#roger east
forged-in-kaoss · 2 months
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im sO insane about this
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1pcii · 4 months
Soul Eater X One Piece Zoro n Luffy designs :D
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(click for better quality // no reposts please but reblogs are greatly appreciated!)
I know having zoro be the miester is a weird choice but hear me out! I was mainly inspired off this crossover artwork and the brainrot led me to develop my own au ideas around it. I've structured it so non of SE's canon deathsythe's exist, including(!!!) Justin Law. So the idea that a weapon can become a deathsythe independently has not been proven yet.
Kuina (weapons)'s inner conflict revolves around this, and her father (miester) is the one who perpetuates the idea further. it's been a while since I've read/watched SE so I will need a huge refresher on everything but I do think the themes of weapon/miester inequality could translate the sexism one surrounding swordsmanship' well. Zoro after her death decides to take on her dream along his own of being the world's first(and best!) independent deathsythe.
and while Luffy does become his miester later on (their "my ambition means nothing if I cannot protect my captain" moment) they're still pretty independent, zoro fighting like Justin as a lone weapon and Luffy fighting with his fists and DF (which are translated as special abilities that are passed down through souls of previous users (ace and sabo angst I'm looking at you)).
@spyder-fyre (hope you don't mind the tag!) pointed out how Luffy is probably alot more similar to black star in terms of personality so Im thinking about how I'll work with that, I do think black stars 'larger-than-life' ambitions are very similar to Luffy's too! not entirely sure what I want to do w him yet but I'm open to ideas and will probably do a re-read for ideas too.
also what do y'all think of this :?
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weyounthevorta · 8 days
Flights of Fancy
Flight 326 is almost sold out, and you have to select your seat for that long haul flight overseas.
Which Combs do you think would be a nervous flier? Who would steal the arm rest? Who would keep their seat in the upright position the entire flight? Who are you sitting next to?
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vibrantshoyo · 3 months
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Looked back on chapter 1 and made some stickers haha
If you’re interested
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claer · 1 year
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by forest rogers
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moonpaw · 2 years
I’m still in awe about the scene where the asl brothers were shouting out their dreams and how every time I rewatched this scene I always questioned just why they cut out the part where luffy says his because it’s not exactly a secret. He’s been shouting out that he wanted to be the pirate king since the very beginning of the series, it’s literally his catchphrase!!
For 12 years I questioned that scene! But never once did it cross my mind that it was done because luffy actually has a different dream, and becoming the pirate king was only an ends to a mean to reach it and I was SO blown away to learn this almost 400+ chapters later when this was first HINTED at, never mind that it took 1000+ chapters to even learn he has a dream that isn’t becoming the pirate king (and we still don’t know what it is!!)
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braveclementine · 4 days
Chapter 3
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Warnings: None.
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs: Elizabeth Silvertongue and Clementine Greenleaf. I also own Clementines' brother Donavan. The following OCs are owned by other Wattpad writers as this is a collaboration project. Their OCs are on the face claim page. I do not condone any copying of this.
I only had one class today, which I was thankful for. The study of East Asian history with Professor Rogers, who I was hoping was the handsome blond man that Clementine had said taught her American History. 
Clementine had already headed out for one of her nursing classes and so I had the dorm to myself. I didn't stay in it long, however, deciding to go to the library and study there. It was definitely a placebo affect to feel like I was getting more done in the library than if I stayed in the dorm. 
When my timer went off as a ten minute warning for class, I scooped everything up and headed off for the classroom. 
I hurried through the hallway, turning the corner, slamming into someone. I lost my balance, falling backwards, before something hard wrapped around my waist. I felt a spinning sensation before my back hit something. 
I let out a small gasp, finding that I was pressed up against the wall, Professor Barnes in front of me. His arm around my waist where he had caught me, feet planted rather defensively. I couldn't remember how to breathe or speak, only staring at him until I realized my mouth was open. 
"Watch where you're going." He interrupted me, shoving away from the wall, stalking down the hallway. 
I watched him go, feeling completely humiliated, before turning and continuing down to where my history class was. 
