#poseidon x nerites
gotstabbedbyapen · 5 months
Nerites: Poseidon. Will you still love me if I'm a worm?
Poseidon: Yes. I can still turn you back like I did when you were a shrimp.
Poseidon: Why do you ask? *turns around and sees Nerites as a seaworm*
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starfanatic · 6 months
Personality Headcanons
(Since the greek male love interests have little to none to go off of)
HYACINTHUS: I think people believe that he acts like very sweet and gentle, but I think that doesn't make a lot of sense for Hyacinthus and it's kind of a easy basic answer. Hyacinthus, to me, seems like more of a military type person. I mean, he's in SPARTA, and everybody knows how Sparta acts like. I'm not saying he can't be a nice person, but I think there is far more to him. He's not necessarily delicate in my opinion, he's very strong and very competitive. He can be protective, even over Apollo, and a amazing fighter. I think that he liked Apollo so much because he didn't have to worry about anything around him. He can be stressfree, and he loved that. I think he was also a direct person with the way he spoke. Essentially the way Patroclus acted like in the Iliad, because I believe they kind of parallel one another, like Achilles parallels Apollo in some ways.
NERITES: Nerites is a fun one, actually. It took a while for me to make up a personality because of what little we have of him. We know Aphrodite and Poseidon both love him, we know that he's Amphitrite's little brother, and we know he's extraordinarily beautiful. Also that he's Poseidon's charioteer. I also heard that he was VERY VERY fast to the point he even challenged Helios (or maybe he didn't and Helios was just jealous tbh). So I'm thinking that maybe he's a daredevil of sorts? Very energetic and very playful kind of like the typical little brother. He's a ride-or-die type of person and doesn't like staying in one place. Also, maybe he can be a little bit bratty at times, giving Poseidon a little bit of sass certain times (Poseidon is way more unbothered then people would typically think). Also I think Nerites is very much aware of HOW pretty he is and uses his pretty privelege to get away with pranks and stuff. I mean how is Poseidon supposed to punish him with those pretty doe eyes? Come on!
Ganymede: He's actually the more simpler ones. He's the only one that I can genuinely see as gentle and delicate. I think he was probably pampered a lot due to his immense beauty, so kind of the opposite of Hyacinthus. When he first came to Olympus I think he was genuinely frightened and Zeus had to comfort him. (Cute little headcanon that he met Nerites and felt a bit more comfortable due to Nerites' company). Even though we all know what PROBABLY happened based on Zeus' behavior, I like to think that Zeus was very patient with Ganymede and refused to touch him until Ganymede initiated first. I think Ganymede also kind of doesn't realize how much privilege he has? He's a bit spoiled but doesn't quite realize it? He knows he's pretty but he doesn't exactly understand HOW pretty he is, and he also doesn't understand how far Zeus would go for him. He's not necessarily insecure, just completely unaware and not too out of touch.
Adonis: Adonis is literally the insane dude who you speak to who constantly talks about and is fascinated by DEATH or the UNIVERSE or how the world is going to collapse any second. If Adonis spoke to the average joe, they would probably only listen because of how beautiful Adonis is. Adonis realizes he's very beautiful, but it's extremely effortless. I think Aphrodite kind of likes that he doesn't try so hard, and it just comes for him. Adonis doesn't like special treatment for his looks either (but he definitely gets it anyway). Adonis is incredibly fearless when it comes to death, and gets excited when he almost dies. Adonis has a great singing voice but will ONLY sing around people he feels deserve it. Not even out of arrogance, but because he only wants people he loves and trusts to hear it.
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sukizula · 11 days
I fuck with the Nerites/Poseidon ship not because I like old man/young man (really not my thing sorry Ganymede) but more on because I headcanon Nerites as only a bit younger than his Nereid sisters (5 years max) Since Hesiod never mentioned his age, only that he’s the youngest child of Doris and Nereus.
