#poseidon be like 'i have never drowned anyone in my life'
swallowtail-lotus · 3 months
🔱Secret Lullaby {Poseidon x Goddess!Reader}🔱
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Repost of my original post from my old blog.
God, just looking at him makes me want to kiss him 😍
You sat in the middle of your greenhouse, patting a small bunny that hopped in your lap. You watched the past few rounds of ragnarok with sad eyes, feeling dread inside.
Being the God/Goddess of peace wasn't easy.
You love humans and everything on Earth, as it is your home. Before you went to Valhalla, you used to live in a forest where no human dared to set foot in unless If they wanted a death wish.
Of course, you never brought harm to humans but you eventually left after Zeus found you and offered you to live with the gods.
Being the secretive being you are, you agreed but only if no deity disturbs you when you wanted to be left alone and to never let them know of your secret place.
So far, no God or Goddess has ever found your greenhouse. Even if they bothered to try, they couldn't find it. This was due to one of your masking spells, which was more effective to deities compared to the humans.
Thinking back on how the gods have tried to get answers out of you, but failed due to your ability to slip away fast enough. Those thoughts escalated to your past, where you were once filled with joy.
With your mother, who had lost her life to another God.
"I miss you, mother. So very much."
You thought, wiping away tears that slowly trickled down your face. You looked down at the bunny, who looked up and sat up. It leaned against your chest, trying to lean its face towards yours. You lifted the small bunny up and felt its face nuzzle yours, an attempt to cheer you up.
"Ah, thank you. I feel better now."
You cooed softly, patting its head with a sad smile. You felt something nudge your leg, something hard. You leaned forward to see a small harp near your right foot and a grey bunny pushing it towards your foot.
You held your hand over the harp, watching it levitate towards your hand. The grey bunny hopped on your right leg, nuzzling your waist while the white bunny copied the grey bunny.
"Such cuties."
You mumbled softly, watching them get comfortable on your lap and stopped to lay down. Your fingers hovered over the strings of your harp, slightly shaking from the sadness building up.
"Hope you're hearing this, mother..."
You muttered under your breath, strumming your harp slowly. Closing your eyes, you let yourself drown in the melodic music from your strumming. You opened your lips to sing quietly.
Soon, the animals in your greenhouse started to gather around, watching and listening to your voice. Then, the plants started swaying slowly to the music. At the end of the lullaby, a voice brought you out of your thoughts.
"What are you doing?"
Your eyes shot open at the sudden voice, growing wider when you saw who it was.
It was none other than Poseidon, the Sea God himself.
You stared at the God before you, internally panicking, mainly about how he knew of your greenhouse. You placed the harp down nervously, fiddling with your fingers.
"I-I was just playing a lullaby. Umm, how did you find my greenhouse?"
You squeaked out, feeling yourself shrink smaller when the God took a few steps forward, not too close to you.
"... It wasn't hard to follow you. I've known for a long time."
He answered, his emotionless face along with his voice sending chills down your spine. You knew very well he never speaks much to any being, even to his brothers. So him speaking to you now of all times baffled you. Truth be told, he has spoke to you more times than anyone else. But hearing him ask about your main hobby was strange.
The reason behind that was most likely because you were a Ruler, the Ruler of Nature.
"So you have. Never expected less from you, of course."
You spoke, gripping your clothes so tightly. Poseidon raised his eyebrows slightly, his shoulders dropping.
He kept silent, staring down at you with his dull eyes. Your head was down, but you knew he was staring. The sound of his boots clicking away got your attention. You held the bunnies close to you, standing up from your seat.
"See you, Lord Poseidon."
You whispered. Poseidon stopped at the entrance of your greenhouse, giving you the side eye glance.
".... Goodbye."
Those was the last words he let out before leaving. You stood in silence, a confused look on your face.
"What just happened?"
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I don't know if I got this on time, but happy easter, and happy upcoming holidays.
(* ̄3 ̄)╭ <3 ( ´・・)ノ(._.`) My application is based on keeping the theme of Poisonous Love (Hercules is my favorite living teddy bear) Where the archaeologist and Hercules have been a couple for a while, and miraculously Zeus does not try anything with his son's girlfriend, since in his eyes that human is Hercules' greatest treasure and the last thing he wants is to hurt his son (all We know it hurt him to see him die in the original tournament) Even Poseidon looks her in the eye when she asks him for a recommendation to finish an essay on some mythical character or something related to mythical sea creatures. Hades is Hades, he's just happy to start a new family photo album. Adamas, at least he doesn't do any of her scenes and treats her like a daughter. Hermes describes her as a scary cat around her and Ares is envious of him as he understands some things he doesn't. Aphrodite finds her acceptable and adorable when Hercules drowns her in affection. And she's most adorable when he's embarrassed to be seen wearing thick-rimmed glasses. Göll at first was somewhat jealous that her brother Hercules has her girlfriend, but then over time she became attached to her and calls her big sister. And the best of the day is when it ends and Hercules decides that his girlfriend is the most huggable stuffed animal in creation.
-It had been several months since you came to Valhalla after dying a hero’s death, destroying the vase of poisonous blood so it wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands.
-It had been several months since you met Hercules and started a relationship with him, although slow, as you were hesitant being in a relationship, which Hercules saw as you just being shy, but he didn’t mind being patient.
-There was something different about you, comparing you to his first three wives, there was a pull to you, he wanted to stay by your side at all times, he felt so much joy, just sitting with you, answering your questions about his past, the history of Ancient Greece, he could easily spend the rest of eternity with you like this.
-He never made you feel like you were bothering him with all of your questions, answering as many as he could, and he made you feel so welcome in Valhalla, showing you all around the Greek pantheon that he called home, and where you now called home too.
-You were intimidated to meet the other Greek gods, anyone with eyes could see your nervousness around them, as you were a human and they were literal gods!!
-But Hercules never went anywhere without you and was the one to introduce you to them, being by your side to reassure you that you would be safe.
-Zeus- He greeted you warmly, “Ahh so you’re that human who poisoned herself to save the world! Nice to meet someone so impulsive!” Zeus was nice to you, not at all like what legends  had dictated him to be like. The reason for this was because he saw how his son looked at you, he saw how happy you made Hercules, it was a way to repay his sacrifice when he died in Ragnarok; even though he had been returned to life, he felt guilt and wanted to make amends. Zeus found you enjoyable, your curiosity and questions made him look forward to your visits. He was happy to answer anything you asked, as it made him happy to reminisce about his youth.
-Poseidon- Hercules had been nervous about you meeting his uncle, as Poseidon was notorious for disliking humans, but Zeus was the one to introduce the two of you and you shocked Poseidon by asking him tons of questions about his temples. Your sparkling eyes as he met your own, shocking both his nephew and brother, seemed to soothe him, you were so curious, like a young child. He answered your questions patiently, impressed by your knowledge of history, learning that you were an archeologist before you died. He asked his own questions in turn, about what the world was like today and Zeus was the only one who noticed his brother’s eyes soften when he learned that humans were working hard to save the oceans, righting our wrongs.
-Hades- Hades adored you when you first met him, welcoming you to Valhalla warmly, as he had heard from his younger brothers about what a curious and inquisitive maiden you were. Hades couldn’t help but beam as you asked him tons of questions about the myths you knew about him, asking him about the underworld, and you had nearly cried in joy when you got to actually meet Cerberus, who was like a giant puppy with you, enjoying your pets. Hades took several photos of you, Hercules, and Cerberus, with plans on putting them in the family photo album he had stashed away.
-Aphrodite- She adored you, while you were a bit intimidated at first, she was so beautiful, actually glowing with radiance, you felt a little self-conscious, comparing yourself to her, but she smiled warmly, welcoming you to the family, as you were with Hercules. She was surprised by your knowledge of history as you asked her lots of questions, and in turn she offered you advice when you asked her for woman-to-woman advice about dating Hercules, as you had never been in a relationship before. Her eyes were stars, learning that you had been single and that you came to her for advice, but she knew that she couldn’t use her specific tactics when it came to me, giving you basic information, to start you slow and steady. Hercules sent her a thank you note when you took his hand on the way back to his home, holding his hand but you couldn’t look at him, your face bright red.
-Hermes- Hermes and you were instant friends, which made Hercules laugh as you both began to rapid fire questions at each other, leaving Hercules on the side-lines, watching your interaction, but he thought it was amusing to see the two of you getting along. You loved it when Hermes would play his music for you, it was so soothing and your praise meant more to him, as you were new, your opinions were honest as you hadn’t heard his playing before. Hercules had to stuff his fist in his mouth when he came back, finding you both slumped over the table, sleeping after you had been comparing notes with mythology, finding out what was true and what wasn’t, you both looked like two kittens passed out in random places.
-Ares- You hadn’t noticed, but he tried to intimidate you, as Hercules was his closest friend, except for maybe Hermes, but when you smiled up at him, a sparkle in your eyes, greeting him, he felt himself melt, actually being a bit shy with you, which Hercules teased him for. You asked him so many questions about legendary battles in history in Ancient Greece, asking him about the tactics used by the various armies. Ares actually had to push you away, his whole hand covering your face as he felt embarrassed that he didn’t know all the finite details you were asking about. You weren’t bothered, however, by taking any information he was able to give, thanking him so sincerely, which made him actually approach Hercules to threaten him to not hurt you, or else.
-Adamas- He was a god that wasn’t mentioned often in history, but you learned that was because when humans began to record history, Adamas had been dealt with by Poseidon, basically rendering him incapacitated for centuries, so there was no record of him. You weren’t bothered however, asking him to tell you about his history, which made him grin as you sat beside him, looking at photo albums together. He was quick to adopt you as his daughter, finding you enjoyable to be around as you wanted to learn about him. He would never admit that he would wait by the front door of his home when he knew you were coming to visit, he wasn’t excited, not one bit.
-Goll- When you met the youngest valkyrie, you smiled so warmly at her that her face flushed, thinking you were so cute and nice. When she learned that you were the human that Hercules rescued himself, being a one-time valkyrie himself for that one incident, she was stunned, and became even more so when she learned that you and Hercules were in a relationship, even if you were very shy about it. You learned that Hercules and the valkyries were all close, as they were all demigods, and Goll in particular was quite close to her big brother Hercules. Goll watched you closely for a while, as she was upset that her big brother was in a relationship, but she was quick to see that you were a good person and you were quickly dubbed as her big sister, which you loved.
-Hercules- He adored you, everything about you, from your cute rambles, or when you’re wearing your thick reading glasses, everything you do is so adorable to him! Your shyness with him was endearing, but he never forced you to do anything you didn’t want to do, relationship wise, as he would make you take breaks to eat, bathe, and sleep, when you would be going hard  on your study sessions. Hercules makes you feel so special, always cuddling you, almost like you’re his personal teddy bear, nuzzling his nose against your cheek in soft affection and the first time you were bold, peppering his face with soft kisses, he melted under you, a smile so big on his face that you couldn’t help but smile back.
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walkingwiththegods1 · 7 months
When things between you and a Deity, doesn't happen as you was expecting. (...Or why sometimes, our relations with Deities; not always have ''A happy ending...'')
I was fighting against myself for a few months, about putting this post; but... After what happened with the blogger I followed and admired for years, I decided than it was time to taking this out of my chest; talking about something than happened when I was 16 years old, before my relation with Deities become closer than the ones I have with people; today.
As I said before, I was 16 years old; and my life, well... It wasn't happy at all: My parents didn't allowed me to get out to have fun, my relations with my brothers and sister were with cold cordiality; this second Christian Private School had many tests and rules than leaved anyone exhausted, my father forbid me to use makeup which didn't makes me look better for the few guys than interested me, and... ''The Queen of Highschool'', seemed to takes a liking to psychologically torturing me; by telling me all the reasons of why I will never had a boyfriend: Since wearing my older sister's used clothes in the highschool's parties, until the fact than she presumed of having even to older boys after her. (It sounds ridiculous to admit it, but all of that hurt me; even if I never said nothing to her... Or to the six brainless girls, than dressed and talked like her) Like any 16 years old, I was trying to keep my grades on track; and watching my own behaviour to avoid been punish in that horrendous place, but above all; I desperately craved for something more: Love, and emotional intimacy!
Time passed and it seems, than I will never have Love of any kind; (Mostly because my parents kept ''An Iron Grip over my Social Life'', and the only place than where it seemed possible to get what I desired the most... The few boys than seems decent enough, weren't interested in me; so I drowned myself in Study and/or Household Chores, and watching basic Cable TV; 'cause I thoughted than maybe it was better for me, to don't ever think to find Love; never again. But, something unexpected happen...
I had a dream, where a handsome young man with long dark reddish-brown hair; pale slightly tan skin, dressed in a long ancient tunic; with very white teeth with a flirtatious smile; get out of the sea, presented himself as a God... And kissed me! When I wake up, I realized than it wasn't a simple dream; 'cause the energy I felt, lingered a little bit in my room; dissipating a moment later. After I recovered, I thoughted than the dream felt real; but... I dismiss its importance, telling to myself than my wish to have someone at my side; provocked that dream... But the time passed, and I started to have visions with this same deity; showing me sites in The Spiritual World, and acting to me like a gentleman...
That Deity, was... Poseidon!
For four months, I felt ''Like I died... And I went, to The Atlantis!''; (Even the mockering of The Queen of Highschool, didn't bother me anymore) and I was just so happy and thrill to have this wonderful and beautiful being near of me, than I wasn't interested in looking to someone anymore; because I thoughted than him, was enough for me!
At the end of those four months, I thoughted than it was time to make things ''Formal'': I wanted to have something more than just holding hands, the endless walks and a kiss or two once in a while... I wanted a compromise, 'cause the whole ''Dating Phase''; wasn't something I wanted to have forever... I wanted a serious relation, and I thoughted than he wanted the same; too...
I told him in a vision, with my heart totally open; in a green forest near the sea, than I wanted to be his girlfriend! I was smiling in an ancient white dress; only waiting than he answered, than he just was waiting than I spoke first; to tell me than he felt the same for me...
...But nothing prepared me, for what happened next...
He looked at me, and like he was trying to make it less bad than it sounds; he told me than ''I really wish than I could tell you that, but I can't... 'Cause my heart only have place for two loves, and I can't have three loves in my heart, and... I'm really so sorry for telling you that!'' (Well... Being stabbed in the heart, would have being a lot less painful than those words!...)
It may sounds obvious, but... Just in case, you wasn't following this story; closely... I was devastaded: For the next two or three weeks, I was crying with all my heart; in a ''I want to be alone, Mood!'', scaring to the girl than mocked me in Highschool; and I was so down, than even my distracted family noticed it; but I never told them, 'cause they doesn't believe in Deities or Spirits, or... They would have called someone of a church, as an answer; so I had to dealt with that pain, by myself!
After that time, I just get up and continue with my boring life, full of duties and totally devoid of the hope of finding love; in this life...
...Until I was 18 years old, and Aphrodite told me than she wanted to us be ''something more'' (which I finally agreed, after getting rid of my prejudices for my Christian's Upbriging); and a year later... Loki, asked me for the same too; and after stopping to doubting myself if I was worthy of being loved, I accepted him... And we are together since then, despite the lows and moments of being separated for our little differences.
Poseidon, appeared a little later again; and I wasn't felt hurt anymore, but sometimes he acted like he wants something more from me, which confuses me: Maybe because I'm now an adult, he wanted to both have a relation now?... I don't know yet, but I had see him acted jealous when Loki is around; and the only time he left his animosity against him, was when he united with Loki; Aphrodite, Athena, Thor, and the other Gods and Goddesses to gave many weeks of ill luck and troubles; to a demon who is a close relative of mine.
The conclusion?!... Not always we have the relation we want from a Deity: They may don't want to be your brother, sister; cousin, father, mother, friend; uncle, aunt, patron, matron; protector, protectress, spiritual guide; girlfriend, boyfriend, lover... Or, spouse. (But, is better they told you in time; so you can move on, till other Deities wanted to have any of the relations than I said above.) As what happens with humans, any relation you have; have the risk to ends, sooner or later; but if we are patient enough... We can find a relation than makes worth all the heartache and pain, we may suffered before.
Than all of you have the Relation you need, be it with Humans and/or Spiritual Beings; just in the right time for you… So Be It!
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The Weather In PJO (brought to you by gods and demigods)
*alternating colors for ease of reading
**page numbers look weird because they're copied/pasted from ebooks
“Overhead, a huge storm was brewing, with clouds blacker than I’d ever seen over the city. I figured maybe it was global warming or something, because the weather all across New York state had been weird since Christmas. We’d had massive snow storms, flooding, wildfires from lightning strikes. I wouldn’t have been surprised if this was a hurricane blowing in.” - TLT pg 33
“One night, a thunderstorm blew out the windows in my dorm room. A few days later, the biggest tornado ever spotted in the Hudson Valley touched down only fifty miles from Yancy Academy. One of the current events we studied in social studies class was the unusual number of small planes that had gone down in sudden squalls in the Atlantic that year.” - TLT pg 65
“Outside, it really was storming, the kind of storm that cracks trees and blows down houses. There was no horse or eagle on the beach, just lightning making false daylight, and twenty-foot waves pounding the dunes like artillery. [...] Long Island never sees hurricanes this early in the summer. But the ocean seemed to have forgotten.” - TLT pg 156
“There was a blinding flash, a jaw-rattling boom!, and our car exploded.” - TLT pg 176
“I was still in bed in cabin three. My body told me it was morning, but it was dark outside, and thunder rolled across the hills. A storm was brewing. I hadn’t dreamed that.” - TLT pg 491
“It started to rain. Volleyball players stopped their game and stared in stunned silence at the sky.
I had brought this storm to Half-Blood Hill. Zeus was punishing the whole camp because of me.” - TLT pg 520
The windows of the bus exploded as the passengers ran for cover. Lightning shredded a huge crater in the roof, but an angry wail from inside told me Mrs. Dodds was not yet dead.” - TLT pg 629
“The weather had completely changed. It was stormy, with heat lightning flashing out in the desert.” - TLT pg 988
“In the distance, Los Angeles was on fire, plumes of smoke rising from neighborhoods all over the city. There had been an earthquake, all right, and it was Hades’s fault.” - TLT pg 1191
“I was standing on a deserted street in some little beach town. It was the middle of the night. A storm was blowing. Wind and rain ripped at the palm trees along the sidewalk. Pink and yellow stucco buildings lined the street, their windows boarded up. A block away, past a line of hibiscus bushes, the ocean churned.” - SOM pg 10
“After a few more minutes, the dark splotches ahead of us came into focus. To the north, a huge mass of rock rose out of the sea-an island with cliffs at least a hundred feet tall. About half a mile south of that, the other patch of darkness was a storm brewing. The sky and sea boiled together in a roaring mass.” - SOM pg 598
“A storm raged that night, but it parted around Camp Half-Blood as storms usually did. Lightning flashed against the horizon, waves pounded the shore, but not a drop fell in our valley. We were protected again, thanks to the Fleece, sealed inside our magical borders.” - SOM pg 1045
“Sleet and snow pounded the highway. Annabeth, Thalia, and I hadn’t seen each other in months, but between the blizzard and the thought of what we were about to do, we were too nervous to talk much.” - TTC pg 11
“Old spirits are protecting the bad boat.”
“The Princess Andromeda?” I said. “Luke’s boat?”
“Yes. They make it hard to find. Protect it from Daddy’s storms. Otherwise he would smash it.” - TTC pg 210
“Clouds seemed to be swirling around its peak, as though the mountain was drawing them in, spinning them like a top. “What’s going on up there? A storm?”
Zoë didn’t answer. I got the feeling she knew exactly what the clouds meant, and she didn’t like it.” - TTC pg 751
“I will do my best to destroy his boat with storms, but he is making alliances with my enemies, the older spirits of the ocean. They will fight to protect him.” - TTC pg 886
“We were standing at the dining pavilion, just where we’d last spoken before I went on the quest. The wind was bitter cold, even with the camp’s magical weather protection. Snow fell lightly against the marble steps. I figured outside the camp borders, there must be a blizzard happening.”- TTC pg 915
“The wind whipped cold off the bay. In the south, San Francisco gleamed all white and beautiful, but in the north, over Mount Tamalpais, huge storm clouds swirled. The whole sky seemed like a black top spinning from the mountain where Atlas was imprisoned, and where the Titan palace of Mount Othrys was rising anew. It was hard to believe the tourists couldn’t see the supernatural storm brewing, but they didn’t give any hint that anything was wrong.
“It’s even worse,” Annabeth said, gazing to the north. “The storms have been bad all year, but that—” - BOTL pg 359
“I had no choice. I called to the sea. I reached inside myself and remembered the waves and the currents, the endless power of the ocean. And I let it loose in one horrible scream.
Afterward, I could never describe what happened. An explosion, a tidal wave, a whirlwind of power simultaneously catching me up and blasting me downward into the lava. Fire and water collided, superheated steam, and I shot upward from the heart of the volcano in a huge explosion, just one piece of flotsam thrown free by a million pounds of pressure. The last thing I remember before losing consciousness was flying, flying so high Zeus would never have forgiven me, and then beginning to fall, smoke and fire and water streaming from me. I was a comet hurtling toward the earth.” - BOTL pg 618/619
“Mrs. O’Leary howled. I patted her head, trying to comfort her as best I could. The earth rumbled—an earthquake that could probably be felt in every major city across the country—as the ancient Labyrinth collapsed. Somewhere, I hoped, the remains of the Titan’s strike force had been buried.” - BOTL pg 1005
“I remembered what Tyson had told me at the beginning of the summer. “The old sea gods?”
“Indeed. The battle came first to me, Percy. In fact, I cannot stay long. Even now the ocean is at war with itself. It is all I can do to keep hurricanes and typhoons from destroying your surface world, the fighting is so intense.” - BOTL pg 1066
“Then the entire sea grew dark in front of us, like an inky storm was rolling in. Thunder crackled, which should've been impossible underwater. A huge icy presence was approaching. I sensed a wave of fear roll through the armies below us.” - TLO pg 153
“I saw a bank of storm clouds rolling across the Midwest plains. Lightning flickered. Lines of tornadoes destroyed everything in their path— ripping up houses and trailers, tossing cars around like Matchbox toys. “Monumental floods," an announcer was saying. "Five states declared disaster areas as the freak storm system sweeps east, continuing its path of destruction." The cameras zoomed in on a column of storm bearing down on some Midwest city. I couldn't tell which one. Inside the storm I could see the giant—just small glimpses of his true form: a smoky arm, a dark clawed hand the size of a city block. His angry roar rolled across the plains like a nuclear blast.” - TLO pg 216-218
“Over the city, a thunderstorm boiled—a wall of absolute black with lightning streaking across the sky. A few blocks away, swarms of emergency vehicles gathered with their lights flashing. A column of dust rose from a mound of rubble, which I realized was a collapsed skyscraper. [...] Wind whipped her hair. The temperature was dropping rapidly, like ten degrees just since I'd been standing there.” - TLO pg 468-470
“She faltered as a mighty groan cut through the sky. A blast of lightning hit the center of the darkness. The entire city shook. The air glowed, and every hair on my body stood up. The blast was so powerful I knew it could only be one thing: Zeus's master bolt. It should have vaporized its target, but the dark cloud only staggered backward. A smoky fist appeared out of the clouds. It smashed another tower, and the whole thing collapsed like children's blocks.
The reporter screamed. People ran through the streets. Emergency lights flashed.” - TLO pg 470-471
“Listen to me!" I said. "Kronos's army is invading Manhattan.'"
"Don't you think we know that?" East asked. "I can feel his boats right now. They're almost across."
"Yep," Hudson agreed. "I got some filthy monsters crossing my waters too."
"So stop them," I said. "Drown them. Sink their boats."
"Why should we?" Hudson grumbled. "So they invade Olympus. What do we care?"
"Because I can pay you.” - TLO pg 654
“Water sprayed his face, stinging his eyes. The wind picked up, and Hyperion staggered backward.
"Percy!" Grover called in amazement. "How are you doing that?"
Doing what? I thought.
Then I looked down, and I realized I was standing in the middle of my own personal hurricane. Clouds of water vapor swirled around me, winds so powerful they buffeted Hyperion and flattened the grass in a twenty-yard radius. Enemy warriors threw javelins at me, but the storm knocked them aside.
"Sweet," I muttered. "But a little more!"
Lightning flickered around me. The clouds darkened and the rain swirled faster. I closed in on Hyperion and blew him off his feet.” - TLO pg 903-904
#pjo#riordanverse#percy jackson and the olympians#percy jackson series#percy jackson#percy is like 'i will pay you to drown these kids who want to live better lives'#percy is like 'look i blew up most of them and i'll crush the skulls of the rest but you need to drown some for me'#poseidon is out here like 'these powerful old gods are fighting me but i'm going to fight harder you know to keep the mortals safe'#poseidon be like 'i have never drowned anyone in my life'#poseidon: unless you're into that son. then i've drowned a lot of people. and you can too.#i love my evil callous son percy jackson#go kill everyone darling as a treat#dark percy is canon you guys are just cowards with selective reading skills#also nico made a blizzard outside of camp half-blood and made it snow inside of chb#that's pretty impressive since only zeus has made weather inside of cbh borders#zeus fighting typhon like 'i am going to level this fucking city'#calling it kronos army really is such a clean and sterile way of referring to it#all of the hundreds of demigods that wanted better lives#who are willing to die for better lives and who do die#mainly by percy's hands#nevermind monsters who used to be demigods or were unfortunately born that way#no souls. constantly craving eating the things that want to kill them.#going through torture until they die and wind up in hell then crawl out of hell for it to start all over again#forever. there's no end to this. they didn't ask to be monsters. the gods are responsible for a lot of them. all of them.#the complete and utter disregard of mortal lives by the olympian side#at least with mount orthys the mortals had no idea there were storms#zeus threw a bitch fit that lasted for six months and killed thousands of people#but yeah the olympians are the good guys#it really is the story of a villain told from the winner's side
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iiraven · 3 years
Pairing: Poseidon!Armin x Reader
Genre: romance, smut
Warnings: slow-burn, minor character death, manipulation, stalking, possessiveness, Yandere behaviour, puppy play, piss play, body worship, throne sex, implied age-gap, oral(male receiving), hair pulling, collaring (without consent)
Word count: 9.8K
Synopsis: Armin’s quest for revenge leads him to you, daughter of a merchant and object of his infatuation.
