#platonic derek x reader
the-guilty-writer · 1 year
The Fake Doctor
Request from anon: Young autistic reader who’s Derek’s daughter and Derek needs Reid’s help with her 
Derek Morgan x daughter!reader
Summary: After babysitting you, Spencer isn't sure how to bring up to Derek that he thinks you're autistic.
A/N: This is very short and really the best I could come up with. I very rarely write young children readers, but I figured out a way to make this one work by making it more Derek and Spencer centric than reader centric.
CW: just lots of fluff
Derek looked down the extraordinary long list in front of him and sighed. He didn't normally write a list for the babysitter, but he was worried about Spencer’s child-watching capabilities.
Derek was, for the first time in what he felt was a long time, going out on a date. Of course, your normal sitter canceled last minute due to having the flu. He’d gotten the text that morning at work and was about to cancel his date as well when Reid had offered up his services. Derek knew Spencer was good with kids and you liked him, but your dad was a bit skeptical about if the young doctor really knew what he was getting himself into.
Did a babysitter with an eidetic memory even need a list?
Derek didn’t have time to decide if he should throw it out or not because the doorbell rang through the house. Even though you were distracted by your favorite TV show, you still covered your ears and made a face at the high-pitched sound.
He made a mental note to himself to change the bell to something more pleasant, and walked to the front door to let Spencer in. “Hey, Reid.” Derek let his colleague through the door. “Thanks again for doing this. I owe you one.”
“It’s no problem,” Spencer replied. The two men walked toward the kitchen. “I didn’t have any plans besides reading.” The doctor held a thick book under one arm.
“Well I wrote everything down,” Derek said, handing Reid the list. “But you know how to reach me if you have questions.” While Spencer read through the list, your dad made his way to you. “Hey, baby girl.”
“Hi daddy,” you replied. It made Derek smile - he’d heard from lots of parents that you’d probably switch to “dad” soon enough, but you were still stuck calling him “daddy” and he truly hoped that never went away. “Are you going out with your friend for dinner?”
Derek’s date had been on the calendar for over a week now to prepare you that he wouldn’t be home for bedtime tonight. The unpredictable schedule of his job made you anxious, so when he could let you know about a scheduled event, he put it on the calendar in the kitchen. It wasn’t a perfect fix, but it seemed to help take the edge off.
“Yep,” he kneeled down in front of you. “Dr. Reid is here.”
“The fake doctor,” you said. Derek couldn’t help but laugh and it was only made funnier by the expression on Spencer’s face.
“Yeah, he’s going to stay with you while I go out, like we talked about earlier. Okay?”
You nodded and threw your arms around your father’s shoulders. “I love you, daddy.”
Derek hugged you back tightly. “I love you too, baby girl.” He planted a gentle kiss on top of your head and you went back to watching your show, hugging your arms around your knees as if it replaced the absence of your dad’s presence.
“Good luck,” Spencer said to him, as he left the house.
“You too, kid,” Derek plastered a joking smile on his face to cover up his nerves. It wasn’t his date he was nervous about; he was far more worried about Spencer taking care of you.
Spencer sat in one of the armchairs in the living room, reading his book over again for the second time. The only reason it wasn’t the third time was because he wasn’t sure what to say to Derek when he got home. Of course, what Spencer had to say was in your best interest, but that didn’t make it seem any less like he had been profiling you.
Just as he was beginning to revise his opening sentence in his head, there was a click with the opening of the front door and light footsteps along the hardwood.
“Hey, pretty boy,” Derek said with a small but tired smile on his face.
“Hey,” Spencer tried his best to control the nervous pitch of his voice. “How was your date?”
“It was good, actually,” he said. “How was my baby girl?”
“She was good.” Spencer tried to look more casual as he walked closer, but he’d forgotten that your dad knew his tells better than he knew his own.
“Reid, what is it?” Morgan’s brow furrowed with concern. Spencer paused and opened his mouth, but paused before he could go further. “Spit it out.”
“I think she might be autistic.” Spencer searched Derek’s face for an adverse reaction - guilt, denial, anger. What he didn’t expect was for him to say, “Yeah. I know,” and go about putting his coat away like the doctor’s statement was nothing out of the ordinary.
“I’ve known for a couple months now,” Derek continued. “It’s part of why I was concerned about you watching her. She doesn’t do great with last minute changes. It’s also why she calls you ‘the fake doctor.’ I had to explain to her why we weren’t going to see you when we went to see the real doctor.”
“Medical doctor,” Spencer corrected. “And I’m not qualified to diagnose anything, but I can give you an opinion.”
Derek smirked. “Well, I know I already owe you, but I could use your help with special interest research.”
Spencer nodded happily. “I’m pretty filled in on what she already knows after tonight.” He thought about the way your face had lit up when you talked, how excited you had been when he gave you a new fun fact, the joy that radiated off you.
“I’m sure you are, pretty boy,” Derek smiled. “But I know she’d love to know more.” he paused. “And I would like to know more too - about how I can help her.”
“Of course,” Spencer replied. “She’s lucky to have you as a dad.”
“Thanks.” Derek’s voice switched from genuine appreciation to a teasing tone when he said, “We’re both lucky she has an uncle that’s a fake doctor.”
And this time, Spencer couldn’t help but laugh.
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blue-babygirl · 9 months
Energy Drink
Pairing: Derek Morgan x college student! Reader
Type: Fluff/Sweet (I think?)
Description: You know you are not supposed to be drinking energy drinks. Derek restricts them for a reason. But it's not like he is around to find out at the moment.
Warnings: stern but loving Derek, somewhat dominant Derek and that's pretty much it. Let me know if I need to add anything.
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You stare at the energy drinks in the vending machine near your lecture hall, contemplating whether to actually get one or not. You can practically feel the single-eyebrow-raised stare that Derek would give you if he were there.
Actually, if he were here, you wouldn't even be standing here contemplating this decision. After all, there is a reason Derek doesn't approve of you drinking energy drinks.
But as you hear your friends entering the hallway, you make up your mind and make quick work of getting your previously favorite flavor from the drinks available, checking to see how much time you have before the professor locks the door as your friends get to you and you make your way to into the hall, taking your seats in the middle.
Before you know it, you have emptied the can, recycled it, got done with work, hyper-fixated on cleaning the kitchen, cleaned the kitchen, and are distractedly working on 3 essays at the same time when Derek gets home. You run over to him before practically throwing yourself in his arms, eternally thankful for how strong he is as you realize that you could have both fallen and gotten hurt.
“Someone’s happy?” Derek looks at you questioningly as you cling to him, making you nod into your hiding spot, his neck.
You can feel him chuckle as he holds you while putting away his things near the entrance. The keys into the bowl, his wallet near the bowl, his shoes near the rack, and his briefcase under the table. You can tell everything he is doing as he does it without even looking up from your hiding spot. It’s probably the energy drink.
“How was your day gorgeous? And why are you up so late? Don’t you have work in the morning?” He questions as he walks into the living room and sees the mess of snacks at the kitchen counter surrounding your laptop in stark contrast to the surprisingly squeaky clean kitchen.
But instead of getting answers like he expected, he looks down to see you staring at him with wide eyes before asking what time it was. That’s when it clicks to him.
He carries you around as he closes your laptop against your protests before carrying your pouty butt to your bedroom.
“I was still working on that essay. You can’t just close my laptop like that!”
Your complaints fall on deaf ears as he finally puts you down on the counter of your ensuite bathroom.
“Those essays, not that essay. And I saved them before closing your laptop sweet cheeks. Now, care to tell me about that energy drink you had?” Derek folds his arms as he gives you the look. You know, the look. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, you are bad at lying when it comes to him. Or honestly, the BAU in general. But in this case, that doesn’t even matter because you don’t think before you answer.
“How did you know?” You look at him with big eyes and a pout as you realize that you just told him that you had one.
“Because, sweetheart,” Derek smiles despite knowing he should be scolding you before nuzzling your nose with his, “I know you.”
You pout but give him a quick peck before he pulls away. “I was tired before a 4-hour lecture with the bitc- witchy professor.” You quickly correct yourself, not wanting to remember the task you had given him as he tried to stop his smirk at your almost mistake.
“You have to help me stop swearing! Please, Derek!!” You pleaded, but he still seemed unsure. “How exactly will I be helping you?” He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow suggestively, making you blush but nod. This took him a little by surprise. “You have to use your words Y/N, you know I won’t agree to anything unless you clarify yourself and what you want.” You blush as you confirmed verbally to what you had both talked about with just your eyes not even minutes ago.
“Anyways, I was exhausted so I thought, why not.” You shrug.
“You know why not.” Derek gives you that look. “You get way too hyper for way too long sweeetie. You usually can’t even keep track of time, like today. I got home at around 3:25 a.m. Y/N. You have to wake up at 7 for work and now you are gonna have a migraine. Did you even eat dinner? Or lunch? Anything other than those snacks?”
You are honestly surprised about how late it is, you didn’t even feel the time passing. You try to remember if you ate anything for lunch or dinner but you don’t even remember getting or eating the snacks Derek mentioned. You cringe at the thought of the migraine you are going to have along with the fact that you definitely disappointed Derek and that you are not even sleepy.
Derek sighs after staring at you thinking for a few minutes, making you realize he is still there. At this point, you at least have the courtesy to look ashamed.
“Here is what we are going to do now. You are going to get out of these clothes and get in the shower while I get a few things done. Okay baby?” You nod quickly before making grabby hands at him. He obliges and comes closer for you to give him a hug. He gives you one last kiss on your forehead before leaving you in the bathroom.
“Wet your hair too!” You hear Derek yell from somewhere in the house as you make your way into the shower after undressing and getting it set up.
Not long after you get your hair wet thoroughly, Derek comes into the bathroom and joins you in the shower. After giving you a head massage as he washed your hair and helped you clean up with you returning the favor, you step out of the shower together. You let him cover you in his towel while he uses yours.
After getting changed into some pajamas and having him partially dry your hair with a towel, you get in bed together, finally tired and ready to fall asleep.
“I emailed your manager that you won’t be able to get to work until noon tomorrow.” Derek mumbles tiredly as he pulls you flush to him and snuggles you close.
You turn around in his arms before pecking his lips softly and mumbling out a thank you before you snuggle yourself as close to him as you can. You feel him kiss your forehead making you smile softly.
The last thing he hears before your breathing evens out is a sleepily mumbled, “No more energy drinks.”
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beelmons · 1 year
BAU men salsa dancing headcanons
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Rossi is surprisingly good at it, although his movements are more on the stiff side. He does mostly the basic steps, like an uncle dancing at a wedding. He will spin you once or twice and even pull one of those leaning endings just as a show off.
Hotch is stiff, like, spaghetti before boiling stiff. The first time he dances, it's an awkward mess, although he grasped the steps pretty quickly. The second time, he is just as stiff but with more technique, he probably took a salsa class on the side. Basic steps only, playfully spins you off beat just so he can hug you, has a blast because he sees you have a blast.
Morgan is good, mad good. He will know how to spin you, cha cha cha, drop it and reverse it. He was probably forced to learn when Garcia was too shy to go to a class by herself, and surprise, surprise, he was excellent at it. If you are not careful, he might be even better than you. Can take it slow and simple if that's the mood, he is just happy to shake his but a bit.
Spencer knows the origins, raise, and fall of salsa dancing. He knows the names of all the steps by heart, and even the speed at which his body should move. Little problem? It just doesn't. He stumbles and steps on feet time and again, he won't look up from looking at his feet as he recites what the movements are supposed to look like. When he finally relaxes, he can sort of do it well, it's awkward and very basic, it's more you taking the lead, spinning him, and moving his arms, but it's nonetheless fun. He also has a last although he ended up breathless.
Luke is effortless, my man is latino, so you know he was peer pressured into learning growing up. He sings while he dances and will always take the lead. He prefers the simple, more casual steps, though if he gets lost in the music, he will begin to show off. He definitely smiles the entire time like a good performer, and will even do the 'two at a time' steps if any of the girls join you om the dance floor.
Matt is similar to Rossi, he got some of the steps down, but won't go as far as doing over complicated spins. He is elegant and less stiff, since he is tall, like, very tall, it looks a bit clumsy, but he always enjoys himself when he is dancing. He will, however, get tired pretty quickly, even when he is used to all types of cardio, the dancing just takes too much brain effort.
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reveseke · 4 months
thinking about the reader being nicknamed as a crow, the crow of the team in fact. Solely known for his job title but also known for being a gift-giver. He just randomly gives whatever little things he finds to his teammates as little gifts that he deems suitable for it; Reid, Morgan, Garcia, Hotch, Prentiss, JJ, and so on.
Garcia and Reid would most honestly have them in a jar or something, sorted. Reid would most likely just leave a few little things in the pocket of his jackets or otherwise in some sort of container orginized. Prentiss would probably have something in her pockets or in one of the shelves. Morgan, JJ & Hotch keep them, but have very little idea what they would do with them (lies, give them to the kids if they feel like it. :D Morgan doesn't even have to give to his kid, he could give them to his sisters if he wanted to tbh.). Rossi probably would just forget them somewhere, same with Gideon mostly and just randomly find them and be amused by it.
Hotch doesn't mind Reader doing it as long as it doesn't distract him from the job. Also check the pockets before boarding the plane because someone most likely has something metallic in their pockets that R has found and given them (including [especially] him if R tended to be absentminded & forget things easily) that would set off the metal detectors.
