#peter kavinsky fanfiction
greta--gill · 11 months
when the feeling sinks in
Rating: T
Words: 2.6k
Status: 3/3
Instead of taking anything out of the fridge, Kitty calls her sisters. They should be in town by now – their flights were set to land an hour ago – and she could really use some more rational voices in her head. And, she really needs voices who know her well. Sometimes, Kitty feels like she doesn’t know herself at all.
It’s Margot that answers – LJ must have her phone on silent, she almost always does, lately – and Kitty suddenly can’t stop the words from coming, from explaining everything while also somehow explaining nothing, and how she needs to be picked up sooner rather than later. She doesn’t even realize that’s what she wants until the request is out of her mouth.
“We’ll be there as soon as we can,” Margot says gently.
“And then you can tell us the full story,” Lara Jean adds, knowing Kitty well enough that it’s pretty obvious to her that as much as she just talked, there are things she can’t quite bring herself to admit just yet.
“Thank you,” she says, quieter than she meant, and she can hear the unease on the other end of the line from her sisters as they hang up.
(Or, the last chapter.)
[read it on ao3]
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piesafterdark · 1 month
Chapter 3 pt. 1 of my XO, Kitty fic From new york, with love.
“You can’t come in.”
Under the streetlamps, people wandered about, clinging to friends and filling the streets with chatter. Aromas spilled out from restaurants’ doors and windows and into the snow, causing Kitty’s stomach to gurgle. A few doors down, a large group of women hooted and hollered as they stumbled into a bar.
“What do you mean we can’t come in? I just saw a guy on the street walk over and you let him in,” Kitty countered. 
Peter didn’t say anything, he knew her well enough to not interrupt.
“He knows part of the cast,” the bouncer stated. His shirt was stretched tight over his muscled chest but Kitty was not deterred.
“I know part of the cast—Lara-Jean Covey? She’s the assistant writer. We’re bringing refreshments.” Kitty pointed towards the cupholder in Peter’s hands.
“The cast and crew are provided refreshments.” 
“Yeah, that makes sense. But–” Kitty paused, searching for the right words. After a moment she began again. “Listen, I know you have a job, and I understand that, but it's almost Christmas and I haven’t seen my sister in like a year, so if you could please just let me see her for a minute I’d really appreciate that.”
He was lucky that she didn’t barge in through those doors to see her sister. After so much had gone wrong, she deserved something to go right, to have some light at the end of this endless tunnel.
“I can’t let you in. They’re about to start filming.”
“At eight p.m?” she deadpanned. 
“That’s fine, we can wait,” Peter interjected, “we’ll get out of your hair.”
The guy didn’t even have hair. 
The windows on the restaurant’s red brick face were lined with Christmas lights, tinting the glass with swathes of green and red while a Christmas tree inside blocked her view with its festive shimmer. 
Kitty sighed and allowed Peter to guide her away from the threshold. Just as she whipped out her phone to send Lara Jean a barrage of texts, the door opened with a jingle. 
On instinct, her head swiveled, eager to find her opening. If she was quick, she could duck past the bouncer before he had the chance to react. She could worm herself in, sprint across the set and urge Lara Jean to come home before he inevitably caught her. At least she would have tried. She just hoped this escapade would end differently than last time’s, which almost landed her with a criminal record.
Kitty halted before she could even try to move, wondering why it was Min Ho pushing the door open. 
He wore the same Gucci shirt he’d wore when they first met in the airport and held a hand by his head to protect his bangs from the wind. His skin glowed, dewier and clearer than ever, unhindered by stress or by her. She was pummeled—like an eighteen-wheeler slamming into her stomach—by just how much she missed mooching off of his skincare.
The snow crunched as he began to walk away, unbothered by her presence. Maybe he just didn’t see her? Or maybe it wasn’t Min Ho, just someone identical to him with a similar taste in fashion.
She wetted her suddenly chapped lips. “Min Ho?”
He stopped dead in his tracks. His head swiveled towards her and she was greeted with a confused, then shocked face. 
It was him. She’d recognize that face anywhere.
With cheeks flushed from the cold and bangs finally free to wave in the wind, he almost looked alluring. Almost. In comparison—with the wind, her bad mood, and the jetlag—she probably looked like a rat who had just drowned in the sewer.
Her hands slid over her sweatpants, suddenly conscious of her outfit. The jacket she wore was thick and shapeless, stolen from Lara Jean’s closet years ago. The shirt underneath was from her school’s drama department and was wrinkled from sleeping on the plane.
He should’ve been in Los Angeles, sprawled on a mountain of gifts while preparing for another semester at KISS. Or traveling across Europe, tasting cheeses and staying in hotels she’d only seen in Instagram pictures. Or at some tropical locale, a girl on each arm, spending little more than a second trying to forget her.  
“Do you two know each other?” the bouncer asked. His eyes flicked between them and his forehead creased with worry.
Min Ho answered “no” as she said “yes.” She glared at him. He glared back before realization flashed in his eyes and his gaze darted away. 
A lifetime ago, he’d told her that he loved her, and the memory still hung between them. But he was Min Ho, who had dated Madison for the only reason anybody dated Madison: long legs. Min Ho, who had always been staunchly anti-Kitty, who only helped her out of obligation, who only talked to her to add fuel to their feud. He was Min Ho. He should’ve been over it by now.
“We have two guests at the front,” the Bouncer said into his walkie-talkie,“knows Dami’s kid. Says she knows a ‘Lauren Jean Covey.’”
“Lara-Jean,” Peter corrected.
Kitty swung around to see Peter flashing the bouncer one of his best smiles. Out of the corner of his eye, he sent her a look that reeked of we’ll talk about this later and just wait until LJ hears about this.
“I’m sorry but I can’t let you in, they’re shooting,” the bouncer said, clipping his walkie-talkie onto his breast pocket. Where he had been brazenly uncaring, he now seemed apologetic.  “They’ll be done in thirty.”
“Thirty?!” Kitty exclaimed, aghast, just as Peter replied with an “okay, we’ll be back by then.”
The purposeful raise of his eyebrows made her sigh in resignation and turn back to her company.
Min Ho stood awkwardly in the corner of her eye, glancing everywhere but her. He tried to arrange himself in a way that communicated confidence, yet he just looked like a block tower shifting under childish hands. Everytime he awkwardly crossed and uncrossed his arms, everytime he examined his nails instead of her, her stomach squeezed. 
“Well,” Min Ho began, putting on an air of arrogance, “as fun as this little reunion has been. I have better places to be. Ta-ta, Kitty and friends.” With his final word, he made eye contact for a single, itchy moment. 
“The shoot ends in thirty minutes, but you're leaving without your mom?” Kitty wondered aloud, slowing her speech. “That’s cold, Min Ho.” She scrunched her eyebrows together for effect.
“She’s a big girl, she can take care of herself.” He crossed his arms and leaned back, sending a rush up her spine. The familiarity was stifling.
Behind her, Kitty heard the crunch of snow and Genevieve’s voice.
“What’s taking so long? Who’s this guy?” Genevieve murmured in Peter’s ear. Ugh.
“A classmate, I think,” Peter responded.
An idea clicked into place. 
“Listen, Min Ho, we’re both waiting for somebody and Peter”—she pointed to Peter— “knows a place with great cupcakes. All I’m saying is that we could wait together. We don’t even need to talk,” Kitty promised. She crossed her fingers in her heart.
Min Ho snorted. 
Snow fell around them, glowing red, yellow, and green from the Christmas lights. Chatter continued to fill the streets as the aroma of dinner wafted out of neighboring restaurants. Min Ho’s cheeks remained pink from the blistering wind, his hair now tousled with a mysterious boyish quality.
 Kitty’s heart pounded all around her: in the rhythm of the falling snow, in the cadence of a stranger’s speech, in the surety that the world would revolve around what to him was a slight, meaningless decision.
“Okay,” Min Ho finally said, still looking unsure.
“Great! Let’s go,” Kitty smiled, reveling in the lightness in her chest. The bouncer sighed in relief behind her.
Kitty just hoped that Peter actually knew a good bakery nearby.
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okoye92 · 1 year
Just read this little poetic nugget in a Covinsky (Lara Jean Song-Covey x Peter Kavinsky; from To All The Boys I've Loved Before) fanfiction.
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With all that I've been contemplating, this just resonated with me.
For everyone out there who's struggling - with mental health, trauma, physical illness, anything really... Maybe this will resonate with you too.
And, thank you to the author (@amillionsmiles on AO3) for this.
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frost-queen · 2 years
Middle of the night (Reader x Peter Kavinsky)
Requested by: Anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic​, @theletterhart​, @alex--awesome--22​, @elllie-does-the-posts​, @floatlosers​, @queen-of-books​, @merlieve​, @denkisclown​, @glimmering-darling-dolly​, @automaticbakeryfreakshoe​, @meyocoko​, @bubblybrianna​, @october-leaves​
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You didn’t even know why you were here, you didn’t even like parties. At least not the crazy one’s where people just got wasted till the cops came around. Yet you found yourself at Genevieve’s party. The music was blasting so loud, you could hardly hear any conversations. The lights dimmed that you almost tripped over a past out person on your way. The smell of alcohol was to gag for. How could anyone even enjoy those. They tasted like piss or something terribly gross. In every room where people dancing like crazy. Girls squealing loud in your ear as you past them. Putting your fingers in your ears, moved you around them. A bump here and there against you. 
You sighed deep looking around for a quiet place to sit. If it wasn’t for you being the designated driver, you would’ve left the party a while ago. You had literally lost your friend within the first five minutes you arrived at the party. Even though she promised to stay by your side at all times. She knew how introverted you were. Big crowds were not your thing.
You stumbled back just in time as a door swung open. Four football players came out, shouting and cheering loud. They left the door open as you wanted to close it. Your eyes fell inside the room, widening them with curiosity. What were four football players doing on a tiny toilet anyway? You peered inside, suddenly smelling an extreme cigarette sent. Ah of course, smoking. Closing the door quickly, proceeded you, your way around the house. You almost went unnoticed as people easily overlooked you. You ended up in the kitchen. On the table several bowls with chips. Walking around the table, plucked you a few chips to silence your stomach. A guy wanted to offer you some beer. You hastily denied, shaking your head with a mouth full of chips. Licking your lips and wiping your hands, went you on to the next room. Tugging your hands in your back pockets for a moment, overlooked you the room. Girls were dancing on the table, swaying their hips at the upbeat music.
