#play a song from the nutcracker...DRINK!
My favorite holiday tradition is the Annual Christmas Roast. In which my husband and I try to find the most cheesy, tropey, cringey Christmas movie to make fun of. Usually with alcohol.
Year 7 completed.
Merry Whatever-You-Celebrate y'all!
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devildomwriter · 6 months
I’ll Have A Blue Christmas Without You | Lucifer x Reader
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.5K words | GN! Reader | CW: none
Lucifer eyed the clock for the sixth time in two minutes and sighed. He then checked his watch for the seventh time in five minutes and his foot tapped in irritation as he leaned against the wall.
He was wearing the Christmas sweater you’d gotten him and was holding a glass of demonous in one hand while the other was stuffed in his pocket to stop him from checking his watch for an eighth time.
“That’s a pretty big sigh, you okay bro?” Mammon asked, striding up to Lucifer.
Lucifer’s brows furrowed, he wasn’t sure yet if Mammon was going to be in a caring mood or a conniving mood.
“They aren’t here yet,” he confided and Mammon looked surprised and checked the clock.
“Shit you’re right…weird…” Mammon had been drinking too much to notice it was past the time you said you’d be there.
“This celebration of Christmas is only happening because they wanted to celebrate and they aren’t even here.”
“Service probably ran long, can’t just ignore their family, right?”
Lucifer huffed, “I know…” he wasn’t sure what else to say and awkwardly took a sip of demonous. Mammom also stood in silence with a face of uneasiness you could see clear across the room.
“Without them, there’s no point in celebrating the day our father sent himself to earth in a child’s body no matter how commercially saturated the holiday has become.” This day was just a painful reminder for Lucifer, but not when you were there—Not when you were drinking together, singing winter songs, listening to the Nutcracker ballet, wrapping gifts for his brothers…all of it suddenly meant something to him and none of it had to do with his father.
Mammon shuffled away from the intense atmosphere and Lucifer clucked and took his hand out of his pocket to check the watch again. He sighed and decided to find someplace a bit quieter than the ballroom.
He left down a hallway decorated with red ribbons and holly, he walked far enough that Diavolo’s boisterous laughter became faint.
He looked out the large stain-glass window at the snow drifting to the ground. He took the last swig of his demonous and finally checked his D.D.D. It hadn’t buzzed once which concerned him, but he assumed you were busy with your own family traditions and didn’t want to intrude as he did every other time of the year.
“Lucifer!?” Lucifer’s head snapped around and the grim expression melted from his face as he met your eyes.
You ran towards him, dressed in your matching Christmas sweater and his eyes shone in excitement.
“Lucifer!” You called again as you reached his side.
He called your name happily and scooped you into his arms. He gently set you down after a moment and tilted your chin up so he cools meet your lips. “Mm…” he hummed, content.
All the stress about the holiday was gone in an instant, suddenly he wanted to go back to the ballroom and play all the silly games Diavolo arranged.
“They’re about to start the snowball fight, are you ready?” You asked him pulling him after you by the sleeve of his sweater and he chuckled and handed his empty glass to a butler.
The next time he checked his watch it was the early hours of Christmas morning and you were wrapped in his arms, ensuring the rest of his Christmas would be a happy one.
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rainforest-daisies · 2 years
Character: tasm!peter Parker x gn!Reader 
Synopsis: reliving memories with Pete while looking at Christmas decorations
TW: fluff, kinda suggestive at one part?
Word count: 700
A/n: ANOTHA ONE FOR MY BESTIE👹(italics=memory)
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It was very calming, listening to the Gentle music that plays in the earbuds you are both It was very calming, listening to the Gentle music that plays in the earbuds you are both sharing, and Christmas lights making spots appear in your vision from the brightness. It was your yearly tradition with your boyfriend. Even in the years of believing in Santa, you participated in it. Every November, you would anticipate the coming month.
Looking at the rich neighborhoods fancy decorations, daydreaming about a life together someday in one.
Looking at the rich neighborhoods fancy decorations, daydreaming about a life together someday in one.
Ah yes,
Christmas time.
Peter held your hand, his thumb rubbing yours. He hummed to the beat of the song, moving his head with the sound of the bass. One house in particular caught your attention, a home covered in giant nutcrackers. 
“So, you’re telling me, you dressed as a nutcracker for a costume party?” You couldn’t stop giggling at the thought of him in the fancy coats, and the buckled shoes. 
“Okay yeah I did- but I was like eight! I swear! and you are not seeing any photos!” 
“Hmm..” you gently slid to the side of his bed, and him making his way towards you, “i think I’m gonna need to see those photos…”
“Well, You’ll have to earn it, darling.” He said with a smirk on his face, the suggestiveness making you laugh one more time before pulling him back onto you, falling back onto the puffy pillows under you. 
“Ow! Pete- pete-” you pulled out a small Lego man from under your back, holding it out in front of you, and practically ruining the mood by you both laughing. 
Way to cockblock, Lego.
A new song started playing, and it immediately made you both look at each other.
It was the song you had danced to at the first Christmas party of your relationship.
“Thank you all for coming this evening, as the snow outside got harsher, we were sure we would have to cancel!” The host laughed, and the crowd gathered around her did too, “but in all luck, we did not! And thank all of you for joining. It is a pleasure to have you all here tonig-” 
Peter burst in the door, a bottle of his aunts favorite apple cider, and his cheeks getting warm from the sudden attention of the crowd. His eyes landed on you after he scanned the crowd for a few seconds, he could tell you had been drinking. Don’t ask, he’s seen you at parties before.
He walked over to you, and quietly spoke while the host finished her incredibly boring speech, “okay, why are you acting drunk, darling…”
“Okay, then how much eggnog have you had?” He said, gently holding your upper arm.
“I don’t know…like two cups…” your words ran together, and the loud jazz music made it tough to hear.
He could see right through you.
“Okay maybe I’ve had like three or four…but there’s not that much alcohol in it!” You said, raising your hands up in defense.
“Yeah, for someone who took performing arts, you are a horrible actor tonight. You are completely drunk, hun. You need some water, or food-” he said, taking your hand, and forwarding you both towards the kitchen, but you pulled him away, where everyone was dancing.
As the new song came on, you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Baby, it’s cold outside” was playing through the comically large speakers, you thought he looked annoyed, but he was anything but that.
“We should go home, you need to sleep that alcohol off.” He said whispering into your ear, clasping your hand in his.
“After this song?”
“Yeah. After this song.” He laid his head onto your shoulder as you both swayed to the music.
He let go of your hand, and it the cold hit it almost instantly. But then, he wrapped his arms around your waist. With your headphones tangled in loops and swirls, he brought his hand to your cheek. 
“Maybe we could go to that one diner that you like? Get some hot chocolate…warm up?”
“After this song?” You looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.
“Yeah. after this song.” He said, letting out a breathy laugh, and leaning in for a kiss.
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anastasiamontgomeryhq · 3 months
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" Oh, I'm sorry, sorry that you love me (ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha) Change my mind up like it's origami "
leaving   lipstick   stains   on   collars,   popping   champagne   over   conversations   in  foreign   languages,   and   early   sunday   mornings   sneaking   out   of   stranger’s   beds   to   get   to   get   barre   class ...
FULL NAME: Anastasia Victorie Montgomery NICKNAME(S): Ana, Stassie LABEL: The Intangible Concept AGE: 25 DATE OF BIRTH: July 10, 1998 ZODIAC: Cancer Sun, Virgo Rising, Leo Moon GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female; She/Her HERITAGE: English, Russian SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S): English, French, Russian OCCUPATION: Olympic Figure Skater / Professional Dancer SEXUALITY & ROMANCE: Bisexual; Biromantic { female preference }
FACE CLAIM: Jessica Alexander HEIGHT: 5'6" WEIGHT: 121 lbs. DOMINANT HAND: Right HAIR COLOR: Strawberry Blonde EYE COLOR: Blue SCARS: None. TATTOOS: None.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Adroit, Romantic, Loyal, Brave, Compassionate, Passionate, Ambitious, Benevolent, Athletic. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Enigmatic, Guarded, Sensitive, Stubborn, Easily Bored, Perfectionistic, Detached. LIKES: Cafes, the sound of records playing, the smell of a new book and the smell of rain, astronomy, nature, cable-knit sweaters, the city lights, messy buns, old drive-ins, traveling, art museums, Shakespeare, Van Gogh, deep conversations, road trips, poetry, midnight runs. DISLIKES: Being told what to do, being the first to show up, being the last to show up, not being taken seriously, someone underestimating her, the cold, feeling rushed, the sensation of being crowded, being called ‘selfish’ or 'ungrateful', restriction of freedom, close-minded people, being talked over, people who sell out, those without passion.
PHOBIAS: Atychiphobia DISORDERS: OCD ALLERGIES: Seasonal (Pollen)
HOMETOWN: Manhattan, NY CCURRENT RESIDENCE: Merrock, ME EDUCATION LEVEL: BA in Mass Communications FAMILIAL CONNECTIONS: -Aurelia Montgomery - 54, Mother -Victor Montgomery - 50, Father
FOOD: Chocolate-covered strawberries DRINK: London Fog MOVIE: Black Swan / Marie Antoinette TV SHOW: The L Word, Sex Lives of College Girls, Bridgerton ARTIST/BAND: Tate McRae, The 1975, FLETCHER, Renee Rapp SONG: exes - Tate McRae
"I'm a wild ride that never stops. I'm a hard case they can't unlock."
TW; family dysfunction
When Anastasia was born, her name was given as a path of life. Her mother having had been one of the most famous ballerinas for the Russian Ballet, it only made sense to give her daughter the name of one of the most sought-after roles for dancers. At the time, her parents had no idea just how big of a force she was going to be in the ballet realm. As others took steps, Anastasia took leaps. She was quickly the favorite in every studio she walked into, and she also managed to be the top of her class in academics as well. Even when making the switch from a public school to a prestigious performing arts school when she was in middle school, Anastasia never faltered in the changes in her life. From Clara in The Nutcracker, to Odette and Odile in Swan Lake, her talent well proceeded her and her mother gracefully handed on the baton of the ballet legacy when she retired. Though, Anastasia loved ballet; the discipline and well as the freedom, she also began to struggle when her mother retired. It was then, that she wasn't dancing for herself anymore, but living a life her mother could live vicariously through. At least she still had figure skating. Figure skating was something that was fully Anastasia's. Even when she was first competing, she loved the adrenaline rush that came from being on the ice. After the induction into the NYC Ballet, after touring headlining shows and juggling a social life and her figure skating, Anastasia told her mother that she wanted to pursue a higher education in mass communications. She received a full-ride scholarship (though she didn't need it) for an accelerated program in journalism and mass communications because of her GPA and outstanding SAT scores to NYU. Her father was the one who wouldn't let her pass it up. Suddenly, Anastasia's name is plastered all over the papers when her competition broke their ankle. Now having to compete in a placement that was given to her on a technicality, Anastasia is battling the negative headlines whilst trying to clean her family name. Ana is currently residing in Merrock as her family's beach house to try to get some of the pressure from the press off of her.
Anastasia is a force to be reckoned with; She's not afraid to speak her mind, and competition runs in her veins. If she wants something, she goes and gets it, and may no one get stuck in her path. Though she can be intense in these ways, she also has a warmth to her that draws people in. Elegant, soft, and almost whimsical - Anastasia can never truly fit in anywhere. If anything, she sticks out like a sore thumb. This aspect about her either makes her well-loved or disliked (some may write her off as pretentious or snobby), depending on the person. She loves art history due to her father being an art historian and growing up listening to all sorts of foreign fairytales and mythology. She's a hopeless romantic, but tends to self sabotage relationships. She enjoys dancing in the rain and making life cinematic at any and every opportunity. She's genuinely kind, and at the end of the day she'll make anyone laugh without knowing she's being funny. She's just drawn as a villian but has such a soft girl vibe.She's just guarded to a default due to coming from old money on her father's side and experiencing people trying to use her/them to get to the fortune.
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daliasmay · 6 months
“One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star”(c)Friedrich Nietzsche.
Elucien ballet AU
— But I can't fly. — How do you know if you've never tried?
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Ballet is a hard labor in a flowers.
“There are no real diamonds that shine on stage. You can't see them. Only rhinestones shine. The stage doesn't tolerate anything real. Only artificial” (c)
The world of ballet is a cruel one.
It is like a vast gladiatorial arena, teeming with snakes and lions. All its grandeur is just a facade, all its glamour is just decoration. Behind the great vevlet of smiles and light, you'll never see the true face of this cruel world that spares no one. There's no place for the weak of heart.
Ballet is the art of the young.
Ballet is about endless improvement and endless struggle. It is an endless race, where you haven't got a chance for a pause. Run until you break and run until you die. Run until there is no air left in your lungs and your heart becomes a cut diamond.
When you live the ballet, you don't belong to yourself. You are just a part of a huge mechanism, and your life depends on how well that machine works. Every little cog has to be where it belongs, otherwise the mechanism will get stuck.
The ballet world is a battlefield, so raise your sword and fly towards the sun, higher and higher until it burns your wings.
