#radiomogai about
radiomogai · 2 years
quick boundary-setting
it’s starting to look like that ask was a copypasta, so we’re going to go ahead and set a boundary. don’t send us things like that. whether they’re copypastas or they’re genuine, don’t send us that sort of thing. this isn’t the first time we’ve been sent a cryptic and concerning anon ask before, either. those asks fuck with our mental health and we genuinely don’t know what we’re expected to do with them. we’re just a MOGAI archival blog, we can’t be responsible for anyone’s mental health but our own, and in the interest of protecting our own mental health, any asks like that sent to us in the future will result in the sender being blocked
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petrichorvoices · 11 months
i dont know whats going on so sorry if this is irrelevant . but i think ur very cool and contribute lots to the mogai community . ive gone in a gender collecting daze and immediately went to ur account, and have found so many of my old terms on there as well itsgenuinely very uselful
thank you <3 <3 <3 we're glad our archive helps people, our archive is our world
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mogaiers · 2 months
about time i coin this considering i’ve used it for so long personally!
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A role which pretains to an alter who is perpetually aware of front/the body, they do not necessarily have to perpetually be in front (though they can be!!), but they are actively aware of what is going on around the body at the present moment.
Colors are based off The Eye from The Magnus Archives!
tagging; @pluralitywords @pluralterms @radiomogai @system-term-archive @plurchive
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neopronouns · 1 month
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flag id: a flag with 5 stripes, which are dark faded indigo, faded orangish-red, yellow, green, and dark green. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
attrautigen: when one's autism affects how they feel about attraction and gender
[pt: attrautigen: when one's autism affects how they feel about attraction and gender end pt]
for @sqirtle! this is essentially a combination of auti- orientations (ex: autisexual) and autigender, so i took inspiration from those flags for this one. the term is 'attra' from 'attraction', 'auti' from 'autism', + 'gen' from 'gender'!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @neurogenderarchive, @orientation-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai, @freezingnarc | dni link
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revenant-coining · 4 months
[pt: Dysirgirl /end pt]
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[ids: 2 rectangular flags with 7 equally-sized horizontal wavy lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: dark blue-green, blue-green, light blue-green, white, light pink, darkish pink, dark pink. in the center of the first flag is a dark blue-green-to-dark pink venus woman symbol, turned slightly on its side, and wavy, outlined in white. /end id]
Dysirgirl: a gender (& possible dysphorigirl (link) subterm) for identifying as a girl, but also feeling dysphoric about it/being perceived/associated as a girl, due to: not being aligned with femininity and/or woman-hood, being alterhuman/nonhuman, being genderqueer, being mutligender, being genderweird, being genderfluid, etc.
Etymology: dys(phoria), “ir” latin for not, girl
for anon!
@radiomogai , @thecoffeecrew404
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[id: a dark blue line divider. /end id]
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mogai-sunflowers · 11 months
[PT ID: bold lowercase text reading “boyfemme”. End PT ID.]
a term for those who are femmes, but in an inherently boy way- whose boyness is femme or whose femmeness is boy or both, who are femme boys or want their queer boyhood inherently connected with being femme, like they’re only a boy through the lens of being femme! this term is just about embracing connection between being a boy and a femme, being both- a boyfemme!
this term is fully inclusive of, but not exclusive to, femme lesbians!
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[Image ID: A flag with eight equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are medium purple, medium magenta, hot pink, pastel red-pink, pastel orange, pale pink, turquoise, and indigo. In the center of the flag, there is a symbol of a deep magenta flower shape. In the middle, an area the shape of a complete ring filled in partially by a crescent moon, has been erased/hollowed. End ID.]
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[Image ID: A large black-and-white version of the symbol from the flag above. End ID.]
term and flag by me! tagging @radiomogai​ @neopronouns​ @beyond-mogai-pride-flags​ @epikulupu​ @noxwithoutstars​ @dreamythism​ @lovesse​ @puriette​ 
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isobug · 3 months
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Cruel Aro / Mean Aro
For Aros / Aromantics / Arospecs who reclaim the stereotype that they are "cruel" or "mean" for being Aro, particularly for not reciprocating unwanted feelings / crushes / advances from others and for turning others down ( or "not giving them a chance". )
This is intentionally broad, as unfortunately the stereotype is put on us for a myriad of reasons. From partnering Aros being labeled as such for "denying" their Allo partners "true love" or "trapping" them ( even if said partner is perfectly happy in the relationship ) to Arophobes claiming that Aros ( especially Alloaros ) are "cruel" for wanting sex or physical affection without romance.
If you're Aro and you feel comfortable reclaiming this stereotype than please feel empowered to use the term(s) and flag(s)! I will not gatekeep them, I made it to feel better about my own experiences and if you need a similar comfort than you're welcome here!
I would ask that everyone be respectful of ALL Aros and our differing experiences though! There is no "right" or "wrong" way to use / reclaim this, just as there is no singular "true" Aro experience.
