1-aussiedollar · 8 months
Autistic Pit.
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Autistic Pit.
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So about two years ago, my partner left me. For my best friend at the time. It sucked.
The night before I'd been looking at rings. We'd been talking so much about our future. I didn't have any luck, so I set my phone down and called it a night.
The next day she came back from a trip to hang out with him that I couldn't make it to. She tells me that she's realised she's not actually in love with me anymore. She still loves me, and cares for me. But she's not *in love*.
And it was a really hard time for me. We were gonna spend our lives together.
But time moves on, and within the month I realised, she was right. I loved her, yes, and I still do. But we weren't *in love*.
So we kept in touch. We talk online, we meet up when life allows, and our friendship has been stronger these two years than it was the last year of our relationship.
But life's hard. And while she's graduated, moved on, got a job with colleagues she gets on with, opened up some amazing opportunities... My depression has gotten worse and worse.
I can't leave the house. I can barely leave my room. I sit all day waiting for one of my few friends to come online, and hope that they don't have plans. That they might have time for me, and I won't have to be alone.
I've been passed from service to service, none of them actually helping, all of them having the perfect excuse to prove I'm not *their* problem. So every day I take my pills and wait for the next appointment to be told who I'll have to call next time.
Well. After being left in the dark for 2 years, I got an autism assessment, that I only needed to wait 4 months for the results of. Only to be told I'm not autistic enough for them to give a shit about. That's all well and good, but I'm still chronically suicidal, and the toxic mix of guilt and whiskey only holds that off for so long.
So they send me back to the group that referred me for that assessment, over two years ago, during which time they refused to aide me with my depression.
And what have they been told?
"this patient no longer requires mental health services"
Right, yea, tell that to the bottles on my bedside.
So I broke. I screamed, and I yelled, at some poor psychiatrist who had never met me before, because the two prior case workers is been assigned to had both left by the time they couldn't get rid of me any more.
And her answer is that maybe I need sedatives for when I get like this.
And I go home, and I feel numb. I feel empty. I feel like there isn't a bottle deep enough to down this in. And I get a text. From my dear friend, Ex. She wants to be the one to tell me, there's a good chance she'll be engaged by Christmas.
I want to be happy for her. She deserves that. But her life has moved on while mine has festered. Every attempt I've made to improve has just dug the pit deeper, and now she's getting engaged, and that was going to be *me*.
It shouldn't have been me. We weren't right. But I can't help feel that bitterness at life, at god, that after 2 years of spiralling, I get fucked over by psychologists *again*, as well as being reminded that same night just how fucking far I've fallen.
I don't think this gets better. I think this hole has been dug so deep that now it's just my grave. Now I need to wait and see if the next service drops me a ladder, or just shovels in the first mound of dirt.
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bubbelpop2 · 3 years
Gay and Tumblr etiquette: a guide
This is a compilation of rules that keep the lgbt community a safe space for all. A lot of the older gays are getting sick of seeing recycled bigotry, and we’re here to tell you what the general opinions are in the real world. Some of the content in this post contains not necessarily gay content, but cay culture. Gay culture is all about the lack of heteronormative toxicity, the promotion of critical thinking, teaching the youth that they need to rely on themselves and friends instead of the government, because the government doesn’t really care, and the abolition of White Christian ethics being forced onto people.
You need to read this essay. [x] You need to know your history. It’s important, you need to know it. This is the baseline you need to know. ACAB.
If you want to know more than just the baseline: [ here ]
Don’t debate transphobes, racists, or n@zis. Don’t debate them, block them. Do not reply. You are giving them a place to express themselves. This emboldens closeted racists and transphobes. Don’t do it.
If you disagree with someone who isn’t any of the above, carefully consider their argument. Could they be right? Is it a lesson that you’re just not ready for? Block them, ponder their words, and consider your stance on the subject. Only a fool walks away from an argument more convinced than ever that they are correct.
Pedophiles are not in the lgbt community. Pedophilia is not a kink nor is it a sexuality. It has been proven to be a mental illness in which the brain is shaped and ordered incorrectly. 
“Queer” Is not an inherently harmful term. It is a term that the community has reclaimed, and many people identify as queer. By calling someone who is queer “gay” or policing THEIR right to be called queer, you are erasing history. Queer is a term that people have used in the lgbt community since before stonewall. Queer isn’t your term to take away, especially if you’re not queer. 
“Gay” Is an umbrella term. If someone LIKES being called “gay”, no matter what the complex rules of their attraction are, respect it. Don’t insist that they belong in a certain box according to your definition of different sexualities. 
If someone is questioning their sexuality, don’t push them. The point is for them to FIND OUT what they’re attracted to, and what they like best. Whether they turn out to be gay, straight, bi, or ace, leave them the hell alone. Especially if they’re a kid.
