#rumbelle critical
shipperqueen93 · 1 year
So I fucked up.
I am struggling hard here. I had surgery towards the end of last year and I haven’t been able to catch up on bills since. I hate asking for help. I HATE it. But I’m going to do it. 
However I don’t expect something for nothing. I’m opening myself up for commissions. I make jewelry you can see here. I also am willing to do fanfic commissions, $5 for 1k words. 
I’m comfortable writing
OUAT: Rumbelle, Swanfire, Swanqueen, Red Cricket. 
Critical Role: Beauyasha, Perc’ahlia, Vaxleth, Imodna, Shadowghast. 
Hell I’ll write fanfic of your own D&D characters if you want. Throw a ship at me and I’ll give it a shot. 
My paypal is here
My venmo is here
Honestly at this point I’m fucking desperate
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impossibledial · 1 year
rumbellers who blame the things that are wrong in their relationship on belle have a special place in hell
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tickletorso · 1 year
The Rare Books Crises -chapter 2-
FIRST I want to give a big big thank you to @the-chipped-cup-awards for putting together a great event and keeping the fandom going! It was my first year participating and I had a blast. 
SECOND I was fortunate to have my fic The Rare Books Crises win BEST COMEDY which I love for soooo many reasons but inparticular because I love to make people laugh. 
THIRD I didn’t have any plans to expand this fic, but a devilish smut bunny would not leave me alone. Thus, a very smutty pwp was created. It’s my first time writing smut so constructive criticism is welcome! 
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(yes that is Emma)
CaptainSwan headcannons (Only from the show, not alternate universe or anything like that)
They're late to everything (family parties, gatherings, dinners etc...)
Emma sleeps on the right side of the bed, Killian sleeps on the left, makes it easier for them to hold hands
Emma likes to tease Killian a lot, he pretends that he hates it when deep down he finds it kinda hot
Emma constantly asks Killian about who's real and who isn't since he's visited so many realms and probably knows if Santa Claus, Jack Sparrow or the Tooth Fairy are real (Yes, she asks him this probably every night and he finds it amusing)
They are the children of the group (Snowing, Rumbelle, OutlawQueen rip, Granpetto) mainly because they are too traumatized from their childhoods so they're less likely to enjoy going out and drinking whine with the group (doesn't mean they don't enjoy it together at home)
They talk about their past foster homes (or owners for Killian)
They compare scars/tattoos
After their wedding, and they were married for 6 months, they got a tattoo that best represents them (comment what you think that would be and I'll choose my favourite)
Emma always tries to ask Killian about his family, and tries her best to find ways to help Killian remember them
They're equals in their relationship but sometimes Emma is more in charge and Killian doesn't mind (despite being criticized about it by David, Regina, Granny, Whale)
Emma's introduced Killian to all her favourite childhood (and early adulthood) shows/movies: Back to the Future I/II/III, The old superman movies, star wars, old Johnny movies (because yes, Emma watched POTC on loop and enjoyed watching 4 and 5 for the first time with Killian)
even though Emma cut Killian's drinking supply to just water, they have a cabinet in the basement with fancy whine and other alcoholic drinks (Emma only takes it out when she has surprises for Killian)
Emma's nicknames for Killian are: Killy, Prince Charles, Elffy, Baby, Blue-eyes, My Pirate, Jones, Babe, Mr. Jones, Warden (only when he's too protective)
Killian's nicknames for Emma are: Swan, Luv, My Luv, Mrs Jones, Baby, Babe, Sweetheart, Sweetie, My Princess, Green-eyes, Leia, Beautiful, Goddess, Siren, Miss Marty Mcfly
Emma finds out that Killian is allergic to strawberries when he eats a jelly filled donut and gets hives. And Killian finds out Emma is allergic to cats when he came after finding a cat in the alleyway and didn't wash his face, hands or jacket
whenever Emma is really mad with Killian she uses his full name "Killian Brennan Jones" he tried to do it back at her once but failed because he doesn't know her middle name
Emma is also the only one allowed to use his middle name
They just want to spend time with each other
Emma likes making Killian all his favourite meals and he does the same for her
Emma's told Killian all her darkest secrets like Henry having a twin sister (an OC character), her relationship with Neal Cassidy
Emma always wants to make Killian feel more part of the family
after they got married they started reading before bed (just to try new things)
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Masterlist of my fics on Ao3!
