#running clubmoss
vandaliatraveler · 10 months
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“A rainy day is the perfect time for a walk in the woods.”
— Rachel Carson
The photos above were taken along the Virgin Hemlock Trail at Coopers Rock State Forest following a prolonged rain. The old forest's dripping green intensity, charged by early summer's electric, stormy atmosphere, reminds us that nothing really dies here; all matter is reabsorbed and repurposed and made new again. You can smell it in the wet moss, decaying wood, and humus. The forest is immortal and sentient and relentlessly renewing itself.
From top: Little Laurel Run rushing through the old hemlock forest like a gem-filled artery; partrideberry (Mitchella repens), a trailing, evergreen vine whose fragrant white flowers come in pairs; a tall, handsome whorled loosestrife (Lysimachia quadrifolia) in bloom at the forest's edge; white avens (Geum canadense), a shade-tolerant perennial of forest margins; swamp dewberry (Rubus hispidus), a bristly-stemmed relative of the blackberry; wild hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens), also known as smooth hydrangea, a rapidly-colonizing woodland shrub with high wildlife value; running clubmoss (Lycopodium clavatum), an attractive, spore-bearing vascular plant; crown-tipped coral (Artomyces pyxidatus), an elegant, edible coral fungus that grows on decaying wood; and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), the forest's majestic benefactor, which can grow to over 100 feet high and live to be more than five hundred years old.
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thebotanicalarcade · 4 months
n323_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Flore médicale Paris :Imprimerie de C.L.F. Panckoucke,1833-1835. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/41877531
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ahedderick · 3 months
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Nothing happened quite like I thought it would today, but I did get a short walk in the woods with doggos before Hero's dinner time. Last weekend's snow is melted, and everything is fairly muddy, but the mosses are luxuriant and fresh-looking.
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The little spring-fed run is full and bubbling. Decades ago someone, not me, laid a large board across the run for reasons unknown. The water is narrow enough to step over, but the minibridge has lasted all these years, decorated with lichens. Even for black locust that is an impressive amount of time to stay intact and unrotted.
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There is one patch of crowsfoot on the whole property; but I'm happy to say it has about tripled in size since I moved here.
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They are one of the types of clubmoss, that neat group of older-than-dinosaurs plants.
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(Your granddaddies ruled the earth, once, remember?)
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This is just funny. How many different endings can we slap on this root-word?
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kadunudtarkus · 4 days
Lycopodium clavatum L., Lycopodiaceae
Anekold, hanetiburohi, hanetõberohi, kahetusekold, koerakollad, kuusealused, kuuseraiad, nõiakaetsed, rebaseraided, rebasereinud, reburaig, riburaigas, vareksevrbad, õuemaied
Common club moss, stag's-horn clubmoss, running clubmoss, ground pine
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Karukold, mitmeaastane eostaim, kasvab kuivades kuusemetsades, segametsades ja nõmmedel.
Kogutakse niiske ilmaga augustis-septembris. Ei tohi sõeluda lahtise tulega ruumis, sest eosed on plahvatusohtlikud.
Karukolla eoseid kasutatakse apteekides esmajoones abimaterjalina - ravimpillide valmistamisel nende ülepuistamiseks; nad on tarvitusel ka imikupuudrina ja neid puistatakse haudunud varvaste vahele ning mujale, kus higistamisel tekivad valusad hõõrdunud kohad.
Karukold, mitmeaastane eostaim, kasvab kuivades kuusemetsades, segametsades ja nõmmedel.
Vars on roomav, kuni 180cm pikk, tugevasti harunev.
Lehed rohelised või kollakasrohelised, naaskeljad, ahenevad tipus pikaks valkjaks karvaks; asetsevad tihedalt varre ümber.
Eospead kuni 6cm pikal kandjal, üksikult või kahekaupa, harva kolmekaupa, eoslehed (sporofüllid) kollakasrohelised, hiljem helekollased, munajad, 2-3mm pikad, 2mm laiad, teritunud tipuga, korrapäraselt hambulise servaga.
Eosed arenevad juulist septembrini; massina on nad valkjaskollased. Eesti NSV-s esineb kõikjal.
Apteekides kasutatakse karukolla eoseid - Lycopodium.
Karukolla eospäid kogutakse enne valmimist, kui nad ei ole veel kollaseks muutunud, lõigates ettevaatlikult kääridega, sest valminud eospeades lõhkevad sporofüllid kergesti, eriti kuiva ja palava ilmaga, ning eosed paiskuvad laiali.
Taimi ei tohi mingil juhul juurtega üles kiskuda, sest sellega hävitataks pikaldaselt arenevate taimede kasvukoht.
On soovitatav, et kogumine toimuks niiske ilmaga või hommikul vara, enne kaste kuivamist. Eospead kogutakse tihedasse vineerkasti või tihedast riidest kotti. Hiljem kuivatatakse eospead tugeval paberil õhukese kihina. Eospead avanevad ise või nad klopitakse tühjaks. Eosed sõelutakse läbi peene jõhv- või siidsõela ja säilitatakse kindlalt suletavas nõus.
Karokolla eoseid ei tohi sõeluda ruumis, kus on lahtine tuli, sest tolmuna õhus hõljuvad eosed on plahvatusohtlikud.
