#roleswap x canon
wreckrinho · 2 months
I had an OC a long time ago inspired by a boy in my class and I used the character a lot for role-playing. but I kind of forgot about him over time...then I thought...huh...why not make Eny part of my story?
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meet Eny! Even though it seems like it, he's not in the same friend group as Julius. he's from a "group" of Ocho's friends!
he is a Fankid of the guy from the AWESOME STORE!! Don't ask who his mother iscuz I don't know either and I want to imagine that he just appeared on the world.
He hates Tobias Wilson (actually the WHOLE Wilson family) and doesn't get along with Molly and Rob at all.... He helps Gumball with some things like equipment or steals things for Gumball, but it's all just for money and candy, since he really thinks Gumball is well... stupid and small
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chuuyrr · 1 year
How about this request? AU where instead of Sukuna being the king of curses Scarlet Witch! Reader is the queen of curses, she was sealed inside her tiara for hundreds of years and was awakened by Yuuji after he touched her tiara, story follows canon but now Yuuji is the vessel of a witch who protects him and gives him advice
( imagine Yuuji with the scarlet witch’s tiara stuck in his head 😂😭 poor him)
itadori yuuji becoming the vessel of scarlet witch! reader instead of ryomen sukuna — a jjk AU
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): major spoilers for jujutsu kaisen and multiverse of madness (wanda maximoff in general), jujutsu kaisen AU, roleswap w/ ryomen sukuna or the king of curses
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! jujutsu kaisen x reader
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: instead of baby fushiguro or the reader being the scarlet witch and megumi's little sibling, in this AU, you are the so-called queen of curses, the scarlet witch, who had been sealed off for hundreds of years, until you had been awakened by itadori yuuji who becomes your vessel.
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intro / scenario !
"you're telling me someone's keeping a special grade cursed object in a place like this?"
"correction—it's not actually a special grade cursed object. it just kind of is one, but either way, recovering it should be no problem HAHA!"
fushiguro megumi was enraged as he broke open the thermometer shed only to discover that the so-called "kind of" special grade cursed object was missing, and to be honest, he didn't understand what gojo meant. how could that said object be merely "kind of" cursed when he could sense faint traces of cursed energy?
megumi's questions about the special grade cursed object were answered when he went looking for it only to find it in the hands of highschool students, learning it from a pink-haired boy named itadori yuuji that his friends from his school's occult club had planned to unseal it.
after explaining what curses are to yuuji, megumi and yuuji hurried to where the occult club members were. a heavy pressure suddenly appeared in the atmosphere, causing goosebumps to rise on yuuji's skin as he froze.
despite megumi's warnings, yuuji still proceeded to the enter the school, bursting through the window to save his friend, who has the said cursed object, from the curse that was down the corridor.
both of them were quite stunned to see the special grade cursed object as yuuji picked it up. it was a headpiece, more specifically a tiara in deep maroon, but megumi quickly realized it wasn't cursed. it only felt cursed because of the ominous aura in beared, which was comparable to a special grade curse.
with another curse wreaking havoc in the school, this time targeting yuuji, he learns from megumi that the curse is after the tiara because of its immense energy.
"i just need cursed energy huh?"
"were you even listening to me? that tiara is not exactly a special grade cursed obje—!!"
megumi's eyes widened as he watched yuuji become motionless while holding the tiara with both hands slowly. yuuji's gaze darted towards it, as if he had fallen into a trance. in yuuji's perspective, could feel a gentle pull to it.
"itadori.. yuuji.." it was whispering to him. he could hear a serene voice from it—your voice.
[ song / background music suggestion for this next part ]
the tiara had suddenly floated into the air, much to megumi's surprise and concern. yuuji slowly reached out to it, allowing the pink-haired boy to get a better look at it. when yuuji made physical contact with it, a luminous golden glow burst from the tiara and filled his vision, nearly blinding him as the wind whipped up.
yuuji slowly lowered his arms from his eyes, finding himself staring in awe at a floating silhouette of a woman whose arms were outstretched towards him as he heard the whispers become louder.
"the scarlet witch is not born.. she is forged.. she has no coven.. or need for incantation.."
megumi rushed over to yuuji, who had collapsed to the ground and sucked in a sharp gasp of air. before megumi could ask if yuuji was alright, the ominous aura, the intense pressure from earlier, came to be.
yuuji suddenly lifted his chin, and megumi froze. the tiara had clung to yuuji, framing his face and brushing his pink hair up as his light brown eyes turned a menacing, glowing red. yuuji stood up slowly, ignoring megumi's concerns, and walked briskly towards the curse.
megumi watched in horror and in amazement as yuuji ever so gently twisted his hand, vermillion tendrils of psionic energy trailed from his fingers, balling into a sphere, and then yuuji shot it towards the curse with such expertise. and then again, and again, and again.
as those spheres of red psionic energy grew unusually large it wasn't long before he had completely exorcised the curse with his newfound immense power.
gojo satoru had arrived on cue, surprised to find the tiara stuck onto yuuji's head (or face), and that he still had control of his body despite scaring off megumi when he spoke in a voice that seemed to be mixed with an enticing, siren-like voice of a woman. yuuji did, however, end up absorbing the tiara in some way, much to megumi's dismay.
itadori yuuji and fushiguro megumi eventually learned that the aforementioned tiara is inhabiting the so-called queen of curses known as the scarlet witch.
according to gojo, the tiara and the said witch appeared miraculously hundreds of years ago. it wasn't a curse as it held no cursed energy, but the tremendous power it held was undoubtedly comparable to a special grade curse, hence why some curses dared to chase after it to consume it for power. it is also rumored and believed to have come from somewhere that isn't from their world.
