petculiars · 1 year
Myths About Jack Russell Terriers
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Myths About Jack Russell Terriers
Although it has a whole lot of personality, the Jack Russell terrier is among the smaller-sized dogs. When reaching adulthood, the average Jack Russell dog will weigh about 10 to 15 pounds, having a size of about 10 to 13 inches.
These pups are not only curious, loving, and lively, but they are also the definition of extroverts. Jack Russell pups are always the life of any party. You will also notice that they are pretty affectionate. So regardless of whether you have a pure blood JRT or a mix of Jack Russell Terrier with something else, you shouldn’t be surprised if they need your undivided attention and will crawl in your lap a lot for periodic snuggle sessions.
Jack Russell Terriers are still pretty hard to understand by most people although they have been around since the 1800s. Keep in mind that the pet you’re taking home will hopefully move into his forever home, so make sure you have all the right information about the breed before getting the pet. So let’s get over some of the most popular Jack Russell Terrier myths and try to debunk them.
Jack Russell terriers as apartment dogs
Most people believe that Jack Russell terriers don’t need a lot of space due to their very small size. But keep in mind that the JRT was actually made for fox-hunting purposes, so it is quite an energetic pet. These pups will do best in a big house with a backyard because they need a lot of play opportunities. The Jack Russell is the type of dog that will bark a lot, although it is friendly in nature. This is something that most neighbors living close by won’t enjoy.
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But even so, you could still manage to keep a JRT inside an apartment. To do this, you will have to make sure you will be able to spend enough time with the dog and help him consume his energy through play sessions and daily walks. It will also help if your Jack Russell Terrier is properly trained so that he stops barking unprovoked. You’ll train your dog easier if you give him a treat whenever he stops barking and use the command “quiet”.
Jack Russell terriers like strangers
When it comes to other small breeds, like Chihuahua for example, pups are known to pick a person that they like to cozy up next to, but they will avoid any other people, sometimes even including family members. JRTs, on the other hand, have no problem becoming friends with strangers and accepting them in their lives.
Although Jack Russell Terriers are known to bark loudly when meeting new people, this shouldn’t be a reason to get alarmed as they only try to get people’s attention. As soon as guests will acknowledge the presence of the dog, they will be bombarded with affection and playful behaviors.
Jack Russell Terriers need a lot of exercise
As I said above, Jack Russell Terriers are known to be very active both physically and mentally, so they need a lot of stimulation, which most of the time, only exercise can fulfill. They will need to consume their energy in one way or another, so running and playing will surely help. You need to make sure your dog gets to consume his energy in a good and constructive way. A JRT that is ignored, skips daily walks, and is left home alone can develop destructive behaviors or health issues like obesity.
But keep in mind that walking and playing with your dog daily is one of the best ways of bonding. Taking your dog to the park or getting through romps, games of fetch, or agility courses in the backyard can also tire your Jack Russell, while also helping you two create a stronger bond.
Jack Russells get along with other pets
Jack Russells aren’t friends with just people. They act very nicely around other animals as well, and this includes other dogs that become playmates almost instantly. If you socialize your Jack Russell pup from a young age, you will have an even easier time making him enjoy the company of other pets you might have around the house.
Jack Russells aren’t hard to train
It’s true that JRTs are pretty easy to distract, mostly due to their inquisitive nature. But on the upside, dogs from the Jack Russell breed are very smart and love to get attention, praise, and love from their owners. They can learn all kinds of tricks and commands to become the perfect pets. To get the dog to listen, make sure your training sessions are positive and full of praise and rewards like treats. Punishment almost never works with these dogs. At first, you should go for short sessions of just around 5 minutes. Always try to end on a positive note, even when things didn’t work out as planned. It will make your dog wait eagerly for the next session.
As an ending note, try not to get a pet based on myths you heard from other people. Instead, check the animal’s history with other pets, its age, overall health history, and breed line, to know more about what type of companion you’ll be bringing home. Always get a new pet from a reputable rescue center, shelter, or breeder, and talk about the specifics of the breed and the individual characteristics of the pup before bringing it home with you.
This is the perfect way of getting important information about your dog’s preferences, history, and unique personality traits. Remember that your job starts in the first day after bringing the dog home. A lot of love, socialization, and proper training can transform almost any pup into the perfect pet.
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petculiars · 1 year
Can Cats Cry?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/can-cats-cry/
Can Cats Cry?
Some cats look as if they are grieving or even crying. But can they do that? In the course of our lives, there are always extreme situations that make us sad. Can pets feel the same? Can cats really cry? My article provides answers to these as well as other questions.
What is suffering?
Psychologists refer to suffering as an emotion that people feel in response to a loss in their lives or when they feel pain. This emotion is especially strong when we lose a life partner, family member, or friend, but also when we get hurt.
But we can also feel pain when we are fired from work. We cry even when a loved object is broken or lost.
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Whether it’s tears of joy or tears of sadness, you’ve probably cried at least once in your life. What happens if your cat has wet eyes? Do cats cry because they are sad?
Don’t worry, tears in cats are not a sign of sadness. Because, strictly speaking, cats do not cry for emotional reasons.
What does it mean when cats cry?
Like the rest of mammals, cats are able to produce tears, but they respond to physiological discomfort and not altered emotional states. Allergies, foreign bodies, or colds, one of the most common eye diseases in cats, can cause your cat’s tear glands to produce more tear fluid or tear ducts to swell.
Some diseases that can produce these secretions are as follows:
Feline conjunctivitis can cause a phenomenon of continuous lacrimation, epiphora;
Foreign bodies that can sit on the cat’s eyes can cause tears to be produced for their expulsion;
The application of irritants to the face of the animal;
As we can see, there are several cases in which lacrimation is effective. If you see your cat “crying”, you should not worry about psychological reasons, but medical ones instead. A visit to the veterinarian is essential.
Even without crying: Can a cat be sad?
In 1872, Charles Darwin wrote the book “The expression of the emotions in man and animals”. In it, he published his observations that emotions between humans and animals, such as cats, can be very similar.
However, despite Darwin’s efforts, the question of whether animals can be sad has remained unanswered for a long time. It was only during the 20th and 21st centuries that science became more and more concerned with animal emotions.
Sadness and pets
A well-known researcher in animal suffering is Marc Bekoff, a former professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Colorado-Boulder. His passion was to explore the emotions of animals.
He found that dog brain imaging studies show that areas similar to those in the human brain function during certain states of emotional arousal. Thus, it is now known that animals exhibit emotional behaviors, just like us humans.
The absence of crying does not imply a lack of emotion
Just because cats don’t cry, it doesn’t mean they’re not sad. Primary emotions have been demonstrated in different groups of animals, and grief or sadness is one of them.
Thus, cats express their discontent and discomfort by meowing. Unlike humans, felines communicate their emotions by using their vocalization.
For example, kittens, when disturbed, hungry or cold, emit sounds to attract the attention of their mother. Some cats may emit sounds when changes occur in the home or when a new member appears that they do not know because this is how they try to express their dissatisfaction.
There are also many other physiological manifestations of sadness and depression in cats. Some of the symptoms of this nervous emotional state include lack of care, apathy, and decreased desire to eat, among others.
Different manifestations, the same emotion
Human beings are the only animals capable of expressing their sadness through tears. This does not mean, in any case, that animals are not able to suffer and manifest negative emotions.
When it comes to becoming the owner of any type of pet, you need to pay attention to various physiological signs of the animal, because usually, the animals express their sadness by refusing food, by reduced activity, or by shedding.
In cats, meowing and other sounds can give you clues about your cat’s emotional state, but they’re not the only clues.
Certain behavioral traits, as well as ear bending or fur condition, are good signs to consider in order to figure out your pet’s emotional state.
What do cats look like when they are sad?
When a cat feels emotional pain, you may notice the following signs:
They seek more contact with their owner, or, on the contrary, they stay alone more often.
It has a reduced appetite, which can lead to severe weight loss.
The cat is no longer playing.
She seems restless or sleeps more.
Some cats make crying sounds.
So crying is not part of the behavioral repertoire of a sad cat.
How to help your grieving cat
Patience, calmness, and routine are the most important points if you want to help your grieving cat. First, sadness occurs when a familiar routine is disrupted. In other words, when the loss of a person significantly changes the life conditions of the cat.
Even if your cat doesn’t cry in the human sense, make her feel like you care about her. Make sure your cat continues to receive food at regular times. Talk to her and don’t hesitate to motivate her to play. You can also cheer her up with a toy.
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petculiars · 1 year
Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws?
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Why Do Dogs Lick Their Paws?
You may have noticed your dog licking his paws from time to time. Dogs lick their paws occasionally. It’s normal, but excessive licking of their paws can be a sign of a problem. If you frequently notice that your dog is licking his paws, it’s time to take a closer look.
Why do dogs lick their paws?
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Dogs usually lick their paws as part of self-care. If your dog is taking care of him meticulously, you may notice him licking his paws after meals, while preparing for a nap, or after coming home from outside.
Even dogs who do not take care of themselves will occasionally clean their paws. If you notice your dog licking his paws from time to time, then you probably have nothing to worry about.
It is not normal if your dog seems to lick his paws frequently or aggressively. This is usually a sign of a health problem or behavior problem.
Health problems and paw licking
If you think that paw licking in your dog is abnormal, the first step is to determine if there is a health problem with his paws. Dogs often lick their paws excessively if they experience itching, irritation, or pain.
An injury or the presence of a foreign object in the paw may explain the sudden appearance of paw licking. Your pet may have stepped on something that caused discomfort, such as a sharp object or hot pavement. Or, it could have been stung or bitten by an insect or other animal.
There may even be an object or substance stuck to the paws and the dog needs help to remove it. Foreign objects such as splinters or pieces of wheat can get stuck in the dog’s paws and cause irritation.
Another possibility is that your pet has abnormal growth on one of its paws, such as a cyst or tumor. Or, your dog may have arthritis or damage to soft tissues or paw bones. The latter may not be something you can see with the naked eye. If your dog focuses on one paw more than the others, then it is more likely to be a wound, a foreign object, or growth. However, these problems can easily affect several paws at a time.