Kuivad eosed on valkjaskollased, eriti suures koguses. Droog ei tohi sisaldada niiskust üle 6%, siidsõela (nr. 16) mitteläbivaid osakesi peab olema alla 0,2%; tuhajääk võib olla kuni 3%. Mineraalsed lisandid ei ole lubatavad.
Eosed sisaldavad mittekuivavat rasvõli (kuni 50%), mis koosneb õli-, steariin-, palmitiin-, müristiin-, arahhis-, lükopoodium-, tanatseet- ja dioksüsteraiinhappe glütseriididest, proteiine, fütosteriini, suhkrut, mineraalaineid.
Karukolla eoseid kasutatakse apteekides esmajoones abimaterjalina - ravimpillide valmistamisel nende ülepuistamiseks; nad on tarvitusel ka imikupuudrina ja neid puistatakse haudunud varvaste vahele ning mujale, kus higistamisel tekivad valusad hõõrdunud kohad.
Tehnikas kasutatakse karukolla eoseid metalli valuvormide ülepuistamiseks.
Peale karukolla eoste on lubatud kasutada ka kattekolla ja vareskolla eoseid.
Taime levi
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Tammeorg, J., Kook, O. & Vilbaste, G. (1973). Eesti NSV Ravimtaimed. Tallinn: Valgus.
Eesti taimede levikuatlas 2020
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jarwoski · 1 month
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thesingingbullfrog · 2 years
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Spider Acres Native Plants: Fan Clubmoss (Running Cedar, Ground Cedar, Crowsfoot) Clubmosses evolved about 410 million years ago as one of the earliest groups of vascular plants. They were once widely harvested and sold as Christmas greenery, and populations were depleted for this reason. However, they have since recovered and make large clonal colonies, carpeting the forest floor. Spores are highly flammable due to the high content of oil they contain. They have been used culturally for ceremonial purposes when medicine men tossed the spores into a fire for a flash of light and also used as a primitive flashpowder.
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bark-eater · 4 years
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Fucked around and made a terrarium, she's got a shoot of northern running pine and some moss both of which were collected from my backyard
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Heptasteornis andrewsi
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By José Carlos Cortés
Etymology: Transylvanian Bird
First Described By: Harrison & Walker, 1975
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Alvarezsauria, Alvarezsauroidea, Alvarezsauridae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: Between 68 and 66 million years ago, in the Maastrichtian of the Late Cretaceous 
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Heptasteornis is known from the Sânpetru Formation of Haţeg Basin 
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Physical Description: Heptasteornis is not very well known, poorly preserved to the point of it being uncertain what sort of dinosaur it actually was. It was some sort of small Maniraptoran - known from scattered remains, our best guess at the moment seems to be that it was an Alvarezsaur. As an Alvarezsaur, it would have been a small, fluffy animal - with very short arms, ending in a single finger with a sharp claw. It would have had long, skinny legs, and a long neck. Its head would have probably been small. Beyond that, specifics are unknown. It’s possible that it would have had small wings on its tiny arms - for display, and rather useless for anything else.
Diet: The diet of Alvarezsaurs is actually something of a question - assuming, of course, that Heptasteornis was one, it would probably match the other members of its group. One of the most popular hypotheses is that these dinosaurs are insectivores, but until more is known, we should probably go with the null hypothesis of omnivore.
Behavior: The behavior of Heptasteornis is a bit uncertain - not only because we don’t know what sort of dinosaur it is, but because the behavior of Alvarezsaurs is somewhat dubious. It used to be thought that they dug their way to food with their little claws, but that’s just one hypothesis. Regardless, Heptasteornis would probably have been a somewhat skittish, bird-like animal, energetic and using running as its main method of escape from danger. It also probably would have taken care of its young, and used feathers in both thermoregulation and display.
Ecosystem: Heptasteornis was part of the famed Haţeg Island Fauna, one of the weirder ecologies found right before the end of the Cretaceous period. This was a weird river environment on a small island, with a variety of ferns, moss, clubmoss, horsetails, ginkgos, and magnolia flowers. And there were weirdos in terms of animals - tiny dinosaurs, giant pterosaurs, the whole shebang. There were a wide variety of amphibians, turtles, lizards, snakes, and mammals there. There were also crocodyliformes like Allodaposuchus and Sabresuchus, some sort of large pterosaur, and other dinosaurs like the fast-moving ankylosaur Struthiosaurus, the large hadrosaur-like Telmatosaurus, the Rhabdodont Zalmoxes, the small titanosaur Magyarosaurus, another Alvarezsaur by the name of Bradycneme, a miscellaneous maniraptoran called Elopteryx, and a troodontid named Euronychodon.
Other: Heptasteornis was originally thought to be a bird - hence the name - before its current classification as an Alvarezsaur. Still, pretty bird-like in the end. It is one of the first Alvarezsaurs (probably) that was found in Europe.
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources under the Cut 
Andrews, C.W. (1913): On some bird remains from the Upper Cretaceous of Transylvania. Geological Magazine 5: 193-196.