In a corner spotted you a nice place to sit down. With your mind set on it, moved you swiftly towards it. Seating yourself down in a corner of a sofa, exhaled you content. You sat there watching the others, your head bopping a bit at a catchy song. It was fun while it lasted. As the songs progressed and the boredom kicked in, leaned you back in the sofa. Biting your lip, you wondered if you should take it out. Glancing up to everyone didn’t they seem to notice you. Knowing people wouldn’t even care, took you out the book you had been carrying in your purse. A pocket size novel, just small enough to fit in your purse. Smiling content, dived you right into the story. The party and the noise faded away as you got sucked in your own world. With a constant smile on your lips, were you taking in the words like a charm. The story captivating you and shielding you from the real world.
Peter high fived a guy he knew, laughing loud. He pointed at someone else who raised his cup at him. – “Peter!” – He turned around to see Genevieve make her way over to him. He inhaled sharply, preparing himself to talk to her. – “I have been looking everywhere for you.” – called she out, touching his chest. Peter touched his ear, looking around to avoid the question. – “Yeah… uh… I was all over the place.” – chuckled he out. – “No matter, I found you now.” – said Genevieve, her hand sliding up to his neck. 
Peter got startled by it, staggering back. – “Gen…” – called he out nervously, moving her hand away. Genevieve frowned. – “What’s the matter, Peter?” – asked she, tilting her head to the side. Her eyes narrowing a bit at him. It made her look even bitchier at him then usual. Peter swallowed deep. He spotted one of his friends, raising his hand to him. – “Hey!” – called he out. Peter moved past Genevieve as he had no interest into spending time with her. It was like she had forgotten that they had broken up. Peter was still hurting, not sure her intentions were pure or just out of desire.
He made his way through rooms without Genevieve following him. Exhaling deep felt he like escaping the beast. A girl came dancing up against him, making him smile at her for a moment. Vibing with her, moved he on. The girl running her hands through her hair, winking at him. Peter smiled wide, not engaging with her. He turned back around, almost bumping against someone. He was about to move to the next room as he suddenly spotted something. It was so unusual that he leaned back, trying to get a better view of it. Frowning with a smile, wondered he who it was. 
He made his way over, letting himself fall down in the seat beside you. He leaned in closer to you, frowning as if he was trying to catch your name. – “Y/n… you are Y/n, right?” – said he, pointing brief at you. You pulled your book down with a gasp. You squeaked loud, moving your book in front of your face at the sight of Peter. – “Y/n right… did I get it right?” – asked he again, wanting to be sure it was you. You nodded, lowering your book a bit. He smiled at how well he remembered your name. – “What are you doing here all alone?”
You smiled sheepishly, tugging some hair behind your ear. – “I…I…I didn’t think anyone would notice…” – mumbled you out. Peter exhaled deep, moving his hands behind his head, looking up at the ceiling for a moment. – “Are you on an interesting page?” – asked he, turning his face to you. You looked down at your book as if you had forgotten what you were reading. – “They were just about to…” – started you, Peter suddenly plucking your book from your hands. – “Good! I’ll keep this then.” – called he out, getting up. – “Hey!” – shouted you out, getting up as well. – “Give it back, Peter!” – you reached for it, Peter holding his hand against your face to prevent you from reaching it. – “I’ll take good care of it.” – chuckled he out as you gave up. 
He removed his hand from your face, smiling cheeky at you. He tucked the book in his back pocket of his pants. – “Be careful with it.” – said you, reaching for it one more time. – “I’ll take extra care.” – replied he. You squealed loud when he took your wrist, spinning you around. He pulled you close to him, bumping against his side, his arm sliding around your shoulders. – “You won’t leave my side till you’ve had some fun.” – whispered he to you, your head almost in his armpit. – “Reading was fun!” – bit you back at him annoyed. He laughed loud, walking around with you.
Peter leaded you to a not so secluded area where there was enough room to move around. He removed his arm from you, coming to stand before you. You stood still, nervously biting your lip. Peter was swaying his shoulders a bit to get you in the zone. – “Come on Y/n.” – said he, trying to get you to dance. You shook your head, your hands resting against your cheeks. Looking around, ignored you Peter as you felt like everyone was staring at you. Peter slowly removed your hands down, smiling at you. He started making faces whilst dancing to get you to laugh. He dramatically swayed with his body, bopping his head to the beat. 
You still weren’t moving, too shy to dance for so many people. – “They aren’t watching!” – called Peter out, leaning into you for you to surely hear. Pressing your lips together, shook you, your head again. Peter wasn’t going to take no for an answer, reaching for your hands. He took a hold of them, but you immediately pulled them back at his touch. Peter could tell this wasn’t working. – “Close your eyes Y/n.” – called he out over the loud music. You blinked confused to his request. – “Close your eyes.” – repeated he, lowering his head to you. – “Trust me.” – he let his forehead come in contact with yours.
You looked nervously around, not even wanting to close your eyes. – “Trust me.” – said he, his body still moving to the beat. You took a deep breath, closing your eyes. Peter pulled back, taking a moment to smile. You flashed your eyes open at the touch of his hands go around your waist. – “Peter!” – called you out, pushing him off you. His hands shot up in defense. – “I’m not going to do anything weird… just trust me.” – you crossed your arms, not taking the bait. – “Come on do you truly think I’m that kind of guy, Y/n?” – He tilted his head to the side with a loud hum. Of course you knew he wasn’t that kind of guy. Taking another deep breath, closed you, your eyes again. 
“I’m not going to do anything I promise…” – said he whilst slowly moving his hands towards your waist. You held your breath, your muscles pulling together at his touch. You exhaled in stutters, trying to compose yourself. You squeezed your eyes tighter shut at Peter’s body pressing against yours. Biting your lip, felt you his hand sway your hip in a direction. He swayed your other hip in the same direction, bringing some movement in your hips. He started slow, his upper body copying the movement. He started swaying your hips from side to side against his. His movement leading you. Wanting to have some grip, moved you, your hands up his back.
Peter started to mouth the lyrics of the song with a bit of sound. You laughed at that. The beat kicking in as you felt it slip through your body. With your eyes closed, could you focus more on the music. you mouthed out some of the lyrics to your own surprise. Peter opened his mouth in surprise that you were singing along as well. You were even swaying your shoulders, letting your head back a bit. Peter was smirking that you were finally having a bit of fun. He cheered loud, startling you. 
You shot your head back up, opening your hands with a hand pressed against his chest. Peter chuckled a bit guilty at ruining your dance moment. You were suddenly aware of your surroundings again, pushing Peter a bit back. – “No one was watching. I promise Y/n.” – you didn’t want to hear it, removing his hands from you. – “Can I have my book back now?” – you held your hand out to him. Peter thought for a moment, looking up to the ceiling. – “If I get to drive you home?” – suggested he, bending a bit down to equal your height. You sputtered words out, caught by surprise. – “Why would you do that?”
Peter quirked his eyebrow up. – “Cause I want to.” – answered he with a smirk. You exhaled deep, crossing your arms. – “Too bad I have to drive my friend home.” – informed you him with quirky smile. – “Not a problem for me at all.” – he curled up a smile that would make any girl go nuts. You kept staring at Peter, trying to figure out his purpose. A loud stumbling pulled your attention. A girl had fallen flat down on the ground, her leg up, laying against the table. Some guys were laughing, pulling their phone out to take pictures of it. Your eyes widened, seeing that it was your friend. Gasping loud, came you running over. Spreading your arms, you wanted to shield them from your friend. 
They kept laughing and taking pictures as it made you upset. – “Y/n…” – groaned your friend out from the floor. Peter came over as well, blocking the view of the guys. – “Alright show me your phone’s, right now!” – insisted he as you knelt down to help out your friend. – “Delete them now!” – heard you Peter call out in a stern tone. – “You okay Liz?” – asked you, helping her a bit up. – “I want to go home…” – said she, almost passing out again. You looked up to Peter, who looked down at you.
He helped you get her up to her feet. – “I’ve got it.” – said you once she was on her feet, leaning on you. Your knees were trembling from her weight as you almost laid yourself on the ground. – “I’m driving remember.” – replied he with a wink. He took your friend, moving her arm over his shoulder. Supporting her, took he her full weight on him. You cleared the path, pushing people aside. You swung the door open, leaving the party. Your ears sounded weird as if there was a prop in it. – “My car is just over there.” – stated you, pointing forwards. Liz made a gaging sound as Peter widened his eyes. She leaned her entire body towards the grass. 
You rushed to his side, moving that side of her body back up. – “Not here Liz, please not here.” – whispered you at her. Genevieve would be pissed if someone vomited in her front yard. You let go of Liz once near your car. You quickly unlocked it, opening the backdoor to her. Peter helped her sit down and get comfortable. – “Thanks, Peter!” – exclaimed you, shutting the door on her. Peter grinned, snatching the car keys from you. – “Like I said, I’m driving.” – reminded he you. Rolling your eyes at him, let you have his way.
Peter got behind the wheel as you came sitting in the front with him. He started the car, looking over his shoulder to your friend who was mumbling to herself half unconscious. – “Where to?” – you gave him her address. He started to drive off slowly, making sure she wouldn’t puke in your car. – “You really didn’t have to do that.” – said you after a while. – “Well, I…” – he stopped midsentence, moving his butt up. He pulled out your book from his back pocket that clearly had been bugging him whilst sitting on it. – “I believe this is yours.” – said he, handing it to you. You accepted it, tugging it away in your purse. Liz was groaning from the backseat, making you turn your head at her. – “If you must go, let me now alright.” – you for sure didn’t want her to vomit in your car. 
It wasn’t even yours; it was your dad’s car. You would be death if something happened to it. Peter focused on the road as you leaned against your arm, gazing out of the window. Peter bit his lip a bit, gazing at you. You kept pulling his attention towards you. He was admiring you. Liz mumbled some words. – “Y/n…” – groaned she out, clutching onto her stomach. You lifted your head a bit up, having dozed a bit off. – “Y/n…” – repeated she, suddenly moving her hand to her mouth. You heard her gaging sound, making you widen your eyes. – “Stop the car!” – yelled you out.
Peter pulled his attention to the front, hitting the brakes fast. Your body shot a bit forwards as the car came to a stop. Removing the seatbelt from around you, jumped you out of the car. You opened her car door, clicking her seatbelt off. Peter had come out of the car as well, rushing around to your side. You helped Liz out of the car as Peter assisted. Liz swung her arm around, one hand over her mouth. She made way as Peter, and you took a step back. She stumbled to the side of the road, bending down. You rushed to her side, holding her hair out of the way. She emptied her stomach on the side of the road. 
Peter staring at the road. – “Peter, some tissues!” – ordered you. He got in motion, rushing to your side of the car. He searched in your purse for tissues, coming across your phone. He pushed it aside, finding the tissues. Peter rushed back to you, handing them over. You gave a few to Liz, to wipe her mouth clean. – “Thank you, Y/n.” – cried Liz out. You patted her on the back, letting her know it was nothing. Once feeling better, seated Liz herself back in the car.
