#pup play is about being TREATED like youre someones dog
bottom-slut-unionizer · 10 months
Growing up on Tumblr I always thought puppy play was like the WORST kink to have (like that was how I thought people viewed it)
But like as an adult I don't get it. I met's pretty harmless. Like yeah, the argument that you don't want to see guys on leashes might seem like a pup play thing but that's more just exhibitionism. That's the kink they have for y'know being seen by people. That's the one people have issue with. But the dog parts? Yeah you can find it weird but like it's not harmful to you. But also with how people treat dogs like you can see why someone would want to go brainless for a few hours n get pet all over n be called a good boy
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hero-hoe · 2 months
Owner!Ghost with dogboy!Soap who gets puppygirl!Reader as a gift.
Hybrid au. Kidnapping tw, naive!reader, Fem!reader, handjobs (m/m). Ghost and Soap are a little off. Sadomasochism tw
Ghost who's had Soap ever since retiring being discharged due to injury and thought "fuck it, I need something to keep me busy", so he gets himself a retired dogboy. Nothing wrong with 'im, they just tend to cycle hybrids out after a few years of use. Any longer and they go a little wrong in the head. Something about their genetics and how they could get too into their tasks and needed human handlers on the outside.
Ghost is pretty sure the one he got is a little messed up anyway. Fine by him, the man had done his fair share of awful things, too far beyond being considered a good man anymore. At least having the mutt gave him purpose again, he was losing his mind trying to fit back in with polite society on his own. Johnny was Price's idea to get Simon out of his house, to take care of himself instead of wasting away in a bare bones cabin in the countryside. Take the dog on walks and all that, get a membership at one of those expensive city gyms that let hybrids in so they could both keep up on their training.
Johnny would bark his ear off about his time in the military, causing messes he never had to clean up and getting paid for it. And he didn't push when Simon said nothing about his own experience. And then they settled into a decent enough routine, too intimate to just be hybrid and handler, but Ghost wasn't a man who liked labels. They were just Johnny and Simon, that's all that mattered.
He got a good dog. Sure, he was a bit off, but nothing that couldn't be handled. He barked a lot, hated strangers, refused to sleep anywhere but Simon's room after the first few nights. And he was energetic, always bouncing off the walls or chasing down random animals in the woods. If he brought back something to snack on, Simon never minded, so long as he clean his own mess. Ghost wasn't above rubbing the dog's nose in the blood and mud puddle left on the kitchen floor. Good thing Johnny learned the first time.
It'd been a few years, Ghost hadn't bothered to keep track, but his silly pup was getting restless. Only after the third time coming home to Johnny humping himself stupid in the toy he'd gotten, teeth sunk into the pillows, did Simon finally take him to the vet. Trying to handle the situation himself hadn't helped, and he didn't like seeing his boy so miserable, even if he looked beautiful because of it. Simon swore Johnny never looked better than when he was desperate and on their sheets, fucking into a silicone pussy like his life depended on it and whimpering into a slobber covered pillowcase.
Everything was normal, the vet said, a waste of £150. It's actually a good thing, they told him, means he's healthy and happy enough to breed and is having ruts. Gave him three options: have Johnny fixed, let the mutt handle it himself every time, or get him someone to play with. Simon was offended at the idea of getting his pup snipped, immediately shutting the thought down. But he couldn't keep watching Soap sob and beg, pleading for something Simon didn't have. He held Johnny in his arms each but after that, making sure to stroke his needy pup through every orgasm needed with a hand around his neck for stability.
Johnny was a good dog, Simon relented. Never once bit without being told and made sure to moan nice and loud whenever he was hit. He deserved a treat.
So Simon did his research, went to all the shelters and breeders and even searched the parks for a new treat for his boy. Nobody was good enough, he thought, until he found you. Soft, sweet, and so, so innocent. You didn't hesitate to take his hand when he offered you a treat and some ear scratches, wandering away from your old owner and right into his truck.
You ate the special biscuits he gave you and fell asleep with a dopey smile on your face, so happy when he told you he was gonna take you home and introduce you to his puppy.
Johnny was at the door like always, waiting on his knees at the time Simon said he'd be home. He was anxious and confused today, able to smell you from outside as soon as Ghost pulled up. You smelled so good, but he hated the idea of Simon bringing another dog home. Was he not enough? He'd been so good, why would his master need another pup?
"Settle, mutt." Simon huffed as soon as he heard Johnny's whine, the hybrid kneeling obediently at the door with his ears tucked back. "Stop the damn whining. Got you somethin'." He huffed, shifting you in his arms.
Johnny scooted closer, staying on the ground and sniffing at you cautiously. One of Ghost's massive hands laced into a well maintained mohawk, tugging tight until he calmed down. The pain grounded him, a reminder that Simon was there, that he wasn't being replaced. "Fer me?" Johnny asked, taking another deep inhale along the skin of your thigh where is dangled over Simon's arm.
Ghost hummed, the sound pulling another whine from Johnny's throat. "Smells s'good." He whispered, eyes dilating as he crawled closer. "She's pure bonnie, Sir."
Straddling Simon's boot, rutting mindlessly against his shin while taking in deep huffs of your skin, Johnny couldn't wait to play with you.
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How bout angel dust, Verosika and Alastor with a puppy hybrid s/o? Like, they have puppy ears and tail and has some dog like tendencies?
For example: they love to bite and play with dog toys,they bark and growl, they LOVE headpats and being called "good boy/girl"
You can remove 2 characters if it's too much.
"Good Puppy!" ; Alastor, Angel Dust, Verosika Mayday
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I'll be honest here: I have no idea how you got this to happen, because this man absolutely HATES dogs, and therefore hated you when he first met you. And he's honestly quite possibly the worst one to be with as a puppy hybrid.
He was exceptionally cruel, calling you a "mangey mongrel", a "rabid mutt", and just about any cruel name for a dog under the sun.
Will try to make you act more human. He'd despise your dog features. Dogs remind him of his death, and that's something he'd rather not deal with.
If you've managed to start dating him, he'll be slightly more polite, but still make his distaste for those features very apparent to you.
"S/O, must you constantly be wiggling that furry abomination?"
It isn't that he means to be mean, but, well, in some primal way, you scare him, and he doesn't know how to cope with feeling that helpless.
If you growl or bark at him, you will ROYALLY piss him off, and he will actually need to leave to avoid either lashing out at you or having a mental breakdown.
Fortunately, with enough time and patience, he will eventually calm down and begin to regard you as safe, and not someone he needs to fear. Then he'll become noticeably kinder to you.
"Well, aren't you just a dandy little pup! Excited to see me, hm? Such a good boy/girl~."
He may have started off cold, but he's trying to be better for you now.
He isn't sure how he feels about dog toys and the like, but hey, he's a literal cannibal and serial killer, who is he to judge? As long as you're having fun.
Eventually, he'll begin to give you those headpats you so crave, realizing how happy it makes you. He can stand a bit of discomfort for your sake.
But seriously... please don't bark or growl at him, he still doesn't like the moment of panic he's forced to feel when that happens.
He wouldn't do it to you, so don't do it to him. That's his one boundary with your dog-like behavior/appearance.
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Oh boy. He'd be the one constantly flirting and teasing you for your traits, but in a loving (and very NSFW) manner.
"What's with the tail, Ears? Got a pet play kink or somethin'?"
When he finds out you ACTUALLY enjoy being called a good boy, that actually sets off every single one of his teasing instincts.
Every single day, you'll hear a joke about you having a praise kink, purely because it makes Angel laugh.
But he's only teasing, of course. If you actually tell him you're uncomfortable, of course he'll stop. The last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable with him.