Once Upon a Time:
"Operation Lunchbreak" (Captain Cobra, oneshot with a hint of Captain Swan, post canon, canon compliant)
"Mrs. Crocodile" (Captain Book, oneshot with a hint of Captain Swan and some Rumbelle, season 4A, canon compliant)
"Emma's First Perfect Christmas" (CSGiftexchange2022, Captain Swan, Captain Cobra Swan, post-canon)
"Working Hands" (Captain Swan, oneshot, season 3B, canon compliant)
"It Now Belongs to You" (Captain Swan, post canon, canon compliant)
"Road Less Traveled" (Beauty and the Puppet [August/Belle,] season 4 gap, canon divergent)
"Open to Interpretation" (Captain Swan, formerly oneshot, now multi-chapter, art museum au)
"Wildflowers" (Beauty and the Puppet [August/Belle,] oneshot, canon divergent/possibly au)
"A Sleepy February Afternoon" (Captain Swan, oneshot, post-canon, mostly canon compliant)
"That's Just the Way We Roll" (Captain Swan, the brothers Jones, Frozen Jewel, modern au, highschool au)
"Every Crappy Morning" (Captain Swan, season 7 finale missing moment)
"Wishing it Wasn't" (Captain Swan, oneshot, season 2, canon divergent)
"Potion Commotion" (Cygnet Scholar, oneshot, season 7 au)
"Critical Fail" (Cygnet Scholar, Captain Swan, Violet Believer, oneshot, season 7 au)
The Shuttle
"I Hit Sir Nigel In The Face With A Brick" (Anti Sir Nigel Anstruthers, three sentences long, contains violence)
"Five Life Changing Words" (Saltinna [Dunstan/Bettina,] soulmark au, oneshot)
"How The Vicar Says 'I Told You So'" (Saltinna, Penzance and Dunstan, missing moment, post canon, canon compliant)
The Proposal Fic (Salttina, still in progress)
Tangled/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure:
"A Little Bit Brighter" (platonic freckle siblings)
"What Sisters Are For" (found family, Kiera and Catalina sisters)
"Poor Little Orphan Eugene Fitzherbert" (Light Angst)
"Worlds Within Words" (Catalina and Varian)
"The Monsters" (Light Angst, Catalina and Varian)
"Dreams of Adventure" (Tangled AU, New Dream)
"Second Chances" (Tangled AU, sequel to Dreams of Adventure, Kiera, Catalina and Varian)
"Something To Believe In" (New Dream, canon compliant, fills in a small gap in the movie)
Miscellaneous Fandoms:
"When Duty Calls" (Lego Nexo Knights, Clacy) (cringes at teenage self but is still proud of her)
"Seventy: Audacity Under Opposition" (Star Wars, Sequel Trilogy, Canon Compliant, Retelling, OC X Canon) (cringes at teenage self but is still proud of her)
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woodelf68 · 2 years
AO3 tag game
Tagged by @luthienebonyx
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your current AO3 wordcount?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
For fics that I've published/posted to share with others: Robin of Sherwood, Wizards and Warriors, Zorro (the Family Channel series), Lord of the Rings, Once Upon A Time, Stargate: Universe, The Tournament, Thor -- and like 99% of that is OUAT, SGU, and Thor. Everything pre-OUAT was no more than one or two fics per fandom. (I am not a natural story writer. I find it easy to write missing scenes, or extend existing ones, but a proper fic with a beginning, middle and end? At that age, the only thing that could force me to come up with enough words to count as a proper fic were those magic words "free contributor's copy". I did do a lot of art and poetry/filks for RoS, though.)
For all those journals filled with fannish scribbles that I wrote just for myself? Various soap operas, with the most being from Days of Our Lives probably, since I had a couple of big OTPs there. House. Highlander. Beauty and the Beast (Ron Perlman series). A bit of Hercules the Legendary Journeys? I remember writing something for Aphrodite and Hephaestus and at least one thing based on Tyr from Andromeda. More of all the shows that I listed as having posted online or had published in zines. Maybe some ST:TNG for Picard and Crusher? It's hard to remember, it's so long ago; I'm sure I've missed at least one fandom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bearing in mind that most of the Rumbelle and Rushbelle ones were posted on tumblr years before I copied them to AO3 (thus having most of their likes over here), these are all my more recent Thor fandom ones: Measuring Up, Child of Love, Tumblr Prompt Fics, Mornings, and Trust.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not.