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voltronisanobsession · 5 months
Hi! It's me again, I was wondering if I could ask a Derek hale x sister! Reader where since the hale fire the reader stop talking to anyone but only her siblings (like laura, Derek and cora) and one day the pack come in to derek's loft and saw reader whispering to Derek a d they ate shocked because even at school she never speak but as soon as she saw them she stop speaking/whispering to him. So the pack always try to make her speak by speaking to her or asking her things but reader either sigh or growl but never speak to them even though they're her pack because she's afraid that they'll die once she will start being friendly with tem, sos some people of the pack start getting frustrated and stiles or someone else make a comment about her being mut or thinking that she was mute and Derek her big brother stand up for her. Please and sorry it's so so long.
Derek defending Reader b/c of their Quietness
UGH YES LOVE THIS🦅🦅🦅 it’s not long bro, don’t even worry about it, I love writing for teen wolf teehee
Idk if I did you justice but I hope you enjoy this!!
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Derek is SUPER protective of you, like it’s not even funny😭
Since you’re with your older brother most of the time, the pack has gotten used to your presence and silence, yet were always so curious to know more about you!
But whenever they’ve come across you, whether it be at school, walking down a street, or even when fighting, you never say a peep to any of them
They obviously know that you somewhat care for them with all the times you’ve saved their asses from trouble, but you’re just so quiet that it’s hard to form a connection with you
I don’t think they’ve actually heard your voice besides from the occasion sigh or chuckle you would let out whenever someone said something funny
At one point they all just assumed you were mute until they one day unexpectedly dropped by Derek’s studio when they hear faint talking from outside his door
Of course they hear Derek’s deep voice, but they also hear a new voice as well
This once is much softer, yet filled with life as they heard the joyful laughing of this unknown person
Stiles being Stiles, homeboy just barges in to see who this new person only to see the surprised faces of you and your brother
“You can talk?!” Is definitely the first thing this dude would say
Your mouth is glued shut at the question and before the group can begin interrogating you, Derek steps in to separate you all
Since then, the group (mostly stiles tho) would try and make you talk
Whether it be about the most random things, they are always in some way waiting for your response
I think Allison would be the one in the pack to understand your hesitance of forming a connection with them because of your terrible pst
She understands your boundaries and only converses with you when it’s only the two of you
Allison doesn’t let her surprise how on her face you you laugh at a joke she offhandedly said to make you feel comfortable
She’s the only one you would actually talk to in private, allowing her to take a place in your heart with how many times she’s saved you, and made you laugh
Scott doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by any means, but sometimes the silence between you both makes him feel awkward
He definitely bugs Derek about it though. Because of how much he asks about it, Derek does fold at one point and reveals why you never speak around them
Scott sees you in a different light at the knowledge of you scared of forming relationships with them, but he doesn’t treat you any differently
He’s learned to embrace the silence and calmness you bring, throwing smiles towards you every now and then when you guys make eye contact
Lydia and Stiles are more of the pushy types, always bothering you about why you don’t talk
Lydia learns to just let I go though after the first few times she tries talking to you
She doesn’t wanna waste her breath when you won’t even respond to a yes or no question😭 you usually communicate with her with your eyes or by nodding your head
Stiles on the other hand won’t let go of it
He’s always asking you questions, waiting for a response before babbling about something else
There are times that he asks sensitive questions which he knows is wrong and insensitive of him but he just wants to hear you speak again
I think we all know how stiles is, pushing someone’s else’s limits until they actually do so emerging to him to him shut up💀
I think Scott might reveal a little about you to Stiles because of how annoying he’s gotten about the subject
Stiles actually gets fed up one random day tho after the group almost gets killed because of your reluctance to communicate with them, making an off handed, and lowkey insulting, comment towards you
“What, are you finally gonna speak at our funerals when one of us dies? There won’t really be a point in doing so though.”
Might not seem like much, but for you, your heart breaks at that
He will admit it’s not his proudest moment
The second the comment leaves his mouth tho, Derek is slamming the younger boy against a way and giving him the death stare
Everyone gasps at the sound of Stiles hitting the wall
Scott tries to make Derek let go, but Stiles was talking shit to his younger sibling and he’s not gonna take that
You quickly walk over though, resting a hand on his arm
Everyone is supposed, even Derek, when you speak
“It’s ok Derek, let him go.”
After a moment of hesitation, Derek lets Stiles go, not before threatening to rip his head off if her ever speaks to you like that
Once he’s backed off, you look to Stiles, eyes filled with hurt and anger
“Are you happy now Stiles?”
And boom, you angrily walk away leaving everyone tense, Allison chasing after you
I think this’ll have a more emotional affect on you because this dude basically forced you to kinda relive a trauma you’ve grown to have
He destroyed the coping mechanism you had, which was keeping to yourself in silence
But maybe this was the push you needed. Maybe you needed someone to break you out of this shell you were in.
It was a difficult and scary process for you, but with the support of Derek and Allison, you slowly began speaking more
Starting with small comments, everyone gave you time and space to go at your own pace when talking with you
I think you would have a stutter because of your limited amount of contact you’ve had with other people throughout the years
So the pack patiently as you get out the words and sentences you stumble on occasionally
They don’t make fun of it, but instead encourage you to continue, especially if you get frustrated when you can’t get out a specific word
They are also there to remind you that they’re always going to be there for you, and that they won’t ever leave you💔
You appreciate so much because that’s been your number one fear ever since the fire that happened all those years ago
While at first things were still awkward with you and Stiles, he apologized the second you guys were alone
He’s super sincere and remorse full of the way he treated you. You accept his apology, but not without giving him the classic Hale threat if he ever does it again🤭
Derek is still super protective of you and always reminds you to not push yourself
You honestly love and appreciate him for that, and often remind him how much you appreciate him
Cora, if she’s visiting, would be surprised to hear you talking freely now. While she gives Stiles the stink eye at hearing how it all happened, she’s lowkey happy that you’ve finally broken from your chains of doubt
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book-place · 1 year
Run Boy Run
Warnings: kidnapping, blood, violence, mentions of killing, weapons, cursing, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: BAU x reader platonic
*not my gif*
Summary: When things get out of control, your team is always there to have your back
A/N: Welcome to book place’s one year event!!
Inspired by: Run Boy Run by Woodkid
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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Run boy run, this world is not made for you
As a groan escaped your lips, you slowly- and painfully- peeled your eyes open, squinting against a light that, though dim, was still enough to hurt your already pounding head.
With slightly blurred vision, you allowed your eyes to sweep over your surroundings. You sat on a small wooden chair in the middle of a room with your hands tied to the back- with rope no doubt, you could tell by the way it was rubbing into your already raw skin. The room you were in was small with no windows, only one door that sat directly across from you.
And then, all at once, the events leading up to how you got there all came crashing down on you at once.
You had gotten a lead on the unsub for your current case while down at the police station to a location that was only a few minutes away from where you had been. Your team was out getting some much needed rest- something you had tried and failed at doing- so you decided to go over by yourself. It was only to scope the place out, though. You would never have gone in alone, you weren’t that stupid.
Apparently though, the unsub had gotten some sort of tip off that you would be there- or you just hadn’t been as discreet as you thought you had been- and had been able to sneak up behind you.
The last thing you remembered before blacking out was something hard and cold- like a pipe- hitting the back of your head in one hard bash, and the sound of a deep chuckle before the darkness had fully taken you.
“Well, well,” The voice that belonged to the laughter from your previous memories sounded through the small room and the door across from you was opened, and in stepped a man that you had no doubt was the unsub. He grinned menacingly, “What have we got here?”
Run boy run, they’re trying to catch you
The police station was thrown into complete and utter chaos the moment your BAU team got back and realized that you weren’t there after being informed by some officers that you had mentioned something about a location.
“You’re sure she didn’t say where she was going?” Morgan interrogated the poor officer yet again, needing for his own sake to be absolutely thorough with this.
It wasn’t like you to just leave without telling one of them, let alone for three hours with your phone being left in the station. That part had to have been an accident.
“She had to have gone after the unsub, and he must have taken her.” Spencer muttered, mostly to himself but everyone felt their blood run a little colder at his words.
Derek sighed, running a hand down his face, “You’re free to go.”
The officer didn’t waste a second before scrambling out of the room that had been set up specifically for the FBI team, shutting the door with a soft click behind him.
“Why wouldn’t she come to us first then?” JJ questioned, “It’s not like her to go anywhere without backup.”
“Do you think she’s okay?” Garcia asked softly from the computer screen she had been propped up against the table on.
“Of course she is,” Emily was the first one to try and reassure everyone, “She’s tough. You all know that.”
Aaron and David exchanged worried glances until Hotch stood up from where he had been sitting and sighed, “We’re doing her no good by panicking.” He tried to reel his team back in, “We need to stay focused. That’s the way we can help her the quickest.”
Everyone nodded in agreement, all turning their eyes to the evidence board they had pinned photos up on, the one that the cops claimed you had been staring at for at least an hour before leaving.
Wherever you were had to be on that board, they just needed to figure out what you saw that they didn’t.
Run boy run, running is a victory
“You’re one of them FBI agents, ain’tcha?” The unsub asked, shaking his head with a small scoff, “You thought you could- what? Come out here all by yourself and try to stop me?” He snickered at the thought.
You looked up at him with a neutral expression, remembering from the profile that he didn’t do well with being talked back to. That was oftentimes a trigger for his murders, “I am.” You agreed with the first part, “But I didn’t come out to try and stop you.”
He scoffed, rounding on his heel and pointing an accusing finger your way, “Bullshit!” He seethed, “You came all the way out here figuring that you could bust me for the things I’ve done.”
Still looking unphased, you simply shook your head lightly, “I just want to talk.”
“Bullshit!” He cried again, this time sending the back of his hand towards your face, emitting a burning sensation to your cheek.
You gasped, head flying to the side on impact and tasted the metallicness of blood right away.
Roughly, he gripped your chin between his large hand, holding it in a way that would surely bruise, “Don’t. Lie. To. Me.” He hissed, spit flying out of his mouth and into your face.
Run boy run, beauty lays behind the hills
“Tell me again what we know about the unsub.” Emily said, crossing her arms as she stared intently at the board.
“He’s a white male in his late thirties,” Spencer began reciting without hesitation, “He has anger issues so severe that any little thing will set him off and push him into a killing spree to anyone that could possibly be used as a witness. The only reason he hadn’t been caught yet is because he somehow never leaves prints at the scenes and always flees before anyone can show up.”
“If he gets angry with people really easily…” JJ trailed off, squinting her eyes at the map of the town on the board.
“Then he wouldn’t want to be around them.” David finished, standing up with the realization.
“Oh my god,” Derek breathed out, “How could we have been so stupid?”
Their worry for you had obviously clouded their brains, not letting them think properly about the situation at hand.
“What?” Penelope asked desperately from the computer screen, “What is it? What am I missing?”
“The woods,” Aaron spoke up, “He has a cabin in the woods.”
Run boy run, the sun will be guiding you
“What do you have on me?” The man demanded, taking a handful of the front of your shirt and shaking you violently, “Huh? None of my prints are ever left at the scene! You have absolutely no proof that I did anything!”
“I didn’t accuse you of anything,” You reminded him gently.
“Don’t patronize me!” He snapped, pushing you back into your chair as he harshly let go of your shirt and reached both hands up to lock behind his head as he began pacing, “It’s not like any of them didn’t have it coming! Those sons of a bitches all deserved to die! Every last one of them!”
He was beginning to spiral, and you knew it. There was no other explanation for the blatant disregard for the fact that he had denied committing the murders before proceeding to tell you that he did in fact do them.
“Do you really believe that?” You asked calmly, “What did those people really do to you? Did you even know them? Did you know if they had families? If they were good people or not?” You were pushing him, and you knew it, but you needed to stall, do anything to keep him here instead of going out and killing more people. Hopefully if you stalled long enough, then your team would have found where you were and come to your rescue.
“Shut up!” He stormed over to you with a shout, “I said shut up!” Without another warning, he threw his fist into your face, making it snap to the side for the second time as your lip painfully split open.
“I just want to help you-“
He hit you again, effectively making you stop talking.
Run boy run, they’re dying to stop you
“I want every inch of that forest searched for any sign of a building or house.” Hotch informed the chief sternly, “No stone left unturned. We need to find this unsub and we need to find him now.”
He received a nod in return before the chief turned around and began barking orders to all the other officers, who immediately sprang into action.
“We’ll split up,” The man turned to his team as he spoke, “All of us into two cars searching the most likely spots.”
He received a nod and they all immediately broke into two groups, not wasting another second before scrambling out of the station and into the cars.
“I’m worried about her,” JJ admitted to Aaron and Spencer softly as the three of them piled into the first car, “I know she’s tough, but that doesn’t stop my worrying.”
Hotch sighed, beginning to drive away, “I know, me neither.”
“She’ll be alright,” Spencer whispered, seemingly trying to convince himself more than anyone else, and the other two let him, knowing that they needed those comforting words just as much as he did.
Run boy run, this race is a prophecy
“You!” Punch. “Stupid!” Punch. “Bitch!” Punch.
You spit out a wad of blood after he had finished his miniature meltdown and took stumbling steps backwards, reaching up while out of breath and running a hand through his hair.
“So what now?” He asked, only slightly out of air by that point, “Your little team comes to rescue you and I go to prison for the rest of my life for doing something that shouldn’t even be wrong?”
“Why did you kill those people?” You needed to keep him talking, “Why wasn’t it wrong?”
“Th-they pissed me off,” He huffed out angrily, “They had no right to do that- no right. No right.” He shook his head back and forth.
“So you killed them?”
His face turned into a hard glare once more, “Shut up!” He roared, another punch coming to your face less than a second later.
Run boy run! Break out from society
“There!” Emily called, leaning forward and pointing to a rundown shack in between a bunch of trees, in a small clearing towards the middle of the woods.
Derek pulled the car to a quick stop and they all hopped out, calling to inform the police and the rest of the team.