Nerites and Poseidon creating Anteros or Mutual Love makes Amphitrite/Poseidon/Nerites an interesting dynamic (even if its non existent in mythological text). Amphitrite obviously doesn’t want Nerites in her marriage bed (see the myth of Scylla) but that’s her brother, so of course it’s complicated.
Also, Nerites capturing the attention of not one, not two, but THREE gods (aphrodite, poseidon, helios) is such a flex even if he turns into a shellfish at the end (I like to think Poseidon does turn him back but not before laughing his ass off).
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howhow326 · 5 months
Nerites x Poseidon retelling where Nerities is a young adult and he gets saved by Poseidon which causes him to fall head over heels and everyone else tells him that he shouldn't be with Poseidon because he's too old for him and he's problematic and there's a power imbalance and and and but Nerites decides "I'm going to fuck that old man" anyway.
Bonus: Poseidon dosen't push Nerites into a relationship and allows Nerites to decide how fast their relationship is going and he dosen't kidnap him or rape him or force him to be his husband or turn him into a cup barer or whatever and yes I am shiting all over the other two ships
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oakensheilded · 1 month
Poseidon and his boyfriend Nerites
Thats it I just wanted you to know Poseidon had a boyfriend named Nerites whom was a sea nymph if I remember correctly but Poseidon's wife got jelly and turned Nerites into a shellfish which is why he's the minor god of shellfish
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sunxxblessed · 2 years
@w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l // Cont. from x
Being stuck in Olympus was always one of Poseidon’s least favorite things. Being around his brothers always annoyed the hell out of him - especially when they started arguing. He usually endured it with the knowledge that his lover would be waiting for him back home. This time, however, seemed to drag on forever. It was made worse when he was informed of Nerites being turned into a shrimp. Knowing his lover was stuck in that form... Poseidon wanted so badly to return home to him.
As soon as he was able to he had raced home and immediately turned Nerites back into his normal form. He laughed as the man wrapped his arms around him, Poseidon pulling his lover close in response. “I would very much like to hear these ideas you have,” he teased him, leaning down to kiss along Nerites’ jaw. He hummed softly and slid his hands down towards the man’s ass, giving it a firm squeeze. “I missed you so much, my love. And I apologize for being delayed for so long. You weren’t too troubled while you were stuck in that form, were you? No harm came to you?”
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pondermoniums · 3 years
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I’ll make a full moodboard for this tomorrow but
Anteros is up on patreon!
Poseidon and Nerites’ novella is a commission that has been generously released to the rest of patrons, but I am restricting it to the $8 tier out of fairness to the commissioner, who paid more for it.
If you’re out of the loop, these characters are a part of The King’s Cup! The story focuses on Zeus and his cupbearer, Ganymede. You can read the currently released chapters (1-12) on my website, or peruse the tags and beginning chapters on ao3!
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wallgirl · 3 years
The Little Nereid Part 10
Record of Ragnarok fanfiction
Poseidon x OC
Word count: 3,100
Dynamene, youngest of the 50 Nereids, has lived most of her adolescence as a servant alongside her sisters at Poseidon’s palace. But with her coming-of-age birthday and other developments, what she initially thought was just admiration of her master blossoms into something stronger and more passionate… and painful.
Categories and warnings: Romance, angst, unrequited love, coming-of-age, earn-your-happy-ending, slow-burn (ish); no sexual content. There will be some graphic violence in the future.
Updated regularly, twice a week; will have about ?16? parts total.
Three long banquet tables took up the middle of the palace's dining hall. The middle table was reserved for the family and their close friends; the other tables were filled by guests of every sort. Each table was piled high with mountains of mouth-watering dishes; quail and fish; breads and pastries; olives and cheese. Gilded bowls of fresh fruit grown in the neighboring orchards and gardens were being served by dryads, and the satyrs went around with large jugs of wine, ensuring that no one's glass went unfilled.
Dynamene, now dressed in her finest golden peplos and her ceremonial coral wreath, made her way through the high-spirited crowd. After stopping to exchange bows and pleasantries with a faun she'd attended school with as a small child, she heard someone call her name. Turning around, she saw Thoe waving her over to a chair at the main table.
