#pup play n furries r different
bottom-slut-unionizer · 10 months
Growing up on Tumblr I always thought puppy play was like the WORST kink to have (like that was how I thought people viewed it)
But like as an adult I don't get it. I met's pretty harmless. Like yeah, the argument that you don't want to see guys on leashes might seem like a pup play thing but that's more just exhibitionism. That's the kink they have for y'know being seen by people. That's the one people have issue with. But the dog parts? Yeah you can find it weird but like it's not harmful to you. But also with how people treat dogs like you can see why someone would want to go brainless for a few hours n get pet all over n be called a good boy
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queenwinry · 7 years
Once Upon a December
Pairing: Royai
Rating: K
Words: 1682
A/N: So Chie @daethberry finally got me losing my mind enough over an Anastasia royai au to actually put something down for it. In exchange, she’s giving me Mustang-pining angst <3 This is my artistic retelling of the infamous angsty boat scene from the animated movie Anastasia (you all know the one) but with Royai. Enjoy!
Riza stretched and turned in her bottom bunk bed, the swaying of the ship lulling her into a strange sleep. She couldn’t hear the raging storm rocking the boat and pelting the windows with rain, flashes of lightning illuminating the tumultuous seas. All she knew was the feel of the crisp sunshine of an afternoon day, and a young boy with golden hair beckoning her forward. She laughed and waved, and the boy joyfully ran off down a simple dirt path, giggling as he went.
The former orphan couldn’t see the strange mystical creatures coming to coax her out of bed, a deadly intent clouding their otherwise otherworldly simplicity. She couldn’t know the evil wishes of the man called Kimblee, the one intent on murdering the last of the Hawkeye royal line. All she could sense was a strange feeling of curiosity mixed with familiarity. The boy seemed like someone she remembered, from a far away place. A simpler time. A happier time.
With blissfully unaware footsteps, the blonde former princess exited her bed, her feet steadily following the hefty lurches of the ship as Kimblee’s demonic beings led her out of her small room. As she walked away, still floating in her happy dreamland, a head of furry white and black hair popped up from beneath the covers she had just vacated, noticing his new mistress leaving. Immediately the dog could sense the danger and leaped to the floor, having to gain its bearings while the boat continued to violently rock back and forth. Just as the dog was making its way to follow his wandering mistress, the door to their shared room closed with a decisive thud, the returning momentum of the ship’s sway shutting it definitively.
Riza, however, registered none of this. As she continued walking down the hallway of the boat, the reality stretching before her in her dreams pressed on. The young boy with scruffy golden hair and matching-colored eyes ran up to a new group of people. Like the boy himself, they felt familiar. There was another golden-haired boy, not much different from the one leading her, a girl with long blonde hair, and an older girl around Riza’s age with curly, brunette hair and a beaming smile on her face. The first boy ran up to them before they all turned back toward Riza, waved her forward, and unceremoniously jumped into the small pond below them. Riza couldn’t help but laugh joyously, a familiar warmth passing through her veins.
She felt this warmth even as she, in her dreamlike state, opened the door to the top deck of the boat and stepped out into the pouring rain and thundering skies.
Back in the room, Black Hayate desperately began barking and scratching at the door, knowing his mistress was in trouble, but not having any way to get to her, his legs far too short to get him to the doorknob. Trying to figure out what to do, the puppy immediately ran to the man sleeping haphazardly on the floor closest to the opposite wall, a suitcase propped under his head serving as a pillow. Hayate immediately jumped on the dozing man, his continued barks managing to carry over the sounds of the storm rocking them back and forth.
The man whined and grumbled as he was roused from his sleep. He grabbed the practically jumping dog and turned toward it with angry eyes. “W-what, what? Hayate what is it?”
Obviously not able to answer him directly, the young pup turned back to his mistress’s empty bed and gave another decisive bark.
This immediately got the raven-haired man’s attention. “Riza?” he called quietly as the danger of the situation began to dawn on him and he realized there was only one place for her to be in the middle of the night on a ship.
Another violent sway caused Roy Mustang to leap from the floor and rush to the door when his sleep-clogged brain finally put two and two together. “Riza!” he shouted with urgency as he yanked the door aside. The force of the sudden incline to one side of the boat made the now terrified man slam into the opposite wall as soon as he was in the hallway, but it didn’t slow him down much. He rushed to the upper deck, Hayate fast on his heels.
Still completely unaware of her surroundings or the danger she suddenly put herself in, Riza precariously stumbled across the rain-soaked deck toward one side of the old ship. In her mind’s eye she followed the people she was so sure she knew to the water’s edge, watching as they splashed and played in the pond below. In the center of their little group was a man Riza knew quite well. A man she had loved and missed and dreamed of seeing again, even when she told herself it was impossible.
Her father beckoned her forward, his joy as infectious as the people Riza now knew to be her siblings. “Come in! The water’s great!” her father yelled and the former princess tipped forward over the edge, not quite giving in to the temptation to follow them, but laughing and smiling all the same.
She had no idea her feet were teetering over the edge of the ship, as she clung to a nearby line, her body rocking back and forth with the motion of the sea. She didn’t even register the sound of her name being called from the entrance to the passenger rooms.