Are you ready to sell your soul to the theatre for a moment of glory?
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Be careful what you wish for. Every wish has the property to come true.
Some would say that only the principals are important on the stage, but can we enjoy the world without nature? Can we enjoy a song without music? Can we feel the charm of a play without the actors dancing behind the soloists? The dancers of the corps de ballet are small parts of the heart of the play. They don't get the main applause and flowers, but without them, dancing in the shadows of the principals, we would never have seen the beauty and atmosphere of the play.
One young lady is proud to be the part of this family and share a worlds with her friends from the ballet troupe. Standing at the foot of Mount Olympus, she gathers her strength and wishes to pass her milestone. She doesn't need to reach the top, she has already understood how cruel it is and how easily it has destroyed many dancers and their dreams, she knows that it is a dangerous game, but Elain Archeron has her own line and one day she will reach it.
Elain is a dancer in the corps de ballet of one of the most famous and oldest ballet stage in the world. Every year she dances with snowflakes and flowers in 'The Nutcracker', performs solo with her friends in 'Spartacus', delights children and their parents in 'Cipollino', and creates a magical atmosphere as part of a corps de ballet in 'Bayadère' with its shadows. You can see her in many different plays such as 'Anna Karenina' or 'Le Corsaire', 'Flames of Paris' or 'Don Quixote', even in 'Raymonda' and 'Giselle'. She is a part and a soul of all of it.
Every day she works hard in classes with her friends, meets with a smile her new solos, indulges in harmless gossip in the theatre canteen over a lunch with the most delicious eclairs in her life and a cup of tea. Sometimes, when everyone usually rush home, Elain opens the classroom and dances alone underneath the noise of old lamps.
Elain is enjoying her ballet life. From class to class, she gets closer to her little childhood dream - to be a little Princess in 'The Nutcracker' one day.
Step by step. She just need a time.
How did she end up here, in the theatre director's office? She doesn't know. She's not even sure of the reality of this scene.
Her alarm is about to go off. She will take her morning walk with Rocket, Cassian's pug, who is living with her for a while. Then she will check her flowers and some red peppers on the windowsill, drink her morning coffee and go to her morning class at the theatre, starting her working day with the 'Waltz of the Flowers'.
But it seems that instead of the lovely morning melody, there were ten phone calls from her choreographer at 5.35 a.m., who was screaming that she had to be at the theatre in 30 minutes or all hell would break loose.
“It seems like a reality”
She is here, sitting in the same room with Lucien Vanserra - the principal dancer of her theatre, who is also the main subject of many theathre gossip items.
He stand near the open window and played with white curtains.
In a family of gossips, life is hard, but fun enough. Sometimes her sisters in ballet, Nuala and Cerridwen, bring to work the latest issues of magazines with the most scandalous articles, sometimes she is witness to a heated discussion in the dressing room, the details of which are a source of prickle in her ears, but more often than not, everything goes wrong after a random message from Nesta or Feyre about another wild article, when their family chat opens the 'Gates of Hell'.
Oh, Dear God, how many of these wild things with Lucien are actually true?
“Well, what does that mean, that Vassa is expected to be out for the entire season?”
Vanserra opened the antique sideboard with documents and took out a weighty folder.
“It means what it means,” director blew the dust off an old, tattered file. “Thats why I'm telling all of you to be careful every day. It means, Lucien, that if I will see you again without a warm hat, I will cut off your fashionable head. It seems that you don't really need it anyway,” he said, “But first, I swear to you, I'll shave your red hair.”
Lucien laughed heartily and sat back down in the wooden chair.
Looking at him now, outside the classroom, Elain couldn't ignore the fact that this man had a perfect body which was made for a ballet and elegant choreography. The Mother Nature endowed him with perfect proportions.
He was tall and not every ballerina could dance a duet with him. Elain remembers her first 'Cipollino'. There was an emergency replacement and he was given the role of Count Cherry for three years - he was a perfect match for the tall Vivian who was dancing the role of Magnolia. And it was beautiful. Every single element showed the elegance of their roles. Not that she had any intention of ever being his partner, but even then she already understood that she would never dance with him. He was on another level of the ballet hierarchy.
The black fabric of his jeans was tight around his long powerful legs which seems like they were sculpted in bronze. His long hair were gathered in a careless bun on the back of his neck, and only a few locks stood out from the general ensemble of his hairstyle. Well, not only Elain ran like a crazy horse to the theatre today. Even the Gods can be taken by surprise.
“Morning, Lady,” Lucien smiled to her, showing his white fangs. “It is a crazy morning, isn't it?” he leaned closer to her ear, whispering conspiratorially, “Did this old piece of junk snatched you from the warmth embrace of your bed this frosty morning too?”
Elain giggled at him. He knew how to use his actor's skill. She lened closer to his ear, whispering “It was my choreographer.”
His brown eyes opened to meet hers, round as saucers “That toad?! I'll buy five eclairs for you. No! Seven! Can't imagine, how stressful it was to hear her voice at six in the morning,” he gasped loudly, leaning back dramatically in his chair.
“Lucien!” director cut in, “We're on the brink of the huge disaster in front of the most difficult month and you're making jokes!”
An old ballet star nervously looked into the darkness outside the window.
“Look at this drama queen,” the red head man ignored the director and continue whispering, “now there should be a dramatic sigh and shake of the head.”
If it weren't so sad and strange at the same time, it would be funny.
“Told you”
Lucien stand up from his place and open another sideboard with first aid kit. “You like to exaggerate, you know?” a couple of drops of sedative fell into a glass of water, “Everything can be decided,” Vanserra looked at Elain and peacefully smiled. “Just let's not panic next time, please. As I see, the problem was already solved?”
The director took a sip, “Ah, what about the toad,” he looked at Elain, “Did my dear friend told you the reason of this morning journey?”
“No,” Elain shook her head.
“Pretty good, I was hoping to announce these news myself,” the wind whistled outside the window as the clock chimed loudly in the stillness of a winter morning. “Elain, my dear little star, I'm so happy to appoint you as a Princess in 'The Nutcracker' in the current season.”
The last words stopped Elain's world for the eternity of the moment. She had the feeling that even the old, annoying clock was not making any more noise and the storm outside the window stopped its song.
“We've consulted with the teaching staff and have decided that you would be a good fit for the role,” the director put the old folder back in the sideboard and returned to his chair, “Your name will appear on the new schedule and on the poster today.”
“Th-thank you,” she said, “I will not fail your trust.” She didn't know what to do. Yesterday she had been texting with Nuala and Cerridwen about the Chinese and Arabian dances, and within a few hours she had got the role of the Princess. It was like Clara's beautiful dream.
“You have no chance of failure,” he smiled at her, and after a moment, Elain smiled back at him with uncertainty. She nodded her head and left the director office in silence.
The first voices of the theatre staff began to replace the morning silence and darkness of the corridors. Elaine decided to do the breathing exercises which Nesta had told her about before her first big stage performance.
It was as if her heart was ready to jump out of her chest at any moment.
And one frosty morning become a wild snowy day.
She will dance with Lucien Vanserra in a duet.
She will be a Princess in 'The Nutcracker'.
“That is all.”
She opened her eyes to see that Lucien had stopped in front of the large window. The light from the street lamps fell on his sharp profile and only served to accentuate the cruel beauty of his face, illuminating it with artificial light as if he were a silent, hidden deity, encased in an ancient statue.
“That is all, Lady Archeron, there will be no mercy anymore.” He gave her a sad smile and left her alone in the corridor.
If you have read this far to the end, I salute you. I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May all your cherished wishes come true and may all your loved ones always be by your side. Be happy and healthy🩵☃️🎄
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I wanted to write a little summary, but yeah, here I am, sitting with vocabulary since the 1st of December, trying to get something out of my head and make my drafts more logical, and it seems like characters lives their own lifes and a little summary is too easy way for them.
Sorry for the mistakes, my English grammar is very bad, as my vocabulary lol, but I hope, I explained well my idea in this little text 🩵
P..S. It is very-very important. Elain is 23 and Lucien is 30 👁🫦👁 Don't judge the woman.
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shelivesinhermind · 2 years
Hearth for Canute and Emma, if you’re up to it!
Thank you for the prompt, friend! And look! I did a modern au for this one. But we still have Canute warming his hands by the fire ;) I hope you enjoy!
A Christmas Fire
With only one week till Christmas, Emma was determined to decorate the house for her boys.
Since her husband’s passing, life had been hectic.  Years past, Emma always tried to make a big deal of Christmas for Edward and Alfred. Becoming a single mother had put a damper on her usual plans. Not that much had changed from when she was married, even when her husband was alive, they seemed to argue more than anything. Her time had already been consumed by her boys for many years. Yet, she still had to stand on her own in a new way with her husband gone, which explained why she was last-minute putting up Christmas decorations.
Richard, her brother, and his wife had shown up that morning to take the boys for some “holiday cheer” they called it. Emma did not know exactly what they were doing, but she had a good idea it included hot chocolate, a light show, and a trip to see Santa at the mall. It did not matter, what did matter was she now had all day to decorate the house and surprise her sons when they returned.
First, she needed to get all the boxes full of Christmas décor down from the attic. One box at a time she slowly filled their living room with Christmas. Only taking breaks to drink her coffee, Emma soon had the house stacked with every Christmas décor item she would need. Each box labeled to their specific location in the house, she first began with the tree.
Of course, no day decorating for the holiday season was complete without classic Christmas music. Prepping her turntable, she pulled out a vinyl of Nat King Cole “The Christmas Song” and let it play.
With the house to herself, coffee, and music, Emma was ready to relax and enjoy the day. She let herself get giddy while assembling the Christmas tree. Snow fell gently outside the window as she arranged the tree in front of it. Once she had the lights lite, tinsel of green and red was wrapped around the large tree. She would wait to decorate the tree with ornaments, knowing Edward and Alfred would want to help.
Emma descended from the step-ladder she stood on to reach the top of the tree, then realized she had not lite a fire.
In the center of their living room sat a large hearth with plenty of room for stockings, garland, and all other decorations. She loved to have a fire lite while making the mantel festive.
The hearth now crackling with the warmth of a fire, she grabbed the boxes with all the décor she would need. With care she hung each of their stockings, hesitant with what to do when it came to her late husband’s stocking. The memory and pain, not only of his death, but of the mess their relationship had become, left her grieving for things she never thought she wanted. Her heart ached at the thought of the Christmases her sons heard them arguing instead of being a happy family.  
Determined to change things this year, she moved on with her plans to surprise her sons. She hung her late husband’s stocking so the boys still had a way to remember their father. Emma wanted this Christmas to be so much better for everyone, including herself. Grieving had taken so much joy from them this year.
The mantel glittered with garland, lights, nutcrackers, and candles. Each stocking hung cozy in front of the fire. Emma had made good progress, and she was so happy with all she had accomplished before lunch time.
With that thought, her stomach rumbled to remind her it was lunch, and she had not eaten.
While she ate, she brought the boxes of her Christmas dishes to be unpacked and placed in her cabinets. In the kitchen, she placed her bright red tablecloth on the table, and a large candelabra in the center.
The afternoon still ahead of her, Emma now was left with the outside decorations. Hanging the wreaths would be easy, but she had never put up the lights around the house herself. Usually, her and her husband would both help each other, after days of coxing on Emma’s part, and have the lights hung in no time. Yet, this year it was only her. She could wait for her brother to return; he would most definitely help. She was determined, however, to have the house in tip-top shape by the time they returned.
Putting her puffy jacket on, snow boots, and gloves, she made her way to the garage.
Getting the wreaths out and hung would take some time, as their large house had many windows. But Emma had done this many times and felt secure enough on the ladder to reach the intended windows.
One by one she went around the house and hung the wreaths, stopping only to fluff them to perfection. Red bows decorated the bottoms, standing out against the white backdrop of their home.
Seeing the afternoon was soon coming to a close, she knew she had to get the lights up.
Each car that drove by and waved hello had Emma silently praying no one would witness her demise if her attempt to light the house went badly.
The ladder she had to use for the lights was much bigger than the one to hang the wreaths. She had to be able to reach the top of the shingles to secure the hooks for the lights. She knew she should have someone spot her from below and hold the ladder as she ascended, but there was nothing else to be done, she would have to make due.
Taking the small box of hooks with her, she slowly ascended the ladder. Once she had the desired hook in place, she would have to descend and move the ladder to the next location. After the entire front of the house had hooks for the lights, Emma was silently pleased it was going better than she thought.
Now came the even harder task—she had to string the lights. She took a coil of lights and once again made her way back up the ladder. Securing the strand in place, she still had the other portion to string up. Lights in hand, she made her way back down the ladder.
One down, many more to go.
Moving the ladder again, she began the process over. Emma was getting weary with having to move and place everything herself, along with the caked snow on her boots, her trips on the ladder became more taxing.
Toward the end of the strand, with only a little more to go, she felt her foot slip as she climbed down the ladder. Not able to get purchase with her slick boots, she fell backwards. Just as she fell, she felt strong, firm hands grab her waist, and she fell into a body instead of the cold snow.
