#regulus black faceclaim
lexithwrites · 3 months
actors/models i love as sirius and regulus black:
(L to R) deaken bluman (sirius) - eren m guvercin (sirius/regulus) - timothee chalamet (regulus)
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(L to R) tripp bowers (sirius) - daniel millar (regulus) - mark eidelstein (regulus)
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(these are just my personal face claims, pls don't come for me if you don't like them)
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bellwood-qudditch · 10 months
I have an unhealthy obsession with the house of black. There I said it.
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niamhthefae · 27 days
hey guys, new regulus faceclaim!!!
i know you all love timothee but just trust me. its this guy from dead boy detectives:
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The Noble House of Black cast gifs i used (in order)
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4phelions · 2 years
any celebs look like these people? need them for a faceclaim
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jackies-ear69 · 2 years
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They are so Sirius and Regulus??
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sn4pe · 2 months
absolute WORST severus snape takes you've seen?
gonna organize these from Batshit Horrible to Mildly Irksome
- “James Potter wrote the notes in the HBP potions textbook and Snape stole it”. saw it in a youtube comment and. what
- “Snape is an incel” does he blame all women for his problems? does he hold misogynistic views? does he do misogynistic things? no. just because he had weird history with a woman doesn’t make him a fucking incel bye ppl r so weird for this take.
- Louis Garrel as a faceclaim. who coined this, i just wanna talk. don’t mind the gun in my hand. i just wanna talk i just wanna talk. no cuz this shit has done IRREPARABLE damage to my pinterest i can’t find good snape fcs without being bombarded with louis garrel images (i’m being so dramatic but i HATE HIM) HE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE SEVERUS SNAPE AT ALL
- That he and the marauders’ thing was a “rivalry”. A 4 against 1 is not a rivalry. Just admit your faves are bullies it is 1000% okay to like antagonists.
- that he “deserved” what happened in the SWM chapter. idc what awful shit he believed at the time, he was FIFTEEN. he was a CHILD and anyone who doesn’t understand that is likely a child themselves
- that he’s “greasy because of the potions fumes” no bc then everyone would be greasy after potions class and it would be mentioned. severus was a severely neglected child. he never got into the habit of properly bathing himself and that carried on into adulthood.
- when people snatch his entire character and personality and everything and push it onto regulus, then claim to hate snape but loveee regulus black. like bro you just gave him snape’s entire arc word for word but now suddenly bc it’s regulus it’s a good redemption arc? bffr
- every single time he’s ever been mentioned in that rlly popular fanfiction All The Young Dudes. actually every single take in All The Young Dudes is bad. and this isn’t snape specific or anything but i heard that some professor at a university made his students read ATYD for a project. and i’m. flabbergasted bc it’s the biggest piece of horseshit. like snape stuff aside its not a well written fanfiction. it just has all the shiny bells and whistles that the marauders fandom likes.
- relating to that point, the draco malfoyification of severus snape in marauders fanfics in order to make him the antagonist. like i get you want an antagonist but. ugh just irksome it’s not true to his character
- JKR’s drawing of snape w a beard. like who the hell is that
- when ppl hc him to have abs. why?? because he lifted a few cauldrons? bffr
I could probably think of a billion more since this fandom is a nightmare but. yes there u go <3 ily ty for asking i genuinely love answering these
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lunar-serpentinite · 4 months
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Hariharan Nalin Potter
Heir of House Potter
Faceclaim: Anirudh Pisharody
Hariharan Nalin Potter, commonly known as Harry and famously as the Boy-Who-Lived, is the eldest child and only son of the Potter family's Head couple Lily and James Potter and their husband Regulus Potter. He is the older brother by four years to a younger sister named Madhuri Potter, as well as the godson of Sirius Black and Sharanya Patil.
More information below the cut
What's in a Name?
