#picnic broadway
onceuponastory · 2 years
shades of blue - hal carter x reader
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Plot: Loving Hal Carter was all the colours of the rainbow. Especially blue. Pairing: Gardener!Hal Carter x Female!Reader Warnings: Very slight, implied smut with Hal and Reader. It’s blink and you’ll miss it, but still: 18+ only please. Notes: My first Hal Carter fic is here! Thank you to @late-to-the-party-81, who beta read this for me!
Y/N always used to see her life in shades of grey. 
Then again, that was because she spent every week of her life at country clubs and dinner parties with her stepfather and her mother, both of them searching for a dull, rich husband so Y/N could continue the cycle. 
How could it not be boring? 
But then, she met her family’s new gardener, Hal Carter, and Y/N’s world became filled with colour, because being loved by Hal was like every colour in the rainbow.
Red was for the excitement of sneaking around behind her family’s back without being caught, because god forbid a rich girl finds love with someone below her standing. It was for the passionate nights they shared, screaming each other's names over and over, not caring who heard them. Red was also the colour that Hal’s cheeks turned when Y/N walked past him wearing a sundress exposing just the right amount of skin. It was also the colour of lipstick she wore the first time he took her out on a date…that also ended up covering Hal’s cheeks and neck.
Orange and yellow were for the sunny days she spent in the garden, watching Hal as he worked. They were for the afternoons spent laying together amongst the grass and flowers, spending time in each other’s presence as the sun warmed their skin and bones. And those colours signified the happiness Y/N and Hal felt when they could be together. Together, both were free to be in love with each other. With Hal, she could be herself without fear of judgement from her family or peers. 
Similarly, green was for the garden, one of Hal’s favourite places to be. Green was also for the flowers Hal gave her, bouquets of different varieties and sizes filling her room, all full of colour. Just like the life Hal gave to her. 
Pink was for her and Hal’s romantic love, and the compassion and reassurance they gave to each other. Y/N promised Hal that she loved him despite his inability to provide for her as much as her rich peers could. Hal told her she was worth more than how her family treated her. Pink was for the soft kisses Hal gave her on her cheeks, nose and lips. And it was for the promises he gave her - he’d take her away from this life, and that they’d live happily together forever.
Black was the colour of the night sky that she and Hal were under when they had to say goodbye before her family came home. Both of them tried to draw out more time with the other, even though they knew doing so could result in them being caught. But neither of them cared. Black was the colour of many of her elegant evening gowns. The same ones that Hal took off of her almost every night, the sensation of his skin brushing against hers sending shivers across her entire body. It was also the colour of the seats of Hal’s car, the ones her fingernails scratched every time Hal thrust into her. 
But most of all, loving Hal was blue. The blue of his eyes that sparkled so brightly every time he saw her. He was wearing a blue shirt the first time they met. The blue of his jeans that she wanted to peel off of him every time she saw him. Blue for the peace that being with Hal gave to Y/N.
And blue was for the feeling of despair Y/N and Hal had when her mother and stepfather discovered their relationship. It was blue for the pain of Hal being fired and sent far away from her. For all the tears she cried over him, and the guilt she felt for not standing up for him enough. The pair of eyes she’d never see again were blue. Blue was for how empty she felt without having him beside her.
But, as Y/N’s world faded back to grey without Hal, something arrived that changed everything. 
Blue was for the stamp in the corner of Hal’s letter, telling her he never stopped loving her and that if she felt the same, to come find him. She packed a blue suitcase to leave her old life and start again with Hal. Blue was for the something blue she wore at her and Hal’s wedding day. Blue was for the colour of their new home, and the colour of their new baby’s nursery.
And blue was for the colour of the sky each new day Y/N and Hal spent together.
Taglist: @navybrat817, @jobean12-blog, @beach-daydreaming, @hallecarey1
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leyaskwlkr · 4 months
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Did I just watch a broadway theatre Play, that was filmed by someone from the middle row on Youtube just to see more of this eye candy ? Uhhh yes of course!!!!
if you want to sweeten roughly 2h of your life picnic is a must watch.
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thebluemage · 5 months
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starredshield · 1 year
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Sebastian Stan on broadway
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
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Oohh hal Carter my beloved.