Yes, always. I very much appreciate any and all comments and I want those who leave them to know that.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
*Scrolls through my fics on AO3* Hm, I can't decide, my three fics in which I accept Neal Cassidy as being dead all make me sniffly. It's either 'Rumple and Henry at Neal's grave', 'Rumple names a star after Neal for Henry's birthday present', or 'Years after Neal's death, his sister visits the grave of the brother she never met'. I debated rewriting that last one when the Rumbaby turned out to be a boy, but was too pleased with the way the fic came out to mess with it.
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I've done several Rushbelle ones and one Macelle one that springboarded off a Bad Faery fic. Craziest one was a prompt for SGU's Nicholas Rush to turn into a unicorn. It somehow ended up not feeling like crack at all, though.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I got a few critical reviews from someone this past winter, but nothing strong enough that I would call it hate or be bothered by it. Like 'this is too fluffy and OOC' and I was like 'if you're looking for angst, you're in the wrong place, but thanks for reading!' I was having quite a bit of fun responding to this person tbqh, I was kind of sad when they stopped after three fics.
9. Do you write smut?
Yep. My brain keeps providing me with ideas, rudely not caring that it's much easier to play out sex scenes in my head for my own pleasure than to actually write them down.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. (At least that I know of!)
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
12. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh boy. *Drums fingers* I'm going to go with Vincent and Catherine from Beauty and the Beast, because their journey was cut short when Linda Hamilton left the show and I was left feeling unfulfilled and cheated of everything that they could have been. Fic was good, but they were canon, and we did not get enough of them. I wish they had either tried recasting the role or just cancelled it without doing what they did in the third season. Their romance was just so beautiful.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
If little isolated scenes I just wrote for my own pleasure (often extending an aired scene to make it fluffier or smuttier) in a journal counts, then Days of Our Lives, I think. Or maybe General Hospital. That was the first soap I got hooked on at the tender age of 12, thanks to my mom. For a proper fic written to be shared with others...it might have been a very short Robin of Sherwood scene where Robin wasn't killed due to some Herne-sent Magical Mist™ shrouding him from view of the Sheriff's archers and allowing him to escape back into the woods. (My more experienced self is asking what good that would have done, when the dogs could have just tracked him right back down. I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?)
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh man, I've got too many to choose from. The best I can do is say that for Rumbelle it's probably one (or all) of the fics in the Floofy!verse, and for Thor, one (or all) of the completely self-indulgently fluffy kid Thor and Loki fics.
Open tag for anyone who wants to do it!
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eirian-houpe · 2 years
The Monday Menu
Well.... for those interested, I did not find those missing 1000 words.  I’m gutted, but only in the sense that I want to know what I had written.   Welcome to the last Monday... in Summer School and in Camp Nano.  Can’t believe it’s almost over.  I love participating in Camp Nano, and NaNoWriMo in November.  Give me the excuse for my sense of self criticism - the ability to flip it the bird and tell it, “Naff off... it’s April/July,November - I’m allowed to write!”
So now you all know I feel guilty when I indulge myself an allow myself to write. I know I shouldn’t.  It’s a HUGE part of my self-care routine, but I still do.
So, since no one said anything about it... what do you guys think of the Behind the Scenes idea?
Here’s the plan for this week (and an explanation of each thing for those that are new to my Tumblr), though I might be making some changes.
Monday - The Monday Menu - what it says on the box. A plan for the week.
Tuesday - TMI Tuesday. - Ask me… go on, anything.  Ask my characters -they’ll answer. Nothing is off limits, but be sure you want the answer before you ask the question.
Wednesday - WIP Wednesday - Current state of my works in progress. So many - and still clmbing!
Thursday - Three Things Thursday - any fic of mine is fair game. Doesn’t have to be Rumbelle, I have Rushbelle, a bunch of crossovers, some shows people might no know, some ST: DSC, some SGA and some Tolkien too… ask three things, I dare ya...! Please… This is also the day I’ll do the ‘Behind the Scenes’ post, which might just end up as part of the TTT post.
