#pit has autism!
1-aussiedollar · 8 months
Autistic Pit.
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Autistic Pit.
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Track list for Fig and the Cig Figs independently published Junior Year album (officially named “Infaethable”)
Teenage Rebellion
Night Yorb (a heavy metal banger)
Summer Scaries
Devils Nectar
Time Quangle (a love song about Ayda)
Multiclass (Gorgug sings on this!)
The Ballad Of Lucy Frostblade (Kristen was the one who convinced Fig to write this)
So Late, So Tactical
Do You Have A Fucking Warrant
Cassandra (Can You Hear Me)
Hall Of Mirrors
President Applebees (written entirely in the night after Kristen gets elected by a drunk Fig with extremely drunk notes by Kristen)
Raging For Love (inspired by Gorgug, of course)
The Elven Oracle (Has A Day Job) (So Stop Bothering Her)
Maximum Legend
Fury Of The Ball
The Bad Kids
#i neeeeed fig to go indie it’s her destiny#she promises each of them that she’ll dedicate at least one song to them and then dedicates a track to each of them individually#sklondas seething a tiny bit that she called riz the ball but he won’t stop playing it so it keeps getting stuck in her head#adaine summons mephits to help with her track#you can hear her in the background near the end yelling ‘yeah!’ and ‘fuck off!’#fabian wanted his to sound like a shanty but fig said it wouldn’t go with the vibe of the album#they eventually compromised by having the noise of waves and seagulls subtly in the background throughout#kristen actually cried the first time fig played the ballad of lucy frostblade for them#summer scaries sounds like an olivia rodrigo song#gorgug gets a sick drum solo in raging for love#time quangle opens with fire crackling and a bird cawing and a quiet clip of ayda saying ‘I love you’ before the instrumental starts#fig stuck a quiet sound clip of gilear saying ‘oh fuck’ and then a louder sound clip of her saying ‘oh fuck!’ in cursed#devils nectar is one of the slower tracks on the album#hall of mirrors is heavily inspired by the events at evil mordred and baron so you can hear a lot of influences from baronesian music in it#fig has a fucking sick as hell guitar solo and a couple of samples from just the bottomless pit in general in infaethable#Gorthalax also gets some lyrical input on it#fig manages to get a clip of riz saying ‘the ball bitch!’ to kalvaxus in freshman year to put in fury of the ball#is this too long for an album? maybe but who cares I love this#a good portion of the profits made from the album goes towards college for the party#having thoughts about fig and the cig fig’s Junior year album#autism (mads) speaks#fantasy high#fhjy#fig faeth#fantasy high junior year#dimesnion 20#d20 fantasy high#fig and the cig figs
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rassicas · 9 months
whats your favorite kind of pasta?
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i miss her every day
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malwarechips · 5 months
minecraft server for all the oneshot characters
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pathologising · 5 months
my 2024 resolution is to become closer with my sister I think. But its going to be painful
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waywardsalt · 1 year
i have planned to write a pseudo-essay or some kind of detailed look at linebeck in phantom hourglass and how he can be interpreted as autistic but thats not going very well right now so here are some autistic linebeck headcanons
He has low empathy and as such has a hard time responding very well to emotional situations, but he can take advantage of his lower empathy in situations where empathy could make things harder, like tending to wounds or rationally handling emotionally-charged situations
His coat is a comfort object and he made it specifically to act as a very slight accommodation; it’s heavy and barely lets any light through it, and he can keep all kinds of little things in pockets sewn into the inner lining, but larger objects do make it more uncomfortable to wear at times. It’s mostly good to carry around things to fidget or stim with and can be helpful in trying to recover from overwhelming sensory experiences
He doesn’t usually stim in public, but taps his fingers on tables quickly and tends to rhythmically snap his fingers when excited, and on his ship is more vocal and more willing to stim, even if around others. One of his main stims that he’ll do for no particular reason is that he’ll hold his arm or back of his wrist/hand up to his nose and mouth for the smell.