He began tapping his foot impatiently, looking as if he were about to run in without any back up at any moment.
“We have to wait,” David told him as calmly as he could, trying to mask his own worry for everyone’s sake.
Morgan tan his hand over his head, “We don’t know what’s going on in there, man.” He insisted desperately, “What if-“
“Hey,” Emily cut him off slightly sternly, “No ‘what if’ questions. She’s gonna be safe and so are we.”
Tomorrow is another day
“They didn’t have to die.” Despite being hit over and over again, you couldn’t seem to shut up, “You didn’t have to kill them.”
“Stop talking,” The unsub dropped his head into his hands.
“Why is it you haven’t killed me yet?” You asked.
“Because you could be of some use to me.” He grumbled with a glare.
“Or maybe you don’t want to kill me,” You offered, internally cringing at the thought of possibly of just having pushed him over the edge, “You know it’s wrong.”
“Nah, nah.” He shook his head, “I just- I just don’t need the FBI on my ass.” He nodded along with his own words, “Yeah, just don’t want them coming after me.”
And you won't have to hide away
“Took you long enough,” Morgan sighed impatiently, pushing off from where he leant against the car as soon as the others pulled in with the police cars right behind them.
“I want you and your officers to form a perimeter around this building.” Hotch immediately told the chief, “Nobody comes in or out of here without my permission.”
Quickly, the entire team put on vests and prepared themselves for going inside.
“Let’s go,” Aaron said as soon as everyone was ready, taking out his gun and leading the way into the cabin.
The inside was disgusting and looked as if it hadn’t been cleaned in over thirty years, but nobody focused on those details as they strained their ears to try and listen out for you.
Finally, the sound of voices carried through the floor, letting them know that you and the unsub were in the basement.
Needing only a glance to communicate, they all immediately made a single file with their guns raised and trekked down the stairs, ready for whatever was waiting for them at the bottom.
You'll be a man, boy
Your ears perked up the tiniest bit at the sound of a floorboard creaking from above you, and you automatically knew that your team had been able to find you in time.
All you had to do was stall him for a few moments longer.
But for now it's time to run, it's time to run!
All at once, the team rushed into the only room that had the door firmly closed. And though Morgan kicked it in with ease, there was a rare, dangerous look on his face that could have made anyone he didn’t know shit themselves.
The sight of you, doubled over with blood running down your face, staining your clothes, and making you groan had all of their hearts stop for a minute.
“What the hell-“ The unsub wasn’t even able to finish his sentence before Hotch had cleared across the room and delivered one solid, swift punch to the man’s jaw, effectively knocking him out immediately.
It was silent for a moment as everyone’s chests rose and fall in pants, “There will be no discussion of that.” He said after a moment.
There was a teasing smile on your face despite the gore running down it as you replied with, “What do you mean? He attacked you first. It was only self defense.”
JJ immediately rushed to where you sat, crouching down and untying the ropes that still dug into your wrists.
“Are you alright?” David dropped down in front of you, gently moving some of your fallen hair out of the way so he could inspect you further.
“I knew you guys would get here.” You grinned despite the clear pain you were in, “Just had to stall him for long enough.”
“You actually did a surprisingly good job.” Spencer began ranting, “Normally, he would have killed you a long time ago and-“
“Reid.” Aaron cut him off, “Lets just be grateful that that didn’t happen.”
The man cleared his throat, cheeks turning red, “Yes, of course.”
“Come on,” Emily helped you to your feet, wrapping your arm around her shoulder, “Let's get you to a medic.”
“Hey, guys?” They all paused as you spoke, “Thank you. For coming to get me, I mean.”
“Next time you get kidnapped,” Derek joked with a lopsided grin, “You’re saving yourself.”
Everyone was able to crack a small laugh at his words.
BAU Agents 📁- @kiyomi-uchiha777
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lfzyxf · 22 days
What it’s like being best friends with Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski in season one and two
In season one it’s really just the three of you together, always. I like to think that in most situations it would be you and Stiles ganging up against Scott together.
Weekly hangouts at Scotts place. Melissa would definitely be like a mother to both you and Stiles. Similarly, I’d say Stiles’ dad would be like a father to you. It doesn’t matter if you already have parents, good or bad. They’d still always be there for you.
Gossip sessions during lunch. I know Stiles hears everything, there is no way he wouldn’t know all the juicy stuff going on at school.
Supporting Stiles’ crush on Lydia…Poor guy needs all the help he can get with it. And obviously helping Scott the same way once he meets Allison.
When Scott gets bitten everything does change for your small group. Scott changes, physically and mentally. New people start joining you guys at lunch. Its not just the three of you anymore. I think it might wear you out a bit… All the dynamics suddenly changing.
It would be Stiles who notices first, making sure you know they still love you. Promising to always be your best friends. He’d probably end up telling Scott who then drags you into the group more. Introducing you again, trying to let everyone know more about you.
During season two you’re much closer to all the others as well. Maybe you even end up hanging out with Allison and Lydia every week as well?
When Derek starts turning more teenagers Scott would definitely threaten Derek to stay away from you. He already knows Stiles doesn’t want to be bitten, but maybe he would see you as a possible target.
They get so protective when Isaac comes back to school. They’ll keep you away from the two new wolves, doing their best not to leave your side.
And don’t even mention how protective they are about the whole kanima situation. Yes, they know you can handle yourself, but this is a snake like monster with venom in its claws. They are not leaving you, end of discussion.
Personally, I would still try to befriend Isaac, Erica, and Boyd. I’ve always felt bad for them. Scott would try to dissuade you; he’d think it’s too dangerous. But I think Stiles wouldn’t mind too much, though he still wouldn’t want you to be alone with them.
When all that is over and everyone is once again friendly with each other, you would finally become great friends with the three new werewolves.
Overall being friends with Scott and Stiles is kind of a mess… But it’s so worth it. They love you so much and they couldn’t live without you.
Maybe you’d help them stay closer than they end up being in the show.
If you end up dating another werewolf Scott would probably sit you down and have a talk about all the dangers that come with it.
Stiles on the other side has no problem with it at all. If Scott can date Allison, why can’t you date a werewolf? Go you!
And if you end up dating a more…regular person. They would be so happy for you! Though Stiles would make you promise that he is still your number one. Don’t tell Scott.
I don’t think you’d end up getting turned into a werewolf unless you really want to be and get Derek to turn you. Scott would do his best to keep you and Stiles safe and human. But if you really want to become a werewolf, especially for medical reasons, he’ll still support you. At least he’ll know how to help you now.
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mxssingmemories · 8 months
your instagram, but you're friends with the bau
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liked by boygenius, chocolatethunder and 134 others
yourusername he found a goat. everyone run and hide, we're all fucked
boygenius his name is is edgar
yourusername for the last time, HE DOESN'T HAVE A NAME
keepitpg please tell me you kept him
yourusername we did not and now spencer is mad at me
boygenius @/yourusername we could have kept him!!!
chocolatethunder reid in his natural habitat
boygenius that was uncalled for
doublej henry saw this and wants to meet the goat, you're screwed @/yourusername
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liked by doublej, prentiss and 145 others
yourusername i did what i had to do.
ahotchner I'm pretty sure this qualifies as workplace harassment.
yourusername sorry dad
doublej y/n terrifies me
chocolatethunder same
prentiss same
boygenius same
italiandad same
yourusername i'm flattered
keepitpg it had to be done
yourusername EXACTLY
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liked by keepitpg, boygenius and 156 others
yourusername welcome to the family of weird ass profilers, roo :)
chocolatethunder i want to meet this animal now.
boygenius did you know that world war one made german shepherds famous ? in other words, i can't wait to meet this guy
ahotchner Are you able to bring Roo to the office tommorow?
yourusername that can be arranged, boss
doublej me and @/prentiss are requesting custody of this angel
yourusername permission granted
prentiss SHIT YEAH smd @/chocolatethunder
italiandad I might have made some dog treats for Roo
yourusername you know my address, just knock and roo will love you forever
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liked by ahotchner, italiandad and 198 others
yourusername i love our dysfunctional little family
boygenius i forgot my socks were purple
chocolatethunder wtf is with reid's socks
ahotchner I appreciate all the work you do for this team, Y/N. We all love you.
yourusername dude you can't just say that i'm crying in the club rn
keepitpg i love you guys :)
doublej <3
prentiss stop i'm feeling things
italiandad Love you guys.
215 notes · View notes
Bring Your Kid To Work Day (BAU x Single Dad!Reader)
This turned out exceedingly long but I couldn't get the idea out of my head so I just had to write it out. I personally really wanna be a dad one day (with or without a partner) and seeing how the BAU parents handle their kids always warms my heart so much.
Wordcount: 5.4k
warning: kidnapping
Summery: Being a single dad is hard. Like really hard, and you thought that maybe bringing your son with you into work just once would be okay. Especially when his school was shut down but...
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The blaring of the alarm woke you up from sweet elusive sleep.
You debated letting it ring but your arm went out to expertly turn it off.
7:09 A.M.
you wiped the sleep from your eyes and grabbed your phone from beside your alarm clock, being greeted by the single worst email you could have ever gotten. Your son's daycare was closed.
Your son attended a small local daycare, the entire facility had three teachers and two other employees, all off which —along with most of the kids as of recently— had come down with the flu. You sighed, discarding any thought of getting yourself ready before you found a solution to your childcare problem.
You had to be at Quantico in two hours and the drive alone took almost an hour. You called every single babysitter you knew, you were desperate but none were able to come by on such short notice so for lack of a better option you got yourself ready as fast as you could and went to wake up your son for a trip to Quantico. You just hoped it wouldn't bite you in the ass.
When you finally walked through the glass doors of the BAU offices you were half an hour late and carrying a sleeping four year old on your hip along with a baby bag over your shoulder to go with your usual briefcase.
Your out of sorts appearance got the attention of your coworkers and while you tried to put everything away by your desk and balance your still sleeping son in your arms, Morgan came up to you.
"What's all this L/N?" He asked and you turned and smiled at him, a smile that looked more insane than kind.
"This, is my son who is still sleeping from the drive because his daycare is closed and I couldn't get a sitter in time" You said, an underlying warning tone to your words.
"What you forgot to book a sitter?" Reid asked from his place at his desk.
"I didn't forget, they just sent the email this morning. All three teachers came down with the flu... along with most of the class" You explained and Spencer scooted away from you and the sleeping boy in your arms.
"Calm down Reid, this kid's immune system is like something out of a comic book, he's fine." You said as the rest of your teammates came over to join the scene.
JJ along with Rossi coming to join the gaggle of profilers ignoring their work for the far more interesting show of their coworker with his son.
"Did you talk to Hotch about it? I mean, about him being here" JJ asked, pointing to the toddler in your arms and you nodded. As a fellow single parent Hotch understood enough to give you the okay to bring your son to work, after all it was supposed to just be a slow day to get paperwork done.
Just then he began to stir in your arms and you decided to sit down, adjusting the four year old so that he was sitting comfortably in your lap.
"Hey buddy, good morning" You said, moving some stray hair behind his ear so it wouldn't bother him.
The toddler didn't seem to enjoy being awake though, instead choosing to burrow his head into the crook of your neck, much to the amusement of the rest of the team.
"He's a cute little guy, I'll give you that" Rossi said and you chuckled. He really is.
"He is but he's also a menace once he really wakes up, I'm sorry ahead of time for that. He's a curious little thing and he still doesn't understand boundaries, like at all" You say, grimacing knowing in only a little bit you son would surely be running around trying to find everything he could play with in the bullpen.
Honestly the more you thought about it the worse of an idea bringing him to work was, not that you had much of a choice. It was that or take the day off and that wouldn't have been ideal either.
"Developmentally that's actually completely normal, kids can't actually conceptualize the concept of another person with no interest in them until they're a bit older—" Reid started to explain but Rossi cuts him off.
"You can take my office. That way the little sucker has a limited space to wreak havoc in" He said and you looked at him gratefully.
"You really don't have to do that" You said but he shook his head.
"Don't worry about it, it'll help all of us in the long run, just try not to let him trash the place" He said and you smiled.
"Thank you" You said and were about to transfer your files to his office when Morgan suddenly grabbed your baby bag and briefcase.
"Let me help" He said and you smiled again, thanking him and taking your still groggy toddler up the stairs and to Rossi's office.
About an hour later you went down to get yourself some coffee. It was the first time you left Rossi's office since you got settled and the italian man came up to you to see how everything was going. He'd moved his own paperwork to your desk in the meantime.
"How's the pipsqueak?" He asked and you smiled, pointing with your head to the office.
"He's great, drawing quietly on the floor— and don't worry if he gets crayons on your floor I'll clean it up" You hurried to say but Dave didn't look worried.
"Don't worry about it, are you managing to get anything done?" He asked.
"Yeah, he explored the office for a bit but now he's good. Thanks again by the way, it's a huge help" You said and Dave patted you on the back.
"That's good" He said but turned once he saw his office door open in his peripheral and you heard the soft pitter patter of small feet running down the stairs.
"Daddy! Daddy! Look what I drew!" Your son yelled as he ran into your legs and shoved a piece of paper into your hands.
"It's you and me in your office" He said, showing you the picture of a crudely drawn man and child holding hands in an office.
You bent down to look at the drawing at his level.
"That's wonderful sweetie but it's not my office, you see Mr. Rossi is letting me work in his office while you're here with me at work" You explained and pointed to Dave who gave a small wave at the boy.
"Hey buddy" He said and your son gave a small wave back.
The little guy's running got the attention of the rest of the team including one eccentric technical analyst.
"Well what do we have here?" Garcia asked as she along with Reid and JJ came up to the three of you.