"it's a wonder why the scarlet witch chose you as her vessel; many have attempted to summon and use the queen of curse's power before, but none have come close, except for you."
it begins rough with yuuji as your vessel, as you begin to manifest in the physical world in the same way that the special grade curse rika would. unfortunately, when you appeared in all your glory next to yuuji, almost translucent with glowing red eyes, you scared the shit out of nobara, megumi, and the others.
although yuuji had seen you before he was rendered unconscious by gojo as a result of the incident at school, you were quite terrifying yet mesmerizing in person, dressed in a black to dark red gradient of the scarlet witch robes, your fingertips an inky black color, your lids painted dark, sharp eyes and cheekbones as your manner oozed bloody confidence.
nonetheless, to yuuji, your [color] eyes bore sadness. loneliness and longingness even. so, despite gojo's and the higher-ups' warnings, yuuji began communicating with you, wanting to get to know you better.
"scarlet witch-san," was what yuuji would call you. you honestly find it odd how this boy, whom has now become your vessel, wasn't scared of you; he treated you with such respect.
"yes?" you asked him in reply, tilting your head to the side as you faced him.
"do you have a name? i doubt scarlet witch is your actual name," said yuuji with a smile.
you opened your mouth to speak, but immediately closed it. hundreds of years had passed, and because of what had happened in your world, and what you had done, you refused to use that name again—wanda maximoff—so you shook your head in response to him.
"hmm, can i name you then?" yuuji asked, stiffening and frantically waving his hands in the air when you furrowed your brows, "b-but only if you're okay with it, s-scarlet witch-san!"
"alright, you may give me a name," you nodded your head as your gaze softened.
yuuji's eyes shone brightly. he then held his chin thoughtfully for about a minute, only to snap his fingers as he considered one, "hmm, how about [name]? [surname] [name]?"
"[surname] [name]?" you blinked at him.
"yeah! she's a character from an anime I watch, and she looks exactly like you. you two have [color] eyes and [color] hair," yuuji explained.
"i like the sound of it.. [surname] [name].." a smile rose from your lips, which made yuuji grin even more as he saw you expressively like it.
"alright then! [surname]-san it is then!" yuuji exclaimed, fist pumping the air enthusiastically.
you said, tilting your head, "[name] is fine, yuuji."
"OK, [name]-san!" yuuji nodded with a smile.
headcanons !
╰➤ this alternate universe follows the canon jujutsu kaisen story, but unlike in the canon jujutsu kaisen world, where the king of curses is pretty much a jerk you can't count on, you, as the queen of the curses, were always there to support him.
╰➤ you would constantly give yuuji advice and comfort when he was in need, and you would not hesitate to protect him from harm.
"it wasn't your fault, yuuji."
"it's okay, i'm here for you."
"please don't blame yourself."
"listen, here's what you need to do."
╰➤ yuuji discovered you weren't as evil as you appeared as he got to know you better. you were actually quite motherly.
╰➤ you would immediately manifest and make your presence known. you would also take over yuuji's body when you see him being unable to fight or gravely injured so you could take on the said curse or enemy and heal him up.
╰➤ but, you avoid taking control of his body and would only do it when necessary. you weren't letting yourself become the same monster you were before when you learned how to dreamwalk and use the darkhold. never again.
╰➤ when yuuji faced the special grade curse together with megumi and nobara, you completely lent him your power and realized that you had made the right choice in selecting him as your vessel.
"scarlet witch, tell me, why pick itadori yuuji as your vessel?" gojo confronted you, almost in disbelief to find yuuji's supposedly battered body was completely patched up but currently, you were possessing his body.
"for centuries, i've been nothing more than the queen of curses, the scarlet witch, the one prophesied to either rule the world or destroy it," your voice overpowered yuuji's as you explained to the limitless sorcerer. as the tiara materialized on yuuji's face, his eyes glowing a menacing red color, "but the truth is, i want nothing more than solitude, especially after what i've done in the past—and then i heard his voice, what his heart desires—it's nothing like the curses or sorcerers that have dared to call me. his heart is pure. he reminds me so much of my sons."
╰➤ you also protect him from the inside. you know that scene with sukuna and mahito? yeah, replace sukuna with you. when mahito dared to enter and manipulate yuuji's soul, he was stunned to find you—the scarlet witch.
╰➤ yeah, you wrecked him up real good with your chaos magic like nothing, and strongly told him to keep out and for him to know his place.
╰➤ when yuuji accessed your memories as he gradually learned how to use your power as your vessel, he couldn't help but cry and sympathize with what you had been through.
╰➤ and even though you consider yourself as nothing more but a monster and a villain, especially with what you have done back in your world, yuuji tells you tells you otherwise :(
"i'm not a mother—i'm no longer a mother, yuuji. i'm a monster."
"that's not true, you're a mother to me."
╰➤ cue the waterworks when yuuji told you that, and after that, yuuji began openly calling you his mom because of how motherly and kind you are to him, and even to his friends, despite their fear and dislike of you at first.
╰➤ when the first-year students (megumi and nobara) realized you weren't the threat the others claimed you were, they came around. the second-year students were still wary of you, so that is still being worked on.
╰➤ gojo thinks you're really pretty, despite your appearance resembling a villainess of sorts, and may or may not have flirted with you, but he's genuinely grateful that you chose to be kind and help yuuji and the other students.
╰➤ you are extremely protective of yuuji to the point that you'd openly threaten the higher-ups or curses that dare hurt him. yuuji just reminds you so much of the sons you never got to have. you wondered what it would be like if you could keep your family. yuuji would definitely be your children's best older brother.
╰➤ yuuji doesn't say this outloud, but he sometimes dream of the dreams you have. with that, he is aware that you have nightmares about the past, about things you have done and deeply regretted. it makes him sad when he can't do much about it as it had already been done, but that doesn't change his view on you.
╰➤ you get angry whenever yuuji abuses your power to the point where he loses control, but only because you don't want him to end up like you. especially if you once messed up in your youth and ended up hurting or killing a large number of people. you do give him a hug afterwards and apologize for raising your voice.
╰➤ overall, yuuji has grown to love you and considers you to be his mother figure. yuuji would listen to and take into account your words, and he would apologize if he went too far and accidentally abused your powers.
╰➤ and you're grateful for him too :)
"[name]-san, thank you for choosing me to be your vessel," yuuji said as your translucent physical form loomed over him, your legs crisscrossed in the air.
you shook your head, smiling ever so softly down at him, "no, thank you, yuuji."
yuuji's eyes widened in confusion, "eh? what are you thanking me for?"
you planted your feet on the ground. you then trotted towards yuuji and enveloped him in your embrace, to which he felt as something ghostly cold yet comforting.