He masks frequently to please people. His default mask is that arrogant and brave front he puts up for islanders and other he may come across. Usually, if that mask doesn’t work, he tends to double-down because it usually works and, in his experience, dropping the mask has usually gone badly (non masking he’s rude and blunt but more outwardly excited about adventure and his ship and all of that, i consider it where overseas in the game is when he usually isn’t masking. this shifts his arc to be about him learning to stop masking and feel comfortable being himself)
His special interests could include stuff related to treasure hunting but it could really range from stuff about adventuring or the ocean or engineering (relating to his ship) to stuff not at all touched in the game like music. He really enjoys music, listening to it, playing it, and writing it. He also enjoys and is fascinated by shellfish.
When busy or otherwise occupied, he doesn't usually notice when he's hungry. He doesn't have as much of a problem noticing thirst or exhaustion, but feeling hunger is a problem for him, and often leads to him going a long time without eating. On the other hand, he doesn't mind eating the same thing repeatedly and is perfectly fine with blander foods, so handling food supplies for when he'll be overseas for a long time is easy for him.
He knows he's autistic, he's known for a pretty long time, and he has books on it; he also knows that Link is autistic, but doesn't say anything about it and instead waits until someone else tells him. Until (and after, I suppose) Link actually learns that he's autistic Linebeck just makes sure to keep note of what accommodations he might need and if there are any textures or tastes or smells he can't stand. He doesn't have much of a problem helping out during sensory overloads, even soon after meeting him. It's more out of understanding how it feels to not have your needs met and a sort of solidarity rather than actual friendship.
#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#linebeck#OBVIOUSLY he experiences some nasty rsd and he's a bitch about it that's like. basically canon so i didnt mention it#a lot of linebeck’s autism is based and referenced off of my own with some extra additions#which is why i have an easier time writing him as autistic than link#kindness is a choice and having low or no empathy does not in any way make someone heartless but linebeck does abuse his own low empathy#to be a mean bitch with minimal emotional consequences#i think linebeck would call link a dipshit to his face and then not feel bad about it for like a few weeks until he starts caring abt him#linebeck stimming by smelling his arm is actually my main stim. its probably why i sit all fucked up bc i sometimes do it w/ my legs lol#the masking bit does kinda fuck some stuff up but i personally enjoy that take on him#one of his comfort objects is an old orange cat plushie named copernicus and if you know what that is specifically from thank you im sorry#linebeck being way into music has no canon backup i just like the idea of him playing piano and composing some form of his own theme#piano is a mad sensory experience btw i dont yet know how to really play it but when i did keyboard in pit it was a fantastic feeling#bangin' out the tunes. it was a really good sort of stim if i was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the new tech and music too#salty talks#not entirely an autism headcanon but he thinks gender is a sham and less identifies as a man and more specifically considers#his gender identity to be 'real man of the sea' which is initially kinda silly but kind of a fucking gender move tbh#i dont think he's explicitly trans or nb he's just having fun fucking with his own gender and doing whatever he feels like doing#he isnt a man but he is a man. kind of like how im a dude but also not. yeah.#these were initally going to be call 'quick' headcanons but you can see why i uh. didn't end up going with that
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chaotic-tired-bastard · 6 months
bllagghhhhh I am insane
Okay so I've noticed a pattern. With Water Tribe men, their braids & braid adornments actually could possibly signify their family!!
I think that braids with a bead/adornment of some kind represent a child, and a braid without adornment represents a sibling.
Hakoda has two braids with a bead(? cloth adornment?) on each. One is for Sokka, and the other is for Katara. Bato? He has none, no kids and no other known family. Pakku has none, no kids, but I don't think that matters- this seems to be more of a thing in the Southern Water Tribe rather than the North. Still, it would be a fun lil thing that both of the Tribes share that would be cool :D
This is based on two characters that I like so it's pretty. uh. shaky. BUT I'M COOL SO THIS IS A FACT I'M SMART /j
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groovyships · 7 months
How do I explain that I want to kiss Michael Afton but not the movie Michael Afton. Like obviously I can just say it like that. I can just use those words. But furthermore, in the land of free debate, how do I argue that the movie casted a perfectly passable, even bangable twunk to play Michael, but I prefer this version who is made of pixels and is also British.