“Riza!” Roy called, his body instantly becoming soaked to the core as he ran across the deck, searching for the woman he knew had to be there. As he made his way to a small observation platform, the ship tipped far on its side, inviting an engulfing wave to wash across the deck, and subsequently, the desperate man. He clung to the railing of the platform and waited for the water to subside before he was back up looking for Riza’s head of long blonde hair, intent on not wasting a single second.
“Riza!” he continued to scream before finally, blessedly, his eyes caught sight of her.
And his heart nearly plummeted in his chest.
Roy wasn’t the only man calling for the princess, as she continued to gaze affectionately down at her father and siblings, wanting to join in on their happiness, and nearly making the last step to do so.
However, almost as quickly as the decision to follow them registered in her mind, the pond below quickly morphed into a pit of boiling molten rock, her father and siblings turning from joyous people enjoying a summer swim to horrific and grotesque demon-like beings, their eyes aflame.
For the first time since she’d followed her siblings down the dirt road, a gripping fear overtook her and she stepped back from the ledge in shock as her father’s horrific form reached out of the water, beckoning her in a bone-chilling voice to jump in. As she shook her head and let loose a blood-curdling scream, she felt arms encircling her from behind. She looked down to find that they had the same sick and grotesque appearance as what her father and siblings had morphed into and she continued to shriek as she struggled in the grasp of whatever had claimed her.
The warped voice of the demon-like beings pulling her into the certain death below spoke clearly enough for her to make out their words. “Yesss, my child. Jump in! For the curse. The Hawkeye curse!”
As the rain continued pelting down, Roy rushed to where Riza was teetering off the edge of the ship, only a small jump away from drowning in the ocean. He screamed her name and reached forward to pull her off, just as her hand was letting go of the rope, the only thing that was steadying her. Immediately she began to struggle in his arms, kicking and screaming as he brought her down and away from the railing. Roy realized with a sick clarity that she wasn’t even fully conscious of what she was doing, having apparently slept-walked all the way out here. The fact that she hadn’t already jumped or fallen off the side of the boat was a miracle.
As Roy brought her down, the princess still fighting viciously in his hold, he wrapped his arms steadily around her shaking body, her name falling from his lips in a desperate attempt to wake her up from whatever spell she was under.
Almost as soon as both her feet found steady ground, her eyes popped open in shock, her breaths coming out fast and strong. She blinked a few times as his mop of raven-black hair came into focus before quickly looking around her, taking in her surroundings in confusion. “R-roy?” His name had barely left her lips before her hands fisted in his shirt and she began spewing words. “T-the Hawkeye curse! The curse, I saw the curse!”
His arms still holding her upright, Roy’s face twisted in confusion at her desperate words. “The curse? Riza, what are you talking about?”
The former princess didn’t answer him. She merely buried her face in his chest as her body trembled. “I keep seeing faces. So many faces.” Her voice was breaking as Roy could hear, rather than feel, the tears falling down her face.
He didn’t waste a second before completely wrapping her up in his embrace. He delighted in the way she melted into his arms, finding her own steady hold around his waist. He buried his face in her hair before whispering reassurances. “Shhh, it’s okay, Riza. It was just a nightmare. It’s all over now.”
Distantly Roy registered the feel of the storm as it began to quiet down, the rain slowing to a drizzle and the boat finding itself back on steadier seas. Riza’s breathing began to calm as she relaxed in his hold, and he continued his gentle calming words, a soft smile gracing his face as he hugged her tighter to himself.
He was certainly in deep now.
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northshoregadgets · 7 years
Enjoy the Dog Days of Summer at a Dog-Friendly Botanical Garden!
It’s been said that “Friendship is like a beautiful garden.  The more you put into it, the more it grows.” Pet parents can nurture both their love of nature and their love for their furry family members with a visit to a botanical garden. From annual dog-friendly summer events to gardens that welcome dogs year-round, following are a few of the botanical gardens from coast to coast where you and Rover can literally stop and smell the roses.
Dog Days of Summer Events
NOTE: Dogs admitted to any botanical garden must remain on a leash at all times and be up to date on their vaccinations. Check the website of the venue you plan to visit for any additional restrictions.
Watch as your canine companion’s interest in flowers blossoms at Tucson Botanical Garden, which features Dog Days of Summer every day from June through the end of September.  Part of the gardens’ Summer Oasis Series, pups can admire the pretty petals of a plethora of flowers for a $3 pet visit dog admission fee. (Dog memberships, which are also available for $20, include unlimited daily visits throughout the summer months, a canine membership card with a ring to attach to your dog’s collar, and a discount $10 fee for each additional dog member.)
Dog Days of Summer runs through September 30, 2017 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The Tucson Botanical Garden is located at 2150 North Alvernon Way in Tucson.
A venue which always welcomes flower-loving Fidos, on August 12th Fido will receive free admission to the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden for Trails ‘n’ Tails, a National Dog Day celebration.  Pet parents can learn pet safety and training tips, promenade with their apparel-wearing pup during a costume parade, pucker up for the smooch-a-pooch photo booth, meet therapy dogs from ARF, slurp on shaved ice (both human and dog versions available) and much more!