“Sorry you had to see that.” – said you, standing with Peter just behind the car. – “Nah it’s all good.” – answered he, his hands tugged inside his jacket’s pockets. – “Your very sweet.” – confessed you, blowing on your hands for some warmth. Peter removed his hands out of his pocket, grabbing for yours. He pulled you closer to him, tugging your hands in his pockets. You glanced up to him in wonder. – “You might think you don’t stand out… but you do to me, Y/n.” – your lips parted a bit, gaping at him. – “Peter…” – whispered you out. He leaned down with his head, closer to yours. You would normally freak out for doing this, but the way Peter was gazing at you, made you beg for it. Biting your lip a bit, swallowed you gently. Peter’s eyes scanned your entire face, flashing up and down. 
He came leaning in closer, the space between the two of you thinning out. You started to reach up to him as well, getting on the tips of your toes. How much space was there even? You were craving, wondering what it would feel like to kiss him. To have his lips on yours. You let your eyes go down to his lips, feeling his breath intertwine with yours. Slowly closing your eyes, knew you that it was close. His lips were inches away from yours. They started to tingle with craving for his taste.
Peter leaned in a bit more his lips almost touching yours. - “Y/n!” – your eyes shut open, staggering back from Peter. Peter was startled as well by Liz’s loud voice. – “Y/n!” – called she out, wanting to have you near her. You looked at Peter for a moment, before leaving his side to go over to her. Peter scratched his fingers in his hair, exhaling deep as if he needed the tension to leave his body. Liz looked miserable, telling you she wanted her bed. You nodded, crawling in the backseat with her. Peter got back in the car as well, looking at you through the front mirror. Liz had wrapped her arms around you, her head laying on your stomach. Peter started the car again, driving off. You shushed Liz, stroking her forehead. It kept your mind of the almost kiss with Peter. You felt guilty for being a bit upset at Liz for interrupting. 
You knew she didn’t mean to or had no idea of what was going on. Yet, you wondered what it would be like if she hadn’t interrupted it. Peter staid silent for the rest of the ride. He dropped your friend carefully at home. You opened the car door, coming to sit beside him again. – “How will you go home now?” – wondered you. If he had dropped you off, was he stranded at your place. He smiled. – “I’ll walk.” – said he, making you gape at him. – “I can’t let you do that!” 
“You… you can crash on our sofa. It’s way too late for you to walk home.” – Peter nodded, not arguing with you. He drove over to your house. He staid behind you as you informed your parents about the situation. He was more then welcome to crash the night. Peter sat down in the sofa as you provided him with a blanket. – “If you need anything just text me.” – Peter accepted the blanket of you, humming softly. You wanted to leave when Peter grabbed your wrist, holding you in place. His head went slowly up to you. He didn’t need words for you to understand what he meant. You nodded, pressing your lips on one another. Peter smiled, laying himself down as he let go of your hand. You took a deep breath, making your way upstairs. On your way to your room, got you a text. It made you smile as it was from Peter. You replied to it, getting into bed.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Worst of You - Peter Kavinsky
A/N: Got this idea from the song Worst of You by Maisie Peters. I love Peter in the movie but book Peter is kind of a douche honestly. 
“Kavinsky!” Someone shouted from the kitchen, their voice shocking you enough that you flinched as you looked up from the book you were reading, eyes running across the crowd of teens to find Peter. Gen was on his arm, one of her friends trailing behind with a date who didn’t look familiar enough to matter. You watched him greet friends, that same bright smile on his face. The one he’d worn yesterday while you were trying to explain the World Lit assignment to him. You were only at this party because he had invited you.
You had been waiting anxiously for him to finally show up, a million thoughts distracting you from the book you were trying to read. What would he wear? How would he look? Good, like always, irresistible even. You wanted to look disinterested in his arrival. Find someone that you could talk to so that you could pretend you hadn’t spent hours debating outfits and going over imaginary conversations in your head. What would you say to him? Would he approach you without Gen on his arm or would you just be a passing nod or wave as he commanded the crowd?
Some brushed passed you as they made their way into the living room and the thick of the party. The red cup they carried sloshed alcohol over the rim and the sight had your mind focusing in on the thought that maybe beer would help with the nerves you were trying to combat. You hadn’t wanted to be drunk when Peter showed up but now, he was here so what was the harm? You couldn’t embarrass yourself more than you felt like you already were, standing in the kitchen waiting for the most popular boy in school, who was ‘madly in love’ with his girlfriend, to notice you. An insignificant, nobody who was good at tutoring but not at talking to people.  
“Can I get some of that?” You asked, crowding in beside some of the guys from the lacrosse team as they linger around the keg that had been brought in. One of them looked at you as if he’d never seen you before and you wished you could write that off as him being already drunk.  
“Yeah, man, here! Fill up!” Another practically shouted, grabbing a cup for you and filling it almost to the rim. You took the cup gratefully and gulped some down as the guys around you cheered, clearly excited by the prospect of some nice-looking girl chugging a 16oz cup of beer. Cheap beer. Gross beer. But you chugged until the cup was full and then asked for another.  
Three drinks in and you were feeling the fog. Giggling at anything anyone said as you stood in the kitchen. The lacrosse boys that had been filling your cup seemed to find you increasingly interesting and vice versa. You were leaning against one of them, laughing as another told a joke you honestly couldn’t comprehend in your stupor. You weren’t completely far gone but enough so that you weren’t feeling so anxious anymore and when Peter entered the kitchen to grab drinks for himself and Gen you didn’t even notice. Not until he was approaching you, reaching his hand out and grabbing your arm to pull you out of the group of lacrosse players.
“Can I talk to you?” It was posed as a question but there was nothing in his tone to suggest you had the opportunity to reject his request. He pulled you out the kitchen door onto the back patio that was dimly lit. The handmade, poster-board sign that someone had taped to the door strictly forbid the use of it but Peter ignored that as he steered you somewhere more private.  
Whoever was sober enough to remember it tomorrow would mention, somewhere in their recount of the party, that Peter had pulled you aside but hopefully it would die out as just a small detail that was inconsequential. Meeting accidentally in the line for the bathroom or at the keg or in a hallway was one thing, it could be easily excused as him being nice. But this was something else. This wasn’t just being nice.
“What Peter?” The excitement and anticipation of seeing him had worn off and the edge the fourth drink was giving you was making you a little snarkier than usual. And why not. Here he was, at a party with Gen, as usual, and here you were, desperately waiting for him to notice you at the party. But you were always going to just be the girl that he noticed, that he waved to or winked at or nodded to when no one else was looking. Not good enough for public and the fourth drink was well aware of that.
“What are you doing with those guys? They’re total losers.”
“They’re your friends.”
“Yeah, so don’t you think I know that they are? Come on, don’t get mixed up in that. They aren’t any good.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration.  
He knew you would be here tonight and when he walked in you were the first person he looked for, even with Gen’s hand anchoring him to the living room. And now, now that he had finally escaped her grip, he was standing here across from you on the patio after pulling you away from a group of guys. Any of them would have been happy to take you out, to spend the rest of the night with you while they got drunker and drunker and you got drunker and drunker.  
“Oh and you are?” You questioned. Four drink you was ballsy. “You’re here with Gen.”
“She’s my girlfriend. What am I supposed to do?”
“I’m not doing this tonight Peter.” You couldn’t tell if you were getting all your words across the way you wanted to. There was a haze between your brain and your mouth that you couldn’t quite shake off.
“Come on, please.” Peter grabbed your arm, stopping you from reentering the kitchen. “Please.”
“I don’t wanna do this tonight.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.” He apologized, pulling you back toward him, hands on your hips as he leaned in close. “I want to be here with you trust me. I wish it was us out there together. That I could kiss you with everyone watching but...not yet, just give me a little more time.”
“I don’t know-”
“Please, I’m begging you. It’s you, I swear. I don’t care about Gen anymore, it’s just you. I just need time, I wanna do this right, I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
You had heard the same line a million times over. That he wanted to ‘do this the right way’ and he didn’t want to ‘hurt anyone’. Drunk, tipsy, high, sober, you’d heard it repeated a million times and you said to yourself every day when you had to watch them together in the halls or in class. It meant nothing, just empty words he said to string you along and convince you that he wasn’t a massive douche for not breaking up with his girlfriend when he was seeing you on the side.
“Please?” He asked again, kissing you this time. A risk but one he knew would pay off. Because you could make a million excuses out of that risk. He’d been willing to kiss you at the party even if it was on the back patio where no one could see him. He’d been willing and didn’t that mean something?
You really wanted it to.
“I’m gonna go.” Suddenly the allure of the party was gone and you couldn’t remember why you thought it was a good idea to come here in the first place.
“Can I come over tonight?” He asked, not quite letting you go yet.
“Okay.” You nodded and just like that you the excuses were running through your head. A million and one reasons why Peter Kavinsky was worth all the trouble.  
My second To All the Boys fic ever.
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thewackywriter · 6 years
Later - Part 1
Noah Centineo x Y/N
Summary: With Noah’s rising fame, he seems to be neglecting the one person that means the most to him, Y/N.
A/N: Hey guys, so obviously I watched To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before (you should check it out if you haven’t, it wasn’t as cliche as I expected it to be) and I’m now in love with Noah Centineo! The second (and final) part of this writing with be out probably next Monday, so let me know if you wanna be tagged!! I have a lot of other contact coming out this week, so follow me to keep an eye out! Check out my masterpost below!! Requests are OPEN and feedback is appreciated! Thanks for reading everyone!
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She hated feeling this way.
She knew it was wrong. She should be proud. He was finally achieving his dreams of becoming a serious actor and household name. And while she was proud, she couldn’t stop those other emotions from creeping in and ruining her mood.
Fear. Jealousy. Sadness.
The fear came from the idea that he would grow too big and forget about her. She lived all the way across the country and while they had been together for almost three years now, she knew how quickly relationships could end because of distance. It had been five months since they had seen each other in person and it was starting to take a toll on her.
She knew she had no right to be jealous, they were actors. But hearing the story about how Lara Jean’s background wasn’t staged and how him and Lana have really been bonding over things like hot yoga had really hurt her. She know he wasn’t doing it on purpose and that he would never cheat, but being so far away was clouding her thoughts.
The sadness showed up when she would look at her phone and see that he had barely been replying to her for a while now. It had started out as just late replies and a few missed FaceTime calls, but now she could barely remember the last time they had a full conversation, especially one that hadn’t revolved around his rising fame. He used to be the one that she would call anytime anything significant happened, but when she would go to dial his number, all she could see was the amount of missed calls where she had done the same thing and ended up disappointed yet again.
