#photography crazy girla
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●Thinking about all the cookies i can not eat (-_-;)
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There are days when i want to do things that Make me happy .
i want to reward my body and soul .
There are days when things that usually make me happy make me very miserable and i just want to hide from the world .
Some days start with me thinking i could conquer the world . I can do this and end up with the world conquering me But all these days become a part of my story whether it be Good or Bad .
I accept them and thank them for every little experience that makes me Who I Am .
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Meh absorbing art ♥
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I’ll openly admit that when it comes to my photos there is plenty room for improvement. I need to work on angling, editing, photographic content and learning how to pick out the one ‘good’ photo from an album crammed of ‘bad’ ones. But surely that’s the case for everybody? Nobody can actually take a picture and claim it is perfect because what is one person’s caviar is another person’s poison.  Which really gets me thinking…
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Hey, Found the Keys, reopening the Gate to my Blog
Its been a while!
I know that about few decades ago I wrote (what I thought was to be) a final post.
Well, time has passed, and a few things have come along that have inspired me to re-open the gate to my blog.
First, for my friends out there (and that's on the assumption that anyone is still following my blog),
Inspiration in life comes in many forms.
I think for many (including yours truly)  knowing that you are not alone in your journey provides a means to uplift you and give you  that little umph you need to carry on towards your goal.
Although this blog started out to be a Lazily Collection, as I look back it took on many life events (from elation to devastation).
Life is a very strange journey and does not follow a template gameplan (except of course in fairy tales and to be frank fairy tales have a dark side these days).
So why am I re-starting the blog?
In this day and age of twitter, FB, and other mechanisms of technology instant gratification, I find blogging to be very therapuetic.  
It really does allow the conscious to process issues in the form of the written word.  
I find that reading  your own written word challenges you to ask yourself "is what I wrote truthful or is it what I want to be the truth?".
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Panorama night vision 💫
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It is better to create something that others criticize than create nothing and criticize others
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Some things are achieved differently. You cannot plan it out on how exactly you really wanted, but you wish for it so badly that you want it to happen immediately.
I myself don’t know how to go and catch my dream, but I think of it every day and always imagine how ironic it’s going to be once it’s in front of me. I yet to figure out how to open up to something and make this come true, but I know one day it will for me, and it's going to be very soon. Standing in front and looking what you always wished for…is going to bring out a special smile where you won’t be able to describe it. Staring at it and nothing’s going on in your head, without any works spoken…that is the feeling which will make you think yes! This is it. This is what I always dreamed of and I have it. Listen to your heart and it’s going to be in front of you one day. It's never ending.
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What is the purpose of the photography , wasted? 
Well, allowing for the rather drunk-Yoda-like phrasing of the question, I would say that the purpose of “wasted” photography is to get better at it. Practice, if you will. To quote Harry Callahan (the photographer, not Dirty Harry): “I photograph continuously, often without a good idea or strong feelings. During this time the photos are nearly all poor but I believe they develop my seeing and help later on in other photos.”
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Above is the image i shot at University campus . Idk who this man was but he helped me managing a picture for my write-up since i found him attractive while makin those puffs .
As they say smoking make their worries go up in smoke rings, even if temporarily. Its kiss on the lips, the first long drag, the crackling sound of burning leaves on inhalation, the chain of smoke on exhalation and the light-headedness that follows . It is delightful.
I think most smokers enjoy that momentary feel-good dearly. I sometimes fail to understand how despite knowing that smoking causes cancer, heart disease, lung disease, stroke, premature death, and what not, millions continue to smoke. Anyway, a teenager does not think he is going to smoke for the next 40 years and die of lung cancer. He obviously plans to smoke for a few months and then quit as easily as he had started.
Are you a smoker?” their answer to this question every time will be “No”. I smoke cigarettes occasionally , I never buy cigarettes with my own money rather share one with somebody who is already smoking. This is a crucial difference, according to me, between a smoker and a non-smoker. So, as a non-smoker, they continue smoking .That is gonna soon turn'em into smokers .
It will start with parties as occasions to smoke. Free booze and free cigarettes will come together as best buddies. Gradually the number of occasions will increase . A cigarette will be lit before an examination, or after a viva voce, or during a night out, or at the end of a running session, and so on. The list will keep growing on until reached that clichéd ‘chai-sutta’ situation.
Congratulations , you are successfully a helpess , now , which you never -ever planned to feel like .