He'll also get you dog toys and chew toys if you find them fun!
And his absolute favorite thing to do is pet your ears and ruffle your tail, especially if they're as fluffy as his chest is! He finds the sensation soothing.
If you growl at him, chances are he'll growl back at you just to mess with you.
Or he'll make a claw motion and do the little "rawr~" thing because he finds it amusing how you react when you don't know how to respond to something.
He'll also definitely tease you if your tail ever wags.
"That a tail or are ya just happy ta see me, baby boy~?"
He's a tease but... very sweet. Toward you, at least.
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At first, she didn't really see the appeal of dating a puppy hybrid. She treats Vortex like a guard dog, and she initially expected you to be the same.
But of course, who could resist a cute puppy? She quickly warmed up to you, finding you absolutely adorable. Whereas Verosika is sultry and seductive, you were cute and innocent, and she loved that about you.
She'd often find herself petting your head and telling you what a good boy/girl you were, seemingly without actually consciously meaning to. She just couldn't resist, the puppy eyes were too much for her!
"Aww, S/O! Such a good boy/girl! Who's my good boy/girl? You are! Yes you are!"
Yeah, even after you start dating, that doesn't change. She still calls you that, but her affections now run even deeper.
As in, she buys you a LOT of dog toys. A lot. She doesn't know why you love them so much, but she knows she wants you to be happy, because you absolutely deserve it.
She's also greatly amused whenever you bark or growl, but shh, don't tell anyone. That isn't part of her persona!
Sometimes, when you're cuddling, she'll wrap her tail around yours and slowly wag them both, since she knows it both stimulates you and expresses affection.
She'd also probably use your barking and growling to her advantage to scare people she doesn't like off. Nine times out of ten, it works. Dogs can be pretty scary when they're not being friendly actively, and puppies are no different.
"That was amazing, S/O. You really know how to scare a little bitch off!"
You didn't really mean to scare anyone, but you were happy Verosika was happy.
She did send that person an apology note at your insistence, though, luckily.
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zoeythegoodgirl · 1 month
New Pet
TW: drugging, kidnapping
It's been a long week, so you decide that this weekend you're going to treat yourself. You find your sluttiest dress, hoping to show off as much cleavage as possible. Satisfied with this choice, you look through your accessories and pick out matching bag and shoes, as well as a fur stole to give yourself a little air of elegance. You do your makeup in the mirror before setting off. You say goodbye to your roommate and make your way to the bar. "You're definitely getting laid tonight," you think to yourself.
You get to the bar and order yourself a nice drink. You were never much of a drinker, so you sip at it slowly and take in the atmosphere. It's not particularly busy right now. Some local band is playing a cover of some song you've never heard of from some band you never cared about. The lead singer isn't great, but overall they're still enjoyable. You relax for a little while before you're approached by someone.
You look behind you to see the most gorgeous woman in the entire bar. She towers over you by at least a foot, having to look up to avoid staring directly into her tits. Her arms are slender, but muscular. She could easily throw you around, something that makes your knees go weak underneath you. "H-hi," you stammer out weakly. Your thoughts are far from pure. She giggles in response to your meek greeting. Somehow you hold back the moan that tries to escape your lips.
The two of you hit it off very well. You seem to share a lot of interests, which makes conversation quite easy after the initial hiccup. After a little bit, she excuses herself, but says she'll be right back. Indeed, only a couple of minutes later, she comes back with two drinks. She sets one down in front of you. "It's a Slippery Nipple," she says in response to your inquiry. You hope that's an indicator of her intentions with you later that night. You take a few sips of it, noting that it doesn't taste like anything you've had before.
You wake up in an unfamiliar environment. Groggy, you reach out and feel what seem to be the bars of a dog kennel. No matter what direction you reach out in, you feel the coolness of metal, and realize that you're inside the kennel. The last thing you remember is being at the bar with this beautiful woman, and wonder what could have happened that led to this. Your thoughts stop when you hear a familiar voice. "Good morning, sweetie," says the woman from the bar. "I'm glad to see you're awake."
Your eyes widen as you realize what happened: the drink she'd brought you was laced, and you've been kidnapped. "You know, I've never rescued a puppy quite like you before. You never mentioned you had such a pretty cock under that dress of yours." You look down at yourself, just now taking in that you're completely naked. You turn your attention back to her, intending to say something angry, before you get cut off. "Now, I know it seems like what I did was extreme. But once you get the full context of your situation, you'll find it's not so bad." She claps twice, and three other girls, all seemingly around your age, appear, crawling on their hands and knees. Each of them is naked except for a collar around their necks.
"You see, I pick up lonely puppies like you, and give them a loving home. As you can see, you'll have plenty of other pups to play with." Her head turns in their direction, and she barks out a simple command: "Sit." They all sit back on their ankles, lifting their arms off the floor for the first time. Their owner turns her attention back to you. "All I ask is that you play with me from time to time. It may be a little rough, but I know how to keep it within limits." You turn to look at the other girls. They look healthy, with one having some hickeys but otherwise completely unmarked. There's no sign of fear coming from any of them. You look back at their owner, confused as to why they would choose to be there.
"In return, I take care of you. I'll make sure you eat well, and get you all the toys you could want. You'll be one of my spoiled pets. Isn't that right, pups?" They each bark enthusiastically. It's clear they're enjoying this. "No job...no responsibilities...," you think to yourself, "and I get to have sex with the hottest woman imaginable?" Things are starting to look appealing. You turn to look at your new owner, and whine softly.
"Awww, what an eager pup! Do you want out?" You bark a couple of times in affirmation. She unlocks the door to the cage, and points at the floor in front of her. Obediently, you crawl out of the cage and sit on the floor in front of her. You present your neck to her without prompt, on which a collar is placed. She ruffles your hair gently and gives you lots of gentle praises. Suddenly, she turns towards one of the other puppygirls still sitting there and makes some kind of motion with her hands. The other two leave, while the one she looked at bends back over and presents herself in your direction.
"Just to get yourself acquainted. Go ahead and play. Mommy needs to go to work, but I'll be home later. They'll show you where your food and water bowls are." As she leaves, you turn back towards the other girl, and see she's wagging her but at you like she would a tail. "You were trying to get laid," you think to yourself before crawling over to her and mounting her.
Before you're completely lost in the haze of being puppy, the last thought you'll ever have goes through your mind: "How did she know I needed this?"
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delilahcalicocat · 2 months
Reader is playing a game of truth or dare with some of the women in the locker room and she gets dared to prank Cody by pretending that Pharaoh is missing but really Pharaoh is in the women's locker room. Include a pissed off Cody and reader trying so hard not to laugh and give in 😀 oh and Pharaoh being a good boy
Cody Rhodes x reader fic please?
A/N: Yessss! I love this so much! Thank you for asking
☆~Don't Ever do that again!~☆
{Rating: Fluff}
{Warnings: Swearing}
{Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader}
Purple - Rhea Ripley
Green - Liv Morgan
Pink with Bold - Alexa Bliss
Orange - Becky Lynch
Blue - Pharaoh
While Cody was out fighting in a match, you were playing truth or dare with Alexa Bliss, Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley and Becky Lynch.
"Ok so truth or dare Liv" Alexa Asked
"Truth." Liv sighed
"Do you have a crush on someone." Alexa Spoke
"Yes. But I'm not telling you who." Liv said through Gritted Teeth.
"Ok my Turn!" Becky Chimed in.
"So, Rhea Truth or dare" Becky Asked
"Dare, I wanna see where this goes." Rhea said
"Ok, I dare you to go find Finn and say your leaving the Judgement Day for good later" Becky said
You on the other hand, while everyone dished out dares and truths, you were lost in petting Pharaoh.