Author’s note: thank you @bubbleteaimagines​ for hosting this collab and allowing me to join <3 Also, thank you @onyxoverride​ for teaching me how to write about pee!
Attack on Titan Masterlist
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Present day:
If the river could speak, you wonder what it would say.
In the silence that surrounds the rushing of the water, you’re sure you would hear it. Sometimes, you’re sure you can hear it, but then you remember the dangers of trusting unfamiliar voices. Especially unfamiliar voices in a place like this.
No one goes near the river Shiganshina. And you forget the reasons why much too often.
It’s rocky, slippery, there’s no path to walk on, and the nymphs grow sharp teeth when men approach them, hissing and eyes glowing red. But that’s what makes it perfect for you.
Sasha first mentioned the river months ago, recalling the places on the island that her and her father avoided whenever they went hunting. You hadn’t paid much attention to it until days later, when Connie recounted with round eyes how Floch’s body was found beside the river Shiganshina, mouth full of water and eyes gouged out. You knew you needed to go there yourself.
A pearl necklace is what you stole. And under the guise of going to wash clothes at the well, you made your way south of your small island with only Sasha’s vague instructions and your intuition guiding you.
You could hear the ocean as you walked through the untouched woods, your heart hammering in your chest every time the waves crashed against the island’s cliffs. You weren’t allowed to see the ocean- you weren’t allowed to be around any large body of water, for that matter- but you still knew your island well enough to know that a step in the wrong place could lead you tumbling down the cliff.
You would die before you got to feel the water on your skin and that, you thought, would be the most tragic part.
As your feet began to sink into the muddy ground, you could smell the salty water, and a slight metallic scent behind it that only drew you in closer until you reached a clearing. It was small, crowded with foliage with only a few dead plants on the ground where you could only assume people had attempted to step foot.
And there was the river. It was small, its water emerging from underground before the tide pushed it to the edge of the island- to a waterfall. So loud that it could drown out any noise, any screams. You shivered. For a moment, you just stood back and watched. The water was was green, but so clear that you could still see the fish swimming beside the floating objects. Coins, silver, small statues, and whatever else hopefuls had tried to offer. You pulled out your own offering and whispered a short prayer before throwing the necklace in.
It could have been your imagination, but the water calmed. It was quieter. And, like that, you felt as if the river had opened up its arms to you. Strong arms that you have to be cautious not to spend too long within lest you get trapped.
Thankfully, you’ve learned to read the signs. You know when the river wants you to leave, when it wants you to keep your distance, when it wants to keep you close, and even when it wants you to bathe. Those are the special moments. It’s rare the river is calm enough for you to dip your naked body into, but surrounded by the cool water, you feel like you could stay their forever.
If the river could speak now, however, you’re sure it would tell you to fuck off.
Either that or it would tell you to come back when you have something more to offer its god than a single golden bead from your grandmother’s necklace. Only three are left on the thin string, though you think you might keep the last one to honour her death. After that, you’ll have to go back to offering coins and whatever other trinkets that will keep the god of this river sedated long enough for you to dip your feet into the cool water, maybe take a sip, and then return home before your father realises where you’ve been, much less where you’ve been unchaperoned.
The latter is hardly your fault. Sasha and Connie are too scared to step foot in the Shiganshina forest, let alone the river itself. And you can’t trust anyone else to accompany you, especially the servants whose tongue could slip at the drop of a golden coin. Your father would never forgive you for spending time in the territory of the God of the Ocean or- as he liked to call Armin- the destroyer of seas. And thus, being left alone seems to be the only way.
Well, that’s unless Mr Arlert decides to join you.
The owner of the stable who appeared on the island out of nowhere is the last person anyone would expect to be brave enough to spend time at the river Shiganshina. He mostly keeps to himself, only ever seen tending to his horses or immersed in scrolls of literature and poetry. And yet, he’s here almost as often as you are, almost as vulnerable as you are.
Despite his solitary nature, Mr Arlert has been quick to make himself adored. Mothers swoon over his charm, scholars constantly indulge in his curiosity, and sailors are fascinated by his knowledge of the world and its oceans. He’s no warrior, and already in his late twenties, but he’s still without a doubt one of the most eligible bachelors on Paradis. And, yet, to any marriage proposal sent his way, he declines with a polite “A husband is not what I am fated to become”. Even Annie Leonhardt- whose father Mr Arlert would constantly visit- had her heart broken. But no one blames Mr Arlert, of course, who was there to comfort Annie, to make her realise that she just needs to be a better person, that’s all. It’s not his fault her heart broke, Mr Arlert reassured.
Thinking about it now, you’re amongst the handful of women who haven’t been offered to the tall blond. And with that comes a sigh of relief as you drag your fingers through the water.
It’s not like you dislike him- the opposite, actually- but being with Mr Arlert is like taking the hand of an invisible man in the dark and letting him guide you.
His words constantly have your thoughts spiralling in directions that they shouldn’t be. Thoughts about leaving the island, thoughts about going to the ocean, thoughts about becoming a priestess. Thoughts you aren’t allowed to have.
You fate is bound to the home you were born in, a thick rope tied to your ankle, only letting you go as far as this very river. And Mr Arlert sits beside that rope, a knife in his hand, blue eyes staring into your soul, waiting. You’re not sure what he’s waiting for. But what you’re sure of is that to be taken away from the life you know of is an inconceivable fantasy. The unknown is a dangerous thing, after all.
The small island of Paradis may lie far away from the rest of the world, but their core values remain the same. A woman must grow up to either serve her father or her husband. Your fate has already been decided for you. And, frankly, if it means not having to share a bed with an old man who marries you for your dowry, you’re very happy with taking care of your father until the day that he’ll be put into the ground.
But then there’s always the third option. A woman who serves neither her father nor her husband will serve her god. 
You had never been given that option by your god-hating kin. Simply suggesting a future as priestess would earn you at least five lashes, so why… why can’t you stop thinking about it? Your instincts have you blame Mr Arlert, but you know that your fixation began before he arrived on the island; all he’s done is vocalise your thoughts.
As a gust of wind blows the leaves and the salt from the sea gently caresses your cheek, you wonder who your god would be. Do you resonate with Pieck’s beauty, or Zeke’s creativity? Maybe. But as you look into your reflection, you know that your god is no other than Armin, the god of the ocean. The fates must think this is hilarious, but you just want to scream.
“It’s getting late. I wouldn’t want your father worrying about you.”
You jump at the sudden voice, turning around at the familiar face, leaning against a tree with a gentle smile.
“Thank you, Mr Arlert.”
His footsteps are so gentle, as are his apologies.
“You don’t need to thank me. I’ve come to invade your space, after all.”
“It’s not my space, it’s Armin’s. The god is only letting me stay here.”
He smiles a knowing smile, one that you would usually find patronising on any other man. But Armin is charming, too charming for you ever to think that of him. “I suppose you’re right.”
He comes to sit down beside you, taking his usual place at your right- the voice of reason. It’s quiet for a moment, before you remember.
“Lemnos,” you say.
The blond smiles. “I’m not named after a place.”
And you roll your eyes, as you’ve done every time he’s given you a useless hint. “That hardly narrows it down.”
“Well, I can’t make it too easy of a game.”
“You can’t make it impossible either!”
“It seems like I already have.” And you’re not sure if you want to wipe the smirk off his face or just stare at it.
“What about Tree?”
Arlert laughs. “No, but you have one guess left.”
“What?!” You sit up straight, eyes wide. Now you really want to wipe the smirk off his face.
“You have seven guesses, and in the eleven months we’ve known each other, you’ve used up six.” His explanation is calm and rational enough for you to almost convince yourself that the rule has been there from the start.
“Wait- wait. I never knew about this!”
“I thought everyone did. It’s traditional wager rules.” Mr Arlert’s tone is sorry, but you know he’s everything but. So, you cross your arms and pout, hoping that staring him down might at least give you the smallest chance of winning your wager.
He leans forward, mirthful and you feel a shiver go down your spine. “What is it, little puppy, sulking because you’re afraid you can’t win?”
You flush at the implication of your loss- “No- no not at all- no”- before registering his actual words are and only then can you feel the heat rise and you’re sure it’s doing you no service. “I know I can win!”
“I know you can too,” he assures you.
You frown. “Are you being sarcastic?”
It’s his turn to flush. “No, not at all! You can win- the water god favours you, after all.”
And although you shrug, his words stick. They always do.
Before you go home, you pass by Armin’s temple and place at the foot of his statue the remainder of your grandmother’s necklace.
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A year ago:
Amrin knew how fickle the gods were and he thought that this knowledge made him impervious to those feelings. He watched how Eren jumped from woman to woman daily, how Reiner picked and chose his battles without a care, how every single fixation a deity would have never lasted more than a year. He thought of how stupid it was to spend a life of immortality indulging in such temporary pleasures. And he looked down on his kin for that very reason.
It was only after one argument too many that Armin finally let it slip. The god of the sea was usually quiet, offering soft smiles, casual conversation, and minimal conflict. That was his only rule: keeps quiet before the gods of the pantheon as he takes his anger out on the humans below. But that day, he forgot about his rule.
Maybe it was the years of silence that caused the Eathshaker’s outburst, or maybe it was just Eren’s bored expression as he talked about his mistresses in front of Mikasa. Armin couldn’t take it. Gathered at a marble table beside all the Olympians, he scowled and told them how stupid they all were.
“Don’t you realise? You’re all wasting your immortality by being so idiotic, so fickle! Everything you touch becomes a temporary pleasure, ruined by your inability to act like real gods.”
He should have stopped; he really should have stopped. But the crack in the glass bridge had been there for years, and now the shards of glass were dropping down into the sea. “You might as well be human!”
The room went silent. Eyes went wide, and mouths gaped, but the gods opted for silence. Every deity wanted to speak up, maybe even draw their swords, but they were more intelligent than Armin was in that moment, which was more unusual than one might think. He had never snapped so violently before. Armin may have been aggressive, but he knew his place. Knew when to be docile. Now, he felt like he could crumble Olympus itself with his rage and bury the Olympians with their dead parents.
The king of the gods, however, leaned forward. His emerald eyes were unmoving, devoid of emotion though his lips tilted into a monstrous grin.
“You’re just as fickle as the rest of us, brother,” was all Eren said.
When Armin lunged at him, knocking the fine glass off the table, it was Mikasa who pinned him down. Arms locked behind his back, all Armin could do was watch as mirth flooded Eren’s face, and the god of the sky laughed. The bastard laughed and laughed and licked the small wound on his hand from a shard of glass. It healed immediately. Even their pain was temporary.
And like he had been doing for the past millennia, Armin found solice in his only rule: if he couldn’t take out his rage on his brother, Armin would take out his frustration elsewhere.
His first instinct was to find a woman, but the thought of seeking out temporary pleasure, from a mistress no less, reminded him too much of Eren. So, he descended to earth, trident in one hand as the other gripped the reigns of his horse and they rode for three days and three nights. That’s all it took for the god of the sea to find what he was looking for- someone deserving of his hatred.
There are many humans like the merchant. But most of their hatred is silent. And when it’s not, blasphemy often falls upon deaf ears. The merchant just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time when his drunk rambles led him up on the deck screaming out Armin’s name like it was venom in his throat, until he could scream no more. He was drunk, but the merchant’s hatred for the god of the sea did not cease when he was sober.
And when Armin heard his name, the god wasted no time calling forth a storm to sink the merchant’s ship. He took care to ensure that the arrogant man watched each and every one of his men be swallowed whole, their bodies only resurfacing lifeless, before the storm calmed.
It took five days for the merchant to swim back to his island.
He never returned to the sea.
As the weeks passed, he relocated his home to help him stay away from any body of water and made sure that his family followed suit.
But Armin followed, and the merchant’s father died weeks later with saltwater water found in his lungs.  
Unfortunately, that was not enough to sedate the god of the sea’s need for vengeance. Fortunately, it was not enough to sedate the merchant’s hatred either. The hubris didn’t leave him. Instead, it just grew and grew and grew until the merchant considered himself more of a god than Armin would ever be.
“Oh, oh.” Armin couldn’t help but smile as he watched the man urinate before his temple. “This is perfect, so perfect.”
Armin was going to show his uncaring brother how different he was from the rest of the miserable Olympians. As he stood above the island of Paradis, golden hair blowing in the ocean wind, the god vowed to begin his Odyssey. An eternal Odyssey. A journey that would last longer than the ten fleeting years he had with the Greek hero- a journey that would last longer than the universe itself.
And he knew exactly where to begin. A man’s most valuable possession: his child.
It was only after your grandfather’s death that Armin noticed you. When he first began watching the merchant’s household, under the guise of either a guest or a bird, he had been surprised to learn that the blasphemous man had no wife, nor children. Armin only realised his mistake one night, when you came to lay a blanket on the drunk man’s barely conscious body. The merchant had pulled you towards him, muttering apologies and you had wrinkled your nose before offering him a soft smile. “It’s okay, papa”.
A daughter sheltered from the world, it seemed.
The god had initially thought you were one of the servants. There were only two in the house, and your tasks were all similar. But as Armin began to watch you closer, he saw how you did have a life outside your home with friends, interests, men- a life your father was blissfully unaware of.
The merchant hardly left home- playing the part of the sick man- and you took care of him- playing the part of your dead mother- in a happy sort of agreement.
You didn’t speak about it to your friends, but you detested your doting role. Armin could tell. The way you wrinkled your nose every time your father walked through the door, the eye-roll when you were given a load of laundry. The god couldn’t help by laugh at how pathetic the merchant was that not even his only daughter- his lifeline- cared for him. The merchant didn’t know, of course. Your fake smiles and gentle hands were enough to deceive him, keep him sane. But Armin was going to break that pattern.
The merchant didn’t deserve the care of a woman. He didn’t deserve anything. So, Armin was going to take you away from him.
His initial plan was to kill you. Simple, efficient, quick. And then he thought of dumping your body somewhere far so that the search for you would break your father’s spirit even more. He hesitated, though, he wasn’t sure why, but he did. And then, you changed your routine.
After meeting up with the two individuals you called your friends at the Sunday market- instead of going back home- you carried on walking. Through the houses on the outskirts and into the dense trees, you almost stung your sandal-clad feet twice before reaching a river. The river had no god of itself, but you still threw in an offering and muttered. Stupid human. And then you sat beside the river and- nothing. Your routine was boring, obviously a ritual to let you escape from reality. Yet, he couldn’t tear away from you. The woman at the river Shiganshina was a different one than the woman who served her father. The one here relaxed her shoulders, cursed at the world around her, smiled- albeit randomly but it was real. He decided there that he would kill you tomorrow.
But when, the next day, you led him back to the river, Armin was lost in you again. Lost in your honestly, lost in your need to escape. He wanted to see more, he needed to see more. Metaphorically, of course. But when you began undressing, the pleated robes dropping to reveal soft skin and tender curves, the god of the sea realised that he wouldn’t mind literally seeing more of you. Armin had been with goddesses and nymphs and, hell, even Aphrodite herself, but never had he been this awestruck. He had to hold himself back. Even though the way you were bathing made it seem like you were worshipping him, water dripping from your body, wet hair hiding the swell of your breasts. Armin’s breath stuttered. He couldn’t reveal himself. He couldn’t.
So, he watched, and watched. Trying desperately to take in everything you were from a distance. Armin didn’t count the number of times he visited you before finally decided that killing you was no longer an option. He told himself that his change of mind was progressive. A practical choice to draw out his revenge into the most painful and convoluted Odyssey. To do that, he couldn’t kill you. No. He was going to take you for himself. Armin was going to turn the daughter of the merchant into a servant of the one God he detested.
Putting the thought into your mind was pathetically easy. As you walked past his temple on your way home, an echo of laughter emerged from the marble building. You paused for only a moment, but it was enough for Armin to catch the look in your eyes. It was one of longing, mixed with a curiosity that threatened to pull you in. But you seemed to catch yourself in the act and hastened yourself home.
And so, Armin’s true Odyssey began. 
For his journey to progress, he had to meet you. Not as a bird or a horse or through glances as a guest. He had to meet you properly. This was the only way to draw you in, he told himself. The only way for you to submit completely and willingly.
Armin could have forced you too your knees, but he had to ensure that your father watched has his daughter chose Armin over him. And chose Armin you would. Every piece was in perfect place. The fates seemed to have woven a beautiful cloth of gold for the god of the sea.
What he failed to realise was that the cloth was in fact a snare- a trap which he will never be able to escape from.
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Eleven months ago:
A short gust of wind had the pears in your thin basket tumbling down onto the rocky ground. You rushed after the fruit, crouching down to pick it up when a shadow appeared, and a hand reached out to pick it up for you. The sandal-clad feet were pale- paler than anyone living on this warm island and the robes a fine, ironed white. He somehow seemed to glow brighter than his clothes, and you purposefully let your fingers graze his as you picked up the fruit.
“Thank you,” you said, standing up.
You were hoping that he wouldn’t catch your staring. But even if he did, you couldn’t tear your eyes off him. He was lean, taller than you but not intimidatingly so and his eyes were like oceans that you found yourself staring into as he introduced himself as Mr Arlert. Just Mr Arlert. The new owner of the stables with a voice so soft, it took a moment before you remembered to introduce yourself.
“Y/N. And thank you, again.” It isn’t appropriate for an unmarried woman to be talking to a man on her own, but you couldn’t help but ask. “Do you have a first name Mr Arlert?”
His smile was contagious. “I do. But names are a powerful thing. I’m afraid I can’t give mine up freely.”
“Oh.” You scrunched your nose. “Can I pay for it then?”
You were dead serious, but the blond man laughed. How can someone look so pretty when they laugh? You wondered.
“I’m serious! I can pay you; name your price.”
Mr Arlert looked down at you, blue eyes twinkling. “I’ll think about it.”
“So, is that a no?”
“It’s a no, for now. One day I’ll tell you my name.”
He was sweet, so sweet, but you still gave him a sceptical frown, nose scrunching and eyebrows furrowing. Mr Arlert in turn gave you a sorry look before his eyes lit up and he pulled out from his brown satchel a small book of yellowed pages and a dusty blue cover, the gold embossing hardly visible. You nose only scrunched further.
“My name is in this story. It’s mentioned few times, but it’s an important one,” he said to you.
You took the book and flipped through the worn pages, immediately recognising the tale of Aphrodite and Ares. The lovers.
Why the challenge? You wanted to ask Mr Arlert but you knew the answer you your get would be too cryptic. Besides, you think, I like a challenge.
“How long do I have?” You asked instead.
“A year and a day.”
“And what will I get if I figure it out?”
At this, he pondered. But it seemed feigned, and you wondered, just for a split second, if the man had planned this from the beginning. But why? This was another one of your questions that went unanswered that day. Because before you could say anything more, Mr Arlert leaned forward and said, “Your reward will be divine”. And he walked away.
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Nine months ago:
Life was well after Armin arrived. There was no other way to put it. Your father was confining himself to his room more often than before, and you were finding more opportunities to visit the river, leave the house and, eventually, you met the handsome baker’s son. Jean was kind, a gentleman, but not the arrogant type like most the men your age. You didn’t even feel too much guilt when you thought that spending a future with Jean- taking care of him and his home- wouldn’t be too bad. It’s quite pathetic that your life had been reduced to not being “too bad”, but the idea of marrying Jean sat on the comfortable line between reality and fantasy. Safety.
And then you were visited at the river.
Mr Arlert wasn’t even surprised to find you there, he had just smiled and sat beside you as you clenched your fists and forced yourself to smile back at him. You had always enjoyed him, his company, his challenges, but now it was like he was provoking you. The river Shiganshina was your river, your special place away from the hellscape that was the town. And now Mr Arlert had brought himself and his ordinary life into it.
You pulled your sandals back on, the crease in your brow evident. He clearly couldn’t get the hint. But before you could stand up, he spoke, and you paused.
“I wish I could jump in and swim away,” he said.
Curiosity got the best of you, as it often did with the man.
“The waterfall would kill you.”
The awkward laugh again. It had an effect on you so that your jaw couldn’t help but unclench. “If it means that I get to touch a waterfall, I wouldn’t mind, you know?”
You knew. You knew exactly what he meant. But you didn’t tell him.
“Didn’t take you as the suicidal type,” you said.
“I might get saved, who knows.”
“If you’re counting on me to jump after you, I’m letting you know I won’t.”
“I know,” he laughed. “I was thinking of more of a divine rescue.”
You finally looked at him, and- unsurprisingly- his blue eyes were glued to yours. What was surprising was his unwavering tone, his straight face. Mr Arlert was being serious. Why was he opening up to you this suddenly? So far, your interactions had consisted of him staring, you trying to guess his name, and him continuing to stare. In that order. You knew there was more to him, but it’s only now that you found yourself wanting to seek that out.
“You think Armin would save you?” You didn’t miss Arlert’s smile.
“I’m hoping I’ve gained his favour- done enough for him to allow me freedom via waterfall.”
It was your turn to smile. “You probably have, You’re at the temple often.”
“Thank you.” He blushed and you quickly pushed down the thought of how cute he looked. Sitting beside you, trousers rolled up and feet in the water, Mr Arlert looked more than cute. He looked like he belonged. You weren’t sure how that made you feel but, in that moment, you didn’t mind him entering your world.
“I think you would also be saved if you jumped into the waterfall,” Mr Arlert said.
You laughed. “Is that your way of saying I’m a nice person?”
“Something like that.” He paused. “I think Armin would appreciate your- uh- honesty. You’re like a priestess.” He laughs nervously at your expression. “You know, they have this personal affinity with the water and such.”
You knew exactly what he meant. How a stranger could read you so perfectly, you weren’t sure. But as you hid your smile between your hands, you wondered whether you were prepared to face the fear of the unknown. Maybe, with Mr Arlert, it would be a bit less unknown.
A few days later, Jean was announced missing. A search party was sent out and even Mr Arlert, on his recently acquired brown horse, couldn’t find him.
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Present day:
Armin isn’t sure if he likes playing the part of the nice boy or not. Humans are simple creatures who praise him continuously and, without divine responsibilities, there is no need to take his rage out anywhere. But a god is who he is, and every day, he yearns to be seen as one. To be seen as one by you. He watches as you worship him, but you never look at him- not like you do the statues, or even the small river which you think is your only true connection to the god of the ocean.
You both want more, and you both know that, but you only ever admit it to each other when you sit beside that very river. There, in those moments, Armin feels a bit more like a god. Whenever he’s around you, he feels a bit more like a god.  
He’s told you before, but your perfect honesty has made it easy for him to unravel around you. He wants to unravel around you in other ways, too, and he wants you to unravel around him. Armin can’t count the number of times he’s sat beside you at the riverside and wanted to do nothing more than to kiss those lips of yours, to press the hard cock that he hides inside of you and watch as your eyes roll back, and you call out his name.  
But the God of the Sea is not Eren. Armin will earn you. And he’s very close to doing so. Not Mr Arlert. You have no interest in human men, that much is clear. You yearn for something more powerful. And you’re right. Only a god is worthy enough to stand beside you, lay between your legs, be in your arms. Mr Arlert is simply a means to push you to realising that the god in question is Armin.
In the meantime, he’s been nothing but patient.
It’s only when you come to his door one night, eyes puffy and red, that he lays his hands on you for the first time. He rubs your back as you cry and cry, fat tears refusing stop falling. You tell him about bout your father. About how, since he got better, he’s been refusing to let you out of the house, snapping at every moment and accusing you of being a filthy god-worshipper.
“He s-sai-d- he said we’re ‘gonna move away- said we’re gonna get as far away from the s-sea as possible.” You can hardly speak, though the tears have stopped, your voice still shakes violently. But Armin listens, he holds you close to him and repeats that everything is going to be fine.
You can’t stop thanking him as you leave, and he promises that his door is always open for you. “Whenever you call for me, I’m here,” Armin tells you. “Right beside you, always,” he adds as he watches you walk away.
He’s reached a new chapter of this Odyssey.
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Present day:
You suppose your father’s death should have been expected. He was an old man, obviously depressed, and his only lifeline was his daughter who hated him.
You also suppose you should feel guilty. You don’t.
Familiar faces give their condolences and whisper questions of what is to happen to you now. You only pay heed to Sasha and Connie, though, who give you a soft hug before Sasha tells you that her family would be happy to take you in. You reassure her and everyone else that you have a plan, though your best friends are the only ones who seem to believe you.
“I heard Marie has a son who’s single, maybe they can-“
“You’re not actually talking about marriage here are you?”
“Well, the girl is all alone in the world, now! She needs a man to lead her on the right path.”
The old women are wrong, so very wrong. You don’t need a man. You’re fucking sick of men- sick of them all- everything they’ve created and everything they stand for.
What you need is a god.
