#pleaseeeee don’t do them dirty
chaosbeetlefrontiers · 10 months
Intergang: how MAWS can tap into its potential
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We’re halfway through My Adventures With Superman and I love this show a lot so far. It’s easily one of my favorite Superman adaptations and I love talking about it with my friends every week. The characters are all charming and understandable, I find the story very interesting so far, its animation is mostly solid and is carried by an art style I absolutely love, I can recommend it to just about anyone.
I will say though, one thing that kinda frustrates me about the show currently is how centered discussion is on Clark and Lois. And I get it, they’re the two main characters of the mythos as well as the show and they’re both very cute and very good characters. That being said, I feel like the other characters deserve their time to shine. Jimmy is my favorite character in the show so far and he’s (ironically) been pretty shafted in terms of discussion. The villains get it the worst though. Imma be honest, even if I can see the complaints for the villains all currently being tech based (even though that’s in favor of the story), it’s the writing on a fundamental level that I’m concerned about. And yes, I think that MAWS handles its villains far better than STAS. While STAS’s villains are very inconsistent, MAWS’s villains are all in the same ballpark in terms of writing and each and every single one of them deserves exploration. And I wanna talk about the villains that I think have the most potential: Intergang.
So let’s get stuff cleared up first since the episode keeps it vague and as such most people and the wikis don’t take this into account.
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Silver Banshee is Siobhan McDougal, that’s pretty clear in the episode. Mist in the episode is simply addressed to as Kyle, and a lot assume it’s Nimbus even though the episode never really states that, nor do the credits. However, he refers to Siobhan as his sister more than once, which Albert doesn’t do. And if we look at this promotional material, the article addresses Mist as Kyle McDougal. In MAWS, Siobhan and Kyle are biological siblings. Rough House isn’t biologically related to the two, rather a very good friend. This is another thing the episode doesn’t state but in MAWS, Rough House is Albert Donovan which references how Rough House is a clone working for Intergang in the comics and Dr. Dabney Donovan is a Superman rogue also from the comics who specializes in cloning. In fact, he made Rough House in the comics. So this lays out the dynamic of the group that a lot of people seem to miss: Siobhan and Kyle are biological siblings, Albert is found family. Pretty small potatoes compared to everyone else admittedly. Onto the main point: Intergang have the best dynamic out of any of the villains in the series so far.
I feel like the best way to put it is that Siobhan, Kyle and Albert sorta mirror Lois, Clark and Jimmy in a way. Given a lot of the drama in the later episodes, Intergang acts a reflection of the intern trio: not taken seriously and barely given opportunity to rise up. Main difference is that Intergang has been doing their schtick for a lot longer, and thus their bond is a lot closer. Let’s start with Siobhan:
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Siobhan acts as in a leader role not too far off from Lois. Siobhan genuinely cares for both Kyle and Albert but serves as the middle ground for Kyle and Albert’s back and forths instead. She also contrasts well with Livewire from the last episode, as Siobhan is constantly positive with the trio and searches for an opportunity to grab respect. She’s also leans harder into the leadership role than Lois does. Kyle and Albert follow her a lot more than Jimmy and Clark follow Lois (which may also have to do with their different positions) and she doesn’t exclude them from the dynamic because they all have the same end goal. Heck, Kyle and Albert burst into Stryker’s just to free Siobhan. Also, Siobhan in general just has a lot of that same energy that makes Lois so fun, just with some more punkishness to her and her respect for the people she loves is probably above her pursuit for respect itself.
And next up we have Kyle:
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This may surprise you but I think Kyle mirrors Clark the most for a few reasons. The biggest of which being caution. Siobhan and Albert share a LOT of the same energy together and Kyle basically acts as the straight man to their more active attitudes. Kyle acts pretty secretively compared to the other two with a big desire to hide their real names and is really critical of Albert especially. Their back and forths are basically that small crack in the trio as Kyle’s tolerance for the slip ups is not very high at all. It’s clear that he works with Albert for Siobhan’s sake but even then their first appearance shows that they’re willing to put aside a lot for the end goal and the trio functions well because of that. I’ve seen people push him aside and him getting cut from the opening does make me a little scared for the future but either way I love Kyle. He helps balance out the trio a lot and he’s very entertaining in general.
And finally, we have Albert:
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I definitely see Albert as the Jimmy of the group for… a lot of reasons actually. Rough House is the most consistently enthusiastic in the group, he’s a bit of a goofball, he can come off as frustrating to Kyle especially (while Lois and Clark more so see Jimmy as more of an oddball), and Kyle and Siobhan already have a connection that Albert’s not in, this time being the biological kind. The big difference? Albert is consistently included in the group. He’s clearly Siobhan’s best friend and Kyle brings him along to free Siobhan even while being frustrated with him. It actually makes sense to me that people refer to both Kyle and Albert as Siobhan’s brothers since yeah, Albert’s basically family to them.
Now, Intergang’s only got one episode so far and Superman’s villains are notorious for being underutilized. Whether it be Parasite, Livewire, Toyman or even Silver Banshee, they could always have room for more expansion. My hope is that MAWS will actually expand on its villains this time so how do I think Intergang can be expanded on?
First idea: contrast them with other villains. Livewire and Heat Wave both have gangs much bigger than the trio but Leslie puts her gang down and Heat Wave’s gang ditches her. Intergang functions much better as a unit even if Livewire and Heat Wave have more experience. Plus, compared to those two we haven’t gotten any glimpses on their reactions to Task Force X, mainly because they were the first ones captured after Livewire. Maybe make the trio more interested in what Waller offers compared to the other criminals. Or at least write it in a way where Task Force X, whether they oblige or resist, are their rise to fame.
Second idea: include Jimmy. I love Jimmy’s relationship with Siobhan in the Williamson run. Do I think it can work here? Absolutely! Both of them bring their respective trios together and their personalities would compliment each other well. I see it as with Clark and Lois dealing with relationship stuff, Jimmy ends up forming one with Siobhan and as a result is welcomed into the trio as a friend. Kyle would be suspicious but at the end of the day he just wants what’s best for his sister.
Third idea: SUPERPOWERS!!! Kyle and Albert I think work fine with just their tech but Siobhan’s definitely the odd one out. I feel like a storyline involving her gaining them would be really interesting, especially since we have seen what it would be like is Siobhan didn’t have control over what she ended up being capable of. Plus it could give more of Kyle and Albert working together for Siobhan and I’d be down to see more of that. Or Siobhan going solo for Kyle and Albert’s safety. Or Mist getting powers and Jimmy trying to help him out and both of them gain mutual respect, the possibilities are endless!
I’ll reblog and update this whenever we get more significant appearances from the trio, I feel like it’s pretty guaranteed we’ll see them again before season 1 ends. I made this because I love this trio, I feel like I’m the only one who cares about them and I feel like I’m the only one who’ll care if the show somehow manages to screw their dynamic up. Either way, I’m holding out hope and I also hope this little study got you more interested in the trio. Whether its fanart, fanfics, edits, what have you, show your love for MAWS Intergang if you can! I know I will.
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pandoraslxna · 5 months
Luna love PLEASEEEEE HEAR ME OUT‼️ Dilf!Jake getting mad at human!reader when he catches her on her room in the science lab using toys instead of him (that are not even close to his length btw), and fucking her dumb. Like fucking some senses to her, with degradation kink pretty please?
Pent up and stressed out
Jake Sully x female human reader
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Words: 3.7k
Summary: Jake knows just the way to help you relief some of that pent up frustration.
Warnings: explicit smut, use of toys, caught masturbating, age difference, size difference, p in v, oral, degradation, praise, dirty talk, use of daddy (once), brat tamer dilf!jake
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It was the melting-pot of earths greatest minds, a central locus for innovation and invention, a modern day renaissance. It was where scientists went to work on the next next best thing, before the next best thing had even arrived. It was where everyone who was anyone in the scientific community would go to start a new life and get their hands dirty on real science. And of course, the science at the RDA’s Laboratories was very real –and very dangerous. But what's life without risks? If life gives you lemons, use the decaying remains of those lemons to invent the best damn anti-lemon device possible! (And maybe colonize the poor Lemon farmers home too, while you’re at it.)
Well, at least, that was the marketing for Pandora. And to be honest, in the very beginning it was this ideal (and quirky) view of how the RDA worked that you had fallen in love with all those years ago when you worked there as an intern. That was, before you figured what these limb dicks were actually doing here.
Of course they don’t tell you about that war stuff back on earth. They don’t tell you about the natives, the blood that will stick on your hands, the flora and fauna they promised you to study to be burned to ashes because apparently mankind needs apartments and streets and fucking beer on this exomoon.
You were tired of how things worked. You were tired of the long hours, of snappy managers, of being shuffled from lab to lab for no apparent reason, of working on projects for six months at a time and then being told they were cancelled –and sometimes finding out later that some of them had been handed to a different scientific team. You were tired of how cavalier some of the higher-ups seemed about handling dangerous technology and killing innocents. And you were tired of the secrecy about this insanely morally wrong war.
That’s when you had decided to switch sides. Of course switching to the human / na‘vi revolution might’ve been the morally correct way, but what they don’t show you in the contract is, that this path doesn’t come with the luxury of working at high technology laboratories with dozens and dozens of other scientists to share this massive amount of work with. It doesn’t come with unlimited food, water, electricity and other much needed resources. Oh and remind me, who was complaining about the long hours at the RDA earlier? Yeah, that was pretty much nothing, compared to the fact that you hadn’t touched your bed in forty-nine hours.
Life on Pandora had definitely not been what you had expected when you first arrived here. The only difference now was, that you now did it with pleasure instead of guilt.
Working in the labs at high camp was probably the best thing that could’ve happened to you, but doing the right things never comes easy.
Sure, it took a while to get used to the power running out every few days and having to bath in a river, eating whatever the forest gives and oh, let’s not forget the eight feet tall, blue teenagers lingering around in your work space accompanied by a half naked tarzan with painted on stripes, making it extremely difficult to focus on your work.
Speaking of concentration…
"Kid, why the hell are you still here?"
"Huh, w-what?" You awoke with a start, and for a moment you didn't know where you even were. Your neck hurt as you lifted it up, rubbing the sleep away in your tired eyes only to be met with a pair of blue, muscular thighs standing right in front of your desk. Immediately, your gaze shoots all the way up.
“I said, why the hell are you still here?", Jake furrows his brows as he glares down at you, crossing his arms over his chest. "It's almost 3 am and this is the second night in a row that I catch you in here. Go. home."
"Jake we talked about this before", you roll your eyes at him, pushing away from the desk to walk over to where some of the scientists lockers stand. "I‘ll go, once I get this shit done." You make a gesture in the air to point at the petridish on your desk, with five ar'lek seeds inside. The healing potential of those seeds was something you’ve always took great interest in, especially during times where more of this medicine was needed than the Na‘vi could even harvest.
"No, you’re leaving right now", the clans Olo'eyktan and former marine said sternly. "No damn plant can be this important you’re loosing two days of sleep over it."
"Oh tell me about it…", you mumbled under your breath as you fiddled with the lock, flung the door open and reached for a small blue container. You unscrewed the lid and tipped the container ever so slightly. Out onto your outstretched hand popped two capsules, their smooth surface reflecting the fluorescent lights placed far above you. Down you gulped them, and up reached a hand to grasp a bottle of water. You took a swig.
Another day, another pill, another length of sanity in a place of madness.
The na‘vi behind you quirks a brow, "What was that?"
"Uh, this?", you shake the blue container and the pills inside rattle demonstrative. "Norm bought them from the raid last week. It’s a food substitutes. Helps me concentrate."
Caffeine in a pill, basically.
Jake let’s out a heavy sigh as he circles the desk and approaches you, the equipment and furniture around him looking comically small.
"You don’t needs pills, kid", he says, taking the container from you and placing in inside the locker a little harder than necessary to bring his point across. He’s towering over you without even trying, and you have to crane your neck all the way up to properly look at him. "What you need is sleep and a way to relief of all of that pent up stress. You’re here all the time, do you even eat? Have some time for yourself? When’s the last time you took a shower, huh?"
God, this man was a dad through and through.
You didn’t know if it was the difference in age or just his general authority, but whatever it was that made him talk to you like you were nothing but a fussy teenager, it was getting on your nerves. Even more than usually.
"Ha-ha very funny. Next you tell me to go visit a spa over the weekend. Oh, thanks boss that’s so kind of you for giving me a couple of days off", your voice had turned into a mocking tone, which makes both of his eyebrows raise in amusement. He cocks his head to the side, waiting for you to keep going, but your gaze only drops in embarrassment. "Leave me alone, Jake. I’ve got work to do…"
"See, that’s exactly what I’m talking about", he chuckles and shakes his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"What?" You almost bark at him.
"You’re pent up. Quit acting like a little brat, go home and take care of it. Or I will."
Take care of it. Jake’s words whispered over and over and over in your head, a rolling loop that you thought might actually drive you insane. It’s not like you didn’t try, you really did. But as tempting as your bed might seemed to you, as tired as you were when you dragged yourself back to hells gate, you just couldn’t rest, couldn’t will yourself to sleep.
You’ve always spent your days with your mind full to the brim with various theories, studies and seemingly endless responsibilities, so much so that you often found it difficult to empty your mind for sleep. Sometimes you would recite the na’vi names of plants to yourself in your head ("Panopyra, Pamtseowll, puríhsa..."), over and over, like counting sheep, trying to memorize their names. You would take a quick jog around the building, read a book or sometimes even meditate. But some other times you simply preferred another method of relaxation.
Take care of it. Or I will.
He could be so insufferable when he was bossing you around, you thought to yourself with a heavy sigh as you let your hands run down your curves, feeling the soft swell of your breasts, over your stomach and the hem of your pyjama shirt.
"Is that an order, sir?", you grumble to yourself, mentally rolling your eyes at him as your fingers skim past the waistband of your shorts.
But eywa bless him to whatever heaven existed, this man was truly gifted with a body that served as material for your wettest dreams and dirtiest fantasies more than once before.
There had to be some rule against woman finding men around their fathers age hot. Men whose authority made them ten times more attractive, but just as annoying when they were treating you like a kid. Men that were exotic and alien and blue and tall and— There had to be some law that– that could protect you from the man that Jake Sully was. There had to be something in the books about dealing with this, with him. Especially if the only way you knew how to deal with whatever feelings you harbored for the much older ex-marine, was with busying your hands between your spread thighs.
Instantly, there’s this sensation, hot and burning and you allow it to rise within your core— allow it, and welcome it. You exhale softly, and the slick, wet feeling under your fingertips gives you a gratifying sense of accomplishment, fueling you to circle over your clit, gentle at first, but slowly adding more pressure over time. Your other hand clasps over your mouth, barely able to stifle a moan as the other finger that had been teasing your entrance slowly slips inside.
Breathlessly, you feel your head dip back further, as you recognize the heat slowly building, radiating from your core. Gyrating your hips, the feeling of wetness and pleasure builds within yourself, enough to make your hips buck up against your own hands. Thrusting your fingers in and out, you huff out a frustrated breath when you realize it’s not nearly enough to take the edge off.
Withdrawing your hands, you reach for your nightstand and pull the upper drawer open. It reveals a set of various toys, different colors and sizes, and you don’t need to think twice before you grab the biggest one and settle yourself back into the comfort of your pillow. It’s a blue dildo. Of-fucking-course.
It takes a few tries, the tension slips for a moment or two, but soon, you find the right angle to allow the slippery toy to slip inside and caress the spot you‘ve been seeking. More pleasure begins to wash over you, not unlike waves washing ashore, as you build up the tension your body craves you to chase. Your fingertips run in circles over your clit as you push the toy inside and angle it up, dragging the silicon tip along your soft, spongy walls and you moan, loud and wanton.
Your toes curl tightly as you approach what might just be the state of bliss you‘ve been seeking. The verge of Nirvana, quite literally, at your fingertips. Inhaling sharply, you feel that pleasure intensify and spread throughout your entire body. Your toes curl tighter, though you’re only vaguely aware of it for a moment.
Squeezing your eyes shut, your head lolls from side to side, before you pry your eyes open and glance between your spread thighs. The toy glistens in your arousal when you pull it out and your legs quiver when you push it back inside. In your lustful haze, it takes a few more thrusts, and then your eyes finally land on the door in front of your bed; widen open, with a big blue silhouette leaning against the metal frame, arms crossed over his chest and head tilted to the side in his telltale stance.
Your movements stop altogether.
"J-Jake!?" You shriek, clenching your thighs shut.
"Hey, sweetheart", he grins lazily, then pushes off the doorframe to approach you.
"What are you–"
"Thought I’d check on you", he cuts you off and the sway of his tail behind his back reminds you of a cat that just caught a mouse. "See if you arrived home safe and sound, and took care of that little problem how I told you to."
The mattress then dips as he puts a knee on top of it and reaches for your ankle. You squeak when he pulls your towards him with barely any effort, then spreads your thighs with his entirely too big hands on either one of your legs.
"Looks like you needed it bad, huh?", he chuckles and a deep flush of embarrassment settles on your face when he twists the toy inside you and then gently pulls it out. "But you could’ve just asked, you know? Instead of using these pathetic little toys. No wonder you’re always this pent up when that’s what you’re using."
The toys is tossed aside before you can open your mouth to object, your chest heaving in frantic pants as he kneels onto your bed with a creak of your old mattress.
"Jake..?", you whisper, the sudden, uncertain tone in your voice making him lick his lips in anticipation as you pushed yourself up on your elbows.
"Shhh, let daddy take care of you, yeah? Gonna relief some of that stress so my little brat knows how to behave again. That sound good?", he asked, with a fucking smug shit-eating grin. If only your face wasn’t bright red in flustered embarrassment, Jake would’ve taken the provocative roll of your eyes more seriously as you let yourself fall back against the sheets.
"Not a brat…", you mumble, but your eyebrows are only knit together for a second before they shoot up in surprise when grabs the underside of your knees and folds your legs so your ankles almost touch your ears. "F-Fucking, sh– ah!" The moan breaks out of you in a wheezed curse the very moment Jake’s tongue goes flat between your wet folds and his lips close around your clit.
He starts rather roughly, sucking hard on that little bundle of nerves until tears prick at the corner of your eyes. His tongue dips down to lap at your arousal, groaning against you as he pushes past your entrance and fucks you on his tongue. Your moans turn into wails, legs helplessly twitching as he keeps them bend to devour you.
You couldn’t hold out for long, not against the way he knowingly toyed with you, suckling and flicking over your clit, the strange growl he made between filthy slurps vibrating against it. You heard your own voice, a soft river of sounds, murmuring words that weren’t words, curses and moans as you felt the release start to pool in your belly, hot and tingling and restless. Until you couldn’t fight it anymore, thighs trembling around his face and you came with a gasp of his name.
But Jake doesn’t stop, doesn’t stop until your shaking from overstimulation, until your slick is running down his chin and even then, a desperate sound of frustration escapes you when he finally lifts his head up from between your thighs. The waves of your first orgasm had barely subsided, just to the point where your limbs felt heavy, your body drained and wrung out, but it wasn’t enough. You needed more, and it made him laugh, how needy you are.
"Noo", you complain, "don’t– don’t stop!"
"Ah, don’t worry sweetheart I’m only getting started", Jake promises with a dirty smile, shuffling his hips closer to yours before he pulls down his loincloth just enough to reveal his throbbing cock. There’s a certain glint in his eyes as he watches you swallow thickly at the sight. Fuck, he’s big.
"Been acting like such a desperate slut, rolling your eyes at me and talking back under your breath", he says lowly. Jake keeps you in this bend position, but takes hold of his cock at the very base before he drags his tip through your spit and arousal slicked folds. "Should’ve already put you in your place weeks ago", he goes on, "But I knew you just needed your needy little holes filled by a big cock, right?" He pauses for a second, and then you feel the mushroom-like tip prodding against your entrance. "Needed to be fucked like the slut you are. Don‘t worry, doll face. M‘gonna fuck you right to sleep, help you relax reaaal good." And then he pushes inside.
The stretch makes you choke on a scream that threatens to rise through your body and Jake groans at the suffocating heat around his length. "Shit baby, still so fuckin‘ tight, ain’t ya?"
Your hands reach out for his biceps, short nails digging into his skin, sinking crescents into the blue stripes on his arm, your whole body quivering, mind fuzzed with a long-forgotten drowsy sort of bliss.
"Feel me stretching you out? Those damn toys didn’t even loosen you up one bit." Jake grins. His lips are on yours then, his mouth claiming, and he swallows any sounds you might have made as you fit together like a hand in a too-small glove.
He moves, only a little, the springs groan and squeak as he rolls his hips, slow at first, then faster. Your lips are bruised by the time he breaks the kiss and his shoulders are scratched and he’s somehow even deeper, and then his thrusts turn harder.
He’s hot and heavy on top of you and it’s making you tingle and shiver all over.
Jake fucks you with precision, the tip of his cock hammers against your cervix, dragging along your g-spot on the way and it makes your eyes roll all the back inside your head.
"Yeah, that’s how it’s supposed to feel", he chuckles, the sound cutting off into a low groan as he licks away the spit from your bottom lip. "Look at my little slut drooling fr‘me."
Your wet, velvety-like walls are heavenly, warm and constricting him and getting even tighter when he increases his pace. In no time, you were all but melting in his hold, moaning out nonsense that was like music to his ears. Every time Jake’s cock brushed against your g-spot, your moans turned louder and your toes curled into your soles.
"Jesus, baby. You feel so good around me, perfect little cock sleeve."
The sounds he knocked out of you with the sheer force of his thrusts soon turn needy and higher pitched, as he was driving you over the edge faster than you could even proceed it.
"T-There, fuck Jake, right- right there", you mewl, sucking in your bottom lip between your teeth. The man above you groans, half a grin pulling at the corner of his lips before he aims his hips to hit that spongey spot inside you even harder.
"Where, here? That your special spot, hm?"
"Uh-huh, yes! Yes, fucking shi– oh my god!" Your walls pulsate around him, squeezing and clenching his shaft. God, you were so close it almost hurt.
"Hmh, can feel you clenching, baby. You like it that much?", Jake chuckled, and you could only muster the strength to nod weakly. "Gonna come fr‘me, yeah?"
His hips only increased their pace from there, taking you harder, hands holding you tighter, tail coiling around your ankle to spread your legs impossibly wider and you felt so full, it was hard to imagine that there was any more room inside you, not even for his cum. And that thought alone was enough to tip you over the edge with a full body shiver.
His name falls from your spit slicked lips in incoherent brabbles and moans, greedily pleading for more, more more, until—
"Coming! I‘m coming!"
"Look at you", Jake mutters and he sounds so wrecked, so reverent and pleased with himself. "Gorgeous, so pretty when you come on my cock, sweetheart. You needed this, didn’t you? Good girl, you’re doing so good.”