"Your seat's here next to me. You know, since we're seated in birth order," Thoe sighed as Dynamene took her chair. "I don't miss having to sit in order like this."
"What, don't like being reminded you're one of the youngest too?" Dynamene laughed.
"I am still nearly four centuries older than you, and don't you forget it!" Thoe protested, jabbing at her lightly.
"Well, since you're the second youngest of us thirteen here tonight, I suppose you're stuck next to me." Dynamene craned her head to look towards the front of the room. "Where are Mother and Father?"
"Ianeira said they'd be out any minute. Everyone else should be taking their seats soon..."
As if on cue, everyone still on their feet scrambled to their seats. The satyrs hurried to top up the last of the glasses before chugging down the remaining wine in the jugs for themselves. The eleven other Nereids present quickly made their way to the table, talking in excited whispers. "They're coming," Ianeira announced as she took her seat close to the head of the table.
Two figures appeared at the entrance at the front of the great hall, and the crowd's clamor dimmed to a murmur. Nereus and Doris, the esteemed father and mother of the Nereids, had made their appearance at last.
They were both tall and statuesque, though the similarities ended there. Nereus was an imposing man with a kind face, his smile largely hidden behind a vast beard that fell nearly halfway down his broad chest. He rose one hand in greeting to his guests, who called back their approval. "Greetings, my esteemed guests; my dearest of friends; and, of course, my beloved daughters. We are beyond honored to share our hospitality with you tonight."
Doris beamed at her daughters, her dark eyes crinkling warmly. Her long black hair fell in spirited waves and curls to her thighs, decorated on top with a coral hairpiece that matched theirs. "We are gathered here this evening to rejoice; thirteen of our beautiful daughters have returned home to celebrate Dynamene's coming-of-age. Please join us in filling this evening with merriment beyond heart's measure!" She rose her glass in a toast, and the rest of the hall joined her with cheer.
The opening speech given, the crowd returned to socializing. Doris and Nereus made their way to their gilded thrones at the head of the family table.
"More and more beautiful every year," Doris sighed contentedly, looking at her daughters with pride. "I am so glad to see you again, loves. It's so quiet here with you all away."
"I don't know about that; Nerites almost makes enough noise to make up for it," laughed Nereus merrily.
"That's not true!" Nerites protested from the other end of the table. He looked up from the kabob of roasted fish he was chewing. "I make more than enough noise."
The family erupted with laughter at his unexpectedly peeved retort. "I jest, Nerites," Nereus soothed. "You're the noisiest lad on the coast; I promise."
"Especially on days your father and I are trying to sleep in," Doris added smoothly, passing a plate of poached figs to her husband.
"Aye, and the days we're not trying to sleep in, too," Nereus whispered boldly, winking saucily at her. Dynamene nearly choked on her wine as her older sisters laughed at his raunchy remark. Doris threw a grape at him playfully.
"Mind your manners, or we'll be sleeping in separate suites entirely tonight, and it won't matter either way."
"Ah, just having a bit of a laugh, my love." Nereus brushed her hair back affectionately. "But your mother is right; it's not the same here with all of you girls gone. Too bad the rest couldn't come as well."
"I'm surprised Poseidon agreed to let thirteen of us come to begin with," Actaea said, swirling her wine thoughtfully.
"He does have business elsewhere, so he doesn't need all of us tending the palace as usual," Ianeira replied. "Honestly, though, he could have let all of us come and things wouldn't change at all. It's not like anyone else would be there to make a mess."
"Mm, quite right." Thoe took a dainty bite from a pear. "I'm sure he wants to keep the rest there just to prove he can. Another status symbol."
Dynamene stared at her plate. I'm sure he's not doing it just out of spite.
"Do you want something else to eat, Dynamene?" Doris asked. "I know lobster isn't your favorite. Do you want to try some quail?"