"thank you for choosing me to be your mom." was your response to him as a single tear streamed down your cheek, especially as you embraced him more tightly in your grasp.
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[ author's notes ! hello everyone, chu here :) thank you so much for reading until the very end. hope you enjoyed it. tbh, it's been a while since i've written for an alternate version of our beloved scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader.
tbh, this one made me real sad because even though i like sukuna (aside from gojo and toji that is), he's a menace. 💀
plus, our poor yuuji-bby as already been through so much !!
with this alternate version of the scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader we know and love, yuuji's not so lonely anymore. not only is he the vessel for you, the "queen of curses", who cares very much about him, he sees you as his mom !! something that a certain person failed to be 😒😒😒
also just to clarify, i based off the reader's background to mcu! wanda maximoff, particularly the aftermath of multiverse of madness, the main reason you're known as the queen of the curses becauses centuries ago, after the multiverse of madness incident back at your world, you fled and transported to the world of jjk wherein some stuff happened, hence why you became known as the queen of curses, but you ended up getting sealed off in your tiara ]
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ijjstlostthegame · 5 months
Questions I have for Grey JD au:
1. Are there any other ships aside from Dawndory and Broppy? Like Cliva, Floom (I love them I had to), and etc?
2. Are their any sibling roleswap or is it just JD and Viva? (Ex: Darnell in place of Cooper)
3. Did JD not wear pants for 20 years while in the bunker like Canon branch or does he have enough sanity to not do that?
4. Are Bristle Jr. And Bridget swapped too? (Like Bridget's the Bergen Queen and Bristle the scullery servant, different font same love /hj)
5. (VERY IMPORTANT) In Trolls World Tour, did Delta also like JD but supressed it or was it a slow burn in her part?
6. (ALSO VERY IMPORTANT) In Trolls Band Together, will Delta come in place of Poppy? (I have so many ideas bout this)
Honestly the only other ships I thought of are Cliva and Brandy x Bruce (duh) I haven’t considered other ones
Only JD and viva
Nah, if anything he was less sane than branch, so yeah he also didn’t wear pants
Nope, they’re still the same
It was a slowburn on her part, it took her a while to realise “oh, I’m in love with this dumbass”
No, the whole love plot that happens in wt won’t happen in world tour of this universe
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dreamcrush · 6 months
Kin Memory Related Asks
Be sure to specify what kin / comfort character / character in general the ask is for!
A memory on your mind currently
A memory from your biggest kin
A memory from someone you're currently shifting
A romantic memory
A memory with family / those you considered family
A memory with one of your friends
A memory with a partner / crush / qpp or similar
A memory with a pet
A memory that makes you happy
A memory that makes you sad
A memory that makes you really angry
A memory of home
A memory of something painful
A memory of something very happy / exciting
A memory of a love confession
A memory of a fight (physical or verbal)
A memory of a death (your own or someone else's)
A memory of a time you felt loved
A memory of something funny that makes you still laugh
A positive memory of (character) as (x)
A negative memory of (character) as (x)
Most recent memory
First memory you can recall as (x)
Who were your favorite people to be around / friends
Someone you wish you were closer to or knew better
Your interests/hobbies
Your partner(s) and something you loved about them
Any major canon divergences? (ex. roleswaps, plot point changes, etc.)
Any minor canon divergences? (ex. appearance differences, family, relationships, etc.)
Someone you didn't expect to kin and/or someone you knew you would kin immediately
Any current questioning kins and why haven't you kinfirmed them yet
How did you discover you were kin with (x)
How many canons do you have as (x)
Did you have any pets as (x)
How do you get memories? (ex. dreams, fanfiction, consuming source content, etc.)
Favorite moment from source
Least favorite moment from source
What was your gender/sexuality + pronouns
Gender/sexuality + pronouns of (character) in your canon as (x)
Did you have any neurodivergencies or disabilities
Neurodivergencies or disabilities of (character) in your canon as (x)
Favorite image of (kin/character)
Least favorite image of (kin/character)
Things now that remind you of (kin/character/source)?
Favorite location from source / your memories of source
Your favorite things as (x)
Your least favorite things / things you hated as (x)
Song / song lyrics that remind you of (kin/character)
Song / song lyrics that remind you of a comfort ship as (x)
Talk about anything you want! Fun facts, a memory you want to share, something important to you about your kinning
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w0lfie-drawz · 20 days
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Overlord!Lyre and Bodyguard!Vox
Vox is a former adult film star who started working under Lyre after a soul transfer
Lyre is an overlord who runs clubs and
casinos. He specifically looks for musicians and singers to perform
A late entry for the OC x Canon challenge made by @hazbinocxcanon
The genderswap/roleswap
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Hehe I gottchu
Wanna Roleswap Brian? I’m giving you Roleswap Brian. You’ll figure out what role he’s taking within :)
Tags: Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Ambiguous Ending, Role Swap/Role Reversal, Canon Typical Operator Sickness Symptoms, Canon Typical Behavior, Guns, Blood Mention, Very brief Alcohol and Drugs Mention, It’s Not Paranoia If They’re Really Out To Get You, Mention of Strangulation (But doesn't actually happen), Intrusive Thoughts
Word Count: 2k Words. (I got carried away)
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Believe it or not, Brian is not immune to stage fright. He doesn't get it as bad as some people but it still shook him some days, making him jittery and tongue tied.
Working with friends made it easier but Brian still had to take a few breaks to pull himself back together at times. But fortunately he always knew what to do. Memorized it at this point.
Take a deep breath. Focus on what you are doing and let everything else drain away. Steel your resolve and do what you got to do to get it out of the way as soon as possible.
The faster he got his lines done, the sooner he was in the clear. It was as simple as that.
It’s been a little rougher as of late however. Brian struggles to articulate it to anyone but a feeling persists in the back of his head. Eyes on him, even if no one else is there. Nerves acting up for no reason. Anxiety in its purest of forms. He doesn’t understand it.