"Y/N!" Rhea shouted which caught your attention
"Uhm yeah?" You spoke
"Truth or Dare?" Rhea Asked
"Dare...." You said curiously
"Alright, I dare you to go find Cody and tell him Pharaoh is missing. But then in the end, call Pharaoh and tell Cody it's all a prank" Rhea said
"Ok-" You said
"Wait are you actually about to do this Y/N?"
"I think she is!" "Oh My god-"
"Wow she's got a death wish-"
You went to walk out the door, and Pharaoh went to follow you. You turned around and looked at the dog.
"Pharaoh, Sit. I'll be back" You said offering a few head pats to the dog
"Pant" was all you got in response.
You walked out of the locker room and made a beeline for the curtain.
"Y/N what's wrong" Cody asked
"Have you seen Pharaoh!? He's not in the bus.." You said
"What- Pharaoh is fucking missing? Was the bus unlocked?!" Cody said
"When I went to go get him, he wasn't in the bus, the door didn't seem tampered with or anything.. It might've been unlocked..." You said
"It might be one of the other fucking wrestlers. Jey probably did it as a prank." Cody muttered angrily
For the next 16 minutes, Cody and you wandered the halls. Cody acting like a toddler when they don't get the toy they want. He was pissed that his dog was missing.
"Where the fuck could he be?!" Cody shouted
"I don't know hun, the worst thought in my head though is that he might have run off outside-" You said
"That's the worst thing possible Y/N!" Cody spat
"Hun, I know. I don't where Pharaoh could be though, but he wasn't in the bus..." You said through a stifled giggle
You both continued to look all over the arena.
Cody was a angry mess at that point
You tried not to give in to laughter for the hour you'd been helping Cody look for the big white dog
But you succumbed to the laughter bottled up in you.
"Codes, Calm down.." You said
"How am I supposed to!? My dog is missing!" Cody Said
You snapped you fingers "Pharaoh, Here boy!" The big white dog then walked out of the women's locker room panting as it ran towards you
You patted the pup on the head
"Good Boy Pharaoh!" You smiled
You then offered the dog a treat you had for after the whole prank
"Bark *Tail Wag*" the dog sat there waiting for you and Cody's next move
"Pharaoh's Ok?!" Cody asked confused
"I'm sorry Codes, Rhea dared me to prank you by saying Pharaoh was missing" You giggled
"Don't ever do that again Y/N!" Cody said with a sigh of relief as he pet the dog
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
It'll be nice if you would be able to do head cannons of the TADC crew having to deal with a reader that has a biting on things problem have it and looks like a dog/pup (depending if you want to set an age range)
Like no one knows if they're just really playing into their part of being a annoying gremlin or they had a bad habit of chewing things in the real world then it being intensivize since being trapped in the digital prison
TADC cast x dog!reader who bites things! (Platonic!)
Wasnt sure whether to go with a dog or puppy reader but UHUH!!
Written on mobile! Gonna knock out some requests then I might work on art today!
This may be on the short side, I hope that's okay! I've been having some struggles thinking up hcs for TADC stuff the past few days <\3
Probably the first TADC post where I actually write the character segments in order (of them being listed) instead of bouncing around LMAO
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You know how some people blow bubbles for their dogs to play with them, letting them chase and pop them? I feel like he'd do that with you and bubble (whether or not you view this as bubble torment is up to you, personally I don't think bubble would give too much of a darn).. may or may not help with your biting habit, or maybe it makes it worse? Really I think it depends !
Gives loads of hesd oats and chin scratches, I think!
Has probably caught you chewing on the dangle... bell.. end parts... of her hat when she has her back to you. Too nice to scold you but tries to politely redirect you to chewing on something else that isnt a part of her person..! Tries to ask why you chew on things, but even you don't seem to know the source so you're both just kind of.. stumped.. definitely not mean about reminding you of her boundaries
Probably tries to find you a oral.. fidget.. thing.. I forgot the proper term of them but you know how theres some stuff that's made specifically for oral fixiations and chewing and stuff? Like those chewable necklaces and stuff? Those! I think ragatha would try to find you one of those, or a safe stand in! Though.. does it really need to be safe if this is your digital body...? Has probably made you a blanket with bones on it, or maybe a bone shaped plushie
Honestly whether or not he gets annoyed by your chewing habit is 50/50, I think! I mean it's not like he can say anything, I personally hc that he has a huge habit of fidgeting with anything and everything (though... I tend to write jax to be a bit of a hypocrite, given the "I like watching funny things happen to people" and then immediately getting mad when something funny happens to him)
Do I think he would let you chew on him, or any if his belongings? No, absolutely not. But would he grab something from someone else? Oh yeah most likely
Probably plays fetch/catch with you, if that's something you're interested in, though he suggests it in a way that you csnt tell if he is teasing you or not
Obligatory he gives off dad vibes so hes a dog person (is that a dad trait?? Or was I just exposed to that a lot in media as a kid?) So he kind of gravitates towards you because "dog :)". Obviously he knows you're a person, and he doesn't really do anything to treat you as anything less outside of that! Honestly you guys probably develop a father/kid dynamic, maybe!
"Hes just a little guy," he says after you take a comical bite out of the circus' walls (imagine the trope in cartoons where there's a bite out of something and theres the teeth marks)
Honestly doesnt care if you chew on his robe, either he truly doesnt mind or hes just too spaced out to notice. Tends to flip flop between those
Similar to jax, whether or not they get onto you for the chewing is a coin toss. I think it really depends on how zooble is feeling that day! They tend to get more irritated than the others, I think, at least going off of the pilot. And they dont want to upset you, truly, they dont because you guys are friends! But zooble really values their belongings and personal space so they may get a little short with you if you decide to munch on those! Though, I think that despite the "I dont care" attitude, theyd try to find an alternative that works for you both!
Too shy and sweet to tell you to stop if you start chewing on something you dont want her to; if she does eventually bring it up its probably after the fact.. tries to talk it out with you to figure out why you do that.. is it a stim? A simple habit? Something else entirely? But you dont seem to know the answer... I think she would do what ragatha does and tries to find you something you use long term as a chew; or maybe even tries to find you a habit if it's one you personally want to work on! Though she won't force you to change, if it's not something you want
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fortheb0ys · 3 months
Okay okay okay
Pet play with Jeff vs Graves would be soo fun to see
Jeff only really gets rough if provoked, feels awful after usually unless it's sex. Then he's probably pretty satisfied, but even then he's really not that rough. Really gotta work him up to being rough, let him blow some steam in a safe environment where he won't be afraid to be "bad."
He has his moments, overwhelmed and probably panicked, especially after Shauna and her "book club." But he's not inherently a bad dog. He's a good boy, just needy and clingy, probably a bit insecure and wary around people.
That biting issue isn't awful after being with him for awhile, probably actually able to train him over Shauna. But sometimes he'll bite if something feels too good or he's frightened, but I can't imagine putting him in his kennel again over it. They're accidents, lost in his head like last time and everyone's learning from it
Rough and mean for the hell of it. Is not satisfied by slow sappy shit unless you really work him in, or his day was genuinely terrible. But usually? Graves is wrestling and probably straight up sparring with you for dominance that he doesn't want.
Bites bites bites all the time. You look like you were thrown to the wolves after leaving a session with Graves, cannot train this out of him. It's his god given right as a puppy. Fuck him with a dildo with a knot? It's soo over for him. Eyes rolled back and drooling everywhere. 0 thoughts in this pups brain, literally none at all as he's shooting blanks over and over again.