It really wasn’t healthy to keep all this in, but she wasn’t sure it was something she could talk to him about. Usually when (more like if now a days) he picked up her calls, he was always so happy and excited and she hated to ruin that because of her dumb feelings that didn’t even make sense. But when she saw the Instagram post of him and Lana, she knew it was time.
Surprisingly, it only took three rings for him to pick up. She had actually flinched in shock when he responded, having already planned on just leaving a voicemail. She was shaken from this when she heard him say again, “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me.” A tear dropped from her eye when Noah excitedly greeted her before starting to ramble about when was going on in his life. “Noah,” she cut him off, “We need to talk.” He seemed to be confused as he responded, “Isn’t that what we’re doing, talking? I’ve missed you so much babe, I have so much to tell you.”
Before he could go off once more, she interrupted, “Noah, please.” At his silence, she continued, “We need to talk. Like a serious talk.” Noah sounded concerned as he asked, “Is everything okay? Is it your family, are they alright? You know I’ll be on the next flight over.” He was beginning to panic, so she quickly stopped him by saying, “Noah, calm down. My family is fine. Everyone else is fine.” This only caused him to panic more as he asked, “So you’re not fine? What’s going on, what can I do?”
Y/N sighed as she told him, “You can just listen.” At his silence she continued, “This isn’t working anymore, Noah. We’re different people now and we’re going separate ways. Can’t you feel the distance? When was the last time we had a full conversation without someone interrupting or work getting in the way. I’m just tired, Noah. I’m so tired of being the only one putting in effort. I can’t be put on the backburner anymore, I just can’t. I’m sorry Noah, it’s over.” Before he could try and fix things, she had already hung up.
Heartbroken, he went to call her when realization smacked him in the face. Right there, clear as day on his phone was all the effort she had been talking about. All the missed calls and voicemails and unanswered texts from her that he kept pushing off, saying to himself that he would reply later. It seems like all those laters had really added up. He turned around and threw his phone against the couch in anger. He stood there with his fist clenched before sighing and going over to his phone and dialing her number.
Just as he went to call, Lana walked in, “Hey Noah, we’ve gotta go. We’ve gotta be on stage in two minutes.” He sighed once more before closing his phone and then opening it to see a picture of him and Y/n on his background. It broke his heart, but he knew what he had to do. Maybe one more ‘later’ wouldn’t hurt. “Yeah, let’s go.”
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cruel-summerxy · 6 years
Jump Then Fall // Peter Kavinsky x reader
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I like the way you sound in the morning
“Y/N, am I gonna need to pick you up today?” Peter asked groggily.
It was seven in the morning. Too early to be up, you thought. Peter yawned and you rolled your eyes but smiled. You were his next door neighbor and his brother’s babysitter. You guys were pretty close.
We’re on the phone and without a warning, 
I realize your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard
“I woke you didn't I?” Peter laughed. That stupid laugh made your heart flutter. You shouldn't like your neighbor. You shouldn’t like the brother of the kid you babysit. You shouldn't like your friend’s boyfriend. Well technically, you and Lara Jean weren’t friends, more like acquaintances. You had a couple classes together and she was very nice, it made you feel bad that you liked her boyfriend. To be fair, you and Peter knew each other since you moved there in the third grade.  
I like the way I can't keep my focus
“Y/N? Are you there? You didn’t hit your head against your bookshelf again, did you?”
“No. I didn’t Peter. I’m fine,” you grumbled.
“Hey, I’m just worried. Anyways, do want a ride or not,” he said the fist part seriously.
“Yeah, just give me 20 minutes.”
“Okay, I’ll have a muffin ready for you. No coffee right?”
“Yes, no coffee,” you smiled. He knew so many things about you. Like the scar that you have on your middle left toe. Or how you don’t like rabbits ever since the rabbit’s farm fair from fourth grade bit you. It was the small things he knew that you appreciated.
. .. … …. …..
I watched you talk, you didn't notice
“Anyways, long story short, my mom won’t let me go to your favorite bakery anymore. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
He had accidentally knocked a bunch of baked goods and his mom was so embarrassed.
You stared at Peter in awe. Well, either way you always stared at him when he talked. The way he chose his words and the way he talked made you melt.
I hear the words but all I can think is we should be together
“It’s fine. I am going to miss those caramel cookies though,” you teased.
“Hey, me and Lara Jean can bake some for you! I’m pretty sure she has the recipe, her and Miss Smith are always trading recipes!” he said excitedly.
Every time you smile, I smile
There he was again, bringing Lara Jean into the conversation once again. There you were feeling guilty for liking him once again. He looked at you and smiled brightly and you couldn’t help but to smile back.
And every time you shine , I shine for you
You finally arrived to school and you both got off the car. He helped you with your books and you smiled.
“Y/N, why do you always have so many goddamn books?” Peter groaned.
“Aye, no one asked you to carry them,” you laughed.
“Wow, I’m helping you and this is what I get in return.”
“I’m kidding darling. I appreciate you babe,” you joke. Peter just pushed you and laughed.
You got to your locker put your books away. He made his way to Lara Jeans’ locker, which made your heart sink a little.
I’m feeling you baby, don’t be afraid to jump then fall
“Hey there pecan,” Chris greeted you.
“Can you not call me that?”
“Whatever pecan,” she rolled her eyes, “who even is allergic to pecans?” Once again you rolled your eyes. Lara Jean wanted to be friends with you and baked you some muffins. She forgot to tell you they had pecans and you had to go to the hospital. She felt pretty bad about it but it was nowhere near how bad you felt when you thought about Peter.
Jump then fall into me
Peter, Lara Jean, and Josh made their way toward you. It was a weird dynamic between them but it worked. You weren’t in their group but you did talk to them since you were friends with Peter.
“Hey pecan,” Josh smiled.
“Oh my god. Stop calling me that!” you shrieked.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” Lara Jean said quickly.
“It’s fine Lara Jean it’s no ones fault. How were you supposed to know? Oh wait, Peter knew I was allergic to pecans and didn’t tell you, so it was Peter’s fault.”
“Hey, I forgot sorry. We never really eat pecans either way,” he said nonchalantly.
“Dude, she could’ve died,” Josh said with wide eyes.
“But she didn’t! You know why? Because I need her and God knows that!” Peter joked.
Baby, I'm never gonna leave you, 
say that you wanna be with me too
They all laughed and began walking to the bench. You guys hung out in the mornings. Waited together until the bell rang, and throughout the day you didn't really speak to them. You had your own group of friends while they had other people in theirs.
“Hey Y/N, if we weren't neighbors would have stuck around me,” Peter asked you quietly as the others spoke among themselves.
“Honestly, probably not. We’re kinda different Peter.” you said truthfully.
“Well thank god we’re neighbors then. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Stay through it with me?” he asked seriously.
“Ofcourse,” you smiled.
Cuz I'ma stay through it all so jump then fall
/ // /// //// ////
Well I like the way your hair falls in your face
“Ohh my god! My hair keeps on going on my eyes. I need to get a haircut ASAP,” he said annoyed. It was now 6:30 and you were watching a tv show.
“Peter Kavinsky, you better not. You’ll look hideous and then Lara Jean will break up with you. I can’t have you crying on me again. The first time I saw you cry was too hard to see.”
“Why are you so mean Y/N? Who broke your heart?”
“I never had one to begin with,” you replied.
You got the keys to me
“Hmm, makes sense.” You hit the back of his head. He grunted and rolled his eyes.
“You really know how to get to a girl’s heart huh Kavinsky.”
He nodded at continued to watch tv. You weren’t really paying attention. Everytime something funny happened you stared at him. His eyes crinkled and his laugh was heard throughout the entire house.
I love each freckle on your face
You two were so close that you could see every blemish on his face. You felt extremely close, probably a little too close to him right now. You shook your head an turned to the tv.
“Finally. The creepy girl stops staring,” Peter breathed out. Your mouth was wide open and you couldn't say anything. He had caught you staring at him. It wasn’t the first time, but he never any commented about it.
He laughed at your reaction and ate some popcorn. Meanwhile you stared at him in disbelief. He ignored you and laughed at the tv.
“Peter, get out. Leave my house.”
“Wait, WHY? What did I do?” He said amused.
I've never been so wrapped up
“Stop making fun of me. Leave my house Peter,” you said dully. He paused the tv and got up.
“Okay, say I leave Y/N. What will you do without me here? You're sisters aren't even here and your friends are away. You sure you want me to leave Y/N?”
“No don't leave,” you said softly.
He gave you a look and sat closer to you. He unpaused the show and ate some more popcorn.
Honey, I like how you're everything I've ever wanted
“Weren't you supposed to hang out with Lara Jean tonight?”
“Nah, Margot came home and she wanted to be with her. Either way, tonight is movie night and she knows that. Plus, I couldn't leave my fifth favorite girl hangin.”
“Excuse me? Fifth favorite girl!! I would think second or third, but no! I'm you're fifth!”
“Hey, Lara Jean is my number one!”
“Duh. She's your girlfriend. But then wouldn't I be like third and your mom second? Who's your third and fourth?”
“I'm kidding Y/N. You're my third favorite girl.” He smiled at you.
I had time to think it all over and all I can say is come closer
You were okay with being top three if you were honest. As long as you part of Peter's life you were okay. Like at school, you only talked in the mornings because you no classes together. And in the night your either went to each other's home or called to say goodnight.
Take a deep breath and jump then fall into me
“Well, I'm truly having a good time hanging out with you. But my mother wants me over to help her with preparing tomorrow's  dinner. My grandparents are coming over,” he explained.
“Okay, well don't leave your mom waiting darling.”
“Thanks for understanding Y/N,” he gave you a lazy smile.
Every time you smile, I smile And every time you shine, I'll shine for you
“I'm telling you Peter, I'm a really nice person.” you said this and expected his to sass you back. To make a joke about show you're the opposite.
“I know Y/N. That's why you're one of my best friends,” Peter said genuinely.  
I'm feeling you baby Don't be afraid to jump then fall, jump then fall into me
“Peter stop, you're too sweet sometimes.”
“Hey, I need to tell people how I feel right? What if I didn’t say that right now and on my way back home I got ran over? You would've never known that you're one of my bestfriends Y/N.”
“Peter don't be silly. You live next door, you wouldn't get ran over!” you laughed obnoxiously.
Baby, I'm never gonna leave you, Say that you wanna be with me too
“I just poured my heart and soul and you're gonna reply with that. Wow Y/N,” Peter shook his head in disbelief.
“What? I'm just saying,” you replied.
“I'm trying- I'm trying to tell you that I love dumbass. That I hope we're friends forever and we grow old together.”
