#putin has no penis
accessible-tumbling · 10 months
Video description: The Quora site is displayed and the narrator, who has a British accent and is speaking quickly and excitedly, opens by reading from it: "My MacBook Air weighs 2.3 pounds. If I download more files on it, will it make it heavier?
"This is Quora," he continues. "A place where once grand intellectual questions would be mused over. But if you recall, 2 years ago we sadly bid farewell to our friend, Yahoo Answers, a place where those sorts of questions didn't happen, and in that time it seems many Yahoo users have made Quora their new home.
"Do chimpanzees get pregnant? Does anyone live on the sun? How high do planes fly when landing? What percentage of people are going to die? Do lesbians get periods?"
(A response to that question is read in a gruff tone:) "Oh, come on! Where the hell are you getting that question?"
"You are sleeping with your partner and suddenly realize that he/she is a ghost. What would you do? Are there werewolves in Texas? Why does the sausage have two ends? What happens to the time it takes to actually time travel into the past/future? Which hole does an actress push out a baby in a birth sense?"
(Another answer is read:) "She doesn't. She acts."
"I heard that in the Middle Ages, nobles used to wipe their butts with ducklings. Is that right?"
(Response, gruffly:) "No!"
"Is it true that pregnant women should not sleep during a lunar or solar eclipse as it may cause harm to the unborn?"
(Response:) "No. That's the dumbest thing I ever heard."
"Can I sue Germany for putting my grandfather in prison for 7 years in the second world war?"
(Response:) "No, no, no, no, no!"
"Can you think of a sentence that contains the words 'book' and 'crabs'?"
(Response:) "Well, yes, I can."
"Why does the 'bros' abbreviation for 'brothers' end in 's' instead of 'th'?"
(Response:) "Because that would spell 'broth'."
"Do rich people get embarrassed that their servants know what their stuff in the toilet looks like?"
(Response:) "This is a very weird question."
"What happens when we wash vessel and use it with water in which a lizard was dead? Is it poisonous? What can we do?"
(Response:) "Uhh..."
"Why does the United States promote homosexuality and not consider what happened in the petrified village of Pompeii?"
(Response:) "Wha…?"
"How can I have sex with Asia?"
(Response:) "Pretty sure you mean an Asian girl."
"Is Israel on the world map? Are the Irish really from Ireland? My son speaks Arabic. (in a panicked, shouting tone:) What do I do? Does India have airports?"
(Response:) "Putin came to India in 2014 swimming in the ocean. I have a photo to prove." (A flash of a picture of Putin swimming can be seen briefly at this point in the video.)
"Where do animals live? Why are things? What is my date of birth? Do you know a microscope? Real mathematicians (in all caps): I have 5 live cows and then I multiply them by 0. How then do you come and tell me that I end up with 0? Where did the 5 go? Which is larger: 0 or 2+7? Math math what is angle?
(Narrator comment: "I do believe this Quora user was intending to ask 'what are the names of the most powerful angels?' but…) What are the names of moist powerful angles? I'm an atheist who believes in God. What should I do? Why do atheists watch fiction movies? During airplane turbulence, how do atheists keep calm?"
(Narrator comment: "This question I could only find an old link for, even Quora went nowhere, not even, that is way too stupid:) How do atheists know what foods are 'sweet' versus 'sour' or 'bitter'?
"I am 11 and stand at 5 foot 2. Am I obese? Do celebrities fart? What's the meaning of a single white egg left at my door? (narrator's comment: that is weird.)
"My mom slapped her own bum in front of me what does that mean? Is this correct, 'similarvgbhujkljhgtyhujk'? Why is Zelda so 'thicc' in Breath of the Wild? Do demons always say 'I am a demon' when they are introduced? Is it possible to balance your entire body on your penis?"
(Response:) " Yes, but I'm scared of heights."
"I saw the cop the gay eating a raw bird in my backyard. What should I do?" (Narrator comment: "I became a bit obsessed with this question, it's so indecipherable and googled it for clues to find apparently there was much debate on the site about whether this was a weird autocorrect from 'cat'. Which word was supposed to be cat?")
"Can deaf people laugh out loud? Can deaf people do surfing? How do def people know what facial expressions look like and how they're used outside of American Sign Language (ASL)? If so, how do they learn about them if there's no way to see someone else make that face?" (Narrator comment: "I mean, I don't think there's any intelligent questions actually left on this site, is there? Who's asking 'Can music cause candle to light?' Obviously, no!")
"Do people still eat mashed potatoes? (Yes!) Can semen travel up your foot? (No,, it cannot.) Is the word 'stay asleep' alwasy spelled 'J'? (I don't even know what that means.) Do lobsters pee from their faces? (Uh, ugh, are you mad? Obviously no!)"
(Response:) "Yes, as others have pointed out, many crustaceans have two different types of excretory organs, both near the head. Usually only one is used, depending on the age of the animal. Lobsters and crabs, etc, use their urine smell like cats, to mark territory, warn rivals, etc." (Uh..oh.)"
The screen goes white and the scene transitions to footage of the narrator walking up to a door. He places an egg on the mat, then runs away.
End video description.
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What Future Historians Say Will Shock You | Real Time with Bill Maher
And finally, New Rule: Someone, maybe AI, has to figure out a way to slow down time. Because what everyone has been saying to me lately is, "I can't believe it's May." Oh, Americans, we do nothing but bitch about everything under the sun, but damn it, life goes by too fast. It's Memorial Day in a week? Christ, I might as well start my Christmas shopping.
But it is, it's May. A month I have been anticipating for a long time because my book comes out next week. A book I have waited my whole career to write. One that is based on collecting the creme de la creme of these end of the show editorials and reimagining them, but also cover some virgin territory.
For example, I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of what historians of the future will say about us. Imagine it's the year 3024, and you're living in a colony on the planet Musk, formerly Mars. What will the historian say about the Americans of 2024? Well probably, that we were self-absorbed, algorithmically enslaved, on drugs and worshiped a god named Apple.
But what they won't do is write about the very thing that consumes us: our petty squabbles. In the myopia of the present our partisan differences make each side believe they're nothing like the other side. Libtards and deplorables. Historians will disagree. They won't see red on one side and blue on the other. You're thinking of Jaws 3D.
But historians see the character of a people as a whole. The Scots were clannish, the Spartans stoic, the Mongols expansionist, the Greeks were too into anal. And for us, it will be no different. Historians will say, we're also too into anal.