The head priestess of Armin’s temple in unsurprised when you knock on her door with nothing but a bag and the clothes on your body. Those clothes are burned soon after, along with many of your other things, leaving your old life behind.
She tells you that you’re lucky there’s a place for you. The last priestess left running off with a man, “Which is a cardinal sin”, she makes sure to repeat every-so-often. The head priestess seems to hate men more than you do, sneering whenever Connie comes by.
Sasha and Connie are unsurprisingly shocked at your choice of work and even if they visit almost every day, they always tell you that they miss you. They think you’ve come the temple out of desperation- everyone does- and you let them believe. Because despite cleaning the marble floors or whatever other arduous duty you’ve been given, a smile is never far as you realise that you’re free from man. Indeed, explaining the truth to anyone would be far too difficult.
Well, except one person.
You’ve never missed anyone before. Not with your father keeping you so sheltered for most of your life. But as you push through the Head Priestess’ relentless schedule, you can’t help but miss Mr Arlert. He disappears after your father’s funeral, so you leave him a note at the empty stable with your final guess. You like to think he decided to follow his own path, you also like to think that he too wishes you were beside him, a guide in the unknown.
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Present day:
The room is a box of marble, with a throne sat upon a dais at the centre and one fountain at every corner, each one sculped into a horse. The object of your interests, however, is the large bowl of water on the floor in front of the throne.
This is your initiation. You will emerge from this room not as an apprentice, but a Priestess.
You kneel down and lift the pot of clay to your lips. The head priestess kept on repeating how important it is to not put it down until you’re finished. So, you gulp the water down until you can see the image of Armin. You’re the one who selected the pot, with its faded paint depicting Armin and Hange’s fight for patronage of Sina. It’s a powerful image, but when you put the pot down, you come face to face with something very different. Armin is standing in a room-this room, you realise- and crouched down before him is a young woman, looking up in awe. It takes bit longer of a moment for you to realise that the woman is you.
Looking up slowly from the pot, the first thing you see is sandal-clad feet. Golden sandals, just as fine as the robes he wears, draped in perfect waves. The first word you think of to describe him is divine and it’s indeed accurate because-
“Mr Arlert.” Your voice is barely above a whisper.
But you know that’s not correct. The man- no, not a man- before you is taller than Mr Arlert, by a foot and a half at least. His muscles are more prominent that the stable boy’s ever were, strong legs visible through the large slit between the layers of fabric draped over the god’s figure. Half of his shoulder-length hair is tied back using a golden pin whilst the rest frames his perfect, perfect face. You can’t help but think that Armin looks nothing like his statues- no medium of art could capture the ocean within his eyes, glowing in the dull light of the room. Then again, the stories didn’t capture the way the god acts either.
“Armin,” you say, this time your voice louder.
Now, you know.
His sad smile is familiar, but there’s something there that never was. “Oh dear,” he says. “I’m afraid you’ve lost out wager.”
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Armin can’t help but compare you to a puppy, with large eyes staring up at him from your crouched position and an expression a perfect mix of excitement, curiosity, and shock.
You reach out a hand tentatively, but it hovers in the air between the two of you once you notice Armin’s raised brow. But he doesn’t rebuke you for it. After all, it’s only your first encounter with the god. He can’t expect you to behave perfectly, to adopt the right etiquette- no, he’ll have to train you first. Like he would a baby mutt. The thought makes him smile.
“I’ll accept any consequences, my god,” you say. Your voice sounds so sure of itself, so unlike your usual ramblings, those that Armin could and would listen to for hours. Right now, though, the certainty, it’s laced with desire that sends blood rushing south. You don’t notice. You’re too lost in his eyes to notice anything.
When he places his hand on your chin to hold it up, he can feel you shiver. “Such a perfect little worshipper,” he says. “I couldn’t possibly punish you.”
Armin can swear he sees disappointment in your eyes before he turns around and walks up the dais. The marble of the throne is cold beneath him, but the sight of you looking up at him with such longing is enough to warm him up. Now, Armin is sure you’ve noticed his growing erection because you crawl towards the dais, not yet climbing it, but close enough to see and lick your lips.
“Let me thank you at least, Armin.” He almost groans at the sound of his name. God, he wants to hear you say it over and over.
“Come here.”
And you climb up the dais only to pause before Armin leans forward and grabs your hips. Two lips, as if led by an invisible string, meet. You kiss like you’ve been waiting years for Armin and, in a way, you have. His tongue is inside your mouth quickly and he’s kissing, sucking, letting his teeth gently graze your lips as he revels in the feeling of you. As your bodies lean against each other, you can feel his heart hammering against your own. His chest is stone, but his lips are so soft and your hands find his golden hair. It’s also softer than it looks, and Armin can’t help but let out a moan as you gently tug.
When you pull back, his pupils are blown. “Thank me, then,” Armin says, breathless.
Sitting between his legs, your hand is tiny compared to his cock, and you can’t stop staring at it. Long and somewhat slender, but veiny with a flushed red top- he can see you gulp before you take an experimental lick at him. Armin’s hold on your hair only tightens and you look up at him, doe eyed and seemingly innocent.
“Put it in your mouth, pretty girl,” he says, guiding your head gently. “So obedient- Yes, exactly, just like-ah- just like that.”
But he doesn’t need to push down- no- he lets you set your own pace only because you do it so perfectly, almost as perfect as the wet noises you make. Armin doesn’t have time to be surprised, he’s just able to react fast enough to suppress his own moans so he can hear your wet tongue caress the base of his cock, as your lips create the perfect o-shape to accommodate him. Your drool is everywhere in a matter of seconds- his balls are coated with it, and so is your lap, where the spit seeps through the thin white fabric you call a robe.
“Like a puppy,” he murmurs. And you look up quizzically. “You’re drooling over me like a desperate puppy- a puppy in heat,” he grunts. “You just want to please me, don’t you? ‘S alright, puppy, I’ll let you do that.”
If you could nod your head, you would. Instead, your cheeks burn, and Armin is so lost in the way that you look- not even able to take his entire cock in his mouth- that his hips begin to buck unconsciously. He hits the back of your throat, and you gag at the sudden impact, but he hisses and murmurs “What a good, wet hole. So good, good-”
The earthshaker is afraid that if he speaks any louder, his voice will slur into incomprehensible sultry sounds. But as you struggle to take his cock even deeper into his mouth, he lets out groans that go straight between your own legs. You moan around him, and the reverberations make his head roll back. God, you could stare at him forever. And he would let you.
“Look at me,” he says whenever your eyes go astray. “Look at your god.”
As his hips buck more violently, Armin can feel the pressure in his lower stomach, the impending orgasm and he wants to stop- wants to hold out the way he always has. But he can’t, it’s too much and he just cannot pull out of you. He simply pushes further and further into your tight throat, repeating your name like it’s a blessing. “fuck, puppy, ‘m going to- I’m going to cum down your throat. You want that, do you you’re your god’s cum- ah, fuck, ahhh”-
Pushing your head down to the base, both of his hands at the back of your head, Armin cries out you name and you can feel the warm liquid go down your throat, thick ropes filling up your mouth, some of it dribbling out. Armin reflexively pushes it back in your mouth, ordering you to swallow it all, to show how grateful you are. Of course, you oblige. But before you can even regain your breath, Armin suddenly pulls you off his cock. His pupils are dilated, and he wears an expression- anger? Shock?
“You’re not a virgin,” he hisses, teeth gritting against each other. His breath is frantic, uneven. It’s not a question and you begin to recognise his expression. Rage. “You’ve done this before.”
The God of the sea has his fair share of consorts and mistresses. Some of them virgins- though he never chases them the way Eren does- some of them not, but none have made him cum so fast. He would like to blame it on the year of pining, of restraint, but he knows better. It’s you. You do this him. You make him so wild, so willing, so pliant even. 
In that moment, as he looks your worried face, so desperate to please, he thinks that he’ll never be able to let it go. You’ve consumed Armin and he wants to do nothing more than burn eternally. You must understand that- that you exist as his beacon, that’s where you’ll be your happiest, but those thoughts are too complex for a human. You, in your fragile state, can’t understand. It’s alright, he’ll just have to show you bit by bit that you’re his. But to do so, he must first take on the role he’s familiar with. That of the punisher.
“Who is he?” Armin snaps.
“It was only-“
“Who is he?”
You pause. Memories of nights spent together, huddled close and trying to keep quiet already fading. “Berthrolt Hoover.”
Armin’s shoulders relax, “I see.”
His breathing slowly goes back to normal, and, at the back of your mind, you know you’ve signed the young warrior’s death. But your worry is fleeting as Armin grabs you by the neck and hoists you over his knees, laying you down on your stomach effortlessly. “A priestess who isn’t a virgin?”
You look up as see Armin’s familiar sweet smile, but it’s laced with mirth that makes you forget the Mr Arlert he was before. You cry out at the first slap of his hand on your ass, more out of surprise than pain.
“I don’t think the people of Paradis will be very happy to hear that,” he says. “An unmarried woman giving herself away to a pathetic boy.”
“I’m sorry!” you cry out. “It was a mis-”
He slaps you thrice.
“No excuses, dumb little puppy. I’m afraid you’ll have to endure this punishment.” His voice is deceptively soft, as if he is actually sorry. And when you look back up at Armin, his face betrays no malice. But it doesn’t show any cruelty either. Instead, there’s a fascination.
Armin has you sprawled across his lap, at his mercy and he is discovering you bit by bit. As a god. His cock twitches and then suddenly he tugs off the fabric of your robes and they disappear.
The way you squirm is half- hearted, and Armin has to laugh. “Embarrassed? Now of all times? I didn’t know you were such a prude. Or is this all just to compensate for the fact that you’re a whore in my temple?”
You shake your head, “I swear, I’ve never belonged to any man!”
Fingers trace the expanse of your naked body, soft enough to send shivers down your spine. “Oh? Really?”
“Yes yes, I swear, ah!” His fingers find your naked ass and they grab onto the flesh, massaging, groping, feeling you. Armin’s other hand rests on top of your head, stroking it gently and you’re so lost in his touch that you almost forget to speak.
“I belong to no man, I never have. Only you. It’s always been you, Armin.”
The god’s eyes widen, and he gently pulls you up from his lap only to seat you on it, upright and, this time, there’s so much more to admire. “You’re right,” he says. Armin captures your lips and this time, it’s longer, rougher. He doesn’t want to pull back, doesn’t want to lose the feeling of your soft lips against his, but his hands have already found your breasts and soon, his tongue joins them. You moan as he begins to lap at your breasts, leaving hickeys and spit in his wake as his finally finds your nipples and begins sucking them like a child as you whine and lean into him.
“You do belong to me,” he finally says, his voice partially muffled as he loses himself in the worship your breasts. “You’ve always belonged to me.”
And you can do nothing more than nod your head as your fingers tangle in Armin’s hair and you’re pulled into another kiss. His hand goes down your body, squeezing every single mound of flesh as if it needs to be touched so that when he finds your cunt, Armin can’t help but smile at how wet you are.
“Already, but I’ve hardly done anything to you?”
What a liar, but you don’t have a chance to tell him before he plunges a finger inside of you. “Oh, puppy, my puppy,” he groans at the contact the same time you moan, pushing your hips against his digits. “You like my fingers like that inside of you?”
“Yes, yes, I do, I really love them- it feels, oh my god, it feels too good!” you grip his shoulders, unable to do anything but desperately buck your hips at the smiling Armin. He knows what he’s doing, he knows that his fingers are giving you just that satisfaction, but it’s still not enough to bring you over the edge.
“Please Armin, please.” You squeeze his shoulders.
“Tell me what you want, tell me, I’ll give it to you- I swear.”
“I want to feel you, all- ah- all of you. I need to feel you inside of me!”
You’re not sure at which moment Armin removes his robes, but as he moves both of your legs so that you’re straddling him, your hands are on his bare, lean chest. The god’s nipples are flushed pink and pert, practically calling to you and you respond by brushing your fingers over them and watching him twitch ever-so-slightly in response. You withhold the urge to take them into your mouth, even as Armin rubs his cock against your cunt, releasing the sweetest of sounds.
He’s already leaking precum and it mixes with your juices so perfectly, his cock being dragged back and forth, only making you gush even more. “So messy,” he mumbles as he uses his tip to spreads your juices across your thighs. At this point, you can practically feel it throbbing, ready to be sheathed inside of you and the whimpers of your desperation echo against the temple walls.
When Armin slips inside of you, simultaneous gasps escape your lips. The god pulls your body closer to his as you throw your head back, stars in your eyes.
“Look,” he whispers. “Look how easily I slip in- it’s- it’s like your cunt is made for me.”
“Armin,” you whisper back. “Armin, Armin- ah- Armin.”
He sinks you down slowly, the stretch hitting every single spot that leaves your legs practically limp. The god is holding you up, whispering his own mantra that you can’t hear over your bliss. Once inside, your eyes look lock with Armin’s and he’s staring at you in a way he’s never done before. You’ve never seen pupils so dilated and the two of you stay like that as if making up for the moments when you should have been connected in this way. An eternity, it seems, the two of you have needed each other.
“I’m your god,” Armin finally says. “I’m your god and- hng ah-” He begins moving you up and down his shaft. “And I’m going to make you cum all over this cock- okay? All over your god’s cock.”
You nod your head pathetically as he lifts your hips and slams them down against his own. He is strong, ruthless in the way he bucks his hips up every time he lifts you from his cock, as if he can’t bare the empty feeling of not having your tight pussy clamped around him. At this relentless pace, you’re sure that the sound of your connecting bodies could penetrate even these marble walls. And yet, you don’t hold back. Thanks and praises spill from your swollen lips and Armin can’t help but lean forward and push his tongue between your mouth, as if he can absorb all of your word. “So good, so good, it’s- uah- I just want more, more of your cock, you fill me up so good!”
Armin can’t deny you. He pushes your thighs to your chest and picks up your entire body to fuck himself. He manoeuvres your body like a toy and as your tongue rolls out and your eyes become glassy, you begin to look like one too. The only sounds coming out of your mouth are incomprehensible, even as Armin attaches his mouth to one of your bouncing tits, you can only squeal.
“Such a good puppy,” he says between kisses. “Letting me use her holes like this. A god using a puppy’s holes- you should be- you should be grateful! Tell me, tell me you’re grateful!”
“I am!” you cry out. “I am grateful!”
“Good girl, good puppygirl.”
When Armin flips you over, you’re sat on his throne and he fucks into you harder, harder than he was doing before, and you swear his moans are louder too. He’s looking down at the movement of your stomach as if hypnotized by the way his cock disappears into you. And, in a way, he is. The fascination of being inside of you- just the idea even- is enough to make him want to cum.
The sudden position has him hitting new spots and the build-up is so fast, you hardly have the time to warn him. “Armin, Armin I’m cum-“
He grabs your face as you release around his cock, body spasming but unable to look away as Armin’s gaze burns through you. “Good girl,” he says. “Show me, show me how you cum. Just like that, just like that.”
He continues to plough his hips into yours and the spasms of your pussy leave him unable to hold back. “Inside of you,” he practically growls. “I’m going to cum inside of you- yes, yes, yes I am puppy. I’m going to cum inside of you and you’re going to show me how you take it yeah?”
You’re too far gone to even register the implications of what he’s saying, but he buries his cock in your warm walls and releases his cum inside of you with a heavy groan. “Just like that, just like that- I’m going to fill you up with my seed, puppy, my puppy.”
Armin feels like he’s emptied his balls- two powerful orgasms which leave his legs shaking violently. And yet, he pulls out of you slowly and stands back up to his full height, cock in front of your face. Almost instinctively, you rub your cheek against it, giving Armin soft kitten licks and he coos at you, stroking your hair. But he doesn’t push, he just holds his cock there and pumps softly as he stares at your fucked out face. Messy, covered in his spit, his hickeys, his bites, his cum- you look perfect, divine. Only one thing is missing. “I’m going to give you everything I have, puppy. And you’re going to take it, okay?” You nod and open your mouth for him and, immediately, a strong stream of pee emerges.
At the bitter taste on your tongue, your eyes roll back, and you spread your legs even wider, a welcome to the mess he is about to make. Armin accepts and angles his cock to release his pee over your chest, then your stomach, and then your already-throbbing cunt. He lifts a foot to rest on the throne and Armin doesn’t think he’s even seen such a beautiful sight in his life.
As if guided by an implicit will, Armin’s foot hovers on top of you and suddenly, he presses against your lower stomach. Your eyes snap back into focus as you whine out for him to wait, wait just a moment “I just had water,” you cry out. “It’s gonna- It’s gonna come out!”
But Armin simply grins. “Let it come out,” he says and presses his foot down harder. “Pee yourself dumb little mutt, be a good puppy for your owner.” The trickle that emerges is involuntary, but Armin’s grin is wider. “Yes, good girl, just like that. Let me see more, let me see more of you.”
The pressure that was holding the bowl of water back broke and you felt the warm liquid against your thighs before you realise what’s happening. Armin practically moans as he watches you whimper and struggle to hold your pee back as it spreads over the throne, the dais, and even Armin himself. He doesn’t stop until you’ve given it all to him.
You expect Armin to disappear. 
You’ve given him everything. His goal is complete, you think, he has nothing more to do with you. But, as he has done many times before, the god surprises you. Armin’s body is heavy against yours when he collapses on top of you, but the weight is comforting. Despite the malaise of urine and cum rubbing against both of your bodies, you wrap your arms around the god of the ocean and hold him close. 
Even as you close your eyes and lean your head back on the marble throne, Armin doesn’t leave you. Even as you open your eyes back up and see blue ones staring back at you, the look he gives you is so familiar and long hair in such unfamiliar disarray that you can’t help but smile.
He doesn’t ask why. Instead, Armin calls forth a stream of warm water from the adjacent fountain to clean the both of you. It feels like a fever dream the way floating droplets caress your bodies, and when Armin stands you up, his hands not leaving you, the perfume that suddenly envelops you is heavenly.
“Can I give you a last kiss, please?” you ask when your robe appears once again. And Armin leans forward to capture your lips, dragging his tongue on your bottom lip as if to taste you.
It doesn’t feel like a final kiss. You’ve had many of them- Jean, Sasha, Berthrold, your father, and even your mother, though you can’t remember it. This kiss is different. It feels less like a kiss and more like a promise, a vow. a shiver runs down your spine. 
“I am your god,” he says and lifts his both of his hands slowly to wrap around your neck. “And you’re my worshipper.” You gasp as a cold sensation spreads around your neck, just below Armin’s fingers. It’s sudden, and heavy and when he removes his hands, yours fly to your neck and there’s a metal band there where there was none before.
“It’s sculpted from Hephaestus’ gold,” Armin says as he strokes his fingers along the metal. But he’s not looking at his gift, instead he looks at you. 
“Armin- I- this is. But why?”
For the first time, he can’t read your expression. But it doesn’t matter. You belong to him. You always have, but now you know. And if it takes time for you to understand, Armin can wait. He’ll wait right beside you, always, always there to guide you.
“This is not the end of my Odyssey. My Odyssey is eternal,” he says before giving you another short kiss and disappearing, the warmth of his lips still present.
The gods might not all be fickle, you think, so you just smile sadly. But the gods are all selfish, so you touch the collar around your neck.
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A/N: This is my first ever collab and I was- as still am- a bit insecure about how this story turned out so I appreciate all of your support ❤️. I would also like to apologise to my fellow history nerds for the historical inaccuracies. 
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aressss1 · 3 years
The Siren’s Song
(Technoblade x Reader)
Read me on AO3!
| Next Chapter > (Soon)
A/N: Mentions of drowning
Death was the taste of sea salt on his tongue, lungs filled to the brim with water, and nothing but the crashing waves violently tossing to and fro around him. His body felt sluggish, as he fought to drift up to the top. The sunlight hit the water, and that was his goal, to reach with his bound hands toward the glistening water that looked oh so inviting. Maybe if he had tried harder, he could have gotten there. But the sea… It wasn’t merciful, it didn’t have ears that he could sweet talk. No eyes that he could use his good looks on to charm. The sea was far more powerful than any mere man or woman. But the sea, cannot control those who live in it.
 An enemy, and a feared one to be sure… Just happened upon the scene, wrinkling your nose in disdain at the hybrid in your territory. A tune emitting from your throat, as you circled his body. Long pink hair flowed around his form, acting as a curtain to hide his face from you. You pushed his hair from his face, your eyes meeting the most beautiful dull and lifeless golden eyes. His battle worn face told you tales, and you cupped both sides of his face, your thumbs running over past scars. He had seen many battles… Only for the sea to claim him. It was a shame really.
Oh, what fun the two of you could have had… Would he have been prone to crash his ship at the sound of your song? Questions flew through your mind, and before you knew it… You had your arms around his waist hoisting him to the surface of the very sea who had extinguished his flame. The curiosity was too much. The waves did not favor your actions, as if Poseidon himself made his thoughts clear to you. There wasn’t any sort of land near here, just ocean rocks that jutted up toward the sky. One of those would have to do. You dragged his body to the flattest rock you could find.
 You lean over his body, tilting his face to get a good view of him. You had seen the process to saving a drowned man, when you had successfully charmed a ship captain and his crew. You just push on the chest and give him a kiss… Right…? Thoughts about the kiss had you humming in nervousness, the sound echoing around you.
 Your hands snaked up to his chest, one hand over the other and you pushed on his chest repeatedly. Until it came time to give him the “kiss”. You hesitated over his face, lips just inches from his. Your necklace hanging down from your neck pooling at his chest. You were about to press your lips to his, unsure if this was helping. You could have sworn that you were doing everything right, just like the humans from before. You felt his chest seize up making you back away unsure of what was happening, and he sputtered up water. He was coughing… He was coughing! The action making a joyful note rise from you. You had done it!
 He turned on his side, coughing up everything from his lungs. You watched him curiously, as he regained consciousness. His eyes searched the sky, before they fell upon you. He watched you in a daze, eyes studying your every feature. He was surprisingly calm.
 “I see you’re no angel,” His voice was raspy, as he used his bound hands to push himself up into a sitting position, “So tell me demon, what have I done to be put in this fresh hell with you.” His words were cold, and you found yourself laughing. He was going to be so much fun.
 “Strong words for someone who just saved your life.” Your smirk irritated him, as he used the sharp rock to break the bonds around his wrists. He rubbed at the red marks irritating his skin once he was done.
 “I don’t appreciate a temptress playing with her food.” His voice was gruff, as he took a handful of his hair and started ringing it out the water splattering on the rock below. An amused hum rang out, and you reveled in the look he gave you, his eyes softened at the sound of your voice, and he leaned forward toward you. As soon as your hum stopped his face, contorted into a sneer. “The only reason I haven’t killed you yet, is because you brought me here.” His words sparked something in your chest, “Don’t push it.”
 You fiddled with your necklace, it was just an ordinary shell, but it was something your own mother had given you before she turned into seafoam. He watched you like a hawk, as he got his bearings.
 “You should leave,” His monotone voice sounded out, “my kindness for you saving me, is me not killing you like the monster you are.” His tone was a warning, one you didn’t listen to. Your song came forth as you leaned forward. This was just a little test. A test to see what he would do, how he would fare against your song. There was that look of adoration in his eyes, masking his real thoughts. Your hand cupped his face as you sang to him. He definitely struggled. You didn’t want it to end… Wishing he would look at you like that when you didn’t sing…
 You other hand slipped into his pocket, grabbing his compass. Nothing but a momento, to remember this hybrid by. Hoping your paths would cross once more, you hold the compass close to your heart, as you stop your song.
 “Give that back.” He sounded angry once he regained his own thoughts. His hand swiped at you, catching your necklace. It was too late… You launched yourself backward into the sea, watching the necklace snap and fall away from you. You had his compass, and he had your necklace… You felt the familiarity of the ocean around you and you looked up at the rock where he lay, only to see him peering down at you, necklace still in his hand.
 You had to get that necklace back at all costs. You grit your teeth and you settled for waiting him out, until he slept. He had no way off of the rock he was currently on. It was nothing but a barren piece of stone. You took a look at his golden compass, on it was a rough engravement of the name Philza. You could tell it was enchanted, probably bound with another compass, made sense seeing as it didn’t point north, and it fluctuated here and there. Enchanted items like these weren’t easy to get so you knew he would be looking to get it back.
 You waited for him to fall asleep… But the only trouble was that… He never fell asleep. When the world grew dark and the waves seemed to calm you broke through the water, your eyes watching him. You could sing to him until you got your necklace back. When you tried… You found he had torn a piece of his clothing, making earplugs… When he noticed you, he stood, just staring you down. He held out your necklace in a taunting manner, challenging you with his eyes. You knew better than to challenge a man who stood on any type of land… No… Your best bet was to charm him into the sea. Into your own territory. It’s what you did best… You know… When they didn’t have earplugs.
 You figured he had to sleep at some point, he couldn’t keep going like this. So, you watched him, as he fought to keep himself upright in his sitting position, fighting crashing waves that tried to carry him off to sea when the ocean was being relentless. He went for three days, no food, no sleep, no water. He stayed in the blistering sun, made it through the cold nights. You knew he wasn’t exactly human. So… What was he?
 “Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguing is done, we'll take our leave and go.” He sung on the third night, you wished to rise and sing with him, not to charm him or anything… But you never had anyone to sing with… That seemed to be the sirens curse. The curse of never finding someone to sing your song with.