Hariharan ஹரிஹரன்
— from the the fused Sattvika characterisation of Vishnu (Hari) and Shiva (Hara)
Hari – the one who takes away (sins)
Hara – Remover of sins
Nalin நளின்
— means close, abundance, pride; also a synonym for lotus
Follows the Evans tradition of naming their children after flowers
Also calls back to James’ middle name (Mooriyan, pride)
Picked by Regulus. In ancient Egypt, lotuses represent rebirth and the Sun and by god did he feel his life beginning anew the moment he laid eyes on baby Harry
The Snake With No Self-Preservation Instincts
When Harry entered Hogwarts at the age of 11, the Sorting Hat was torn between Gryffindor and Slytherin for him. Maybe even Ravenclaw if the Hat was feeling particularly experimental. In the end, the Hat put him in Slytherin, much to the delight of his baba Regulus.
Slytherin won the Hat over by just a small margin. In this universe, Harry was raised not with scorn nor contempt but with an overabundance of love and support. Many of the influential adults in his life inspired him to be as driven and goal-oriented as they are. Additionally, the inclusion of a third, Slytherin-to-the-core parent also influenced Harry's own personal choice in Houses.
Slytherins are also defined by their tendency to stick close to family traditions. Harry was raised completely immersed in his South Indian heritage of Tamil and Telugu and he's very proud of it. Thus he is completely dedicated to preserving and following the cultural and familial traditions he was raised with.
Finally, he has a brilliant and clever mind as well as a knack for leadership (regardless of how much he denies that himself). Growing in a house of love and positivity allowed Harry to fully lean into his gifts instead of focusing on survival. In this universe, Harry was allowed to shine and shine he did.
As per the hierarchy of Slytherin, Harry is naturally the most influential half-blood as the Boy-Who-lived and is considered by his half-blood and Muggleborn yearmates as their leader the same way the Purebloods consider Draco Malfoy theirs.
"You're a bloody Slytherin, why do you lack self-preservation?" "Maybe if you dig your pointy nose into my business some more, you'd find it."
One thing that does set Harry aside from his Slytherin cohorts is his apparent "lack of self-preservation". Sense of self-preservation is a signature Slytherin trait that is far outweighed by Harry's natural "saving people thing" that is apparently in every Potter's genes.
Harry simply doesn't hesitate to lend a hand whenever he sees that he could. He helps even when it is detrimental to himself, which gives him a sort of reputation as one of the more eccentric Slytherins of his year. This resulted in him gaining a close social circle that is composed of several non-Slytherins which is an unusual sight within the House that Keeps to Themselves.
Escaping from Death's Clutches
Harry's main claim to fame is his apparent survival from being hit by the Killing Curse at point blank when he was four years old. The incident was widely publicized by Voldemort himself who had kidnapped Harry as a child after years of failed attempts to pierce through the powerful wards of Nagaraja Hall. Voldemort had wanted to publicly execute Harry as punishment for his parents who had thrice defied him.
This backfired on the Dark Lord as not only did Harry survive his Killing Curse but the knockback from the protective Magics weakened Voldemort enough for a furious Lily Potter to land the killing blow on him, ending the First Wizarding War. Because of this, Harry and Lily share the title Lord Voldemort's Vanquisher, a title that both despise.
Harry sports a seemingly permanent lichtenberg scar above his left eye. According to all the Healers that have examined him, it may very well be the first and only known occurrence of a curse scar borne from being hit and surviving the Killing Curse. The scar runs deeper than it looks and has rendered Harry half-blind in his left eye.
He has little to no clear memories of the incident owing to how traumatic it was but the trauma has left its own imprints in him, namely his scar, partial blindness, and a certain discomfort whenever someone points a wand at him without any warning.
Collected Miscellany
Little bits of extra information/headcanons for him. This section will be updated from time to time.
As per the tradition of Nandhini's descendants, Harry is bonded to a boa constrictor and a Basilisk
Harry has Lily’s temper, James’ compassion, and Regulus’ pride
He has been said to be a promising talent in flying, combat magic, and transfiguration. He claims to have an “easier time” at performing wandless magic. He was also personally tutored by his grandmother Euphemia in the art of pearl-based magic.