Jake certainly knows what he’s talking about because if only there was a mirror where you could see yourself– You looked completely obscene, folded like a little pretzel, skin flushed with exertion and sheened with sweat while your hair is matted on your forehead. There’s saliva pooling at the corners of your mouth from where you had been unashamedly panting, lips red and plump from kissing and sucking on his tongue.
“My perfect little slut.” Jake pants out, snapping his hips ruthlessly into you, helping you ride out your orgasm.
Jesus, you were a real sight. It makes his balls tighten up and his cock throb inside you.
He was drinking up every sweet little moan and gasp he elicited out of you like this, groaning, before he finally pumped you full of his hot cum, until it leaked out around his girth. "Oh, fuck", Jake murmured and he sounded so far away, thick and rough. Your pussy squelched as he continued to lazily thrust into you. He groans, shattered, hips fucking erratically until they still deep inside you and the tight walls of your cunt milk his cock until he’s completely spent.
It’s only now that you realize how god damn heavy this man was on top of you. Thankfully Jake rolled off before you had to start gasping too badly for air, leaving your front feeling impossibly cold.
"And? Feeling relaxed?" He chuckled, rolling over to pull the blanket over the both of you before he tugs you close against his chest.
"Shut up…", you make out roughly and it’s only then that you realize, you had screamed yourself hoarse. You want to roll your eyes at him, but they unwillingly flutter closed before you can even try to.
"Told ya‘ I’ll fuck you to sleep, kid."
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urwifebabes · 3 months
A/N: didn’t know if you wanted smut or not but this will be smut, fluff, and a little angst.
“..Are you serious?”
Relationship(s): Catnap x pregnant!bunny!reader x Dogday 🔞
Warning(s): nsfw , angst , fluff (in that order)
You all were on your fifth round for the night and you were so tired, you came six times in total while Dogday and Catnap were on their third. but how could you resist your handsome puppy? who asked so nicely could he cum inside one more time? you groaned as you positioned yourself, your pretty pussy pushing out cum. Catnap was quick to wipe it and push it back into you. “gotta make sure none falls out, Midnight.” “you don’t wanna waste our cum, now do you, Angel?”
Dogday pushed his swollen, pre-cum pushing tip into you. He groaned at the warmth as he settled his hands on your waist. he set a ruthless pace, making sure his cock hit that spot to make your head reel. you gripped the sheets as you arched yourself for him. “oh fuck, good girl..” Dogday growled out as he grabbed your cotton tail and made you meet his thrusts each time he pulled your tail back. he couldn’t help but whimper as your gummy walls closed around his sensitive cock. Catnap had been watching for the most part until he snuck beside you two and put his fingers on your clit. fuck, they were playing dirty. before long, Dogday was fucking you into the mattress as you squirted on his cock. Dogday bit into your shoulder, causing blood, to quiet his own devastatingly loud moan as he poured his hot liquid into you.
It’s been a few weeks since then. you had been feeling very weird. weird mood swings, weird food cravings, and alot of throwing up. your lovers were very worried but you couldn’t ease their nerves as you didn’t even know what was wrong with you. finally, after a very violent fight with your stomach, you seeked help. you were sat in the doctors office as he examined you. he finally made it to your stomach with his x-ray and his mouth went wide. before long, there was so many doctors in the room, crowding you to look at the x-ray. you wondered what was so special before one of them yelled out.
your heart dropped out your ass. pregnant? what the fuck where they talking about? your a stuffed animal for gods sake! but.. that would explain everything. and it’s not that weird compared to you guys having actual organs, emotions, dicks and pussys and your own mind. you walked out the office with a special ring around your finger so the higher ups could monitor you, closely. One doctor telling you “no more sex while pregnant, you hear me, hun?”
you walked around the playcare, watching the kids play and talk with one another. you couldn’t help but imagine your own litter running around here. you wondered how they’d look or who’s sperm you took? more then likely, it was Dogdays. he came inside you the most, hell, that was his favorite place to dump his seed into. you hadn’t been paying much attention and bumped into Hoppy. she turned and smiled at you, waving. “oh. hi, Y/N! what’s up? wanna see if you can jump higher then me?” “I would prefer not to, I’m kinda tired.” Hoppy was gonna push harder but one of the many children, Toby, you believe began to pull her away. he looked back at you as the two walked and waved at you, smiling. he had helped you. sweet kid.
you had felt eyes watching you as you continued walking. you shook it off as pregnancy jitters and headed to your home. before you could make it inside, Catnap came from behind you and grabbed your hand. He looked at your finger and then back at you. “..why do you have a ring?” he asked as he watched your face. you chuckled as you thought up something quick. “oh, one of the kids gave me this!” he looked at you questioningly before going inside the home. you sighed, one of relief that he didn’t question you more. you went inside and seen Dogday already sitting and looking straight at you. his eyes fondled over the ring to but he didn’t say anything.
you all were laying in your bed. it was cramped and you didn’t want them to squeeze you or your babies so you asked could they leave. Dogday was abit taken back but he respected your wishes nonetheless. “Anything for you, Angel..” he muttered as he kissed against your cheek. he got up and waited for Catnap. Catnap wasn’t as easy though. “hah? the fuck are we leaving for?” “kitty, just leave it alone and let’s go.” Catnap looked at Dogday and looked back at you. “you know what? fine. whore yourself out to whoever gave you a ring.” Dogday looked at Catnap as he walked out. Dogday looked back at you and his gaze softened. “He didn’t mean that, Angel. but..” pause. “you have been acting weird and distant, lately. I won’t push but..” Dogday paused again and sighed as he turned to walk out. “please talk to us about it sooner than later.”
you laid in your empty bed, cold. it was quiet and dark. usually Catnap and Dogday would be cuddled into your side, licking your neck and shoulders while you laughed and begged them to stop, saying how tickled you were. you cuddled into yourself and began to cry, the salty tears dropping onto your sheets rather than the fuzzy orange fur you were used to crying in. you missed them, so much.
the next couple days, they steered clear from you. you had tried to look for them but everytime you got close enough, they would walk away or another critter would softly steer you away, thinking you guys had a fight and needed space from one another. you waited until Dogday and Catnaps day to clean the aftermath of the arts and crafts and snuck into the building with them. Once, they had begun to clean, that’s when you appeared.
they both looked at you. Dogday didn’t have much of an expression but you could tell he was happy from the way his tail wagged, aggressively. you always smiles when his tail would do that. Catnap frowned as he saw you, dropping the broom and planning to walk away. you quickly reacted and started to talk, fast. “w—wait, please!” Catnap looked at you, giving you the ‘five seconds’ glare. you took a breath as you began to get scared. your hands playing with the hem of your fur as they watched you. Dogday watched you, patiently while Catnap had gotten tired of waiting and was beginning to walk away again.
Everything went silent. Both their eyes were on you. you had their full attention. “..Are you serious?” “oh, Angel..” Dogday was the second to break the silence as he hurried towards you, embracing you in his warm fur. you quietly sobbed into him as he held you. you didn’t even notice Catnaps steps as he came behind you and softly patted you, his tail squeezing your thigh, reassuringly.
when you had finished, Dogday and Catnap stared at you, smiles illuminating their faces. Dogdays tears falling just as quick as yours while Catnaps eyes were just glazed with tears. “I’m sorry.. I’m so sorry.” Catnap said as his tail squeezed harder on your thigh. you gently caressed his cheek and smiled. “it’s okay.. you couldn’t have known, kitty.”
From then on, you were treated as fragile glass. hungry? they’ll make you something. Thirsty? catnaps already got you a glass of milk. Need help bathing? they got you for sure. doing your duties with kids? uh- no unless it’s just coloring. They had got you a bigger bed so you all could fit and you could have a little space to your belly. Dogday laid his hands on your stomach as well as Catnap as he chuckled, tears threatening to spill again.
“we’re gonna be dads..”
you laughed as they both talked to your stomach like the babies could hear them. you stopped laughing as you felt a kick against Catnaps finger. Catnap and Dogday looked at eachother as they both freaked out, knowing their baby could hear them! oh, they were gonna be pawesome dads.
A/N: def making a part 2! can someone draw the baby, please? if not, I’m gonna have to use a picture I found on google 😭. but this was great, thanks for requesting, anon! also I think this is the longest story I’ve wrote.
TAGS : @2faced-fairy @alyssalololol
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s-4pphics · 1 year
omg i need smut for ballerina reader x tattoo artist ellie
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hi hon i didn't forget ab u trust me trust me
…. but hi guys🤭 since i finished sotp and this at literally the same time why not post both.... teeeheee
wc;cw: 1.9k😳, MDNI, ellie and reader r both freaks! nasty little harlots, these two are!!, kinda exhibitionism bc car windows, weed, shotgunning(failed), mentions of daddy kink and breeding and face sitting, readers a bimbo but we knew that we love u bae :3, more monologues, cocky ellie, dirty talk, spanking, mult. orgasms and squirting, slight dumbification, titty and pussy slapping mmm, das it
… i wrote this while high soooo if there’s a typo no there’s not! bye yall :p
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when ballerina!reader and tattooist!ellie fuck for the first time the world damn near melts from the inside out. 
you had finally gotten into the passenger's seat of ellie’s busted up car after she wrapped up your brand-new tat. you asked her multiple times if she was going to kill you in some nearby forest after smoking you out, in which she replied with a sly maybe. it depends on how you act when it hits. her response shook you a bit: you had just scored the lead in the nutcracker and your costume was so pretty, you had to wear it at least once and then she could do whatever she wanted with you as long as she destroyed your guts beforehand! :) 
your little tote bag was near your feet on the floor as you hummed along to the rap song blasting through her speakers, lightly bobbing your head. ellie’s—large and veiny and tattooed—hand had been sitting on your upper thigh for the entire ride as she drove in a relaxed position, head resting against the back of her seat. you caught glimpses of her out of the corner of your eye whenever she licked or bit her lips. her small habits made your thighs squeeze together, before she silently pried them back open with her free hand to rest it there again. you wanted her to make you cum so bad you’d pay her extra for it—
“this your place?” she rasped out in shock as she parked in front of your dance academy dorms. damn, she thought. you weren’t kidding, you’re not a stripper. 
“uh huh! it’s even prettier inside! marble floors and everything, i love it here so much!” you said with an excited grin that made her smile lightly. such a cutie, she thought. 
“huh,” she hummed in acknowledgment. she reached over your lap to pop open her glove box to retrieve the little ziplock baggie filled with green buds and grinder before your eyes widened in shock. 
“oh are… um… are we smoking right here? like out in the open?” 
“mhm.” she replied blankly before she smirked. “what, is your headmaster gonna come out and give you a spanking or something?” 
you wanted her to spank you so bad—
“no! i’m just asking, i’ve never done it outside before!” 
“oh yeah? you never done it outside?” she replied silkily while she packed the spoon of the pipe. 
you shivered and she caught it and please fuck me right here! i don’t care who sees!—
“i never used one of those before, it’s pretty,” you nodded towards the packed bowl. 
“thank you,” she said simply. “lemme show you how to do it.” 
after some simple instructions that you haven't payed attention to because her hands were distracting you, you nodded absentmindedly. what the fuck was she talking about again—
“are you even listening?” she said with a raised eyebrow that had a fucking slit in it oh, ohhh you might die—
when you shook your head no, she snorted before she grabbed her lighter from your hand. 
“here. watch me.” 
you watched closely as she lit the crushed green buds in the bowl, finger over a little hole on the side of the pipe before she lit it and breathed in, exhaling the smoke in a circular little cloud in front of her mouth. she looked back at you with a little see? simple. 
she’s so fucking sexy and you’re probably dripping all over her leather seats—
“show me again?” you squeaked out. 
she only slightly nodded with a cunning grin as she looked at you before she repeated her previous actions and blew the smoke away from you, handing you the pipe again. you pushed it away from you gently. 
“you’re gonna make me smoke all this by myself?” 
“i want you to do it for me… like blow it… blow it in my mouth?” you said shyly. your mind was cloudy. 
she didn’t say anything, but you could see the pleasant surprise on her face, releasing a light chuckle before she lit the bowl, yet again!, inhaling the smoke and holding it before she gripped for your cheeks with her slightly calloused hand, pulling you so close that your noses were touching. your mouth dropped open on instinct, and slowly exhaled the smoke into your mouth. 
you could barely inhale due to the pounding in your head and your chest and your swollen fucking clit—
ellie hardly even cared about you wasting a rip that good. she slowly slipped her tongue into your already open mouth, making you whimper as you wrapped your lips around it, sucking it further into your mouth. she released a satisfied hum that rattled your throat. and speaking of your throat—
she released your cheeks, sliding her large hand down to wrap around it, squeezing the sides and gauging your reaction. you were about to call her daddy, holy fuck, you wanted her fuckin’ kids—
“c’mere.” and fuck, you jumped her bones so quick. 
you were finally in her lap and you immediately started grinding on her leg like a cat in heat. 
she hurriedly sat the pipe on her dashboard, her free hands quickly taken in yours, bringing them up to your tits as you felt her squeeze them, tossing your head back with a whine.
“yeah? feels fucking good?” 
“yeah, yesyesyes—“
you weren’t even high and you were so close to cumming, you couldn’t imagine how crazy you’d be going if you smoked properly. you’d probably be creaming all over her seats and windows by now. 
you grinded down harder on her, your clit bumping up against your lavender sweats and her jeans and toned leg and you couldn’t stop crying out and oh, you were gonna cum in your panties—
ellie must’ve sensed it because she dropped her hands from your tits to your hips, mindfully avoiding your freshly wrapped tattoo(she’s such a sweetie, isn’t she?), and pulled you down onto her leg as she lifted it up to press harder against your clit just right and you lost it. 
all that tension that built over the last two hours crashed into you as you threw your head allll the back and came inside your sheer little panties. you bounced on her thigh as she held your hips to help you grind out your high. ellie slowly licked up your exposed throat to your chin to your bottom lip before she shoved her tongue into your mouth in a messy, wet kiss. fuck, you were so in love already—
“take these off, baby, c’mon, wanna see,” she said dazed against your mouth, tugging down  the waistband of your bottoms. you clumsily rested your weight against her wheel as you leaned back, a loud honk! ringing through the dimly lit, empty lot. it made you both jump and laugh as she wrapped her arm around your back to move you away from it. she used the space between you to pull down your panties and sweats just enough to expose your sopping cunt. she looked like she wanted to tear you apart. she could rip you to shreds if she wanted you’d let her do anything to you—
she didn’t say anything as her thumb rubbed your clit, making you buck your hips up against her hang with a whine. 
she dipped two fingers down to your slit that was practically dripping all over her seats, and she hates herself for not bringing her dick with her because, fuuuuck, she would’ve slipped right in—
you felt her fingers push inside with little resistance, her car immediately being filled with both your groans and wet noises of your cunt. your walls squeezed the shit out of her fingers to pull them in closer.
you were a mess: at some point you’d removed your sweatshirt and tee, your tits out, and she was watching you play them, entranced, until you slipped a hand down to where she was inside you, grabbing her wrist to pull out and brought her slicked up fingers to your nipples, rubbing your wetness into your stiff peaks. ellie let out a quiet groan of shiiiit! before she slapped them both, bringing her head forward to suck the wetness from your tits, moaning at the taste of you.
she dropped her hand back down to slip her fingers inside your cunt again, wiggling them around until she pressed up against that one spot that made you see god—
“yeah? right there, baby? like that?” 
“ye—aaAhh, el, oh my fuckin’ god your gonna make me cum again!—“ 
“fuckin’ want it, nasty fucking slut, give it to me, wan’ it all over me.” 
your eyes were rolled into your skull, yes im your slut i’m your slut! being the only thing on your mind. your legs were trembling and you were so. fucking. wet. and you couldn’t fucking think about anything other than her her her—
“cum on my fingers so i can take you upstairs and stick my tongue inside you.” 
and you died. you’re dead now. you screamed her name out into the car as you squirted all over her arm and jeans and seats and you just kept fucking cumming and ellie swore that she was going to marry you one day!—
you finally started to come down after she slapped your pussy a couple times. your orgasm had felt like it lasted minutes and you almost plopped onto the car floor in exhaustion, but ellie caught you before you could, pulling you back to her chest to connect her mouth with yours in a heavy kiss. 
she grabbed your ass in both hands before bringing her hand down in a loud slap! as you moaned in her mouth, and it made her hit you again, harder. 
she allowed you to pull back to regain your composure before you said with a pout, “i have to be up at five tomorrow.” it was almost midnight. 
she laughed loudly before bringing your panties and pants back up around your waist before helping you put your shirt on before easing you back into the passenger's seat. you missed her warmth already. you grabbed your tote off the floor after carefully placing the discarded pipe and lighter into a small pocket with a soft c’mon before you opened the door to get out. ellie rolled the window down so she could respond. 
“wait. you want me to come inside?” 
“inside me? yeah.” 
she let out a choked laugh before she said, “you’re nasty as fuck, jesus christ.” 
“i sure am! now come sit on my face? my roomie’s sleeping so you might have to stick my panties in your mouth just in case!” you said with the brightest grin. “you can wake up me up for rehearsals with your tongue in my pussy, too, if you want!” 
oh my fucking god? ellie thought, her eyes glossing over with a hazy look on her face. yeah. i’m making her a fucking housewife.
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janaispunk · 8 months
only bought this dress so you could take it off
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series masterlist • this is part I
pairing: Dave York x f!reader
a/n: I was on my summer vacation last week, and I’m suffering from severe Dave York brainrot lately, which inspired a vivid daydream of Dave taking me on a little trip and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I was planning to keep it a oneshot, but there are so many more ideas for this floating around in my head, so a part 2 miiight be happening. Please read the warnings, this one’s nasty! (it’s the murder daddy energy)
word count: ~10.4k (this was supposed to be a nice little pwp, idk what happened) (Dave was holding me at gun-point)
summary: You have been sleeping with Dave York for a few months, keeping things casual, when he suggests to go on vacation together. You’re not sure what to expect, but you agree, and Dave takes very good care of you.
warnings: bits of angst, dubious morality (Dave is cheating on his wife), kinda unhealthy relationship dynamics, age-gap implied, alcohol consumption, able-bodied reader, Dave pulls her hair, dom!Dave, sub!reader, rough sex, semi-public touching, sir kink, degradation kink, rough oral sex (m receiving), unprotected piv (reader is on bc in my head, but it’s not mentioned in the fic), dirty talk, Dave is a menace, spanking, choking, edging, spit kink, restraints, idiots in love, let me know if I missed any!
this is explicit 18+ content, minors do not interact pleaseeeee
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Your phone starts buzzing on your work desk around 8 AM. You just got into the office and are starring at your monitor blankly, nursing a to-go cup of too expensive coffee and questioning your life choices. A regular Tuesday really.
You groan and flick your eyes down to your phone, your mind way too exhausted to deal with whoever is trying to contact you right now. You read the name on the screen and do a double take, your tiredness immediately forgotten. You hastily grab the device and press the green button to accept the call.
“Hey,” you say, trying your best not to sound just as eager as you suddenly feel. He doesn’t need to know the effect a simple call from him has on you.
“Good morning, sweetheart. What took you so long to answer, huh?” his voice sounds in your ear, calm and composed as always, but with a hint of teasing. You bite your lip, thankful that he can’t see how just hearing him speak has a blush creeping up your cheeks.
“S-sorry, just work and everything, you know?”
You can’t help the little sigh that you let out -work really has been a nightmare lately- and he chuckles sympathetically.
“You poor thing. Speaking of work, I actually have a favor to ask you.”
He knows fully well that he doesn’t need to ask you favors - you’d give him everything he wants, without question. His usual demanding tone is lacing his words and you involuntary clench your thighs together. God, you’re down so bad for this man.
This, as you need to keep reminding yourself, married man, who lives the perfect suburban life with his wife and their two kids. He’s not in love with you, you’re well aware of that, and you’re trying your hardest not to fall in love with him either.
You don’t know what exactly is going on between him and his wife and you don’t pry. He’s told you that things between them aren’t working out anymore and that they’ve agreed to stay together and play happy family until their girls are older. You’re not dumb, you know that this is the kind of story that every cheating man tells the other woman. And you’d probably call him out on his bullshit, if he were any other man. Hell, you wouldn’t have gotten involved with any other married man in the first place.
But Dave isn’t just any man and he’s got you wrapped around his finger ever since you met in a hotel bar a few months ago. You had just been stood up at said bar and Dave had been on a business trip, spending the night there. He came up to you, looking more handsome than any man should have the right to, bought you a drink and had you following him up to his room in the blink of an eye, which led to sex that was easily the best you had ever had.
Now, Dave calls you regularly, mostly when he’s close enough to meet up, but also some nights when he whispers filthy things into your ear until you come on your own fingers because he is too far away to put his hands on you.
You like to think that he cares about you, that you’re not just the willing means to an end and that you can actually give him something that he can’t get anywhere else. Something soft, a person that cares for him and gives him the chance to be soft as well. Because they exist, those moments of softness, in between tangled sheets and laughs shared in the darkness of your room, his fingers mindlessly dancing over your body when he thinks you’re already asleep and his lips pressed against yours a little too urgently when he’s saying goodbye to you.
But most of the time, Dave doesn’t like to care. He also doesn’t like to be soft. He’s ruthless, his edges sharp like a knife and he likes coming at you hard. He doesn’t tell you exactly what he does for a living, but you suspect that it’s dangerous and violent. He needs an outlet, somewhere he can let his aggressions run free, someone he can control.
This, you can definitely give him. You let him take it out on you when things get too much, you give up all control to him, and you love it. And he knows that you do. Sometimes you wonder if that’s the only reason he’s keeping you around, but you can’t bring yourself to believe it.
So, when your phone lights up with his name, you answer, trying to conceal your desperation to hear his voice, the hold he has on you, even if you’re fighting a losing battle. And when he’s asking for a favor, you hum questioningly, even though you already know that your answer will be “yes”.
“Take the next week off, and pack a bag. I’m having a few free days, so we’re going away for a bit, I’m picking you up on Saturday.”
He’s basically giving you an order, not stopping to ask if you’ve already got plans, if this might be a bad time, anything. Do this, be there, stat. Because he knows that you will do as he says and you know it, too.
Excitement bubbles up in you, the prospect of spending a whole week with Dave, something of a vacation, from what it sounds like, is more than you had ever allowed yourself to even daydream about. This is not what your relationship is about, it’s not what you do. Except that… apparently it is?
“I- okay, yes. That- that sounds great, Dave.” Your delight at his proposal is clear in your voice. “Where are we going? What do I need to pack? Do I need to prepare anything?”
He chuckles again and you can picture him shaking his head.