Allergies often cause itching or irritation of the paw pads, causing a dog to lick its paws for relief. Many dogs have allergies that cause itchy paws. It is known that food allergies cause itchy paws.
It is not uncommon for some dogs to develop bacterial or fungal infections in their paws. These infections can occur for unknown reasons. Sometimes they are secondary to allergies. When a dog licks his paws frequently, they remain wet and are more prone to bacteria and fungi.
External parasitic infections such as fleas or scabies also tend to cause itching in the paws, leading to excessive licking.
Behavioral problems and paw licking
If all health problems have been ruled out, your dog is most likely licking his paws for behavioral reasons. It can be caused for as simple reasons as boredom. Or, it could be a sign of stress, fear, or anxiety.
Paw licking could have started because of boredom and then became a relaxing or satisfying habit for your dog. In severe cases, your dog may have obsessive-compulsive tendencies that cause him to obsessively lick his paws.
A simple way to approach the licking behavior of his paws is to distract your dog. Take him for more walks, play with him more often and give him toys to keep his attention. Don’t scold him for licking, but don’t reward him with snacks either.
If the paw licking continues, consider approaching some behavior correction techniques to help your dog. Consult with a dog trainer or animal behavior specialist for help.
What to do if your dog licks his paws too much
If you feel that your pet is constantly licking its paws, start by taking a close look at them. Inspect the foot on the face and back, toenails, cushions, and spaces between the toes. Look for foreign objects, cuts, bruises, bleeding, swelling, redness, peels, crusts, leaks, broken nails, and anything else that seems abnormal. Administer first aid if necessary.
Keep in mind that excessive licking often causes saliva stains on the hair around the paws. This rust coloring is the easiest to see where the hair has a light color.
It is important to contact your veterinarian, whether his paws appear abnormal or not. Your veterinarian should spot eventual health problems before you start trying to address a behavior problem.
If your dog has a problem that may require advanced testing or treatment, your veterinarian may refer you to a specialist, such as a veterinary dermatologist or a veterinary surgeon.
If there is no physical reason for your dog to lick his paws excessively, then there is a chance that your pet has developed a behavioral problem.
Behavioral modification to stop licking and chewing the front paws requires time, patience, and consistency.
Consider a local bitter-tasting product that is safe for pets to discourage licking. If this does not work, physical restraint may be required, such as a dog cone.
If further help is needed for behavior correction, consider working with a dog trainer, animal behavior specialist, or veterinarian in behavior.
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petculiars · 1 year
Interesting Facts About Squids
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/interesting-facts-about-squids/
Interesting Facts About Squids
The squid is a marine animal that belongs to the order Mollusca, Cephalopoda class. It can be found in all seas. Large populations of squids are located on the coast of Australia.
The squid is a mollusk, and many people classify it as fish, which is wrong.
The common squid, Sepia Officinalis, is the largest and most well-known species of squid. It is native to the Baltic, Nordic, and Mediterranean seas. It lives on the bottom of the ocean with mud and sand at depths of up to 200 meters. There are almost 200 species of squids in the seas and oceans around the world and around 10 species are extinct.
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Since they cannot reach high speeds like octopuses, even over short distances, they prefer to hunt using an ambush method. They stay in the dark until the prey reaches them. This creature feeds on shrimp, fish, and crabs.
After it catches the food, it will take it to the mouth and keep it to be eaten or broken with its fleshy beak. This beak is so strong that it can break the larger fish shells and bones.
A 2008 study found that they preferred a particular type of food. After birth, they feed mostly on shrimp and crabs. The presence of prey at a distance of 5 m causes a rapid reflex of orientation toward it and the sudden removal of water from the gill chamber by a powerful jet, which thus pushes the squid toward the prey. The arms catch the prey and the animal suddenly turns with another jet of water now heading to the shelter from which it came out.
An experiment led by a Dutchman shows how squids can distinguish the colors and shapes of objects. On the outside of the aquarium, he put a white paper disc, with a diameter of 10 cm, and immediately at the other corner of the aquarium left a living crab, the perfect food for the sepia. There were two squids in the aquarium.
They saw the disc, then the crab, and quickly headed toward it, they caught it with their arms and one managed to take it to the beak in the middle of the tentacles, to break it and quickly swallow it.
After half an hour the experiment was repeated, then, again and again, the fourth time the white disc was applied to the wall of the aquarium, both species headed toward the corner where they regularly received food. But when the white disk appeared, they would rush at high speed to this place.
Another experiment was made with a vertical red cardboard 20 cm long and 5 cm wide. Its appearance on the wall of the aquarium was accompanied by the throwing of a living crab at the other end of the vessel. After a few repetitions, the sepia headed toward the corner with the crab as soon as the red cardboard was applied to the wall.
How to recognize a squid
Unlike octopuses, squids have a protective cover. They have elongated bodies and 10 tentacles with cupping used to catch prey.
They reach a weight of 5 kg and a length of 60 cm. Many species do not exceed the length of 20-30 cm. The blood is pumped by 3 separate hearts. It is said that the eyes of the squid are the most developed in the animal kingdom.
It is an aquatic animal that moves due to its propulsion capabilities. To move in a certain direction, it gathers water and quickly removes it in the opposite direction.
In the brain housed in a relatively solid cartilage capsule, there are millions of nerve cells, each with well-defined functions. The optic lobes are the largest because their eyes are the most developed of the sense organs.
With the help of vision, the most important reflexes of behavior, attack, or defense are made. Probably also under the impulse of the colors perceived by the eyes, the body coloring is ordered by the brain to be similar to the external one.
The eyes are located on both sides of the head and they are very similar to those of mammals and humans, as they are yellowish and very expressive. The iris is pigmented, and the size of the pupil is regulated by the amount of light in the environment. The brighter it is, the smaller the iris.
They have a great deal of tactile sensitivity. In the dark, they distinguish between many shapes, like the shape of a crab hidden between the stones that they catch with their arms and take to the shelter, where they always rotate it in their arms.
Behavioral traits
Because of its ability to change color to camouflage, it is called the “chameleon of the sea”. It changes its color very easily depending on where it is placed: between algae, on the sand, etc.
When attacked, it throws a black substance from an “ink gland” that reduces visibility in the water. With this trick, it can easily get away from predators. The natural predators of the squid are dolphins, swordfish, shark whales, and other larger squids or fish.
The movements of the arms are very complex and can be compared to the movements of the human fingers. Each arm has to perform a certain task. Some catch stones and lead them to the construction of the shelter, and others grab prey that has passed nearby.
Recent studies confirm that the squid is the smartest invertebrate.
They sleep both during the day and at night. During this time, they remain still, their color opens up, and the number of breaths drops from 30 to 12 per minute.
Most commonly known for
Squid is a tasty food that can be prepared in the oven, barbecued, fried, marinated, or filled.
They left an important mark on the culture of mankind because people used to write with sepia ink. Apart from the ink used to make paints, sepia has a bone called the “sepia bone” which is very rich in calcium.
The bone of the squids was also used for grinding metal or tooth shining.
Japanese researchers have found that squid fat has antibiotic properties.
Sepia is also known as the only organic representative of brown paints.
Reproduction of Sepia
The primary condition for the survival of a squid is the temperature, and depending on this it can live 1.5 years, 2 or more.
People who want to keep squids in aquariums and reproduce them should really know what they are doing. Choose their gender carefully because if you put two males in the same place, they will fight. There is a high chance that a female and a male will fight too because they do not have optimal conditions, but two same-sex squids will certainly fight.
After mating, the female will lay one egg at a time. The eggs will start hatching after about 50 days, depending on the temperature.
It is assumed that the male grasps the female with tentacles and turns it so that it reaches face to face. Then it pushes a tentacle into an opening near the female’s mouth.
Facts and how a squid hunts!
They can change the color and texture of their skin in a fraction of a second. Simply! The whole body! The whole body can turn from red to green. They have different types of sacks. They are called pigmented sacks and are surrounded by muscles. When the muscles contract, they tighten the bag so that it releases a certain color. And so, their whole body is covered in it. They are called chromatophores, having these pigment-containing cells, which can make them have different colors.
They have different types of color mechanisms. Some are called aritaphors and they reflect light. They use the same types of light reflection that probably occur on the butterfly’s wings when they reflect light and you can see its colors.
The other types are called lucaphors, and they are white in color. They have small white dots on them, so for each independent color, they mix different mechanisms to result in the color they want.
They have feelings, and they can get angry. When they get angry, they become red. The whole body turns red. Suddenly! If they get scared, they can become yellow or green, or they can go down to the bottom of the ocean and take the color of the sand.
They may also have small bumps that appear on their skin and can mimic rocks. Sometimes they will imitate the brown algae with the help of the eight tentacles in front. They will change their shape and turn green and will float with the algae. They have, what is called, neutral buoyancy.
These small animals can pump air or water into the bones. If they want to float in water, they can take a certain amount of water out of their bones or insert a certain amount of air into their bones so they can float. They can insert a jet of water into the bones and then quickly go down.
They think! They really think and see very well. In fact, they have a “W” shaped pupil. It almost looks like Batman when you see a picture of the pupil’s shape. The squid has binocular vision. These strange creatures can focus on one thing with their eyes. Both their eyes can look at the same place, as we humans do; thus, they locate their prey. They go up and down to mislead the prey before eating it.
Some of them have the ability to light a kind of light on their head. These lights give you the impression of old cinema halls with lights all around. They walk with these lights on and use them to turn to what they want to eat.
They then turn on all their mechanisms and start playing with the lights. It has two skin extensions on the two sides of the head. Hidden under these extensions, there are two long tentacles, but they are different. These are the tentacles they feed on. The squids take them out and catch their prey. They quickly pull them out and then pull them back. With these tentacles, they catch food, and in this way they feed.
They think, see, and draw conclusions about certain things. They know how to hunt their prey. They know when it’s time to turn on their lights or remove their tentacles to catch food, so they make certain decisions.