Excels in the Seeker position but does pretty okay in other positions.
Produced a corporeal Patronus at age 13. His Patronus is an Indian sambar stag which is the same as his appa James
While he’s absolutely brilliant in the kitchen, he unfortunately didn’t inherit Lily’s talent at Potions.
This is because he was taught how to cook before he was taught how to brew. Potions requires precision and accuracy but he’s used to measuring ingredients “by heart, soul, vibes and the voice of his ancestor whispering in his ears”.
He’s surprisingly good at anything related to snakes, be it brewing antivenom potions or working with venom or any snake-sourced parts
Aside from English, Harry is fluent in Tamil and Telugu, and conversational in Sanskrit, Middle Tamil, and Classical Sanskrit. Regulus is teaching him and Madhuri Masri (Egyptian Arabic) and Demotic (a very, very late descendant of Ancient Egyptian).
Childhood friends with Ron Weasley since they were babies through the friendship of Lily and Molly
He is also friends with the rest of the Weasley siblings by extension
Also friends with the other children of the Magical Indian diaspora families, notably his godsiblings the Patil twins Padma and Parvati
Met Hermione Granger at King’s Cross Station where his mother befriended her mother, Monica Granger. Hermione then became Lily's protege and Hermione would spend a portion of her holidays at Nagaraja Hall
Met Draco Malfoy as a baby during the wedding of his parents to Regulus Black and made him cry
Particularly fond of Luna Lovegood who he met at a young age as she was the daughter of Pandora Lovegood, who was friends with Lily
Buddies with Neville Longbottom who is the son of Alice Longbottom, who is also friends with Lily
Paired with Blaise Zabini in Potions so they are within the acquaintances to casual friends range
Spent his childhood going back and forth between the Potter’s Nagaraja Hall and the House of Serpents
More information on the Descendants of Nandhini / the Potters Back to the family directory of this AU
Please feel 100% free to drop some comments in the reblogs, replies, my askbox etc. ! 🥰🫶
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cursedvaultss · 11 months
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HPHM OC Profile: Calliope Black
"No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world."
Name: Calliope Antigone Black
Nicknames: Callie
Birthdate: October 31st, 1972
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio 
Blood Status: Pureblood 
Nationality: British
Sexuality: Bisexual
Callie is not the MC, she's just an OC that attends Hogwarts at the same time as Jacob's Sibling! She's open for friendships and rivalries, etc.
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 1.60cm (5 ft 3½)
Weight: 53kg 
Skin Tone: Fair
Faceclaim: India Eisley
Home: Raven Hall, a modest (by rich people standards) property owned by the Black family in rural England
Mother: Cressida Black, née Rowle
Cressida is a Slytherin alumni. She works at the Wizengamot and leads a seemingly successful life. On the inside, she's struggling though. She's not happy with her life and her unhappiness is affecting her relationship with her daughter. She loves Callie but is misguided in her efforts to make her choices for her and attempt to keep her in line.
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Father: Castor Black, the younger brother of Orion Black
Castor attended Hogwarts as a Slytherin. He's unlike most of his family members in that he is softer and less likely to spout blood-purist rhetoric. However, he is not close with his daughter and his marriage to Cressida is facing some difficulties. He has constantly lived in the shadow of his older brother and doesn't know how to stand up to him.
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Uncle: Orion Black
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Cousins: Sirius Black, Regulus Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Andromeda Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy
House: Ravenclaw (hat stall with Slytherin)
11-17: Hogwarts Student 
17->: tbd
Personality & Attitude
Callie is the quiet sort who prefers the company of books to people. She doesn't go out of her way to make friends and can often seem cold or even rude to people who don't know her, but she's quite friendly once you manage to break through her surface. Deep down, she feels very alone due to her parents being distant and being an only child. She struggles with creating meaningful connections but craves them deeply.
She responds best to speaking of common interests, like books or music. She's a little bit clueless about the Muggle world and finds learning about Muggle culture fascinating. Callie is creative and sometimes scribbles poetry in the margins of her essays or in little notebooks. She doesn't have ambitions to become a poet as a fulltime job, though.