I'ma stay through it all so jump then fall
“Peter, I love you too. And, and not in a best friend way,” you confessed. He looked at you confused. “I'm pretty sure I'll regret saying this but who gives a shit. I love you, and I know that you love Lara Jean. I get that and I'm cool with that. I feel like I love you because we're so close. Maybe if we distance ourselves, I'll get over my crush on you.”
“Y/N, I'm not sure what to tell you. Are you sure that you love me like that?”
“Peter, you dumb bitch. I'm pretty sure,” you laughed. He stood in front of you in shock. He slowly slid down the wall and closed his eyes.
“What are you thinking about Peter?”
“The bottoms gonna drop out from under our feet,” he whispered.
“I'll catch you. When people say things that bring you to your knees, I'll catch you Peter.” you told him as you sat on the ground next to him.
“I'm sorry that I'm being overdramatic Y/N. I'm not trying to, but you understand right? Like will things change between us two?”
You laughed softly at him, “No Peter, things will not change. The only thing that changed is you knowing that you're such a great guy that I like you more than a friend. Those feelings will go away eventually Peter.”
“I don't want to loose you Y/N,” he whispered sadly.
“And you won't Peter. It'll be the same. It'll be a little awkward but the same.”
“Won't it, doesn't it hurt you seeing me with Lara Jean?”
“It did at the beginning. I'm okay, I'll be okay Peter. I'm worried about you. I just dropped all these hidden feelings on you.”
“Y/N, we'll be okay right?” He leaned his head in your shoulder.
“If you don't mind me asking, how does it feel knowing that the person you love  loves someone else?”
“Its whatever. You know that you won't- you wouldn't be the person that they’d love. Most of the time you're happy as long as you're with them. But the time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry.”
He looked at you. The way you explained to him how you felt, it broke his heart. “But I'll hold you through the night until you smile,” he assured you.
“I hope you do, you are my best friend. Plus, you told me that if a boy made me cry you'd beat them up Kavinsky.” You teased him.
oh I need you baby, don't be afraid please Jump then fall, jump then fall into me
“Promise you won't leave me Y/N. Promise me we'll me best friends forever.” Baby, I'm never gonna leave you
“Ha, as if I'll miss out on you fucking your life up Kavinsky. Never in a million years. I promise you that.” Say that you wanna be with me too I'ma stay through it all so jump then fall
tagged: @ciniluv 
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brien-odylan · 6 years
Fourth time’s a charm
Noah Centineo x Reader
Word count: 3,309
Warnings: fluff
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The first time he saw her, it was like everything around him had been frozen; people stopped walking, the air stopped moving, the information in the led panels glitched. There was only her wheeling her trunks over the linoleum floor, looking around, trying to find her way as she walked past every column of the airport. Her hair was dancing around her, her eyes glistening as if she was about to cry, her hands nervously clutching the handle of her carry on luggage. She was something out of a movie, so innocent and lost, like when a small town girl finally goes off to the place where she’s supposed to find herself. That would explain the unshed tears and the constant dance of her eyes, looking for something that she mind find familiar, but with no such luck.
Noah watched the girl from afar, his eyes completely focusing on her and nothing else, mesmerized by her. She wasn’t the most beautiful girl in the world, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t beautiful, because she was. She had an aura around her that was drawing his attention, something that made him not want to avert his eyes from her direction, like there was some kind of light shining on her, putting him on a trance. Noah didn’t know where that had come from, he had never felt like that before. It was a weird kind of feeling, like he should be able to steer away from the unknown girl, but he couldn’t, he didn’t want to.
Maybe it was the way her lower lip was trembling as she picked at the sleeves of her hoodie, or the way she had her eyes cast down, staring at her shoes. Maybe it had nothing to do with that and he was just being a creeper, but whatever it was, he was transfixed, his hands itching to reach out for her and ask if everything was ok. She was alone and on the verge of crying. He could be a nice guy and ask her what was wrong, calm her down if he needed to, but his feet couldn’t move. His head was yelling at him to not approach the girl he barely knew, not because she could be dangerous, but because she could see him as a weirdo trying to come close to her, someone who had nothing to do with her life. No one likes to open up to a total stranger. So he sat back, his eyes roaming all over the place, going back to the girl every once in a while, studying her from afar.
By the time he was supposed to board the plane, though, he had lost her. In a fraction of time, just when he looked down to check his phone, she must’ve gotten up and left, hiding somewhere, cause there was no signal of her anywhere. He couldn’t be hallucinating, right? The girl had to be real.
The second time he saw her was a few hours after that, when Noah decided to take a walk around the airplane. He had been sitting for far too long, his long legs needing more space to stretch, more than the first class seats gave him. He was tired of being in his pod, bored out of his mind. Nothing could hold his attention for too long, his mind still on the girl he had seen earlier. Was she going to the same place as him? Was she feeling better now? He hadn’t had the chance to see her getting on the plane, so he had no idea if they were going to the same city. His thoughts were haunting him, as weird as it seemed. He didn’t know her, he didn’t know her name, he didn’t know what she was like and yet there was no way her face was going to leave his mind. It was weird how much of an impression she had left on him, something that had never happened before. So he needed to take a walk, feeling much too overwhelmed by it all.
It didn’t do much help, though, as the source of his subconscious daydreams was right there, sitting a few meters away from him, flying coach, her much smaller frame pressed against her seat, her legs tucked under her body, eyes fixed on the flat screen in front of her, eyes never leaving it for a second. She looked more tired now, bags under her beautiful eyes, the hoodie she was wearing covering her disheveled hair. There were no sign that she had been crying, but she still looked sad, like she was trying her best to push it all aside and focus on what she was doing at the moment.
Noah watched it all from afar, his feet not moving an inch forwards as he studied the girl, her shoulders slunched, her chest rising and falling in a steady pace, eyes roaming the corridor she was in. She had earphones pierced in, probably hers cause it looked so much better than the ones the airline would give to the passengers, the blanket wrapped around her body as a protection from the cold air in the cabin. She didn’t see him, his body hidden in the shadows the turned off lights provided, leaning against the restroom door as he kept looking at her, creating a thousand of assumptions about her, trying to find out everything he could about her only by watching her, as if it would work.
He didn’t know how long he just stood there, his arms crossed over his chest, his back still pressed against the restroom door, but it was probably too long, because he noticed when she looked up, her eyes meeting his for the first time since he had seen her. She had a curious look on her face, as if she was trying to understand what could hold his attention for too long and when she noticed that he had been fixed on her, she felt the blood rush to her cheeks, her eyes breaking the contact as she looked back to the screen in front of her. Noah blinked a couple of times, suddenly very aware of the fact that he had been caught staring at someone he didn’t even know. And, as if it wasn’t enough, he felt his body lose contact with the surface it had been backing him up, tumbling backwards as the restroom door opened when someone was about to walk out of it.
From her seat, the girl watched it all, a small smile on her face as she watched the handsome guy make a fool of himself, his feet stumbling as he tried to regain his balance before his hands grabbed onto the walls by his side. He was really cute with his messed up curls and those brown eyes, darker than it should be because of the lack of light in the corridor.
The third time should have been when they landed in the LAX. He was going to walk up to her, introduce himself, say that he had seen her when they were about to get on the place and then apologize for being such a stalker earlier. They would smile at each other, he would find out her name and, if everything worked in his favor, he would ask her out. He had everything thought of, every little word he was going to say and he could only hope she wasn’t going to shoot him down. What he didn’t expect, however, was the fact that he wasn’t going to see her again. He knew the airport was going to hectic, with people coming and going, but he didn’t think he was going to lose her in the crowd, something she seemed very good in doing so. Everywhere Noah looked, there was no sight of the girl in the grey hoodie.
But the universe must have been working in his favor. It had been four days since Noah had gotten back to LA and his mind was occupied with his friends, but he still remembered of the girl and how she looked like. Sometimes, he would stop and stare off into the distance, his mind flashing back to the small smile she had on her lips when he almost fell into the restroom. She was beautiful. The way her eyes squinted at him when she caught him staring at her, the way she cracked her knuckles when she was nervous. It was weird how someone like her, a passing person, could still be on his mind. He wished he had worked up the courage to talk to her sooner. He wished he could’ve asked her for her number, but it was already too late. Or so he thought.
It was a sunny day, not a single cloud in the blue sky, the sun shining brightly above his group of friends. It was a nice time to spend at the beach, no worries in the world. Noah enjoyed those moments. It was like the fame hadn’t gotten to him yet. Of course there were a few people who would see him and ask for a picture, but it seemed like it wasn’t much of a deal at the time. He had been there for the past couple of hours, just enjoying a lazy day with his friends and nothing else. The waves were crashing down the shore, washing away the seaweed, wearing down the sand, the sound of the moving water soothing him.
“Come on, Y/N!” he heard someone saying out loud, their voice carrying away in the nearly empty beach, laughs echoing around them.
The boy turned his head around, trying to find the source, not even knowing why he was curious about it. It was like something was drawing his attention again and when he saw a couple of girls giggling and splashing water around, trying to lure some other girl into the ocean, he understood why he had done so. Because she was there too, sitting on a beach chair under a beach umbrella, laughing at her friends attempt of getting her into the water.
“It’s too cold!” she shouted back at them, laughter etched on her voice and Noah soon realized it was the first time he had heard her saying anything, a smile finding way to his lips almost immediately. The melodic sound that came from her suited the girl he was seeing and Noah couldn’t believe he hadn’t heard it before. Now everything seemed like it made sense, it was like he was slowly discovering everything there was to know about her.
Her laughter reached his ears one more time, his attention fully on her now, completely neglecting his friends and whatever they were talking about. It was like, once again, she was everything he could see, everything he could think about and it was so out of the ordinary for him to act this way, even more when it came to someone he had only seen a couple of times, literally.
But, for as much as he would like to have sat there and watched her interacting with her friends, he was very aware of the fact that she might have not liked it, his stalker vibe acting once again. She would probably remember him as the weirdo that was watching her in the airplane and would tell her friends that they needed to go before he approached her. It was sad, but she was going to be the one who got away and there was nothing he could do about it.
What he didn’t know, however, was the fact that she had seen him there, his head turned to the direction she was in, paying attention to the things she had been doing and saying to her friends, laughing every now and then at the thought that she had met him again, wondering if this time he would walk up to her and say anything, her heart beating slightly faster at the thought of it. She wanted him to do it, she wanted to hear his voice being directed at her.
“You’ve got yourself a fan?” she heard one of her friends saying, her voice bringing Y/N back from her thoughts, a smile still on her lips.
“What?” she asked back.
“That guy over there,” Cheyenne mentioned, a smirk on her lips. “He’s been watching you for a while now. You didn’t know?”