"Oh, no," Dynamene rushed, holding up her hands. "Just lost in thought. I've grown more fond of lobster lately, to be honest; especially with lime sauce."
Doris tutted fondly. "Finally getting a taste for shellfish; you really have come-of-age, haven't you?"
Ianeira watched quietly for a moment, then spoke up. "Mother, do you think I could speak to you in private later tonight?"
Doris looked up in concern. "Of course, dearest; is everything alright? Is it something we should speak about right away?"
"No, it's not urgent," Ianeira said. "Just something that's been worrying me." Her gaze lingered on Dynamene, who took notice, before quickly darting away.
Again with that strange air of secretiveness... But what does it mean? Dynamene pondered for a moment.
Oh, well. I suppose if it involves me, I'll find out sooner or later. She reached out to try a bit of quail. Lobster still really wasn't quite her favorite.
Some hours later, the feast had ended and the guests had dispersed. Dynamene had retired to take a soothing bath in the wide tub of the grand bath. Worn out from the long day, and stuffed to bursting with delicious food, it felt wonderful to let herself relax in the hot salt water. It wasn't long before she began to feel sleepy, and she knew it was time to head to bed.
Freshly bathed, and with her damp hair hanging loose, she put on a fresh chiton that smelled of the ocean outside. She felt so much more relaxed since they'd arrived at home. She left the bathroom and wandered down the dimly lit halls to her childhood bedroom. The gentle orange glow of the torches set a warm, soft light everywhere it touched. Her bare feet weren't cold against the ground here, unlike with the cold marble at Poseidon's palace. It would be nice to sleep in her old bed again tonight.
She was almost to her room when she heard quiet voices coming from Ianeira's room. She paused, remembering Ianeira's request to their mother. Surely she was hearing them talk about whatever it was that troubled Ianeira.
She hesitated outside the door. It wasn't right for her to eavesdrop, but when she remembered that had persisted since her sisters' meeting with Poseidon, she couldn't bring herself to walk away. Brushing her hair away from her ear, she leaned in to listen.
"...worried about her, lately. It wouldn't be a concern if you hadn't sent us to a place like that in the first place. I just don't understand. Why?"
Ianeira's tone was rather vulnerable, now that she was speaking in private with her mother. It took Dynamene by surprise; for so long, Ianeira had been the one guiding the rest of them, and now here she was herself seeking counsel with her mother.
"We sent you to Poseidon's palace to broaden your prospects," Doris answered firmly. "To give you opportunities you could never have here. Your father and I are rather ancient by the rest of the pantheon's standards, and our influence has already peaked long ago. It was our hope that, by sending you to serve Poseidon, that you might meet others, gain an education, and make your own way in the world."
"The tutors were top-class," Ianeira admitted. "But Poseidon himself is a geyser, just waiting to blow. Don't you remember what he did to Adamas? Ripped him in half without a second thought. We were there, serving him, when that happened, remember? We saw the body, Mother. I can still hear the screams some nights..."
"I think about it more than I ought to," Doris whispered. "And I am sorry that you had to witness it. It was an unspeakable act. But I don't believe for one second that he would ever harm any of you."
"It matters not what you believe! I don't want to risk that happening to Dynamene! If he was capable of doing that to his own brother on a whim, what would he do to her?" Ianeira cried.
Doris sighed. "Your father and I have always had faith that Poseidon would never lay a hand on any of you. All fifty of you are clever and resourceful; we know you would never tempt fate with him. And he would never tempt fate with you."
Ianeira laughed humorlessly. "Tempt fate? Oh, Mother, if only you knew."
"I don't understand, Ianeira. Why are you afraid for Dynamene? What do you fear Poseidon is going to do?"
"It's more about what Dynamene might do at the moment, Mother," Ianeira said, her voice defeated. "You see... Dynamene is infatuated with Poseidon."
 One could have heard a pin drop. Dynamene clapped her hand over her mouth, hiding her gasp of shock. How long had they known about her feelings for Poseidon?