Laying there for only a second to gain her breath, she jolted up to see who she had fallen on.
“Oh my god!”
She instantly began searching the man who had undoubtedly cushioned her fall for injury. She felt his wide, thick chest, hoping there was no cracked ribs. It was then she realized she was openly groping a man, then she stopped, her eyes flicking to his—piercing blue eyes met hers, framed in a stern face with a dark beard.
“I am so sorry. Are you alright?”
He stared for a moment, as if he was dazed. Panic seized her as she thought instantly of his head and that he may have a concussion.
“Oh god! I am calling an ambulance”
She started to make for the house, but his hand jolted out to grab her arm.
“No, I’m fine. Just give me a moment.”, he grunted.
She stopped hesitantly, not fully believing if he was ok. As he sat up, she found her eyes once again roaming over him for injury. It was then she noticed his dark hair, shaved at the sides, and the short trim at the top slicked back. And was that tattoos on his hands? She had never really interacted with a man like him. All the men she knew, including her husband and brother, had been very sleek, professional, with business suits and Ralph Lauren attire. This man who had tried to prevent her fall was entirely different.
Fully sat up, he ran his hand over his head as if clearing it. Emma was still worried he had a concussion, but instead of asking about him again, she stopped as his eyes instantly went to her with worry.
“Are you hurt? That was quite the distance to fall.”
With the snow on her jeans now melted and seeping into her skin, she shivered. His eyes did not miss a thing, he was instantly standing, and came toward her. “What where you doing up there by yourself?”
Stunned for a moment, she stammered. “I…I was trying to get my home ready for my children. Are you sure you don’t need to go to the emergency room? I mean…I literally fell on top of you.”
Something twinkled in his eyes that she could not make out, but he answered, “I promise, I am fine. I’ve had worse.”
Scanning the neighborhood for anyone out and about, every house was quiet, no one even out walking.
“Where did you come from?”
He let out a deep breathe, the air turning to smoke in the cold, winter day. “I just moved here from out of town not long ago. I was walking my trash to the dump when I noticed you hanging the decorations. On my way back was when I noticed you almost fall.”
Almost was an understatement, if not for him, she could have most definitely injured herself. 
“I…Thank you. You definitely saved my evening from being ruined with my children. It would not have not been the happy time I planned if I was injured.”
 He gave a bashful smile, and Emma was smiling just at the thought this giant man was the least bit shy with her. “I’m Canute, by the way.”
“Well, Emma, it seems you have done a hell of a job at it, even by yourself. I could not have done better without help.”
She only gave him a nod of thanks, it was then she noticed the sun starting to slowly set, she needed to finish before her family came back home.
Noticing the change in her face, Canute offered, “Do you need some help? I could take to the ladder this time and you hand me the strands of lights.”
She knew it would take her much longer to finish the lights around the house, so she agreed. Canute gladly climbed the ladder so she could stay safely on the ground.
Soon they both were laughing as they worked together to put the lights up. Emma marveled at how easy conversation with him was, and was pleased to find he had two boys of his own, currently with their mother until next week. It was nice to talk with someone who understood being a parent by themselves. She figured that being a divorced parent came with its own hardships.
When the lights were finally all assembled, there was nothing else left to do but light it up. They found the extension cords to connect all the outlets, and Emma sighed with happiness when the house sparkled.
Her boys would be so happy when they pulled up and saw their home lite for Christmas.
Noticing how late it had gotten, Emma needed to get inside.
“Would you like to come in?”, she asked Canute.
“Oh no, I won’t take up more of your time. I know you want to see your boys.”
She was so taken back by his insinuating he took up her time. Plus, her sons would not be home for a little while.
“You take up my time? I am the one who fell on top of you, and you so kindly turned around and offered to help me. Please, at least let me make you a hot drink or something.”
“Alright, if you insist.”
Making her way to the house, Canute slowly followed behind her.
They both shivered as they entered her home, the fire in the hearth still warm. Emma went to stoke the flames and get it blazing again. Taking off her jacket, she motioned to the coat rack.
“Please make yourself at home, I am going to go change.”
Canute’s only response was a nod as she made her way to her room.
Her jeans were soaked through from falling in the snow. Changing instead into black leggings and a soft off-white sweater, she added soft socks and instantly felt warmer.
Back in the living room, Canute stood in front of the hearth, his hands seeking the warmth of the fire.
“What can I get you to drink”, she asked him.
“Coffee would be nice, if you have any. Black.”
She was instantly in the kitchen getting the coffee pot ready.
With two steaming cups of coffee in hand, she returned to the living room, passing him the black coffee. 
“Can I get you anything else?”
“This is perfect. Thank you.”
Snow started falling outside again, illuminated by the sparkling lights. It was nearly dark, and she was so thrilled she had gotten everything accomplished that she wanted to.
“I honestly cannot thank you enough for your help.”
Canute smiled. “Think nothing of it. You were practically done anyways.”
Both of them casually sipping their coffee, Emma asked. “So why did you move to our little-neck-of-the -woods?”
“A Fire Station Chief position opened up downtown. After years of working the long hours on the fire squad, I figured it was time for a change.”
Emma smiled to herself, he definitely was a man use to climbing ladders and saving people.
“What I would like to know is what kind of husband leaves his wife to climb the ladder by herself to hang lights?”
She was hesitant to answer and curious at the same time—he did not ask out of thinking her incapable, he asked out of clear annoyance she was alone to do it.
“My husband passed away. I just wanted to surprise my sons when they came back.”
As Canute went to take another sip, she noticed his eyes had an understanding glint to them, as if he understood. As a single father himself, she could see the solidarity he shared with her statement. A warm feeling came over her that she was not entirely sure had to do with the crackling fire she stood in front of.
“Well”, he said as his handed her his empty mug, “I should be getting back”
Following him to the door, Emma leaned on the doorframe as he grabbed his coat and made his way back out into the still falling snow. He turned once he made it to the side walk.
“If you ever need help in the future, I am more than happy to be of assistance. Number 17 is my place.”
Emma couldn’t wipe the constant grin form her face, still giddy at the Christmas lights that now shone on the white snow, and the man who had helped her make it possible for her children.
“I will.”
 As she watched Canute make his way up the drive and onto the walk back to his house, her brothers van pulled up. Soon two little boys came dashing out, wonder and awe on their faces as they saw the outside of the house.
If the massive hug her boys gave her were any indicator, she was certain she had done the right thing.
Richard was naturally curious as to how she managed the lights, but she would not worry them with her fall, she only told them she had help.
All she wanted was to enjoy this winter night with her sons, decorate the tree with them, and create memories they would remember forever. And maybe let her thoughts drift to the feel of Canute’s hands on her sides, and the way her body had warmed at his gaze.
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inkfablesandstories · 2 years
winter prompt list
Traveling to a frozen lake to go ice fishing.
Icicles collecting on the edges of the roof and tree branches.
Using snowshoes to find the perfect photo spot.
Ice skating on an outdoor rink/pond.
Participating in a white elephant gift exchange.
Getting a cold and having a red nose from using hundreds of tissues.
Adding extra tinsel and baubles to an ugly Christmas sweater.
Eating gallons of ice cream despite the cold weather.
Having snowball fights for hours on end.
Going days without seeing the sun.
Working up a sweat by shoveling snow.
Bundling up in five layers before stepping outside.
Taking part in an ice carving competition.
Putting together large puzzles while you’re stuck inside.
Making snowmen in an empty field.
Making snow angels.
Making homemade slush drinks out of the fresh snow.
Blowing hot air on your hands to keep them warm.
Using a nutcracker to open assorted nuts.
Dipping in a natural hot spring.
Building an igloo with a friend.
Getting thrown face first into a tall pile of snow.
Knitting warm scarves and sweaters.
Having snowflakes catch on your eyelashes.
Playing hockey with a team.
Following animal tracks in the snow.
Play fighting with spit-sharpened candy canes.
Being blinded by the light reflecting off the snow.
Decorating a yule log.
The crack of overburdened branches in a near silent forest.
Taking a warm bath after spending the day outside.
Settling in front of the fireplace at night.
Making personalized gingerbread men.
Sledding down the biggest hill in town.
Catching snowflakes on your tongue.
Finding the perfect snow globe for a collection.
Decorating the house with lights and pine branches.
Roasting nuts over the fire.
Putting off your diet because you can’t resist all the seasonal food and desserts.
Eating tomato soup and grilled cheese.
Walking outside where it’s early and all you can hear is the crunch of snow and ice under your feet.
Making hot chocolate with all the fixings.
Slipping on the ice despite wearing textured snow boots.
Being unable to go anywhere because you got snowed in.
Getting happily drunk off spiked eggnog.
Singing seasonal songs with friends and family.
Bundling up in a stack of quilts to read a book.
Cutting snowflakes out of paper and taping them to windows.
Going on a sleigh ride.
Spending a day at the slopes to ski/snowboard.
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pickledpascal · 2 years
There’s a She-Wolf in the Closet
Chapter Ten: All Those Christmas Cliches
Summary: Sherlock’s annual Christmas party is more put together than usual. Also, Jayden gets to officially meet his friends.
Warnings: None! Pure fluff
Word Count: 2.9k
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A Christmas miracle. Not the snow that decided to fall exactly at twelve am that Christmas day but the new girl who was invited to 221b's annual get-together to celebrate. Sherlock was nervous. Mrs. Hudson knew Jayden as a surrogate daughter  but John and Greg have only seen her for fleeting moments and Mary and Molly have never met her before. No need to worry about Mycroft this time of year though, he was probably off with their parents seeing the Nutcracker for the umpteenth time. Sherlock, though, needed to make sure everything was perfect.
He made sure Jayden knew what time to get there by and that she was under no obligation to get anyone gifts nor was there any sort of dress code but Sherlock secretly hoped she would dress up. The man hasn't even seen the young woman dress up for the club, isn't that what younger people did? Well, Jayden wasn't one for the club anyway. She liked staying at home and drinking coffee or hot chocolate and watching a movie or even playing a song on the guitar. Sherlock wondered if there were any pieces they could play together.
Preparing for the party, Sherlock cleared the kitchen counters of experiments. He stuffed his materials in the cupboards below, to try and hide them best he could. The detective stole some decorations from Mrs. Hudson to put up around his flat. Surprisingly, the detective also went shopping for Christmas for the first time in years. Probably since he was a boy with his father, picking something out for his mother. While Sherlock did pick out gifts, he also bought some orderves and cookies. This was a party and he was sure no one expected him to cook anyways, he was atrocious at it. 
Setting everything up was easy, the countertops were littered with food while Sherlock hid his gifts in his room. His flat was too small for a tree, plus it would be a hassle to take one up stairs. Sherlock was usually a subtle man, not this year. His flat was practically glowing with all the Christmas lights he put up. Mrs. Hudson even convinced him to put up mistletoe, she said it was for John and Mary but he knew better. Plus, they were married, why would they need a fake plant to tell them to kiss? 
Getting dressed, Sherlock wore his usual attire but opted for a dark green button-up. He took a breath and checked his watch, guests would be arriving soon. He hoped. It was a lot different not having John wait with him but he would keep it together. Being so nervous like this was something Sherlock was not used to. 
Thankfully the first few guests were John and Mary. Relief filled Sherlock's head, immediately striking up conversation with the couple after a hug from Mary.
"This is quite different from other years." John said, looking around the flat at the decorations as he set the gifts down on the table. Mary chuckled and nodded as if she knew why. She had amazing insight into things and Sherlock knew he couldn't hide from her. "Better, less depressing." 
Sherlock rolled his eyes, "I'll spoil your gifts for the others." He responded as John just rolled his eyes back at him. 
Mary slapped both their arms. "Oi, would you both shut up? Sherlock, your decorations are great." She complimented as she took off her coat before she noticed the mistletoe. "Is that what I think it is?" Mary asked smugly.
"Mrs. Hudson made me put it up." Sherlock said hastily, as if he knew what she was thinking. The mistletoe hung on the ceiling between the kitchen and the living room. "Said something about love, love, love." He shrugged nonchalantly but fire alarms were going off in his head. Was he too obvious? Well, at least John and Mary knew but then they would make fun of him. Hopefully not.
Speaking of Mrs. Hudson, as John and Mary popped the cork on some champagne, the woman herself arrived with some gifts and hugged the three of them as tightly as she could. They were like her children, she loved them all very dearly. Mrs. Hudson set her gifts where John set theirs and grabbed a glass of champagne for herself, raving about how good the flat looked. Sherlock had a proud glint in his eyes with the compliments. 
"It's clean! And it wasn't because of me." Mrs. Hudson smiled happily. Oh, Sherlock should've known. "Perhaps it was because of someone else." She teased, smugly. 
Ever since she told Sherlock about Mistress Violet, he could tell the landlady wants him and Jayden to be together. While it is flattering that three people in his life want him to go for it, he wasn't quite ready yet. Sherlock knew he had some growing to do first to have a true, good relationship. 
But that didn't mean his crush would dampen.
Mary let out a small laugh, "Stop teasing, his brain might explode!" She nudged Mrs. Hudson slightly, catching a small glimpse of the blush on Sherlock's face. As if he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to. "Or maybe it's in the process…."