Priorities: Friends, gaining knowledge, independence
Strengths: Clever, works well under pressure, loyal to loved ones
Weaknesses: A bit of a loner, a penchant for melancholy, can come off as rude
Stressed: When dealing with her family or studying for exams 
Calm/Comforted: With her friends and in the library
Colors: Black
Weather: Rain 
Hobbies: Reading, writing poetry, Wizard chess
Fashion: Business casual, blacks and grays, some grunge vibes
Significant Other/Love Interest: Talbott Winger
Callie and Talbott have been house mates since year one, but they only really started to speak during year 4, when Callie got her pet owl Orpheus and started to spend time in the Owlery. They both enjoy a comfortable silence and the quiet comfort of each others' company.
The two started dating during year 6. They were together until graduation, after which they broke up for a while but reconnected during the Second Wizarding War. They married and have one daughter together.
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Talbott Winger
Badeea Ali
Murphy McNully
Matthew Luther by @hphmmatthewluther
Vienna Brokenshire, Jules Farrier, and Azariah Steele by @cursebreakerfarrier
Cato Reese by @catohphm
Eirlys Knell by @cursedlegacies
Dimitri and Skylar Di Angelo by @nicos-oc-hell
Caiden Solace by @camillejeaneshphm
Isabelle Dubois by @endlessly-cursed
Ruth Lyman, Huck Fitzgerald, Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor O'Donnell by @unfortunate-arrow
Marti Venturi by @smarti-at-smogwarts
Merula Snyde (indirectly)
Thalia Winger
Talia was born in 1997. She's a Gryffindor and a Quidditch chaser.
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Callie likes to follow Quidditch although she doesn't talk about it because it clashes with her intellectual bookworm loner brand.
She has an owl called Orpheus
She has fond memories of her cousins Sirius and Regulus
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writingsbychlo · 9 months
This is so genuine....where did these Slytherin guys come from? Did I miss a book or something I'm so confused? Don't get me wrong, I am thoroughly interested.......just slightly lost.
okay SO
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tom riddle and draco (obvs canon characters)
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blaise zabini, theodore nott and regulus black!! also canon characters. that’s actually blaise in the movies however sometimes he’s recast. theo is a canon character but like a minor character, however fans really ran wild, and this beautiful man right here was fancast for him. regulus is mentioned briefly as sirius’ younger brother who was in slytherin. canonically he betrayed tom and died, and the timelines for his age don’t align but fuck that noise bc he fits in with the group so we keep him. fanfic is about logic erasure and we love that 😌
then you’ve got;
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mattheo riddle and lorenzo berkshire!! not canon characters, fanmade but these are the faceclaims! generally speaking mattheo is the son of tom riddle, the child of voldemort and bellatrix (therefore making him sirius black’s nephew once removed? i think?). sometimes there’s fics where tom & mattheo are brothers instead of it’s a voldemort ark absent fic y’know.
lorenzo is draco’s cousin somehow. i don’t know. google says his parents are bellatrix and some chap named charles, but if that were the case then also he would be mattheo’s half-brother?
so forget enzo has parents and just know he’s draco’a cousin that’s all you need to know tbh.
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marsconer · 3 months
the very long draft of the atla prequel fic i’ll never write
- title idea: oh, brother were art thou ?
- focuses on : iroh and ozai’s dynamic from childhood to the day he marries ursa. includes extras and dives into the fire nation royal family dynamic but it’s mostly about those two.
- inspirations: cain and abel’s story, the ballad of songbirds and snakes.