Friday - Final Line Friday. - Assuming I manage to write anything, I will post a word cloud, and the last line that I have written right before I post this.
Saturday - Saturday Secret - another one of those where you can ask about any fic, and I’ll tell (or show) you a secret. Feel free to follow up with conversation or guesses.  I will tell you if you get something right. Again, no one took me up on the offer… so we might also have to think of another ‘SA’ post.
Where /is/ everyone.  As @deliriumsdelight7​ said in the tags for the reblog of a post I made last week: ‘Once more for the people in the back: WE CANNOT CREATE IN A VACUUM!’
Sunday - Seven Sentence Sunday. - yeah, I have to write something to be able to post this.
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Writing this week - The hope is that I have time to continue working on Laer o Faen, chapter 26 (I need to finish it!), as well as Secret of the Seas, and What the Actual Fuck!
As always my inbox is open for thoughts, questions, asks… I don’t restrict people to any particular day of the week, and I - like most fic authors - love to discuss things to do with fics and fandom.
I just want to add a shout out to those readers who have left me Kudos these last several days.  It has not gone un-noticed.  love you guys for those votes of confidence..
Talk to me, peeps! My inbox is lonely,
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kelyon · 1 year
We all have comfort zones we like to stick to. What’s one way you’d like to challenge yourself as a writer?
I would love the luxury of writing a full story (let's say a 150K or more "novel length" fic) without showing it to anyone. I want to start it, finish it, and then go back and rewrite the whole damn thing from the beginning. Then I'd post, either all at once or one chapter a week.
One of the few criticisms about fanfic that I'll accept is about serialization. Dots connected from chapter to chapter just isn't the same as one continuous line. I plan my fics out in advance and I still show up at the ending wishing that I had known things at the beginning. I feel like if I could just start over again, I would have a much richer and more thought-out work.
There's a part of fanfic that's a public performance. Posting chapters, responding to comments, doing the TMI Tuesday thing--these are all ancillary to the act of writing a story. As much as I love interacting with my community, I think I'd make better art if I retreated to a cave and then tossed out a manuscript and never spoke of it again. At least it would be more my work that way. I wouldn't feel like I was preemptively dodging misunderstanding of the text.
Because all of the feedback I get from people does affect what I put on the page. I've noticed with Golden Rings and Dark Mistress that I start a lot of chapters by having the POV character restate or reframe where they are in the story and how they feel about things. In the back of my mind I always think of the reader who hasn't been in the story for at least two weeks, if not much longer between chapters.
(Of course that's also a reaction to times I've read a fic after a months-long break and characters are reacting to something I don't remember happening, so it's a double-edged sword.)
Lately I've found myself getting neurotic about my writing, how readers respond. And I haven't even gotten hate lately! But I feel like anything that exists on the internet is subject to absolutely awful judgement, so you have to be beyond reproach all the time--and it's just exhausting. I'd be much truer to myself if I could have a work be mine entirely for just a little longer than I usually do. If I could really make something only for myself, ironically I feel like it would be better for the Rumbelle community as a whole.
So yeah, challenging myself by being more self-centered and indulgent. That's what I want!
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deliriumsdelight7 · 1 year
I love love LOVE Tattercloak!! What inspired you to write it? What about it was easiest/hardest to write? Is there anything special you'd like to share with your readers about the writing process or the character?
Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I was watching Jim Henson’s miniseries, “The Storyteller,” and came across two or three episodes that seemed like they could be Rumbelled. I settled on that one because… well, because in that episode, the heroine adopts the name “Straggletag” when she’s in disguise, and @thestraggletag is one of my favorite Rumbelle authors. Also, the three dresses in the episode struck me as things that Belle would wear.
The easiest thing to write was Belle’s panic when she realized that the Blue Fairy was going to force her to wed her own father. The hardest had to be coming up with a reason why Belle still hid her identity even after she was told that she no longer had to. I definitely failed in that part; that was a case of “forcing the character to do something because the story demands it,” which many of us have criticized OUaT for doing.
Thank you for the ask!