"Aren't you a little cutie" Garcia said, kneeling down to pinch your son's cheeks.
"Guys, this is my son Danny, Danny these are my friends Ms. Garcia, Ms. Jereu and Doctor Reid, and of course Mr. Rossi whos letting us use his office" You said introducing the team to your son but also your son to your coworkers.
"You look a little old to be friends with my Dad" Danny told Rossi and the rest of the team that had gathered around burst out laughing.
"Danny! We don't say that. That's very rude" You scolded him but he looked confused.
"But he looks old, like grandpa" Danny said and you had to hold back from laughing because he had a point.
"Danny, those are the kinds of thoughts we keep inside our heads, not outside" You told him and he nodded. It was a conversation you'd had multiple times before and was easier for him to understand than social rules at this stage.
"Can you apologize to Mr. Rossi?" You asked and he did exactly that.
"I'm sorry" He said and Rossi smiled.
"It's fine kid, I am a relic of a better time" Rossi said humorously.
"Hey Danny do you wanna see something cool?" Garcia asked and that got the four year olds attention.
"Yeah!" He yelled and you were about to remind him to use his inside voice when instead Garcia took his hand and lead him to her famously cool batcave. But of course just as things were going fine the universe had to turn the tables.
"Guys, conference room now, we have a case" Hotch said, coming out of his office and you sighed.
The rest of the assembled team looked at you before heading to the conference room, leaving you alone with Rossi.
"Well that's just great" You said, massaging your temple.
"It'll be fine, we all understand if you stay back this time" Rossi said, walking with you to the round table room.
"I still feel bad about it" You said.
You were about to grab Hotch to tell him you'd do exactly what Rossi suggested when Reid came up to you. He hadn't actually entered the conference room yet and had heard your short conversation.
"You're gonna stay back?" He asked you.
"It's not like I have much of a choice, what am I gonna do? take him with us?" You asked and though it was rhetorical Reid answered.
"You could. You could stay at the local precinct and help me with the geographic profile" The younger man said.
"Reid, I can't just bring bring a four year old with me on a case" You tried to explain.
"But it's obvious you can work while he's around. Besides not having you there with us would throw off the entire balance of the team" To a point he was right. You'd been with the BAU for over a decade and in that time you'd only missed a small handful of cases (most of which because you were too sick to work). The team was used to relying on you.
"Besides most hotels have babysitting services and we'll be there to help you" He continued.
"I'm really not sure, it was enough of a stretch just to bring him here" You tried to say but Hotch came out to tell you both to join the team.
"Hotch—" You started to say but he cut you off.
"I heard part of the conversation, do whatever you feel comfortable doing but your input on this case would be invaluable. The decision is up to you but I'd appreciate it if you joined us for the briefing anyways" He said and you nodded.
"Okay, I'll just go get Danny set up" You said.
"Garcia already set him up with markers and coloring pages in Rossi's office" He said and you nodded, taking a deep breath you joined them for the briefing.
As soon as Hotch began introducing the case you realized why he said your input specifically would be useful. Someone was abducting parents in Seattle but had recently changed his MO and began abducting the kids with them and most recently, just a kid. Hence why the BAU were called in and Hotch was hoping to use your experience from the crimes against children unit to work the case. You'd worked in crimes against children for 6 years before joining the BAU and had the most experience working child abductions. If the unsub had started going after kids you were the the best person for the case. Except of course that you had your own child to worry about.
"Wheels up in 30" Hotch said as everyone dispersed and you went to tell him your decision.
"I'm going with you" You told him.
"And Danny?" He asked.
"If it's okay with you I'll bring him with me. He's a well behaved kid, he won't bother us, I promise" You explained and Hotch nodded.
"Okay" He said.
When you told Danny he would be coming with you he was over the moon. Of course he didn't really understand what you would be there to do but he was so excited he was jumping around Rossi's office.
"Do I get a badge like you do daddy?" He asked and you chuckled.
"Yeah, we can get you your own badge if you want but you have to be on your very best behavior okay buddy?" You asked and he nodded feverently.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" He said.
He was so excited when he saw the jet and then even more so when you pulled a few strings to let him sit with the pilot in the cockpit (mostly so he wouldn't hear the team discuss the details of the case and their theories).
When you made it to the local precinct Danny was so tired from the six hour journey he couldn't walk on his own so you carried him in your arms. You could feel the strange looks of the local officers but you didn't care instead you found a small couch you could lay Danny on until he woke up.
"What's with the kid?" The detective in charge of the case asked Hotch.
"For agent L/N to be here he has to as well" Hotch said and the detective nodded, mostly because you were approaching and he didn't want to be rude and continue asking questions.
"Agent L/N, this is detective Alden, detective this is SSA Y/N L/N" Hotch introduced and you shook detective Alden's hand. "It's nice to meet you" You said, the rest of the team were already divvying up the work with Reid starting a geographic profile, JJ and Morgan going to analyze the most recent crime scene and Rossi at the ME's looking at the the most recent body. This of course left you and hotch to interview the family of the most recent missing child.
"Do you uh— need anything for the kid?" Detective Alden asked.
"No thank you, Doctor Reid's keeping an eye on his as he's working while Agent Hotchner an I interview the family" You explained and the detective nodded.
"Right, well the most recent vic's parents are waiting in an interview room if you wanna talk to them" The detective said and pointed you in the direction of the room.
Spencer was so far into his mind he didn't even realize that Danny (whom was resting on a couch in the room with him) had woken up until he suddenly felt a pull at his tie.
Looking down, it was Danny. The little boy was wiping the sleep from his eyes as he started to speak.
"Where's my dad?" He asked. Spencer smiled and turned to give the boy his full attention.
"Your dad's working right now but he'll be back soon. Do you need something? Are you thirsty? Hungry?" He asked and Danny nodded.
"I want juice" He said and Spencer smiled, remembering you'd told him everything he'd need would be in the baby bag.
"Do you know in what pocket your dad keeps the juice?" Spencer asked but Danny shook his head.
"That's alright, we'll find it together" He said.
Once they did, spencer helped stick the straw into Danny's juice box and gave it to him along with some pretzels he found tucked away with other snacks in the same pocket.
"What were you doing?" Danny asked.
"Oh— I was creating geographic profile" Spencer answered and Danny tilted his head in confusion.
"What's that?" He asked.
"Well it's one of the things we do to find out more about the bad guy we're trying to catch" Spencer said, trying to keep it as kid friendly as possible.
"Are you trying to catch a bad guy now? Is that what my dad is doing?" Danny asked and Spencer nodded.
"Yeah, it's what all of us do" He said and that got Danny excited.
"Does that mean I get to help catch a bad guy?" The little boy asked and Spencer started to sweat, he didn't want to disappoint the boy by telling him was in fact not going to catch the bad guy but he didn't know what else to say. He wasn't going to lie.
"Reid!" Hotch called from outside the room and Spencer had never been happier to see what was going on.
"Just a moment Danny" He said and went to talk to his boss.
"Another body was just found behind the North Star diner on Greenwood Avenue" Hotch said.
"The most recent abductee?" Spencer asked.
"Local PD haven't ID'd him yet but it looks like it" Hotch answered.
"Greenwood is only 1.8 miles from here, it's way outside his comfort zone"
"I know, see if there's any connection between there and any of the other locations" Hotch instructed and Reid nodded, getting back to work.
"Dr. Reid, I'm bored" Danny said once he re-entered the room. For a second Reid completely forgot the four year old was even there.
"Don't you wanna draw?" Reid asked.
"Not anymore" The toddler said, shaking his head.
"I want my daddy" He said.
"Uh, well—" Almost as if on cue one of the rookie local officers came in with you and Danny ran into your leg. Meanwhile the rookie gave Reid some files Garcia had sent over.
"Daddy!" Danny said and you smiled, petting his head.
"Hey buddy, have you been good for Dr. Reid?" You asked and he nodded.
"But I'm really bored." Danny said.
"Well I have to work but maybe you and officer Parker can go to the library across the street? Get something to read?" You suggested. Officer Parker had brought in the parents of the most recent victim. She'd only been on the force for a week and you could tell she was a bit faint when it came to this case.
"Okay!" Danny said and went over to the rookie cop.
"Are you sure?" Officer Parker asked and you nodded.
"Call me if you need anything" You said, you trusted her enough to spend half an hour with Danny and the library was only a two minute walk from the station. Besides you had to go to the crime scene and Reid was obviously out of his depth trying to both work and entertain a four year old.
"Alright" She said and led Danny out of the precinct.
"You seem a lot calmer" Reid pointed out.
"we're getting closer to getting this guy and that means we can get back to D.C sooner" You admitted and he nodded.
When you got back from the crime scene you were able to finally give the profile.
The entire team along with most of the precinct were assembled and Morgan started you off.
"We believe our unsub is a white man in his late thirties to early forties with some kind of fantasy revolving around parenthood."
"He's moved on from kidnapping parents alone to parents along with their kids and most recently just the kid. This means his fantasy's evolving and with it his MO. The first victims were on their way to pick up their kids from school, then two parents out on a date, a family on an outing and most recently a child walking home from a friend's house." JJ continued.
"He holds his victims for up to three days before he kills them, we think this for them to participate in his fantasy" Hotch said.
"And when that doesn't work or they don't cooperate fully he kills them by slitting their throats" Rossi finished.
"This man is already looking for his next victim. following this evolving pattern he seems to have realized he can get what he wants best by abducting only the child so warn parents and schools and question any adult acting suspicious in areas with unsupervised children" You said.
"This unsub has left his comfort zone, perhaps because of police presence and is devolving. He's holding his victims for shorter periods and it is likely his kills will become more erratic." Reid said.
"It's imperative we catch him now before he has the chance to take another victim" Hotch added finally before dispersing the crowd of officers.
You checked your watch, it's been almost an hour since officer Parker left with Danny.
"Have you seen officer Parker?" You asked one of the officers close to you and he shook his head.
"Is everything alright?" Hotch asked.
"I told officer Parker to take Danny to a library across the street, she was getting too nervous to be of any help and Danny really wanted to go out and do something but they haven't gotten back yet and I haven't heard anything from Parker" You explained.
"She has your personal number?" Hotch asked and you nodded.
"Something's wrong, I told her to call if anything happens" You said.
"Go over there, make sure everything's okay, we'll call if anything's urgent" Hotch said and you nodded a thank you.
"I'll only be few minutes" You said and left, trying to tell yourself everything was fine.
Everything was in fact not okay and when you got to the library you saw a police radio on the ground along with a book.
"No, no, no, no" You muttered to yourself as you dialed Hotch as quick as you could.
"Agent Hotchner—" He said once he answered but you cut him off.
"They're gone" You said, panic in your voice.
"What?" Hotch asked.
"They're gone. There's a police radio and a book matching Danny's reading level on the ground but they're not here and— Hotch they're gone!" You said.
"We're on our way" He said. Within minutes the team as well as multiple officers were at the library. The scene was photographed and morgan and JJ went inside to see what could be seen on the security cameras.
Hotch was speaking with detective Alden since one of his officers had also disappeared and Reid and Rossi were trying to keep you calm and walk you through what you knew.
"Did you give them a time frame for when to come back?" Rossi asked and you shook your head.
"No, but I told them to go get something for him to read, it doesn't take long, it— they should have been back" You said and Reid gave you a cup of water to help you calm down.
"It'll be okay, we know he keeps them for up to three days, we'll find them Y/N" Rossi said, trying to comfort you.
"I thought it would be fine, it was only across the street and we're nowhere near his abduction comfort zone, I— I thought he'd be safe" You tried to say.
"I knew this was a bad idea, I should have stayed back, I could have helped you from Quantico, I—"
"Y/N it's not your fault. We'll find them and they'll be fine. JJ and Morgan are going through the security tapes now. If he took them from the street we'll find him" Reid said, putting a hand on your shoulder, something you knew was hard for him.
"I'm a terrible father" You murmured but Rossi heard you.
"You are not a terrible father. You did what you thought was best and as soon as you realized something was wrong you acted on your instincts. You did everything right" Rossi said but you shook your head.
"I brought my four year old to a city with a devolving sociopath kidnapping and murdering children" You replied.
"He has officer Parker with him, the unsub took both of them probably under the assumption that Parker was his mother" Rossi reminded you.
"Yeah, Danny has her until our unsub realizes she isn't his mom and he kills her because she doesn't fit into his delusion." You reminded him back but you didn't have any more time to argue or spiral into your fears because Morgan and JJ came back out of the library with a photo.
"We found him" Morgan announced and you ran over to him.
"Garcia's running his image through facial recognition but this is him, there was clear footage of him using a knife to Danny to force Parker to put down her radio and follow him." JJ said but she saw this wasn't calming your nerves.
"We'll find them Y/N" She said and you nodded, you had to believe her because the other option wasn't something you could even bring yourself to imagine.
Danny sat, huddled into himself in the corner of a dark room. He wanted to scream when he felt the strange man's hands around him in front of the library but his mouth was covered by the man's hand. Now all he could do was cry, hoping you'd come to save him.
"I want my daddy" He cried when officer Parker—whose name he found out was Jenny— woke up. The strange man had knocked her out with the back of the knife once he had her in the back of the car.
"I know, we'll get out of here and he'll find us. Don't worry Danny" She said and Danny nodded. He didn't have any other choice, his young brain couldn't comprehend the alternative.
Soon the door to the small room they were both locked in opened and a man came in. He was pushing 40, with a receding hairline and a salt and pepper beard.
"Hey there little guy, how are you feeling?" The man asked but Danny just cowered into the corner.
"Don't be scared, look what I brought you" He said, pulling out a teddy bear.
"Isn't it nice what daddy brought you?" He asked, crouching down to Danny's height to give him the toy.