“Oh, I did,” was all she said, her head shaking as she tried to dismiss the subject. The truth was that she knew her friends would try to get everything out of her, every little detail and then proceed to walk up to the guy and question him on not making a move. Or worse: they would make her do it and she couldn’t have it.
“What? And you didn’t say anything?”
She shook her head and sighed. “We were in the same flight.”
There was a moment of silence before all her friends turned to her, their eyes wide open as they waited for the girl to keep talking, explain everything.
“Is he the cute one you mentioned?”
“The one that almost fell when the restroom door opened?”
“You were in the same flight and now meet again? Destiny!”
And that was why she didn’t want to say anything. They were going to keep saying things like that all day long, trying to convince her that should do something about it, talk to him, give him her number or something like that, and she wasn’t in the mood to deal with that at the moment. Yeah, he was cute and of course she would be interested in him, it was just that she had too much going on in her life at the moment. She had just gotten to the city and it was much of a change for her already. It would take a few more days before she felt like going out with a guy or anything. Y/N just shook her head, ignoring all the pleads coming her way, all the ideas her friends were having.
“Whatever it is that you’re thinking, forget it, ok?” her tone was stern, something she had never used on them before, so they accepted it. For the time being.
But maybe the universe was really working on his favor. Because there was no way he could ignore the fact that he had come face to face with her for a fourth time, it was impossible, The odds were never going to be on his favor and he couldn’t believe it was happening.
A week had passed, Noah not entirely over the beach thing, beating himself down for not walking up to her and talking to her. He had been scared of her friends. Why did girls always have to travel in groups? Why couldn’t them walk a few feet away from each other so he could have some space to talk to the girl that, he now knew, was named Y/N.
Y/N. He liked the way it sounded, the way the name rolled off his tongue, almost like he was meant to say it all his life. And this time… This time he wasn’t going to ignore the signs life was giving him.
She was sitting by the bar, a black velvet high necked dress, loose on the hips, fitting her perfectly, stopping on her mid thighs, her head thrown back as she laughed at whatever her friends had been saying, a colorful cocktail in her hand.
“Are you gonna keep staring or are you going to do something?” he heard from behind him, a voice he didn’t recognize, making him turn around almost instantly, his eyes meeting a face he thought that looked familiar, but he wasn’t sure.
“Excuse me?” he asked taking a step back and watching the girl that had interrupted his thoughts. She had blue green eyes framed by black eyeglasses, her long hair reaching the middle of her back, a smile on her face.
“Y/N,” she said motioning her head towards the girl in front of them. “I remember you from the day at the beach. You were watching her and the she mentioned you two were in the same flight.”
That was why he remembered her. She was one of her friends, the one that kept looking at him every now and then, squinting her eyes as if she was deep in thought. At the time, he suspected she was about to call the police on him or something, but now he could see something else in her eyes, giving away what she was really thinking about.
“Yeah, I know who you are,” she laughed dismissively, shrugging at the unasked question he had in his eyes. “But don’t worry. I’m not one of those fans that get all excited. I’m just casually asking if you’re ever going to approach my friend over there.”
Noah looked from one girl to the other, his thoughts going insanely fast through his mind, his chest a little constricting now. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to talk to her, but he was so scared of her turning him down that he felt like he couldn’t do it. She remembered him, she knew he had seen her the other day. What if she had kept her distance because she didn’t want anything with him?
“Erm… Do you think I should go then?” He sounded nervous, more nervous than he had ever been his entire life, and he didn’t know where it was coming from.
“Talk to her?” the girl cocked one eyebrow up. “Of course,” she scoffed. “Why would you stand here looking at her if you’re not going to talk to her?”
That was it. That was the one thing he was needing to hear before finally finding the courage of going to Y/N, his resolve completely made up now.
Without much of a thought, Noah took a deep breath, his eyes focused on the girl as he made his way through the crowd, trying his best to avoid everyone else before he could reach the one person he hadn’t stopped thinking about for over a week. It was a ‘now or never’ situation and he was going to do it now.
Before he could do anything, however, she turned around, their eyes finally meeting. And it was like something had snapped inside of them, like all the things they had been through were leading to this moment in time, the one that would change everything in their lives. It was clichê and silly to think like that, but it did feel like they were meant to meet.
“Hi,” she was the first one to say anything, more like a breath than a word, but she did say it.
“Hi,” he said back, his right hand reaching back to scratch his neck, an obvious trait that he was nervous. “I’m Noah and I…” he took a deep breath. “We met in the plane last week.”
“Yeah,” she smiled, nodding her head at his words. She couldn’t do much more than that, her heart beating way too rapidly.
“Right,” he agreed. “And I… I couldn’t help but notice that I would love to go out with you for a coffee or something. It could be a restaurant.”
Noah really didn’t know what to say anymore. He was feeling way too pressured, way too out of his element. He had asked girls out before, of course, but it felt like it was something else, something new and he was dying to know what she was going to say.
“Well, Noah,” she started tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she smiled shyly at him. “I couldn’t help but notice that I would love that.”
Taglist:  @disbestiles, @spooky-lara-stilinski, @savage-stilinski, @belleknows, @mf-despair-queen, @darlinganthony, @i-blogaboutstuff, @golddaggers
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ohholyfanfics · 6 years
Separada|Noah Centineo
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Title: Separada 
Song(s): Separada by Maiara & Maraisa 
Warning(s): None 
Summary: The one where Noah falls for the single mom living in his building. 
Next part: DNA
Sighing, she started back at the building where people were quickly evacuating. The cool fall air making her shiver lightly as she looked back at the little boy standing in front of her. His little footie pj’s getting dirt on them as he watched with wide eyes the chaos around him. Liam James was the one blessing that came from her past relationship, the hole in heart filled by the new life that she brought into the world. 
“Mommy..” he mumbled softly looking back at her with his wide green eyes like his father, his hair a wild mess as she leaned down. “what wrong?” he asked lifting his chubby little arms and spinning around to point at the building. 
“It’s okay baby.” she hummed softly licking her lips and rubbing his arms. His smiled softly before nodding his head and turning back to the mess of bodies facing the building. 
That was almost forty minutes ago, police and firemen had assured the residence that they would soon be reentering their building. Her arms were becoming numb as she starred back at her little angle asleep in her arms. The moonlight shining softly on his features as she smiled softly. 
“Would you like meet to hold him for a bit?” Looking up she was met with the sparkling brown eyes of no other than Noah. His dazzling smile had her flushed, reaching his arms out he carefully took the child in his arms wrapping him up tightly as he swayed them from side to side. 
“You don't have to do that Noah..” she breathed out as the followed the crowd that was now forming a line. The bright lights of the firetrucks blinding her as they waited their turn. She watched as he. shrugged and only held the little boy tighter. 
“You seemed tired just wanted to give you a break.” he stated as he nodded towards the fireman before stepping foot into the building. “Anyways can you believe all this happened cause of crazy Amy?”
She giggled softly nodding her head tapping her foot as they awaited for the elevator. “She’s a bit out there.” she added as he nodded his head.
“Could’ve been worse.” he shrugged as she nodded her head more thankful when they were finally inside and heading up towards their floor. The ride was silent as everyone was wanting nothing more than to get to bed and forget the hell that this was.
She watched from the doorway as he tucked Liam James in bed, her heart swelling at the sight. Her mind reminding her the last thing she needed right now was a man. Looking up to meet her eyes he smiled softly standing up and following her out of his room and into the small hallway. 
“Thank you.” 
“Its no problem..” he breathed out rubbing the back of his neck not knowing if this was the best time to ask. “I was wondering if you’d like to have dinner with me..” 
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kashimos-hajime · 6 years
Rumour Has It (2)
A/N: Here we go! The long awaited part two of Rumour Has It! Thank you so much for the support!
Masterlist and Taglist are in my bio!
Summary: You didn’t come to university to get picked up by some lacrosse jock but when Peter Kavinsky offers a chance to prove unflattering rumours wrong… well, you never were someone to back down from a challenge.
Characters: Peter Kavinsky
Wordcount: 2.6k
Rating: T (swearing, as always)
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“Yo! Medusa!” As you slide your laptop into your bag, you raise your head to see none other than Peter Kavinsky with his friends. Sighing, you zip up your laptop and grab your notebooks to slide into the second zipper space. As usual, he’s wearing his trademark smirk paired with jeans and a jacket. If he wants your attention, he’s gonna have to come and get it because from where you are, you can hear his friends snickering and that isn’t shit you want to deal with. Ever.
“Do you need me to beat him up?” a girl asks from behind. You don’t know her name (it starts with a C, you think) but you know that she’s always reliable for any missed notes and assignments. Turning around, you shake your head with a smile. “Because I can. My sister is a personal trainer for like navy seals and quarterbacks and shit. I could get something together.” Her disgusted scowl directed at Peter Kavinsky makes you glad that someone’s on your side just in case.
“No, but thanks.” Sparing a glance at the jock, you see him getting tousled by his friends and let out a snort. “You know Peter Kavinsky?”
“Know? He’s basically shoved down our throats in the dorms. I swear, some girls have fucking posters of his face.” The girl lets out a whisper-scream at the thought, making a face.
“Admittedly disgusting,” you agree with a chuckle. Packing the last of your things, you take out your phone and check the time. 5:17.
“What’s he even doing calling out to you? He’s never bothered someone who sits in a front row before,” she continues and you shrug.
“I allowed him to call me Medusa,” you inform, defeated, and C (which is what you call her whenever you think about her) raises an eyebrow.
“You and Peter Kavinsky talked?”
“It’s shameful, I know,” you snort sarcastically and she cracks a smile.
“What, Peter Kavinsky?” you bark at last and he falters for a moment. His friends nudge him in farewell and leave as you sling your backpack on. C rolls her eyes and you send her a smile.
“I’ll see you Thursday.”
“Yeah, see you.” Heading over to the jock, you flick a hand. “Come along, Peter Kavinsky. We have to get going.” Heading out the lecture hall, you exit the building with him in tow as you walk the path back towards your dorm. His friends are nowhere in site. “How’d you get your lackeys to leave?”
“They’re my friends and they left because I asked them to.” His offended tone has no effect as you see your dorm building. “Why’re you so rude, anyways?”
“Why be nice to people who don’t deserve it?” you shoot back, swiping your card to get in. Opening the door, you’re surprised when Peter Kavinsky takes the weight and holds it open. Sending him a narrowed look, you enter and head for the elevator.
“Have my friends offended you in some way?” asks the jock and you let out a disbelieving scoff. “Did they bully you?” You don’t answer as you jab the 4 on the columns of buttons. He takes your silence as a yes. What are you gonna say? That one of his friends happens to be some stupid twat from high school who you used to date? “What for?”