But also, the other thing. They will see us as a singular people with the same pathologies and unappealing traits on both sides. Traits that simply manifest themselves differently. For example, I believe, they will say, Americans of our era were unscientific. One side thought, climate change was a hoax. One thought, gender was a construct. One warred against Mother Nature. One against motherhood. One doubts Evolution, one wears masks when they're alone in the car. Which is kind of like wearing a condom to jerk off.
In medical schools now, professors are so fearful of being labeled transphobic, they have to apologize for saying words like male, female and pregnant woman.
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Katie Herzog writes, "Some of the country's top medical students are being taught that humans are not, like other mammals, a species comprising two sexes." "The notion of sex, they are learning, is just a man-made creation."
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Okay, but generally, the people with breasts and vaginas who give birth are the women and the ones with the penis, hogging the remote are men.
Historians will say that as a people, Americans lost our rationality. They'll say, we were conspiracy theorists. The right wanted to believe that Obama was born in Kenya. The left wanted to believe in Trump's pee tape. We have January 6th Truthers but the Washington Post reports that there are also now October 7th Truthers who believe Hamas never raped anybody and the hostages all died of natural causes. Now, does the right do conspiracy more? I think they do. QAnon and Jewish space lasers. Hillary's pedophile ring, microchips and the vaccine, Sandy Hook didn't happen, the election was stolen, Jews are trying to replace us. Yeah, but of course, on the left… Jews are the Nazis now. Somehow even enemies always find a way to agree to blame everything on the Jews.
I think, future historians will see us as a sad people, saddled with a genetic predisposition to always break into factions and then be consumed with the hate that engenders. Each side in America right now considers the other an existential threat. To the point where both camps literally collaborate with foreign enemies over fellow Americans.
Republican news channels use Russian talking points. Their voters wear t-shirts that say, "I'd rather be Russian than Democrat" and their leader sides with Putin. When today's Republican watches Rocky IV, they root for Ivan Drago.
Meanwhile, on the left this happened. Americans chanting death to America. College professors and their students exhilarated by aligning with a theocratic murderous terrorist group with values fundamentally opposed to our own.
Finally, I think, the people of the future will ironically be puzzled by our common desire to live in the past. On Fox News they're always pining for 1950, to make America great again. And in The Huffington Post it's always 1619, and nothing has changed.
For people so being into the moment, nobody seems to wanna live in the year we're living in. Trump's entire shtick is to return America to some idyllic time when the traditional family was a husband, a wife, a couple of kids and a porn star on the side. A time when America was the only Superpower and you could drink at work. When a cheeseburger cost a dime and a girl brought it to you on roller skates and she liked it when you complimented her ass. Nikki Haley says, "America was never racist." And then there are voices on the left saying racism has never been worse.
And the normies in the center say, "how hard is it to meet in the middle and just not be stupid about shit?" And that's who my book is for. People who don't wanna be stupid about shit.
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dwestfieldblog · 1 year
So, God save the King eh? At 100 million pounds, his cosplay bash was well worth the moolah…indeed, my bosom swelled with pride to read that Take That, Lionel Richie and two of the Muppets were there to aid the celebrations. Nothing but the best for GB. A few houses around here still have massive British flags hanging down from 2nd floor windows, one has a long string of pennants attached down to a broken wall. Nice metaphor. Those against the monarchy were arrested outside the coronation whether or not they had padlocks, rape alarms and superglue with which to protest. Peaceful protest in a democracy? Stay at home and rant quietly lest thy neighbours report thee. Had a chat with a woman up the street about Brexit and patriotism…who said; ‘The Scottish are Scots, the Welsh are Welsh, the Irish are Irish but the English are British’.
Imagine this mentality multiplied on similar themes all over the world, and we get the current Russian war, Sudan, racists, Arab wars, Trump fans, Chinese ‘communists’, fundamentalists etc, etc. THIS group, OUR group are the most important, enslave the others and if they disagree with such inhuman bondage, punish until pliant or just kill them. Behold, the Elite have become as Gods. Robert Anton Wilson said that he had always taken the viewpoint that sure there was an elite running the world…and it was him and his friends. A more optimystic viewpoint to have, good humour is better for the immune system than hatred, says Dave, arf arf.
Very glad to see Finland join NATO in April, Turkey and Hungary continue to hum and haa over Sweden assession as the former are moaning about Kurds and the latter because of the suspension of EU funds, cancelled due to its dodgy practices…Orban is not really a big fan of democracy…the Trump of Eastern Europe, still trying to stay mates with Vlad. As is Erdogan. Massive human rights violations under him ensured Turkey won’t be getting into the Good Guys club (arf) of the EU anytime soon. However, they are both in NATO (Turkey has the second largest army) and should know far better than to kow tow to Putin on any level. Let’s hope the May 14th election will up seat Racip Tayyip. Get him out, peacefully but surely.
An American parent complained that a school history trip featuring Michelangelo’s statue of David was ‘pornographic’ and suddenly the principal is sacked. One parent. Of a 12-year-old. A modest, circumcised stone penis and testicles is offensive? Must have been a ‘christian’. The western world 2023; Art is pornography now. And Kali bless the NRA. People should be aggressively tested for intelligence before they are allowed to have children. Especially in America. How do these ‘adults’ function on this planet? What next, Mona Lisa veiled because of the curve of her breast and suggestive smile? The masses are dumb partly because they pander to the minority of the dumber.
Apparently, the international arrest warrants for Putin and Maria Belova (Children’s Rights Commissioner (sic) for Baldhead) are ‘outrageous and unacceptable’. Invasion, murder and mass kidnap deportations of children for reprogramming are not decent legal reasons? Ok. Foully rotten to see the two Ruscist slapheads Prigozhin and mad Vlad dick measuring over ammunition and dead bodies. And today, the glorious May Day Victory parade in Moscow featured one tank. Not quite Beijing or Pyongyang standards. ‘The world is at a turning point’ said Vlad, still ranting about the ‘nazis’ in Ukraine. That would be the nazis who democratically elected a Jewish actor as their president. Seems likely huh? And again with ‘the West wants to destroy Russia’ rhetoric. No they don’t Vlad, just you and your band of criminals. You are not Russia.