"My head isn't going to explode unless there's a bomb attached which I don't think there is." Sherlock said matter of factly, trying to change the subject to something he was more comfortable with. Which wasn't himself and what he felt about something or someone. "Tea?" He asked suddenly.
John deadpanned at him, cocking his eyebrow. They all had drinks already except for the detective himself.
Greg came in right on time to distract Mrs. Hudson from Sherlock, if only for a moment. Another comment on the decorations and the detective would bang his head against the wall. He wanted to impress someone in particular, not all of his friends. Perhaps the decorations were a mistake. A plan to completely underwhelm them next year formed in his head. 
Next to arrive was Molly and Sherlock couldn't help but be even more nervous. Jayden was almost twenty minutes late and she lived right above him. Another ten minutes and the probability of her arriving was almost zero. Those were just the odds and he couldn't deny them as much as he wanted to. He hoped she would come, he didn't want to dampen the mood of the others in his flat. A depressed host was not good for the guests. 
As Sherlock sat in his chair, his leg bounced nervously as he had his hands locked in his lap and tried to listen to the conversation being had. "Is he okay?" Greg whispered to John in the kitchen as he looked at the man in the next room.
John looked at Sherlock as well, not as concerned as the man next to him. "Yeah, he'll be fine. Nerves. First time he actually tried Christmas." He joked a little. 
As Greg nodded, the main door to 221b opened yet again to reveal the guest of the hour. Sherlock blinked at the woman in the doorway, in some ways she was completely unrecognizable. For a moment, his brain went numb with taking mental pictures of this moment.
Jayden was standing in the doorway, wearing a black cropped sweater that showed her shoulders and her neck with a plaid, tight skirt and some black, ripped tights paired with black boots. Her sweater, since it had a cropped neckline, showed her tattoos and strong arms even better than before. The swirling, dark lines touched her collarbone and swooped down her back. There were even some small tattoos on her shoulders as well. Without thinking, Sherlock stood and hugged Jayden tightly. 
It shocked the room while the woman just hugged back, a light smile on her face. She practically dropped all her gifts on the floor just so Sherlock could hold her and, if she was honest, she didn't mind it one bit. 
“You’re more affectionate than usual.” Jayden teased softly, nudging Sherlock’s shoulder with her hand as they pulled away from the hug. She started to gather up her gifts and set them with everyone else’s before taking in the flat. “I’ve never seen this place look better.” She beamed, looking over at Sherlock who melted at her expression. 
John and Mary shared a knowing look while it was Mrs. Hudson’s turn to hug the young woman. Jay let out a small chuckle as the older lady held her tightly, rambling on about how happy she was that the girl could make it to the party. She almost let it slip just how distraught Sherlock was going to be if she didn’t show up. Thankfully, the man himself stopped her by giving her another drink. 
Sherlock also took this opportunity to give Jayden a glass of champagne. “You wanna get me drunk before you introduce me to your friends? Bold. I like it.” Jay winked as she took a sip from the glass. She just hoped it was clean. 
Jealousy was an emotion Molly Hooper was very familiar with, especially in regards to Sherlock Holmes. But never once has she seen the infamous detective actively want to be with someone. And it doesn’t take a boundless intellect to tell that’s what Sherlock was doing with this Christmas party. To impress. Like a prelude to a date. She was shocked. She’s always thought Sherlock was simply incapable of romantic love but maybe it was just her that he didn’t like.
“Hello! I’m Mary, John’s wife.” The woman explained, a smile on her face as she stuck out her hand for Jayden to shake. Mary was excited to finally meet the woman who made Sherlock freak out and have to ask them about love.
Jay hummed in response, “Sherlock’s told me a lot about you and John too, of course.” She said with a soft expression. Mary cocked her head, what did he say?
“Mary is similar to you. She can see through me and can tell when I’m lying.” Sherlock explained one time while the two of them were in 221b, fire crackling in the background.
Not an experiment for once. Nor was it a gas leak.
Jayden just smiled in return, sipping on her hot chocolate. It was cold that day. No snow, but chilly as hell. “Like the time you said you’ve always known origami but you actually just learned it from YouTube after I said I liked it. Once.” 
Sherlock grunted in return, choosing not to respond. It would only damn him more. 
“Lestrade.” Sherlock said simply, motioning to the man with a hand on the small of Jayden’s back. He was guiding her through the flat as gently as he could. Jayden offered Greg a small smile as Sherlock went to introduce Molly immediately after. Perhaps because it was awkward that Greg knew about her job, but he didn’t seem like a bad person.
“I’m not surprised Greg knows who you are, he seems like the type.” They were in a park, this time in the fall where it wasn’t as cold and Jayden was in the middle of eating a sandwich she got from a corner store. Maybe Sherlock was a little envious of her healthy eating habits so he got one too….
Jayden rubbed her nose for a moment with a napkin and looked over at some kids playing in the leaves with a small smile before diverting her gaze back to the man next to her. “I’m relatively famous, Sherlock, anyone who’s watched even two videos in their entire life probably recognizes me.” She explained with a small laugh. 
Sherlock shrugged as he took a bite of his sandwich, a smile on his face.
Molly, the girl who seemed to be sulking around the whole afternoon since Jayden got there, it was now her turn to be introduced to the illustrious Jayden Wayne. She tried to put on a brave face but everyone could see otherwise. “Molly Hooper.” She introduced herself.
“Yes, I know.” Jay said softly with a small smile on her face. “Sherlock talks about you a lot.” She said truthfully while Molly just looked confused. That man…. Talked about her to others? Now, that was a Christmas miracle.
“Molly’s been there for me for a while, ever since I became a consulting detective. It’s hard to imagine my life without her now.” Sherlock admitted one day in Jayden’s apartment as he took a sip of the woman’s coffee. He looked down at the tan liquid in his mug. “She may think she’s worthless to me but that’s simply not true, Molly is one of the many diamonds I keep close to my heart.”
Jayden listened, a soft expression on her face. She was a wonderful listener and so Sherlock wanted to be that for her as well. Be there for her the same way she was for him. The detective has never felt the need to pour out his heart to someone the way he does for Jayden but it happened and it will keep happening. 
The young woman hummed, “She seems nice. Like a big part of your life.”
The rest of Christmas night was filled with music and talking, one of those things Sherlock was still iffy on but he would get the hang of it. Eventually. Small talk could be incredibly boring but he stayed by Jayden’s side as if he was a lost puppy. These were his friends and yet he spoke maybe ten times the entire night. 
All his big plans fell apart the moment Jayden walked into the room, the only thing on his mind was her. Making sure she felt comfortable. Nothing else mattered, really. He was just glad they all got along for the most part. Molly, though, was a slightly unhinged variable. It was hard to predict how she felt and how she would act. She was single again so her attachment to Sherlock would be tried again. 
Opening gifts was a surprise for Sherlock. At least, when it came to Jayden. Everyone else's gifts he predicted before they even got there. John would get a myriad of new jumpers, Mary would get new wine glasses and some motherly things, Greg would get office stuff and a new watch or two, Molly would get jewelry that she would never wear, and Sherlock would get new books he would never read. 
But Jayden was a wild card and she bought a gift for everyone there even though Sherlock told her she was under no obligation to buy anyone a gift, even for himself. She did anyway. 
A new stethoscope for John, a sweater for baby Rosie while Mary got a hand-made mug, Greg got a new coat with a scarf, Molly got a book which included studies on the dead (Jayden wasn't sure if she would like it but she assumed she would since she worked at the mortuary), and the detective himself was given a brand new violin. It had a black finish with white accents, very different from his old one which was a more natural wooden color with nicks and black accents. Jayden assured him that he was under no obligation to ever play it if he wished not to.
"This is beautiful." Sherlock said softly, admiring the violin in the case. The woman wrapped each gift as carefully as possible but since his gift was already in a box, Jay just put a bow around it. 
John smirked at the two of them, idiots in love. That must've been very expensive. A lot more than everything else Jayden gave out. Or maybe she got a special deal and thought it would be perfect.
Jayden hummed, taking a sip from her glass. "Well, I wanted it to be. You can still play your regular one but you could use this as decoration if you'd like." She said softly, a small smile on her face. The place did need some decoration all the time besides the smiley face on the wall and all the books that would be littered on the floor any other time of year.
Sherlock made it his mission to play that violin as much as possible. After all, it was such a thoughtful gift.
After Sherlock’s guests left, that just left him and Jayden. And, as always, they sat in the chairs across from each other with some sort of hot drink in their hands. This time it was hot cocoa and the pair couldn’t be happier.
“Thanks for inviting me, Sher.” Jayden said softly, her eyes twinkling in the fireplace flame as she looked into it. The fire fascinated her. “It was nice to get a glimpse into your other life.” She teased with a smirk.
Sherlock took a sip from his mug and let out a sigh as he admired the woman in front of him, “It was the obvious thing to do. It’s not every day I make a new friend.” Especially someone like her. Someone so similar to him yet so different. They’ve both had hard times and yet Jayden dealt with the present in such a better way.
The detective just hoped he would learn it from her.
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enterprisewired · 6 months
40 fun questions about Christmas trivia to double the cheer
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As you think of Christmas, the thought of Christmas trivia of course crosses your mind. The holiday season is not just about decking the halls and roasting chestnuts; it’s also the perfect time to gather friends and family for Christmas trivia fun. Whether you’re planning a virtual gathering or a cozy in-person celebration, these 40 Christmas trivia questions are sure to add an extra layer of merriment to your festivities. This comprehensive guide presents 40 Christmas trivia questions designed to double the fun at your celebrations.
1. What feast does the Grinch hate the most?
Answer: The Grinch hates the Whos’ Christmas feast.
2. In the song “Jingle Bells,” what kind of sleigh is it?
Answer: One-horse open sleigh.
3. Which country is credited with the creation of the candy cane?
Answer: Germany.
4. Who wrote the classic Christmas tale, “A Christmas Carol”?
Answer: Charles Dickens.
5. In the movie “Home Alone,” where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?
Answer: Paris.
6. What beverage is also known as “milk punch” and is popular during the Christmas season?
Answer: Eggnog.
7. What is the name of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’s dad?
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Answer: Donner.
8. According to the song, what did my true love give to me on the eighth day of Christmas?
Answer: Eight maids a-milking.
9. What is the main ingredient in the traditional Christmas drink known as wassail?
Answer: Apple cider.
10. What is the name of the character played by Jim Carrey in the movie “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”?
Answer: The Grinch.
11. In the song “Frosty the Snowman,” what made Frosty come to life?
Answer: An old silk hat.
12. What is the angel’s name in “It’s a Wonderful Life”?
Answer: Clarence.
13. According to the Bible, what brought the three wise men to Bethlehem?
Answer: The Star of Bethlehem.
14. What is the last day of the Twelve Days of Christmas?
Answer: January 5th.
15. What popular Christmas song was written for Thanksgiving?
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Answer: “Jingle Bells.”
16. What decoration do people traditionally kiss under during the holiday season?
Answer: Mistletoe.
17. In the movie “Elf,” what is Buddy’s favorite food group?
Answer: Candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup.
18. What well-known Christmas carol’s original title is “One Horse Open Sleigh”?
Answer: “Jingle Bells.”
19. What is the name of the young boy in the “Polar Express” movie?
Answer: Hero Boy (The character is often referred to as “Hero Boy” in the credits).
20. In which country did the tradition of exchanging gifts on Christmas originate?
Answer: Rome.
21. What is the name of George Bailey’s guardian angel in “It’s a Wonderful Life”?
Answer: Clarence.
22. What does the word “Noel” mean in English?
Answer: Christmas.
23. Which popular Christmas plant is known for its red and green foliage?
Answer: Poinsettia.
24. What is the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time?
Answer: “Home Alone.”
25. What are the names of Santa’s reindeer?
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Answer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph.
26. In the song “Winter Wonderland,” what do we pretend the snowman is?
Answer: Parson Brown.
27. What famous department store hosts a Thanksgiving Day Parade every year?
Answer: Macy’s.
28. In which country did the tradition of Christmas trees originate?
Answer: Germany.
29. What are the traditional colors of Christmas?
Answer: Red and green.
30. Which Christmas ballet is based on a fairy tale by E.T.A. Hoffmann?
Answer: “The Nutcracker.”
31. What holiday beverage is made from mulled wine and spices?
Answer: Wassail.
32. Which Christmas plant is known as the “Christmas Flower”?
Answer: Poinsettia.
33. What country did the gingerbread house originate from?
Answer: Germany.
34. In “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” what does Lucy ask for from Schroeder?
Answer: Real estate.
35. What well-known Christmas carol originated from a poem written in 1816?
Answer: “Silent Night.”
36. In what year did Coca-Cola begin using Santa Claus in its advertisements?
Answer: 1931.
37. What animated 1966 Christmas special features characters called Heat Miser and Snow Miser?
Answer: “The Year Without a Santa Claus.”
38. What is the name of the Grinch’s dog in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”?
Answer: Max.
39. Which country does the tradition of Christmas stockings originate from?
Answer: Netherlands.