“You realize that everyone has a reason to be bullied, right?” Yours used to be how gullible you were. God, you were part of the cheer squad. You were one of those girls who were deemed popular and were snotty about it.
“Oh, how the mighty have fallen,” he had said weeks after you two broken up. He had a new girlfriend then, the head of the cheer squad. What a dumbass. Clenching your jaw, you exit the elevator with Peter Kavinsky close on your tail.
“Yeah, but they’re my friends. I want us to get along.” Whipping around, you stop.
“Why? Because we’re friends?”
“Well, yeah.” A conflicted expression passes over his face and he frowns as you laugh. “We aren’t? Then, why am I here?”
“You invited yourself over. I’m not stopping you is all.” Grimly, you turn around and stop before your door. Unlocking it, you let him in first before closing the door and locking it. Unzipping your boots, you kick them off before walking in. Lucky for you, you have a single room to yourself but it’s still cramp as hell. Sitting down at your desk, you hear Peter mumble at what a mess it is.
“Have something to say?” you ask, turning on your swivel chair. He pauses mid step and smiles.
“Nope. It’s a perfect swamp.” Your arch an eyebrow at his reply. He collapses on the giant beanbag in the corner, grimacing when he reaches below his butt and pulls out a book. Setting it down by his feet, he glances up at you through his eyelashes and you shake your head when he catches you staring.
“I prefer lair.” Crossing one leg over the other, you tilt your head at him. Pressing your lips together, you survey what he’s doing. Currently surfing social media or something on his phone, he’s made himself perfectly at home. You had really expected him to leave already and have some alone time. “If you get hungry for dinner, you can leave.”
“Nah, don’t eat early.” Surprised, you turn to your notes and begin to pick up where you left off last night. Well, you suppose you don’t mind as long as he’s quiet.
“Me neither,” you say and you think you can feel his stare on your neck. Carefully, you turn your head to sneak a glance at him and you find your suspicions correct. When he’s caught, he simply smiles and resumes scrolling on his phone. Taking out your phone from your bag you had thrown onto your bed, you plug it into your charger. You take out your textbook as well and pull out your pencil case before beginning to scribble in notes.
“It was Pollock, wasn’t it?” asks Peter Kavinsky after a full hour of silence. You start. You’d forgotten he was here, so silent he was. “Jason Pollock?” Sucking in a breath, you debate on what to say.
“Who said it was?”
“I scrolled through your Instagram.” Raising your head slowly, you jerk your gaze towards him. He has one earbud in his ear, the other being rolled between his thumb and index finger. “I found a really old post, from like years back.”
“Oh, so you’re stalking me,” you snort sarcastically and he frowns deeply. You know you’re giving him more attitude than he deserves but you never wanted anyone to find that out about you. You’re better than that now.
“We follow each other. You - you followed me first,” he mumbles and you widen your eyes. Grabbing your phone, you whip out Instagram and click on your Following and search up his name.
ptkavinsky Peter Kavinsky
You really are following him. Clicking on his profile, you scroll through his pictures and realize you’ve even liked some of them as he continues to talk.
Peter Kavinsky UVC | #18 | Turned to stone 🗿
Your eyebrows knit together at his bio. You never noticed that before.
“Anyways, your first post…” He trails off and you turn around, leaning back into your chair. “In the comments. I didn’t mean to pry, I just wanted to know you better and I found it. I didn’t know you were a cheerleader.”
“Yeah, well, it isn’t something I’m proud of,” you growl, twisting to slam your textbook shut and getting up. You shove your backpack off your bed and lie down, head resting on your interlaced fingers as he stares at you, waiting for you to explain. “I dated Jason Pollock, so what?” He gets up and sits on the chair at your desk so he’s closer. His second earbud has fallen out and he unplugs the jack, stuffing them in his jacket’s pockets. His knee keeps jiggling and you can see it out of your peripheral as you continue to stare up at your ceiling.
“So, you were one of those popular cheerleader chicks.” 
You know exactly what post he got that information from. It’s the squad photo and you have the caption blazing in your head because it was so chic at the time.
yourinstagramname: SQUAD goals. Here we come provincials!
Groaning, you pinch the bridge of your nose. So stupid.
“I was,” you confirm, turning your head to look at him, and he has a soft smile on his face. It kinda puts you off because all you’ve ever seen is a huge smile that digs into his cheeks, that classic smirk, and even that half-smile he sometimes sends to girls you’ve worked with before.
You never thought Peter Kavinsky could look so… tender. Your heart squeezes at this new side of him.
But eventually, that soft smile paired with those chocolate curls and molten brown eyes has you questioning both your ethics and why he’s staring at you. “What?”
“Nothing. It’s just I can’t imagine you as a cheerleader.”
“Oh, I’m full of surprises.”
“And you’re not the face I imagined when Jason told me the reason why he doesn’t date anymore.” Shock freezes your blood and you have your jaw hanging off your face, mouth unable to work. Trying to form words, you fail spectacularly. He chuckles. “He’s - he mentioned this girl he used to date in high school. He said she’s the reason why he doesn’t have a girlfriend anymore, and I thought that girl must’ve been a bitch to break his heart so badly.”
Jason Douchebag Pollock had no right to tell lies like that.
“Oh, I broke his heart,” you drawl sarcastically, sitting up and glaring at Peter Kavinsky. “Right, you tell him that his poor little broken heart--” You pretend to pout-- “that he got what he fucking deserved.” Trying to keep your voice level, you flop back down and find the anger you had stuffed so far down from years ago to resurface like a magnificent, snarling beast.
“You know what?” he starts, causing you to look at him again. He has an easy smile as he sits down beside you. Scooting over reluctantly, you push yourself up by your hands and lean back onto them as he shows you his screen.
He’s on the Following page of his own Insta profile and you furrow your brow when you see his thumb hovering over the Following button next to one name.
jzpol J A S O N P O L L O C K
“He’s cancelled.” With two taps, one to request, and one to confirm, Peter Kavinsky no longer follows Jason Pollock. Surprised, your mouth drops open as his eyes crinkle. He’s smiling that smile again and it unnerves you so much you look away.
“Why’d you do that?” you mutter, scooting forward and getting off the bed. He stares after you, absolutely bewildered. Instead of touched, you look vaguely offended. In reality, you don’t understand what you’re feeling. You hate the thought that he really did something so passive aggressive. By midnight, you’re sure you’ll hear gossip about some fight between Kavinsky and Pollock. Why else would Peter Kavinsky unfollow Jason Pollock?
“What do you mean? You don’t like him, so I unfollowed him.”
“He’s your friend.”
“He was an ass to you,” exclaims Peter. You open your small closet and grab the first jacket you see, the camo that’s too big for you, and shrug it on. Rolling up the sleeves, you search for your combat boots. “He’s always been an ass and I shoulda stopped him when he started calling you Medusa but I didn’t because I didn’t know you. But I knew him and I trusted his judgement. I didn’t know you guys were a thing.” Turning around, you frown at his words. “Now that I know you better, I feel like I have formed my own opinion--” You let out a sharp ‘hah’ at his choice of words. How funny of him to use your own words-- “and have therefore acted on it.”
Still, one piece of info burns and melts the ice in your veins. “He started the Medusa thing?” Disbelief clear on your face, you grab your boots and collapse on the beanbag, pulling the left one on. Like Pollock had any reason to make your life even worse. God, so you have him to thank for making you known on campus. Great. “You know name-calling isn’t exactly a good thing no matter the circumstances.”
“He was my first friend here,” he says. “Not that it excuses anything. I just thought it wasn’t my place.”
“It’s always your place to call out someone’s bullshit,” you comment bitterly, tying your boot tightly. Sitting up, you pin him down with a stone-inducing glare. “You know what? Why do you believe me, anyways? How do you know I’m not just making it up that Pollock screwed me over?”
“Because you’re honest.” Tossing him an unimpressed look, you allow him to continue. He seems to have the sense to realize you don’t want to talk about Pollock anymore and diverts the flow of conversation to the very reason why he’s even here. “You were right. We aren’t friends - we’re just two people who agreed to a challenge. So I get to be honest with you, and you get to be honest with me. Deal?”
“Deal.” Like you aren’t already honest with everyone you’ve ever met. You shove your foot into your right boot before starting to lace it up.
“To complete this challenge, I think we have to know what rumours we have to prove wrong. So, what are the rumours about me?”
“What, are we playing Truth?” you ask sardonically, finishing up your last boot and standing up. He gets up and shoves his feet into his sneakers before grabbing his bag.
“Yep. We each get a turn,” he says as you grab your keys and your card to get into the dorm building. Grabbing a small leather backpack, you stuff your wallet and a portable battery inside and sling it on while your other hand pockets your phone. He doesn’t even ask where you’re going and you don’t question why he follows as you two exit your room. “After I go, you go.”
“Okay, fine.” Searching your mind, you pull the threads of gossip you heard in passing and try to summarize it in a brief sentence. “They say you’re a tease, a flirt, that you can’t hold down a serious relationship with a woman for whatever reason and still for some inconceivable reason, girls still fling themselves at you.” He juts out his bottom lip, mulling your words over before nodding.
“Fair. Those are the rumours that we have to break, then,” he says with a glance at you. Your answer is a nod and a one-shouldered shrug.  Then, an idea pops in your head.
“If I asked if you wanted to eat dinner with me, would you? You know, if girls heard you ate a platonic dinner with a girl and that you have friends of the female gender, then maybe they’ll realize that you, A, don’t have commitment issues, and B, are an actual human being behind all that flirting and shit,” you explain slowly, trying not to get his hopes up that this is a date. It is not. So you clarify this to him. “This is not a date. I am putting boundaries down. I have drawn them with a extra-thick Sharpie, in bold black, between us and if you cross that boundary, I will immediately block you from my life.” He blinks and then that stupid soft smile appears again.
“Girl, you had me at ‘eat dinner with me’ and ‘platonic dinner’.” Rolling your eyes, you press the elevator button. “You basically said we were friends,” he added triumphantly. Again, you over-exaggeratedly roll your eyes. “I can drive us. Where’re we going?”
“Does Chipotle sound good to you?”
“Sounds perfect.”