Take a deep breath, Brian reminds himself. Focus on what you are doing and let everything else drain away. The faster you get it done, the faster it’s over.
It helps a little, but not enough. Brian isn’t usually the one to jump at shadows but it feels like something else is there now. Something in the trees that he can’t quite place.
It’s probably nothing.
The feeling follows him home.
Brian triple checks the locks on his doors and windows but it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. He lugs his mattress into the closet to sleep there. It just to feel a little safer to sleeping in a room without windows. It helps but never enough. He’s still exhausted— no amount of sleep seems to take the edge off.
His psychology grades are dropping. All the terminology blends together and Brian stares at his notes after class with a sinking feeling. It’s barely comprehensible— there’s just shaky drawings of trees and some sort of repeated symbol made over and over. An O with an X through it.
He doesn’t remember making it.
Brian stuffs the paper deep into his bag and tries not to think about it. He smiles as best as he can when he meets up with Tim for lunch and waves off the concern he gets. Tells Tim he just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night. He’s not lying about that.
The sun has vanished from the sky, it’s dark and cold and Brian’s phone is dying, and he doesn’t know where he is or how he ended up in the middle of the woods.
He remembers driving home after a shoot. He remembers seeing a tall, lone figure underneath a flickering street light.
He remembers nothing else.
Something tickles in the back of his throat when he swallows. A cough rises, doesn’t stop, and Brian ends up bent over and hacking up a wad of blood, spitting it into the dirt. In the silence of the night, he can only hear his own heavy breathing and distant crickets.
Brian thinks something is wrong with him. The fact that he doesn’t know what shakes him but he fumbles for his phone and manages to call Sarah to pick him up.
She’s always been a light sleeper. She picks up on the second ring and Brian navigates his way through the woods as he asks her if he can get a ride. She tells him she’ll be there as soon as she can, she just needs to know where he is.
Brian stumbles out onto a street and rattles off its name. Sarah hangs up and Brian waits fifteen minutes under a lone streetlight before she finally pulls up. Her face is tight with concern, eyeing him as he buckles up.
“Are you drunk?” She asks. “High?”
“I wish.” Brian slumps in the seat and only just meets her gaze. “I’m… Fucking exhausted honestly. Can we talk about this later?”
Sarah pursues her lips but nods and shifts the car back into gear. The trip to his apartment is silent and after a declined offer to walk him inside, Sarah tells him to rest up and skip classes if he needs to. Brian just smiles and thanks her again.
He passes out the second his head hits his pillow. When he wakes up, he’s missed his first two classes and feels like death itself.
Brian goes to the doctor. They prescribe him some sleeping pills.
After waking up with increasingly bad headaches, injuries he doesn’t remember getting, and ending up in more and more concerning places that he definitely didn’t fall asleep in, he calls his doctor to confirm the fact that yes, he should stop taking them.
(They ask him if he wants to try anything else to see what works for him. Brian tells them he’ll think about it, with the intention of really considering it, but it slips away in the long run.)
Alex is yelling about nothing, ticked off by every little thing that doesn’t go his way, and Brian considers punching him. He considers it long enough to where he thinks he might actually do it.
He doesn’t understand why Alex is acting this way. It’s like he’s not even Alex anymore— he’s just twitchy and angry and Brian thinks it’s rubbing off on him because sometimes he thinks about wrapping his hands around his neck when he’s yelling and squeezing until he’s blissfully silent. Then he hates himself for it more than he hates Alex’s yelling and it just makes it all worse.
Everything is bad these days. Tim is coughing up a storm, Seth jumps at every shadow that moves, Jay has this dead stare at times like he’s not really there, Sarah looks like she could fall asleep at every moment, and Alex is being an asshole.
Everything is bad and Brian doesn’t understand why until one day, he’s over at Seth’s place to get out of his apartment and not think about the feeling of someone or something else being there with him. Seth focuses on editing Marble Hornets but at some point, both of them lose time because abruptly it’s night and Seth passes out at his desk. Brian sighs and walks over to wake him so he can get up and go sleep in a real bed when he sees what’s on his computer. He freezes.
It’s footage he took with Alex earlier. A scene in the car— Brian can’t remember what it was about, unable to take his eyes off a figure in the background. A figure he recognizes.
A figure that’s been following him around for weeks now but that he was so sure was just a trick of the light. A shadow he mistook for a person. A million different excuses to avoid the truth.
But it’s there. On camera. And suddenly Brian is confronted with the idea that the thing following him around is a lot more real than he previously thought and that—
Brian takes a deep breath. He minimizes the editing program so he doesn’t have to look at it anymore but then a file on Seth’s computer catches his eye. It stands out among the rest, its name in all caps.
Somehow Brian knows what’s going to be on it before he clicks on it. He does anyways, despite the feeling of dread in his chest, and stares at a file full of still images and clips. All of them with the very same monster that’s been haunting him.
The same monster that’s haunting Seth. Seth, who jumps at shadows and clutches Alex’s camera like a lifeline sometimes. Seth, who edits all of Alex’s footage alone and without complaint or without asking for help, taking any tape Alex hands over without question.
Seth, who barely acknowledged he was there while he was editing. Not even a hum when Brian attempted to ask him about what he was doing or how his classes were going.
The pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together. Brian doesn’t like the picture it makes.
Brian can’t hear it move but he knows it’s there. He presses his back against the closet wall and tries to breathe quietly but there’s static in his head and he’s terrified and trapped and can’t fall asleep.
There’s a monster in his apartment. It won’t kill him, Brian knows that deep down, but what it will do is so much worse.
He can feel it. The way it changes him, the way all his bouts of anger are accompanied by a faint feeling of static in the back of his head, the way he can’t sleep because every night his home is invaded and if he falls asleep then he’ll wake up somewhere else and covered in his own blood and he fears that one day, he might wake up in someone else’s.
It’s changing him. Affecting him. He doesn’t know what it wants, only that it will ruin his life to get it, and now Brian knows that he’s not the only one. It’s after his friends too. It wants…
It wants to feed on all of them.
