#pagan from the caribbean
walkingwiththegods1 · 6 months
Happy Samhain, everyone! And... Happy New Year, to The Wiccans and Witches of The World!
Than we take a moment to remember to those, than went ahead in the road... And we can learn to dominate the darkness in us, by stopping to fear it; remembering than we need it for defend ourselves of any person or being with ill intention; and than the rest of our lives, we always choose to be a force of good and help; for any person than need our peace, our help... And selfless love!
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kuiperoid · 18 days
Dark Grey Matter: Neurodivergence and the Goth Experience
[originally posted here]
Alternative subcultures have existed for nearly as long as human society. Modern examples include the flappers of the 1920s, the beatniks of the 1950s, and the hippies of the 1960s. These alternative subcultures have been defined by music, literature, fashion, and film. For those outside of these subcultures, it may be unclear what would make one wish to exist in a group that is not part of the norm. While there are many factors for each individual, it is clear that neurodivergence plays at least part of a role for many people. For the case study, I will be using the goth scene, being a member myself and because it is both newer and longer lasting than some of the others, being what to subcultures as water is to liquids, if you may. There have already been analyses of specific post-punk musicians and their neurodivergent diagnoses - Gary Numan and David Byrne being autistic, Danny Elfman with his ADHD/OCD combo, and Blixa Bargeld being synesthesic, not to mention speculation about countless others. This is not one of those. The musicians are important, but this is more about the members of the subculture as a whole, whether they produce music or not. This is also not to say that every goth or person in any given alternative subculture is neurodivergent or that every neurodivergent person is involved in an alternative subculture, just an observation on the overlap between the two. 
To start us off, let us focus on what is typically seen as central to the goth subculture: the music. There are currently a myriad of subgenres of goth music: darkwave, deathrock, gothic rock, and ethereal wave, among others. It is sometimes difficult to define goth music as a whole, especially with bands that bleed into non-goth specific post-punk genres, such as shoegaze or industrial and with different terminology being more popular in different regions and eras. A rough definition for all of these subgenres would be a variety of alternative rock music with origins in punk (though some have influence that includes glam rock, synthpop, and even Caribbean-British dub reggae) that typically values minor chords, a heavy bassline that dictates the melody, slower rhythms, mezzo vocals, and artful, often dark lyrics. Why would this genre appeal to neurodivergent people specifically? The initial appeal is the sound. A common comorbidity with autism, ADHD, and other variations of neurodivergence is Auditory Processing Disorder or other differences in sound processing. Those thusly impacted may respond to verbal cues more slowly, be irritated by certain sounds more easily than others, and mishear words more frequently. There are numerous hypotheses to address differences in musical taste and likely multiple contributing factors and differences in audio processing may be one of those factors. While not every instance of APD is exactly the same, it is easy to see how a music genre that focuses on deeper pitches, more pronounced vocal styles, and slower rhythms would aurally appeal to individuals who experience auditory processing differences. 
Aside from the way that the music sounds, there is also great appeal in the lyrical content. Certainly, goth bands touch on a variety of topics, from the historical monologues on the World Wars by Joy Division and the Pagan rites of Inkubus Sukkubus to the scathing diatribes of 1980s conservative politics by Sisters of Mercy and the sexual escapades explored by London After Midnight, just to name a few. Across the diverse set of subjects that these bands cover, there is a consistent return to one recurring theme: being an outsider observing an imperfect world. The experience of feeling like an outsider is certainly one that many neurodivergent individuals can relate to. Many neurodivergent individuals are made to feel like outsiders from a young age, often bullied by their peers for their communication styles and told by family members to behave differently, traits they have difficulty controlling. With differences in communication and internalizing the world, it is difficult to make sense of supposed social rules and forge connections. When one has similar requirements to exist happily as others but difficulty obtaining them due to reasons outside of one’s control, it is easy to recognize the world as a flawed place full of inequality and rewards for shallow traits. There is hope for those whose auditory processing differences do not manifest in alternative music, at least not exclusively. Fortunately for youth of today who still feel like outsiders, be it due to neurodivergence or anything else, but still have more mainstream aural preferences, modern pop artists are less afraid of embracing oddity and touching on feelings of isolation. Some may even serve as bridges for those with a taste for multiple genres as some pop artists have expressed an appreciation for goth artists. One now-former member of One Direction previously cited Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasures as a primary music inspiration, Dua Lipa did a photoshoot that made an homage to Siouxsie Sioux, and Billie Eilish has been seen performing in an Alien Sex Fiend shirt.
Of tertiary importance to the scene compared to music but more obvious to those not involved in the scene is fashion and makeup. The way that neurodivergent people often do not internalize social norms, current trends are often similarly not internalized, so dressing according to any sort of trend is not even considered. That being said, clothes are not necessarily chosen at random either. Something of utmost importance to many neurodivergent individuals when choosing clothes, as with many of their neurotypical counterparts, is comfort. This sometimes manifests in more obvious physical ways, such as removing tags or avoiding certain fabrics. It is easy to see how a scene that values DIY aesthetics would appeal to those with sensory differences; no one can fault one for cutting off a tag when the entire outfit is cut up and put back together with safety pins. However, there are also ways to achieve psychological comfort. Case in point, Blixa Bargeld, founding member of German industrial band Einstürzende Neubauten and arguably founder of the industrial music genre as well as former guitarist of Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, has attributed his preference for wearing all black to to his synesthesia and finding other colors to be too overwhelming. Many black-wearers have made similar statements, with or without a diagnosis of synesthesia or something similar. Neurodivergent people also often find comfort in wearing clothing related to one’s special interest, so band shirts are a common staple, along with outfits that homage musicians, movie characters, or others they admire. There is also the issue of expression. Neurotypical people often have difficulty reading the emotions of their neurodivergent peers due to differences in emotional expression. Clothing and makeup, in addition to highlighting one’s general interests, can also help in making emotional expression more obvious to others. Of later importance, many neurodivergent individuals find that dressing in a way that labels them as a person with certain interests, this can help them attract others of similar interests. Given that many neurodivergent people have difficulty making friends and initiating social interactions, having an easy way to call to others that they are like them is socially beneficial. 
In conclusion, it is clear why there is a connection between these two. Alternative subcultures are a welcoming environment for many who feel like outsiders are neurodivergent individuals are often made into outsiders by default. In addition, the sounds and sights of goth specifically appeal to many of those with specific sensory differences. With such a long, rich history that continues to this day, this subculture is fit to be quite a rewarding special interest. 