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tinajoweiss · 11 months
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Thrift find 😍😍😍😍
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levisfavoriteteashop · 6 months
aot men and where they would take you for a date
with: levi ackerman, armin arlert, eren yeager, jean kirschtein and erwin smith
levi ackerman
levi is the type of guy that dislikes being basic and takes you out to a movie theater or something like that, so i can totally picture him taking you on more classy dates. he would definitely take you to an art museum, or to a play, like a show on broadway. I also picture levi taking you to a christmas market, or to an adorable small bakery, where he can also share tea with you. lastly, he’s the type to invite you to a dance, a real evening dance. levi is definitely not the type to just hang out with you at his place, when he wants a date he puts everything in it. 
armin arlert 
armin is a total sweetheart, and it is not surprising that he likes nature dates. I picture that he’d take you out on a picnic by the beach or in a field of flowers during summer and spring. During fall, he’d go to a pumpkin patch with you and in winter he’d definitely go ice skating with you, even though he may not be the best at it. he absolutely loves spending hours with you out there in the cold, watching how your nose and cheeks grow rosy because of the cold, and he would warm you up by giving you light pecks on the tip of your nose
eren yeager
eren is probably a little basic, he would take you out to a movie theater or to a restaurant. however that doesn’t mean that he puts little effort in it, because he pays attention to what you like or not, and he wants to make sure that it’s the perfect date for you. For example, when you go to a restaurant, eren would harass the staff to make you your favourite meal, even if it’s not on the menu. this boy is also the type to take you to the movie theater to watch a scary movie, because he hopes that you’ll get scared and cling to him for comfort. It may be a classic thing to do on a date, but eren still manages to make it adorable for you. even when you simply hang out at his place, eren will organise many things for you to enjoy, like baking together, or even drawing, despite the fact that his skills are very questionable in that matter.
jean kirschtein
jean definitely wants a date where the two of you can have fun and spend time together. of course he’s always down to go to a fancy restaurant with you or to just watch movies and cuddle, but he also likes to be adventurous. I feel like he would take you to an amusement park, and you two would end up clinging to each other while going down a rollercoaster. jean is also the type of boy to spend his money on a fair game, where he could win you a big stuffed toy. finally, jean would probably take you stargazing in a field at night, which is his idea of a perfect calm date.
erwin smith
i can picture erwin taking you on dates where the only purpose is spoiling you. i mean that he could take you on a shopping spree, and buy you all of your expensive jewellery and clothes. erwin would also book a spa massage for the two of you to enjoy. he would also bring you gifts and flowers every time he’d take you out, because the man loves spoiling you. finally, if the two of you want to go on a more creative and interesting date, erwin would probably take you hiking, or he would teach you different new sports. during the winter, the man would gladly go sledding with you, or even just take a walk in a snowy forest.
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txtaetertots · 10 months
48. the promposal
[ synopsis ] choi beomgyu has spent his entire senior year slacking off and causing mischief. but, due to his inattentiveness, his slacking off went too far and if he doesn't improve the grade in his literature class he'll guarantee himself a seat in summer school. yn has big dreams to be on stage and star on broadway. however, she needs to impress recruiters with one last production as the lead in order to earn herself a spot in a new york based school. when beomgyu's literature teacher makes him join their drama club for extra credit, their futures quickly become intertwined and dependent on each other.
[ notes ] it’s happening at last 🥹
taglist (CLOSED): @heyanonymous123 @flrtsbin @anonella22 @chocorenchin @gyuszie @flowerbe0m @kaikamalover @n034sy @iactaid @suzirumas @pupkashi @choi-beomgyulvr @hearts4hanni @naveries @wccycc @wonioml @burminq @a55hie @wildesreblogs @kaewonie @online--princess @alixox @minkyungseokie @moa4lifeee @yeehawnana @peakaboostuff @txtistheloml @sieuneo @weyrrii @cookiehaos @vianna99 @akari-saka13 @crystal-jellies @veryjeongintxtkid @reiloml @mystiicturtle @sirpoopsalot @certifiedmoa @l0ve-joy @woncheecks @hellohuening @rainbowszi @yeonie137 @neoculturewhat @solstramaii @tocupid @cha0thicpisces @koeuh @iwaplant @lemons4u
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Tonight was the night.