40. In the movie “A Christmas Story,” what does Ralphie want for Christmas?
Answer: A Red Ryder BB gun.
With these 40 Christmas trivia questions, you’re armed and ready to double the fun at your festive gatherings. So, gather your loved ones, pour some eggnog, and let the joyous competition begin. Christmas trivia is not just about the right answers; it’s about creating lasting memories and sharing laughter during the most wonderful time of the year. So, this Christmas, aren’t you gonna have a blast at Christmas trivia? Merry Christmas and happy trivia!
Also Read: Christmas Games: Fun and Festivities for the Whole Family
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 12.18
Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day
Arabic Language Day (UN)
Australian Christmas (Team Fortress)
Baranth Do (Elder Scrolls)
Final Fantasy Anniversary Day
Flake Appreciation Day
Founder’s Day (Qatar)
Hug a Soccer Player Day
International Migrants Day (UN)
Minifig Day
National Crime Junkie Day
National Deborah Day
National Harry Day
National Jeremy Day
National Scrooge Week begins (according to Mr. Ed)
National Twin Day
Nutcracker Day
Nyempa Guzom (Sikkim, India)
Pink Panther Day
Play Bingo Day
Republic Day (Niger)
Sunday Newspaper Day
Truffle Day (French Republic)
Tulya’s E’en (Beginning of Yule Season; Orkney Island)
Voice From Space Day
Wear a Plunger On Your Head Day
World Minorities Rights Day (India)
Yuletide Lad #7 arrives (Hurdaskellir or Door-Slammer; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bake Cookies Day
Let's See What We Find in the Fridge Day
National Ham Salad Day
National “I Love Honey” Day
National Muffin Day (Brazil)
National Roast Suckling Pig Day
National Stilton Day (UK)
3rd Monday in December
Christmas Lunch Gift Exchange Day [3rd Monday]
Design Wall Monday [3rd Monday]
Free Shipping Day [3rd Monday] (Also 12.14)
National Emo Day [3rd Monday]
Independence Days
New Jersey Statehood Day (#3; 1787)
Qatar (1878)
Feast Days
Eponalia (Feast of Epona; Roman goddess of fertility)
Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
Fantastic Finkleman (Muppetism)
Feast of Our Lady of Expectation
Feast of Our Lady of Solitude (Mexico)
Flannán (Christian; Saint)
Gatianus (a.k.a. Gatian) of Tours (Christian; Saint)
O Adonai (2nd O Antiphon or Great Advent Antiphon; Christian) [2 of 7]
Paul Klee (Artology)
Priestley (Positivist; Saint)
Rufus and Zozimus (Christian; Martyrs)
Running of the Roboderos (Church of the SubGenius)
Saturnalia Day 2: Saturn’s Release (Pagan)
Sebastian (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Unusual Music Instruments Day (Pastafarian)
Urdhyauli Parwa (Festival of the Animals; Nepal)
Willem van de Velde II (Artology)
Winibald (a.k.a. Winebald; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [37 of 37]
Anchorrman 2: The Legend Continues (Film; 2013)
Another Round (Film; 2020)
Avatar (Film; 2009)
Baby Buggy Bunny (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
The Ballad of the Green Berets, recorded by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler (Song; 1965)
*batteries not included (Film; 1987)
The Big Blast or A Many Splintered Thing (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 81; 1960)
Boris Lends a Hand or Count Your Fingers (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 188; 1962)
Boris on a Broomstick or The Flying Sorceror (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 187; 1962)
Born to Boogie (Music Documentary Film; 1972)
Brazil (Film; 1985)
The Bridge on the River Kwai (Film; 1957)
Broadcast News (Film; 1987)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Film; 1968)
Cinderella Liberty (Film; 1973)
The Color Purple (Film; 1985)
Doctor Faustus, by Christopher Marlowe (Play; 1592)
Dragons of Ashida (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #14; 1964)
From All of Us to All of You (Animated Disney TV Christmas Special; 1958)
Her (Film; 2013)
The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun (Film; 2015)
Last Train to Christmas (UK Film; 2021)
The Lion Sleeps Tonight, by The Tokens (Song; 1961)
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (TV Series; 2020)
Mary Poppins Returns (Film; 2018)
McCartney III, by Paul McCartney (Album; 2020)
Moonstruck (Film; 1987)
More Kittens (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
The Nutcracker, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Ballet; 1892)
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (US Film; 1969) [James Bond #6]
Out of Africa (Film; 1985)
Overboard (Film; 1987)
The Prince of Egypt (Animated Film; 1998)
Twistin’ the Night Away, by Sam Cooke (Song; 1961)
The Two Towers (Film; 2002) [The Lord of the Rings #2]
September in the Rain (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Sisters (Film; 2015)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Film; 2015) [Star Wars #7]
The Steal Hour or A Snitch in Time (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 82; 1960)
A Symposium on Popular Songs (Disney Cartoon; 1962)
The Yearling (Film; 1946)
You’ve Got Mail (Film; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Philipp, Wunibald (Austria)
Bosiljko, Dražen, Gracijan, Malahija (Croatia)
Miloslav (Czech Republic)
Lovise (Denmark)
Neeme, Neemo (Estonia)
Aapo, Aappo, Rami (Finland)
Briac, Gatien (France)
Esperanza, Gratian, Luise (Germany)
Floros, Sebastianos (Greece)
Auguszta (Hungary)
Graziano (Italy)
Jordisa, Klinta, Kristaps, Sarmis (Latvia)
Eivilė, Girdvilas, Gracijus (Lithuania)
Kate, Kristoffer (Norway)
Bogusław, Gracjan, Gracjana, Laurencja, Wilibald, Wszemir (Poland)
Daniil (Romania)
Sláva (Slovakia)
Esperanza (Spain)
Abraham (Sweden)
Griffin, Griffith, Ruff, Rufina, Rufus, Russ, Russell, Rusti, Rusty, Ty, Tyrus (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 352 of 2024; 13 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 51 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 6 (Geng-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 5 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 22 Zima; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 5 December 2023
Moon: 38%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Bichat (13th Month) [Priestley]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 86 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 27 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 12.18
Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day
Arabic Language Day (UN)
Australian Christmas (Team Fortress)
Baranth Do (Elder Scrolls)
Final Fantasy Anniversary Day
Flake Appreciation Day
Founder’s Day (Qatar)
Hug a Soccer Player Day
International Migrants Day (UN)
Minifig Day
National Crime Junkie Day
National Deborah Day
National Harry Day
National Jeremy Day
National Scrooge Week begins (according to Mr. Ed)
National Twin Day
Nutcracker Day
Nyempa Guzom (Sikkim, India)
Pink Panther Day
Play Bingo Day
Republic Day (Niger)
Sunday Newspaper Day
Truffle Day (French Republic)
Tulya’s E’en (Beginning of Yule Season; Orkney Island)
Voice From Space Day
Wear a Plunger On Your Head Day
World Minorities Rights Day (India)
Yuletide Lad #7 arrives (Hurdaskellir or Door-Slammer; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bake Cookies Day
Let's See What We Find in the Fridge Day
National Ham Salad Day
National “I Love Honey” Day
National Muffin Day (Brazil)
National Roast Suckling Pig Day
National Stilton Day (UK)
3rd Monday in December
Christmas Lunch Gift Exchange Day [3rd Monday]
Design Wall Monday [3rd Monday]
Free Shipping Day [3rd Monday] (Also 12.14)
National Emo Day [3rd Monday]
Independence Days
New Jersey Statehood Day (#3; 1787)
Qatar (1878)
Feast Days
Eponalia (Feast of Epona; Roman goddess of fertility)
Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Christian)
Fantastic Finkleman (Muppetism)
Feast of Our Lady of Expectation
Feast of Our Lady of Solitude (Mexico)
Flannán (Christian; Saint)
Gatianus (a.k.a. Gatian) of Tours (Christian; Saint)
O Adonai (2nd O Antiphon or Great Advent Antiphon; Christian) [2 of 7]
Paul Klee (Artology)
Priestley (Positivist; Saint)
Rufus and Zozimus (Christian; Martyrs)
Running of the Roboderos (Church of the SubGenius)
Saturnalia Day 2: Saturn’s Release (Pagan)
Sebastian (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Unusual Music Instruments Day (Pastafarian)
Urdhyauli Parwa (Festival of the Animals; Nepal)
Willem van de Velde II (Artology)
Winibald (a.k.a. Winebald; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [37 of 37]
Anchorrman 2: The Legend Continues (Film; 2013)
Another Round (Film; 2020)
Avatar (Film; 2009)
Baby Buggy Bunny (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
The Ballad of the Green Berets, recorded by Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler (Song; 1965)
*batteries not included (Film; 1987)
The Big Blast or A Many Splintered Thing (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 81; 1960)
Boris Lends a Hand or Count Your Fingers (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 188; 1962)
Boris on a Broomstick or The Flying Sorceror (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S4, Ep. 187; 1962)
Born to Boogie (Music Documentary Film; 1972)
Brazil (Film; 1985)
The Bridge on the River Kwai (Film; 1957)
Broadcast News (Film; 1987)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Film; 1968)
Cinderella Liberty (Film; 1973)
The Color Purple (Film; 1985)
Doctor Faustus, by Christopher Marlowe (Play; 1592)
Dragons of Ashida (Animated TV Show;Jonny Quest #14; 1964)
From All of Us to All of You (Animated Disney TV Christmas Special; 1958)
Her (Film; 2013)
The Lady in the Car with Glasses and a Gun (Film; 2015)
Last Train to Christmas (UK Film; 2021)
The Lion Sleeps Tonight, by The Tokens (Song; 1961)
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (TV Series; 2020)
Mary Poppins Returns (Film; 2018)
McCartney III, by Paul McCartney (Album; 2020)
Moonstruck (Film; 1987)
More Kittens (Disney Cartoon; 1936)
The Nutcracker, by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (Ballet; 1892)
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (US Film; 1969) [James Bond #6]
Out of Africa (Film; 1985)
Overboard (Film; 1987)
The Prince of Egypt (Animated Film; 1998)
Twistin’ the Night Away, by Sam Cooke (Song; 1961)
The Two Towers (Film; 2002) [The Lord of the Rings #2]
September in the Rain (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Sisters (Film; 2015)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Film; 2015) [Star Wars #7]
The Steal Hour or A Snitch in Time (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 82; 1960)
A Symposium on Popular Songs (Disney Cartoon; 1962)
The Yearling (Film; 1946)
You’ve Got Mail (Film; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Philipp, Wunibald (Austria)
Bosiljko, Dražen, Gracijan, Malahija (Croatia)
Miloslav (Czech Republic)
Lovise (Denmark)
Neeme, Neemo (Estonia)
Aapo, Aappo, Rami (Finland)
Briac, Gatien (France)
Esperanza, Gratian, Luise (Germany)
Floros, Sebastianos (Greece)
Auguszta (Hungary)
Graziano (Italy)
Jordisa, Klinta, Kristaps, Sarmis (Latvia)
Eivilė, Girdvilas, Gracijus (Lithuania)
Kate, Kristoffer (Norway)
Bogusław, Gracjan, Gracjana, Laurencja, Wilibald, Wszemir (Poland)
Daniil (Romania)
Sláva (Slovakia)
Esperanza (Spain)
Abraham (Sweden)
Griffin, Griffith, Ruff, Rufina, Rufus, Russ, Russell, Rusti, Rusty, Ty, Tyrus (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 352 of 2024; 13 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 51 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 21 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Jia-Zi), Day 6 (Geng-Xu)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Teveth 5784
Islamic: 5 Jumada II 1445
J Cal: 22 Zima; Oneday [22 of 30]
Julian: 5 December 2023
Moon: 38%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 16 Bichat (13th Month) [Priestley]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 86 of 89)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 27 of 30)
0 notes
hunnybadgerv · 2 years
Tracker: 50 Winter Writing Prompts
Adapted from the 50 Winter Writing Prompts originally posted by @50-item-writing-prompts
Icicles collecting on the edges of the roof and tree branches.
Ice skating on an outdoor rink/pond.
Getting a cold and having a red nose from using hundreds of tissues.
Having snowball fights for hours on end.
Going days without seeing the sun.
Working up a sweat by shoveling snow.
Bundling up in five layers before stepping outside.
Taking part in an ice carving competition.
Putting together large puzzles while you’re stuck inside.
Making snowmen in an empty field.
Making snow angels.
Making homemade slush drinks out of the fresh snow.
Blowing hot air on your hands to keep them warm.
Using a nutcracker to open assorted nuts.
Dipping in a natural hot spring.
Getting thrown face first into a tall pile of snow.
Knitting warm scarves and sweaters.
Having snowflakes catch on your eyelashes.
Following animal tracks in the snow.
Play fighting with spit-sharpened candy canes.
Being blinded by the light reflecting off the snow.
The crack of overburdened branches in a near silent forest.
Taking a warm bath after spending the day outside.
Settling in front of the fireplace at night.
Making personalized gingerbread men.
Sledding down the biggest hill in town.
Catching snowflakes on your tongue.
Decorating the house with lights and pine branches.