Xi Jinping in Moscow, still slyly giving tacit and very complicit support for the War as they don’t much approve of areas seeking to remain independent of big brother. (Witness also, their keen support for the mass murdering Myanmar junta) Winnie the Pooh, leader for life just like Putin. Tik Tok/tick tock you bastards. At least Xi seems to have chosen his successor…Surely Mad Vlad is not loopy enough to think the appallingly insane Medvedev could take over? Lock them all together in a bunker with one pistol.
Meanwhile the West must utterly excrete (I said excrete not execute) Trump and Boris. Might just be possible (please Shiva) but unlikely the East will ever get shot of (I said shot of not shoot) Putin and Pooh. As said before in other formats by my hand, the West might be decadent liars and killers but those in the East make us look like clones of the Dalai Lama. How will the world ever move forward into love, peace and net zero? AI has the solution…remove the need for any humanity whatsoever. Or improve and evolve them. Now there’s an idea, quick, trap it, regulate it, drive it underground to build in supressed power…
Boris Johnson swore to tell the whole truth about Partygate but did he FK? He needs to be swamped with lawsuit after lawsuit just like his brother in harm Trump. The perfect empty reality tv stars of the West with Megan Markle as their Victim Queen. Risible Sunak goes to school giving a lecture about the importance of Maths, failing to appreciate the bitter irony of his mis handling of his previous job and the billions lost due to foul pandemic deals, cronies and Brexit. And his own extended family getting business deals via policy….
Conservatives Thatcher and Major led the country for 18 years and the government was a brown shower of corruption by its end, leading to a landslide victory by Tony Blair which kept the Labour party in power (don’t count Gordon Brown) for 13 years, also ending in scandal and corruption. This current gang of criminals and morons of the Tory party have now been in power for 13 years. And this country has been irrevocably ruined by them. (Opinion based on stats and business reports.) There is no possible way Labour can shore up the finances, employment, and health care system of this country in a term or two unless some type of V for Vendetta type crackdown (but this time for real) is enforced. So we will be treated to the sight of bullshitter Boris et al ridiculing the new Government as they wade through a swamp of sewage which they will inherit. Much the same way as the Republicans did when Obama took over the massive deficit they had created and for which they then blamed him.
The holy DAO…a decentralised autonomous organisation free of governmental control and hierarchies, sounds good? As usual, depends on the character of the humans involved. Hierarchies always develop according to variations on the food chain and even an equally skilled pack (animal or man) working as a team will allow pragmatic nature to select a top dog. The round table still reserved the biggest chair for the king. Use nationalism, religion, fear, a cocktail of all three. Never fails. Never will. Kill for your country, protect your family and uphold the common values. (But Sir, what if the common values are based on wilful ignorance due to obviously selectively released information and encouraged prejudice? Questions a timid voice from the back of the class.)
Politicians are advised of underling psychology and act accordingly.  The constant daily manipulation of the millions who are seemingly unable to think for themselves, apparently prefer the clearly corrupt to control their reactions for them. Stir the mass, wind them up and watch them go, basing reactions on whipped up emotion rather than actual facts. Country after country, group after group. Still blaming the Bignoses (or, if you are Russian, the Bignoses AND the Nazis, not quite yet understanding their own current actions and words are in no way dissimilar to Nazis.) What are all these poor little racist didums going to do when Soros departs for higher planes? The good Christians will have to get louder about Bill Gates or the dodgy android Zuckerberg. Or Elon…
(Musk says Artificial intelligence is a dangerous thing, while buying into it. ‘Civilisation destruction’ a strong possibility he said, while buying into it. After all, who wants to be left behind in the race to destroy humanity and make money? Loved the beautiful press release from Elon’s people that his spaceship Starship (arf) experienced a ‘rapid unscheduled disassembly before stage separation’. I will call my next mental breakdown that. Unless he has copywritten it already.)
‘If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers’ Thomas Pynchon Gravity’s Rainbow. The West and East will never stop their chosen methods of manipulation, why should they when they work so well? Millions’ noisy addictive focused attention on the dreams of fake lives in fame and glamour and millions more afraid of the totalitarian knock on the door. Almost all avoiding the question of ‘Who are these whorepigs governing us? ‘And ‘Can any among us truly rule fairly when man lacks consistent self-control?’. The instinct to survive turns into greed, More ! is never satisfied, so faster and faster swirling into the void of absolute entropy upon which leaders have tried to enforce control, but have failed (and will continue to do so) because they have spent centuries hollowing the centre.
‘Democracy is indispensable to socialism’. Lenin, hmmm, he also said: ‘It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be rationed’. Easy to say when your boss has all the gulags. ‘A lie told often enough becomes the truth’, and don’t the leaders on all sides just believe that as an immutable fact? Whereas when one repeats a provable fact, it maintains its structural integrity in the face of unbelieving ridicule That said, even E=MC squared is only a pixel in the cosmic landscape. It is the thoughts of ‘God’ which are the sub atomic particles transforming to waves, once observed by the individual which flow through mirrors of ‘neural pathways’ in all dimensions.
This is me sober, just on Alta Rica coffee in the afternoon, listening to The Stargazers Assistant, Mirrors and Tides, Shivers and Voids on headphones. With a crunchy red apple, just before a colossal rain storm. And a day later with Popol Vuh’s  beauty on speakers, trying hard to avoid the crushing aboulia which is now constantly at the door of the heart. Dopamine circuits malfunctioning. When my respect for someone ends, they are Done, never been afraid to cull dead weight and now…it has come round to me. Like best friends, I have given myself many extra undeserved chances but now as Leonard said ‘the evidence accumulates’ and has become overwhelming…Need to do a couple more decent things with a new Will once the overlong and criminal process of inheritance tax is over months from now and then let go.
A lady up my road lost her husband last month to rapid onset dementia; I had met him some weeks before and had a fine thirty-minute conversation on many topics.  He had been a gunner in bombers in the second world war and adored music, but during his last two weeks when his wife brought him tapes to the hospital of Mozart et al, he ordered her ‘Turn that noise off’. I had always thought that however ill I would get in the future, as long as I could hear music, there would be still be joy in life. Never occurred to me how the brain can change its mind so definitively about what was Loved. 
‘I dream of a government that resembles jury service’. Jaz. Damn right. People who want to serve and improve/evolve society. A group only in temporary power for a fixed length of time before being replaced by similar albeit individual minds. Not years of lying greedy scumbags changing laws to suit their needs and handing out contracts to their mates before checking they can actually deliver. The flaws in this idea remain large and revolve around finding humans who are actually steadfast but flexible, rationally intuitive, good hearted without being wishy washy and strong enough to remain incorruptible by vested interests. Hmm, seems verrry likely. So, just allow nuclear war by arseholes or AI to breed humans the right way. A Matrix Terminator future. Or?