( This may overlap with other similar terms such as Evil Aro, Heartless Aro, and others. Please keep in mind that not everyone who is comfortable with this may be comfortable reclaiming or using those specific terms / flag(s), and vice versa! )
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The "demon" symbol represents how Aros are vilified by Arophobes but is completely optional. It's a modified, colored-in version of the "Devil" icon/emoji created by Vecteezy dot com user iyikon / Muhammad Khaleeq. I don't claim to have made it!
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Here are two different versions with the symbol in the top left corner, and a plain flag for those who'd prefer it or would want to place the symbol themselves ( or use an alternate Aro symbol! ) High-quality versions of everything here can be found on my Deviantart ( isobug ) if these are too low-quality.
The format of the flag is inspired by the Loveless Aro and Heartless Aro flags ( abet with the inside stripes being slightly different for contrast reasons ) as my personal reclamation of being labeled as "Cruel / Mean" was inspired by those terms. The colors are from my personal associations with the term(s)!
Taglist - @radiomogai, @revenant-coining
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genderkav · 14 days
Unit AplAro
[pt: Unit AplAro/end pt]
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Unit AplAro (Aplatonic Aromantic): Someone who views their aplatonicism and their aromanticism as a single unit.
I was thinking about unit aroace and thinking about my own experience (as an aplaro), so I decided it would be cool to coin a term for aplaros who does not see their aplatonic and aromantic identities as being split. The color of the first stripe was taken from the aromantic flag and the color of the last stripe was taken from the aplatonic flag. The lighter shades of green and blue were chosen to offer a good contrast, and the middle stripe is an intermediate color between the darker green and the darker blue, chosen to represent a blend between aromantic and aplatonic identities. The arrowed apple symbol was chosen because the arrow is one of the aro symbols and because the apple is one of the aplatonic symbols.
(Note: this term totally includes mesi aplaros)
T: @radiomogai
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gengernoway · 25 days
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˗ˏˋ Gelatineux ´ˎ˗ [pt: gelatineux end of pt] — This attraction is about the initial burst of sweetness and excitement that one feels when they meet someone new and delightful. It's akin to experiencing a sudden sugar rush - the kind that makes your heart pound, mind race, and cheeks flush. Those experiencing Gelatineux are often overwhelmed with a playful and youthful joy, eager to see and talk to the person who sparks this sugary excitement. They get sudden, impulsive desires to engage in silly activities with the object of attraction. —
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— COINED BY ROACH —REQUESTED BY: ANON! anon also wrote the whole term so props to that anon! —TAG : @gengernoway @radiomogai
[pt: coined by roach] [pt: requested by: anon! anon also wrote the whole term so props to that anon!] [pt: tag : @gengernoway @radiomogai]
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[ID: a drawing of a grey simplified cockroach drawing with wide fish eyes and a speech bubble with text in it saying "read our iwc, can't stop you from using the terms but i'll block!" end of id]
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[PT: Spitetive]
Spitetive, a introject source out of spite of something. This can be simply about their existence, spite towards certain groups/things, or a personification of spite.
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[ID: In ALT text]
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[Tags] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai
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kiruliom · 6 months
soundrum poll!!!
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left is 1, middle is 2, right is 3
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left is 4, right is 5
I'll adjust them afterwards so dont worry about polish. these are about general soundrum and not specific to things like music/etc. the final symbol is going to be one singular color and the white parts are so it's easier to make out on darker themes
soundrum: a subtype under conceptum where you're attracted to sounds, music, etc!
tagging people because I want this to reach a wide audience, the being reading this, please reblog as well if you can
@radiomogai @mogai-sunflowers @revenant-coining @gender-mailman @acetrappolaswife @neopronouns
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eparchclass · 3 months
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Exulancian [ex-u-lan-see-an]
Pt: Exulancian [ex-u-lan-see-an] /end pt
A neogender umbrella which is based on the concept of anomalies and being anomalous in the context of the SCP Universe's depiction of anomalies - being anything that cannot be explained through traditional means or could be considered 'magical', such as animals with human intellegence or reality benders.
Pt: Symbol /end pt
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Pt: Terminology /end pt
Exulancine - The Exulancian equivalent of feminine or masculine
Exulancity - The Exulancian equivalent of masculinity or femininity
Exulity - The Exulancian equivalent of masc or fem
Exulanic - Exulancian gender alignment, similar to xenic or kenic
ExIN - Exulancian in Nature
Transpecul / Transariti / Translanci - Someone transitioning to exulancity
Exulanord - Refers to a Exulanix term
Pecul - The Exulancian equivalent of man or woman, plural form is Pecules
Ariti - The Exulancian equivalent of boy or girl, plural form is Aritis
Lanci - General term for anyone who is Exulancian, plural form is Lancis
Pt: Etymology /end pt
Stems from the word "exulansis" from the dictonary of obscure sorrows, meaning "the tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it—whether through envy or pity or simple foreignness—which allows it to drift away from the rest of your life story, until the memory itself feels out of place, almost mythical, wandering restlessly in the fog, no longer even looking for a place to land."
Pecul abd Ariti are based on the word "peculiarly", meaning "an odd or unusual feature or habit"
Pt: Misc /end pt
This term is not inherently a xenogender, though certain terms can overlap with xenogenders
Please tag us if you coin anything under this!