He's bratty, mouthy. Loves to tease and be pampered. Stressed at work? Scratch behind his ears and coo at him and he's melting away, itching for that weight of a collar around his neck.
Anyways 😭 idk if any of that makes sense but you get to have my rambles anyways!
AHHHH I WANNA DIG A HOLE IN YOUR SKULL TO LIVE IN YOUR BRAIN AND EAT YOUR THOUGHTS!! THIS SO PERFECT😭 This is fucking perfect! I'm so sorry if none of this makes sense.
Jeff is gentle natured. Only ever violent when really pushed in a corner or someone's threatening people dear to him. He's definitely not in control of his mouth when he experiences any overwhelming emotions. He would bite his lip, the inside of his mouth or tongue and not realize. He'd start panicing or whine when he taste blood.
He just doesn't like to be treated rough at all. Rough means punishment. He needs reassurance that he's not a bad boy and that no one's mad at him.
I feel like Jeff gets let off the handle more than he should. Don't want to push him and break his trust. He's, for the most part, well behaved. If he does something wrong he's most likely going to beg for forgiveness before he could get reprimanded.
His kennel isn't really for punishment. It's more of a safe space for him. Just plushies and throw blanket. It's only ever punishment if the cage is closed.
He likes everything soft and sweet, especially nicknames. Cute one like buddy, puppy, pumpkin, etc. He loves to be spoiled. Kisses and praises more the material things.
Shauna lets him stay at your place some weekends and as much as he loves spending time with you Jeff questions why Shauna doesn't love him anymore. He definitely soooooo fucking clingy. The type of dog to wait outside the bathroom door.
Shauna probably wouldn't have much patience with training him. Would give up quickly or scold him a little too hard. Gentleness is key in reinforcing Jeff's good behavior.
Graves gives the vibe of one of those pitbulls named 'Cupcake' or 'Princess'. He can be sweet but violence is in his nature. I think he reacts violently because that's how he was treated. He's violent with both play and sex. He'll violent rip apart toys and goes through them so easily. Old wounds can never heal properly cause he just bites over them (I have a fic talking about this actually).
Graves thinks if he does his mission he'll get rewarded but is let down constantly by Shepherd. He'll finish his mission and all Shepherd gives him is a cold pat on the back and his paycheck.
Yes, Graves loves the money but he craves to be praised both cause of his ego and his deep need to be wanted. If someone wants him, they pay.
Shepherd calls him a dog with a bone. He'd somehow learn of Graves' puppy play. Use it against him and for sometime Graves let him. He's loyal to the ones he's close with and it took alot to break that trust. But seeing his men, the ones he views as a pack, die made him snap.
So now with a new 'handler' he's never going to be fully trusting. He gave it away and it backfired.
I think Graves bite more so to show ownership. Yes, he has violent tendencies but he like to see markings. It's way of him keeping some level of control. Plus he just genuinely like to do it.
Graves accept no punishment. If boundaries are crossed or his actions too severe, just go quiet for a few days to scare him. He'll think he'll be abandon and will crawl back. It's a bit cruel but it's the only thing that works.
He has money so spoiling him with gifts isn't going to win any favor. He just wants someone to 'play' with. Honestly he'd probably pay. Of course, most of the paycheck is hush money.
Graves requires a lot of energy burning activity aka sex when in his head space. He's a busy man and doesn't get to relax often. I can imagine his has those heavy chain collar. Chain him somewhere and get him to fuck himself on a knotted dildo while trying to finish work than fuck him for hours after.
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sgt-seabass · 1 year
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Hear me out about dark!TFAWS!(wintersoldier) bucky with a puppy or a kitten!reader?? Would he be mean like daddy!lloyd? Or would he be gentle but firm? Would he let you cum? Or would he let you suffer??? PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!! I have had this thought all fricken day long and I NEED this. But take your time:) no obligation either! Love you Ambs!!
Hnghhhh I love this. There’s so many ways you could go with this but here’s what my brain is singing for.
Dark Bucky headcannon below -
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Bucky never got to have anything of his own. He was someone else’s weapon, and when he wasn’t with Hydra, he was Captain America’s weapon. Steve didn’t mean to treat Bucky that way, but being Captain America’s best friend and right hand man meant there was a required personal sacrifice. And then after all Bucky gave, Steve left.
He’d never known how to own his own body, make his own decisions. He’d latched onto Sam when he took the mantle. It was easier that way - familiar.
Yet he longed for something of his own.
“You should get a dog or something. Like a therapy animal.” Sam had suggested.
And so Bucky got a pet. You.
A sweet thing he met working at the bookstore. Bucky had wanted a new copy of The Hobbit, but instead came home with so much more.
Bucky finally made a decision for himself. You would be his pet.
Keeping a crying, screaming girl in his Brooklyn apartment wasn’t going to work. So he took you out to his small cabin on the outskirts of the city. That way he could break you in before you could come home with him. All puppies need training, after all.
The big question is, how did Bucky treat his pet?
Well, being the only thing Bucky felt ownership for, he cherished you. But he also wouldn’t stand for your bullshit.
If you were good, he’d give you the world.
If you were bad, he’d take the world from you.
Of course, in the beginning you were unequivocally bad. Constantly trying to get out, attack him, deny him. But over time with training, spanking, and some gentle moments, your walls began to break down.
Someone’s sanity can only last so long when under constant duress. Bucky was admittedly impressed with how long you lasted. And it made his win all the more sweet when you broke.
Bucky wasn’t a mean lover, but he was demanding. He needed constant attention and affection. If he was home, you had to be with him. And when he left, he expected you to be thinking of him.
"Who's a good puppy? That's right, you are. Look at you, nuzzling at daddy's legs. Do you want your treat, pup? Daddy has got a nice big bone for you."
And when you were good, the rewards you got were stellar.
Play time was Bucky’s favourite. He’d get you on your back so he could tickle and play with your belly and tits, before giving you some of the strongest orgasms of your life. The little bell on your collar would jingle with the way your body shuddered from his ministrations.
Bucky was a pleasure dom at heart. He may have ripped you from your world to be in his own, but at the end of the day he only wanted his puppy to be happy with him.
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What if Yuu had a pet dog in monster au who got transported to twisted Wonderland with them(can be your favorite dog breed or leave the type of doggo to our imagination)
Pets that come along with characters into other worlds is always such a fun thing to imagine! :D Whether it’s a dog or cat or bird or even a mischievous ferret that steals your socks, pets can add a certain charm to things. UvU And a certain level of chaos and shenanigans. >v> I love it all!
So let’s say that Yuu did get to find their dog in the Monster AU (which I will leave as being up to you guys since I know those who have doggos or want doggos will want to have their fur bab with them/their character, and like Yuu each dog is going to be different!), but I can see this going a couple of ways:
If Yuu has a small or medium sized dog, that dog is going to be picked up and carried around quite frequently. It’s also not going to be a surprise to see the dog zooming around chasing balls/sticks/rocks/whatever they like to play with, receiving belly rubs and ear scritchies, snuggling in someone’s lap, and playing chase/tag with the monster boys. Deuce might have to be extra careful with the little pup since he doesn’t want to accidentally step on a paw or accidentally get spooked and react, but otherwise the boys would be okay with this unless it’s a yapper. Strangely enough if the dog does bark at others that get near Yuu, the only one the dog won’t bark at would be a certain dalmatian werewolf professor.
Yuu’s unsure whether to believe Ace or Grim when they tell them that their dog insulted them or not. How could such a tiny sweet thing insult anyone? Were they feeling jealous?