Roasting nuts over the fire.
Eating tomato soup and grilled cheese.
Walking outside where it’s early and all you can hear is the crunch of snow and ice under your feet.
Making hot chocolate with all the fixings.
Slipping on the ice despite wearing textured snow boots.
Being unable to go anywhere because you got snowed in.
Getting happily drunk off spiked eggnog.
Singing seasonal songs with friends and family.
Bundling up in a stack of quilts to read a book.
Cutting snowflakes out of paper and taping them to windows.
Going on a sleigh ride.
1 note · View note
just-intp-thoughts · 3 years
MBTI as Ideal Winter Moments
INTJ- You decide to treat yourself to a solo vacation staying at a snowy cabin in the mountains. The cabin is incredibly cozy and the only sounds you can hear are that of the campfire and the gentle snowfall outside. You wind down with your favorite book enjoying the ambience. 
INTP- You were supposed to have school today, but you woke up to see massive piles of snow outside your window. School is cancelled. Relieved, your warm bed calls to you once again. You sleep in a few extra hours. When you finally manage to get up, you find yourself getting lost in a video game for the rest of the day and eating holiday treats.
ENTJ- You challenge your friends to a good ol’ fashioned Gingerbread house contest. Your game faces are on, but in reality the next hour or so is just filled with banter and roasting each other. At the end of the night, your expertly plotted and equally delicious gingerbread house is crowned champion and you spend the rest of the night playing cards by the fireplace.
ENTP- You and a group of your best buds head to the largest hill in town and pull up with your best sleds. There’s no mercy when your friends spin you down the hill with as much velocity as possible. Homemade ramps and all, you end the day injured and end it watching some funny holiday movies.
INFJ- Your significant other surprises you with an evening ice skating date. The holiday lights are perfect surrounding the rink. You hold hands as you both struggle to stay standing and you both fall over at least once if not twice. You end the date in a small coffee, dimly lit coffee shop drinking apple cider and eating english muffins. 
INFP- You love the winter holidays for many reasons but the pretty lights are one of your absolute favorites. You drive around with your best friend looking at all the wondrous light set-ups around town listening to your favorite songs. The vibes are nothing short of immaculate.
ENFJ- You decide to host an ugly holiday sweater party with a white elephant gift exchange. All your loved ones are invited. There’s an abundance of laughter and smiles filling up the room as everyone, one by one, opens up their silly gifts. Nothing makes you happier than seeing all the people you love enjoy themselves. You end the night with some holiday themed karaoke.
ENFP- You decide to relive your childhood and head outside with your close friends to build a snowman. It ends up a bit lopsided with a funny feature or two, but you all love it anyways and give it a name. You end the night pushing each other into the snow making snow angels. You couldn't be happier to just enjoy the moment with your friends.
ISTJ- You walk into the theater ready to witness the classic nutcracker ballet. The sense of nostalgia is overwhelming, but it is always a treat to see the poise and elegance of the dancers to the classic orchestral tunes. You end the night afterwards with a walk downtown window shopping and admiring the lights.
ISFJ- You finally decide to get around to decorating the tree with your family. Putting the ornaments on the tree is much more than just a physical experience for you. Each ornament has a multitude of sweet memories attached to it and you can’t help but smile. You end the night sipping eggnog before you cuddle under fuzzy blankets watching old home videos.
ESTJ- You go with a few friends to the local rink to see a hockey game on a snowy evening. The crowd is small but hyped for the players as they glide across the ice and score several goals throughout the night. You’re elastic as your team wins the tight game and you head on back home afterwards eating candy canes and chocolate.
ESFJ- You head out to the countryside to go on a sleigh ride. The horses are gentle and the conductor greets you with a warm smile. You and your friends enjoy the ride as you journey through fields of snow-covered trees. 
ISTP- You head to the slopes for a day of high speed, downhill fun. You start off slowly going down a few easier hills, and then you work your way up to a black diamond course. You get through the day without wiping out and end it cozying up by the fireplace inside the lodge.
ISFP- You wind down for a peaceful night of decorating cookies for the winter holiday with your significant other. Each cookie is unique and you take special care to make the frosting and sprinkles perfect. You end the night slow dancing to soft tunes in a kitchen, lit only by the holiday lights.
ESTP- You have a huge and crazy snowball fight with all your closest friends. The snow is the perfect consistency for making forts and snowballs that aren’t too hard or soft. After all the chaos is over and you’re all frozen from being outside so long, you unwind drinking hot chocolate and laughing over silly holiday movies.
ESFP- You’re always up for a new adventure with friends so you head out in the wilderness to snowshoe and ice fish. You cook everything you catch over the fire and you make some toast. After a delicious meal, you go out and stargaze for a bit. Once you get chilly, you head back inside and you all fall asleep after a vibrant conversation.
419 notes · View notes
sehunniepotwrites · 4 years
a day of firsts | j.jh
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🎄SYNOPSIS— You didn’t think your first day back at NC Toys would lead to a  boy asking you out on a date, but hey, you weren’t complaining, even if he was dressed in a Nutcracker suit. 🎄GENRE— christmas!au, fluff, humor 🎄PAIRING—jung jaehyun x female!reader 🎄WARNING—cursing, sexual innuendos  🎄WORD COUNT— 2633
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It was the first of December and you were heading to your favorite seasonal job: a worker at the famous NC Toys. 
As a lover of Christmas, your younger self always dreamed of working at that famous toy store. You had made so many cherished memories there with your family— moments running through the aisles, waiting in line to talk to Santa, drinking hot chocolate to keep yourself warm, and playing with the people dressed in nutcracker costumes. You loved it all and now, you were about to start your second season at the shop. A rush of excitement hit you as you gave yourself a last-minute check in the mirror. 
You smoothed down the material of your work uniform: an ugly Christmas sweater with a red flared skirt that ended an inch above the knee. Placing a beanie over your head and slipping on your winter coat, you grabbed your bag and keys with a skip in your step.
Locking the door to your apartment, you hurried your way down the staircase and into the winter cold. Something cold nipped at your exposed nose and you looked up to see small specks of snow fall from the sky. A wide grin took over your lips— the first day back on the job and it was the first snowfall of the season. 
You extended a hand towards the sky, hoping to catch a snowflake on your fingertips. Unaware of your surroundings, you weren’t able to catch a tall figure charging his way down the sidewalk. His strong build bumped into yours, sending you down into a pile of snow. The cold seeped through your stockings, wetting the material and you groaned— what would your manager say when you clocked in with a damp uniform? 
“Ow, my shoulder,” a deep voice whispered.
You looked up to see a bundled up man with a bright red coat hanging on his forearm stopping in front of you for a second. He had a black beanie covering his flattened caramel hair but the tips of his red ears peeked out of the hat. You only caught a glimpse of his face but he sure looked handsome in his laid-back fit. He made no moves to help you up— he only stared blankly at your fallen form. 
His dusty eyelashes flickered against his rosy cheeks as he blinked at your figure. “Why are you just looking at me like that?” You whined, slipping on the snow as you attempted to get up. 
His brown eyes widened and the boy quickly bowed his head as he continued his way down the walkway. 
“I’m sorry!” his melodic voice called out. If it weren’t for the unfortunate situation, his voice sounded as sweet as the treats left for Santa. 
“Hey!” you glared at him from your place on the freezing ground. “The least you could do is help me up, you asshole!”
“Sorry,” the handsome boy yelled over his shoulder. He gave you a bright grin, a silver of a dimple coming out to play. “I’m running late for my first day at my new job!”
You watched his figure disappear as you pushed yourself off the sidewalk. “Ugh, how rude,” you muttered as you brushed the snow off your clothing. After checking the floor for any dropped items, you continued on your way to work. You took a second to check your watch for the time and you gasped to see that your shift started in less than fifteen minutes.
Cursing, you quickened your pace, trying to ignore the cold air hitting your skin. You ran into many people along the way as it was the first weekend of the Christmas season; many families were out and about carrying shopping bags filled with intended presents. You murmured more than a couple of half-hearted apologies before you finally made it in front of NC Toys.
Your hands rested against your lap as you huffed for air. Your face was flushed with heat as you tried to calm down your pounding heart— a clear reminder to get back in shape in case this happened again. 
Glancing up, your eyes landed on the teddy bear shaped door handles and the rush of childlike excitement returned. You pushed the doors open only to be hit with the warmth of the store’s heater and Christmas music blasted through the speakers. The bright holiday displays were already set up and parents gathered their children in front of them for pictures. The sounds of delightful laughter filled the room as you continued your way to the back of the store. The familiar scents of gingerbread cookies and peppermint reached your nose and you breathed it in while passing the store’s famed cafe, making a note to drop by during your break. 
You took a glance at a decorated stage in the middle of the store. It was surrounded by nutcrackers and fake pine trees but the stage itself was empty— that was weird. You didn’t remember this set up last year. Shrugging that thought off, you continued going on your way to the back, walking by all the thrilled children waiting to meet Santa. 
Successfully making it into the employee break room, you stripped yourself of your outerwear and  set your belongings down in a locker. Just as you were going to clock in, someone pounced on you from behind with a high-pitched giggle. You knew that voice anywhere.
“Joy!” you squealed, tugging your friend into your arms. Your tall and beautiful friend laughed into the embrace, happy to be reunited with her work wife.
“Second season in a row, baby!” she yelled as she clocked in on the desktop. The system deployed her first assignment and she stepped aside for you to do the same.
“The dynamic holiday duo is back,” you chuckled while clocking in right on time. You grabbed your first assignment and groaned.
“Aww, why the groan?” Joy asked, peeking over to see what you were deployed to do.
“Clean and monitor the stage area, how boring,” you muttered. “Guess they have too many people on the floor right now.” 
Your friend hugged your side, “Aww, I’m at registers but at least you get to see the new nutcracker!”
“Who?” You raised an eyebrow at her. 
“There’s a new nutcracker this year— oh my god, even with all that blush on, he’s so hot,” she said, fanning her face. “Perfectly sculpted face and from what I saw, pretty nice arms, too.”
“First day back and you’re already on the hunt for eye candy?”
Joy gave you a pointed look, “Listen, if you saw him, you would totally fall for him, too.” You rolled her eyes at that comment. You were there to work and Joy was obviously there for other pressing reasons. 
“Mhm, what I’d do just to lick his candy cane,” she muttered under her breath. 
Shrieking, you slapped her arm. “Joy!”
“With a peppermint cond—”
You let out a louder squeal, hands moving to clamp her mouth. 
“I’m just saying,” she said into your hand, licking your palm when you kept it on her mouth for far too long. Wiping your now wet hand onto your skirt, you glared at your friend and she innocently smiled back. 
Someone from behind cleared their throat. You and your friend turned on your heels to find your manager on duty, Kyungsoo, giving you an unamused look. “Day one of the job and I already find you two gossiping like little school girls instead of working?”
Joy sent him a sheepish smile, “Sorry, boss.” You repeated her apology in the same tone, hands playing with the edge of your red velvety skirt. 
He sighed and pointed his finger to the door. “Go,” he commands with an authoritative voice and you scramble out the room with Joy right at your tail. You stopped at the stage area, surprised to see more nutcrackers on display than what you saw just five minutes prior. 
Huh. Weird.
Joy let out a flirtatious giggle the moment she skipped past, shooting a wink at you. Or behind you? You honestly weren’t too sure. Someone coughed behind you but you only saw the stationary nutcrackers. 
Did someone pass by? 
Shrugging at the odd interaction, you sighed upon seeing the area you were assigned to clean. Loose Christmas ornaments surrounded the fake trees, the ropes lining the stage were in the wrong place, and the uniforms of the nutcracker displays weren’t as prim and proper as they usually were. One by one, you hung the ornaments back onto the trees and aligned the ropes, taking you around ten minutes. You whistled along to Christmas songs playing in the background mimicked the announcements that rang through the speakers, having them memorized since the last season. It was an odd habit but it helped fill the void of working by yourself. 
Glancing at your watch, you had ten minutes until the first nutcracker show of the day— you pondered if the new guy Joy was talking about would be part of the spectacular. Stopping yourself, you wondered why you even cared— you were there to earn money not to get attached to a pretty boy that just stood there to take pictures.
Walking to the first of the nutcrackers, you started to fiddle with its skewed uniform. Taking note of its condition, you noticed that there were rips in the costume and faded paint on its face. You clicked your tongue— you had to bring that up to Kyungsoo later. It looked sloppy compared to the shinier ones on display. 
“Five minutes until our Nutcracker Spectacular! Please come to our center stage!” Joy’s cheerful voice boomed through the store’s sound system. You heard the chatter of the crowd approaching your area, sending you into a panic. You needed to finish up with the last nutcracker before the audience arrived.
Making your way to the one standing closest to the stage, you realized this nutcracker looked different than the others lining the area. It’s face was so realistic— it almost looked like a real person. The nutcracker has the brownest of eyes and full eyelashes that highlighted his glossy orbs. There was this rosy blush painted on its cheeks along with a constellation of freckles that brought out the nutcracker’s porcelain complexion. Soft tresses of caramel hair peaked out of its long black hat and you felt tempted to comb the stray strands back but you were running extremely low on time. 