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petculiars · 1 year
Dogs and Biking; What You Should Consider for A Safe Ride
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/dogs-and-biking/
Dogs and Biking; What You Should Consider for A Safe Ride
There are a few things you should keep in mind when riding a bike with your dogs.
What would be more beautiful than a relaxing bike ride in nature? Maybe a bike ride with the dog. In this article, I will show you how to get your dog to run close to the bike and what to take care of when you take him for a walk.
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Before you teach your dog to walk near a bike, ask yourself if the pet is suitable for this canine sport. There are breeds of dogs that would not have fun at all on a bike ride because of their physique. Your veterinarian will certainly be happy to provide you with more information about this.
How can I get my dog used to my bike?
Bicycles are not unusual for us. But the dog may be skeptical when he sees it for the first time. That’s why you should introduce him to your vehicle step by step before you go on the road.
If you want to get your dog used to this “unknown object”, don’t immediately sit on your bike during the first training sessions. Push the bike at first. You can also ask a friend to push the bike while you focus completely on the dog.
Before the first ride with your dog and your bike, tell your dog to sit and wait until he receives the “come” command from you. Keep the animal on a leash and the bike between you and him.
What to consider when biking with your dog
Make sure it goes on the opposite side of the traffic.
Never tie the leash to the handlebar when riding a bike.
When pushing the bike, the dog should walk on a leash freer and always be next to the seat.
Change direction and step from time to time. Let the dog sit down as soon as you stop. If this exercise works, you can move on to the next step.
How to ride a bike with your dog
Once the dog is no longer as shy about the bike and the first workouts have gone well, you can get on your bike and start walking slowly. Choose sidewalks or paths with as little traffic and activity as possible at the beginning.
Practice easy turns and avoid obstacles for the dog. You can venture into the park or on roads with little traffic only once you are completely sure that the animal is listening to your commands. Increase the speed and duration of the walk, step by step, to form the resistance of the dog gradually.
Tips for your first bike ride with your dog
Cycling is usually a taboo subject for dogs under 12 months or sick and old dogs.
Never give your dog food before a walk.
Cycling is like a sports session for the dog. So, start slowly and increase the speed along the way. Plan a rest period at the end, for the dog to recharge his batteries after training.
Riding a bike is very demanding for the dog. Therefore, avoid walking on hot days and on high humidity.
Take regular breaks for the animal to recover. Make sure you always have a bottle of water for your dog when out biking.
Avoid long rides on asphalt when planning your route. The hard surface of the road stresses the sensitive paws of the dog.
Avoid crowded streets because car exhaust is harmful to both you and your dog. A walk out in nature is much more relaxing and restful for you two.
Is cycling prohibited with dogs?
It is forbidden to take animals on a leash tied to a vehicle. But there is an exception for bicycles. If you, as its owner, have the animal under control and do not pose a danger to traffic, you can ride the bike with it without problems.
Of course, it is also important to take into account the good condition of the animals and to bike only with dogs who are capable of this. Local laws determine whether or not a leash is needed while riding a bike.
Dogs and bikes: Collar or harness?
This question always arises when you go on roads, where the leash is mandatory. Often a dog harness is a better choice because the risk of injury in the event of a sudden stop is lower and a harness gives the dog more safety than a collar.
Using a leash holder is also practical when riding a bike and keeping the dog on a leash. A so-called dog bike spacer has the advantage that you can fully concentrate on driving your bike. The spacer ensures that the dog will always remain at a safe distance from the bike.
Alternatives for small and young dogs
Do you have a small or young dog? You don’t have to stop biking with your dog. You can take your dog on a bike with a basket instead of letting him run near it. An alternative would be a trolley or bicycle trailer, which gives you additional stability while pedaling and protects your dog from wind and rain.
Enjoy your bike ride with your dog
With a little training, the right accessories and my tips, your next bike ride with your dog will be safe and relaxed. The circulatory system of the dog and the owner will enjoy fresh air and movement, especially in spring. What would be better than a few regular bike rides?
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petculiars · 1 year
What Do Pet Snakes Eat?
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What Do Pet Snakes Eat?
It is known that snakes can eat strange things from golf balls, and bulbs, to sheep, and alligators, and with such a reputation, it makes sense to ask: What do snakes eat?
Different types of snakes eat different things
There is no single diet to describe what snakes eat. Since there are many types of snakes, they will feed differently. Some snakes have special bodies that allow them to eat only one type of prey. For example, snakes that eat eggs only eat eggs.
Fortunately, usually, pet snakes will be limited to a basic diet consisting of mice and rats. Snakes are carnivores, and a rat or mouse is usually a complete and balanced meal for them.
Certain species of snake can also eat chicken, guinea pigs, gerbils, or young rabbits. Some snakes also eat insects, frogs and amphibians, earthworms, eggs, other reptiles, bats, and even birds.
Each species of snake has a different diet. However, snakes always feed on animal matter, never on plant material. Their teeth are not designed for plant consumption.
Should the pet snake’s food be alive?
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Although snakes prefer live food, it is recommended to feed your pet snake only dead prey. There were incidents where the live prey was left inside the snake terrarium and it did not consume it immediately. In defense, the prey bites or attacks the snake, and can seriously hurt it.
Factors on which the feeding of a pet snake depends
Because a snake’s diet can vary so much, it’s important to do some research before buying a snake pet. In captivity, it is always best to feed your snake dead prey, or frozen prey, but defrost it before giving it.
However, some snakes will not eat previously dead food. So, make sure your snake has already followed such a diet, with frozen and then defrosted animals, before bringing it home. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Young snakes that eat young mice will not eat prey unless it moves. So, for them, living prey is acceptable.
There are several reasons to make sure your snake is in the right place, and it will consume dead or defrosted meat. And one of these reasons is the cruelty factor. If you feed your snake with living prey, that prey often suffers more than is necessary to become the food for the snake. If the prey can be euthanatized before, it is generally better.
In addition, the living prey can fight back. If it is a rodent, it can bite the snake as it tries to eat it. The snake will generally win the fight but may be injured in the process.
Another reason to buy frozen food is to avoid any kind of parasite that the prey can carry. Live prey can have internal parasites like worms, or external parasites like ticks, and fleas. Any of these can also harm the snake.
An additional advantage when offering frozen foods is that they are cheaper and you can make a stock. You don’t have to buy live animals when you have to feed the snake.
How much food do snakes eat?
The amount of food a snake will eat during each feeding will depend on its age, size, and species. Whenever you feed your snake, make sure that the prey is not more than half the diameter of the snake. This will help with digestion.
As a general rule, you can give the snake the entire prey. No need to cut it into smaller pieces. This is because the jaw of a snake is not joined inside the face, as in humans. It is connected by a ligament, which makes the jaw very flexible and allows it to rotate vertically and horizontally. This is why snakes are able to eat an entire large prey.
Do snakes drink water?
Snakes drink water, but not very often. However, the snake should always have a large bowl that is a little deep with water at its disposal. The snake can soften itself in it and even make its needs in this water. Water evaporation also helps maintain proper humidity inside the terrarium.
How often do snakes eat?
Snakes do not eat often. Usually, they will consume one meal only once a week or once every two weeks, maybe even more. Smaller, younger snakes can eat 2 times a week, and larger, older snakes may not eat for weeks.
Not sure if the snake is hungry? There are some signs you can look for. For example, the snake may become more active or start climbing on the sides of its enclosure as if it were looking for food. Be careful with the intestinal transit as it may become hungry afterward.
Important advice when feeding pet snakes
Now that you know what snakes eat, you should know that it is advisable to move the snake to another feeding facility, separate from where it usually sits. This can decrease the aggression of the snake and make it less likely to attack if it is hungry.
In addition, you should wait 48 hours after feeding before handling the snake. Snakes can be stressed, just like humans, and if their prey is not fully digested, it can be regurgitated.
Wash your hands thoroughly before and after feeding the snake. Many reptiles can carry Salmonella, a life-threatening bacterium that can spread from pets to humans. And vice versa, any chemicals on your hands, for example, moisturizers, lotions, hand disinfectants, etc., can be transferred to the skin of the snake, which can cause irritation.
Final words! So, what does your pet snake eat?
You will need to do research for the specific species of snake you are buying to find out what it will eat. If it is a more general species, it is best to provide it with several types of food, such as live crickets, fish, frogs, and small mammals such as mice and rats.
But if the snake species is more specialized and eats only one type of food in the wild, be prepared to always have that food at hand.
Keep in mind that most snakes eat every 5-14 days. So, determine in advance the types of food you will need to buy for your new pet, to ensure that it remains happy, healthy, and well-fed for years to come.
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petculiars · 1 year
How Can You Tell if Your Puppy Is Dehydrated? Signs and Causes
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How Can You Tell if Your Puppy Is Dehydrated? Signs and Causes
Dehydration is a water deficiency in the body. Your dog loses water every day during urination and exhalation, and by evaporating saliva during panting. Dehydration in puppies can quickly become a serious problem and in this article, I will tell you the causes of dehydration, its symptoms, and treatment, to help you have a happy, healthy, and hydrated puppy.
Puppies are particularly susceptible to dehydration because they have a much lower body mass than adult dogs. In the hot summer months, overheating during play can predispose the puppy to excessive water loss. It becomes even more important to keep an eye on him in warm weather to prevent dehydration.
Much of a dog’s water loss is due to urination. Fluids are replaced when the puppy eats and drinks. Make sure that plenty of clean water is available to prevent dehydration. Puppies drink more fluids in warm weather, but in winter you also need to be sure that the water vessel does not freeze. Anything that increases fluid loss, such as diarrhea, can also lead to dehydration.
What causes dehydration?
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Dehydration can occur as a result of any disease that causes diarrhea or vomiting. Excessive urination, common in diabetes and kidney disease, bleeding, or any condition that causes reluctance to eat or drink, can also lead to dehydration.
Severe diarrhea causes dehydration by the fact that feces circulate much faster through the intestinal tract, so the body fails to absorb fluids.
Vomiting by eliminating the gastric content does not allow the ingestion of any liquid and implicitly prevents its absorption.