“Terfs” used to be called “political lesbians” because people who were not wlw would take over lgbt spaces and advocate to “kill all men” and would point actual wlws against men. This is terrible. Bisexual wlws deserve to express their sexuality fully without judgement. Trans lesbians deserve to express their gender without judgement. ANYBODY who is amab or trans, or attracted to amab or trans people, deserves a safe place to express themselves. We got rid of these “political lesbians” and stopped them from poisoning the minds of bisexuals and trans men. We can do it again. 
(” queer is a slur “ was started by terfs. stop saying it if you’re not a terf.)
Nonbinary is not a fad. Nonbinary people have always existed. It is not new, and you are not allowed to police other people’s gender.
There are a lot of things to gender as a whole. Your gender, what you identify as, is a large part of your identity. Some people identify as female, some people identify as male, and some people identify as neither, both, or any combination of any other genders! This may be confusing, but that’s okay. You don’t need to completely understand someone’s gender, and someone may not even understand their own! What IS important is that you respect their gender expression.
Gender expression is mostly just two things. Pronouns, and Presentation. Pronouns (He/She/They/Xhey/Ect) are for the person who has them. Pronouns don’t have to “match” your gender. Your presentation doesn’t have to “match” your gender, either. It’s all about your comfort. You don’t have to understand someone’s gender identity, but you DO have to respect their name and pronouns. Always.
Mogai is a great term, even if it’s not popular. Mogai is an all-inclusive term for all people who are not allocishet.
Being ace does not make you straight. Being aro does not make you straight. Straight = You are actively and wholly attracted to the opposite gender. It is the lack of attraction to the opposite gender that includes them in the community, as well as the constant harassment from both straight and gay people for being “broken”
“Femboy” Is not an inherently harmful term. Calling a trans woman a “Femboy” without her permission is. People who use the term to refer to themselves, or to refer to people who are comfortable with the term, are not infringing upon anybody. You need to stop taking away terms from gay people because of what transphobic pieces of shit do. Yes, shitty transphobes refer to trans women in porn as femboys. This doesn’t mean that who the term was ORIGINALLY meant for, which is, gay feminine men, can’t use it to describe themselves. This is far too similar to “queer is a slur” for me to change my mind on this. A lot of people identify as femboys, and use the term for their comfort, leave them alone.
Truscum and Trumeds are gross. Their entire personality is built off of policing other trans people’s identities. They want trans people to act like they’re cis, and conform to heteronormative societal standards. Their opinion is that it’s flamboyant trans people’s fault that cis people are transphobic. Which is simply not true. Transphobes are Transphobes because they’re bigots. It is never, in any shape or form, the fault of the oppressed for being oppressed. Ever.
Your love for the oppressed should come before your hatred of the oppressor. This does not mean that you expressing your hatred is “performative” in any way. You’re allowed to hate the oppressor, verbally, and often, so long as you, personally, know which is more important.
It is not okay to call people out. Calmly talking to people, or simply blocking them, is best. It is not okay to send hate anons. It is not okay to interact with bigots willingly. It is not okay to do something that is mean-spirited.
Be gay do crimes. (As in, fuck the police, they’ve always been against every minority. Including us.)
Disabled people are beautiful and loved. All gay spaces should be accessible.
The people that lead the protest that sparked lgbt rights across the world were black trans women. Remember that. Remember it good and well. 
Autism isn’t shameful. People with autism are worthy of respect and admiration.
Punk culture is antifa and gay culture. Bigots like punk fashion, and dress in punk fashion. We call these people “posers” and they should be beaten if spotted being a bigot at a punk function. Punk culture is all about being against the systemic oppression of the lower class and marginalized. Many punks go to protests for human rights and better work qualities. 
It is neve okay to police someone else’s identity. Period. 
It is never okay to police someone’s kinks. Pay attention to actual abusers and rapists, not fictional and 100% consensual scenarios.
Child touchers get their heads bashed in with baseball bats.
It’s not okay to bully people for shipping anything. Yes, anything, including abusive ships. Quit telling people to kill themselves over fictional people. What you SHOULD be worried about, is straight white boys who romanticize REAL abuse towards REAL people, not people just minding their own business and expressing themselves via FICTIONAL characters. Don’t tackle ships, tackle rape culture in real life. Go outside. 
It is never okay to police someone’s writing, art, or artistic expression. Yes, dark and violent content included. The idea that you can be punished for thoughts or expression of thoughts, regardless of if you’ve ACTUALLY harmed anyone, is white and Christian purity culture. If you think this is okay, read this: [x]
The above is in the same mindset of soccer moms that say “people who play video games are inherently violent” which is simply not true at all. Here’s an interesting post on a similar topic that will interest you: [x]
Just follow lace code. Doc martens have a lace code in the punk community, If you’re not a racist, follow the lace code. 
mosh pit etiquette [x]
more about gay punk: [x]
That’s all I could think of for now! Any other queer elders wanna have a stab at it?