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Even if indigenous people were to be mobilized as forced labor—and colonizers tried this on a much larger scale than historians have often appreciated—Europeans would still be needed as soldiers, supervisors, artisans, and so on. In fact, New World colonizers needed Europeans for further purposes: as cheap labor, imported “drudges” who came under the guise of servants. These “white” servants came from a variety of groups—poor children taken from their parents, convicts, defeated Irish rebels, kidnapped youth, and poor people willing to sign contracts as bonded (“indentured”) workers in exchange for food and passage to the Americas. And for the first generation or two of colonization, indentured servants from Europe were the largest source of immigrant labor to the American mainland and the Caribbean. Indeed, by 1650 enslaved Africans still accounted for just one in three migrants to the English Americas. And in some areas, reliance on European servants would last considerably longer. Throughout the eighteenth century, as many as two-thirds of Pennsylvania’s immigrants may have been white indentured laborers. Eric Williams was thus largely right when he asserted, “Unfree labor in the New World was brown, white, black and yellow; Catholic, Protestant and pagan.” But that began to change, and change rapidly, from about 1660. Henceforth, unfree labor in the Americas would be overwhelmingly African.
David McNally, Blood and Money: War, Slavery, Finance, and Empire
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theblissfulstars · 27 days
The historical Spiritualism vs Modern New Ageism
The word “Spiritualist” is thrown around quite frequently on the Internet as a catch-all term for Pagans,Occultists and Folk practitioners. However, the term is not an umbrella term at all, and actually originates from the Spiritualist movement of the 1800s.
The Spiritualist movement is said to have been deeply inspired by the Theologian Emanuel Swedenborg who wrote "The Heavenly Doctrine", after supposedly receiving a vision from Jesus Christ himself, illustrating the nature of the afterlife, and that all good souls live together regardless of Faith. This universalist perspective was widely rejected by the majority of Christendom but gained traction with various groups such as the Quakers and Shakers and created the foundation of radical acceptance that spiritualism would be known for.
The Spiritualist movement can be accredited to the Fox sisters in the mid-late 1840s, a group of sisters who claimed mediumistic abilities who had physical evidence that they could communicate with spirits on the other side. In fact, the day I am writing this, is considered the day Spiritualism really emerged. March 31st 1848 Hydesville New York, the three sisters established a channel with the dead, with a spirit that communicated through “rapping” or tapping on wood rhythmically and systemically.
This religious movement would grow because of the radical foundation of equality, abolitionism, and a feminism so profound, suffragettes even found them intolerable.
Catching the eyes of disenfranchised Quakers early on who felt their church had not done enough in the way of women's rights, abolitionism and genuine community care, many Quakers were smitten with the structure, ideologies and practices of the movement. Women at the time we're not permitted to speak in public, let alone lead a religious service or be spiritual community leaders of any kind, In the spiritualist church, the majority of trance speakers (working class young girls who would do public speaking on various topics possessed by the spirits of the dead), mediums and faith healers were all female.
Along with female spiritual leaders, the worship style of the Spiritualist tradition was loose, and they organized in learning circles known as Lyceums. Some Spiritualists did create active Ministry, with full churches, holidays, and baptisms and you can even find old hymnals from the churches online.
This egalitarian attitude towards women, a genuine and consistent track record with the pursuit of equality in gender relations garnered a poor reputation among the greater population.
Along with its incredibly abolitionist narrative, and an earnest pinning for racial equality and the end of slavery in the US. Spiritualism was one of the first religious institutions in the Americas to seek to make the conditions of Indigenous Americans better. Spiritualists claimed to see native American spirits at their seances who were embittered and distraught with their displacement and the poor treatment of their ancestors. The spiritualist church sought to rectify this.
Characterized by the belief in the ability to communicate with the dead, and radical equality, You can see why the religion did not take off.
The doctrine of spiritualism was formed largely through mediumship and the interrogation of various spirits and entities from the other side as the "ministry of angels" was paramount to its development. Ideas such as reincarnation, faith healing and the ability to see the future became integral aspects of the Religion.
Offshoots of the religion continue to exist to this day particularly through Spiritism or Kardecism, a branch of spiritualism that sought out to reconcile Christian dogma and belief with a spiritualist conception of reality. This form of spiritualism became especially prominent in the Caribbean and Latin America and is known as Espiritismo. Spiritualist doctrine found itself quite amenable to Latin American and Black Diasporic beliefs and was easily folded into religions and beliefs already centered in the veneration of the dead and those who came before.
Spiritualism in layman's terms is a coming home to the plurality of the divine.
Spiritualism was despised by the likes of the Theosophical Society and Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn. Helena Blavatsky in particular, a co-founder of the Theosophical Society disliked it in particular and spoke strongly against the religion.
Interestingly, the modern-day New age movement, while borrowing to a degree from spiritualism regarding especially terms such as Spirit Guide and Spirit Team, takes very little from actual Spiritualist or Spiritist dogma and lends itself more to Theosophy which is about the reappropriation of Eastern philosophy and mysticism through a western lens and New Thought Christianity.
This movement wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the Reformation taking place at the time which is where a schism between the social attitudes of culture and society were at odds with what the church could deliver at the time.
As stated earlier, remnants of the church do remain despite the brevity of practice such as the National Spiritualist Association, International Spiritualist Federation, Spiritualist National Union and Metropolitan Spiritual Churches of Christ.
So I ask again, are you really a Spiritualist?
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misspjsuperior · 3 months
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The splatters from the other page practically begged me to make them into some of Brigid’s freckles.
Brighid/Brig is an ancient Irish goddess associated with fire, among other things, and renowned with many blessings from protection to poetry. The most ancient surviving texts recounting her to this day describe her having two sisters of the same name, Brighid the Smith, associated with metalworks in both weaponry and jewelry, and Brighid the Healer, associated with herbalism and song. This has led to Brighid being hailed as a Triple Goddess in her ancient form. ☘️
Indeed the triplicate of Brigid seems to have transformed along with the Irish diaspora following Catholicism and English oppression. St. Brighid appeared in Ireland under the rule of the Catholic Church, most likely another example of Christianizing pagan figures as seen cross culturally. The Feast of St. Brighid coincides with the ancient Celtic pagan late winter festival of Imbolc on the first of February after all.
Among the African diaspora in the Caribbean, where English colonists sent both enslaved Africans and indentured Irish servants to work sugar and other plantations, revered loa of the Voudun pantheon from West Africa were famously hidden within icons of Catholic saints. It is within this particular tradition that Mama Brigitte is found with her flaming red hair, having been married into the Ghede Spirit family to Baron Samedi, syncretized with St. Brighid. Her feast day varies among Vodouisants from coinciding with Imbolc or All Saints Day, which is also when Dia de los Muertos (as a result of the colonial church) is on November 2nd. Still many acknowledge that Mama Brigette came from Ireland. With this consideration of the origins of Samedi’s bride, their union is representative of the legacy of Irish and African history under European colonial exploitations- we Irish descendants practicing paganism today may do well to remember this manifestation of blessed, vibrant, poetic, protective Brighid’s triplicity in solidarity against the exploitations of empires that go on to this day. ❤️‍🔥
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cremegrll · 3 months
since this anon is a witch, they should know that “black magic” is a racist term which most people use to refer to what they deem “scary” such as hoodoo/traditional African/Carribean/Native/Non European (basically) witchcraft and spirituality. The term this anon should have used is baneful magic, which is curses, hexes, and the like. Wiccans, Neo pagans, and occultists are the ones who believe in the rule of three/threefold law, It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times.
