east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
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Massive Western media campaigns have swept this country off its feet in their defeating assessment of Japan’s gender inequality and discrimination against women. http://www.east-west-dichotomy.com/sexism-in-japan/
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
Have radical 'game feminists' gone too far? Time to unleash the TAO! ;-D>@AlphaOmegaSin @Sargon_of_Akkad @femfreq
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5G80pisdT5Y)  China's to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its victory over Imperial Japan in WW2. What's to say. Maybe less tanks more joy? And, an important announcement concerning The East-West Dichotomy... http://www.east-west-dichotomy.com/
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
Only a fool believes a single thing our exceedingly manipulative, self-serving, and authoritarian press says.
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
This case shows that in reality we are not an independent state. The Americans treat us Europeans still like vassals.
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
Needless to say, Western media, which has inherent that Western bias, is constantly looking out for great disrupters in the East; people who may bring about revolutions, topple foreign governments, and change the status quo. Stories are ‘fabricated’ that often reflect our Western biblical narrative. Nowhere is that better exemplified, I think, in the recent fabrication of a new biblical hero for China: “Joshua” Wong. Joshua is a Hong Kong teenager who was chosen by a coordinated Western media campaign (they synchronize their reports) to “lead the people of Hong Kong” (an allusion to the people of Israel) out of slavery and oppression (by the Communist Party of China) into the “Holy Land” (representing Western democracy and human rights).
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
...we kind of see where Ms. Fiorina is coming from. Western education remains a fetish of the colonial past. […]
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
“They are attempting to game our system and subvert our attempts to select students who present the best fit for our institution.”
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
China has already more millionaires than Japan, Germany, and Great Britain combined. Only in US politics, where the ruling elites belong to the dinosaurs, does the myth of Chinese lack of creativity hold its sway.
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
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Emma Sulkowicz is the real female version of the fictional Dorian Gray in the novel by Oscar Wilde. How far will she go? ... http://www.east-west-dichotomy.com/the-picture-of-dorian-gray-vs-the-mattress-of-emma-sulkowicz-now-shes-made-a-rape-porn/
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
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MOSCOW/SEVASTOPOL – Meditations from lay Zen Buddhist and travel writer Eric Arnow about the historical and ideological differences between Russia and the West, written after NATO’s push into Ukraine and Putin’s repatriation of the Crimean peninsula. http://www.east-west-dichotomy.com/russia-and-the-west-hold-different-views-on-world-history-party-2-by-eric-arnow/
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
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MOSCOW/SEVASTOPOL – After the West’s fall-out with Russia over the status quo in Ukraine, Eric Arnow, from Boston Massachusetts, a lay Zen Buddhist and travel writer whose ancestors came to the USA from various part of the Russian Empire, thought it would be “a good thing to see for himself what is going on, meet and make friends.” What he found was a very different, non-Western view of world history. http://www.east-west-dichotomy.com/a-travelers-impressions-from-western-sanctioned-russia-part-1-by-eric-arnow/
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
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Western Powers and Japan up in Arms against Mighty China (1890/2015 Western Imperialism)  G7 leaders gang-up: China must obey “international laws”, or else… http://www.east-west-dichotomy.com/g7-leaders-gang-up-china-must-obey-international-laws-or-else/ … #China #G7 #ForeignPolicy
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj0TGAsurhc)  THE SUCCESSES of the Greco-Hellenic and Judeo-Christian traditions of conquering the rest of the world are awe-inspiring and the envy of the world. You may believe in whatever religion you wish but “religion” this word and concept in and by itself IS A WESTERN product. There’s little arguing about it: Even the Hindus, the Muslims, the Confucianists, and the Buddhists are all living in 2015 of our Lord Jesus Christ. Language, you may have guessed so already, is of utmost importance in this battle for domination over the definition of thought...
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7xV7u_mjqw) Orwellian Rules of Writing at The New York Times | Big Think @YouTube @bigthink @nytimes @chubailiang #orwell 
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
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east-west-dichotomy · 9 years
The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
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