"...She has always been a passionate girl," Doris murmured. "Always a bit of a romantic. But, I suppose, this really isn't so surprising of a development. Of the fifty of you, one of you was bound to become enamored with him."
"I'm worried for her, Mother," Ianeira whispered. "She's still so young; she's still a child in so many ways. I don't know what to do."
"Dynamene is at that strange stage where she has the desires of a woman, but the reasoning of a child. She is inexperienced. It will just take time; she will grow and learn."
"But that's what I'm worried about, Mother!" Ianeira pleaded. "She's already so infatuated with him, and this is Poseidon! If, in time, she really does fall in love with him, and he lays claim to her - what can we do to protect her from him? She'll become his consort, and then..."
"Dynamene is still too young to truly know romantic love. I assure you, dearest, what Dynamene feels right now is just a passing fancy. Poseidon is a powerful god, and he is handsome; I would be more surprised if she did not develop an attraction to him. But Poseidon is infamously cold and stoic. Nothing will come of it, you have my word."
That stung. Dynamene winced, her face flushing with humiliation. It was uncomfortably jarring to hear her family speak candidly about her innermost feelings this way.
"I don't want to risk that! Dynamene is around him all the time, as we all are, serving him at the palace. Please, just request that Dynamene remain home longer, even if only for a year. If it's truly a mere crush, then her feelings for him should fizzle out by then."
What? The gears in Dynamene's mind began to turn rapidly. Ianeira was asking Doris to keep her here even longer...
Almost as if the whole point of the trip had been to get her away from Poseidon.
Dynamene swallowed hard, feeling a surge of angry betrayal wash over her. Her clenched fists had begun to shake. She resisted the urge to barge in; they were still speaking, and she wanted to listen until the end.
Doris was quiet. "I will consider it. But the thirteen of you have only just got here today; it could very well be the case that, by the time the month is up, Dynamene's attention will be on someone else."
Dynamene heard Ianeira exhale. "Thank you, Mother. I just... I just want her to be safe."
"I understand, my child," Doris comforted her. "But have faith; everything will turn out just fine."
Dynamene couldn't stand to listen to anymore. She ran to her room and slammed the door shut, angry tears forming in her eyes.
They had known. They had known this entire time how she felt. And now, instead of supporting her, or even just hearing her out about her feelings, they were trying to keep the two of them apart. Her sisters, the people she trusted most in the whole world, had betrayed her trust.
Any joy she'd felt from their homecoming dispersed within her chest, replaced by the hot, prickling sensation of rage. How could they do this? She wasn't only angry at them; she was angry at herself, too. How could I have been so blind?  She asked herself angrily. Of course they'd never accept my feelings for Poseidon. If one thing's clear now, it's that they hate him. They've never spoken to him the way I have. They've no idea.
I never wanted to stay here for a month from the start, let alone a year. By the time we go back to the palace, the council of the gods will have taken place, and Hera will have done her best to force someone else upon Poseidon. I won't let that happen. I'll do whatever it takes to go back before then.
A gentle rap on her shut door broke her out of her angry reverie. She didn't bother to check who it was before shouting, "Go away!"
But of course, the door opened anyway, revealing the last person she wanted to see: Ianeira.
"Leave me alone," Dynamene snapped at her.
Ianeira stared at her in shock. "What's gotten into you? I just came to check on you. Is something the matter?"
Perhaps now wasn't the right time to break out into a fury. Dynamene unclenched her jaw and took a breath. "No, I'm sorry for snapping. I just have a headache."
"Oh, I'm sorry," Ianeira said, coming to sit next to her. She reached out to stroke her sister's hair, but Dynamene pulled away.
"Well, I'll keep things brief then," Ianeira started over. "We had a good time today, didn't we?"
"Yes," Dynamene muttered as she looked away. It was going great until now.
"I know how refreshing it is to be here at home. It's where we belong, really, although with how much time we've spent at Poseidon's palace, it can be hard to remember."