The birth of the religion that came to be known as Wicca is attributed to an English civil servant, author and occultist named Gerald Gardner. Born in 1884. The term was coined to label European tribal folks who did not subscribe to Judaism or Christianity. 
Neopaganism is a revival of ancient pre-Christian spiritual traditions that identifies its roots from northern and western Europe.
The term occultism emerged in 19th-century France, amongst figures such as Antoine Court de Gébelin. It came to be associated with various French esotericgroups connected to Éliphas Lévi and Papus, and in 1875 was introduced into the English language by the esotericist Helena Blavatsky. So… European.
Neither Megan or Nicki are European, and most ethnic non European forms of Caribbean, Creole, and African do not involve the Rule of Three/Threefold Law.
And newsflash, you can be on crack, manic, AND practice witchcraft.
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firelordgrantham · 2 years
The Hierarchy of the Fandoms
So from what I gathered (no hate, it's not about how much I love them but about the number of people in it and when they were created) there is a Hierarchy of Fandoms.
First there are the Primordial Fandoms.
The primordial fandoms are the oldest of all, and were widely known and reknowned, but are now more or less dormant. They have little embers here and there when they are a base to a new series of movie.
The Primordials are the Greek Myths Fandom (still active), the Other Myths Fandom (scandinavian have a bit of activity too, but like a sleeping volcano has activity, roman clings on Greek, egyptian, slavic etc are mostly dead by now but everyone knows at least a bit about them) and the Medieval Legends Fandom (arthurian legend and such, vaguely active here and there but it's mainly embers of new series and movies, not the og medieval legends).
then there are the Elder Fandoms.
they are more fandoms than the primordial ones in fact, because they are knowingly fandoms and not based on an extinct pagan religion. It's the Five Great.
There's the Jane Austen Fandom, the Victor Hugo Fandom, the Victorian Gothic Fandom (and it's lord and commander Dracula, although Frankenstein is well awake these days too), the Tolkien Fandom and the Sherlock Holmes Fandom. But the Sherlock Holmes fandom and the Victorian Gothic, like the Others Myths Fandom, are a bit sleepy because most people are fans of the new adaptations, not the og books.
and then here are the two main categories of Golden Age Fandom:
the Multiverse Fandoms, circling around a whole bunch of different stories (Disney fandom, Dreamworks Fandom, Pixar Fandom, Marvel and DC Comics, etc.)
and the Saga Fandoms, around multi-books or multi-films / multi-seasons stories but all set in the same universe with more or less the same characters (Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Avatar the Last Airbender, etc.)
it should be noted that Star Trek and Doctor Who are technically somewhere in the Golden Age but are also honorary members of the superior circle, being Elder Fandoms but not one of the Five Great.
then we have the Phoenix Fandoms
most of the time they are in deep slumber under the watchful eyes of the nymph Cringia, but sometimes they suddenly get popular and have a renaissance era (Twilight fandom, Divergent, and it's possible Game of Thrones recently entered a time of deep slumber and might, some day, awake again).
and also, since we're in the birds names, the Peacock Fandoms:
fandoms quite popular at their times, had their hour of glory, had a movie maybe, or even several movies, but now it's over, either from their own volition or because no one cares about them (Hunger Games, Labyrinth, GoT if it's not in slumber but in the Sacred Well of Oblivion they fell...)
and we also have the Newborn Fandoms
they are young stories, not teens yet or not much more. They are gaining in popularity but it's too soon to tell if they will ever join one of the superior or medium circles. It's Keeper of the Lost Cities, Downton Abbey, Our Flag Means Death, etc.
finally we have the Iron Fandoms
it's those little fandoms who might be active and all but are not universally (as in tumblr-wise) known and we see some fanart from them from time to times, but they don't have a great cultural importance (ex: Lore Olympus, UnOrdinary and other webtoons, Crown of Feathers, Warriors, the Magic Tree House, Wings of Fire, Charlotte's web, etc.)
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qpoc-culture-is · 2 years
qpoc-culture-is is an account for queer people of colour to share their experiences and overall hang out! 
Start your culture-is asks with "QPOC/Queer POC culture is. . ." or feel free to specify, for example, "Black queer culture is. . .", "POC lesbian culture is. . ." , "QPOC system culture is. . ."
Disclaimer: you must be bodily POC to talk about your experiences as POC, this means headmates in white-bodied systems who have memories of being another race cannot make QPOC culture is asks, as they haven't lived life as QPOC in reality
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We welcome all kinds of people, including but not limited to:
Any good-faith queer identity
White-passing POC
Transracial and transethnic adoptees, they are free to discuss their experiences here too
People with stigmatised disabilities, mental disorders, and neurodivergencies
Systems and plurals of all origins
People who use xenogenders, neopronouns, MOGAI/LIOM labels, and more specific identities
People who are both queer and queern't
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Please do not interact if you are:
Homophobic, transphobic, racist, anything similar
Queer exclusionist, bigot, and/or gatekeeper
Anti-MOGAI, anti-xenogender, anti-neopronoun
Anyone who uses the terms transracial/transethnic to describe identifying as or transitioning to a race they're bodily not, or otherwise in a non-adoptee context
Anyone who isn't bodily POC but 'identifies as' POC
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Inspired primarily by @non-bi-nary-culture-is @xenogender-culture-is @queer-muslim-culture-is @lgbtqcultureis @plural-culture-is and @trans-culture-is , boosts are appreciated from anyone!
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About the Owner
We are @spirimogai, a queer plural system who is biracial (black and white mixed) and a transracial/transethnic adoptee
Names: The Galactic Hemisphere / Eris / Solaris / Cosmos / Crescent Age: 16 Pronouns: they/them and space neos Race: biracial - black (afro-caribbean) + white (welsh) Religion: celtic pagan buddhist
Gender: non-binary, kenic + xenic Sexuality: abrosexual, gay/cinthean, demisexual, hyperromantic Other: twinkby, aldernic, transvestite, drag queen/king/thing Alterhumanity: spiritual and psychological alterhuman
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conjuremanj · 1 year
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Just like the post I did on bells a rattle is not part of traditional hoodoo but if this is the item you feel attracted to I would suggest it.
One thing that every tradition, every culture, and almost every spiritual practice on earth shares in common is the use of the Sacred Rattle. Whether the rattle is a coconut or gourd maraca, filled inside with sacred seeds, or a latticework of glass beads or cowrie shells woven into a net and covering the outside of a dried gourd, such as it is with the Shekere or the cabasa; or a stick with shells, bones or nuts tied to one end.
The rattle in its many forms and shapes is one of three man made musical instruments found in some form in every culture and country. “The others being the drum and fluits.