"You're not my daddy" Danny said quietly and that seemed to upset the man.
"You shouldn't say things like that, that's very mean. You should say you're sorry" He said, slowly standing up to tower over the young boy.
"I, I— I want my daddy" Danny cried and the unsub gritted his teeth.
"Don't you dare touch him" Jenny said, pulling together all her courage.
"Oh, is mommy getting protective?" The unsub asked, stalking towards where Jenny was laying, hands tied behind her back.
"I'm not— Just don't touch him. You are in so much more trouble than you know asshole. His dad's an FBI agent and when he finds out you took his son—"
"I'm his dad! I am! And if you're not his mother you're not of any use to me" He said, taking a knife out of his pocket.
The last thing Jenny heard was Danny's screams.
An hour later Jenny's body was discovered at a public parking lot at 63rd avenue. Her throat had been slit.
By then Garcia had found a match for the unsub.
The man who took Danny was one Edward Pugh, a 43 year old now single white man. He worked as a part time security guard and was living out of his late mother's old house on 39th avenue in Wedgewood. It was close enough that he could easily drive between his home (which was most likely the secondary location), the abduction sits and the dumpsites. As soon as you had his address everyone was getting ready to head there. You included. You strapped yourself tightly into your bullet proof vest and made sure your gun was loaded.
"Are you sure you want to be there?" Rossi asked and you resolutely nodded.
"There is no way in hell I'm not the first person my son sees once he's out of this mess" You said.
"But Rossi, I want you to lead the negotiation. Everything about this guy tells us he's not going to just give Danny up so, I want you to be the one who talks him down" You said and Rossi nodded.
"Of course, I'll tell Hotch" He said.
When you arrived outside the house the local PD already had the place surrounded within minutes Morgan was kicking down the door and you were faced with the most horrifying sight you've seen on the job.
Edward Pugh held Danny in his grasp, a knife to his neck as he backed into a corner.
"Don't move!" He yelled.
"Don't move or I'll kill him! I'll do it! Don't make me!" He said and you could see the fear in Danny's eyes.
"Daddy" He called and you could see Edward's hold on him tighten.
"Shut up!" He yelled at the boy.
Rossi came up, his gun lowered even as everyone else kept Edward in shooting range.
"Edward, put the knife down" Rossi said slowly.
"No. No. You're going to take him away" Edward said and you had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from speaking. He was right, you were going to take your son back.
"You care about him, don't you? You don't wanna hurt him" Rossi continued and Edward nodded.
"He's my son" Edward said. "But I will hurt him if you don't leave us alone"
"Edward, we just want the boy to be safe. Put the knife down and we can talk—" "No!" He yelled and you could see blood start to drip down Danny's throat.
"You're hurting him Edward. Put the knife down." You said, repeating Rossi's words.
"We won't take him. We just don't want anyone to get hurt. Okay, put the knife down, he'll stay with you just, put the knife down Edward" Rossi said and slowly he did so, though he still had his arm wrapped around Danny's shoulders.
You took a big breath of relief, at least there wasn't a knife held to his throat anymore.
"Daddy, please help me" Danny said, his big eyes watering as he looked at you and you smiled at your son.
"It'll be okay sweetheart. Just do what he says, you'll be okay" You told him. Making sure not to acknowledge his words, knowing it would only enrage Edward.
"You're doing this because you wanna prove you're a good father right?" Rossi asked and Edward nodded.
Garcia had told you all that Edward's wife had divorced him a few years back and right before the killings began she got full custody of their son.
"The thing is Edward, you have to prove that with your own kid. You can't prove you're a good father by taking someone else's child. This won't prove to your wife that you can be a father and it definitely won't prove it to the court" Rossi explained.
"Let the child go Edward. Let him go back to his father" Morgan said. carefully lowering his gun as did the rest of you.
"You did good Edward. Cooperate and that just might change your wife's mind" Rossi said and slowly Edward's arms fell from around Danny's shoulders.
You quickly holstered your gun and dropped to your knees, arms wide open allowing Danny to run into your embrace.
"Daddy!" He cried, all the fear and pain coming out in sobs. You heard Morgan cuff Edward and the police take him away but your focus was entirely on your son.
You pet his head and back, kissing his cheeks and whispering comforting words until he slowly calmed down enough for you to take him to the medics.
He refused to let go of you, something you very well expected along with the sudden shyness and anxiety around anyone he didn't know. Surprisingly enough when Reid came to check on you both he ran into his arms and hid his head in the crook of his neck, just like he did with you. It seemed the time they spent together in the precinct firmly situated Reid as someone safe.
Once Danny was cleared by the medics you took him back to the precinct sitting with him, playing with some of the toys you kept in his baby bag.
"Y/N" Hotch said, coming into the room and getting both your and Danny's attention. Danny scooted closer to you but didn't do anything else as you stood up to meet your boss eye to eye.
Hotch tilted his head towards the door, he wanted to talk outside but as you were about to follow him out Danny grabbed your pant leg.
"No! Don't go!" He cried and you had to steel your face so you wouldn't begin to sob all over again.
"Don't worry buddy, I'll be right outside" You tried to explain but he wasn't having it.
"No! No! don't go!" He cried and you sighed taking him into your arms to try to calm him down.
"Is it urgent?" You asked but Hotch, somewhat surprisingly shook his head.
"We'll talk about it on the jet" He said and you smiled thankfully.
He understood. So did the rest of the team when you began taking more days off, sometimes because like before childcare plans fell through and sometimes simply because you needed time with your son. But either way they understood.
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platonicfanfiction · 1 year
Criminal Minds
Christmas Countdown 1
Echo [Teen!Reader] (F)
Coming Out [Asexual!Reader]
How Do You Know (M)
Underestimate Me (M)
Kid [Rossi!Daughter]
Mental Health Day [Rossi!Daughter]
Pro Fighter (F)
Happy Birthday (F)
Do You Want Me (Dead?) [Reid!Brother]
Hotch's Punishment (F)
Potential [Teen!Reader]
True Shock [Short!Reader]
Afterglow [Non Bau!Reader] [TW]
Survivor (F)
Hotch’s Daughter [Bau!Reader]
Family [Bau!Reader]
Love Is All You Need [Bau!Reader]
Sweet Pea [Hotch!Daughter]
Support System [Bau!Reader]
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the-guilty-writer · 11 months
Request from anon: You asked for requests for Morgan and i shall deliver! i love that man so much, he is too underrated. 
How about Morgan with a reader who is trying to hide/push trough a work injury? maybe reader doesnt even realise how bad their injure really is untill he points it out? 
bonus points if reader nearly faints :))
Derek Morgan x GN!platonic!reader
Summary: Reader tries to push through a work injury, only to have it hit them at one of the worst times.
A/N: more blurb length, but oh well. Was gonna make it fluffy and it ended up being angsty, but oh well again. 
CW: Spitballs, reader gets stabbed, reader and Morgan are both wearing guns, Morgan uses his, reader almost faints (bonus points)
When you applied to the FBI Academy, you were well aware of what you were signing up for - not just the 20 weeks of intensive training, but the job that would come after. You thought your first job as a S.W.A.T. agent would be the most dangerous, but when you joined the BAU a few years later, you realized there was a whole world of hurt out there you hadn’t seen.
When you entered the unsubs house, you’d been prepared for many things: a hand-to-hand take down, a knife, even a gun to be pointed towards your face. What you hadn’t been prepared for was a spit bill.
Yep. It was a little round wad of chewed up paper that did you in. The unsub managed to land it right in your eye, catching you off guard. Then they moved in with an expected attack and you found yourself with a knife in your shoulder, on your dominant side, no less.
That was months ago. You were finally allowed back in the field after being cleared by two different doctors and a physical therapist. The most recent cases hadn’t been heavy on the tactical side, and the team made sure to put you in the “easiest” position possible. You were hardly having to take painkillers. All seemed well.
It wasn’t usual for the team to be on a case for more than three or four days at a time, but it happened, and after spending your fifth night on a bad hotel mattress, you admitted (but only to yourself) that the pain in your shoulder was more intense than usual. As the day went on, it only intensified, and you didn’t want to cloud your brain with medication.
“You okay?” Morgan asked, when you climbed into the passenger seat of the SUV. Hotch had tasked the two of you with interviewing a potential witness.
“Of course,” you said. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Morgan blinked. “You’re opening doors with your better shoulders and you winced when you got into the car,” he said.
“Just a little sore,” you replied.
Morgan didn’t believe you for a second, but he let it go.
The last thing you expected when Morgan pulled over to park in front of the witness’s house was to see the unsub making a run for it down the street.
“Morgan!” you pointed to the man running down the street. The surge of adrenaline triggered the instinct of raising your bad arm. Pain radiated from the site of your injury, around your back, and into your spine. You tried best not to let it show on your face.
“I see him,” Morgan replied. He whipped the SUV onto the front lawn. The sudden movement of the car caused the agony to spread further through your body.
Still, you didn’t hesitate to jump out of the car, adding another impact to the injury. When Morgan sprinted down the sidewalk, you followed him. Every movement of your arm built a silent scream in your chest. The force of your feet hitting the pavement as you ran amplified the sensation. The sidewalk came to a corner, and you reached towards the holster on your hip, only to see black as you tried to wrap your fingers around the grip.
Your body had enough. Weakened knees crumbled and you staggered down to the pavement. Ever exhausted lungs heaved and gasped as vocal chords that were suppressing howls of hurt strained to stay silent. Your fingers were spread wide to keep you steady, palms pressed bloody on the rough cement to keep you upright. Three shots rang through the air and echoed in your ears long after the sounds should have been gone.
“Hey,” Morgan’s voice broke through the noise. Gentle hands supported you onto your knees. “Hey, look at me.”
Somehow you gathered the strength to look at him. “Tell me where it hurts.”
“The unsub-”
“Tell me,” Morgan cut you off, “where it hurts.”
Your heart stopped for a moment. The knot in your throat unraveled. Tears spilled from your eyes. You collapsed into strong, protective arms. 
“Everywhere.” You only had the strength to whisper. “It hurts everywhere.”
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freak-accident419 · 2 months
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posting this on friday, i believe :3
update: it’s out!!!! (click here)
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Heart of the Ocean 💙 | Teen Wolf Miniseries Part 2
Takes place in between 3A & 3B of Teen Wolf
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Teen Wolf Masterlist | read part 1 here
Characters & Pairings: Hale/McCall Pack x vampire!reader (female/platonic), eventual Peter Hale x reader (romantic), reader x male!oc ( past romance) & reader x supernatural!reader (platonic). Characters in this imagine: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Alan Deaton.
Content Warnings: light angst, profanity, references of historical event disaster, mentions of death, blood, and murder | female!reader (she/her) | ws: 6.4k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: with the riddle solved the pack now have to face the truth their English teacher is not who they thought she was. To find out who’s responsible for the chaos in Beacon Hills they have no choice but to confront Y/n about her identity and nature. Even if it could cost them their lives.
*tick* *tick* *tick*
Scott’s eyes were on the clock, flickering over to Stiles who wore an expression similar to his. Filled with unease and wondering if what they were about to do was a mistake. The minutes were ticking away as the school day approached its end. Glancing to Allison and Lydia in the front of the classroom he could see in their neck and shoulders how tense they were, Allison nervously chewing on the tip of her pen. All throughout the lecture none could stay focused. Not when the person teaching had a harrowing secret they were about to confront.
How would she react? Better yet, how were they going to even breach the subject.
Scott could see them fucking everything up in the blink of the eye. He couldn’t help but recall Peter’s warning from the night before. “Vampires can be hostile creatures—especially if they haven’t fed for a while. They can go maybe….weeks without drinking blood before they start to lose their control. Considering Loretta—or should I say, Y/n, has been in Beacon Hills a few months I can only assume she is getting her blood by some other means than preying on its citizens. Still, approach her with caution if you decide to confront her. If I was a 130 year old vampire who was a wealthy socialite that survived one of the most famous shipwrecks in history and was being hunted by my creator…well let’s just say I wouldn’t let you leave still breathing.”
The more the seconds ticked by the more Scott was regretting the plan. After much debate the pack wanted to get to the bottom of everything quickly and that meant confronting Miss. Andrews at school. Which was very unnerving. Discovering she was a vampire only made her more intimidating after already establishing herself as someone who came off as unapproachable. Though they had few interactions, Scott found Miss. Andrews to possess an aura that reads, ‘better to wonder in silence rather than search for answers.’ Appearing no older than the age of thirty, sometimes she’d say words or phrases that made her seem much older.
Thankfully their English section was the last period of the day. Isaac wasn’t in the class but he had Miss. Andrews that morning and kept his eyes out for the necklace, however, he was unable to tell if the woman was wearing it.
The Heart of the Ocean.
What led them to her.
If she was wearing the necklace it had to have been beneath her high collared shirt that was paired with a black blazer and dress pants. Now knowing what they know, they realized Miss. Andrews always wore clothing that was sophisticated and concealed her neck area. Whether it be a turtleneck or a collared shirt, they wondered why they hadn’t found it odd before. California was hot even in the early months of the year—especially in April as they approached summer.
Peter’s words echoed in Scott’s mind, “Vampires are cold-blooded creatures. The warm weather has little effect on them and though the glimmer acts as a camouflage to other supernatural creatures it doesn’t change their nature. They’ll be cold to the touch. Faster than the speed of sound. Stronger the older they are. And some even have little gifts that separate them from others.”
“Abilities. Very rare among their kind but those who possess them are more enhanced in every aspect than others. I’ve heard stories about one who can read minds. An old…acquaintance, of mine said he once encountered a vampire who could compel anyone to do anything for them. Let’s hope neither your killer or his little creation have any talents. Otherwise your odds of coming out of this in one piece are going to be very low.”