Dynamene was silent, knowing where her sister's words were leading to and loathing it. Ianeira carefully ventured onwards. "So... How would you like to take the year off and stay here, at home?"
Dynamene looked at Ianeira with loathing in her eyes. "So you can keep me away from Poseidon a little longer?"
Ianeira's mouth fell open, but no words came out.
Dynamene jumped to her feet, unable to rein in her rage any longer. "You can't even deny it, can you?! That this whole trip was a ruse to get me away from him! Is that the real reason why you left me out of the audience?"
"Why... How on earth could you possibly know that?" Ianeira shot back, standing up.
"I have a predisposition to eavesdropping, I guess," Dynamene clenched her fists. "I heard what you were saying to Mother. How dare you decide what's best for me like that?! You haven't even asked me about any of it!"
"About what? Your infatuation with a madman?!" Ianeira yelled back. Her eyes were snapping with long-repressed frustration and anger, and Dynamene couldn't help but shirk back. "You think I haven't lost sleep, worrying about this? And now you want me to compromise with you over it?!"
"How dare you say that!" Angry tears threatened to overflow from Dynamene's eyes. "I don't need you deciding what's right for me! I've already made up my mind; I want to stay with him! I want to be with him!"
"Be with him?! Are you insane, Dynamene?!" Ianeira threw her arms up in disbelief. "You want to be with the man who tore his own brother apart without a second glance? Is that the same fate you want, once he decides you too don't meet his standards?!"
"He would never do that to me!" Dynamene cried, clutching her bracelet. "He wouldn't! Even when he caught me spying, he-"
"He what?" Ianeira's voice went deadly quiet. "You did what?"
"I..." Dynamene knew she had made a mistake, and she looked down.
"You spied on him? Why?! Are you even thinking?! If Mother and Father knew-"
"I had to know what he was talking about with Hera! I don't want him to be with anyone else; I love him! I love him!" Dynamene's voice cut off as she began to sob with abandon. "Please, don't tell them! They'll never let me-"
"How could you say you love him?! He has no heart! He cares for no one, not even us!" Ianeira hurled. Her hair was steaming with rage. "You're not even thinking, taking risks like that! There's no way you're returning to that palace! You're still a child; Poseidon will ruin you! I won't let him do that to you; not you, or any of my sisters!" Her shouts echoed in the small room.
"You can't stop me!" Something within Dynamene had snapped. "I'm not a child anymore, and you don't control me!" She threw open the windows and let the night wind pour in, billowing about her. The black seawater swirled many feet below.
"Wait, Dynamene, don't!" Ianeira cried out, reaching for her.
Dynamene dove headfirst out the window without a second glance. She plunged into the cold ocean water below, the thin fabric of her chiton swirling about her.
I won't sit by and let others decide my life for me! They could never know how I feel. They won't even try to understand. Tears drifted from her eyes, leaving a trail of bubbles in her wake. That's just fine. I'll take things into my own hands. I'll find a way; I will.
Dynamene let her body disperse into the water, swimming away as fast as she could into the dark waters of the night.
Author’s Notes: This part has taken me the longest thus far now. I gave myself time to recharge before finishing it because I wanted the emotions to be strong. Can't do that if I'm suffering writer fatigue. I watched part of The Little Mermaid and felt ready to continue. Here we are!
Can you blame Dynamene, Ianeira? Have you LOOKED at Poseidon, I mean REALLY LOOKED? Man's got the looks of an angel. Too bad his personality doesn't match.
The parts now have names (on ao3)! We're at part 10 now; I thought names might help tell them apart. No spoilers in them, but descriptive enough that people who have already read them will hopefully be able to tell which is which.
Nereid birth order:
Ianeira - 1
Actaea - 6
Callianassa - 23
Eione - 27
Thoe - 41
Dynamene - 50
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hoe-zeus · 3 years
what are your favorite ships for greek mythology?
Yes I do!!! I have quite a few though but I will tell you my faves!