Csiki, G. & Grigorescu, D. (1998): Small theropods from the Late Cretaceous of the Hateg Basin (western Romania) - an unexpected diversity at the top of the food chain. Oryctos 1: 87-104.
Harrison, Colin James Oliver & Walker, Cyril Alexander (1975): The Bradycnemidae, a new family of owls from the Upper Cretaceous of Romania. Palaeontology 18(3): 563-570.
Holtz, Thomas R., Jr. (2007). "Ornithomimosaurs and Alvarezsaurs". Dinosaurs: The Most Complete, Up-to-Date Encyclopedia for Dinosaur Lovers of All Ages.
Le Loeuff, J.; Buffetaut, E.; Méchin, P. & Méchin-Salessy, A. (1992): The first record of dromaeosaurid dinosaurs (Saurischia, Theropoda) in the Maastrichtian of southern Europe: palaeobiogeographical implications. Bulletin de la Société géologique de la France 163(3): 337-343.
Naish, Darren & Dyke, Gareth J. (2004): Heptasteornis was no ornithomimid, troodontid, dromaeosaurid or owl: the first alvarezsaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from Europe. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 7: 385-401.
Paul, Gregory S. (1988): Predatory Dinosaurs of the World. New York, Simon & Schuster.
Weishampel, D.B.; Grigorescu, D. & Norman, D.B. (1991): The dinosaurs of Transylvania. National Geographic Research and Exploration 7(2): 196-215.
Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka (eds.): The Dinosauria, 2nd, Berkeley: University of California Press. 861 pp.
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rookisaknight · 5 years
Who Knows What the Next Half Hour, Forty-Five Minutes Hold- A Sharky x Deputy fic
Guess who finally finished that meet cute ideaaaaaa. So this got long enough that I’m actually gonna put it on AO3 as well because I’m an attention hungry bitch. This is set pre-game events (like, a couple months before), and is a gender neutral Deputy because, in the words of a great man, “I don’t wanna go assumin nobody gender”
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Fic Summary: You don’t expect your luck to turn around via getting caught trying to light a squad car on fire. But then, weirder things have happened for Sharky.
Word Count: 3721
They hadn’t invented a curse word good enough for the kind of day Charlemagne “Sharky” Boshaw the IV was having. Not that this was stopping him from cycling through a few choice ones, trying to find one who’s mouthfeel and vitriol would encompass the capital B Bullshit he was putting up with today.
First off, waking up in a drunk tank was never a good way to start the morning. Especially not with that shithead Pratt, who’d lately taken to amusing himself by waking up the nightly collection of hedonists with decidedly non-regulation use of the prison’s speaker system. The only thing worse than waking up with a blistering headache and a knot in your back is having it happen to the tune of “Chicken Fried” at 120 decibels.
“Fuck, dude, I should kill ya for bad taste if nothin else!” He had tried to scream over the fuckin acoustic strumming. Pratt had just snickered, handing a coffee mug to his P.O., who looked just as amused by the whole scenario.
It was only after he’d shouted himself hoarse that Pratt finally agreed to give him his phone call. Voice squeaking with dehydration and overuse, he’d by some miracle got Hurk on the phone and tried to talk him into bailing him out. Problem was, Hurk was (as per fuckin usual) short on cash. The old man was also piss drunk mad at him (once again, usual), but he thought maybe Addie might be in a good enough mood to chuck a little his way. The thought of Aunt Adelaide had momentarily perked him up until he realized that if Hurk couldn’t get the money from her, he was gonna have to be able to talk to Hurk again to sort things out. And given how absolutely certain he was that Staci was going to shove the “one-phone-call-only” stick up his ass in a few minutes......that meant he was gonna have to stay on the line.
He spent the better part of two hours, head pounding, mouth only getting dryer as he listened to Hurk putter around looking for his keys, getting continually distracted, finally getting in the fuckin truck and driving up to the Marina, only to discover the reason Addie had seemed so good-tempered in her response to her only son’s good morning text is that, judging by what Sharky could hear over the tinny reception, she and Xander were....busy.
What followed was a three way screaming match of Addie yelling at Hurk to get the hell out, Sharky yelling at Hurk to stay the hell there, and Hurk yelling their responses back and forth across the phoneline.
Finally Xander tossed his wallet at Hurk in an effort to make him leave (“he seemed real excited about this harness thing Mama was fussin with, I dunno”), and after paying off his bail, slipping an extra fifty to keep his P.O happy, and begging a ride home, Sharky was more than ready to take some aspirin, find a six pack, and wash off last night’s hangover with a tonight’s beer.
No such luck. His truck had been impounded after last night’s little misadventure. And he felt his heart sink into the holes in his socks when he saw the big black Eden’s Gate cross in the window of the only liquor store in walking distance
“MotherFUCKINGdamnit not you too!”
Had he lost his temper a bit? Sure. Did he expect the windows to still be alarmed? No. But, he thought to himself as he beat feet into the woods before any cops could pick up on it, Eden’s Gate had only themselves to blame for it! Wasn’t enough that they had to get half of Holland Valley so all-fired on chastity that he couldn’t move without getting a pamphlet on lust shoved up his nose and down his pants, now they had to deprive him of his well-earned booze too!