“Geez, this one is such an upgrade compared to the other ones. It looks so real. We need more nutcrackers that look like this,” you said to yourself.
If you were paying more attention, you would have seen the figure you were working on holding back a chuckle.
Your hands immediately reached out to dust some snow off the nutcracker’s chest. Why the display had traces of snow on their uniform, you didn’t know— they never made their way outside the store. Straightening the medals on its breast, you realized this display was sturdier than the others. Must be new material. 
Your nimble fingers danced to the nutcracker’s high collar to fix a piece of stubborn material that was folded down. The warmth of your hand brushed against its neck and you thought you were seeing things when the nutcracker slightly shifted. You blinked before carrying on.
The crowds were approaching fast and you were almost finished. You tugged on the red coat’s sleeves, making sure there were no wrinkles on the material before stepping back to admire your handy work.
“Wow, this one’s really handsome,” you said aloud, before moving forward to fix one last crooked medal. 
Just as your hand touched the decoration, it— rather, he spoke. “Ma’am, I know I’m handsome but could you please stop touching me?” 
“Jesus fucking Christ!” you shrieked so loud, the incoming crowd all turned in your direction. You clamped your shaking hand over your mouth and backed away. 
The boy in the nutcracker sent you a quirk of a smile, the tips of his pink lips turned up to reveal a dip in his painted cheek. “Yes, that is the name of the Christmas birthday boy,” he amusedly whispered. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you hissed back, heat rising to your cheeks. 
“And stop a cutie from calling me handsome? Nah,” he teased, his tone playful and flirty. Aware of the crowd and the Christmas Carol loop stopping, you quickly turned your head and began to walk away. You were stopped, however, by a warm hand to your wrist. It was a minimal movement, not to attract the attention of the big crowd— he didn’t want to ruin the magic of the upcoming show.
“Wait,” he muttered, doing his best to keep his lip closed. “I just wanted to say sorry for bumping into you earlier, I didn’t want to be late for this— I’ve wanted this job for a while.” 
Your eyes searched his sincere ones as his ears flushed with a burning red. “You were the rude guy from before,” you stated in a hushed whisper, your mind flashing back to the handsome stranger. 
“Can I make it up to you?” He tugged on the sleeve of your ugly sweater.
“How would you do that?” your voice flirted back. Wait, where did that confidence come from?
“We clocked in around the same time, yeah?” You nodded in reply.
“How about we take our break together at the cafe? Grab some some cookies and hot cocoa— I’ll pay,” he shyly offered, his confidence disappearing for a short moment. If he wasn’t on stage with an audience, he would be rubbing the back of his neck to deal with his sudden burst of nerves.
“Sounds like a date,” you giggled. The boy released the material of your sleeve, his fingers lighting brushing against yours. You squeezed your hand at the fluttering feels that sent shivers down your spine. 
“One minute before our Nutcracker Spectacular!” Joy’s voice ran through the speakers again.
“Well, I’ll be watching, Nutcracker,” you winked. 
“Jaehyun,” he blurted back.
“That’s my name,” he smiled, “Jaehyun.”
“Well then, break a leg, Jaehyun.” Another wink and a smile and you quickly make your way out of the crowd to stand behind the bustle of people. 
The show goes off without a hitch— the children were amazed at the handsome nutcracker coming to life when a girl playing Clara came on stage. They sang familiar Christmas songs, danced with gorgeous smiles on their faces, and laughed happily at the audience interactions. You had fun simply watching them from the back. The best part, though, was when Jaehyun would look over at you and charm you with the brightest grin as he sang. 
Jaehyun braved himself to sing a line with his gleaming eyes directed straight at you. “All I want for Christmas is you,” his baritone voice projected through the microphone. You bit back a smile as he sent you a shameless wink. A few teenage girls in front of you swooned, thinking it was for them, and you shook your head with a ghost of a smile.
Maybe keeping the stage area clean wasn’t that bad of an assignment as you thought it would be. After all, you had some great eye candy in the form of a handsome nutcracker that kept glancing your way.
Checking your watch, you had another two hours until your first break and you couldn’t wait for it to come. And by the looks of it, Jaehyun couldn’t wait either. 
What a way to ring in the holiday season— first shift back at your favorite job, first snowfall of the year, and a first date with a cute nutcracker who won your heart with a corny Christmas song.
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🎄AUTHOR’S NOTE— happy december 1st, y’all! i wrote this a month ago and i’m so happy i can finally post it! more fics coming your way this month! stay tuned! uwu
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tuffduff · 3 years
But...I Like You (Dave Mustaine x Reader)
Pairing: fluff Dave Mustaine x female reader
Words: 2,384
Summary: Dave’s never been one for the holidays or romance, not until one fateful day at the laundromat changes everything. Suddenly, he finds himself seeing The Nutcracker and wonders just what lengths he’d go for this girl.
Taglist: @ubernoxa @the--blackdahlia @reigns420 @stradlin-cold-heartbreaker @rumoured-whispers
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Dave couldn’t recognize himself in the mirror. His frame was wrapped in a new and unusually lavish coat, the first coat he owned that actually fit him—hell, the first coat he had bought ever. There was a scarf around his neck made of something called cashmere, something he never thought he would have adorning his body. Most notable, however, was the look of glassy fear in his eyes.
He had let go of general fear a long time ago. Fear held him back, and he wasn’t about to let anything hold him back. And who the fuck cares, really? But there it was again, that little uncertain glimmer making his eyes frown. He couldn’t decide what he didn’t like more—his outfit or the look on his face.
When he walked out to the living room of his apartment, he nearly tried to sneak back into his room, but Junior and Jeff had already caught sight of him.
“Woah there, is that you, Dave? Are you under there?” Jeff teased and Dave was already glaring.
“Man, where are you going, huh? I didn’t realize you even owned this outfit.” Junior added, to which Dave felt less anger, so he focused on him, rather than Jeff—who he still wanted to punch.
“To see a show.” He said curtly, trying to close the conversation forcefully, of course, to no avail.
“You’re not going to the movies dressed like that. Where are you actually going?” Jeff joked, glancing at Junior to be backed up.
“I never said movie.” Dave retorted, glaring at the guitarist before he gathered his wallet and looked for his keys.
“So, where are you really going?”
“I’m going to see a production, it’s at the Opera House, it’s a little more upscale—”
“Opera House? You’re going to see an opera?” Jeff exploded
“No.” Dave snapped, growing more annoyed.
“What does this mean for Megadeth?” Jeff just kept pestering until Dave finally yelled.
“It’s the fucking Nutcracker!” Jeff and Junior were silent before they began to laugh. “Look, it wasn’t my idea—clearly. The San Francisco Ballet Company is doing their annual show, apparently they were the first in the US to produce a full-length production, and Y/N really wanted to go…”
“Oh,” Junior realized, leaning his head back with a knowing look on his face that made Dave glare again. “Y/N.”
“Yeah, shut up about it.” Dave snapped. Jeff looked between them.
“Y/N? Who’s Y/N?”
“This girl Dave met a while back at the laundromat.” Jeff raised an eyebrow.
“Think you met ‘the one’ at the laundromat, huh?” Jeff said incredulously. Dave sent another glare at Junior before he finally saw his keys laying on the kitchen counter and snatched them up.
“You’ll never be capable of knowing what I think, Jeff. You lack the brain cells.” He snapped, leaving the apartment. Outside, he let out a breath that he could see in the air.
Was he being too harsh on his band mates? No, never that. Was he being defensive? Maybe. Was he being stupid? Yes.
Stupid for letting you actually make him have these little daydreams littering his head for the past few weeks.
It started at the laundromat, yes, but Dave wasn’t the type of man that idealized romantic prospects. The light didn’t hit you in a certain way and the angels didn’t sing like the way it always did in those cliche romance movies. Rather, you dropped your entire load of laundry on the floor in front of him.
“Shoot,” you had sighed, merely looking at the garments of clothing with disdained tiredness. As he watched it all unfold, he had imagined what he would do in that moment—probably react in some type of anger—and watched as a smile came across your face before you looked directly at him. It was just a brief moment, but Dave felt like he was confined to that chair for an hour. Like he’d never been seen before in his life until that moment, in the dimly lit dingy laundromat.
“It must be Monday.” You said, before calmly getting on your knees and beginning to put the clothes back in the basket. For some reason, he found himself next to you.
“It’s Sunday.” He corrected you, to which you laughed.
“Even worse.”
His hand landed on a Led Zeppelin shirt to which he glanced over at you. “You a fan?”
“Yeah! Love them. How can you go wrong with them?” You eyed him again longer than he expected and he nearly winced when you narrowed them speculatively. “You look familiar.”
“I’m in a band.” He admitted, before too quickly adding, “Megadeth.” He hoped to see realization light your eyes, but you shook your head.
“No. Maybe I’ve seen your face on MTV?”
“There’s a chance.”
“I was joking.” You laughed. “But clearly, you’re not, huh. You know, there’s a record store across the street. Prove it.” You smiled at him.
The both of you left your laundry to be washed and headed over to the local record shop decorated with string Christmas lights on the roof and frosted windows. He bought their latest for you So Far, So Good…So What? and briefly gave you quick insight about where he got the name of the band from, song titles, why he enjoyed music...
Okay, he spilled his guts. He couldn’t stop talking. But that wasn’t his fault—you were hanging onto his every word. You listened, really listened; you seemed to listen more than anyone he had ever spoken to. More than that, you seemed to understand. And so, he went back to the laundromat next week at the same exact time, walking as quick as he could and hating that fact that he was doing so, until he felt relief when he saw you inside again.
You remembered him too—you smiled when you saw him. “It must be Sunday, huh?”
“Got it right this time.” He replied with a smirk.
Dave was aware he could talk someone’s ear off. He had a lot to say about the world and its affairs and usually didn’t care a whole lot about other people’s thoughts—they were usually stupid. But you, he made an active attempt to listen to. He listened rather than spoke, and when he did speak, he would ask questions, trying to get to know you on an even deeper level. And just as he assumed, you kept his attention better than anyone else.
You had a way of looking at the world from a completely different perspective than him. Like it was something to be solved. Like a bad thing didn’t mean it was the end of the road. That nothing really stays dead, that every little thing has a purpose, a meaning.
“Surely that’s not true.” Dave finally said. “Not every single thing has a meaning. Some things are just the way they are and that’s the way it is.” You just smiled at him.
“If it weren’t for the fact that my washer broke, I wouldn’t have come here. And if it weren’t for the fact that I thought it was Monday—my usual laundry day—instead of Sunday, I wouldn’t have met you.”
Dave didn’t understand the way his heart pounded a little harder. He wondered if he imagined the way your eyes stared a little too long at his and felt absolutely stupid for even having such a thought. And yet, he couldn’t stop staring. He couldn’t keep his eyes from wandering down your body. He couldn’t stop himself from telling David about you.
Oh, he knew exactly what was happening. He was strapped in on a rollercoaster ride and he was nearing the drop, unable to do nothing but watch as he felt things he’d never felt before. The whole reason he pursued guitar playing was to pick up girls; he had had lots of girls. And you, you weren’t like them. You seemed to admire him for being in a band, but you were more interested in why he hated breakfast and never ate it. Or why he didn’t like Christmas.
“This doesn’t just make you automatically happy?” You questioned him, gesturing to the atmosphere that surrounded the two of you. Your meetings had upgraded to a coffee shop. Dave didn’t drink coffee, but he watched you order a hot chocolate and realized maybe that was okay and ordered the same.
“What? The crowds, the god-awful music, the annoying lights everywhere, everyone’s ugly sweaters?” You grinned and laughed, and he wished the sound could be pumped out of the shop’s speakers rather than “Jingle Bells.”
“It’s just the time of year when everything is supposed to go right.” You ignored him, smiling a little. “When I was a kid, I used to go and see The Nutcracker with my family every year. The San Francisco Ballet Company started it—they had the first full length production back in 1944. Or at least, that’s what my mom said.”
“I’m guessing they’ve got shows going on with it being so close to Christmas.” Dave wasn’t sure why he was saying that. You nodded.
“Yeah, their last show is Sunday.”
“Why don’t we go?” You were just as surprised as he was.
“What? You’re kidding. A ballet doesn’t seem very up your alley, Mr. Megadeth.”
“Try me, think I’m just some metal knucklehead that couldn’t appreciate it?”
“I don’t think you would like it.”
“Maybe I will, you don’t know me.” You chuckled, but still appeared unsure, which only made him more determined. “Look, you said you haven’t been in forever. I’m in a good place this year after the album, those tickets will be nothing. It’s on me. So, if I were you, I would just agree before I change my mind.”
And here he was outside this damn theater, pulling on his coat, knowing his hair was out of place despite that fact that he had tied it back. He was still getting strange looks by the crowd of couples walking arm in arm into the theater, telling him without words that he didn’t belong.
“Dave?” He heard from behind him and turned. He was already thinking of some kind of dry teasing reply, but all words left his head at the sight of you, dressed nicer than he’d seen you yet, every hair in place. “Look at you! You own a scarf?” He scoffed, feeling a smirk grow on his face.
