#poker players
sunbrilo · 1 year
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rachhoyt · 17 days
World Series of Poker Season
Once upon a time, the World Series of Poker was a single day event. Now, it’s a series of poker tournaments that draw enough poker players to Las Vegas to create a busy season for the entire town. From the last week in May to the middle of July, all the best poker rooms are filled to the brim most hours of the day… and dreams are made and broken with nearly every shuffle and deal. Although the…
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top-apps · 11 months
Mastering the Cards: Tips for New Players Starting with Online Poker Games
Online poker has gained tremendous popularity, allowing players to enjoy the thrill of the game from the comfort of their own homes. Whether you're a complete beginner or transitioning from live poker to the online realm, this blog will provide you with valuable tips to enhance your online poker experience and improve your chances of success.
Start with Low Stakes: 
As a new player, it's essential to ease into online poker by starting with low-stakes games. This allows you to become familiar with the dynamics of online play without risking significant amounts of money. Take your time to understand the virtual environment, learn the software, and gain confidence in your abilities before moving up to higher stakes games.
Learn the Rules and Strategies: 
Before diving into online poker games, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the rules and basic strategies. Familiarize yourself with hand rankings, different poker variations, and the fundamentals of bankroll management. Explore reputable online resources, poker forums, and video tutorials to deepen your knowledge and improve your decision-making skills.
Practice Bankroll Management: 
Bankroll management is a crucial aspect of online poker. Set a budget for your poker activities and stick to it. Avoid the temptation to chase losses or play at stakes beyond your bankroll's capabilities. A conservative approach to bankroll management will help you weather the ups and downs of the game and ensure that you have sufficient funds to continue playing.
Choose the Right Online Poker Site: 
Selecting a reputable online poker site is vital for a positive gaming experience. Research and compare different platforms based on factors such as player traffic, software reliability, security measures, game variety, and bonus offerings. Opt for sites that are licensed, regulated, and have a strong reputation in the online poker community.
Start with a Single Table: 
When starting out, focus on playing a single table at a time. Multi-tabling can be overwhelming for new players, as it requires split attention and the ability to make quick decisions. By playing one table, you can concentrate on developing your skills, observing opponents' tendencies, and understanding the dynamics of online play.
Utilize Poker Tracking Software: 
Poker tracking software can provide valuable insights into your gameplay and help you make more informed decisions. These tools track your hand histories, analyze your performance, and offer statistics on your opponents. By reviewing your hands and studying the data, you can identify areas for improvement and adjust your strategies accordingly.
Practice Patience and Discipline: 
Patience and discipline are key virtues in online poker. Avoid the temptation to play too many hands or engage in reckless betting. Wait for premium starting hands and seize opportunities when the odds are in your favor. Remember, poker is a game of skill and long-term profitability, so focus on making well-thought-out decisions rather than chasing quick wins.
Study Your Opponents: 
Pay close attention to your opponents' playing styles, tendencies, and patterns. Online poker provides valuable tools such as player notes and hand histories that can help you build profiles of your opponents. Look for opportunities to exploit their weaknesses and adjust your strategies accordingly.
Continuously Improve Your Skills:
Poker is a never-ending learning process. Dedicate time to study the game, review hand histories, watch training videos, and participate in poker forums to gain insights from experienced players. Seek feedback and learn from your mistakes. The more you invest in improving your skills, the better your results will be.
Embarking on your online poker journey can be both thrilling and challenging. By following these tips and strategies, you can enhance your chances of success and enjoy a rewarding experience. Remember to start with low stakes, learn the rules and strategies, practice sound bankroll management, choose a reputable site, and continuously work on improving your skills. With dedication, practice, and a calculated approach, you can become a formidable online poker player. Good luck at the virtual tables!
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crplpunkklavier · 2 years
only just realized that phoenix during the steel samurai case says that the three-day trial system was introduced about two years ago, which means that when phoenix started law school it was still under the previous, presumably less insane-paced, system, and then they changed it on him last minute when he passed the bar. can you fucking imagine. no wonder hes like that
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nadsdraws · 9 months
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God does not play dice with the universe... but Metatron does
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rollingsim · 6 months
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the plans changed
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thesunshinydays · 27 days
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i love balatro if i told a professional poker player what i was going to play out of this hand theyd take me out back and shoot me
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bridgertonbabe · 2 months
I want Benedict to discover his Baby sister playing in a High Stakes poker game.
He cannot tear her away.
She's winning
Realising she's besting some of the best poker players in the Ton, Benedict merely ups the stakes and sits back and watches his baby sister thrash all of her opponents and reaps the benefits of the slice of betting he backed her with.
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dozydawn · 2 years
the best poker player quirk is having a good luck charm/mascot on the table...
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also a fan of card protectors... not necessarily for luck but just to keep the dealer from accidentally mucking their hand
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sunbrilo · 1 year
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rachhoyt · 24 days
The Write Way to Learn Poker
Note: This post contains affiliate links to books I created. As an affiliate, I earn additional monies from qualified purchases. Thank you for your support. I believe one of the positive guarantees we have in life is that the more you learn, the more you earn because (at the very least) you have gained knowledge if not wisdom. I created the video below to give you a quick overview of the…
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higherentity · 9 months
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spittleonhisbib · 3 months
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my inspo for this year … and for the years to come
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itsamenickname · 1 year
So recently I've been seeing a lot of posts that mention Luigi being an amazing poker player (which makes sense because I remember and have played all those Luigi poker mini-games on the DS as a kid), but one idea I don't think anyone has touched on yet (at least not from what I've seen) is the cute idea of Luigi teaching Bowser how to play poker and how to keep a straight face whenever things go or don't go in the Koopa King's favor.
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justaboutsnapped · 10 months
idk man i think a brocedes professional poker player au would be 1) really funny and 2) batshit insane. also a Big Money Sport. the stakes are crazy high. and it's alllllllll about mind games (literal poker faces!!!).
Nico is a known poker player (and is supposedly quite good)! Lewis played an online high rollers event. There's also this interview:
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I know next to nothing about poker but think about it. The exorbitant amounts of money being thrown around. Rich people parties (poker player Nico's natural habitat). possible alcoholism. definite mental illness. idk about lewis but for nico i'm picturing him still being the champion's son but he's girlfailing his way through life (lowkey inspired by the excellent street racing cokehead nico AU) but it's okay because he's winning so much money!!! right??. the brocedes dynamic is gonna be so fucking scrumptious. poker is an every man for himself situation so it'll be intriguing to figure out a way to translate the teammate dynamic.
this is technically unrelated to brocedes but this video essay I saw last year (thanks Pandi <3) is basically all I know about poker and it's genuinely so so scary and insane (half an hour of watching grown men break down and have the worst time of their lives) and makes me think really normal brocedes thoughts. Thinking about the quotes "they play the best poker they can and poker does. not. care. about any of them", and "[he] refused to acknowledge the odds and the odds disappeared"...
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