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sieben9 · 6 years
“changelings” impressions
{Quick request to anyone reading: I’m watching OUaT for the first time, and I want to avoid spoilers. So, if you want to discuss something spoilery, I’d be grateful if you could start a new post for that. Thank you!}
Well, damn.
Where do I even start?
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Ah, yes, ridiculous fashion choices. Thank you, that’ll do nicely.
Seriously, what is up with this belt? Is there a funny story/deep significance I missed here? Did the Evil Queen get really into wrestling while off-screen? Is this a Fight Club thing?
So many questions, and neary an answer in sight…
…yeah, OK, I’ll get to the actual episode. Under the cut, though. Be warned, this wasn’t a happy one for multiple reasons. For one it’s so long and I am really sorry. I just kept going “and another thing…!” until we got to the current state of things. There are some “skip here” suggestions in the text, though. For another… yeah, just go ahead and read the thing. Short version right here: I did not like this episode, and its also a microcosm of this show’s issues with character continuity. (As in “which bits are canon this episode”)
OK, brief shout out to the whole scene at the barn house. Regina threatening the Evil Queen with crushing her own heart was deeply worrying, but also kind of badass. Good on her. Also, the conversation afterwards. It’s nice to have it all out in the open for once.
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Next up: the flashback!
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names displayed to silently accuse the guilty (not really they just happened to be in the shot)
Which was… alright, I guess? I mean, the Rumbelle dynamic was completely off compared to what we’ve seen from anything but their very earliest days (I’m thinking about the Robin incident, which was… maybe Belle’s second day there?), but compared to all the other nonsense going on in that area, this is barely a blip on the radar.
This had definitely the only moment of much-needed comic relief of the episode, namely Blue’s dress. I mean, she wears it with commendable sincerity, but that thing just doesn’t get any better with prolonged exposure.
So, Rumple can read Elf, but he can’t read Fairy? OK, I guess, but you’d think that over a 200-year-long rivalry, he’d have made the effort. Well, if nothing else, the “Belle knows Fairy” thing is a nice fanfic fact.
Anything else here…?
Oh, yeah. Rumple’s mom.
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Alright, it might be a little early, but I’m calling it now: viewed by quantity, Rumple has The Worst Parents on this show. Simply because both of them were evil, child-stealing assholes who abandoned their son. …you know, despite the very obvious irony in that sentence, I’m shocked Rumple turned out as good as he did. All praise the two spinning ladies.
By the way, how many parents do we have who didn’t abandon their children? Obviously, there are some, but I highly doubt we’d get as much as an even split. Yes, I realise that this is part of the show’s theme, but that is still a lot of absent parents.
He didn’t get much out of that conversation, though, did he? Well, looks like he’ll have another opportunity this season, at least… (If I sound a little underwhelmed, it’s just because of my general mood, I’m actually pretty excited to see more of her. “Sometimes you have to choose power over love”, huh?)
::long groan:: I don’t wanna do this. Because I feel like this should be a serious, in-depth analysis, when really all I want to say is “this episode hurt me and not in the good way”.
I think a large part of the problem is this: I wasn’t there with the story. I think Rumple and Belle’s actions both grew… sort of organically to the point they reached by the end of the episode, but getting there was such a janky, half-baked mess that I just. Didn’t. Buy it.
Right up until the end of that really, really disturbing scene in the library, there are some giant leaps of logic I’m supposed to just follow along with. Like “the best way to get my son to love me is to speed up Belle’s pregnancy” or “Rumple wants to cut our son’s destiny so that he can be corrupted ‘or worse’.” Also, what the hell is “worse” supposed to be in this scenario? What, exactly, did he think Rumple would do to his own child? Ugh!
Also, this didn’t happen until later, but “Just because he did the right thing today doesn’t mean he’ll do the right thing tomorrow”? Really, Emma? Isn’t hoping people who do the right thing today will do the right thing tomorrow kind of at the core of your entire moral system?
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::dons hardhat::
OK, outright: The library scene was painful, and deliberately cruel on part of the writers. Because there were so many options for this to play out that didn’t involve Rumple chasing Belle into the elevator that’s been an established “Thing” in the narrative of this couple. I’m not saying this is bad writing (I want to, but let’s face it, I’m hardly objective), but it’s definitely a deliberate punch to the gut. And then there’s the bit where Belle has to talk Rumple down, which…  ::shudder:: yeah, not a good look.
