Is (right?? it can’t be?) and if trust love weren’t so tonally perpendicular to its volume i probably wouldn’t be like “…UNLESS??” but it is and i am because it’s already weird why not?? read it as a deliberately discordant commentary on ozpin’s critical failures wrt salem and how the consequences of those failures have metastasized into retreating so far into denial and lies, insulating himself so thoroughly in the comforting simplicity of fairytales, that even he can’t really tell what’s true and what isn’t anymore, about her or about himself?? it’s NOT like his terrified refusal to engage with salem as a person which he passed down to the current generation as an inability to even conceive of brokering peace with the unbeatable enemy as a possibility at all is their biggest obstacle or anything except OH WAIT IT IS!!
anyway when i’m not preoccupied with being completely out of my mind about this song i figure it’s probably? maybe?? meant as a complement to for every life—the thematic and emotional fulcrum of the atlas arc is the realization of the ideological struggle between hope and fear, so trust love exemplifies pure hope just as for every life exemplifies pure, bleak despair? which in fairness, i guess, to my deranged brain, WOULD make sense of salem and oz having this presence in them akin to the presence they have in this will be the day and when it falls; in that v1/v3 they were the narrators and in v7/v8 they are the symbolic harbingers of hope (ozpin’s return in 7.13 marks an abrupt emotional about-face towards courage in the face of dire circumstances) and fear (salem’s arrival—well, you know). but hhhhhhhhhHHHHH
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hollow-plume · 4 years
I’ve got the fever
And this heat’s gonna last all night
Came here for treatment
But I don’t see the end in sight
There’s no medication
There’s no drug that can cure what I have
Dance floor elation
Is the only thing that gonna make me
Feel alright
When I walk in the club and the beats so strong
Feel alright
The DJ’s playing my favorite song
Feel alright
And there’s no way that this feeling is wrong
Don’t say maybe
Come on baby let’s go crazy tonight
All night
Cuz we’re not goin’ home
Til we burn it up and see the morning light
Party people gonna stay up late
Oh and celebrate tonight
Grab your dancing shoes
Put away those blues
Tonight oh tonight
And if you think you’re at the right place
Well then victory’s in sight
And if love is what we’re after
Tonight’s the night
I’m getting eager
There’s a call that I just can’t ignore
This true believer
Can’t sit still just can’t wait anymore
My imagination
Can’t keep up, can’t compete with the groove
This liberation
That the music gives it leaves me so I
Feel alright
It’s like a birthday party on christmas day
Feel alright
The weekend’s here it’s time to play
Feel alright
And I know this feeling’s here to stay
Joy and laughter
Party through the morning after it’s all
When the early birds arise
That’s the time we finally say
Ok goodnight
Party people gonna stay up late
Oh and celebrate tonight
Grab your dancing shoes
Put away those blues
Tonight oh tonight
And if you think you’re at the right place
Well then victory’s in sight
And if love is what we’re after
Tonight’s the night
Uh-just a couple of drinks and I’m gone
Maybe with something nice to take home
Ain’t no taking me out of my zone
Especially when I’m on all this patron
Come on let’s see where this night can take us
Maybe cruise the strip out in Vegas
So much confidence they can’t shake us
Shine so bright can’t no one mistake us
Let me pull up to your bumper baby
Have your girls sayin “Quest you so crazy!”
I got a question for you lady
Say you got a man but what he done for you lately?
Take my hand don’t hesitate
To a higher plane let’s elevate
Any problems they bear to wait
Cuz all I came to do is celebrate
Party people gonna stay up late
Oh and celebrate tonight
Grab your dancing shoes
Put away those blues
And if you think you’re at the right place
Well then victory’s in sight
And if love is what we’re after
Tonight’s the night
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sapphic-yang · 4 years
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min3nc · 4 years
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Friendly reminder that the Ace-Ops are the direct opposite of Team RWBY and parallel what they should not become! 
First pic is from War, second pic is from Time to Say Goodbye
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in-your-dick · 4 years
Listening to Brand New Day for my daily allotment of serotonin like
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subatomictealeaves · 5 years
a song called “good luck charm” from Qrow’s pov written like a reprise of bad luck charm
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goldenart0 · 4 years
Trust Love is such a cool song because it managed to have two very different messages (not contradicting, just different) and have people only really pick up one, if any, while listening to it.
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rwby-etc · 4 years
no thoughts, just the rwby volume 7 soudtrack
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yinyangofnevermore · 3 years
Do you believe in DESTINY?
I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately (as I’ve been bugging the shit out of numerous friends to watch RWBY and experiencing their reactions as they watch) so I feel the need to ramble about it.
Any time those of us in the RWBY fandom hear the word “destiny” we flinch, right? 
Every character in RWBY (at least every character with substance) has some sort of character allusion, right? Whether it’s from fairy tales, mythology, history, pop culture, etc. But, unlike Once Upon A Time, characters in RWBY don’t quite follow what happens in the stories they’re from. Whether we’re talking backstory or current events. They’re BASED on those characters and have some similarities and details added to give clues about who they are allusions to. But they aren’t THEM. And the things that happen in those other stories don’t generally happen to the RWBY characters. Generally. 
Pyrrha is one very interesting exception. 
Pyrrha Nikos is based on Achilles. Most of us know that, yes? And how does Achilles die in the myth? Arrow through the ankle. His “Achilles Heel.” What happens just before Pyrrha dies? Arrow through the ankle. Her “Achilles Heel.”
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I know I’m an asshole for the above
“It’s not destiny, it would be a grave mistake to think so. Every choice is ours and ours alone. This hasn’t all been mapped by fate. This is the future we create, and we’re powered by every tear that’s dried. ” -The Triumph, V6 Soundtrack
This line sticks in my head. “A grave mistake to think so.” Pyrrha certainly thought so. And obviously she died. Not only that, but she died in a way eerily similar to her character allusion, Achilles. Was it BECAUSE of her insistence on destiny that she died similarly? That her FATE turned out the way it did? Fated to die as Achilles died? 
If that’s the case, then it has some interesting implications for the others that also mention destiny. If they keep with it, will they also suffer the same fates as the characters they’re based on?
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I just want to also point out that not all the versions of Cinderella and The Snow Queen and other tales/stories end happily for those particular characters. Not like the Disney versions.
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We see it time and time again in this show that life isn’t a fairy tale. And, although this is a very hope punk kind of show, we’re told repeatedly that happy endings aren’t really a thing. Not without work, at least.
“It’s like a movie but there’s not a happy ending. Every scene fades black and there’s no pretending this little fairy tale doesn’t seem to end well, there’s no knight in shining armor who will wake me from this spell.” -Red Like Roses Part II, V1 Soundtrack
And yet, although it also didn’t have a happy ending, one character’s story ends (at least presumably) just as the story she is based on. Because she believed in destiny.
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