He doesn’t know what it eats but he knows it’s something it gets from them. Their pain? Their fear? Their suffering? He doesn’t know.
He doesn’t know anything at all except that it has to stop.
Brian buys a gun. He doesn’t think it’ll do anything against that thing but he needs something or he’ll lose his mind.
The gun feels heavy and wrong in his hands. Brian carries it anyways.
Everything gets worse. Brian doesn’t think he can stand much more of the anger that comes out of each shoot, like everyone just wants to bite each other’s heads off.
Then Alex takes him to a solo shoot at an old abandoned hospital. He’s unsympathetic when Brian voices how he doesn’t want to be there and Brian feels a familiar anger rise up that he bites back down. The trees have eyes. He ignores them the best he can, but largely fails.
Alex hands Brian the currently recording camera to hold while he sets up the stand for it. He struggles with it, multiple curses and frustrated noises leaving him, and Brian stares at him and wonders when the last time he saw Alex happy was. He can’t remember. He can’t even remember what his smile looks like anymore.
His pocket of his fading yellow hoodie feels heavier than it should be. Brian reaches into it and is immediately met with the cold metal of his gun.
He doesn’t remember bringing it. It never should’ve left his house.
But as he stares at Alex, hearing him dissolve into a coughing fit, hands shaking badly as he tries to power through it and set up the camera properly, it dawns on him. That this thing— this Operator, as Seth had called it— makes people miserable. That Alex— snappish and impatient and twitchy— is miserable. This project should be bringing him joy but there are bags under his eyes and Brian thinks about how all of them stopped asking about his own insomnia when they started developing it themselves.
It’s changing them. Maybe it feeds off of that— misery.
And maybe Brian can stop that. Right here, right now.
Alex’s back is to him. He’s not even paying the slightest bit of attention.
Brian slowly draws the gun. It feels wrong and weighted and his insides twist but Brian takes a deep breath. The faster he gets it over with, the faster he gets it done.
He’s not doing this to hurt Alex. He’ll take no pleasure from it and it’ll be quick. Either he does this now or that thing drains Alex until he’s a shell of who he used to be. Until it kills him.
His aim levels as he focuses on this moment and only this moment. Everything else drains away.
His finger tightens on the trigger.
— —
I think role swaps are interesting as hell and had to pull one where Brian takes Alex’s place. Brian is deep in the Operator’s influence at this point without realizing it and what happens to Alex, and what happens afterwards, is up to you.
Hope this was some good Brian Angst! Thank you for the request, feel free to send another! :)
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weezeryuri · 6 months
one thing i rlly love abt ur evil ex wallace design compared to many other edits ive seen is that he still feels distinctly WALLACE instead of just "wallace and roxy have switched clothes." like they are two very different characters with contrasting personalities u can't just transpose them seamlessly!! so it's nice to see you put the work in lol. so curious as to what evil ex kim and lisa would look like now. can see kim having the porcupine powers she had in her original concept as an x-men fan character. anyway one thousand years evil ex wallace if evil ex wallace has no fans i am dead etc etc
WAAAAAH THANK YOU i always saw him and roxie as parallel characters in scott and ramona’s lives and love goofing with roleswap ideas and im happy people enjoy my silly little designs.
with the swap au stuff i sort of imagined evil ex wallace never fully getting his shit together after university. he’s still just as confident as he is in canon, but he’s defensive about how people perceive him. you insult canon wallace and he laughs it off and shrugs, evil ex wallace throws a glass bottle at your head and fucks your boyfriend for good measure.
i just wanted to lean into goofy partyboy diva wallace. he’s silly and i love him and wish i was more comfortable with my writing so i could do more with him!!!!!
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silly wip as a gift because i love you anon thank yooooou
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lazlolullaby · 20 days
spy x family roleswap: Future Sight (Freelance) Yor, Assassin (in training) Anya, Telepath (Informant) Loid and Spy (unretired) Bond
i want to fully write this so bad but here have the premise + some ideas.
This starts with Yor. She was friends with the Garden, not officially an assassin. Her future sight was good for digging through rubble for people and supplies. Later it's good for dodging the SS and anyone she's avoiding. She ran smaller missions, researched targets, cleaned up, was partly but not fully trained like canon Yor.
McMahon picked up Anya. There was a splinter cell and they were training child assassins. This was considered unacceptable - any killing should be done by people who choose it, not ones raised with no choice but to follow orders. Never mind that they do this to keep vulnerable people out of harm, not use them as cannon fodder.
Yor could help because she was the only one who could dodge Anya's knives. It takes time but they get into a rhythm as mother and daughter. There are still Garden traitors out there but as long as Yor breathes she will not let Anya come to harm.
Anya doesn't really understand; Mama Yor does exercise with her, gently, enough that she can still feel good after they stop, that she doesn't collapse. She gets to sleep, and gets naps if she wants, she's woken softly. Anya gets to read and learn from books and ask Mama so many questions! Even if Yor doesn't know they go to the library and find out! And she gets to see kids and be nice to them instead of.instead of..instead!
The Shopkeeper finds this arrangement an opportunity, to grow fruit within a flower garden. "While beauty is needed, even valuable at points, it does not always sustain us."
Yor will infiltrate Eden academy as a mother, and get in with Melinda Desmond, the ex-prime minister's wife. She could get intel on their movements, if they would continue the war or not. Eden also has excellent security - it could trip up the Garden traitors that would try to steal Anya back from school.
Everything was going well - but now she needs a husband for the school interview! Where will she find one on such short notice! That wouldn't be suspicious of her and her daughter?
Enter Loid and his dog, Ozmund.
Loid was dug out of the rubble of his hometown and experimented on. He escaped as a teenager, tried to get back to his mother but she was dead when he made it to his extended families house. They were practically strangers to him, but encouraged him to enlist in the Army to "make something of himself" and "avenge her".
Loid couldn't stomach hearing the thoughts of people in a firefight. They all sounded the same, Westalian, Ostanian, they all wanted to survive. So he dodged the draft as well as he could. He got a scholarship and studied hard so he wouldn't be a foot soldier. Learned how to leverage blackmail to get supplies to where they were needed most, get messages to civilians for them to leave in time. Loid was considered for Secret Service training but he purposely failed some tests. For the past few years, he's been working as a trauma therapist and specializes in mute/deaf/other patients who are difficult to normally communicate with.