What annoys me about that conversation… OK, one of the things that annoy me about that conversation is that I can’t even properly analyse anyone’s character motivation here, because I have no fucking idea which bits of canon I’m “supposed to” remember this week!
Some canon dissection at this point, skip if you’re bored.
So. Belle told Rumple that “all she wanted [him] to do was try”, which is reasonable enough on its face. In an ideal world, I’d assume this refers back to his comment in s5 where he basically said that the darkness was irrevocably part of him and that he had no intentions of changing that. Which is a… bold choice of words for someone who was literally, straight-up cursed with that amount of darkness. But I digress. The thing is that I don’t actually know if that’s what Belle meant, because, like I said, there’s been a very clear trend of “please only remember selected pieces of established continuity” in recent seasons episodes, and if you’re going to play it like this, that makes any kind of analysis really hard.
Because here’s the thing: he absolutely did try after that. Right after that, you might say. He and Belle worked together (using Belle’s method rather than gunning for Hades directly) to get their child back from Hades. And when Belle decided to put herself under a sleeping curse so as not to risk Hades stealing their child (because Belle does impulsive shit when she feels cornered), Rumple not only got their child back, he also tried to kiss her awake afterwards—something he previously said would require too much of a change from him to even attempt! And when that didn’t work, he did what she’d asked and brought her to her father, who refused to wake her, because his child being worse-than-dead was apparently still better than her being with Rumple. (And no, words still cannot express how much I hate Moe French. He started out a shitty father and then got worse.)
And then he kept trying to wake her up, because that’s what you do for a person you love. I’d even say he was about to succeed in waking her up, when what I can only call a diabolus ex machina turned up to tell her that Rumple is bad and will “destroy his family” (in a frustratingly unspecified manner that was never elaborated upon). And I’d be happier with this if it was framed as the kind of self-fulfilling prophecy the season 2 seer girl made—that Belle trying to avoid a future where Rumple destroyed their family would put them on the path to destroying their family—but I’m not sure that’s what’s going on. And if it is, then the writing in that one bit of the show is certainly a lot subtler than everywhere else.
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I don’t care how cute a baby you are, adult!you is still a douchebag
So, at this point, Rumple has tried really hard to be a better version of himself, but somehow none of that work is recognised in narrative. It’s perfectly fine for Belle not to recognise it for several reasons (it’s also a bit weird, considering how she still seems to feel about him), but the narrative never acknowledges that all of this can definitely be filed under “striving to be better.” Which, again, brings me to the “so which bits of canon are canon today?” question. (Also, hi, I have a strong suspicion that the people involved in planning this show are a lot better at short stories than ongoing series with open sequel hooks. No pun intended.)
And then, like I said, things took a pretty sharp turn towards the end of last episode and at the top of this one. I’m… not even touching that any further. I’m tired, and not in the “I woke up early to get this writing done” sense.
::sigh:: Remember The Bear and the Bow? Good times, that, huh?
Alright. Deep breath. It’s uphill from here. Kind of. The hill is inside a hell-pit, so it’s not a great climb.
The post-library bit of the episode kind of works as far as internal logic goes. The episode had pretty much lost me by then, to the point where I was just relieved it actually wasn’t Rumple who spiked that tea. Because, let me tell you, I know I said I didn’t see myself quitting the show, but that version would have been hard as hell to watch. So. Glad I don’t live in that version of reality.
Still, at that point, Belle has no reason to think someone other than Rumple would have wanted to give her that potion. Which meant he was still after the baby, so sending the little bean away was… still not a great idea, really, but I can see how she arrived there. Belle does impulsive shit when she feels cornered. If she thought Rumple had really sunk that low… yeah, it’s still not a great option (and, again some really good acting in that scene), but not completely out of left field.
And Rumple was obviously afraid something like this would happen, which is why he tried to barge into the convent like that. Didn’t exactly make him look more innocent, but he was in a hurry.
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at least you’re pretty to look at, I guess
At least one person acted entirely consistent with prior characterisation, meaning the Evil Queen. Because that potion was such a classic move that I’m a bit surprised Rumple didn’t see that one coming. My guy, this is basically the same woman who convinced you Belle was dead before locking her in a cell for thirty years. She knows where to hit you and how to make it stick, and you should know that!