Now if the dog is a much larger breed, it’ll be much easier for some of the boys to be able to play and roughhouse with the dog. Given that they understand animal sounds more than humans do, they can communicate with the dog’s signals much more to know the difference between actual aggression and just being playful. The bigger the dog, the more amusing it’ll be to see the guys trying to either pick up the dog or have the dog stand on its hind legs with its paws on their shoulders to see how tall it is by comparison. It’s hilarious when the dog thinks it's still small and tries to sit on someone and all you can see is their face or the top of their head behind the happy lap dog!
The one thing that absolutely will not change regardless of the dog breed is that Professor Crewel will absolutely spoil the dog with affection and will make sure that Yuu has what they need to care for their canine companion. Of course he’ll still show them that misbehaving puppies won’t get treats, and if they had behavioral issues before then he’ll make sure they’re the best dog they can possibly be!
And yes, if the dog is well behaved, he will allow the dog inside his classes. This does help reduce stress in class for the students as if they get too stressed, they can go up and snuggle with the puppy. Grades have improved a good amount due to this, and students even begin bringing treats and toys around to play with them as thanks!
Hope the dog is okay with cats though, as Lucius and Professor Trein will not be too happy having to worry about being chased or having their cat get chased by a rambunctious dog. >.>;
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oldguardleatherdog · 9 months
First off, I think you're so cool! I've always really loved connecting with older folks in the gay community and I'm rly glad you're a presence on my dash!
Secondly, I had some questions about pup play if you're down to answer! I have a play partner who's very into it, and I've been able to play the role of handler pretty well, but I'd really like to improve. What sorts of things do you look for in a handler?
Also, I've been wanting to try being a pup myself, but find it really hard to get past the barrier of feeling like I'm being silly/embarrassing and it distracts me from having fun. Do you have tips regarding letting go of yourself enough to really get into pup-space and not worry about being cringy or silly? I'd love to be silly and have fun as a pup without worrying about being embarrassed in a not-fun way! I just always feel so self conscious! But whenever I go to pup events, it always looks like the pups are having such a fun time.
AwrrrrrRUFFF!! bruzr makes play bow
Thanks for the ask and for the good word, pup! I'm happy to know you enjoy reading my rowdy blog, and I hope it gives you a laugh and something to chew on 🦴🐕‍🦺😁
What I look for in a Handler is someone who knows what to do on the business end of the leash. The pup looking up at them is collared for a reason: it needs focus, boundaries, discipline, routine, clear expectations of what's required for treats and praise, on-the-spot correction when the pup doesn't measure up. The nurturing and the bellyrubbing will come later; I need that Handler to give me back every bit of energy and rebellion and dumb-muttness I send up, and more. You're my Handler? Well, handle me, dammit! 😈
Ya know, even after 36 years of barking around and hitting the carpet instantly when I hear my pup name, there are still times when I get a flash of self-consciousness and think to myself, how ridiculous is this, and at my age too! But I've got ways of pulling myself right back into my pup space (dog head) even more deeply, tricks and techniques that I've developed over the thousands of hours I've spent channeling the canine. Ever heard the phrase "commit to the bit"? That's the heart of it. If you hit the ground 99% committed to being that dog, you'll look like a ridiculous human. If you fall off the cliff and say fuckit I do what I want and get down there with 150% of the dog you are crawling up your back and breathing down your neck, boom! there's no question in your mind that you're just that animal, and anyone who looks at you will have no doubt as to your honesty and authenticity, and neither will you.
You deserve to have just as much fun as any other pup. This gig is not for the timid - dive in with all four feet into the deep end of the mosh and bark your head off! You might not always "feel it" fully, but you should have no doubt that you're doing the right thing, right where you belong.
I'll be thinking of you when I suit up tonight and get back to my service dog patrol *wags fast!* - Bruzr
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annaberunoyume · 21 days
Bandit Heeler meets Somnus (A new Naga OC of mine)
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(I wrote this because I felt bad for Bandit and his being always mistreated by Bluey and Bingo. It's not funny after awhile. Here is some tlc for him!)
Bandit sighed as he sneaked outside his bedroom from the spacious balcony close to the ground. Thankfully, no Bluey nor Bingo to bother him, tonight. Thank goodness. He went to the bench in their large backyard and took in the warm australian air of the night. As he gazed up at fruitbats on the hunt, for the first time in a long time, he felt...sad. Tired.
Oh, sure, he loved his wife Chili and his two daughters more than anything in the world...But...Biscuit...Why was he always their punching bag? Why was Bluey always so...merciless when she played and draggued Bingo in, as well? It wasn't fair. He was forty, for crying out loud. And he did not deserve to be this bruised by two pups...But what hurt him the most was that Chili, for all the structure she gave to their days...Never stepped up to help him or stop the girls from treating him like a cheap pinata. Always laughed at his misfortune and rough play...It was hard, no, sad for him to admit...But...Bandit had enough. He wished he could...Just go away for awhile. Just him...And his brothers and mates. To play touch football, like the old days...Bandit lied down on the bench dejectly.
But...Someone had seen it all unfold...A naga with dark pink, purple and dark purple stripes, hidden in the tree under Bandit. She had short pink hair, giving a bit of a semi-masculine air. She lowered herself slowly, having made up her mind...He was sad...tired...And thus, she could help.
Bandit thought he sniffed something foreign, he raised his head a tad...Nothing, he sighed and returned to his lonely pouting...But then...
Bandit gasped but instantly, a tail silenced him, “Terribly sssorry about frightening you. But...I could not help but noticcce your gloominesss...I wasss wondering if I could keep you company.”
The anthro blue dog looked at the newcomer, bewildered. She was a strange sight. She was not a dog. But she looked a little like him in her mannerisms. Her short pink hair and pale skin made her interesting to watch. He finally spoke.
“Well, mate...I...I could use a break from daddyhood. Just a tad. Those girls of mine can play real rough...Too rough.”, he looked down, then sat more upright.
''I've seen that.”
“Nothing. Listen, here. I know this is strange, since we just met, but...My name is Somnus...And I would like to make you feel a bit better.”
“Well, Somnus, My name's Bandit. Nice to meet ya, but I don't know how you could help, miss. Parenthood is something, ain't it?”
“Ccccertainly. But...I have a little tip to help sadnesss melt away...Never fails”, she slowly settled besides him, tail touching Bandit's hand.
“Really?”, he smirked, “Aaand...Why should I care?”, he teased, feeling already a bit better.
“Because...It will be sssooo easy you won't have to do a ssssingle thing...”
“Aaand...What does it do, then?”
Somnus chuckled and scooted closer to the anthro dog, “...Thissss...”
Before Bandit's eyes, Somnus red pupils dissapeared into the white of her peepers...And a ripple of a dark, intense pink bloomed from their centers...Then a purple one...and a dark purple ripple. Like a carroussel of colourful rings...
Bandit's raised eyebrow melted away almost instantly...It was...incredible...Eye-catching...Amazing...He had to look closer...
Somnus smiled warmly, “Yess...Whoah...”, she then watched happily as the grown dog once-dark eyes shrinked into pinpricks and unravelled with brand new pink and purple rings of their own. His jaw soon hand ajar and his arms loosely fell to his sides...A small, serene smile began to grace his features.
Somnus slowly lied down, astride the bench, chin prompted up under her arms...Bandit just followed her eyes and lied astride, flat on his belly as well...His tail began to wag, as he pants, happy at these new relaxed, happy feelings...
Somnus was pleased, but gently covered his mouth with her tail, “Sssh...Don't want to wake Bluey or Chili...Don't we?”, she made him nod his head no by nodding herself. She then gently wrapped her tail around his golden-furred snout. Bandit hummed at that pleasant caress.