In the warm season, heat dehydration is the most common. Dogs hardly manage to get cold because they do not have sweat glands. Thus, in them, the body temperature regulation is done by the mouth and is accompanied by abundant salivation, which removes many fluids. If the dog does not benefit from water at its discretion, an imbalance occurs, the losses being greater than the intake.
Signs of dehydration in puppies
The first visible sign of dehydration is dry mucous membranes, and the gums and tongue of the puppy are sticky or dry instead of wet. Saliva can also become sticky.
A more obvious sign is the loss of skin elasticity. A puppy’s skin normally fits as a comfortable garment to move around, especially on his shoulders. Grasp the skin over the neck and shoulders of the pup and lift it slightly; when normally hydrated, the skin quickly returns to its place after release.
The skin retracts slowly when the dog is 7% to 8% dehydrated. A dehydration of 10% or more is serious, and the skin will remain in a ridge when released and will not return to its place.
Capillary refill time (CRT) is also a good measure of hydration check. This is the time it takes for blood to return to the mucous membranes after pressure is applied and can be demonstrated by gently pressing a finger on the pup’s gums. This briefly blocks blood flow, so the tissue turns white when the pressure is released quickly.
When the hydration of the puppies is normal, it takes less than two seconds for the white to return to the normal pink pigment. A dehydration of seven to eight percent will delay the capillary refill time for two to three seconds.
More than four or five seconds indicates severe dehydration, a very dangerous situation. These dogs also exhibit sunken eyeballs, involuntary muscle contractions, and cold extremities.
How to treat dehydration in puppies
Puppies suffering from moderate to severe dehydration need immediate medical attention to survive. Fluid therapy will be needed to rehydrate the puppy and bring his electrolyte/mineral, balance to normal.
Depending on your puppy’s needs, your veterinarian can show you how to administer fluid therapy at home, demonstrating the administration of subcutaneous fluid, meaning under the skin.
In mild cases where vomiting is not a problem, it will be useful to get the dog to drink water. Your veterinarian may prescribe products similar to those for children, which also provide lost electrolytes.
If your puppy, is dehydrated but is not interested in drinking water, you can try to give him some ice. Licking ice is a good way to make him interested and be able to drink the water he needs to recover.
The main cause of dehydration will also need to be treated. Specific medications may be needed to control diarrhea and vomiting to prevent further fluid loss. Other medications, depending on the diagnosis, such as those for treating diabetes or kidney disease, may be necessary, but this is especially in older dogs.
Some genetic diseases, like kidney, cancer, and diabetes, can make some pups more prone to dehydration than others. There are also puppies that are more sensitive to certain weather conditions, such as heat, and may be more susceptible to dehydration.
If you have a puppy that is likely to become dehydrated, consult your veterinarian to determine the best action plan to help prevent such cases.
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petculiars · 1 year
Interesting facts About Munchkin Cats
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Interesting facts About Munchkin Cats
Society nowadays relies strongly on the social media cloud, which has somehow become a type of currency. High-value content is usually signaled by a combination of the views, comments, and likes you receive. And considering that cats and cat videos always had a high place among viral content, it’s really no surprise that munchkin cats are also pretty popular on social networks like TikTok and YouTube. Some videos manage to land well into the hundred million views. But for those that just found out about this particular breed, what exactly is a munchkin cat? Let’s go over some very interesting facts about Munchkins.
Munchkin cats: Getting to know the breed
In the world of cats, munchkins have their own, unique place, with their popular curiosity, long bodies, stubby and legs. You can go as far as to say that these very short-legged creatures could have a strong role in fantastical literature. Some cat lovers were even heard calling munchkin cats the noble steeds lookalikes for fairy nobility. So where did this breed come from? Its origins are in England, around the year 1930. Nowadays, most Munchkin cats come from Louisiana, more precisely, a small town called Rayville.
Sandra Hochendel is said to have bred these cats after finding two pregnant munchkins, one gray and one black, hidden under a truck. Hockendel, who was a music teacher in Rayville, only kept the black cat and called her Blackberry. The gray cat got the name Blueberry and was eventually rehomed. The history of Blueberry is pretty blurry, but what we do know for sure is that all modern-day munchkins are Blackberry‘s descendants.
Munchkin cat personality, size, and health
Just like other breeds like the Manx or the Sphynx, the Munchkin cat is a result of inbreeding, which is why it isn’t uncommon for these creatures to develop health issues, as well as behavioral problems. If you’re really interested in adopting one of these weird-looking cats, then you might want to know how big a munchkin cat will get, whether or not it will have health problems, or what is the expected life span of the munchkin breed. So let’s go over these issues one by one.
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Aside from being among the most adorable breeds in the world, munchkin cats are also known as one of the most affectionate breeds of cats. Munchkins simply love to spend time with you, your family, and especially your children. Keep in mind that although your kids will get along with this type of cat, you should always keep an eye on them when they are playing together, especially if you have really small children. It’s also a good idea to keep any valuable jewelry you have around the house, away from this pet. The munchkin is also known as a magpie, mainly due to the cat’s affinity for shiny things, similar to that of birds.
The munchkin breed is considered a small-medium type of cat, but its plush coat and stubby legs might make it appear slightly larger than it actually is. Males will usually be larger than females, but this isn’t unusual in general. You should expect a female munchkin cat to have a weight of around 5 to 8 pounds, while males will be slightly bigger, having a weight of 7 to 9 pounds.
Life span and health issues
Although different breeders and cat experts have different opinions on this subject, it turns out that the life span of munchkin cats is pretty similar to other cats, especially when cared for properly. Of course, there are breeds that would outlive munchkins, but still, these cats should live to the respectable age of 12-15 years.
There is some not-so-happy news as well. A genetic mutation is what causes Munchkin cats to have those adorable stubby legs. This mutation can lead to a lot of health issues, some of them pretty painful, like osteoarthritis. Arthritis in general is easily treatable in cats and treatment is readily available, but people that want to get a munchkin cat should keep an eye on the pet’s weight because any extra pounds could put unwanted pressure on their bad joints. Regular exercise and a correct diet are a must, as well as periodical visits to the vet, to make sure these cats are kept as healthy as possible, so they can live as long as possible.
Munchkin cat price
People that want to get a munchkin cat will have a hard time finding one in rescue centers, which is why most of them will reach the point where they will want to know how much would this cat cost. Ready for a weird answer? Here it is: It really depends.
There are quite a few factors that will influence the final cost of a munchkin kitty. You might find not-so-known breeders that might sell these types of kittens for very low prices, but when possible, try to avoid buying a pet from a breeder that doesn’t have a strong reputation. Facilities that offer munchkin cats for low prices will usually raise them in deplorable living conditions, which would lead to health-related or behavioral issues. When buying from a reputable breeder, be prepared to pay $500 to $2,000 for a munchkin cat, although you might spend closer to $3,000 if the kitten you’re getting has an unusual coat pattern or comes from a famous bloodline.
The munchkin cat is a really appreciated breed, although there are some controversies around it. But could a Munchkin ever become as popular as a Manx or a Sphynx? This is something that time will show. But if you’re set on getting a munchkin, you should remember to do your due diligence when it comes to the breeder, keep close contact with a veterinarian, and of course, post the cute kitty all around the social media.
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petculiars · 1 year
How Long Do Horses Usually Live? How Can You Tell Their Age?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/how-long-do-horses-usually-live-how-can-you-tell-its-age/
How Long Do Horses Usually Live? How Can You Tell Their Age?
Just like humans, thanks to a better understanding of health and medical care, horses live longer than ever. Not long ago, the age of 25 was considered old for a horse. Now, the life expectancy of horses has increased, mainly because people take better care of them. Most of us would like our fellow horses to stay with us for as long as possible.
How long do horses live?
What is the average lifespan of a horse? With better veterinary care, horses live longer than ever, just as better health care prolongs people’s lives. You can expect a healthy horse to live over 25 years. A horse that lives more than 30 years is no longer unusual. Depending on the breed, care, and environment, a domestic horse can live between 25 and 30 years. Some breeds can live 40 years or more. They are raised as traction animals, and the people who raise them usually know how to properly care for them.
It is important to note that not all horses age alike, and not all need the same kind of care. Thus, depending on the breed and activity of the animal, it can live longer or not.
How old is the oldest horse?
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Thanks to a better understanding of health and medical care, horses live longer than ever. This is also the case of Old Billy, from the 19th century, who lived up to 62 years. Sugar Puff also entered the record book for the oldest living pony. He died in 2007 at the age of 56. Not long ago, the age of 25 was considered advanced for a horse.
How long does a horse live, depending on the breed?
When asked how long the horses live on average, breeders and hippologists, experts in the study of horses, respond differently. Some say that horses live on average between 25 and 30 years, while others say that the average life of a horse is 35-40 years. You need to understand that there is no number for all horses, as you cannot compare a horse raised in the wild with a domestic Mare, or a horse bred for specialized exhibitions. The same is true for a horse race or equestrian stallion.
The life span of a horse will vary depending on the breed
Given all these conditions, the average life span of a horse can be designated by a frame of 15 to 40 years. But not all individuals survive to reach old age. An interesting fact is that depending on the breed, the lifespan will vary.
Working domestic horses live on average up to 20-25 years. How much a horse will work, will depend largely on the owner. The better the conditions created for the horse and the more caring the owner is, the more the pet will be able to settle for health and longevity. Genetics and individual endurance also play an important role.
Sports horses live 5-7 years longer than working horses. But in this case, the result of physical activity plays an important role. If the horse does not hurt itself and in its daily routine a lot of time is allocated for rest and recovery after the races, such a stallion has every chance to reach old age. The main thing is not to bring the animal to exhaustion. There are cases when some owners of the equestrian business exhaust their horses to such an extent that they suffer from a heart attack at a fairly young and productive age. Sometimes a horse that is not useful and becomes unprofitable is simply euthanized.
Horses raised in a horse ranch can live up to 35 years. They get to have more attention and care. This is because these animals are valuable examples of breeding. High-blood breeds, such as Arab horses or Akhal-Teke, are centenarians. Such horses, due to their profitability, receive early and high-quality treatment in case of problems.