 You watched him play with your necklace, his exhausted eyes looking over the shell… His eyes scanning the horizon, possibly for a ship… Or maybe just to look for you. You hoped it was the latter. He leaned his head back upon the rock, his eyes fluttering shut. You waited a few minutes, watching his still form. The necklace still in his hand. Now could be your chance! You swam as quickly and quietly as you could to the edge of the rock, reaching for the necklace in his hand.
 “Aren’t you a brave one?” His sudden voice made a surprised hum rip from your throat. He pulled the necklace back. “I’ll tell you what… Give me the compass and I’ll give you your necklace.” You thought about it… That necklace was everything to you… But if you gave him the compass back… Well then… The game would be over. What fun was that?
 “You thought it was just going to be that easy?” You taunted, a playful sound echoed around you, not that it affected him. It annoyed you that all he had to do was muffle your song, and he wouldn’t be affected.
 “I could just break it…” His hold on the shell tightened. You shot him a dirty look. “Shells break really easily; all I would have to do is squeeze…” You found yourself reaching for the necklace before you could stop yourself. His hand caught your wrist. Luckily, you let the compass sink into the water before he pulled you up, you landed on his chest, his hold on you didn’t falter. “Or I could just break you. I bet you would break just as easily, demon.” You scrambled away from him, his hold still on your wrist.
 “Let me go,” Your song sounded from your throat in a menacing manner.
 “Not until, you give me the compass back.” He grit his teeth, as his hold on you got tighter.
 “It’s at the bottom of the ocean, you’re more than welcome to go get it.” You taunted him, tugging at your arm to no avail.
 “What do you even want with a compass?” He hissed through his teeth, he looked like he was done playing your games. You didn’t answer him, the feeling of his skin on yours was too much to bear. He dismissed your silence, his eyes meeting yours. “I do not forget, the faces of those who have helped me, and that is still the only reason why you haven’t turned into seafoam.”
 “Or is it just the fact that your strength is leaving your body by the moment.” You hissed; your other hand snaked around the hand on your wrist. You cursed the fact that he had hybrid strength over you. Pulling humans into the sea was definitely easier. “Or…” You had an idea… “Is it something else?” You gave him a sultry look, as the end of your tail flipped to and fro. Your hand caressed up his arm up to his shoulder, face inching forward, threatening to capture him in a kiss.
 “What-” You didn’t give him time to finish his sentence, you pressed forward, slotting your lips with his. Happy hums emitted from you; this was the most whole you had felt in a long time. Your hand came to cup his cheek, when you felt him relax into the kiss is when you took your shot. You grabbed at the piece of cloth in his ear, effectively enrapturing him in your low hums. His hands now roamed your body, and if you weren’t so preoccupied with Techno… Maybe you would have seen the ship with the crew searching for the very man you were kissing, behind you.
 “Ready the harpoons, we’re going fishing tonight boys.” Philza, one of the more well-known pirate captains to sail the seas, spotted the two of you through his spyglass. Signaling the crew to put in their earplugs, he looked back through the spy glass once more. They just had to get closer. What Phil wanted to find out was why Techno was grabbing a siren by the wrist, and not killing the demon. What had happened here? When their ship had gotten closer, he saw you kiss Techno, and he knew he had to act now, or Techno would be lost.
 It wasn’t long before you heard an anchor lowering in the distance. You broke away from his kiss, turning your face toward the boat you were met with the sight of a blond man with wings standing on the bow of a ship… A harpoon in his hand… You grabbed ahold of the hybrid’s shirt pulling him back toward the water with you. Unluckily for you, pain erupted in your shoulder, as his harpoon was launched into your back, causing you to screech in pain. The man in front of you took a second to come out his daze.
 You didn’t wait around to be impaled again. You launched yourself back into the water, evading the bullets that the crew shot into the water. The water turned red as you swam as fast as you could to the ocean floor. They wouldn’t follow you that deep… But now… Your mission to get your necklace back had failed, you miserably patched yourself up. Cursing the fact that you got too carried away… Your thoughts resting on the compass… If you could find that compass, you could get your necklace back that way… Assuming he still had it.
 Searching the ocean floor seemed to take forever, seeing as you were still wounded. But when you finally found it, you let out a hum of happiness, clutching it to your chest. You were going to get your necklace back no matter what, you kept telling yourself that anyway… There was no way you were just excited to see that handsome hybrid again… You shook your head at the thought as your eyes studied the arrow on the compass as it moved ever so slightly. You made your way back to the surface, your eyes scanning the horizon for his ship. Your heartbeat faster, when you saw him leaning on the back railing of the ship as it sailed away, watching the place he had been for the past three days. Maybe… It wasn’t all for the necklace…
 He had seen you as you watched him leave, how could he have not? An unbelievable ache in his chest begged him to go back to you. Maybe it was the desire that your song brought on, still playing tricks on his mind. Your song, though beautiful, was sad… Lonely… He wanted to be over it, and yet he couldn’t. He saw your head duck below the waves, and he found himself unconsciously reaching for you… The action, causing him to sigh. He knew better than to give in to a temptress… But here he was, longing for your touch, to feel your skin under the pads of his fingertips again.
 “Techno? Mate?” Phil knocked him from his thoughts, “let’s go talk about this in the captain’s quarters.” Knowing better than to argue, he followed Phil. Two meals have been prepared for the two of them, just waiting. He had been a starved man for the past three days, but he craved your touch more than any ounce of food. “You must be hungry…” Phil sat at his desk, motioning toward the food. Techno could only grunt as he took a seat. “Techno, what happened to you?” Phil asked as Techno took a bite out of the potato he was eating.
 “Well, you saw me board that blasted ship, Phil.” Techno shrugged taking another bite, chuckling at Philza’s tired expression. “They swarmed me, tied me up and put me in their brig. When they were safe from you and your cannons, they made me walk the plank.” Phil could see the far away look in Techno’s eyes. “I think I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for…”
 “For?” Phil’s eyebrows shot up as he leaned forward clasping his hands together so he could rest his chin on his fingers.
 “Nevermind that, I’m here now, that’s all that matters…” Techno busied himself with his plate.
 “A toast to that mate.” Phil raised his glass, causing Techno to do the same. The creaking of wood as the ship rocked back and forth was deafening. Phil’s eyes spied his compass sitting on his desk… The compass bound to Techno’s… The arrow moved, fluctuating. Phil wasn’t stupid by any means, nor did he want to see his friend die to a siren… But Techno was acting different, something needed to be done, and he would give Techno that choice. When Phil was done with his supper, he stood, walking to where Techno was seated. Silently he left the compass next to Techno. “Techno, I’m taking a few days to myself. You’ll need to lead the crew while I’m gone. But you can’t do that without a compass.”
 Techno gave a salute to his captain and oldest friend. A bracelet, with a shell hanging off of it, graced his wrist. Phil gave him a smirk and left the captains quarters. Leaving Techno alone to his thoughts. He could swear he could hear faint whispers of your song being carried over the wind. He sighed closing his eyes, tilting his head as if that would help him hear it. He knew he was being idiotic… But whether it was sound of the notes you made or the taste of your lips that made him crave your very being… He was going to find you… He was going to make sure of that.
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roger-that-cap · 3 years
all the flowers will bloom
hades!natasha x persephone!reader
summary: you would have never tried to leave your mother if you knew that bringing that pomegranate tree back to life was your ticket to the underworld. or, maybe you would have, because it turned out that hades was quite the opposite of the evil goddess that you had been drilled to know.
warnings: my own take on greek mythology (apologies to greek people who may possibly see this), usage of both persephone and y/n, angry gods, this is a short series, angst and fluff!!
word count: 4.2k
this is part one!!
please guys i’m so excited for this one, already have so much written and planned!!
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You were born from your mother thousands of years ago without so much as a whimper, and when you arrived after a particularly peaceful and short labor,, flowers bloomed for miles. You grew quickly, and you had gained the power of life within everything that grew. Your domain was everything that the light touched and below in the soil, and soon, you were the young goddess of nature and growth. If anyone wanted to find you, they could surely look at the trail of bright flowers that you left with every step of your feet.
The name you were born with was Persephone. But just as the humans wanted to make names for themselves, you wanted one of your own, too. One that was not overshadowed by your mother being Demeter, one of the twelve Olympian Gods, and the ever kind yet harsh Goddess of the Harvest. And so, you changed your name, like many of the others much older than you had done, and all but your mother and the nymphs that she charged to take care of you called you Y/N.
“Lady Persephone,” a soft voice called from behind you as you dipped your toes into your favorite pond, and you sighed when you looked over your shoulder even after recognizing the familiar voice. “Your mother wants you home soon.”
You knew that your mother did. She always wanted you home, away from the outside world- where you truly belonged. She didn’t want you anywhere that she couldn't walk twenty steps to get to you, despite you being two thousand years old. Your mother’s idea of a good day was when you stayed inside, and it wasn’t fair. When you could convince her to let go of your leash just a little, she sent nymphs to watch you, girls you weren’t even close to. They were so focused on not angering your mother that they hardly cared about what you thought. But deep down, you understood. Your mother’s hand was just as gentle as it was harsh, and like the harvest she watched over, she only gave you what you gave her to work with. If you produced her mind with the equivalent of dry soil and broken land, she would be unruly, fickle, quick to fall apart in frustration. If you watered her and gave her the amount of sunlight she needed, she would bless you. She had been that way since the dawn of her time.
“I don’t feel like returning, I’ve only just gotten here.” You weren’t looking at them, but you could practically feel the way that they were eyeing each other, getting more nervous with every passing second. You felt the bottom of the shallow part of the lake that you were in with your foot, and you smiled at the sound of silence, knowing that it would only last for a few minutes.
“Your mother will be quite angry if something happens to you, my lady.”
“Nothing is going to happen for that reason,” you sighed, and when you got a few moments of silence, you knew that they knew you were right.
You walked through life practically fearlessly. From birth, you were deeply connected to every animal . You had no reason to fear even the most vicious bear or boar, and you could not die from poisonous plants of any kind. No minor or major god who knew your mother would even dare come close to you with any ill intent, and humans never came where you liked to be. You were probably the safest god of them all, besides Zeus himself.
“Please don't make me return to that house so early,” you pleaded softly, making sure to not sound too whiny. “I need fresh air. I need to feel grass under my feet. How am I supposed to be the goddess of vegetation if I cannot even see the vegetation?”
If you had been paying more attention, you would have felt the way that the grass started to sway and the whispers of plants all around you. And you surely would have felt the way that part of the ground opened up to reveal your mother, who had heard your entire small speech. “My, what a talker you are.”
You turned around to face her, and she was already giving you a look before she started to talk to you yet again. “I have already told you to not guilt these kind nymphs into doing you any favors. You’re lucky that they still want anything to do with you, you trouble maker.”
“It’s not my fault that you don’t trust me.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s that I don’t trust men,” she said, her voice hushed. “They are cruel, and they are disgusting. And you are not to be alone when they could be around.”
“There are none here.”
“You wouldn’t know until it’s too late,” she reasoned, and she held a hand out for you. You grimaced when she pulled your legs out of the water and dismissed the nymphs kindly, and they jumped into the water themselves and disappeared. “I cannot trust many with you, my flower. Do not be rude to the very few that I do.”
You scowled as she turned her back, a face that you had never quite grown the courage to make while she was still watching you. You could rattle off many people that your mother had scared away and told you to stay far away from, and that included humans, most men, and a few of the gods that she didn’t trust to not attempt to take you away.
That was her biggest fear, though she never said it explicitly. It was clear that her fierce protectiveness came from her terror. Young girls were always at risk by being taken, by gods and men alike who had no regard for the opinion or feelings of women. It seemed that every hundred years or so, a huge war would break out on earth, and typically, it was because one man’s wife became another’s hostage. And between gods… it was not unheard of for them to take young goddesses and make them bear heirs. None of the ones that you were close with ever did anything like that, but that didn’t make the threat less real. Your mother made sure that you knew of that.
“Don’t speak to Hermes alone,” your mother would say, her voice half full of fondness. “He means well most of the time, but he is capable of fast talking you into selling your time and your soul.” And then there was another string of advice, such as, “ Never go too far out in the sea. Poseidon is moody, and he may not spare you if you start to drown. It takes a village to anger him, but go out of your way to not push Zeus. He is the mightiest of all, and if he wishes to strike you down, he will.” And with every single harsh word about them, she would always say that she doubted that anyone would truly ever wish harm towards you, the youngest of the young gods, the harmless little Goddess of Growth.
Except for Hades.
“She is pure evil,” your mom had hissed out, and you remembered flinching back at how angered she suddenly was by just the thought of the ancient goddess, and you knew from stories that the nymphs used to tell you that your mother and Hades went way back. And though you didn’t know the full story, you certainly understood that they knew each other not in the best of ways.
“She is capable of murdering anything with even a sliver of life in it, and she reigns over the dead. Anyone who is condemned to have such a gloomy job for all of eternity must be evil, and that she is. If you ever see her, or ever start to feel the choking feeling of death in the air and are not with me, you are to run until you cannot run anymore, do you understand me?” She had made you nod and tell her that you understood verbally, and still, even as days passed, the tension never left her body.
Days later, while nursing a flower as slowly as possible from its bud, you called for her. “Mother,” she turned her head and smiled when she saw what you were doing, and then she responded softly, urging you to continue. “What really happened between you and the Goddess of the Dead?” Her smile dropped instantly.
You never really got the full story about what happened.
You had seen what was happening to you happen to others hundreds of times, mostly humans. Your favorite humans were the ones just like you, young women with parents who were worried sick about everything. And soon, you realized a pattern. Every single one of those children had rebelled in ways, some more drastic than others. It took you two thousand years and a few extra nights for you to realize that it was your turn. You were going to sneak out from right under your mother’s nose, and you were going to be back before the morning. Unless, of course, you found something worth staying for. Something worth risking the wrath of your mother for.
It took weeks for her to leave you alone, even if it was for a second. And for that one instance while she wasn’t breathing down your throat, you shot off like an arrow, out of her sight before she even realized that you had been brave enough to run. You hadn’t ever had to run, but it felt exhilarating. You could feel the wind against your skin and the petals of each flower lovingly brushing against your legs. It felt more freeing than growing wildflowers by your cabin, under the watchful eye of an Olympian and her guard dogs that came in the beautiful form of nymphs.
You had never felt so good in your entire two thousand years.
Feeling life had always been something you could do, and you could feel it even more now that you were running, breathing in through your nose and out of your mouth like you had seen soldiers do. With every breath that expanded your lungs, you felt like you could feel trees swaying, or hear leaves singing to you. It grew more addicting, and before you even knew it, you were running until you didn’t recognize where you were. You slowed down with a smile on your face, chuckling to yourself when you thought about how furious your mother was going to be. And then you felt it.
Something to the left of you was terribly, terrifyingly wrong. The life in the area was thriving, but something, a cave it seemed, was crawling with the scary and breathtaking feeling of death. You had felt it before, while discovering lifeless dear or helping your mother bless crops that humans thought had no hope. But you had never felt death on the scale that you were in that moment, and even though the feeling was making you more and more sick by the second, you couldn’t help but approach the cave, the darkest thing in your vision while everything else had enough colors to satisfy your eyes for the rest of your life.
You didn't know what was in the cave. It could have been a dead person for all you knew, but your gift was more or less affecting the cycle of life. You could help. And help, you would. So, you trudged towards the cave and stepped in, your hand covering your throat once you felt the constricting feeling come back even stronger than before. And then, in the dim light, you saw it.
It was a tree, one so dead that it was nearly unrecognizable as one. It had shrunk into itself, almost to the size of a bush, and you could see that the fruits on it had shriveled up, and like the rest of the tree, lost all color. You frowned and uncovered your throat, stepping forward as you watched the dry thing in pity. You reached out for it, bottom lip jutting out as you tried to understand what on earth had happened for it to appear like that. Before you could even ask yourself why you did it, you reached forward and touched the thing with your hand, and like it had known you all along, it started to slowly grow.
It took you a few long minutes to grow it to a point where you recognized the tree, and saw that it was growing pomegranates. The fruit grew redder by the second, and the feeling of death and decay was leaving, but for some reason, traces of it still lingered below, and you figured that it was in the soil. You grinned as you nursed the tree back to life, and the inside of the cave seemed to be just a little brighter.
“I wonder how long you’ve been left here to rot,” you murmured to yourself, your fingers itching to grab one dark purple pomegranate and bite into it, but you knew better. You had just brought it back to life, and eating a part of it would have been cruel. “I wonder if you were even prettier back before-” the ground beneath you made an odd noise, like the earth was taking its first shaky breath, and you braced yourself against the wall of the cave. You gasped when it came back even stronger, and a short scream left your throat when you felt the ground open up beneath you and swallow you whole.
You must have screamed the whole way down, because when you landed harshly on your back, you heard echoes of yourself. You turned and coughed, shaking your head to get rid of the stars that flooded your vision. And then, the second your airways opened, they tightened again, the feeling of death so strong that you thought that you were well on your own way.
You coughed again and clawed at your throat, and then turned on your side as you fought for even just a sliver of breath, and then even with your blurry vision, you saw something huge and dark barreling your way.
“What’s she doing here?” You couldn’t answer. You hardly even knew if they were talking about you. You were still losing it on the ground, gripping at your torn dress and clawing at your throat like that would make it open up.
“She's not human.”
“Wait, wait, she’s not even dead!”
Somehow, the feeling of dread and darkness got even darker, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head at the overwhelming feeling of death surrounding you like a heavy blanket. “What is all the commotion about?”
Wherever you were grew silent. You heard people scrambling away, leaving you alone with the newcomer. The owner of the voice commanded everything, and you heard the distinct sound of heeled feet coming your way, clicking against stone. And then, right before you lost consciousness, there was a feather-light touch on your throat, right where you felt it was constricting the most, and then you felt the weight on your chest lift off all at once.
You barely got in three breaths before someone shook you, and you blinked rapidly before turning your head towards whoever was grabbing you so boldly. Your eyes focused, and then you almost lost your breath all over again.
You had no time to ogle over the obviously powerful woman and the way she looked. Even if you had time, it would have been ruined by the way she was scowling at you like you were the bane of her existence. “How did you get here?”
You took in a choppy breath. “I don't know. I don’t know where I am.” You looked away from the angry woman and saw your surroundings, and immediately, your heart dropped to your toes.
It was gray. Gloomy. Without any sign of life, not even little buds of grass. There was no color besides a lazy river that was the lightest blue you had ever seen, and it added barely anything to the sight in front of you. The entire place seemed to be made of rock, like one big cave, and the feeling you were getting made you sick. You could breathe again, but something was right. Wherever you were, you were absolutely not supposed to be there.
The woman’s eyes were still narrowed on you, but you didn’t miss the way that her face lit up in the slightest of ways, and then rested at a look of understanding. She let go of you. “You fixed my tree, didn’t you?”
“Your tree?” You repeated, shaking your head and hiding the trembling of your hands by playing with the hem of your dress, something that your mother said that you should never do. It dawned on you seconds later, and you frowned. “The pomegranate tree? It was yours?”
“Of course it’s mine. How were you unaware?”
Before you could let yourself get offended by the woman’s harshness, you crossed your arms for a different reason. “How dare you let something die like that? You left it to rot, I could feel the death from miles away,” you exaggerated, but it still didn’t move the woman. “If you plant something and call it yours, it’s your responsibility to take care of it, not to let it die.”
“My plants never grow, young god.”
You scoffed, even though your mother would be embarrassed that you made the sound with such confidence. “Young god?” You straightened your posture even as your fear grew, and the stranger seemed to grow more and more amused by you. “We’ve never met. It’s bold of you to assume my age.”
“I’ve met all the Olympians, so tyou can’t be one of them, and you’re no demigod, either,” she said, and your heart clenched at the fact. You knew no one who had met all twelve of the major gods that wasn’t one. The woman was certainly a god, it was as obvious as anything in the world, but you had no idea of what. “And you glow like the morning sun. You’re a young god.”
“Maybe so,” you said softly. “But I request that you take care of the things you decide to create.”
“Most people don’t get brave enough to request things from me,” she mused, and then her crossed arms went to her side. “Do you lack the skills to look around you and infer?”
“I suppose I do today,” you shrugged, and she gave a light smirk, almost like you were her entertainment for the day. You could hear your mother’s voice in your head though, telling you to run and that this woman was no good, no matter how at ease she seemed in the moment. In fact, the closer she got to you and the longer she stood there, the more you felt death swirling in the air and trying to pierce through some sort of protection and finish you off for good.
“You’re in the Underworld, young god.” Your breath was stolen right out of your chest, and you could barely see the faint look of triumph on her face. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know what that tree was,” she said, and for some reason, her voice seemed to tease you more than reprimand you.
You knew vaguely of what it meant. Now that you knew it was the tree, the one tree on all heaven and earth that you had no business touching, you knew who it belonged to, and what it did. It belonged to the woman before you, the god whose presence was making you more and more terrified by the second. Now, you knew exactly who she was. “You?” You sputtered, and she lifted a perfect brow. “You’re Hades?”
You don’t know what you expected. Maybe a woman dressed in all back wit long, dark hair, and a sickly smile. Maybe you expected for her to look as terrifying as the thought of death was. You expected some one who looked much more terrifying than the red headed woman before you, even though she was without a doubt intimidating. 
“I prefer another name, but that will do from you,” she said, and your jaw dropped. “And you saved my tree.” You knew you had, but the consequences of the far ff tale that you had never imagined would apply to you were running around in your head. You were kicking yourself for being drawn to the tree in the first place, and for your morbid curiosity and the way that you ran straight out of your mother’s suffocating but protecting arms. “Do you know what that means, young god?”
Your voice was shaky, almost not even there when you muttered the word “yes” and stared off into the distance, cursing yourself for not listening to what your mother had told you ever since you could remember.
“I hope you have enough strength for the entire garden, young god.” 
You were bound to Hades and her realm by age old magic, and there was nothing that you or your mother could do until you found a way to do the impossible; make the Garden of Hell grow.
Your blank stare must have made her uneasy, because she snapped her fingers in front of your face. When you blinked, you saw something huge come barreling your way, and once you realized what it was, your heart fell into your stomach. She had summoned a huge, three headed dog to come and lean over the both of you, eyes yellow and staring at you with intrigue that made you want to screech. Instead, you swallowed. “Please. You can let me go, I won’t tell.”
“Its magic almost as old as I am, placed by Hecate. You may know her as Wanda.” She gave you a shrug, but she hardly looked bothered. “Her spell cannot be broken, not even by herself.”
Your breathing was accelerating, and you saw Hades look at you strangely, and you were sure she could sense your extreme fear. You locked eyes with the dog, the dog even you had heard of despite your mother cursing the owner’s name. “I don’t know how I fixed your tree, and I doubt I could do it again. Please, let me leave.”
“By bringing that tree back to life, you’ve made your decision and signed your name in blood.” You both ignored the pitiful sound that escaped your throat. “There’s nothing that I can do about it.”
You gulped. “My mother will come looking for me,” you said, and you watched her unbothered face drop just a bit, and then she tilted her head to the side. You had gotten her. “She won’t stop until she finds me and brings me home.”
“You say this like I should be afraid of your mother, who is no doubt a nymph of some far off forest.” You made a face. She simply shrugged, her shoulder length red hair bouncing a bit. “She’s nothing to me.”
Being a nymph was the furthest thing from dishonorable. They were loyal and always very beautiful. You almost cried when you realized that you would never see your overbearing nymphs again. “My mother is not a nymph.”
“I do not care for whatever minor goddess birthed you, young goddess. Not even Zeus could break this, and you’d best understand that.”
“My mother is friends with Hecate. She will make her find a way to release me, Hades.”
There was a pause in the conversation, but none of the tension faded. If anything, it only built on the silence. “How is it that you’re a god, yet I’ve never seen you?” Hades asked, a frown on her face.
“My mother keeps you far away from me because she despises you.” You spat, and you saw a flash of light behind her eyes, and she breathed out harshly. “I was never supposed to meet you.”
“The Fates have spun your destiny a different way than either of us have hoped, then.” She said, her voice rough as she looked you right in your eyes. It was then that you noticed how pale her blue eyes were, and the emotion that lacked. Her pink lips curled down all of a sudden, and then her eyes were narrowed. “Demeter, isn’t it? She’s your mother?”
You gathered all of the courage that you had left after everything that happened. The feeling of death was still intimidating, and even worse was the way Hades commanded the space with her hellhound. “Yes. And she will find me, and she will take me home.”
“This is a one way ticket until you can fix my garden, flower girl. Believe me, I don’t particularly want you here, either.” She looked you up and down, eyes lingering on the crown of flowers on your forehead and the way you had bands of them wrapped around your wrists and ankles. You were the brightest thing down there, and it was obvious that she wasn’t used to seeing things so… alive. “Your mother is just going to have to be upset.” She gave you one last look, her eyes on the dress made of fabric and flowers for a second too long to be categorized as a fleeting glance. She muttered something in a language that was foreign to you, and her unimaginably tall dog stood all the way up at attention, slightly baring its teeth at you until you forced yourself to look away from it.
And then they were gone. And you were alone. By yourself in the Land of the Dead, the one place a flower would never grow. In the one place where you could truly perish.
hi guys! i really hope you guys liked this one, this idea has been like swirling around in my mind for months and i can’t get it to leave. it’s s much fun right now to write though, so i hope at least one of y’all enjoyed this lol
if you happen to like this and would like to be placed on one of my tragic tag lists, it’s a definite yes for me! thank you guys for reading this 
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anachronisticcrab · 3 years
Demigods Defying Stereotypes
This is a repost of something I made a long time ago and can’t find now sadly. But this is a whole bunch of HC’s about different abilities of demigods (I’ve added a few since the last time I posted this)
* An Apollo kid who can cause people to get colds and the flu or worse when they’re pissed off. Apollo isn’t just the god of healing: he’s the god of diseases
* An Aphrodite camper who fights tooth and nail for their loved ones, who doesn’t care what they look like. After all, love consumes all and takes everything out of you, why wouldn’t they fight for who they love?