The hairs stood on the back of Scott’s neck when Loretta…Y/n… passed him as she walked in between the aisle of desks. It was like his senses were trying to warn him despite his others unable to detect she was not human.
“What people fail to understand about Romeo and Juliet…” Loretta moves between Lydia and Allison, missing how both girls tense up. “Is that it is not a romance despite having a prominent theme of love thorough out the play. To be considered a romance it must have what you would call, ‘a happily ever after,’…” Turning to face the class, Loretta leans her back against the desk with her arms crossed over her chest. Scott almost perches up, straining his ears to see if he could pick up movement around her neck.
Her eyes scan across the room, lingering on Scott and Stiles when they quickly look away, “Specifically for the protagonist—or protagonists in this setting. Romeo and Juliet die at the end of the play, therefore there is no happy ending. Yes, their families end up putting past their differences due to the loss of their loved ones. But the protagonists did not get to ride off into the sunset and live out their lives in peace. So the more appropriate term for the play would be a tragedy. A genre focused on human suffering and sorrowful events that happen to the protagonist. And as we have learned these past weeks, Shakespeare was known for his tragedies. Romeo and Juliet is just one of his many—Macbeth, Othello, Julius Caesar to name a few.”
There were only two minutes remaining in the class. Scott tapped his pen against the book anxiously, eyes back on the clock as Siltes sent him another look. Isaac’s scent soon filled his nostrils, indicating he was outside the door. And glancing over her shoulder, Allison gave a slight nod of, ‘it’s gonna be okay,’ to try and ease his nerves.
“Tragedies can be inspired by an array of things,” Loretta moved her arms so her hands were clasped in front of her. Again, Scott couldn’t help but listen for the rustling of jewelry. All he got was a usually steady pacing of her heart. If that even was her heart.
“Personal lives and historical events.” Lydia and Alice glance at each other as do Scott and Stiles. “They dive into the catharsis of their audience. Bringing pleasure through pain because we as humans—,” the teens share another look, “cannot help but find a sense of enjoyment in seeing the main character fail. Witness their downfall. Does that say something about us in how we view others?” The question was rhetoric, Loretta watching the students think in silence before shrugging. “That is for you to decide.”
*ring* *ring* *ring*
In a hurry students gather their belongings and make their way out the door. For the four teenagers planning to stay they are slow in their movements.
“Don’t forget tomorrow’s quiz is on Act five,” Loretta shouted lightly, pushing off from the desk only to walk around it. “Then we will begin our unit on Poe so be sure to have your textbooks with you.” As Loretta starts to erase the chalkboard the teens draw to the back door of the class to make it look like they're leaving but really they stop once Isaac enters. Then with a nod, “let’s do this,” they make their way back into the classroom.
Reaching the front row of the desks, the sound of Stiles bumping into a chair catches the woman’s attention, turning to face the group with perplexed eyes making them freeze like deer in headlights.
“Well hello,” Loretta places the eraser down, surprised to see five of her students behind her. “Wasn’t expecting you all to stay after the period ended. Everything alright?” She connects eyes with all, sensing their distress.
Scott is the first to speak, “We’re sorry to bother you when you’re busy, Miss. Andrews,” he felt his heart pick when he nearly addressed her by her real name. “We were just wondering if you could help us with something.”
“Is it about tomorrow’s quiz?” Loretta is calm, collected, and shows no signs of nervousness. “Because unfortunately if that’s the case I can’t—.”
“It’s about our history project,” Allison cuts in, causing the boys to give her a look that read ‘what are you doing?’ She gives a smile when Loretta tilts her head.
“Are you asking me to read over your report? Check for any grammatical errors? That I can do for you if you have a rough draft.”
“No,” Lydia rubs her neck, watching Loretta take a piece of chalk in her hand while bidding a glance at her lesson plans on the desk. Lydia licks her bottom lip, “more like we would like some advice if we have the facts right on it.” Loretta makes a sound between a laugh and scoff.
“I think you’re better suited asking your history teacher,” she raises her brow at them. Her heartbeat is steady against Scott’s ears, the werewolf catching Isaac’s eyes to see he heard the same. “I’m afraid my knowledge on whatever the topic of your project is will be limited compared to your teacher.”
“Actually,” Scott swallows, “We think you’re the best person there is to help us.”
Lorretta makes another sound, smirking lightly like the teens were humoring her, “Oh really?” Chalk in hand she faces the board to begin writing Friday’s plan. “Why is that?”
“Because it’s about Titanic.”
Instantly they watch her hand stop mid air, clutching the chalk in a grip they’re afraid it was going to snap in half. In fact, it did break in half. Not even two seconds after the words leave Scott’s mouth, however, her hand remains in the air. A slight tremor replacing the chalk as it clunks to the tile floor.
Silence fills the room as all time stops. Loretta was paralyzed where she stood. Back facing the group where they couldn’t see her face. But considering she was frozen like a statue, it wasn’t difficult to assume she had the same expression they did when they saw her picture the night before.
Scott takes a hesitant step closer, tone cautions as he mutters, “Y/n.” Her low gasp fills his ears, physically reacting to the name. Behind him the others tense, Isaac consciously moving closer to Scott as Stiles pushes the girls back. They all wait for her next move.
Slowly her hand comes down, head dipping slightly, “How do you know?” The question sounded like Y/n knew this day would come. That in a town where supernatural beings resided she was bound to be discovered but hoped it would be some time before she did.
The teens couldn’t hold back the shudder when Y/n faced them. Her eyes lacked any color. Pitch black like onyx and void of friendlessness. It made them wonder if she was wearing contacts or the glimmer had seeped away to show what her real eyes were. They prayed for the former, for Peter had mentioned when a vampire was hungry their eyes would darken.
Her jaw clenched and Scott instantly straightened to prepare for any sudden attack. She was stronger than him—he knew just from Peter’s warnings. While he had Isaac and Allison armed with a silver dagger, they were no match for a 130 year old vampire who could move faster than they could blink. And if she had abilities….they were straight fucked.
Instead Y/n’s voice went low, repeating her question, “How. Do. You. Know.”
Scott gulped, finding his voice, “Stiles,” with his hand out he motioned for riddle. Stiles fumbles through the front pocket of his backpack, finding the paper and passing it over as Y/n stares the entire time. Carefully the alpha drops the riddle onto the desk, using his fingers to slide it towards her and watches as she picks it up. They are silent the entire time Y/n reads the written words, her mouth tightening as though she recognized the handwriting the moment her eyes met the first line.
Her eyes then close when she finishes the final verse. “He’s found me,” she doesn’t need their confirmation, “it’s been him all along.” Him all along referencing the murders. “I should’ve known.” Her eyes open and lock on Scott, “When did he leave you this?”
“Last night.”
“U-uh Derek Hale’s loft.”
“Hale,” Y/n whispers, the name familiar on her tongue. “Thalia’s son.”
“You know them?” Stiles was flabbergasted. “Y-you know what they are.”
“Of course I do,” Y/n sounded offended, causing the teen to wince. “I’ve been alive 130 years. I knew of the Hale pack when Thalia's grandparents were the leaders.” There’s a pause as her gaze moves to Scott, “And I know Scott is an Alpha. Isaac is a beta. Allison is a hunter—part of the renowned Argent family,” there was a hint of distaste behind Y/n’s tone causing Allison to stiffen. Y/n rests her eyes on the redhead before ending with Siles, “and Lydia is a banshee. But you are the only human, Mr. Stilinski. Which might I say is quite the surprise.”
Stiles scratches his neck, “R-really?”
“Yes. Usually humans don’t last long with supernaturals. Would’ve thought you’d be a beta by now—seeing that your best friend is an alpha.” Seeing his friends become uncomfortable with the assumption, Scott switches the subject.
“Next week is the anniversary of Titanic sinking,” her expression instantly changed. “You were there.”
“I was,” it came no louder than a whisper, a distant look within her eye indicating Titanic was still a painful memory for the woman. “And you know then—from this,” she holds up the riddle, “What I am? What I do?”
Each of them nod, “we do.” They still couldn’t wrap their heads around it. That their English teacher, of all people, was an immortal who was aboard Titanic.
“And you’re not running for the hills,” she hums, not sure whether to find them idiotic or courageous. “How interesting.”
“Well when you live in a town like Beacon Hills…you try to get used to it,” Stiles shrugs, a little terrified when Y/n’s expression reads that of, ‘you think you’ve seen it all? You have no idea what else is out there.’
“This is how we found you….” Lydia removes the printed article with the picture of Y/n wearing the necklace. Handing it to the woman, Lydia sees her face soften, eyes lingering on the pictures of her with Theodore and Benjamin.
“Forgot this existed honestly,” Y/n mutters, finger brushing over the image. “It’s the only picture we ever took as a family. And this one,” she points to the one of only her, “this was the first and last time I had a portrait done.” A hand comes up to her neck area, all eyes following the movement where they watch her remove the Heart of the Ocean from beneath the material. It was more exquisite in person than they imagined. A stunning blue diamond in the shape of a heart surrounded by white diamonds and all along the chain.
No wonder she kept it hidden. Anyone would’ve been drawn by the beauty of the jewelry if they were to see it. Then of course there was the tiny fact it was worth 350 million dollars and the link to her past.
Y/n lets out a pained chuckle, “I’m impressed you managed to piece it together. So quickly might I add.” Her finger runs along the surface of the diamond, “but then again, Heart of the Ocean is not something you hear everyday.”
“It’s the source of your glimmer, isn’t it?”
Y/n narrows her eyes at Scott’s question, “How do you know about the glimmer?”
Stiles is the one to answer, “Derek’s uncle seems to know everything about supernatural creatures. He was the one who figured out you and your creator were vampires. Then he explained how you were able to pass as human—why they wouldn’t be able to pick up on your scent.”
“He said vampires will sometimes wear enchanted jewelry,” Allison’s gaze went back to the necklace, flicking back to Y/n who had straightened her posture, “That Druid’s can make it so you’re not affected by the sun and give off a human scent. He suspected the Heart of the Ocean was it for you.”
Once again Y/n appeared impressed, “well he was right. Which is unfortunate for me,” she mutters almost annoyed, eyes going back to reread the riddle. Scott leans more against the desk.
“We need to know who is doing this, Y/n—Loretta, if that’s what you prefer,” he corrects when her hand flexes. “And why. He gave us this riddle to find you and now that we have we have no idea what’s gonna happen next. Do you have any clue why he’s doing this?”
Y/n let out a loud exhale—prompting Scott to remember it was for show since vampires didn’t need to breathe. Having to put up the facade of being human for so long likely had the mannerisms come naturea. The riddle drops onto the table. “His name is Sebastian Lavigne. Don’t bother trying to find him on the records of passengers aboard that night—,” Stiles’ hand pauses as he jots down the name. “Sebastian didn’t have a ticket. He was a stowaway who snuck aboard when the ship docked in France. Disguised himself as a crew member so he wouldn’t get caught.” She paused to sigh again, “Quite frankly I’m not even sure if that’s his real name—he’s likely going by another alias.”
“Kinda like you?”
Y/n made a face at Stiles’s question, but answered nonetheless. “If you haven’t noticed, Mr. Stilinski, I do not age. If we stay in a place too long people start to suspect, therefore we have to move consistently and with that comes an identity change. But I always knew him by Sebastian though to the public he went by a different name. And so did I,” she glances at photos of her. “I couldn’t go by my real name after Titanic because of who my family was and everyone thought I was dead. Then of course the fact I was now a blood-sucking creature.
“Sebastian is a deceitful man. And this riddle—,” a finger aggressively hits the paper a few times, “is just one of his many games. He knows exactly where I am and only did this to mess with you. Probably because he knows you’re onto him. He wanted you to figure out what he was. Leading you to me…it was to warn me he’s coming.”
Lydia tenses, feeling a wave of dread course through her, “why is wanting to find you?” Y/n crosses her arms over her chest, glaring at the floor.
“Because he’s angry I left him. That I broke away from him. Vampires are usually nomadic—hardly ever join up together. Kinda like how werewolves have packs to make them stronger, well….a group of vampires would decimate anything that stood in their way. Sebastian’s a man who desires power,” Y/n rubs her hand on her forearm. “And together we were powerful—especially with our gifts.”
“Gifts?” Scott’s heart skipped, thinking of Peter’s warning. “You both have gifts?”
“Yes,” Y/n didn’t sound proud of it. “Sebastian can compel you to do anything—you’ve heard of him,” Y/n’s shoulders slumped at their reaction.
Stiles flexes his hand, unease in his voice, “Peter told us about a vampire like that. Said he knew someone who encountered them. Is he the only one who can?” Y/n’s nod of confirmation only increases their anxiety.
“As far as I know, yes he is. His gift is powerful, but it only works close range. Meaning in order to be affected you have to be directly in front of him. Sebastian has to stare into one’s eyes to compel them,” Y/n glances to her feet again, “but once he does they have no choice but to do what he says. And combined with mine…..” she shudders, making them frown. “No one could stand a chance against us.”
“What can you do?” Allison asks, a little unsure if she even wanted to know.
“Make you see anything I want. Whether it be tapping into your memory or my own, I can conjure illusions. Illusions derived from your greatest fear causing you to become incapacitated,” everyone’s demeanor became that of concern. “As you can imagine it came in handy when traveling with Sebastian—especially against our enemies,” Y/n comes around the desk so she’s closer to the group, “or more like his enemies since it was always him who had to instigate conflict.”
Lydia’s eyes draw in suspicion, “Why’d you leave him?” It was the question everyone wanted the answer to. And Y/n didn’t appear happy to answer it.