Like most residents of Hope County he didn’t know what the hell the cops were playing at letting the Peggies keep running as they did. Sure, John Seed and Faith were running spin so well it made carousels jealous, but it was the state’s worst kept secret that the recent rash of disappearances could be pretty easily traced to them. Not to mention the scars most of their members were sporting....Hell, maybe he should recommend Pratt to the evangelists that came knocking through his trailer park early each Sunday.
.....No. No he wouldn’t. Jackass though he was....well. From the stories Sharky’d heard and the bits and pieces he’d seen for himself, he wouldn’t wish that on anyone’s head.
Still, he felt irritated. Frustration building inside him like a pressure cooker as he shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets, feeling his feet unconsciously make tracks for the ruins of the old roller derby. He needed to cool off.
People made the mistake of looking at him alongside Hurk and assuming he was just as mellow. He wasn’t. Sure, the weed and the beers kept him nice and chilled out, usually, but without a substance in his hands he was at the mercy of the spastic energy that was always cooped up in his body. He needed to...shit. Hit something maybe? Prank calls?
No.....no he knew this feeling.
He needed to burn something.
He fished the lighter out of his pocket, sending up a quick thank you that Pratt hadn’t taken it off him. He was running low on them with the new P.O sticking his nose into every nook and cranny to squirrel out contraband. Something about enablement and all the other bullshit his court-appointed therapist liked to recite to him in their bi-monthly sessions.
With a huff, he leaned against a tree, flicking it on and off again. Trying to lose himself in the little bright patch of flame. Sometimes this would at least take the edge off. Today, though? He was gonna need a lot more than a measly little two buck zippo.
His options were limited. Normally in a case like this he’d go for a campfire but it was the dry season and any smoke was certain to have those smarmy pricks from the fire department up his ass. He flicked the lighter a few more times, hoping maybe it’d concur with a lightbulb moment and he could have that dramatic satisfaction.
Out of the corner of his eye he suddenly saw a gleam of white aluminum.
He glanced over and instinctively dove behind the tree once he realized what it was. Police cruiser. Of all the days....He observed it cautiously before slowly emerging. Didn’t look like anyone was there. Keys weren’t even in.
He’d gotten acquainted enough with most of the police vehicles in town to know this one was Pratt’s chosen steed. You could tell by the number of air-fresheners he kept in there: one of his tricks he insisted made chicks feel more at home in a car.
(Not like Sharky’d tried that or anything. And even if he had, the lingering odors were finally coming out of the upholstery after the fourth wash. “Stripper smell” his ass....)
Most importantly, though, like most people around here, Pratt didn’t lock his doors....
Sharky’s lightbulbs usually took a while to kick on but this one seemed to burn a few watts brighter than most.
He took a quick check of the surrounding woods. Long practice had taught him what made for good kindling and what didn’t. It was pretty much the only thing he’d kept from a few frustrating years in 4H, aside from a couple of hoofshaped bruises on his arms and a healthy fear of pigs.
And that was the moment when he realized all the bullshit of the day had been leading him to this single, perfect, shining moment. Because right there, nested amongst a beautiful layer of crisp pine needles and perfectly dried out branches....was chamerion angustifolium.
More commonly known as fireweed.  
He moved fast as he could, carefully laying the groundwork in the backseat of the cruise, setting it up with the savoir-faire of a practiced artist. The finished product damn near brought a tear to his eye. He couldn’t resist taking a picture, moving it to a hidden folder reserved for porn and particularly nice stills from period piece movies.  
He’d just found some clubmoss and was debating whether or not he had the time, scraping the fine powder off the stalks and into the center of the tinder...
“I didn’t find anyone”
The voice jerked him out of his reverie and his head snapped up.
“Yeah, me either.” Said a tired voice. Wait, he knew that one.....Deputy Hudson?
He slowly poked his head around. Yeah, Hudson alright, stomping through the woods, looking her usual vaguely tired/irritated self. She was talking to a figure he didn’t recognize (and Sharky flattered himself that he was pretty familiar with the figures of Hope County).
Shit. Should he run?
“Should we call it in?” they were saying, hand reaching for the radio clipped to their belt.
Hudson sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I dunno. Lot of trouble to go to over a busted window. Specially when there wasn’t anyone in there.”
Fuck shiiiiit they were looking for him then. He thought about bolting, but.....he looked at the kindling. There was no way this wouldn’t point back to him. He raised his hand to smash it but it was like asking Leonardo to smash the Mona Lisa. Or was is Raphael? One of the turtles...
“Still, it is Eden’s Gate property now....will that be a problem?”
“It will be. Question is, if we care or not.”
The stranger looked down, biting their lip. Hudson seemed to notice and snorted. “Right. Look, I know they seem intimidating but if the department went into a frenzy everytime somethin happened that Joseph Seed didn’t like then we’d never stop frenzy.....ing.” She grimaced a bit at how the sentence ended.
“So what should we do.”
They were too close, if he bolted now they’d see him run.
“Tell ya what.” She came to a halt. “We’ll do a last sweep. If we don’t find anything we’ll call it a day. Tell Seed it was a big bird or something.”
“You’re sure?”
“Trust me, Rook, the sheriff won’t care and I don’t wanna be out here any longer than I have to be. You go left, I’ll go right, we meet back in ten minutes. Sound good?”