Tagging @radiomogai
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omegai · 7 months
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Werewolf Flags!
pt: werewolf flags
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alpha | beta | omega
for omegaverse/misce+ only.
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this blog is about identity, not kink
@radiomogai @drowntowns
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buntress · 9 months
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[All IDs in alt text]
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🌈🐱 Invinyan 🌈🐱
[PT: Invinyan]
Inviane + Nyan Cat An Inviane [link] gender that can only be described by original nyan cat gif! (Shown below, though idk who doesn't know about nyan cat)
[PT: Inviane + Nyan Cat
An Inviane [link] gender that can only be described by original nyancat gif! (Shown below, though idk who doesn't know about nyan cat) /End PT]
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2023 Coinfight Attack On :: @xyrthemost for 5 points!
Non gif flag + possible pronouns under the cut!!
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If you enjoy what I create, consider leaving a tip on Ko-Fi (link)! /nf
Tagging :: @kiruliom @radiomogai @idem-obscura @inviane-archive @the-mogai-archives @horrgores @hisreturn @haunted-thing @electrosaccharine @keyringmogai
Taglist :: Here [link]
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Possible Pronouns ::
[PT: Possible Pronouns: ]
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neopronouns · 1 year
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flag with symbol flag | symbol
aurethesia: a neogender umbrella for terms related to auroracore/ethereal fantasy and the concepts and visuals behind it
[pt: aurethesia: a neogender umbrella for terms related to auroracore/ethereal fantasy and the concepts and visuals behind it. end pt]
concepts potentially included under aurethesia:
lighter shades of purple, indigo, cyan, pink, and silver, especially luminous/glowing versions of these colors
magic as an expression or manifestation of one's soul/being/identity, or magic otherwise being inextricably tied to one's soul/being/identity, especially if discovering/using that magic changes one's form in some way to reflect it
beauty, purity, and elegance
power, divinity, and otherworldliness
goodness, heroism, hope, and banishing evil
unrealistic, surreal, dreamlike, and magical visuals
stars, clouds, luminosity, iridescence, crystals, feathers, scales, mythical flora and fauna, flowy fabric, magical settings, etc.
and more! i recommend checking out this page on auroracore to get a good feel for the aesthetic and this umbrella.
derived terms:
reth: an aurethesia person. plural is rethi.
aureth: an aurethesia gender. plural is aurethi.
aein: aurethesia-in-nature (ex: aeingender)
aur, aure, ethe, esia, sia: optional prefixes and suffixes for aurethesia genders
aurethine: having aurethesia qualities. the noun form is aurethinity. (aurethesia equivalent of masculine/masculinity, feminine/femininity, etc.)
transaurethine: transitioning towards aurethinity (aurethesia equivalent of transmasc/transfem/etc.)
ethauric: gender alignment to aurethesia/aurethinity
day 6 of my 5000 followers event, ‘a term under a neogender umbrella’! i suppose this doesn't quite fit the prompt, since it's an umbrella itself rather than a term under one, but i'll post some terms under this umbrella later today anyways!
the term is 'aur' from 'aurora', 'ethe' from 'ethereal', + 'sia' from latin 'phantasia', meaning 'fantasy'! it's (roughly) pronounced 'or-eh-thee-shuh', with emphasis on the third syllable.
the colors are taken from various auroracore images, the little 'swoops' at the sides are meant to look like magic spells or flowing fabric, and the symbol is meant to look like a magic wand or staff. the wing is edited from part of pigeon (2) from this folder. i made the symbol a darker color in the image by itself so it wouldn't blend into the default theme.
here are the swoops if anyone wants to coin aurethi!
tags: @radiomogai
flag id: the top image and bottom left image are both a flag with 7 stripes. in order, they are light cyan, soft indigo, indigo, light pink, indigo, soft indigo, and light cyan. at the bottom left and top right corners, emerging from the bottom and top stripes respectively and ending just over two-thirds of the way up and down the height of the flag respectively, are 'swooping' shapes that gradiate from light cyan at the bottom/top edge of the flag to silver-white.
in the center of the top flag is a silver-white symbol that looks like a magic wand. it's made up of a straight line with a rounded diamond, taller than it is wide, at one end. at the same end as the diamond, one on either side of the line and not quite touching the line itself, are small bird wing shapes. the symbol is angled about 30 degrees to the right.
the bottom right image is the same symbol that is on the top flag, this time in indigo. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
dni link
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ravensong-mogai · 11 months
a gender related to round, squishy birds in soft colors!
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[Image ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes, all equally-thick except for the doubly thick central stripe. From top to bottom, the colors are cornflower blue, pale grey-brown, tan, pale grey-brown, and cornflower blue. End ID.]
example of what i’m talking about-
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[Image ID: Two photos of the same bird. The bird is small and roundish, with a broad yet short red beak, a brown head, white cheeks, and a pale brown body. In the top photo, the bird is perched upon someone’s finger, and in the second photo, it is sitting on that person’s hand, and when it sits, it looks like it has “melted” almost, it squishes down and becomes more squishy looking. End ID.]
term and flag by me, requested by @meat-ice-cream​ ! tagging @radiomogai​ and @faunagender​ 
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