“He’d been keeping things from me. During my time with Sebastian he liked to isolate me—keep me from interacting with others of our kind. He didn’t want me to know I could feed without preying on humans. Or about glimmer which is why I spent most of my days locked in doors and only came out at night. He kept me from my son,” her lips tightened, “I understood why at the time…but then I found out his motives.”
The air thickened in the classroom.
“Things that could have made my fate turn out different than what it was,” her voice turned cold, eyes darkening even more. “Yes, he pulled me from the water that night…but he didn’t have to turn me into this to save me. There was another way and he chose to turn me for what I was worth to him. So when I found out decades later the truth—that he had turned me for his own selfish gain. Robbing me of the life I could have had with my son and family…”
Y/n’s hand moves to the jewelry on her neck, “I found the closest Druid I could find and had them enchant this. That way he’d lose my scent and be unable to track me.” Her hand comes back down with a sigh, “But somehow he always manages to be a step ahead of things.”
“How long ago did you escape him?” Scott wonders aloud.
“Forty years ago.”
Stiles’s jaw drops, “He’s been hunting you for four decades?”
“Likely so. With me he was more powerful. With me he was more rich,” Y/n explained, tone bitter with each word. “Shortly after we returned to New York he compelled me into robbing my own home. The amount we stole still hasn’t run dry—at least not for me,” a tinge of a smirk indicated Y/n left him with nothing when she escaped. “So I wouldn’t put it past him for devoting this many years to find me. But it’s not to get me into his good graces, no, he wants to punish me. And the best way to punish me is to play games like this,” lightning fast her hand grasps the riddle and crutches it between her fingers. “To cause chaos and hurt innocent people because he knows how much I hated it when we did. The murders. Leaving you this riddle. He won’t stop even after he’s got what he wants.”
Scott’s shoulders drop slightly, “And what does he want?”
“To kill me. Scott,” Y/n’s words send a shiver along his body. “I’ve made a life of myself without him—one where I try everyday to make up for the things I did with him. Preying on humans. Torturing the minds of those Sebastian hated. He wants me to feel that shame and regret before he finishes the job. Because that’s what he does, however, now that he’s brought you all into his game there’s not going to be an end until he’s satisfied. Once he’s through with me you will become his prime source of entertainment. Or, he’ll see you as a benefit and want to corrupt you. Just like he did to me.”
Silence fills the room as the teens take in the new information. All deep in thought wondering what to do or say next. The reality of Sebastian’s cruel nature and games proves beyond their expertise. They weren’t sure exactly how to go about it. Finding Y/n was the first step, but from what she’s told them it would not be enough.
He’ll still kill. He might even target them next—especially if they refuse whatever offer he could be planning. Y/n didn’t have to go into detail that Scott’s status as a True Alpha with a pack of unlikely allies would be something Sebastian would want to control.
And with his gift of compelling….
“We need to know what he looks like,” Scott’s the first to speak. Determination fills his gaze, “He’s got the advantage right now—a-and if he’s glimmered like you then he’s probably been passing as human.” He turns to Y/n, pleading with her for help. “You said you can show illusions. Ones that can be from your memory—can you show one with him?” The sound she responds with is one of defeat.
“He compelled me, shortly after he turned me, to erase his image from my memory because he was paranoid about us running into vampires who could read minds or Druids who could make me tap into my subconscious.” Everyone deflated at the news, but then Y/n perked up causing them to do the same. “But….he when did, he only said, ‘from this moment on.’”
Scott took a step closer, eyes full of hope, “What does that mean?”
“It means I can show you,” Y/n’s voice is low and tainted with slight dread. “I can show you the night he turned me. The night Titanic sank.”
Later that evening the pack gathered at Deaton’s clinic. It was just after sunset, around 8pm and some were starting to become impatient.
“Is she coming?” Peter grunted from where he stood leaning against a wall. “Or was this all a distraction.”
“She’s gonna be here,” Scott insisted, eyes narrowed slightly. Truth be told he was starting to worry. Y/n had promised she’d be at the clinic by nightfall but had yet to show.
“Well the clock is ticking,” Stiles fiddled with his fingers nervously.
Allison looks at the man beside her, who was checking to see if his gun was loaded with the proper bullets. “You know you didn’t have to come, dad.” Chris raises a brow, putting the safety on and placing the weapon back in its holster.
“And leave you and your friends alone with a gifted vampire who’s the reasons a psychotic one is causing hell around town? Not a chance.”
“Have you ever hunted one before?” Her voice drops to a whisper, though it doesn’t do much for those with enhanced hearing. Derek, Peter, Scott, and Isaac heard the question loud and clear.
Chris shakes his head, “No. They’re rare and not many are in America—but your great-grandfather came into contact with one in the fifties. Left us with what to do if we ever dealt with one.”
Allison gives her father a look of warning, “You can’t hurt her, dad.”
“If she gives me a reason to, I will.”
“She won’t,” she presses, aware Scott and Derek had their eyes on them. The former looked anxious.
“You don’t know how unpredictable and manipulative vampires are, Allison. None of you do.”
“She’s been in Beacon Hills for months. We asked her how she gets her blood and she said she’s been taking bags from the ER—not feeding on the town’s people,” the teen pleads, surprised with herself for defending Y/n so easily. Maybe it was the fact the vampire had been robbed of her life that made Allison sympathize. Or because she could feel the anger and fury Y/n had for her creator that she believed Y/n would stop at nothing to take him down. “And she hasn’t given any reason for us to believe she’s been working with Sebastian. She hates him, dad.” Chris doesn’t appear convinced.
“She was with him for sixty years—.”
“And she’s been without him for forty,” Allison cuts him off, promptly ending the argument. Another minute passes before all freeze at the sound of Deaton’s door chime ringing. Motioning with a hand, the doctor enters the lobby where he is met with a woman wearing a tan trench coat and boots. She spun around when she heard him approach, allowing Deaton to see the stunning jewelry around her neck. Instantly he felt the magic running through it.
“You’re the Druid,” were the first words from her mouth. “Scott told me about you.” Deaton offers a small smile.
“You must be Y/n,” when she visibly reacted to the name he apologized, “I’m sorry, would you prefer to be called—.” Her hand lifts to stop him.
“No, no. It’s fine—I’m just getting used to hearing that name again. It’s been so long since anyone other than ....” She trails off, not wanting to say his name. Deaton understands with a light nod, moving to open the gate.
“You don’t have to explain. Please, come in.”
“Did Scott inform you what to prepare?” She asks as she passes, receiving a nod from the man.
“Yes. I’m quite familiar with its effects—but I made sure to not make it too strong.” Leading Y/n into the back room, she stills at the sight of those she didn’t recognize, namely the man beside Allison and the two leaning against the wall. Everyone straightens when she arrives and her eyes go straight to Scott.
“You didn’t say we’d have guests.” Her tone is weary, making Scott move closer to show her it was okay.
“That’s Derek Hale and his uncle Peter,” a finger points to the two, glaring when he notices Peter’s eyes linger on Y/n’s figure. While he couldn’t blame him given Y/n’s striking beauty there were more important matters at the moment. “He’s the one who helped us figure out what you were.” He hears the woman make a sound similar to ‘hmph’, causing Peter to smirk and give a mock wave. Scott rolls his eyes, motioning to Chris, “And that’s Allison’s father, Chris Argent.”
Y/n’s expression tightens, appearing slightly uncomfortable with the lineup. Four werewolves, two hunters, a Druid, and a banshee? Vampires were strong creatures but even they could become intimidated. “Quite the party we have going on then.”
Stiles clears his throat to appease the tension, “uh what took you so long?” The question snaps Y/n out of the intense staring contest going on between her, Peter, and Chris. She removes her gloves to place them in her pocket.
“Well considering I’ve been out of practice I needed a pick me up to ensure my power would be at its best,” lips curl up, almost menacing which has Chris inch his hand closer to the holster. She sees the gesture and raises a brow in challenge, “Don’t worry, hunter. I didn’t sink my teeth into anything other than a donation bag.” She pays no mind to his glare, instead removing the Heart of the Ocean from her neck.
When Y/n does this a new smell enters the room right as the unusual steady pacing of her heart stops beating. The aroma is overbearing with vanilla and lavender—even for those without an enhanced sense of smell. For the werewolves, they perked up as they had never smelled anything so delightful.
“You smell that?” Y/n closes her eyes as she drops the necklace into the other pocket.
“Yeah.” Scott takes another waff of the scent, turning to her only to draw back in surprise when she opens her eyes to reveal deep red eyes replacing the color they once were. The lights from above almost made them glow. “Woah.” From behind Scott the others react to the changes of Y/n’s appearance.
Stiles and Isaac had to do a double take to make sure what he was seeing was real. Lydia and Allison shared a glance, both shuddering when Y/n made eye contact with them. Chris straightens his posture again, only amusing the vampire and Peter appears rather intrigued.
“Vampires have to lure their prey somehow,” She starts to explain. “It’s stronger for you wolves, but even you who are not are drawn by it. Makes you want to get closer, huh?” Y/n steps away, moving towards Deaton who reappears after going to the back closet to retrieve an object resembling a goblet.
“I can’t hear your heart anymore,” Scott’s tone is laced with confusion at the sudden decrease of heartbeats in the room.
“You never did. It was an illusion from the glimmer—so any creature I come into contact with would think I’m human. My heart stopped the night I turned,” the smirk she wore fell to a tight frown, “it won’t ever beat again.”
An eerie silence fills the room, her words lingering in the air. No doubt causing suspicion now that they were aware Y/n could lie and they would have no way of knowing. She could’ve been lying about everything honestly. Now they were left to wonder if any of what she said before was true.
But why would she lie? She’s made it awfully clear of her resentment for Sebastian.
The attention goes to Y/n as she removes the scalpel from Deaton’s tray and raises it to her palm. “W-what—what are you doing?” Stiles nearly gags when the skin breaks and a dark liquid like blood flows from the wound. It spills into the goblet, where a smell that could only be described as death replaces the once vanilla aroma. Deaton begins stirring the substance with a spoon while Y/n explains.
“As I’ve mentioned…” The cut disappeared without a trace not a second after Y/n lifted her hand away from the goblet. “I haven't used my power in ages—and while I fed earlier it may not be enough for it to be at its full potential. So to do this I need to remove any mental barriers from your mind.”
“And we have to drink your blood for it to work,” Peter rolls his eyes at how ironic it sounds, “how fitting.”
Y/n narrows her eyes at the man, “If you’re worried about it becoming a vampire you need not to worry. There’s no venom—that only comes from a bite. Sound familiar?” The air becomes thick and Scott moves between the two when Peter's eyes flash blue.
“What’s it going to do, Y/n?”
The vampire takes the goblet from Deaton, passing it to the teenager first, “Open your mind. To do so my blood is mixed with decade old sap from the Nematon and a rare form of wolfsbane. You’ll feel some discomfort,” she points out when all the wolves instantly become hesitant at the mention of wolfsbane, “but it won’t kill you. I need your mental state to be vulnerable. Ignore the smell—I know it’s revolting but it’ll taste like dry, bitter wine.”
Scott stares at the goblet before taking it in his hands. Inside the contents was a dark liquid with a smell that made him want to gag. He couldn’t help but ask Deaton, “You’re sure about this?”
“I’ve never worked with this before but I know someone who has. It’s potent but short lasting and won’t affect you once it’s out of your system in a few hours.” Deaton gives a look of assurance, “You might feel a pressure in your head that’s like a headache.”
Y/n adds on to the vet, “that’s so show your mental walls are dropping. But like your emissary said it’s temporary. Allowing me enough time to show you my memories in the form of illusions. But I must warn you all,” she pauses to glance at each of them. “My illusions are like vivid dreams. Where it feels real. Your body will remain paralyzed here, but your mind will be somewhere else. Not only will you see what I have to show you,” Y/n’s entire demeanor becomes serious once more. “You’ll be able to hear everything. Feel everything. The sun's rays. The cool breeze. The freezing waters…..It will be as though you’re experiencing it in real time.”
There’s a pause, letting the reality sink in on what the vampire was implying. “My question is….are all of you wishing to see what I have to show you? Now is the time to step out if you’re having second thoughts.” When no one objects, despite all looking relatively nervous, Y/n clasps her hands in front her. “Well, Scott, start us off.”
“We all have to drink it?” Stiles cringes when he’s passed the cup, Scott letting out a gag after the taste hits his tongue. Y/n smirks as she nods.
“Unless you would like to sit this out, Stiles, then yes.” Groaning, the teen plugs his nose and takes a swig before handing it to Isaac. Even after taking several gulps of water the awful taste of iron and wood remained.
One by one each person took their turn of downing the potion, with Deaton as the last one to do so. Within seconds it took effect, the most notable sign being the headache forming. Then a light feeling started to swirl all along their body. Like they were on cloud 9.
“Is this what it’s supposed to feel like?” Derek moaned, squinting when the light suddenly started to become brighter.
“You’ll get used to it in a moment,” Y/n’s closes her eyes, taking a deep breath despite not needing one. It was mostly to calm her nerves as she allowed the memory dug deep within her mind to surface. A moment later the warmth of the sun hit her skin. The smell of fresh paint and sea salt filling her nose. And the sound of a ship's whistle and people shouting echoed in her ears.
The others gasped, making Y/n open her eyes where she found them all, mouth agape and eyes bulging as though they couldn’t believe what they were seeing, staring at whatever was behind her. And when she turned around, Y/n’s lips curled up into a sad smile.
Seeing the ship of dreams again after decades filled her with an emotion she couldn’t describe—she couldn’t imagine what the pack were thinking. Probably wondering if it was a dream and they’d wake up any second. The memory was as clear as the day it was made—everything around them was exactly like it was that bright sunny Wednesday afternoon.