He let out a slow sigh of relief. They’d leave, he’d (carefully) dismantle the pile, and he’d be gone. No point doing it if Pratt wasn’t gonna suffer the consequences. He started to slowly rise to his feet.
“Alright, see you the-”
Several things happened in the span of a few seconds.
One. Sharky remembered the sleeve of his hoodie was a bad place to keep his lighter. He remembered this as he watched it topple out.
Two. his instincts kicked in and he snatched at it, catching it just as it hit the pile of spores. The contact of his hand made them fly into the air in a puff.
His thumb caught the sparkwheel.
He felt a sharp pain in his right hand that caused him to scramble backwards as his eyes were blinded by a bright flash. He felt his facial hair singe  and a wall of heat on his face, and heard distant cursing.
Long experience had gotten him used to being blinded, and his vision recovered quickly. Quick enough to see the minor explosion evaporate out of the air, catching the tinder just as it faded away.
His ears were ringing and he didn’t hear them running towards the car, but he sure as shit felt it when the stranger cop tackled him to the ground. Hudson followed close behind, cursing loudly and hurriedly using the jacket to stifle the flames that were steadily eating through the upholstery.
“Who the hell are you?!” the stranger said, grabbing the front of his hoodie and pulling him up to look at them.
“uh.....Jimmy Buffet?” He said stupidly, mildly dazed. Didn’t help that this stranger had a pretty ass pair of eyes. Or maybe that was just the shock talking.
Hudson finally managed to choke out the fire, backing off and taking a deep breath before taking a look at the culprit.
What mirror had he broken
“You know him.”
“Ohhhh I know him.” Hudson straightened off, looking torn between anger and mild amusement. “The local serial arsonist. Thought Pratt had you drying out in the tank?”
“I wanna lawyer” He groaned.
“Yeah, yeah. Get off him, Rook, contrary to appearances, he isn’t dangerous. Just stupid.”
The stranger (Rook? Rookie? A last name? Who knew) clambered off him, looking slightly sheepish at having gone full Rambo for no apparent reason. “What should we do.”
“What you’re gonna do.” Hudson said, hauling him to his feet. “Is start the car and make sure it still runs.”
“Aw, c’mon, this aint necessary-” Even as he protested, out of long habit he assumed the position against the cruiser, wrists moving into position for easy cuffing.
“No, but it sure is fun” Hudson said, snapping them on. Loose.  Which was almost more humiliating, and not in the fun way either.
The car turned on as normal.
“Well. Guess we don’t have to add ‘vehicle replacement’ to your list of fines.”
“I didn’t put nothin in the dash! I’m not tryin to kill anybody, just deal with some highly justifiable frustration-”
“You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you in court of law.” Hudson said quickly, cutting across his excuses as she forced him into the passenger side of the cruiser. “Rook, take him into the station, Pratt’ll know what to do. I’m gonna radio the Sheriff and let him know we found the window perp.”
“Hey, you got no evidence that was me!” He protested. “Just cause I happen to be in the same area as a liquor store doesn’t mean I’m-”
“How’d you know it was a liquor store.”
“........hey can we have a mulligan on the ‘right to remain silent’ thing-”
Hudson rolled her eyes. “Knowing Earl he’s gonna wanna come up himself and make sure the report’s in order. I’ll catch a lift back with him.”
“Got it.” Rook said, climbing into the driver’s seat. “See you at the station.”
They put it into drive and pulled out.
Sharky tried remaining in sullen silence but that was bound to last all of two minutes. His foot jiggled restlessly as he started racing through his options.
“Hey! You have any idea how serious this is?” they snapped, glaring at him. “What the hell were you trying to do?”
“Not talkin till I get a lawyer.”
“That ship’s kinda sailed don’t ya think? What the hell did you do, pour gasoline on the seats? An explosion that big, you’re lucky it didn’t destroy the car and take you out with it-”
“Its clubmoss”
“Its clubmoss!” He said, snapping a bit more than he would’ve normally liked. But damn it, dude, this was the one area where he actually knew what the fuck he was talking about! Actin like Sharky Boshaw didn’t know exactly how much havoc he was wreaking was an insult to his professionalism. “Its basically plant flashbang.”
“What do you....”
“Here, just-” He slipped out of the cuffs easily enough, and ignoring their sputtering protests, he reached into the backseat and scraped up a handful of the green powder that hadn’t burned off in the explosion. “Slow the car down”
“I’m not gonna-...you-”
“I’m not gonna run. Not lookin to get tackled again.”
“....” Curiosity got the better of them and he felt the car slow to a crawl.
He rolled down the window, tossed the powder in the air, and in the same moment sparked his lighter. A burst of flame, much smaller than the last but burning out just as quick, appeared and disappeared, making Rook yelp.
“Clubmoss spores are chockful of lycopodium powder. They use it in movies and shit for special effects, the stuff doesn’t last long enough to cause real damage and won’t light unless it’s in the air.” He rolled back up the window, absently slipping the handcuffs back on. “Found that out from a behind the scenes featurette on this old bible movie from the church basement. Used to watch it a lot for the scene where God tossed down fire on the Egyptians or whoever. That is uh.....until the pastor confiscated it. Turns out the church basement still qualifies as holy ground and popping a boner anywhere on holy ground ain’t exactly considered kosher.”