Because they have a calm and measured lifestyle, ponies live up to 30 to 38 years. In their case, it’s all about training, sports, and care. Unfortunately, some breeders are very dependent on training, and the animals die of physical exhaustion, getting seriously ill.
Life expectancy in the wild and in stables
There is a difference between how many years horses live in a domestic environment and how many in the wild. In natural conditions, wild horses die early because they have to fight for survival.
So, out of the entire annual litter of wild horses, only 30% of all individuals reach full maturity. Most young foals get in the teeth of predators. Accidental injuries in wild horses are also a common cause of death. A sick horse cannot follow the herd, cannot ensure the safety of the herd, and also cannot provide food and drink.
What does affect the life expectancy of a horse?
How long a horse lives can be influenced by several factors. These include breed and incurable hereditary diseases.
Horses need to be cleaned and dried because these things give them comfort. If they stay wet for a longer period of time, diseases will not delay appearing. Also, a horse should not be excessively trained, as several foot problems may occur. However, training must exist so the horse won’t develop atrophy of muscles.
It is important to note that a balanced and high-quality diet prolongs the life of the animal. On the other hand, a lack of vitamins or moldy foods can lead to illness or even death.
At the first sign of a disease, the horse should be taken immediately to the veterinarian. Regular checks are also required, as well as vaccines and other essential procedures.
The main guidelines that ensure the longevity of horses are:
quality care and proper maintenance;
adequate and healthy nutrition;
horse’s breed;
attitude toward domestic or wild horses;
their domestic purpose: for work, for sports, for horse racing, for horse breeding.
Signs of aging in horses
If you have a mature horse, it is advisable to watch for signs of aging, so you know when you will need to treat it as a senior animal. Not all horses age alike, and not all will need the same kind of care. Here are some signs of aging in horses that you need to keep in mind so you can offer them the best care.
The age of horses compared to the age of men
Several graphs and calculations were created in an attempt to compare the age of a horse with the human one. This is difficult to do, because the rate of maturity and aging in horses, and humans is very different.
How can you determine the age of horses by their teeth?
If you don’t know the date of your horse’s birth, one way to tell his age is through its teeth. Determining the age of a horse by looking at its teeth is not accurate, but it will tell you the approximate age. The teeth of the horses erupt on the surface of the gum almost their entire life, until the tooth itself is completely worn out.
Final words!
Many factors affect the life span of a horse. Horse breeders know them and try to hold on to them because this makes it possible to maximize the lives of horses.
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petculiars · 1 year
Why Do Dogs Sploot? And Should You Worry About It?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/why-do-dogs-sploot/
Why Do Dogs Sploot? And Should You Worry About It?
If you’re a dog lover then you surely know that a pup can make your life a lot better. And social media can vouch for this, with its thousands of videos of adorable pups. And dogs, in general, are among the most adorable creatures appearing in both rescue videos and funny training fails.
There is one video trend in particular that a lot of vets and pet parents try nowadays and it’s the dog splooting. Although this position looks very innocent and makes dogs seem even cuter than they are, it can become a reason for concern. And in most cases, splooting itself isn’t what should cause you to worry, but it should prompt a visit to the vet to make sure that everything is alright.
So what is the actual reason for concern? The next part of the article will give you all the information you need to know what splooting is and when it should worry you.
So why would a dog sploot? This position is bound to stick with you when you notice it
It makes your dog look like a professional yogi. It is similar to the popular Sphinx pose. It’s basically the position in which your dog will be lying on its stomach and have its back legs pushed straight out behind and not tucked under its body.
The sploot can be similar to several different things. According to Gilbertsville Veterinary Hospital, these are the usual poses you might notice:
The side sploot – This is when the pup will lie on its stomach and have either both or just one of the legs pointing to the side, and not straight behind it.
The half sploot – This is the position in which the dog will be splooting with one leg tucked under its body and the other one stretched out to its behind.
The full sploot – This is the more common position in which the dog will lie down on its belly with both of its back legs stretched out, as described above.
Splooting has become very popular in recent years, being adopted especially in social media, although it is a position known for ages. This position also has some other agreed-upon names, according to the National Canine Research Association of America (NCRAOA), being also known as:
Frog legs
Frog dogging
So what exactly causes a dog to sploot? Why is splooting bad and when should you worry?
So although this is a very cute position for a dog, why does the pet actually do it? Well, things aren’t always straightforward in this regard, and depending on the age and the actual breed of the dog, the reasons might differ. So, as you might know, chihuahuas, corgis, and other small breeds have somewhat more flexible legs than other types of dogs. This is why it isn’t uncommon for these breeds to use splooting as one of their usual lying position and from time to time use it to stretch a little.
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When it comes to those dogs that don’t fall in this breed category, the sploot position can be seen as a negative sign, a positive one, or even a neutral, nonimportant one. But usually, this position shouldn’t be something you should worry about. According to Top Dog Health, although younger dogs will adopt this position more often than their older relatives, this is usually because pups are usually more flexible.
So dogs use this position mostly to stretch their legs when they feel to, but they can choose to sploot when they need to cool off as well. If you notice that your dog is lying like this on hardwood, tile, or other cold surfaces, then he might just be feeling warm.
There are also instances in which dog splooting is cause for concern
It might be worth it to check on your dog if you notice it suddenly picks up this behavior, although splooting in general is harmless. A pup taking on this behavior might take it from an older dog as it learns how to behave, but if you have an older dog that out of nowhere starts to sploot, then it might be faced with discomfort.
When a dog that is older starts to sploot, it most likely is dealing with either a joint or a muscle issue that makes it want to stretch. Splooting can either be a sign of the beginning of dysplasia in dogs, as well as either an injury or arthritic knee or hip according to the same NCRAOA. If you don’t want to take your dog to the vet until you have stronger evidence, you can check its movements and walking to see if you spot any difference in the dog’s behavior. It doesn’t hurt to go to the vet either.
You should also try to pay attention to the skin of your dog, according to experts. Some dogs also use splooting as a way of calming rashy, hot skin. This is why you should make sure you check out their underside too.
Final words
When you see your dog splooting, don’t think of medical issues right from the start as these aren’t all that common. But if a medical problem is the culprit, you should know that most of them are easily treatable when caught in time and cared for properly.
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petculiars · 1 year
Why Is Dental Care Important in Cats?
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Why Is Dental Care Important in Cats?
Caring for a new kitten can be interesting, but it is also a huge responsibility. Most people know that they need to take care of the basics, such as food, water, and bed, but there are so many other things to consider. So, before you decide to bring home a kitten, make sure you know what it takes to give them the best chance of having a healthy and happy life.
Routine veterinary visits, vaccinations, parasite detection, and prevention, as well as sterilization and castration, are all vital to the overall health of a pet. But did you know that the dental health of your kitten is equally important? More than half of cats over the age of three suffer from dental diseases.
Cats have some of the same dental problems as dogs, yet feline dental care is probably the most neglected and untreated. This article will focus on cat dental care, including common dental conditions, treatment, and how owners can take care of their cat’s teeth at home.
Cat’s teeth and tooth eruption
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Cats, like humans, have two sets of teeth in their lives. The kitten teeth are called primary or milk teeth, then as they fall they are replaced with permanent or adult teeth. Kittens are born without visible teeth. Around the age of three weeks, the milk teeth will begin to erupt.
By the age of four months, all 26 primary teeth should be visible. By the time a kitten reaches six to seven months, all 30 permanent teeth should have appeared.
Before adult teeth erupt through the gums, they begin to develop from the dental buds located in the upper and lower jaws. As adult teeth develop, they will start pressing on the roots of the milk teeth, and then things get a little complicated. The process usually begins around the age of 11 to 12 weeks.
During this time, cats may have symptoms like salivation, difficulty when eating, and may be easily irritable. Most kittens will have the desire to chew things, and usually things that they shouldn’t! A characteristic smell of breathing can also be noticed. This smell is normal and should disappear with the end of the tooth eruption process.
While your kitten goes through the phase of teeth changing, try to redirect chewing to acceptable objects, such as approved chewing toys. Do not allow them to chew things that could damage their teeth or your house.
Retained milk teeth
By the time a kitten reaches six to seven months old, adult teeth should have appeared. Sometimes, cats’ milk teeth fail to fall out and continue to occupy the space where only adult teeth should be. When milk teeth do not fall out to make room for permanent ones, they are called retained milk teeth. Retained milk teeth should be surgically extracted once they are discovered to avoid dental problems.
When milk teeth and permanent teeth try to occupy the same space, this double row of teeth overcrowd the mouth, so food is trapped between the teeth. Trapped foods can cause periodontal disease, an infection of the tissue that keeps teeth in place.
In addition, double sets of teeth mean that there will be double sets of roots. This will prevent the normal development of the tooth socket and eventually erode the support of the gum around the adult tooth. Remember, once you discover retained milk teeth you should get your cat to the veterinarian to surgically remove them to avoid dental problems.
Dental care and prevention at home
Toothpaste and brushing
If you start brushing your kitten’s teeth at an early age, they may accept this easier when they are older, and their adult teeth have erupted. Do not use human toothpaste.
The toothpaste comes in a variety of cat flavors, including chicken and tuna. Find one that your cat likes, and try to brush her teeth at least three times a week, or more if she allows you!
Wipes, special solutions, and dental pads
When cats age a little, they may not tolerate brushing. Some animals, especially those with tender gums, will not tolerate brushing but are more receptive to disinfectant wipes or tampons.
Dental wipes, special solutions, and tampons will wipe plaque deposits off the tooth surface. They are not helpful in removing food particles between the tooth and the gum, but they are probably the best thing after brushing. These products can be found in pet stores and are best used daily.
Snacks for dentition
Snacks do not replace brushing, however, cats with permanent teeth may benefit from chewing a proper dental snack daily. This can substantially reduce plaque and tartar by up to 69%. To avoid weight gain, be sure to feed only the recommended amount of delights.
Final words!