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aro-ortega · 3 months
lrt first thought was multi-step aus, baby regenes making friends during outside time
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manicpixiefelix · 4 months
Took a nap in the middle of the day and had the most bizarre series of dreams, some were in fact nightmares, HOWEVER Ollie and Felix were in the last one??? Felix Catton continues to be the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my conscious or unconscious life???? All I got was one of the best and most real feeling kisses I've ever had in a dream, and I'm so mad I woke up. :(
cannot escape Saltburn or the Felix/Reader/Oliver fantasies even while asleep it seems...
(my tags are for posterity lol sorry but if you wanna read the full dream go right ahead. I reached the tag limit but all that was left was essentially the main text of this post lol)
#i will say the early part of the dream was very different. i Was jason momoa for a while there. also a child. also maybe peacemaker#evan Peters as magneto was tearing apart school buses and children and also he fucked my (whoever i was as jason momoa) mom which i saw??#then there was two of me (jason momoa)?? he also may have become peacemaker i might be misremembering. we were in the jungle#no metal so he wasnt a threat#except he was peacemaker and i (artie the writer in the body of jason momoa) am not a good fighter and he bullied me for it. womp womp#then we were saved by a tribe of superheroes who lived in the jungle and were definitely pitting us against each other#but i wasnt Jason momoa anymore except i was when i was swinging through the jungle like george of the jungle#but i was me when i got to the beach and started swimming and hunting for food and shoving every random piece of food into my mouth#except the eel which i was told i had to cook 😞#cooked the eel over a tealight at the beach camp/tribe which i was apparently part of even though i was meant to have been with the forest#also spoke to some irl collegues from the festivals i worked at last year and aparently as an 'initiate' to the tribe i and the others#have to find a place to sleep in the open#also that theres some kind of game???? some weird game that happens with the forest tribe initiates???? like hide and seek#and we on the beach only have a set time to prepare#immediately me and the rest of the beach initiates are like Get Fukt were not sleeping on the sand and gravitate towards#the weird warehouse based playground?? that was there for some reason?? and had so many security cameras??? what was my mind doing honestly#its under cover but the two other initiates im close to now dont feel like its secure enough to not be found#also the hide and seek aspect now has sinister undertones for those doing the hiding it seems. its more nightmare again#im a very awkward person irl with touch (its the autism lol) so it was big of me to hold hands with this dude#because we were running out of time to hide and i was afraiddddd#for the record i shouldnt have been lmfao#ANYWAYS idk when or who gives me the tip that i should hide on the other side of these weird black bed frame situations#but im assured by a girl i went to uni with (maddy i lov u thanks for cameoing in my dream???) that it works???#so im squeezed up in the corner behind this loft bedframe and it turns out the hiders can see like it's a sunny daytime#seekers are going around in the dark#makes it much less spooky#also it means i just got to watch fi and ollie (and others) being hot and essentially hunting people down#(hm do i have a thing for predator/prey dynamics??? that's future arties problem to think about)#the point is fi and ollie find my friend maddy#who is just in front of me but i duck out of their grasp consistently but they're weirdly persistent so much that even maddy comments on it
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mx-paint · 4 months
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chronically-unlucky · 5 months
in my journey to stop being a Christian I’m gonna use a TikTok filter to decide which god/goddess’s problem I’m gonna be instead
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
If you're an adult in fandoms for children's media,you have to be nice to the kids in them.The creators for the shows and books and games and so forth may be adults but they made them to cater to KIDS.I'm using 'cater' because it's become a buzzword to try to silence minors when they're uncomfortable with things like proshipping when,again,yes it literally IS 'catered' to them so they have a right to say what should and shouldn't exist in their fandoms.I'm not saying it's bad to be an adult who's super into children's media and in fact half the reason i'm making this post is that i fall under that due to my type of autism and as a way healing my inner child from a lot of trauma and i'm sick and tired of watching you overgrown tar pits bullying minors in their own damn spaces and then acting like they're actually yours