YN had planned this night down to every last possible detail. From her outfit, the path they would take, the order in which they’d eat the picnic she prepared, to even which patch of grass they’d lay their blanket on. To say she was nervous was an understatement. If she could describe the way her palms were sweating and ears ringing, she’d say she was likely petrified.
Confessions aren’t the easiest things to do. You’re putting yourself in a vulnerable position by laying all your feelings and emotions down to someone and not knowing what reaction they would have was the scariest part. YN has been assured many times by her friends and members of the club that Beomgyu must have genuine feelings for her. No one could ignore the way his face lit up whenever she entered the room. Or, the way he’d smile like a lovesick fool as he watched her perform. He stuck beside her like gum at rehearsals. His feelings were obvious.
But, YN still had her doubts. She hasn’t experienced being in a relationship throughout high school. She wasn’t sure what signs to look for to determine whether or not someone liked her back. From the beginning, Beomgyu and her both stressed the fact that everything they did was part of the plan to get comfortable with acting as a couple on stage. And their plan worked beautifully. Everyone became obsessed with their dynamic both onstage and off. They had a connection anyone with sense could see.
So, when she was planning her daring promposal with Yunjin, she knew she wanted to pay homage to the place that started it all. The Han River.
Their first “date” was at the Han River, Beomgyu’s favorite place to take his dates. He always chose it because it allowed him to connect with the girls he was seeing. But, no one has ever come close to giving him the same feeling his ex-girlfriend Jieun gave him. Jieun was his first love and the first girl he bared his heart and soul to. Even though it’s been nearly over two years since they broke up, Beomgyu thought about her constantly. It wasn’t until he met YN did he begin to think about her less and less. Eventually, all he could think about was YN. Her smile. Her laugh. Her hair. Her skin. Her voice. Her perfume. Her.
Even at this moment as they walked side by side down the same path they took on their first “date”, all he could do was stare at her. Even when she pointed her phone camera at him, he was looking only at her. All he wanted to do was take in every last moment he had with her while he had the chance.
It wasn’t until they arrived at their destination did Beomgyu realize what was going on. He noticed the path they took, the patch of grass they set up on, and the outfit YN wore. It was just like their first date. He sat beside YN on the blanket, a wide grin on his face as he watched her set up the picnic she brought along.
“What’s all this?” He asked, tone full of wonder.
“I thought it would be really special if we recreated our first date as our last,” YN replied, displaying a shy smile as she tried to avoid looking at Beomgyu as she explained. “We barely knew each other then, but now, I feel like I’ve known you my whole life. It’s like coming full circle, no?”
Beomgyu had an expression of utter amazement on his face. She put so much effort into this final “date”. He was touched she went through all this trouble for them. It made the moment even sweeter.
They ate the picnic spread, enjoying laughs and deep conversation. There were a lot of things Beomgyu loved about YN. But, her laughter was one of the best. Knowing she was happy made him feel better about everything that’s been going on the last few weeks. Even though he was miserable trying to figure out what to do about his heart, it brought him peace of mind knowing she was doing just fine.
“So, did you enjoy being a drama kid these last two months?” YN asked, happily popping a grape in her mouth. Beomgyu huffed a laugh, leaning back on his hands on the blanket. He thought for a moment before turning his head to look at YN facing him, legs crossed and the container of grapes in her lap.
“I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would,” he confessed, gaze lingering on the slight blush spreading across YN’s cheeks.
“Uhm,” YN cleared her throat, brushing off her palms before reaching into her picnic bag for the last item she prepared. Beomgyu sat up straight, adjusting his body to face her. She pulled out a green bento box like the kind she always brought for their lunch sessions.
Her fingers fiddled with the lid, hands shaking slightly as she placed the box on her lap. She looked up at Beomgyu, curiosity painted his face. “I brought you something special,” she said.
Beomgyu smiled, taking the box from her hands and holding it in his own lap. He gently propped open the lid, the smile on his face faded as he looked at the contents of the bento.
Four pieces of kimbap lined up; and, on each, a piece of seaweed lettering cutout and placed to spell: PROM?
He looked up at her, eyes wide. YN could feel her chest begin to cave in on itself, the nerves too much to cope with. She took a deep breath, hands reaching down to grip the blanket for some kind of support. It was now or never.