In many places around the world the rattle always uses by individuals of power, such as a Shaman, witch doctor or Medicine men, conjure men etc. There are times that the Maraca and Sacred Rattles were viewed by Christians as the Devil’s instrument..
The various African and Indigenous earth related spiritual and religious systems within the Americas has and to this day uses its sacred rattle. Haitian Vodou has its Asson, Cuban Santeria uses its Asheke, Dominican 21 Division uses the Tcha Tcha, and Puerto Rican Sanse uses the Amaraca, which is also called the Matraca or simply la Maraca. The Caribbean Taino Bohique and Bohitu “Chamanes / Shamans” as the Shamans in every other culture also treasured their rattle.
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The Maraca (rattle) is an instrument of great power, and similar to that of a European wand, used by wiccans, pagans or other magical systems.
Used for: These rattles are used to communicate with the realm of spirits, and summon deities. They could repel or vanquish unwanted spirits, heal, bless, activate the healing properties of roots, herbs, talismans, amulets, beads and stones. Like the European Wand, the sacred rattle is an extension of the body and works as the pointing finger in which we get our desires, and will pointed and focused outwards from the body. The sacred rattles are emblems that which is used to seek that which is Holy, and it establishes a connecting link between the material world and the spiritual realm. Through the proper use of the rattle, the Shaman could manifest the presence of spirits and deities.
Sound: The Maraca or Sacred Rattle works through sound vibrations, and is always used to concentrate a sacred space, and create protective barriers. In Haitian Vodou the Asson as is the Sanse Amaraca is used to summon the Loa, the Sances or the Messengers in Christianity uses a bell to call down saints, angels etc. While at the same time they can also ward of negative earth bound spirits which often get confused or can not tolerate the sound frequency. It literally acts as a Rattlesnakes rattling. Like the snake its rattling tail lete predators or unwanted energies and vibrations know that you acknowledge their presence.
Cleansing: Along side of herbs, tobacco, blessed waters and salt the sacred rattles are used for cleansing an individuals aura. It helps the practitioners of Shamanism, Sanse and Vodou in opening up blocked energy fields and help in binding or fixing weak or torn layers of the auric layers, which helps in re-establishing energy flow known as Ashe and removing psychic dirt or unwanted energy.
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In Haitian Vodou they have a beautiful and unique sacred rattle which is unique to Haitian Vodou alone called the Asson. The Asson takes three different instruments and combines them into one. The rattle, the shekere and the altar bell.
In Sanse they don't combine the three into one, but use them separately and as I have stated often use them simultaneously.
The use of the sanctus bell is highly used in spiritual masses like Catholicism, lets all those know who have come to attend the event or church. In this case a supernatural event that's taking place before the altar. It is also rung heavily when a medium is about to mount a Loa or Spirit as a protective measure so that no earth bound or malignant force enters.
While the Rattle symbolizes the masculine phallic symbol, the bell represents the joining of both, the joining of the phallic with the yonic or vulvic “womb or vagina” to create life. The tongue or clapper of the bell is often made of two parts and symbolize the male semen and the female clitorus. (Bet you didn't know that) don't judge I read a lot) 😁
The ball part of the rattle can also be viewed as a womb, the sacred circle and earth. ”Present day Church bells derive from ancient Pagan traditions and not the other way around as most would have you believe. The bells are always rung to let those know a ceremony is to begin and when a ceremony is to end.
In traditional magic metal for bells should be iron, brass, or silver, and they are always kept on the house altars and shrines. Bells can be hung near doors on windowsills, outdoors and indoors. As the wind blows on bells and chimes it acts as a repellent for unwanted vibrations. Again sound vibrations very powerful.
Hope you enjoyed this post let me know your thoughts..
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skylarynns-1870 · 9 months
Roll Call: 1870s Adventurer Edition
Josephine "Josie" Doyle, Old West Gunslinger
Player: Skylarynn [Yours Truly] Mark of Handling Human Outlander background Level 7 Gunslinger Fighter
Born on the Western Frontier to an American cowboy and a Mexican senorita, Josie grew up a bit more rough-and-tumble than other young 'ladies' her age. After a monster attack that cost her her eye and her family their lives, leaving Josie irrevocably changed in more ways than one, she finds herself called to battle the eldritch under the guidance of someone - or something - that calls itself Damocles.
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Basil Morgan, Victorian Gentleman Thief
Player: Sage Mark of Finding Human Noble background Level 1 Rogue/Level 7 College of Eloquence Bard
Born in the more refined upper crust of Victorian society, Basil has become a remittance man - a younger son with no hope of inheritance sent away to America and paid a small allowance to stay out of trouble. Basil being Basil, however, tends to walk headlong into trouble anyway, and when he meets a one-eyed lady gunslinger [Josie] haunted by danger at every step, Basil does exactly what his family would forbid and runs headfirst into peril by her side.
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Kojiro Mori, Disgraced Former Samurai
Player: Kai Mark of Sentinel Human Haunted One background Level 9 Samurai Fighter
Raised in the hallowed traditions of the Japanese warrior caste, Kojiro's world is now falling apart as the Meiji reign takes over, making the caste - and Kojiro himself - obsolete relics of an older time. Then, when crossing the Pacific to request aid from samurai descendants in Mexico goes horribly wrong, Kojiro spirals into an existential crisis as he questions the futility of his original quest when something as unstoppable and unforgiving as the Sleeper in the Deep exists.
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Lafayette Chastain, Elderly French Pirate
Player: Lawrence [Sage's dad] Variant Human Sailor background Level 15 Swashbuckler Rogue
Decades ago, Lafayette was a charismatic young privateer at sea in the Caribbean, adventuring with fearless abandon in a world of excitement and opportunity. Now, he spends most of his time in various bars and saloons across America, regaling fellow patrons with embellished tales of his exploits as he seeks one last adventure; a man who has outlived his destiny.
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Dominique Escharra-Romero, Spanish Catholic Priest
Player: Damien Mark of Passage Human Acolyte background Level 6 Celestial Warlock
Charismatic, devout, and ambitious, Dominique was a rising star in the Church of his homeland Spain - which may be why his contemporaries shipped him overseas to serve in Mexico where he was no longer a threat to their careers. Ever-unflappable, Dominique took the transference in stride and immediately began thriving in his new position; though perhaps that has to do with his newfound powers of healing that he ascribes to the divine.
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Izel Maria Torres, Aztec-Descended Druid
Player: Iris Plane Shift[?] Human Courtier background [might be wrong on that one] Level 4 Circle of the Primeval Druid/Level 2 Grave Domain Cleric
Born first a daughter of the people and baptized a daughter of the Lord, Izel is as much a child of the native Nahua of Mexico as she is a child of God. Despite the struggles of living in two very different worlds, Izel has successfully bridged the two cultures in her life, reconciling her 'pagan' attunement to nature and the wild with her faith in Christ under the proud tutelage of Father Dominique.