TAGS: @teawithbucky @shadowsndaisies @jcc04220 @uhltrons @goldenariana @http-natiii @yourwonderbelle @poseidons-lil-bitch @beyond-the-ashes @fallen-imagine-angel @dontstopxx @always-fletcher
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queenie-004 · 2 years
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If you were a fan of invisible string the Covinsky fic I wrote in Fall 2020 then there's a Valentine's surprise for you in the form of a new holiday themed chapter that gives a peek at what this legal power couple are up to (hint, it's smutty!)
chapters 1-11: A decade after a traumatic college break-up, Lara Jean and Peter find themselves at the same professional event where over the course of a week they try to sort out their past and carefully step around what's in their present.
chapter 12: now you hang from my lips an outfit, a valentine surprise, a happy couple **New!**
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javajunkieao3 · 3 years
Covinsky Post-Series Fic
I finally got around to watching Forever and Always, Lara Jean, so naturally my fanfic brain started working.
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Synopsis:  Lara Jean and Peter reunite years after they break up when she return to Portland to help her family clear out her childhood home.    
Read it HERE!
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thatoneguitargirl · 4 years
𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘵 | john ambrose mcclaren x covey!reader
my masterlist
you try to prove to your boyfriend that there can be more than one baker in the covey family, only for it to go horribly wrong
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»»————-  ————-««
“ARE YOU SURE YOU CAN DO THIS BY YOURSELF?” John Ambrose asks from the other side of the phone.
(Y/N) rolls her eyes at him. “What? You think I can’t do it?”
John laughs. “No, I just thought Lara Jean was the baker in the family”
“I can bake too!!”
(Y/N) pulls out the chocolate chip cookie recipe from the magnet on the refrigerator and holds it up in front of her like she’s presenting for school. She reads off the ingredient list as John reassures her he has everything he needs on his end.
That’s when the baking starts. Step 1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Check! Step 2. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/2 a teaspoon of salt, and 2 1/4 cups of flour in a small mixing bowl. Step 3. In a large mixing bowl, beat 1 cup of softened butter, 3/4 cup of granulated sugar, and 3/4 cup of brown sugar until creamy. 
(Y/N) holds a mixing bowl up to her phone. “Do you think this is big enough?” She asks and John looks at her like she asked the dumbest question in the world.
“It’s bigger than your head. I think it’s fine”
(Y/N) scoffs but continues working on the recipe and reading it out loud. Her eyes land on softened butter and she has a mini panic attack. Hers wasn’t softened. Just slightly less cold. And being the girl she is, she quickly throws on a jacket and puts the sticks of butter in her armpits for 5 minutes.
John asks what the holdup is and (Y/N) quickly makes up the excuse of measuring something by not adding enough. John believes her, and she breathes a sigh of relief when she pulls the butter out and it softens them on only the outer layer.
“Good enough” she mumbled as she proceeds to beat her mixture with a handheld mixer.
Step 4. Beat in 1 egg and one teaspoon vanilla into the wet mixture.
“How’s yours turning out (Y/N)?” John asks cheerfully, and she replies with confidence.
“Mine’s actually not going that bad. And to think you had no confidence in me!”
Her boyfriend holds his hands up in defeat. “You’re right. I should never have doubted you”
(Y/N) smiles. The recipe is almost done. Step 5.  Slowly blend in the dry mixture into the wet mixture until dough is stiff.
(Y/N) peeks over at the camera and so far their two bowls look exactly the same. (Y/N) was starting to think that the softened butter wasn’t such a big deal after all.
Finally, step 6. Add in the chocolate chips and put it in the oven for 8-10 minutes.
The two set finish their batches and place them in the oven. Once the timers are set, (Y/N) leans over the counter and talks with him.
“This actually went better than I thought it would” remarks (Y/N).
“Much better than the last time we baked. That was in person and you couldn’t stop double checking the recipe for 1 minute”
(Y/N)’s jaw drops. “I’m sorry that I’m trying to be precise. Baking is a science. Everything has to be done exactly like the recipe or it will turn out terrible”
A voice whispers in the back of the girl’s mind that she is contradicting what happened a few minutes ago, but she ignores it.
When the oven goes off, (Y/N) pulls the sheet out of the oven and looks them over. They look nice. They look good.
After about 2 minutes, John tastes his, and of course they turn out perfect. (Y/N) reluctantly goes to taste one of her’s on camera.
As soon as her fingers touch the cookie, she realizes she messed up. They’re rock solid. She brings it to her mouth and the cookie collapses in her mouth in a sandy mess.
John doesn’t laugh at her, although if it were the opposite situation, she would’ve laughed at him.
“What went wrong with yours?” He asks and (Y/N) looks at him pouting.
“I forgot to soften my butter” She mumbles and John looks at her sympathetically.
“And what did we learn?”
(Y/N) carries the batch of cookies to the garbage and recites. “Always follow the recipe, especially when it comes to softened butter because cold butter with change the outcome drastically as it mixes with ingredients differently than room temperature butter”
John looks impressed. “Not what I asked for, but I’m also not disappointed. I’ll send you some cookies when I drive by later,” He says and (Y/N) thanks him profusely.
She waves bye to him and ends the call just as Lara Jean enters the kitchen. “Weren’t you making cookies today?” She asks and I sigh dramatically.
“I didn’t soften the butter, and the cookies were a tragedy, ”
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twilightishot · 3 years
Paul Lahote is the Peter Kavinsky of the wolf pack.
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kissmyassloves · 3 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: To All the Boys I've Loved Before Series - Jenny Han, To All the Boys I've Loved Before (Movies) RPF, To All the Boys I've Loved Before (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Kavinsky/Lara Jean Song-Covey, Peter Kavinsky & Lara Jean Song-Covey, Covinsky, Peter Kavinsky & Katherine "Kitty" Song-Covey, Peter Kavinsky & Margot Song-Covey, Peter Kavinsky & Katherine “Kitty” Song-Covey & Lara Jean Song-Covey Characters: Peter Kavinsky, Peter Kavinsky's Mom, Peter Kavinsky's Dad, Lara Jean Song-Covey, Katherine "Kitty" Song-Covey, Dan Covey, Margot Song-Covey, Chris (To All the Boys I've Loved Before), Genevieve "Gen" (To All The Boys I've Loved Before), Trevor Pike, Greg Rivera, Josh Sanderson, John Ambrose McClaren Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Aged-Up Character(s), Romance, Eventual Romance, Alternate Universe - Neighbors, Neighbors, Love, Falling In Love, Idiots in Love, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Shameless Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Slow Burn, Slow Romance, Friendship/Love, Love Confessions, True Love, Dorks in Love, Feelings, covinsky - Freeform Summary:
Lara Jean Song-Covey was not gonna let her annoying, albeit, hot as shit neighbour, walk all over her. Even though he may not actually mean to.
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collecting-stories · 5 years
Sick Day | Peter Kavinsky
I see that you write for: To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before!! I’ve not been feeling myself lately and I’ve been very sad. So, could you possibly write a little one shot for Peter and reader. Peter tries to cheer you up the best way he can. Him being very sweet and fluffy. That would make me feel so much better. Thanks love!! Love you!  for @tephi101
Sick Day | Peter Kavinsky x reader
Somewhere beneath the mountain of blankets on the couch was your body, snuggled up with pillows and the llama heating pad that was offering some much needed comfort in the moment. You had managed to make it out of your bedroom today, which was an accomplishment in and of itself. As your mom was keen on saying “even the smallest of accomplishments are important”. When the doorbell rang the first time you ignored it, the second time you turned the volume on the TV up a little more, letting the noise of the Psych theme song drown out whoever might be trying to disturb your peace.  
Through the door you thought you could make out someone saying your name but it was muffled by the blanket over your head, the TV, and the wall between your living room and the outside. There was a click you also missed and then the door opened, Peter peeking his head into the house cautiously.  
He’d tried to call you the day before but you didn’t answer the phone and he’d noticed the little ways in which you’d been off before that. How tired you looked when you greeted him, how unmotivated to do your school work you’d been, how unusually slow with comebacks you were. So he had some inkling, when you didn’t answer yesterday, what was going on and while he had little clue how to actually help he figured he could at least try.  
“I guess no one’s home.” Peter announced, stepping into the room and kicking the door closed behind him. He could see the top of your head peeking out from the blankets on the couch and moved across the room to where you were. “I’ll just chill here on the couch then.” He spoke louder than necessary, making sure you heard him.  
You moved slightly, enough to peek out and see him, back turned to you as he set two bags of food and a cup holder of drinks on the coffee table. Then suddenly he was dropping himself onto your back, hovering just enough that his full weight wasn’t on you and wriggling around.  
“Oh man this pillow is so comfortable.” He stated, voice still pitched at a higher volume.  
“Peter!” You groaned, unable to stop the laugh that escaped as you maneuvered an arm out of the blankets to smack his thigh.  
“Holy shit?! This blanket has arms!” He exclaimed, his voice cracking as a laugh escaped.  
At the same time you sat up, bringing the blankets with you so that they wrapped you up with only your head showing. Your hair was a mess from laying down and you could feel more than see the awkward creases and twists of your clothing from moving around under the blanket. “Peter!” You huffed, trying your hardest to look upset with him.  
“There you are!” He smiled, throwing his body back on the couch beside you, causing the cushion beneath the both of you to bounce enough that you were thrown a little off balance. Peter brushed some of the hair from your face and put his arm around your shoulders as the blanket sagged around you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, genuinely curious. It wasn’t like you had told him not to come over but when you had canceled on him the other day without warning and then didn’t answer the two texts he sent yesterday you figured he’d find something else to do with his time until you came around again. You were surprised to see him in your living room.  
“I just wanted to make sure you were alright. And bring you some food so you don’t starve.” He replied, “I wasn’t sure if you were sick sick or just not feeling yourself so I got a pretty eclectic selection of food.”  
You leaned forward to open one of the two brown bags that was sitting on the coffee table. “Hamburgers and fries?”
“Loaded fries.” Peter corrected.  
“Thank you, for this. I didn’t mean to blow you off.”
“Hey, no apologies from you. I will accept only the eating of food and you letting me get in on this Psych marathon.” He replied, already starting to unload one of the bags, “I mean Juliet and Shawn...will they, won’t they?”
“You’ve seen the whole series.” You laughed. The itching feeling that you weren’t quite yourself was sitting in the back of your mind but Peter handing off a strawberry milkshake and trying to stuff a handful of fries in his mouth certainly eased whatever trouble had been nagging you lately. He was a welcome distraction.  
“You know,” Peter joked, changing the subject only slightly to stay on his train of thought, “people say the same thing about us.”
“Well that doesn’t make sense,” you replied around a sip of strawberry shake, “we already have.”
“There could be a midseason twist, who’s to say?” He winked at you, a smile on his face.
“You’re a dork.” You laughed, tossing your straw wrapper at him and turning back to the show, letting him settle in beside you with his arm draped ped over your shoulders. Before he gave the television his full attention he leaned over and kissed the side of your head, reminding you that he was here whenever you needed him.  
I’m breaking my hiatus to post this for @tephi101 hope my Peter is everything you imagined. 
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