The purpose to start dental care for your cat immediately is to prevent periodontal diseases when she is older. Professional cleaning by your veterinarian may be necessary sometime in her life, but incorporating a dental care routine both into your daily routine and your cat can reduce the number of cleanings needed in the future.
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petculiars · 1 year
How Do Horses Sleep?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/how-do-horses-sleep/
How Do Horses Sleep?
For a long time, this question haunted people who were in love with this graceful animal. And this is not without reason, because not many people have been able to see a horse lying down in a deep sleep. So of course, the question arises: “How do horses sleep: Standing or lying down?”
The opinions of scientists, who have been observing them for a long time, have been based on the fact that horses do sleep, but in different ways. A person needs 7-8 hours to fully recover his power and energy. The family Equidae rests much longer: up to 6-15 hours, but their sleep cycles are completely different.
Horse owners had to repeatedly watch them sit for a long time with their eyes closed, flinching at the slightest noise, and waving their tails to make insects go away. In this position and condition, it can stay a few hours. But this is not a full sleep, this is a half-asleep rest. Their deep and profound sleep lasts from two to four hours.
The sleep in horses
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It is very rare to see a horse lying serenely on one side or in another position in a healthy sleeping state. The reason for this behavior is that in the past horses were wild and lived according to wild laws. They either had to watch out for a predator or feed and rescue themselves, with the help of their feet. Therefore, they had to always be on the lookout not to become the victim of wolves or other horse meat lovers.
Instinct forces horses from farms to gather in a herd and rest there, surrounded by their relatives. Some watch and guard the sleep, and the rest, stand or lay down resting. So, taking turns, they watch each other’s sleep. Moreover, the position in which the studs and mares rest is by bending their legs at the joints with the head half down. The ones that guard at this time are awake, standing. They remain in this position until they feel the danger and warn the herd about it with their neigh.
Interesting fact! The position with the bent legs is very comfortable from a safe posture. Feeling a threat or hearing a suspicious noise, the horses quickly pull them forward, push their back hooves and run quickly. This habit was preserved by them and passed on from their ancestors, whose teacher was nature, itself.
Sleeping on their feet
How do horses sleep, standing on their feet for a long time without getting tired? Zoologists have already studied and explained this habit of horses inherited from their ancestors. On average, an adult horse weighs four hundred pounds. The legs and hooves of these animals are under such a body weight, both while walking or running, and while sleeping. Why don’t they get tired and how do they resist such a task?
Nature has helped them adapt so that in a standing state, horses can distribute their weight evenly on all four legs, the ligaments of the knee joints to be tightened and allow them not to feel this load. In addition, it relaxes all muscles and slightly flexes the lower back. Horse hooves are designed in such a way that the connective tissue, which has a soft base and cushioning points when walking and running, distributes the load on the hooves and takes over the entire body weight. Therefore, horses in the course of the evolutionary process were able to learn how to rest, pasture, and save their lives.
Horses sleep lying on one side
Horses have a deep sleep phase when they can relax and fall asleep while lying on one side. Sometimes they sleep so deep that in a dream they begin to snore, like a person, even kicking their legs or head. In these 3-4 hours of deep sleep, their power is completely restored. But they can afford such a rest only if they feel no threat from the outside.
The situation is different in the case of the foals. When surrounded by adult horses and in the presence of their mother, they feel safe, can lie on the grass, and can sleep without worries. The feeling of security gives them the opportunity to rest as much as they want. They can be seen more often than adult mares and studs sleeping on one side.
Another reason why horses cannot sleep for too long, no more than 6 hours, on their side, is due to the massive weight and small thickness of the ribs. While lying down, animals feel a strong load on their lungs, which leads to edema. If the horse rests on its side on the wet and cold ground for long periods of time, it can develop pneumonia.
Does a horse dream?
Sometimes horse breeders are very attentive to the fact that their pets hardly sleep in the stall, lying down, on one side. This can be seen at the farm when you quietly walk between stalls. There, the stallions stand with their eyes closed, but their ears and lashes tremble slightly. So, they are relaxed and asleep. If the stall is dry and spacious, so that the horse can stretch and get up freely, the animal will feel comfortable. But if the horse is alone in the stable, it feels the discomfort of being alone, and so it is more cautious. It is enough to be in the fresh air, or in a herd on the pasture, surrounded by other horses. This will help improve the sleep of the animal.
Another question frequently asked by horse lovers is: “Do horses see dreams?” As their behavior show, when they fall asleep deeply, they might dream. The horses either tremble in their sleep, then “run”, puff, or neigh in silence. Sometimes they can even snore, but this is just a physiological property. Snoring occurs under the pressure of the body on the lungs. Scientists speculate that horses have colorful dreams because their vision is colorful.
Final words!
Sleep is essential for every living being, even for horses. For what? By resting we restore strength, and we receive an additional energy charge to continue life. In animals, as in humans, sleep comes when the body needs rest. But everyone sleeps differently. People rest lying in bed, dogs and cats, as well as all representatives of their species, rest crouching like a ball, while horses spend most of the day standing half-asleep on their feet.
If horses live on a farm and rest in a stall, then they can sleep either on one side or on their feet. It all depends on the situation. In herds, horses rest as wild nature has taught them. If an animal is healthy, energetic, and well-cared for, it means that it has excellent nutrition, good care, and healthy sleep.
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petculiars · 1 year
How Can You Use Coconut Oil in Dogs?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/how-can-you-use-coconut-oil-in-dogs/
How Can You Use Coconut Oil in Dogs?
There are a lot of ways people use coconut oil, ranging from moisturizing the skin to treating eczema, but you probably didn’t know it could be beneficial for your dog too!
Extracted from mature coconuts, coconut oil is an edible oil that is often found in both food and beauty products. These benefits are due to its high content of saturated fats and medium-chain triglycerides, a saturated form of fatty acid with proven health benefits, ranging from weight management to improved cognitive function.
From relieving digestion problems and soothing irritated skin to preventing infections and reducing allergic reactions, coconut oil has been shown to have many benefits for the canine population.
Is coconut oil safe for pets?
Coconut oil is very safe not only for dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and rabbits but also for cows and horses. Research shows that coconut oil is very well tolerated. Even if your pet consumes more coconut oil than it should, the only adverse effect it can have will be diarrhea.
Caution: Although coconut oil is safe for dogs, before administering it, you should consult your veterinarian. Unlike other oils that become toxic by heating, coconut oil is stable at high temperatures. Due to its stability, it can be used for two years.
Add coconut oil to your dog’s meals and rewards
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After consulting your pet’s veterinarian, you might consider adding coconut oil to its meals as a way to help balance the thyroid, meaning it can help overweight dogs lose weight and even the most sedentary dogs will feel more energetic.
Studies have also indicated that coconut oil can improve nutrient absorption, help counteract digestive disorders such as inflammatory bowel syndrome and colitis, and reduce overall body inflammation.
Start with no more than 1/4 teaspoon for smaller dogs, while larger breeds can handle up to a spoon daily. Make sure your pet doesn’t already have weight problems or is a breed prone to pancreatitis because coconut oil has a high-fat content and can cause weight gain when not used correctly.
Do you like to make your own dog treats? Consider coconut oil as a base. When mixed with health-boosting anti-inflammatory spices like turmeric, it can help turn a delicious treat for your dog into a powerful way to keep him away from disease.
Make sure you choose organic, virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil, and stop giving it to your dog immediately if you notice any signs of stomach distress, such as diarrhea or allergic reactions. If your dog seems to have an allergic reaction to coconut oil, alternatives like salmon oil and flaxseed oil may offer some of the same benefits as coconut oil due to omega-3 fatty acids.
Not only will coconut oil probably make your dog’s croquettes irresistible, but because it’s a medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA), the oil will be absorbed directly into the GI tract and go straight to the liver, where it metabolizes into energy for the dog and helps to ease or even prevent physical and digestive problems.
Some studies have shown that feeding your pet a diet that includes MCFA can help decrease the size of fat deposits and may even help prevent weight gain, all of this while providing your pet with extra energy to help improve athletic performance and endurance.
What kind of coconut oil should I buy for my dog?
When you want to buy coconut oil, it is preferable to be organic and make sure it is in a glass jar. On the market, you can find another form of coconut oil that is refined, bleached, and deodorized. Because it has been heated and filtered, this kind of oil has lost some of its nutrients, but it can be an acceptable solution for pets who do not like the taste of coconut oil.
You should know that coconut oil has a white color, but it can liquefy and become clear if you leave it in the kitchen. Therefore, you need to store it at a temperature below 25C.
Apply coconut oil to your dog’s skin
Just like in humans, applying coconut oil to your dog’s skin can help infuse your furry friend’s skin, with humidity, especially important in the harsh winter months,  and to prevent peeling or other signs of irritation. If you have a dog that already has dry skin or dandruff, coconut oil is extremely effective at moisturizing and increasing lipid levels on the skin’s surface.
Simply apply a small amount in your hands and massage it onto its skin, passing your fingers through your dog’s coat. Coconut oil can also help your dog’s coat look more elegant and shinier. Be careful, however, that your pet may lick himself a little more often that day!
If you live in a wooded area or want to go hiking with your dog, you should know that coconut oil can also serve as a non-chemical way to repel fleas and ticks, so it keeps your pet safe from diseases transmitted by these parasites. When applied to a dog’s coat, coconut oil can help repel unwanted pests to lure into a dog’s skin. Some research has shown that it can also help remove mites.
Use coconut oil as a coating on pills
Anyone who has ever had to give a dog a pill knows that it is not always the easiest task. If your dog has realized that the peanut butter ball you are giving him is actually masking a pill, and therefore refuses to take it, coconut oil can also be used as a handy trick for your pet to take its medications.
Used as a coating for pills, dogs may see taking medications more appealing and enjoyable, but it will also help your pet swallow the pill more easily.
Use coconut oil to soothe wounds
Coconut oil is considered to have natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, so if your pet suffers from cracked pads or other cuts, it can be a good way to get a good deal of coconut oil. It can be safely used as a natural topical antibiotic to help heal and soothe wounds. Dogs with seasonal allergies, and thus tend to chew their paws or scratch their ears more frequently, can also get relief from applying coconut oil on these types of wounds.