Achilles x Patroclus, that’s a given on how much I talk about them
Diomedes x Odysseus, bro rob the thracian camp with me, suck my dic--
Poseidon x Nerites, I mean they literally spawned a whole nother god with how much they loved each other
Apollo x Cyrene, this guy saw a girl wrestle a lion and said, “I want her to top me”
Hermes x Hecate, the original magician x speedster trope. Also my first ship coming into the fandom
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1. Pony version of Apollo and Hyacinthus - my literature teacher may make ancient Greece boring but when you read them on your own wish!
2. Princess Sunny's morning bath!
3. Space girlfriend night routines! - maybe gonna draw this or not....
4. poseidon x nerites - it did happen !
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gotstabbedbyapen · 5 months
Nerites: *holds up infant Anteros* Look, sis! Me and Poseidon just made a kid!
Amphitrite: *stares at Anteros*
Amphitrite: *turns to Poseidon* You better say you squirt that kid out, not my brother.
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thekastlediaries · 7 years
i know the most popular greek mythological equivalent of kastle is hades x persephone, and while i do love that concept, what do you think about kastle being like aphrodite x ares?
Ok I can see this of course. Frank would be an interesting Ares. He clearly believes violence answers violence (which is the most basic tenant of war). Although… I’m not sure about linking Frank so inextricably from war. Sure he is a soldier canonically, but he’s operating outside the bounds of any institution that typically engages in literal war (as in between nations) however is engaging in a war against people and organizations that hurt their fellow humans, so, maybe …
And Karen has a depth of love in her that I feel hasn’t even been explored in the show yet (and I don’t really care for her comics storylines so…), but Aphrodite wasn’t just the goddess of romantic love. She was a goddess associated with sexual/physical love/procreation as well, and was sometimes described in ancient texts as wanton or promiscuous (which, good for her tbh).
Admittedly I know a lot less about Ares/Aphrodite than I do about Hades/Persephone (I read a lot of stuff while starting Of Gods and Monsters). What I have gleaned from a cursory scan of Wikipedia is that Aphrodite was married (against her will) to Hephaestus and that Ares was her consort/lover (aka side piece :P among others - Dionysus, Hermes, Nerites, Poseidon, Zues, girl was bust :D) although she loved Ares (Bc of Eros??? Even though he’s her son with ares ??? I’m confused) before she was forced to marry Haphaestus (and somehow she ends up back with Ares ??? I swear Greek mythology is better than any soap opera).
So I’m not sure how that dynamic could be applied to Karen and Frank since Ares/Aphrodite seems like such a fraught relationship. Of course there’s always a way to reimagine mythical figures (I saw a post about Aphrodite falling in Love with Haphaestus that made my heart melt, and it was predicated on the idea that her love for Ares wasn’t “real” because it was created by Eros, etc so I’m sure there’s an ares/Aphrodite AU that would be amazing).
But the reason I love hades/Persephone so much is because of who hades and Persephone are. Hades is so often misrepresented in pop culture and modern references. He’s not evil, and even though he abducted Persephone (which I’m pretty sure was Zeus’s idea? Although Zeus is also the one that gets her back?), I imagine part of this abduction myth arc is mostly a product of the time in which it was created and not an aspersion upon Hades’ character. He helped his brothers Zeus and Poseidon overthrow their father, and when they drew lots for the realms which they would rule over he got the underworld (and in most tellings he’s not too happy about this). And after the aduction Helios tries to console Demeter by telling her that Hades is not an unworthy match for her daughter.
Hades was initially depicted as an altruistically inclined God who erred on the side of neutrality/passivity (its only later “bad” underworld associations probably Bc of christians’ equating it with hell that people think otherwise now). ALTHOUGH he was depicted as cold and emotionless a lot and Persephone was seemingly the only person (goddess whatever) that he ever loved and the only person that he ever let leave the underworld (some suggest that Persephone herself was complicit in the pomegranate seed thing because she didn’t want to be separated from Hades). So, while hades could be merciless (as he was to the person who attempted to steal Persephone away from him later) he wasn’t inherently a lover of violence like Ares.