“Ah, I, I uhm,” YN stuttered. Beomgyu reached out, grabbing her hand from the blanket and held it in his own. He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles, trying to relax her. She gripped his hand, taking one last deep breath before finally coming clean.
“Beomie, I like you,” She confessed, locking eyes with him. “I wasn’t sure whether or not this was just a proximity thing or if I was just too far into this whole situation we’re in. But, now I’m sure. I’m sure that once this is all over, I still want to be close to you. I still want to talk to you and see you like how I do now. I really like you, Choi Beomgyu.”
No turning back. YN fought the urge to run away before hearing what he had to say. The uncertainty in his expression was scary, and she didn’t know what he was thinking.
“Prom is the next big school event after the spring production,” she continued. “It’s a good chance for us to be together and figure out if this is worth pursuing. But, honestly, I think I already know it is.”
Beomgyu remained silent. His shock rendered him speechless. He tried to process everything at once. Now he knows YN feels the same. She’s asking him to prom. She wants to pursue what they could have together, just like him. She wants to be with him the way he wants to be with her. It couldn’t have been made easier for him to decide what to do.
YN anxiously awaited his response, her face hot from the blush. His silence felt like an eternity although it was less than a minute. Within that minute, the mere sound of the river waves and people conversing around them only amplified YN’s uneasiness. But, as Beomgyu adjusted himself, parting his lips slightly, she felt her hope start to flourish. She couldn’t help the way her smile widened, anticipating the answer she had imagined receiving all week.
“YN,” He said softly. His grip on her hand slowly released. “We can’t.”
Her smile dropped almost in an instant. The color from her face draining, gaze falling down to the bento in Beomgyu’s lap. Her vision became hazy as tears began pooling at the brim of her eyes. The sting took her attention off the sound of her own heart-shattering.
“I’m so sorry,” Beomgyu practically whispered. “But, we’re just… not compatible.”
He couldn’t stop thinking about what Yeonjun told him. He was right and Beomgyu hated it. YN’s future was bright, and she couldn’t possibly get to where she belonged if Beomgyu was in her way. He decided there was just no room for him in her future. He thought it would hurt less to follow through with his original plan of stopping things before they manifested into something greater. But, what he didn’t expect was YN taking the leap to ask him to prom and confess. And, as he watched the tears streaming down YN’s face, Beomgyu felt a pain he could barely fight through.
This wasn’t the response YN had been anticipating. Everyone around her had been so sure that Beomgyu felt the same, and she even though she had her doubts, she started to think just maybe it was true. But here she was, sitting in front of him with tears in her eyes as he rejected her promposal in the most gentle way he could. Even then, he was doing his best to be so incredibly kind and attentive to her. And somehow, that just hurt more.
“No, I’m sorry,” YN choked out, wiping her face with her palms. “I should’ve known better than to buy into the act we were putting up. How embarrassing.”
YN tried to laugh it off through sniffles, but the tears just kept coming.
“Wait, YN, that’s not what I meant,” Beomgyu puled. He pushed aside the bento box, trying to reach out to her. But, YN held her hands up, stopping him. She shook her head and began collecting her things.
“It’s okay, Beomgyu, you don’t have to explain,” She sniffled, avoiding eye contact as she got herself up on her feet. “Let’s just leave it at this.”
Beomgyu winced, hearing her refer to him by his full name in that tone. “Where are you going?” His voice was desperate, arm still reaching out to her, hoping she wouldn’t go.
“I think it’s time to call it a night,” She sighed, wiping her last tear. “I’ll see you at opening night. Good luck.”
She walked away, leaving Beomgyu on the blanket alone. He fought back his own tears as he watched her go. There was just no other way this could have ended. It was good it ended. Wasn’t it? This way she can go to New York without worry like she originally planned. This way the distance wouldn’t distract her the way it would him. This way she could focus on her career, reaching the stage she was meant to be on. This way… Beomgyu wouldn’t have to say goodbye to her the way he had to say goodbye to Jieun.
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[ note 2 ] i am so sawry
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fionajames · 3 months
A/N: Hello guys!!! I decided I'd send a list of various prompts for you guys to send me as requests. Absolutely anyone is free to use this! There are one word, dialogue, idea and song prompts!!!