Professor Rogers was indeed the Professor my class, but after seeing Professor Barnes, my excitement was not high enough. 
"Miss Silvertongue." Professor Rogers greeted me immediately. He looked amazing in his light blue shirt he was wearing, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I could see behind him a group of girls muttering behind their hands as they watched him. "Good afternoon. Your seat is right here." 
He pointed to a seat at the front of the classroom, right in front of his desk. I was going to have a hard time concentrating this year. 
I quickly sat down where he had assigned my seat, while he quickly arranged the other students as they came in. As the bell rang, the last of the students filing in quickly, he closed the door behind him and smiled at the class. 
"Good Afternoon class. Firstly, I would like to make sure that you all know this is Survey of East Asian History class. So far, everyone seems to be in the right spot, but if anyone believes they are in the wrong class, let me know now." 
No one said a thing, though some girls behind me giggled. 
Professor Rogers grinned, "Alright then. Let's get started." He picked up a stack of papers from his desk and started to hand them out. "As you can see, this is the Syllabus of which I'll be teaching from this semester. You will have a small ten question quiz every week at the beginning of class, which will be timed for twenty minutes. And you will have on exam halfway through the year and an end of the year project." 
There were some groans in the class, but I felt rather light hearted at that. One exam was fine by me. Hopefully the project wouldn't be to hard. 
I surveyed the syllabus as mine was given to me. It seemed he had organized everything based on the country. Starting with Vietnam, then China, Japan, Korea, and so on. That might actually be quite nice. 
"So," Professor Rogers said with a grin, "What is East Asia? Anyone want to take a guess?" 
I hesitantly raised a hand and he nodded to me. "Well, I suppose a collection of different countries that are located on the East side of the continent of Asia?" 
His eyes seemed to twinkle at my answer and he let out a chuckle, "Well, in all technicalities, yes. The countries of East Asia include China, Japan, South and North Korea, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao, Vietnam, Singapore, The Philippines, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar also called Burma, Brunei, Timor-Leste, and Malaysia." He wrote each country out in clear cursive. 
I immediately copied down the list on one side of my composition notebook, labelling at the top 'East Asia'. 
"And, just so we can get a clear picture, the countries of West Asia are Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Iraq, Georgia- no not the state-" That got some laughter from the class "-Yemen, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus, Israel, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. You may notice that most of these countries are what we would also call the 'Middle East'. However, do not consider West Asian and the Middle East to be synonymous for each other, because they are not. They just share many countries. I would also like everyone to note that Palestine is not exactly a country of their own. It is a collection of people who live on the Gaza strip, given to them by Israel. Any questions so far?" 
On the other side of the class, an Asian girl shot her hand up. 
"Yes, Miss Sun?" Professor Rogers asked politely. 
"Professor, when you were listing the countries of East Asia, you separated both Hong Kong and the Republic of China from Mainland China. Why?" She asked. 
"I listed Hong Kong separately because of its' history as a British Colony." Professor Rogers replied, tapping the country name with his Expo marker. "It has been both a part of China, and also part of Britain and therefore, separated as it will be talked about separately from China. Taiwan on the other hand, is a separate country from China, though some people will say that it is still part of China, depending on who you talk to. We could also make an argument for Tibet being separate from China as well." 
When the girl did not look convinced, Professor Rogers added, "Would you consider Ukraine to be a part of Russia?" 
"Well, no, Ukraine broke away from Russia." The girl said. 
"I would say you can compare Taiwan to China the way you compare Ukraine to Russia." Professor Rogers said. I could tell that his tone was friendly, but there seemed to be a fierce protective note in his voice. It seemed he cared about the freedom of Taiwan very much. I could respect that. 
"Now, who can tell me, what is history really about?" Professor Rogers asked, looking around. "What makes history? Yes, Mr. Black?" 
"Battles, events, things that occur and we memorize the dates of them long enough for our exams and then forget again almost immediately after?" The boy answered with a cocky grin. Some of the girls in front of him giggled but I rolled my eyes, looking back down at my loose-leaf paper. 