Fiona is his secretary, a WISE plant keeping an eye on a man with significant ability to get supplies and information from seemingly out to nowhere. She still has the same crush as canon Loid knows about her affection and is very much not interested. But since she doesn't say it ever outright he can't outright deny it so they're just stuck.
WISE knows about Loid, Loid knows about WISE. They're at an impasse, because he could blow the operation, but he chooses not to as long as he's not roped into full service. Loid takes on a few spies as his patients as well as allows himself to be used as an alibi - all to prevent another War, of course.
Franky was a soldier who ended up with a prosthetic leg and deaf in one ear. Loid helped him out of a depression and Franky works for WISE now as a top spy/equipment engineer. They work on a sign language together in their spare time.
Sylvia uncovered a secret dog training facility. Bond was nearly set to die, but Franky took him to Loid. Bond is named Ozmund, after the Wizard of Oz books. He's a therapy dog that's taken into the office a few days a week to work with the patients.
Then tons of WISE spies get taken out of commission, and suddenly Oz is needed for missions. The dog gets a combat outfit with pouches.
The outfit gets torn up and Loid has to take it to a tailor that won't ask questions. Yor is there, getting Anya's school clothes. Oz picks up that shes going to Eden Academy. The dog immediately puts together that if the child goes to Eden, they have a chance to meet with Donovan Desmond, a recluse that only goes to his children's school events.
Ozmund approaches Anya, and Anya reflexively smacks the dog's snout. Due to his spy training, Oz doesn't flinch. Anya apologizes, patting him softer, like Mama told her.
Loid sees it, hears from Yor's thoughts that she needs a husband for the Eden Academy interview. That Anya is great, but she can't help her alone. Loid can't ignore their thoughts, their worries and hopes about protecting each other.
Loid and Yor enter a fake marriage, juggling raising a child, their missions, and the slow, certain steps towards making a true family.
Ozmund gets a new name, "Bond", after Anya's favorite show. Yor also wanted to pick a name, so now his full name is now Bond Ozmund Rudolf Forger. BORF.
Anya has a favorite knife that she keeps on her person. Loid and Yor were able to modify Mr. Chimera to have a secret pouch for her to store it. Anya also keeps peanuts in there.
Yor's future sight is a genetic gift. Her mother and grandmother had it and always warned her never to tell anyone. If she concentrates she can focus on events for one person and replay the vision. But she generally has 1 chance so she's very good at picking up small details at first glance.
Yor wears a different colored bracelet or ring for each day of the week. It's to help her figure out when her future vision happens. When Loid picks up on it he wears a matching tie or shirt.
Loid has a little more "edge" to him. More likely to stir the pot for fun, make gossip and push people into big reactions. Being able to hear all the hot gossip made him jaded and bored of people. Yor and Anya are more honest and open than what he's used to, and he's slowly starting to respond to their genuine feelings.
Loid's powers have developed enough for him to "speak" to others in their minds. It bypasses deafness and the language barrier as long as he's being clear. He explains it as some "ventriloquist tricks" to catch people off guard. He says he has a limited range of 30 feet (and leads WISE and the SS to believe the same) but his range goes up to 50 and if he focuses on a single person he can track to 75 feet.
Fiona believes that because Loid doesn't react to her declarations of love it means that she's immune to his telepathy and they are destined to be partners. Loid just has a very good poker face.
Possible side plot where Desmond was also experimented on by the same people that took Loid - he's a little older, probably volunteered and covered it up after to boot. I'm not sure if he's actually got powers or he didn't get powers and thus considered it a failure, feeding into his "people can never truly understand each other" philosophy.
Anya is being treated to a regimen of poisons to make her immune. The Garden splinter cell sneaks them into her kids snacks. It's why she likes peanuts so much. They taste the same no matter where she goes.
Loid being very up to date with fashion trends and helping Yor with her hair and makeup so that she can "fit in" with the Desmonds. Giving her a bit of polish to her natural style. Actually having a "girls styling day" where he disguises himself as a woman and they go shopping around town. (he says its for a psychological social study about how "women are perceived" but...nah he just thought it would be fun, and it was.)
When the roles are swapped like this, there's actually a psychological horror angle from Yor's POV about Loid.
(you know that your husband has secrets. To protect himself and this stitched up family. But every time it comes down to the wire he keeps saying the same lie: that he's a telepath. But why does he insist on it and try to prove it even when she doesn't ask? Why does he say that he knows about Anya he can't know he would have run if he really knew and wants to help them? No one helps, not without a price. She won't know the truth until it's too late to do anything. She can't trust him until he stops telling her that massive, insane lie.
...why does Loid look so sad?)
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solar-eclippse · 3 months
Dumping some BES fanfic ideas that have been bouncing around in my head because I need to write them down somewhere (lots of Fowzu, because I have the brainrot).
Hunger Games AU, because that's something I've been wanting to write for years. Long-form. Mizu is reaped and Taigen volunteers in a last ditch effort to save his status after his father died, but confesses that he was debating on it until he realized it would give him a shot at killing Mizu. Unfortunately for them, they're roped into acting out a fake romance to endear themselves to the audience. Fake dating enemies to lovers Taimizu for a start, debating on possible side ships.
Fowzu smut, two chapters. Madame Kaji gets her hands on Mizu before they try to storm the castle and convinces them to take a slightly more subtle approach, disguised as one of her workers come to entertain Abijah and his guests. It does not go according to plan.
Modern AU Fowzu, long-form. Mizu hasn't dated in two years, since he had a bad breakup with Mikio, who couldn't deal with Mizu coming out as transmasc. He recently started working as a bouncer at a nightclub where Abijah is a regular, and he keeps hitting on Mizu. Mizu can barely stand him, but he enjoys the attention far too much and despite knowing what a bad idea it is, he decides to give Abijah a shot. Plot with some porn, enemies with benefits to lovers, surprising soft.