I guess it’s hard for me to accept Frank fully as the God of war. Because I view him dualistically as either The Punisher OR Frank Castle (and it’ll break my heart if I have to watch him completely withdraw into the vigilante) and to me, Ares is The Punisher™ (wedded to violence and fear terror and discord) and Hades is more Frank Castle (aloof, misunderstood, hard to love, but definitely capable of it) and I’m more inclined to write for and think about frank castle the man. As for Karen, i can’t exactly reconcile her as Aphrodite (but perhaps it’s only a lack of my imagination).
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sukizula · 4 years
Can you tell me all your greek myths ships, canon and crack? 👀 I saw you saying once that you ship Leto X Demeter and it interests me. Two best Olympian moms dating? Olympus might collapse with all that gay power!! Which other gods do you ship? :)
Holy moly you remember that post? I made that like ages ago 😂 (I still silently ship it, it's like the only ship with Leto that I like)
All my greek mythology ships, ey? Alrighty:
Canon (gods):
Zeus/Hera, Ares/Aphrodite, Hades/Persephone, Hephaestus/Aglaia, Hermes/Perseus, Hermes/Hekate, Apollo/Hyacinthus, Apollo/Cyrene, Dionysus/Ariadne, Dionysus/Polymnus, Dionysus/Aphrodite, Poseidon/Amphitrite, Poseidon/Nerites, Poseidon/ Pelops, Poseidon/Medusa, Demeter/Iasion, Demeter/Baubo, Hebe/Heracles, Nyx/Erebus
Canon (mortals):
Orpheus/Eurydice, Helen/Menelaus, Orestes/Pylades, Patroclus/Achilles, Agammemnon/Clytemnestra (only a lil), Atalanta/Hippomenes, Medea/Her Ending, Odysseus/Penelope
Non-canon/Crack (gods):
Athena/Pallas, Hera/Themis, Zeus/Hades, Hephaestus/Dionysus, Artemis/Britomartis, Artemis/Callisto, Ares/Hermes, Ares/Thanatos, Hermes/Thanatos, Hermes/Thanatos/Ares, Hermes/Hekate/Thanatos/Ares, Apollo/Dionysus, Leto/Demeter, Nyx/Gaia, Eileithyia/Thanatos, Eileithyia/Hypnos, Ganymede/Nerites
Non-canon/crack (mortals):
Diomedes/Odysseus. (Yup that's all I want)
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hynpos · 7 years
hey, im just curious as to why you don't like icarus?
i just think it’s weird how the whole Apollo x Icarus thing has gotten so overly popular?? i mean to each their own but it’s not like the myth was about Icarus being gay for the sun (even then, it would be Helios because Apollo barely rules over the sun) and even then, it’s not like there’s a shortage of actual myths that are mlm? like idk why people would prefer making up stuff to actual stories about the gods not being straight
Apollo x Hyacinthus x Zephyrus (also there’s an entire subsection on Apollo’s wiki just for his male lovers. there’s quite a few of them)Zeus x GanymedePoseidon x Nerites (poseidon also has his own section for male lovers)
and those are the only ones that come to mind but i’m sure there are more
like the base myth is cool and all but idk. that’s just my opinion.
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gotstabbedbyapen · 5 months
Amphitrite: I don't want to do the paperwork.
Nerites: I can do them if you don't want to.
Amphitrite: I don't want to shepherd those hippocampi.
Nerites: I can care for them if you don't want to.
Amphitrite: I don't want to marry that Poseidon guy!
Nerites: I can marry him if you don't want to.
Amphitrite: You're the best little brother anyone can hope for, Nerites.
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gotstabbedbyapen · 3 months
I'm gonna throw some WIP snippets here because yes :DDD
Hyacinthus Appreciation Week
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The Hyacinthides series
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Poseidon Learns About Nerites (And The Ocean)
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