.....Judging by the look on their face? Probably should have stopped after “behind the scenes featurette”
“So you’re a uh....special kind of crazy huh.”
“....The technical term is serial arsonist” He muttered, turning away with a flush.
“Well.....its a cool party trick at least.”
“Its-” Wait....wait, were they smiling?! Cops could smile at something that wasn’t the pain of others? Didn’t that violate some kind of code?
“Gotta say, if I were you I would’ve left the handcuffs off.” They turned onto the main road.
“Uh....” Shit, they really were cute. Or maybe that was the 6 months dry spell talking. “...gonna be honest, I don’t recall puttin em back on.” Cmon, cmon, think of something sexy to say. “Probably cause of uh...how used I am to being in handcuffs. For pleasurable reasons. I associate handcuffs with very....very good moments.” Nailed it.
“Well, given how much time Pratt says you’ve spent in holding cells I guess some of those memories have to be pleasant.”
“So why’d you break the window?”
“What window.” He said instinctively. The Deputy gave him a Look and he shrugged. “.....look, I understand, freedom of religion and all that shit, but comin between a man and his liquor store has to qualify for some kind of offense, right?”
They snorted. “Well. Not that I don’t sympathize but I don’t know how well a judge is gonna take to that line of reasoning.”
“Wait, a judge? I don’t....look, we don’t need to take it that far-”
“Its probably what’s gonna happen. Those Peggies.....” their voice trailed off. Unsure how much shit-talking they could do in uniform. “Never seen a group so eager to press charges.”
Sharky groaned. “You gotta be fuckin....Officer, come on, I can’t do another couple months in prison. You know how boring it is in there? I mean, sure, the first few days are fine, you get to catch up with everyone, but after that you realize you’re gonna have to get used to watching all these guys take a piss for the next few months and it gets old real fast.”
“Its not really my call.”
“Its not like I even hurt anybody” This time. “Just a little reupholstering job, hell, I’ll stitch the damn seat cover myself-”
“I’m sorry but....I don’t think there’s anything I can do”
They sounded genuinely sympathetic, something he wasn’t used to from law enforcement. Maybe this one really did have a human side after all...
.....Well. Looked like the day had finally come that Sharky had been waiting for his whole life. He leaned back, pulling off his hat and running a hand through his hair a few times and trying to get a look at himself in the rearview mirror. Alright, so he wasn’t exactly Ryan Gosling, but this wasn’t the worst he’d ever looked...
“I mean uh...” He let his voice drop about a half octave and leaned into the hoarseness to go for that rougher quality. “If you want...I could find a way to make it worth your whILE”
His voice squeaked. Cracked like it hadn’t since early puberty.
A deathly silence settled over the car.
And then the deputy erupted in laughter.
Loud, long laughter, making their shoulders shake as they bent over the wheel. Gasping for air, they were forced to put the car in park just to keep them from driving off the road. Practically screaming with it.
“Alright, alright” He muttered, shoving his hat back on as his face went bright red. “I can take a hint”
They pounded the dash. “Y-you-....you-!” Tears were streaming down their face as they snorted helplessly. And despite the humiliation of the scenario....it was infectious enough to make him crack unwittingly into a grin.
Eh, what the hell, longer it took them to recover, longer he was out of prison.
“What’s so fuNNY” He said, forcing the crack again, which reinvigorated the laughing.
“Stop, stop, I-I’m gonna puke” They gasped out, choking a bit.
Sharky patted their back. “Sooo that’s a no I’m guessin.”
They shook their head, grinning ear to ear and straightening up as they caught their breath. “Get going.”
“Go. Leave the handcuffs. I’ll make up some excuse.”
“....you’re serious?” His eyes widened. “Please, fuck, be serious, Staci let me get like 20 feet before hitting me with a taser in the back and let me tell you that think hurts like a bit-”
“You’ve been punished enough today, I think. And we’ve got actual threats to deal with these days.” They pulled off a key from the ring and handed it to him. “No offense.”
“....I mean, ok, a little offense normally, but given the circumstances, none taken” He unlocked the cuffs quickly and shot out of the car before they could change their mind.
“Hey, Boshaw!”
“Uhhh.....you can call me Sharky. Sounds a bit more normal.” He turned back to look at them.
They smiled. “Sharky then. Honey in tea is gonna help that voice of yours a lot more than beer. And try not to burn the forest down on the way.”
“Can do ma’-...si-....officer!” He waved and ran off fast as he could. He heard their laughter echoing a bit as the car pulled off.
.....Maybe it might be worth sticking on the right side of the law for a couple weeks, at least.
Or maybe not. How the hell else was he gonna see them again?
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profetizamos · 5 years
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(Image: “Gathering the Selago” by Louis Absolon)
Selago, today often thought to have referred to the fir club-moss, is a plant described by Pliny the Elder as being used by the druids for magical and medicinal purposes:
“Similar to savin is the herb known as “selago.” Care is taken to gather it without the use of iron, the right hand being passed for the purpose through the left sleeve of the tunic, as though the gatherer were in the act of committing a theft. The clothing too must be white, the feet bare and washed clean, and a sacrifice of bread and wine must be made before gathering it: it is carried also in a new napkin. The Druids of Gaul have pretended that this plant should be carried about the person as a preservative against accidents of all kinds, and that the smoke of it is extremely good for all maladies of the eyes.”