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Gideon Ross, Union Veteran Sniper
Player: Gavin [Matt's older brother] Plane Shift Human Marine background Level 12 Renegade Fighter
Already a veteran of the Mexican-American War, Gideon was not eager to fight again until his only son Jesse died for his country in a Confederate ambush. Once the war was over and the Confederacy crushed, Gideon migrated westward, roughing it out in the wilderness.
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Boris Starkov, Russian Cossack Deserter
Player: Barry Variant Human Soldier background Level 3 Cavalier Fighter/Level 5 Oath of Devotion Paladin/Level 1 Great Old One Warlock
Boris has always trod the path of the loyal and faithful soldier, but that was shattered when his superiors left his unit to die while they fled. Forever changed, Boris hunts eldritch things wherever he travels, pushed ever onwards by the mysterious Pythia.
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Carmen de Oliveira, Brazilian Escaped Slave
Player: Cameron Variant Human Urchin background Level 7 Way of the Capoerista [Drunken Master] Monk
Life on the Brazilian plantations was arduous, exhausting, and abusive, but Carmen has finally broken away and escaped to freedom. Fleeing bounty hunters and slave catchers alike, Carmen makes her way to Mexico to start anew.
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Alina Reiter, Austrian Noble Refugee
Player: Alison [Cameron's younger sister] Variant Human Courtier background Level 6 Phoenix Soul Sorcerer
Scion of an ancient and powerful family of shadow sorcerers, Alina's potent and blinding magic is unique, to say the least. But now that her brother Aleksander has taken his role as leader of the family, Alina has absconded into the night, knowing that she cannot let her magic remain in their hands.
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triviareads · 9 months
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Another interesting month! I started July strong with my ongoing obsession with Minx by Sophie Lark and delved into some of Sophie's mafia books. I also did a reread of one of my favorite Harlequin Dare series by Lauren Hawkeye which is a modern retelling of Little Women Except They Fuck (Beth's book Playing Dirty, was my favorite). I got to read some new releases like Tracey Livesay's The Duchess Effect (a solid sequel; this book definitely doesn't fall into the trap of adding manufactured drama to drive a wedge between couple that's already together) and Sierra Simone and Julie Murphy's Snow Place Like LA (adorable). I figured out some of my limits when I attempted Anne Rice's The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty and Harley Laroux's Losers Part II. On the other hand, I realized I'm willing to read anything anything Sierra Simone writes as I venture into reading her Thornchapel series. Anyway, here are some standouts this month:
In Which Matilda Halifax Learns the Value of Restraint by Alexandra Vasti
If there is anything that gets you excited about an author's upcoming novel, it's a free novella with a heroine who secretly publishes erotic cartoons and uses the hero as inspiration, unbeknownst to him. Of course Ashford finds out and he's PISSED. So he storms to London to confront Matilda about exactly how she knew about his ass tat and kinky proclivities, and she (somehow) ends up as his sister's art teacher. It had gorgeous chemistry, great banter, and I'd strongly recommend it.
A Caribbean Heiress in Paris by Adriana Herrera
Reading An Island Princess Starts A Scandal last month and loving it is what convinced me to read this prior novel and surprise, I ended up adoring this book as well. I am in awe of Adriana for writing race the way she does in historical romances, as well as feminism in a way that doesn't feel shoehorned, but rather, it feels natural and period-accurate, while still being relatable to a modern audience. And of course, Luz Alana and Evan's chemistry is off the charts; he's a smooth man (and biiiig and hellbent upon reveeeeenge; really, what more do you want?) and she's spirited and determined to carry on her family's rum legacy while also being an innovator in the field. I said this regarding An Island Princess too, but I hope this book will one day be regarded as a classic and set the standard for diversity in historical romances.
A Lesson in Thorns by Sierra Simone
The sole Sierra Simone series I had not read because the deluded part of me was scared of the "gothic" vibes. Anyway I finally decided to buck up and give it a shot this month and I wasn't disappointed in the least. It's classic Sierra Simone (complete with references to her other works; and we know this is set in the same universe as the New Camelot series) which means there's kink, queerness, and a throuple complete with a dom trying his best, a tragic little sub (ok St. Sebastian is a sub and Embry Moore was a switch, but that being said, the pining vibes are STRONG in both of them), and a gal with a masochistic streak and some kinda prophecy attached to her. I enjoyed the witchier aspects in this one (pagan, if you will; my sister and I have a running joke where every time someone on TV or in a book refers to paganism derogatorily, we'll be like IT'S US, but lucky for the Thornchapel gang, they got their rituals okay-ed by a priest so...), and the final ritual sex scene (which ended up being more women-centric than I thought in the best way) and its aftermath (more sex yay).
The Perfect Scandal by Delilah Marvelle
CW: Discussions of self-harm and suicide
@jeanvanjer always comes through with older historical romance recs. Zosia is a Polish countess and amputee who is trying to get married in England ASAP for geopolitical Reasons. Lord Moreland is a politician and stickler for propriety who finds himself propositioned by Zosia through her bedroom window which faces his bedroom (we love a proper man cracking one window kiss at a time). From there, things pick up: there's a great carriage sex scene, they attempt to run away to America, she gets kidnapped by a Russian (a dastardly! blond! Russian! who deserves his own book if there was any justice in the world) and taken away to Russia. If you like your HR with a strong side of political drama and family mystery, I'd absolutely recommend this book.
The Dare by Harley Laroux
The author provides a list of content warnings and kinks in the beginning and I'd strongly recommend reading them
A twist on the popular bully/victim trope; Jessica is a couple years out of high school and attends a Halloween party in her hometown where she runs into the guy she used to bully in high school, Manson Reed (I know). After she loses a dare to him during beer pong, she agrees to be his slave for the rest of the night and from there, shit gets wild real fast, and by wild, I mean a lot of sex, a lot of degradation, and there are clown masks involved... among other things. I couldn't particularly get into the following books, Losers Part I and II, but this novella on its own was great.
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walkingwiththegods1 · 4 months
Happy Yule to all the Pagans, Wiccans and Witches of the World!
Than The Deities and our Ancestors, gives you their energy and joy to celebrates this time; don't allowing than anything or anyone ruin your moment of feel joylly and great, 'cause Yule is a time to be happy with anything you have... And with anyone you truly loves!