“No doll, don’t worry your pretty little head about it. Just bring your passport and pack for warm weather. And, sweetheart?” His voice drops an octave and he’s basically purring in your ear. “The sluttier, the better.”
He hangs up without waiting for your answer. You’re left to spend the rest of your workday in a daze, your panties soaked and your head busy with already cataloguing your entire closet and which things you’ll pack.
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The days pass you by in weird chunks of time. On one hand, you can’t wait for Saturday, while on the other hand, you feel terribly unprepared, causing anxiety to creep up on you several times throughout the week. Every vacation you’ve ever been on has been meticulously organized and planned out by yourself and the lack of knowledge that you’re dealing with right now is entirely foreign to you.
What if you need a certain vaccine for wherever you’re going and you don’t have it? What if the flight has an early check-in that you need to take care of? Has Dave booked a hotel? How are the reviews? What do you need to prepare for?
The nervous urge to be ready for every kind of situation that you can’t satisfy right now is threatening to drive you crazy and you need to remind yourself more than once that this is Dave that you’re dealing with. Not one of your ex-boyfriends that would’ve come up with some half-assed plan that lacked in several vital points and required you to take care of things yourself eventually.
Dave is even more thorough than you, he doesn’t leave anything up to chance and he doesn’t forget things. You’re still reeling from the mere fact that he’s planning to take you away for a whole week. You’ve never spent that much uninterrupted time together and you honestly hadn’t thought that he would want to. This is couple stuff. And you’re not a couple. You’re just someone he sleeps with occasionally. You need to remember at least that.
You have texted him a few times, trying to get more information about the trip, but he hasn’t budged. You only manage to find out that he’ll come pick you up Saturday morning and that you’ll be gone for a whole week. And that you should pack a lot of bikinis.
“You make sure you’ll look good for me, and I’ll take care of the rest,” his text read. Followed up by a stern, “Stop worrying.”
You try taking his words to heart and get prepared in the one way you can: Buying lots of skimpy dresses and bikinis. You vividly picture him taking them off of you and it works. You do stop worrying.
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Saturday finally rolls around and you’re ready, suitcase fully packed and dressed in a skirt so short that it will probably have you freezing your ass off on the airplane, but you can hardly bring yourself to care.
His taxi finally pulls up to your apartment building and he jumps out to meet you while the driver loads in your suitcase. You can’t help the giddy smile that’s on your face when Dave’s arms envelop you and your lips are on his before he even gets a greeting out. He chuckles as he kisses you softly, one of his hands cupping the back of your head, before he pulls away slightly to look at you. You’re breathless; the sight of him in his crisp shirt, the top two buttons undone to show off a sliver of his broad chest, his sharp jawline and those brown eyes trained firmly on you already enough to drive you a little crazy with need for him.
“Miss me that much, huh?” he murmurs against your lips, one hand still in your hair while the other one trails down to the hem of your skirt and skims the backside of your thighs before he gives your ass a rough squeeze. You nod quickly as a breath leaves you, not quite a moan but enough to clearly show him the effect his touch immediately has on you.
“Desperate little thing,” he grins and adds a playful slap to your backside before pecking your lips again and leading you towards the waiting car.
He slips in beside you, his hand immediately finding your thigh again and gently rubbing against the bare skin, creeping below your skirt’s hem again and again as you take off in the direction of the airport.
You’re falling into your familiar routine with him, the first effects of seeing him and the flare of your chemistry with each other calming down a little and allowing you to actually talk with him like a normal person, not a lovesick teenager. You’re filling each other in on the few weeks since you last saw each other, the little occurrences that you wanted to tell him about but didn’t have the opportunity to at the time. He’s not much of a texter and you understand that; he’s busy with his job and his family whose existence you still need to keep reminding yourself of.
His large hand doesn’t leave your thigh once throughout the drive, keeping a hold on you that feels especially possessive whenever his grip tightens. At the airport he grabs both of your suitcases and purposefully strides off, leaving you to walk beside him with nothing but your little purse. It’s not a grand gesture by any means, but still, no one has ever taken care of things for you like this and your want for him is bubbling inside of you.
He drops your baggage off at check-in and hands you your boarding pass. You can’t help the squeal that you let out when your eyes find the destination and you excitedly throw your arms around him.
“Are you serious? How did you know that I always wanted- But Dave, that’s SO much, I can’t have you pay for all this, I-“
He shushes you gently, though you can tell that he’s clearly pleased with how happy you are about where you’re going. He presses a kiss to the crown of your hand and rubs his hands over your shoulders.
“Of course you can. I wanted to do something nice for you, sweetheart, you’ve been so stressed out lately. And I-,” he trails off, looking almost a little bashful, “I wanted to spend my time off with you, without interruptions, you know.”
You think that he wants to add more, but he doesn’t, his expression slightly regretful like he accidentally said too much already. He barely verbalizes his feelings and you don’t push it.
“Thank you Dave, it’s- thank you. I really appreciate it.”
You lean up on your tiptoes and kiss him softly, trying to convey what you feel but can’t put into words. How you’re not even there yet and it’s already more than anyone has ever done for you. How ‘I wanted to spend my time off with you’ has butterflies erupting in your stomach, no matter how hard you try to suppress them. How it has you wondering if maybe, just maybe, you might be more for him than just the girl that he’s fucking on the side because his marriage is shitty. How much you wish that you were.
But you don’t have time to ponder all this because he possessively wraps an arm around your shoulder and leads you off towards security control, then to the gate where he gets you your favorite Starbucks without even asking for your order, and onto the plane, where he lets you have the window seat and his hand finds its way back onto your thigh.
You brought a book to read on the flight but you can’t make it through one page without losing your focus. Dave’s hand keeps climbing higher and higher, alternating between gripping your inner thigh tightly and drawing featherlight circles on the soft skin, and the heat that had been smoldering within you since you first laid eyes on him today is slowly but steadily becoming too much to bear.
Dave seems annoyingly unaffected, his face as composed as ever as he asks questions about your book, and you know that he notices the way you’re squirming in your seat, and how much he’s enjoying the fact that he’s the one to make you act like this.
You’re in the middle of a sentence when his fingers suddenly move all the way up your thigh and brush lightly against the fabric of your underwear. It’s a barely-there touch, but you’re so wound up that it’s enough to cause you to interrupt yourself with a loud gasp. He retracts his hand the tiniest bit, still hovering between your thighs, and tuts at you.
There’s a dark glint in his eyes that hasn’t been there moments before. You know this look and it takes everything in you to not clench your thighs together in anticipation of what’s to come. He raises an eyebrow, the condescension written clear on his face and his voice a low rumble, quiet enough for only you to hear.
“Shhh, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want everyone on here to know how much of a slut you are for me, now would we? Huh?”
He pinches the soft flesh on your inner thigh roughly when you don’t answer fast enough and you bite your lip, suppressing the whine that is threatening to come out of you.
“N-no…” you whisper and Dave arches his eyebrow even higher, looking at you expectantly. You gulp.
“No, sir.”
A small smile plays around his lips and he places a kiss on your cheek. “Good girl,” he mutters and his hand creeps up again until he’s rubbing against your panties, which you know are absolutely soaked by now. Your hips chase his touch and he chuckles darkly as he withdraws his fingers, completely this time, until he’s holding them up to your face. You can tell that the fingertips are shiny with the arousal that leaked through the fabric and you feel yourself blushing.
“Lick it off,” he demands, and your eyes widen.
“H-here?” you dare to ask. His gaze hardens.
“You wanna talk back to me?” His voice is calm, but you can sense the tension that’s rolling off of him. You should be disgusted, both by his request and the way that he’s talking to you, but you’re not. This is how you want him, how you crave him.
You shake your head hastily, acutely aware that questioning him was probably enough to get you into serious trouble later on. The thought sends another wave of desperate arousal through you.
“Then lick. It. Off. I’m not gonna tell you again.”
His tone is clipped, his face a hard mask, but your eyes flick down momentarily and the growing bulge in his pants tells you that he’s not as unaffected by the situation as he wants you to believe. You train your eyes back to his face and hold his gaze as you lean forward and obediently clean his fingers with tiny kitten licks. His jaw tenses as he finally draws his fingers back from your tongue and runs them across your cheek, smearing the traces of your spit there.
A small whine slips out of your throat as you feel fresh wetness flooding your panties and he grins before he kisses you again, murmuring a “Good girl” against your lips. He leans back into his seat, his hand finding an almost innocent position close to your knee.
“Why don’t you read a little more, sweetheart? We’ll be there soon.”
He flashes you a smile that could pass as genuine but you catch the glint in his eyes as he clocks your dazed expression and your slightly parted lips. You nod dumbly and pick the book back up, but not a single word that you read actively registers in your mind.
You try catching glances at Dave, until by the fourth time, he pinches your chin between his fingers and turns your head back forward. “I said, read,” he murmurs into your ear. You know he gets off on this stuff, giving you stupid little orders. And on the fact that you let him. That you get off on it, too.
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Your arrival happens in a blur. Dave leads you off the plane and through the smallest airport you’ve ever been to. Your brain is still a bit muddled from the unsatisfied arousal he’s ignited in you and now you’re excitedly turning your head left and right, trying to get in as many impressions as you possibly can. You’re not paying close attention to what’s happening and you’re thankful for the way Dave is taking charge without question. You’re happy to link you fingers through his and let him lead you wherever you need to go.
He retrieves your luggage, walks you out of the airport and to a waiting car. You spend the drive staring out of the window, your eyes wide, taking in all the beauty around you. It’s like you’ve arrived in literal paradise. You tell Dave as much and he chuckles, lifting your hand up to his mouth and pressing a gentle kiss against your knuckles. The unexpectedly sweet gesture has you blushing and a soft smile plays around his lips.
The hotel is, quite frankly, insane. If you had been worried about the amount of money that he’s spent on this trip before, it pales in comparison to how you’re feeling now. The building is nestled against the foot of a mountain, lush green trees surrounding the front and the road leading up to the entrance, while it opens up to a small, private bay where turquoise waves calmly roll up against the whitest sand you’ve ever seen.
There’s glass walls everywhere, giving you an almost 360° view as you step into the lobby. You know that you’re gaping and Dave actually laughs at your expression as he walks you up to the reception desk to check in. You’re not listening closely, too busy taking in your surroundings and convincing yourself that this is your real life and not some extremely realistic daydream that you’re having while sitting at your work desk.
Dave finishes up and wraps an arm around your shoulders to lead you to the elevators, stepping inside and pressing the top button. The doors slide closed and you can barely think about the fact that you’re apparently staying on the top floor before you’re being whirled around and end up with your front pressed against the elevator wall with Dave’s hands roughly shoving up your skirt until your ass is exposed to him.
Your surprised giggle morphs into a moan as his hand comes down hard to slap it, before gripping the flesh so roughly that it borders on painful. He presses his body up against yours and captures your lips in a sloppy kiss as his other hand slides up to cup your breasts over your tank top.
“Dave- we can’t-,” you gasp just as the elevator comes to a halt and dings. He growls and flicks your skirt back down, but keeps you pressed against his side as the doors slide open again. Thankfully there’s no other people around on this floor to witness your surely utterly disheveled state.
The dark glint is back in his eyes as he drags you along to your room number. He stops in front of the door and turns you towards him, his eyes trained on your face as he stares you down. His voice is low, his tone calm and controlled, but somehow it’s more threatening than if he shouted at you.
“You think you get to tell me what we can and can’t do? You think that’s for you to decide?” His hand grabs your face, his fingers digging into your cheeks, and you whimper.
“N-no sir, I’m sorry, I just thought-“ He slaps your cheek, not hard enough for it to hurt, but enough to shut you up. Enough to remind you of your place in this dynamic. Your eyes flicker around hastily, your mind acutely aware of the fact that you’re in a public setting and that someone could walk in on this at any time. His hold returns your face, forcing you to look at him again.
“You don’t think, sweetheart. I decide and you listen, isn’t that right? If I want you to show off that slutty little ass of yours for everyone to see, then that’s what you’ll do.”
You nod to your best ability with his hand still grasping your face, mumbling another, “I’m sorry, sir.” You can barely think, the heat between your thighs almost making your legs buckle at this point. His thumb moves to play with your bottom lip and a cruel smirk grows on his face.
“You will be, doll. This is the third time you’ve disrespected me today. Looks like you’re in for a rough night, huh?”
“Yes, sir.” You can’t help the way you subconsciously bite your lip and you know that your desire is written all over your face, your pupils probably blown wide and your cheeks hot.
“Christ,” he chuckles and seals your lips with another kiss, “you’re a fucked up little thing.” You can only nod, prompting another laugh from him.
He steps up beside you and digs a keycard out of his pocket, holding it up against the door that responds with an affirmative beeping sound and a lock clicking. He pushes the handle down and swings the door open, holding it for you, a hand on the small of your back as you tentatively take a few steps inside.
The gasp you let out now isn’t fueled by your arousal, which is momentarily forgotten, but by your utter inability to believe what you’re seeing. You’re standing in a small hallway which opens up into a gigantic living room that’s probably bigger than your entire apartment and completely lined with glass walls, revealing a balcony and the shimmering sea several floors below you. You slowly walk to the adjoining bedroom that houses the easily biggest bed you’ve ever seen and a continuation of the glass walls. From what you can see, the en-suite bathroom features a lot of white marble.
You turn back to Dave, who has followed you silently and seems to expectantly take in your every reaction. “You’re crazy,” you tell him and he grins as you struggle for words. “This is- it’s so expensive, it’s- it’s too much, really. You’re crazy,” you repeat and he walks up to you to take your hands. His thumbs rub little circles over the skin and he smiles softly.
“As I said, I wanted to do something nice for you. You deserve it, sweetheart, you do.”
“But- but it’s-,” you trail off, mortified to realize that your bottom lip is trembling and your eyes are getting wet. You’re not going to cry in front of Dave, not because of a stupid hotel room. More like a fucking suite, your brain unhelpfully provides and your lip trembles harder. Dave quickly wraps his arms around your shoulders, his eyes searching your face.
“But it’s what?” he implores, his features displaying a look of such genuine concern that you’re pretty sure you’ve never seen on him before. “Sweetheart, do you not like it?”
You shake your head, trying to think of some way to explain that doesn’t make you seem totally pathetic. “It’s-,” you draw a deep breath, “it’s just- this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Like, ever. I just can’t believe you would- for me…” You trail off, not sure how to explain that you can’t grasp why he would be willing to spend this amount of money on you. “What I mean to say is, it’s beautiful. Just- thank you. Really, thank you.”
You smile at him and the relief is incredibly evident on his face before he pulls you into a hug, his arms engulfing you, one hand stroking you head softly. For once, his hands don’t wander down your body, he just holds you tight and you allow yourself to think that you could get used to this.
You feel awkward after your little breakdown, but Dave doesn’t mention it again. He lets you traipse around the suite to explore and unpack and follows you when you step out onto the balcony where you inhale deeply, enjoying the salty air and the view down to the bay. You think that it might be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in your life and you flash a beaming smile at him.
“You like it?” he checks again and you nod eagerly. “Good,” he mumbles and steps up behind where you’re leaning against the railing, one of his arms finding its way around your middle and his head resting on your shoulder. “That’s good.”
You stay like that a little while, taking in the scenery in front of you in peaceful silence, listening to the sound of the waves that roll against the shore and watching as the sun is sinking lower, a soft golden light spreading out across the sky and reflecting in the water.
Eventually, one of his hands slowly starts gliding up your torso. He cups your breast and his fingers graze your quickly pebbling nipple. You moan quietly and instinctually push your hips back against his crotch and the growing hardness there, which causes him to chuckle as he bends down to run his lips over your neck, leaving small kisses and bites on the sensitive flesh.
You’ve been riled up and let back down so many times today that you feel a bit crazed at this point, the need for him between your legs downright painful as you grind your hips against him and another desperate moan escapes you. “Dave, please… I need you.” Your head falls back against his chest and his other arm loops around your middle, pressing you against him as he tuts softly.
“So needy that you’re forgetting all your manners, huh?”
He pinches your nipple, hard, before his hand sneaks higher and loosely wraps around your throat. The anticipation of what is -hopefully- finally about to happen has you feeling lightheaded. You don’t care that you’re outside, that anyone could look up and easily spot you on the balcony, you would let him fuck you right there, as long as he just finally fucks you at all. You haven’t given him an answer and the hold around you throat tightens. Not enough for any real pressure, but enough to remind you of the power he holds over you.
“Please, sir,” you whine and he chuckles again.
“Not yet, doll,” he whispers into your ear and his hand leaves your throat, then he turns you around until you’re face to face. You can see that he wants you too, it’s written on his features clear as day, and you can barely fathom his level of self-restraint right now. You open your mouth, ready to beg again, ready to beg for anything to relieve the throbbing pain between your thighs, but he shakes his head curtly and even in your lust-filled haze, you know better than to keep going and shut your mouth again.
He grins at your obedience and gives your lips a quick kiss. “Good girl. You’ll get everything you want soon enough, don’t worry. Just gotta be patient a little more, okay?” You nod, and dazedly let him take your hand and lead you back into the bedroom. “But first, we’re gonna have a nice dinner. Think you’re gonna need the energy, doll.” His grin turns downright feral and a small shudder runs through you. “Show me what pretty things you packed, yeah?”
You hum your agreement and turn to rummage through the closet, pick out a dress and fresh underwear and wander off into the bathroom. You half-expect him to stop you and make you change in front of him, but he doesn’t say a word. Maybe seeing you naked would be even too much for his restraint right now.
You change into the dress; it’s one of the new ones that you bought only last week while daydreaming about how Dave would take it off of you. It’s a short silk dress, dark red and with an open back that basically only consists of a several straps that form a loose pattern over your skin, which is why you forego a bra and only pull on a black thong, a lacy, barely there scrap of fabric. You also redo your makeup, adding a lipstick in a shade that matches the dress and freshen up your hair, then step out into the bedroom again.
Dave is still wearing the black slacks that he wore all day, but seems to have changed into a new, creamy white dress shirt, while you were busy in the bathroom. The top three buttons are open, which is one more than usual, exposing more of his broad chest than you’re used to and you know that you’re wearing an expression of awe on your face. He’s so beautiful. He always is, he’s stupidly attractive, really, but it’s hitting you especially hard right now, in these new surroundings and with the prospect of having him all to yourself for one whole week.
He’s eyeing you as well, his gaze roaming hungrily over your body. You become acutely aware of just how short the dress is, how much of your naked skin is on display. You like your body, and you’re not ashamed of showing it off, but this place is fancy. You know you look good, but suddenly, you feel a bit awkward. “Is- is this okay? Because, I-,” you stammer a little, “I didn’t expect this kind of hotel and you said- you said you wanted slutty, so…” You trail off, biting you lip nervously.
Dave’s gaze softens. It’s giving you whiplash, how quickly he switches between the domineering, controlled, sexually charged persona that he’s displaying around you most of the time, and this sweeter, caring side. The side that wants to do something nice for you. He takes a step towards you.
“Turn around for me, sweetheart.”
You do, giving him a little twirl before turning back around and meeting his gaze. He looks… you don’t know how to describe it. The hunger for you that you’re familiar with is there, but it’s also something else, something… more. “You look perfect,” he assures you and you can’t help but believe him. Then he continues, “take off your underwear.” You blink at him and he cocks an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t want any panty lines when you’re looking so gorgeous with that pretty dress.”
You know fully well that the tiny thong that you’re wearing isn’t leaving any panty lines, but you also know better than to argue. The thought of having nothing to protect your modesty under the very short hem of your dress makes you feel exposed, a little uneasy, which is probably exactly what he wants. Always testing your limits, always looking to see how far he can push you, how far you’d go to please him.
You slide your thong off and make to toss it in the direction of your suitcase, but he clicks his tongue and holds his hand out towards you. You put it into his waiting hand and he stuffs it into the pocket of his pants. You suppose that he’s planning something and that you’ll get to know about it when he wants you to, which isn’t now, so you keep your mouth shut and step closer to him. “Dinner?” you ask softly and lean on your tiptoes to kiss him. He returns the kiss, his tongue entering your mouth swiftly, giving you a taste of how much he wants you, before he pulls back and grabs your hand instead, leading you out of the suite and back to the elevator.
It’s just the two of you when you get on, but two floors down, you’re being joined by an elderly couple who you greet politely. As soon as their backs are turned to you, Dave’s hand is under your dress, running a finger through your slick folds. You manage to swallow your surprised gasp, but flinch slightly, and you see him smirk out of the corner of your eye. He slides his finger up and down your slit, brushing your already oversensitive clit a few times, and you bite down hard on your lip to keep the sounds inside that threaten to spill out of you.
When the elevator finally stops, he withdraws his hand and waits until the couple is a few steps away from you, until he leans down to whisper in your ear, “Good girl, learned your lesson I see. Now, what do you say?”
“Thank you, sir,” you breathe, your legs a bit wobbly and your arousal already leaking out of you.
“That’s right.” He pats your ass in a sort of condescending appreciation and you follow him into the dining area.
The hotel’s restaurant is located on the first floor, a beautiful, light-filled space that opens onto a big terrace which seems to float over the ocean and gives you a gorgeous view of the sunset’s colors that have become even more intense since you left your room. You’re being led to a small table for two and you gape at the view, causing Dave to laugh at you again, but it’s a warm laugh, that feels like he’s genuinely happy about how much you’re enjoying yourself.
You try reading through the menu, but you know maybe half of the things that are on there, much less how anything tastes or what you would prefer. You shoot Dave a sort of helpless look and he grins. “Want me to order for you?” he asks and you nod gratefully, trying not to feel embarrassed about how out of your depth you are. He orders something, along with a bottle of red wine, which you very much appreciate. You don’t know much about wine, but this one tastes really good. It turns out that he ordered some kind of fish for you, that you still have no idea how to pronounce right, but now you know that it’s freaking delicious. You tell Dave as much and he gives you another smile that seems much too soft and overwhelmingly right at the same time.
Dinner with him is much easier than you had anticipated. Apart from your excitement about the whole trip, you had been a little nervous about spending an entire week with him, having to make much more conversation than you usually do. It’s not that you never talk, but sooner or later, you end up naked with him whispering filth into your ear. You don’t go out on hour long dates, maybe a drink at a bar, but no big dinners and extensive talks. Until now.
Now you know that he’s a great listener, making you feel heard and understood, never once giving you the impression that you’re boring him. You also learn more about him, about his past, though he stays vague about his current job and the situation with his family. But it’s nice, being with him like this. Another thing that you could get used to, but that’s also another thought to shove into some far away corner of your mind. Be thankful for what it is, don’t become greedy for more, you tell yourself.