It was like they traveled back in time to April 10th, 1912.
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can u write one where Derek and the reader get reunited after. Along time, like he faked his death or smthng and they’re rely mad at him or smthng
thanks for requesting!
"You're not real."
Your entire body was tense as you looked at Derek standing in front of you, finding it hard to believe.
"I'm real-"
"No, you're not. Derek died last year. I don't know who the fuck you are, but this isn't funny. Leave us alone now."
Your gun laid on the table next to you, you quickly grabbed it, aiming it at Derek as he tensed.
"You have every right to be mad, but please just..."
He took a step closer to you as you cocked the gun, keeping strong.
It couldn't be real.
"No, that's not Derek," you could feel the tears rushing to your eyes as you looked away from the body, looking back at Scott.
"I found him like this. He's been dead for at least two weeks," you shook your head in disbelief, stumbling back slightly.
"I don't know what type of sick prank this is supposed to be-"
"It's not a fucking prank, (Y/N) just look," Stiles took your phone from you, dialing Derek's number.
You could hear the phone buzzing from the counter, feeling your heart dropping.
You couldn't believe it.
"I'm sorry." you looked at the tears in both of their eyes, shaking your head.
"No, h-he can't... we were..." you could feel the air leaving you as more and more tears rushed to your eyes, feeling your heart in your throat.
"I had to keep you safe, (Y/N). I didn't want it to be like this," you could feel slight tears in your eyes as your hands shook slightly, remembering the events of last year.
"Prove you're Derek," your voice shook slightly.
"I know that we've known each other forever. I was there for you when you ran away. Your birthday's May 5th, you always picked on the fact that you're 7 months older than me. I know you've always wanted a family but you were too scared because of how dangerous everything in our lives was. I remember all the songs on your CD, your mom gave them to you before she died and you never go anywhere without them. I know that we were supposed to get married 9 months ago, but... I wasn't here," your hands were shaking as you lowered your gun, exhaling shakily.
"You... you've been alive this whole time?" you whimpered.
He nodded softly, while you shook your head.
"You couldn't reach out to me, could you? You couldn't have sent me one fucking text or a fucking call to let me know you were alive and okay?" there was slight anger in your voice, you could see the pain in Derek's face.
"I couldn't tell anyone. I'm sorry-"
"You think you can just apologize for making me grieve you and think you were dead for a whole year?!" you exclaimed.
"Yes, because we love each other. I know I... I'm here now and I'm sorry," he said.
You scoffed, laughing bitterly before shaking your head.
"Of course, you think that we can go back to how everything was before like this past year didn't happen, right?"
"You have no idea how this past year has been on me, on any of us. How could you put me through something like this? If you love me so much how could you do this to me?" your voice broke, tears rushing down your face.
You could feel the anger leaving you, sadness taking over.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry. Please just forgive me." Derek begged, putting his hands on your shoulders.
You pulled away, shaking your head.
"I think you should leave," you said.
"(Y/N), please don't-"
"I think you need to go," you repeated once more, as he sighed, before nodding.
"I'll be back tomorrow and every day after that. I'm sorry, I'll do whatever I need to in order to get your trust back," you stayed stiff as he spoke, your tears falling.
He stroked your cheek softly, giving you a small smile.
"Bye," you didn't reply, keeping still as he made his way out the door, looking back at you before walking away.
You wrapped your arms around yourself, letting out a quiet sob as you fell to your knees.
All the pain from the past year hit you once more, leaving you feeling worse than ever before.
"You didn't tell her what happened," Scott gave Derek a look as he sat in the car, while he exhaled slowly.
"She needs some time-"
"No, she's gonna feel even worse if you tell her everything that happened. You should've told her now," Stiles added in.
"No. Shut up and drive, Scott." Derek's eyes flashed blue, earning an eye roll from the two boys.
He looked away from them, staring out the window, listening in to your broken cries as they drove off.
Nothing could hurt him more than listening to your cries, not being able to hold you.
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overtrred28 · 1 year
A life for a life |Derek Morgan x platonic!reader
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Summary; while chasing down an unsub, reader has to make a haste decision on whether to take the kill shot, making it their first. 
Pairings; derek morgan x platonic!reader, bau team x platonic!reader (gender neutral, no direct pronouns used)
Warnings; guns used, blood, typical cm plot things, fluff, angst and sadness wrapped into one.
Words; 1.2k
Not my gif; @just-my-fandom​
Once the team had figured out who the unsub was, they split up between his home and work addresses, racing against the clock towards each. Morgan, Spencer and yourself were currently heading to his house with Garcia on the phone still spitting out random facts about him.
 The SUV pulled up outside the small house, the three of you jumping out straight away. 
“Reid, you take the back entrance.” Morgan instructed, Spencer running around the side of the house instantly. “You take the kitchen entrance and I’ll take the front.” You nodded at him, giving him a fist bump before taking off, it was your way of saying “be safe” without words. 
You stayed quiet and low as you travelled around the west side, looking through the windows for any sign of the unsub. 
“I got him. He’s in the living room with Carrie.” You whispered into your radio, spotting him and the missing girl through the side window. You continue until you get to the door. Derek’s loud voice can be heard throughout the whole house. 
“Samuel Rogers! Drop the weapon and let Carrie go!” 
You twist the handle of the door slowly, attempting not to make any noise as you open it easily, stepping inside the house quietly. You had your gun raised, checking each corner before you found yourself at the edge of the kitchen and the living room. Derek was directly in front of the unsub, gun trained at him as best as he could with the unsub moving back and forth, arms tight around Carrie’s neck. Spencer was only 2 feet away from you, standing between the dining and living room, doing the same as you, standing silently behind them in case things went south. 
Derek was talking to him, trying to calm him down and encouraging him to let her go but he wasn't budging. “Give it up man, let her go. Your plan didn’t work.” Morgan kept saying to him. Your gun was pointed directly at him from behind, Samuel being unaware of the two agents currently behind him. 
“SHUT UP!” Samuel yelled, squeezing Carrie tighter in his arms, pointing his gun directly at Derek’s chest. 
Adrenaline was pumping through your veins, heartbeat pounding in your ears as you stood closer to an unsub than you ever have before. Your finger was pressing on the trigger and within seconds a shot was fired, your arm jolting back as your own gun fired. Your eyes were squinted shut, not seeing directly where it was fired. 
You opened your eyes seconds later, spotting Spencer moving closer to Samuel’s body checking for a pulse, Derek reaching forward to move Carrie out of the way. Your eyes then travelled to the lifeless body on the ground, spotting the bloody hole in his forehead. Your breath left your chest, arms still raised with your gun in your hands.
This isn’t the first time you’ve shot someone while being in the FBI, normally opting for the shoulder or the thigh, pretty much just knocking them down. But this was your first kill. The first time your shot has killed someone else. You were frozen in your spot, watching the scene unfold before you as the rest of your team showed up, moving Carrie out to an ambulance and covering Samuel’s body with a white sheet.
A soft hand on your shoulder finally broke you from your trance, you blinked and the air finally returned to your lungs. 
“Y/N.” Derek called out softly from beside your ear. He reached out and placed his hand on your extended arms, lowering them and removing your gun from shaking hands. “It’s okay.” He whispered and your head dropped, playing back the same moment over and over again. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and walked you out of your head, guiding you to stand next to one of the SUV’s. 
You were in a state of shock, staring down at the pavement while people walked past you, sirens rang and lights flashed in the street, neighbours coming out of their houses to look at the spectacle happening in their street. 
“Hey.” Derek appeared in front of you again. “You okay?” His voice was soft and calming. You kept your head down. 
“I- I’ve never killed anyone before. I didn’t want it to end like that.” You shook your head, eventually meeting his soft eyes with your sad ones. 
“I know. I know, kid.” He consoled you. “I also know that you saved my life.” He held your shoulder again, pulling you closer to him. 
“Well yeah but-” You looked down again, sighing deeply. 
“No buts. Look at me.” He instructed but you didn’t. He used his hand to grab your cheek softly, pulling you up to meet his eyes again. “You did what you had to. Okay?” He was telling the truth but there was part of you that knew it could’ve ended differently and he sensed this. “Okay?” He asked again. 
“Okay.” You sighed, nodding your head. 
“Come here.” He pulled you into a soft hug, holding your head against his chest as you wrapped your arms up under his shoulders. You didn’t care if people or your team saw you hugging in the field, they knew how close you guys were. He was like your big brother and your best friend rolled into one. He was close to Spencer in a similar way, everyone including yourself knew that. But he was the first to take you under his wing when you joined the team not that long ago, finding comfort in you and your presence; you felt the exact same. 
“Thank you Morgan.” You pulled back from the hug, smiling softly up at him. 
“Anytime Y/L/N.” He ruffled your hair like he always did. “Let’s go get a drink.” He laughed slightly, brightening the mood. You nodded, never passing up the chance to hang out with your team in a fun setting. 
You had all made your way back to the hotel you were staying at, taking some time to get yourselves ready before heading down to the hotel bar. You were the last to arrive, taking a little extra time in the shower to wash the day off. As you walked down the stairs into the bar, the whole team turned to look at you, cheering lightly as they said hello. Your face changed quickly from happy to confused. You walked closer to them, standing next to Derek. 
“What’s going on?” You looked at him, whispering through a smile. His own smile grew larger as he handed you your favourite drink. 
“To Y/N,” Everyone raised their glasses. “For saving my life today.” He continued and wrapped his empty arm around your shoulder. Everyone clinked their glasses together, making sure to smile and make eye contact with you. “Thank you, I’m proud of you.” Derek whispered in your ear, placing a kiss on your temple as the rest of your team talked amongst themselves again. 
The rest of the night was spent talking,laughing and drinking with your newfound family. It was a tough case, especially for you and tonight was exactly what you needed.  
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book-place · 1 year
Christmas Catastrophe
Warnings: fire, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: BAU x reader platonic
Request: Criminal Minds
Request by: @bringinsexybackk69
*not my gif*
Summary: Things go very, very wrong when you and your team try to prepare for a holiday party
A/N: Welcome to day 8 of Book Places 12 Days of Christmas Celebration
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Oven on fire! Oven on fire! I repeat: the oven is on the fire!” Penelope screeched, stumbling away from the burning object as the rest of you came charging into the room.
“I gave you one instruction!” You yelled over the rapid sound of the fire alarm as you quickly took towels and waved them around while you jumped to try and clear the air of smoke, “Don’t burn my house down! How hard is that for you to try and do?”
Derek was quick to grab the fire extinguisher and open the oven before spraying all the white foam into it.
“Roughly two hundred fires are started on Christmas each year,” Reid coughed out, “But those are from trees, not burnt food!”
“Okay, okay, everyone calm down,” JJ spoke, taking charge alongside Morgan, “We just have to make sure this fire gets out.”
You, Penelope, and Spencer all scrambled to open up some windows to fan out the house and JJ and Morgan put the last of the fire out.
When the fire alarm finally stopped blaring, you all turned and glared at Penelope, who gave a small shrug of her shoulders and squeaked out, “Oops?”
Morgan ran a hand down his face and sighed, “Remind me again why we agreed to let her do the cooking?”
“Because I normally don’t burn things.” She exclaimed with a pout and the cross of her arms.
Emily then walked in holding a cake, only to stop in her tracks and look back and forth between all of you in your disheveled states with wide eyes, “I left you all for five minutes and you managed to do what exactly?”
You sighed dramatically, “You don’t even want to know.” You threw Garcia a playful wink so that she knew that you were all just messing with her and weren’t really mad, to which she let out a long breath of relief.
“What should we do about the dinner now, though?” Spencer asked, and all your heads slowly turned to the burnt dishes in front of you.
“Go! Go! Go!” You screamed, pushing a shopping cart down the aisle as fast as you could, ignoring the people that jumped out of your way and the judging glares you received from them.
Penelope and Spencer jogged right beside you, grabbing and throwing random things into the cart that would be used to remake the dinner as quickly as possible.
“Come on, guys,” Derek stressed through speaker phone, “Hotch and Rossi will be here really soon, we have to make sure this is ready by then.”
The three of you picked up your pace even more, if that was possible, scaring a young worker half to death at the check out as you begged him to hurry up before making your way back to your home.
You threw open the door and made a beeline to the kitchen.
Morgan, JJ, and Emily immediately followed behind you and helped get to work immediately with the others.
Everyone had a job, any job- besides Garcia, who was banned from working at the oven- and you all rushed through making a dinner that very well should have taken at least two hours.
Right as you guys put the final trays on the counter, a knock rang through your home, bouncing off the walls before it reached your ears.
You all froze, glancing back and forth at one another and the food before all slowly making your way towards the door.
When you opened it, Hotch and Rossi blinked once at the guilty looking sea of people before their eyes narrowed, “What happened?” Hotch asked automatically.
“Nothing! Nothing!” Penelope examined all too quickly, causing you to slap a hand over your face.
“Everything is completely normal!” Reid continued, causing JJ to face palm as well.
They looked back and forth between all of you once more before Rossi shrugged and stepped in, “Whatever, I’m hungry.”
You led them both in, only for everyone to freeze in their tracks as the familiar screeching fire alarm filled your ears.
“We did it again!” The six of you screamed in panic, stumbling your way back to the kitchen and leaving behind and confused Aaron and David who shared a glance as they listened to you all scream and scramble around the kitchen.
They both shrugged, moving to take a seat on the couch and turned the television on, settling back as they allowed you all to panic by yourselves.
“Do you think it’s a bad time to tell them that we forgot the pie?” Rossi asked.
“Eh,” Hotch shrugged, “They’ll figure it out eventually.”
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