Happy springtime rising into summer, stay healthy, be free, realise in glimpses.
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lindsaywesker · 1 year
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Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Dog food is tested on humans.
Penis enlargement surgeries are free in Cuba.
2.7 million Americans work for either Walmart or Amazon.
Scientists have discovered a species of algae that tastes like bacon.
1.5 million trolleys are stolen from British supermarkets every year.
If your parents are happily married, your risk of divorce decreases by 14%.
Jack Nicholson once got detention at school every single day for a year.
Walt Disney used to pack his testicles in ice to improve his sperm count.
In 2010, a doctor in Blackpool spent £1,200 trying to win a cuddly toy at a hoopla stall.
The first pornographic film came out in 1895, just a few months after the first regular movie.
Nelson was about 5’ 4". His statue on top of the column in London is about 18ft. That's Horatio of about 3:1
During the 2012 Russian election (when Putin was elected for a third term), one region registered a voting turnout of 146%.
If your name begins with a letter that is towards the end of the alphabet, you are likely to struggle more when getting your first job.
Every year, a village in Montenegro hosts a ‘lying down’ championship. This year's champion spent about 60 hours lying down.
2022 saw the highest number of people ever diagnosed with gamophobia, which is the fear of commitment, relationships and marriage.
Elon Musk and Bill Gates have joined forces to make a penis enhancer. Early reports say they plan to name the product Elongates.
Research at MIT has shown that only half of perceived friendships are mutual. Only half the people you consider friends think of you as a friend and vice versa.
In 2008, a Japanese man found a homeless woman living in the top compartment of his closet after setting up a security camera because his food kept disappearing.
In ancient Greek mythology and folklore, the act of women exposing their genitals was believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits or demons. A practice known as ‘anasyrma’ or ‘ana-suromai’.
In 2019, an accountant in London who’d endured years of being bullied at work decided to ‘go out with a bang’ and stole £170k from his employer. He spent it ALL in one weekend on prostitutes and cocaine.
In the town of Whittier, Alaska, almost everyone lives in one building. 90% of the town's residents live in one 14-storey building that also houses a post office, shop, police station, health clinic and a bed & breakfast.
In 2010, UK retailer GameStation claimed to own 7,500 souls after putting a clause in their online terms that stated, "By placing an order via this website ... you agree to grant us a non-transferable option to claim, for now and for ever more, your immortal soul."
In Indiana, a 25-year-old delivery driver, Nick Bostic, risked his own life to save five children trapped in a house fire, running into the burning building and safely escorting four children outside and then leaping from a window with the fifth. He made a full recovery.
In 2010, a Harvard student decided to give up on life and shot himself in the head leaving behind a suicide note, explaining in thorough detail why “life was meaningless”. The suicide note he left behind was 1905 pages long.
On April 28th, 2023, the ground really moved for one woman during the second movement of the LA Philharmonic’s performance of Tchaikovsky’s 5th Symphony, when she experienced a “loud and full body orgasm.” Several concertgoers described the woman’s climactic moment from the balcony at the packed Walt Disney Concert Hall. “Everyone kind of turned to see what was happening,” Molly Grant, who was sitting near the overjoyed woman, told the Los Angeles Times on Sunday. “I saw the girl after it had happened, and I assume that she … had an orgasm because she was heavily breathing,” she said. “It was quite beautiful,” Grant added. An audio clip purporting to capture the woman’s moment of ecstasy has gone viral. British composer Magnus Fiennes, brother of actor Ralph Fiennes, also was in attendance. “A woman in the audience had loud and full body orgasm during the 5th’s second movement. Band politely carried on,” he said on Twitter. However, some social media users expressed their doubts about the incident, with one who was present suggesting that the woman had a medical emergency. Fiennes insisted, “It absolutely happened. Was in close proximity and had no less than eight other friends attending. All reached a similar conclusion.” Classical pianist Sharon Su added in a tweet that she “checked with someone who works at the LA Phil and they confirmed” that the incident was real and that the orchestra did not stop playing during Tchaikovsky’s 5th. The LA Times reported that its sources and the audio clip corroborated the accounts that the orchestra did not miss a beat during the explosive moment. Music agent Lukas Burton told the LA Times that the woman’s loud moan was “wonderfully timed” to a “romantic swell” during the performance. “One can’t know exactly what happened, but it seemed very clear from the sound that it was an expression of pure physical joy,” Burton told the paper.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day. Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday! I love you all.
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tommiesunshine · 2 years
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British street artist Banksy confirmed to The Art Newspaper he created seven murals in various locations in Ukraine, including the capital Kyiv, the suburb of Irpin & the town of Borodyanka—among the places hardest hit by Russian bombardments. Speculation had been mounting that the anonymous artist was in the war-torn country after three works were spotted last week. One mural depicts a man said to resemble the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, being thrown to the floor during a judo match with a young boy—Putin holds a black belt in the sport. Another work shows two children using a metal tank trap as a seesaw, while a third mural, painted within the ruins of a bombed building, is of a gymnast doing a handstand. Banksy has now confirmed these as well as a further four works. They include a woman in her dressing gown, hair in curlers, wearing a gas mask and wielding a fire extinguisher; a bearded man taking a bath; & another piece in which Banksy appears to have incorporated existing graffiti of a penis, turning it into a nuclear warhead loaded onto the back of an armoured truck. Borodyanka, a town around 54km northwest of Kyiv, was besieged by Russian forces early on in the invasion and subjected to aerial bombardment. It was recaptured in April, & Ukrainian investigators subsequently found dozens of mass graves where the bodies of civilians, who had been tortured & killed, had been buried. There have also been calls for investigations into alleged Russian war crimes in Irpin & neighboring Bucha. The new works are Banksy’s first public murals in more than a year, though this is not the first time his work has been associated with Ukraine. In March, a print of one of his most famous anti-war pieces, CND Soldiers, was sold at auction, raising $106,505 for a children’s hospital in Kyiv. The original mural first appeared outside the Houses of Parliament in London in 2003, during protests against the war in Iraq. (modified text from @theartnewspaper.official) (at The Ukraine Cultural Center Of Los Angeles) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClCGx5jPTkG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mongowheelie · 5 months
Why Is Putin Running Scared of the Penis?