- characters included: iroh, ozai, azulon, the firelady ilah, ursa, iroh’s wife, ozai’s mistress. ( they will be named )
- characterizations :
iroh — sometimes we forget that iroh was the general. the warrior. the brother most familiar with blood and violent. iroh’s characterization should not shy away from that but also keep a core of goodness and questioning. he’s the one who should have a more reflexive internal monologue. it should be a growing difference between what he believes is right and what he actually does to the point where it breaks. the breaking point will not be part of the fic but it should be seeds planted yk? inspirations : regulus black, jaime lannister / faceclaim ideas : remy hii
ozai — the make or break character and the easiest to screw up ( i think ), too evil and the heart of the story is gone and iroh just looks stupid for loving his evil brother, not evil enough and it’s not ozai. his arc is not a corruption arc but the story of a man realizing he can get away with any atrocious act he decides to commit, his internal monologue lacks the reflexive nature of iroh’s, ozai never pounders on the right and wrong of an act only on how that could benefit him. as the brother who stayed home, ozai’s battle is mostly weeding out plots and schemes, of court drama and seizing power. inspirations: coriolanus snow, tom riddle, fc ideas: sebastian amoruso ( i know he played jet stfu ), dylan wang
firelord azulon — an absent father, i don’t care how his reign was, he is the definition of trying to rule with only force and falling ( being disliked by both high rankings and the people ), hard power ! he’s more of representation of a fire nation that looks down on weakness ( non-benders, women, children ) inspiration: tywin lannister
firelady ilah — a cruel mother who loves power but can possess none because she’s a woman so she tries to teach her sons her form of strength, manipulations, secrets, blackmail, iroh had more aptitude but he was azulon’s general so she had to make do with ozai ( who refuses to learn but will eventually ), she’s the bitterness of a fascist woman in a fascist man’s world. she’s frustrated in all ways possible and that bitterness turns to wickedness. inspirations: alicent hightower if she was like her haters think she is, morgana, walburga black. fc ideas: michelle yeoh
lady ursa — poor lady ursa, i haven’t read to comics and i don’t buy they are cannon so here’s my characterization of the pookiest of pookies. lady ursa was the daughter of important people, think courtiers, who never really wanted a child, ursa was also raised in palace along with many other high borns. she was also younger than ozai and a talented herbalist. she wanted to marry him and do her duty, he was good looking and a prince and she was barely sixteen. and she wanted out of her parent’s grasp. probably one of the most unlucky people in the story. at first ignored and humiliated before their marriage and after abused and controlled. inspirations: katherine howard / fc claim ideas : ashley liao, lola tung
aliya ( ozai’s mistress ) — this is a very self indulgent character bc i like parallels and the hope that some air nomads survived in secret and had children. aliya is this concept with the addition that she’s a performer on ember island who would really like a bridge to her ancestor’s culture and past but also probably is acutely aware of how she’s not the airbender she should be. she’s a dancer, she’s an acrobat, she’s artist, she’s vain and attached to material desires and smarter than she looks but also still just a girl trying to keep herself alive and her secrets secret. ( yes, ozai lowkey kinda kills her or at least thinks he and erased her and her family from history. snowbaird coded but also worse ) inspirations: lucy gray baird, satine / fc claim ideas : simone ashley
saori ( iroh’s wife ) — very minor character but all that can be said is that she’s no easy woman. she’s demanding of him after they are arranged together because she believes and sees that he can be better. she also grew up in the palace as a courtier and is known for being incredibly opinionated and sharp on her wit. inspirations: beatrice ( much ado about nothing ) / fc claim : jamie chung
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bellwood-qudditch · 10 months
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Lucretia Prewett nèe Black
Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer
“Married to Ignatius Prewett, daughter to Melania and Arcturus Black III and the older sister of Orion Black. Also the aunt to Sirius Black III and Regulus Black II”
April 19th, 1925–August 9th, 1992
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princeheir · 1 year
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˙    🐍  profile .
BIRTH NAME :  severus snape. 
ALIAS  /  NICKNAME :  sev.
TITLES :  the half-blood prince.
AGE :  21.
DATE  OF  BIRTH : 01/09/60.
PLACE OF BIRTH :  english midlands.
BLOOD STATUS : half-blood.
RESIDENCE :  london.
EDUCATION :  graduated from hogwarts (slytherin, slug club).