Coconut oil for brushing teeth
Isn’t your dog a fan of brushing its teeth? The antimicrobial properties of coconut oil make it a natural, and delicious way to clean your pet’s teeth.
The oil can help remove harmful bacteria from your dog’s mouth and prevent plaque formation that can lead to dental problems. You can apply coconut oil to your dog’s teeth just like you would use commercial dog toothpaste, with a dog-friendly toothbrush, or even with your finger.
Final words!
There are so many ways you can use coconut oil both as a supplement and for therapeutic purposes. You can try it and see improvements in your pet’s health, but not before you talk to your current veterinarian.
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petculiars · 1 year
How To Use Activated Charcoal in Fish Tanks?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/how-to-use-activated-charcoal-in-fish-tanks/
How To Use Activated Charcoal in Fish Tanks?
Activated charcoal has been used in home aquariums for decades and is still the most bought product for filtration systems. As new types of filters and materials became available, the debate about the effectiveness of active charcoal in filters also started.
Some believe that it should be used as standard support for continuous use in most filters. Others believe it should be used only for special needs, and others believe it should not be used at all.
Charcoal is depleted relatively quickly when used in an aquarium filter. For this reason, if you choose to use activated charcoal continuously, it must be replaced regularly. Otherwise, it is not very beneficial.
What is activated charcoal?
Activated charcoal or activated carbon is made from a carbonaceous material that has been heat-treated at very high temperatures to create many tiny pores, thus increasing its surface.
These tiny pores and its massive surface allow the filter material to capture a large volume of material, making it useful for removing pollutants from both air and water.
Different methods of creating activated charcoal have resulted in different forms of material suitable for different uses. In aquariums, the most commonly used form is GAC or granular activated charcoal. Other forms of activated carbon would be:
BAC, or activated charcoal beads
EAC, or extruded activated carbon
GAC, or granulated activated carbon
PAC, powdered activated carbon, is also available as a tablet.
There are also different sources of charcoal itself, each resulting in a different possible pore size. Materials such as coal, coconut, peat, bamboo, and wood are used to create activated charcoal. For aquariums, the best source is coal.
What does activated carbon do?
Activated charcoal absorbs a number of dissolved contaminants, such as chloramine and chlorine, tannins, which stain the water, and phenols, which cause odors. It will help avoid yellowing the water over time.
You need to understand that there are several important toxins that activated charcoal does not remove. In particular, it does not remove ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates. Therefore, it does not help to remove toxins during the initial installation of the aquarium. Changing the water or other methods should be used to reduce the high levels of ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates.
Heavy metals, such as lead or copper, are not removed. If the water source has heavy metals, use a water treatment product before placing it into the aquarium.
Activated carbon and medicines
Activated charcoal will absorb many drugs used to treat fish diseases. Therefore, before treating sick fish with medicine, all charcoal must be removed from the filter. Once the course of treatment is complete, you can add the activated charcoal back to the filter. The charcoal will remove any residual medicine from the aquarium’s water.
Placing it in the filter
Activated charcoal will lose its effectiveness quite quickly if exposed to a lot of debris from the aquarium. Keep in mind that if you do not keep your aquarium clean and debris accumulates in the filter, activated charcoal will not be effective.
Change of active charcoal
Since activated charcoal absorbs the compounds it removes, it eventually becomes saturated. Therefore, it needs to be replaced regularly, once a month being usually enough. Longer intervals between replacements will not harm the aquarium, but charcoal will gradually lose its ability to remove toxins from the water.
If you see the water getting yellowed or smelly, it’s time to change the activated charcoal.
Myths about the reuse of active charcoal
There are many stories about the reuse of active carbon. Some even give step-by-step instructions that generally involve baking the charcoal in the oven. These stories are myths.
Temperature and pressure are required for the reuse of depleted activated charcoal and cannot be obtained in the kitchen oven.
It is better to buy new charcoal from the fish store or any pet store when you need to replace it and make sure you keep unused activated charcoal in a sealed container as it can absorb odors and chemicals from the air.
You may have heard that once activated charcoal has reached its full capacity, it will begin to drain some of the absorbed materials back into the water. This is not an exact statement. Although technically possible, “de-absorption” requires changes in water chemistry that simply do not occur in an aquarium.
However, the procedures used to create a specific type of activated charcoal can lead to the presence of phosphate in the final product. In this case, the phosphate already present in the activated charcoal may leak into the aquarium water. Some activated carbon products will specifically mention whether they do or do not contain phosphates.
If you experience problems with persistently high levels of phosphates in the aquarium and find no other cause, remove the activated charcoal entirely. Perform normal maintenance of the aquarium for several months and check if the phosphate level remains high. If it remains high, probably the reason for the increased phosphate level was not charcoal.
Be careful when using activated charcoal
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In general, using activated charcoal in your filter is a good thing, but not a necessity. If you test your water, make periodic partial changes to your aquarium water, and filter your tap water for replacement, you don’t need to use coal. This is just an extra expense, as charcoal needs to be replaced every month.
Coal in a recirculating filtration system will also act as a home for beneficial bacteria that convert ammonia into nitrite and then into nitrate.
When you change the charcoal every month, you’re actually throwing out some of the bio-filter and it will take some time for the new charcoal to grow beneficial bacteria on it. If activated charcoal is a significant material in your filtration system, you will lose the bio-filter with each replacement.
There may be an increase in ammonia levels after the new activated carbon is added. To prevent this, use sponges, beads, granules, or ceramic balls in sufficient amounts in the filter to act as the primary medium for the bacteria that form the biofilter.
Activated charcoal powder, when used in the filtration system, has been reported to reach the aquarium in the form of fine dust that is trapped in the gills of the fish.
There are cases where fish died after inhaling powdered coal that was not properly placed in a bag of materials in the filter. Necropsy done on dead fish showed carbon particles in gills and fin tissues.
Using granulated activated charcoal or tablets, and rinsing them with distilled water before inserting them into the filter space will prevent this problem.
Use distilled or deionized water to rinse the new charcoal to prevent chlorine from being absorbed from tap water before it is inserted into the filter!
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petculiars · 1 year
Fascinating Facts About White Cats
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/fascinating-facts-about-white-cats/
Fascinating Facts About White Cats
White cats, with their soft, clean fur and uniquely colored eyes, are works of feline art. But these cats are more than just a beautiful look. White cats have a long presidential history and are considered lucky all over the world.
Many breeds can have completely white fur
Like tricolor cats, called calico, and those coloristically similar to the shell of a turtle, white cats are not related to a particular breed. Rather, many different breeds, both long and short-haired, can exhibit pure white fur, including Persian, Turkish angora, American shorthair, Siamese, and Devon Rex.
So, what causes them a completely white fur? If a cat has the dominant W gene, known as the masking gene, it will “hide” the gene of any other color and pattern of the fur, resulting in snow-white fur.
White cats can have unique eye colors
Did you know that the color of a cat’s eyes is related to the production of melanin in the body? As a result, white or slightly colored cats often have light-colored eyes. Completely white cats can have a striking variety of eye colors, such as blue, green, yellow, orange, or a combination of these.
Many white cats, but not all, are deaf
The same genetic factors that give cats their white coat and unique eye colors can cause total or partial deafness in many felines. It is believed that the ear closest to the “strange” eye color, or both ears if both eyes have a unique color, will be the deaf ear.
If your cat is partially or completely deaf, you should take several precautions to keep it safe. Be careful not to frighten them and use visual rather than verbal signs to communicate.
It is also better to keep a partially deaf or completely deaf cat indoors. It may have trouble avoiding hazards or protecting itself from potential predators.
White cats are not albino
No, cats with white fur are not albino. There is a key difference. White cats simply have a gene for white fur, while albinism is a genetic condition that leads to a complete lack of color pigmentation in the skin, fur, and eyes.
The easiest way to determine whether or not a cat is an albino is to control the eyes. White cats, as mentioned before, can have a wide range of eye colors. However, albino cats have pale blue, pink, or red eyes. Their eyes are not exactly pink or red, but the reflection of light on the blood vessels in their eyes gives them that appearance.
White cats can get sunburn
Like humans, cats with light or white fur are at increased risk of developing sunburn, especially on the ears, eyelids, and nose. Because they are more susceptible to sunburn, white cats also have a higher risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma or skin cancer.
It is important to take the right measures to protect your cat’s sensitive skin from damage caused by the sun.
If your kitten loves sunbathing, try to limit the time near the bright windows between 10:00 and 16:00, when the sun is the strongest. Consider investing in curtains or blinds, which will help block or limit the UV light entering through your windows.
Do you have an outdoor cat or live in an area where the sun is extremely strong? Talk to your veterinarian about water-resistant sunscreens designed to protect the sensitive skin of cats.
White cats are considered lucky
Unlike black cats which are supposed to bring bad luck, white cats symbolize wealth and luck in cultures around the world.
The famous Japanese Beckoning cat, also known as Maneki Neko, is most often described as a white cat. Coming around 1870, these figures are placed near the entrances of homes and businesses to bring good luck.
Many white cats lived in the White House
Suitable, right? Several presidents of the United States had white cats rushing around the White House during their mandate.
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President Rutherford B. Hayes, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter all had Siamese cats, and although many Siamese cats are not completely white, most of their fur is white.
William McKinley, the 25th president, had two Turkish Angora with equally exotic names: Enrique DeLome and Valeriano Weyler.
Persian white cats are the most popular
There is no doubt that white cats are gorgeous! But the most striking, and most in-demand white cat is of the Persian breed. Their long, silky fur and large, expressive eyes look very stylish. It is no wonder that for so long they have been organized into cat-themed calendars and pet food labels!
However, if you have a white Persian, you know that regular care is essential. Otherwise, you will have to deal with a feline with dirty and tangled fur rather than a calendar-model kitten!
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petculiars · 1 year
How To Care for A Chameleon?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/how-to-care-for-a-chameleon/
How To Care for A Chameleon?