“Now, then, Bandit, I have observed you for a time, now...And I believe your time hasss come...Time to join my group of petssss...You are unhappy in here...Aren't you?”
Bandit frowned a tiny bit, “Nnnnoooo?” he said, muffled, but then, his eyes trembled in a sadness, “Yeeessss...Hurt...All the time...Chili...doesn't care...that Bluey...Huuuurt meeee...” he started to whimper pitifully... Somnus looked genuinely concerned.
“Aw, my poor friend...”, she stroked his head slowly and nuzzled him, “I know how that feelsss...And I have a sssolution for you...A wondrous place where you can resssst...Sssafe and sssouuuund...And never be disssrespected again...”, she breathed out...
“....Where?”, asked Bandit in sad disbelief, giving an adorable pout.
“With me, of coursssse...But firrrst...You must trussst me...I can seee how worn-out you are...And I want to make it better for you...”, Somnus was now snout to nose with Bandit, “Baaandit...Feel my hands upon your earsss...Can you feel the care in my handsss? They care about you...They want to nurture you...To love you...And to kiss you...”, she gave the middle of his snout a gentle kiss, “So that you may never...Ever feel thissss pain you are feeling, tonight...”, Somnus kept on massaging his ears and sides with utmost care. Bandit could not help but groan sleepily and melt like putty, tail lazily wagging...The world and its sounds had long since faded from his awareness. And there was only the pure delight of her touch and magical words.
Somnus then cupped his nape and gingerly kissed the dog's downy forehead...A slow kiss that left a tiny sound in the end. She then told him to sit up, which he did with no hesitation. His eyes were beginning to close. She then wrapped her long tail around him, making him shiver deliciously. The coils were smooth and at first, cool, but then, they took on his body heat...Divine. Bandit sighed and almost broke eye-contact with Somnus, eyes upwards and half-closed in bliss.
Somnus gently pulled his chin downwards. Eye to eye, she whispered, stroking his right side like earlier:
“Now...Ssssleeep...little pup of miiine...Melt in my downy armssss...Foreveeeer...Ssssh...”
Bandit quietly yawned like a child, syncopathed, almost...Then, he whined serenely, sighing...And he was out like a light. Somnus craddled his head, making a protective hold of her arms around it and tilted her nose into his neck. She inhaled his comforting smell and soft fur...Then kissed it fondly. He was a perfect pet for her collection...
Craddling him in her arms and thick, slick, smooth coils, like a mother carried a tired child, they were both out of the backyard and into the unknown, where only Somnus knew to go...A last kiss on his neck for good measure and a dog tail curling around her and a humm of utter comfort.
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stellaiem · 23 days
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WRITTEN BY ROSIE AS A PART OF CLASSCURSEHQ, i bring to you : 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓 ...
beauty is a beast that roars, down on all fours - demanding "more". only when your girlish glow, flickers just so, do they let you know: it's hell on earth to be heavenly.
✨ 🎀 ✨ pinterest. ✨ 🎀 ✨ spotify. ✨ 🎀 ✨ wanted dynamics. ✨ 🎀 ✨
— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒 ... !
full name: stella winter
birthday: august 8th, 1995
zodiac: leo
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
occupation: small time actress - part time dog walker and pet sitter for that side hustle
resides in: los angeles, california
school status: dance, science club, av & film.
height: 5'4
hair color: a warm (bottle) blonde.
eye color: brown ( t30 )
tattoos/piercings: has a star on the inside of her right wrist, a daisy on her left rib, and 2 lobe + high ear piercing on her right ears.
markings: a scar on her left knee she got when she was 7, climbing a huge tree in the winter's backyard, and falling when trying to race her brother to the top.
parents: elizabeth and adam winter.
siblings: charlie winter ( born a month after her adoption )
pets: a 6 month old chocolate lab pup named choko and a 2 year old doberman named willow.
positive traits: driven, luminous, eloquent
negative traits: gullible, apathetic ( during her hs days, not so much anymore ), impatient, impulsive.
fears: seen as "dull", not getting what she wants, disappearing into the earth after she dies after no legacy, finding her birth parents, having to beg for someone to pay attention.
likes: smell of fresh cut grass, shaved ice, hair toner, the smell of blooming flowers and lavender, flowing dresses, the feeling of wind, botanicals.
dislikes: cruel people, the smell of cigarette smoke, passive aggression, liars, the "use" of other people.
hobbies: gardening, crocheting, playing with makeup, filming "little delights" on her phone throughout the day.
aesthetics: imagine a sweet girl stopping to smell the flowers, laying in fields of lavender, immediately purchasing a sunflower if it's in her path and putting it front and center in her apartment, passing by to leave the lingering scent of jasmine and patchouli topped with green herbs, golden curls pinned back with a bow, flowing fabric caressing against silky, almost lustrous skin, and eyes crinkling as she lets out a giggle, wind blowing through her hair, slender and callous free hand cover her lips politely.
— 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 ... !
elizabeth and adam winter had been trying for a girl when they find they're pregnant with charlie - and there was no way elizabeth was going to raise a son without a daughter by his side. the woman fully believed in raising two at the same time, so they could grow side by side, and learn to treat others with kindness and compassion. and so, a month before charlie winter is born - myeong, now stella - is adopted from south korea, and brought back home to berkeley lake, georgia. the two siblings are raised side by side; stella considers charlie to be her best friend. elizabeth and adam do their best to raise stella in her own culture, surrounding her with food options and other korean people - if she's so interested in learning about her ancestry. she has some interest, but most of her interests lay through the girl can see through a camera. she keeps her birth name of myeong in a special box in her room, where the keepsakes from korea were put - but it's out of sight, out of mind. girl does not want to meet the people who birthed her if they did not even care to leave a letter for her. and she's so happy being a winter. stella thrives. her parents love her, spoil her. charlie may be the younger brother, but he plays the role of protective brother easily. elizabeth and adam support stella in her passions, listen to their daughter's concerns, and help as much as they can. stella winter is used to having a full support system. so she wins spelling bees and beauty pageants, she enters film competitions and goes to math summer camp, she plants flowers with her mother every spring and helps her father fix up the old car stella's grandfather gave to her before he passed; she is well liked and always so happy, so bright. it's not that things get bad - they just change. charlie decides to finish off high school abroad, at this engineering program in iceland, her parents retire early, a lot of the house staff is let go - and the big house she grew up feels ... empty and cold, empty. stella was liked by her teachers, by her peers - but she can't call any of the latter her friends. and so, the winters move to oregon during her sophmore year of high school - and it's history from then. but we have to talk about the party; how she was a little too drunk to know what was happening, didn't realize what was happening, until she's standing by the lake with her peers - and chris isn't coming back up.