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baka-monarch · 4 years
What if I finally wrote my FNAF OC's backstory from middle school after 3-5 years? (I kinda abandoned her after all that time)
Cecile was the top of her class in college, already finding new ways to code and engineer robotics even though school had just started a few months ago. She was several classes ahead of her peers from the college classes she had in high school, classes that even surpassed her older brother.
Cecile and her brother had a loving family, but like most parents, there were still favorites. Originally it had been her brother, since their parents thought that she could never succeed due to her autism. At least, it was him until Cecile started getting contacted by colleges and certificates due to her being smarter than what was average.
It didn't take long for her brother to become jealous.
Recently, in one of her robotics classes, a man by the name of Henery Emily had come to teach their class a few things about his animatronics he had build for Fredbear's Family Diner. When her brother heard about this, he got an...idea. One that was inspired by the disappearances of many children there.
So he git a job for the day shift there. Entertaining children, making pizzas, cleaning....the ball pit. All for one goal.
Cecile had known her brother had a job at Fredbear's for a while now and was always asking him questions about the animatronics, the games, everything. It was so...fasinating to her. She just wanted to know how it all worked!
So when he told her that he'd take her backstage and let her study the suits. She called in sick to school, canceled all her plans, and made sure to show up early to Fredbear's to have lunch with him.
As Cecile walked into the diner, she had a huge smile that would be impossible for anyone to erase.
"Heyyy, Cecile, your just in time. I'm about to go on break." Her brother said as he approached.
"Good! I hope I wouldn't get here too late!" She rushed through her words as she bounced on the balls of her feet with excitement.
"Calm down, lil' sis. Let me clock out first, then you nerd the fuck out." He chuckled as he headed to the back to clock out. Cecile excitedly sat at a booth to wait. Well, try to wait. This was just so exciting! Not even the Henery Emily let her class even approach the suit he brought.
"Alright, you ready?" She jumped as her brother's voice surprised her. She had been distracted by her thoughts of Nuts and Bolts. She attempted to respond but just couldn't get the words out so she just nodded vigorously instead. He chuckled again, then pulled a key out of his pocket. "Follow me." He lead her through several hallways and past many party rooms. All the way to the back. "Here it is." He said as he stopped in front of a blank wall.
"Where?" She glanced around. "There's nothing here?"
"Oh, but isn't there?" He inserted the key into a slot in the wall that she hadn't seen before. After he turned it, he pulled on the wall revealing a door that lead to a secret room where there seemed to be several unassembled animatronic parts and one fully built prototype one. She looked into the room with her mouth agape. It was so amazing! "Well?" Her brother jestered in.
"Oooohhhhh, hell yes." Cecile quickly entered the room, her brother pulling the door closed and locking it behind them. "What is this room?" She leaned over the and messed with a few of the mechanisms in curiosity.
"It's one of the safe rooms." He explained. "They're hidden and soundproofed from the rest of the restaurant, with only a few people knowing about them."
"And you have access to them?"
"No, Mr. Afton just forgot to hide the key in his office one day." He pocketed the key casually, knowing it unwise to mention that this was the only key and the disturbing suit he'd found in here the first time...the same one that gave him his idea.
"Awesome." She breathed as the started messing with the plating on the suit laying there. "Hm...interesting..."
"This suit. It isn't like the other ones...it has metal plating, and...skin? Wait, no it's synthetic!" She peeled some back. "Amazing..." Even the hair on this one looked real like it was made to look more human.
"What's that?" Her brother asked, pointing over her shoulder at a small, coin-like, chip.
"I don't know, I've never seen technology like this. I can't even tell how someone would put this on..." She mumbled. Those words were almost like a que to her brother as he smirked.
"Well, I do." He maneuvered around the table to be in view of his sister. "And I can show you. How would you like to wear a Fedbear Family Animatronic?" That got his sister's full attention.
"Really? You can let me do that?" Cecile's eyes sparkled at the idea.
"Of course I can, you don't see any of my bosses around do you?" He smiled.
"Show me how to put it on."
A few moments later Cecile was encapsulated by the prototype suit. To finish the effect she had even figured out how to turn on the chip, giving the suit the full illusion of being human.
"This is amazing!" She looked at herself. "It's like being in another body! Not only that but the spring locks appear to be more secure on this suit than the other ones!" She exclaimed excitedly.
"Spring locks?" Her brother questioned.
"Yeah, the parts that are cracked back to stop the mechanical parts from harming the person wearing it." She explained. Then looked at her brother. "I... Thought you knew that. If you work here." She wondered aloud.
"Oh, I do know that." He smiled. "I just wondered if you know how... Deadly they can be." His eyes gleamed as a certain unsettling smirk found its way onto his face.
"Yes... The-the failures of them can be fatal." Her brother took a step towards her and she instinctively took one back.
"What's wrong? 'Lil sis?" He got even closer, that sickening smirk growing into a terrifying smile. "Scared?"
"No..." Despite what's he said, she took another step back.
"Ya know if I remember correctly, one of the easiest ways to deactivate the spring locks is by starting with the ones on the neck, right?" He wrapped his hands around the collar of the chest plate making her gasp.
