#please keep yourselves safe
that-bitch-kat3 · 6 months
one thing about me is that i am a sirius black apologist till the day i die. and i am sick and tired of seeing posts about how sirius 'abandoned regulus.' HELLO?!?! in what world is a child responsible for their ONE YEAR YOUNGER SIBLING?!?! we don't know anything about their family dynamic other than the fact that sirius ran away. do you think people run away from home for shits and gigs? no. there was abuse. and you can't save anyone when you are drowning yourself. i know there are a lot of people in this fandom/ a lot of my followers are kids and i want to be crystal fucking clear. you are responsible for no one but yourself. your job is always to keep yourself safe. it is your parents jobs to keep you safe. if they are not doing that it is fucked up. that does not transfer that responsibility to another child.
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punchyfeeley · 2 years
I came across this sugya while reading for Yom Kippur and it feels pretty fucking relevant so:
§ It was taught in the mishna: If a person is ill and requires food due to potential danger, one feeds him according to the advice of medical experts. Rabbi Yannai said: If an ill person says he needs to eat, and a doctor says he does not need to eat, one listens to the ill person… an ill person knows the intensity of his pain and weakness, and doctors cannot say otherwise. The Gemara asks: It is obvious that a person knows himself better than anyone else does. Why does this need to be stated explicitly? The Gemara answers: It is lest you say that the doctor is more certain because he has had more experience with this condition. Therefore, the verse teaches us that even so, it is the ill person who knows his own suffering better than anyone. (Yoma 83a:2)
You know your body- your suffering, your weakness- better than anyone else possibly could. I hope that both for the Yom Kippur fast as well as in the year to come those of us intimately aware of our body’s pain and weakness can be honest about our needs and limitations. There is no shame in needing help or having different needs and fuck anyone who tries to make you feel small or guilty or tells you they know the truth of your experience better than you.
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tomatobasill · 6 days
I finally posted on Ao3!!!
I am soooooo sorry for being MIA for these past few months reguarding my fics. I've been in severe burnout and have had periods of bad dysphorisla :(
I posted my first fic a few weeks ago! I haven't spoken about it on here-or anywhere, really, because I didn't expect to want to post it but here I am!!
It's a Sheith omegaverse. A dark fic-I'll list some warnings here but it's all up there on Ao3 in more detail..I just don't know how strict Tumblr is with certain words so I'm going to censor them as vest I can.
Tags/content warnings to my fic include but are not limited to:
Violence [blood, gore, etc.)
Psychological and emotional torture
Witchcraft (sort of??? Also there's a bit of blood magic in the beginning)
Mating cycles
But there is a happy ending in the horizon! Idk how long I want this yet, and I'll probably do another fic for their future and stuff (no spoilers!) but I'm still in the early stages, only one chapter is posted atm.
Please please PLEASE be aware of the tags. I'm not overexaggerating anything so please keep youselves safe!! The last thing I want to do is make anyone upset, so if this isn't your cup of tea, stay tuned because I will be posting other things! I just don't know when lol.
N e ways enough rambling...here's the link!!
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claudemblems · 1 year
Remember to be careful of who you talk to on the internet. Set boundaries. Watch out for red flags. Put your safety before anyone else's feelings. There are always trusted friends, family, professionals, and emergency hotlines that can help you. You are important. Stay safe.
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 26 days
Tumblr media
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momentomori24 · 2 months
From now until march, along with KOSA and support for trans folks/tumblr's transphobia, I'm only going to be reblogging posts about Palestine, Congo, Sudan and the potential other countries that I'm unaware of subjected to atrocities and genocides all at the same time (because just when you thought you've seen the depths of human vileness you learn about something else happening that makes you realise no you didn't). My blog's pretty small so this probably doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things, but since I didn't completely go through with the strike this time around I feel like the least I can do is this. General reminder to not stop talking about the genocides, donate if you can, write/call up your MPs, show support for the trans community and spread as much awareness as possible about all these issues mentioned. Stay safe, everyone.
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semiotomatics · 5 months
one of the main ways my anxiety has manifested this year—presumably due to everything that happened with wally—is this feeling of absolute certainty that someone i love is going to die. and it. sucks. because i know there's no basis for this feeling, i know its just a trauma response, but i still can't shake it. every moment has been spent bracing myself for The News. the news that someone is sick, or was in an accident, or just straight up died in their sleep. and i think the reason its so hard to disarm that fear is bc it could happen. i mean. that's literally what happened with wally. we went from vague concern over him not peeing for a day or two to putting him down in the span of a month. and that could happen again. anything could happen, and theres nothing i can do about it but wait and hope the other shoe doesnt drop any time soon.