And this is not me saying that it’s Rumple’s fault, but he sure got a good hit from the idiot ball when he unceremoniously dropped the Evil Queen as his partner/”partner” without going “hm, could she possibly feel the urge to screw me over for this?”
And so, Rumple missed the birth of his second child, Belle had her first child without her husband to support her, and while Gideon is a lovely name, I can’t help but think that picking a name for your child is something couples should do together, playfully bickering back and forth for weeks that no, we are not naming our son Immanuel, why is this even a discussion? (…I had several friends get pregnant over the last three years and you hear some weird stuff. The little guy is called Immanuel now, by the way. Among other things.)
Oh, and speaking of the little guy’s name...
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WHY WOULDN’T SHE TELL HIM? Seriously, the name wouldn’t do anything to find him he couldn’t do with blood magic. Which he has readily available, since it’s--and I know this comes as a shock--his child. Seriously, that just seems... nedlessly cruel.
Also, to close this out with some (semi-)humour, I want to make this a callout for one Belle Gold, who decided that of all the people present this was the best person to hand her newborn child:
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I think I am on record for saying that I would not trust the Blue Fairy with taking care of a gerbil, nevermind a human being. Frankly, if she told me the sky was blue, I’d go outside and check, just in case the apocalypse had gone off while I wasn’t looking. That’s how little I trust her.
Now, I do know that this is not the story of how Blue has been evil all along, but there is a world where that’s the big twist at the end of this episode.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Look I'm in an OUAT mood today so this is my last AU/fic idea: most things are exactally the same... except Rumbelle. They aren't a couple, they are just besties trolling.
Belle is an aro lesbian and Rumple is an aro gay and the just have aro solidarity and w|w, m|m friendship.
Instead of the whole stockholm syndrom bs, Belle made a deal with Rumple to fake the deal with her father as it was the only way she could run away from her homophobic country. She discovered thanks to books that an old family heirloom no one cared was actually a very powerfull magical artifact, so she offered it in exchange of the end of the orc war and a chance of running away. As she would have no money and the lie was there already she did work in the Dark Castle, but not as a prisioner, more like the roomate that ended up with most of the cleanning cause their luck sucks.
Living together the two of them actualy became friends rather quickly and we all know Rumple don't have does so that is why he is protective of her. Some people, Robin Hood while inprisioned and the Queen of Darkness bar Regina did think there was something else there and as chaotic friendships goes they decided to pretend to be a couple and gaslight everyone else into beliving in it.
ALL RUMBELLE FLASHBACKS ARE JUST THEY BULLSHITING. Even the only times their story follows cannon besides that? THE LIE.
Eventually Henry discovers it, so does Ruby and way later Alice and Rogers and it does change cannon a lot after the first three seasons. Neal knew for the start but no one belived him about it.
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missielynne · 7 years
Hi! Which OUAT season do you think is the best for Rumbelle overall? I'm thinking Season 1, but I'd love your opinion
Well, and I would love to give it to you, Nonnie! :)
I have a somewhat different stance than a lot of Rumbellers in that since season four, I’ve kind of…unplugged myself from Rumbelle canon. I see where it’s going and I get the writers’ point, but I just…what we’re seeing doesn’t work. Even the cheery happy ending stuff we’re getting now doesn’t work for me cause it seems so rushed. But with that being said, I still want Rumple and Belle together. I just don’t think canon’s doing a good job of it.
However, seasons 1-3 had lots of good Rumbelle for me. I could have just had their reunion at the end of season one and been perfectly content after hearing all they went through. Season two had a lot of good moments too (e.g. the hamburger date, which gets me every time), and I liked Belle having such faith that Rumple would come back from Neverland and being so happy when he did too. But overall, I would definitely say one or two. If it’s just Rumbelle’s total happiness we’re looking for, give me season one. If we want something a bit meatier and layered but still reasonably optimistic, season two is AWESOME!
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scalesandredroses · 3 years
One could probably fill an ocean with missed opportunities for story beats in OUAT, but listening to Hozier's "Talk" I was suddenly struck with a wave of sadness that we never got an Orpheus-leading-Eurydice-out-of-Hell moment for Rumbelle.