OCCUPATION :  potioneer, aka, a potion maker. his prices do change on a whim but he is the best in the business.
SIDED : death eaters.
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˙    🐍  personal details .
GENDER :   cis man.
SEXUALITY :  sees himself as an equal opportunity bloke, isn’t exactly labelled nor cares about sex that much.
FACECLAIM :  louis garrel.
TATTOOS :  the mark on his arm.
CLOTHING :  big & dark coats, suit and tie whenever he can, long & dark robes, green details here and there, snake skin, silver jewellery (especially earrings and rings). doesn’t modern fashion all that much.
HAIR STYLE :  long-ish black hair. a little oily (which he doesn’t like, but doesn’t know how to change).
POSITIVE  TRAITS :  loyal, proactive, intelligent.
NEGATIVE TRAITS :  cunning, cruel, closed-minded.
HOBBIES :  beyond journaling, he enjoys reading muggle books but will go out of his way to hide that. he is also passionate about gardening and foraging (especially for poisonous mushrooms). 
INSPIRATIONS :  henry winter, canon&fanon snape, that one two hour video essay about snape wives., also beth from the queen's gambit for the family dynamics (his dad did leave but he'd spend the hols at hogwarts and would barely be home during the summer, so snape didn't actually notice until his sixth year).
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---- CHILDHOOD , all i know is you said hello and your eyes look like comin' home .
His is the story of the scorpion and the frog.
There was no love in the Snape household, neither was there warmth. Often enough, there was barely sound, only soft inhales from Eileen Prince’s lonely bedroom, — she never quite got used to her husband’s last name, carrying with herself the prestige of the Prince bloodline —, long parted from the sheer moments of honeymoon glory. Sometimes, if Severus was lucky enough, he’d hear the sound of his father’s keys turning on the door, only for it to be taken away in a matter of seconds, a new business trip waiting for the muggle salesman. It was a cliche, really. A saddened housewife and an unhappy traveling salesman, a love-story straight from the all-British muggle books.
Happiness was fleeting. And then it was not. With red, oh so lovely red, consuming the afternoons the young boy spent alone in the meadow. Lily bloody Evans, his best friend, his first love, the personification of laughter. And goodness. And warmth. She was everything he wasn’t, and everything he longed to be. In their few, stolen moments, there was no blood purity. There was only a boy. And a girl. And so much magic between them.
---- SCHOOL YEARS , i get mean when i'm nervous like a bad dog .
The dungeons were almost home. They were just as cold, just as unlived in, but they were loud. They lacked the meadow, — and in consequence they lacked his best friend’s blooming smiles —, but they were filled with ideals. They boomed in the winter and were awfully quiet with the arrival of the last month of school. Severus was lonely, and he was misguided. And, well, he was the perfect recipient to whatever nonsense other snakes were willing to sing in his ears.
And, Saint Merlin, he was so incredibly envious. The others had it all, had they not? Barty had the wealth, Regulus had the name, but Severus? He had the anger. He had excellent penmanship. He had a brain that refused to stop. He even had the means to respond to those idiotic pranks without ever tarnishing his own name. Who’d think the prince of potions would ever turn every Gryffindor tie into a snake? They weren’t even poisonous.
What he did not have, however, was Lily. No, that was propriety of the Gryffindors. Of the people who had loving parents, wealth, a future in the wizard world. She wouldn’t, couldn't choose him, and he had no choice but to help her discover that. He was cruel, and sometimes he was be downright evil. Because if not him, who? Who’d show those foolish lions what waited for them the second they’d step outside from the bounds of Hogwarts?
He did what he felt needed to be done, no matter how terrible it could be. There was no regret, no moment of sudden realization of how the mark in his arm would change everything for everyone. He wanted the wealth, he wanted the name. Sometimes he even wanted the fame.
---- CURRENT DAYS , cause cruelty lives in the movies .
It was clear something had changed inside of him. From the little boy who longed for connection to a man who destroyed everything he got his hands on. Although loyal, it became known Snape was inconsequential, brutal, and always a little too eager to fulfill a plan in the Dark Lord’s name.