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Holidays 5.26
Battle of Pinhincha Day (Ecuador)
Bob Day
Boulder Day (Republic of Molossia)
Carb Day
Crown Prince’s Day (Denmark)
Drool Day
Dzien Matki (a.k.a. Mother's Day; Poland)
Feast of VooDoo Economics
Go Barefoot Around the House Day
Grey Day
Independent Artist Day
Mother’s Day (Poland)
National Death Busters Day
National EMS Recognition Day
National Grey Day
National Paper Airplane Day
National Poppy Day
National Ranboo Day
National Sorry Day (a.k.a. National Day of Healing; Australia)
National Wig Out Day
National Work From Home Day
Oat Grass Day (French Republic)
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day (Hawaii)
Sally Ride Day
Starfleet Remembrance Day (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds)
Windmill Day (Netherlands)
World Dracula Day
World Lindy Hop Day
World Orienteering Day
World Product Day
World Redhead Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
National Cherry Dessert Day
World Sherry Day
4th & Last Friday in May
Ascension Friday (Belgium)
Bermuda Day [Last Friday]
Don't Fry Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
European Neighbours’ Day [Last Friday]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival begins [Last Friday, thru Sunday]
Heat Safety Awareness Day [4th Friday]
National Cooler Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Death Busters Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Heat Awareness Day [Last Friday]
National Polka Festival begins (Ennis, Texas) [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Road Trip Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Wig Out Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
Portland Rose Festival begins (Oregon) Friday in late May; thru June 26]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (Western Australia) [Last Friday]
Trader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Title Track Day [4th Friday]
Independence Days
Erenian Republic (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Georgia (from Russia, 1918)
Guyana (from UK, 1966)
Molossia (f.k.a. the Grand Republic of Vuldstein; Declared; 1977) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Augustine of Canterbury (Anglican Communion and Eastern Orthodox)
August Kopisch (Artology)
Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Doc Owl (Muppetism)
Dorothea Lange (Artology)
Eleuterus, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Valley (Ancient Egypt)
Lambert of Vence (Christian; Saint)
Lemminkainen’s Day (Pagan)
Lenny Bruce Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
St. Monica (Positivist; Saint)
Oduvald (Christian; Saint)
Peter Sanz  (Christian; One of Martyr Saints of China)
Philip Neri (Christian; Saint)
Philippe de Champaigne (Artology)
Quadratus of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Shavuot (Judaism) [6 Sivan] (a.k.a. …
Feast of the Harvest
Feast of Weeks
Festival of Weeks
First-Fruit festival
Wheat Harvest
Thargelia (Birthday Festival of Apollo & Artemis; Ancient Greece)
Totally Random Day (Pastafarian)
World Hunger Day (Pastafarian)
Zachary, Bishop of Vienne (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Absolutely Free, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
American Pie, by Don McLean (Song; 1971)
Avengers Assemble (Animated TV Series; 2013)
Beatlemania! (Broadway Musical Tribute; 1977)
Big Jake (Film; 1971)
Buddy of the Apes (WB LT Cartoon; 1934)
Caspar (Animated Film; 1995)
Dracula, by Bram Stoker (Novel; 1897)
Flying Home, recorded by Lionel Hampton (Song; 1937)
Games People Play, by Eric Berne (Self-Help Book; 1966)
God’s Men, by Pearl S. Buck (Novel; 1951)
Johnny Mnemonic (Film; 1995)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (Animated Film; 2011)
Mad Love (Film; 1995)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (Film; 2017)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, by The Beatles (Album; 1967)
Sourcery, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1988) [Discworld #5]
The Whole Truth and Nothing But, by Hedda Hopper (Memoir; 1963)
X-Men: The Last Stand (Film; 2006)
Yellow Submarine, recorded by The Beatles (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Alwin, Philipp (Austria)
Anamarija, Filip, Zdenko (Croatia)
Filip (Czech Republic)
Beda (Denmark)
Miina, Minna, Valme, Valmi, Vella, Velli, Vilma, Vilme (Estonia)
Miina, Mimmi, Minna, Minni, Vilhelmiina, Vilma (Finland)
Bérenger (France)
Marianne, Philipp (Germany)
Alfaios, Karpos, Sinesios (Greece)
Evelin, Fülöp (Hungary)
Filippo, Pellegrino (Italy)
Eduards, Edvards, Varis (Latvia)
Algimantas, Eduardas, Milvydė, Vilhelmina (Lithuania)
Annbjørg, Annlaug (Norway)
Beda, Filip, Marianna, Paulina, Więcemił, Wilhelmina (Poland)
Carp (România)
Dušan (Slovakia)
Felipe, Mariana (Spain)
Vilhelmina, Vilma (Sweden)
Felipe, Flip, Phil, Philip, Philippa, Phillip (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2024; 219 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 21 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 8 (Jia-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 6 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 25 Bīja; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 13 May 2023
Moon: 42%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 6 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Monica]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 68 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 6 of 32)
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bishimightwing · 1 year
V; Randy Dandy Oh! (Pirate AU)
TW: Themes and/or mentions of violence, torture, blood, gore, rape, alcohol abuse, slavery, and sex/human trafficking are present.
This verse is compatible with fandoms/lores relevant to:
1600-mid 1800s colonial timelines and fantasies based in such
Norse/Celtic / Other pagan mythologies
Any Thor RPers (of Norse mythology and/or Marvel/MCU
any existing pirate themed franchises (Pirates of The Caribbean, Our Flag Means Death, Black Sails)
Assassin's Creed
Marvel Comics 1602 universe
Some canon DC muses that would be great for this AU (some of which I include in Dick's origin for this AU):
Bruce Wayne and any of the Batfam
Ra's al Ghul/League of Assassins/Al Ghul family
Lucius Fox
John Constantine
Madame Xanadu
Poison Ivy
Swamp Thing
Jason Blood/Etrigan the Demon
Aquaman and Mera, any Atlanteans
Diana Prince and other Amazons
Harley Quinn
Clark Kent
Lois Lane
Oliver Queen
Jim Gordon
Lex Luthor
Falcone/other Gotham/DC based crime families and syndicates
Synopsis: Between the middle ages and early industrial eras of human history, piracy was the most revolutionary business to save souls from the clutches of slavery, taxing economies, and oppressive kingdom structures. The last bastion of hope for those who would have nothing left to fend for themselves. Such was the business carried on by generations of the Grayson bloodline, circa 1300s A.D. Europe. Richard John "Dicky" Grayson grew up an aspiring aerialist, as opposed to being optimistic about the chance to see the seven seas from aboard a water vessel. He read stories of the greats: Sir Francis, Blackbeard, and even some tragic lores like that of Davey Jones (which he thought to be nothing more than fantasy). Outside of these romantic fantasies, he, as well as his illegitimately married parents, John and Mary, lived their entire lives in a gang of outcasts, led by one Sir Haly; a once respectable socialite praised by the British Army and the elites which they served, whose tastes for the unusual, unexplained, and otherworldly things did not sit well with the King, who sought to make Gotham prime territory for the beginning of western colonial expansion.
For you see, Sir Haly's Circus practiced, unlawfully, as a safe haven for runaway slaves and indigenous folk seeking refuge. Haly was cast out by a supposed polite society, but knew if he could turn a sense of profit out of making refugees into showmen, he'd have enough shilling for eventual provisions of equity for those to whom he gave asylum. Not to mention, pirates would also be looking to him for resources, albeit, humans to traffic. Dicky didn't take well to certain aspects of this culture. So he got wise one day, taking a heavy sack of loot from his family's ring leader while he slept, and by morning one fateful spring day, he bribed a sailor for his ship.
