#ruler martha
feral-gaming · 1 year
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Finally got enough to roll the gacha ; w; I'm trying to collect every event SR in NA as a "challenge"
Rook took everything from me and didn't bother coming home :( I think that's the first time something like that has happened lol
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That was... Unexpected
Btw I don't hate him like the majority of the fandom does. I do think they overused the joke with Diarmuid a lot and yeah it's fucking annoying. I think the guy is neat and I'm gonna find time to use him some day.
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You can tell I only had two KitaRituals to my name 😂 I'm actually shocked I got ANYTHING within those two multis
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Also I really wanted the 5 star CE because I love the Dioscuri as a Gemini but didn't get it 😔 I did get two of these at least!
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Random Gladiator:I heard you are a legendary samurai.
Kojiro:You were misinformed.I am just a dude who can wave a stick.
Dr Romani:Wait what?
Kojiro:(manages to break laws of physics and fabric of reality,kills the poor gladiator before he could react) Pathetic.
Mash:I couldn't-That was too fast!
Da Vinci:This technique,tsubame gaeshi,is for sure the proof that this nameless samurai is bluffing. His skill is beyond even gods themselves.
Kojiro:You are flattering me.
Martha:Shut up,we thought you were just a random jobber.
Kojiro:Just a random jobber?I am exceptionally handsome.
Martha:(blushes) You are not half bad...
Dr Romani:Awww.
Mash:What did just happen?
Da Vinci:(giggling) That's so obvious.
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My very first ruler, rolled in December of 2020, now bond 10! And 10/10/10!
This Saint of the Beach right here? Punched the Olympians for me.
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sakasagami · 2 months
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dummy-dot-exe · 1 year
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『鉄・拳・聖・裁!!』 by 名護 ひさと@Hisato_Nago
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thatweirdfandom · 6 months
it’s 2014, i’m introduced to my first gay ship. i have a tumblr, i used tags on tumblr. i interacted with many in the ship community.
its 2023, you are back. there was a resurgence in the fandom, new fanfics. you are back and that twink and his bf have you in chokehold.
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oldmanffucker · 3 months
Thinking about House playing with clay in his rehab era & I want him in one my of clay classes SO BAD. Then I got to thinking abt him & Wilson having a clay happy hour class date ‼️ then I was imagining the fellows in a clay class……. crying & weeping
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keykidpilipili · 1 year
CHALDEAS: Noooo you can't come here because you made contracts with too many extra classes that's against phh rules!
Me: okay *comes back months/years later with dozens more extra classes grailed to 100* you have 5 minutes to let us in (ʘ‿ʘ✿) 
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Mother Harlot, aka Beast Nero comes to Chaldea, the Abrahamic servants don't take the idea of literal Satan(Not to be confused with Actually Satan) in Chaldea, but none of them does anything because well, she is on their side now, except one particular servant, martha, taking advantage of her ruler class to get class advantage, Martha goes and gives Beast Nero the railing of a lifetime until she ask forgiveness for her sins
Except that, the one being subdued in the end might not be the one martha think it is
dragon/dragon tamer...
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casasupernovas · 8 months
i'm never gonna find this movie but freema is giving rihanna in the face, in 'rulers and dealers.'
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rjalker · 2 years
I'm sorry I just remembered Balm single-handedly killed a Fell ruler and only got some scratches on her arms but we're totally supposed to believe that everyone and their mother wanting to violently murder that completely nonhostile or threatening kethel every time it so much as blinked or breathed in their vicinity is totally justified and reasonable because the Fell are Just So Scary™. Uh huh. sure /s
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kei-nozomi · 2 years
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*silent screaming*
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Sometimes, this game gives me a golden opportunity. In this case, it was a double pummel beatdown on BB.
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dummy-dot-exe · 1 year
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魔猪討伐 by 青刃-ABSB-@ABS17
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mulberry1104 · 5 months
2023 Books/Series/Author of the year
1. Ann Leckie’s Imperial Radch books. Very fun space opera, very good if you like space politics. Refreshingly minimal combat, even in the book where the main character is a professional soldier whose stated end goal is “kill the ruler of the largest interstellar civilisation in the known galaxy.” Also, the aesthetics and vibes of it is very unique in a very wonderful way, it doesn’t feel like any sci-fi I’ve seen or read, perhaps apart from a very small amount of Dune. Also, the presentation of gender identity in the books is very interesting, and the contrast between Hwaean and Radchaai gender identities is deeply interesting to me.
2. Tamsyn Muir’s Locked Tomb books. This books put my brain through the wringer. Beautiful prose, beautiful story, compelling characters. Incredibly complex worldbuilding. Just. Mwah. Also they are gay and they are so gay and it’s just so gay, I love it. And women with swords.
3. Martha Well’s Murderbot Diaries. Honestly, the only reason why these books are in third place is because the entries above are so damn good (this applies to all of them). The queer rep? Sublime. The autistic rep? Phenomenal. Even though I do sound insane when I say I relate with the character called “Murderbot”. Also ART and Murderbot have an amazing dynamic and, honestly, I just love them. Another thing! Books are nice and short, so you don’t have to fret too hard about reading them.
4. The Blacktongue Thief by Christopher Buehlman. Some of the most immersive worldbuilding I’ve read since Discworld, and it is surprisingly deep without being presented in a way that’s overblown on the exposition. Additionally, the magic system, especially the tattoos, is something I’ve not seen really done before, and the world’s politics are fascinating. Also, one of the main characters is confirmed gay and she has a sword and cool ravens, need I say more?
5. Megan E. O’Keefe’s Bound Worlds. Good duology so far, maybe a bit too fast paced at times. The romance is sweet, but very fast, but I didn’t find myself really that put off by it. She doesn’t waste words. The queer rep is good as well, and is delightfully understated. They don’t make a big thing about some of the characters being non binary, it’s just, a thing that’s part of the world and no one cares.
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