During the romantic period of British history when works of dubious academic merit on the druids proliferated, some authors such as William Winwood Reade provided alternative accounts for the use of selago, although the origins of the details he provides remains unclear: 
“She who pressed it with her foot slept, and heard the language of animals. If she touched it with iron, the sky grew dark and a misfortune fell upon a world. When [the druids] had found it, the virgin traced a circle round it, and covering her hand in a white linen cloth which had never been before used, rooted it out with a point of her little finger–a symbol of the crescent moon. Then they washed it in a running spring …”
Fir clubmoss is found around the world in boreo-arctic regions including Canada, the British Isles, and Northern Europe.
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History. Ed. John Bostock. London: Taylor and Francis, 1855.
W. Winwood Read, The Veil of Isis, or Mysteries of the Druids. London: Charles J. Skeet, 1861. 
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eengwall · 4 years
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Diphasiastrum digitatum alsoknown as fan clubmoss, groundcedar, running cedar or crowsfoot #moss #appalachiantrail #poconosmountains #delawarerivergaprecreationalarea (at Mt. Minsi Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDU-TxsnqSR/?igshid=1isxjvsga5neb
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thebotanicalarcade · 11 months
n402_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: Album de la flora médico-farmacéutica é industrial, indígena y exótica,. Madrid,Impr. de la Galeria literaria,1862-64.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/11239046
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emmagreen1220-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Biology Dictionary
New Post has been published on https://biologydictionary.net/leaf/
Leaf Definition
The term leaf refers to the organ that forms the main lateral appendage on the stem of vascular plants. In general, leaves are thin, flat organs responsible for the photosynthesis of the plant. Although photosynthesis typically only occurs on the upper surface of the leaf, it can occur on both sides in some plant species. Leaves are typically comprised of a distinct upper and lower surface, stomata for gas exchange, waxy coating, hairs, and venation. Each side of the leaf differs in regarding the level to which these features are expressed. Although leaves are typically located above ground, some species have leaves which reside underground (e.g., bulb scales) or underwater (e.g., aquatic plant species). Moreover, the leaves of some plants may not be associated with photosynthesis (e.g., cataphylls). Leaves are typically oriented on a plant to avoid blocking the sunlight of the leaves situated underneath.
Function of the Leaf
As one of the most important constituents of plants, leaves have several essential functions:
The primary function of the leaf is the conversion of carbon dioxide, water, and UV light into sugar (e.g., glucose) via photosynthesis (shown below). The simple sugars formed via photosynthesis are later processed into various macromolecules (e.g., cellulose) required for the formation of the plant cell wall and other structures. Therefore, the leaf must be highly specialized to combine the carbon dioxide, water, and UV light for this process. Carbon dioxide is diffused from the atmosphere through specialized pores, termed stomata, in the outer layer of the leaf. Water is directed to the leaves via the plant’s vascular conducting system, termed the xylem. Leaves are orientated to ensure maximal exposure to sunlight, and are typically thin and flat in shape to allow sunlight to penetrate the leaf to reach the chloroplasts, which are specialized organelles that perform photosynthesis. Once sugar is formed from photosynthesis, the leaves function to transport it down the plant via specialized structures called the phloem, which run in parallel to the xylem. The sugar is typically transported to the roots and shoots of the plant, to support growth.
Transpiration refers to the movement of water through the plant, and subsequent evaporation via the leaves. When the stomata open to accommodate the diffusion of carbon dioxide into the plant for photosynthesis, water flows out. This process also serves to cool the plant via evaporation of the water from the leaf, as well as regulate the plant’s osmotic pressure.
Guttation refers to the excretion of xylem from the edges of leaves and other vascular plants due to increased levels of water in the soil at night, when the stomata are closed. The pressure caused at the roots results in the leakage of water from the xylem out of specialized water glands at the edges of leaves.
Leaves are a primary site of water and energy storage since they provide the site of photosynthesis. Succulents are particularly adept at water storage, as evidenced by the thick leaves. Due to the high levels of nutrients and water, many animal species ingest the leaves of plants as a source of food.
Some leaves have also evolved defense mechanisms to avoid being eaten or damaged. Some examples include the spines of cacti, cones of gymnosperms, respectively. In addition, hairs found on leaves prevent water loss in dry climates and sting animals that detour herbivores (e.g., Urticaceae). Moreover, the waxy coatings found on leaves serve to protect against water loss, rain, and forms of contamination. Oils and other secreted substances also detract from being consumed by herbivores.
Types of Leaf
In general, the types of leaf can be divided into six major types, although there are also plants with highly specialized leaves:
Conifer Leaf
Conifer leaves are needle-shaped or in the form of scales. Conifer leaves are typically heavily waxed and highly adapted to colder climates, arranged to dispel snow and resist freezing temperatures. Some examples include Douglas firs and spruce trees. The images below illustrate this type of leaf.