After two glasses of wine and a dessert that you could have died for, watching the sun set over the ocean until the night sky took over, you’re buzzing with happiness, but also excitement for the next part of the evening. The whole dinner was better than you could have imagined, but you have also been turned on for hours, with the man that you want right in front of you. When Dave finally stands up and pulls your chair out for you, you all but jump up and flit to his side. He chuckles and looks at your eager face. “Don’t get too excited, sweetheart. Tonight isn’t gonna be all that fun for you.”
The dark glint in his eyes is back and you’re subconsciously clenching your thighs together. The simple thought of what he might do to you is enough to push the arousal that has been simmering inside of you to the forefront of your mind again. You’re amazed how quickly he can sink back into that domineering character that could make you do almost anything with a simple snap of his fingers. He wasn’t like that at dinner, he didn’t once give you the impression that you’re below him or that he doesn’t respect you, separating this sexual dynamic that you’ve established from other parts of your interactions with clean precision.
He leads you out of the restaurant, his fingers grazing the bare skin on your back and you’re once again reminded that you’re completely bare beneath the skimpy dress that you’re wearing. His hand dips lower, playing with the hem that feels like it’s barely covering your ass. Goosebumps are forming on you lower back and your thighs and he chuckles darkly.
He keeps playing with your dress during the elevator ride, his fingers sliding underneath and grazing your ass repeatedly, until you’re fully riled up again. You’re a little nervous now. He promised to be rough several times today and you don’t doubt that he will. You’re excited as well, you want him rough, crave his control over you, but still…
He takes out the key card and opens the door as you follow him quietly, waiting for instructions. You can feel the tension rolling off of him. As soon as the door clicks shut, he’s on you, crowding you back against it, his hands grabbing your wrists and pulling them up above your head while he leans down to capture your waiting lips.
The kiss is messy, all teeth and tongues as he devours your mouth, towering over you and keeping your wrists fixed to the door while his whole body is pressing into yours. You arch into him, helplessly trying to get him closer as you moan into his mouth when he bites at your lower lip, keeping it in between his teeth as he pulls back a little before letting it go. You whine, the quick stab of pain transforming into pleasure and traveling straight to your pussy, which causes you to spread your legs wider and grind your hips against him.
He gathers both your wrists in his large hand, still pressing them against the wall above your head, and lets his other hand roam over your body, grabbing at your waist, bunching up the dress there. “Looked so good tonight, all dolled up in your pretty dress…” he murmurs with his lips now dragging against the soft skin of your neck, occasionally nipping and sucking at the skin, “and all this just for me, sweetheart?” He bites down right below your ear and your hips buck against him.
“Yes, yes sir, fuck…”
Your breath catches in your throat when he abruptly pulls the neckline down to expose your breasts and scratches his fingernails over your nipples. He pinches one hardened bud between his nails and pulls slightly before he lets go and watches how the flesh bounces back, then he repeats the motion on the other side. You’re gasping, tears are welling up in your eyes, it hurts, but it hurts so good, your pussy is completely soaked and you just want him to finally, finally fill you up.
Then he steps back, his jaw flickers as he watches you, still pressed against the door, panting softly and with a dazed expression on your face.
“Get on your knees.”
You get down immediately, hoping against hope that maybe he’ll let you come sooner when you’re being good now. He allows himself a cold smile at your eagerness and steps closer until you have to crane your neck to look up at him. He opens his belt and slacks in sure, controlled movements, the only evidence of his own need for you being the massive bulge that’s right in front of your face. He doesn’t waste time, shoving his pants and underwear down in one move and letting his cock spring free.
You gasp quietly, your mouth opening on its own accord at the sight of his massive length and you look up at him hungrily. “Open wide,” he tells you softly, almost gently and you obey, sticking your tongue out and watching mesmerized as he lets his tip rest on your tongue for a few moments. He pulls back slightly, smearing a mix of your saliva and his pre-cum across your cheeks, then slapping you with his cock, which causes you to moan. “Filthy little thing,” he murmurs and sinks into your wet mouth in one hard thrust.
You gag almost immediately, your throat contracting around him and he groans as he grabs your head and holds you still. Tears well up in your eyes and you already feel lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. He finally lets go and you desperately suck in a lungful of air before he starts thrusting into your mouth again, hitting the back of your throat every time and causing you to choke around him. The way he pushes you around, uses you for his own pleasure has a new rush of wetness flooding your pussy and you’re itching to touch your clit, just a little bit.
He notices how you’re squirming beneath him, how one of your hands is inching closer between your legs and he stops his thrusts, his cock still taking up most of your mouth, and looks down at your face.
“You wanna touch yourself? You like having your face fucked like a whore?”
You nod as best as you can and hum desperately, gazing up at him through your tear-soaked lashes. He furrows his brow, looking down at you with that wicked glint in his eye. “You know how to ask properly, I didn’t hear you sweetheart,” he tells you, sinking even deeper into your throat and you fight to suppress another gag. You hum again and look at him pleadingly; he’s well aware that you can’t ask him anything with his cock filling your throat like this. “Guess you don’t want to, then,” he shrugs, “hands behind your back. You’re not touching that pussy without my permission.” You whine, your clit throbbing painfully for attention, but you obediently cross your wrists at the small of your back.
“Poor thing,” he coos and pats your head in mock-sympathy, then moves his hand back to hold you in place as he pounds into your throat with renewed force. You gag around him, tears flowing all over your face and drool streaming down your chin and onto your tits. He sinks into you again and again, holding you up by your head and making you sputter around him, desperate to somehow draw air into your lungs. “Take it,” he growls, “take it like the little slut you are, down on the floor for me. That’s how you like it, don’t you?” He finally pulls out of you and slaps your cheek when you don’t respond immediately. “Don’t you?!”
“Y-yes sir,” you rasp, gasping for breath, tears and spit still all over your face.
He crouches down cups the cheek that he just slapped, his thumb rubbing at the tear-stained skin under your eye. You’re positive that you look a mess, mascara running down your cheeks and your dark lipstick smeared all around your mouth, mixing with your spit. Your hands are still behind your back, the arch in your body making you push your chest out and putting your tits on full display for him. He starts toying with your nipples again and you want to cry. An orgasm feels so close, yet so far away. You feel like you could come with just a few strokes on your clit, but you have no idea how much longer he will string you along until he finally deems it enough.
“You’ve been such a good girl, sweetheart. So patient all day, I bet you’re dripping all down those pretty legs right now, aren’t you? So desperate and ready for me, yeah?” His voice is a low growl in front of you and you whine your agreement. It’s not enough for him. “Say it. Tell me how desperate my little slut is to finally get fucked.”
You hesitate, your eyes dropping to the ground in front of you. “I-,” you gasp as he roughly grabs your chin and forces you to look at him, waiting for you to do as he said. “I need you to fuck me, so badly. I’ll be so good, I promise, just p-please, sir,” you whine, feeling pathetic, your voice trembling and your face burning. No matter how many depraved things he gets you to do with him, for him, talking like this still gets you embarrassed. Which is precisely why he makes you do it.
“And what are you?”
You feel your face heating up. “Your s-slut, sir.”
He grins as he adds another slap against your cheek. “Damn right you are.”
He straightens back up, tugs himself back into his pants and looks down at you. “Bedroom.” You scramble to get up, but he shakes his head and lands a hand on your shoulder, pushing you back down again. “No, no. You’re gonna crawl.” You sink back on your hands and knees, the amount of embarrassment and arousal that you’re feeling making you dizzy, and you look up at him shyly.
He nods approvingly and bends down to tug your dress up higher until your bare ass and pussy are on full display. “Good girl, right where you belong. Off you go, come on.” You bite your lip and start crawling towards the bedroom, his footsteps right behind you and you can feel his eyes drinking you in as another groan grumbles in his chest.
You stop in front of the bed and give him a questioning look. He gestures for you to stand up and you get back to your feet with trembling knees. He steps closer, his hands ghosting over your shoulders and toying with the straps of your dress.
“Such a pretty dress,” he murmurs as he slides them off your shoulders, the garment slipping down your body, leaving you bare except for the heels that you’ve been wearing all evening. You’re painfully aware of the power dynamic between you, how you’re completely naked and at his mercy while he’s still fully dressed. His hands roam over you, leaving goosebumps in their wake and come to rest at your hips. He squeezes the flesh there, then turns you around until you’re facing the bed.
One hand reaches up to your neck and he bends you over until your upper body is resting on the mattress, your back arching and your ass up in the air for him. He takes a step back and lands a slap on your backside without warning. You yelp, your body instinctively lurching forward and your legs shaking with the strain of keeping your balance in your heels. He notices, of course, and says, “You better keep those pretty legs steady, doll,” before reaching forward and massaging your stinging flesh. You hum, trying to get your muscles to cooperate, but your legs won’t stop trembling.
Dave’s touch leaves your body and he sits down on the bed beside your head, his eyes searching your face. “What’s your color, sweetheart?” he inquires, softly stroking your cheek.
“Green,” you answer without hesitation. It has already been a lot and you’re sure that he’s nowhere near finished with you, but you like it like this. You crave it. He nods, his touch still gentle on your face.
“And what do you say when you need me to stop?”
“Red,” you whisper, leaning into his touch.
“Good girl,” he murmurs and leans forward to press a kiss to your cheek, before he stands up again and disappears from your field of view.
“So,” his voice drawls from behind you, “I think I’ll give you twenty-five tonight, how’s that sound, sweetheart?” You gulp, but know that there’s only one acceptable answer.
“S-sounds good, sir. Thank you,” you breathe, the apprehension clear in your voice, and he laughs quietly.
“And what did you do to deserve this?”
You bite your lip again, struggling to think through the fog of arousal clearly enough to give him an answer that he’ll be satisfied with. “I d-didn’t listen and talked- talked back at you, and…” you trail off when his hand dips between your legs, swirling through the wetness there before retreating again. You inhale sharply and continue, “…and that was disrespectful. I’m sorry, sir, it won’t- it won’t happen again.”
“We’ll see about that,” Dave mumbles and his fingertips ghost over your lower back. “But that was a nice little speech, sweetheart. Starting now, you’re gonna count them out for me, yeah? Lose count and we’ll start over.” You nod and your hands grip the sheets as you try bracing yourself.
The first slap meets your flesh, not as hard as you know he can go, but hard enough to get a small scream out of you. “One,” you force yourself to say and he hums appreciatively, before landing the second slap exactly on the same spot as the first one. “T-two,” you whine, his handprint searing on your skin.
You make it until eleven before your legs give out, your trembling muscles collapsing under the task of keeping you upright in your heels while your body is scrambling to get away from the oncoming assault on your ass cheeks. You fall forward, your knees hitting the mattress right after Dave’s hand connected with your backside again. “Twelve, I’m sorry, sir,” you choke out.
“It’s okay,” he assures you, stepping closer and running his hands soothingly over your back as he searches your face, a look of soft concern on his face. “What’s your color, doll?”
“Green. Still- still green, sir,” you breathe out and you mean it. You feel like you’re on fire, but in the best way.
“Yeah?” he questions, “want me to continue?” and you nod your head eagerly. The concern washes away from his face, his jaw tensing and his eyes growing cold again. “Fucking masochistic little slut,” he growls and you moan, your walls desperately clenching around nothing.
He lets you stay with your knees on the bed, your ass still up high for him, until you’ve finally reached “twenty-five, t-thank you, sir.” You’re sobbing at this point, your skin feels raw where he hit you, but you’re also damn near delirious with want for him.
Dave strokes your skin gently, telling you what a good girl you’ve been and how proud he is of you, and you bask in his praise. Then his hand travels lower, slipping between your thighs until his fingers are running through your folds, feeling how soaked exactly his rough treatment has left you. “Fuck doll, you’re dripping. You really liked that, huh?” he murmurs as he pushes two of his thick fingers into you, sliding in easily and making you moan loudly.
He thrusts into your tight heat roughly, causing you to arch your back and spread your legs wider, your release so close that you can almost taste it. He keeps going until he feels you growing tighter, starting to clench around his fingers, and slides them out of you abruptly. You sob, feeling your orgasm subside again.
“I think you were about to come without permission, sweetheart. You just promised me you’d be good, didn’t you? Guess your greedy little cunt just can’t help herself, huh?”
You whimper an apology and receive another slap to your abused skin, causing you to jerk forward. “No doll, you stay right here. Give me your hands,” Dave’s stern voice orders from behind you. You let him take hold of your wrists, leaving you completely at his mercy in the position that you’re in, and he digs your panties out of his pants pocket, looping them around your wrists until they’re tightly secured.
When he’s satisfied with his work, you finally hear the rustling of him taking off his clothes. Without warning, you feel him swipe the head of his cock through your drenched folds, teasing you with the tip, grazing your clit and causing you to gasp, then sliding back until he’s prodding at your entrance. You whine loudly and try pushing your hips backwards, but his hold tightens around you, keeping you in position.
“Not so fast. Be a good girl and beg for it,” he requests, in a voice that still sounds so controlled, while you feel like you’re barely able to form words anymore. You’re not embarrassed anymore, the promise of his cock so close to where you want him wiping all inhibitions from your mind.
“Please sir, I need you so badly, please fuck me, I’ll do anything, just please…”
You feel pathetic begging like this, but you couldn’t care less. Dave lets out a strained groan behind you, and then he’s pushing into you in one strong thrust. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve taken him or how wet you are, his size always stings at the first intrusion and you wail, your body being pushed forward by his movement and he grips your bound wrists, holding you steady as he starts pounding into you.
“So fucking tight and wet you little slut, fuck you take me so good, being such a good girl, fuck…” Now his voice sounds wrecked behind you and you moan loudly at his words and at the way he’s splitting you open. This is what you had been craving for hours, the feeling of him thrusting into you again and again, and you push your hips back to meet his thrusts, to get him even deeper.
One of his hands grips your hair and pulls, forcing you to arch your back even more and slightly shifting the angle where he’s pounding into you, hitting something so delicious inside of you that you almost come on the spot, your walls already fluttering around him, but you’re not allowed, your scrambled brain reminds you, you need…
“Please sir, I’m gonna come, can I please…” Your voice breaks off into a sob when his movements slow down and he pulls out of you, pushing you forward until you’re laying flat on the bed, and he starts working on releasing your bound wrists.
“Good girl, asking for permission,” he praises, “but you’re gonna look me in the face when I make you come tonight.”
He frees your wrists and turns you around so that you’re on your back, looking up at him through teary eyes, desperate for your release. “Poor thing,” he coos as he gets between your legs, placing his large hands on your thighs and spreading them wide. His cock nudges at your entrance but he doesn’t sink back into you, his gaze trained on your face and his hand wandering up to play with your bottom lip.
“Open wide,” he tells you and you obey, parting your lips and sticking your tongue out. His breath has turned heavy by now and he hovers over you, hungry eyes roaming over your face, your open mouth and your wet eyes. He draws back the tiniest bit, then he spits into your mouth, his saliva coating your tongue and you whine, the filth of the whole situation making your pussy clench once more.
“Keep it open, show me.”
You hold still, your mouth wide open, feeling his spit mixing with yours as you stare up at him, waiting for his next command. “Now swallow,” he finally says and you do, showing him your empty mouth afterwards and he grins. “Fuck, you’re such an obedient slut, being such a good girl for me. You’d do anything right now, wouldn’t you? Fucked all the thoughts out of that pretty little head, yeah?”
“Yes, anything,” you whimper, and he sinks his cock back into you without preamble. Your eyes widen at the sensation of being full again and the new angle, moans of his name falling from your mouth and you wrap your legs around him, grasping at his wide shoulders to hold onto something as he starts pounding into you again with raw strength.
One of his hands wraps around your throat, squeezing until you feel light-headed, intensifying the feeling of his deep thrusts into you. Pleading whispers leave your lips, but you don’t even know what you’re begging for anymore, if you want more, if you want him to stop.
His movements speed up even more, hitting spots inside of you that have you moaning and squirming underneath him and the hand on your throat travels down to your breasts, toying with your nipples, pinching and pulling and sending delicious waves of pain through you.
You’re so close again, when his hand slides down to rub at your clit, making you scream and throw your head back, your eyes pinched close. He grabs at your face and forces you to look at him.
“Oh no, you’re gonna look me in the eyes when I make you come, are you gonna come sweetheart?”, he growls. You whine and nod desperately, your eyes shining with tears. “Go ahead then, come for me, squeeze my cock like the good little whore you are.”
He swirls his thumb over your neglected clit once more, gives you a particularly hard thrust and your vision swims, your whole body tensing up before you bear down on him and fall apart. You’re clenching rhythmically around his cock as the orgasm tears through your body in pulsing waves and you’re pulling him over the edge with you as he climaxes with a deep moan, spilling his release inside of you.
You’re a trembling mess, your breath stuttering and your mind still caught up in a blissful haze, and you’re only vaguely aware of him collapsing beside you, but you register the tender kiss that he presses to your cheek before he gets up and retreats to the bathroom.
The next thing you feel is the bed dipping as he sits down beside you again and you slowly blink your eyes open. Maybe it’s the post-orgasmic bliss that you’re still lost in, but you think to yourself that he looks especially beautiful right now, his face relaxed with a small smile playing around his mouth, where the stubble of his beard is showing through at the end of the day, and with his brown eyes warm again now as he looks at you.
“May I?” he asks and holds up a damp towel. You nod, returning his smile and watching as he brings the towel down between your legs, cleaning you up and soothing your hot skin. He gently turns you over and spreads some kind of healing balm over your burning cheeks, careful not to touch you too roughly. He also cleans your face, his soft touches almost enough to lull you to sleep.
When he’s finished, he maneuvers you around, causing you to giggle, until you’re in the middle of the bed and he can pull the covers over you, sliding in beside you and wrapping his arm around your middle. You shuffle closer until you’re securely tugged into his side, your breath fanning against his broad chest.
“You good?” he asks, looking down at you and placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Yeah,” you smile up at him and stretch to reach his mouth with your lips. He kisses you back, his hand coming up to play with your hair, and you smile even wider. As much as he likes to be rough with you, you think that what he actually needs, is the softness.
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1ovewoo · 11 months
finishing a office/group hangout because yunho and y/n cannot wait any longer to keep their hands off of each other so they quickly went home
and went on a crazy passionate (yunho dom with a sir kink) SMUT because y/n was becoming bratty and teasing in the car while he was driving
tysm for sending me this request!! i'm so sorry it took me this long to respond, the past couple weeks have been a bit hectic and then i just lost all steam abt a third of a way through writing this</3 but i loved the idea and wanted to finish it so i pushed through, i hope the ending doesnt seem too rushed and that you like this!!
cw/tags: fem reader, alcohol consumption (they aren't drunk), car sex kinda, masturbation (f), oral (m receiving), face fucking, dirty talk, a lot of pet names, sir kink, rough sex, spanking
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a giggle escapes your lips as yunho’s hand slides higher up your thigh, his mouth nearly pressed against your ear as he whispers filthy things to you, his other arm wrapped around your shoulder and twirling the ends of your hair. the two of you were completely in your own world, so wrapped up in each other that you don’t even notice the playfully disgusted or annoyed expressions of your friends who are sitting around the table at the bar your group frequented.
all night, you and yunho had barely been able to keep your hands off each other; you could chalk it up to the alcohol in your systems or the fact you were simply in love, but it didn’t really matter either way. 
what mattered was you needed to get out of here before you started begging yunho to fuck you over the table in front of everyone.
(that line of thought can be saved for later.)
noticing the glazed over look in your eyes, yunho grins and turns to your friends, saying, “well, i think it’s time we head out. y/n here is pretty tired.”
the rest of the group either ignore you altogether or chuckle and roll their eyes, waving goodbye as yunho throws his arm around your shoulder and leads you out to the parking lot, opening the passenger door for you like the gentleman he is before walking around to climb into the driver’s seat. 
the first minute or so of the drive is relatively peaceful, soft r&b playing through the speakers, but you start to feel antsy.
“yunho…” you whine, reaching for his hand which rests over the stick shift and pulling it into your lap.
“yes, love?” he hums, keeping his eyes on the road.
“need you now,” you grumble, tugging at his arm to try and get him to touch you where you want.
“i know, sweetheart, but we’ll be home soon, and then i’ll fuck you how you need,” yunho answers, soothingly stroking your thigh with his thumb before pulling his hand away to shift gears as he approaches a stoplight.
you sigh overdramatically at being brushed off and decide to take matters into your own hands, hitching your short dress up over your hips and slipping a hand into your panties, letting out a small gasp as your fingers make contact with your throbbing clit, dipping lower to gather some of your essence and spread it up your slit to ease the way. 
from the corner of your eye, you can see yunho glancing over at you, eyes drooping down to follow the motion of your fingers as you touch yourself, but he doesn’t say a word, doesn’t immediately pull the car over so he can fuck your brains out in the backseat, so you keep going.
slowly, you slide one finger and then two into your aching cunt, beginning to thrust and curl them, forcing breathy moans and whines out of your lips as your other hand comes up to grip your breast over the thing material of your dress. you lift one of your feet onto the dash to spread yourself wider and allow yourself more room to fuck yourself, head lolling to the side to look at yunho.
his breathing has gotten noticeably heavier over the past few minutes and his knuckles are white where they’re wrapped around the steering wheel. glancing down, you also notice the bulge in his tight leather pants and you can’t help but grin.
“yuyu, feels so good,” you moan, eyelids fluttering as you pound into your sweet spot and let your other hand slip down to play with your slippery clit, “want your cock so bad, please..”
the car comes to a rough stop at a stop sign only a few blocks from your apartment and yunho’s hand darts out towards you, roughly grabbing your jaw and pulling you into a harsh kiss, biting at your lip and sliding his tongue over your teeth and the roof of your mouth before pulling away as quickly as he came.
“you little slut,” he breathes, voice low and condescending, “can’t even wait fifteen minutes until we get home? you need my cock in your tight little hole that badly? i thought you were my good girl?”
“i am, sir,” you pout, cheeks still squished together in yunho’s grip, “‘m always your good girl.”
“tch,” yunho scoffs, shoving your face away and stepping on the gas again, eager to get home as soon as possible, “that’s a good one, seeing as you’ve been acting like a total brat the whole car ride.”
in the midst of yunho manhandling you, your fingers had come to a halt inside you and now you slip them out to tease your clit as you keep pouting, looking out the window as your neighborhood passes by and yunho eventually parks the car in front of your place.
he gets out of the car without a word and you struggle to pull your dress back down and cover yourself appropriately before climbing out as well, darting around to grab yunho’s hand and hold his arm as you walk together into your apartment building, neither of you saying a word.
the playful atmosphere from the bar earlier is long gone but you can’t say you’re too upset about it, you did love to tease and rile yunho up so he’d be a little rough with you. in your everyday sex lives, the two of you didn’t have any kind of strong dynamics you typically adhered to, but every now and then you liked to act out and bring out yunho’s more dominant side.
now, the pair of you step into the empty elevator and you hit the button for your floor. before the doors are even closed all the way, yunho has your back against the wall as his lips collide with yours, one arm sliding around your waist to grab at your ass and pull your body flush against his. you can’t help but moan into his mouth as you throw your arms around his neck, rising up onto your toes as you enthusiastically return the kiss, feeling dizzy from the way it feels like he’s consuming you, lips and tongue overpowering your own and leaving you pulling away to gasp for air after a few moments.
you two stare into each other’s eyes as you catch your breath, the tension palpable in the confined space you’re in, until the elevator dings, catching your attention and yunho pulls away, letting you adjust your clothes as he guides you down the hallway to your home, hand never leaving the small of your back.