Mizu x Akemi x Taigen x Ringo, post-canon shameless fluff, oneshot. At the end of Mizu's revenge quest, she and her loved ones move into a mountain village to recuperate. She and Ringo cause quite a stir, a pair of second class citizens who keep spending the night with that rich married couple.
Gen fic exploring Abijah's backstory after the Nine Years War. Probably a oneshot, but my character studies and backstory fics tend to get long. Headcanons all the way down. I have a lot of thoughts about his past that might be interesting context for how I write him in the present.
Akemizu roleswap, unknown length. Wanted to figure out how to swap their roles while maintaining their social statuses and gender presentation, and I haven't 100% figured it out, but I'm thinking about Akemi being an assassin who works with knives and poison, and Mizu being a sex worker with a chip on their shoulder who presents as a boy rather than a woman.
Gen, pre-canon/canon divergence, oneshot. Mizu takes a job for Heiji. I know nothing about the plot itself for this one, I just want to write Mizu unwittingly working for Abijah and the horror and rage of finally connecting the dots.
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aobawilliams · 10 months
Oh. Saw this from @/allthebooksandcrannies and thought this sounded like a really fun idea.
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPS, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
So let's gooo-
I'm not going to tag anyone specifically, but I hope this goes through my circle of mutuals and followers and maybe it will inspire some of them 👀 (I am mostly hoping it will inspire me. gotta hit that block with a stick)
More info on each wip under the cut:
Noisy as the dead (MHA)
On AO3 under the same name. Following the entrance exam, Izuku can see ghosts. He wants a refund.
Who the f- is this (DCMK)
On AO3 under the same name. Following a KID Heist, Conan is thrown into the past. He decides to make it everyone else's problem.
Just Remembered. (MHA)
On AO3 under the same name. Roleswap between Izuku and Rody, in the World Heroes movie.
the flowers have water (MHA)
On AO3 under the same name. Inko is Nana's reincarnation.
Before the coffee gets cold - the headmaster (BSD)
OS. Mild crossover with the book serie Before the coffee gets cold. Atsushi meets the Headmaster for a last talk around a coffee, before/after his death.
Matsuri (BSD)
OS. Oda meets a younger, lost Kyouka and helps her find her parents.
Changing fate by your side (MHA)
I had totally forgotten about this. Eri Time Travel fic.
Dad For All (MHA)
Post-canon Izuku is accidentally thrown into the past, and keep acquiring children. If anyone asks, it is not his fault.
the blood we shed (it never dries) (BSD)
Beast AU. My take on Kyouka and Atsushi's relationship, pre and post Beast canon.
tomorrow I'll be brave (BSD)
After his death in the Beast universe, Dazai wakes up in his body in the canon universe. He adapts.
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mythuzalasheir3 · 8 months
General Spies Are Forever:
The Benefits Of Personal History- Owen Lives AU
Suffered Long Enough Or, Moving On (Together)- Torture Tango Reveal AU
Without A Clue- Soulmate AU
Torture Tango Reprise, Or The Horrors Of Staying Alive- Angsty Owen Lives AU
Remember… Remember… -Holloduke AU
Buddy, We’re Different Breeds- Werewolf! Curt and Vampire! Owen
The Downsides Of Personal History- Canon but from Owen’s perspective
The DMA Is Homophobic?!- The Kira is homophobic death note amv but Curtwen
Early Mornings- Curtwen first I Love You
King Of Hearts- Curtwen first meeting
Spies Never Die- Curt goes back for Owen AU
Bleeding Through- Post Fall Owen has identity issues
A Torn Page- SAF x House Of The Dragon Mashup AU Staircase scene
If A Spy Is A Spy And I Once Was A Spy - Curt’s journal entry before Spy Again
Always A Spy - Curt gets self reflective after retiring for real
Drowning - There was only one oxygen mask gone romantic
I’ll Find You In The Next Timeline - Roleswap!Owen meets Canon Curt
A Twist Of Fate- Roleswap AU, but Owen still joins Chimera
A Little Late For An Interview- Post Canon, Curt finds Chimera’s dossier on Owen
Death Cannot Stop True Love- SAF x Princess Bride AU
The Cursed Ship- Pirates of the Caribbean AU with Sparbossa Curtwen And Willabeth Tatibarb
Tati: The Vampire Slayer AU
Tati The Vampire Slayer- Curt finds out Tatiana is the Slayer
Spies Are Literally Forever: SAF x Hatchetfield Reincarnation AU Series
One Step Ahead (It’s How Its Always Been)-Curt/Howard remembers his past life on Black Friday when confronting Wilbur/Owen
The Gang’s Back Together (For The First Time [technically])- Curt/Howard and Owen/Wilbur reunite with Tati/Emma and Becky/Barb
Feeling A Lot Of Deja Vu Again- Owen’s Afterlife
The Worm Talk- The boys are soft
The Awakening of Wilbur Cross- Wilbur remembers his past life
Washington Comes To Hatchetfield- The gang meet for coffee at Beanie’s
Don’t You Forget About Me- Owen/Wilbur wingmans a holloduke reunion (ignore how this breaks lore hahahah)
Curtwen/Woward’s Nightmare Time- Wiggly tries to get his revenge
Awake For My Funeral- Curt’s Afterlife
Going Through The Unimaginable Twice- Tati/Emma reflecting on her siblings
General Hatchetfield Fics:
Only Murders In Hatchetfield - Only Murders In The Building Mashup AU
Once More, With Blue Shit - mashup AU with the musical episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer
I’ll Carry A Torch For Us Both (I Knew You Once Upon A Dream) - Sleeping Beauty Holloweane AU
Once Upon A Time In Hatchetfield - OUAT mashup AU
The Hatchetfield High Tarot Card Consultancy- All Our Hidden Gifts x Hatchetfield
You Will Know Our Names-Holloweane as Noah and Mio in a Xenoblade chronicles 3 AU
Unlocking Your Soul- Persona inspired Hatchetfield
And We’ll Sing It Again (In The Next Timeline)- Hadestown x Hatchetfield
Biya, Duke- Sequel to YWKON, the ending of Chapter 5 of Xenoblade 3 but Holloweane
The Butterfly Effect- Hatchetfield x Life Is Strange, with Lautski Pricefield
The Last Of Hatchetfield (TLOUx Hatchetfield AU)
Is This The Eternal Dark Without A Dawn? (Hatchetfield x Until Dawn AU)
Spankoffski-Fosters Vs The Lords In Black Series
Video Game Fics:
Sparrow And Reaver: Road To Rule- Spreaver pirate adventure
The Legend Of Zelda: Hyrule Saviours- Ocarina of time but Malon’s the hero of time
Assassin’s Creed- Katia- lowkey self insert Ezio x Reader
Life Is Strange: Partners In Time- Max, Chloe and Rachel go back to stop the storm and hell week
Miscellaneous Fics
The Disappearance of Eudoria Holmes- Dr who x bbc sherlock x enola holmes
Coney Island Waltz- Love Never Dies Rewrite
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findroleplay · 9 months
hi! 18F here looking for a semi-lit to literate legend of zelda rp partner. 18 - 22 y/o only please, no minors although i would like to avoid NSFW content if at all possible. i dont mind darker subject matter however, and i welcome any and all headcanons / theories to the table as long as we discuss that stuff first. would like to do oc / canon, oc / oc, or canon / canon content for oot, skyward sword, or botw/totk. no lin//ked univ//erse/linkv//erse content with minor exception to twilight x wild.