One word prompts
Song prompts
not strong enough (boygenius)
meet me in the woods (lord huron)
cherry wine - live (hozier)
sweet tooth (cavetown)
1979 (smashing pumpkins)
bloodhound (the foxing)
rory (the foxing)
still feel (half alive)
best friend (rex orange country)
be nice to me (the front bottoms)
wires (the neighbourhood)
running with the wolves (AURORA)
the night we met (lord huron)
i’d rather be alone (boodahki)
cocaine jesus (rainbow kitten surprise)
romantic homicide (d4vd)
duvet (bôa)
breezeblocks (alt-J)
me and the devil (soap&skin)
heavydirtysoul (twenty one pilots)
father (the front bottoms)
waterfalls coming out of your mouth (glass animals)
genesis (grimes)
devil like me (rainbow kitten surprise)
rockstar (boywithuke)
bad habit (steve lacy)
my ordinary life (the living tombstone)
notorious (neoni)
nothings new (rio romeo)
lighthouse (the waifs)
step on me (the cardigans)
inside out (duster)
the man (taylor swift)
mind over matter (young giant)
rises the moon (liana flores)
sparks (coldplay)
mama’s boy (dominic fike)
way down we go (kaleo)
evergreen (richy mitch & the coal miners)
yorktown - the world turned upside down (original broadway cast of hamilton)
i love you so (the walters)
505 (arctic monkeys)
labour (paris paloma)
worldstar money - interlude (joji)
willow (taylor swift)
leave a light on (tom walker)
pretty boy (the neighbourhood)
lovers rock (tv girl)
the last great american dynasty (taylor swift)
you’re on your own kid (taylor swift)
ho hey (the lumineers)
stubborn love (the lumineers)
dear arkansas daughter (lady lamb)
watching him fade away (mac demarco)
o children (nick cave & the bad seeds)
Idea prompts
running through wheat fields
running through garden hose droplets
dancing in the rain
walking in the bush
splashing in the sea
horse riding
rolling down grass fields
trekking through forest
swimming in forest creeks
rock hopping
daisy chains and crowns
collecting wood for fire
bonfire at night
walking on abandoned highways and roads
lighthouse exploring 
cartwheeling and playing in fresh grass
morning dew and crisp morning air
dirt under your nails
tree climbing
abandoned towns
walking on train tracks
wooden boats
island exploring
baking in then morning quiet
watching movies very late at night
staying up late at sleepovers
corn mazes
wheat fields
frozen lakes
frozen forests
paper planes
jam jars
friendship bracelets
barbed wire fences
blood dripping on tiles
scratchy vinyl music
empty dark cold nights
canine teeth
fireflies in fields
camp cabins
sea shanties
sibling play fighting/rivalry (blood or not)
road trips with loud music
picnic dates in the forest
busy arcades
bookstore dates - the smell of old books
playing soft acoustic guitar in nature
playing fiddle and dancing around campfires
laying in bed awake
Dialogue prompts 
“please kill me”
“i’m everything you can not control”
“i am the monster you created”
“am i that easy to forget?”
“i will never hesitate to put my life on the line for you”
“stars can not shine without darkness”
“i miss the old you”
“remember who you are”
“please don’t leave”
“listen here pal”
“how much is enough”
“i remember smiling the whole way home”
“i never told you i was falling in love”
“do you want to go wander around aimlessly?”
“you still feel like home”
“no matter what, you’re still my brother”
“i could never hate you”
“let me help”
“help me, please”
“we’re just kids”
“water is so exciting with straws”
“i can’t stop thinking about you”
“get in the blanket fort”
“when they smile, i forget how to breathe”
“platonic love is just as important”
“i’m homesick for a place i’m not sure is real”
“smile more, it looks beautiful on you”
“runaway with me” 
“dance with me?”
“come back to bed”
“your bleeding on my floor”
“stars sparkle in your eyes”
“sarcasm is a weapon”
“can we just go back?”
“i miss how it used to be”
“hold me”
“any closer to them and i’ll kill you”
“i’ll be by your side forever”
“are you ok?”
“it’s going to be okay”
“i’m going to cry, but happy tears”
“can i crash on your couch?”
“we’ve got more than two people crashing in our house”
“i belong with you”
“you’re my soulmate” 
“hold my hand, please?”