"J-Ja-" As she tried to say his name she ended up cutting herself off as he pulled the spring locks and she screamed. Cecile collapsed to the floor as the mechanisms began to dig painfully into her skin. The pressure was so much more than any pressure she had felt before that she was soon losing consciousness.
As darkness surrounded her vision, she looked up. All she could see was her brother's smiling face.
When Cecile came to she was behind the diner in one of the dumpsters. As she looked down all she saw of herself was a bloodied mangle of wires and metal.
Nearby was a toolbox and the coin like chip from before.
It was a good thing she had gone to school for engineering.
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crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Congratulations Prince you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Amycus Carrow!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
There was so much obvious love and thought that you put into Amycus that your entire application was so beautiful to read through (although heartbreaking and terrifying at times too!) You crafted a villain who we can sympathize with, and gave Amycus a humanity that others might’ve failed at. We think that his relationship to his family, his father and Alecto in particular, was really well explored -- and you gave us a firm grasp on who Amycus is in a way that brought him to life before our eyes. We’re so happy you decided to apply and we can’t wait to see Amycus on the dash! *your faceclaim change to Ben Barnes has been accepted 
application beneath the cut ( tw: gore, torture, abuse, murder, etc.) 
Prince 19 he/him
7/10 I work about half the day so I’m free early afternoon on/weekends.
*removed for privacy
the marauders rp tag, promo blog. was in this rp like, ~7-8 months ago??
I don’t remember much since it’s been such a long time since reading. I know I definitely always had a soft spot for Neville when reading the books though.
Here you can tell us everything else you have in mind like questions, concerns, notations or anything else you can think of
Amycus Aldrich Carrow
Amycus; Amykos, Latinized as Amycus, in legend was the son of Poseidon and the Bithynian nymph Melia. He was a boxer and King of the Bebryces; killed ina boxing match.
Aldrich; A name meaning ‘a wise and aged ruler.’ With such a name, his family expects and predicts great things of their boy. He will one day be powerful, so very strong.
Carrow; “Carrow” in Norfolk, or “Carraw” in Northumberland. The first is assumed to have its name derived from the Old English word “carr”, meaning “rock”, and a word of Celtic origin; “hoh”, meaning “spur of a hill”.  
Xavier Dolan, Ben Barnes, Mikkel Jensen
I’ve played Amycus for, about a year’s worth, on and off, and I enjoy him because he’s his own person but also has the ‘dynamic’ of having a twin, and living/making decisions not only for himself but sometimes for the both of them, or having them being treated as ‘the same’ by others, because they are twins. Like, it’s interesting to have a character so closely linked to Amycus. And I love exploring his family dynamic bc he’s one of the characters that doesnt really have a ‘set’ past in canon, so there’s so many different ways he could end up because of what his life was like as he grew up.
Amycus could say his childhood had been. Interesting. Born the male of a pair of twins, he was favored, and it wasn’t hidden. He was given the love and attention his sister was denied, and the words that best described his as a toddler were ‘spoiled brat’. He grew up learning he could have whatever he wanted, and that ‘no’ didn’t really mean ‘no’, not to someone with power and money like him. Though his parents weren’t entirely interested in raising children. They wanted an heir to the family and had no time or patience to deal with a growing child, let alone two. A lot of Amycus’ childhood was spent playing his sister and hiding from his tutors and nannies.
Amycus was very young when he realized what the world was like. His father had never been a pleasant person, and the nights he would drink were the nights the whole family suffered by his hands. He and his sister learned the world was ‘dog eat dog’, and many dog eaters looked like humans. They learned to be vicious and bare their teeth at others. As they got older, they learned it wasn’t enough to look scary; you had to be scary. They must pit themselves against the world or die trying. Fear of his father and reality of the world drove Amycus to learn to defend himself, in anyway he should need to. Amycus learned to defend himself, he needed to be the monster he was afraid of, and very readily embraced it.
Amycus learned to be vicious, as did his sister, but didn’t learn to hide it behind polite smiles and good manners as she did. The words that best described him as a young teen were ‘cruel monster’. Amycus was mean, he was a sadistic monster that choked kids until their eyes pleaded with him for their lives, whose pranks turned from mean letters to disemboweled pets as Christmas presents. The voices that coo words to him in his head remind him what a monster he is. Sometimes, the voices are quiet, and Amycus is never sure whether he’s glad for the silence, or is afraid of it.
Amycus has dragged himself down into a rotten little hole now, which he knows will one day make his grave. His time in school in Slytherin house led to him to making friends with other ‘bad’ children, and is where he found his interest in the Dark Arts. Now working with the Death Eaters, Amycus has found a place where he feels more accepted, though he still garners dirty looks with his bloodied hands and maddened grins.