I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus
When her body was found
I'd be the choiceless hope in grief
That drove him underground
I'd be the dreadful need in the devotee
That made him turn around
And I'd be the immediate forgiveness
In Eurydice
Imagine being loved by me!
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bibliosauruswrecks · 4 years
My dash looks so weird right now.
Destiel shippers rising from the grave, somehow has something to do with Putin who may or may not be resigning.
Caleb read bedtime stories to yetis.
Something about Sherlock season 5?
We thought we were getting Beau reading bad poetry, but instead we got feels!
And sprinkled in between are pics of Robert Carlyle, because even in the midst of complete social and fandom emotional breakdowns, the Rumbellers are a thirsty lot.
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timelordthirteen · 7 years
Sometimes I get so frustrated. I saw a post bashing Belle for blackmailing Rumple into not killing Regina in Broken (which is not what she did at all) and for responding that she has to stay (in that same episode) after he tells he he's a monster and she has to leave. I wanted to respond, but then I'm like, what's the point? I don't want to get into an argument about it and I know that I wouldn't be able to convince anyone. Did you ever feel that way - not necessarily about Rumbelle?
I don’t know what post you’re talking about because I block anti- posts for Rumple, Belle, and Rumbelle. And honestly if you’re making an anti post, putting it in the main ship tag is just fucking tacky. As is putting a vague blog about a post (which I did see) in the same tag. Like just don’t. Be decent fandom citizens ffs. Honestly though, Rumbelle is not a health ship. No ship on OUAT is all that healthy. Snowing is probably the best overall, then Swanfire and Rumbelle? But really this is a show where some of the showcased characters are flat out villains who have not been redeemed in the least, and with relationships that are flat out abusive. 
While I disagree that Belle ever really blackmailed Rumple, there were things she did I disagreed with. I don’t think her demanding Rumple not murder people or she will leave him is blackmail. That’s like pretty fucking basic relationship stuff where you expect the other person to be a decent human being. Belle often tried to appeal to the man Rumple wanted to be to encourage him to do what was right or what was at least not fucking murdering people. Because that’s a thing I think is easy to just ignore when you have your ship goggles on. One half of your OTP is a murderer. He’s complex and he’s not always one thing, but he has actually killed people and you can’t just gloss over that. Now that’s obviously part of the appeal for a lot of us, that the characters have these layers and that it’s all fantasy world without real life consequences, so we roll with it. But it’s not like it’s an admirable trait and it’s definitely a thing Belle should take strong exception to, so I cannot fault her for doing what she could to keep Rumple from doing bad things, overall. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Belle’s actions can be seen as questionable and manipulative. Even if she has the absolute best intentions at heart. But isn’t that a running theme of the show? How on any given day a hero can do a bad thing and a villain can do a good thing?I can, however, find fault with the way things were written or ignored, and with the lack of continuity. That’s not on the characters and we need to be able to recognize that, or else you’ll just end up hating the whole show.
Do I ever get the urge to reply to a post, in general, because its content annoys me and I think the OP is wrong? Like every 5 minutes on this fucking hellsite. But I just…don’t. I link a friend to the post and we bitch about it to each other and validate each others opinions and move on. If I reply to a post like that, you’ll know it has caught me on the wrong day. If it’s a fandom thing, I still try to be reasonable about it.
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Do you ever sometimes just randomly think about how much A&E screwed up Once Upon a Time ....
For literally these reasons and no other reasons:
1. To avoid making Swan Queen canon
2. To avoid giving Rumbelle a well written, front burner story
3. To keep Rumple evil
4. To make Hook the hero of the show
Because think about it ..... after season one, which they didn't even fully think up, every single writing choice they made, every single character they added (the half season Frozen commercial being the possible exception), every plot they plotted -- all of them can be somehow traced to happening for the sole purpose of doing one of those four aforementioned things.
Who writes like that???? How do you write for SIX YEARS in such a deliberately stubborn way, so much so that you purposely ignore a large portion of your audience in order to make those four things happen (or not happen) regardless of what your audience wants to see?
I just think about these things sometimes. And for some reason today is one of those days.
Forever bitter ......
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