“they smile when you message them”
“i want to live”
“sing to me”
“we’re finally home”
A/N: @techs-goggles9902, @skellymom
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thebluemage · 10 months
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vintagestagehotties · 2 months
Hot Vintage Stage Actress Round 1
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Dame Diana Rigg: Natella Abashwili in The Caucasian Chalk Circle (1957 York Theatre Royal); Cordelia in King Lear (1964 Royal Shakespeare); Viola in Twelfth Night (1966 Royal Shakespeare)
Sandra Church: Madge Owens in Picnic (1953 Broadway); Gypsy Rose Lee in Gypsy (1959 Broadway); Robin in Under the Yum Yum Tree (1960 Broadway)
Propaganda under the cut
Diana Rigg:
a sexy bond girl who quote unquote radiated a lustrous beauty
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Sandra Church:
Nominated for the Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical (1959)
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
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random ej caswell headcanons because he's one of my favorite characters:
(these all make sense, i promise)
plans intricate and cute dates (his favorite type of dates are picnics in the park)
his love language is acts of service (because i said so)
knows how to braid hair due to ashlyn teaching him (he can do every style of braid there is)
^so he won't even flinch if his partner (or wildcat friends) asks him to do their hair
would've 100% become a big brother figure to emmy if they had met earlier
either has 20/20 vision or desperately needs glasses (and either refuses to get them or he wears contacts at all times)
he loves broadway shows and kept a collection of playbills hidden in his room so cash wouldn't find them (now he has them in his dorm room, on a bookcase, cause he's organized)
^the water polo boys didn't care for broadway so he regularly infodumps on the wildcats (mainly ricky because he's never seen a broadway show)
because he has light eyes, the sun bothers him a lot so he regularly wears baseball caps or tries his best to stand under trees (the latter doesn't work much, because he keeps hitting his head on branches)
^carlos has been trying to introduce him to the concept of bucket hats and has gifted him a few
absolutely hates water polo, he was only on the team because cash said he had to find a sport to play (he can play almost every sport the school had to offer though, he just didn't care about them as much as theater)
can speak fluent french (he gives that vibe) and is working on learning the other romance languages
he's 1/4 latino (his mom is half and passing and was adopted by white people so cash thought none the wiser because you can't tell me that cash isn't a little racist) but either doesn't know or doesn't think it's worth mentioning
hates playing truth or dare but loves hearing about things that went down when others play (basically he loves gossip but not if it's about him)
can either cook like gordon ramsay or burns everything he attempts to make
he's great at faking like he knows what he's talking about UNLESS he's stressed and/or people absolutely know that he doesn't (so season 3 with the director nonsense)
has never gotten a pimple a day in his life (the wildcats are not happy about this)
this is getting long so i'm gonna stop here but i'll do a part 2
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crushcardvirus · 1 year
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thank you yugioh gx for showing us crowler and bonaparte's picnic date to watch jaden duel a kabuki/broadway actor. i've always loved the way they loved
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allysunny · 5 months
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♫ now playing bubblegum bitch by marina and the diamonds ♫
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hello! welcome to my blog!
here's my masterlist! come check out my writing!
my name is allison, i'm 20 years old, i'm from europe and i love a lot of things!
my passions in life are music (i am a musician!), books and art. i play the guitar, the ukulele and the piano!
i love musical theatre and my dream in life is to be on broadway someday. i'm working hard to achieve that dream!
i've been writing fanfiction for a few years, but only started posting in 2023. in this blog, i'll be sharing some of my writing, which i hope you'll enjoy! i'm a very big hopeless romantic, so it might reflect a bit in my fics, hahaha.
i like music, books, art, makeup, fashion, singing, self care, spring, pink!!!!, going to the beach, having picnics, hanging out with my friends, playing my instruments, talking with people, making friends...
i dislike tomatoes (ew!), mushrooms, rude people, racism, homophobia, spiders, people who tell me i'm too sensitive
here's some of my favourites!
books: The Night Circus, The Caraval Trilogy, Pride and Prejudice
anime: Your Lie in April, Violet Evergarden, Death Note
movies: Howl's Moving Castle, Dead Poets Society, Scent of a Woman
songs: Kiss from a Rose, Hall of Fame, Everything Burns
i look foward to sharing some of my art in here! i love reading fanfiction, i believe there are so many talented authors out there, and i can't wait to share my ideas and thoughts!
i hope you'll like them!
༊*·˚ ally
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