You have no right to mock them for being young or insult their headcanons and art and fics because they don't line up with your headcanons that you think are objectively superior with no basis other than your egos or call them weird for doing crossovers of their interests because it makes them happy and helps them develop their writing skills without needing to get a professional involved.You want to be horny about the adult characters and write darker topics with respect and both with proper tags?Go right ahead,nothing inherently wrong with either.But sexualizing characters who've always been underaged in canon and calling writing taboo relathionships that're taboo because they have abusive dynamics and have been proven to be used to abuse irl people(in///cest and age gap headasses,i'm looking at you)and not just 'cencorship' or whatever has no place existing to begin with but especially not in elementary/middle/high school franchises
You're literally PUTTING REAL KIDS IN DANGER with your weird little incel fantasies instead of leaving them fuck alone and degrading them over being upset over your bullshit that you invaded their boundries to push onto them and as an eldest sibling to both my biological ones and several younger people i've gotten close friends with to also consider siblings on both my side and theirs,i won't stand for any of this and i have no remorse in actively trying to push y'all out of here.If you're an adult who's in fandoms for children's media,you have to be nice to the kids in them.I'm not fucking asking
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viv-weylin · 2 months
Some thoughts about Shilo (and a lot of my thoughts about the aromantic reading of him)
Okay, so Shilo has been a character that's been spinning in my head pretty constantly. This isn't going to be organized but rather kind of just. Thoughts.
I see a lot of people interpret Shilo as a purely innocent person who has done no wrong wet cat, and yeah! He is! But the thing is, he's... done wrong. He's a vampire. There's something inherently evil in all vampires, and i believe this misconception stems from people not knowing the vtm lore. In VTM, all vampires have a beast inside of them, and this beast is inherently evil and cruel and animalistic, which is the part that forces vampires to feed. Shilo hasn't frenzied, he's never lost control of this beast but the fact he has one is enough to make him "not purely innocent", I'd argue he thinks he's innocent and hasn't done wrong but keep in mind he has zero hestitation throwing guards to die. He's indirectly killed several times, and that's not really something we can ignore when thinking about shilo.
He's also incredibly manipulative. He has no worries dominating or manipulating people for his own gain, and again, this comes from his sheltered life. This comes from him simply not knowing any better, but even then, this is a major flaw that i feel some people dont think about.
Shilo isn't rapunzel, Rapunzel isn't a killer, and she isn't manipulative with a disregard for people's lives. That is to say Shilo isn't pure evil, but rather, he's a morally grey character. He's killed, and he's manipulated, but you could argue that it came from a place of not knowing any better, but even then, he's still killed and manipulated. Do you see where the interesting moral dichotomy lies? Is he at fault for the evil he does if he doesn't know any better. I just dont like the "purely good" Shilo takes I've seen some people have.
The aromantic stuff:
I think it's rather well known I'm an aroace shilo truther (if im being honest, i have a distaste for armored pheasant to an extent, but that is not what this is about). I feel as if that's a rather crucial part of his character, and it's not unsubstantiated. He quite literally says he's incapable of having romantic feelings, and in the newest episode (i am not caught up, forgive me), I've heard there's more he says that hints towards this aromantic reading. He's had zero interest in romance, and the fact he was bloodbonded to Edward without his consent can have rather interesting implications that I believe could be expanded on. A lot of aromantics know that feeling of being told "I can fix you" or whatever and Shilo parallels it quite well with the experience he has had with Edward. Below is the quote where he says he's incapable of romantic love.
(This is my own personal opinion but I believe his character is also sort of dumbed down once someone ships him with Grefgore. A lot of people did from the get go, and I get and see the appeal but I also think they're better as friends but again, personal opinion and I don't care if you ship them but his character falls into the "only interesting for the shipping to the fandom" pit quite easily.)
There's something incredibly validating to have a character like Shilo, who's kind and silly and aromantic if that makes sense. Aromantic representation has been lackluster, and most representation is god awful (coughLovelesscough) so having Shilo would be really nice. He's not canon representation, yes. Unless Bizly straight up confirms it, it's just implied representation but come on. It's right there guys. Give us an aro win.