Amycus will sleep with whomever says yes. He’s not picky by any means whatsoever. Sex is sex, after all. A means to an end. Amycus identifies loosely as a cis-male, and prefers he/him pronouns but also answers to they/them as he’s used to being addressed as a pair along side Alecto. If he had the information, he’d probably identify something closer to agender, but as that’s all very abstract and not widely shared information at this time, he’s simply content with being called a male.
Quotes and lyrics: -  “When the Fox hears the Rabbit scream he comes a-runnin’; but not to help.” – Mason Verger - “Killing must feel good to God, too. He does it all the time. Are we not created in his image?” –Hannibal Lecter - “ I love you crookedly because my heart’s been unhinged from birth. The doctors gave me strict instructions not to fall in love: my fragile clockwork heart would never survive.  “ –Jack and the Cuckoo Clock Heart -“ In the end You dig yourself the hole you’re in” –Dig Your Own Hole -“  God, I pity the violins In glass coffins they keep coughing They’ve forgotten, forgotten how to sing ” –All The Rowboats
-Amycus is surprisingly good at memorizing spells, and knows quite a few charms and curses, more than the average students learned at Hogwarts. He’s had a few private tutors at the behest of his father, and read quite a few books on magic in his spare time. He’s very good at martial magics, and can sustain a Fiendfyre for quite a long time without losing it’s control. -Amycus is photosensitive, and often gets migraines from being in the light for too long. Thus, he prefers being a night owl, or at least avoiding being outside, especially if it’s a sunny or bright day. He likes keeping his room and as much of the house dark as he can, which makes the place look pretty gloomy. -Due to very little social interaction beyond his sister as a child, Amycus has a hard time understanding sarcasm, and often take’s other’s opinions in a very ‘black and white’ way. He thinks people either like him, or hate him, and there’s no in between. Also, people are either angry with him, or enjoy him; he has a hard time knowing if he’s upset people, and struggles to read into tone of voice and other social cues. -Amycus is rather paranoid about noise, and enjoys the quiet. He very often moves around to avoid noise, and is easily set off into distress or anger over loud noises. He’s most afraid of the sound of footsteps, as it reminds him of the sound of his parent’s coming down the halls of their home as a child. -It’s more likely than not Amycus lies somewhere on the Autism Spectrum, but his parents only considered him a fussy child. Even he doesn’t think he’s autistic, mainly because mental illness is stigmatized and not talked about, especially among wizarding communities. -Amycus has schizoaffective disorder, and cycles between intense depressions and manias. He suffers from auditory hallucinations that started to develop during his time in school, and soon after he started having visual hallucinations, though those are much more uncommon to him. -Amycus is a very physical person and enjoys being able to touch objects or other people, but understands personal boundaries. He won’t continually touch those who’ve expressed discomfort about it. When idle, he often likes having something to hold on hold onto, or to be held himself. He wears heavy jackets often, even in the heat, because the weight of it on his shoulders is comforting. -Amycus usually has his wand up one of his sleeves strapped his his forearms; mainly to his right as he’s a left handed person. He also often carries a switchblade on him. Amycus often wanders off into the Muggle parts of town, and fighting with a knife leaves less clues to point back to him than using magic against them. Though due to his temper, he’s been known to try and stab anyone who upsets him, even other wizards.
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
“Some kind of…Weaker Cruciatus maybe. I mean, hey, a good Cruciatus is great. But sometimes you only need a little, something to push someone off the edge. You have to stop a Cruciatus to get people to talk. Something a little less strong, you could torture them and get ‘em to give up whatever you want. Wouldn’t that just, be great?”
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
“Alecto, obviously. But it’d probably be her fault, why we’d be going into the Forest anyway. And bring. Well, besides my wand, how about Alecto’s wand? It doesn’t work the best, for me at least. But it’s something, isn’t it? And it’s not my wand so it’s not breaking the rules, huh? Twins don’t count.”
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
“Very, puzzle like decisions. Where people want to trick you with their words. Saying one thing, meaning something that’s not what they said. People make things so much more complicated than they should be, almost all the time. Bullshit.”
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
“That I’m the worse twin. Just look at Alecto. I’m even, better looking. There literally can’t be any way that I’m worse. I’m very obviously the better twin. Who would even think twice about it? Huh? Even Alecto knows, I’m the better one. Though she won’t admit it. Which makes her worse. She’s too up her own ass to see it, really. ”
—Amycus hissed and withdrew his hands from the piano when it shocked him, looking over his shoulder at his father. “Start over.” Darius replied, leaving Amycus to quietly turn back to the piano and begin the piece again. The boy got tripped up at the same spot, and was shocked once more by the piano. He bit his tongue to keep from whimpering, and without being told started from the beginning. The third time he was able to play it, but only a few bars past made another mistake. He yelped when the shock hit him, and this time he turned to look at Darius. “Father.” The man stopped his pacing to stare at his son, and Amycus did his best not to let his voice falter, “Please, I-It’s very hard to continue learning the piece if I have to start again at every mistake. I w-won’t get good at the end if I only play the beginning, sir.”