* A child of Persephone who has powers over shadows and zombies like Nico, who calls themselves the princette of the Underworld. After all, Persephone is the Queen of the Afterlife
* A child of Zeus who doesn’t want to rule, and instead tells everyone that they are all equal and should be valued as such. A child of Zeus who is ready to avenge anyone who’s been wronged by any means necessary. After all, they’re dad is the patron of hospitality
* Also, a Zeus kid who has a love of farming and rules over crops and that. After all, in Athens, Zeus was seen as the god of crops and harvest
* A psychopomp child of Hermes, who feels so different from their siblings, who doesn’t know where they fit in, who feels more comfortable with the underworld children
* A child of Dionysus who can cause people to go insane with a point of their finger, or who is generally insane. Mr D is associated with insanity, after all
*A child of Dionysus with powers of rebirth, who can reform themself and others with a wave of their hand. Dionysus was originally a terrifying god of madness and rebirth
* A Hades child who can turn invisible, instead of just hiding in the shadows. After all, Hades is also known as Aïdes (the Unseen)
* A Poseidon kid with no influence over the sea, who could easily drown, who can barely tread water, but who causes earthquakes and is better with horses than Butch. Who shakes the earth with every step they take as they ride horses, causing chaos and destruction everywhere they go
* A child of Hephaestus who’s a pyrotechnic like Leo, but who has no mechanical skills whatsoever, who is unable to forge anything, but can ravage the lands with forest fires and tends to Hestia’s hearth, the first one to voluntarily speak to her since Nico
* A child of Ares who hates fighting, who is a pacifist, but is amazing at battle strategy and embodies the spirit of battle better than Ares himself most days. Who wins battles without violence, but with words and with wit
* A child of Athena who isn’t book smart, but is cunning. Who uses their intelligence to make fun of people and commit crimes, not to study great subjects like science or architecture. Who hates reading and schoolwork, but is genuinely witty and creative in coming up with ways to break rules and commit serious crimes
* A child of Athena whose only connection to her mother is weaving, her only godly skill. They could rival Arachne in their skill
* A child of Hypnos with insomnia, who can never manage to sleep, and can curse others to have the same issue. A child of the god of sleep who can’t sleep
* A child of Demeter who kills every plant they touch, who can’t grow anything, who can’t control plants. However, they can tell where the best dirt for growing plants is, can tell the best spots for a plant to grow, but can’t keep plants alive
* A child of Demeter who can’t keep anything alive, but finds out they are an amazing housewife and know all the tricks to keeping people fertile, who can bless a couple to have a child, to become compatible for a child, regardless of sex other or biological factors
*A child of Nyx who’s scared of the dark and can’t control it, but can create light in every room to emulate stars and galaxies, who can create nebula in thin air with a snap of their fingers. Night is more than just an endless blanket of dark, after all
*A child of Thetis who has no connection to the sea, who can’t stand the water, who hates marine life, but has her power of prophecy stronger than any Apollo child ever had
* A Hades kid who has no powers over the dead or gems or shadows or dreams, but is a talented gardener, and always knows where the best soil is. After all, Hades has been associated with fertile soil and nourishing seeds
* A Hecate child who is truly garbage with magic, and can’t conjure or transfigure to save their life. They hate the mist and can’t work with it. But they’re good with the moon. They thrive at night. They thrive in the dark in the moonlight, and are able to grow all kinds of beautiful plants and speak with all kinds of animals, and can even control the tides. But by day they are absolute rubbish
* A child of Iris who can’t create rainbows and has no sense of colour coordination. But they’re amazing at getting messages to and fro, and are the head of their own postal office. No, they’re not good with rainbows, but they are an amazing mailman
* A child of Nike who doesn’t win everything and doesn’t like competition. They don’t care to compete and would rather everyone just get along. They’re one of the fastest people in the world, but they never join races because they don’t like it. They can run as fast as their mom, but that doesn’t mean that they want to
* An aro/ace Eros kid. They hate romance and sex with a burning passion as everyone expects them to like it, but they don’t. They refuse to make people fall in love and despises it when they’re siblings do. But they have powers over chaos and darkness, like they’re aunts and uncles and grandparents
If you liked these, check out my other demigod power headcanons! Thanks for reading!!
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firerose · 3 years
Dark-Seven part three - Jason
I apologize @reading0mens for the longtime it took me but I love Jiper angst sooo it got a bit long XD, feedback would be cool :)
- The day Gea was destroyed marked the end of the giant war
- But for Jason, it was the most horrible day of his life
- He wakes up in the infirmary without Leo and Piper
- They are dead Chiron tells him
- Leo gave his life to kill Gea and the eagles could not catch Piper on time
- Jason refuses to believe it until he runs out and sees her
- Her bloodied corpse, her lifeless eyes they will hunt him until the end of his life
- He wanted to grow old with her
-As he gently rocks her in his arms he tries to understand
- Why would Hera let her die after she screwed so much with her life already?
- Why would she let Leo sacrifice himself in such a violent way?
- He knows the truth deep in his heart
-As he watches Piper‘s body burn among the others he learns what real hate feels like
-It scares him
- He was supposed to be Hera‘s champion, a loyal soldier to the gods
- His pain gets worse when he is alone
- Percy and Annabeth leave Camp for school
- Hazel and Frank go back to Camp Jupiter
- He spends his time alone in his cabin living in the vision he saw when the gods came to help them
- Piper is alive whispering soft words to him that everything is going to be okay
- That he is a person instead of Hera‘s shallow Champion
- They even help him to continue his designs for the minor gods temples
- But soon his love for her turns to desire
- He knows that she is not really with him and who is responsible for it
- He does not want to sit around anymore doing exactly what Hera would want him to do
-“I…..I can‘t do this anymore Pipes.“, He tells her one night his body trembling in despair
-“Yes you can Jason! You are a hero that always stepped up to do what‘s needed.“ She says her words piercing into Jason‘s heart like her dagger
-To him, they feel like an accusation
- All of the sorrow and anger boils up in him
- He does not notice the wind around him growing stronger, or the thunder from outside
- He is tired of Hera, tired of being too perfect
- The papers are thrown across the room and he stands his body shaking with rage
- A yell of defiance leaves him and the storm sends lighting to hit the Cabin
- The Campers find Jason sitting still in smouldering remains
-His eyes are closed tears running down his cheeks but there is a smile on his face
- Invisible chains put on by Hera have just been broken
- Jason never felt more alive
-“I‘m done being their servant Chiron and you should be too.“, that is Jason‘s goodbye, a reminder that the centaur should be a protector not a trainer of child soldiers
- No one follows him when he leaves not even Nico
-They all saw the cold bitterness in Jason once-loyal blue eyes, they all feel his calm aura like wolve ready to strike everyone that comes to close
- Jason is glad for their fear
- He does not want anyone innocent getting hurt in his crazy plan
- Jason fly away but still stays close to the sea
- The papers of the minor gods are destroyed but he can still remember all of their names
- Kymopolaia is the first one he calls on the beach of Montauk
- She emerges from the water in all her glory and Jason can‘t suppress his joy
-He acts like Jason grace always did
- Flattering, his compliments even making the violent storm goddess blush
- Only when she wonders why he is here that he shows her a few of his true emotions
- He talks about how Hera forced his mom to give him to the wolves
- He tells her about all the friends that he lost to Hera‘s obsession with tormenting him, how much Piper and Leo gave him hope for a home, how the queen of the gods let them die
-When he is finished high waves are fluting the beach while Kymopolaia cries in pity for the young hero
- Jason‘s apology enrages her even more
-“The twelve Olympians will never respect or honour anyone who is not useful to them.No matter how many temples I build for them you are just a goddess of lower rank just like I was just their servant. I would just waste my time trying to fix their mistakes and in the end, neither of us would get what they want.“, He says true regret in his voice
-Poseidon's daughter grits her teeth while high waves flute the beach as her body is shaking
- Jason confirmed what she has been dreading since the war ended and her father made up excuses to exclude her from his royal court
-He comforts her and he can tell how he stirs up her hate for Posidon
- Jason can barely hide his satisfaction, his plan is working just like hoped it would
- He advises her to turn the sea against her father, it‘s her birthright after all
- Kymaploaia‘s eyes fill with a mad gleam, a whirlpool around her shows agreement
- She is not afraid to take on the sea, hundreds of tormented river gods will stand behind her angry because they had been forbidden to kill the humans that hurt them every day
-After Jason wished her good luck she leaves and he lets out a laugh of satisfaction
-Words can be more powerful than lightning he learned that from Piper
- A part of him still despises what he has become but he tells himself that Hera turned him into this
- She created a weapon and now she has to deal with the consequences
- He continues to travel all over the country flying over it with his storm horse, never staying at one place for long as he is sure the eyes of Hera are on him
- Every stop brings a talk to another minor god
-Hypnos and Morpheus are easy to convince
-Every mortal needs to sleep and dream so why are they never invited to mount Olympus throne room?
- Jason orders them to rebel against the Olympians in the cities of the demigod Camps first
-It is the only way to ensure that his friends will stay out of his way
- Aelous is harder
- The mad lord of the winds always hated demigods and he is not pleased when Jason holds the dozens Venti he sends to kill him still in the air with one move of his hand
-Jason uses no charm on him but instead reminders of all the times Zeus forced him to deal with storm spirits all by himself
-The idea that he can banish the storm spirits once and for all after Zeus is gone finally convinces him
-But Jason still wants the god to know that he is the leader of this rebellion who should not be messed with
- So he concentrates and moves his hands to control the storm spirits again
- He can feel their anger through the winds but he still manages to force them to turn into wolves their lightning eyes blazing with hatred
-“You will serve me from now on.“, He orders them through his mind his voice sounding like thunder in their heads and they indeed bow their heads before him
-Aelous only laughs at this sight
-“You have changed Jason Grace! If you are ready to rebel against your father just because of the Aphrodite girl and that son of Hephaistus then you are just as crazy as me.“ The lord of the winds jokes when Jason is about to leave with his new wolves
-“I‘m just ready to do anything for the people I love.“, Jason replies coldly
-From Olympus Hera hears those words too
- They seem a weak excuse for all the chaos Jason has caused
-The sea has been stormy for days swallowing ships and fluting beaches while the cities are fluted by rivers
- Zeus is barely able to control his winds and so the weather jumps from hot to cold in minutes
The gods own children are sleeping alongside hundreds of mortals unable to help their parents
- Hera knows that Jason will make things even worse if he is not stopped now
- But her love for him or rather the love for his loyalty to her is what makes her believe that she can bring him back
- Not herself she is not that naive
- Only one person can and even though she is gone Hera has figured a way to use her against Jason
-If only she could see the cruelty of her tricks
- Jason begins to hear Piper‘s voice again in his dreams
- She is not soft with him anymore
- Instead, she tells him how terrible he has become, that he acts like a pathetic child just because he failed to save her
-He yells that he is doing all this to get justice for and Leo but that only makes her laugh so loud that he has to cover his ears to drown it out
- Sometimes he also hears Leo mocking him, saying that he can‘t believe he ever looked up to him
- Jason wakes from those nightmares in sweat and tears until he decides that sleep is overrated
- He feels more comfortable moving around with his wolves anyway, it reminds him of old times, his childhood
- Unfortunately, his sleep deprivation changes his methods to gain more allies
- The nature spirits (Nymphs and dryads), aren‘t met with his charm but instead little patience and quick anger
- To Jason they are dumb, Zeus hit on them for centuries why are they so unwilling to turn against him?
-He tries to stay calm but their talks about how his plan is insane to remind him of Piper and the things she said in his dreams
- Not only once does he command his venti to burn whatever three or plant annoys him too much, the wolves happily oblige and tore the spirits apart with their electricity sparking teeth
- More and more Jason Grace begins to remind them of Zeus, unforgiving, cruel to anyone that does not obey his wishes
-When a young dryad girl dares to say that to Jason out loud he snaps
-A huge thunderstorm is summoned, lightning blasting the girl loved ones
-The forest burns in bright orange flames and Jason uses the winds to direct them towards the girls three
- She dies screaming in the flames while storm wolves bite at her to electrocute
- Jason grins at her Beggs as he looks directly into her beautiful dark eyes, Hera has those too
- Nature decides to join him out of fear
- The gods will be mad but it is the only way to avoid Jason‘s rage
-Jason feels powerful riding past them on his horse while they bow
-He can feel the wind gods around him ice cold, hot like fire
-On mount Otrys he calls for Hecate as the next step for his plan
- When she ignores his call he does not care
- Electricity runs through his veins power, it does not matter if he has to wait a bit until Olympus falls
- Suddenly a voice calls him making his blood turn cold
-He turns his head to look behind him and as expected no one is there
-He tells his rising panic that it was not real, he just hasn‘t slept for four days
- The temperature drops, darkness crawls over the hilltop, he feels watched
-“I‘m here Jason it‘s okay.“, Her voice is sweet close and yet it makes him shiver in fear 
- It can‘t be her
- Jason draws his sword and gets on his horse, the wolves growl restlessly as they can feel their master distress
-“Who are you? Show yourself!“, He demands despite his shaking voice
- Her laughter is loud wild like the summers breeze, he has heard it a thousand times before
-His eyes fly around frantically there is only the shadows of the rising night
-“I‘m your girlfriend Jason! Did you already forget that?“, the girl that can‘t be her asks amused
- A person stands in front of him out of nowhere
-Jason‘s sword falls to the ground, his eyes fill with tears
-Her clothes are nothing she would wear and yet he would recognize her blind
-Piper McLean, the love of his life stands there in a white long dress, her dark brown hair falls loose around her shoulders, her eyes of lighter brown are reaching into his soul
-“No…...this is a trick! You…….you are dead.“, Saying it hurt but it was the truth
- His venti flicker with lighting in agreement
-“I……..don‘t know why they let out but does that matter?!, I‘m here and….I missed you.“, Piper sobs, her despair finally washes away his doubts with guilt
-He slides off his horse ignoring the suspicious neighing
-Jason goes to her slowly putting his hand on her cheek, she feels real
-“I missed you too Pipes.“, He croaks and then breaks down pulling her against his chest all pain of losing her, the hatred against Hera, the things he did to convince gods and spirits to rise against their rulers, even the nightmares in which she hated him, spilling out of him
-He is scared of her backing away when he is finished, of her making his horrible dreams come true
-Instead, she looks flattered and sad as she puts a hand on his chin
-“Perhaps that is why they allowed me to leave the underworld.“, She says so softly and Jason is caught in confusion and overwhelming relief that she does not hate him
-“What do you mean?“, Jason asks suddenly feeling worried, the gods would never allow someone to cheat death especially someone close to him
-“I think the gods want me to save you from yourself.“, Piper answers with concern,
-Jason looks at her stunned then as he processes her words anger rises in him
.-Yes it does sound like Hera to use Piper that way
-“No Pipes I never felt better ! They are just scared because I make their system fall apart.“, He responds not able to hide his pride,
- He is happy that she worries for him but he wants her to know that he is okay that they are okay
-He wants to squeeze her hand as recurrence but Piper steps back with guilt in her eyes
“ Jason…….you haven‘t slept for days and all those burnt nature spirits? This isn‘t you.“, She says her words soft but they are too much like his dreams
-“Yea I have been a bit crazy lately but only because I want to make them stop Pipes. All those mistakes or wars of the gods that we have to die and fight for. Losing Leo and you was something I don‘t want any other demigod to go through. I want us to live in peace and that is only possible if we aren‘t controlled by an egoistic good and his controlling queen.“, He explains and despite his fear, he means every word
- He just wants Piper to understand so that she will fight at his side again
-The image brings a smile to his face
-The two of them standing in front of a chained up Hera in all their glory
-Piper brings him back with a sigh and the deep pity in her eyes fills him with despair
-Why is she so against opposing the gods, Wasn‘t she the one that cursed Hera and despised how the goddess put herself in charge of his life?
-A dread rises in the back of him, he suppresses it quickly
-“Our lives aren‘t controlled by the gods Jason. The fates are the ones that decide what challenges a hero has to face. You are wasting your time and ruining your own life fighting for something that will never change. Call off the rebellion Jason and tell the gods to be actual parents. Tell them to protect their children from their destines as long as possible and then go home to rest. That would be easier than a war you can‘t win.“, Piper finally says
-Despite all of his anger Jason has to admit that her advice is tempting
- The vision of him growing old with Piper could come true plus he truly is not strong enough to fight fate itself so why not ask the gods for a favour? Maybe he can convince them to change after all he is the favourite of their rulers
-But then a thought washes away that option and he figures a way to tell Piper why the Olympian council needs to be reformed
- When Piper takes his hand again he looks at her with determination
“I can‘t. Hera loves using demigods too much. Look what happened to Leo. She claimed that she wanted to prepare him for his future just to let his mom die and let him sacrifice himself. You once said that heroes have to step up and do what is right and that is what I‘m doing right now.“, He explains
-For a short moment he thinks guilt washes over Pipers face
- Suddenly he realizes how strange her pleading was
-Piper always was someone to take action, she would never tell him to just do nothing and the way she almost took all fault from the gods……..
-“Hera only did that because she knew what Leo‘s role in the war was gonna be. She may not be the best but she is not our enemy Jason. She cared for Leo and she cares about you too.“, Piper says and now Jason is sure
- He rips his hand away from her his eyes burning with rage
-“Piper would never defend Hera ! Who are you?“, He asks coldly anger numbing the shattering of his heart
-The girl looks at him in confusion, he hates that she does it through Pipers eyes
“ Jason -“
-“ Don‘t! Stop using her voice and show yourself! I want to know which god I have the honour to kill!“, Jason spats
- At this moment he forgets all of his good morals, only blind hatred is left
-The Venti come to his aid, they swirl around him like a mini hurricane and he can feel their power pulsing through him, waiting for his command
-“I‘m just trying to help you Jason even if you could kill me that would not solve anything.“She warns but it is still Piper's voice and he will make her pay for it.
-“Oh no I think this will make me feel a lot better and if Hera send you just know that what happens to know is her fault, not mine.“, Jason says with a cruel smile before turning his storms to pure lightning
- with a hand wave the spirits turn into pure lightning crashing into where she stood
-Flames light up the hill but she is not there anymore
-A huge dove is in her place attacking immediately scratching at his face
-Dark clouds gather thunder is booming, rain falls,
-the Windlords themselves lift Jason into the air pushing his attacker away
- He does not need his sword
- The sky is his weapon
-Jason chases the goddess, calls cold wind to let hail fall onto her instead of rain
- Lightning strikes and he catches it in his bare hands, it flickers over his entire body until it gets thrown towards his victim
-Despite all of this the dove keeps trying to get closer, her voice pleading for him to stop his madness
- A hysterical laugh is his answer, he remembers a time where the gods loved him for his kindness, the same one that forced him to keep Heras chains on him for too long
- This goddess is treating him like he is still a pawn but that will end now
- Jason spins himself around his arms outstretched
- Wind blows around him, the dove shrieks in panic
- A tornado is throwing her around in circles like a puppet
- She changes form to other animals, attempts to escape through the cloud storms walls
- That is when they become pure lightning
- it hits her makes her body twist unnaturally
- She falls and Jason is still in the storms eye, He feels like a god bathed in his fathers lightning bolts
- The goddess unmoving body beneath him looks so tiny almost fragile even when she has changed to her Olympian form
- He would have pitied her if he hadn‘t recognized her, now he only feels disgusted
- Another shockwave is sent through her body before Jason dissolves his tornado
- The wind gods hesitate for a moment not liking what Jason might have in mind
- Jason is stronger and so they follow him down towards his victim as only a soft breeze
-“Why?“, He spats down at her as she wakes up
- His short question holds her crime all the pain and false hope she put him through
- She gets on her knees to look up at him her ever-changing hair clothes and eyes even her skin that is healing her burns are no beauty to him anymore
-“Hera and I only wanted to help you Jason.“, Aphrodite apologizes maybe there are real tears in her eyes
-“ I need help? I‘m not the one impersonating my dead daughter to manipulate her boyfriend!“, He spats finding her trick even more disgusting as he puts it into words
- He thinks about how she held him, what would have happened if he did not find out who she was
- He feels dirty
“I always take on the form of loved ones that's why Hera send me. She knew that Piper was the only one to get you out of your grief. Love is the only thing more powerful than hate“, Aphrodite explains and with every word, she looks more and more like Piper again
- Jason realizes that she is just as bad as Hera, another god that messed with his mind
- He sees how heavy she is breathing, it is time to punish her
-“Well then let me tell you something about love.“, Jason says making a pulling motion with his hands reaching for her breath
- He bends the oxygen out of her, the goddess head being forced forward
-The winds grow stronger again, he hears their whispers to not do this, he is deaf to their pleads
-“N – No!“, She protests in horror, her body glows attempting to release her true form but his attack surprised her and is now making her too weak
-Jason continues an air bubble forming around her head
-She digs her nails into her throat until they are bloody, her eyes nearly pop out of her skull and her face is an ill shade of blue
- the chocking noises she makes are music for him
-Jason enjoys every second
-Her looking like Piper does not save her
- It only reminds him more of the future he has lost and that makes him more furious
-When her sounds and body become still and her face is one mask of fear he finally tells her
-“Love never lasts long in this world.“
-No air gets added to the bubble, it dissolves
- An Aphrodite goddess of Love and beauty falls dead to the ground killed by her daughter's lover
- Jason feels empty
- He just killed a goddess he should feel ecstatic
- But instead, he feels as if something broke inside him
-Jason stares at the sky waiting for a reaction
-“ Come on Hera! This is what you wanted me to become right? A murderer your weapon. Just come to me and admit it !“, Jason yells tears streaming down his cheeks
-He falls to the ground as the thing he did crashes down on him
-He killed for revenge just like Zeus, Hera and all other gods did for centuries
-How is he better than them now?
-His allies seem to think the same thing
-Jason can‘t summon his venti in the morning
- The winds are harder to bend under his will
- Nature hides from him it does not matter how much he burns no one shows up
- Sometimes he hears the spirits weeping but he knows it is not meant for him
- Jason gets more and more desperate
- As of last hope he goes to San Fransisco
- The first step he takes into the city shows him that it‘s full of life again
-He plays with the thought of going back to Camp Jupiter
- But he does not want his friends to see what he has become
- On Ocean Beach, he yells for Kym
-Jason tells himself that she can help him turn his fate around
-“I‘m sorry Jason but I don‘t talk to traitors.“, She whispers from under the sea
-Jason feels like a wolve being cornered
-“ I never betrayed you the gods did !“ He shouts his voice sounding childish in his ears
-“You promised to fight in my name and then went on a crazy rampage just to make Hera feel bad. I expected better from you Jason.“, Kym told him in a stern almost motherly tone
- The words are a punch to his gut, a mirror showing him the truth
-His plan was supposed to be a peaceful change of the god's council, yes he knew about the damage the minor gods would cause but that was just to get the higher gods attention
-He sees the dryad girl in the flames, aphrodite chocking as air is pulled out of her
-This rebellion started with a wish for justice for Leo and Piper, for all those treated badly by the gods
- His lust for revenge destroyed all that
-Regretful he walks into the sea the water going up to his knees
-“ I‘m sorry.“, Jason says honestly
-That is when they finally react
- The waves grow bigger a man with a trident emerging out of them, Nature spirits come out of their plants with pinecones and daggers for weapons the blond-haired woman with her crown of corn is their true goddess
- The mist rising around him lets him hear his victim screams once more
-“Jason Grace we are here to punish you for crimes against us and the entire western civilization. Surrender now or seal your fate.“All of the Command in Unison
-He thinks of giving himself up
-He was raised as a Roman, he learned when a soldier has no chance to win
- Yet the thought of kneeling and letting Hera win so easily makes him sick
- And so he refuses
- The fight does not take long
- Jason summons lightning to blast away Nyads that grasped his ankles
-He runs out of the sea directing lightning at the advancing Dryad warriors
-They burn but the flames seem to have gathered they're own concise
-Orange and high they rage towards him growing on sand which was not possible
-They burn Jason‘s arm as he attempts to fly over them
-Screaming in pain he struggles to stay in the air
-Demeter uses her giant staff to let the three roots attack him like huge arms
-Her followers throw weapons at histones that for some reason always hit no matter how much he uses wind to push them away
-Rain comes and turns into a huge rain shower blinding his view
-He is forced to fly backwards and that is when Poseidon's trident impales his gut
-Blood spills pain forbids him to breath
-His vision goes black before he falls in the threes arms
-Jason wakes in ironically on chains in front of Hera and Zeus
-"I hope you know what a disappointment you are to me.", Zeus says but Jason's eyes are fixed on Hera
-She looks at him with a deep sorrow he did not expect so he chooses the last beg
-" Whoever you choose as your next heroes Hera please don't control them. Remember me as a warning of what happens if you do.", He pleads
-He is scared of his punishment but if Hera realizes her mistakes then maybe all of this was worth it
-Hera only replies with a small nod
-Then he is dragged off to the underworld by Hades off to the cliffs that lead into Tartarus
Jason panics as he realizes
He thought that he would end up in the fields of punishment
-But of course, Zeus hates when his children ruin his good name
-He struggles against his bonds begs his uncle to at least let him see his friends one more time
Luckily Hades is one of the kinder gods 
-He summons Piper's ghost, he does not say why Leo is not there
-She smiles at him sadly and maybe with anger which Jason does not blame her for
-Her kiss on his forehead brings tears to his eyes
-"Goodbye Jason. I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble.", She whispers and he shakes his head
-"Don't be. All of this is Heras fault and mine.", He tells her and with that, she is gone again
-He thinks of her and Leo while he falls
-Hera mourns him for days
-She watches the rest of the seven holding his funeral at Camp Jupiter
-They understand his motives and that's why they still love him as the friend he was
-Hera understands him too
-She was not liked in the past few centuries and that was why the idea of her very own hero made her blind for letting him be a child
-Now that was what killed him and Zeus was already off making another hero that he can  be more proud of
-A child he warned her to not even look at
-The other demigods resent her even more
-Frank Zhang would be her other hero but Hazel Levesque would never let her near him
-She thinks about Jasons last words, his beg that she shouldn't mess with children's lives
-It's when Leo Valdez returns and learns of his friend's fate that she promises herself to remember
-The hatred in his eyes is enough to bring even a goddess to her senses 
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unfortunatelysirius · 4 years
Wicked Charm, What’s Your Patronus? | Remus Lupin, Marauders Era
「 ❁ 」PROMPT 「 ❁ 」
One day in Defense, Professor Boomstick offers whoever can produce a corporeal Patronus an Outstanding on the next essay as well as an out on a test. When Y/N shockingly produces a wolf Patronus, well… you can assume the rest.