When it comes to his work, however, Snape is known to be a man of equal opportunity. No matter your affiliation, if you have enough money (and courage) to look for his help, he’ll provide you with a top-notch solution for your afflictions. Not even Severus himself understands why he does that, why he’s so willing to put poison in the hands of members of the Order. Maybe he’ll never know.
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vanishingcherry · 1 year
hello <3 its currently the holidays for my school, so requests are once again open!
ill be getting through as many requests as possible over the next week, so please send them in (i'm working on requests that have already been sent in as well)
currently writing for these people:
f1 - charles leclerc, lando norris, pierre gasly, arthur leclerc, ollie bearman
marauders - james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, regulus black
golden trio - harry potter, draco malfoy
harry styles
in your request, please be sure to specify the character and situation (make it as detailed as possible).
for an instagram au, please send in a faceclaim with your request
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prpfs · 1 month
Hi! 🔮 Looking for a 20+ roleplay partner to write a Harry Potter/Hogwarts plot with, specifically the Marauders era. I'm looking to play Regulus Black (fancasted as Timothee Chalamet) against a Sirius Black (Ben Barnes), Tom Riddle, Evan Rosier, Remus Lupin, James Potter, or Barty Crouch Jr. As for the others I don’t have any particular faceclaims in mind, but can make some suggestions if need be.
I write on discord. Third-person lit, any wordcount, mirror length. No preferences for my partners. Open to dead dove 🕊️ and 🍪.
Would love to explore some elements of monsterfucking (optional though! if that’s not your cup of tea) and dark magic from the universe. Lots of world-building potential in the magic system! Lots of angst potential with Regulus too. Also open to any AUs!
I’m okay with writing Regulus as a bottom, top, or switch; dom, sub, or vers. My interpretation of him is that he uses his family’s inherent proclivity to darkness/dark magic to make up for his brother’s absence and his misbelief that the latter values ‘friends’ more than blood, fueling his resentment for all non-purebloods as a result. He’s incredibly intelligent and methodical, yet irreparably naive and juvenile: impressionable and lonely enough to become pliant with the right levers pulled. That’s just the surface of how I want to play him!
(As for his partner character, I am okay with writing against any headcanons of them!)
So if this sounds like a Regulus you’d like to see more of, leave a like and I will be in contact!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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ninthads · 10 months
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𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐅𝐌 ; a study in lost souls , magical realism , & a war of the mind . we are a modern day , marauders era roleplay , where each of the students are attending oxford & are being summoned to join an organization called 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 that is as secretive as it is infamous . our aim is to explore connections & develop characters beyond the written text , all while giving a big fuck you to jkr .
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𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆 : where is daisy hookum ?
[ soft launch ... ] october 18th [ admin status ... ] idle [ current reserves ... ] none
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please check under the cut for a minimalistic list of taken characters & faceclaims if you'd like to find out if the muse you're after has already been snatched up before joining the server !
[ taken characters ... ] james potter ( kaden hammond ) , narcissa black ( earthdarlin ) , bellatrix black ( katie mcgrath ) , mary macdonald ( antonia gentry ) , regulus black ( timothee chalamet ) , marlene mckinnon ( paulina chavez ) , lily evans ( havana rose liu ) , alexandria yaxley ( dianna agron ) , sirius black ( herman tommeraas ) , pandora splitstream ( kennedy walsh ) , emma vanity ( adeline rudolph ) , alecto carrow ( ergi bardhollari ) , lucius malfoy ( vinnie hacker ) , alice fortescue ( devyn nekoda ) , rabastan lestrange ( bright vachirawit ) , frank longbottom ( kieron moore ) , remus lupin ( archie renaux ) , rita skeeter ( nicole wallace ) , evan rosier ( thomas doherty ) , peter pettigrew ( kit connor ) , bartemius crouch jr ( froy gutierrez ) , lorcan d'eath ( damiano david ) , titus avery ( lucas apple ) .
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