ships (or platonic pairings) i enjoy / would like to rp:)
-sheik x link
-malon x link
-sheik x malon
-TOTK/BOTW zelda x link
-link x paya
-SS zelda x link
-groose x link
-twilight x wild
aus i enjoy / would like to rp:)
-roleswap aus (ie knight zelda / prince link)
-yiga sheik / yiga link aus
-after-game aus
-pre and post calamity aus
-evil link / evil zelda aus
its been a while since ive been in the rp scene so be patient w me please! if youre interested just like this post or hmu on my sideblog @survivorofthe-sheik-ah (yes its blank its under construction rn lmao). i also have discord and insta which you can get through dming that tumblr. thanks!
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ao3feed-twiyor · 1 month
Telepath x Family: Part 2
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bELyph3 by No_Username_50 The Forgers appear to be a normal family to those around them, but each member has a secret they even keep from each other/ The father is a telepath, the mother is a spy, the daughter works for an assassin organization. The Forgers have been through numerous challenges, but none have been as daunting as their family cruise vacation. —————————————— Or, Telepath X Family: Part 2 - The Cruise Ship Adventure Arc Words: 2342, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Telepath x Family Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Anya Forger, Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Bond (SPY x FAMILY), Damian Desmond, Franky Franklin, Olka Gretcher | Shaty Grey, Gram Gretcher, Zeb | Furseal Grey, Matthew McMahon, Sylvia Sherwood | Handler, Becky Blackbell Relationships: Anya Forger & Loid Forger | Twilight & Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Anya Forger & Loid Forger | Twilight, Anya Forger & Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Roleswap, WISE (SPY x FAMILY), Spy Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Telepath Loid Forger, Garden (SPY x FAMILY), Cruise Adventure Arc (SPY x FAMILY), Parent Loid Forger | Twilight, Parent Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Forger Family - Freeform, No beta we die like anya’s grades, Not Beta Read read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bELyph3
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dragonomatopoeia · 1 year
Just watched the ooo's 10th anniversary movie. And i just. I just wanted everyone to be happy how do i piece my heart back together now??
My condolences. I understand.
whenever i remember that movie i inevitably turn to this tweet
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Rough TL: This was what the atmosphere of the theater was like when I watched the credits roll
As for piecing your heart back together: my advice is to either immediately watch the funny roleswap net movie where gotou visits an alternate dimension where Hina is OOO (OOO 10th Kamen Rider Birth: Birth X Secret Birth Story), or to decide actually v-cinemas aren't canon and can't hurt you. I chose both options
You can also join me in imagining an alternate ending to the v-cinema where ankh and Eiji are just sharing a body now because imo that makes more sense than what actually happened and has precedence in the show itself
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strawberrus0da · 1 year
I love swap aus when they’re done well but I wish more people would write them in a way that. Y’know. Actually feels like an au. And not just a canon rewrite with slightly different words
Roleswaps where different characters are put into different situations and actually react differently than the characters of the roles they were placed into. Am I making sense here
Any time I look up a “X swap” au tag in ao3 I’m just automatically resigning myself to half the fics either being A. characters with the same personalities and wants as the ones they replaced in the swap and nothing changes or B. they still have their own personalities but somehow everything gets shoehorned into happening the same way anyway and like. why. ik it’s probably easier to fall into a canon rewrite but 🥲
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pikolswonderland · 1 year
Persona 3 x Pokémon Legends Arceus AU
Hey guys, so recently I was reminded of a crossover AU between Persona 3 and Pokémon Legends Arceus I came up with some time ago so I wanted to share it with y’all.
So essentially this AU takes place after the canon ending of Persona 3, where Minato/Minako sacrifices himself to seal away Nyx and dies 3 months later. However, Philemon, knowing that this is an unfortunate fate for Minato/Minako, decides to do something about it. So he decides to contact the god of another universe, Arceus, to bring Minato/Minako back to life and live in their dimension, alongside anyone else who died during his mission to destroy Tartarus (Ryoji, Ikutski, Shinji, etc).
When Minato/Minako awaken after their deaths, expecting to find themselves as The Great Seal, they rather find themselves floating in a void with a weird ass llama-looking thing telling them to “seek out all Pokémon” or whatever that means…
…Essentially this is a bit of a roleswap AU, with Minato/Minako replacing Rei/Akari, Shinji replacing Ingo, and Ikutski replacing Volo (with Ryoji being here as well I guess). Interestingly, Minato/Minako aren’t completely alone here, as Arceus also decided to bring back Orpheus as their partner Pokémon as well, becoming some sort of Steel/Ghost type Hisuian Meloetta!
Yeah this is just a crack concept I made but I do really like it, what do y’all think?
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