Trails ‘n’ Tails runs from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on August 12, 2017
The Santa Barbara Botanic Garden is located at 1212 Mission Canyon Road in Santa Barbara, California.
Throughout August Floridian Fidos can take a vacation around the globe without ever leaving the comfort of the Naples Botanical Garden.  Our buddies who bark can enjoy the beauty of bamboo and banyan trees in the Lea Asian Garden, the “Wood’s Blue Goddess” water lily in the Kapnick Brazilian Garden, swaying palm trees in the Kapnick Caribbean Garden and plants from The Sunshine State in the Florida Garden.  Dogs are not allowed in the Smith’s Children’s Garden, Berger Shop in the Garden or in Fogg Cafe.  Admission for adults is $14.95, $9.95 for children ages 4 – 14.  Admission for dogs is $9.95.
Dogs in the Garden runs through August 2017.  Hours are from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
The Naples Botanical Garden is located at 4820 Bayshore Drive in Naples, Florida.
In  early August you and your canine companion are invited to cultivate a love for floral finery at the San Antonio Botanical Garden.  To ward off the 100 degree heat, during Dog Days at the Garden Fido can cool off in a doggy swimming pool, and bowls of water will be available throughout the venue.  A happening with heart, a portion of the proceeds (general admission cost and an additional $5 per dog admission fee) will benefit area animal charities, with San Antonio Care Services attending the event on Saturday and adoptables from SNIPSA all weekend long.  Can’t make it to the summer edition of Dog Days at the Garden?  You won’t be in the dog house with your flower-loving four-legged friend, as the gardens’ next dog-friendly event will take place December 2 -3, 2017.
Dog Days at the Garden:  August 5 – 6, 2017
The San Antonio Botanical Garden is located at 555 Funston Place in San Antonio.
From pop classics to R&B and jazz riffs, families and their fur babies can enjoy toe-tapping and tail-wagging tunes performed at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden during Fidos after 5.  Part of the Flowers After 5 series, leashed dogs can visit the various gardens within a 50 acre area deemed one of the top 10 botanical gardens in the nation. Along with welcoming Spot during select summer dates, on certain winter dates dogs can celebrate the holiday season at the venue during GardenFest for Fidos.
Fidos After 5: Each second Thursday from June through mid-September
Admission:  Along with general admission there is a $2 donation to the Richmond SPCA.
The Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden is located at 1800 Lakeside Avenue in Richmond, Virginia.
At Norfolk Botanical Garden, summer Sundays are fun days for our furry friends.  All season long Spot can sniff 20 different species of hydrangea in a 1.5 acre garden devoted to the flower; pups and pet parents can feast their eyes on artistically arranged plants, fruits and vegetables in the Potager Kitchen Garden; tail-waggers can take a stroll among the calla lilies and hosta that bloom each summer in the Statuary Vista, a home to a series of 19th century statues carved from Carrera marble; and sunflowers and gayfeathers will greet two-and four-legged visitors at the Four Seasons Garden and Wildflower Meadow.  Admission for dogs is $5.  (Restrictions:  Dogs are not allowed access to the Children’s Garden or the Butterfly House.)
Sunday Dog Days run through the end of August 2017.
The Norfolk Botanical Garden is located at 6700 Azalea Garden Road in Norfolk, Virginia.
Botanical Gardens That Welcome Dogs All Year
An online map shows paths that pet parents and pooches can take at the Dothan Area Botanical Gardens that will lead them to a a virtual bouquet of floral beauty in such areas as the Azalea Garden, the Camellia Garden, the Hydrangea Garden, the Rose Garden and other areas of interest on the 50 acre landscape. Located at 5130 Headland Avenue in Dothan, Alabama.
Stemming from a love for dogs, the Santa Barbra Botanic Garden not only offers and annual day of play for pups (Trail ‘n’ Tails, seen in the section above), but also the opportunity throughout the year for Spot to stroll through the rain garden, the Campbell Trail, the Woodland Trail and other areas. Located at 1212 Mission Canyon Road in Santa Barbara, California.
Canines can contemplate the meaning of life in the peace of the Reflection Garden, wonder at the beauty of the Community Garden and much more at Heathcote Botanical Gardens, located at 201 Savannah Road in Fort Pierce, Florida.
At the Pittsburgh Botanical Garden, our tail-wagging chums can traverse the trails that meander past a Dogwood Meadow, Woodland Gardens, a Japanese Garden, a Garden of the Five Senses and much more.  Located at 799 Pinkerton Run Road in Oakdale, Pennsylvania.
Known as one of the most Fido-friendly cities in the United States, Austin’s Zilker Botanical Gardens invites two-and four-legged fans of floral finery to enjoy a profusion of petals throughout the year.  The 26-acre haven includes a Herb and Fragrance Garden, the Mabel Davis Rose Garden, the Isamu Taniguchi Japanese Garden, and more.  Located at 2220 Barton Springs Road in Austin, Texas.
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