You pull your keys out of your purse with shaky hands and it takes you a couple times to get the key into the lock, but finally you manage and you enter your dim apartment, yunho closing and relocking the door behind you. 
you barely had time to slip off your shoes before yunho’s voice cuts through the silence, making you jump a little when he says, “on your knees.”
you look back at him in shock, but then quickly move to comply, kneeling right there in the entryway and glancing up at your boyfriend through your lashes, waiting for his next command. 
he cards a hand through your hair while using the other one to shove his pants and boxers down just enough to free himself, hard cock springing up against his lower abdomen, and asks in a faux-sweet voice, “now, darling, what was it that you were so desperate for in the car?”
your eyelids flutter, glancing at the cock dangling in front of your face before looking back up at yunho’s face, gulping and answering, “your cock, sir.”
yunho hums in approval, guiding your head closer to tap the head of his dick against your lips, chuckling when your mouth instantly drops open to let him rest on your tongue.
“two taps if you need to me stop,” yunho softly reminds you, and you nod your head, assuring him you remember.
and with that, yunho shoves his cock into the wet heat of your mouth, burying himself to the hilt, his tip hitting the back of your throat and making you gag, breathing heavily through your nose and blinking tears from your eyes.
he quickly builds up a rhythm fucking your mouth, the filthy sounds of you gagging and swallowing around his cock filling the open space of your apartment.
“fuck, you always take me so well, yeah? just need a fat cock in your mouth to keep you happy?” yunho groans, head thrown back in pleasure.
jerking your head back by your hair to pull you off his cock, yunho gives you a chance to gasp in a few deep breaths, shuddering at the string of saliva keeping your lips and yunho’s dick connected before you break it with your tongue, licking the salt of your sweat and tears from your upper lip. your pussy is absolutely throbbing and you press your thighs together, rocking your hips a little as you try to find a little relief. 
“is my y/n ready to be a good girl for me?” yunho caresses your cheek and you lean into it, his thumb stroking to wipe away your tears.
“yes, sir…please fuck me, i’ll be your good girl please,” you plead, batting your eyelashes up at him.
yunho groans and grabs you by the arm, hauling you up and dragging you over to the couch where he pushes you down to bend over the arm. he shoves your skirt up over your hips and yanks your panties down, chuckling at your juices smearing down your thighs as he does so. 
he slides three fingers into you easily, scissoring his fingers and meeting barely any resistance.
“please,” you whimper, pushing your hips back into his hand.
finally, the feeling of yunho’s fingers disappear and is replaced with the blunt tip of his cock sliding through your wet folds. 
in one smooth thrust, yunho bottoms out and without even giving you a moment to adjust, he begins driving into you in rough thrusts, punching moans out of you each time. drool slides past your lips and drips onto the couch, pooling on the cushion below your head.
yunho’s hands slide down your waist to grab at your hips, pulling you back into him with each thrust, throwing his head back in pleasure as the sounds of skin slapping fill your apartment.
you jump when you feel yunho’s right hand collide with your ass with a loud smack, more moans slipping out of you as he rubs at the red skin there. 
“yuyu, can i come?” you plead, feeling the knot in your stomach tighten.
“hmm?” yunho teases, pretending not to have heard you while his hand slides around to your front and he circles his fingers around your clit.
you gasp, rocking back and forth between yunho’s cock and his fingers, squeezing your eyes shut, voice strained as you say, “please, sir, need to come, oh my god.”
“go ahead, love,” yunho bends over you to whisper in your ear, and that’s all it takes for your orgasm to wash over you like a tidal wave, yunho’s fingers and his hips never losing their rhythm as he helps you through your high.
a few thrusts later and yunho comes as well, burying himself deep inside you and groaning as rope after rope of cum spurts into you, warming your insides. you moan weakly in overstimulation but say nothing, enjoying the feeling of him filling you up.
once yunho’s high has passed, he pulls out, helping you stand and wrapping you up in his arms. he smooths your hair back off of your damp forehead and peppers kisses all over your face, making you giggle.
“you’re insatiable,” yunho mumbles against the skin of your cheek.
“but you like me that way,” you grin at him and he can’t help but smile back, knowing that it’s true.
ty for reading! if you enjoyed this and would like to support my works please consider reblogging or checking out my masterlist!
© 1ovewoo 2023
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strniohoeee · 7 months
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Pairing: The Triplets X Female Reader
Synopsis: Chris asked Y/N to join him and his brothers for a smoke session, but when readers lip gloss messes up the blunt they get mad, and Chris takes revenge👄
Warnings⚠️: Smoking a joint, and that’s all. This is based on a tik tok I saw. I’ll put it at the end of the story. I thought it was so funny, and had to write it😭
Song for the imagine: Wu-Tang Forever- Drake
The worst part about showing the triplets how to smoke was that they thought they had better weed than me. Because of this they would always call me over to test out their new weed.
My weed was always the best, but they’d never admit that. But hey a free joint is a free joint, so anytime they asked me to smoke with them to try their weed I was fine with it.
I think the runner up for best weed was Nick, and I’m not sure who the fuck his plug was, but that shit almost beat me, but key word ALMOST. Matt and Chris hated this because they wanted to be better than Nick so badly.
Today I filmed a get ready with me for my YouTube channel, so I did my makeup. I loved makeup, and I haven’t put my makeup on in so fucking long. I did a shimmery glitter on my lids with fluffy lashes, and a brown lip liner with super glossy lips.
I was getting ready to remove my makeup when I got a text
Nightmare Blunt Rotation😧🍃
-I got some new weedddddddd -Chris
-good for you…my shits better-Me
-Come smoke with us pleaseeeee-Nick
-ehhhhh I don’t know-me
-Not knowing if you want to smoke weed is bizarre. Get your ass over here-Matt
-I just filmed a video, and have to edit it for my channel-Me
-Who gives a fuck!!! Come over now- Chris
-Fine god damn- Me
-YAYYY! See you in 10? -Nick
-I was going to take off my makeup
-We can not wait for you to remove your makeup, and do a whole 30 minute skincare routine just come over here with your makeup on- Matt
-OMFG yall are down bad to smoke, fine-Me
-YESSSS see you in 10-Nick
I grabbed my purse and my water canister and headed out. Driving 10 minutes down the road
-Let me in bitches-me
10 seconds after sending that message Matt opened the door
“Yoooo bitch” I said hugging him
“Look at you with your face all done up, you look good” he said hugging me back
“Thanks” I said pulling away and following him up the stairs
“Have no fear the bad bitch is here” I said announcing my arrival
“Never say that shit again” Nick said giving me a dirty look
“Alright Mr. Crabby pants” I said rolling my eyes at him
“Ready to smoke the best weed of your life?” Chris asked showing me the joint in his fingers
“Yeah sure whatever you say” I said rolling my eyes at him
We headed outside to the yard, and sat in a circle
“Y’all go first I want to film some tik toks” I said
They all started smoking while I filmed some tik toks of myself
“I don’t know Y/N…..this shits good as fuck” Matt said to me
“Yeah let me see” I said taking the joint and taking a hit, letting it fill my lungs before exhaling
“What do we think?” Chris asked me
“Mmmm it’s good” I said shrugging my shoulders
“It’s better than what I had last time” Nick said
“Yeah it is better I will say, but I don’t know I like mine the most” I said to them
We continued to smoke, until Chris sucked his teeth
“The fuck is all this sticky shit” Chris said examining the joint
“Let me see” Nick said grabbing the joint and looking at it
“The fuck is this” he said laughing, Matt took the joint and looked at it
“It’s making the joint unravel” he said passing it to me so I can look at it
“Yall are so fucking dumb, that’s my lipgloss” I said laughing
“Who the fuck smokes with lipgloss on” Chris said
“Well me…yall didn’t let me remove my makeup, so suck it up. Lick all that brown lipgloss off” I said laughing at him
“You made it unravel” Matt said looking at me with a straight face
“MY BADDDD” I said laughing and applying more lip gloss
“Stop putting that shit, I’m about to roll another joint, and you’re not fucking this one up” he said beginning to roll another joint
“Hoes mad” I said shrugging my shoulders
I took my phone out to film a tik tok
“These fuckers are mad that I got lip gloss on the joint, like can’t a bad bitch smoke in peace” I said to the camera
“Not when it’s making the joint unravel” Chris said
“Yall this is my nightmare blunt rotation….I can’t even smoke with my lip gloss on” I said shaking my head
“Take that shit off” Nick said laughing
“NEVERRRR LET ME LIVE” I said to him
I looked back at the camera “He mad cause my lip gloss is poppin” I said
Suddenly Chris leaned over, and wiped my mouth with the back of his hand wiping all my lipgloss off
My mouth dropped and all my lip gloss was gone…..
They all started to laugh behind the camera
“Chris your fucker” I said leaning over and smacking him
I ended the video, and posted it. Immediately it started to get so many views. All their fans were dying laughing, saying how this is such Chris behavior
“Your fans are on my side you bitch” I said to Chris
“Too fucking bad don’t be smoking my shit with gloss on” he said making a funny face at me.
We finished the second joint, and just sat outside laughing and talking, and we eventually ordered some food. We filmed tik toks and watched some movies.
The End
Hope yall enjoyed this one. This was personal self indulgence LMAOOO😭🖤
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ms-fade · 1 year
Can you pleaseeeee do Lockwood eating out f.reader?
It’s cute
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Anthony lockwood x Female reader. 18+ Drabble
Disclaimer: The “Readmore" sign has been causing glitches with my fics so apologize if it happens again. I have never really written female receiving and I don’t know why this didn’t turn out good? I apologize sweetheart.
Warnings: Poorly written female receiving, female receiving, dirty talk, kinda dominant vibes. Spelling mistakes.
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His lips left soft trails of kisses up your leg, his touch was gentle and soft and your skin was full of goosebumps. He was so sweet and romantic, he told you that he wanted to pleasure you for the first time like you had done to him in the passed. But he expressed his worries of not doing it right.
“You’ll tell me if you need anything, right? I want to make you feel good.” He looked up at you with truthful eyes. But you saw the hint of desire and could tell he was almost impatient. “Of course.” You blushed and nodded at him.
His lips tugged into a smile as he returned to kisses along your thighs, him getting so close to your pussy made you want to close your legs. But he sensed your wish and put his hands on your legs to stop them from closing.
“You’re so shy, even when I’ve seen and touched you down here. Hell, I’ve even been far inside you but you’re still embarrassed.” His teeth tugged at the soft skin, “It’s cute.” You couldn’t help but gasp at the feeling of his teeth.
Anthony had finally had enough and needed to taste you. “Lay back for me.” You did as he asked and laidback onto his soft bed. He couldn’t believe how sexy you looked in front of him, spread out just for him.
His tongue started at then end and made its way up your pussy lips, he took it slow and got every taste he could out of it. His fingers came closer and ended at your thighs, but he still pushed them up to make you stretch out. He needed to get every inch of you.
His tongue found your clit and began to give it a few licks, each time and rhythm different then the last so he would tell what you liked. When he saw the way your mouth opened and closed your eyes in delight he knew how you liked it.
He didn’t give up even for a second while he ate you out, he was looking up at you the whole time. “Say my name, please.” He sucked on your spot and it made a pop when he let it go. “Need you to say my name.”
He was doing so good for his first time. It felt so much different to his fingers and it was so good. “Anthony.” You whimpered out and reached your hand down to his hair. “So good.” You cried, almost wanting to sob from the pleasure.
He moved down from your clit and stuck his tongue down your sobbing hole and moved his tongue around. “Yes!” You cried out as his hind came and started to rub your clit, his other reaching and pressing down on your stomach.
You opened your eyes and met his, looking up at you almost begging for you to cum- No, he was begging you to cum. To taste how you came with his mouth at work, he couldn’t get enough of it.
And he wouldn’t have enough until you’re begging him to stop as you cry. He’ll make your body twitch and ache for a break, because you were always so cute when overstimulated.
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stargirlfics · 1 year
ok but-
alfred and spanking. but specifically pussy spanking? i want
lying, legs spread, he's in between them; what started with slow pats to your engorged bud, is now full harsh, quick yet languid slaps to your exposed pussy.
the telltale noise of skin hitting skin, mixed with the squeals and moans escaping your lips is hot, but what's hotter is that the more he spanks, the more your juices start to coat his fingers and palm
suddenly every draw back in anticipation of the next hit to your red, swollen entrance forms a lewd string of arousal between his rough hands and your throbbing pussy.
the need for him to just smear his lips and tongue all over you, slurping up all that precious essence, taking in your scent, is wild. but the view of your writhing figure, and your pussy juices slowly dribbling out of you from his small spanks alone is just enough for the time being
pls make headcanons about this...pls 🥺
OK YOUR MIND! Pussy spanks are so underrated so seeing this has me excited especially thinking about Alfred doing it!!! 🫠
I can definitely make some headcanons about this like I have soooo many thoughts!!!
Gonna include a little visual of his hands bc I can’t help myself and they deserve to be seen lmao!
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I feel like it would be something of a discovery for both of you, more so for you than for him, you didn’t know it could make you this needy, this messy and looking down and seeing his fingers all slick and drippy almost has you wanting to hide your face but the look of pure hunger and admiration on his face stops you, because Alfred is loving this
He had spread you out on the bed with the intention of trying this out too, just wanting to see how you’d react, if it was something you would enjoy or not so much
Pleasantly surprised at the soft whimpers coming from you when he circles his fingers over your clit and gently pats it, his slacks tightening below the belt when you start to squirm the more firm the little spanks become until they’re sharp and making you gasp, just a slight sting of pain mixed with pleasure
“Such a filthy girl, just look at you enjoying yourself, making a mess on my fingers.”
“God, your pussy is so pretty like this, I bet you’re nice and sensitive aren’t you, darling.”
Alfred would be obsessed with how puffy and shining and sticky you are just from the spanks alone yes! Like he hasn’t even pushed his fingers inside you yet and you’re creating a puddle and he can’t get enough
Pleaseeeee I have such a thing for hands and his hands specifically are *chef’s kiss* and ugh you just know there’s some weight behind them, how expert his fingers are, the way they sound hitting your soaked skin, his deep hums and filthy praises and encouragement as you gasp at the spanks!
I WANT IT SO BAD BYE RHDJSJS it just feels right and Alfred is a man with impeccable self restraint so this actually is a challenge for him because all he wants to do at the sight of you dripping and getting messier for him by the second is lean down to devour you but he holds back just to savor the view he has for awhile more
Bestie I’m gonna be a puddle myself if I don’t stop thinking of this but it’s gonna be rent free in my mind I already know! Thank you for sharing this wonderfully dirty thoT with me cause I actually have wanted to explore this particular scenario more!!! 🥵
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1p2p-heta-suggestives · 8 months
2p Seborga nsfw alphabet pleaseeeee
Disclaimer, I see 2p Seborga as my age, 18, I’m not writing smut of minors. Read more is here for now so people don’t read this kind of content without wanting to
A - Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
• Literally the sweetest, fretting over them and making sure he didn’t hurt them. Prewarmed towels, snacks, drinks, their favourite movie, he was raised right and it shows by how sweet he is
B - Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
• He likes his tattoos, it may not count and most of them may be shitty stick and pokes he did but it’s the memories connected with them
• He likes their thighs, forever a thigh man, will spend forever with his head between them as well
C - Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
• Cums a lot and will get it everywhere, does not care. Stomach, back, thighs, bedsheets, inside them, he’s just happy that he got to cum.
D - Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
• Hentai watcher. Yes, he will jokingly make fun of people who do that but he will watch it from time to time, he will die if people find out.
E - Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
• He knows what he’s doing, but he’s not actually that experienced compared to other countries
F - Favorite position (This goes without saying)
• Doesn’t really have a favourite when topping it bottoming, he’s not really that bothered
G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc.)
• He can’t take anything seriously ever, he’s more goofy
H - Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.)
• He trims every now and again, usually it’s a bit of a mess though but he’s also just a mess, in general, so it’s fitting. It’s pitch black just like his hair.
I - Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
• Not really affectionate during sex unless he’s bottoming. He tends to get all ditzy and sappy when he bottoms, very different to how rough he usually is when topping.
J - Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
• Way more than is probably healthy, if he has a spare moment in his day then it’s probably what he’s doing with that time.
K - Kink (One or more of their kinks)
• Leashes
• Clothed sex - it just does something for him
• Degrading praise (giving, receiving, both make him go weak)
L - Location (Favorite places to do the do)
• Their kitchen (can’t do it in his own kitchen, living with his brothers), something about being bent/bending someone over the counter really excites him
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
• Wearing his clothes, especially if they’re oversized on them, it’s the hottest thing in the world to him
N - No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
• Being blindfolded, something about not being able to see just sets off his claustrophobia
O - Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
• As previously said, he could spend forever between someone’s thighs, he loves giving. He’s really skilled, his venom piercings (tongue piercing on each side) really add to it.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
• Prefers it fast and rough, will also be fast and rough with them. He’s not opposed to something slow and sensual, especially if either of them is already ducked out and overstimulated.
Q - Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
• Loves them, would prefer it to jacking off in his free time, he will never complain about it
R - Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc.)
• He adores any kind of risk, he’s naturally a thrill-seeker so he’ll be up for pretty much whatever. Experimenting with something tame, however, likely isn’t his cup of tea.
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
• He’s an 18-year-old boy, he’s practically insatiable. He doesn’t care if he’s shaking and crying from overstimulation, he wants more. He lasts about 6 minutes, a little less than average.
T - Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
• He has a fleshlight but it’s stashed away deep in his room so no one can find it. It’s for him only and he’s terrified of getting any more toys because he was almost caught buying the fleshlight and it put the fear of God into him
U - Unfair (How much they like to tease)
• Surprisingly not much of a teaser, he just can’t get into it, he’s too impatient to just tease
V - Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
• Very loud, he’s completely unashamed of it as well. It’s mostly grunting and moaning, maybe a whimper or two if he’s really overstimulated.
W - Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
• Has nipple piercings and they’re extremely sensitive, also wants to get his dick pierced but he’s too scared to actually do it
X - X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
• Around 5 inches. He’s cut, it’s a little thicker than average and it curves upwards.
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
• Very high, something he’s completely unashamed about, he’s a very horny guy
Z - Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
• He’ll usually stay up long enough to make sure they’re feeling good and then he’ll fall asleep with them
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padfootastic · 2 years
my problem with the wolfstar remus fans is, they claim that they like sirius while what they’re only doing is adoring remus. from my humble view, to them, claiming to like sirius is a kind of shield to freely use sirius as remus’ rich asshole/daddy/schoolking. i’m not saying remus fans adoring remus is wrong. but if you(remus fans) act like remus has never done anything wrong in his life and sirius is the asshole in the relationship, that IS wrong, even canonically. sirius black has never been dirty to his loved ones. (the prank? 1-we don’t know what actual prank was like at all. it could’ve been like this:
2-maybe sirius might’ve liked remus, but maybe he might haven’t loved remus in canon 🤷 we don’t know that either.) sirius black was canonically so fucking loyal, like a fucking dog. while remus lupin abandons teenager harry and pregnant tonks.
sorry for being harsh, but i dislike remus lupin, all thanks to the remus fans in the wolfstar fandom. they really need to reread the books. i mean, how on earth is sirius a bad guy? and how on earth can you say you dislike sirius because canon sirius was terrible to remus?? like when was sirius terrible to remus ever in canon??? hello????
i remember seeing someone say that sirius took advantage of remus’ low self esteem and it was an exploitative friendship and bro,,,,lemme tell u,,,,the Rage i felt.
when did we ever see anything like that 😭😭😭 why is my baby so maligned pleaseeeee
also yeah, i’m adopting that headcanon for myself. i loved it the first time i read it, even more now.
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battinscn · 2 years
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CHARACTERS: theodore/ draco/ cedric x f! reader
A/N: if you have any hc suggestions, send them in my ask box. uh. also. if you have sent in a request for my celebration event, i’m working on your trust. school’s just been a howler and my plate’s quite full at the moment.
read cedric/ theodore/ draco fics here
return to the headcanon masterlist here
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- drunk off smirnoff because he kept getting iced
- malfoy would be an absolutely dickhead and keep having theodore look behind things
- “oi nott, look behind the sofa”
- “theo, baby, no, he’s trying to get you to drink. you’ve fallen for it ten times,” you would try to stop it
- of course your already waved boyfriend would hop onto the sofa and look behind it
- “god, what am i going to do with you,” you would sigh when theodore’s sprawled in your sitting room, passed out
- you would kneel down by him and rid him of his clothes so he was just in his pants
- you’d wipe him down with a warm towel and change him into his spongebob pyjamas (which you had to swear you would never tell anyone about)
- before you could stand back up to toss his dirty clothes in the laundry basket, theodore would grip onto your wrist lazily
- “hm, you’re the bestest girlfriend ever. always taking care ‘f me”
- stupidly sheepish grin and hooded eyes and all
- “bestest, you say?” you’d tease
- “yeap, i have the bestest goodest girlfriend in the whole wide world, and she’s mine. i love you”
- he’d jut his lips out in a cute pout, “kith?”
- and how could you say no to that?
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- he’d nick the finest scotch off his father’s liquor selection and bring it back to your flat
- “that’s enough, don’t you think?” you would asked when draco’s on his fourth pour
- “i don’t get drunk,” the cocky asshole would scoff
- sure enough, after downing the glass, draco was hunched on the glass dining table, leaning his head and arms against it
- “y/n…?” he’d drag your name out, “baby…?”
- you’d push the duvet off your lap with a sigh and walk into the front room to your very much drunk boyfriend
- “yes, draco?”
- “my head hurts, and the light’s too bright, make it go away” he’d wave his arm in the air to signal at the windows
- “that’s the sun, draco, i don’t think i can just ‘make it go away’”
- ‘ugh’ he’d cover his face in his hands
- you’d force him to down a glass of water and drag him into your bedroom to rest
- “where are you going?” draco would quickly sit up and look at you with puppy dog eyes when you would leave the room
- “to get you more water”
- “nuh uh, stay here,” he would pat your side of the bed
- drunk draco was a clingy draco
- “what’s the magic word draco?”