“If you paid more attention to what you were doing, perhaps you wouldn’t have to begin again so many times.” Darius quipped back, leaving Amycus deflated. He bit his tongue again and gripped the piano bench tightly. After a few moments he turned back to the piano to continue playing. The nine year old could only endure the harsh treatment for so much longer, and after about another half hour Amycus stood abruptly after being shocked, the piano bench scraping across the ground. He stood with his hand balled into little fists, tears in his eyes and just beginning to tremble. “Sit down.” Darius warned with a hiss.
“No!” Amycus snapped back, glaring at his father with teary eyes, “I don’t wanna play anymore!” The boy began storming away to the door, and just before he reached for the handle he was thrown to the ground harshly, landing on his side. “I said sit down.” Darius had his wand raised and slowly moved to stand over his son. Amycus was crying by now, getting back to his feet slowly.
He stood there and hung his head, and just as his father began to speak again, Amycus shoved him as hard as he could and bolted out the door. Darius stumbled back a bit and almost fell in surprise, then snarled and yanked the door all the way open to storm into the hall. “Amycus!” He screamed at his son, who was just barely scrambling down the stairs out of sight. Amycus made it to the front hall, fumbling with the locks on the door. When he opened the door he only got one foot outside before he ran headfirst into his father who had Apparated in front of him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Darius hissed. Amycus sobbed, crying out when he was dragged back to his feet by his arm, feebly attempting to pull himself from his father’s grip as he was dragged across the marble floor in the front hall. His feet scrambled for purchase as he tried to stop his father from dragging him, screaming and tossing himself around like a trapped animal. Amycus was close to hyperventilating now, body shaking with fear as he desperately tried to escape his father. His head turned at the creaking of a door and he saw her there; Alecto stood in the door way, expressionless and staring. Blank empty eyes looked into his own as he began pleading for Alecto to help him, but his pitiful cries seem to fall on deaf ears as the girl didn’t so much as blink as her brother was dragged through the basement’s door.
Amycus knew what an Unforgivable curse was before any of his friends.
—Amycus stormed past his mother as he walked through the front door of the Carrow Manor, dropping his suitcases with a harsh clatter and climbing the stairs two at a time, quickly making his way to his room. He slammed the door behind himself and moved to stand in the middle of the room. He shook with anger, his nails biting into his palm as he made white-knuckled fists. It’s not fair. Why couldn’t he stay? All of his friends got to stay at school over break, but he had to go home. Amycus stormed to his dresser and swept his arm across the top, knocking everything to the ground and letting anything glass shatter. It’s not fucking fair! Why the hell should he be home? He fucking hated it here, and both his parents knew it. The boy strode to his desk and threw the chair aside, throwing the journals and books to the ground and chucking the inkpot at a wall. Ever since he began attending Hogwarts, Amycus had loathed returning home for winter vacation, and especially for summer vacation. He never wanted to be home anymore. He never wanted to be around his father.  
“You’re upsetting your mother, if you insist on throwing a fucking tantrum like a child, I’ll-” Darius yelled as he swung the door open, and a picture frame very narrowly avoided his head and shattered against the wall behind him. “Fuck you!” Amycus screamed, grabbing a book from the shelves next to his desk to throw at his father as well. “You fucking wanted me home! I’m here! What the fuck did you expect, father?” the boy’s tone was mocking, and he shrieked with pain when hit with a Cruciatus Curse. The fourteen year old crumpled to the ground writhing in agony as white hot pain shot through him.
“Don’t you dare speak to me like that you ungrateful mongrel!” Darius snarled at his son. Amycus could only scream, the pain terribly overwhelming. The Cruciatus Curse was more powerful the more hatred the user felt. The pain made him want to black out. The teen laid on the floor struggling to breathe when the curse was lifted, making no move to get up when his door was slammed close. Amycus laid on the floor for another hour, his body aching too much to move.
One night soon after, Amycus waited until late to leave his room, to make his way down to the kitchen. He grabbed the biggest knife he could find and took the back door into the yard, walking across the wet lawn in the moonlight. He grimaced at the sting of the cold, only wearing his pajamas and socks in the freezing weather. It took most of his strength to push open the door to the stables, and it took no time to walk over to the stall. Amycus stared at the horse, looking at the medals that decorated the wall behind it. Father’s prized racing horse. The stall door was easy to open.
Amycus said nothing as his father walked into the dining hall, staring the man down as his father stopped dead in the doorway. He watched the color drain from the man’s face as he looked at the crudely butchered horse that was strewn across the entirety of the long table. He sat back in his father’s chair, giving his father a cold and hateful stare. “Merry Christmas, father.”
Amycus always got the best gifts at Christmas time.
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moonlight-fox · 7 years
Power Rangers was... Much better than I was expecting based on the marketing. I’m going to start with that, and say that I’d probably give it a 7 or 8 out of 10 if pressed. (In fact if it wasn’t for the black autistic character and ambiguously queer Asian character stuff (Sadly not explicit in the thing but, we’ll see going forward)? Likely wouldn’t have bothered seeing it at all because the marketing reaked of grimdark reboot of cheesy kids’ show from your youth’ - and while it’s darker and less cheesy, it’s not hitting the grimdark levels the trailers implied it would so... Yay. Spoilers below the cut, if I’ve done this right.