Chameleons are amazing creatures, but they are not suitable as pets for everyone. Because their care requirements are quite specific and the creatures are easy to stress, chameleons are not for the beginner herpetologist.
But the real chameleons, also called the chameleons of the old world, known for their ability to change color, are fascinating pets for those who face the challenge.
As territorial and solitary animals, chameleons should be kept alone. Males are particularly aggressive toward each other.
Overview of species
Common name Chameleon
Scientific name: Chamaeleonidae
Adult size: Varies widely – 60cm is the largest and 1.5 cm is the smallest
Life expectancy: 3 to 10 years in captivity
Behavior and temperament
Young chameleons usually have a gray/brown color and can change shades a little. Around the age of five months, adult color and the ability to change colors develop, and also a range of colors can be observed, including green, blue-green, turquoise, and black.
Color change provides camouflage, temperature regulation, and a way to communicate with other chameleons. Similar to anoles, chameleons change colors in response to emotion, stress, temperature, lighting conditions, and the presence of another chameleon, but also other influences.
In general, a dark brown to black chameleon is stressed, the brighter colors reflecting a happier mood.
Chameleons use their tongue to catch prey. A chameleon’s tongue can be up to 1.5 times longer than its body length, allowing chameleons to catch insects from distance. They usually eat insects, but some will eat vegetation and small invertebrates.
The chameleon’s legs have three fingers pointing in one direction and two fingers pointing in the opposite direction, which gives them a good grip on the branches of the trees, in which they spend most of their time. Many species also have prehensile tails. They have globular eyes that rotate and move independently, allowing them to scan a wide range to hunt for food and look for predators.
Arranging the home of a chameleon as a pet
The natural habits of chameleons make them difficult to care for. Chameleons are arboreal animals, meaning they live exclusively on trees. They need cages with ample leafage for climbing and privacy, and the cage must be quite large.
For larger chameleons, a cage of 90/90 cm should be provided, 120 feet high, but the more space there is, the better it is. Ample ventilation is required, and a three-sided shielded cage is best with poly mesh or vinyl-coated wire, preferred to prevent toe injury.
It must be provided with branches of different diameters for climbing, and most of the cage space must be filled with these branches or living foliage. Make sure the plants are not toxic, as chameleons can eat the leaves. The substrate made of small particles, such as gravel, sand, or bark, should be avoided to prevent the chameleon from accidentally eating it while catching prey.
Several relaxation areas at different temperatures should also be provided within the cage of a chameleon. While some chameleons are happier at higher temperatures, others are at lower temperatures. Make sure you look at the specifics of your breed.
Chameleons take their water from the droplets on the leaves, so as a rule, they will not take water from a pot. Adequate water intake must be ensured either by a drip system or by steaming the enclosure at least twice a day.
Drip systems can be purchased or modeled from a water container with a hole placed above the cage, or even by placing ice cubes above the chameleon’s home to slowly melt and drip inside. If a drip system is used, keep the watering location consistent so that the chameleon knows where to find water. Steam will also help keep the humidity level high.
With a drip system, excess water must be collected and removed to prevent humidity from becoming too high.
Chameleons need exposure to UVA and UVB rays. In addition, allowing some exposure to natural sunlight through an open window, as glass filters almost all the necessary UV radiation, will help keep chameleons happy and healthy. UVB lights should be switched on for 10 hours a day.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to make sure you do not cause heat burns on the chameleon.
Food and water
Chameleons seem to feel best when fed on a variety of insects, so you should try to feed them as many types of insects as possible. Crickets, table worms, upper worms, wax worms, wax moths, and cockroaches are all good foods.
Prey food should be loaded with calcium before feeding and should be dusty with a calcium supplement. Some nutritious leafy vegetables can be offered in small amounts, but avoid spinach, lettuce, cabbage, and other vegetables and fruits as chameleons will only occasionally eat them.
Common health problems
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Many chameleons suffer from calcium and vitamin A deficiencies, usually as the result of a poor diet. They are also prone to mouth rot or stomatitis, an infection around the mouth that shows redness and excess saliva or salivation.
Another common condition among chameleons is metabolic bone disease. This condition, which can be fatal if not properly treated, causes the bones of a chameleon to become spongy. They will look lethargic and can lose their appetite.
As with any condition in which your pet seems sick or stressed, it is best to consult a reptile’s veterinarian. Try to avoid home remedies before consulting a veterinarian.
Choosing a chameleon as a pet
When selecting a chameleon as a pet, it is best to find one grown in captivity. Specimens caught in the wild are usually extremely stressed, carry a heavy load of parasites, and have difficulty acclimating under captive conditions.
Chameleons are not the most resistant or easy-to-keep reptiles, and starting with a stressed pet will make things worse. In addition, the capture and transport of chameleons, which fortunately is more strictly regulated, results in the death of many animals. Many die in transit before they reach the pet store.
After you have found a chameleon raised in captivity, observe it. It should be bright and active, able to change colors and have a well-nourished body.
What types of chameleons are good for beginners?
Different species of chameleon
There are several species of chameleons that are popular as pets. Here are some options to consider:
Veiled chameleon
Jackson chameleon
The Panther chameleon
You can also check out other chameleon breed profiles if you still decide that this is the right type of pet for you.
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petculiars · 1 year
Do Horses Know How to Swim?
New Post has been published on https://www.petculiars.com/do-horses-know-how-to-swim/
Do Horses Know How to Swim?
The horse was domesticated thousands of years ago. Due to its high strength and speed of movement, this animal is still in great sympathy and demand among humans to this day, even though mechanization has replaced it in many works. Horses are now mainly used in hippotherapy, which helps in many human conditions. This is an intelligent animal, full of goodwill for humans, well trained and able to train. Communication with them has a very beneficial effect on children who participate in horse clubs. Riding on a long term helps to restore affection. It develops balance, helps to overcome fear, and has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche.
Does a horse know to swim or do I have to teach it?
If a horse can see when a herd of horses swim over a river and can easily swim with them. They are animals that belong to herds, and if the horse sees the relatives swimming from one shore to another, it will follow them. Even the small foals are not afraid to swim along with adults.
Interestingly enough, horses can swim amazingly in deep waters, but not as well when the water is small.
When the pet horse trusts the owner, and the owner uses this trust for the pet’s health, well-being, and convenience, it will gladly follow him and follow all his commandments.
Many horses can swim. They can swim in a shallow body of water. There is no need to specifically teach these animals to swim, this is one of the instincts inherent in nature. However, they should not be forced to bathe, as horses may feel fear if it is their first time. In the future, they may not like the water. Some horses accept this procedure without enthusiasm. They can swim even over long distances, but since water is not their native element, it is not worth exhausting them with frequent swims.
How to swim with a horse
The love for horses can motivate a person to swim with them. You have to be particularly careful here. First, you need to explore the swimming site. It must not be far from where the animals are kept, and the water must not be too deep. The place for swimming should have a light, sandy shore with a flat bottom, not a strong stream of water. It is necessary to make sure that the pet is not afraid of water and that there are no unexpected situations that can lead to the injury of the rider. Only a calm and caring attitude toward the animal will create a favorable atmosphere for common bathing. First, you need to take all precautions. It will not be superfluous to put on strong gloves and do not forget the harness for controlling the horse if the horse suddenly starts to rise like a candle.
When the horse is worried about going deep, it may not want to go forward and can express stubbornness. Experienced breeders use signals to determine the mood of the animal. They know how to predict the actions of the pet. When the horse stops and raises its head, these are precursors to rising like a candle or intending to turn back. When this happens, the attempts to carry on the journey together must be stopped.
If you get into the water with a horse, sitting on the saddle, then you should not forget that after losing the support from its legs, it will find it difficult to swim with a load, therefore it is necessary to get down from the saddle. This will prevent unnecessary overload and anxiety in the animal. You can swim side by side, holding its mane, harness, or linger. The breeder should monitor his movements in the water because if the horse does not feel well in an unknown environment it can accidentally hit and injure.
Swimming with the horse enchants people who truly are friends with these graceful animals, really love them, and take care of them.
What if the horse is afraid of water and bathing?
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To wash the dust and remove dirt, especially in the summer, it is advisable not to limit yourself to washing with a hose, but to bathe it in a pond. This helps to strengthen and improve the horse’s well-being. Protect them from colds.
Cold water causes deep and rapid breathing and increased tonus, which helps to increase its metabolism.
Hygiene and bathing conditions must be observed:
You cannot bathe it immediately after feeding;
The water shouldn’t be at temperatures below +18 degrees;
The body of the horse must be wiped after the procedure;
Swim for no more than 20 minutes.
Slowly accompany the horse to and from the bathing;
Before swimming, it will be better to have a watering hole, for accommodation.
It is advisable to cross with the horse to the other side if it is a shallow river and then turn back.
This will help the animal move straight rather than trying to turn back. For the same reason, horses should not be allowed to swim and bathe along the shore.
After you have taught a horse to swim during the day, you must continue to teach him to swim at night.
The main thing is not to get the horse into the water by force. If the breeder and the animal have established a trusting relationship, then there should be no problems with swimming. The fear of swimming can occur if a horse sees water for the first time, or large amounts of it, for example, the sea.
It is advisable to drive it through the shallow water so it can get used to it. You can encourage the horse with a treat when going deeper, encouraging with kind words, and caressing.
If the horse is still afraid, it is necessary to get out of the water immediately. You can’t shout at or beat a horse. It is important to patiently prepare your friend for the wonderful swimming activity and it will learn to enjoy this procedure.
Listening to an animal depends on establishing good contact with it. This is expressed by understanding voice commands, specific signals, or personal examples.
Important! The fact that the horse is a terrestrial animal explains its fear of the water.
Final words!
In order not to discourage the horse from swimming the first time, you need to act with caution and emphasis. The nobility and charm of these animals delight and inspire kindness. Their beauty and grace are combined with strength and devotion.
Even a short communication with these animals will bring a positive and wonderful mood, as a horse ride will load you with joy and positive energy. Adults understand it with their minds and feel it from their hearts, children understand intuitively what kind of wonder it is, and are attracted to horses.
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