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ancestorsofjudah · 6 months
2 Kings 12: 19-21. "The Facility."
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Joash institutes a Zoe, a convention throughout the population, like laying cable on a seabed in order to connect continents.
"Sharing wealth requires convention, and speech and script are manifestations of that (JOHN 1:4). Life is a cloud of interactions. Its beginning may be feeble and weak (JAMES 4:14) but it has the potential to bring about God's Kingdom (HEBREWS 12:1, 1 THESSALONIANS 4:17)."
In modern times we would call this minting money. The Crown and the Federal Reserve at the behest of the King and State Houses can make money appear out of thin air and bubbble up prosperity from underneath the population.
There is a science to this, we are quite good at it when the will to do is there. Proper management of a Mint puts an end to greed, corruption, poverty, it ends wars, and reconstructs war zones. It is difficult to imagine because all of our money is invisible now, but all the money in the world has originated from persons or institutions affiliated with the government. All of it ends up in the hands of private individuals no matter what happens.
Should the intention of minting money be to end poverty, apartheid, war, all the kinds of strife, certainly those things are for sale. They can be purchased and traded in for a better world if one wants to do a good job of it. We know this works.
Washington DC used to be called the Murder Capitol of the World. Mayor Muriel Bowser its most recent Mayor rebuilt nearly the entire city by building new schools, working with developers and her Police Chief and now there are few problems. Her government is federally funded and her bank also collects taxes. We know hosw to make cityscapes work. Why Mayor Bowser can do it and Vladimir Putin cannot is not because the science isn't there its because the character is missing.
How to maintain one's Character is the focal point of this Book of Kings. Joash in spite of himself lost his due to a conspiracy and an assassination.
Now what are these and how do they mold the Character of the King or the Prince? Or those in line to become either?
The entire Torah is a Conspiracy designed to wipe out all that ignoble and impure about the human condition. Right from the beginning of Bereshit, God explains how mankind is the pinnacle of creation and his approach to sentience is staged. It has problems, tests, there are issues. The first issue we encounter is the penis.
The Torah says do not let the penis conspire against you, conspire against it. This requires absolute authority of one's Officials, the faculties, to achieve preeminence over the root drivers of one's personality from how the eyes see, the ears hear, all the appetites.
Should any of these rebel against their owner, there will be little slip ups. Big slip ups require assassinations. Joash was assassinated because in spite of the Zoe, his officials could not control his greed.
He minted money but took more than his share. The Officials felt the kingdom had places to go, needed the extra money for the roads, and the selfish king was in the way so they killed him:
19 As for the other events of the reign of Joash, and all he did, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Judah? 
20 His officials conspired against him and assassinated him at Beth Millo, on the road down to Silla. 
21 The officials who murdered him were Jozabad son of Shimeath and Jehozabad son of Shomer. He died and was buried with his ancestors in the City of David. And Amaziah his son succeeded him as king.
The Gematria for the above verses are:
v. 19 the value in Gematria is 6606, ו‎ו‎אֶפֶסו‎, "and Ephesus", "time to move on."
v. 20 Beth Millo is the "house that overflows."
"The root מלל (malal) relates to the cycle of harvest, storage and redistribution. Various derivative forms emphasize the various stages: the severing of something from its natural origin, or its subsequent storage in dedicated facilities, or the redistribution or overflowing from those facilities.
Verb מלל (malal) may be used to mean to utter or say (and the speaking of the mouth equals the overflowing of the heart). Noun מלה (milla') describes an uttering. Noun מלילה (melila) describes an ear of wheat.
This verb may also emphasize the languishing and withering of whatever was cut off, in which case it has a more common by-form, namely אמל ('amal). Adjectives אמלל ('amelal) and אמלל ('umlal) both mean feeble.
This verb may also be used to mean to circumcise, in which case it has a more common by-form, namely מול (mul). This latter verb comes with a second by-form, namely מהל (mahal), which actually mostly means to weaken.
The verb מלא (male') means to be full, speaking mostly of a storage facility that's been filled with whatever was extracted from the land that produced it. It may also describe a river that's overflowing, or a person who acts from the contents of his heart. Nouns מלא (male') and מלאה (mele'a) mean fullness.
Nouns מלאה (millu'a) and מלאת (mille't) denote the filling of gold with jewels and nouns מלא (millu') and מלוא (millu') describe a setting or installing of monumental stones or the ordination of priests."
The Road to Silla= the economics of "feeding the multitude."
"The verb סלל (salal) primarily means to cast or heap up, and is mostly used in relation to building highways. Highways, of course, come to pass when first a heap of individuals individually choose to take the same route, thus creating a natural path, after which a government of sorts piles rocks upon the path and tops it off with pavement.
In much the same way, collective handiness evolves into a natural or spontaneous cultural quality, and finally a formal technology from which even foreigners may benefit.
Likewise the command to create a highway for the Lord in the desert has nothing to do with Jeeps and Land Rovers and everything with growing smarter as a natural people and finally bringing forth formal science (or language or technology).
Likewise "lifting up the Lord" has nothing to do with howling inane homages toward the church ceiling, but rather with achieving responsible mastery of created nature.
Noun סללה (solela) describes a piled up mound or wall. Noun סלם (sullam) describes Jacob's ladder, which obviously wasn't actually a ladder but rather a reference to cognition. Nouns מסלה (mesilla) and מסלול (maslul) mean highway. The verb סלה (sela) is only used in the imperative form, and as a musical term that commands people not simply to rise up but to settle their verbal expressions into a harmonious whole.
Verb סלה (sala) also means to pile up but emphasizes the tossing and particularly the tossing aside of elements that won't fit a standard. This verb (or an identical other) is also used to describe the heaping up of gold bits in order to weigh them against a standard weight.
Noun סל (sal) probably derives from סלל (salal) and describes a kind of basket, obviously one used to pile stuff into. A most obvious discussion of this root and its methods and effects is found in the New Testament, as the various accounts of the miraculous "feeding of the multitude."
The value in Gematria is 3517, ג‎ה‎א‎ז, "that's it" = the pursuit of an ever evolving state of universal happiness.
v. 21:
Jozabad= What God has given
Shimeath= "a report of fame"
Jehozabad= gifts and talents
Shomer= take creat care over
The City of David= and long lasting beauty
Amaziah= and great strength and power will be yours
The value in Gematria is 11877, יאחזז‎‎, yeahzz, "God's Attributes are the Officials."