Thus, The Nightwing's first voyage began. He woke up the whole circus of urchins, commanding them to haul ammunition, liquor, food, herbs, cutlery, and even a risky theft of local guard armory cannons and firearms onto the boat. The Graysons were the most worrisome about Dicky's plans, alongside Sir Haly of The Narrows, to whom Dicky would bestow first mate responsibility. The three were of the last standing in concern and trivial thought over the matter before a unit of Royal Navy opened fire in the public, John and Mary hopelessly in the crossfire. Haly had been fatally shot in a calf, limping on his way aboard the vessel. Dick had no choice but to flee, in spite of the tears raining over his cheeks in a look of absolute uncertainty. This was not what he had hoped for.
The Haly's crew set a course for Blüdhaven, a town of natives and refugees alike, not yet eyed for conquest by the Navy, where they might find the means for an expansion of the crew, as well as safe passage within the rivers of the Americas, most of which had been taken over by the British Navy. The crew would rest, recuperate, and hope to set sail for plunder beyond the colonized territories that were vastly becoming the last places their kind would be in before dying. But if the Royal Navy wants to stand in the way, then the blood of the King's men shall be the price to pay, for Dicky's loss, as well as for the suffering his Haly's family went through.
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dbs-superleggera · 2 months
Angels Ballard (ABAC)
Heath Ledger with Angel Wings
Shango is a God who was a King
Billionaire Boys Club Reality
Congratulations you are looking at Criminal Anarchy
I am from The Caribbean Life
Make sure to bring your wife
Narcos Era brought the Flava
Pablo Escobar will Live Foreva
100 miles per hour changed your lives
Make sure to get my money this is Croupier with Clive
Money's coming in all I do is win win win
Mo money mo problems is a lie we are chasing Bags like we are blowing in the Wind
Heath Ledger with Angel Wings
Shango is a God who was a King
Billionaire Boys Club Reality
Congratulations you are looking at Criminal Anarchy
I am from The Caribbean Life
Make sure to bring your wife
Me and you do not make love we 50 Shades of Grey
Vibrators and Cuffs for this pussy I Pray
No fucks givin Ballin in The Mediterranean Sea
Every girl knows you are the only girl I see
Engine Roaring Sunsets with Mile High Club
You are looking at Simba you are welcome for the Lion Cub
Trap Shakespeare Midsummer Night's Dream
Thank you for the Narcotic Dreams
Halo Ballard (ABAC)
Wine, Passion, and Ecstasy when you are with me for life
You know I was down bad you gave me another chance at life
I want to see you in your Birthday Suit and have a slice of your Birthday Cake
Streets are snitching I raised the Murder Rate
All Black Track Suit Dress Code with White Fazos (Air Force 1)
After our marriage I represent the Rio Peso
From $16 Million Heist against the New York Yankees in Montréal
When we are in the Club we are the loudest in the Bathroom Stalls
Wine, Passion, and Ecstasy when you are with me for life
You know I was down bad you gave me another chance at life
I want to see you in your Birthday Suit and have a slice of your Birthday Cake
Streets are snitching I raised the Murder Rate
Autumn walks in any Country you want
Grand Theft Auto Vice City gave me my favorite font
Flowers for reason BDSM is in Season
Feliz Navidad to get off the naughty list you are my only reason
Ignoring you was the right decision
You beauty trapped me in a Prison
When you turn my Wings back to White
Passionate Sex we will never fight
Church Boys (ABAC)
My First Midnight Mass became my Last;
When you walk by all I say God Damn why didn't we have class;
A Pastor's Daughter showed me Prison Break;
Your dad looks at me like a animal eating Steak;
I want to incharge of the Choir;
Dirty Dancing with you is one of my Desires;
Fashion Trends at 17 I wasn't even an Adult;
Everybody knows we are Pagans Chicken Sacrifice Bae we are Occult;
Lavender scented baths with Lobster Candle Lit Dinners;
Everybody knows I eat you after dinner;
Mr. and Mrs. Smith in High School I thought you were the biggest Bitch;
Now that you are with me you need to allow me to be Rich;
My First Midnight Mass became my Last;
When you walk be all I say God Damn why didn't we have class;
A Pastor's Daughter showed me Prison Break;
Your dad looks at me like a animal eating Steak;
I want to incharge of the Choir;
Dirty Dancing with you is one of my Desires;
Yacht Club is what I invision;
Everybody knows you like guys who go to prison;
When we are in the Jacuzzi Champagne is being Popped;
I will never play Football for Team Canada its a waste of time;
I stopped playing at 13 that is why I am worth $100 Million they pay for Fine Wine;
Référence Tracks.
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 2.12
Borrowed Days begin (until 14th; Scotland)
Bra Day (Japan)
Common Knotgrass Day (French Republic)
Commonwealth Day (Gibraltar)
Darwin Day
Establishment Day (Michigan State University)
Flip Flop Day [also 3rd Friday in June]
Gamma Day (Illinois)
Georgia Day (US)
Hug Day
Immanuel Kant Remembrance Day
International Darwin Day
International Day Against the Use of Child Soldiers
International Day of the Prevention of Violent Extremism As & When Conducive to Terrorism
International Day of Women’s Health
Janet Jackson Appreciation Day
Lady Jane Grey’s Ghost Appearance Day
Lincoln's Birthday
Lost Penny Day
Love a Mensch Day
Memorial Day of 1990 Dushanbe Riots (Tajikistan)
Moresdag (Mother’s Day; Norway)
Nancy Hanks Lincoln Memorial Day (Booneville, Indiana)
National Braydon Day
National Freedom to Marry Day
National Hump for a Day, Day
National Productivity Day (India)
National Women’s Day (Pakistan)
Oglethorpe Day (a.k.a. Georgia Day; US)
Paul Bunyan Day (Bangor, Maine) [also 8.10]
Peanut’s Remembrance Day
Pick A New Love Song Day
Red Hand Day (UN)
Rhapsody in Blue Day
Robinson Crusoe Rescue Day
Safety Pup Day
Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day (Canada)
Union Day (Burma/Myanmar)
World Cholangiocarcinoma Day
Youth Day (Venezuela)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Hot Tea Day
National Biscotti Day
National P.B. & J. Day
Plum Pudding Day
2nd Monday in February
Clean Out Your Computer Day [2nd Monday]
Evolution Sunday [Sunday closest to 2.12]
Family Day (British Columbia, Canada) [2nd Monday]
Go Green Week begins (UK) [2nd Monday]
International Epilepsy Day [2nd Monday]
Love May Make the World Go ‘Round, But Laughter Keeps Us From Getting Dizzy Week begins [2nd Monday]
Meal Monday [2nd Monday]
Meat-Free Monday (UK) [Monday of Go Green Week]
National African American Parent Involvement Day [2nd Monday]
Oatmeal Monday (Scotland) [2nd Monday]
St. Ives’ Hurling of the Silver Ball (Cornwall, UK) [Monday after Feast Day]
Shrove Monday [Monday before Ash Wednesday] (a.k.a. ... 