"Partially." Professor Rogers said, not as amused though he wore a complacent smile. 
I raised my hand and was called on. "People, Professor? After all, the battles and events can't happen without people involved." 
"And that's the answer." Professor Rogers sounded pleased and I couldn't help but let the butterflies that had been caged up in my heart since my run in with Professor Barnes out. They fluttered in my stomach, making me shift in my seat as his blue eyes pierced my brown ones. I found that I wanted his praise more than anything in the world at that moment. "Perfect." 
I nearly fainted. 
From there, he had us get our textbooks out, following along. He did not read word for word the introduction - I was glad for this since I can't stand being read to- exploring the details more in depth. 
At the end of the lesson, he had another piece of paper for us, which was actually three pages, stapled together. 
"This is a glossary of words that will last the semester. They may or may not show up on tests so it's best to know what they are and their definitions or meanings." Professor Rogers said, handing the sheet out. 
My favorite part was that it was set up alphabetically. My OCD agreed with it a lot. 
"Class dismissed. I will see you all Thursday." Professor Rogers said, and the students started to stream out.
I quickly slipped the glossary terms into my East Asian History binder, placing the binger and textbook into my backpack, before noticing that Professor Rogers had stopped in front of my table. 
"Yes, Professor?" I asked, fighting back the instinct to swallow hard, nervous as I realized how close he was to me. I could smell his cologne, which wasn't overpowering, but comforting. I wished I knew how to describe it. 'Woodsy and homelike' seemed to cliche. 
"Well, I'd hate to be intrusive, but I was wondering if you were busy Saturday and Sunday mornings. Specifically between eight and eleven in the morning?" 
"Uh- n-no." I stuttered out my answer, head spinning with sudden questions. Most specifically, for what? 
He answered that quickly enough, "Every year I choose a student that I believe is competent to work for me. You'll be paid, of course, $15 an hour. It would be miscellaneous work. Helping me grade homework- not for this class but American or European history- etcetera." 
"Yes, I would love that." I answered easily, though a little astounded. 
There was a noise in the doorway and I jumped a little at the suddenness of it. It was Professor Barnes, leaning on the doorway, his dark eyes brooding. I immediately looked away, grabbing my backpack and trying to focus solely on Professor Rogers, "When would you like me to start?" 
"Next week. Here," He walked over to the desk, grabbing a small slip of paper that looked a bit like a business card, but not quite. "This is my work phone number and address. Saturdays will be spent here since I also have office hours that day. But Sundays will be spent at this address. I may change things up which is why you have my phone number so that after you contact me, I will be able to let you know if things change. Agreed?" 
"Sounds perfectly in order." I said easily, reaching out and taking the card from him. I slipped it into the safety of my purse, before sliding it into my backpack. "Thank you for the opportunity Professor." 
"Of course." Professor Rogers smiled and looked over at Professor Barnes, "What's up Buck?" 
Professor Barnes rolled his eyes, something that I noticed made Professor Rogers smirk. I quickly stepped to the side as Professor Barnes decided to move at the same time I went through the door, moving past me without another word. Professor Rogers gave him a look that seemed to be slightly exasperated before he said, "Have a nice day Miss Silvertongue." 
"You too Professo- Professors." I quickly said over my shoulder, before leaving the room. I sped down the hallway, excited to get back to the dorm. . . and away from Professor Barnes. 
"Hey." Clementine greeted me the moment I stepped inside the dorm room. "The grocery store down the street that you applied to called the dorm phone today and left a message. You got hired. Tuesdays and Thursdays from- well you know what, here." She tapped a piece of paper that was sitting on the table. 
She had written out the entire phone message in neat cursive and I smiled fondly at her. "You're the best Clem." 
"I know, now make sure to bring me home free food from work." She said with a smirk, before turning back to the American history textbook she was pouring over, making side notes in the margins, comparing them to an assignment sheet. 
"Essay already for history?" I asked, surprised. 
"It's easy." Clementine shrugged. "It's more an opinion essay than anything else. We can take one event from American history and compare it to something else in the rest of the worlds' history that shows that history can repeat itself. Then what we think should be done to keep it from happening again." 