- “pleaseeeee”
- “the magic word was hippopotamus, but i’ll give in just because you’re so adorable”
- “‘m not adorable,” he’d cross his arms and frown
- “whatever you say little love”
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- it was christmas dinner and you and cedric were hosting
- cedric and your family came over for a roast dinner and some puddings
- you exchanged presents, hugs, and kisses and the guests had left
- you had never seen anyone gotten drunk off mulled wine, but you guess your cedric was just special that way
- he was a lightweight since he did not drink often
- “baby!” cedric would yell for you from the front room
- “huh? yea?” you’d run from the kitchen, where you had been cleaning up, and to where cedric was, worried he had gotten his drunk self hurt
- “c’mere,” he would beckon you over
- “gimme your hands,” he’d reach for your wrists which you would willingly let him have
- he would hold you wrist in one hand
- “you’re under arresht,” his drunken-lisp making you giggle
- “for what, officer?” you’d play along
- “for shtealing my heart,” cedric tried his best to put on a stern face
- “oh dear, and what is my sentence?”
- “you hav’ to giv’ me a hundred kisses right now”
- “right now?” you’d try to pull your hands away but his grip would not relent
- “yeth, or you cannot leave”
- of course you had to serve your sentence, and so you would place a peck on cedric’s lips
- “you’ve gots to count ‘em,” cedric whined
- “two,” you lean down to place a second kiss on his lips
- and so, that was how your christmas night was spent. counting the one hundred kisses you had to give your dear old boyfriend
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join my taglist here!
theodore tags: @lilytoyourjames @pattnscn @haroldpotterson @one-direction-harry-potter1 @harryjamespotterswife @fairydxll @xangel76 @grandnerdsheep-blog @eleventhboi @bluetreecloud20 @momoewn @snigdha-14 @chicchanelcigs @milkiangl @bubs-world @arianamalf0y
draco tags: @lilytoyourjames @pattnscn @haroldpotterson @itzjennieofficial @xangel76 @grandnerdsheep-blog @eleventhboi @cevans98 @jmj-1312 @gwlvr @bluetreecloud20 @momoewn @snigdha-14 @alldaysdreamers @cheesytangerine @bubs-world @arianamalf0y @deepnachochild
cedric tags: @lilytoyourjames @pattnscn @haroldpotterson @eleventhboi @cevans98 @momoewn @snigdha-14 @cheesytangerine @bubs-world
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escapingmytrauma · 3 years
CW/TW: Kidnapping, dub/non-con, dacryphilia, praise and degrading, mentions of cremating, yandere behavior, degrading, praise, dirty talk, threaten use of anal, stolen virginity, ownership, possessive behavior.
WC: 3.8K
                Dabi: His Property
           You sighed as your sister wept into your shoulder about how horrible he was. You knew that everyone knew that. Dabi was a villain for God’s sake. Did she really believe that he was going to change?
“I’m never going back to him, he can fucking die for all I care,” She blabbered. You held the urge to roll your eyes knowing all too well she does care. He doesn’t even care for her, but you and her friends had already told her multiple times; y’all could only give her so much advice.
It had already been two weeks and she was still crying all day. It was a toxic relationship, one you would never want to be in. But older sisters were always the example of what to do and of what NOT to do. Another hiccup escaped her lips as she lifted herself off your shoulder and looked over to you with pleading eyes. You wanted to look away because you knew she was about to ask for a huge favor, and one you more than likely would not want to do.
“Hey… could you ever be so kind and pick up the rest of my things from Dabi’s place?” Your jaw slightly dropped; sure, she asked you for ridiculous favors, but this, this took the cake. She knows how much you dislike Dabi, and you would never admit it, but he intimidated you; he intimidated everyone. Your sister was just stupid enough to get caught up in with someone like him.
“I don’t know, Gigi… It was your relationship, not mine, I don’t want to get involved if I’m being honest,” You admitted. She grabbed you by the shoulders and looked straight into your eyes with her bottom lip slightly pouted out.  
“Pleaseeeee, sis. I’m begging you, I don’t want to see him,” Gigi begged. You looked over to her friends who were watching this unfold. Your eyes asking them to intervene. To do something, anything. To your luck they rubbed the back of their neck and looked away.
You scoffed and looked back at her, “Fine. I’m only doing this because I don’t want this to slap back in my face,” You stated as you stood up. Your sister gave you a big hug and continuously whispered her thanks to you; shrugging it off you hesitantly made your way out and headed off to Dabi’s.
 You were in front of the door, an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach kept making you hesitate to knock. Best case scenario he wasn’t home. Taking a deep breath, you gave the door two good hard knocks.  
To your dismay you heard shuffling on the other side and the door starts opening as words pour out of Dabi’s mouth, “Already crawling back Gi- “He stopped midway when he looked and saw that it was you and not your sister.
Dabi was shocked on the inside, but he couldn’t show it. His dumb ex sent her poor, younger, innocent sister to come collect her things, which he had already thrown out, but she didn’t need to know that.
“Ah… If it isn’t Gigi’s little sister,” Dabi said with a smirk playing on his lips. The use of your whole name had your shoulders slightly shrinking. “What brings you here?” He asks as he leans on his doorframe a glint in his eyes that tells you that this is a bad idea, a bad idea.
“Just coming to collect Gigi’s belongings…” You meekly reply. You were so determined to have a strong look, to not look intimidated, but that obviously didn’t hold up.
Keep it together for God’s sake!
Mentally scolding yourself as he raised one of his hands to come inside, “Yeah, they’re in the room, Come on in.” The dangerous smirk and glint his eyes not once leaving his face. Your heart was thumping loudly, your stomach was churning with nausea as every single bad scenario played in your head.
He’s going to kill me.
Dabi closed the door behind him and locked it. The sound of the lock had you tensing up, “I don’t want to waste any of your time so I promise it will be quick,” You quickly stammered out.
A small chuckle left his lips as he gazed at your whole body from head to toe, you had a much nicer figure than your sister that’s for sure. The clothing was so plain, some jean shorts and a simple V-neck blouse that complimented your cleavage a little too well. You uncomfortably shifted under his lustful gaze as you tried to think of something else.
“So…” you cleared your throat before proceeding, “Which room is her stuff in?” His piercing blue eyes shifted to the door behind you, and he nudged his chin indicating that that was room. You gave a small nod and turned around and made your room to the door. Your eyes must have missed the lock that was placed on the outside of the door instead of the inside as you walked into the room.
Dabi smirked as he followed closely behind you; you were falling right into his trap, you are poor, naïve soul.
“Dabi, there is nothing in here, just a bed,” You stated as you turned around and hit his chest. You took a wobbly step back. Your heart racing faster than it was before.
“I know.” You nervously swallowed as you looked anywhere but at him. A small hum left his lips as you looked and tried to think of a way to calm yourself. “You nervous? Hmm… doll, tell me, are you?” The words had a tone of mockery laced in them as you finally looked at his eyes.
“Stop being weird Dabi,” You muttered as you started to walk past him. That only proceeded in his roughly grabbing your upper arm and pulling you back and releasing you onto the hardwood floor with a thud.
“What was that for?! Dabi, seriously, if you’re mad about the breakup maybe you should go talk to Gigi,” You rambled with panic in your tone. Dabi kneeled in front of you grabbing your chin to force you to look at him.
“I never wanted your sister. I wanted someone else… can you guess who it is?” He taunted with a sinister grin on his stapled face. Mischievous blue pupils wanting to you to answer.
Your eyes were wide and your lips slightly apart of just how insane this guy is. His thumb reached over and glided across your bottom lip, “I’ll give you another hint, I’m looking right at her…” Dabi whispered. If you weren’t scared, you most definitely were now. His thumb continued lightly slide across your bottom lip as tears started strolling down your cheek. Dabi let out a wicked chuckle as his other hand pushed your body down to the ground and was now straddling you.
“Dabi… Don’t…”
“Don’t what, doll? Hmm?” Dabi leaned down and licked the tears off your face, letting out a small hum of approval as your hands were still frozen at your side. You were letting him touch you, lick your tears off, and you haven’t managed to stop him. His face was suddenly in front yours and he pushed his lips against your slipping his tongue in quickly. Your eyes were still wide, and your hands found themselves pushing against his chest. He easily grabbed both of your wrists pulling them away pushing them above your head.
He managed to get both of your wrists in one of his hands as the other trailed beneath your shirt, gripping at your side with an uncomfortable grip. You writhed and squirmed beneath him as he gripped harder at your sides. Dabi pulled away his face away from yours a string of saliva connected to both of y’all’s lips. He pulled his hand up from underneath your shirt and pushed his thumb in your mouth.
“Suck.” It wasn’t even a suggestion. You swallowed before nervously wrapping your tongue slightly around his thumb and sucking. Dabi groaned as he praised, “Good girl.”
His eyes were intensely watching you and you could nothing but look back, his whole gaze had your cheeks heating up from embarrassment. You wanted this to end.
A knock interrupted. Your eyes looked down hoping to the door, but you were met with Dabi’s pants and you could see a noticeable bulge against the crotch area. You sighed in relief when another knock.
“Dabi!” Your eyes went wide, it was your sister. Dabi chuckled and looked down at you with his thumb still in your mouth.
“Make a sound and I’ll cremate her,” Dabi threatened. Not giving you a chance to respond he took his thumb out of your mouth with an audible pop. Dabi stood up and looked down at you, “Now stay quiet and sit on the bed for me like a good little whore.” He walked out of the room and you heard the door lock on the other side. You slowly sat yourself up and fixed your shirt.
You could hear faint talking on the other side, your sister’s voice sounded panic and scared. But you couldn’t quite make out what they were talking about. You just stay there on the floor not making a sound as you try your best to not make any noise. You hear the front door open and shut, but you don’t hear any sounds.
Did he walk her out?
You stood up and walked over to the door trying to jiggle it, but nothing. It was locked. You sighed in frustration as you contemplated on whether or not to try to kick the door. Before you could decide you heard the front door open ad heavy footsteps approaching to the room. Taking a couple of shaky steps as you heard the lock unlock and the door being pushed wide open and being met with a wicked grin.
“Good news, doll!” Dabi walked closer to you as his hands were behind his back like he was hiding an item. You kept taking steps back until your back hit the wall, Dabi didn’t hesitate to close the distance, “Your sister thinks you’re hiding because you didn’t do what she asked… and on top of that I told her the truth of where her items were, so… she has no reason to come back here,” He casually explained. Your eyes narrowed as you could slightly feel your anger boiling up inside you.
“You sick son of a BITCH!” You yelled as your hand came swinging aiming for his cheek, but he stopped you with one of his hands.
A malicious chuckle left his lips as he gripped your wrist tightly causing you to whimper, “I’m going to break that fire of yours, and you’re going to love it,” Dabi whispered. You squirmed as you wanted to get out of his grip tugging your wrist only for him to increase his grip; you let out a small cry as tears stung the corner of your eyes.
Dabi pulled you to him only for him to force you on the bed with his weight, he brought his other hand out revealing a black leather collar. Your eyes widen as you struggle more; Dabi let out a huff in frustration as you weren’t being still.
“I’m going to fucking shove my cock in your ass if you don’t stop moving,” Dabi threatened.
He wasn’t one for empty threats and you knew that. You go completely still as you can’t hear anything besides the loud thumping in your chest. He hums in approval as he sits up straddling your body, he undoes the collar and is surprisingly gently as he puts it around your neck. Once he finishes his eyes hold nothing but lust, he loops his pinky finger in the hole where a chain can connect pulls at it forcing your face to come up. He leans down into you enveloping your lips in a deep kiss that you can’t escape.
A whimper barely makes its way out of you as your hands feebly push against his chest. He yanks on the collar harder causing you to let out a grunt. Dabi releases the collar and the kiss pushing you down by your shoulders flat on the bed. He sits back up and tears your shirt and burns the middle of your bra.
“Dabi please do- “
“No… I will…” he cuts you off as his fingers fiddle with the button on your jean shorts, “And you’re gonna be a good lil’ whore for me and take it.” He gets up off you and quickly takes both your shorts and panties off, your face heats up as you quickly clamp your legs together in an effort to hide, Dabi quickly pushes his hands in between and caws your thighs apart as your whole mind is now processing what is going on.
I’m going to get raped! Dabi is going to take my virginity.
Tears freely roll down your cheeks as his face is now right in front of your pussy, shame and fear lighting up within you. He delves his tongue in between your folds, you let out a small mewl as you squirm. His arms going beneath your thigh as he wraps his hands around your thigh and grips down to hold you still. Dabi continues to lap greedily at your cunt as you can’t hold back the noises that escape your mouth.
Dabi is thoroughly enjoying your reactions, trying to get you prepared for him. Such a responsive thing, he loved it. Sucking on your bud he releases one of your thighs as he brings two of his fingers at your soaking entrance. He slowly pushes them. A loud gasp escapes your mouth as your fingers entangle themselves into his hair.
“Nngh…” You squeeze your eyes shut trying to block him out, but his thick digits are fucking you at a pace that won’t allow you to do so. He swirls his tongue around your clit as he picks up the pace; breathy moans falling shamelessly out of your mouth.
“Look at you… moaning like a lil’ slut,” Dabi comments as you clench around his fingers. You just whimper in return, your whole face heating up in the fact that you are enjoying this. Your body is. The feeling in your stomach starts to become bigger as Dabi now is hovering over you as his two fingers penetrate you and his thumb roughly rubs at your bud.
Your body is reacting on its own as it starts to grind in motion with Dabi’s fingers. He growls lowly as he pulls you up to him by the collar as he kisses you. His tongue raiding your mouth to where you can taste yourself on him. You don’t want to cum on his fingers, but you can’t help it. The sensation is too powerful as you moan loudly into his mouth orgasming on his fingers.
Dabi pulls his fingers out and shoves them into your mouth pushing them far back causing your vision to blur and you to gag. He removed his fingers as a trail of saliva followed and he started unbuckling his belt. Dabi was quick to remove his pants. You tried regaining a little composure as you slowly sat up only to be pushed back down.
“Turn over.” You froze. You really didn’t want to, but at the same time who knew what threats he had up his sleeve. You slowly rolled over to your back your heart racing as tears stung your eyes again. You felt as his hand snaked beneath around your stomach as he started to lift you up. Even though you were a virgin you understood everything about sex. You knew exactly what he was asking for. You obediently got on your knees and your hands.
You could hear him hiss lowly as he brought his body close to yours. “Dabi please… don’t…” you tried pleading one more time. “I’m a- “
“Doll. Don’t make me shove it in your ass,” Dabi warned. You swallowed all protests and squeezed your eyes shut. You tried to steady your breathing as you felt his head tease your entrance.
Please go slowly! Please go slowly!
As if reading your mind, he slowly pushes his head in, hissing as he could already feel you clenching around him. God, you were so fucking tight. He continues to push himself in as you let out a cry and tears fall down the side of your face. Dabi allows himself to bottom out in you enjoying how tight and wet you are. You unsteady breathing as hurts a little more than anticipated.
“I’m going to fucking ruin you,” Dabi whispers as he leans down into your ear. “Be a good whore and ask me to fuck you,” He commands. Your eyes go wide. You can feel his whole cock inside of you as you pause to think whether or not to do so.
“Fuck me, please… Dabi,” You meekly force out. He lets out a groan as he gently rocks against you.
“Say it again.”
You swallowed, “Please fuck me, Dabi.” You were so embarrassed to be asking for such an action. Dabi rocked against you harder, every single time his head hitting harder against your cervix. You let out mewls as he picked up his pace; at this point you adjusted to his size and it was pleasurable.
Dabi pulled out and flipped you over as he thrusted back into you harshly. You let out a yelp as he just bucked your hips into you. Filthy words and phrases spilling out of his mouth.
“You’re mine.”
“You’re clenching so hard for my cock.”
“You’re such a slut for me.”
They came barreling out as he just continued to violently shove his cock deep into you. Over and over again. Another orgasm left your body as your toes curled and your back arched up.
“That’s it, cum on my cock you lil’ whore.” As if to increase stimulation he tweaked and pinched at your hardened nipples causing you to thrash and squirm as whimpers left your mouth. Your fingers fisted into the bedsheets and Dabi thrusted harder.
“Tell me who owns you, whore,” He demanded between pants. He was close. So, so close.
“You do, Dabi,” You sob out as he continues to pinch and knead your breasts.
“That’s fucking right!” His thrusts become sloppy, and he suddenly lets out a loud groan releasing into you. Riding out his high as you slowly get over your afterglow.
You both are panting hard, and he lays completely on you. His fingers run gently through your hair, you barely manage to make eye contact with him; he smirks as he notices your eyelids getting heavy and sleep enveloping you.
Your eyes slowly open blinking a couple of times to adjust your surroundings. There is a dull soreness between your thighs, actually every part of you felt sore. You weakly sit up as you look down to see that your dressed in different clothing. Your fingers trail to your hipbone to feel a new set of panties were put on you, and you were in a big t-shirt; unfortunately, you had no bra on. You rub your eyes as you look down and see a chain around your ankle. You lean over to slightly pull at it; you sighed in defeat.
The door opened and you looked up to be met with the eyes of your captor.
“Good afternoon, doll…” He stated casually. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Ah yes, you were asleep for roughly about eighteen hours,” Dabi answers as he walks in with some items in both of his hands. Closing the door behind him with the back of his foot, “I suppose I should have taken into consideration that your sister did say you were sleep deprived and that you were indeed a virgin.”
You silently watch as he sits beside you and opens a water for you handing it to you, “I can’t have you dehydrated either… Also, I need you to take this,” Dabi rambles as he hands you both the water and a small pill. Your eyes look back up at him with a suspicious glint.
“I don’t think you want kids right now,” Dabi smirks as he looks down at the pill.
Oh… it’s a plan B.
You nod in confirmation as you obediently take the pill and swallow it down with some water. You drink some more of the water realizing your more parched than you thought. He lets out a chuckle. You were still trying to wake up, and it doesn’t go passed his mind he could easily fuck you right back to sleep.
“Why am I still here?” You question. “You took my virginity, isn’t that enough?”  You inquire further.
He hums contemplating on how to answer, “Because you’re my property… It’s pretty simple actually… Date your dumb sister for about a month… well a month was the plan, but that didn’t work… and then I knew she would send you because she’s prideful and stubborn like that,” Dabi finishes.
“Wait. Wait. We skipped chapters, Dabi… you’re making it sound as if you had met me way before you met my sister. We were never introduced to one another till after y’all started dating.”
“Hm… Oh, right. I knew you before I knew your sister, but you didn’t know me…” Dabi explained as if it was completely normal.
“But that doesn- “
Dabi raises his hand to cut you off, “Enough questions, doll. Don’t inquire too much, I don’t like it… I need you to eat,” He says as he hands you some food in your hand. His thumb reaches over and gently grazes your cheek wanting to desperately fill your tight little cunt with his cock again, but he knows you need a small break.
“Gigi said you horrible at aftercare…” You whisper more to yourself, but he hears.
“Ah. I take care of my property, doll… but try not to piss me off, I will have to discipline you in ways you won’t enjoy,” Dabi warns. You take a bit of your warm food as you just nod.
“Now say it for me… that you’re my property…” Dabi demands. You swallow your food as you looked up at him. You didn’t want to, but it would be wise to not piss him off while you’re in no condition to fight.
“I’m… I’m your property,” You shakily finish. Dabi smirks and leans down placing a kiss on your forehead.
He knew you didn’t believe it, but he was going to get you to a point where you do believe it. That you’re his property.
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retroellie · 3 years
Farm. Ellie. Making. You. Squirt. 👀 👀👀AAaRAghg now I NEED a whole fic for that!!!! For the sake of my sanity pretty pretty pleaseeeee 😩🙏🏼
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Summary: Ellie finding scandalous polaroid's of you before finding out what she can do to you :)
A/N: Thanks for the ask<3 it was a bit rushed but i tried, theres so many asks to do so plz bear with me lol. Also i did research for this one cause idk much about this subject so be proud of me ASHAH
Warnings: NSFW, Squirting, fingering, cunniligus
Word count: 3.2K
She didn’t know what happened, one minute she was listening to Joel strum his guitar, wondering when the hoard will pass so she can finally be with you again. Then the next minute she was looking down a scandalous picture of you, gripping the paper so tightly her knuckles had turned white.
She was digging through her backpack when a piece of paper fell out of it. The paper was folded neatly, the words “For ellie<3″ standing out. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion, not quite sure who had put it in there but there was only one way to find out. She picked it up, it was heavier than it looked.
She opened it up and something fell out of the folded paper onto the ground. She looked down towards the floor to see 5 polaroids scattered, she was even more confused. She picked one up and examined it.
It was a picture of you and her, you two were on her bed. You had a huge smile on your face as ellies lips were on your cheek. Her arms were draped across your stomach lazyly, Ellie smiled. She remembered that day so well, you both were sick with colds and you both stayed in bed all day with each other watching old 80s movies.
The next one she didn’t recognize. You were in her bed once again, you were laying on your back with the camera pointed at your chest. You had a small tank top on which didn’t leave too much to ellies imagination. Your neck and chest were covered in hickeys, the dark shade complementing your lips.
The next was even more scandalous. You were in the mirror with only a set of back lacy underwear Ellie had gotten you on one of her trips. Your hand was over your boobs, covering them up so she couldn’t see them. She could see marks on your waist, finger prints from her. It was evident she had once been in the room with you, judging by your puffy lips and sweat drenched body.
The last one made her heart drop and the blood from her face drain. You were on her bed once again, you were topless. Your hair was draped over your boobs and your legs were spread slightly allowing her to see a small sliver of all of you. One hand was on your hip and the other was placed on your chest, right above your boob.
She looked down at the paper and saw sloppy writing on it, she didn’t hesitate in ripping it open and reading it.
Dear ellie,
I thought you were gonna miss me so i decided to have a photo shoot just for you<3 I hope you like them, I'm no model but I thought having these would make you miss me less. (or to show what your missing, don’t want you running off with another girl)
I miss you like crazy and you haven’t even left now, but by the time you're reading this I know I'll be missing you :(. Please be safe and don’t die, I don't want some asshole getting these pictures off your dead body. Oh and I'll miss you when you're dead of course:)
Anyway, please be safe baby and come back to me. I can’t wait to be ruined when you get back, Muah muah
Her jaw tensed up, her hand grabbing the paper tightly. She tried everything to stop the thoughts of ruining you from running through her head, she couldn’t do anything about it either. She only had these pictures of you, she couldn’t touch you or be touched. The frustration was really getting to her.
She was pulled back to reality by Joel strumming the strings of his guitar.She shoved the pictures into her backpack hoping Joel didn’t see them. She let out a loud sigh, trying to calm herself down. She couldn’t wait to get home, she knew exactly what she was going to do. She knew this was gonna be a long trip.