DAZZLING STARLET IN THE MAKING, is stella winter. her name is even one to be written about, plastered over screens and posters, those pretty features made to capture hearts. but ... that’s. just. it. she’s on the brink of stardom, but her manager says she needs that oomph. she needs that trauma, to be the breath of fresh air that speaks about her past honestly and openly; t o allow people from the past to make and close their marks, to let her future fans know just how real stella winter can be.
the winters ; the family, seemingly, is committed to the bit. her parents and brother are all blonde. her mother and brother have blue eyes, though her father's eyes are hazel. no matter what, stella did feel like the odd one out with her dark hair.
stella certainly lived up to the family name at st mary's, had come off a bit cold, a bit brash - and a lot of social cues went over her head when her brother wasn't around, and parents were off making their name known in town as well.
the blonde hair is hard to ignore; her mom was against it,  but in the 8th grade  -  stella’s nagging finally got to elizabeth,  and stella was finally allowed to dye it blonde.
her career: she’s been in only a few indie films released within the past 5 years,  small roles getting larger each past year. there’s an upcoming part for the role of peggy sue in iconic 80’s film remake: peggy sue got Married. stella is indeed one of the actresses’ they’re considering for the role  ( after her STELLAR auditon, of course ).  however,  to give that extra oomph  -  stella’s manager wants her to confront her past head on,  give it to the media before they can get their grubby fingers into it;  before certain writers can twist her personality and role in the story to work against her;  before she becomes the topic of gossip gatherings,  not the topic of casting conversations.
she was also taught other skills like: shooting a gun ( she has impeccable aim ), playing the piano, can ride a horse, and speak both korean and icelandic alongside english.
she and chris wilder were in film & av club together and ... stella had a little unrequited crush on the guy. girl never made a move, barely spoke to him outside of film projects; figures she'd have time to talk to him and get to know each other when she wasn't so busy. and when he dies ... it awakens an impulse in her to feel so much more, to do what she feels, because who knows when her death is next?
CLARA BOW by taylr s*ft, released in 2024; a telltale song on how hollywood will always treat the young women trying to make it on their own, and it isn't just hollywood - but all of america. notable lyrics: you look like stevie nicks in '75, the hair and lips // this town is fake but you're the real thing / breath of fresh air through smoke rings / take the glory, give everything / promise to be dazzling / the crown is stained but you're the real queen / flesh and blood amongst war machines / you're the new god we're worshipping // promise to be … dazzling
ALL AMERICAN BITCH by ol*v*a rodr*go, released in 2016; because the lyrics ... just describes how she feels and how she's seen by most people. notable lyrics: i pay attention to things that most people ignore / and i'm alright with the movies that make jokes 'bout senseless cruelty, that's for sure // o feel for your every little issue, i know just what you mean / and i make light of the darkness / i've got sun in my motherfuckin' pocket, best believe // coca-cola bottles that i only use to curl my hair / i got class and integrity / just like a goddamn kennedy, i swear / with love to spare // i don't get angry when i'm pissed / i'm the eternal optimist // i'm grateful all the time / i'm sexy and I'm kind / i'm pretty when I cry.
THE BRUNETTE TO HER BLONDE. with @reinedense aka noah. more to be added later.
I WISH THAT'D I - with @michaelgeary. when you laid like a wolf / with your head on my lap / i felt like one of those portraits of women protected by a beast on a chain / they look so safe / a guard dog there just for her / if only she knew that with one wrong move / he'll turn around and tear off her hands / and i wish you had given me the courtesy of ripping out my throat / and i wish that i let you have the dignity of letting me go. because stella can take one look at michael geary and know he's no good for her. it doesn't last, though; because they're both transfer students and the more stella talks to michael, lets him in ( not by her own will ), she finds the similarities do not end there.
UNO REVERSE IS SO HIGH SCHOOL. with @surglace. truth, dare, spin bottles / you know how to ball, i know aristotle / brand new, full-throttle / touch me while your bros play grand theft auto / it's true, swear, scouts honor / tou knew what you wanted and boy, you got her / brand new, full-throttle / you already know, babe. stella fell first ... felix langdon fell harder. and they like each other so much ... if you squint, it gets a little co-dependent.
WANTED: please note that these are all gender neutral plots unless otherwise specified, and can fit and be adapted to any muse within the group if you're interested in certain aspects, but not the whole !
would love general friends, classmates, enemies, frenemies, exes, hookups, etc.
click here for a pinterest list of wanted connections.
if you're interested in plotting, please like this post and/or slide into my dms ! comment a 🩷 if you'd prefer to just assume connections ( though if you have a mumu i will need a heads up who you wanna do it for ).
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
HC that Sal would 100% be into pet play.
Between the constant slurs and his fear of dogs, it just ends up arousing him to no end.
He will also 100% kneel at your feet if you ask him to UWU
This got so much longer than I intended sdlkfald Enjoy UwU 👍💕
Puppy Play with Sal-
[CW: NS/FW (grapefruit), degradation, dumbification, unsanitary]
>See this is what happens when the trauma to kink pipeline is actually a drop slide into a very deep pool lolol
>I love this hc because on one hand, Sal is a self-conscious sweetheart who absolutely deserves the love and praise that a prized housepet would receive, despite him often believing otherwise. Participating in petplay scenes would offer him comfortable surroundings free of judgement, unconditional affection from a trusted source, reassurance that he's wanted and valued for just being himself, and an unwavering sense of safety he doesn't have to work to maintain. Plus, he'd get all of his favorite treats and toys to play with (as long as he acts like the good boy that he is!) 🤗💕
>On the other hand, Sal is intelligent and impressively quick-witted. He has so much on his mind, is always looking out for the next threat, and his go-to defense mechanisms are coming up with complicated schemes, thinking up convincing fibs, or turning the snark up to 11. Constantly having his gears turning like that takes a lot of effort- I say the guy needs a break! Petplay scenes would give Sal some time to turn his brain off, let someone else do the thinking for him, and allow him to just exist in the moment without worrying about what's to come. I can't think of a better way to do that than to turn him into a dumb, drooly puppy whos only responsibility is to follow simple commands and otherwise relax at his S/O/owners feet! (Plus, how fun would it be to see the typically smart-mouthed Sally so deep in subspace that he can't even string a sentence together? It would be adorable and we all know it UwU)
>He has to ease into petplay very gradually and needs a lot of positive reinforcement along the way. It was hard to convince him to try it in the first place, so don't expect him to crawl and bark on the first, or even the fifth go. Baby steps!!
>Slow to start acting the part, but tries his best every time and is a VERY good boy 🥺🏆
>Lapdog4lyfe- he loves laying his head in his owners lap and watching TV with them (though he tends to fall asleep pretty quickly if they start petting him). This would be an excellent starting point for getting him into pet play and/or lulling him into puppy space ✅
>Sal has a very difficult time eating out of a bowl. Hand-feeding is a better option, unless you don't mind half of his meal ending up on the floor and on his face. 🦴
>Likes bath time a lot more than he expected (just be extra careful not to get soap in his eyes or mouth!) 🧼
>His pigtails make PERFECT puppy ears and look SO CUTE swaying side-to-side when he's crawling around on all fours 😭👏💖💖💖
>Drool. Just… so much drool like goddamn someone grab a mop lol
>His gearboy is his favorite toy in or out of puppy mode, so he's not a fan of paw mitts. Only use them if needs a short reminder not to use his hands for 'people things'.
>However, he would not need much convincing to wear a puppy hood and collar, and he might end up adding them into rotation with his other everyday masks if it's comfortable enough. (He already had a gimp hood he wore ironically, so a puppy hood probably wouldn't raise any eyebrows.) 🤷‍♂️
>Sprinkles in a little mild bratting once he's gotten really comfortable with this kind of play (playing keep-away with toys, making a show of doing the opposite of commands, putting one paw on the couch when he's been told he's not allowed on the furniture, etc.). He's just having some fun, but that behavior can be quickly corrected with a good stern look if you're not in the mood to deal with a 'naughty' pup atm. 😠
Obligatory links:
Drawing of Pup!Sal during a rough scene [CW: VERY NS/FW (grapefruit), sadomasochism, injury, blood, unsanitary, degradation, bondage, nudity]
Sal with an S/O who consensually bullies him [CW: NS/FW (grapefruit), sadomasochism, unsanitary, degradation]
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n3rdf0x · 6 months
ok fine im making a pinned. what ever.
I'm Cable, 21. I live in the PNW, moved here from south-central US after 20 years because it Completely And Utterly Blows there. My main pronouns are Sh3/It/Pup, but you unlock new ones when you pass my vibe check.