Spoiler free tl;dr of the rest - A fairly strong start to what will hopefully be a spinoff franchise running in parrallel to whatever the show is doing these days. Promising for the future, especially with all five protagonists feeling like real people rather than even if there were some aspects that imo were missteps. There are strong flashing lights in the film, since I’m pretty sure that impacts some of my follower’s ability to watch films.
There’s also an attempt at either a realistic alpha or to just modernize the design without making it any less cheesy. If the latter, it worked, if the former... I honestly think we’ll be looking at it in 10 years as a ‘remember when they updated Alpha’s design and made him even more ridiculous looking than the original design?’ So weird to see that thing and that voice in serious scenes. Zordon’s realistic design is better.
One subtle aspect that I’m really appreciating is how coherent this is as a world, compared to the Make Shit Up As We Go Along stuff of the ‘original’ (Dear lord this franchis eis complicated. The end credits are hilarious because the film credits itself as based on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers... Which it then has to credit as being based on Super Sentai since the original did that weird new human footage around the original footage mostly for fight scenes). Like, even if we didn’t know that a sequel would introduce The Green Ranger because... Obviously they’ll do that in the first sequel, that was the biggest event of S1 of the show, and they hadn’t have introduced the Rita was the Green Ranger on Zordon’s team character building stuff, hence why she has the Green power coin, they showed in the very first scene of the film that Rita had the Green power coin, at least then, setting it up as an element that could be brought in for a sequel.
Also Zeo crystal both as a callback for the... Third? Second? season of Mighty Morphin and as an explanation of why the heck every villain in the franchise going forward, when not connected to Rita, is going to be attacking Angel Grove (Which now has a defined economy - As I said, they’ve actually payed attention to world building with this)
Offed Rita in a way that leaves room for her to come back in a sequel but also room for Zed to come in now - I hope Zed doesn’t come in just yet, though, I’d rather they kept Rita as creating the evil Green Ranger... She survived being burried underwater for 65 million years (upping from her time in the Dumpster of Evil in the original), she can survive a few months or a couple of years or whatever in space, drifting towards the moon (Again, lovely little subtle callback to the original there with that shot of her drifting in space towards the moon)
One interesting part of the thing was that they managed to keep the Wear Clothing That’s Colour Coded to Their Ranger Clothes from the original but in a subtle way rather than the... Garish way... of the original. Granted, that might just be 90s fashion vs 2010s fashion talking...
Billy here is... Hugely important, and incredibly irritating, all at once. PoC autistic characters are even rarer than female autistic characters, . In some areas he’s written a bit overly stereotypically autistic for my tastes - too surface level, could have done without the borderline savant stuff - but at the same time... They created a black autistic character in a mainstream work. That’s hugely valuable. (and basically never done). So, while the portrayal is like looking back into 90s portrayals of autism, I still think it’s a net positive, but... I may be cutting it too much slack. (And, yes, canon autistic, rather than just geeky and awkward with autistic people being able to read ourselves onto him)
Could have gone for a bit less dark realism and a bit more cheese, the moments where the film embraces the cheese of the franchise work really well, though in part as contrast to the darker stuff, but the five protagonists feel like real teenages in this, which is nice. (As is the moment the film also pokes fun at how ridiculously impractical five people piloting one vehicle is before getting on with the climactic fight scene, which somehow doesn’t undercut the film’s climax at all), but overall I’m a lot happier with the direction they went with this than I expected to from the trailers, and at the same time I appreciate Rita as a legitimate threat. Also I kind of wish the training stuff didn’t go on for quite so long? We’re here for giant robots in martial arts fights with monsters, with maybe some martial arts fights outside of the giant robots too... Though that’s an issue most Super Hero origin films have.
I definitely agree with the decision to cut the Jason/Kimberly romantic relationship for the sake of Kimberly’s character arc, but there are places where it’s obvious something’s been left on the cutting room floor - A couple of specific shots that would never have been in the film if it wasn’t originally written and filmed with that romantic subplot there, or at least, not that way, - Jason and Kimberly looking from their cockpits at each other, holding their hands out towards each other, as their Zords fall into a pit of fire, sort of thing. Know clue how that shot is going to read to those who don’t know about the cut romance plot.
For those of you into Humans Are Weird style sci-fi - Neither Zordon nor Alpha are quite able to grasp the concept of teenagers, though Alpha has apparently had more time to study the database. (”It’s this stage between infancy and adulthood”) - this makes sense, since very few creatures, at least on this planet, have an adolescence (Though it’s hypothesized that this two stage maturation process is what allows humans to be so intelligent as a species, so how much it makes sense for a space faring species to lack it... Not sure on), more entertainingly, though - when our five leads are sharing glances of when unsure about doing something the alien robot has asked them to do? Alpha comments on how fascinating it is that they’re looking at each other and wonders outloud if this is a human thing.