Bolludagur (Bun Day; Iceland)
Carnival Monday [Monday before Ash Wednesday (a.k.a. …
Carnival / Carnaval (Caribbean and South America)
Carnaval (Bolivia, Ecuador, Uruguay, Venezuela)
Carnival (Andorra, Brazil)
Carnival Holiday (Angola, Curacao)
Carnival Monday (Aruba, Dominica, Panama, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin, Trinidad and Tobago)
Carriacou and Petite Martinique (Grenada)
Clean Monday
Collop Monday
Fasching (Austria, Germany, Switzerland)
Fastelavn (Denmark)
Fat Monday
Hall Monday
Jour Chômé d’Usage (French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique)
Jour Férié d’Usage (Luxembourg)
J’ouvert (Trinidad and Tobago)
Lundi Gras (Haiti)
Lunes de Carnaval (Argentina)
Luni Gras
Merry Monday
National Cream Puff Day
Old Mask Parade (Aruba)
Paisen Monday
Peasen Monday
Rose Monday
Rosenmontag (Germany)
Shrovetide (Day 2 of 3)
Super Bowl Monday [Monday after Super Bowl] (a.k.a. ... 
National Football Hangover Day
National Hangover Awareness Day
National Poop Day
Sick of Food Waste Day
Super Monday
Independence & Related Days
The Baillium Empire (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Chile (Declared from Spain, 1818)
Sexistan (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
New Year's Celebration, Day 3  [Lunar Calendar] (a.k.a. …
Chinese New Year Holiday, Day 2 (Bhutan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan)
Third Day of the lunar New Year (Hong Kong, Macau)
Tet Holiday continues (Vietnam)
Tsagaan Sar (Mongolia)
Festivals Beginning February 12, 2024
Carnival of Dominica (Roseau, Domenica) [thru 2.13]
Catersource (Austin, Texas) [thru 2.15]
Haitian Carnival (Port-au-Prince, Haiti9 [thru 2.14]
Uruguay Carnival (Uruguay)
Feast Days
Aesop (Positivist; Saint)
Anthony Cauleas, Patriarch of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Ariadne’s Labyrinth Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Benedict of Aniane (Christian; Saint)
Bruno (Muppetism)
Choes Day (Day of the Cups; Ancient Greece)
Damian of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Darwin Day (Pastafarian)
Diana’s Day (Ancient Rome)
Diana’s Day — Protection of Wildlife (Pagan)
Ethelwald of Lindisfarne (Christian; Saint)
Eulalia (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Seven Founders of the Service Order
Feast of the Three Saints — Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian (Orthodox Christian)
Festival of Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt; Ancient Greece)
Festival of Pitooyage (God of gaming & chance; Oaxaca, Mexico)
High Confiscation of Property (Church of the SubGenius)
Judy Blume (Writerism)
Julian the Hospitaller (Christian; Saint) [travelers, innkeepers & circus performers]
Ludan (Christian; Saint)
Marina (Christian; Virgin)
Martyrs of Abitinae (Christian; Martyrs)
Max Beckman (Artology)
Meletius, Patriarch of Antioch (Christian; Saint)
Sacrifice to Dionysos (Ancient Greece)
Storm-Days begin (Celtic Book of Days)
Tales of Kelp-Koli (Shamanism)
Thomas Moran (Artology)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 43 [14 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [11 of 57]
All in Fever Say Aye or The Emotion is Carried (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 204; 1963)
Animals, by Pink Floyd (Album; 1977)
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, by Richard Hofstadter (Non-Fiction Book; 1963)
Austrian Hymn, by Franz Haydn (Hymn; 1797)
Beanstalk Bunny (WB MM Cartoon; 1955)
Blast from the Past (Film; 1999)
Blow-Up and Other Stories, by Julio Cortázar (Short Stories; 1968)
The Blue Umbrella (Animated Pixar Short; 2013)
Boomerang Bowler or Boris Makes a Comeback (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 203; 1963)
Centennial, by James A. Michener (Historical Novel; 1974)
Deadpool (Film; 2016)
English Settlement, by XTC (Album; 1982)
Groundhog Day (Film; 1993)
Hop On Pop, by Dr. Seuss (Children’s Book; 1963)
The International (Film; 2009)
I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm, by Dick Powell and Alice Faye (Song; 1937)
Life Is Beautiful (Film; 1999)
The Map of Tiny Perfect Things (Film; 2021)
More Than You Know, recorded by Mildred Bailey (Song; 1942)
Moving Pictures, by Rush (Album; 1981)
On Golden Pond (Film; 1982)
On the Avenue (Film; 1937)
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (Film; 2010)
Pink Pest Control (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1969)
Pluto’s Housewarming (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Rear Window, by Cornell Woolrich (Short Story f.k.a. It Had To Be Murder; 1942)
Rhapsody in Blue, by George Gershwin (Musical Composition; 1924)
Rhythm Lullaby and Bubbling Over, by Earl Hines & His Orchestra (Songs; 1935)
Robocop (Film; 2014)
Run to the Hills, by Iron Maiden (Song; 1982)
School Daze (Film; 1988)
The Shot Heard Round the World or The First National Bang (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 98; 1961)
Sign of the Unicorn, by Roger Zelazny (Novel; 1975) [The Chronicles of Amber, #3]
The Space Rat or Of Mice and Menace (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 97; 1961)
The Squaw Man (Film; 1914) [1st Film made in Hollywood]
Strictly Ballroom (Film; 1993)
Untamed Heart (Film; 1993)
We Give Pink Stamps (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1965)
Zoolander 2 (Film; 2016)
Today’s Name Days
Benedikt, Eulalia, Gregor (Austria)
Zvonimir, Zvonko (Croatia)
Slavěna (Czech Republic)
Eulalia (Denmark)
Alma, Alme, Elma, Elme, Elmi (Estonia)
Elma, Elmi (Finland)
Félix (France)
Benedikt, Eulalia (Germany)
Meletios, Meletis, Plotinos (Greece)
Lídia, Lívia (Hungary)
Alessio, Eulalia, Pilerio (Italy)
Karlīna, Karline, Līna (Latvia)
Benediktas, Deimantė, Eulalija, Mantminas (Lithuania)
Randi, Randulf, Ronja (Norway)
Aleksy, Benedykt, Eulalia, Julian, Laurenty, Modest, Nora, Radzim, Trzebisława (Poland)
Meletie (Romania)
Perla (Slovakia)
Eulalia (Spain)
Evelina, Evy (Sweden)
Ulas (Ukraine)
Abra, Abraham, Abram, Bram, Darwin, Ibrahim (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 43 of 2024; 323 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 7 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 3 (Bing-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 3 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 2 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 13 Grey; Sixday [13 of 30]
Julian: 30 January 2024
Moon: 11%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 15 Homer (2nd Month) [Aesop)
Runic Half Month: Sigel (Sun) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 54 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 22 of 28)
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