I couldn't think of a comparison off the top of my head, but then again my mind wasn't on American history to begin with. I was thinking of the way Professor Rogers fingers had brushed the tips of mine as he gave me the card. And also, surprisingly, of Professor Barnes brooding stare. 
I was sure the darker Professor hated me, but there was something about his dark persona that was drawing me in. I wonder if he did it on purpose, to prove that Psychology really did work. His dark mysterious personality drew curious people in. 
I rolled my eyes, trying to push both Professors out of my head. They were like thirty something and I was twenty-two. 
"Well, I'm going to have two jobs." I said, unable to keep the happiness out of my voice. Clementine looked up with interest. "Professor Rogers hired me as a. . . assistant of sorts? A teacher aide? I'm not sure. Basically to help grade other peoples' stuff in other classes. So maybe I'll get to grade your homework." 
"Well, don't go easy on me." Clementine said, getting up from the table, going over and grabbing an orange. I watched her peel it and then started to make homemade orange juice. "By the way, I was thinking this weekend we could go to a few of the orchards, pick our own fruit? It'll be a bit of a drive, but this'll be the one weekend we won't be slammed with homework and you and I both know apples will keep for a while if we put them in the fridge." 
I smiled, nodding, "Great idea." Then I left her with her history homework and I went off to call the grocery store, telling them that I would be there first shift on Thursday. 
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insanityzones · 11 months
Roger's making his own speech???
The Straw Hats' outfits look AMAZING.
Looks epic so far.
The first boat looks bigger than I thought.
Emily with reading glasses??? HELLO????
The close-ups of the antagonists tho-
Shut up haters, Mackenyu is one of the best Zoros out there.
Buggy's attack looks so cool!
Jacob and Taz kept their natural voices guys, WE WON!
Taz's goofy little smile, he's such a sunshine boy!
This is how I know Arlong Park will be awesome.
Arlong looks SO accurate for some reason.
Zoro's unwavering loyalty = another thing that Mackenyu captured perfectly.
Sorry guys, my brain broke again.
Anyways, happy One Piece Day!
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wanoboywednesday · 10 months
i want the shanks has an evil twin/clone whos a celestial dragon theory to be real so so bad its just so silly and funny to me i already have this au in my head where figarbro gets wrong-place-wrong-time roped into some epic pirate crime shanks commits and gets kicked out of mariejois bc they now think he’s a turncoat
figarbro is like ‘noooo this is a mistake let me back innnnn’ something something he ends up on the red force and shanks’ crew is like ‘lol captain ur brother is kind of a loserass little bitch’ and shanks is like ‘lmao trueeee’ then they have an epic adventure where they take figarbro around and forcibly teach him how to take that stick out of his ass.
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onepieceanimals · 11 months
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Two creachers...
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frenchcurious · 1 year
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Marine Court - Marina, St Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex. construction en 1936-38 - Architectes : Kenneth Dalgleish and Roger K. Pullen · Streamline Moderne (Art Deco). - source Mary Tampakopoulou.
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dbphantom · 8 months
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watching loguetown with my best friend (2nd buddy im doing a full watch thru with lol) and this fucking image. anyway, he's convinced dragon is Literally God and i-
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weyounthevorta · 2 days
Studly Star Ship
The war with the Borg is raging, and the Federation is running woefully short on personnel.
Four different ships badly need an Ops Officer, but their crews are a bunch of misfits, penal colony rejects, and Starfleet dropouts. You grit your teeth and choose your next assignment.
Which ship are you signing up with?
Idea from @milton-dammers
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marinehero · 8 months
continues to thinks about how garp is 287cm and roger's 274cm,,,, they siphoned height from the rest of east blue fucked up
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last night i had a dream my sister and i found a portal to loyola beach in some guy's apartment and we kept breaking in to use it and then our mom was like you CANNOT go through the portal. you'll scare the people on the beach. so we sat on our side of the portal and watched our childhood beach like we were looking through a window :(
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chinsphatty · 2 months
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Skydome - Summer 2022
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