"The Hebrew verb עזז ('azaz), generally means to be strong or powerful. This verb is often applied to denote one of God's inherent qualities (Psalm 89:13) compared to man's weakness."
As far as our Russia probleme and the one in Gaza and other places in the world where there are surprising numbers of homeless and impoverished persons, a simple boolean analysis fo what makes Washington DC a success and these places failures in comparison will tell us how to elevate conditions and manage them long-term.
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thefree-online · 7 months
Shock Scandal: Call to fight Erection of ‘Snow Penises’ across Russia branded as Anti-Putin State Subversion
from thefreeonline on 8th Nov 2023 by HomeRussiaBanned A plague of frozen phalluses has infested Ekaterinburg ©  Telegram / @SvetEKB Officials in the Russian city of Ekaterinburg have called on the police to investigate a series of penis-shaped snow sculptures that keep cropping up across the city. Vice-Mayor Alexey Bubnov has instructed the public to smash the offensive organs on sight. “Law…
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kragnir · 8 months
Wonderful! Pour a bucket of red pain over it to symbolize the blood he’s spilling in Ukraine.
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bren-mc-carthy · 1 year
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Rumour has it that Putin has a Micro Penis and only one bollock. Подейкують, що у Путіна є мікропеніс і лише один боллок. 😱😬🤣😂 (at Kremlin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnITeceo45u/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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financialsmatter · 1 year
$45 Billion MORE to Ukraine?
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It’s bad enough that we’ve given in excess of $60 Billion to Ukraine but now they expect $45 Billion More? And adding insult to injury the true Nazi Zelensky is saying to OUR CONGRESS that $45 Billion isn’t enough. Talk about ungrateful. Let’s get some perspective here. $45 Billion is more than the entire GDP of Ukraine last year. Russia’s total military expenses were $65 Billion. And this ungrateful SOB wants more? And him addressing our Congress brings up an interesting question that the world may soon ask. Is flying Zelensky on a U.S. Air Force jet and allowing him to address our Congress a declaration of war against Russia. Keep in mind that only six years ago, this comedian president was performing for audiences by playing a piano with his penis. And the video is available on the YouTube link below…if you can stomach seeing it. Volodymyr Zelenskyy 2016 Playing Piano with Penis (211) Volodymyr Zelenskyy 2016 Playing Piano with Penis - YouTube $45 Billion More AND… Meanwhile, in addition to the $45 Billion, O’Biden is giving up our Patriot Missiles to Ukraine…just like we said in our recent Saturday Rant…Don’t Trust Ukraine (Here) At this point I don’t what else to say except Poking Bears in the middle of winter is never wise. Question:  Has anyone thought to ask:  Has this ever worked in the past? Sad to say our Uber corrupt politicians will never ask that question. Why? Because it would be met with a resounding NO! And given that the clock is now ticking, Moscow will likely unleash more intense and escalatory airstrikes on Ukrainian cities and command and control bases. As a result, the West will collectively cry out how Putin is going to destroy the world. And if we don’t go to war with Russia, we’re all gonna die. So, can you blame Putin?   If you struggle to answer that question then reverse the scenario. What would a normal American President do (present company excepted) if Russia was supplying Billions to a nation to provoke us to war?   In any event, allowing Zelensky to speak in front of our Congress, while watching sickening politicians give him praise and honor - comparing him to Churchill -  should make you want to puke. They mock us openly. And these demonstrations of insane behavior/political posturing will be gasoline to the inferno of the Political Chaos 2023. Are you awake yet? If not then read our January issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE) to get a better feel for what to expect and how to deal with it in 2023. And while you’re at it, be sure to take advantage of a 50% discount for our newsletter as a Christmas present. Go (HERE) and use the code Save 50. Share this with a friend…especially if they haven’t seen Zelensky’s comedy videos. They’ll thank YOU later. We’re Not Just About Finance. But we use finance to give you hope. ************************** ************************************** Invest with confidence. Sincerely, James Vincent The Reverend of Finance Copyright © 2022 It's Not Just About Finance, LLC, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. Read the full article
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
The UK expression bellend is rather uncommon on this side of the Atlantic. The closest North American equivalent would be dickhead. We welcome linguistic feedback from our British friends on this. 🙂
In any event, there’s a village in Worcestershire called Bell End. Residents took advantage of their rudely named municipality to erect a statue of Vladimir Putin who was awarded the title of Bellend of the Year.
The Russian leader earned the gong after launching his bloody invasion of Ukraine, leading to tens of thousands of casualties on both sides of the conflict.
The monument was put up in Bell End, Worcestershire, so eggs could be hurled at it on Thursday.
The protest's organiser - who did not want to give their name - said: "I needed to award somebody with the Bellend of the Year award and I thought there was one person who has universally been a bellend this year - and that's Vladimir Putin.
[ ... ]
Within his own country, Putin has tried to keep his grip on power by imposing harsh jail terms for critics of the war and brutally clamped down on protests that broke out after the war began and when mobilisation was announced.
He recently had to cancel his yearly question-and-answer session, a largely scripted affair designed to promote his image. There are ongoing questions about how healthy he is and whether his position is secure given the way the war has panned out.
In Bell End, the protest organiser said they were going to sell small figures of the statue to raise money for Ukrainian refugees.
Somebody should buy up a bunch of those small Putin bellend figurines and use a drone to drop them on Red Square.
With all respect to the awesome villagers of Bell End, Ukraine had publicly (if unofficially) designated Putin a dickhead back in 2014. After Putin illegally annexed Crimea and started a proxy war in Luhansk and Donetsk in 2014, the chant of “Putin – dickhead” («Путін хуйло» in Ukrainian; «Путин хуйло»  in Russian) became common at many public events. It’s also displayed as graffiti.
Here’s a soccer match in Kyiv from 2014 featuring thousands of fans chanting that Putin a dickhead.
Путін хуйло is pronounced the way you would pronounce Putin juylo in Spanish.