「 ❁ 」AUTHOR’S NOTE 「 ❁ 」
Why did I name a guy Boomstick? Because that word is fucking hilarious to me THAT’S WHY (also this sucks ass but tbh I'm just going with the flow nowadays whatever comes out comes the f out whether it’s shit or not) and for anyone who wants to get technical, believe me i already know what u will say
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      DEFENSE WAS Y/N L/N’S last class of every Friday and as of late, the only class she fervently dreaded. It was a mix of students from different Houses but dominated by Gryffindors. Three of the infamous sixth-year Gryffindor circle, James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin, were in there, each of the blokes gifted with a wand. Y/N didn’t pay them much mind at the start of the year but after a few months of mingling and getting to know her classmates, she had developed somewhat of an acquaintanceship with the boys, perhaps even a friendship. She was one of the other few Gryffindors in the room and after she particularly chewed out one of the Ravenclaws feet from the classroom for ruining her perfect attendance record (allegedly, the clumsy arse caused her a three-day sentence in the Hospital Wing) James and Sirius decided she had enough style and substance (“Marauder flair,” they called it) to invite her into their gang.
      It was as unenticing on the inside as it was from a feet-on-the-ground outsider’s perspective. Y/N wasn’t very adventurous. She was miles away from Lily’s singlehanded definition of “studious”, but still a pretty mellow person, preferring to keep to predetermined routes and undetected on radars. She was an extrovert with introverted tendencies, mostly appearing at times with people who differed in lifestyle. Like James and Sirius, two peas in a pod.
      Remus Lupin was much less of a firecracker inches from popping, his voice tampered and quiet, his disposition ripe with premature wisdom. Y/N found him likeable. Almost too likable—a noticeable kind of fancy that only prats would fail to see. Then that fancy became more; she didn’t remember how.
      This was open to judgment from the gods, who could choose to interfere or leave Y/N’s recent change of heart alone.
      Unfortunately for her with this newfound friendship and growing fancy, James and Sirius had enough arrogance to fit the Greek gods from ancient myth…
      Zeus and Poseidon, at least. Maybe even Aphrodite, the bloody matchmakers. 
      Professor Boomstick, a stout, ashen man who oftentimes went into tangents about how the Muggle Army was a lousy old group of incompetent twats, liked challenges. He liked challenges for his students, specifically. He also liked favoritism and had yet to liken any students to his old pub buddies. Today Y/N and the Marauders all went to class expecting a test, but Professor Boomstick was already there waiting—and the room was empty of desks. Y/N stopped in her tracks, feeling Remus’s tall, lean frame smack into her backside. He apologized but she ignored him, sweeping her gaze across the floor. A group of students who found themselves there before her were huddling in a corner, nervous as sheep waiting to be sheered.  
      Y/N’s steps held an edge... She couldn’t deny she herself was nervous.
“Damn the test,” Professor Boomstick barked suddenly, catching Y/N’s bewildered eyes and holding them hostage. She swallowed hard. Surprises were not fun to her; she hated them with a passion. This old fart was just an arse to be incorporating one in place of a test on the history of Patronuses and Animagi she spent eons studying for. “We’ll see what you’re made of today without wasting parchment, can’t read your writin’ anyhow.”
      “What exactly are we doing?” a long-faced, petite-nosed girl asked.
      Professor Boomstick raised his wand and closed the door behind Y/N and the Marauders, throwing them further into the room. Y/N felt Remus’s arm brush her side and heat enveloped her from head to stomach.  Glaring at Professor Boomstick, they all walked to stand with the other students, keeping a close eye on the crazy man they all called their teacher. Thank Merlin Defense professors never lasted.  
      “For any of you kids that can produce me a corporeal Patronus, I won’t just give ye bonus,” Professor Boomstick said, smirking at the huddle of students. “Ya got an essay due two weeks time on endangered species of the Wizarding World and that test we had scheduled today’s rescheduled for Monday. I’ll give any of ya who give me what I want a freebie on the quiz—and an automatic Outstanding on the essay. Still gotta turn three pages in though.”
      The huddle of students struck up an excited exchange of whispers before going abruptly silent. Patronuses? That was hard-level shit and sparingly learned outside of class lessons due to its difficulty. Disappointment shuttered down the spines of each student, one at a time, as they all came to the same conclusion: this was a waste of time.
      “What? None of ya have even tried?” Professor Boomstick demanded, bushy white eyebrows furrowing in the middle of his forehead. “May be a charm, but it could save yer life someday. All it takes is one loose Dementor and BOOM! Your soul’s been sucked right outta ya.”
      Everyone flinched, some horrified at the sheer mention of Dementors. Professor Boomstick was right. No one really knew Patronuses and their uses. Advanced magic like that was too extensive, too dueling of a task.
      Professor Boomstick was getting frustrated and impatient, glaring at each student individually. Crazy old man.
Y/N L/N nervously glanced at her classmates, mostly the marauding group of boys she befriended, before she stepped out of the huddle. All eyes automatically went to her.
      James and Sirius were (in their opinion, rightfully) shocked she had this information under her belt the entire time—sitting on it, dwelling on it, never admitting to it where her friends were concerned. The two of them didn’t have any concept of privacy, both too invasive to be capable of secrets; Remus was nowhere near similar. Secrets were a part of his nature, only for the benefit of others and never his. If anyone could understand Y/N’s need to keep something like this close to her chest, it was Remus. Though, this wasn’t much of a secret. They all knew Y/N’s history and domestic life.
      Remus glanced at her, an unreadable expression on his face, but her back was turned to him. She could feel everyone looking at her and picking out a single pair of eyes was too strenuous a task.
      “Get on with it, L/N,” Professor Boomstick demanded.
      “Okay, sir,” Y/N said. She would have never dared do this, but she was drowning in coursework from her other classes—any further work and she’d lose sleep, her grades suffering for it. Her mouth opened, inhaling a deep breath she braced.
      Patronus charms were a complicated, beautiful species of magic. Arduous and dogging, it took someone particularly skilled to produce one—and you had to conjure one of your best memories, one of pure joy and exhilaration. Not just happiness, as one of Y/N’s old mentors incorrectly told her once upon a time. Y/N came from a family always preparing for the worst and through the years as the likelihood of a war reached its peak, her parents grew increasingly paranoid and enrolled her in a summer mentorship program as a precaution. She learned the Patronus charm from an eccentric man named Ellis Hawking.
      Y/N’s happiest memory, the one that gave her pure, unadulterated joy, was when she was twelve and got to see her new baby sister.
      “Expecto Patronum,” Y/N said when an incandescent smile reached her lips. All concentration went into her wand when she pointed. Her wand felt like it thrummed under her fingertips and she targeted the air just north of herself, where no one was in her line of sight.
      Everyone behind her gasped when a shot of pure light emitted from her wand’s end, something growing larger as it left. Tendrils of silver and white swept the floor, coiling to become a translucent shape. The shape growled noiselessly, galloping on the ground like a wolf. It was a wolf. Majestic and sleek, making a turn to come running back at the caster herself—polarizing white eyes staring right into hers. Ears pinned back and slivers of silver hair standing on edge. All until it disappeared into the same device that made it. Creation and destruction, two separate words that meant the same: an inevitable, unavoidable cycle.  
      Y/N’s Patronus was last a dolphin when she first learned how to cast, not a wolf.
      Her Patronus had changed.
      “Bravo, bloody Hell—bravo, girl!” Professor Boomstick clapped enthusiastically. “For sure you’re gettin’ in my good graces rest of this here year. You’ve gotta be one hell of a witch casting a corporeal Patronus at sixteen! Bloody—”
      Y/N stared down at her wand, completely bewildered.
      Why did it change?
      James glanced over at Sirius while Y/N was distracted, a grin breaking his shocked composure. Neither he, Sirius, or Remus expected that; while Remus was busy frozen and possibly panicking himself into early gray hairs, James was bursting on the inside from excitement. Sirius shared a similar expression.
      “Looks like little Y/N’s in love with Moony,” he hissed under his breath, failing to lose his grin. “That’s gotta be it. I’ve read on this before.”
      Sirius nodded, a faux solemnness combatting the electric shock darting around like butterflies on his face. “After General Prat’s done,” he said, and the two nodded like soldiers heading to war.
      When no one other than Y/N could even produce an incorporeal Patronus, Professor Boomstick disappointedly released them—promising a nervous Y/N not to worry about the test or upcoming essay. James and Sirius automatically attacked at the last nameless student’s retreat, Remus trailing his two mates like a left-behind dog.
      Sirius’s eyes zeroed in on Y/N’s wrist, where a charm bracelet dangled. It was covered in expensive-looking charms, one of engraved letters, a wand, a little wolf.
Whoa, cauldron’s bearings. There was a bloody wolf charm! What were the odds?
      “Wicked charm,” Sirius said through a wink. Y/N’s eyes flickered between the two blokes then at her charm bracelet, not at all soothed in their presence. Still struggling to understand why her Patronus would be different, the two twats harassing her wasn’t desirable—especially since they looked like they did while meddling. Pranking. Causing mischief. Y/N made it clear ages ago she wouldn’t react kindly if they decided to fuck around with her the way they did with the rest of the Hogwarts student body. She liked her comfort bubble how it was, unperforated by buffoons best left six feet away. “Wolves. Did you get it to match your Patronus?”
      Y/N bit her lip. “Well, actually—"
      “Ah, Padfoot, obviously that wouldn’t be the case,” James said, slinging an arm around his mate’s shoulder. “She got it because it makes her think of a certain someone.”
      “Who would I even think of? You guys are such prats,” Y/N said indignantly, narrowing her eyes now. Seriously, what were they getting at? They didn’t know anything, just perfectly well how drive anyone and everyone up the bloody wall. They’d drive a sane man mad!
      “James, Sirius, don’t,” Remus said softly, appearing from behind. His eyes were wide with alarm, meeting Y/N’s at her sharp twist. He gulped at the annoyance in hers; James and Sirius had already done their damage. Idiots, they were.
      “See, Y/N, I don’t think your Patronus has always been a wolf,” Sirius went on, pretending like neither Y/N nor Remus spoke in the first place. “Am I wrong?”
      Y/N warily said, “No…”
      “Did you know Patronuses can change to be complementary of their lovers’?” Sirius grinned obnoxiously. He shrugged his shoulders and nudged Y/N with one of his hands. “Just a thought. Maybe you fancy somebody, love ‘em.”
      Y/N’s eyes widened and involuntarily, they looked at where Remus was standing. Remus froze again.
      “We’ll leave you to it,” James said hastily, still grinning.
      The bespectacled boy quickly lassoed Sirius around the neck and guided him to the door, calling to Remus that they’d be back in their dorm by the time he finished.
      Remus awkwardly glanced over at Professor Boomstick. The man was just standing by his desk, drinking out of a flask, presumably waiting for his next class. Y/N sighed and unconsciously laced her fingers into Remus’s, dragging him away from their crazy-ass professor.
      Once outside, Y/N faced Remus. “Is your Patronus a wolf?” she asked quietly, hurriedly. She didn’t want anyone to overhear, though the only likely soul left in distance was Peeves.
      Remus looked at the ground. “Yes,” he reluctantly told her. He and the Marauders had yet to let her in on his furry little secret.
      “Oh,” Y/N said and went silent. It’s not that she didn’t want to be in love with Remus, she just didn’t understand why she could have been so stupid to cast her Patronus in front of the entire class without contemplating her feelings for Remus first. Especially with prior knowledge that a wolf Patronus implied the chance of the charm caster being a werewolf. Students from the class would be beside themselves with rumors of Y/N being a werewolf herself.
      As long as it wasn’t Remus being investigated.
      “I’m sorry,” he said quietly, peeking up at her.
      Y/N rolled her eyes. “Remus, why are you apologizing? Because of what animal the charm was? I’m not a bloody idiot. I know. Good thing I’m the caster, no one else, right?”
      “Why would you like me, let alone love me?” Remus asked. “I don’t understand. I’m—”
      “No, don’t even say it,” Y/N said, meeting his gaze. She reached forward and held his shoulders. “You’re handsome, funny, and intelligent. The least mad of any bloke I’ve seen. That’s all that matters to me.”
      The heels of her feet lifted off the ground so she could peck his cheek. Remus flushed red and flinched back, not having expected any sort of affection—but Y/N deliberately ignored his confusion. She snorted and turned to leave.
      Remus stood processing the unlikely events.
Y/N didn’t hear corresponding footsteps and stopped walking herself. “I hope you at least somewhat like me,” she said over her shoulder. “Else, that’d be one bloody embarrassing confession.”
Remus’s shoes squeaked when he jogged to catch up. With his cheeks still aflame, Y/N hoped that meant he did, in fact, reciprocate.
I might need to do something about everyone seeing my Patronus, Y/N thought. Stupid Hogwarts and its plethora of assholes waiting for worthy gossip.
She was sure James and Sirius wouldn’t mind Obliviating the entire school for her and Remus. The idiots did supposedly do anything for their friends. 
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edengarden · 3 years
can i request shiratorizawa as a .... school .... of mermen headcanons? (PLS PLS LAUGH AT MY JOKE 🥺🥺)
i... i didnt get the joke ;-; now please allow me to just perish out of embarrassment
I also just did a few but if you wanted the entire team you can re-send the ask bubs!
I've seen art of tendou with a transparent tail and,, yes please
that shit glows in the dark, too, you see his bones through it but it's so cool (though most merfolk are really scared of it)
with the design, it means he spends most of his days in the depths of the sea. he wants to see the surface, but a) he's ginger dude, poor guy will burn in the sun so fast and b) he's a deep-water merman, which means the pressure of the surface won't do him any good
constanty asks others about how it is though
loves going through sunken boats and other things, just to get the smallest preview of what it looks like up there. he likes to pretend he's a human in a boat, even if he has no idea what they really do
got hella spooked when he found a dead (and rotting) body in one of the wrecks one day though
goes by the rules, now and always. if people say not to go to the surface, he's not going anywhere NEAR it.
and i mean, he has to, he's the king's son, the gossip would never end if he went against the rules
strong tail that looks like a whale shark's. it matches with his persona too. he looks scary but i doubt he'd hurt a fly
wh,, what does he do all day?? tbh i have a feeling he just monitors tendou to make sure buddy doesn't go up too high and get sunburnt
him and tendou are childhood friends in this for sure. poor thing gets dragged in tendou's antics so often, but it provides him a good distraction from the stress and heavy expectations he has. he's gonna be king soon and he doesn't feel ready at all, he doesn't even think he's made to be a king. he thinks reon should take his place
oh my god, curious baby. he's developped a deathly curiosity about humans and has gone to the surface way too often. almost got split in half by an industrial boat way too often
he and tendou vibe with that, though. goshiki brings him little trinkets he found nearby really often and they both ponder over what they could be for
his tail is a nice, glimmery silver with some dark purple scales here and there! his fins are like super long, he's so embarrassed by them because he thinks it's too feminine
but it makes him look really gracious and sophisticated
he's so tanned all the time because he's always in surface water and the sun hits him HARD
you'll never see a more gracious merman in your life. he lives on his pride for it, too.
long, beautiful orange tail. he has a natural flourish to his swimming that he's worked (too) hard on.
will die before he follows goshiki and tendou in their stupid antics, but there are only so many teens his age in this clan and he's their friends by force.
would much rather stick by semi, or even ushijima. though he usually goes for Reon since he's calmer and a lot more rational.
will deadass rat out goshiki and tendou to the higher ups if they asked (but only if they asked in a specific way).
his tail matches his hair. it starts off grey and then slowly fades into black. people think his hair and tail are naturally like that but he got caught in an oil spill when he was a kid and he wasnt able to remove it all
buddy likes wearing seashells necklaces, he makes them himself and he has a really keen eye for them. he could start makin a business with it honestly, people are really impressed with his artwork.
will burn SO QUICKLY in surface waters and he never hears the end of it from Tendou.
when he was a child he loved to go out at night. especially at the surface, since the moon didn't burn half as much as the sun
he's seen humans once as a kid and would like never to repeat that experience again
he helps semi with his jewelry ambitions quite often. he really likes looking for pretty sea shells and rocks.
his tail looks like a Pacific blue tang's, but it's black and gold with a few stripes of white that glows in the moonlight
saved a kid from drowning once, but he never mentioned it to anyone because poseidon forbids they hear that REON went to the SHORE. goshiki would never leave him alone
is super curious about the differences between human legs and a merfolk's tail, but he keeps quiet about it because he knows better. he just likes to listen to tendou and goshiki rant without saying anything on the matter.
he also volunteers to 'look after them' but it's just an excuse to go to the surface without being reprimanded or suspected of anything. he does try to keep them out of trouble though
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jarienn972 · 3 years
La Sirena - Chapter Ten (Epilogue)
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Captain Swan Supernatural Summer 
(that’s finally being completed in winter)
We have reached the finale of this @cssns tale at last. This has been such a fun and challenging experience trying to build this universe, and I hope that readers have found it enjoyable as well. Thanks for all of your lovely words and feedback along the way!
I thank you, @kmomof4, for all of your assistance and input. You rock as a beta!  And @courtorderedcake​, thank you once again for the beautiful artwork that really brought to life the imagery of the opening chapter!
And now, back to the story... Here, we pick up moments after a stubborn and confused Killian pretended to be asleep to avoid his brother. He’s about to get a wonderful surprise...
Catch up from the beginning here on Tumblr: One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Or read in full on AO3 or FF.net
The instant that Killian was certain that Liam was out of earshot and wouldn't be present to scold him for faking sleep, his eyelids sprang open wide to behold the most wondrous sight. Perched in the chair just to his left was the very same angelic vision he'd first laid eyes on back on that deserted beach days ago. She looked different with her long, gilded tresses pulled back by a ribbon and seemed a bit more diminutive while wearing a vastly oversized sailor's white uniform tunic and navy woolen trousers but he knew for certain it was her.
But how? How was he gazing upon a beautiful siren here in his own quarters? How could she be here and still be real?
"Emma? It's you!" he exclaimed, trying to sit upright to greet her properly despite the pain. "What are you doing here? How are you even here, Love?
"One question at a time," she chuckled as she reached over and placed her hand atop his forearm to urge him not to move. The moment her fingers brushed his skin, he felt a tingle pass through his entire body - one that was warm and tender. His heart was suddenly racing, but it was no longer driven by fear or anxiety. He welcomed her touch, her presence. "I'm here because this is where I belong and it would seem that even the gods agree."
"But you're a siren. I thought your home was those isles and the surrounding seas? I thought you couldn't leave without…" His voice trailed off before he could say sacrificing your powers.
Her demeanor rapidly switched from jovial to serious at Killian's off-handed, yet important questions. Her eyes avoided his for a moment, then recaptured his gaze with an intensity he'd not seen from her before. There was a new melancholy about her as she took in a deep, reflective breath before responding.
"That cove was no longer my home. In truth, it was far more of a prison for longer than I care to remember. I thought I was happy alone when I left the ranks of the siren council, but I had no idea how wrong I was - until you floated into my bay." Killian's jaw gaped in stunned silence as he watched the tears begin to well in her eyes, but she shushed him when he tried to reply. There was more to her confession that she needed him to hear before he could respond properly. "I may have rescued you from drowning that fateful day, but it was you who rescued me from an eternity of loneliness. And then watching my sister attempting to harm you only strengthened my resolve…" She paused to take a breath, unsure how he was going to react to her next words. "I guess what I am trying to say is that I am here right now on this ship, wearing these ridiculous garments because I knew I couldn't let you go. I risk sounding like a fool right now, but there is something I must confess. I love you, Lieutenant Killian Charles Arthur Jones of His Majesty's Royal Navy. Nothing in my entire lifetime has felt as right as the days I spent with you, and because of that, I asked the mighty Poseidon to make me human so that I could accompany you."
"Emma… I…," he stammered, his thoughts an incoherent jumble.
Her jaw wavered as she dipped her head, almost ashamed of her utterance. "I'm sorry if I've upset you, but after all we've been through these past days, I believed you should know the truth. I do understand if you do not feel the same as I do."
Ignoring his body's cries of pain, Killian threw off the blanket and forced his protesting limbs to sit upright, swinging his legs over the side of the bunk so he could position himself close enough to her that he could cup her cheek in his palm and brush away a tear with the pad of his thumb.
"Emma, there is no need for tears," he assured her. "While I will admit that your revelation to be a siren - and all of the events that followed - were a tad horrifying, I still knew I would gladly spend the remainder of my years stranded in that cove with you. But you, you gave up being a siren - being immortal - for me?"
"What good was being immortal if it meant losing you?" she said with a sniffle just as Killian leaned forward to capture her lips with his, neither of them even caring if Liam were to reenter Killian's quarters right then and there. For a brief moment, the universe was theirs alone until Killian's protesting rib cage caused him to reluctantly pull away, but not without more questions.
"But my brother and the crew, they didn't suspect you to be any less than human? Liam, he addressed you as Miss Swan? Since I don't believe that sirens have family names, wherever did that come from? Whatever did you tell them whilst I was incapacitated?"
"No one suspects me to be a siren, if that is your worry. Once your fellow crew members reached the cove to rescue you, I had to tell them something, so I led them to believe that I was a fellow prisoner from the sunken pirate ship. They believe that the pirates attacked my family's vessel prior to abducting you on that isle of Neverland you spoke of. It isn't as though any of them could corroborate my story with your captors. The crew also collected several damaged trunks and weathered chests that had washed up on the shore, believing them to be part of the stolen loot from the sunken ship. I happened to notice that there was a swan's head carved into one of the wooden trunks so as I boarded this vessel, I introduced myself to your captain as Emma Swan. Do you believe I should have chosen something else?"
Killian chuckled at the thought of her thinking up a surname on the spot. "I don't think anyone will make the connection. I kind of like it. You're beautiful and graceful like a swan. It suits you."
"Thank you," she blushed. "I hardly feel beautiful in these borrowed clothes. This fabric, it is rather unpleasant."
"I'm sure we can find you some attire more suitable for a lady when we next make port. Women aren't common on the high seas. There's an old legend that they're unlucky."
"What nonsense," she muttered with a frown. "But no matter. I have it on good authority that no harm will come to this ship. No creature of the seas would dare challenge Poseidon's edict."
"I still don't understand how this is possible. How does my brother not know that the expedition to the uncharted island went horribly wrong? He wants to award me a bloody commendation that I don't deserve. They think I've lost my mind."
"This will need to be our secret, but the events as you remember them never actually transpired," she stated, which of course left Killian befuddled. He opened his mouth, prepared with a barrage of questions, but she raised a hand to shush him, wanting to explain what she meant before letting him speak. "I know you will have many questions, some of which I will never be able to answer, but in simple terms, Poseidon modified all of the events that led up to your brother's ship arriving to rescue us from the cove. Everything that transpired remained in the same order, but not in the same manner. You still encountered the pirates on that island, they still took you prisoner, and the sirens still laid siege to the ship before it ran aground and sank, but Poseidon changed the scope of each event and allowed your brother's ship to pursue the pirate vessel to locate you. Your injuries were all believed to have come at the hands of your pirate captors and during the escape from the sinking vessel. They have no reason to suspect otherwise."
"But what about my crew? Does no one remember their sacrifices?" he queried anxiously, afraid that those men's lives had been lost in vain.
"Some of them were never there, never set foot on the island. Others were there but their fates were changed by the modified events," she explained, although her words did little to alleviate his confusion. "In this revised timeline, there was no actual battle with those scoundrels. You alone were captured by the pirates. I have no way else to explain, but essentially, Poseidon changed how your history played out. No one beyond our realm will ever know of the version you lived through."
His jaw remained slack as he shook his head and tried to come to terms with a turn of events that was nothing short of miraculous. "But how? Why?" he stammered. "Why would he do such a thing?"
"He said I reminded him of his daughter, Ursula, and he recognized your good heart - much like the man Ursula fell in love with so long ago. He knew you'd been wronged, as had I, and he wanted to put things right. He granted my wish to become human and accompany you, and brought your brother's ship into the bay so you could be saved by your kind."
"Do you know what became of your sister?"