“Stole it from a guy on my way here.” He joked to make you laugh. To his surprise, you also leaned in and kissed his cheek. As if that’s just what you did. All of it was so foreign; you, this theater, this ballet show. And he was a puzzle piece that shouldn’t fit.
“Shall we?” You asked. He was still trying to find the words to compliment you, but instead, he nodded.
In your seats with the lights down, Dave alternated his time from watching the stage and the dancers to the other audience members, young and old alike. All of them seemed to fit each other’s company, each other’s social circle; he was the anomaly.
And then there was you, which he elected to watch for the rest of his time. The way your eyes quickly flitted back and forth as you took in the sight, your eyebrows raising, how you’d hold your breath for a second at the really dramatic parts.
All of a sudden, there was you, sweeter than a sugar plum, somehow embodying all the niceness everyone said Christmas was supposed to be about. Thanks to you, he was out of his element, and he felt like he was meant to be there. After all, where did he really belong anyway?
Did it matter if he could be anywhere with you?
“So?” You asked him eagerly after the show when the lights came back on. The two of you sat in your seats as everyone around you stood, in no hurry.
“You’re going to be surprised to hear this, but there are a lot of similarities between classical music and metal. Really, Tchaikovsky’s stuff isn’t so different than—”
“I meant the show! The story! Oh, did you see the costumes?” You laughed, and he smiled, shaking his head at you.
“To be honest, I was watching you most of the time.” You seemed startled by his words, and he took your speechlessness as the chance to keep going. “I couldn’t find the words to tell you earlier how beautiful you look. Really, this whole night I just kept thinking that maybe it was a mistake. That I’m not the type of guy that comes here, I’m the guy playing in the sleazy, dark club on the bad side of town. But I was wrong. And I’m glad I came; I should have done it right though. I should’ve brought you flowers, picked you up, I should’ve complimented you as soon as I saw you, I should have kissed you when you kissed my cheek—”
“Dave.” You interrupted him calmly, taking his hand in yours and giving him an ever-growing smile. “You have no idea how much this means to me. Christmas is my favorite time of the year, but this year it’s been so hectic, and I haven’t been able to really enjoy it...until now. That was all I actually wanted. I don’t care about the flowers.” He stared at you for a second before he smiled.
“That’s all?” He asked before he leaned in closer, grazing the side of your cheek with his lips as he whispered. “You don’t want one more thing?” He felt your hand rest on his cheek and turned his head to press his lips to yours, savoring the moment and realizing he had never really been kissed before, not like this.
“Well, I guess that too.” You mumbled with that sweet smile on your face before you looked up at him with big eyes. “Okay but really, was it up to your standards, or was I right all along?”
“I hate Christmas. And I don’t really enjoy the things that come with it.” He admitted with a keen smirk as he pulled back, and you giggled. He let himself enjoy the feeling of your face cradled between his hands, so used to always cradling a guitar, this new sensation—skin-on-skin—was intoxicating. As were your lips, that he leaned in again to steal another kiss from. “But...I like you.”
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I would love for you to talk more indepth about the montage. To me it feels so off and weird. Almost like a parody? So many scenes in it are "funny" moments that just don't make sense in the context of an emotional overview of the road so far... (Like all the scenes where Dean is eating, Donna with donut dust on her face, Sam getting hit during the game show.) I don't know. Isn't the montage supposed to make me nostalgic, teary-eyed? This one definitely doesn't do it for me!
Here I am! Yes, I absolutely agree. The montage is Weird(TM). It’s kind of a tone rollercoaster. It’s very full of funny/silly moments, with some serious moments smacked in. And it definitely looks like... there’s something about it.
For an easier consultation I will reference the gifs I have made of the montage sequence here.
[Gif 1] It starts pretty much like I’d expect a Supernatural goodbye montage to start. The two brothers meeting for the first time in the pilot, a reminder of their childhood with John, their banter still from the pilot, a couple moments of them driving in the car in the first seasons, Dean saving Lucas in 1x03 which is the first Dean-heavy episode and also an extremely symbolic moment for Dean’s entire journey - just think at how Lucas as a mirror was still relevent during the “drowning” Michael possession arc. Everything feels normal so far. We’re starting from the beginning! Now--
[Gif 2] Interesting and weird choices start here. Them pretending to be high school teachers from After School Special 4x13 - actually a very iconic moment for the fandom, remember that post of Dean in shorts from that episode that you had to reblog when it came on your dash? (Actually I’m not sure if I ever reblogged it lol.) Dean celebrating getting young again from The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 5x07 (and Jensen showing off his agility). The two of them showing their FBI badges to Jesse Turner’s biological mother in 5x06. Dean mowing the lawn of Mary’s house in the Djinn dream and immediately after Jess and Sam kissing also in the Djinn dream, from What Is And What Should Never Be 2x20. Then Dean after killing the witch when he was under the memory loss spell, in Regarding Dean 12x11. Sam happy when they celebrate Christmas in A Very Supernatural Christmas 3x08. Them being “lucky” under the effect of the rabbit’s foot in Bad Day At Black Rock 3x03. Sam also happy in Baby 11x04.
Again the present, then the montage starts again with the water-related ghost from Red Sky At Morning 3x06, a Bela episode, and then Bela herself from her first episode, 3x03 again.
What do these moments have in common? Not all of them, but for many of them I’d say reality being manipulated. The Djinn dream, the rabbit foot, Dean’s aging, the Antichrist... and it’s not over yet. Also, them pretending to be teachers, agents etc - not “real”.
[Gif 3] The tone suddenly gets more serious and relevant to current events: Chuck in The Monster at the End of This Book 4x18 (eh). Death in Two Minutes to Midnight 5x21 (the first appearance of Death, while now we’ve had Billie’s last and a very short-lived new one), and then two major moments from Lazarus Rising - Dean emerging from the grave and finding the handprint on his shoulder. Crowley’s first episode, Abandon All Hope 5x10. Zachariah’s death in Point Of No Return 5x18. Anna from The Song Remains The Same 5x13, where she is the antagonist having been brainwashed successfully by heaven. Michael burning and Sam jumping in the cage with Michael in 5x22, then another moment from 4x01 (the brothers hugging after reuniting). A moment from The French Mistake 6x15 (reality fuckery again!). Sam in Frontierland 6x18.
[Gif 4] Reality fuckery continues with Becky marrying Sam in 7x08. Funnily enough, this is the peak of Becky’s obsessive behavior which she went to therapy for and grew away of - it definitely emphasizes how far Becky has come. Donna’s first appeance in 9x13. That iconic shot of Dean in Bloodlust 2x03 because he’s pretty. Charlie’s first appearance in 7x20 while she dances to Walking On Sunshine (relevant?), Kevin’s first appearance in 7x21 when he becomes a prophet (lots of firsts). Abaddon’s first appearance in As Time Goes By 8x12. Then there’s the first appearance of the bunker, in the next episode, a couple shots in fact. Then more 4x01, Ruby pretending to mistake Dean for the pizza man (eh). Then more present...
This section seems to be mostly “first appearances” - including Ruby’s s4 meatsuit, i.e. Genevieve’s first appearance.
[Gif 5] We suddenly jump to more recent events with Kelly and Jack in heaven in Byzanthium 4x08. Jack’s iconic hello from 4x16 Don’t Go In The Woods. Dean teaching Jack how to drive in 14x07 Unhuman Nature. But then we suddenly go from Jack things to something completely different on the surface: two consecutive moments from Changing Channels 5x08, including the iconic Nutcracker scene, and Sully from Just My Imagination. We are actually back to the previous theme: reality fuckery. Gabriel’s episode was about placing them in “television shows”, Sully, while real, is literally a child’s “imaginary friend”. And then... a moment from the cartoon part of Scoobynatural! It doesn’t get more reality fuckery than that. Oh, wait! Charlie and Dorothy going to Oz in 9x04. That’s a pretty strong contender. Dean being hit in the face by a fairy in 6x09 - also about a realm Dean briefly went to. And, in case we felt like we hadn’t gotten enough 4x01 yet, Pamela’s first appearance (her last, albeit a hallucination, was about the whole “How come you only want what you can't have?” thing).
[Gif 6] We continue again with a mixture of firsts and weird things. Ellen’s first appearance in 2x02, Dean and Cas in 4x18 (we saw Chuck from that episode earlier), Jody’s first appearance in 5x15 Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid. Rufus in 6x04 Weekend At Bobby’s (not his first but a good episode...), Garth in 9x12 Sharp Teeth (not his first but the first in which he is a werewolf and is married... relevant to recent lamp events??), Missouri in 1x09 (her first appearance).
Then Gabriel from 13x21 Beat The Devil (an episode where he plays a trick on Lucifer) and Rowena from the same scene (in fact a scene where they’re flirting).  Then Eileen coming back to life in 15x06 and smiling at Sam. Jo flirting with Dean in 2x02 - her first appearance, again. Funnily enough, she had been introduced as a love interest, but ended up being repurposed as a sisterly figure. Tempted to say it’s relevant in an ironic way. Mary in 14x11 Damaged Goods, when Dean has a goodbye mother-son moment with her. Amara in 11x09 Oh Brother Where Art Thou when she was looking for her brother. Then Lucifer in two different vessels (12x07 Rock Never Dies and 12x21, when Lucifer regains control over the vessel).
Then Metatron doing the find a wife make babies speech to Cas in 8x23! Relevant??? Dun dun dun. Then Ketch for some reason (the first episode where we see his face, 12x08 LOTUS).
[Gif 7] Then Jo/Anael in 13x13, another first appearance. (I cropped these horribly I should have cut them when the present happens lol.)
Sandwiched between two shots from the present, Dean Sam Mary and John having dinner together in 14x13 Lebanon.
Then we start again with Dean riding Larry in 12x11, Dean and Cas dressed as cowboys in 13x06 (mini pattern here...), Asmodeus with the archangel blade in 13x13 (insert meta about Asmodeus in Christian lore here), and the really intriguing “Intermission” shot from the play in 10x05.
[Gif 8] To continue a certain pattern we might be tempted to see, Dean eating piecake from 14x06 Optimism (an episode about a distorted version of romantic love), then Dean eating noodles from 10x13 Halt & Catch Fire (the ghost is a husband that passes on thanks to his wife). Dean after his dentistry session with Garth in 15x10. Meg from 6x10 Caged Heat (the episode with the pizza man porn). Dean and Sam investigating in 4x12 Criss Angel Is a Douchebag (an episode about growing old poorly). Crowley in 10x16 Paint It Black (that episode). Dean playing that game in 14x17 Game Night (the episode Cas calls for God, and when Mary dies - the one playing the game was God...). Sam and Dean getting out of the car in 13x05 when they visit the traumatized kid (peak mourning Dean episode...). Then we go into reality fuckery territory again with 14x15 Peace of Mind, Sam under the psychic’s control and Cas disgruntled about it.
[Gif 9] Mick Davies from 12x16 Ladies Drink Free, when he learnt a lesson about monsters. Dean geeking out about the Hatchet Man - so heavy with mirror significances - in 14x04 Mint Condition. Belphegor - Jack’s dark mirror - in 15x03 The Rupture, the break-up episode. Donna’s first episode again, this time Dean and she eating donuts. Dean, Sam and Mary hugging in 12x22 after the confrontation in Mary’s head. Kaia in 13x09 The Bad Place, when Jack uses her to find the way to where Mary is (Mary pattern?). Claire&co rescuing Jody and Donna in 13x10 Wayward Sisters. Dean in 1944 dresses as a sailor in 11x14 The Vessel. Baby nyooming in 15x11 The Gamblers...
Aaand more Changing Channels, the genital herpes ad. It’s almost like reality fuckery is a theme. Followed by Sam drinking the anti-cold concoction at Garth’s in 15x10 and the two of them outside the monster fighting pit in the same episode. Then Cas, Dean, Sam and Jack on a video call with Ketch in 14x09 The Spear when they talk about the egg to trap Michael.
[Gif 10] We stay in the same episode with the four of them heading to Michael. Then the four of them celebrating Jack’s return to life (after Cas’ deal with the Empty). More present, and then the iconic “we’ve got work to do” [trunk closes] moment from the pilot.
So: some of these moments seem like genuine moments you’ll want to put in a montage, but there’s a weird predominance of characters smiling and looking happy or goofy. It’s kind of... not exactly representative of the show as a whole, you know? There are moments that fit as, you know, iconic steps in the story, but surprisingly few, and many moments you’d expect to be in a “final” montage are blatantly not there. Several moments with, let’s put it like this, suspicious meta connotations. Moments that, well, we don’t know what happens in the finale yet, but smell like they might be relevant to future developments. (Metatron’s speech to newly human Cas anyone?)
What really strikes me is the amount of moments connected to reality being manipulated or distorted in some way. Lots of Changing Channels, fantasy elements of various kinds (the Djinn dream, Scoobynatural, Oz, the imaginary friend Becky’s wedding to Sam, the fairy, ...), them acquiring luck (s3) or losing it (s15), and so on. It’s almost like the sequence is telling us something...
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