Microphyll Leaf
Microphyll leaves are characterized by a single vein that is unbranched. Although this type of leaf is abundant in the fossil record, few plants exhibit this type of leaf today. Some examples include horsetails and clubmosses. The image below illustrates this type of leaf.
Megaphyll Leaf
Megaphyll leaves are characterized by multiple veins that can be highly branched. Megaphyll leaves are broad and flat, and generally comprise the foliage of most plant species. The image below illustrates this type of leaf.
Angiosperm Leaf
Angiosperm leaves are those found on flowering plants. These leaves are characterized by stipules, a lamina, and a petiole. The illustration below shows an example of an angiosperm leaves.
Fronds are large, divided leaves characteristic of ferns and palms. The blades can be singular or divided into branches. The image below presents an example of a frond.
Sheath Leaf
Sheath leaves are typical of grass species and monocots. Thus, the leaves are long and narrow, with a sheathing surrounding the stem at the base. Moreover, the vein structure is striated and each node contains only one leaf. The image below presents an example of a sheath leaf.
1. The primary function of a leaf is: A. Water evaporation for cooling B. Photosynthesis C. Provide shade to the shoot and root structures of the plant D. Transpiration
Answer to Question #1
B is correct. Although some of the secondary functions of the leaf include water evaporation via transpiration, the primary function of the leaf is photosynthesis. Leaves contain specialized pores call stomata, which allow for the diffusion of carbon dioxide, are structurally thin and broad to capture sunlight, and contain chloroplasts, specialized organelles responsible for photosynthesis.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding guttation: A. It typically occurs at night. B. It occurs when the stomata are closed. C. It results from increased water pressure in the soil. D. All of the above
Answer to Question #2
D is correct. Guttation occurs due to increased water pressure in the soil, which causes leakage of water out of the xylem through structures located at the edges of leaves. This process typically occurs at night when there is more moisture in the soil and the stomata are closed since photosynthesis does not occur in the absence of sunlight.
Brodersen C and McElrone A. (2013). Maintenance of xylem Network Transport Capacity: A Review of Embolism Repair in Vascular Plants. Front Plant Sci.4:108.
El-Sharkawy, M. and Hesketh, J. (1965) Photosynthesis among species in relation to characteristics of leaf anatomy and CO2 diffusion resistances. Crop Science. 5(6):pp. 517-521.
Roth-Nebelsick A, Uhl D, and Kerp H. (2001). Evolution and Function of Leaf Venation Architecture: A Review. Ann Bot. 87(5): 553-566.
Sadras and Milroy. (1996). Soil-water thresholds for the responses of leaf expansion and gas exchange: A review. Field Crops Research. 47(2): 253-266.
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Huperzia is a genus of Lycophyte plants, sometimes known as the firmosses or fir clubmosses. This genus was originally included in the related genus Lycopodium, from which it differs in having undifferentiated sporangial leaves, and the sporangia not formed into apical cones. The common name firmoss, used for some of the north temperate species, refers to their superficial resemblance to branches of fir (Abies), a conifer. In Australia, the epiphytic species are commonly known as tassel ferns. The genus has a cosmopolitan distribution, with about 400 species. Some botanists however split Huperzia into two genera, Huperzia in the narrow sense including 10-15 species of terrestrial temperate to Arctic species, and the rest in Phlegmariurus, a primarily tropical to subtropical genus of mainly epiphytic species. Huperzia and its relatives are included in the family Huperziaceae in some classifications, or alternatively in a more broadly defined Lycopodiaceae in others. The plants of this genus generally have radial ranks of entire, linear to lanceolate evergreen leaves and dichotomously-branched (forking) vegetative stems. The spores are borne in kidney-shaped sporangia borne individually on the stem at the bases of unmodified leaves. Unlike clubmosses, firmosses grow in clusters rather than running. The roots are produced in the tips of the shoots, growing downward in cortex to emerge at soil level. Horizontal stems are absent. More details Android, Windows
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Huperzia is a genus of Lycophyte plants, sometimes known as the firmosses or fir clubmosses. This genus was originally included in the related genus Lycopodium, from which it differs in having undifferentiated sporangial leaves, and the sporangia not formed into apical cones. The common name firmoss, used for some of the north temperate species, refers to their superficial resemblance to branches of fir (Abies), a conifer. In Australia, the epiphytic species are commonly known as tassel ferns. The genus has a cosmopolitan distribution, with about 400 species. Some botanists however split Huperzia into two genera, Huperzia in the narrow sense including 10-15 species of terrestrial temperate to Arctic species, and the rest in Phlegmariurus, a primarily tropical to subtropical genus of mainly epiphytic species. Huperzia and its relatives are included in the family Huperziaceae in some classifications, or alternatively in a more broadly defined Lycopodiaceae in others. The plants of this genus generally have radial ranks of entire, linear to lanceolate evergreen leaves and dichotomously-branched (forking) vegetative stems. The spores are borne in kidney-shaped sporangia borne individually on the stem at the bases of unmodified leaves. Unlike clubmosses, firmosses grow in clusters rather than running. The roots are produced in the tips of the shoots, growing downward in cortex to emerge at soil level. Horizontal stems are absent. More details Android, Windows
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