I post a lot of untagged NSFW, which used to be fine until i got a bunch of people I don't know here. I'll probably start tagging shit in the near future, especially since someone recently asked me to start tagging some of the cnc i'll reblog without warning (fair and valid concern, frankly). That being said, this is a space for *me* first and foremost, and I can't always promise to remember, so if you're worried about getting things put on your dash unlabeled please don't follow me- i'd hate to harm someone like that :C
If you're under 20, i'd prefer if you didn't follow me. I reblog a lot of hard nsfw, and i just don't feel comfortable with you here. Don't take it personally if i soft- or hardblock you.
Other than that, there's not much else to say about me or this garbage dump. I'm trans, polyam and open, a weird dog, a subby mess. I play the banjo, i collect board games, i love to explore new things and especially i love to get people to open up about their own interests. I have a passion for horror and, often, life itself- the smaller things are where i get most of my joy lately. Do me a favour and get yourself a treat if you can. You deserve it.
If you're still here, enjoy my weird hodgepodge and don't be afraid to message me or be weird in my notes, *especially* if you're trans. I think T4T means we're family, and i'll honor that.
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doggiesdogsblog · 2 years
Why a dog can make your life awesome.
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Who wouldn't want to wake up to a furry little fellow darting about the house with the tail wagging in excitement? If you do not have a furry friend driving you crazy yet, here are some good reasons why you should own a dog.
1. Companionship Life can be really lonely if you are your only company. Having a canine pet is great for companionship as you always have someone to go home to each evening. That furry friend will warm up your lap as you watch TV together or be by your side during those morning walks. A dog will make your life less lonely.
2. Get more active Responsibilities like training and exercising your dog can motivate you to take charge of your lifestyle as well. A morning jog by the beach is good for both you and Bingo's cardio and muscles. Your pooch may not help you with the bench presses, but the fact that he needs to stay in shape means you also have to stay in shape.
3. Say no to pressure It's been scientifically proven that having a pet helps reduce blood pressure. Blood pressure spikes are often caused by symptoms such as stress and anxiety. You are less likely to worry about life or anything else when you have a furry friend beside you. Dogs can notice when you are down, and they will rush to comfort and cheer you up best way they can.
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4. Get well sooner Spending time with your canine friend releases serotonin and dopamine into your body. These are natural hormones that promote the health of your body. This means you get an immune system boost to help you fight diseases better. That flu would disappear a lot quicker if you had a corgi in the house.
5. Service animals Dogs are great for alerting you when there is an intruder. A courageous breed like a Doberman will shower you with love and also handle any impending danger on your behalf. Some dogs are used as service animals in the army or disabled people such as the blind.
6. Dogs are loyal Let's face it, cats are only nice when they want something from you; food, kitty toy, drinking water, name it. Dogs are different, they are always happy to be around you even if they are getting nothing in return. Even if the two of you lost each other in the woods, a dog will always find its way back to you.
7. Dogs help with social interaction Pet lovers are always treated warmly by fellow humans or pet lovers. Just as two strangers would hold a conversation as they watch their babies play, the same goes for pet owners. Who knows, maybe getting a Shih Tzu will finally get that cute neighbor to say hi to you.
8. Dogs can save your life We have heard countless stories of how rescue dogs that ran to get help for their injured owners. There are scientific studies showing that dogs can detect malignant growths in humans. If your pup is constantly sniffing and licking at that lump on your leg, you might want to have it checked.
Conclusion Bottom line, there is never a dull moment when you have a canine friend around. Besides being great watchers of your home, dogs can help improve your life in significant ways. So don't wait any longer, get your fast furry friend at pupshy pups today.
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petculiars · 2 years
When Should Puppies Stop Biting?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/when-should-puppies-stop-biting/
When Should Puppies Stop Biting?
Any pup owner knows that while puppies are playing they will be biting and nipping and doing all sorts of different things. Growing pups will also use biting and even chewing as a way of relieving their sore gums when their teeth are growing and to investigate their surroundings. And although it is very funny to watch a pup trying to play tough, as it gets older and the teeth start to get stronger, things will stop being cute and fast. You will soon notice that even though tiny, those razor-sharp teeth puppies have will start to hurt. At some point, you will get tired of having your skin constantly bruised and you’ll start to wonder when will your pup stop biting.
Will a puppy grow out of biting and nipping?
Pups don’t normally grow out of biting, even though they will start chewing less as soon as they are done teething, which happens around the age of 5 months old. An important aspect to consider is that your dog will get used to clamping down your skin if you let it do it often enough. This is why it is very important to train your dog and teach it appropriate behavior if you want to consider yourself a responsible pet owner.
You might also like my articles on how to sell a puppy you just bought, why are puppies breathing heavily, and the best flea treatments for puppies.
Ways to train your puppy to stop biting and nipping
Start with teaching the pup bite inhibition
Experts from the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) consider that it is very important to teach your pup about bite inhibition even before trying to stop it from nipping or biting people while playing. Although your pup will continue to throw its teeth around, you will first have to teach it to be as gentle as possible. It is very important to teach your puppy to control its strength and the force of its jaws, so that when reaching adulthood, if it ever feels the need to bite, even if out of fear, it will do it in a gentle way. Even without your training, a puppy will usually learn to be gentle from playing with littermates and from its mother. For example, when the mother sees a pup bite too hard, she will intervene and stop it. Pups will also have to understand these things even while away from the litter and their mother, in a human’s house.
According to the ASPCA, when trying to teach your dog to be gentle, you should use the same techniques that its littermates might use. This means that you should have great success fixing this behavioral problem if you respond with a high-pitched “ow” every time your pup bites a little too hard while playing with you. Once your pup starts to understand and stops biting, give him a treat and praise. There are also dogs that get excited when they hear someone yelping. This means that if your dog gets excited when you make a high-pitched noise, it is better to just get up and walk away to make him understand you don’t like his behavior.
Stop the pup from biting by using redirection
A great way to reach your goal, which is basically to stop the pup from biting, is with the help of redirection. This is done by giving your pup a chew bone or a tug toy as soon as it starts to bite down or nip at your skin. This is to create a connection inside your pup’s head between his need to bite and chewing on a toy, according to experts from the ASPCA.
There are also a few breeds of dogs, like the Shetland sheepdogs and even Border Collies, that will give in to their herding instincts and nip humans at the ankles in an effort to herd them around the house. One thing you can do if you know your pup is an ankle grabber is to just keep a toy with you at all times, and when the dog feels the need to nip at your ankle, just wave the toy and stop walking. Give him a treat and praise him as soon as the pup grabs the toy, and then just move on. This exercise should be repeated until you can safely walk around your house without the fear of being nipped.
Puppies have to understand that playtime ends when they bite
You should try to give your puppy the occasional timeouts as a way to teach him that any game you’re playing is over as soon as he either nips or bites. This will be something a pup won’t need a lot of time to understand, considering that they usually like to play and don’t like these types of timeouts. You can see this timeout in whatever way you like; either by picking up the dog and placing it in his enclosure or a gated room or by leaving the room and letting the pet cool off. Leaving the pup alone for just around 60 seconds should be enough for him to understand. Then, you can resume your play sessions. This technique should be repeated until you see results.
Your pup can never have enough chew toys
It is very important to give your pup enough toys, especially between the ages of 2 and 10 months old, when the pet is going through rapid development, according to the AKC (American Kennel Club). Toys are not only helpful when it comes to the discomfort and pain caused by the development of their teeth, but also as a way of providing mental stimulation, and even training, to some extent. Toys should always be chosen based on the dog’s overall personality and size.
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