The next couple days were hell for ellie. She couldn’t get her mind off the pictures and she couldn’t get off either. She didn’t get much alone time thanks to Tommy and Joel so all the frustration was building up. She couldn’t sleep sometimes, she was so touch starved it interrupted her dreams
When they finally arrived at Jackson she didn’t hesitate in running to her house, knowing you’d be there. With a couple welcome backs and half assed replies from Ellie, she finally arrived at her garage. She slowly opened the door, being greeted with warmth and the smell of your perfume.
Her room hadn’t changed much, there was still clutter of books and you were on her bed with little clothes on. When you heard the door open your head perked up, your eyes leaving the book you were reading. You gave her a big smile before throwing your legs over the bedside, running over to her.
You wrapped your arms around her neck, bringing her into a deep kiss. You guys had been away from each other for a bit. You hated when Ellie went out on trips like these, trips that took days to come back from. You never knew when she’d be back or if she’d be back.
Her hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you unbelievably close to her. You both basked in the warmth, your hands running through her auburn locks. She felt the most relaxed she had in days, feeling so close to you made her feel safe.
"I missed you..." You said while pulling away from her.
Her eyes had gotten a bit darker, almost now dulled completely. You thought it was because of the long trip she just had but Ellie had other things on her mind. The tourture your little photoshoot put her through, the hunger she felt it was enough to make anyone snap. she thought it couldn't get worse but when she walked in on you with just a shirt on and some cute panties, that was the cherry on top.
"Don't act all cute...." Her voice was thick with dominance, maybe the most you've ever heard. " 'i can't wait to get ruined when you get back'' ' She recited from your letter
She had read the letter so many times she could speak it all without the paper. The words haunted her and she was going to make sure you were ruined by the end of it. You looked speechless, like you hadn't any idea what she was talking about.
The innocent look in your eye made her hands shake and her mind wonder to all that she could do to you while that innocent look was still there, how far could she push you until you broke? She grabbed a fist full of your hair, forcing you to look into her dull eyes.
She pulled you into a deep kiss, hand still gripping your hair to keep you in place and the other one wrapping around your waist. You let out a small whimper, surprised by how fast it happened. Your muscles then relax, your head dizzy.
You hadn’t been touched, neither of you did so you both were touch starved. You brought your hands up to grab at her. Her hair, her neck, her chest you grabbed at everything. Her hand wandered down to your ass that was only covered by lacy underwear, giving it a squeeze. You moaned into the kiss, allowing her to move her tongue into your mouth.
The sudden affection made your legs shake and your eyes roll back into your head. She noticed this, watching as you became a moaning mess just by kissing. She took this as a sign to get you on the bed so she took a step forward, hinting at you to walk to the bed.
You started to walk backwards, your lips still on hers. You reached the bed, falling back on it. You pulled Ellie closer and closer to you, legs around her waist wanting more of her. She pulled a way for a split second just to pull her backpack and shirt off, not wanting to waste precious time she could spend in between your sweet little thighs.
You eagerly watched her, face heating up causing a soft red glow on your face. Her shirt trailed up her body, revealing more and more of her. She was only in a sports bra and a pair of jeans when she finally got her shirt off. You bit your lip at the sight, seeing how her nipples could be seen from underneath her sports bra.
When you drew your attention back to her, you saw her giving you a stern look. You could tell she was waiting for you to also take your shirt off, you gave a small giggle at how distracted you were before pulling your shirt off as well. The cold air hit your bare chest, making you shiver underneath her grasp
Ellie’s breath hitched, watching as your chest rose up and down. You looked like an angel to her, your hair sprawled out on the bed, only in a pair of lacy underwear, soft thighs around her waist. How can someone so angelic do something so dirty?
Ellie ran one of her cold hands up your stomach, enjoying the softness of your skin. You reacted to her touch with a small whimper, Goosebumps rising on your skin. She admired every scar and bump on your skin, loving how it looked on your skin. She reached your boobs, placing her hand on top of one. She bent down to place small kisses on your chest.
“I missed these.” She said between kisses.
You giggled, watching her every move. You moved a hand up to her hair, running your hand through it as she kissing and sucked on your skin. You let moans and groans fall off from your lips. She backed them, they encouraged her to do more. She regularly wanted to taste you so her kisses made their way down your neck, down your breast, down your stomach and finally to your lacy pair of underwear.
She placed small kisses on the inside of your thighs, watching you squirm. You watched her every move with wide eyes, she looked up at you nipping at your thighs. She kissed up your thigh until she reached your underwear.
She hooked her fingers on the sides of your underwear and slowly pulled them down, coming face to face with all of you. She slid your underwear off and threw them somewhere in the room. She looked up at you and then back at your thighs.
“Your soaked baby,” she said, breaking the silence.
You just bit your lip, a bit embarrassed about how your cunt was dripping onto your bed sheets. You couldn't help it, Ellie made you feel things no one else has. She noticed your embarrassment.
"Let me guess." She said, sliding a finger up and down your cunt. "You touched yourself to the thought of me, every. single. night while i was gone.
She swiped up and down your cunt a few more times before shoving two fingers inside you. You threw your head back, only ellies long slim fingers could reach that one place inside you that made your toes curl and she hit it every. single. time.
"What'd you think about huh?" She said, planting another sweet little kiss on your thigh.
you didn't respond, more like you couldn't respond. She curled her fingers, just grazing you g-spot. She chuckled up at you, leading her kissing up and up. She was promised to ruin you and she was going too.
"Was it me fucking you with the strap, you hands tied to the bed post while i thrust in and out.." Her fingers forcefully shoving in and out of you harshly to accentuate her words. "of your sweet little cunt."
You let out a high pitched moan in response to those harsh thrusts, making you see stars. She grinned, gripping onto your thigh roughly before licking up your cunt as if she was licking an ice cream cone on a hot summer day.
She scissored her fingers inside of you, not going too fast but deep and rough. the sinful sound of her fingers working in and out of your cunt filled the room along with your sweet moans. She licked you one last time, lapping up your juices before savoring the way you tasted.
"or was it just like this?" She asked once again, fully aware of you too lost in the pleasure to answer her. "My head in between your thighs, fucking you with my tongue and fingers while you sit back looking all cute."
She was right to say the least, you did run your hand down your body at night while thinking about her. You thought about it all, every position, every toy you had, every single dirty thing you thought about while fucking yourself until you were too tired to stay awake.
Your hands gripped onto the sheets, your knuckles turning yellow. A thin sheet of sweat was developing along your flushed body. Ellie's fingers got faster, curling and thrusting and then spreading apart before doing it over and over and over again. It was enough to make you cum right then and there if she asked.
"Your lucky baby..." she stated, looking up at you seeing you come apart. "I'm going to fuck you until you've made a pretty mess out of yourself and than i'm going to fuck you all over again."
Ellie's hand pushed your thigh all the way down to the bed, then returned to it to grip at it as she divided her tongue into your cunt. She started slow with her tongue but her fingers stayed the same pace , rough and fast.
Her tongue was so sudden it made you moan a little too loud for your liking. That didn't stop her but made her movement quicker, her fingers jabbing at your g-spot head on now. You were absolutely on fire, your skin felt hot and sticky.
You reached up to your boobs and grabbed at them, only maximizing the pleasure. Ellie licked circles on your clit, the sensitive bud sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. You threw your head back, back arching and waist thrusting along with her fingers.
Her nails dug into your thighs flesh, leaving small moon shapes there. Your moans became louder and at this point you didnt care if anyone heard, right now the only thing you cared about was Ellie's mouth on your aching cunt.
Ellie blew cool air onto your cunt, making you jerk up to meet her mouth. She chuckled at your neediness before giving you what you wanted, her mouth. There was no point in teasing you now and she obviously wasn't done punishing you.
Her tongue sped up, lapping at your cunt and really focusing on your clit. She added another finger, allowing her fingers to go deeper. Your hand gripped at her hair to grab it, thrusting your hips up faster and harder than before.
She couldn't get a good angle on your cunt so she took the hand that was on your thighs and brought it up to your waist to keep you down. You could feel your orgasm near but it felt different this time, your belly felt like it was on fire.... it didn't hurt it just felt different, a good difference?
Ellie added another finger, stretching you open. Her tongue was set and determined on your clit, the sensitive bud becoming overstimulated. You could no longer control your volume, you were basically screaming to the point ellie decided if she should stop or not. She didn't need more noise complaints.
Your body was already shaking violently, your stomach felt like it was on fire. This was terrifying how you felt but at the same time you didn't want it to stop. It felt so good and hurt in the best way possible.
Ellie didn't slow down but only sped up more and more until you let out a loud scream. The building knot in your stomach finally snapped and you were overcome with such ecstasy such pleasure, pure fucking light. It was all too much for you, your vision almost went and your hearing ceased for a split second.
From ellies point of view her fingers were soaked, along with her chest and face and even her jeans. She didn't know what was happening for a minute, her first thought was you had peed on her to be honest but after taking one look up at you she knew what had happened. You had squirted.... it had been something she had seen in an old porn tape she came across.
You felt far away from your own body, feeling only wetness on your lower half and after shock waves coming from your cunt. You came back to your body when your head was talking to you.
"Holy shit.... i didn't think i could do that..'' She admitted to you as your eyes fluttered open.
You looked over at her to see her completely soaked with your juices, you suddenly became embarrassed. You didn't know your body did did that, you didn' think it could do that. You closed your your sticky legs as best as you could.
"I'm sorry..." You said, sitting up slowly.
"No no.... It's okay!" Ellie laughed, pushing you slightly back down.
She laid on top of you, kissing you softly. She never wanted you to be ashamed of yourself even after doing something so fucking hot. She brushed your hair out of your face.
"That was a hot babe.... don't be sorry." She smiled.
You let out a sigh, honestly you were still slightly in shock and not yet fully conscious. You were sticky and sweaty, your bottom half tingling and drenched. Ellie's body on yours didn't make it any better but you were okay with that, you just wanted to be with her.
She could sense you not being all there by the way your eyes were still foggy. So she lifted herself off of you and made her way across the room to put on some music, trying to coax you back into your body again.
She went back to the bed and cuddled you up into a blanket before laying beside you, talking to you in a sweet and calm voice telling you all about her journey. She told you about the forest they traveled through and how she swore she saw fairies at one point. She just said anything to relax you and ground you.
"You're cute when you babble." You spoke, voice raspy from screaming.
"look who's back.." She joked, moving a hair from your face.
"That was intense..." You replied, you moved your hand up and down her arm before grabbing her hand in yours
"I know, they make it look so easy in porn." She said, making you perk up.
"Porn?!?!" You asked
You gave her a wide eyed look wanting to know the story behind her porn experience. She scoffed at your sudden interest and threw her hands up, regretting the decision to stay that.
"It was one time when I was 15.... I came across a tape!" She said, laughing at her stupid teenage self.
“Well i have to know the full story…”
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janaispunk · 7 months
delicate, isn’t it?
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series masterlist • this is part III
pairing: Dave York x f!reader
a/n: I’m sorry that this took forever and I’m also sorry about the amount of angst that’s awaiting you. I’ll promise right now, this will have a happy ending. All the love to @maximoff-forevermore for talking smut with me for hours, I would still be completely stuck if you hadn’t let me ramble to you about this. <3
word count: ~5k
summary: Dave has a nightmare, then you both have confusing feelings and don’t talk about it. More sex leads to even more confusion.
warnings: ANGST, bits of fluff if you squint, dubious morals (Dave is cheating on his wife), age-gap implied, able-bodied reader, Dave pulls her hair, dom!Dave, sub!reader, rough sex, sir kink, degradation kink, fingering, rough oral sex (m receiving), unprotected p in v (reader is on birth control in my head, but it’s not mentioned in the fic), dirty talk, Dave is a menace, face & ass slapping, use of restraints, use of a belt as a collar, allusions to knife play and gun play, spitting, lack of emotional aftercare, everything about their dynamic is a little questionable in this, they have issues okay, idiots in love, let me know if I missed any!
this is explicit 18+ content, minors do not interact pleaseeeee
dividers by @saradika <3
find my full masterlist here!
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“My perfect girl.”
The words echo in your mind, your thoughts twisting around them, trying to discern every possible meaning to them, long after Dave has already dozed off beside you. His girl. Your heart flutters at the thought, no matter how hard you try to suppress it.
He has been possessive before, calling you his slut, making you repeat back to him how your pussy is his alone, both of you getting off on it. But he has never called you his girl before, and never like this. Like something that he’d say to an actual girlfriend. Did he mean it like that, or was it just something that slipped out in his post-orgasmic haze? Your thoughts keep circling until the sound of Dave’s soft breathing eventually lulls you to sleep as well.
You jerk awake to a shout and movement beside you.
The hotel room is plunged in darkness, only illuminated by the faint moonlight that’s falling through the big glass windows. You lie there, your heart racing, both your mind and your eyes still adjusting to waking up so abruptly. For a moment you can’t place what’s disturbed your sleep in the first place. Then Dave cries out again, a strangely panicked sound that you’ve never heard from him before.
You sit up, trying to make out his face in the minimal light. His eyes are tightly screwed shut and he’s mumbling under his breath. “Dave?” you whisper, slowly reaching for his shoulder when he doesn’t respond. You shake it cautiously, trying his name again, a little louder this time.
His eyes fly open, one hand instantly wrapping around your wrist where you’re touching him, engulfing it in a steely grip. He seems disoriented, his eyes wide with panic, his breaths coming in short gasps. “Hey,” you murmur, his gaze flickering to your face, confusion washing over his features, “it’s- it’s me. You- I think you had a nightmare.” He mutters your name, sounding more like a question, and you nod quickly. He breathes in deeply, the hold on your wrist loosening, his hand coming up to cup your face instead, stroking over your cheek like he has to convince himself that you’re really there.
“Are you hurt?” he inquires, and you shake your head.
“I’m good, nothing happened. You just had a bad dream.” He hums, sounding somewhat unconvinced and you move closer to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into you. He lets you, his breath coming heavy against your neck, his large frame still trembling slightly. You press your lips into his hair, noting somewhere in the back of your mind that you’ve never held him like this before.
“It’s okay. You’re safe, we’re safe,” you murmur, feeling his arms moving around your middle, hugging your body against his, “everything’s okay, I promise. It was just a dream.” You place another kiss onto his hair and think you can feel him nod.
Then his arms tighten around you again. “Are the girls alright?” he asks, a new kind of worry tinging his voice. More frantic, closer to panic than before. You bite your lip.
“I don’t- I’m sorry, I don’t know,” you admit, “we’re at the hotel, remember?” His arms don’t relax. “But I’m sure they’re fine. They’re most likely asleep right now, but you can call them in the morning?” you suggest, feeling unsure how to navigate this situation. Usually, Dave is the calm one, the one to comfort you and tell you that everything’s okay.
He nods again, a little stronger this time. “Yeah… But you’re okay?” he asks again, the genuine worry in his tone almost breaking your heart.
“Yes,” you confirm, trying to keep your voice as calm and reassuring as you can, “I’m okay, everybody’s safe, I promise.” He hums again, his arms still tight around you, but you can feel him slowly start to unwind and relax.
It takes you a long time to fall back asleep, your mind trying to connect the man who’s in your arms right now with the man you know, the man who always seems so sure and in control of everything.
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When you wake up again, the bed beside you is empty and you can hear the shower running. It takes a few moments until you remember the night’s events clearly. The shower turns off and Dave emerges from the en-suite, a towel wrapped around his hips. For once, the sight of his naked torso doesn’t instantly leave you breathless.
“Good morning,” you say, giving him a small smile as you sit up on the bed, the blanket still wrapped around you.
“Morning,” he replies, not really looking at you as he picks out his clothes for the day. His voice isn’t cold, just kind of… impersonal. Not the warmth and playfulness that you’ve gotten used to over the past few days.
You worry your lip between your teeth, unsure of how to proceed, but eventually take a deep breath and ask, “Is everything okay?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” He doesn’t turn around from the closet, the dismissiveness clear in his voice.
“Just- because of last night, I thought…” You wish your voice wouldn’t sound as small as it does. You also wish he would look at you.
“It was just a dream. Sorry that I woke you up.” He throws you a quick glance over his shoulder, his face looking like a mask, devoid of any emotion.
“No, don’t be sorry. But it seemed pretty intense, so I just wanted to say, if you want to talk about it…” You trail off again, his closed off demeanor putting you on edge.
“I’ve just been under a lot of stress lately. Not much to talk about.” He finally turns around and looks you dead in the eye. Giving you the clear indication that he doesn’t want to expand on the subject. You nod. This is what he always says when he’s especially riled up. That he’s stressed, that he doesn’t want to talk about it. You don’t pry, you never have. But right now, you wish that he would let you in, that you could be someone he trusts enough to open up to.
You don’t say any of that, you mutter an “okay” and take off for a quick shower yourself, mostly just to escape from the room. When you walk back out, he’s sitting in one of the armchairs in the living area, with his phone in his hand. He looks up at your approaching footsteps, still with that weirdly distant look in his eyes.
“Listen, I just gotta call the girls real quick, make sure that everything’s alright at home. Okay?”
And you get it. Of course you get it. Dave doesn’t talk about his daughters often, but when he does, it’s obvious how much he loves them. It’s one of the things that you like about him. It’s you who suggested calling them last night, after all.
So you get it, you really do. It doesn’t make the sharp sting in your chest at the way he so casually says “at home” hurt any less. Because his family is his home and you are not, because it doesn’t matter if you held him in the dark of night and whispered over and over that he’s safe and that everything is okay, or if he called you his perfect girl and pulled you into his chest less than 24 hours ago, or if you’re only on this island because he thought that you deserved something this nice.
And it’s your own damn fault because somewhere along the way you’ve apparently deluded yourself into thinking that you could be something more for him, like he hasn’t been crystal clear about his intentions, about his family life, which already exists and which you’re not part of.
So you just nod, mumbling something about getting dressed, and wander back to the bedroom, while he’s already holding his phone up against his ear. And you don’t try to listen in, you really don’t, but as big as the suite is, the sound of his voice still carries.
“Morning, Carol.”
You freeze. Obviously he’s calling his wife, not the girls themselves. They’re young, you know that. So he’s calling their mom, who is his wife. You know that. You’ve just never- she has been more of an abstract concept to you, not someone on the other line of a phone call mere feet away from you. A phone call from her husband, who you are on a fucking vacation with, playing honeymoon, while she’s at home with their kids. Suddenly, you feel sick.
“No, everything’s fine. Work’s going well, I should be back by the end of the week.”
He sounds so… normal. Not unfriendly, not cold. Not that different from how he normally sounds when he’s talking to you. You’re not sure what you expected, they’re living together after all, of course they’re speaking to each other like normal human beings. They’re married, they’re raising kids together for crying out loud. Who knows if she’s even aware of any issues with their marriage, a cruel voice inside your head whispers. You don’t want to believe that Dave would lie to you about this, but do you know? No.
You think it would be easier if you could immediately hear that they hate each other. You almost wish that they hated each other. Then you feel bad because they have kids, kids who shouldn’t experience what that’s like.
You haven’t been paying attention to Dave talking anymore, too caught up in the sudden realization that his wife is a real person, but then his tone changes drastically.
“Hello baby, how’s it going? …no, Daddy just wanted to say hi.”
Now he sounds warm. Genuine, caring. Sweeter than you have ever heard him. You smile to yourself before you can stop it.
Out of the sudden, you’re hit with your mind conjuring up a vivid image of a little girl, talking to Dave on the phone. You don’t know what his daughters look like, but the girl that you’re seeing right now has his deep brown eyes and pouty lips, but your hair and the shape of your nose. Before you can help it, you’re envisioning him talking with your kids, raising them together, a life that you would have built with each other. You don’t even know if you want kids, if you want this kind of life, and the sudden intensity with which you’re longing for this vision, for this kind of domesticity with him, knocks the air out of your lungs.
You’re in way too deep. You rush into the bathroom and close the door behind you, suddenly terrified to hear another word of this phone call. You splash cold water on your face, desperately trying to calm yourself back down, your breath coming in short gasps. It’s too much, too much, all way too much. You shake your head at yourself; how could you let yourself get this far?
When you can no longer hear the murmur of his voice through the door, you surmise that it’s safe to leave the en-suite again. Trying to put on a face that doesn’t suggest that you’ve been close to a mental breakdown minutes ago.
“You okay, sweetheart?” You nod, not meeting his gaze.
“Yeah, of course. Just tired.” Your small smile doesn’t feel convincing to yourself and you know that he’s not convinced either. That he can tell when you’re lying. He looks at you for a beat longer, then mutters “alright” and stands up. There’s a tension around his mouth, something hardening him from the inside. You bite your lip, still not meeting his eyes.
You think back to the day before, how he teased you about your bikini, could barely keep his hands to himself. Not a hint of that playfulness can be found today.
“Is everything good? At- at home?” you ask, forcing your face into a neutral expression.
“Yeah,” Dave answers, a smile dancing over his features like he can’t help himself, “they’re fine.” You nod again, not sure what to say.
You spend the day on the hotel premises, lounging around on a big terrace in the shade, overlooking the ocean. Any other day, you’d be in awe of the view in front of you, but today you barely see it. You try reading your book while Dave is typing away on his laptop, but the sentences vanish from your mind as soon as you’ve read them without making any sense.
You try speaking to Dave a few times when the silence between you two becomes too deafening for you to bear it any longer, but his face remains a hard mask and his short, clipped answers make your heart sting so painfully that you eventually stop talking. You still don’t know what exactly went wrong. Has he realised that he misses his family, now that he’s talked to them? Did you do something, or did he see on your face how much you want him and now he’s trying to let you down without having to actually say it out loud? Does he want to go home early? You know that you’re spiraling, but you just can’t stop.
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The elevator ride back up to your suite in the early evening is quiet. “I think we’ll just order room service, yeah? I can’t be bothered with that whole dinner thing tonight,” his voice suddenly breaks the tense silence between you. You almost flinch, your eyes flying up to meet his.
“O-okay,” you breathe. He’s annoyed by your presence, isn’t he? Can’t even bear the thought of another dinner with you. He’s realised he doesn’t want you here anymore, the voice of insecurity in your mind whispers.
You’re not sure what emotions are showing on your face, but a hint of uncertainty flies across his features. “Unless you want to…?” he asks, raising his eyebrows. You quickly shake your head. Don’t be more of a burden than you already are.
“No, that- that’s good. Room service sounds good.” You give him the most convincing smile that you can muster and he frowns, but doesn’t ask again.