"Not all. I do know that she had her powers revoked for abusing them and that she was made mortal, although not by choice in her case. I don't know if Poseidon turned her human or made her a permanent creature of the sea, and in truth, I don't care. I've made my peace with it. Now, all I wish is to be with you, if you'll have me."
"I wish for nothing else," he replied with a beaming smile. "I just don't know what sort of life I can provide for a former siren… There's so much out there…"
"And I want to experience it all!" she exclaimed giddily as she gestured towards the faded map of Britannia that Killian had pinned to one of the beams lining the walls of his cabin. "I know little of the world beyond our isles. If my time is now finite, I want to see and experience as much as possible! I want to visit these other lands and sail the other seas…"
Killian chuckled at her enthusiasm, not really sure what would be physically possible, but hey - after surviving several harrowing encounters with mythical beings and living to tell the fantastical tales, he was open to adventure.
"Whatever your heart desires, Emma. Whatever your heart desires is what I want for you," he repeated as he pulled his siren - his beautiful angel - in for another heartfelt, lengthy kiss, almost certain that he felt a surge of energy embrace them both.
A few years later…
It was a perfect morning. Only a few wispy clouds broke up the brilliant blue skies as gentle ripples made their way across the serene harbor. Crew lowered and secured the huge canvas sails of the Jewel of the Realm as Liam oversaw their arrival at the dock. His sailors worked like a well-oiled machine performing their tasks, which was a good thing since their Captain might have been a tad distracted.
Instead of supervising lines being tied off, Liam was scanning the shoreline in search of something - or rather, someone. He'd made sure to send out correspondence through courier when they last made port making sure that Killian was aware the Jewel was on its way to the port of Misthaven where they'd agreed to rendezvous.
He hadn't been particularly overjoyed when Killian had decided to resign his commission upon return to Britannia, but if he was honest, the decision hadn't come as much of a surprise. His little brother had endured a harrowing experience, one that Liam knew he could never fully understand. In the process, he'd formed a bond with the lovely Swan woman and Liam had seen all the signs that Killian had fallen head over heels in love and feared lengthy deployments at sea that would keep him apart from his love.
Liam also had to admit that he was a little envious of his brother, but it was clear that while Killian loved the sea, his calling wasn't a career in His Majesty's Royal Navy. He knew that his sibling had taken up as captain of a merchant ship, but since it had been nearly a year and a half since he had last seen Killian, he was curious to see how his brother was faring in his new pursuits.
"Ahoy, brother!" he heard a shout from the pier and off in the distance, he spotted his sibling waving like a fool. And was he wearing black leather?
Once the Jewel was safely moored, Liam gave out his instructions for crew liberty and then made his way down the gangplank with dozens of rambunctious sailors at his heels. He chuckled as they darted past him, scurrying along the pier on their way to one of the local taverns. At least one of them would likely end up spending a night in the brig for overindulgence, but Liam couldn't be bothered with that right now.
His brother awaited him at the far end of the pier, casually leaning against a stone pillar with his foot propped up on an overturned barrel. It was a far more confident stance than Liam recalled when they'd last seen each other, but it was Killian's attire that spoke volumes about his newfound fortitude. He'd not expected to find Killian sporting an ebony leather duster that hung to his knees atop of a bold crimson waistcoat and black woolen trousers that, even from a distance, appeared to be far softer than Liam's own scratchy uniform. Killian clearly seemed to be happy and must have been doing well for himself to afford such luxuries.
"You look well, brother," Killian greeted him.
"As do you," Liam replied, pulling his younger sibling into an embrace and patting him heartily on the back. "Whatever are you wearing?"
"Ah, this…," Killian smiled as he took a step back so Liam could take in all of the elaborate detail on the coat which included embroidered cuffs and lapels along with silver clasps and carved bone buttons. "This was a gift from Queen Ava. The circumstances behind how it came to be is a rather long tale that I'll not bore you with since we've little time to catch up."
"Of course…," Liam responded, raising his eyes skyward with a shake of his head. Killian always seemed to have a new, unbelievable tale these days. "Where ever is that lovely wife of yours? I expected she would be here with you."
"She's waiting for us back on our ship. It's getting a tad more difficult for her to get around these days."
"So then, my new niece or nephew will be arriving soon?"
"Soon enough. Likely before the next full moon. It is why we'll be sailing back to the port of Arendelle, leaving the day after tomorrow," an excited Killian announced.
"Arendelle?" Liam questioned. "Why are you heading there?"
"We were invited by the Queen, and one simply does not turn down the invitation of royalty."
"You were invited by Queen Elsa?" Liam asked incredulously as they ambled along the cobblestone street towards another section of Misthaven's bustling harbor that was filled with smaller fishing boats and merchant ships. He tried to figure out which of the vessels was the one Killian now owned but he couldn't be certain.
"Queen Anna, actually," Killian corrected him. "Queen Elsa stepped down from the throne last year as she believed her more vivacious sister was better suited to handle the duties of the royal court."
"Alright, but that still doesn't explain how you secured a royal invitation."
"While sailing the Northern Isles last summer, we stumbled upon the wreckage of a galleon that had partially sunk in a narrow, rocky fjord. We explored it to see if there was anything worthy of salvage and located a chest containing a crown and other treasures that had been stolen from the Kingdom of Arendelle. We returned the riches to the castle and received a hefty finders fee for our efforts and Emma made fast friends with the Queen. We've made several visits back to Arendelle and have kept in correspondence with the royal family. As soon as Queen Anna learned that Emma was with child, she extended the royal invitation to come join them in the castle. She's already arranged a midwife for Emma, and has said we're welcome to stay as long as we wish. Can you imagine - living in a castle? I would never have thought it possible…"
"I'm very happy for you, Killian, and very proud of you as well. For someone who believed himself a failure not so long ago, you seem to have fortune smiling upon you."
"It hardly seems possible, brother. I feel like the luckiest bloke in all the world," Killian gushed, stopping at the bottom of the gangplank of a decent sized ship with a single towering mast. It was far more compact than the Jewel, but still large enough to carry crew and cargo comfortably. "Here we are. This is our lovely lady, La Sirena."
"Beautiful vessel. Interesting choice of name though. What led you to christen her after such a creature?"
"Oh, I have my reasons," Killian smirked. "But anyway, here's Emma now." A broad smile lit up Killian's visage as he stared up at his wife who was leaning over the railing on the deck above them. "It's almost unfathomable how I ever got so lucky that the gods would send such an angel to watch over me." Emma didn't say a word herself but the smile that stretched from ear to ear across her own face seemed to echo his sentiment.
But then maybe she suspected that the love that blossomed from a heart that was true and good was worth far more than a little bit of luck.
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My lovelies, this is probs the best thing that we (me and my sister) ever came up with when sleep-deprived and creative. Me and my sis were watching Blood of Zeus on Netflix and síce we’re really into the Greek Mythology, we started thinking of random headcanons on the gods. And this is what we came up with:
the oldest sibling, the younger ones call him Big Z
actually very loyal to Hera, would never cheat on her and all of his ‘maidens’ were actually chosen by disaster bisexual Hera
loves cleaning, is very pedantic
is the only one who knows about the real images of all the gods
a great husband, but a terrible father, seriously, don’t leave your child with him
loves his little brothers to death, even if they fight a lot
the middle sibling, nickname is ‘Hadie’, Poseidon loves him, Zeus cares for him very much
is a very loving husband, he gives Persephone everything she could desire
since he rarely chooses sides, whenever the other gods are fighting, he and Persephone have date nights, play with Cerberos (he’s seriously a big puppy) or talk to the dead heroes in Elysium
Charon is his best brooo, parties in Tartaros, he even gives Hades and Persephone romantic boat rides along the river for date nights
the youngest, must be protected even if he doesn’t need protection, has two nicknames: Pony (for joking around and picking at him) and Donie (loving nickname used when talking normaly)
May be the god of the seas, but he can’t swim at all, his older brothers tried to teach him one day and it ended with him almost drowning in a meter deep pool
is really adventurous and traves a lot, if you’re not sure where he is, try either a few California beaches or some historical cities in Europe
is the good dad™️, he takes care of the Zeus children comming in every once in a while and they absolutely LOVE him
both him and Hades are great with kids, but Hades has a wife, so he’s more of a cool uncle then a dad
you’d be surprised, but she does not spend her free time practising makeup and doing yoga; most of the time, while not in public she downs some oversized hoodie and sweatpants and either sleeps, lifts weights or bingewatches Netflix shows and eats chips
except for Zeus, only Appolo and Ares know this, not even her son is aware of it
Appolo found out when he went to borrow her curling iron and she opened the door without thinking (she was just eating a corndog and when she saw the look Appolo gave her, she slammed the door in his face while screaming ‘if you tell anyone you’re dead’)
Ares is a different story, she actually showed him and they accidentaly became best friends
she can’t sleep at her house since they could find out and so she sleeps over at houses of other gods when she knows they’re not there
is actually very peaceful, hates fighting and it’s kinda killing him that it’s his job to be a bloodthirsty warmonger
whenever he can, he drops the act and is just a sweetheart
loves bunnies and has quite a few of them
Aphrodite was sleeping in his house one time because he was supposed to be fighting a war somewhere, but what she didn’t know was that he returns to feed and play with his bunnies every two days (no it’s not animal abuse, he leaves them both food and water whenever he’s supposed to go away and he returns only to calm himself down and make sure that everything’s working as it should) and he returned the day she was sleeping there; she went downstairs as to leave and found out about the bunnies
that’s how they became best friends
his house, to the other gods, looks like some sort of an arena with weapons and spikes all around, but as soon as they leave, he re-decorates and after that it looks like Demeter’s garden
she has alergies
like, a lot
she hates flowers and grass and just every single damn plant because it makes her eyes water and itch, it makes her nose runny and it just puts her in a shitty mood
but because of her profession, she has to decorate her home with them whenever someone is comming over
then she holes up in her house for two weeks until her alergies pass and starts again
he hates warmth
yes, he lives in a volcano, but he’s not fireproof, thank you very much
he’d rather do anything else OTHER then what he does because it’s so hot, but he loves his job and so he continues on with it
every once in a while he disguises himself as a human and goes to the show Forged in Fire (he always wins)
he loves his job and everything that comes with it
the only little bit weird thing is how invested he gets into the love stories he creates with his arrows
he cries whenever the story has a happy ending and is just all in all a very senstive soul with an undying love for romance
he is so devoted to Psyche that had she asked him to, he would rip off his wings and give them to her
Now, we have the gay friend group:
tired™️, always on coffee 24/7, if not, you don’t want to talk to her
curses, is angry and totaly not calm and colected, just chaotic neutral energy
a prankster, along with Hermes
the mom friend, makes sure the rest of the group doesn’t die or kill each other
smart and witty, but doesn’t give two fucks about anything, burned out gifted kid
eyerolls, glares and ‘tsk’s are a must
she WILL make you feel pathetic if she wants to
likes baking
without his shoes, he can’t run to save his life
you’d think ‘Oh, a Greek god, he must be ripped under that Toga!’ but no, he’s a fucking stick; no abs, no biceps, no nothing, just a STICK
can’t exercise, can’t lift anything heavier then a teapot, just...weak baby
living and breathing ADHD
stimming, never paying attention, figet things, hyperfixations, just...
a trickster along with Athena, they are sneaky and they always know what to do to get the best reaction out of every single god
loves to create songs, both lyrics and music, but...a bit different genre
just...heavy metal, rock, rap, he’s just going WITH it dude
also loves the goth aesthetic
plays the guitar, electric one tho
he diguises it as his lyre
Artemis is his eyes in ears for when he needs to change the tone (when the other gods are comming)
he does actually like poetry and loves to read classics and he thinks Shakespear is THE SHIT™️
the theatre kid
the godess of the hunt, huh?
yeah, she’s a vegan
like, a hardcore vegan
goes to PETA protests every once in a while
fights for animal rights with every ounce of her being
but she’s still the godess of the hunt, so sometimes she needs to kill animals
sooooo, she has anger issues.
deals with them by making Hermes exercise
keeps tabs on every animal she has ever killed and cries over the papers where she’s written it down every once in a while
Okay, this would be it for our headcanons, I may or may not be planning to write a fanfic about them in a modern setting and I’m excited af.
Tagging you guys in belief that you’ll enjoy this:
@definietlynotsatan @a-fandom-trashdump @bla-rese
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the unseen one - 02
Pairing: Hades!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: thank you so so much for the feedback, guys. you’re all so nice and lovely, i’m so happy you found it interesting. hope you enjoy this one, lemme know xx
Next Chapter >>
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The Underworld wasn’t something special and James didn’t understand why people would risk their lives to come here. It was a bleak, watery, boring place full of dead souls. He himself had not been to every single corner of the underworld as it was divided into four regions: Tartarus, Elysian Fields, Fields of Mourning and Asphodel Meadows. His job was almost as boring and bleak as what he ruled over. It wasn’t like he could decide who died or what faith did their soul had, he just ruled over them, trying to ensure no one left and returned to the mortal lands.
Most days he just walked around the various river’s shores, ignoring the wails, screams and cries of the new souls travelling to their judgement. He’d grown tired of his place, tired of hearing the three judges, just completely tired. Most gods got to bask into all the pleasures of the world but James had the disappointing job, the one of seeing pure good souls forget their lives and feel no happiness and no sorrow. However, despite ruling the underworld, it wasn’t up to him to decide what the dead felt.
     - You stink of mortals. - he turned his head ever to slightly to see one of the only goddesses that roamed the underworld. Hecate. Hecate, like Thanatos, had also freely given away the memories of her past life and had been there during the time the original Hades ruled. She was a particular odd person to James, being the one of only goddesses capable of good and evil with three faces which she normally hid when dealing with normal deities. Personally, she shared hatred towards mortal with some rumours that her only tears had been shed during the witch hunt and consequential trials. Hecate was also honoured by Zeus, constantly receiving gifts from him. - Why would you go up there?
    - Bored. - James had been used to ignore Hecate, fully knowing she cared for nothing connected to the mortal world. She also despised how James refused to show off the only thing left from his past life, the metal arm. He’d normally hide it under his clothes, wearing a glove and long sleeve whenever he visited the world. - Don’t you have some witches to make company to?
   - You know I love to make you some company, besides Zeus is here to see you. 
   - Fuck. - James mumbled, wishing to throw himself in one of the soul rivers instead of dealing with the biggest egotistical person he’d ever met. He knew what Tartarus looked like, heck he’d even designed a few punishments whenever people rubbed him the wrong way, and he’d still rather be there, surrounded by a pit of fire and all the titans than having to ever speak with Zeus. 
   - Have fun. - she gave him a smirk as she turned around to return to her place of being, the fabrics of her red gown almost floating. The ruler of the underworld groaned as he walked back to his place of living. Once he walked in he was drowned by gods and other underworld dwellers trying to ask for his help and opinion, however, like per usual, he just ignored them, closing the doors of his office behind him. Sadly, today Zeus was here, probably to annoy his head off.
   - Hades. - he spoke in a cheer tone as if he didn’t constantly had workers keep an eye on him.
   - James. - he corrected, walking over to the little silver cart where he kept the ambrosia needed to deal with the annoyance that was Zeus. - Thought our meetings were on Mondays. 
   - Hera said we needed to spend more time together. We’re siblings.
   - We’re not siblings. - James downed his first glass of ambrosia. - And Hera doesn’t care about what you do, so what do you want? 
   - I know you’re new to these sort of things but we follow rules here. Those rules include not leaving the underworld unless required and following what was done before you arrived. - he sat on his desk, right on top of his papers. In the beginning, this disregard for the fact that he ruled over the underworld would’ve made James insane but after centuries of doing this, he had become used to receiving no respect in his own domain. - You need a wife.
   - I’ll remember to kidnap one on my way out. Thank you. - James didn’t want a wife and luckily, no one had reincarnated as Persephone due to Demeter refusing to place the title upon anyone other than his daughter. This meant he could rule by himself, however both Zeus and Poseidon would constantly bring in their bastard daughters, honourable daughters and even countless water nymphs. All constantly turned away by James.
  - This is not a joke. The underworld needs a queen and you’ll have to find one. 
  - Once I found the most beautiful maiden that’ll make me commit kidnapping, I’ll let you know. - James opened the door, ignoring the ramblings of Zeus as he left.
The rest of the day wasn’t too exciting. He’d mostly keep souls in tract and if some decision needed making or the court of judgment tied, he would come in to give his opinion. He rarely had festivals or cities named after him as most humans who still believed in gods disliked his existence that meaning he had little to no excuse to leave during daylight. 
James longed for nighttime which always gave him a chance to return to the mortal world. It was bleak but it had once been his home so every time the sun settled the earth would open and he’d exit the underworld. This night was a particular cold one which meant he could roam around freely. He walked the streets of the neighbourhood he once used to live in. They were different, no longer scared by war, everyone was calm in their homes with their loved ones. Maybe if the fates had spared him the pain of dying the way he did he probably would have a nice family too.
   - Hey, it’s you. - he looked off the ground to see the girl from last night, hair pushed to the side as she held a brown paper bag with a baguette sticking out from it. - I see you took to using the sidewalk, now. 
   - Y/N, right? - he asked and she nodded, the sunniest smile he’d ever seen forming on her face. - I’m James, I realise I was a bit rude last time we saw each other. 
   - Nice to meet you. Did you just move in? I’ve never seen you in the neighbourhood.
  - Uhm yeah, just a bit down the block. - he knew he was lying through his teeth but there wasn’t anyway he could explain to her that he lived way down down below.
  - You should come to the block party, tonight. - she placed her bag of groceries on the other arm. - It’s a bit boring but there’s free food besides it’s a way to meet the neighbours. Besides, I’m part of the committee and I’ve gotten absolutely no one to come, so you’d be making me a favour. 
  - I don’t know how you managed to get no one to come with that invitation of free food. 
  - The cookie dough truck comes along and nothing is better than warm cookie dough with a pint of ice cream. 
  - Alright, Y/N, I’ll come along. 
  - Thank you so much. I’ll see you tomorrow, James.
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"Hold on. Why does that ring have my name on it?" (Future fic) ;) 💕
Sorry, dear anon for the wait. I know you sent me this prompt during Halloween Nicercy, but I wanted to write this around Christmas. So, here it is! (I do not take responsibility for this fic. This is when Gen is sooo done with the essays she has to write that her mind is starting to make no sense. Also - Percy is not the only one who is dense, okay? Nico is just as reckless, and idiotic as he is, so they both deserve each other.) Percy has a certain knack for getting into tight spots.
Fortunately, he also has a knack for getting out of those tight spots, though not necessarily without any issue, due to his infamous luck, stubbornness, and the timely arrival of his beloved bodyguard.
But what can a person do, if that rather unconventional tight spot is because of said beloved bodyguard?
Hm... Let's rewind a bit, shall we?
It started when Nico di Angelo found a white gold ring in the drawer.
No, it started way before that.
Percy Jackson, more known as Prince Perseus, was the crown prince of Atlantis, a little one city state, near the Mediterranean Sea.
He was always a very mischievous and adventurous little boy, who could easily escape from any room in the palace, even if it was full of the staff. He liked to get into trouble: one time he managed to almost drown the whole palace in water. Or there was the time when he escaped from the palace and went to the nearby city, where he stole food from the grocery store because he saw homeless kids, and the police didn't believe him that he was the crown prince. Let's just say that the police were scarred for life by Salicia and Amphitrite Jackson, and homelessness became a non-existing problem in the state.
Little Percy was guarded by many staff member, by his whole family - which was pretty big, with one father, two mothers, one older brother, one older sister, and a younger brother who was just as mischievous prankster as he was -, but when his little brother became just as problematic as Percy, and the two became thick as thieves, Poseidon decided that enough is enough, and he found a bodyguard for each boy.
Tyson got a nice, Chinese descendent older boy, named Frank, and Percy? 
Percy got an Italian demigod, named Nico di Angelo. His bodyguard was five years older than he was, and for the fifteen-year-old Percy, it was an instant crush.
For the new bodyguard?
Not so much, especially because the prince he needed to watch over was an adventurous little shit. But, after a while, Percy grew on him, he learned how to appreciate the sassy prince, and soon he not only saw "work", when he looked at Percy but a beautiful, lively young thing. It was not a good idea. It was a really bad idea to fall in love with somebody he was paid to protect, but he just couldn't resist the temptation. The pretty prince was absolutely no help whatsoever; he was constantly flirting with Nico since their first day together.
While their romantic relationship started painfully slow, they gradually became inseparable. They didn't announce their new status, but neither did they hide it. They just... did everything as before, but finally they went on dates where Nico also knew that they were dates. And the kisses in places where they would not cause scandal because a paparazzi saw them. That was also a new development.
Their relationship was steady for almost a year when the second issue started: King Poseidon announced that as he, his father, his grandfather, and all of his ancestors did, so will his beloved son marry at his 21st birthday.
Yeah, that was not a happy day for anyone in their family...
And this is how we reached Percy's current problem: Nico finding an obviously engagement ring in the drawer. The air freeze in the room.
"I..." Percy starts to say, but the look in Nico's eyes stops him.
"I know that the king wants you to get married, but you should have mentioned before that you found somebody." The bodyguard's voice is full of disappointment, full of grim resentment. He throws back the ring to the drawer so suddenly, one would think it burned him and starts to walk around in the room like an animal in its cage.
"Nico, please, let me-," Percy tries once again, but his boyfriend doesn't want to hear him. Well, that's tough luck, because Percy was never somebody who can be silenced, especially not when it is an important matter. He determinedly struts to the drawer, takes out the engagement ring, takes out another engagement ring, and shoves them under the nose of his fucking dense boyfriend who is a genius in theory, but in practice an I.D.I.O.T.
"Read it, you idiot! It's my job to jump to a conclusion without any thought or logic, not yours," he growls. Nico narrows his eyes at him, but Percy is not pulling back, so he does as the prince says.
And just stares in awe.
"Why... why does that ring have my name on it? And why does the other have your name?" The Italian asks in a wavering voice.
"What do you think, you nitwit?! Yeah, my father wants me to get married. But I also want to get married. To you. And if you could have waited until tomorrow night, you could have the whole big marriage proposal thing we always laugh at. But now you have to be satisfied with this," Percy grumbles, but he can't stay angry at his idiot of a boyfriend, so he gets down on one knee and asks, "will you marry me?". It is not the proposal he was dreaming of. He wanted to do it on Christmas Eve, in a beautifully decorated room, but... To be honest, it was more like them. Now he just has to wait for his frozen boyfriend to say yes.
It will happen at any moment.
His knee is starting to hurt, his outstretched arms are starting to shake, and he may or may not starting to be afraid. He was so sure about their relationship, his mothers helped him to choose the perfect rings, even his father said that he thought they will be a perfect married couple, but what if...?
"Yes." Percy is so engrossed in his doubts, he almost doesn't get what Nico is replying to, but when he does, his smile is so wide and bright, he could light up the whole state.
"Oh, thank fuck," he whispers and pulls his fiance into a scorching kiss.
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daeguzen · 4 years
Son of Athena
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PAIRING | h.rj x g.n reader
GENRE | angst fluff
NOTE | when i started this series i was like okay this is pretty cool lemme try. it's hard. my brain is woosh. but anyway, i was surprised to see it was around 6.6k which i'm kinda happy about. enjoy ~
WARNING | depressive thoughts
SONG | butterfly - umi
SUMMARY | you wished you had been born normal or at least to another god. perhaps dionysus or hermes. you never asked to be the child of zeus. weilding the power of lighting, storms, and winds was too much of a burden to bear. people thought you strong when you only saw weakness. no one saw the dullness in those stormy eyes. maybe that's what brought you to your current predicament in life. you had kindness but even that turned cold and unpredictable. and as much as renjun would say he would never leave you, as much as he said that he was strong, he thinks that you're the only one who he doesn't have the strength to save. not when you keep drowning him alongside you.
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Miniature lightning strikes crackled around your fingers gently, your hand moving around slowly. You stayed sitting with your legs crossed on the edge of a cliff. The air was always fresher above. It was pure. Unlike those who lived under. Humans, demigods, and any other living creature besides animals. They were mostly impure. Tainted by greater flaws. You didn’t think yourself to be greater. No. But you did think yourself to be weaker.
Their hearts were...greedy. People did things for their own benefit. They approached you for their own benefit. They helped themselves to your kindness. In return they darkened your heart further to the point where you concluded that it was irreversible. 
You could not trust anyone. Even Renjun. He was different from others though. In your fifteen years of knowing Renjun, he never asked for anything in return. He reciprocated your kindness and you thought him to be a good friend. Even though you were able to tell him how your day was going or what you were feeling in the moment you couldn’t tell him the dark thoughts that dwelled in your mind.
Even if you did have Renjun, you felt lonely. You had a way of secluding yourself even though you didn’t mean to. You often found yourself high in the mountains, enjoying the comfort of loneliness and the wind and Renjun knew how to find you. He always did.
Renjun was among the people that thought you to be brave. You were the child of Zeus, the king of the gods. How could you not be? You had an immense power in you that could be lethal. Renjun always had a thing for heroes. That was his problem. Even Haechan had warned him about this. And yet he was dating the child of Poseidon which Renjun never figured out why. 
But that wasn’t his problem. His problem was falling in love for the wrong “heroes”. Children who were born from gods such as Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were not a problem. At least that’s what he tried to make himself believe. It was the other children, he would tell himself. Some children of Apollo were talented and gifted. They could protect many and would be appreciated for being so helpful. But Renjun knew better and he learned the hard way.