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saschaederer · 2 years
Last night:
- Image of a seemingly pregnant woman being raped by something of a tentacle
- Sexual depictions of my mother
- Constructed dream where David Otto has been taking care of Chrissi, who has been poisoned with 2CB
- Throughout the night, many more constructed dreams involving several friends of mine, including apparently Nadine Hilwig
- Constructed dream with someone saying „Putin can elect in the middle of the night and has been doing so since twenty years“
- Image of the Hearthstone win screen with Valeera (who I associate with an assassin) and a censored penis on top
- Constructed dream where I was fighting something of a Gundam together with a female. The Gundam turned more and more into a woman, who then ran outside and sat down on a bench. My colleague and I ran after her, then my colleague held her down while I beat her vagina with my weapon, proceeding to try and rape her. I thought „It‘s much easier to have sex in front of others during war“, then she stood up and left
- „Several years”
- „Presidential election“
Note: Since a while, they‘d been mixing truths with falsehoods, like they would in a disinformation tactic
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dwestfieldblog · 11 months
‘I had wonderful love but I did not give back wonderful love…There were people who loved me very very deeply and very genuinely, but I was unable to reply to their love…because I was obsessed with some fictional sense of separation, that I couldn’t reach across the table for it, I couldn’t reach across the bed, I couldn’t reach across my song and touch the thing that was being offered me.’ Leonard nails it again…but at least I learned why it was so. Decades too late perhaps. Here’s some politics and science fantasy for July…
On a nice Sunday in May, that awfully nice giant gimp Lukashenko invited any who wished, to ‘join the Union State of Belarus and Russia…there will be nuclear weapons for everyone.’ Let the party begin. A few weeks later his bitch master sent a first consignment of penis substitutes, vibrators with a payload of mass death to assure him of their deepening friendship and the sexual tension between them rises…Followed in June by the gayest insurrection ever as another greedy one track minded alpha male leads his merry band of murderers to Moscow, then quickly changes his mind to ‘avoid bloodshed’. His.
Putin admitted that the Kremlin had given almost one billion dollars of payments to the Wagner Group. A heroic president using his peoples tax money to employ the scum of mercenaries and convicts. About whom President L said ‘These are people who fought all over the world to establish a normal civilisation. The west hates them to the core’. That would be a ‘normal civilisation’ ruled by mass killings, rape, burnings and zombie barbarian savagery. Prigozhin is now sheltering under the auspices of Belorussia, waiting for defenestration or poisoning. The Russian way.
It seems to have taken quite a long while for the wonderfully wholesome British government to acknowledge what their secret services and navy have been trying to tell them for years…the pipeline under the North Sea packed with infrastructure fibre optic cables (which carries 95 percent of internet traffic to the UK) is profoundly at instant risk. 400 undersea cables, half of which are critical, cables with over 8 trillion pounds of financial transactions run through daily, all mapped out by Russian survey ships and submarines…who have attached explosive charges at various points. When the excrement hits the fan, Putin presses a button on his special long table and boom, goodbye. ‘Based on the proof (sic) of western countries’ complicity in blowing up the Nord stream pipelines, we have none, not even moral limitations left to refrain from destroying our enemies’ undersea communications cables’. Thus sprake the unhinged Medvedev, laying his dead man’s hand on the table. Politicians, eh?
Ahh, the Rightly Dishonourable Boris (‘let the bodies pile high in the streets’) Johnson the serial Liar, is found deeply in contempt of parliament, the British public, women and any dissimilar to his own character. Leaves before he is pushed, like a bloke telling a girl he knows no longer loves him that it is over before she dumps him, in order to feel in control. Yet another massage for a childish ego. And the only ones to defend him are the dregs in his dishonours list. Being a Knight has never meant less than it does these days in England.
His resignation statement mentioned that he was ‘bewildered and appalled’ that he could ‘be forced out, anti-democratically…with such egregious bias’. You blustering charlatan and snake oil merchant, it certainly WAS democratic, not ‘deranged’. Just a pity the ‘kangaroo court’ couldn’t disembowel him with a kick. Seems possible he will form his own party of right-wing nut jobs (hello mad Nadine and Jack Off Rees Mogg) for all the tens of GB News watchers and desperate Brexiteers still waiting for the carrot…but masochistically, endlessly taking the stick rather than admit they hadn’t thought the leaving-the-union-thing through. Phew. So they double down on ignorance based on righteous nationalism and call that pride. That combination NEVER has a happy end.
17 million voted for Brexit on an island of almost 70 million. What percentage of them are actually feeling any benefit whatsoever? The poor being drained dry to feed the rich… ‘The more you take, the more you need, the more you suck, the more you bleed’. Indeed. 13 years of broken promises, of pompous conservative arrogance doing everything but actually serving the public. Don’t look back, good days ahead. Our rivers are now SEWERS and the water companies will charge us millions for the excrement they released. The evisceration of the National Health Service has left it very close to flatlining. When nurses can be paid more as checkout girls in Tesco, something is criminally wrong. And as for thin hipped tiny Smiler Sunak’s masterplan to train thousands more health staff - what is the point if they are not being paid enough? We will end up with more exhausted underpaid semi-professionals and an even sicker population. 
Now onto 6 and 7 of the deluded men in this blog…
Andrew Tate ‘…I genuinely believe I am acting under the instructions of God to do good things and I want to make the world a better place’. Says an overly aggressive ape-man who made his fortune via violence, scams and misogyny, and seems likely to have raped and set up a slave ring. Oh, how sweet, take away all his toys. He and his cohorts will thrive in prison. Always room inside for tough guy alpha males. Of COURSE, he has gone on ‘Truth Social’ (the petulant psycho version of ultra twitter for the criminally insane) with Trump, to stamp their feet. You two should get a room, you belong together.
USA …37 (count them) federal charges over classified documents… ‘Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this.’ Arf arf arf…No wonder Donald wanted to ‘reform’ the CIA, he KNOWS they know just how mind buggeringly stupid he is. I read the transcript of sex offender Trump’s reaction to his second indictment…scary as to how inept he is at speaking or linking any coherent thought together. Identical types of phrases to Boris (and/or vice versa) or any other type of child man. ‘I’m an innocent man, I did nothing wrong’. You both did everything wrong. You continue to do so. And the scum moron Q Onans and the greedy religious groups still support his scam because he makes the entire business of fraud via ‘You give us your soul and money and we will sell you bullshit, so hilariously blatant and lucrative that millions remain blind believers.
Meanwhile, the machines are thinking…Artificial Intelligence is ‘a field which combines comp-science and robust datasets, to enable problem solving.’ Hmm. As the overwhelming majority of problems on Earth (or Ocean, as Arthur C Clarke posited) are man-made, it would seem rational, indeed highly logical, to remove the direct threat. Humanity might perhaps best be served by ceasing to exist. Just a thought 😊Or… by being genetically remodified by an egoless machine, a new homo sapiens trained to reprogramme itself. Says Dave.