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apostleshop · 5 years
Happy Endings That Stick
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Happy Endings That Stick
Best of the Best and Worst of the Worst
I was rockin’ out to music on the way to our country dentist when the announcer broke in with results of a social media study, comparing positive and negative posts. He reported that the effects of a positive post lasts only a few seconds. In contrast, the effects of a negative post last much longer. And the negative posts always reflect poorly on the person who posts them. In other words, the bad memories tend to stick.
My son, Paul is 29 and lives on the mild to moderate end of the autism spectrum. We needed a dentist who participates with Medicaid. Paul had broken a second molar, by way of gnashing of teeth. You should see these back chompers now. The dentist made up some unbreakable composite of silver.
Paul manages quite well, actually. All things considered, his tics and stimming.
Paul is the most regimented, disciplined athlete and the most spiritually intelligent person I know.
This time, the dentist visit was for me. I have TMD. That’s Temporomandibular Disorder. My jaw pops in and out of joint every time I open and close my mouth. The dentist says it’s caused by stress. Hmmm, as an autie parent, I wonder why?
For this piece, I’ll write both. The worst and the best. I’ll start with the bad news first.
When Paul was four, we had a great Christmas with him and his two younger brothers, back in 1994. He was so engaged, so conversational, so with us, through the cookie making, the candy canes on the tree, the two bikes with training wheels, (“Scotty gotta bike too!” Paul said of his younger brother). He shared. He partied. He was in the Christmas spirit. But then, the day after Christmas, he shut down. He didn’t talk for three days. Three long days. That was a worst.
Later, knowing Paul wasn’t ready for conventional school, I homeschooled him. I was expecting our fifth child, (we have six), and I realized that we’d hit a plateau. He wasn’t reading. I was afraid that not only would he stagnate in academics, but that he’d start rolling back down the hill. I enrolled him halfway through the year in a private school for kindergarten, even though he was, age-wise, a first-grader.
So when he entered first grade at the public school, he was in the same class as his younger brother, Scott, who was the neurotypical six-year-old.
A close second for the worst moment was when I got the notes after the first day of first grade. In harried scrawl, I read with trembling hands,“He doesn’t pay attention! Won’t focus!” As if Paul were doing it on purpose. Needless to say, I expected the notes, but they still broke my heart.
Back then, I didn’t know that autism ranged from mild to severe. I thought you either had autism or you didn’t. You know, like the movie “Rainman”?
At eight years old, Paul was then tested and enrolled in a super-duper special-ed program the following January. He learned to read in a special portable classroom, with two teachers who taught only five boys, Paul’s age.
We’ve been through a lot. We’ve grown. Paul has grown. And we are proud.
Paul now 29, lives with us. We are his legal guardians. He doesn’t drive. He wants a girlfriend, but that isn’t possible. He struggles with OCD, real bad. He’s battled depression and anxiety that hits a 10 on the Richter scale. Every day is a challenge. Our other children promise that someday when my hubby and I are too feeble to drive Paul around, they will care for him.
Now, because I like happy endings, I’ll share with you the best of the best.
Paul is an elite runner. He runs 5Ks, 10Ks, and half-marathons. When he was in high school, he and his two brothers were all on the same cross-country team and they won the North Carolina 1A class state championship. That was a best moment.
Then there are the everyday best moments. Two come to mind. The first is when Paul climbs the stairs every morning on his way to the coffee pot, making the sign of the cross, touching his forehead, chest, and shoulders from left to right, and says, “Lord, please bless me today.”
When he sits down to his microwaved gluten-free meals every day (which he fixes by himself), he prays, “Bless us O Lord, in these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, AMEN!”
But here is the Best of the Best:
I wrote a book called Paul’s Prayers: A Mother’s Account of Raising an Autistic Son.
It was published in March of 2018. When I brought home an advanced reader’s copy to show Paul, I felt a bit of trepidation about how he’d react. He saw himself pictured on its beautiful sky blue cover. I’d taken the photo from the inside of a lifeguard stand, where Paul’s back is towards me, on the beach. When I said, “I have something to show you,” and pulled the book out from behind my back, he pointed to his picture, saying, “That’s me!” Then he pointed to the title and said, “My prayers!” Then he said, “No Mom, really, that’s amazing.” Then he hugged me.
So, yes, the negative, the darkness seems to swallow up the light, a lot of the time. It’s a struggle to crawl out of the pit. I don’t need to tell you, my reader, that the light is a climb. But I will remind you that it’s a climb worth climbing.
It’s a struggle to crawl out of the pit, but it’s worth climbing. -@susanswims8 Click To Tweet
Let’s live there a little, every day. Because the best of Paul helps the worst of autism seem not so bad. Let’s let that stick.
Copyright 2019 Susan Anderson
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