His character has a lot of interesting bits: a character who's only experience with the world is through media & book (hashtag autism), a character who's incredibly cruel yet kind, a character blind to his own flaws, an aromantic character who loves despite. Give me more morally grey Shilo, more guilty Shilo and most of all. More Aromantic Shilo.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 4, Poll 7
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Jesper Fahey-Six of Crows
Disaster bisexual who is not canonically confirmed to have ADHD but come on, look at him (and his perpetually acting before thinking, and his restless inability to ever be still, and his gambling addiction...)
His boyfriend Wylan is already in the competition (don't pit them against each other) (jk do it)
Mod note: if they both get far enough into the competition we probably will.
Yoite-Nabari no Ou
Heavily heavily coded relationship with another boy, canonically intersex and can be read as trans. (implied to be cafab) Suffers from flashbacks, emotional dysregulation, depersonalization due to abuse and neglect. Also terminally ill and progressively loses his sight/taste/hearing and has more trouble getting around and staying awake. Super autism coded, for that matter. To me. And many of the fans actually.
A very sad boy, in a story about very sad boys fighting for self determination and learning the importance of community. He's a shinobi and can kill people by manipulating their lifeforce from the inside, but he also likes sweets and baseball and mathematics and he communicates like a shy, neglected cat. He's also named after someone's cat. Extremely good character written by an aroace and x-gender author
Anything Else?:
He is the bestest boy ever and should win this tournament by a landslide if the series were more well known
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astronomical-bagel · 1 month
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yo mutual i love ur tags fr because like u took the words right of my mouth i was so baffled how ppl would side with one more than the other because the autism pvp felt so real to me that i related to Both of them rlly a lot like. So much so it has cemented itself as rlly one of my fave scenes ever because it was a Step up for growth like that fight made them both better people . and it makes me mad ppl belittle toshiros experiences and like ignore his autism for the sake of pitting two bad bitches against each other Good Lord. The Nuance. There is Nuance. and ppl who ignore it just feels so personal to me as an autistic asian person who's been told that there's no way they're not "normal" like ive not been masking and not even like That well either.
Toshiro to me is like a similar vibe of Autism to Mob aka Shigeo Kageyama MP100 where he represses so much of his true feelings and opinions and emotions that he will just blow up one day (validly!!!) !!! like. let him be autistic in peace. not everything has to be a moral failure and not everything has to revolve around Laios just because hes the main character of Dunmeshi. Like they were both so relatable it hurts me...
not me spelling empathized as emphasized lmao
but yeah anyways I really interpret the shuro and laios conflict as just two autistic people who just don’t mesh naturally? At the very least, it’s a complication between two people with very different cultures.
Both laios and toshiro are people who don’t exactly fit in. On shuro’s side, the source of his ‘otherness’ is a little redirected (is that the word?) because his status and nationality already set him apart on the island, but even back home he was reserved and didn’t socialize well. He struggles to connect with others and has a hard time being sincere!!! the argument between him and laios isn’t an evil neurotypical vs blorbo autistic, it’s conflict-avoidant autistic vs social cue blind autistic!
There isn’t really a right or wrong side here, Shuro tried communicating in the way he knew how, but he and laios just simply don’t understand each other’s languages. Their fight is a reset for the both of them; now they each know a vital fact about each other! Laios knows that Shuro has a hard time verbalizing discomfort, and shuro now knows that Laios needs to be told things to understand them. Now they can both find a middle ground and properly compromise between their two opposites.
and it’s important to note that if laios did know he was making shuro uncomfortable, he would stop as best as he knew how, all the way. This guy takes boundaries seriously, as long as there are clear lines to what those boundaries are. And he’s attentive to other’s needs! (See: him and chilchucks friendship. They understand each other very well, I could write a whole meta on it)
Now that he and shuro are seeing eye to eye, their friendship can now progress in a healthier fashion! This fight isn’t the end of the world. (Honestly having a fist fight is like third base to me but we won’t speak of that) Toshiro isn’t evil, he’s just a really cool foil to Laios, and their disagreement serves to establish important parts of their characters and to progress both their character arcs 👍
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