Heroes, or so they called themselves, only cared about what they would get as a reward for helping people. He despised this about so-called heroes. But really Renjun didn’t care about any of them. They didn’t mean much to him because deep down Renjun knew that this heart belonged to one genuine hero only. That hero being you. 
Renjun had known you since you were ten. You had been fighting off a stray dog when he first saw you. It looked rabid and when fourteen year old Renjun decided to jump in to save you, he saw you striking the dog with a powerful force of wind that made it fly to the other side of the alleyway. Renjun knew what a demigod was but he had never met one that could manipulate the wind. That’s when he realized that you just had to be a child of Zeus.
He remembered how you turned to look at him. He knew he saw fear in your eyes but when you looked at him, your gaze became serious. Renjun had to lift his hands up in the air and try to convince you that he wasn’t a threat. You didn’t want to believe him but he told you that he was the son of Athena. He was a demigod like you. Ten year old you was skeptical but relieved that you had found someone just like you.
Renjun took you to his apartment where he lived with his father. He explained the situation to his dad and how he had found you. His dad was always grateful for Athena’s power that flowed through his blood and the kind heart that Renjun had. Even though that came from him and not Athena. The two of them helped you clean up, fed you, and kept you company. However, you soon realized that it was getting dark. You had nowhere to go but you didn’t want to tell them that. So you came up with a lie about having to get back to your mother’s house and left as fast as you came.
Fourteen year old Renjun was a prodigy. He knew many things. It didn’t even take two days for him to realize that you had no home. But of course he was smart and knew exactly how to rope his dad into taking you in. Renjun didn’t want you in a foster home so he pleaded and spoke quite seriously for a fourteen year old, to let you stay. His father had finally agreed and when Renjun found you in that same alleyway he told you all about living with him and his dad. You were grateful for being offered a home but you kept your doubts. They weren’t the first to show you kindness but you weren’t sure if it was genuine. Nonetheless you accepted it because it was better than living on the streets. 
You weren’t given much love or kindness from your mother. She preferred to show you off as if you were an expensive gift. She told people of how she was able to attain the love of Zeus, king of the gods and that she’d given birth to a wonderful baby whose power exceeded other demigods. She was nice outside but cruel at home. She’d blame you for Zeus leaving even though it wasn’t your fault. You clearly knew this when Zeus came to you in a dream at five years old. He knew that you were young but you unfortunately had to grow up quick. Your mother was not going to give you the home you needed and even though Zeus didn’t say that, you were able to understand. It wasn’t your best decision but you preferred living in that dark and cold alleyway then with your unloving mother.
As you got to know Renjun you found out that, albeit being a child, he was both amazingly and terrifyingly smart. Renjun was witty, sarcastic, and brutally honest. But even under all of that, he had a gentle heart. He was a sentimentalist and a hopeless romantic. Renjun had a good grasp on romance at sixteen. He always thought about how great it would be to have a partner who knew what they wanted, could at least kind of keep up an educated conversation, and be strong. So, it was only natural for him to develop feelings for you years after. Your eyes had always entranced him. He always thought them to look like the icy bluish eyes of a husky. At first he thought that it was a peculiar eye color but when you got older he fell in love with them. He thought it was a very attractive trait unique to only you. You always had a stern facial expression but it didn’t scare Renjun away, he wasn’t one to shy away from people. If they could keep up with him then that was all there was to it. If not, they were left behind. 
You weren’t as smart as him but you were curious. He taught you anything from academics all the way to how sports were played. All from a book of course. Only after you read the books did he let you put to practice what you learned. You were able to keep up with Renjun because you listened to him. You listened and only gave opinions or ideas when you thought it was appropriate. Renjun loved that about you. You never got annoyed with him and his educational rambling. Not even when he liked to flaunt how smart he was and how dumb all the kids at his school where. Instead you’d smile and tell him that he wasn’t wrong because the kids at his school were humans. Mostly. But even then there weren’t any other children of Athena. Renjun would have figured that out pretty quick.
Renjun liked to think that he was strong but he had his weakness. You had made it quite obvious that you weren’t interested in dating. At least from what he could tell. Renjun was a child of Athena not Eros. Romance worked a bit differently. It was all on a basis of emotions not science or formulas. Renjun knew he was in love with you when it was his senior year in high school. Renjun was eighteen and you were fourteen. He knew he was a little too old for you but once you’d get out of high school it would have been different. Not that he cared because he didn’t mind waiting for you. You were too mature for your age which was one of the many reasons why Renjun couldn’t stop his feelings from blossoming into something more.
He hadn’t been looking for a fight. The guy at his school, however, loathed Renjun to a point where if Renjun hadn’t been a demigod he would’ve suffered worse. Demigods healed faster than normal people. The guy who picked on Renjun was known for being the king of all bullies. He made fun of everyone and most of all Renjun. Renjun told himself it was because the guy envied him. Renjun had everything. He was extremely smart, handsome, strong, and talented. But he hated fighting and found it to be useless unless he was in serious danger. That being monsters attacking not ill mannered humans with inflated egos and the desire of being on top of the school chain. On a random day that Renjun had been walking to the lunch table where you were sitting at the school bully decided to get in his way. Renjun smiled at cute freshmen you when the school’s bully decided to purposely stick his foot out, causing Renjun’s lunch to go flying all over the floor. Renjun just looked at his school lunch, frustrated that the guy never seemed to stop.
You were about an inch shorter than the school’s bully. So really, swinging at him wasn’t hard. You didn’t know it at the time but you had gone absolutely livid, seeing Renjun on the ground with his glasses threatening to fall off his face. All of that sparked a rage about you that when you had come to your senses all you felt was Renjun pulling you back and hugging you against his chest whispering the words, “Stop it,” over and over. When you looked over his shoulder the bully's nose had been bleeding heavily, his hand was covering his right eye and you noticed a cut on his cheek. You didn’t know what you had done.
You weren’t popular per say but many people knew who you were. Renjun’s only friend that could keep up with that big brain of his. You were very serious and mature for a freshman. Much more than Renjun. Many had tried to approach you but they barely got a few words out when you’d reject them. Soon, people decided to ignore you because you were rude or so they thought. You had enough of people having taken advantage of you when you were a child. Especially from your mother. You weren’t going to let anyone else do the same.
You got in trouble for beating up the guy that tripped Renjun. Renjun’s father didn’t want to punish you but he deemed that it was the only thing he could do. To his surprise, you didn’t fight back with him. Instead you took your punishment properly, apologized and stayed in the confinements of your bedroom. You didn’t apologize to the bully. He got what he deserved. However, you were suspended for a few days but Renjun kept you updated. Renjun told you that you looked really cool, how strongly you fought against a jerk like him. The guy was really angry about the whole situation but he decided against fighting back. His parents would cut his allowance if he got into another fight and money mattered more to him than you. Although Renjun had told you looked cool he didn’t want to see you like that again. It hurt him seeing you full of rage like that. 
At twenty years old, Renjun “fell in love” with another demigod. A child of Ares. It came as a shock to you. You wouldn’t have thought him to be compatible with children of Ares. And you were right to think so. Renjun’s relationship lasted a month before deciding to break up with his partner. He had been one of the kinder children of Ares but nonetheless, he was still violent. You didn’t understand why Renjun had fallen in love with the Ares boy. But then again, Renjun was a complicated puzzle. He’d give you a look that you couldn’t decipher. His gaze would rest upon your eyes for a few seconds longer than normal. What was going through his brain you couldn’t find out. 
Renjun kept trying to date a few times with other demigods. But the heartbreaks kept coming by for a few years. The thing was, it wasn’t because of the break ups. It was because he was in love with you and all he wanted was you as his lover. But he didn’t act upon those feelings.
Renjun couldn’t see that you were in love with him too. But you thought that you didn’t deserve anyone’s kindness. You were too quiet for him. You would get violent with people who harmed Renjun. When you were feeling extremely down you’d push him away. You wouldn’t tell him anything and that only angered him. Couldn’t you see that he wanted to be there for you? That he wanted to support you? But alas you were so invested in your own faults and mistakes to see the helping hand that Renjun had offered you. You didn’t realize that one day that hand would retract, leaving you alone in your misery. 
It was on a really sunny day that Renjun broke. He shattered into a bunch of uneven pieces and you were at the root of it all. It had been just like all your previous arguments but this one had a twisted ending. You felt depressed and sad but you didn’t want to talk about it. Renjun had been going through this cycle with you for a whole week but you didn’t open up to him at all. Then you started saying something about no one loving you and Renjun was so close to just screaming.
“You don’t understand Renjun. You couldn’t. Your father loves you and is there for you. You're handsome and smart. It’s only natural for people to want to be with you. I’m nothing but Zeus’s failure.”
“You’re not a failure. Y/N, you’re a wonderful person. You're smart and strong.” You scoffed.
“Renjun, that’s not true. You’re just trying to be nice. I’m weak. You don’t see it.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“The truth Renjun. Tell me the truth. Why are you even friends with me? I’m terrible and violent. I can’t control my powers. I can’t even look in the mirror because I just see broken pieces. I see nothing special. Why Renjun, have you still stood beside me?” In a flash of fury and despair Renjun let himself go.
“I’m in love with you and you can’t see it because you're so busy torturing yourself and being all depressed! I’ve loved you for so long. I fell in love with the person who felt like the weight of the world rested on their shoulders. I fell in love with the person who would do anything to stay safe and protect those they loved. When I see you I think about how it would be like to be next to you and telling you that you are loved and you’d believe it because I mean it with all of my heart. I want to support you in whatever you are doing because that’s what you do when you’re in love. You're there for the person you love through the good and the bad. I’ve dreamt of the day where I could kiss you and be able to tell you that I love you with the entirety of my heart and you’d know it’s the truth. But you’re so lost in your head about no one respecting  or loving you that you take me for granted.” His voice broke. In all your years of knowing Renjun you had never seen him lose his composure. He always seemed to be well collected. 
But here he was, anger and sadness mixing together in his eyes. Renjun had bottled up all of his emotions and let them run their course. He couldn’t keep living like this no matter how much your shattered expression hurt him. With a lot of strength Renjun said the words you weren’t expecting.
     “I can’t do this anymore.” You looked startled but he didn’t meet your eyes.
“W-what? What do you mean?” Renjun started backing away as the skies started to turn grey. Rain started to fall down slowly at first but then harder as he kept getting farther away from you. He knew that it was your doing but he couldn’t be there for you anymore. He was done destroying himself just to make you smile. Water dripped down from his eyelashes, his tears being easily masked as he looked at you.
"I can’t be your friend anymore. You’re too much for me.” Renjun ignored your pleas of his name. He ignored your helpless state as you let your knees slam onto the pavement and your heart cry out in sorrow.
The rain had not stopped for three consecutive days. Your emotions had been so turbulent to the point where the weather had gone mad. There was heavy rain that made driving in it extremely dangerous and almost impossible. The loud thunder had not stopped and there were frequent lightning strikes all across the country. People started fearing that something even more terrible was yet to come. Massive flooding destroyed homes and the lives of many.
During this time you stayed in the mountains. If Renjun had seen you he would have thought you to be an empty corpse. Your hair was a disheveled mess. Your eyes had looked almost grayish and sunken into your face. Your eye bags were almost close to looking greenish and your lips were dry and purple. Ultimately, your complexion looked terribly ill and you had lost too much weight to be deemed healthy. You stared down below, lifelessly, as the rain and strong currents played around with your soaked white t-shirt. Renjun was the last person you had in your life and he had decided to leave. He no longer wanted to be your friend and it was all because of you.
You couldn’t keep your friends.
You couldn’t keep your family.
They hated you.
Detested you.
You should just end it all.
Those voices didn’t leave your head. You were coming dangerously close to listening to them but before you could take action, you fainted. Your body lay there as it was impaled with harsh rain drops for a few seconds and then suddenly, the rain ceased. You completely blacked out.
You woke up to the sounds of water running. You felt weak but you noticed how bright it was in the room. The storm had stopped, you guessed. Your collapse had everything to do with the storm stopping though. Your power always ceased to influence the weather the moment you blacked. 
You found an air nymph beside you looking at you curiously.
“You have awoken. You should eat and drink to regain strength.”
“Where am I? What is this place?” You hadn’t noticed before but now you did. You found yourself in a sky blue room that seemed to reach to the heavens. It was rather empty with only the soft bed you laid upon, a mirror and a few pedestals that served as designs. You sat up with much struggle, feeling the soft winds in the room. The room didn’t smell sweet but it had a scent that you couldn’t put your finger on. It seemed to cause a nostalgic feeling in your chest but it relaxed you. 
You were brought to a dining room. There on the table had been plenty of food to feed a small village. It ranged from soft foods to heavier ones. There was an assortment of desserts on one side that made your mouth water. The aurae urged you to sit.
When you did the aurae sat right next to you which you found strange. You were still confused.
“You’re really pretty. What’s your name?” you looked at her.
“Y/N. Who are you?”
“I’m the aurae who lives here.”
“Where is here exactly?” you asked.
“In the clouds. My sister and I found you passed out on the mountain while we played. You looked sickly. And your powers were creating such a fuss with the sky. So we took care of you. We do not know what you would like to eat so we found plenty of food for you to eat from.” You wanted to cry after the confusion wore off.
“Why do you look sad? Did I upset you?”
“No! It’s just your very kind to me. I don’t know why.”
“You're a child of the sky. We like to care for them very much. They are the only demigods we can get along with very fine around here. We love our family but we like new friends.”
“I’m only going to cause trouble. I wouldn’t make a good friend.”
“Let us see about that. I will go see my sister now. We will get a bath running for you and then we can talk lots.” The aurae smiled gently towards you.
In all your time of living you never had someone care for you the way they did. You had Renjun but that wasn’t the only type of care you craved. You craved the hand of a loving mother. In no way was the aurae your mother but she provided care and love for you. She was gentle. 
If Renjun had any other power that wasn’t his brain he would have most likely thrown the world into destruction and despair. If he had powers like Zeus or Poseidon and most definitely like Hades, he would have used it for worse. Sadly for him, the best he could do was become an arsonist. He wasn’t sure at the moment what type of single person was able to bring mass destruction with only man made weapons. He would have done this in a fit of rage like Zeus darkens the skies and brings on an onslaught of heavy rain whenever he’s feeling moody. Renjun just wanted to curse and scream and tell the world that life was unfair. It was quite strange how the roles reversed with you but it wasn’t unexpected. Renjun had cared for you like a friend and then loved you like a lover. It tore him apart piece by piece as the days went by without you at his side. He knew he shouldn’t have complained but he had tried to turn his life for the better. You had shared your darkness with Renjun and he wasn’t able to carry any of it on his shoulders. But Renjun was now inhibiting destructive behaviors just as you had. He’d get into fights he’d usually lose. He got sick frequently because he didn’t pay attention to his health as he should have. Like you should have as well. While you were so busy opening up to the aurae who enjoyed your company and made you see things differently, Renjun lived on while hating himself for breathing without you at his side.
He let his thoughts go astray, images of you dying or in pain flooding his nightmares. Maybe you finally went through with it and now he would have to find your body lying somewhere. He hated it all. It had been five months since he last saw you and he wasn’t getting any better. It was almost half a year without you. How did he survive? He didn’t know. Did you survive? He wished you did.
It was terrible of him to leave you in such a reckless and dangerous state. Your heart had been dying slowly and the pain had almost started to become numb. But he should have been there for you. He should have told you that although he loved you, you were worth it. You mattered in this world and he should’ve shown you even harder.
But he left you instead. The storm had stopped days after three days and Renjun almost had a mental breakdown. Were you hurt? Captured? Tired? Numb? Dead? He couldn’t bring himself to really believe that you were dead. It just couldn’t be. Although you were weak, there was something that had to keep you going. If you really wanted to end it you would’ve done so already. Right? At least that’s what Renjun liked to believe. Renjun concluded that he hated everything. Because everything reminded him of you and he didn’t know if he could bare seeing you or never seeing you again.
At first, you didn’t know how to tell time while you were with the aurae. You had been so lost in your head that time was just another insignificance in your life. The aurae were kind to you. They woke you up early in the morning. They had a bath ready for you and when you had changed into comfortable clothing you would head to the little dining room with breakfast ready for you. You didn’t understand why they were nice to you. What did they want in exchange for treating you with such great hospitality?
But after a few weeks you stopped looking for that. Or at least stopped thinking about it. They were so kind to you. They treated you like you were a part of the family. Something that you never came to know. You enjoyed the interactions of being surrounded by other females. When you had gotten more comfortable around them they invited you often to their little get together. They would play Flying Hopscotch, Hide Seek and Float, Air Boating, and many other games. In return, you taught them cool lightning tricks that you had learned over the years but never really used because you didn’t see any meaning to it. They would clap happily and praise you for being talented.
After two months, the aurae that had brought you to their home spoke to you alone. You sat on a fluffy cloud when she came up next to you.
“You seem to be a lot healthier than when I first found you.” 
“Thank you. If it weren’t for your help I most likely wouldn’t be alive.” The aurae glanced at you taking in your sharp features.
“We aurae, are very protective over our own kind. We believe that family is important and that we should stick together. When I first saw you, you were just a little child trying to make it in life. You were trying to find a family and friends. But they were all so cruel to you. We kept watch over you. Hoping that you would be able to find a good path. But we noticed that things had only gone worse for you. But one day, we saw the boy of Athena approach you. He was very gentle with you.” You could barely listen to everything the aurae was saying to you. What was all of this?
“We watched him for a long time trying to see if he would be the one to help you. We realized that his heart was true. He’d always go out of his way to do little things for you. He would try and get money to buy you things to keep you occupied with. He’d teach you how to read and do mathematics. He was kind and didn’t want anything in return. All he seemed to want is for you to be happy. The day that you had gotten worse and was left alone we decided to take you in. We try not to meddle with the life of demigods. It is preferable for them to find their way. But it hurt us to see how much you suffered. Heroes are sometimes not heroes at all even if people consider them to be for whatever so called noble thing they do. People called you a hero even though you probably didn’t feel heroic at all. People saw you to be strong even though you thought you were weak. Child of Zeus, we want to offer you not only our unconditional love and care, we want to offer our help so you could diminish those burdens you carry on your shoulders. We want you to feel free and as light as the winds so you can try and find your happiness.”
The things that the aurae had told you took a lot to process. You didn’t know whether to be angry because they didn’t help sooner or feel grateful that they did their best to watch over you. You kept to yourself for a few days as you tried to figure out where your feelings were in the equation. The aurae did everything just as before. They set up your bath and made you food. They invited you to play but you’d turn them down often. You just wanted to think. 
You thought about it day and night. When you bathed and when you ate. It plagued your mind but you finally decided on something. You missed Renjun. You wanted to be with him. You wanted to know how he was doing. But you didn’t want to go back to being the same person. You wanted to change for the better. You wanted to be a person that you would feel proud of when looking in the mirror. And you wanted to be the person that would make Renjun smile and not have to worry about the burdens you had once carried.
You spoke with the aurae the following morning when you made your decision. She smiled warmly and it almost seemed like she wanted to tear up. But she led you away with a few other aurae and spoke to you about the exercises and other events that you would partake in. It was like being part of a therapy group or session. But it felt more like home than a hospital. Day after day you realized new things, learned how to control your emotions better, and realized that looking into the mirror wasn’t too hard anymore. You were starting to like it and even smiled back at the child that was now reflecting back in the mirror you had once saw a broken soul in.
When you had decided that you felt more like yourself than you ever had you spoke with the aurae about going back home. Your previous home. She asked you many questions wondering if you truly felt like you could face your past. The smile that you had would be forever engraved in the aurae’s memory when thinking about you. The aurae gave you some essentials to take on your way back. 
“Take care of yourself demigod and do not forget that we consider you family. You can come back anytime. Maybe you could bring along the other demigod that you fancy.”
“I will make sure to do so,” you giggled. You became a bit more serious after the joke.
“Thank you. I really appreciate all that you have done for me and I will never stop repaying you for your kindness.” The aurae smiled warmly, like a mother does when looking at her child, and let you go along your way. You looked back one last time and let yourself fall, the wind whistling around you as you controlled the winds and made your way to the place you knew you would find Renjun.
Renjun was the first to take a good and proper look at you. You had already sensed his presence but made no move of acknowledgment. Before you landed near the cliff that you always found comfort in, you made the wind make your landing as soundless as you could. The mountain wasn’t too far above from the field of flowers. You were still able to see Renjun’s face clearly from where you stood. He looked disheveled and you wondered what exactly had happened to Renjun while you were gone. He had a look you knew all too well. It hurt you. You started walking towards the field, knowing that Renjun would see you.
Renjun was lost in his thoughts. He thought he was daydreaming or even hallucinating when he saw a figure that seemed to resemble yours. Could it be? Renjun stood up and watched as  you walked through the flowers. The wind started to pick up in a gentle but strong breeze and Renjun felt a wave of nostalgia hit him as hard as his tears. He remembered feeling the surprise of seeing you for the first time back then when you had been in a bad place. He remembered your stormy eyes clearly and the sickly pale hue that your skin had. Seeing you now, Renjun realized there was no trace of that. There was no reckless power surrounding you. No, your power felt mostly tranquil with a touch of lightning. You seemed to be a different person. One he didn’t know if he could recognize deep down.
You looked so beautiful, the way you made the breeze pass through the field of flowers. The blue sky, the different types of colorful flowers and the gentle breeze made you look alive. Your face no longer looked like that of a person who went through war and came back broken. You had come back and were pieced back together in all the right places. Your smile was the most genuine he had ever seen and he wanted to do nothing more than watch you all day as you looked carefree and happy for once.  
“Hey, DaVinci. How’s this for a painting?”
“Divine.” Renjun muttered. His head felt fuzzy. Or maybe that was his heart. Or was it both? Renjun felt so many feelings surging through his body. He felt light but at the same time there was a suffocating heaviness that clawed its way to his heart. He loved seeing you smile but at the same time it angered him. You set your gaze on him while he stood still on the edge of the small cliff. 
“Should the Prince come to his lover? Or should the lover go to their Prince?” Renjun turned the brightest red you had ever seen taint his cheeks. You thought you saw anger flash through his sorrow filled eyes. He wanted to snap back at you but how would he? You left him almost speechless. Almost.
“I hate you.” Your smile was still there but your eyes were sad. Renjun’s sad expression turned to a pained one. His fists were clenched tightly, his posture seemed tense but you could see how unstable he was really. He looked at you hard as the tears welled up in his eyes again.
“I hate you I hate you I hate you!” His voice echoed out into the sky. 
“Do you mean that?” He hated hearing your voice because he missed you so much. He had been close to the edge just like you but now you were here, pulling him back to safety. Renjun felt a soft wind brush against his cheek and another breeze that ran through his hair. Renjun was beautiful. He was heavenly. The most beautiful demigod you had ever seen. No one could compare to him in your eyes. But Renjun stood on the cliff almost sobbing. He tried to breathe, sniffing quite often, his eyes closing tightly to get rid of the tears, and his lips quivering. He liked to pretend that he was strong. That no demigod or monster, not even a god, could bring down Athena’s most gifted child. Huang Renjun liked to think that he could take on anything. But he was wrong because Huang Renjun could take anything in the world except his heart being broken by you. 
“No,” he whispered. Your eyes were very apologetic. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Then why’d you leave!? Why did you do that to me? I told you what I felt. I told you that I wouldn’t destroy myself over you. But I ended up destroying myself completely without you.”
“Renjun, I came back.” Renjun shook his head, almost in denial, as he let his hands come up and cover his ears. He couldn’t take hearing his name coming from your sultry lips.
“I thought you were dead. I thought you wouldn’t c-come back.” It broke you. Seeing how the mature and strong Renjun you once knew had crumbled into a sad and scared child at your disappearance. You really hadn’t seen to what extent Renjun cared for you. Renjun kept sniffling and rambling about how you left him and how he missed you so much even though he knew he was the one who walked away first. He went on about how scared he was that he would have had to come to the moment where he’d find your lifeless body somewhere.
And you couldn’t take it anymore. It was in an instant that you landed softly in front of Renjun who had already fallen to his knees. You pushed him into your hug and held him closely. He let himself be enveloped in your embrace. You let an arm wrap around his shoulder and let your other hand thread through his hair gently. Renjun’s cries turned into soft whimpers and hiccups after a while. Your eyes started stinging and you realized that your own set of tears were dripping onto Renjun’s hair. 
You looked down at him and noticed how his tears had made a dry outline around his eyelashes. His nose was red and in pain from crying. He stared at you with droopy eyes.
“I missed you.” You smiled softly.
“I’m sorry. It took too long for me to come back. But I’m here now. I’m here and I bring with me pure and brighter love just for you.” Renjun seemed to want to get closer to you as he held onto you tightly.
“I promise.” It took a little while as you let the cold breeze brush against Renjun’s face in a relaxing manner. You always reminded Renjun of autumn. A bright reddish leaf flying blindly and carelessly in the wind. But now, as he let himself stare into your eyes full of life, he thought you to be like a colorful tree in autumn. Touched by the wind and rain but rooted in its place. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too my Prince.” Renjun thought you to be autumn and imagined an autumn sky and cool breeze when you kissed. When your lips parted from his he spoke up again, strength finding its way to his voice.
“Don’t you ever leave again. No matter what.” You laughed.
“Even if you tell me to go away?” He glared at you.
“I don’t care. If I ever say that then it’s bullshit.” You closed your eyes while a smile found its way to your lips.
“How’s the weather Prince Renjun?” He hummed softly.
“Perfectly windy.”
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