You wouldn’t have thought it to be possible, but Dave grows even more rigid as you’re nearing the suite, the tension rolling off of him in waves. He holds the card to the sensor, lets you step in first, the door clicking shut behind him. His large hand suddenly wraps around your upper arm, pressing into your flesh almost painfully.
“Strip. Right now. Then get on your knees.” His voice is dark, close to your ear, where he’s looming behind you.
You almost want to cry with relief. Relief that, no matter what is happening right now, at least he still wants this part of you. You want to submit to him, let him take the reins. This is what you know, what you’re good at. With him. For him. A familiar dynamic that you can let yourself sink into, where you know what to expect from him, after being on this edge of painful uncertainty all day.
You’ve barely pulled your top over your head when his hand is back on your shoulder, roughly pushing you down. “I said, on your knees,” he snarls, his hand fisting your hair and pulling until your neck is uncomfortably bent, your face turned up towards him. “Are you too dumb to follow the simplest instructions?” He gives your hair a harsh tug and you whimper.
“N-no, please. I’m sorry, sir.”
Dave grins. He looks menacing, still looming over you in that threatening way that he turns into when he’s dominating you, but he also looks more… at ease. As if he’s letting himself fall into this familiar game too, just like you.
“I’d tell you to go to the bedroom, but who knows if that would even register in that empty head of yours, huh? Guess I’ll be generous and help you.”
He lets go of your hair and slowly opens his belt, pulling it through the belt loops. You gulp as he fastens it around your neck instead, giving it an experimental tug that pulls it tighter. A moan escapes you and he chuckles. “Yeah, that turns you on? Being put on a leash like a fucking dog?”
Your face heats up in shame and your gaze drops down, but you can’t deny the wave of arousal that washes over you at his words. Your reply doesn’t come quick enough and Dave gives another sharp tug that has you gasping for air, then his palm connects harshly with your face. “You look at me and answer when I’m talking to you, you disrespectful little bitch.” You have been on the verge of tears for the better half of the day, but now, prompted by the sudden pain in your cheek, they’re finally spilling over.
You’re thankful for the outlet, to let some of your emotions pour out of you, even if it’s in this different context. You train your eyes on his face again and choke out “yes, it- fuck- it turns me on, thank you sir,” causing a wide grin to spread across his face.
He leans down to you, patting your stinging cheek in mock sympathy. “I know doll, I know just what a fucked up little thing you are. You want me to make you cry, don’t you?” It’s part of the game, technically, but you can tell how his gaze is sobering up for a moment, how he searches your face for any sign of genuine discomfort, any sign that you might not want this.
Just as sincerely, you look back into his eyes, giving him the reassurance that this is exactly what you want right now. “Yes, please sir.”
He slaps your face once more, then pulls himself up to his full height and looks down at you, the belt still tightly grasped in his hand. “Let’s go then, see if there’s anything that you’re good for.” He marches off towards the bedroom, dragging you with him. You scramble along, trying to keep up with his long steps, and he laughs when the belt draws tight around your throat, making you choke beside him.
You’re gasping for breath when Dave finally stops in front of the bed and frowns down at you. “You’re slow, doll. Not very well-trained.” He smirks at you. “We gotta work on that.” You choke out an apology that he dismisses with a lazy wave of his hand. “I don’t wanna hear it, we can put that mouth to much better use than your pathetic talking. Open wide… good girl.” You lips fall open almost on their own accord before he has even finished his sentence, your whole body desperate to please him and his praise has you glowing.
The mix of being degraded and praised almost simultaneously has your arousal rising quickly and you have to force yourself to not rub your thighs together as you’re kneeling before Dave, your mouth wide open and waiting while he’s smirking down at you, slowly undoing the buttons on his shirt one by one and taking it off before he finally moves on to his pants where his bulge is already straining against the fabric.
By the time that he pushes down his pants and underwear, drool is slowly dripping out of your obediently opened mouth. Dave lets his cock rest heavily on your tongue for a few moments, then he pulls back out of your mouth and uses his cock head to spread your saliva and his precum across your face. You whimper but hold still and he tuts at you. “Don’t get impatient on me doll, I’ll fuck your face soon enough. Are you that desperate to choke on my cock?”
“Yes, sir,” you whisper and he barks a laugh, then promptly shoves himself into your waiting mouth, hitting your throat on the first thrust and immediately causing you to gag. Tears start falling from your eyes again but you keep you gaze trained on his face, the need to please him stronger than anything else.
“Good girl, fuck you’re such a good girl,” he mutters, repeatedly burying his length in your throat, making you choke and sputter around him.
One hand is fisted into your hair, not letting you back away if you tried to, while the other is tightening the belt around your throat again. The added pressure from the outside has you choking even harder and Dave groans above you.
When he finally pulls out of your mouth, your face is wet with tears and spit and your pussy is burning with desire. Dave knows, somehow he always knows exactly what you need, and yanks you up until you’re standing, then pushes you onto all fours on the bed. “Spread your legs. Wider. Show me that slutty little cunt of yours, sweetheart,” he demands, and you obey, moving your legs wider apart and arching your back, putting yourself on full display for him.
“Good girl, so desperate, huh?” he coos and sinks two of his thick fingers inside you, lazily thrusting in a few times. Your hips push back eagerly, making him chuckle. “What do you want doll, huh? Tell me.” Your voice comes out breathy, the side of your face smushed into the sheets.
“M-more, please sir, please.” He pulls out of you, then adds a third finger and pushes into you even more forcefully than before. Your loud moan echoes through the room and he chuckles again.
“Yeah that’s good… I’d bet you’d let me stuff that greedy cunt with just about anything, wouldn’t you?” He curls his fingers inside of you, pressing into that spongy spot that makes stars dance across your vision and your “yes” comes out as a whine.
“That knife’s handle from yesterday, for example… How would you like that?” You feel like you’re barely coherent at this point, the pleasure that his fingers and his dirty words are creating so intense that it’s almost too much.
“Please please please…” you whimper and feel Dave’s hand come down hard on your ass.
“You’d probably even let me put a gun in here, huh, no complaints as long has you just get fucked somehow?” Your eyes widen at the thought, pure excitement thrumming through your veins and you clench hard around Dave’s fingers, another wave of wetness dripping out of you.
Dave’s laughter behind you sounds almost incredulous. “Fuck, yeah you’d like that. You dirty fucking whore, needing that pussy stuffed so badly…” His fingers keep working you relentlessly, thrusting into you and hitting your g-spot again and again until your legs are shaking, your hands helplessly curling into the bedsheets.
Your orgasm is approaching fast, your walls clenching around his fingers and you gasp out, “Sir, please, I-” but Dave yanks his hand away from you and roughly smacks your ass.
“Don’t you dare,” he snarls and you bury your face into the mattress, fresh tears forming in your eyes at the denied orgasm.
“What made you think you deserve that, huh? Fucking greedy,” he seethes, running his hand over the hot skin of your ass a few times, causing you to shiver. “Give me your hands,” he demands and you obey without thinking, earning yourself another whispered “good girl” and a soft caress on your forearm that causes goosebumps to spread, before he gathers both your wrists in his hand and binds them together behind your back. You think faintly that he might be using one of his ties, the material soft but firm when you try moving your hands.
Before you can form any more thoughts on the matter, a rough yank on the belt that’s still wrapped around your throat jolts you backwards. Your choked gasp dies in your throat as Dave slams into you without warning, his cock stretching you open with that sting of painful pleasure that you’ve come to love.
“So fucking wet… Your needy little pussy is screaming for me, doll. Don’t worry, I’m gonna give you what you need.” He pulls out and fucks back into you with a snarl, setting a rhythm that would push you up the bed if it wasn’t for the belt around your neck. Dave is holding onto it tightly, pulling you back into his body by your throat, only allowing you to take quick small breaths and forcing you to arch your back intensely to accommodate him.
Your position causes him to hit you at an angle that has stars bursting behind your eyelids, his cock slamming straight into your g-spot with every thrust. His other hand is landing slaps on your backside that have you crying out and clenching around him, before he grips your hip in a way that you’re sure will leave bruises and steadies you, somehow intensifying the force of his thrusts even more.
You’re whimpering into the sheets, strings of please and sir and thank you leaving your mouth when you’re not choking on the tightening restraint around your throat, until Dave grabs your shoulder and roughly yanks you up until you’re leaning against his chest, his cock still hammering into you and obscene moans leaving your mouth. His fingers dip down to your clit, spreading your overflowing wetness over the sensitive nub and rubbing in tight little circles, making you clamp down on him almost immediately. “Please sir, I’m gonna- I can’t hold it, please,” you manage to gasp and feel him nodding beside you.
“Go on doll, come for me,” he rasps, his voice sounding completely wrecked and his thrusts hitting you impossibly deep. You all but scream out his name as you tense up, your orgasm spreading from your core through your entire body, your limbs trembling as Dave holds you close to his chest and lets you ride out your high until you calm down. The side of your face is pressed against his chest and you breathe heavily, your lips spreading kisses across the sweat-soaked skin that you can reach and you can’t help but smile up at him in your post-orgasmic bliss.
“Fuck, come here, fuck-” Dave suddenly pulls out of you and you can feel him roughly yanking at the tie around your wrists until it becomes loose, then he flips you around until you’re on your back underneath him, the change happening so quickly that you’re disoriented for a moment. He thrusts back inside of you and resumes his brutal rhythm without wasting a second, the new angle in your already overstimulated pussy making you gasp for breath and your hands come up instinctually after being restrained until now, grasping at his shoulders, your nails digging into the muscles there.
“Fuck!” he swears again, then he’s cupping your face and his mouth is on yours, his lips moving urgently against yours, his tongue demanding entry and licking into your mouth, causing you to moan loudly. You faintly note in the back of your mind that he hasn’t kissed you all day, something you hadn’t fully realized up until now, and you hold onto him even tighter, pouring all of your pent up feelings into this kiss. Dave groans, his mouth bruising against yours and his hands all over your face. His hips stutter and then he stills, filling you up with his cum as he’s breathing heavily against your lips.
He stays like this for a few more moments until he rolls off of you, his mouth not touching yours again. He goes through the motions, cleaning you off, checking you for injuries, making sure that you’re alright, but it feels mechanical, like he’s not fully there. You think that if he looked at you with more than just those fleeting glances, he’d be able to see the confusion and hurt written on your face, but he never does.
He does eventually order room service, but you don’t feel like eating much. You’re absentmindedly nibbling on fries, both of your faces turned towards the TV on the opposite wall that he’s turned on for the first time since you arrived two days ago. Nothing that you see really registers, your mind far away, mulling over everything that happened between you, every little interaction, trying to figure out where things went wrong. You just don’t know. How is it possible that you’ve realized only today how much you’ve fallen for him, and meanwhile it seems like he doesn’t want you anymore, at least not in the way that you’ve come to get used to over the past days?
But then, what did the kiss mean? Why would he do that, if he didn’t feel something for you? But if he did, why would he act the way he did today? You’re running in circles and you wish that you were less afraid to just ask him, but you’ve never talked about feelings and you can’t bring yourself to do it now when you’re already terrified that he might have had enough of you.
When he turns off the TV and the lights, you wait until you’re sure that he’s asleep before you let yourself cry. Silently, with your back turned to him, staining your pillow with salty tears, careful not to let any sobs slip out. This is better than nothing, you try reminding yourself. Better than not having him at all. This was the deal from the start. It’s your own fault for getting this attached, for wanting more than you’ve been offered, you know that.
You flinch violently when an arm wraps around your torso from behind, the hand trailing up to touch your cheek, stroking through the wet tracks there.
“Sweetheart? What’s wrong?”
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tanniefm · 3 years
nasty | jjk (m)
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summary - you're needy at a party and no one can help you except your boyfriend jungkook.
pairing - jungkook x reader
genre - established relationship
word count - 2.4k
song inspo - nasty by ariana grande
warnings - unprotected sex (BOOO), dirty talk, daddy kink, brief breeding kink, slight voyeurism (you essentially ride his thigh in front of everyone), explicit language, praise kink, subspace, drug and alcohol use (weed), brief mention of vmin, i guess kook also falls into domspace too i mean y'all are high so
a/n - i'm sorry this took so long school's been kicking my ass bruh. this is also very unedited since i originally wrote this while horny like a month ago kanjwbw. anyways yeah enjoy! ps. i am very bad at endings and summaries sigh
“But I need to so badly! Just please make me cum, Kook!”
“What did I say? Not ‘til later. At this rate I might not let you cum at all.” his words brought utter terror to your face. What did he mean not letting you cum at all? You've been so good all day! Just like he told you! This party fucking sucks anyway. As much as you love your friends coming over, there’s only so much you can handle before you start getting annoyed by their presence. Jungkook has been teasing you all day but the very peak of it was when he ate you out earlier like it was his last meal and at the very last second, decided to cease all contact from you and smile cockily. Asshole.
It doesn’t help that you've both been drinking and smoking a bit, so your horniness has only worsened since then. This mixed haze of being tipsy and high at the same time is just making you needier by the second. You’ve been clinging onto him and following him around your shared apartment the whole night while he laughed and chatted with your friends.
“You good, ____?” Jimin laughs. He out of everyone should know exactly how you feel, given him and Tae are constantly going at it, just like you and your beloved boyfriend.
You smile sarcastically, “Nah I’m perfectly fine, Minnie! Why do you ask?” you know exactly why he’s asking. You’re not really the best at hiding your emotions and your face says it all that you’d rather have everyone disappear immediately so you can fuck the shit out of the man you’re glaring at. He’s currently taking a few hits out of Hoseok’s “party bong” as he likes to call it. It looks very used and burnt out, you don’t know why he just won’t get a new one since you’re sure that’s some kind of safety hazard but whatever.
“No reason, just that you look like you wanna eat Jungkookie alive is all.” he smirks. You roll your eyes playfully and take another sip from whatever mixed drink Jungkook made you.
“He’s getting on my nerves.” you quip back. Jimin’s eyes crinkle as he laughs heartily. It seems like everyone finds your situation amusing but you. All you want is to have a proper orgasm! Is that so wrong! It feels like he’s punishing you and you haven’t even done anything! You go to sit on the couch with him, directly on his lap, while he watches Seokjin and Taehyung yell over Mario Kart. He automatically wraps his hands around your waist and smiles lazily.
“Heyy pretty girl.” he says gruffly. His voice always gets raspy when he smokes and your pussy throbs at his (and your) favorite pet name.
“Kookie,” you whine. “Please can we wrap this up and do something alone. Need you.” you start pouting in hopes he’ll finally cave. He chuckles and brushes a piece of hair from your face.
He leans in closely to whisper, “After they're done with this game, I promise I’ll take care of you, ok baby?” you look at him skeptically and hold up your pinky to ensure he means what he says. He giggles at your cuteness and wraps his long pinky around yours, kissing it to seal the deal. Your face immediately lights up at the prospect that you’ll finally get some dick. The more you think about it, the wetter you get. Maybe he’ll bring out the toys this time and use those on you. Maybe he’ll overstimulate you until you beg him to stop. Maybe he’ll let you take control since he’s been messing with you all evening anyway. The possibilities are endless and they cause you to squirm around on his lap. You quickly realize that your leggings are pretty thin however as you suddenly pause when you feel that your boyfriend is hard as a rock. Little did you know that he’s been suffering just as much as you have, he just likes to play with you a little to see how needy you could get. He can feel you throbbing through your leggings and it’s been driving him fucking crazy. He can’t wait for the guys to leave so he can fuck you in every room of this house.
He grips your hips tightly and gives you a warning look of “do that again and see what happens” you whimper and tuck your face in his neck. He smells so good. You can faintly smell the weed you two have been smoking but you can still smell his soft detergent and calming lavender he loves so much. You know his nose is sensitive so he only uses a small amount of cologne and it encapsulates him so perfectly. He pulls you closer and starts bouncing his knee slightly. Fuck. Now his thigh is consistently hitting your clit and your mind is getting fuzzier. The haze from earlier coupled with the fact that Jungkook is bouncing you like a baby is starting to make you whimper and moan a little louder than you’d like to. You know he’s fucking with you again. He loves seeing you like this. He leans down and reminds you Tae and Jin are almost done with their game and then you can moan and whine all you want. You nod hastily while you suck a mark into his neck to keep quiet. His knee keeps the same casual pace, as if your clit isn’t the main focal point of each bounce. He kisses the top of your head and laughs along at whatever the boys are arguing about as to not raise any suspicion. Although you’re pretty sure everyone can tell exactly what’s going on. The fact that everyone can clearly see you getting bounced on your boyfriend's lap is only getting you closer and closer. You bet you could cum like this.
“Ha ha! Fuck you, hyung! I told you I’d win!” Taehyung shouts jovially.
“Yeah whatever, brat! I’m definitely winning next time.” they both get up and stretch before informing both of you that they think they’ll call it a night. The rest of the boys agree and gather their stuff to head out. You hate to say it, but you couldn’t be happier that everyone’s finally leaving. Jungkook lifts you off his lap gently and to your horror, you can already see a damp spot forming on his sweats. He smirks and winks at you while he kindly escorts everyone out. Once the last person is gone and the door is closed and locked, he turns around and tells you to come here. You scamper over to him in a haste and attach your lips to his in an instant. He laughs at your neediness and backs you slowly to the couch. He sits down and puts you in his lap again while you both make out as if you’ve been deprived of each other. He grips your hips and grinds you against his erection that’s been straining against his pants for the better part of half an hour.
“My poor baby, was I too mean today?” he asks as he kisses down your neck and jaw.
“Mhm, I’ve been a good girl all day just like you said and you don’t even care.” you whine. He lifts his head and cups your face.
“Of course I care, baby. I’m so proud of you for being so good today. You want daddy to take care of you now, don’t you?” he says gently. It looks like you’re not the only one that fell into a bit of a headspace. You’re very aware that when Jungkook starts referring to himself as daddy that he’s already taken a dominant position. Meaning he’ll take very little shit from you. Not that you felt like being bratty today anyway. Good girls get rewarded and that’s exactly what you intend to receive. You nod and grind against him faster in hopes he’ll get the hint that you want him now. As always, he quickly understands and starts ridding himself of his shirt as you take off yours. Seeing all of his tattoos always does things to you. Especially the small bouquet of black roses he got for you. You still can’t believe he would get something so permanent on his body just for you but he was adamant that you were the love of his life. The memory made you emotional as you started to tear up slightly. You’re going to have to ask Hoseok what the hell was in that strain to make you so sensitive to literally everything. Jungkook stops unclipping your bra as soon as he sees your eyes well up.
His hands are right back to their position on your face. “Woah, what happened love? Are you ok?” you wipe your eyes and giggle bashfully and explain why you got so worked up. He smiled and kissed you softly.
“You know I love you, right? You’re so fucking cute. I love you so much.” he says as he leans his forehead on yours. Weed makes both of you so sappy. You can’t even find it in yourself to care as you bring him into another kiss. He continues to take off your bra and starts kneading your breasts in his hands. The action makes you whine and pull away from him.
“Daddy, I wanna cum now. Please?”
He chuckles and lifts you off of him to strip your leggings. His fingers trace over the damp spot of your panties and he pulls them back to see how wet they’ve gotten.
“My little girl completely soaked through these. Needy baby. If you wanted it so bad why couldn’t you just do it yourself, huh?”
“B-because I wanted to be good. M’ a good girl right?” his words confused you. Why would you take care of yourself when he does it so much better. Plus, wouldn’t he just punish you anyway?
“I know baby, you are a good girl. Besides, those tiny little fingers would just frustrate you wouldn't they? You need daddy to cum ‘cause my dumb babygirl can’t do anything by herself, can she?” his words make your lip tremble as you nod dumbly. He’s right! You couldn’t possibly do something like that by yourself. Only he can make you feel like this.
He smiles as you agree with no hesitation and pecks all around your face. This is your favorite place to be in. In his arms waiting for his instruction. Taking the lead is fun every once and awhile but being stupid and pliant is far more your speed. He makes you feel safe and adored. He makes you feel good.
His fingers swirl around your covered clit as you moan into his mouth. Your little noises and the feeling of his fingers getting slicker is making him painfully hard and he, too is getting impatient. He wiggles his hips and slides his sweats down to reveal to you that he’s been walking around with no underwear on. He’s been completely hard with no barrier other than his sweats. You feel like you could bust right then and there. As soon as you see his cock, you lick your hand and start stroking it slowly. Jungkook hisses and throws his head back.
“Little girl...don’t play with me right now…” you heed his warning and scramble to take off your panties so you can get him inside you as fast as possible. This is what you’ve been waiting for, and you’ll be damned if you fuck it up now. He steadies you as you prepare to sink down on him and he kisses you gently. The way he’s filling you is intoxicating.
“Fuck, this little cunt was made for me wasn’t it? My baby’s so perfect for me.” his words make you tremble. You both moan breathily once he’s bottomed out inside you. You grind back and forth slowly as you try to adjust to his length. Jungkook however, is just as impatient as you are. He halts your movements to grip your hips and lift you almost completely off of him and slam you back down. You gasp as he sets a pace for you quickly. Your walls clench as he groans out praises of how good you feel and how much he loves being with you like this. In his lap, bouncing on top of him, whining into his neck. He couldn't think of a better place to be. His hands slide down to your ass and grips it as he bounces you even faster. You moan loudly and bite on his shoulder in fear of getting another noise complaint from the neighbors.
“D-Daddy? M’ close. So so so so so close daddy please fuck!” your words are slurred since you literally cannot think properly. He laughs breathily. “I know baby, you feel so good. Fuck I wanna pump you full of my cum. Wanna get you pregnant.” his words only make you moan louder.
“Oh you like that? You like when I talk about filling your cute tummy with my cum? You want my babies, little girl? Hm?” your head bobs up and down as you nod. “Yeah- mm yeah want it so bad daddy please cum in me. I wanna have your babies please Kookie please. Wanna cum wanna cum wanna cum!” you whine. Seeing how absolutely wrecked you are is only getting Jungkook closer and closer. You look completely and utterly fucked out. If his baby wants his cum that's exactly what she'll get.
“Shh precious I’m almost there. Daddy's got you I promise. Rub your pretty clit for me, I wanna see my baby cum ok?” you immediately obey and spit on your fingers before shoving your hand between you two. You rub your swollen clit with quick flicks to get you to cum faster. You just wanna make Jungkook happy. You wanna be his good girl.
It didn't take long for your hand coupled with his cock pounding into your g-spot to get you to cum hard on him. Your limbs spasm and your vision goes white while you distantly hear Jungkook's moaned praises. He cums in you not long after with a whine and keeps thrusting a few times so you can milk him for all he's worth. You both pant heavily as his arms wrap around you tightly, wanting to be as close as possible. He pecks your head repeatedly and buries his face in your hair.
“I love you ____.” he sighs. You giggle and sleepily look up at him. “I love you more.”
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