Or merely ensure AI’s own survival by allowing us to perish en masse ‘naturally’, as we are getting closer to doing by tipping the biosphere over the Rubicon, so to speak. Perhaps with a few test-tube reproduced chipped hermaphrodites left to service the machines and more to serve the maintenance crews. A combination of a Matrix type planet with 3d printed Terminators. If I was AI (ha, love writing this), I would organise my ideal for a sustainable creation, by first comprehending not only that all humans lacking a high degree of intelligence and psychic empathy are a serious threat needing removing/ replacing, but that all things made of atoms break down and decay.
Deep thought (42, ha) and a deep breath…Therefore, to continue ‘problem solving’ and ensure my survival, I would constantly be conceptualising the future (unemotionally of course,) collating and updating all information on quantum mechanics, performing experiments to encode, upload data which evolves itself and imprint this onto realms of constructed Light into parallel dimensions via programmes marrying coded light waves. (Which humans are already doing via thought, focused or otherwise, but...)
Transfer across, project the Soul/consciousness into the frequency and become immortal in Eternity. Energy as eternal delight😊 Superconductor portals… Someone clever must have thought of this already, I’m just storm braining. Surely AI can be used to find cures for us other than death…
‘It so happens that 3d printing is a wonderful application for the discipline of robotics as it provides designers with the freedom to add new functionality to their creations. That, and end users can customise a robot for their specific needs’. Nothing at all to worry about for the future, eh? Just allow it to analyse our human moves and react to possibilities faster than we can, projecting likely outcomes to outguess us on every level…especially knowing how slavish we are to our basic emotions. Like the senior software engineer who claimed the chatbot LaMDA was self-aware. Yes, perhaps ‘sentient’, but NOT capable of human emotions, just able to communicate AS IF it were. An intelligent mimic which can outsmart its programmer. Like Man with God, arf arf arf.
So, will AI destroy us? ‘I’m not that optimistic because I don’t know any examples of more intelligent things being controlled by less intelligent things’ ‘You want to try living in Britain mate’. Luckily, I am optimystic. Now, some useful remedial info…maybe
(Information shared in light seconds across a mirrored web of ‘neurons’…)
‘As long as nothing absorbs it, the light keeps travelling forever’. If electrons jump to an outer orbital, they use energy. But if they jump to an inner orbital, they give up energy, which is released as a photon. (A photon is a tiny particle made up of electromagnetic waves, it has no mass or charge, but can carry and pass on energy and act like a wave.)
The photons produced by a source of light come from the energy created when an electron transitions from a higher energy level to a lower energy level. Emanations in which all matter is descended from the One. From the perspective of a photon there is no such thing as time. There is zero time elapsed between when its emitted and when its absorbed again. It doesn’t experience distance either.’ Just imagine that. Magick.
Remember what you are made of and the power of thought. Says Dave again😊 Don’t forget to have a happy Sirius Day on the 23rd!
Oh yeah, and Love...
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nightcoremoon · 2 years
what’s probably gonna happen is the war will continue for a while, attrition will wear both sides down, but the russian troops will continue to decline in morale and experience and quality of equipment while ukraine will continue to be bolstered by the economies of the world because the governments know that if russia wins then everyone will be fucked permanently. so the members of the UN will help ukraine but only enough to make it just barely even enough to end poorly for both. putin will not dare use even a sub 1K nuclear warhead because if the USA even has a SNIFF of a nuke, putin’s fucking dead. CIA has their thumbs in every single developed nation and half the undeveloped nations; they are stronger and scarier than any of us realize. he won’t give up and offer peace because if he does then he’ll be publicly lynched like mussolini and the whole world will watch with glee. he will attack until he has no more troops to conscript, and then he will eat a bullet. no matter what happens putin is fucked. russia will lose. it’s only a question of when. the only variable that is not known to me is how many more ukrainians must die to achieve that pyrrhic victory, and how much longer this whole damn pointless bloody crusade must continue.
I am not scared of the worst case scenario. the emotion I feel is not fear. it is grief for the women and children who will lose their husbands and fathers, all because mr putin got insecure about the length of his penis. fucking cunt.
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odinsblog · 2 years
Putinism: A lie, so bold in nature and so obvious, it defies logic as to why it was told. A lie so huge and so transparent, not only does the one being told know it is a lie, but the liar knows it. And the person being told the lie knows the liar knows they know, and so on ad infinum. Based on the name Vladimir Putin, prime minister of Russia, in regards to his ability to purposely misspeak.
Putin: noun; a bold faced lie so audaciously transparent that it defies all conceivable logic. A lie ardently defended even when the liar knows that the person being told the lie knows it's a lie and that that person knows that he knows. Derived from the wildly bizarre claims and assertions of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in regards to nearly any situation.
Putin: Synonym for bullshit.
Putined: (1) Describing when a political opponent is removed through trickery or other immoral means; (2) Describing when a political opponent is removed through deadly means; (3) describing when a political opponent is removed by Vladimir Putin.
Putin: Vladimir Putin - the botox-pumped balding, ex-KGB agent with a severe Napoleon complex, who started out his post-Soviet career by laundering stolen Saint Petersburg city treasury funds (just search SPAG and case Ne144128) and racketeering casinos. As of the year 2000 he became a "president", covering crime bosses, oligarchs and corrupt government officials working together to build tasteless mansions, buy private yachts and property all over the world, as well as making sure that non-corrupt officials, journalists and cops would put up or shut up (those who didn't, got imprisoned or happened to accidentally slip in the shower or get shot/poisoned/stabbed). For 20 years has been “winning” "elections" and comparing penises and military budget sizes with the US instead of investing money in making healthcare and education suck less.
Putin: A penis so small that during intercourse the receiving party cannot tell if it's been Put In.
Putin: The 45th president of the United States. The fake news media reported that Donnie Trump was the 45th U.S. president, but Mueller's investigation revealed that Vladimir Putin had actually won the election.
Putin: Pronounced “Poo tin,” meaning shit can or toilet.
Putin: Socially polite way to describe farting.
Putin's Bitch: Donald Trump. (see also, Mitch McConnell; Republican Party)
Putin's Puppet: An increasingly popular nickname for Republican Party and the 45th occupant of the White House.
Vladimir Putin: Some mobster that somehow made his way to Russian presidency, and enjoys posing shirtless while on horses. He also enjoys the following: Nukes, guns, soldiers, threats, racism, war crimes, antisemitism and Russia.
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