As all good things have to come to an end. The good feeling that came with each drag will decrease in intensity and duration over the years. It will be replaced with foul breath, stinking clothes with holes in them, stained teeth, dark circles below the eyes, greying of hair, premature ageing, diminishing stamina, congested chest, choked throat in the morning, headaches on withdrawal, and of course, erectile dysfunction. While lung cancer will always be a potential threat, these are very much real and the last bit is the most frightening Though they think they are releasing problems through exhaling cigrette smoke .
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Yes ofcourse it hurts
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There's beauty in the mundane and everyday moments can be rendered into something special when people open their eyes and really look at the world with a creative perspective. This image was my shot of a Bachelor student of fine arts while painting & eating some snacks .
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Existential Crisis of a-20-year old in modern world
As I edged closer to 20, the sharp distinction between ‘young’ from the ‘young-adult’ has gotten a tad too real. It’s as though you’re being swept out to the edge of a cliff to be hanged dry, where climbing upwards seems to require too much effort and the easier option — dropping down like a sandbag — is like coaxing a vegetarian to sample chicken for the first time (“it will feel just like paneer in your mouth, trust me!”). You can never go back to who you were.
I realise this may sound like a very classic case of anxiety over approaching the next phase of your life. But, a combination of the ominous feeling of social insecurity and the strangulating sensation of waking up choking because someone switched off the fan as you slept is what turning 20 feels like. To me, at least.
As I thrash around in this ocean of first-world problems, riddled with low self-esteem, struggling to latch on to a sense of personal identity (especially in the Indian Household landscape) and coming to terms with drastically vacillating human relationships — the big question of CAREER erects itself before me in a scary manner .
Being ‘present in the moment’ is a popular idea. There’s a more important and broader concept of macro-presence, which blogger Tim Urban explains as feeling broadly present in your own life.
As Urban says, “The dreams of 7-year-old you and the idealised identity of 12-year-old you and the secret hopes of 17-year-old you and the evolving passions of your current self are all somewhere on the personal tentacle, each throwing their own little fit about getting what they want, and each fully ready to make you feel horrible about yourself with their disappointment and disgust if you fail them.”
This is also the age where there is a steep drop from naïve over-confidence to a more self-aware humility that washes ashore the realisation that wisdom is not correlated with knowledge. And as you are acquainted with reality, you hope the awakening isn’t too rude.
There are those who lucked out in the genetic lottery, blessed with innate talent and effortlessly able to figure out exactly what they want from their lives, and then there are others who rely on conventional wisdom, only to find it grow rapidly outdated in this fast-paced era we are living in. When it comes to the ‘Career Landscape’, though, I don’t believe people have really figured it all out.
A lot of individuals in my age-group often find themselves in similar tussles between the conventional career path and existential crisis. Infected by self-doubt, meaningless college GPA banter and the tendency to compare oneself with others, you begin to feel like a fly found in a soup, fated to be flicked away with apathy.
We live in a time bursting with opportunities, and there are few 40-year-long career tunnels anymore. It’s an era of “micro-job” engagement — people have the freedom to venture out in their own spaces and move out of corporate monotony. This is when it becomes important to learn how to navigate the murky waters of adulthood smartly.
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nothing i say will be new, and you know exactly what i want to say , anyway. Some days We are full of potential but other days , we are held back idk why ?May be because of our fixed mindset and limited thinking.
I Think for students, the mindset matters a lot as you are in your formative years. At your institute, you normally form a homogeneous group. I often think All the students in a class get the same education, and their social and economic backgrounds may not differ too much from each other then what is the differentiating factor that helps certain people do better and accomplish more? I think that's where a growth mindset comes in, enabling you to realise your full potential.
To develop a growth mindset, you need to be truthful to yourself. This means being sincere in whatever you do and keeping up promises you make to yourself. You have a growth mindset when you feel that challenges are learning opportunities. We grow when we face challenges. Being driven by self-motivation is another key quality. It is good to be inspired by others but not necessary to seek external approval and validation. The path you choose is your own, so validation and acceptance should come from within. Avoid fear of failure. Try to do your best. Failure is a part of life and it teaches us to do better. So above are the images i captured on spot for an on-spot theme photography compition , i took part in . Obviously i ended up not winning the contest . sometimes not succeeding is a part of growing up.i know i could have done better .
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Yesterday i was at an art exhibition "Art-Beat'18 " organized by University Fine Arts Club in collaboration with Hobbies Workshop . so thought of sharing some photos of beautifully canvassed majestic art-pieces from there
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