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tuttle-did-it · 5 days
Encrypt your tech. If you are US based, or in a country that does not protect your rights when it comes to cops, please read these article. There are not currently laws stopping the police from using your thumb or face to unlock your phone without consent or a warrant. Especially if you are taking any part in any protests throughout America, or accessing birth control needs.
Or you're, you know, queer, disabled, a person of colour, a woman, or generally just know how horrible the cops and government can be. They can pull you over for no reason, unlock your phone, and look for something to charge you with later. They can and will and have.
Cops will do ANYTHING they want, and chances are, the courts will let them.
(this might be relevant for other countries, too-- the protest rights are completely fucked here in the UK, so please be careful out there!!)
Helpfully, there is also a cop-proof your phone article as well:
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brain-sturgeon · 24 days
asking rq but u said u dont wanna int with minors right? just double checkin
Minors can interact with my posts I just don’t wanna message kids yeah lmao, I’m grown. As a 23 year old I don’t exactly have an interest in talking to high schoolers.
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hetabee · 6 months
If y'all (or your friends) don't wanna deal with a proshipper,
then DON'T CONTACT a proshipper for your boring ass server.
Thank you! 🤗💗
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jocelynships · 1 year
“You need to get out of Florida!”
How? Fucking how??? Are you people telling me this going to pay for me and my boyfriend to move??? We don’t have the fucking money to do so!
Stop telling people who are LGBT+, not white, anyone being targeted by DeShitstain to “just move!” ITS NOT THAT FUCKING EASY!
Now I get it, I’m a white cis “straight passing” woman, but fuck dudes. I’m scared for my friend who aren’t. I have a lot of friends who are trans or nonbinary who are at risk because of that fucking fascist. It’s scary and I worry for them. And not to mention, I have PCOS so I’m scared to get pregnant in the future because I’m at such a high fucking risk for a miscarriage, and I’m as good as fucking dead if I do here. And I need birth control to regulate it and if they go after it, I’m also as good as dead with the fact I can straight up get ovarian or cervical cancer.
Actually fucking support the people being put at risk who live in Florida instead of just telling them to move. And for the love of god. If that piece of shit runs for President, fucking get out there and vote against him every single fucking way you know how. We can’t let him get that much power.
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ladyimaginarium · 8 months
Happy Deaf Awareness month my& beloved D/deaf & hoh moots!! 🥺💕✨
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anonymouspuzzler · 1 year
I'm in the middle of my final projects for school which are kicking my dang ass!! naturally this means i dissociated the other day and wrote another 10k word Smile for Me fic. I hope you all enjoy the results of my hubris
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Every time I see another social media post promoting what is essentially segregation in the name of progressivism I die inside
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lesbianoms · 7 months
Wanted to take a moment and say once again that THIS BLOG IS NSFW.
While I mostly post about vore, I like sex too and I will post about lesbian sex/sexuality.
YES, vore is a sexual thing for me. It is a kink that I have. I have other non-vore related kinks too, and I would like to post more about these.
This is not to say that vore itself is inherently sexual. But lately I’ve been seeing people with “NSFW DNI” in their bios who DO interact with my fluffier posts.
It’s not a problem for me as long as you are an ADULT and you are comfortable knowing that the post you liked/reblogged came from a kink blog.
I like fluffy vore. I acknowledge that fluffy vore is not inherently sexual, but when I write about fluffy vore, it is possible that there are more sensual/sexual undertones that meets the eye.
(I personally consider it on par with cute romance, foreplay, casual intimacy or cuddling after sex)
If you are a SFW vore blog and you like/reblog one of my posts, you are totally free to interpret it however you wish! But keep in mind that you have, ultimately, interacted with an NSFW blog.
If that makes you uncomfortable then please do not interact with my posts.
I try my best to follow DNI criteria for blogs. I do not want to make anybody uncomfortable. And I just wanted to restate this because I’m not 100% sure some people realize that I consider this my NSFW blog. I would never in a million years post the stuff here to my main, or want my friends/family to see it.
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dilfphobes · 1 year
Hey Salem, hope you’re okay! Just wanted to pop in to say hi, also that I’m glad you’ve taken a break from tumblr. Both for your mental health and for ours. I think the discourse really drained a certain life in our side of tumblr, and it would be dishonest to say you didn’t have a hand in it. Granted some of the things you voiced were fair, but I perceived other things you spoke to be more than just about educating the other party. Frankly, I believe you enjoyed humiliating/distressing other users, and that couldn’t have been healthy! It’s been so long since I’ve logged onto this app, but I’ve been going around sending some of the older blogs well wishes. Thought I’d pop bye and send one to you. I hope you’re receiving clarity on the outside world!
Bye, take care. 💌
who even is this
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